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Acta Geophysica

Official Journal of The Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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Volumes and issues

Search all Acta Geophysica articles
  • Volume 72

    • Issue 5
    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2

      Geophysics and remote sensing for resources and ecosystem sustainability in an environmentally constrained world

    • Issue 1
  • Volume 71

    • Issue 6
    • Issue 5
    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Big Data & Artificial Intelligence in Earth Science: Recent Progress & Future Advancements

    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1
  • Volume 70

    • Issue 6

      Trends, perspectives and prospects of sensor technologies in hydrological sciences

    • Issue 5

      Experimental Methods and Instrumentation in Hydraulics

    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3
    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1
  • Volume 69

    • Issue 6
    • Issue 5
    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Samos (Greece) Earthquake and Eastern Aegean Seismicity and Seismotectonics

    • Issue 2

      Advances in engineering, environmental and mining geophysics

    • Issue 1
  • Volume 68

  • Volume 67

    • Issue 6

      New methods and methodologies in applied geophysics and geology - The 100th Anniversary of AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland

    • Issue 5
    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Solute Transport in Complex Natural Flows

    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1

      Environmental Footprints Induced by Geo-energy Exploitation: The Shale Gas Case

  • Volume 66

    • Issue 6
    • Issue 5

      Recent advances in Geo-Hazards

    • Issue 4

      New Insights in statistical Hydrology

    • Issue 3

      Hydro-meteorological time series analysis and their relation to climate change

    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1
  • Volume 65

  • Volume 64

  • Volume 63

  • Volume 62

  • Volume 61

  • Volume 60

    • Issue 6
    • Issue 5

      Topical Issue: Remote Sensing and Sounding of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Guest Editors: Prof. Zbigniew Sorbjan (Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Księcia Janusza 64, 01-452 Warszawa, Poland, e-mail:, and Tadausz Stacewicz (Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University, ul. Hoża 69, 00-681 Warszawa, Poland, e-mail:

    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Topical Issue: Statistical Mechanics in Earth Physics and Natural Hazards Guest Editors: Luciano Telesca and Filippos Vallianatos

    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1
  • Volume 59

  • Volume 58

    • Issue 6
    • Issue 5

      Topical Issue: Multi-Disciplinary Research on Geo- and Man-Made Hazards

    • Issue 4
    • Issue 3

      Topical Issue: EURIPOS: Observing and Modeling the Earth’s Ionosphere and Plasmasphere. Guest Editors: A. Belehaki, L.R. Cander, and B. Zolesi

    • Issue 2
    • Issue 1

      Special Issue: Geophysics in Near Surface Investigations. Guest Editor: J. Jarzyna

  • Volume 57

  • Volume 56

  • Volume 55

  • Volume 54
