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The Review of Austrian Economics has two broadly conceived objectives: (1) to promote the development and extension of Austrian economics and (2) to promote the analysis of contemporary issues in the mainstream of economics from an Austrian perspective.

Officially cited as: Rev Austrian Econ
  • Rosolino Candela,
  • Peter Boettke,
  • Christopher Coyne
  • Mark Pennington,
  • Daniel Smith,
  • Diana Thomas,
  • Erwin Dekker
Journal Impact Factor
0.4 (2023)
5-year Journal Impact Factor
0.7 (2023)
Submission to first decision (median)
11 days
87,310 (2023)

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Journal updates

  • Review of Austrian Economics: Complete Issue Free Access

    Steve Horwitz passed away on June 27, 2021, due to complications from cancer. He was a dear friend and co-author, and former President of the Society for the Development of Austrian Economics. He also served as an Associate Editor of the RAE since 1998 and was an outstanding contributor to the journal as an author, referee, and editor. 

    Among Steve's many contributions, he specialized in macroeconomics.  The RAE recently published a symposium on his book on macroeconomics, Microfoundations and Macroeconomics, consisting of younger scholars reflecting on the impact of Horwitz’s work and its future directions.  In honor of Steve, the issue of the RAE containing this symposium will be open access and free of charge.

  • The Review of Austrian Economics Special Symposium: Gerald Gaus, "The Order of Public Reason"

    Free Access to Entire Collection October 1 - November 30

    A Note from the Editors of The Review of Austrian Economics:

    Professor Gerald Gaus (1952-2020) was one of the most important leaders in the re-emergence of the intersection of philosophy, politics and economics in contemporary times. In pushing for this reintegration of the moral sciences in his own brilliant writings as well as in his teaching, mentorship and organizational efforts Gaus will be warmly remembered and deeply missed.  For readers of this journal, Gaus's contribution took seriously both the work of James Buchanan and F. A. Hayek and critically engaged those ideas and developed them in his own unique effort to offer a non-ideal theory that nevertheless could serve as the basis for justification for the liberal order. The RAE was fortune that Professor Kevin Vallier volunteered to organize a symposium on Gaus's The Order of Public Reason, and that Professor Gaus agreed to respond to the comments on his important book.  As a tribute to his life and work, Springer has graciously agreed to make the symposium open access for the next months.

  • Open Access Articles

    Read recently published open access articles in The Review of Austrian Economics. 

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  20. Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)
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  25. Wanfang
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