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Marine Geophysical Research

An International Journal for the Study of the Earth Beneath the Sea

Publishing model:

Editorial board


Sharon L. Kanfoush, Utica University, USA
Paleoceanography; Paleolimnology; Paleoclimatology

Chun-Feng Li, Zhejiang University, China
Tectonics; Geodynamics; Active source seismology; Potential field

Héctor Marín Moreno, University of Southampton, UK
Geophysical and geotechnical data integration; geomechanics; physical-biogeochemical coupled processes; geological storage of CO2 & hydrogen; offshore wind energy; gas emissions from the seafloor  

Editorial Board:

Jang-Jun Bahk, Chungnam National University, Korea
Marine Geology; Sedimentology; Sequence stratigraphy; Paleoceanography

Gaye Bayrakci, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Marine seismology; Controlled source seismic; Seismic tomography, full-waveform inversion, inverse problem, Geodynamics, Continental rifting; Oceanic spreading; Oceanic and crustal lithosphere; Oceanic core complexes; Detachment faults, fluid pathways within hard rock and sediments, transform faults, earthquake mechanisms, non-tectonic noise in the oceans

Caroline Burberry, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, USA
Structural geology and tectonics

Gérôme Calves, Université Toulouse 3, France
Marine geology; Basin analysis; Seismic stratigraphy; Seismic geomorphology

Angelo Camerlenghi, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale OGS, Italy
Geology and geophysics of polar continental margins; Submarine geohazards; Natural gas hydrates in the marine environment; Mediterranean sub-salt fluids

Antonio Cattaneo, IFREMER, Plouzané, France
Sedimentology; Marine Geology; Tectonics; Stratigraphy; Seismics; Quaternary geology; Geochronology

Emmy Tsui-Yu Chang, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University (IO NTU), Taiwan
Ambient seismic analysis; Marine geophysics; Geodynamics

Gareth Crutchley, GNS Science – Te Pu Ao, New Zealand
Gas Hydrates; Focused fluid flow in marine sediments; Submarine landslides 

Weiwei Ding, Second Institute of Oceanography, China
Tectono-sedimentary process of continental margin; Sedimentary budget of marginal basins; Lithospheric structure; Analogue modeling; Geo-morphological analysis

Rob L. Evans, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
Marine electromagnetics; Oceanic lithosphere; Mid-ocean ridge processes; Subduction zone processes

Shuichi Kodaira, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan
Marine seismology; Seismic imaging; Subduction zone; Earthquake dynamics; Oceanic crust and mantle

Geoffroy Lamarche, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), New Zealand
Marine geology and geophysics; Submarine landslides; Ative submarine faults; Natural marine geological hazards; Geological resources formation and deposition; Predictive habitat mapping methodologies; Multichannel seismic reflection; Multibeam echosounders; Bathymetry and seafloor backscatter data; Water-column imaging data

Kyoko Okino, University of Tokyo, Japan
Tectonics of mid-ocean ridges and back-arc basins; Tectonic background of hydrothermal systems; Shipboard and AUV-based geophysical mapping

Jean Noel PROUST, French National Research Center (CNRS), France
Marine Geology; Sedimentology; Paleoseismology; Sequence stratigraphy; Active and passive margins; Basin analysis; Paleoseismology

Adam Schoonmaker, Utica University, USA
Mineralogy; Petrology; Structural geology; Tectonics

Zhen Sun, Chinese Academy of Sciences, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, China
Structure and Tectonics; Marine Geophysics; Multi-channel seismic reflection; Rifting and breakup; Seafloor spreading; Subduction zone   

Roger Urgeles, Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC), Barcelona, Spain
Offshore geohazards; Continental margin hydrogeology; Glacial geomorphology and glacial sedimentology; Evolution and architecture of continental margins; Processes of Volcano flank collapse; The Messinian Salinity Crisis; Seafloor and subseafloor imaging techniques (acoustic and seismic methods); Offshore in-situ measuring techniques.
