1 Introduction

Recently, there has been considerable researches done on associating graphs with algebraic structures. For example, see [2, 4, 11,12,13]. The concept of a annihilating-ideal graph of a commutative ring R, denoted by \({\mathbb {AG}}(R)\), was introduced by Behboodi and Rakeei in [5] and [6]. Let \({\mathbb {A}}(R)\) be the set of annihilating-ideals of R, where a nonzero ideal I of R is called an annihilating-ideal, if there exists a nonzero ideal J of R such that \(IJ=0\). The annihilating-ideal graph of R is a simple graph with vertex set \({\mathbb {A}}(R)\), and two distinct vertices I and J are adjacent if and only if \(IJ=0\). The annihilating-ideal graph of a lattice L, denoted by \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\), is defined by Khashyarmanesh et al in [1]. \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is a graph whose vertex set is the set of all non-trivial ideals of L and, for every two distinct vertices I and J, I is adjacent to J, if and only if \(I \wedge J=0\). In this work, we assume that L is a finite lattice and \(A(L)=\{a_1,a_2,\dots ,a_n\}\) is the set of all atoms of L. In the second section of this paper, we completely characterize all finite lattices L with projective annihilating-ideal graphs \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\).

First, we recall some definitions and notations on lattices. For basis facts concerning lattice, we refer to [9]. Recall that a lattice is an algebra \(L=(L,\wedge ,\vee )\) with two binary operations \(\wedge \) and \(\vee \), satisfying the following conditions: for all \(a,b,c \in L\),

  1. 1.

    \(a\wedge a=a,\ a\vee a=a\),

  2. 2.

    \(a\wedge b=b\wedge a,\ a \vee b=b \vee a\),

  3. 3.

    \((a\wedge b)\wedge c=a\wedge (b\wedge c),\ a \vee (b\vee c)=(a\vee b)\vee c,\) and

  4. 4.

    \(a\vee (a\wedge b)=a\wedge (a\vee b)=a\).

By [15, Theorem 2.1], one can define an order \(\le \) on L as follows: for any \(a,b\in L\), we set \(a\le b\) if and only if \(a\wedge b=a\). Then \((L,\le )\) is an ordered set in which every pair of elements has a greatest lower bound \(({\mathrm {g.l.b.}})\) and a least upper bound \(({\mathrm {l.u.b.}})\). Conversely, let P be an ordered set such that, for every pair \(a,b\in P\), \({\mathrm {g.l.b.}}(a,b)\) and \({\mathrm {l.u.b.}}(a,b)\) belong to P. For each a and b in P, we define \(a\wedge b:={\mathrm {g.l.b.}}(a,b)\) and \(a\vee b:={\mathrm {l.u.b.}}(a,b)\). Then \((P,\wedge ,\vee )\) is a lattice. A lattice L is said to be bounded if there are elements 0 and 1 in L such that \(0\wedge a= 0\) and \(a \vee 1=1\), for all \(a\in L\). Clearly, every finite lattice is bounded. Let \((L,\wedge ,\vee )\) be a lattice with a least element 0 and I be a non-empty subset of L. We say that I is an ideal of L, denoted by \(I\unlhd L\), if

  1. (i)

    For all \(a,b\in I\), \(a\vee b\in I\).

  2. (ii)

    If \(0\le a\le b\) and \(b\in I\), then \(a\in I\).

For two distinct ideals I and J of a lattice L, we put \(I \wedge J :=\{ x \wedge y ~~; ~~ x\in I, y\in J \}.\) In a lattice \((L,\wedge ,\vee )\) with a least element 0, an element a is called an atom if \(a\ne 0\) and, for an element x in L, the relation \(0\le x\le a\) implies that either \(x=0\) or \(x=a\). We denote the set of all atoms of L by A(L). Also, for an ideal I of L, A(I) denotes the set of all atoms contained in I.

Now we recall some definitions and notations on graphs. We use the standard terminology of graphs following [7]. In a graph G, for two distinct vertices a and b in G, the notation \(a-b\) means that a and b are adjacent. For a positive integer r, an r-partite graph is one whose vertex set can be partitioned into r subsets so that no edge has both ends in any one subset. A completer-partite graph is one in which each vertex is joined to every vertex that is not in the same subset. The complete bipartite graph (2-partite graph) with part sizes m and n is denoted by \(K_{m, n}\). A graph is said to be planar if it can be drawn in the plane so that its edges intersect only at their ends. A graph G is said to be contracted to a graph H if there exists a sequence of elementary contractions which transforms G into H, where an elementary contraction consists of deletion of a vertex or an edge or the identification of two adjacent vertices. A subdivision of a graph is any graph that can be obtained from the original graph by replacing edges by paths. A remarkable simple characterization of the planar graphs was given by Kuratowski in 1930. Kuratowski’s theorem says that a graph is planar if and only if it contains no subdivision of \(K_5\) or \(K_{3,3}\) (cf. [7, p.153]). By a surface, we mean a connected compact two-dimensional manifold without boundary. If a disc is cut from a sphere and it is closed by a Möbius band, then the obtained surface is called projective plane. The projective plane can also be obtained by identifying every point of an open disc with its antipodal points. A graph G is embeddable in a surface S if the vertices of G are assigned to distinct points in S such that every edge of G is a simple arc in S connecting the two vertices which are joined in G. If G can not be embedded in S, then G has at least two edges intersecting at a point which is not a vertex of G. We say a graph G is irreducible for a surface S if G does not embed in S, but any proper subgraph of G embeds in S. The set of 103 irreducible graphs for the projective plane has been found by Glover et al. in [10], and Archdeacon in [3] proved that this list is complete. This list also has been checked by Myrvold and Roth in [14]. Hence a graph embeds in the projective plane, which is called a projective graph, if and only if it contains no subdivision of 103 graphs in [3]. Note that a complete graph \(K_n\) is projective if \(n=5\) or 6, and the only projective complete bipartite graphs are \(K_{3,3}\) and \(K_{3,4}\) (see [8]). Note that a planar graph is not considered as a projective graph.

figure a

The canonical representation of a projective plane

2 Projective Annihilating-Ideal Graphs of Lattices

In this section, we study the projectivity of the annihilating-ideal graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\). We begin this section with the following notation, which is needed in the rest of the paper.

Notation 2.1

Let \(i_{1}, i_{2},\dots , i_{n}\) be integers with \(1\le i_{1}< i_{2}< \dots < i_{k}\le n\). The notation \(U _{i_{1} i_{2} \dots i_{k}}\) stands for the following set:

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ I\unlhd L ;~~ \left\{ a_{i_{1}}, a_{ i_{2}}, \dots , a_{ i_{k}} \right\} \subseteq I ~~and~~ a_{j}\notin I, \mathrm {for}~~ j\in \left\{ 1, \dots ,n\right\} {\setminus }\left\{ i_{1}, \dots ,i_{k}\right\} \right\} . \end{aligned}$$

Note that no two distinct elements in \(U_{i_{1} i_{2} \ldots i_{k}}\) are adjacent in \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\). Also if the index sets \(\{i_{1}, i_{2},\dots ,i_{k}\}\) and \(\{j_{1}, j_{2},\dots , j_{k'}\}\) of \(U_{i_{1} i_{2} \dots i_{k}}\) and \(U_{j_{1} j_{2} \dots j_{k'}}\), respectively, are distinct, then one can easily check that \(U_{i_{1} i_{2} \dots i_{k}} \cap U_{j_{1} j_{2} \dots j_{k'}} = \emptyset \). Moreover, \(V({\mathbb {AG}}(L))= \bigcup U_{i_{1} i_{2} \ldots i_{k}}\), for all \(1\le i_{1}< i_{2}< \dots < i_{k}\le n\). Suppose that L has n atoms. Note that \(U_{12\dots n}\) consist of isolated vertices. Clearly, the isolated points do not affect projectivity. Hence, we ignore the set \(U_{12\dots n}\) from the vertex set of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\), and so we do not show these points in our figures.

In the following lemma, we determine an upper bound for the number of atoms of lattice L such that the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is projective.

Lemma 2.2

If \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is a projective graph, then \(2\le |A(L)|\le 6\).


Suppose on the contrary that \(|A(L)|=1\) or \(|A(L)|> 6\). In the first situation, \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is a totally disconnected graph, and so it is planar. Hence it is not a projective graph. In the second situation, since the induced subgraph of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) on vertex set \(\{\{0,a_{i}\}\}\), for \(1\le i\le 7\), is a complete graph, one can find a subgraph isomorphic to \(K_{7}\). Therefore, the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not projective. Hence we have \(2\le |A(L)|\le 6\). \(\square \)

By Theorem 2.6 in [1], the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is complete bipartite if and only if \(|A(L)|=2\). In the following theorem, we state a necessary and sufficient condition for the projectivity of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\), when \(|A(L)|=2\).

Theorem 2.3

Suppose that \(|A(L)|=2\). Then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is a projective graph if and only if \(|U_2|=3\), or 4 whenever \(|U_1|=3\).


Let the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) be projective. Assume to the contrary that \(|U_1|\le 2\) or \(|U_2|\le 2\). By [16, Proposition 2.3], the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is planar, which is a contradiction. Also if \(|U_1|>3\) and \(|U_2|>3\), then the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{4,4}\). And if \(|U_1|=3\) and \(|U_2|>4\), then the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a subgraph isomorphic to \(K_{3,5}\). Hence \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not a projective graph. Therefore, we have \(|U_2|=3\), or 4 whenever \(|U_1|=3\).

The converse statement is clear. \(\square \)

Now, we investigate the projectivity of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\), when \(|A(L)|=3\). In the following four cases, we probe the projectivity of \({\mathbb {AG}} (L)\) in the case that \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^3 U_i|\ge 5\). Additionally, in the rest of work, we do not consider the cases that \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is planar. For planar cases see [16].

Case 1\(|\bigcup _{i=1}^3U_i| = 5\).

Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(|U_1|=1\) whenever \(U_{12}\) and \(U_{13}\) are non-empty. It is clear that \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is projective. Also if \(|U_1|=3\) and \(0<|U_{23}|\le 2\), then one can easily check that \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is projective. In addition, if \(|U_1| = 3\) and \(|U_{23} |\ge 3\), then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{3,5}\). So the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not projective.

Case 2\(|\bigcup _{i=1}^3U_i| = 6\).

Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(|U_1|=|U_2|=|U_3|=2\) whenever \(U_{12}\), \(U_{13}\) and \(U_{23}\) are non-empty. Then it is not hard to see the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is projective. Also if \(|U_1|=3\) and \(|U_{23}|\le 1\), then we observe that \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is projective. And we may assume that \(|U_1|=4\) and \(|U_{23}|=1\). Clearly, the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is projective. Finally, if \(|U_1| = 3\) or 4 whenever \(|U_{23}| \ge 2\), then we can find a copy of \(K_{3,5}\) or \(K_{4,4}\) in the structure of the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\), respectively. Hence \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not projective.

Case 3\(|\bigcup _{i =1}^3 U_i| = 7\).

Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(|U_1|\in \{3,4\}\) and \(U_{23}=\varnothing \). Then one can easily see that the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is projective. Otherwise, if \(U_{23}\) is non-empty, then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{3,5}\) or \(K_{4,4}\). So the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not projective. Also if \(|U_1 |= |U_2| = 3\) and \(U_{13}=U_{23}=\varnothing \), then it is not hard to see that the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is projective. Otherwise, if \(U_{13}\) or \(U_{23}\) is non-empty, then we have a subgraph isomorphic to \(K_{3,5}\) in the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\). Hence the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not projective. Additionally, if \(|U_1|=5\) and \(U_{23}= \varnothing \), then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is planar, which is not projective. And if \(U_{23} \ne \varnothing \), then we can find a copy of \(K_{3,5}\) in the structure of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\). So the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not projective.

Case 4\(|\bigcup _{i =1}^3U_i| \ge 8\).

Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(|U_1|=|\bigcup _{i =1}^3U_i|{\setminus } 2\) and \(U_{23}= \varnothing \). Then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is planar, which is not projective. And if \(U_{23} \ne \varnothing \), then we can find a copy of \(K_{3,5}\) in the structure of the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\). So the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not projective. Also if none of the \(U_i\)’s has \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^3U_i|{\setminus } 2\) elements, then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a subgraph isomorphic to \(K_{3,5}\) or \(K_{4,4}\). Therefore, the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not projective.

Now, by the above discussion, one can easily see that the following theorem holds.

Theorem 2.4

Let \(|A(L)| = 3\). Then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is a projective graph if and only if one of the following conditions holds:

  1. (i)

    \(|\bigcup _{i =1}^3 U_i| = 5\) and one of the following cases is satisfied:

    1. (a)

      There is \(U_i\) with \(|U_i| = 3\) and \(0 <|U_{jk}| \le 2\), for \(1 \le i\ne j\ne k \le 3\).

    2. (b)

      There is a unique \(U_i\) with \(|U_i| =1\) whenever \(U_{ij}\) and \(U_{ik}\) are non-empty sets, for \(1 \le i\ne j\ne k\le 3\).

  2. (ii)

    \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^3 U_i| = 6\) and one of the following cases is satisfied:

    1. (a)

      There exists i with \(1 \le i \le 3\), such that \(|U_i| = 4\) and \(|U_{jk} | = 1\), for \(1 \le i\ne j\ne k \le 3\).

    2. (b)

      There exists i with \(1 \le i \le 3\), such that \(|U_i| =3\) and \(|U_{jk}| \le 1\), for \(1 \le i\ne j\ne k \le 3\).

    3. (c)

      \(|U_i|= 2\), for all i with \(1 \le i \le 3\), and \(U_{jk} \ne \varnothing \), for all \(1 \le j\ne k \le 3\).

  3. (iii)

    \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^3U_i|= 7\) and one of the following cases is satisfied:

    1. (a)

      \(|U_i|\in \{3,4\}\), for some unique integer i with \(1\le i \le 3\), such that and \(U_{jk}\) is empty, for \(1 \le i\ne j \ne k \le 3\).

    2. (b)

      \(|U_i|=|U_j| = 3\), for some integers i and j, with \(1 \le i\ne j \le 3\) whenever \(U_{ik}\) and \(U_{jk}\) are empty, for \(1\le i\ne j\ne k \le 3\).

In the sequel, we investigate the projectivity of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\), when \(|A(L) |= 4\). Suppose that \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^4U_i| \ge 8\). Then it is easy to see that \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not projective, because one can see that the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{3,5}\) or \(K_{4,4}\). And so it is not projective.

As a result of the above note, we have the following lemma.

Lemma 2.5

If \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is projective, then \(|\bigcup _{i =1}^4 U_i| \le 7\).

Theorem 2.6

Suppose that \(|A(L)| = 4\). Then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is projective if and only if one of the following statements holds:

  1. (i)

    \(|\bigcup _{i =1}^4 U_i |= 5\) and \(|U_i|= 2\), for some unique integer i with \(1 \le i \le 4\). If \(U_{jk}=\varnothing \), then \(|U_{jkl}|\ne \varnothing \), with \(i,j,k\notin \{i\}\). And if the size of \(U_{jk}\) is 1 or 2 whenever at most one of the \(U_{jk}\)’s has exactly two elements, where \(1\le i\ne j\ne k \le 4\).

  2. (ii)

    \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^4 U_i| = 6\) and one of the following cases holds:

    1. (a)

      \(|U_i|=3\), for some integer i with \(1 \le i\le 4\). If \(|U_{jkl}| = 1\), with \(1\le i\ne j\ne k\ne l\le 4\), then \(U_{jk}=\varnothing \), for all \(j,k \notin \{i\}\). Also if \(U_{jkl}=\varnothing \), with \(1\le i\ne j\ne k\ne l\le 4\), then \(|U_{jk}|\le 1\) and at most one of the \(U_{jk}\)’s has exactly one element, where \(j,k \notin \{i\}\).

    2. (b)

      \(|U_i|=|U_j|=2\), for some integers i and j with \(1\le i\ne j \le 4\) whenever \(|U_{kl}| \le 1\), where \(1\le k<l\le 4\) and \(k,l \notin \{i,j\}\). Also \(U_{i'_1i'_2}=\varnothing \) whenever \(|U_{i_1i_2} |=1\), for all \(1 \le i_1\ne i'_1\ne i_2\ne i'_2 \le 4\), with \(\{i'_1,i'_2\} = \{1,2,3,4\} {\setminus } \{ i_1,i_2\}\). Moreover, if \(|U_{ik}|, |U_{il}| \le 1\) or \(|U_{jk}|, |U_{jl}|\le 1\), then \(|U_{kl}| \le 1\). Also if \(|U_{ik}| = |U_{jk}| = 1\) or \(|U_{il} |= |U_{jl}| = 1\), then \(U_{kl} = \varnothing \).

  3. (iii)

    \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^4 U_i |= 7\) and one of the following cases holds:

    1. (a)

      \(|U_i|= 4\), for some integer i with \(1 \le i \le 4\) and \(U_{jkl}=U_{jk}= \varnothing \), where \(1 \le i\ne j\ne k\ne l \le 4\).

    2. (b)

      \(|U_i| = 3\) and \( |U_j| = 2\), for some integers i and j with \(1 \le i\ne j \le 4\) and \(U_{jkl}=\varnothing \), where \(k,l\notin \{i,j\}\) whenever \(U_{ii_1} = U_{ji_1}= \varnothing \), where \(i_1 \notin \{i,j\}\), with \(1 \le i_1 \le 4\), and \(U_{kl} = \varnothing \), where \(k,l\notin \{i,j\}\).


First, assume that \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is projective. Suppose on the contrary that none of the conditions (i), (ii) or (iii) holds. If \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^4 U_i|=5\) and the statement (i) does not hold, then one of the \(U_i\)’s, \(1 \le i\le 4\), say \(U_1\), has two elements whenever \(U_{234}\), \(U_{23}\), \(U_{24}\) and \(U_{34}\) are empty. So \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is planar, which is not projective. Additionally, if \(|U_{23}|, |U_{24}|\) or \(|U_{34}|\) is at least three, then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of the subdivision of \(K_{3,5}\). Now, we may assume that at least two of the sets \(U_{23}\), \(U_{24}\) or \(U_{34}\) have two elements, say \(U_{24}\) and \(U_{34}\). Then a subgraph of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is isomorphic to \(E_5\), one of the listed graphs in [10], as shown in Fig. 1. In this figure, we have \(\{0,a_1\},I_1\in U_1\), \(\{0,a_2\}\in U_2\), \(\{0,a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0,a_4\}\in U_4\), \(I_{24},I'_{24}\in U_{24}\) and \(I_{34},I'_{34}\in U_{34}\).

Fig. 1
figure 1

\(\{0, a_1\}, I_1\)\(\in U_1, \{0, a_2\} \in U_2\), \(\{0, a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0, a_4\}\in U_4, I_{24}\), \(I'_{24} \in U_{242}\, \mathrm{and}\, I_{34}, I'_{34} \in U_{34}\)

If \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^4 U_i | = 6\) and the statement (ii) does not hold, then there is only one of the \(U_i\)’s, say \(U_1\), such that \(|U_1| = 3 \) whenever \(|U_{234}|\ge 2\). Hence the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a subgraph isomorphic to \(K_{3,5}\). If \(|U_{234}| =1\) and at least one of the sets \(U_{23}, U_{24}\) or \(U_{34}\), say \(U_{23}\), has one element, then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(E_{18}\), one of the listed graphs in [10] (see Fig. 2). In this figure, we have \(\{0,a_1\},I_1,J_1\in U_1\), \(\{0,a_2\}\in U_2\), \(\{0,a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0,a_4\}\in U_4\), \(I_{23}\in U_{23}\) and \(I_{234}\in U_{234}\).

Fig. 2
figure 2

\(\{0, a_1\}, I_1\), \(J_1 \in U_1\), \(\{0, a_2\} \in U_2\), \(\{0, a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0, a_4\} \in U_4, I_{23} \in U_{23} \, \mathrm{and}\, I_{234} \in U_{234}\)

If at least one of the sets \(U_{23}\), \(U_{24}\) or \(U_{34}\) have two elements, then we can see that the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{4,4}\). Additionally, we may assume that at least two of the sets \(U_{23}, U_{24}\) or \(U_{34}\), say \(U_{23}\) and \(U_{24}\), have one element. Then it is easy to find a copy of \(E_{18}\), one of the listed graphs in [10], in the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\). Now, suppose that \(|\bigcup _{i =1}^4 U_i | = 6\) and there exist distinct i and j such that \(|U_i|=|U_j|=2\). Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(|U_1| = |U_2| = 2\). When \(|U_{34}| \ge 2\), we can find a subdivision of \(K_{4,4}\) in the structure of the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\). If \(|U_{13} |= 2\), then the contraction of the sets \(U_2 \cup U_4\) and \(U_1 \cup U_3 \cup U_{13}\) induces a copy of \(K_{3,5}\). Moreover, we may assume that \(|U_{12}|=|U_{34}|=1\) or \(|U_{14}|=|U_{23}|=1\). In this case, the contraction of the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(E_3\) or \(E_{18}\), two of the listed graphs in [10], respectively. Finally, suppose that \(U_{13}\), \(U_{23}\) and \(U_{34}\) have one element. Consider the graph \(D_8\), one of the listed graphs in [10], as shown in Fig. 3. In this figure, we have \(\{0,a_1\},I_1\in U_1\), \(\{0,a_2\},I_2\in U_2\), \(\{0,a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0,a_4\}\in U_4\), \(I_{13}\in U_{13}\), \(I_{23}\in U_{23}\) and \(I_{34}\in U_{34}\).

Fig. 3
figure 3

\(\{0, a_1\}, I_1 \in U_1\), \(\{0, a_2\}, I_{2} \in U_2\), \(\{0, a_3\} \in U_3\), \(\{0, a_4\} \in U_4,\)\(I_{13} \in U_{13}\), \(I_{23} \in U_{23}\) and  \(I_{34} \in U_{34}\)

Clearly, for the case that \(|U_{14}| = |U_{24}| = |U_{34}| = 1\), we have the similar result.

Suppose that \(|\bigcup _{i =1}^4 U_i| = 7\) and the statement (iii) does not hold. First, assume that there exists only one \(U_i\), say \(U_1\), such that \(|U_1| = 4\). If \(U_{234} \ne \varnothing \), then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{4,4}\). If one of the sets \(U_{23}, U_{24}\) or \(U_{34}\) is not empty, then \(K_{4,4}\) is isomorphic to a subgraph of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\). Now, assume that there is a unique \(U_i\), say \(U_1\), with \(|U_1|=3\). If \(U_{234} \ne \varnothing \), then one can obtain a subdivision of \(K_{3,5}\) in the structure of the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\). Also, we may assume that \(U_{13}\) or \(U_{14}\) is not empty. Then it is easy to see a copy of \(K_{4,4}\) as a subgraph of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\). Moreover, if at least one of the sets \(U_{23}\), \(U_{24}\) or \(U_{34}\) is not empty, then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{4,4}\) or \(K_{3,5}\). Finally, assume that only one of the \(U_i\)’s, where \(1 \le i \le 4\), has one element, exactly. Then \(A_2\), one of the listed graphs in [10], is isomorphic to a subgraph of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\), as shown in Fig. 4. In this figure, we have \(\{0,a_1\},I_1\in U_1\), \(\{0,a_2\},I_2\in U_2\), \(\{0,a_3\},I_3\in U_3\) and \(\{0,a_4\}\in U_4\).

Fig. 4
figure 4

\(\{0, a_1\}, I_1 \in U_1\), \(\{0, a_2\}, I_2 \in U_2\), \(\{0, a_3\}, I_3 \in U_3\) and \(\{0, a_4\} \in U_4\)

Therefore, in all of the above situations, we have that \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not projective, which is a contradiction.

Conversely, if one of the conditions (i), (ii) or (iii) holds, then one can easily check that the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) embeds in a projective plane. So it is a projective graph and the proof is complete . \(\square \)

In the rest of this paper, we need to consider the cases that \(|A(L)|=5\) and 6.

First, assume that \(|A(L)|=5\). If \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^5U_i|\ge 8\), then one can easily realize that the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{4,4}\) or \(K_{3,5}\), which is not projective. Therefore, we investigate the cases that \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^5U_i|=5,6\), or 7.

We continue this discussion with the following theorem.

Theorem 2.7

Let \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^5U_i|=5\). Then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is a projective graph if and only if \(|U_{ij}|\le 2\), for all \(1\le i,j\le 5\) and one of the following conditions holds:

  1. (i)

    There is only one of the \(U_{ij}\)’s, such that \(|U_{ij}|=2\) whenever \(U_{i'j'}=\varnothing \), for \(\{i',j'\}=\{1,2,\dots ,5\}{\setminus }\{i,j\}\), and also, for some \(k\in \{1,2,\dots ,5\}{\setminus }\{i,j\}\), the number of such sets \(U_{ki}\) and \(U_{kj}\) with exactly one element is at most two. Moreover, for the sets \(U_{k_1i}\) and \(U_{k_2j}\) with \(\{k_1,i\}\cap \{k_2,j\}=\varnothing \), we have \(U_{k_1i}=\varnothing \) or \(U_{k_2j}=\varnothing \).

  2. (ii)

    There is no \(U_{ij}\), such that \(|U_{ij}|=2\), and there exist at most three distinct sets \(U_{ij}\), \(U_{ij'}\) and \(U_{ij''}\) with exactly one element, where \(1\le i,j,j',j''\le 5\) whenever at most there is one \(U_{kl}\) with \(|U_{kl}|\le 1\), where \(1\le k,l \le 5\) and if \(U_{kl}\) has a vertex, then it is adjacent to at most one of the vertices in the sets \(U_{ij}\), \(U_{ij'}\) or \(U_{ij''}\).


First, suppose that the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is projective and to the contrary that none of the conditions of theorem holds. Without loss of generality, assume that \(|U_{12}|\ge 3\). Then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a subgraph isomorphic to \(K_{3,5}\). If \(|U_{12}|=|U_{23}|=2\), then the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a subgraph isomorphic to subdivision of \(E_5\), one of the listed graphs in [10]. If \(|U_{12}|=2\) and \(|U_{34}|=1\), then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{4,4}\). If \(|U_{12}|=2\) and \(|U_{13}|=|U_{24}|=1\), then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(F_1\), one of the listed graphs in [10] (see Fig. 5). In this figure, we have \(\{0,a_1\}\in U_1\), \(\{0,a_2\}\in U_2\), \(\{0,a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0,a_4\}\in U_4\), \(\{0,a_5\}\in U_5\), \(I_{12},I'_{12}\in U_{12}\), \(I_{13}\in U_{13}\) and \(I_{24}\in U_{24}\).

Fig. 5
figure 5

\(\{0, a_1\} \in U_1\), \(\{0, a_2\} \in U_{2}\), \(\{0, a_3\} \in U_3\), \(\{0, a_4\} \in U_4\), \(\{0, a_5\} \in U_5\), \(I_{12}, I'_{12} \in U_{12}\), \(I_{13} \in U_{13} \, \mathrm{and} \, I_{24} \in U_{24}\)

If \(|U_{13}|=|U_{24}|=1\) and \(|U_{14}|=|U_{23}|=1\), then the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(F_1\), one of the listed graphs in [10]. If \(|U_{12}|=|U_{13}|=|U_{14}|=1\) and \(|U_{25}|=1\), then \(F_1\), one of the listed graphs in [10], is isomorphic to subgraph of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\). If \(|U_{12}|=|U_{13}|=|U_{14}|=1\) and \(|U_{23}|=|U_{34}|=1\), then the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(F_5\), one of the listed graphs in [10] (see Fig. 6). In this figure, we have \(\{0,a_1\}\in U_1\), \(\{0,a_2\}\in U_2\), \(\{0,a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0,a_4\}\in U_4\), \(\{0,a_5\}\in U_5\), \(I_{12}\in U_{12}\), \(I_{13}\in U_{13}\), \(I_{14}\in U_{14}\), \(I_{23}\in U_{23}\) and \(I_{34}\in U_{34}\).

Fig. 6
figure 6

\(\{0, a_1\} \in U_{1}\), \(\{0, a_2\} \in U_2\), \(\{0, a_3\} \in U_3\), \(\{0, a_4\} \in U_4\), \(\{0, a_5\} \in U_5\), \(I_{12} \in U_{12}\), \(I_{13} \in U_{13}\), \(I_{14} \in U_{14}\), \(I_{23} \in U_{23}\)\(\,\mathrm{and}\, I_{34} \in U_{34}\)

If \(|U_{12}|=|U_{13}|=|U_{14}|=|U_{15}|=1\), then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(E_{22}\), one of the listed graphs in [10] (see Fig. 7). In this figure, we have \(\{0,a_1\}\in U_1\), \(\{0,a_2\}\in U_2\), \(\{0,a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0,a_4\}\in U_4\), \(\{0,a_5\}\in U_5\), \(I_{12}\in U_{12}\), \(I_{13}\in U_{13}\), \(I_{14}\in U_{14}\) and \(I_{15}\in U_{15}\).

Fig. 7
figure 7

\(\{0, a_1\} \in U_1\), \(\{0, a_2\} \in U_2\), \(\{0, a_3\} \in U_3\), \(\{0, a_4\} \in U_4\), \(\{0, a_5\} \in U_5\), \(I_{12} \in U_{12}\), \(I_{13} \in U_{13}\), \(I_{14} \in U_{14}\)  and  \(I_{15} \in U_{15}\)

So, by the above situations, the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not projective, which is a contradiction.

Conversely, one can easily check that if one of the conditions (i) and (ii) holds, then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is a projective graph. \(\square \)

Now, suppose that \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^5U_i|=6\). Then there is only one of the \(U_i\)’s, say \(U_1\), such that \(|U_1|=2\). It is clear that \(U_2,U_3,U_4\) and \(U_5\) have one element, exactly.

Theorem 2.8

Suppose that \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^5U_i|=6\) and \(|U_1|=2\) whenever \(|U_{ijk}|\le 1\), for \(2\le i,j,k\le 5\) and \(|U_{ij}|\le 1\), for \(1\le i,j\le 5\). Then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is a projective graph if and only if one of the following conditions holds:

  1. (i)

    There exist at most two distinct sets \(U_{1i}\) and \(U_{1j}\), where \(2\le i,j\le 5\), such that \(|U_{1i}|=|U_{1j}|=|U_{ij}|=1\).

  2. (ii)

    There exist at most two distinct sets with exactly one element \(U_{ijk}\), \(U_{i'j'k'}\), where \(2\le i,i',j,j',k,k'\le 5\). Moreover, we have at most two sets \(U_{1{j_1}}, U_{1{j_2}}\) with exactly one element such that \(j_1, j_2 \in \{ i,j,k\} \cap \{i',j',k'\}\).


Suppose that the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is projective and on the contrary that none of the conditions of theorem holds. Without loss of generality, assume that \(|U_{12}|=2\), then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{3,5}\). If \(|U_{23}|=2\), then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{4,4}\). If \(|U_{13}|=|U_{24}|=1\), then \(E_3\), one of the listed graphs in [10], is isomorphic to a subgraph of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) (see Fig. 8). In this figure, we have \(\{0,a\},I_1\in U_1\), \(\{0,a_2\}\in U_2\), \(\{0,a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0,a_4\}\in U_4\), \(\{0,a_5\}\in U_5\), \(I_{13}\in U_{13}\) and \(I_{24}\in U_{24}\).

Fig. 8
figure 8

\(\{0, a\}, I_1 \in U_1\), \(\{0, a_2\} \in U_2\), \(\{0, a_3\} \in U_3\), \(\{0, a_4\} \in U_4\), \(\{0, a_5\} \in U_5\), \(I_{13} \in U_{13} \,\mathrm{and}\, I_{24} \in U_{24}\)

If \(|U_{23}|=|U_{24}|=1\), then the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a subgraph isomorphic to \(E_3\), one of the listed graphs in [10]. If \(|U_{12}|=|U_{13}|=|U_{14}|=1\), then the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(E_{22}\), one of the listed graphs in [10] (see Fig. 9). In this figure, we have \(\{0,a_1\},I_1\in U_1\), \(\{0,a_2\}\in U_2\), \(\{0,a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0,a_4\}\in U_4\), \(\{0,a_5\}\in U_5\), \(I_{12}\in U_{12}\), \(I_{13}\in U_{13}\) and \(I_{14}\in U_{14}\).

Fig. 9
figure 9

\(\{0, a_1\}, I_1 \in U_1\), \(\{0, a_2\} \in U_2\), \(\{0, a_3\} \in U_3\), \(\{0, a_4\} \in U_4\), \(\{0, a_5\}\in U_5\), \(I_{12} \in U_{12}, I_{13} \in U_{13}\,\mathrm{and}\, I_{14} \in U_{14}\)

If \(|U_{234}|=2\), then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{3,5}\).

If \(|U_{234}|=|U_{235}|=|U_{245}|=1\), then the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(E_{20}\), one of the listed graphs in [10] (see Fig. 10). In this figure, we have \(\{0,a\},I_1\in U_1\), \(\{0,a_2\}\in U_2\), \(\{0,a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0,a_4\}\in U_4\), \(\{0,a_5\}\in U_5\), \(I_{234}\in U_{234}\), \(I_{235}\in U_{235}\) and \(I_{245}\in U_{245}\).

Fig. 10
figure 10

\(\{0, a\}, I_1 \in U_1\), \(\{0, a_2\} \in U_2\), \(\{0, a_3\} \in U_3\), \(\{0, a_4\} \in U_4\), \(\{0, a_5\} \in U_5\), \(I_{234} \in U_{234}, I_{235} \in U_{235}\,\mathrm{and}\, I_{245} \in U_{245}\)

If \(|U_{235}|=|U_{35}|=1\) or \(|U_{235}|=|U_{24}|=1\), then the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(E_3\) or \(D_3\), two of the listed graphs in [10]. The second case is pictured in Fig. 11. In this figure, we have \(\{0,a\},I_1\in U_1\), \(\{0,a_2\}\in U_2\), \(\{0,a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0,a_4\}\in U_4\), \(\{0,a_5\}\in U_5\), \(I_{24}\in U_{24}\) and \(I_{235}\in U_{235}\).

Fig. 11
figure 11

\(\{0, a\}, I_1 \in U_1\), \(\{0, a_2\} \in U_2\), \(\{0, a_3\} \in U_3\), \(\{0, a_4\} \in U_4\), \(\{0, a_5\} \in U_5\), \(I_{24} \in U_{24} \,\mathrm{and}\, I_{235} \in U_{235}\)

Obviously, we conclude that in each of the above statements, the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not projective, which is a contradiction.

Conversely, it is not hard to see that if one of the conditions (i) and (ii) holds, then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is a projective graph. \(\square \)

Now, assume that \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^5U_i|=7\). If \(|U_i|=|U_j|=2\), for some \(1\le i \ne j\le 5\), then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is isomorphic to \(B_1\), one of the listed graphs in [10] (see Fig. 12). In this figure, we have \(\{0,a_1\},I_1\in U_1\), \(\{0,a_2\},I_2\in U_2\), \(\{0,a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0,a_4\}\in U_4\) and \(\{0,a_5\}\in U_5\). In this situation, \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not projective.

Fig. 12
figure 12

\(\{0, a_1\}, I_1 \in U_1\), \(\{0, a_2\}, I_2 \in U_2\), \(\{0, a_3\} \in U_3\), \(\{0, a_4\} \in U_4\)  and  \(\{0, a_5\} \in U_5\)

Therefore, it is enough to consider the case that \(|U_i| = 3\), for some \(1 \le i \le 5\). Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(|U_1| = 3\). Hence, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 2.9

Suppose that \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^5U_i|=7\) and \(|U_1|=3\). Then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is a projective graph if and only if, for all \(2\le i,j,k,l\le 5\), \(U_{ijkl}=U_{ijk}=\varnothing \) whenever \(U_{ij}=\varnothing \), for \(1\le i,j\le 5\).


First, assume that \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is a projective graph and to the contrary that \(U_{ijkl}\ne \varnothing \), \(U_{ijk}\ne \varnothing \), for \(2 \le i,j,k,l\le 5\) or \(U_{ij}\ne \varnothing \), for \(1 \le i,j \le 5\). If \(U_{ijkl}\ne \varnothing \), for \(2 \le i,j,k,l \le 5\), then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{3,5}\). Also if \(U_{ijk}\ne \varnothing \), for \(2\le i,j,k \le 5\), then \(K_{4,4}\) is isomorphic to a subgraph of the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\). Finally, if \(U_{ij}\ne \varnothing \), for \(1\le i,j \le 5\), then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{3,5}\). Therefore, it is not projective, which is a contradiction.

Conversely, assume that \(U_{ijkl}=U_{ijk}=\varnothing \), for all \(2\le i,j,k,l\le 5\), and \(U_{ij}=\varnothing \), for \(1 \le i,j \le 5\). Then one can easily check that the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is isomorphic to Fig. 13, which is projective. In this figure, we have \(\{0,a_1\},I_1,J_1\in U_1\), \(\{0,a_2\}\in U_2\), \(\{0,a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0,a_4\}\in U_4\) and \(\{0,a_5\}\in U_5\). The proof is complete. \(\square \)

Fig. 13
figure 13

\(\{0, a_1\}, I_1, J_1 \in U_1\), \(\{0, a_2\} \in U_2\), \(\{0, a_3\} \in U_3\), \(\{0, a_4\} \in U_{4}\) and  \(\{0, a_5\} \in U_5\)

Now, by Theorems 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9, we completely characterized the projectivity of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) in the case that \(|A(L)| = 5\).

In order to complete the study of the projectivity of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\), we assume that \(|A(L)|=6\). First, suppose that \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^6U_i|\ge 7\). Then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(B_1\), one of the listed graphs in [10], and so it is not projective. Hence, we may assume that \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^6U_i|=6\). Clearly, for all \(1\le i\le 6\), we have \(|U_i|=1\).

Theorem 2.10

Suppose that \(|\bigcup _{i=1}^6U_i|=6\) and \(|U_{ijk}|\le 1\) whenever \(U_{ij}=\varnothing \), for all \(1\le i\ne j\ne k \le 6\). Then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is a projective graph if and only if one of the following conditions holds:

  1. (i)

    If \(|U_{ijk}|=1\), then \(U_{i'j'k'}=\varnothing \), where \(\{i',j',k'\}=\{1,2,\dots ,6\}{\setminus } \{i,j,k\}\).

  2. (ii)

    There exist at most two distinct sets \(U_{ijk}\) and \(U_{ijk'}\) with one element, exactly, where \(1 \le i\ne j\ne k\ne k'\le 6\).

  3. (iii)

    There exist at most five distinct sets \(U_{ijk}\) with one element, exactly, where \(1\le i\ne j\ne k\le 6\), such that the intersection of all the sets at their indices has one element, exactly.

Fig. 14
figure 14

\(\{0, a_1\} \in U_1\), \(\{0, a_2\} \in U_2\), \(\{0, a_3\} \in U_3\), \(\{0, a_4\} \in U_{4}\), \(\{0, a_5\} \in U_5\), \(\{0, a_6\} \in U_6\), \(I_{123} \in U_{123},\)\(I_{156} \in U_{156}, I_{134} \in U_{134}\), \(I_{126} \in U_{126}\,\mathrm{and}\, I_{145} \in U_{145}\)


Suppose that the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is projective and on the contrary that none of the conditions of theorem holds. Without loss of generality, assume that \(|U_{123}|\ge 2\). Then the contraction of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(K_{3,5}\). Also if \(U_{12}\) is non-empty, then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(B_1\), one of the listed graphs in [10]. In addition, if \(|U_{156}|=|U_{234}|=1\), then \(E_{18}\), one of the listed graphs in [10], is isomorphic to a subgraph of \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\). Moreover, if \(|U_{123}|=|U_{124}|=|U_{125}|=1\), then \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) contains a copy of \(E_{22}\), one of the listed graphs in [10]. In each of the above situations, the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) is not projective, which is a contradiction.

Conversely, by considering the embedding of the graph \({\mathbb {AG}}(L)\) in a projective plane in Fig. 14, we conclude that it is projective graph. In this figure, we have \(\{0,a_1\}\in U_1\), \(\{0,a_2\}\in U_2\), \(\{0,a_3\}\in U_3\), \(\{0,a_4\}\in U_4\), \(\{0,a_5\}\in U_5\), \(\{0,a_6\}\in U_6\), \(I_{123}\in U_{123}\), \(I_{156}\in U_{156}\), \(I_{134}\in U_{134}\), \(I_{126}\in U_{126}\) and \(I_{145}\in U_{145}\). \(\square \)