Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a simple graph. The open neighborhood of a vertex \(v\in V\) is \(N(v)=\{u\in V\mid uv\in E\}\) and the closed neighborhood is \(N[v]=N(v)\cup \{v\}\). The degree of a vertex v is the cardinality of its open neighborhood, denoted \(d_{G}(v)=|N(v)|\). A vertex of degree one is called a leaf and its neighbor is called a support vertex. An edge incident with a leaf is called a pendant edge.

A subset \(D \subseteq V(G)\) is a dominating set of G if every vertex of \(V(G) {\setminus} D\) has a neighbor in D. The domination number of a graph G, denoted by \(\gamma (G)\), is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set of G. For a comprehensive survey of domination in graphs, refer [1, 2].

In a graph G, a vertex dominates itself and its neighbors. A subset \(S \subset V(G)\) is a double dominating set of G, abbreviated as DDS, if every vertex in \(V - S\) has at least two neighbors in S and every vertex of S has a neighbor in S. The double domination number \(\gamma _{2}(G)\) is the minimum cardinality of a double dominating set of G. A double domination set of G with minimum cardinality is called a \(\gamma _{2}(G)\)-set. Double domination was introduced by Harary and Haynes [3] and was further studied for a class of graphs by Chellali [4].

A vertex v ve-dominates every edge uv incident to v, as well as every edge adjacent to these incident edges, that is, a vertex v ve-dominates every edge incident to a vertex in N[v]. A set \(S\subseteq V\) is a vertex–edge dominating set (or a ve-dominating set) if for every edge \(e\in E\), there exists a vertex \(v\in S\) such that v ve-dominates e. The minimum cardinality of a ve-dominating set of G is called the vertex–edge domination number \(\gamma _{ve}(G)\). The concept of vertex–edge domination was introduced by Peters [5] in 1986 and studied further in [6,7,8].

A set \(D \subseteq V\) is a double vertex–edge dominating set (or simply, a double ve-dominating set) of G, abbreviated as DVEDS, if every edge of E is ve-dominated by at least two vertices of D. The double vertex–edge domination number of G, denoted by \(\gamma _{dve}(G)\), is the minimum cardinality of a double ve-dominating set of G. A double ve-dominating set of G of minimum cardinality is called a \(\gamma _{dve}(G)\)-set.

It is well known that the removal of an edge does not decrease the domination number \(\gamma \) and increases it by at most one. That is, for any edge e of G, \(\gamma (G) \le \gamma (G-e) \le \gamma (G)+1\). Here we present similar inequalities for a double vertex–edge domination number \(\gamma _{dve}\) on edge removal, edge addition and edge subdivision.

FormalPara Theorem 1.1

For every graph G and any edge e of G we have \(\gamma _{dve}(G)-1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G-e) \le \gamma _{dve}(G)+2\).

FormalPara Proof

We first prove that \(\gamma _{dve}(G-e) \le \gamma _{dve}(G)+2\) for any edge \(e=uv\). Let D be a minimum DVEDS of G. We consider three cases.

FormalPara Case 1

Assume that \(u,v \notin D\). Then D is a DVEDS of the graph \(G-e\) and \(\gamma _{dve}(G-e) \le \left| D\right| \le \gamma _{dve}(G) < \gamma _{dve}(G)+2\).

FormalPara Case 2

Now let \(\left| \{u,v\} \cap D\right| =1\). Without loss of generality assume that \(u \in D\). Thus \(D \cup \{v\}\) is a DVEDS of the graph \(G-e\). We have \(\gamma _{dve}(G-e) \le \left| D\right| +1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G)+1 < \gamma _{dve}(G)+2\).

FormalPara Case 3

Now let \(u,v \in D\). The vertex u dominates the edges incident at v and the vertex v dominates the edges incident at u. In the graph \(G-e\), the set \(D \cup \{a,b\}\) where \(a \in N(u){\setminus} \{v\}\) and \(b \in N(v){\setminus} \{u\}\) is a DVEDS. Thus \(\gamma _{dve}(G-e) \le \left| D\right| +2 \le \gamma _{dve}(G)+2\). Moreover the set \(N(u){\setminus} \{v\}\) and \(N(v){\setminus} \{u\}\) are not simultaneously empty. For in that case \(G=K_2\) and \(G-e = 2K_1\). Without loss of generality assume \(N(u){\setminus} \{v\}\) is non empty. Then \((D \cup \{a\}){\setminus} \{v\}\) is a DVEDS of the graph \(G-e\). We have \(\gamma _{dve}(G-e) \le \left| D\right| -1+1 = \left| D\right| \le \gamma _{dve}(G) < \gamma _{dve}(G)+2\).

We now prove that \(\gamma _{dve}(G)-1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G-e)\). Let \(D'\) be a minimum DVEDS of the graph \(G-e\), where \(e=uv\) is an edge of G. Let us first assume that both \(u,v \in D'\). Then \(D'\) is a DVEDS of the graph G. Thus \(\gamma _{dve}(G)-1 \le \left| D'\right| -1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G-e) - 1 < \gamma _{dve}(G-e)\).

Now assume that \(\left| \{u,v\} \cap D'\right| =1\). Without loss of generality assume \(u \in D'\). To dominate the edges incident with v in G, the vertex \(v \in D'\). Thus \(D' \cup \{v\}\) is a DVEDS of the graph G. Thus \(\gamma _{dve}(G) \le \left| D'\right| +1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G-e) +1\). We have \(\gamma _{dve}(G)-1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G-e)\).

Assume that both \(u,v \notin D'\). If u is a pendant vertex in \(G-e\), then the support vertex adjacent to \(u \in D'\). Thus \(D' \cup \{u\}\) is a DVEDS of the graph G. We have \(\gamma _{dve}(G) \le \left| D'\right| +1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G-e)+1\). This gives \(\gamma _{dve}(G)-1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G-e)-1+1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G-e)\). Now assume that u is not a pendant vertex in \(G-e\). To dominate the edges incident with u and v twice, a neighbor of u and v, say ab should be in \(D'\). These two vertices a and b dominate the edge e in G. Hence \(D'\) is a DVEDS of the graph G. We get \(\gamma _{dve}(G) \le \left| D'\right| \le \gamma _{dve}(G-e)\). This gives \(\gamma _{dve}(G)-1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G-e) - 1 < \gamma _{dve}(G-e)\). Thus \(\gamma _{dve}(G) -1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G-e) \le \gamma _{dve}(G)+2\). \(\ \Box \)

Let \(e \in E(\overline{G})\). Then \(G+e\) denotes the graph obtained by adding the edge e.

FormalPara Theorem 1.2

For every graph G and any edge \(e \in E(\overline{G})\) we have \(\gamma _{dve}(G)-1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G+e) \le \gamma _{dve}(G)\).

FormalPara Proof

We first prove that \(\gamma _{dve}(G+e) \le \gamma _{dve}(G)\) for any edge \(e=uv\in E(\overline{G})\). Let D be a minimum DVEDS of G. We consider the following cases.

FormalPara Case 1

Assume that \(u,v \in D\). Then D is a DVEDS of the graph \(G+e\) as the vertices u and v together dominates the edge e. Thus \(\gamma _{dve}(G+e) \le \left| D\right| \le \gamma _{dve}(G)\).

FormalPara Case 2

Now let \(\left| \{u,v\} \cap D\right| =1\). Without loss of generality assume that \(u \in D\). Then the vertex u dominates the edges incident to it. Suppose that to dominate the edges incident with v, a neighbor of v, say a is in D. Thus D is also a DVEDS of the graph \(G+e\) as the vertex a dominates the edge uv in \(G+e\). We get \(\gamma _{dve}(G+e) \le \left| D\right| \le \gamma _{dve}(G)\).

FormalPara Case 3

Now assume that both \(u,v \notin D\). If the neighbor of u and v, say ab are in D, then D is a DVEDS of the graph \(G+e\). Thus \(\gamma _{dve}(G+e) \le \left| D\right| \le \gamma _{dve}(G)\).

We now prove that \(\gamma _{dve}(G)-1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G+e)\). Let \(D'\) be a minimum DVEDS of the graph \(G+e\), where \(e=uv \in E(\overline{G})\). Let us first assume that both \(u,v \in D'\). Then \(D'\) is a DVEDS of the graph G. Thus \(\gamma _{dve}(G)-1 \le \left| D'\right| -1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G+e) - 1 < \gamma _{dve}(G+e)\).

Now assume that \(\left| \{u,v\} \cap D'\right| =1\). Without loss of generality assume \(u \in D'\). To dominate the edge uv, a neighbor of v, say \(a \in D'\). Thus \(D'\cup \{a\}\) is a DVEDS of the graph G. Thus \(\gamma _{dve}(G) \le \left| D'\right| +1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G+e) +1\). We have \(\gamma _{dve}(G)-1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G+e)-1+1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G+e)\).

Now when both \(u,v \notin D'\) then it is obvious that \(D'\) is itself a DVEDS of the graph G. We get \(\gamma _{dve}(G)-1 \le \left| D'\right| -1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G+e)-1 < \gamma _{dve}(G+e)\). \(\ \Box \)

The subdivision of some edge \(e=uv\) in a graph G yields a graph containing one new vertex w, and with an edge set replacing e by two new edges with endpoints uw and wv.

Let us denote by \(G_{uv}\oplus w\) the graph obtained from a graph G by subdivision of an edge uv in a graph G.

FormalPara Theorem 1.3

For every graph G and any edge \(e=uv\) of G we have \(\gamma _{dve}(G) \le \gamma _{dve}(G_{uv}\oplus w) \le \gamma _{dve}(G)+1\).

FormalPara Proof

We first prove that \(\gamma _{dve}(G_{uv}\oplus w) \le \gamma _{dve}(G)+1\) for any edge \(e=uv\) which is subdivided by a new vertex w with the edge set \(\{uw,wv\}\) replacing e. Let D be a minimum DVEDS of G. We consider three cases.

FormalPara Case 1

Assume that \(u,v \in D\). Then D is a DVEDS of the graph \(G_{uv}\oplus w\), since u and v dominates the edges incident to them and also the edges incident to a vertex adjacent to them. Thus the edges uw and wv of \(G_{uv}\oplus w\) are dominated by the vertices uv. We get \(\gamma _{dve}(G_{uv}\oplus w) \le \left| D\right| \le \gamma _{dve}(G) < \gamma _{dve}(G)+1\).

FormalPara Case 2

Now let \(\left| \{u,v\} \cap D\right| =1\). Without loss of generality assume that \(u \in D\). Then u dominates the edges uwwv in \(G_{uv}\oplus w\). To dominate the edges incident with v, the neighbor of v other than u, say a is in D. It is clear that \(D \cup \{v\}\) is a DVEDS of the graph \(G_{uv}\oplus w\). We get \(\gamma _{dve}(G_{uv}\oplus w) \le \left| D\right| +1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G)+1\).

FormalPara Case 3

Now let both \(u,v \notin D\). The edges incident with u are dominated by a neighbor of u, say a other than v and the edges incident with v are dominated by a neighbor of v, say b other than u. It is clear that \(D \cup \{u\}\) is a DVEDS of the graph \(G_{uv}\oplus w\). Thus \(\gamma _{dve}(G_{uv}\oplus w) \le \left| D\right| +1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G) +1\).

We now prove that \(\gamma _{dve}(G) \le \gamma _{dve}(G_{uv}\oplus w)\). Let \(D'\) be a minimum DVEDS of the graph \(G_{uv}\oplus w\). Let us first assume that both \(u,v \in D'\). Then \(D'\) is a DVEDS of the graph G as uv dominates the edge uv of G. We have \(\gamma _{dve}(G) \le \left| D'\right| \le \gamma _{dve}(G_{uv}\oplus w)\).

Now assume that \(\left| \{u,v\} \cap D'\right| =1\). Without loss of generality assume \(u \in D'\). To dominate the edges incident with v other than wv, a neighbor of v, say a, other than w is in \(D'\). It is clear that \(D'\) is a DVEDS of the graph G. We have \(\gamma _{dve}(G) \le \left| D'\right| \le \gamma _{dve}(G_{uv}\oplus w)\).

Now assume that both \(u,v \notin D'\). To dominate the edges incident with u, a neighbor of u, say a, other than w is in \(D'\) and to dominate the edges incident with v, a neighbor of v, say b, other than w is in \(D'\). To dominate the edges incident with u and v twice, the vertex \(w \in D'\). It is clear that \(D' {\setminus} \{w\}\) is a DVEDS of the graph G. We get \(\gamma _{dve}(G) \le \left| D'\right| -1 \le \gamma _{dve}(G_{uv}\oplus w) -1 < \gamma _{dve}(G_{uv}\oplus w)\).