1 Introduction

In the age of digitalization, genomic datasets are increasing exponentially in all respects of biological research and productions. Industries, universities, laboratories, agriculture, healthcare and farm houses are producing billions of data every day. From the millennium, metagenomic data analysis has become one of the key areas in computational biology, bioinformatics and genomics. Parallel processing or next-generation sequencing enables massive computational support to solve big datasets and generate new datasets again and again (Freitas et al. 2015; Hultman et al. 2015; Mitchell et al. 2015; Kopf et al. 2015). In this regard, increasing datasets requires efficient techniques to represent metagenomic information and structures. Now-a-days, researchers are developing reference-free machine learning method to assess the metagenomic data structures. Metagenomic analysis depicts a meaningful process that can find a simpler illustration and sequencing for rRNA dataset for large microbial associations (Sunagawa et al. 2015; Villar et al. 2015). Some popular research demonstrates that there are about 100 trillions of cells constructed by microbes in human bodies. The majority locations of microbes are in the guts that have pivotal impact on human characteristics such as physiology and nutrition. Consequently, these gut microbes generate energy from food and alter the gut elements related to some diseases (Hsiao et al. 2014; Markowitz et al. 2014; Hunter et al. 2014). To have enough ideas on gut impact on human body as well as animals, it is essential to assess the interactions of metagenomic datasets. rRNA-centric sequencing helps to get the idea regarding bacterial divisions that determines the functionalities of the major parts of the gut of microbes (Huang et al. 2014). More research shows that the gut has tremendous impact on human metagenomic as well as interactions (Forster and Lawley 2015; Silvester et al. 2015; Bolger et al. 2014).

Basic metagenomic research is to computer the pair-wise distinctions between genomes (Lozupone et al. 2011). This approach is simple; however, it works in small datasets. One known and common analysis is beta-variations analysis that numerically measures the dissimilarities between two microbial genome groups. Basic characteristics of metagenomic representations are done by considering important factor such as taxonomic comparisons, total groups of genomic data, phylogenetic framework and geometrical orientations. Mathematical and statistical analysis helps to obtain meaningful information from thousands of genomes. These genome dimensions are very essential for getting faster information from disarray datasets. Dissimilarity matrix arranges all the adjacent distances among the collected datasets in row and column orientations. For big datasets, there are large-scale metagenomic genome sequences that require easy representations and processing. For these reasons high-performance algorithms and techniques are in demand in metagenomic research and analysis (Lu et al. 2015; Li et al. 2015; Jing et al. 2004; De Cruz et al. 2015).

Recently some high-quality research projects are going on metagenomic data analysis such as Ocean Sampling Expedition and Human Microbiome Project (Rusch et al. 2007). These research and scientific analysis are significant at all levels of metagenomic orientations. However, excessive cost affects the analysis. To ensure better results and impact, representations of genomes and its factors are critical. Graphical metagenomic data representations help to assess the factors with clear ideas as well as configurations. One-dimensional, two-dimensional and multi-dimensional representations help to have clear view of genomes. Of course, high-dimensional representations and illustrations are very important for proper genomic view. The key factors that graphical view enables are dissimilarity measurements as well as higher dimensional scaling for all data levels. One popular graphical measurement of metagenomic process is UniFrac; it computes dissimilarity among genomes (Ayyala and Lin 2015).

Mapping-centric graphical representations of metagenomic data enable faster and impactful data representations. In this mapping, genomes are classified into the several groups first. In phylogenetic cases the crab-RNA are organized in a traditional structures (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Phylogenetic tree for Crab-RNA genome sequence

Then De Bruijn graph guided to demonstrate the divided genomes into specific order. This order clearly represents the complete datasets over time. Moreover, this graph can part in next-generation sequencing and small read genome assembly. When there are no reference genomes, this graph arranges the genomes in probable orientations. Sometimes most of the sample has proper references that help to adjust the framework accurately visualize. Consequently, De Bruijn graph helps to combine the bacterial genomes and reflects common interest. When two genomes of microbes are not similar, the constructed De Bruijn graph will be mostly different. While if two constructed genomes are similar, then combined genomes are transformed into common structures (Chang et al. 2015; Franzosa et al. 2014; Brown 2015; Wu et al. 2016; Brown et al. 2015; Kang et al. 2015; Gibbons et al. 2015; Deng et al. 2015).

2 Related work

Advanced metagenomic research opens a set of area such as genome variations of profile sample, taxonomic computations, sequence assembly, datasets clustering, binning, protein code predictions and functional assessments of related data and genome referencing. Computational intelligence and machine learning are dominating in a wide range of biological data even genome assembly are easily manageable by advanced data structures along with data mining algorithms (Sato and Sakakibara 2015). In a study, authors have reviewed 25 tools and the sizes are continuously expanding (Bazinet and Cummings 2012). There are set of new challenges for large metagenomic data to handle with effective machine learning solutions. Ongoing research with metagenomic datasets and machine learning environment are generating new dimensions for handling excessively big data to find meaningful and hidden information.

Assembling of metagenomic datasets is critical in recent data mining under machine learning environments. These assemblies permit accurate formation of genomes into database. Moreover, genetic variations, depth of sequencing and genome binning are assured by these assemblies (Sangwan 2016). However, there are some problems during the visualization of genomic datasets with details depth in the assemblies. Consequently, redundancy frequently generates wrong predictions. These problems can be easily overcome by using graph-based approach. De Bruijn graph with Euler path helps to find exact path to represent the whole genomes. Many other significant metagenomic research work focused on microbial function ignoring genome structures. Functionalities depict only few features and factors (Markowitz et al. 2014; Hunter et al. 2014; Huang et al. 2014; Sharma et al. 2010). Typical research in this domain includes statistical predictions of genomic functions as well as RNA sequence reads (Leimena et al. 2013) or protein sequences (Franzosa et al. 2014). Some other tools also focused the same such as MG-RAST (Meyer et al. 2008), MEGAN (Huson et al. 2011) and HUMAnN (Abubucker et al. 2012). Text mining processes for phylogenetic motif finding analyze genomes in different dimensions as well as structured. Motif findings permit support for small datasets. This is not suitable for large datasets (Wang et al. 2016). Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) is used frequently to measure the Euclidean distances between genomes. This distance maintain in a matrix can keep a small amount of values. PCoA is identical to the principal component analysis (PCA) that has great influences in dimension reduction process. GrammaR constructed by PCoA and PCA provides user-friendly graphical genome representation under a choice to remove irregularities as well as multidimensional orientations (Brum et al. 2015; De Vargas et al. 2015; Lima-Mendez et al. 2015; Ten Hoopen et al. 2015). Some other microbial research surveys say about the impact and importance of metagenomic analysis towards the proper visualizations (Gilbert et al. 2014; Pylro et al. 2014; Reddy et al. 2015). Metatranscriptomic synthesis during the gut microbiome orientations for dietary (McNulty 2011) and xenobiotic (Maurice et al. 2013) do not find any changes after making huge changes on genomes functionalities. Moreover, current research work on genomes mainly focused on orientation of the gene structures. So there should have sufficient graphical analysis for metagenomic analysis. Therefore, recent tools have emerged to address these problems for metagenomic reads. Three programs are widely used for this purpose: Orphelia (Hoff 2009), MetaGene (MG) (Noguchi et al. 2006), Meta Gene Annotator (MGA) (Noguchi et al. 2008), and Gene-Mark (Besemer and Borodovsky 1999). Shotgun metagenomic analyses have been done on genomes and microbial datasets for large functionalities. These are also considering the assembly with critical memory efficiency. However, this analysis is not always effective due to its less graphical structures (Eikmeyer et al. 2013; Schlüter et al. 2008; Wirth et al. 2012).

VirAmp (Yinan et al. 2015) is a combined assembler that compared with traditional assembler by web-based graphical user interface. This assembler supports data grouping in parallel process. The parallel process performs in a single platform for large biological data processing and provides a user-interactive platform for the users. However, this package does not efficiently handle the overlapped genomes and time complexity is high for interactive genome sets. Bridgers (Chang et al. 2015) is an application system that measures the genome rearrangement by the help of de novo assembler. In this tool Cufflinks algorithm is used to overcome the limitations of de novo assembler. It needs less computational time and storage than other assemblers. But this tool does not fit in accuracy and sensitivity of Cufflinks algorithm and does not efficiently handle the overlap genome. ClusDCA (Wang and Cho 2015) is an ontological based approach that rearranges the information for all biological datasets that have unique activity of gene annotation function. In interconnected process, ontology takes more time for data mapping. Edena (Hernandez et al. 2008) is another graph-based de novo assembler that follows the procedure of another graph-based assembler. This approach used suffix tree to handle the overlap genome sequence. Edena used heuristic approach for finding overlap length gene and construct a bidirectional graph. However graph traversing cost is too much high along with high space complexity. A mapping-based algorithm can overcome the problem where reads are mapping into short read by using de Bruijn graph (Yuzhen and Haixu 2015). Hashing function and other data structure techniques are used to handle the k-mers for graph mapping. This technique is used in metagenomic transcription to utilize the metagenome data.

Recently a significant number of techniques are used for gene annotation or gene prediction. An ensemble gene selection method is used for cancer gene prediction that contains conditional mutual information (Liu et al. 2010). Multiple gene subsets serve to train the prediction approach and outputs are combined with ranking approach. Multiple filters and multiple wrapper approach (Leung and Hung 2010) enhance the accuracy and robustness of biological data classification for gene selection. Ensemble gene grouping selection (Liu et al. 2010) is another approach that drives multiple gene subsets. This method is based on approximate markov blanket and virtue of information theory. Bolón-Canedo et al. (2012) proposed another gene selection method for ensemble of gene and annotation. A voting approach is used to combine the outputs of gene selection that helps to reduce the variability of features for certain domain. A hybrid generative discriminate approach (Bicego et al. 2012) used biological data for gene selection. Interpretable feature extraction for topics model is used for hybrid approach.

Laplace naïve Bayes (Wu et al. 2012) model for gene classification and annotation. These approaches focus on the robustness of gene outliers and take group effects because of their chemical and electrical reason. Gene pair combination inputs (Chopra et al. 2010) are used for cancer classification algorithm rather than gene original profiler. Supervised and unsupervised approaches (Basford et al. 2013) are used for biological gene prediction. Supervised classification classified the tissues based on specific gene and unsupervised techniques classified the gene based on tissues. A computational protocol (Xu et al. 2010) is used as a gene markers for cancer cells of various cancer tissues. An under-sampling method (Xu et al. 2010) is used the idea of ant colony optimization to predict imbalanced gene data analysis. Association rules (Giugno et al. 2013) are also used for gene classification and prediction, but it needs enhanced system complexity. The author suggested that the transcript expression interval demonstration discriminates subtype in the same class. A web-based interactive tool (Reboiro-Jato et al. 2014) is used to assess the discriminate of hypothesis performance of biological gene datasets. The tool is able to evaluate for medical diagnosis and management decision. Many methods and classification approaches are used to gene pattern. These approaches are applicable and comprehensive for clinical and real practice. The behavior of prediction rules is also used for biological data size (Ives et al. 2004; Raman and Joseph 2001).

3 Methods and materials

The structure of this work is built based on gene annotation (Fig. 2). Our method works based on three phases: data collection, randomized approach, graph generation and gene annotation. The sample data are the dataset of DNA nucleotides of human, plants or micro-organ. Sample data are character of set of DNA nucleotide data stream. Collected DNA data are divided into several parts that are known as sampling operation. In data sampling phase we used randomized approach (Sect. 3.1) for data preprocessing. Then data sampling data is ready for graph generation. Graph generation phase is divided into sub-phases: generation of signed graph and graph reduction. In graph generation phase, we generate an undirected sign graph with multiple edges and loop (Sect. 3.2). Graph reduction rules are used for graph rewriting. Basic reduction rule for graph rewriting technique is used for specification and generation of graph optimization (Sect. 3.3).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Semantic view of the proposed methodology for exon separation

After graph optimization we performed gene annotation. In the next phase, gene annotation process is applied with Euler path by using optimize de Brujin graph. We transform de Bruijn graph into series of equivalence sub-graphs. Euler paths of all sub-graphs represent the sub-solution of the problem. Euler path is an efficient algorithm that is solved in a linear time. To combine every solution of the sub-graphs represents the solution of gene annotation (Sects. 3.4, 3.5). In exon transcription, we marked initial and stopping sites in optimize de Brujin graph and find out Euler path from initial site to stopping sites (Sect. 3.6). Initial and stopping site indicates the exon annotation region.

3.1 Randomized approach

Data mapping features provide an environment of faster analysis and noise-free computations. Training datasets will be collected from either biological databases or wet laboratories. It is difficult to handle the large biological data. Collected dataset is processed by randomized algorithms. Randomized algorithms provide unique facilities for noise-free and faster data processing. Randomized algorithm considers a rank matrix M i with some scaling parameters k for ith iteration. Matrix M i contain two limit parameters as a j and b j and primary values a 0 and b 0 satisfies the certain condition such as a 0  > 0, b 0  < 0. We can define these two limit parameters a j and b j in a systematic way for every iteration that data proportional satisfy the following condition:

$$a_{j} I < b_{j} I$$

Eigenvalue of matrix M is measured for limit parameters a and b. An implied function is used to measure the behavior of matrix M eigenvalues between the desired limit parameters:

$$\varphi_{a,b} \left( M \right) = \emptyset (aI - M)^{ - 1} + \emptyset (bI - M)^{ - 1}$$

An implied iteration function is designed for data sampling is \(\theta \left( {{\raise0.7ex\hbox{$q$} \!\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {q {\varepsilon^{2} }}}\right.\kern-0pt} \!\lower0.7ex\hbox{${\varepsilon^{2} }$}}} \right)\), here C constant is introduced that exists a i  ≥ Cb i and ε is constant for data subdivision.

Randomized algorithm is basically used for DNA datasets mapping. DNA datasets mapping are used for data cleaning and integration (Carreira and Helena 2004; Raman et al. 2001; Lenzerini 2002). Cleaning and integration process are responsible for generating system that handle large dataset and peer-to-peer data management system (Raman et al. 2001). DNA datasets mapping is essential because it helps in exon prediction and gene annotation. Basically, mapping is considered as Al-complete problem that data mapping have concentrated on controlled mapping such as one-to-one data schema and structural mapping (Lenzerini 2002).

3.2 Signed graph

In this section, we have introduced basic notations for signed graph. Let G = (V, E) be a finite undirected graph with multiple edges and self loop. The number of |υ| the vertices, is called the order of G and the connected number of |e| is called the degree of G. We write \(\nu \in G\) if υ is vertex and \(e \in G\) if e is edge of G. The neighborhood of a vertex υ is \(N_{G} \left( \upsilon \right) = \left\{ {u|\left( {\upsilon ,u} \right) \, \in \, G} \right\}\). The vertex υ is isolated if N G (υ) = 0. If a vertex has exactly one neighbor, it is denoted as a leap. We called G is discrete graph if all vertices are isolated. A subset A ⊆ G is stable if there is no edges (υ, u) with υ, u ϵ A. Graph A is complete if any two vertices of G are adjacent.

A signed graph G = (V, E, ϕ) consists of vertices and edges (V, E) together with a labeling function ϕ:V → {+, −} of vertices V. A vertex υ ϵ G said to be positive and negative if \(\varphi (\upsilon ) = +\) and \(\varphi (\upsilon ) = -\), respectively. We let

$$G^{ + } = \{ \upsilon |\varphi (\upsilon ) = + \} \quad {\text{and}}\quad G^{ - } = \{ \upsilon |\varphi (\upsilon ) = - \}$$

We say that a signed graph is negative if all its vertices are negative (Fig. 3). Also, an edge \(e = \{ \, u,\upsilon \}\) is called negative, if \(\upsilon ,u \in G^{ - }\).

Fig. 3
figure 3

A simple signed graph with positive and negative edges

If G and I constitute two signed graphs and its two disjoint vertex sets are V(G) and V(I), let \(G \oplus I\) be their disjoint union, the vertex set of \(G \oplus I\) is \(V(G) \cup V(I)\) (Fig. 4a) and its edge forms,

$$E(G \oplus I) = E(G) \cup E(I)$$
Fig. 4
figure 4

Operations of signed graph. a And operation for two disjoint graphs. b Complete operation for disjoint graph

The complete connection \(G \otimes I\) has the vertices set and the edge set is (Fig. 4b).

$$E(G \otimes I) = E(G) \cup E(I) \cup \{ (\upsilon ,u)|\upsilon \in G,u \in I\}.$$

3.3 Graph reduction rule

There are three basic fundamental operations of reductions rule for signed graph (Villar et al. 2015). The molecular operations are translated into following operations:

Let u and v be two vertices:

  1. 1.

    The negative graph rule for v is applicable to G if \(\upsilon \in G^{ - }\) and it is isolated in G. The result is the signed graph \(nr_{\upsilon } (\upsilon ) = G - \{ \upsilon \} .\) The number of vertices is \(|nr_{\upsilon } | = \{ \upsilon \}.\)

  2. 2.

    The positive graph rule for v is applicable to G if \(\upsilon \in G^{ + }\). The result is the signed graph \(np_{\upsilon } (\upsilon ) = G - \{ \upsilon \} .\) The number of vertices is \(|nr_{\upsilon } | = \{ \upsilon \}.\)

  3. 3.

    The double rule for v ≠ u is applicable to G if \(v,u \in G^{ - }\) and \(e = \{ \upsilon ,u\} \in E(G).\) The result for signed graph \(dr(\upsilon ) = G - \{ (u,\upsilon ),E^{'} ,\varphi^{'} \}\), where \(\varphi^{'}\) is obtained to \(G - \{ u,\upsilon \}\) and E’ obtained from the complementary of E.

In basic reduction rule, graph rewriting technique is used for specification and generation of graph optimization. Graph analysis and transformation are performed by graph rewriting technique. Analyzing graph means enlarging graph by joining new edges with information and graph transformation means reduced into the graph rewriting by deleting and attaching sub-graphs. In reduction rules, we delete or replace two or more nodes by another node (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Graph reduction rule with termination point

In graph reduction rules, nodes D and E are rewritten by F (Fig. 5). Here D and E nodes can correlate with F, redundant nodes D and E are replaced by F. Nodes C, D and E are rewritten by new node H. Reduced edges are encrypted with new edge. Termination by edges accumulation and termination by edges subtraction is used for graph termination process. When null point (Φ) was reached, it indicated termination (Fig. 5).

3.4 Optimize de Brujin graph

A set of reads S = {s1…….sn}, define the de Bruijn graph G(S 1) with (l−1) vertices. An (l−1) tuple v ∈ S l−1 is joined by directed with l-edges. If S l contains l-tuple for which the first (l−1) nucleotides coincide with v and last (l−1) nucleotides coincide with tuple w. Each l-tuple from S l corresponds to an edge in G. If S contains the only sequence S 1, then this sequence corresponds to a path visiting each edge of the de Bruijn graph. A de Bruijn can substitute every edge by k parallel edges, where k is the number of times the edge is used. If S contains the only sequence S 1, this operation creates k parallel edges for every l-tuple repeating k times in S 1. Euler path is an efficient algorithm solved in a linear time.

In de Bruijn graph, a vertex v is called a source if indegree(v) = 0, a sink if outdegree(v) = 0 and branching vertex if indegree(v).outdegree(v) > 1. A path v 1……v n in the de Bruijn graph is called a repeat pattern if indegree(v 1) > 1, outdegree(v n) > 1 and indegree(v i) = outdegree(v i) = 1, for 1 ≤ i ≤ n−1. Repeat pattern starts with v i node and v n , are called exits from a repeat (Fig. 6). An Eulerian path visits a repeat some times by visiting entrance and exit nodes. An Eulerian path covers a repeat if it contains an entrance into and exits from repeat by using the end node. Every covering read-path reveals some information about the gene annotation between entrances and exit.

Fig. 6
figure 6

A repeat v 1…..v n and arcs are represented by the overlapping the pattern

To solve the Euler path for gene annotation, we have transformed both graph G and path P into new graph G 1 with path P 1. This is called equivalence if it exists in one-to-one correspondence in (G,P) and (G 1,P 1).We transform de Bruijn graph into series of equivalence transformation:

$$\left( {G,P} \right) \to \left( {G_{1} ,P_{1} } \right) \to \left( {G_{2} ,P_{2} } \right) \to \cdots \to \left( {G_{k} ,P_{k} } \right).$$

To combine every solution of sub-graphs represents the solution of gene annotation (exon/introns separation), Euler path solution is used. We describe a simple equivalence transformation that solves the Euler path problem where graph G has no multiple edges. We consider two cases of transformation; one is xy detachment and the other one is x-cut. Let x = (v in, v mid) and y = (v mid, v out) are two consecutive edges of graph G and P x,y be the collection of all paths of P that includes all sub-paths. P →x defines as a collection of paths from P that end with x and P y as a collection of paths from P that starts with y. Then x,y-detachment is a transformation that adds a new edge z = (v in, v out) and deletes the edges x and y from G (Fig. 7a). This detachment transformation alters the systems of path P as follows:

Fig. 7
figure 7

Equivalent transformation for Euler path; connected edges indicates the overlap paths and disconnected edges indicates equivalent paths. a X, Y –detachment b X-cut

  1. 1.

    Substitute z for x, y in all path from P x,y

  2. 2.

    Substitute z for x in all paths from P x .

  3. 3.

    Substitute z for y in all paths from P y.

Every detachment reduces the number of edges in G and reduces the complexity of Euler path problem.

Consider a fragment of graph G with 5 or 4 paths y 3x, y 4x, xy 1 and xy 2 (Fig. 7b). In symmetric situation, x is tangle (repeated pattern) and there is no available information to relate any of paths y 3x and y 4x to relate other paths xy 1 and xy 2.An edge x = (v, w) is removable if

  1. 1.

    It is only incoming edge v and only one outgoing edge w.

  2. 2.

    x is either the initial or the terminal edge for every path P containing x.

An x-cut transformation P into a new system of paths by simply removing x from all paths in P x and P x without affecting graph G itself (Fig. 7b). If x is a removable edge then x-cut is an equivalent transformation. Detachment and x-cut proved to be powerful technique to build a simple de Bruijn graph and reduce fragments for all genomes.

3.5 Annotation with Euler path using de Brujin graph

De Bruijn graph is used for gene annotation (exon intron separation) and next-generation sequence assembler. It reduces the computational effort by breaking read (sort sequence) into smallest part of DNA. Reads are called k-mer where the parameter k denotes the length of bases for these sequences. De Bruijn graph captures exon separation considering exon initial and stop sites using k-mer (Fig. 8). Construct a de Bruijn graph for exon introns where separation consists of the following steps:

Fig. 8
figure 8

The length of overlap k − 1 = 2. ATG indicates initial site and TAA, TAG node indicates termination site, respectively. Black line indicates the order of k-mer

  1. 1.

    Structure of k-spectrum: Reads are divided into overlapping sequence of k. Every k-mer consists of a transcription and a stopping site in exon chain.

  2. 2.

    Node generation: Every (k−1) node generates for k-spectrum. In de Bruijn graph, exon initial site is marked as initial node (source), ending node (sink) represents stop site of exon chain and intermediate node serves as donor and acceptor site for exon transcription.

  3. 3.

    Edge construction: A directed edge is created from x node to y node if there exists k-mer such that its prefix is equal to x node to y node. Overlap path is reduced to Euler path simplification which described in Sect. 4. To traverse marked source node to sink node, we had indentified the exon chain from whole DNA sequence.

By reducing whole dataset into k-mer overlaps the de Bruijn graph reduces the high redundancy in short read dataset. In exon annotation, imitation sites start with ATG and termination site with TAA or TAG or TGA. Another donor and acceptor site generates the internal node in de Bruijn graph. Initial and stopping site indicate the exon annotation region (Fig. 8).

By converting the set of reads into edges of the de Bruijn graphs, the annotation problem becomes equivalent to finding an Euler path graph. To reduce the exponential distinct Euler path, heuristics are usually applied to construct the graphs. The graphs are filtered of erroneous occurrences and nodes are unambiguously connected by edge which are merged together (Fig. 7).

3.6 Exon transcription

As exons are not independent, by splicing exons together to assemble a gene one can further eliminate false exon predictions by imposing translatability (i.e., adjacent exons must maintain the open reading frame). The main difficulty in exon assembly is the combinatorial explosion problem: the number of ways N candidate exons may be combined grows exponentially with N. The key idea of computational feasibility comes from dynamic programming (DP), which allows finding “optimal assembly” quickly without having to enumerate all possibilities. We can limit possible errors by assuming each entry with a correct annotation that should satisfy:

  • The initiation site is ATG.

  • The donor site is GT.

  • The acceptor site is AG.

  • The stopping site is either TAA or TAG or TGA.

  • No stop codon interrupts the open reading frames.

  • The length of coding regions is a multiple of three.

In pattern reorganization, the performance of a prediction system can be measured by the following statistics: true positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP) and false negative (FN). The internal exon prediction measurement on the nucleotide base pair level is shown in Figs. 5 and 9.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Measurement parameters for exon prediction

The accuracy of a prediction system is measured by sensitivity (SN), specificity (SP) and F-measure as follows:

$${\text{SN}} = \frac{\text{TP}}{{{\text{TP}} + {\text{FN}}}}$$
$${\text{SP}} = \frac{\text{TP}}{{{\text{TP}} + {\text{FP}}}}$$
$$F - {\text{measure}} = \frac{{2 \times {\text{SP}} \times {\text{SN}}}}{{{\text{SP}} + {\text{SN}}}}.$$

4 Results and discussion

Java environments have been considered for this system design and implementation. During the experiments some key factors such as graph generation, graph reduction and graph optimization have been addressed. Three types of real-world datasets are used for simulation performed here and these dataset are adh22, h178 and sag178 (Table 1). Adh22 is a single sequence of Drosophila melanogaster with 2.9 Mb long. Adh22 contains different versions for genome annotation. In the first version adh22 contains 38 genes with 111 exons and the second version consists of 222 genes with 907 exons. H178 has 178 genomic sequences for human that are evaluated from EMBL and GENSCAN. The average sequence length is 716,913 bases. Sag178 is a set of 43 sequences with 178 genes. Graph evaluation and graph generation time are computed for all datasets for different gene sequence lengths. Adh22, h178 and sag178 have different lengths of gene sequences with different number of exons (Table 1).

Table 1 Different gene length, exons and base pair for three datasets

In Table 1, the first column indicates the three different datasets and rest of the columns indicate the number of gene, exons and base pairs, respectively. Adh22 datasets have maximum genes, exons and base pair than other two datasets. Sag178 has less number of base pairs due to small number of genes. For this metagenomic gene analysis, De Bruijn graph for different data lengths has been generated. Every node contains k-mers with three nucleotides. Comparison between De Bruijn graph and non-De Bruijn graph execution time is measured repeatedly. De Bruijn graph needs less time than non-De Bruijn graph. De Bruijn graph reduces the edge than non-De Bruijn graph. Only the valid directed paths are constructed for exons transcription process, on the other hand non-De Bruijn graph generates multiple edges for exons annotation (Table 2).

Table 2 Execution time of De Bruijn graph and non-De Bruijn graph for different data lengths of adh22 dataset

Execution time of De Bruijn graph varies for different DNA lengths. Both execution times of De Bruijn graph and non-De Bruijn approaches are gradually increased due to increase in base pairs. De Bruijn graph generation approach required less time than non-De Bruijn graph process due to small size of biological data. When the base pair is 500,000, the execution time of De Bruijn graph generation is 2955 ns and non-De Bruijn graph process is 7213 ns. De Bruijn graph process is (7213 − 2955)/7213 = 59.03 % faster than non-De Bruijn graph process. De Bruijn graph process required less time because De Bruijn graph nodes consider only exons transcription k-mers. Graphical representations of the same computing also reflect the impact of both times (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10
figure 10

Execution time for graph generation for De Bruijn graph and non-De Bruijn graph for adh22

Figure 10 depicts the execution time for De Bruijn graph and non-De Bruijn graph generation. The execution time of De Bruijn graph generation for adh22 dataset needs less time than non-De Bruijn graph generation. The graph generation of De Bruijn graph and non-De Bruijn graph for h178 and sag178 requires similar execution time as adh22 datasets, though sag178 and h178 have less base pairs than adh22.

We used randomized De Bruijn graph for DNA categorizing in a specific format. Randomized algorithm is used for sampling data in a specific format. Randomized algorithm for De Bruijn graph has two phases: sampling and pre-data analysis. Sampling indicates splitting DNA sequences. It is an important step for sampling distribution because without proper subdivision, it is difficult to handle large DNA dataset. Weights are assigned for finding DNA factors. Weights are considered for threshold value for DNA sampling. DNA sampling data are selected based on threshold value. Metagenomic data analysis is more accurate after data sampling by randomized algorithm. At first we are sampling the DNA sequence for graph generation. We measure the execution time for randomized De Bruijn graph and non-randomized De Bruijn graph data sampling (Table 3).

Table 3 Execution time of randomized De Bruijn graph algorithm and nonrandomized De Bruijn graph process for different data lengths

Execution time of non-randomized De Bruijn graph process and randomized De Bruijn graph process varies for different base pairs. Both execution times of randomized algorithm and non-randomized approaches are gradually increased due to base pairs increased. Randomized approach required less time than non-randomized process due to sample size of sampling data. When the base pair is 600,000, the execution time of randomized approach is 7576 ns and non-randomized process is 12,326 ns. The randomized process is (12,326 − 7576)/12,326 = 38.54 % faster than nonrandomized De Bruijn graph process. Randomized De Bruijn graph process required less time because DNA data are smaller and precise for subdivision and data preprocessing.

Execution time of randomized and nonrandomized graph is increased linearly (Fig. 11). Figure 11 depicts a line graph that indicates the execution time of randomized and nonrandomized De Bruijn graph for different base lengths.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Execution time analysis of randomized De Bruijn graph and nonrandomized De Bruijn graph approach for DNA data sampling

Figure 11 depicts execution time for randomized and nonrandomized approach for DNA data sampling. Randomized process reduced the data length for metagenomic data analysis that takes less execution time than nonrandomized DNA data. The execution time of randomized approach needs more when DNA sequence length is increased. Data subdivision process of randomized algorithm required more time when it generates more splitted portions. In graph reduction phase, sign graphs are optimized for graph simplification. Simplified graph reduces the execution time for exon finding. In the graph reduction phase, nodes of the graph that contain k-mers are reduced. This reduced process simplified the graph. When the graph is simplified, exon-finding operation becomes easier by using reduced k-mers nodes. Graph-reducing approach reduces execution time than non-reduction graph (Table 3). Non-reduction graph consists of multiple and redundant nodes that are responsible for graph and time complexity (Table 4).

Table 4 Execution time of optimized De Bruijn graph and De Bruijn graph process for different data lengths

Execution time of non-reduction and graph reduction processes varies for different base pairs. Both execution times of optimized De Bruijn graph and De Bruijn graph approaches are gradually increased due to increase in base pairs. Optimized De Bruijn graph needs lesser time than simple De Bruijn graph process. When the base pair is 500,000, the execution time of optimized De Bruijn graph is 7106 ns and De Bruijn graph process is 14,216 ns. Optimized De Bruijn graph process is nearly about two times faster than simple De Bruijn graph process. Optimized De Bruijn graph reduces the unnecessary nodes that consist of k-mers for exon annotation. In simple De Bruijn graph process, multiple nodes have to traverse for exon finding that does not provide optimal solution and need more execution time (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12
figure 12

Execution time analysis of graph reduction and non-reduction approach for different base pairs

We measured the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity for exons prediction and gene annotation. Predicted exons are correct if splice sites are at the annotation position. Predicted gene is correct if all exons predicted are correctly predicted. We also measure false positive that indicates when some exons are partially predicted. For each data set gene prediction and exons prediction are measured globally. Euler path approach is used in optimized De Bruijn graph for exon prediction and gene annotation. We compare our result with another gene annotation approach, GENESCAN and GENEID. GENSCAN as it is the most commonly used gene annotation program for human’s genome. Optimized graph-based approach of Euler path provides more accurate output than GENESCAN. GENEID (version 1.1) is an exon-finding approach more suitable for Drosophila. GENESCAN is a program that identifies the gene structure. It is a GHMM-based program that can be used to predict gene annotation and exon introns boundaries (Mochizuki et al. 2011). GENESCAN performs two-phase gene prediction structure: statistical pattern identification and sequence similarity comparison. GENEID is a gene prediction program with a hierarchical structure (Parra et al. 2000). GENEID used position weight matrices (PWMS) that build the exon generation site. We also compare our approach with GENEID for exon finding with different base pairs. We calculate sensitivity and specificity for exon prediction for GENEID and optimized De Bruijn graph.

In Table 5, the first column indicates the three datasets and second column indicates the prediction criteria. Optimized De Bruijn graph is more accurate than GENESCAN and GENEID for base pair analysis, exon prediction and gene annotation. Sensitivity and specificity are higher for base pair and exon prediction than gene annotation process. Sensitivity and specificity are low for gene annotation, because it is difficult to predict all exon predictions accurately. Optimized De Bruijn graph analysis measures sensitivity of base analysis, exon prediction and gene annotation 91.4, 60.3 and 35.82 %, respectively, for adh22 datasets. For adh22 dataset, optimized De Bruijn graph measures 62.3 % sensitivity for exon prediction, whereas GENESCAN and GENEID measure 61.1 and 57.8 % sensitivity for exon prediction. Optimized De Bruijn graph measures higher sensitivity and specificity for h178 datasets than adh22. It is difficult for large datasets to predict exon and introns splices for whole gene annotation that measure the less sensitivity and specificity than other criteria. We measure better result for h178 dataset for every base pair analysis, exon prediction and gene annotation. Sag178 datasets predict less sensitivity and specificity for exon prediction and gene annotation. On the other hand, GENESCAN measures better result for every dataset for human genome analysis than GENEID process.

Table 5 Sensitivity and specificity measurement for gene annotation and exon prediction

Figure 13a depicts the measurement of specificity and sensitivity of exon prediction for our collected dataset. Our approach is to more accurately measure the exon pattern from whole genome sequence than GENESCAN and GENEID for exon prediction. Optimized De Bruijn graph operates only those k-mers that are responsible for exon generation. By finding optimal analysis, optimized De Bruijn graph accurately measures the exon pattern. GENESCAN more accurately measures the exon pattern than GENEID approach for human genome. GENEID approach has failed for whole exon pattern for whole human large DNA sequences. We also measured the gene annotation (Fig. 13b) for different datasets. Optimized De Bruijn graph more accurately measures the gene than the other two approaches. Optimized De Bruijn graph approach, (49.12 − 38.41)/49.12 = 21.80 %, has more specificity than GENEID approach for adh22 dataset. GENEID measures less accurate result for gene annotation for human genome, but this approach is accurate for Drosophila (Parra et al. 2000). GENESCAN approach measures more accurately for gene than GENEID for all datasets. By combining both measures, we use the f-measure and accuracy for exon and gene prediction. A good indictor indicates false positive and accuracy that are measured by specificity and sensitivity. F-measure indicates that exon pattern is wrongly predicted and accuracy indicates the rate of accurate measurement of the exon pattern and gene annotation.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Sensitivity and specificity prediction for a exon prediction, b gene annotation using optimized De Bruijn graph, GENESCAN and GENEID approach

Table 6 indicates the f-measure and accuracy rate for gene annotation and exon prediction for three datasets. When accuracy rate is increased, f-measure decreases; high accuracy indicates maximum correct gene annotation process. Our optimized De Bruijn graph approach measures high accuracy and less f-measure for gene annotation than other two prediction approaches. For adh22 dataset, optimized De Bruijn graph approach accuracy is (87.3 − 85.2)/87.3 = 2.41, higher than GENESCAN for exon prediction. For similar datasets our approach is 4.47 %; more accurate exon prediction approach than GENEID. For h178 datasets our optimized De Bruijn graph measures less f-measure than other two approaches which means our approach is more accurate than the others. Optimized De Bruijn graph measures less f-measurement for sag178 datasets, because it has less base pairs, that is, nearly about 650,000 base pairs.

Table 6 F-measure and accuracy for gene annotation and exon prediction

All possible exon prediction is important for accurate gene annotation. Internal exons also have flanking splicing boundaries: the acceptor splicing sites at the 5′ end and the donor sites at the 3′ end. In the optimized De Bruijn graph, Euler approach selects donor and acceptor region of exon prediction more efficiently than GENESCAN and GENEID. Potentially all of the selected donor site and acceptor site candidates can be paired to form exon boundaries. The number of internal exons in a gene is one less than the number of introns.

Accurate gene annotation depends on perfect exon prediction. Our optimized De Bruijn graph approach predicts the exon pattern better than other prediction algorithms (Fig. 14b). Our optimized De Bruijn graph is more accurate and has less f-measure for adh22, sag178 and h178. Our approach accuracy is higher than GENEID and GENESCAN for exon prediction. Optimized De Bruijn graph method also provides optimal solutions for gene annotation.

Fig. 14
figure 14

a F-measurement and b accuracy prediction for exon prediction using optimized De Bruijn graph, GENESCAN and GENEID approach

5 Conclusion

In this research, we have observed that graph theory gives better accuracy than the other two models.

Our method is robust that continuously free the memory storage. In fact, our simulation result indicates that it is more accurate for a large dataset. It performs relatively well on the task of assembling exons to genes, because programs with a similar exon-level accuracy often have a lower gene-level accuracy. This means those programs more often combine the exons to a wrong gene structure, for example by splitting or joining genes. With the growing number of sequenced species, the possibilities of finding approximate possible exons by cross-species alignments of homologous genomic sequences also increase. This leaves the task of assembling possible exons to genes. In future, we shall consider this concept for finding possible intron analysis.