
Over the past 100 years the average temperature has risen from 0.3 to 0.6 °C, with the sea level rising by 10–25 cm. If the energy use for industrial activity remains in the present condition, CO2 emissions will gradually increase every year. One of the main causes of global warming is the greenhouse gases produced by anthropogenic activities. If the greenhouse gases continue to increase at the current level, the average temperature of earth will increase by 1.1–6.4 °C by the year 2100, with sea levels rising by 18–59 cm (IPCC 2007; IEA 2008).

Geological storage of CO2 is a technology to sequester CO2 in the long term by injecting captured CO2 into large porous rock layers underground (> 800 m), with an impermeable caprock. For the geological storage of CO2, the target porous rock layers should have a suitable depth, sufficient porosity, and an impermeable caprock. The function of the caprock is to prevent the upward migration of the injected CO2 by buoyancy. The injected CO2 should be stored for long periods of time without leakage (Holoway 2005; IPCC 2007).

Even if CO2 is sequestered in the porous rock layers with an impermeable caprock, potential risks of CO2 leakage continue to exist. The injected CO2 can leak through various pathways in the form of supercritical CO2 or dissolved CO2. CO2 can move upward through the direct pathway around an injection well or to subsurface through the discontinuities (e.g., cracks, joints, and faults) in the caprock (Oldenburg and Lewicki 2006; Kreft et al. 2007; Gaus 2010; Plampin et al. 2014).

When CO2 leaks through the caprocks, it dissolves into the groundwater, migrating by advection and diffusion. When the groundwater, supersaturated with CO2, reaches the shallow subsurface, a CO2 gas phase may be formed from the supersaturated groundwater due to a decrease in pressure, which is known as exsolution. The exsolved CO2 gas may migrate upward through pores, fractures, and faults or re-dissolve in surrounding groundwater that is undersaturated with CO2. The dissolution of CO2 in groundwater can significantly affect the quality of groundwater (Enouy et al. 2011; Sakaki et al. 2013; Plampin et al. 2014; Porter et al. 2015).

Previous studies have suggested two different mechanisms for gas migration in the saturated porous medium. The first was migration of gas bubbles by rising through the connected pore space induced by buoyant. The velocity of the gas migration was significantly affected by compressibility of gas (Roosevelt and Corapcioglu 1998; Corapcioglu et al. 2004; Oldenburg and Lewicki 2006; Cihan and Corapcioglu 2008). The second was migration of gas bubble trapped in the pore structure induced by the high capillary pressure of small pore throats. When the gas filled the entire pore, the pore was pressurized. The gas bubble then percolated the adjacent pore and became a gas (Li and Yortos 1995; Dominguez et al. 2000).

The evolution and migration of CO2 gas in porous media were investigated by conducting experiments and modeling studies in the shallow subsurface (Ji et al. 1993; Brooks et al. 1999; Enouy et al. 2011; Amonette et al. 2013; Zhou et al. 2013; Sakaki et al. 2013; Plampin et al. 2014; Porter et al. 2015). For example, Ji et al. (1993) conducted the first visualization experiments using glass beads. They described gas flow pattern as a function of grain size. Brooks et al. (1999) also investigated gas flow pattern using glass beads ranged between 0.42 and 3 mm. They showed coherent gas flow occurred for small grain size, whereas incoherent gas flow occurred for large grain size. Sakaki et al. (2013) conducted experiments using 4.5-m-long columns filled with different sizes of sands. CO2-saturated water was injected into the bottom of the columns, while monitoring the water saturation, electrical conductivity (EC), and temperature. They indirectly showed the formation of gas phase in the columns, regardless of the size of sands, by providing water saturation data. The gas formation was affected by the CO2 saturation pressure in the injected water and the hydrostatic pressure. The gas formation was enhanced when the CO2 saturation pressure was higher than the hydrostatic pressure.

Most studies regarding CO2 migration in the reservoir focused on the characterization and visualization of density-driven, subsurface CO2 migration due to buoyancy (Kneafsey and Pruess 2009; Polak et al. 2011; Bang et al. 2012; Faisal et al. 2013; Mojtaba et al. 2014; Thomas et al. 2015). The main purpose of the studies was to characterize convective CO2 migration in subsurface areas, where supercritical or gaseous CO2 was dissolved in saline water. However, few studies have showed visually, the behaviors of the leaked CO2 gas (i.e., CO2 gas migration and re-dissolution) in shallow aquifers, consisting of porous media (Bang et al. 2012). Bang et al. (2012) investigated the visually leaked CO2 migration in porous media using a thin, transparent tank, filled with water-saturated glass beads, containing a universal pH indicator, which changed color with the change in pH of water. The CO2 gas was injected through a needle in the bottom of the tank. The gas and the dissolved CO2 migration patterns were monitored using digital cameras during testing. They visually showed the patterns of CO2 gas migration and the convection of carbonated water in the glass beads, which were affected by the size of the glass beads.

The objectives of this study were to observe directly the patterns of CO2 gas migration, re-dissolution, and dissolved CO2 migration in the water-saturated porous medium, while investigating the effects of the size of the porous medium and CO2 injection rate on the migration patterns and effluent CO2 gas concentration from the porous medium. This study assumed that the CO2 leaked from the reservoir reaches the shallow aquifer, causing CO2 gas formation due to a decrease in pressure.

Materials and methods


Two sizes of finer and coarser glass beads (DAIHAN Scientific) were used to investigate the effect of pore size on the gaseous and dissolved CO2 migration in the porous medium. Sieve analyses, conducted on the glass beads using ASTM D 422-63 (2007), show that the sizes of finer and coarser glass beads ranged from 0.25 to 0.5 mm and from 0.75 to 1.0 mm, as shown in Fig. 1a. The soil–water characteristic curves (SWCC) for the glass beads were determined using a hanging column test, followed by ASTM D 6836-16 (2016) as shown in Fig. 1b. The SWCC describes the relationship between volumetric water content and suction. The finer glass beads had a higher air entry suction than the coarser glass beads due to their smaller pore size, indicating that the finer glass beads (1.4 kPa) had a higher capillary pressure than coarser glass beads (0.6 kPa).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Grain size distribution curves (a) and soil–water characteristics curves (SWCC), (b) for finer and coarser glass beads

The physical properties of glass beads are shown in Table 1. The porosities of finer and coarser glass beads were 0.40 and 0.38, respectively, with packing densities of 1.50 and 1.59 g/cm3, respectively. The hydraulic conductivities of finer and coarser glass beads were 1.7 × 10−2 and 5.8 × 10−2 cm/s, respectively, which were measured by the constant head method.

Table 1 Physical properties of glass beads used in this study

De-ionized (DI) water (pH = 5.6) was used to saturate the glass beads. Concentrated NaOH solution was added to the DI water for adjusting the pH to approximately 10. A universal pH indicator was used to visualize the change in pH due to CO2 dissolution and the migration of carbonated water in porous media. The universal pH indicator is a mixture of several chemical compounds that cause smooth color changes to occur as the pH of the solution changes from 1 to 14. A universal pH indicator is typically composed of water, propan-1-ol, phenolphthalein sodium salt, sodium hydroxide, methyl red, bromothymol blue monosodium salt, and thymol blue monosodium salt. Yellow to red, red to green, and green to blue or purple indicate that the solution is acidic, neutral, and alkaline, respectively (Foster and Gruntfest 1937).

Visualization experiments for CO2 gas and dissolved CO2 migration

A series of visualization experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of the grain size of porous medium and the CO2 gas leakage rate on the gaseous and dissolved CO2 migration in the water-saturated porous medium. A schematic diagram of the experiment is shown in Fig. 2. A rectangular transparent acrylic cell (width × height × thickness = 25 cm × 25 cm × 5 cm) was filled with glass beads, up to a height of 20 cm in the cell to allow constant head space. The head space (25 cm × 5 cm × 5 cm) was filled with air. The glass beads in the cell were subsequently saturated with a mixture of an alkaline solution (pH = 10) and a universal pH indicator. After adding the universal pH indicator to the alkaline solution, the color of the solution turned purple, indicating a pH of 10. The alkaline solution for saturating the glass beads was used to clearly observe the migration of dissolved CO2 because the dissolution of CO2 in the solution caused changes to the pH.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Schematic diagram of a visualization experiment setup

Approximately 99.99% purity of CO2 gas was injected at 3 cm from the bottom of the cell to simulate CO2 gas exsolution in shallow aquifer, using Teflon tubing, which has low CO2 sorption capacity. CO2 was injected at various injection rates (20, 40, 100, and 200 cm3/min) to evaluate the effect of gas leakage rate on the CO2 gas and dissolved CO2 migration in the porous medium. When supercritical CO2 or CO2-saturated groundwater leaks through discontinuities in the confined layer, the CO2 gas leakage rate can vary, depending on the pressure decrease rate (Sakaki et al. 2013). The CO2 injection rate was controlled by a gas mass controller (Alicat Scientific, Inc.). The CO2 gas and dissolved CO2 migration were filmed using a digital camera (Cam Shots) during the experiment. The empty headspace of the captured images was removed to show more closely the phenomena occurred in the porous media.

The reactor had a sealing cap at the top to prevent CO2 gas leakage. However, the sealing cap had a small hole, which was connected to an infrared (IR)-based CO2 analyzer (LI-820 IR CO2 analyzer), to measure effluent CO2 gas concentration emitted from the saturated glass beads. The effluent CO2 gas concentration was logged automatically by a computer at every second. The effluent CO2 gas was diluted 10 times using 99.9% purity of N2 gas for lowering the effluent CO2 gas concentration, to satisfy the maximum CO2 detection limit of the analyzer. The effluent CO2 gas was dehydrated by using a column containing silica gel to minimize errors in the measurement (Fig. 2).

Results and discussion

Visualization of CO2 gas and dissolved CO2 migration

At the beginning of the CO2 gas injection: CO2 gas movement

At the beginning of the CO2 gas injection (t < 1 s), the movement of gas bubbles through the glass beads was observed, regardless of the grain size and CO2 injection rate (20–200 cm3/min). However, no color change was observed in the pore water, indicating that the CO2 dissolution did not occur immediately after CO2 gas injection (Fig. 3). For the coarse glass beads (0.75–1 mm), as the CO2 injection rate increased, the plume of CO2 gas bubbles was more clearly observed, with the lateral extent of the plume becoming larger (Fig. 3). On the other hand, the movement of gas bubbles could not be observed clearly for the finer glass beads, when the CO2 gas injection rate was low (20–40 cm3/min). The movement of gas bubbles can be initiated when the injection pressure is higher than the air entry pressure (i.e., hydrostatic and capillary pressures) induced by the saturated porous beads (Geistlinger et al. 2006).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Captured images of CO2 gas migration in finer (0.25–0.5 mm, a, b) and coarser (0.75–1 mm, cf) glass beads, from the visualization experiments at various CO2 injection rates at the beginning of CO2 injection (t < 1 s)

When CO2 gas was injected into the glass beads at a higher injection pressure than the air entry pressure, CO2 gas moved upward due to buoyancy and pressure gradient, percolating into various pathways. CO2 gas displaced the water in the pores of the glass beads, producing irregular continuous gas pathways, like trees. The tree-like pattern induced by air injection to saturated medium is called “channelized flow,” in which the air displaces water along continuous pathways of least resistance. Various factors, such as grain size, packing density, and injection rate, can affect the channelized flow pattern (Ji et al. 1993; Brooks et al. 1999). Brooks et al (1999) suggested that the channelized flow occurred when the grain size and injection rate were less than 1.5 mm and higher than 10 cm3/min, respectively. In this study, the channelized flow pattern was more clearly observed in the glass beads with larger grain size (0.75–1.0 mm).

During the CO2 gas injection: CO2 gas and dissolved CO2 migration

The representative images of temporal changes in the CO2 gas and dissolved CO2 (i.e., carbonated water) migration for the finer glass beads (0.25–0.5 mm) at various CO2 gas injection rates from 20 to 200 cm3/min are shown in Fig. 4. Immediately after CO2 gas injection (t > 1 s), CO2 gas bubbles continued to move upward to the top surface, with the color of pore water near the pathways of CO2 gas bubbles changing from blue to yellow, regardless of the injection rate, suggesting that CO2 dissolution began in pore water near the CO2 gas migration pathways.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Captured images from the visualization experiments using finer glass beads (0.25–0.5 mm) at various CO2 injection rates during CO2 injection (t > 1 s)

Figure 5 shows the enlarged images of areas near the surface of the cell during CO2 injection for the finer glass beads (0.25–0.5 mm). CO2 bubble movement in the glass beads was continuously observed during the CO2 gas injection. CO2 bubbles coalesced to form clusters, moving through the glass beads as clusters. Once the clusters reached the top surface of the glass beads (i.e., the interface between water-saturated glass beads and air), the glass beads on the top surface explode due to the expulsion of CO2 gas by displacing water. At the lowest CO2 gas injection rate of 20 cm3/min, weak explosion was observed, probably because the amount of injected CO2 was not sufficient to form gas clusters, causing the continuous channelized CO2 gas flow or/and the injection pressure to be lower than the overburden pressure (Fig. 5). On the other hand, at a high injection rate, ranging between 40 and 200 cm3/min, larger CO2 clusters were formed, causing the glass beads on the surface to swell, subsequently explosion. The expansion and explosion of clusters occurred rapidly as the CO2 gas injection rate increased (Fig. 4). The top surface of the glass beads explodes because the upward pressure of CO2 bubbles exceeded the overburden pressure due to buoyancy and advection.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Enlarged images showing CO2 gas clusters obtained from the visualization experiments using finer glass beads (0.25–0.5 mm) at various CO2 injection rates during CO2 injection (t ≥ 1 h)

The color of the pore water changed from blue to yellow, indicating CO2 dissolution during CO2 injection (Fig. 5), regardless of the CO2 injection rate. The color of pore water in the glass beads changed with the pH of the pore water because the pore water contained the universal pH indicator (Fig. 5). The initial pH of the pore water in the glass beads was 10, causing the color of the pore water to be blue. When CO2 was injected into the glass beads, the color of the pore water turned from blue to yellow, as the pore water changed from alkaline to acidic. The color change suggests that CO2 dissolution occurred in the pore water, causing a decrease in the pH of the pore water, while producing carbonated water. The darker yellow of the pore water indicates that more CO2 dissolved in the pore water.

For the CO2 injection rate of 20 cm3/min, at time = 1 h, carbonated water (yellow) was produced on the top surface by CO2 dissolution, laterally extending by advection and diffusion, forming a thin, dense layer on the interface between the saturated glass beads and air. The yellow layer was darker near the injection tube, indicating more CO2 dissolution. After the formation of the thin, dense yellow layer, small fingers were formed, suggesting the initiation of density-driven convection. The small fingers then gradually coalesced, forming a thick, dense yellow layer (Fig. 4).

As the CO2 injection rate increased from 40 to 200 cm3/min, the color change occurred more clearly near the injection tube, suggesting that CO2 dissolution occurred near the channelized CO2 gas flow pathways (i.e., plume of CO2 gas and dissolved CO2; Fig. 4). The plume extent of the dissolved CO2, which had an inverted triangle shape, increased with the increase in CO2 gas injection rate. The dense layer formed near the interface thickened with time due to the density-driven convection of carbonated water. The downward migration of carbonated water was faster with the increase in CO2 gas injection rate. The downward migration along the side wall was probably faster because the pore size along the side wall was larger than that inside the glass beads.

For coarse glass beads (0.75–1.0 mm), no large bubble clusters were observed. However, more continuous channelized CO2 gas flow pathways were observed during CO2 gas injection (Fig. 6), potentially because the air entry pressure of the coarser glass beads was smaller than that of the finer glass beads as shown in Fig. 1b. Similar to the finer glass beads (0.25–0.5 mm), the CO2 gas moved upward to the top surface by buoyancy and advection, while CO2 dissolution began near the CO2 gas bubble migration pathways. The carbonated water produced by CO2 dissolution on the interface between the glass beads and air was laterally extended due to advection and diffusion, forming a single dense layer on the top surface.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Captured images from the visualization experiments using coarser glass beads (0.75–1.0 mm) at various CO2 injection rates during CO2 injection (t > 1 s)

The downward migration of the carbonated water due to the density-driven convective flow was divided into three patterns during CO2 injection for the coarser glass beads, probably due to their higher hydraulic conductivity: (1) downward migration along the side wall, (2) downward migration of the dense layer, and (3) direct downward migration from the CO2 injection point to the bottom of the cell, causing a triangular-shaped accumulation. The triangular-shaped accumulation was not clearly observed in the experiment with the high CO2 injection rate of 200 cm3/min. The boundary layer at the interface between carbonated water and pre-existing water became unstable, producing small fingers, which were induced by density-driven convective flow. The denser fingers produced a plume by coalescing small fingers, with the plume moving downward. During the downward movement of the plume, lateral concentration difference occurred with the plumes descending into the surrounding water. Therefore, the density of the descending plumes was reduced, along with the concentration flux, relative to the initial level (Neufeld et al. 2010). The formation of fingers by the density-driven convective flow was more clearly observed in the coarser glass beads, suggesting that the density-driven convective flow was more dominant in them. Finally, the glass beads were fully saturated with carbonated water. The migration of carbonated water was faster as both, the glass bead size and the CO2 gas injection rate, increased, causing earlier CO2 saturation in the pore water.

Packing stability

The growth of the plume of CO2 gas and dissolved CO2 near the injection tube (i.e., fluidized zone or inverted triangular-shaped zone) and the explosion on the top surface of the glass beads can be quantitatively evaluated using the packing stability of the unconsolidated porous medium, which can be calculated using the packing stability ratio of Vd to Vc, determined by the following equations (Zhao 2010).

$$ V_{\text{d}} = \frac{Q}{{\pi a\left( {H_{\text{b}} - H_{\text{or}} } \right)}} $$
$$ V_{\text{c}} = \frac{{\left( {\rho_{\text{gb}} - \rho_{\text{w}} } \right)\left({1 - \Phi } \right)}}{{\rho_{\text{w}} }}k_{\text{w}} $$

where Q is the air injection rate, a is the thickness of the saturated glass beads, Hb − Hor is the effective height of the saturated porous glass beads. ϕ is the porosity of the saturated porous medium, ρgb is the packing density of the glass beads, ρw, is the density of water, and kw is the initial hydraulic conductivity of the glass beads. Vd is the dipole velocity related to air flow, and Vc is the critical velocity related to uplift of a patch of grains. If Vc is less than Vd, the grain patch can be uplifted. Because the air flow can cause instability of the matrix, the grain patch can be uplifted and pushed by the air flow. The calculated packing stability ratio, Vd/Vc, is shown in Table 2. An increase in the packing stability ratio suggests that the stability of the saturated glass beads for a given test condition (i.e., glass bead size and CO2 gas injection rate) decreases during CO2 gas injection.

Table 2 Calculated packing stability ratios for the glass beads at various CO2 injection rates

The packing stability ratio increased, suggesting that the stability of the saturated glass beads decreased due to the CO2 gas injection, as both, the glass bead size and the CO2 gas injection rate, increased (Table 2). As the packing stability increased, the inverted triangular-shaped zone (i.e., plume of CO2 gas and dissolved CO2) at the top of glass beads appeared more clearly (Figs. 4 and 6). For the finer glass beads (0.25–0.5 mm), the inverted triangular-shaped zone appeared clearly when the packing stability ratio was higher than approximately 0.5, at a CO2 gas injection rate higher than 40 cm3/min. Above the injection point, an unstable packing zone was formed with the increase in packing instability, leading to an inverted triangular-shaped zone at the top surface of the glass beads.

For example, for the finer glass beads (0.75–1 mm) at CO2 gas injection rates of 100 and 200 cm3/min, the packing stability ratio was higher than 1, suggesting that the packing instability was too large to hold the grains in the initial position. As a result, a fluidized zone was formed in the glass beads near the injection tube, above the CO2 injection point, with dissolution occurring more actively in the fluidized zone (Fig. 4). The formation of the fluidized zone during CO2 gas injection could be clearly observed by the change in color induced by CO2 dissolution. In addition, the explosion at the top surface of the glass beads clearly occurred when the packing ratio was higher than 0.5. For the finer glass beads, this occurred at a CO2 gas injection rate higher than 40 cm3/min, while for the coarser glass beads, it occurred at a CO2 injection rate of 200 cm3/min (Figs. 4 and 6), suggesting that the packing instability caused the explosion.

Effluent CO2 concentrations

The temporal changes in the normalized effluent CO2 gas concentration, obtained from the experiments using the finer and coarser glass beads, are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. The normalized effluent CO2 gas concentration was the ratio of the effluent CO2 gas concentration ([CO2]e) to the initially injected CO2 gas concentration ([CO2]i).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Ratio of the effluent CO2 concentration ([CO2]e) to influent CO2 concentration ([CO2]i) as a function of the time elapsed, obtained from the visualization experiments using finer glass beads (0.25–0.5 mm) at various CO2 injection rates

Fig. 8
figure 8

Ratio of the effluent CO2 concentration ([CO2]e) to influent CO2 concentration ([CO2]i) as a function of the elapsed time, obtained from the visualization experiments using coarser glass beads (0.5–1.0 mm) at various CO2 injection rates

The gas flow patterns, through a saturated porous medium, are classified as transient and steady drainage phases. When CO2 is injected into a saturated porous medium, CO2 displaces water, becoming trapped in the pore spaces. When the CO2 gas pressure exceeds the overburden pressure, CO2 moves upward along the preferential pathways of least resistance. When the CO2 gas is emitted from the saturated porous medium, with the effluent CO2 gas concentration exceeding the influent CO2 gas concentration, it is called the transient drainage phase. After the transient drainage phase, the CO2 gas flow enters a steady-state phase (Geistlinger et al. 2006).

For the finer glass beads (0.25–0.5 mm), at a CO2 gas injection rate of 20 cm3/min, the breakthrough of CO2 gas concentration occurred at an early stage of the experiment (2–6 h), with a significant drop in the effluent CO2 concentration subsequently (Fig. 7a). The early initial breakthrough could probably be attributed to the continuous channelized CO2 gas flow, resulting in the CO2 gas reaching the top surface early. CO2 gas bubbles on the top surface of the glass beads at 20 cm3/min are shown in Fig. 4a–d. Subsequently, a significant drop in the effluent CO2 concentration occurred due to gradual CO2 dissolution in the pore water of the glass beads, retarding the CO2 gas emission. At the CO2 gas injection rates of 40 and 100 cm3/min, lower normalized effluent CO2 gas concentration occurred at an early stage, compared to that at 20 cm3/min, eventually stabilizing (Fig. 7a–c), probably because the CO2 gas bubbles coalesced, forming clusters and retarding the gas bubble migration, causing the CO2 gas to dissolve in the pore water. CO2 gas clusters were observed in the experiments at 40 and 100 cm3/min. However, they were not observed at 20 cm3/min, as shown in Fig. 5. On the other hand, at a CO2 gas injection rate of 200 cm3/min, early breakthrough occurred within 1 h, with no subsequent change in the effluent CO2 gas concentration (Fig. 7d), which suggests that CO2 gas continuously migrated upward, emitting from the glass beads due to the higher CO2 gas injection rate. While CO2 gas bubbles were observed, no cluster was observed in the CO2 gas pathways in the experiment at 200 cm3/min, as shown in Fig. 5.

For the coarser glass beads (0.75–1.0 mm), earlier and more CO2 gas emission occurred from the saturated glass beads than the finer glass beads (0.25–0.5 mm) at a given CO2 gas injection rate, except for 20 cm3/min (Fig. 8). At a CO2 injection rate of 20 cm3/min, almost no CO2 gas was emitted from the saturated glass beads during the CO2 gas injection (Fig. 8a), suggesting that the injected CO2 gas was trapped in the pore space, dissolving in the pore water. After approximately 9 h, when the pore water was almost saturated with CO2, a very small amount of CO2 was emitted (Figs. 6 and 8). In the larger glass beads, the fluidized zone (plume of CO2 gas and dissolved CO2) was further extended due to the larger pore space, leading to lower CO2 gas emission. At 40 cm3/min, a fluctuation was observed in the effluent CO2 gas concentration during CO2 injection, indicating transient CO2 gas flow (Fig. 8b). CO2 gas was trapped in the pore, subsequently dissolving in the pore water near CO2 gas migration pathways. When the buoyant pressure exceeded the air entry and overburden pressures, CO2 gas was emitted from the saturated glass beads, leading to an increase in the effluent CO2 concentration. These transient CO2 flow processes were repeated, causing a fluctuation in the effluent CO2 gas concentration. At the CO2 injection rate of 200 cm3/min, almost no transient CO2 flow was observed. However, a steady-state CO2 flow was achieved rapidly (Fig. 8d).

The cumulative mass of dissolved CO2 with time at different CO2 injection rates was calculated using the effluent CO2 gas concentration ([CO2]e) and the initially injected CO2 gas concentration ([CO2]i). The cumulative mass of dissolved CO2 with time is shown in Fig. 9. The highest and lowest cumulative masses of dissolved CO2 were obtained at the CO2 injection rates of 100 and 20 cm3/min, respectively, regardless of the glass bead size. The cumulative mass of dissolved CO2 increased with increasing the CO2 injection rate. However, the cumulative mass of dissolved CO2 at 200 cm3/min was lower than those at 40 and 100 cm3/min. The results of the cumulative mass of dissolved CO2 were comparable to those of the normalized effluent CO2 gas concentration (Figs. 7, 8, 9). At the low CO2 injection rate, the incoherent flow occurs due to buoyance, causing lower CO2 dissolution. As the CO2 injection rate increases, the incoherent flow becomes gradually the coherent flow, causing an increase in the CO2 dissolution. However, when the CO2 injection rate exceeds the critical CO2 injection rate, the multiple channels coalesce into single channel (Geistlinger et al. 2006), probably causing a decrease in the CO2 dissolution.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Cumulative mass of dissolved CO2 as a function of the elapsed time, obtained from the visualization experiments using finer (0.25–0.5 mm) and coarser (0.5–1.0 mm) glass beads at various CO2 injection rates


The injected CO2 can leak through caprock, subsequently dissolving in the surrounding groundwater, producing CO2-saturated groundwater. The CO2-saturated groundwater can move upward through discontinuities such as fractures and faults, which can produce significant changes in pressure. A significant pressure drop causes the exsolution of CO2 gas from the CO2-saturated groundwater. The CO2 exsolution rate from the leaking point can vary with the pressure drop in the CO2-saturated groundwater. Higher pressure drop can lead to a higher CO2 exsolution rate. In this study, the CO2 exsolution rate was simulated with the CO2 injection rate.

The exsolved CO2 gas moves upward due to buoyancy and pressure gradient in the shallow aquifer containing the porous media. After the early stage of CO2 gas leak from the exsolution point, the CO2 gas bubbles initially percolate into the porous media through various pathways, subsequently leading to CO2 dissolution near the CO2 gas pathways. The lateral extent of the plume (i.e., CO2 gas bubbles and dissolved CO2) increases due to advection and diffusion, with the increase in the porous medium size and CO2 exsolution rate. For the finer porous medium at a high CO2 exsolution rate, CO2 gas bubbles can coalesce to form gas clusters, while continuous channelized flow, without cluster formation, occurs in the coarser porous medium, regardless of the CO2 exsolution rate (Fig. 3).

Once the plume (i.e., CO2 gas bubbles and dissolved CO2) reaches the interface between the saturated porous medium and air or the unsaturated porous medium, the plume extends laterally on the surface, producing a thin, dense CO2-saturated layer. Simultaneously, CO2 gas is emitted from the saturated porous medium, leading to an increase in CO2 gas concentration in the atmosphere. The grain size of the porous medium present in the shallow aquifer and the CO2 exsolution rate affects the degree and pattern of the CO2 gas emission. For example, for the coarser porous medium at a higher CO2 exsolution rate, earlier and greater CO2 gas emission can occur. In addition, continuous and periodic CO2 gas emission can occur, depending on the grain size of the porous medium and the CO2 exsolution rate (Figs. 7 and 8).


Visualization experiments using a rectangular transparent acrylic cell, which contained glass beads saturated with an alkaline solution having a universal pH indicator, were conducted to investigate the migration behavior of CO2 gas and dissolved CO2 in water-saturated porous media. The experiments indicated that the injected CO2 leaked through the caprock, with the CO2-saturated groundwater moving upward through the discontinuities, causing the exsolution of CO2 gas from the CO2-saturated groundwater. The CO2 gas and the dissolved CO2, after exsolution from the CO2-saturated groundwater, can migrate through the porous media in shallow aquifers.

Immediately after the CO2 gas injection (t < 1 s), which is comparable to the period immediately following the CO2 exsolution, CO2 gas moved upward due to buoyancy and pressure gradient, percolating into pores through various pathways. The CO2 gas displaced the water in the pores of the glass beads, producing irregular continuous gas pathways, known as channelized flow. The continuous channelized flow was more dominant in coarser glass beads (0.75–1.0 mm), while transient channelized flow (i.e., gas clusters migration) occurred in the finer glass beads (0.25–0.50 mm).

During CO2 gas injection (t > 1 s), CO2 gas bubbles continued to move upward to the interface between the saturated porous medium and air, with the color of pore water near the pathways of CO2 gas bubbles changing from blue (i.e., alkaline) to yellow (i.e., acidic), regardless of the grain size and the CO2 gas injection rate, suggesting CO2 dissolution in pore water near the CO2 gas migration pathways. Once the CO2 gas reached the interface, a thin, dense yellow layer (i.e., CO2 dissolved water) was formed, laterally extending by advection and diffusion. After the formation of the thin, dense yellow layer, small fingers occurred, which subsequently gradually coalesced, thickening the dense yellow layer, indicating density-driven convection. The fingers due to density-driven convective flow occurred more clearly in the coarser glass beads. The migration of carbonated water was faster as both, the glass bead size and the CO2 gas injection rate, increased, causing earlier CO2 saturation in pore water.

The temporal changes in the effluent CO2 gas concentration emitted from the saturated glass beads to air varied with the grain size of the porous medium and the CO2 gas injection rate. For the coarser glass beads, earlier and higher CO2 gas emission generally occurred at a given CO2 gas injection rate. As the CO2 injection rate increased, the effluent CO2 gas concentration was more stable.

The results of this study suggest that the extent and pattern of CO2 gas emission from the ground surface can be implicitly predicted using information such as porous media properties and CO2 exsolution rate and vice versa. However, the findings in this study are probably only applicable to specific conditions, without representing real field conditions, because the experiments in this study were conducted under specific and limited conditions, which might not represent real field conditions. Further study under various conditions (e.g., various grain sizes and CO2 injection rates, heterogeneity of porous media) needs to be conducted to understand the patterns of CO2 gas and dissolved CO2 migration in porous media and CO2 gas concentration in the boundary between the ground and atmosphere.