1 Introduction

The emergence of Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) (Papazoglou and Van Den Heuvel 2007; Papazoglou et al. 2010) characterized a momentous shift in the history of the Internet. Prior to SOC, the Internet was imagined primarily as a vector enabling various forms of data exchange. With SOC, though, the Internet began moving toward an open platform that supported Web services—software components that were self-described, loosely coupled, and easily integrated with one another. The main goal of Web service technologies is to permit distributed applications to inter-operate together using the available standardized Internet protocols and languages and without direct human intervention (Papazoglou 2012). Through the opportunities for inter-operability that they offer, Web services are now a central focus for multiple technological and industrial actors in different fields ranging from e-commerce to e-learning, e-government, and more (Papazoglou and Van Den Heuvel 2007; Papazoglou 2012).

To ensure the development of distributed software applications, SOC depends on the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and its associated standards (Papazoglou et al. 2010). SOA standardization process is based on three layers of basic infrastructure: a communication protocol, a description specification, and ultimately, publication and location specifications (Curbera et al. 2002). SOA is a means of structuring and reorganizing distributed software applications into a set of composed and interactive pre-existing services. Web services composition (Sheng et al. 2014) is the most attractive opportunity offered by SOC and SOA, since it presents real competitive advantages for several technological and industrial actors by offering them the possibility to ensure quick, and low-cost development of distributed and collaborative software applications. The service composition lifecycle (Sheng et al. 2014) consists of collecting and assembling autonomous Web services to achieve new functionalities by creating complex, value-added service-based applications. This lifecycle begins with the requirements specification phase, followed by the discovery and selection of the services that closely fit the developer’s requirements, and finally concluding with the orchestration/choreography of the selected services. Functional requirements are implemented by the operations provided by Web services, while non-functional requirements can be categorized into three categories of parameters (Metzger et al. 2010): the objective, the subjective, and the business-related. These parameters in turn influence the Quality of Service (QoS) (Kritikos and Plexousakis 2009; Metzger et al. 2010) Quality of Experience (QoE) (Van Moorsel 2001; Bocchi et al 2016), and Quality of Business (QoBiz) (Van Moorsel 2001; Aljazzaf 2015), respectively.

In the literature, many studies have addressed the problem of Web service composition by offering different languages/specifications (e.g., BPEL (Alves et al. 2007), WS-CDL (Kavantzas et al. 2005), and BPEL4Chor (Decker et al. 2007)), and formalisms (e.g., Petri nets (Shijie et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2020), timed automata (Hammal et al. 2020; Siavashi et al. 2016), and process algebras (Rai et al. 2015; Zhu et al. 2017)). Each of these works adopts a function-centered vision for the composition lifecycle. Concerning non-functional requirements, existing works focus on the different parameters (i.e., objective, subjective, and business-related) separately or neglect coupling them with functional requirements. However, in order to ensure the efficient development of service-based applications and to enhance the satisfaction of the various collaborating actors, it is essential to adopt a coupling approach that involves both functional and non-functional requirements.

In this work, our goal is to develop a new requirements-driven approach that will ensure the discovery, selection, coordination, and execution of the most appropriate Web services available. The discovery of Web services will consider functional requirements and the selection will be based on the three parameters of non-functional requirements discussed above (objective, subjective, and business-related). The proposed approach will be implemented using the Req-WSComposer (Requirements-based Web Services Composer) platform in order to satisfy developer requirements by building effective and high-quality service-based applications. Our approach is tested using an extended and enriched version of the OWLS-TC dataset, which is composed of thousands of Web services.

The remainder of our paper is organized in the following manner. In Sect. 2, the relevant literature is reviewed and several gaps are identified. Next, in Sect. 3, a synopsis of the proposed approach is presented. Then, in Sect. 4, the experimentations and results are discussed. Finally, Sect. 5 includes our conclusions and thoughts on possible directions for future work.

2 Related works

Automatic services composition is considered an open research field involving various theories, techniques, and standards (Sheng et al. 2014; Garriga et al. 2015). In the literature, many attempts have been conducted focusing on composition lifecycle phases separately [i.e., requirements specification (Zolotas et al. 2017), discovery (Cheng et al. 2016), selection (Azmeh et al. 2011; Bagga et al. 2019), and coordination and execution (Fadhlallah et al. 2017)] without necessarily addressing problems or proposing solutions related to the implementation of the composition lifecycle as a whole. Our goal in this work is to provide a holistic approach ensuring the alignment between the different phases of the Web services composition lifecycle in order to obtain a new service-based application satisfying both functional and non-functional requirements as specified in the first phase of the lifecycle. In the following sections, we will briefly discuss related research works that focused on Web services composition.

In (Driss et al. 2010, 2011a), the authors present an approach using the MAP formalism and the Intentional Service Model (ISM) to elicit and specify which requirements a user would request, both functional and non-functional. In these works, authors adopt a formal framework called the Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) to ensure that relevant and high-QoS Web services will be selected. Compared to our approach, these works focus only on objective parameters related to the service quality, which are described in terms of QoS properties, and they neglect subjective and business-related quality parameters. Also, the authors, in (Driss et al. 2010, 2011a), test their proposed approach on pure syntactic WSDL-based services and omit semantically described services, which are more convenient for ensuring effective discovery and selection of composable Web services.

In (Aznag et al. 2013), the authors propose a Web services discovery and recommendation system to help customers find services that match their various requirements, both functional and non-functional. Here, the most important new concept is the application of Rules-Based Text Tagging (RBTT) to generate a new Web services representation, which omits insignificant information. This work also proposes another Web service representation, called Symbolic Reputation (SR), which describes the service in its context (i.e., relationships with neighbors). The obtained representations are used to study and discuss their impact of use on Web service discovery and recommendation. The proposed approach is experimented with using single WSDL-based Web services to perform simple operations such as predicting weather conditions, sending/receiving SMS, and providing address information. However, the experimentation conducted in this paper does not show composition scenarios. Besides, only QoS and reputation properties are considered by the proposed discovery and selection algorithm.

In (De Castro et al. 2014), the π-SODM platform is presented as an extension of the Service-Oriented Development Method (SODM) proposed in (De Castro et al. 2009). This platform supports Web services composition according to both functional and non-functional requirements. The π-SODM includes non-functional specifications through four metamodels: π-UseCase, π-ServiceProcess, π-ServiceComposition, and π -PEWS (De Castro et al. 2014). Here, non-functional requirements are described as being constraints that dictate processing and data, particularly as specified by pre-determined rules and conditions that must be verified during task execution. Two sets of rules are proposed in this work: the first one is formed by "model-to-model" rules of transformation, which are used to alter "platform-independent" models into new "platform-specific" models, and the second one is used to transform the resulting "platform-specific" models into workable implementations. The main limitation of this work is that only QoS parameters are considered in the composition lifecycle and specifically constraints related to security and privacy.

In Suchithra and Ramakrishnan (2015), Suchithra and Ramakrishnan propose a new method allowing the ranking of Web services by computing a relevancy function. According to this function, the selected Web services are ranked and ordered. The proposed method allows for finding the best available Web services for a given user request. Six parameters are considered to rank services, which are throughput, response time, accessibility, availability, interoperability, and cost. Experiments are conducted using a single Web service to validate the e-mail address. Furthermore, these experiments are carried out on pure syntactic WSDL-based services. The coordination and execution phases of the composed services are not presented in this paper.

Rodriguez-Mier et al. (2015) proposed a semantic Web service discovery integrated with a composition framework. The resulting combined framework relies on an analysis of graph-based service compositions in order to discover the optimal services that semantically match in terms of input/output parameters. The proposed framework also integrates a search algorithm that focuses on optimal compositions, which allows for the extraction of a graph's best composition, thus minimizing both the length and number of Web services that are composed. Experimental results provided in this paper demonstrate the strong capabilities and performance of the proposed framework. Nevertheless, there are still limitations, which include: (1) the selection phase is merged with its discovery counterpart and is performed upon fine-grained input/output queries, (2) the formulation of non-functional requirements is missing, all required information needed to conduct the discovery phase are sets of input and output parameters, and finally (3) a validation in term of user’s satisfaction is not provided.

Work (Bekkouche et al. 2017) proposed an integrated framework for automated semantic Web services composition, this time with greater QoS awareness. Bekkouche et al., use a "Harmony Search" (HS) algorithm to select the optimum solution for a Web services composition. In this work, the selected solutions are optimized in line with a set of non-functional parameters, which include cost, availability, reliability, reputation, and response time. In this paper, service discovery is performed by computing a semantic matching score between the input and output parameters of services that are involved in the composition solution. This semantic matching improves the discovery and selection of relevant services, but it remains insufficient since it is performed on WSDL specifications, which are purely technical declarations.

In Khanouche et al. (2019), the authors propose a QoS-aware services composition algorithm based on clustering, which is able to reduce the composition time while ensuring composition optimality. The algorithm starts by grouping the candidate services into different clusters using the k-means method. Every cluster defines a QoS level as either high QoS, middle QoS, or low QoS. Five QoS attributes have been utilized including; response time, throughput, availability, reliability, and cost. Using a new formulation of the utility function, the unpromising candidate services are eliminated. The next step is to filter the candidate services and remove the ones with low QoS by exploiting the lexicographic optimization method. Finally, using the services that satisfy the QoS requirements, a search tree is created to select the optimal composition. Comparing to other approaches, the proposed algorithm obtains better results, by finding an optimal solution in less time. Although the fast execution time of this algorithm, it does not address the development of new value-added service-based applications.

In Sangaiah et al. (2019), Sangaiah et al. develop a novel approach for Web services composition based on the Biogeography-based optimization algorithm (BBO) taking into account the user's QoS constraints. The proposed algorithm uses evolutionary optimization to choose the best Web services in order to obtain a composition with good efficiency and high accuracy. The BBO algorithm is employed to optimize the services discovery phase by a repetitive improvement of the candidate composition and with respect to the QoS features and fitness function. Two different categories of QoS features are introduced: (1) the positive features including availability and reliability, and (2) the negative features including cost and response time. Experiment results demonstrate the efficiency of the presented algorithm. Compared to other methods, the selected composition of services achieves the best QoS values. However, the limitations of this study include the absence of subjective non-functional requirements and the absence of validation in terms of user satisfaction.

In Khanouche et al. (2020), the authors present a Flexible QoS-aware Services Composition (FQSC) algorithm that helps to increase the services composition feasibility, reduce the composition time, and ensure the composition optimality. FQSC algorithm consists of three main phases. It starts by decomposing the global constraints of QoS, then discovering the candidate services according to the user’s QoS requirements, and finally selecting the near-to-optimal services composition. Using a real dataset, the performance of the proposed algorithm has been tested in different scenarios of service composition. The obtained results demonstrate how the algorithm reduces the time of getting an optimal service composition. However, only three QoS attributes for each service are considered in the composition scenarios.

Driss et al. (2020) propose an approach based on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and Relational Concept Analysis (RCA) to compose semantic Web services. Services-based applications are built by selecting Web services, which provide optimal quality properties. These properties are related to QoS, QoE, and QoBiz. The proposed selection approach is semi-automated since the construction of contexts serving the FCA and RCA techniques is performed manually. This fact doesn’t allow to measure the effectiveness of the proposed selection approach in terms of the response time of execution. Also, in this work, no alternative composition solutions are provided in case there is no matching between the user’s requirements and the existing discovered services.

In Rodríguez et al. (2020), the authors present an approach allowing to estimate the values of the missing QoS attributes of candidate services to ensure an optimal composition as a result. To this end, the multivariate linear regression technique is explored. The evaluation of the proposed approach is carried out by considering 9 QoS attributes (e.g., response time, compliance, best practices, documentation, latency, etc.) on a dataset consisting of more than 2500 services. The missing values of the considered QoS attributes are calculated using the Soft-Audit tool, which performs statistical analysis on the service interface to estimate its quality and complexity. This work focus only on QoS attributes to ensure the composition of the optimal services. Moreover, the experiments that are presented in Rodríguez et al. (2020) are carried out on purely WSDL-based services, while semantic services are omitted.

Hu et al. (2020) present a trustworthy Web service composition and optimization framework called TWSCO. This framework is proposed to ensure the trust of the composite services and the efficiency of the composition process. In this work, the trust-based optimization problem is influenced by 3 different factors, which are: the trust of the component services, the trust of the interacting behaviors, and the optimal binding schema obtained by composing the optimal candidate services. Different QoS attributes are taken into consideration to evaluate the trust of composite services such as duration, reliability, and availability. Several limitations can be distinguished in this work: (1) conducted experiments are focusing on purely syntactic WSDL-based services that are discovered by using a public search engine, (2) the proposed framework is tested only on sequential or simple composition topologies, and finally (3) the sets of candidate services are relatively small.

Table 1 depicts a comparison of the literature discussed above. This comparison is conducted based on seven central criteria, which include: (1) the consideration of objective non-functional requirements, (2) the consideration of subjective non-functional requirements, (3) the consideration of business-related non-functional requirements, 4) the techniques used to verify user satisfaction, (5) the identification of alternative composition paths fulfilling the user’s functional requirements, (6) the development, if any, of new value-added service-based applications, and finally, (7) the platform used to ensure the development of Web services compositions.

Table 1 Comparison of the relevant literature

Following the analysis laid out in Table 1, our work aims to satisfy all of the criteria mentioned here through the proposal of the Req-WSComposer platform. This platform allows developing new, optimal, and value-added service-based applications. Req-WSComposer offers the following advantages:

  1. 1.

    the modeling of functional and non-functional user’s requirements by using ontological descriptions;

  2. 2.

    the discovery of the semantic services that satisfy user’s functional requirements by applying a four filters-based matching algorithm;

  3. 3.

    the selection of optimal candidate services by considering various types of non-functional requirements specified by objective, subjective, and business-related parameters;

  4. 4.

    the suggestion of alternative composition paths by computing the related fitness and penalty scores;

  5. 5.

    the verification of the user’s satisfaction by computing the accuracy, the precision, and the response time of the discovery algorithm and by providing the optimal matching degrees of the selected composite services.

3 Proposed approach

In this section, we present our approach allowing to developing services-based applications by considering the user's requirements, both functional and non-functional. This approach, which is implemented using the Req-WSComposer platform, consists of four phases: (1) requirements specification phase, (2) discovery phase, (3) selection phase, and (4) coordination and execution phase. Figure 1 provides an overview of our approach complete with its different phases.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Proposed approach

3.1 Requirements specification phase

The first phase in our approach is the requirements specification phase. During this phase, the user identifies a set of functional and non-functional requirements that the final product must fulfill. As briefly described above, the desired non-functional requirements are categorized into three categories of parameters: objective, subjective, and business-related, which in turn influence the Quality of Service (QoS), the Quality of Experience (QoE), and the Quality of Business (QoBiz) respectively. Considering non-functional requirements in the composition lifecycle will produce effective and value-added services-based applications.

QoS (Metzger et al. 2010) is defined as a set of parameters describing the behavior of Web services in terms of performance parameters. Among these parameters, we can cite response time, availability, scalability, and robustness. QoS parameters can be grouped into two categories: measurable and non-measurable. In this paper, we consider three measurable QoS parameters: availability, throughput, and response time.

  • Availability: describes a Web service capacity in terms of execution and use (D’Mello and Ananthanarayana 2009).

  • Response time: describes the total time required to dispatch a service request and obtain the service's response (D’Mello and Ananthanarayana 2009).

  • Throughput: describes the maximum number of services that the client can use in a specified time with a successful response (D’Mello and Ananthanarayana 2009).

QoE (Bocchi et al 2016) is a measure of the end-to-end performance of a whole system as both resulting and taken from the user's point of view. Therefore, QoE is an indicator of how the system satisfies user needs.

To enhance the composition lifecycle in our approach, we consider the following QoE parameters:

  • Friendliness: defines whether and how the service is clear and easy to use (D’Mello and Ananthanarayana 2009).

  • Success rate: describes the percentage of attempts with which a web service completes the requested operation successfully within the specified processing time (D’Mello and Ananthanarayana 2009).

  • Reputation: describes whether the service can be trusted to fulfill promised functions; this indicator is obtained from the aggregate of rankings provided by users who have requested such functions from the service (D’Mello and Ananthanarayana 2009).

Finally, QoBiz (Aljazzaf 2015) parameters describe the financial aspects of service provisioning, such as the price of service, the costs of service provisioning, the service provisioning revenue, and the revenue per transaction. In our work, the cost per transaction is deemed a central QoBiz parameter because it represents the financial requirement(s) of executing each required operation.

To specify functional and non-functional requirements, we use OWL-S, an Ontology Web Language (OWL)-based service ontology intended to define the characteristics and functionalities of Web services. OWL-S is meant to provide a clear description of Web services that allows them to be machine-interpretable. Three main components are used to describe Web services using OWL-S, which are: (1) service grounding, (2) service model, and (3) service profile (Martin et al. 2004). The service grounding is responsible for the protocols, coordinating service usages by mapping with Web services standards like WSDL and SOAP. The service model explains the function, processes, and execution of a Web service. The service profile delineates the service function (i.e., what actions the service can perform and what actions can help in the discovery phase).

The discovery of Web services is mainly performed by considering information in the service profile component. The latter is composed of human-readable parameters, functionality description, and profile attributes. However, non-functional requirements are not considered in this component. Therefore, in our work, we propose extending the OWL-S service profile to include QoS, QoE, and QoBiz parameters. We add a “Non-functional Requirements Description” element that includes the QoS, QoE, and QoBiz parameters and their values. Figure 2 shows an extended OWL-S profile component.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Extended OWL-S profile integrating non-functional requirements description

To ensure the discovery of Web services that satisfy the specified requirements, we propose to convert the textual description of initial requirements into a semantic description to be compared with the service profile in the OWL-S file. The requirements specification includes two parts: a functional requirements description and a non-functional requirements description. The first part describes the needed service operation, its input, and its output. The second part includes the required value and priorities of QoS, QoE, and QoBiz parameters. The taxonomy of the requirement’s semantic description is depicted in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Requirements’ semantic description taxonomy

3.2 Discovery phase

The services discovery phase aims to search for the appropriate Web services that match with functional requirements specified by the developer. During this phase, we suggest a new semantic matching algorithm to allow for quick and efficient identification of Web services having high-matching profiles with the developer's functional requirements, as specified in the operation name, input parameters, and output parameters.

Figure 4 illustrates the matching between the requirement’s semantic description and the OWL-S specifications of candidate services. This matching is carried out as follows:

  • The operation name instance in the requirement’s description is compared with the service name in the service profile.

  • The input instance from the requirement description is compared with hasInput in the service profile.

  • The output instance from the requirement description is compared with hasOutput in the service profile.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Functional requirements matching

To perform this phase, we propose a semantic discovery algorithm, which includes four filters. The first filter extracts the Web services from the registry according to the OWL-S file names. The similarity of each word in the requested Web service name and the available OWL-S files in the registry is computed. If the resulted value is more than an empirical threshold, then this OWL-S file will be added to the first list of matched services, which will be passed later to the second filter. The second filter checks the concept names in the domain ontologies described by OWL files. The similarity between a concept name and the service name entered by the user is calculated. If it is greater than the threshold, the Web service will be added to the second filter list, otherwise, the Web service will be omitted. The third filter checks Web services names specified in the profile specification. If it matches the requested service name, it will be added to the third list of matched services. If not, it will be deleted from the list. Finally, the fourth filter compares between desired input and output parameters and existing ones described in OWL-S specifications. In our work, we consider five degrees of matching as commonly explored in the relevant literature (Paolucci et al. 2002). These degrees are listed below:

  • Exact: the service input and output perfectly matched the request, accounting for the logic-based equivalence of their formal semantics.

  • Subsume: the input matched with the request, but the output is more specific than the requested one.

  • Plug-in: the service output matched with the user request. However, the service requires more inputs than what is specified by the user and one of the service inputs matches the requested input.

  • Sibling: the service requires more inputs than what is specified by the user and one of the service inputs matches with the requested input. The output is more specific than the requested one.

  • Fail: there is no relatedness between the service output/ input and the requested ones.

All services in the third filter list will be checked. If the matching degree is either Exact, Subsume, Plug-in, or Sibling, the service will be passed. But, if the matching degree is Fail, the service will be eliminated.

The implementation of our semantic discovery method is depicted by algorithm 1.

The discovered services will be ranked based on their non-functional parameters in the next phase. In case there are no services that match the developer's request after applying the discovery phase, the developer has to relax/change his requirements as it is indicated in Fig. 1.

figure a

3.3 Selection phase

The purpose of the services’ selection phase is to select the optimal Web services from a set of candidate services returned by the discovery phase. The selection is performed by considering the developer’s non-functional requirements, which include QoS (comprised of availability, response time, and throughput), QoE (comprised of friendliness, success rate, and reputation), and QoBiz (comprised of cost per transaction) parameters. For each parameter, the developer specifies a required value and sets a priority. The selection is performed by comparing the required value in the requirements’ semantic description with the assigned value in the non-functional requirements’ specification of each candidate service. This comparison allows to rank candidate services according to the developer's non-functional requirements requested values and priorities. Figure 5 presents the non-functional requirements matching applied during the selection phase.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Non-functional requirements matching

To perform this matching, we first scale the values of each quality parameter specified in the non-functional requirements specification. As is suggested in (Zeng et al. 2004), negative parameters (e.g., response time and cost per transaction) are scaled according to Eq. (1), and positive parameters (e.g., availability, throughput, friendliness, success rate, and reputation) are scaled according to Eq. (2).

$${\begin{array}{c}\\ \\ \\ V\end{array}}_{i,j=\left\{\begin{array}{c}\frac{{Q}_{j}^{\rm max}-{Q}_{i,j}}{{Q}_{j}^{\rm max}-{Q}_{j}^{\rm min}} \quad if \quad {Q}_{j}^{\rm max}-{Q}_{j}^{\rm min }\ne 0 \\ 1 \quad if \quad {Q}_{j}^{\rm max}-{Q}_{j}^{\rm min} =0\end{array} \right.}$$
$${\begin{array}{c}\\ \\ \\ V\end{array}}_{i,j= \left\{\begin{array}{c}\frac{{Q}_{i,j}- {Q}_{j}^{\rm min}}{{Q}_{j}^{\rm max}-{Q}_{j}^{\rm min}} \quad if \quad {Q}_{j}^{\rm max}-{Q}_{j}^{\rm min }\ne 0 \\ 1 \quad if \quad {Q}_{j}^{\rm max}-{Q}_{j}^{\rm min} =0\end{array} \right.}$$

In the above equations, \({Q}_{\mathrm{j}}^{\mathrm{max}}\) is the maximum value of a quality parameter, while \({{Q}}_{\mathrm{j}}^{\mathrm{min}}\) is the minimum value.

After that, we calculate a fitness function, which allows quantifying the overall quality of each proposed composition solution according to Eq. (3) (Bekkouche et al. 2017).

$${F}\left(\mathrm{sol}\right)= \sum_{\mathrm{k}=1}^{\mathrm{n}}{\mathrm{P}}_{\mathrm{Qk}}*{{Q}}_{\mathrm{k }}$$

where, \({P}_{\mathrm{Qk}}\) is the priority for each quality parameter k specified by the developer, and \({{Q}}_{\mathrm{k}}\) are the scaled non-functional requirements values of each parameter.

Composition solutions that do not meet exactly the developer quality constraints and can substitute the optimal composition are penalized using a static function \({F{^{\prime}}}\), as adopted from (Lécué 2009). Equation (4) presents \({F}^{{{\prime}}}.\)

$$F^{\prime}\left( {{\text{sol}}} \right) = F\left( {{\text{sol}}} \right) - \left( {\sum\limits_{{{\text{k}} = 1}}^{{\text{n}}} {\left( {\frac{{\Delta Q}}{{{\text{g}}_{{\text{k}}}^{{{\text{max}}}} - {\text{g}}_{{\text{k}}}^{{{\text{min}}}} }}} \right)} } \right)^{2}$$

where \({g}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{max}}\) and \({g}_{\mathrm{k}}^{\mathrm{min}}\) are the maximum and minimum values of quality constraints, respectively, n represents the number or quantity of non-functional requirements constraints, while \(\Delta Q\) (Yu and Bouguettaya 2009) is defined by the formula (5).

$$\Delta Q=\left\{\begin{array}{c}{Q}_{k}-{g}_{k}^{max }\quad if \quad {Q}_{k}> {g}_{k}^{max }\\ 0 \quad if \quad {g}_{k}^{\rm min } \le {Q}_{k} \le {g}_{k}^{max }\\ {g}_{k}^{\rm min }-{Q}_{k} if {Q}_{k}<{g}_{k}^{\rm min }\\ \end{array}\right.$$

At the end of this phase, the composition that has the best fitness with the lowest penalty value is returned to the developer as an optimal solution. In case there are no services that match the developer's request after applying the selection phase, the developer should relax and/or change requirements, as indicated in Fig. 1.

3.4 Composition phase

In this final phase, the services selected to form an optimal composition solution are coordinated and orchestrated/choreographed utilizing an engine that is able to host, execute, and run composite services such as ours using the standardized Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WSBPEL/BPEL) (Alves et al. 2007).

4 Experimentation and Results

The experimentation of the proposed approach is conducted using the OWLS-TC dataset,Footnote 1 which includes descriptions of 10,000 + Web services specified with the OWL-S language. This dataset is intended to support evaluations of OWL-S semantic Web service matchmaking algorithms and consists of nine different domains of Web services: education, simulation, medical/healthcare, food/food and beverage services, travel and tourism, communications, finance and economy, weaponry, and finally geography. In this dataset, the collected Web services are described using both OWL-S 1.0 and OWL-S 1.1. For the purpose of our experiment, we selected services that had been described using the most recent OWL-S version, which is OWL-S 1.1.

In order to consider the non-functional properties of these services adequately, we have also enriched the OWL-S files using seven parameters, which include availability (capacity for use), response time (time required for use cycle), throughput (maximum technical usability), friendliness (user-centric clarity), success rate (percentage of completion), reputation (ability to fulfill promised functions), and cost (financial requirement per transaction). As other researchers have suggested (Yu and Bouguettaya 2009; Driss et al. 2020), values suggesting cost are best set between $0 and $30, while values regarding response time are best set between 0 and 300 ms, and all additional parameter values are best set in the range of 70% and 100%. In addition, we also applied a manual pre-treatment on each file name, using the underscore symbol to separate each individual word in the names of each Web service.

4.1 Experimental scenario

In this study, the proposed approach is applied to a trip-planning scenario, which we describe using a UML activity diagram in Fig. 6. The scenario can be performed by a customer planning to organize a trip. In this scenario, the customer might begin by searching for a city that offers the space and resources for a favorite activity (e.g., swimming). Once a city is selected, the customer might then check the weather during the desired travel dates to see whether it would be suitable for swimming or not. Finally, the customer might check hotel availability in the selected city. Considering that these three functions are implemented by different providers' Web services, our goal is to search for the best composition of services and solutions that will satisfy the customer's requirements.

Fig. 6
figure 6

UML activity diagram describing the trip-planning scenario

In the following subsections, we detail how to perform our approach phases on the trip-planning scenario, and we present Req-WSComposer interfaces related to each phase.

4.2 Experimental results

During the first phase, the developer specifies his functional and non-functional requirements. In a first step and for the first requirement in the trip-planning scenario, for example, the developer needs to enter the service name, input, and output, as shown in Fig. 7. In a second step, he specifies the required values and priorities of the QoS, QoE, and QoBiz parameters, as illustrated in Fig. 8.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Req-WSComposer interface illustrating the specification of the "Activity to city" functional requirement

Fig. 8
figure 8

Req-WSComposer interface illustrating the specification of QoS, QoE, and QoBiz related to the "Activity to city" requirement

The specified functional and non-functional requirements are converted into an ontological description, which is implemented using Protégé,Footnote 2 as specified in Fig. 9. This description includes two main classes: functional requirements and non-functional requirements. The functional requirements class represents the required Web service operations, which are expressed through a set of keywords, including service name, input, and output data. Whereas, the non-functional requirements class consists of QoS, QoE, and QoBiz classes, where the developer’s quality preferences and priorities will be saved. The main purpose of this requirement specification is to discover and select the most appropriate Web services that are semantically relevant to the developer’s query. The elaborated ontological description is then updated by inserting desired preferences and priorities using the JDOM API of Eclipse. Figure 10 illustrates the ontological description of the first requirement in our trip-planning scenario, which is the "Activity to city" requirement.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Requirements ontology specified with Protégé

Fig. 10
figure 10

Ontological description of the "Activity to city" requirement

During the discovery phase, our semantic matching algorithm is based on the WordNet Similarity for Java (WS4J) libraryFootnote 3, which offers a pure Java API that supports numerous algorithms measuring semantic relatedness or similarity. We use the WuPalmer algorithm (Wu and Palmer 1994) that computes the similarity between two terms by considering their depths in the WordNet taxonomies and returns a score between 0 and 1. In this study, the threshold of empirical similarity is set to 0.8 (Driss et al. 2011b, 2020). Figure 11 presents the Req-WSComposer interface showing the services list obtained after performing the four filters of our semantic discovery algorithm applied for the "Activity to city" requirement.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Req-WSComposer interface illustrating the discovery phase result for the "Activity to city" requirement

In order to validate our results, we begin by checking each returned service manually, assessing whether it can satisfy the developer’s functional requirements: (1) at all and (2) in the most accurate and efficient manner possible. Precision and recall measures (Frakes 1992) are used to transpose this work with information retrieval, assessing how many true and relevant services have been returned by the discovery phase. Precision is used to assess the number of true and relevant services identified among those returned, while recall is used to assess the overall number of returned services. This can be formulated according to the following equations:

$${\text{Precision}} = \frac{{\left| {\left\{ {\text{True relevant services}} \right\} \cap \left\{ {\text{Returned services}} \right\}} \right|}}{{\left| {\left\{ {\text{Returned services}} \right\}} \right|}}$$
$${\text{Recall}} = \frac{{\left| {\left\{ {\text{True relevant services}} \right\} \cap \left\{ {\text{Returned services}} \right\}} \right|}}{{\left| {\left\{ {\text{True relevant services}} \right\}} \right|}}$$

Table 2 summarizes the results obtained in the discovery phase for the trip-planning scenario. It also validates these results according to precision, recall, and response time as delivered by the Req-WSComposer platform.

Table 2 Discovery phase results obtained for the trip-planning scenario

As it is shown in Table 2, Req-WSComposer delivers good results in terms of precision (94.44%), recall (98.33%), and response time (5625 ms). Within the same scenario, a previous approach (Driss et al. 2010) had provided 88.89% precision and just 84.62% recall.

After performing the discovery phase, three lists of candidate Web services satisfying the three developer’s requirements, respectively, are generated and all possible composition solutions, which are assembled using services from these lists, are identified as it is shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Req-WSComposer interface illustrating the possible composition solutions for the trip-planning scenario after performing the discovery phase

These obtained lists are then passed to the selection phase to identify the best composition solution of Web services by considering the values and the priorities of non-functional requirements specified by the developer. For each discovered Web service, a quality vector is computed. After that, an overall quality score is calculated for each composition solution and the best solution with the highest score is then identified.

The previous steps are also performed for the remaining developer’s requirements, which are: "Get weather" and "Hotel availability". For the trip-planning scenario, the obtained services forming the best composition solution are shown in Fig. 13.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Optimal composition solution for the trip-planning scenario

Tables 3 and 4 show the obtained matchings between the developer’s functional and non-functional requirements and the resulting selected composition solution, respectively.

Table 3 Obtained matching between the developer’s functional requirements and selected services
Table 4 Obtained matching between developer’s non-functional requirements and selected services

Table 5 shows the fitness and penalty values of the best composition solution. Obtained fitness and penalty values are 0.8 and 0.001, respectively. The response time to get the optimum Web services from the selection phase is about 5 s. Within the same trip-planning scenario, our previous approach (Driss et al. 2011a) provides a different composition solution with a fitness value of 0.544, a penalty of 0.07, and a response time of 7665 ms. These results can be justified by the fact that the discovery method in (Driss et al. 2011a) is performed on pure syntactic WSDL-based services. Besides, the proposed formal selection algorithm in (Driss et al. 2011a) considers only two QoS parameters, which are the response time and availability.

Table 5 Fitness, penalty, and response time values related to the best composition solution satisfying the trip-planning scenario

During the last phase, the services that form an optimal composition solution are organized and orchestrated using the BPEL 2.0 API of Eclipse, as is shown in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14
figure 14

BPEL process for the trip-planning scenario

5 Conclusion

In this work, we have introduced and explored a new approach that ensures the discovery, selection, and orchestration/choreography of appropriate Web services matching both functional and different types of non-functional requirements, which are specified by the developer. This approach is implemented using the Req-WSComposer platform to support software developers to build new and value-added service-based applications in a more efficient manner. The proposed approach is tested using an extended and enriched version of the OWLS-TC dataset. The results of our experimentation demonstrate a successful extraction and optimal composition that satisfy developer requirements with high degrees of accuracy and efficiency. For the future, we are looking to improve our Req-WSComposer platform by proposing adaptation strategies to enhance the quality of the composition solutions with a high penalty value. Furthermore, the current work can be extended using larger, more complex cloud-based datasets of microservices in Internet-of-Things enviroments (Ben Atitallah et al. 2020; Hajjaji et al. 2021).