1 Introduction

Demand-responsive transport (DRT) services, also known as Dial-a-Ride, provide a mobility solution based on door-to-door transport on request. They can be operated by companies or statutory authorities, then acting sometimes as part of the public transport. Initially intended as a service with restricted usage (such as for disabled or elderly, sometimes also called paratransit), it attracted more general attention in recent years due to emerging mobility solutions and the shortcomings of public transport systems (Nelson et al. 2010; Navidi et al. 2016). The DRT trend has been further boosted by rapid developments in information and communication technologies in the last decade, enabling automatic processing of requests and vehicle assignment.

In contrast to taxicabs, which usually accommodate only one customer (or a customer group) at a time, DRT systems generally focus on larger vehicles, so that multiple passengers can share the ride. In order to distinguish from single customer DRT operators, such as UberFootnote 1 or LyftFootnote 2, the shared mode is often explicitly called a shared demand-responsive transport (SDRT) system. The difference is that idle resources are utilized by combining several requests with similar itineraries and time schedules. As a result, a trip is often partly or completely shared with other travellers. Although this induces possible detours to accommodate multiple passengers, the service costs can be reduced and the vehicle capacity utilization can be improved. Growing traffic problems such as congestion or pollution in urban areas encourage a shift towards shared mobility as a more sustainable practice. In the last decade, many service providers have launched new SDRT services, including popular companies such as UberPOOLFootnote 3 and Lyft LineFootnote 4, and smaller local start-up companies, such as BridjFootnote 5 (Boston, Kansas), ViaFootnote 6 (New York, Chicago, Washington DC), CleverShuttleFootnote 7 (Berlin, Leipzig, München), and BerlkönigFootnote 8 (Berlin).

Shared DRT services are also different from shared taxi transportation systems, a mixture between taxicab and bus. Shared taxis mostly operate demand-based without a timetable, but on a fixed or at least partially fixed route. These systems are operating in many countries around the world with different naming, such as Colectivo, Marschrutka, Dolmuş or Dala dala, to name a few. The main difference compared to shared demand-responsive transportation systems covered in this paper is that there is no centralized or de-centralized optimization of the routes and the customer assignment to vehicles.

Most commercial DRT services offer door-to-door transport, where passengers are picked up and dropped off at their home, or their current location. However, this can lead to considerable detours, since the driver has to stop at many different places and may have to travel into small residential roads. In addition, one-way streets may further extend the trip. A meeting point in the vicinity of a customer’s location could reduce the detours required. Furthermore, if the passengers walk a certain distance, they could meet at a place where safe and convenient boarding can be established. In the literature, it was found that people are mostly willing to walk up to 800 m to reach a boarding place (Hess 2012; Millward et al. 2013).

Recently, some well-known SDRT service providers switched to a meeting point-based mode. UberPool and Lyft Line, two big SDRT services, offer so-called “suggested pickup points” which use the fact that a short walk to meeting points allowing them to have an easier way to optimize routes, offer a service for lower fee and save passengers both time and money (Griswold 2017). Also, other service operators, such as Bridj or Via, offer pickup and drop-off at meeting points. If possible, multiple passengers are grouped together and picked up and dropped off at the same location, reducing the number of stops and the necessary service time.

There are several reasons why meeting points can be advantageous for demand-responsive transport services:

  • Safety and convenience Meeting point locations can be chosen so that safe boarding is possible, without other traffic around and with sufficient parking space, so that luggage can be placed in the vehicle trunk.

  • Identification By using well-defined meeting points, the driver and the passenger(s) know exactly where to go, and where to find each other. Meeting locations at the doorstep can be ambiguous at times, for example if there are several entrances to a building.

  • Service time The total service time (including boarding and de-boarding procedure) can be reduced when more than one passenger meet simultaneously, due to a reduction of the total amount of necessary stops.

  • Privacy The actual origin and destination of customers are not necessarily disclosed, or can be obfuscated (Aïvodji et al. 2016; Goel et al. 2016).

  • Health The incorporation of walking into the daily transport route can be seen as a contribution to a healthier and more sustainable urban transport. A more sustainable urban planning that includes or encourages walking into a daily transport plan can assist in creating healthier cities (Giles-Corti et al. 2016).

  • Designation Feasible meeting point locations can optionally be designated by the service operator to make it an official boarding place with reserved boarding areas. In particular, in view of the emergence of autonomous vehicles, it can be beneficial to have locations at hand where a boarding is known to be achievable.

However, the use of meeting points has not gained much attention in research compared to door-to-door DRT systems. Although there are some studies that investigate the impact of meeting points, the actual determination of eligible meeting points in a real city environment has not been done. Often, the Euclidean plane is used for simulation, or all vertices of the street network are considered as potential meeting point location. In reality, however, suitable locations for a safe and convenient pick-up and drop-off are not ubiquitous, since it may not be possible to stop at a junction or in the middle of a street. Moreover, feasible meeting point locations, such as public parking areas, are usually unequally distributed within the city area and dissimilarly reachable by vehicles and pedestrians. Further, the road network may contain obstacles and one-way streets that require large detours to reach some meeting points. Hence, the impacts of these limitations need to be investigated regarding a SDRT scenario.

This paper aims at determining benefits and disadvantages of using real-world meeting points for SDRT-MP systems. A simulation experiment is conducted to demonstrate the impact of different demand levels for supposed SDRT-MP service. The problem is decomposed into multiple sequential problems. Firstly, the incoming requests are clustered based on spatial and temporal similarity of requests. In the second step, real-world meeting points are determined using a GIS approach, which are then used to determine pick-up and drop-off locations for each cluster. During this procedure, it is ensured that each passengers’ acceptable walking distances and travel time windows are satisfied. In addition to this, for specific cases, alternative meeting point locations are further identified to potentially allow for better vehicle routing results. Finally, vehicle routing optimization is applied to determine the routes. A similar procedure is applied when passengers are picked up at their doorstep and the two cases are compared to determine if real-world meeting points can be beneficial for SDRT.

2 Literature review

This section provides a literature review of the state-of-the-art research works related to meeting points for demand-responsive transportation systems. Note that the naming of the meeting points is not consistent in the literature. Frequently used denominations include meeting point, pick-up point, boarding point, stopping point, ride-access point and rendezvous point; and correspondingly: drop-off point, deboarding point and leaving point. For the sake of consistency, the denominations meeting point (MP) and divergence point (DP) will be used in this paper, to emphasize that people share the ride in between.

The majority of previous works on meeting points consider the standard ride-sharing case with each driver having a unique origin and destination and not acting as a service provider. The works considering this case cover several different research areas, such as the optimization of the inner-city ride-sharing (Aissat and Oulamara 2014, 2015; Balardino and Santos 2016; Stiglic et al. 2015; Correa et al. 2017), the optimization of long-distance ride-sharing (Czioska et al. 2017), the optimization of carpooling for a fixed community (Chen et al. 2016), or privacy protection (Aïvodji et al. 2016; Goel et al. 2016). Alternatively, some optimize the placement of meeting points (Goel et al. 2017) or the cartographic representation of meeting points (Rigby et al. 2013; Rigby and Winter 2016; Rigby et al. 2016). Usage of meeting points in demand-responsive context was so far investigated only by Häll et al. (2008) and Martínez et al. (2014), but the usage of real-world meeting points for demand-responsive transportation is, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, currently not investigated.

These works use various methods to determine the meeting point set. A simple approach is to place the meeting points randomly in the investigation area, without considering the underlying street network. This can be done a priori to limit the set of feasible places (Stiglic et al. 2015) or a posteriori, when the group of travellers is already known (Martínez et al. 2014). Another possibility is to use all nodes in the street network graph (Aissat and Oulamara 2014, 2015; Balardino and Santos 2016; Aïvodji et al. 2016). Another example is a study by Goel et al. (2016), where a randomly chosen subset of major street intersections is used as the meeting point set. In the study of Häll et al. (2008), a hybrid method is applied: a regular grid of meeting points is initially created, and those that are not accessible using the road network are removed. However, it is important to consider real-world meeting points derived from map data since this narrows down available meeting points and introduces additional constraints to the problem. Currently, map-based meeting point determination is considered only for ride-sharing by Correa et al. (2017); Czioska et al. (2017) and for carpooling by Chen et al. (2016).

Besides determining the available meeting point set, it is also important to consider the method to select which meeting point to be used. A simple method is to perform some optimization based on Euclidean distance (Stiglic et al. 2015). If the group of customers sharing a ride is already known, another approach is to use the centroids of customer group locations as meeting and divergence points. However, they are hence not necessarily aligned with the street network or restricted to a predefined subset of candidates (Martínez et al. 2014). Furthermore, the selection process also needs to consider the walking distance imposed onto the travellers. Unlike in the study by Correa et al. (2017) (where customers drive to the meeting points) and by Aissat and Oulamara (2014), most other approaches limit the walking distance, either during the ride sharing matching phase Stiglic et al. (2015) or the passenger clustering phase for SDRT (Martínez et al. 2014). However, the walking distance constraint may not be explicitly predetermined since the approaches by Stiglic et al. (2015); Martínez et al. (2014) do not consider the underlying street network, as previously mentioned.

While most approaches focus on selecting a single meeting point for each stop, a methodology has been proposed that uses lines or areas as potential meeting zones (Rigby et al. 2013, 2016), leaving the exact meeting point choice to the travellers. In a study by Rigby et al. (2013), an opportunistic client user interface technique called launch pads was developed, showing passengers the area in which they could potentially be picked up by a driver within a certain time interval. Later, the launch pads have been extended to a continuous representation of vehicle accessibility (Rigby et al. 2016). However, it is noteworthy that the study by Häll et al. (2008) has discovered that allowing the customers to choose the meeting point may lead to an inefficient use of meeting points. For instance, due to the very dense network of meeting points in the study by Häll et al. (2008), each customer is able to select the closest meeting point such that the walking distance from the customer’s doorsteps is never large, which yields a similar result to its door-to-door counterpart.

Contrary to the study by Häll et al. (2008), other works have shown more positive results in using meeting points. In a ride sharing scenario, where a driver is only allowed one pick-up and drop-off (yet may accommodate more than one passenger), a computational experiment (Stiglic et al. 2015) has demonstrated that the use of meeting points may improve the number of matched participants (up to 6.8%) as well as mileage savings (up to 2.2%), depending on the number of available meeting points. In an urban SDRT service that utilises meeting points (Martínez et al. 2014), such service may replace 53% of private car trips longer than 5 km performed during the morning peak (each minibus replaces, on average, 9.15 private cars) while still maintaining some financial profitability. Note that no comparison with door-to-door service is made in this study by Martínez et al. (2014). However, obviously the average trip time of customers using the service (both ride sharing and SDRT setting) experience increased total trip time due to detour and walking. It is also reported in a study by Mageean and Nelson (2003), that the level of meeting points dispersion affects operational complexity and user satisfaction. Hence using artificial meeting points, as it was done in previous works, to evaluate SDRT-MP service does not guarantee that benefits and drawbacks will be evaluated appropriately.

A particular interest is given to the study by Martínez et al. (2014) that uses a hierarchical clustering approach to group the passenger requests. The clustering of passengers takes into account normalized values of the distance between trip origins and destinations, and the difference in arrival time. It is furthermore constrained to a maximum distance radius and diameter, a maximum time, and a maximum cluster size. These clusters are then subsequently combined to vehicle routes by Binary Integer Programming.

In light of this review, this paper presents an investigation of the use of real-world meeting points based on map data for SDRT service. The contributions of this paper are threefold. Firstly, this work sought to confirm the benefits of using meeting points when constrained to only practical stopping locations on the road network, such as parking lots or service stations. This strategy is opposed to more basic approaches, e.g. using the spatial centroid of requests, as applied in the work by Martínez et al. (2014). Secondly, the proposed methodology of this paper explicitly constrains the walking distance of the travellers since it uses a clustering step that considers the distance based on the actual street network, unlike those methods used by Stiglic et al. (2015) and Martínez et al. (2014). The explicit constraint allows to limit the walking distance to a previously-proven acceptable amount (Hess 2012; Millward et al. 2013). Finally, this paper serves as a case study of the implementation of SDRT-MP to the city of Braunschweig, Germany. This demonstrates the potential of the SDRT-MP in a real-life scenario that extends beyond hypothetical networks and demands.

3 Methods

In this section, the methods to assign passengers to meeting points and to create vehicle routes based on these points are described. The workflow consists of three discrete steps:

  1. 1.


  2. 2.

    MP candidates selection

  3. 3.

    Route optimization

Figures 1 and 2 visualize the processing chain. In a nutshell, the demand (Fig. 1a) is initially clustered into groups with similar origins/destinations and time schedules (Fig. 1b). Secondly, each group is separately split into trips, with each trip having a common meeting and divergence point and potential alternative meeting points (Fig. 1c). Finally, the vehicle routing problem is solved to construct the routes (Fig. 1d).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Illustration of the outputs of the clustering, MP selection and route optimization steps within the workflow

The workflow is achieved by executing five algorithms and elementary processes. Figure 2 shows the interconnections and data exchange among the algorithms. The execution starts with the raw demand, which is initially clustered by Algorithm 1, yielding clusters of requests. These clusters are subsequently used as input for the Algorithms 2 and 3. For each cluster, these algorithms determine trips, each having one or multiple meeting and divergence points. These points are reachable from all passengers of the cluster. Consecutively, the trips are again clustered by Algorithm 1, which is done just to enable a parallel processing of the route optimization. Details of the optimization can be accessed in Sect. D.1. The output of the optimization is a set of routes for each trip cluster. The final step is then to combine all the routes from the different clusters into longer routes to lower the number of necessary vehicles. This is done by Algorithm 4, which calls Algorithm 5, yielding the final vehicle routes.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Overview of algorithms used and data exchange in the workflow

In the following, the data prerequisites and the details of each step of the workflow as well as the algorithms are described.

3.1 Data prerequisites

The approach used in this work needs the following input and parameters:

  • Street network A network graph \(G = (V, E)\) consisting of vertices V and directed edges E. Each edge \(e \in E\) has a distance d(e), and a corresponding vehicle driving time \(t^{\text {driv}}(e)\) and/or a corresponding passenger walking time \(t^{\text {walk}}(e)\), depending on the type of an edge e.g. footpaths have no defined vehicle driving times.

  • Meeting point candidates A set of meeting point candidates \(\mu \in M \subset V\) and a set of potential divergence point candidates \(\delta \in D\) are created using the methodology described in Sect. 3.3. In this paper, these two sets are considered as equal, so that \(M = D\).

  • Demand A set of passenger requests P, where each passenger \(\rho \in P\) defines an origin vertex \(v^{+}\), a desired destination vertex \(v^{-}\), and a desired departure time \(t^{+}\).

Depending on the maximum passenger walking distance \(d^\text {walk}_{*}\), each passenger \(\rho \in P\) is able to walk to/from a set of reachable meeting points \(M_{\rho }\) and divergence points \(D_{\rho }\), respectively. Furthermore, the allowed detour time for a passenger \(t^\text {detr}_{*\rho }\) is limited by either a hard time threshold that cannot be exceeded (\(t^\text {detr}_{*}\)) or the travel time multiplied with a ratio value \(r^\text {detr}_{*}\), which prohibits exceeding detours on long trips:

$$\begin{aligned} t^\text {detr}_{*\rho } = \min \Big (t^{\text {driv}}\left( v^{+}_{\rho } \rightarrow v^{-}_{\rho }\right) + t^\text {detr}_{*}, t^{\text {driv}}\left( v^{+}_{\rho } \rightarrow v^{-}_{\rho }\right) \cdot r^\text {detr}_{*}\Big ) \end{aligned}$$

This personalized maximum detour time can then be inserted in the calculation of the latest acceptable arrival time at the destination \(t^{-}_{\rho }\):

$$\begin{aligned} t^{-}_{\rho } = t^{+}_{\rho } + t^\text {wait}_{*} + t^\text {serv}_{*} + t^\text {detr}_{*\rho } \text {.} \end{aligned}$$

where \(t^\text {wait}_{*}\) is the maximum passenger waiting time, and \(t^\text {serv}_{*}\) is the vehicle serving time (boarding/alighting).

These and other parameters used in the experiment are presented in Table 1.

3.2 Clustering

The clustering method in this paper is used to join similar transport requests into clusters that have a fixed size. It utilises an idea from the field of data analysis, where abstract points in space are classified using various distance measures in multidimensional space. The method is greedy and produces clusters that will have the same size with the possible exception of the last cluster.

The proposed approach in this paper applies the spatio-temporal constraint checking during the MP candidates selection step (Sect. 3.4) to use actual distances based on the street network instead of Euclidean distance, which is used during the clustering. Fixed size clusters are necessary to avoid combinatorial explosion during assignment of passengers to MP, since the method uses set partitioning, which is NP-complete.

Similarly to many classification algorithms (Hastie et al. 2009), we consider a vector of features \({\mathbf {x}}=[x_1, x_2, \ldots , x_N]\), which in this case are the features of a transport request: origin vertex coordinates, destination vertex coordinates and desired departure time i.e. \({\mathbf {x}}=[v^+, v^-, t^+]\). The cost function is defined as the Euclidean distance: \(d({\mathbf {x}}, {\mathbf {y}}) = \sqrt{\sum _{i=1}^{n} (x_{i}-y_{i})^{2}}\), where \(x_{i}\) is the \(i\text {th}\) element of a feature vector \({\mathbf {x}}\). Note that units for space and time are in meters and seconds, which have the same magnitude in this work, hence neither weighting nor normalization was performed.

Consider a cluster C that is a set of transport requests. Then, the distance of a new transport request \({\mathbf {x}}\) from cluster C is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} d(C, {\mathbf {x}}):= \sum _{{\mathbf {c}}\in C} d({\mathbf {c}}, {\mathbf {x}}), \, \text {where } C \ne \emptyset . \end{aligned}$$

The maximum number of requests for one cluster is fixed, hence the created groups are equally sized (except, potentially, the last one). Clustering works iteratively, it processes one request after another. To gain better understanding of this, consider a matrix X where the rows are transport requests i.e. \({\mathbf {x}} \in X\). In the beginning of the clustering procedure we set \(C={\mathbf {x}}_0\) i.e. the first request from X and remove \({\mathbf {x}}_0\) from X. In the next step, the cost from the cluster C to all other vectors is calculated using Eq. (3) and the vector that has the smallest cost is added to C. This is repeated until the maximum allowed size of a group is reached in C, after which the whole process is repeated again until all requests are processed. Since the method is greedy and is mainly influenced by the first request, some clusters can end up with the first request being much further away from the rest. This problem is corrected during the assignment of passengers to meeting points which will split such clusters into two or more clusters.

The clustering algorithm is presented in the Appendix B (Algorithm 1). It is a novel clustering algorithm for creating fixed size clusters. The main difference from approaches found in the literature (e.g. Najmi et al. 2017) is that our approach requires only the maximum size of a cluster to be specified, whereas other approaches require determining the number of clusters in advance and have no guarantees on the number of transport requests per cluster. Therefore, our clustering approach is better suited to be used as a preprocessing step for algorithms that have high computational complexity, such as the ones presented in Sect. 3.4, since the complexity can be controlled. The complexity of the clustering algorithm, in time, is \({\mathcal {O}}(n^2)\) which is very competitive to the algorithms based on k-means which are commonly used for the same task. The derivation of the algorithm complexity is presented in Appendix B.1.

3.3 Meeting point candidates generation

Feasible MP candidates \(\mu \in M\) (consequently, also DP candidates) are identified automatically based on real-world map data. For this study, we used data from OpenStreetMapFootnote 9 and identified feasible locations by the tags of the map features. In order to ensure safety and convenience aspects like boarding places with reduced traffic, possibilities to park and easily recognizable places, the candidate locations are limited to the following selection:

  • publicly accessible parking places without parking fees,

  • side road intersections (with all adjacent roads having a maximum speed of \(\le 30\) km/h),

  • turning areas (mostly at the end of a cul-de-sac),

  • petrol stations.

In practice, frequently used meeting places also include the curb or public transport stops. However, this possibility is intentionally disregarded, as it would be irresponsible to encourage people to meet in this manner. Further, it is not advisable according to road traffic regulations in most countries.

If parking areas and petrol station areas are originally mapped as polygon features in OpenStreetMap, they are first converted to point features using the centroid. Each candidate location is connected to the street network G with an edge between the meeting point location and the closest point on the closest edge. If the closest edge is not reachable by vehicles (such as a footpath), a second edge is inserted at the closest drivable edge. Also, if the closest edge is not accessible on foot, another edge is inserted at the closest walkable edge, so that both pedestrians and drivers can reach the meeting points. If a meeting point is not reachable for drivers or passengers (e.g. located on private ground), it is removed from the set.

3.4 Meeting point candidates selection

In this step, feasible meeting and divergence points are assigned to the previously determined clusters. Most likely, not all customers of a cluster will be feasible for a single meeting and divergence point, so the group has to be split up into subgroups which can reach one (or more) common meeting and divergence point(s). Such a subgroup is called a trip\(\tau\). It is defined as a tuple consisting of one or more passengers with one or more meeting and divergence point candidates, each associated with a corresponding time window, indicating the valid boarding and alighting times: \(\tau _i = \left( \{\rho _{i,1}, \rho _{i,2}, \cdots \}, \{\mu _{i,1}, \mu _{i,2}, \cdots \}, \{\delta _{i,1}, \delta _{i,2}, \cdots \} \right)\) such that \(\forall \mu ,\, \exists \, [t^{E}(\mu ), t^{L}(\mu )]\) and \(\forall \delta ,\, \exists \, [t^{E}(\delta ), t^{L}(\delta )]\).

A trip \(\tau\) is considered feasible if the time windows and walking distances are within the thresholds for all customers \(P_{\tau }\) of the trip. The earliest (E) and latest (L) pick-up times for a MP \(\mu\) are determined by:

$$\begin{aligned} t^{E}(\mu )&= \max _{\rho \in P_{\tau }}\Big ( t^{+}_{\rho } + t^{\text {walk}}(v^{+}_{\rho } \rightarrow \mu ) \Big ), \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} t^{L}(\mu )&= \min _{\rho \in P_{\tau }}\Big ( t^{+}_{\rho } + t^{\text {walk}}(v^{+}_{\rho } \rightarrow \mu ) + t^{\text {wait}}_{*} \Big ). \end{aligned}$$

The earliest and the latest drop-off time, \(t^E\) and \(t^L\), for a DP \(\delta\) are determined by:

$$\begin{aligned} t^{E}(\delta )&= \max _{\rho \in P_{\tau }}\Big ( t^{+}_{\rho } + t^{\text {driv}}(v^{+}_{\rho } \rightarrow v^{-}_{\rho }) - t^{\text {walk}}(v^{-}_{\rho } \rightarrow \delta ) - t^\text {serv}_{*} \Big ), \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} t^{L}(\delta )&= \min _{\rho \in P_{\tau }}\Big ( t^{+}_{\rho } + t^\text {wait}_{*} + t^\text {detr}_{*\rho } - t^{\text {walk}}\left( v^{-}_{\rho } \rightarrow \delta \right) - t^\text {serv}_{*} \Big ). \end{aligned}$$

3.4.1 Single MP/DP selection

The task is to split up the groups coming from the clustering procedure as efficiently as possible into subgroups, such that the group size of the subgroups remains as large as possible while satisfying constraints coming from the underlying real-world map. This problem can be defined as set partitioning problem, with the objective to find the smallest number of subgroups that satisfy the walking and time constraints for each passenger from a given cluster. Since the set partitioning problem is NP-complete, the input size is naturally limited. However, due to the fixed cluster size resulting from step 3, we propose a novel recursive dynamic programming algorithm that yields the optimal solution for given clusters.

Initially, the algorithm attempts to put all customers within a cluster into a trip with a common meeting and divergence point. If this is spatially and/or temporally infeasible, the group is split into all possible subgroup combinations, and their feasibility is checked likewise. This is done recursively for each subgroup until a feasible solution is found. The main objective is to split the initial cluster into as few separated trips as possible. If there are multiple different combinations with the same number of necessary trips, the combination with the least sum of squared walking distances of all customers is chosen. The squaring is applied to penalize longer walking distances more than short distances, so that the walking distances have low variation.

By storing the intermediate results during the recursive process the computation time can be considerably reduced (dynamic programming approach). Thus it is possible to process reasonably sized clusters within an acceptable time. The proposed MP candidates selection method is outlined in Appendix C (Algorithm 2).

3.4.2 Alternative MP/DP selection

The previously described algorithm returns exactly one MP and DP (including time windows) for each trip. However, there can be other meeting points worth considering from the operators perspective. For instance, consider the scenario shown in Fig. 3. In this case, the closest meeting point from the passenger origin (Point A) is chosen, which is located north of the motorway. Two other meeting point candidates, namely B and C, would also be feasible for the trip, but they have not been chosen because of longer walking distances. For the operator, however, it could be advantageous in the routing phase to also consider C, since it offers the possibility to approach the passenger from the south without having to take a large detour around the motorway. From the passenger’s perspective, it is only a minor extension of the walking path via the footbridge.

To combat this, a second algorithm is proposed to identify alternative meeting points, which can be considered during the route optimization phase. Note that only one meeting point is still served by the vehicle, but the alternative meeting points provide more options for creating shorter routes. This extension is, to the best of our knowledge, unique among the recent literature concerning meeting points and provides advanced optimization possibilities for the operators.

Using a shortcut ratio threshold\(\sigma\), an alternative meeting point candidate \(\mu _{a}\) is considered if

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{t^{\text {driv}}(\mu \rightarrow \mu _{a})}{t^{\text {walk}}(\mu \rightarrow \mu _{a})} \ge \sigma \text {,} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mu\) is the initially identified meeting point candidate. In the example shown in Fig. 3, Point C is likely to satisfy Eq. (8), whereas Point B is unlikely. A larger \(\sigma\) indicates fewer alternatives, which helps to reduce the input size of the vehicle routing problem. For faster computation times, all ratio values between all meeting point pairs can be precomputed and stored. The proposed algorithm is outlined in Appendix C (Algorithm 3). It recursively checks the next best option until no further useful alternative can be found. Also, note that the corresponding time windows of the alternative meeting points have to be checked.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Schematic drawing of a situation with useful alternative meeting point search

3.5 Route optimization with final meeting points selection

In this step, the trips having one or more meeting point alternatives resulting from the previous unit are combined to create the vehicle routes. In theory, this vehicle routing problem can be solved with any optimization method that is able to solve this class of problems, with minor adaptation for this use case. In this project, a neighbourhood search approach is used. In order to speed up the process, a second clustering is initially applied on the trips to form equally-sized trip clusters with similar itineraries, which can then be solved in parallel. For this, the already described clustering method (Sect. 3.2) is reused; however, with a different threshold (\(k_{2}\)). Certainly, this makes it necessary to append a postprocessing step to combine the results of the simultaneously derived vehicle routes (Sect. 3.5).

The proposed route optimization problem itself differs from those in the literature mainly because of the alternative meeting points for each boarding/alighting procedure that introduces an extra complexity to the problem. The presented approach of the route optimization problem extends the formulation by Kutadinata et al. (2019), which is similar to typical vehicle routing problems (Cordeau and Laporte 2007; Ropke and Pisinger 2006; Parragh et al. 2008; Li et al. 2014) that use directed graph modelling. The novelty of the formulation used in this work stems from the fact that it does not introduce extra nodes to model the alternative meeting points. Instead, they are incorporated as decision variables and the travel times, distance, and time-windows are functions of these decision variables. The benefit of this approach is that it requires very little modifications to the formulation that are already presented in the literature. As a result, most existing heuristics can be used to solve the problem. For the sake of brevity, the following summarises the optimization problem, while the complete formulation is presented in the Appendix D.1.

The problem is formulated as an optimization model on a directed graph, which is a different graph to the previously defined directed street graph G. Firstly, the stops to be visited are represented by a set of nodes, which include the vehicle starting points, the stops to be visited (both pick-up and drop-off points), and a depot. Secondly, although each stop can have multiple meeting points, it is still represented by a single node. The meeting points for each node are represented as a set of decision variables to be optimized. Furthermore, each node is associated with several parameters that define the trip demand, namely: the number of passengers at the stop, the pick-up and drop-off time windows. Similarly, each directed edge is associated with distance and travel time parameters. Due to the multiple alternative meeting points, these parameters, except the number of passengers, are functions of the chosen meeting points.

The optimization objective function is a trade-off between the “service level cost” and the operating cost. The service level cost takes into account the passengers late time, pick-up wait time, and detour time, whereas the operating cost considers the total number of vehicles used and the total mileage. Furthermore, note that the time windows are treated as soft constraints that necessitate the use of penalties for late pick-up and drop-off in the objective function (as part of the service level cost). This allows the optimization algorithm to choose a solution that has late services that are justified by the savings in other aspects. Typically, higher penalty weight parameters are used to avoid an unreasonable number of late arrivals. However, if hard time window constraints are desired, simply choose very large penalty values.

A two-layer neighbourhood search algorithm is used to solve the problem. The top layer optimizes the trip allocation to vehicles, which repeatedly calls the bottom layer that optimizes the route of each vehicle including the meeting and divergence point selection. The algorithms are presented in the Appendix D (Algorithms 5 and 4).

The output of a single optimization process described above is a group of routes, each route performed by a single vehicle. Since the route optimization for each cluster of trips is performed in parallel, some of the routes can now be concatenated to reduce the total number of routes (and consequently the total number of vehicles used). Thus, this step can be described as a problem of maximizing the number of concatenations and is formulated and solved using a Linear Programming (LP). To ensure that a concatenated route can still be feasibly served by a vehicle, a constraint is applied to ensure that there is enough time to travel from the last stop of a precedent route to the first stop of the subsequent one. The detailed formulation of the route concatenation is presented in the Appendix D.2.

The concatenation solution is presented as an illustrated space-time diagram in Fig. 4. Note that the final statistics presented in this paper are the output of the LP problem.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Concatenation of routes to form longer ones

3.6 Dynamic scenario considerations

The problem solved in this paper is static; therefore, the dynamic problem is not in the focus of this paper. However, the workflow described in this section can also be used to handle dynamic requests, either through an event-driven approach or periodic optimization, i.e. a rolling horizon approach (Najmi et al. 2017; Eser et al. 2018). Firstly, once a new request arrives, the clustering algorithm can be adapted to insert the new request into the closest non-full cluster. Recall that there will be some non-full clusters due to the splitting done during the meeting point selection. Secondly, due to the decentralised nature of the subsequent processes, the meeting point selection and the route optimization can be done only to the affected clusters. Finally, the route concatenation needs to be executed again only if the last stop of the affected cluster changes. However, as previously mentioned, addressing the dynamic situation is not the focus of this paper and is hence reserved for future work.

4 Simulation experiment

To evaluate the potential benefits of the use of meeting points, a simulation experiment is carried out, comparing the performance of a meeting point-based service (MP) with a door-to-door service (DS) used as a baseline scenario. In the MP service, all steps described in Sect. 3 are executed, whereas the DS service only uses the vehicle routing optimization, applied on the raw demand data. As a result, this simulation focuses on investigating the benefits of the meeting point determination rather than the route optimization process. Note that for the simulation experiments, the parallel version of the route optimization is used in order to speed up the computation and solve the instances within a reasonable CPU time. Thus, the same heuristics are used to solve both the MP and DS cases to ensure a fair comparison.

4.1 Simulation setup

The simulation experiment investigates the impact of using meeting points for various demand volumes. It is expected that, as the demand increases, the impact of using meeting points will be more significant. A total of 10,000 passengers are randomly generated based on the procedure described in Sect. 4.5 and subdivided into four demand instances (1000, 4000, 7000 and 10,000). Each demand instance is evaluated in both the MP and DS scenarios. To simplify the experiment, only a static problem is considered, i.e. all trips are known in advance. The parameters used in the optimization and meeting point algorithm are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Simulation parameters

The maximum cluster size for the initial clustering (\(k_{1}\)) is a hyperparameter that can be tuned in order to balance the trade-off between the quality of the result and the computation time. Larger clusters lead to better results in terms of lowering the necessary boarding stops, since the meeting point determination method yields the optimal solution for a given group. On the other hand, the computation time grows exponentially with increasing cluster size. Figure 5 shows a sensivity analysis to determine a reasonable value. The maximum cluster size varies from 2 to 12 and the resulting number of trips and the computation times are recorded. The experiment was performed by a Python 3 script using parallel processing on a 4th generation desktop orientated Intel i5 processor with 4 cores. As it can be seen, a larger input cluster size leads to fewer total number of trips, indicating a solution of higher quality. But, on the other hand, the computation time grows very quickly. In the simulation experiments, a maximum cluster size of 11 was chosen, to obtain good results within a reasonable computation time.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Cluster size influence on the computational time (5000 passengers)

Similarly, for the re-clustering (\(k_{2}\)), a value of 10 was determined as providing a good trade-off between calculation time and result quality.

4.2 Implementation details

Demand generation, clustering and meeting point determination are implemented and tested in Python 3.6.5. Demand generation and meeting point determination perform shortest path computations by using pgRouting, which is an extension of the PostgreSQL database. This is done by establishing a connection with a database, located on a remote server, and executing SQL queries from Python. In the Python code several well established open source libraries are used: numpy (for linear algebra computations), psycopg2 (for SQL connection), h5py (for storing the data in HDF5 format), matplotlib (for plotting the results). Python code is parallelized with multiprocessing module provided by the official Python distribution that comes with Ubuntu 18.04.

Vehicle route optimization is implemented in MATLAB. Parallel processing was set up using MATLAB Distributed Computing Server that solves the routing problem of each cluster independently. Once the optimization of all clusters was completed, the route concatenation code was then executed without parallelization.

4.3 Street network

For the simulation experiment, the city of Braunschweig, Germany, is used as a spatial template. It is a medium-sized city with 250,000 inhabitants and a typical European city structure: the centre is dominated by its historical core with an irregular street network and pedestrian precincts, surrounded by a densely populated area with a more regular street network. In the outskirts, the population density is significantly lower and there are some industrial areas.

The street network has been obtained from OpenStreetMap and transformed into a routing-enabled graph (Fig. 6). As previously mentioned in Sect. 3.1, vehicle driving times \(t^{\text {driv}}(v_{i} \rightarrow v_{j})\), passenger walking times \(t^{\text {walk}}(v_{i} \rightarrow v_{j})\) are calculated for every edge \(e \in E\). The driving time depends on the maximum allowed speed. The walking time \(t^{\text {walk}}_{e}\) is determined by assuming a constant walking speed of 4.8 km/h, using the mean speed for active-transport walking trips revealed by Millward et al. (2013). The traversal of footpaths, cycle ways and stairways is prohibited for vehicles. Likewise, pedestrians are not allowed to walk on major roads or motorways.

Fig. 6
figure 6

(Source: OpenStreetMap)

Routing network

Fig. 7
figure 7

Connected origins and destinations

As potential origins, residential buildings from a “Level-of-Detail 1” building model of the city of Braunschweig (Municipality of Braunschweig 2016) with a size of more than \(100 \,m^{2}\) are added to the network. Likewise, workplace buildings are used for potential destinations. All considered buildings are connected to the street network to model the whole path of the user (Fig. 7). In total, the network consists of 88,381 nodes and 99,497 edges, including 26,845 potential home and 2615 potential work locations.

4.4 Braunschweig meeting points

Using the methodology described in Sect. 3.3, 3475 meeting points have been detected within the investigation area, based on OpenStreetMap data. Slightly more than 50% of the meeting points are street intersections that can be found in low speed areas, and approximately 20% are parking places and turning areas. Only very few meeting points are located at petrol stations. In relation to the total investigation area size of \(193\, \text {km}^{2}\), the overall MP density is approximately 18 per \(\text {km}^{2}\), and in dense urban areas up to 40 MP per \(\text {km}^{2}\). The observed mean distance to the nearest neighbouring MP is approximately 70 m.

Compared to the total number of nodes in the graph with approximately 30,000 nodes, the number of candidate locations is relatively low, which is in contrast to other works that use all street intersections as candidate locations (e.g. Balardino and Santos 2016). A lower amount of suitable meeting points better represents the reality, since not every intersection is feasible for safe boarding. Hence, we expect the results to better reflect the actual situation.

4.5 Demand generation

A set of randomly generated passenger requests P is used, defining for each passenger \(\rho \in P\) an origin node \(v^{+}_{\rho }\), a desired destination node \(v^{-}_{\rho }\), and a desired departure time \(t^{+}_{\rho }\). For the DS case, the closest node that is reachable by vehicles is stored as the origin, and for the destination likewise. The spatial distribution of the trip requests is based on a weighted sampling of building data. Specifically, the probability of a building to be chosen as origin or destination is proportional to its volume. To prevent huge factory buildings to be chosen disproportionately often, the probability of a building being selected is capped equivalently to having a volume of \(10,000 \,\text {m}^{3}\). Figures 8 and 9 visualize the spatial distribution of customers within the investigation area.

Furthermore, trip requests having their destination within 2000 m Euclidean distance of the origin are avoided since the passengers are assumed to walk or cycle. Figure 10a shows the resulting distribution of direct travel times via driving between origins and destinations.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Customer origin locations

Fig. 9
figure 9

Customer destination locations

In order to simulate a busy morning commute peak, the temporal distribution of the requests follows a Gaussian distribution centred at 07:00 AM with a standard deviation of 30 min (Fig. 10b). Moreover, as there are no actual depots in this problem, the depot location is chosen as the node which has the smallest maximum travel time to the other nodes in the network graph.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Statistics about randomly generated customer demand

5 Results

Figure 11 shows the group size histogram after the MP candidates selection step for four cases with different total number of customers, up to 40,000. While after the initial clustering phase nearly all groups have the maximum allowed size of 11 passengers, the next step splits these groups into feasible subgroups. The result naturally correlates with the average number of customers per pick-up (Fig. 12a). Generally, it can be stated that, with the increasing number of customers, the portion of bigger groups increases as more people with similar itineraries and time schedules can be grouped together.

It can be seen that the majority of customers boards at most with three other passengers. Larger groups are more uncommon, and only the group with the maximum size is more frequent than the other large groups, as they cover cases where the cluster of customers with similar itineraries could have been even larger, e.g. commuters from a densely populated residential district to the city centre. Note that the group size can be higher than the actual maximum vehicle capacity, which is set to 9 to imitate minibuses. The actual assignment of passengers to minibuses is part of the vehicle routing phase, since only there the actual vehicle occupancy can be handled. As an example, a group size of 11 could be transported by three different vehicles: one with 5 spare seats, one with 3 spare seats and another one with at least 3 spare seats.

For our study area, Braunschweig city, 4000 passengers are already sufficient for a majority of people to share their rides. This also inherently reduces the number of necessary boarding and de-boarding service stops for the vehicles (Fig. 12b), since they have to stop only once for a group instead of stopping for every single customer. Naturally, the savings are higher when the demand is dense. With 5000 customers, the number of necessary stops is reduced by 33%, while it is halved at about 15,000 customers.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Fraction of users per group size after MP candidates selection for different total demand scenarios

Fig. 12
figure 12

Comparison between meeting point and doorstep simulation concerning trip size. DS Doorstep, MP meeting points

After the vehicle routing optimization phase, several further statistics about actual vehicle usage and trip times can be derived (cf. Table 2 in Appendix E). Figure 13 gives an impression about the potential benefits for the operator when using meeting points (i.e. the MP case) instead of offering pick-ups at the doorstep (i.e. the DS case). While the effect is relatively small in low demand cases, the benefits are more significant with increasing number of customer requests. All plots in Fig. 13 show a similar trend. In the 10,000 customers case, the savings in time, kilometre, and fleet size is up to 30%. In addition, there are fewer dead kilometres (the distance travelled when the vehicle is without a passenger).

Fig. 13
figure 13

Comparison between meeting point and doorstep simulation concerning vehicle statistics. DS Doorstep, MP meeting points

Figure 14, on the other hand, shows the drawback for the passengers resulting from the usage of meeting points. Naturally, the walking time is an additional factor that has to be considered in the total travel times (Fig. 14a). The average walking times in our example range from 6 to 8 min, including the walking time from the alighting point to the destination. For the doorstep case, the walking time is obviously zero. In addition to the walking time, the average waiting times at the meeting points are higher compared to the doorstep case (Fig. 14b), since passengers likely have to wait for other fellow travellers. Here, the average waiting times for the pick-up are almost doubled when using meeting points, but the absolute values with about 3 to 5.5 min are comparably low. The total travel time differences between meeting and doorstep case can be seen in Fig. 14c.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Comparison between meeting point and doorstep simulation concerning passenger statistics (DS doorstep, MP meeting points)

6 Discussion

In general, the results confirm the benefits for operators of SDRT systems when using real-world meeting and divergence points for the pick-up and drop-off procedure. Fewer vehicles, less vehicle kilometers and a reduction of necessary boarding and alighting stops results in reduction of operational costs, especially for cases where the demand is high.

Using meeting points leads to improved operational efficiency for operators. In particular all measured metrics were improved in favour of the MP case compared to the DS case. In particular, in Fig. 13 we see similar improvement trends for all examined metrics: i.e. number of used vehicles, total vehicles operating hours, total traveled kilometers and total dead kilometers. A common trend can be observed as more customers use the SDRT-MP the benefits become more significant. This is due to the fact that the DS case shows linear growth in all costs, whereas the MP case leans towards logarithmic growth. This is expected since the MP set is fixed for a given area, which implies a fixed MP distribution, hence increasing the density of customers only increases customer aggregation at meeting points. Note that the number of customers cannot be increased indefinitely since in addition to SDRT-MP, users have the option to choose other modes of transport (private vehicle, public transport, etc.). Hence, the average trip size presented in Fig. 12a represents the possible ideal case. Interestingly, the simulation results also suggest a reduced computation time, which is another benefit to the operator. From Table 2, it can be seen that there are dramatical differences in running times between MP and DS cases during vehicle routing optimization, particularly for the cases with larger demand size.

Benefits for the operators should translate directly to lower price for the service which is directly beneficial to the users of SDRT-MP. Additionally, SDRT-MP offer a mobility service that is conceptually between public transport and a taxi service in terms of flexibility. Hence, this provides more options for the users.

On the other hand, the use of MP will likely result in increased total travel time. The main cause of this is the fact that the users have to walk to the MP and to wait for the other passengers with the same pick-up to arrive (Fig. 14a). This has to be balanced carefully during the meeting point selection to provide a good coverage of the service area with MP. It can also be seen in Figs. 14b and 14c that the average pickup time and the average detour time is worse for the MP users than it is for the DS users. The longer pickup time is caused by waiting for other passengers to arrive at the MP, since not all passengers arrive simultaneously. While the average walking time can only be improved with more MP, average pickup time and average detour time can be improved by improving optimization methods which is a topic for further research.

In literature, there are only very few applications using real-word meeting points. In the simulation of Häll et al. (2008) it was found that, in general, the DS case offers a better service for the customers, which can be confirmed by the results of this paper regarding travel time. However, they found no major differences in the results between the MP and the DS case and state that, according to their results, a door-to-door service can be offered without any noticeable loss in efficiency. This contradicts the findings of this paper, in which an improved operational efficiency has been demonstrated (Fig. 13). This discrepancy can be easily explained since meeting points in the study by Häll et al. (2008) are distributed on a rectangular grid that is spaced 75m apart, which arguably is too small for any differences to be seen.

Although the simulation experiment by Stiglic et al. (2015) does not include a routing phase, and focuses on ride-sharing, which allows only one boarding and alighting per vehicle, it is, nevertheless, interesting to draw a comparison. They conclude that the introduction of meeting points can improve a number of performance metrics, such as kilometer savings and an increase in the number of matched riders. In their simulations, the total walking time is, on average, between 8 and 9 min, which is comparable to the finding of this paper. Furthermore, they state that the average trip time for matched riders increases by approximately 12% due to the walking to or/and from a meeting point. In this paper, the travel time increase is up to 44%, which can be attributed to the relatively low total travel times (17.5 min for the DS case, 25.3 min for the MP case on average). Since Braunschweig is a small city and congestion is not modelled, all nodes of the city network can be reached within a short time, and hence meeting and waiting times have a high impact on the result.

The proposed solution is based on heuristics since it is not possible to compute the optimal solution for the tested instances. The heuristic solution can hence not claim to be optimal, and the gap to an optimal solution remains unknown. However, already the heuristic solution allows us to show the impact of a meeting point-based service compared to a door-to-door service. Both MP and DS cases are solved using the same methodology and we conjecture that the optimality gap should be equally present in both cases. Furthermore, as can be observed in Table 2 in Appendix E, the route optimization computation time demonstrated that the heuristics used to solve the vehicle routing problem do not scale well. Although this is not of importance for scientific research, we would like to emphasize that for production use more scalable vehicle routing solvers should be used. For that reason, the computational time of the approach and the absolute result quality is therefore not considered to be relevant.

Another issue is that the numerical experiments are focused on a single instance. The conclusions may therefore not be very robust to changes in the input data. For future research, it is hence desirable to expand the experiments to cover more cities.

In contrast to the algorithms of commercial SDRT services such as UberPOOL or Lyft Line (see Sect. 1 for more examples and references), the proposed algorithm groups the users in a batch system, offering routing results for a fixed point in time (static dial-a-ride problem). Since requests also arrive dynamically, it is essential to allow real-time matching results (dynamic dial-a-ride) for a commercial system. With the proposed algorithm, this can be achieved by frequent runs of the algorithm, if the computation time can be reduced. However, for a real-time analysis of meeting points new heuristics have to be developed that can deal with requests that arrive spontaneously and offer good meeting points. The concept of launch pads could offer a dynamic solution to the aforementioned problem (Rigby et al. 2016). Additionally, the commercial SDRT services seem to be solving a slightly different problem. Namely, it seems that their solutions have no optimization concept that involves multiple passengers and works by optimizing vehicle movement around the pickup locations of a single passenger and then assigning the passengers to vehicles. However, as the algorithms used in these services are not public, the authors can only infer their solutions based on their public announcements.

7 Conclusion

The objective of this paper was to evaluate if shared demand-responsive transportation (SDRT) would benefit from the introduction of meeting points (MP) for pickup and drop-off, when those points are methodologically extracted from map data by using GIS tools. The evaluation was performed by comparing the proposed method to the more traditional door-to-door based SDRT. It was found that major benefits for the operators can be expected if SDRT-MP is implemented.

This type of service fills the gap between mass transit systems and taxi systems. Such SDRT services are already available in the market (cf. UberPOOL, Lyft Line), meaning that integrated planning of transportation systems should also consider them. It can be concluded that the placement of MP greatly affects the user’s satisfaction (indicated by metrics such as travel time, transport price, and additional walking time). Hence, the placement and the density of MP should be considered as an initial planning step and should be in focus for future transport planning methods.

The results of this paper have demonstrated that the use of real-world MP for SDRT service will offer a more efficient operation, unlike what was suggested in some of the literature. As a result, the users of SDRT-MP will receive benefit in the form of a reduced price for the service. In exchange, the users would be required to do extra walking and experience longer travel time overall. Arguably, transportation service that promotes active mode of transport should be encouraged as it offers a healthier lifestyle. In the case of passengers with mobility impairment, it is relatively straightforward to make service adjustments to accommodate their special needs, such as allowing door-to-door service and using wheelchair accessible vehicles. Several previous works have shown how multiple types of customers can be handled in a SDRT service, see Li et al. (2014); Kutadinata et al. (2019).

Several future research directions have been identified, including: sensitivity analysis of the methodology to different case studies; pricing mechanism that considers dynamic requests and meeting point allocation; integration with visual representation of possible meeting points (e.g. in Rigby et al. 2013); and social network-based clustering methodology (e.g. in Wang et al. 2019).