
Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) using cardiac single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is a widely performed cardiology imaging technique for the detection, localization, and risk stratification of ischemic heart diseases.1,2,3 The attenuation of emitted photons within the patient body is a major obstacle of accurate qualitative and quantitative image analysis for cardiac SPECT.4,5 In clinical practice, even though multiple techniques can be used to estimate attenuation maps (μ-maps), the μ-maps derived from computed tomography (CT) are commonly used for the SPECT attenuation correction (AC)5,6 in clinical practice. CT-based AC can significantly increase “true-positive” and reduce “false-negative” diagnosis.7 However, stand-alone SPECT without CT transmission scanning is still the mainstream and dominating over 80% of the market share.8 Even when hybrid SPECT/CT scanning is available, issues of radiation damage, hardware expense, and SPECT-CT misalignment are still challenging.9,10

Deep-learning-based μ-map generation showed promising performance in a recent study.11 Although this approach proved the feasibility of predicting μ-maps from SPECT images, it was based upon the assumption that the training and testing datasets were acquired from the same scanner using the same tracer and acquisition protocol. Thus, when datasets are acquired using different scanners, tracers, or protocols, ideally a large amount of new data should be collected to train new networks. This time-consuming and expensive process would hinder fast clinical adoption of this approach. Transfer learning is a promising deep learning strategy that re-uses a pre-trained network for a new related problem through a fine-tuning strategy.12,13 It has shown good performance in many medical-imaging-related fields such as denoising and image transformation.14,15 Thus, in this study, we implemented transfer learning with different fine-tuning modes on the μ-map generation across different scanners. The μ-maps used in our study are those with the quality derived from CT images. Recently, a deep learning algorithm, Dual Squeeze-and-Excitation Residual Dense Network (DuRDN), showed superior performance to conventional U-Net in terms of image transformation and multi-channel information extraction.16 In this study, we implemented both widely-used U-Net17 and DuRDN and compared their performance on the transfer learning study.

We utilized a previous network trained with 120 anonymized patient stress MPI studies acquired from a GE 850 SPECT/CT scanner. Then, part or all of the parameters of the network were fine-tuned using 10 studies acquired from a Philips BrightView SPECT/CT scanner. The performance of the network with transfer learning was compared to networks only trained by GE dataset or a small Philips dataset without fine-tuning. The ground-truth used in our study is 1) the CT-derived μ-maps; and 2) the AC SPECT images reconstructed using the CT-derived attenuation maps from the Philips dataset.

Materials and Methods

Study Datasets

The pre-training and fine-tuning datasets used in this study are listed in Table 1. The pre-training dataset was acquired from a GE NM/CT 850 SPECT/CT scanner with a 360-degree gantry rotation with heads in H-mode (two heads at 180 degrees) and the injection of 99mTc-tetrofosmin. The fine-tuning dataset was acquired from a Philips BrightView XCT scanner with a 180-degree gantry rotation with heads in L-mode (two heads at 90 degrees) in list-mode and the injection of 99mTc-sestamibi. The GE scanner utilizes a helical CT, while the Philips scanner utilizes a flat-panel cone-beam CT, resulting in μ-maps of different styles. The pre-training and validation datasets included 150 studies scanned using the GE scanner at Yale New Haven Hospital, in which 120 studies were used for training and the other 30 studies were used for validation. The fine-tuning and testing datasets included 80 studies scanned using the Philips scanner at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, in which 10 studies were used for fine-tuning and the other 70 studies were used for testing.

Table 1 Scanner and patient information of datasets from two SPECT/CT scanners

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

U-Net and DuRDN were implemented in this study. The detailed descriptions of DuRDN are provided in a previous study16 and Section 1 of Supplementary Material. Previous study found that DuRDN outperformed U-Net due to the densely-connected blocks18 and the dual squeeze-and-excitation blocks19. For each task in this study, the performance of U-Net and DuRDN were compared to determine the optimal deep learning algorithm for this transfer learning study.

Image Preprocessing

In the pre-training dataset, the projection data with a matrix size of 64×64×60 and a voxel size of 6.8×6.8×6.8 mm3 was acquired in a 360-degree range with a 6-degree gap between every two angles. SPECT images in photopeak (126.5-154.5 keV) and scatter (114-126 keV) windows were reconstructed with a matrix size of 64×64×64 without AC using Maximum-Likelihood Expectation-Maximization Algorithm20 (MLEM, 30 iterations, no scatter correction).

In the fine-tuning dataset, the projection data with a matrix size of 128 × 128 × 60 and a voxel size of 4.7 × 4.7 × 4.7 mm3 was acquired in a 180-degree range with a 3-degree gap between every two angles. To reduce discrepancies between the two datasets, the original projection data was bilinearly interpolated in each angle and then centrally cropped to the same size (64 × 64 × 60, 6.8 × 6.8 × 6.8 mm3) as that of the pre-training dataset. SPECT images in photopeak (126.5-154.5 keV) and scatter (92.7-125.5 keV) windows were reconstructed without AC (MLEM, 30 iterations). Sample images shown in Figure 1 illustrates the differences in the SPECT images and μ-maps between the two scanners.

Figure 1
figure 1

Sample SPECT emission images and μ-maps from the GE (red box) and Philips (blue box) SPECT/CT scanners (different patients)

Mean normalization that normalizes each image volume by its mean intensity has been proved to be an effective operation to limit the image dynamic range and improve prediction accuracy.21 Thus, all SPECT photopeak and scatter images were mean-normalized before input to the network. Previous studies also showed that concatenating both photopeak and scatter images can improve network performance.11,16 Thus, photopeak and scatter images were concatenated as two-channel inputs to the network in this study.

Strategies of Transfer Learning

The training, fine-tuning, and testing strategies are detailed in Table 2. Net A, B, C referred to testing groups of direct transition, limited-sample training, and transfer learning. Net A was trained with 120 studies and validated with 30 studies in the GE dataset, and then tested directly with 70 studies in the Philips dataset. Net B was trained with only 10 studies and tested with the other 70 studies in the Philips dataset. Net C inherited the parameters of Net A and fine-tuned with 10 studies in the Philips dataset. Then, Net C was tested with the other 70 studies in the Philips dataset. Net A, B, and C were tested with the same 70 Philips studies.

Table 2 Training, fine-tuning, and testing strategies for three types of networks

Figure 2 shows the four modes of transfer learning using DuRDN. During the fine-tuning process, partial or all parameters of the pre-trained network were frozen, while other parameters were updated. In Mode 1, only the first input (i1) and the last output (o1) layers were updated. In Mode 2, the first input (i1) and the last output upsampling (o1-o3) layers were updated. In Mode 3, the first downsampling (i1-i3) and the last output upsampling (o1-o3) layers were updated. In Mode 4, all layers (Lall) were updated.

Figure 2
figure 2

Strategies of transfer learning using DuRDN. Mode 1: fine-tuning layer i1 and o1; Mode 2: fine-tuning layer i1 and o1-o3; Mode 3: fine-tuning layer i1-i3 and o1-o3; Mode 4: fine-tuning Lall, all layers

Network Parameters

All the following network parameters were the optimal parameters after repeated tests based on Pytorch.22 Net A was pre-trained for 200 epochs with a learning rate of 2 × 10−3, a batch size of 4, and an Adam optimizer (\({\upbeta }_{1}=0.5, {\upbeta }_{2}=0.999\)). The patch size was 64 × 64 × 16 with 4 patches randomly sampled from each study. A learning rate decay policy with a step size of 1 and a decay rate of 0.99 was employed to avoid overfitting.23,24 Then, Net A was tested with the 70 studies in the Philips dataset.

Net B was trained with 10 studies in the Philips dataset for 200 epochs with the same parameters as above. Then, Net B was tested with the other 70 studies in the Philips dataset. Net B shares the same training parameters with Net A.

Net C inherited parameters from Net A and fine-tuned with 10 studies in the Philips dataset for 50 epochs using the same parameters as above. Then, Net C was tested with the other 70 studies in the Philips dataset. Net C was fine-tuned with 50 epochs. The other hyperparameters for fine-tuning Net C are the same as those for the training of Net A.

Quantitative Evaluations

The voxel-wise quantitative evaluation metrics included normalized mean square error (NMSE), normalized mean absolute error (NMAE), structural similarity index measure (SSIM), and peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). 17-segment polar maps25,26 were generated for quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the SPECT AC images using Carimas.27 The mean intensity of each segment was output to compute the segment-wise absolute percent error (APE) and percent error (PE). In addition, correlation coefficients and coefficients of determination (R2) for the total 70 × 17 = 1190 segments between the predicted and ground-truth polar maps were computed to evaluate the consistency. NMSE, NMAE, PSNR are defined as:

$${\text{NMSE}}=\frac{{\sum }_{i=1}^{N}{\left({X}_{i}-{Y}_{i}\right)}^{2}}{{\sum }_{i=1}^{N}{{Y}_{i}}^{2}},$$
$${\text{NMAE}}=\frac{{\sum }_{i=1}^{N}|{X}_{i}-{Y}_{i}|}{{\sum }_{i=1}^{N}|{Y}_{i}|},$$
$${\text{PSNR}}=10\times {\text{log}}_{10}\left(\frac{{{\text{Max}}\left(Y\right)}^{2}}{{\sum }_{i=1}^{N}{\left({X}_{i}-{Y}_{i}\right)}^{2}}\right),$$

where \({X}_{i}\) and \({Y}_{i}\) are the ith voxels of the predicted image and ground-truth image. \(N\) is the total number of voxels of the image volume. \(Max(Y)\) is the maximum voxel value of the ground-truth image. SSIM is defined as:

$${\text{SSIM}}\left(X, Y\right)=\frac{\left(2{\mu }_{Y}{\mu }_{X}+{C}_{1}\right)\left(2{\sigma }_{YX}+{C}_{2}\right)}{\left({\mu }_{Y}^{2}+{\mu }_{X}^{2}+{C}_{1}\right)\left({\sigma }_{Y}^{2}+{\sigma }_{X}^{2}+{C}_{2}\right)},$$

where \({C}_{1}={{(K}_{1}\times R)}^{2}\) and \({C}_{2}={{(K}_{2}\times R)}^{2}\) are constants to stabilize the ratios. \(R\) stands for dynamic range of pixel values. Usually, we set \({K}_{1}=0.01\) and \({K}_{2}=0.03\). \({\mu }_{X}\), \({\mu }_{Y}\), \({\sigma }_{Y}^{2}\), \({\sigma }_{X}^{2}\) are the means of \(Y\) and \(X\), deviations of \(Y\) and \(X\), and the correlation between \(Y\) and \(X\) respectively. APE and PE are defined as

$${\text{APE}}=100\%\times \frac{{\sum }_{i=1}^{17}\left|{\text{Pred}}_{i}-{\text{True}}_{i}\right|}{17\times {\text{True}}_{i}}, {\text{PE}}=100\%\times \frac{{\sum }_{i=1}^{17}\left|{\text{Pred}}_{i}-{\text{True}}_{i}\right|}{17\times {\text{True}}_{i}},$$

where \({\text{Pred}}_{i}\) and \({\text{True}}_{i}\) represent the mean values of the ith segment in the polar maps of the predicted and ground-truth images.

An FDA-510(k)-cleared commercial software package, Wackers-Liu CQTM (WLCQ),28,29,30 was applied in this study for the quantifications of myocardial perfusion defect sizes. We quantified the defect sizes of predicted and ground-truth AC images and computed the errors of defect size at apical, mid-ventricle, basal, and apex respectively. The patterns of MPI defects compared to normal database were visualized by 2D extent iso-contours and 3D topographical maps.

Statistical Analysis

Two-tailed paired t test was performed based on the quantitative metrics above between two groups. A value of 0.05 was set as the significance level for evaluating the statistical significance.


Predicted μ-Maps by Transfer Learning

Figure 3 shows sample predicted μ-maps by Net A, B, and C. It was observed that Net C predicted a more accurate μ-map than Net A and B. Net A didn’t incorporate information from the Philips scanner. Thus, the μ-map predicted by Net A showed lower resolution and fewer details which were like the μ-maps acquired from the GE scanner. The μ-maps predicted by Net B showed many artifacts due to only 10 training studies. Figure 4 shows the voxel-wise correlation maps between the predicted and ground-truth μ-maps based on 70 testing cases. The distributions of segments in Net C (Mode 4) were more concentrated around the line of identity than Net A and B, while the distributions in Net A were the most dispersed. Also, the correlation coefficients and R2 of Net C were the highest.

Figure 3
figure 3

Sample predicted μ-maps by Net A, B, and C using DuRDN with both photopeak and scatter-window images input. The generated artifacts by Net A and Net B were denoted by white and red arrows

Figure 4
figure 4

Voxel-wise correlation maps between the predicted and ground-truth μ-maps with both photopeak and scatter-window images as input based on 70 testing cases. The correlation coefficients and R2 were listed in each plot for reference

Table 3 shows detailed quantitative evaluations on the predicted μ-maps by Net A, B, and C based on 70 testing cases. DuRDN showed better performance than U-Net. Besides, transfer learning of Mode 4 showed the highest accuracy compared to the other 3 Modes, and Mode 1 outputted the poorest performance. Net C (Mode 4) showed better performance than Net A and B. The NMSE of Net C (Mode 4) using DuRDN was significantly lower than Net A (5.13% versus 8.24%, P < 0.001) and Net B (5.13% versus 6.45%, P < 0.001).

Table 3 Voxel-wise quantitative evaluations of the predicted μ-maps with both photopeak and scatter-window images input based on 70 testing cases


Figure 5 shows sample SPECT AC images reconstructed with the predicted μ-maps by Net A, B, and C (Mode 4). Net A under-estimated the MPI intensities at the inferior and septal wall, and Net B over-corrected the MPI intensities at the lateral and anterior wall. Net C generated more accurate AC images than Net A and B. Additional sample AC images are shown in Section 2 of Supplementary Material. The voxel-wise correlation maps based on 70 testing cases and image profiles of the SPECT AC images are shown in Section 3 and 4 of Supplementary Material.

Figure 5
figure 5

Sample SPECT AC images reconstructed with the predicted μ-maps by Net A, B, and C with both photopeak and scatter-window images as input. The AC image from Net A under-estimated the MPI intensities at the inferior and septal (white arrows). The AC image from Net C over-estimated the MPI intensities at the lateral and anterior (yellow arrows) and thus over-corrected the true defects

Table 4 shows the voxel-wise quantitative evaluations of the AC images based on 70 testing cases. The testing group of non-attenuation-correction (NAC) SPECT images was listed as the baseline. DuRDN outperformed U-Net in Net A, B, and C. Besides, transfer learning of Mode 4 showed the highest reconstruction accuracy compared to the other 3 modes, and Mode 1 output the poorest performance. Net C (Mode 4) showed better performance than Net A and B. The NMSE of Net C (Mode 4) using DuRDN was significantly lower than Net A (1.11% versus 1.72%, P < 0.001) and Net B (1.11% versus 1.68%, P < 0.001).

Table 4 Voxel-wise quantitative evaluations of the reconstructed AC images using the predicted μ-maps with both photopeak and scatter-window images input based on 70 testing cases

Quantitative Evaluations of Polar Maps

Figure 6 visualizes segment-wise correlation maps and Bland-Altman plots of the ground-truth and predicted polar maps based on 70 testing cases. In the correlation maps of Net C, the point distributions were the most concentrated around the line of identity. Besides, the correlation coefficients and R2 of Net C were higher than those of Net A and B. In the Bland-Altman plots, the point distributions of Net C were more concentrated along the mean line, and the standard deviations were lower than those of Net A and B.

Figure 6
figure 6

Segment-wise correlation maps of polar maps (top) and Bland-Altman plots of segment PE (bottom) based on 70 testing cases. The correlation coefficients and R2 were listed on the correlation maps. The mean value and the 97.5% confidence interval (1.96 standard deviations) were listed in the Bland-Altman plots

Table 5 lists the segment-wise quantitative evaluations of 17-segment polarmaps of AC images based on 70 testing cases. The testing group of NAC SPECT images was listed as the baseline. Net C generated the lowest APE, the highest correlation coefficient, and the highest fitting R2 compared to other testing groups. The APE of Net C was significantly lower than that of Net A (4.09% versus 4.74%, P < 0.001) and Net B (4.09% versus 5.91%, P < 0.001).

Table 5 Segment-wise quantitative evaluations of 17-segment polar maps of SPECT AC images based on 70 testing cases

Defect Size Quantifications

Figure 7 shows sample 2D extent iso-contours and 3D topographical maps of defects compared to the normal database. Net A and B under-estimated the defects at the anterior and basal-lateral compared to the ground-truth AC. In contrast, the defect patterns of Net C were closer to those of the ground-truth AC images.

Figure 7
figure 7

Sample 2D extent iso-contours and 3D topographical maps of MPI defects compared to clinical normal datasets. Net A and B over-corrected the MPI intensities and thus under-estimated the defect size at the anterior and basal-lateral (yellow arrows in 2D and red arrows in 3D plots)

Table 6 lists the MPI defect errors of predicted AC images compared to the ground-truth AC images based on 30 testing cases. It was observed that the defect size errors in the apical, mid-ventricle, basal, apex of Net C were all lower than those of Net A and B. In addition, the total defect size errors of Net C were significantly lower than those of Net A (1.17% versus 1.90%, P = 0.009) and Net B (1.17% versus 2.03%, P < 0.001).

Table 6 Clinical evaluations: MPI defect size errors of predicted AC images using DuRDN with both photopeak and scatter-window images input based on 30 testing cases


It is feasible to apply neural networks trained using data from one scanner to data from another scanner using different tracers and acquisition protocols by transfer learning. Transfer learning (Net C) generated better results than direct transition (Net A) or limited-sample training (Net B). The quantitative evaluations of polar map segments using Carimas and defect size using WLCQ further proved that Net C generated significantly more accurate μ-maps and SPECT AC images than those of Net A and Net B.

Four modes of fine-tuning were tested and compared. It turned out that Mode 4, with all parameters fine-tuned, generated the most accurate results in our case. Previous work on PET denoising showed that fine-tuning only the first and last layers would be a more reliable choice.14 The optimal fine-tuning implementation might be varied by different applications, data-type, and network parameters.

Our work on transfer learning shows the potentials to accelerate clinical adoption of cardiac SPECT μ-map generation for various scanners, tracers, and protocols. Once new scanners, tracers, and protocols are applied in clinical practice, there is no need to collect a large amount of new data using the SPECT/CT counterparts to re-train new networks. Instead, fine-tuning based on a previous well-trained network requires only a few new studies. The fine-tuned networks could show comparable performance with the CT-derived μ-maps for the new scanners, tracers, and protocols.

This transfer learning study is based on the generation of μ-maps as an indirect approach for AC of cardiac SPECT. There are also multiple studies investigating the direct prediction of SPECT AC images from NAC images.16,31 Our recent work made comprehensive comparisons of the direct and indirect deep-learning-based strategies of AC for cardiac SPECT, which demonstrated that indirect approaches are superior to direct approaches.32 In the AC SPECT reconstruction with attenuation maps, the overall attenuation factor of a voxel in one projection direction is the linear integral of all the attenuation coefficients along the projection line. Thus, any inaccurate voxel values of the predicted μ-maps could potentially be compensated by other neighboring voxels in the integration process. In contrast, the direct approaches generate the SPECT AC images directly without any error compensation. This could be a theoretical explanation for why indirect AC approaches outperform direct AC approaches.

The μ-maps in our studies are all derived from CT measurements. The transfer learning on μ-maps derived from other measurements, such as transmission sources, can be another potential research subject in the future.

New Knowledge Gained

For the μ-map prediction task of cardiac SPECT, transfer learning makes it possible to apply a pre-trained neural network to a totally different dataset. The prediction accuracy of transfer learning can be significantly better than just simply transferring networks or limited-sample training. The operations of transfer learning were quite simple and efficient which was promising to be put into clinical practice to accelerate the application of the μ-map prediction approach on new scanners.


We proposed the application of transfer learning on the μ-map prediction from SPECT images. Based on 150 GE and 80 Philips MPI studies, the voxel-wise quantitative evaluations of the predicted μ-maps and predicted AC images proved the superior performance of transfer learning to simple direct transition or limited-sample training. The DuRDN showed superior performance than conventional U-Net in terms of predicted μ-maps, and subsequently reconstructed SPECT AC images of higher accuracy.