
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA 7) is a polyglutamine (polyQ) neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia and retinal degeneration with ophthalmoplegia, hyperreflexia, sensory loss, dysarthria, and dysphagia [13]. It is caused by expansion of the polyQ-encoding tract of the ATXN7 gene, which encodes ataxin-7, a subunit of complexes involved in transcriptional regulation [4]. The normal CAG repeat length is 7–17; pathogenic, expanded alleles contain 37 to 460 repeats [5]. Expansion length (greater than 37 CAG repeats) is inversely correlated with age of onset (AO) and may be correlated with severity of illness [6].

To date, the longitudinal clinical course in gene-positive individuals has not been demonstrated, and there is limited information concerning the interaction between disease severity and progression and between AO, disease duration, and expansion length. There has also been no prior attempt to examine SCA 7 neuropathology in light of these variables.

We have followed a family with SCA 7 since 1997, many of whose members had previously been evaluated with electroretinograms (ERGs) dating back to 1985. Of the 61-member kindred, 16 individuals are known to be affected, and four have come to autopsy. We studied this family in order to characterize the longitudinal clinical course of individuals, and to explore the effects of genotype on clinical and pathological phenotype.

Patients and Methods

The diagnosis was confirmed with genetic testing in 1997 in the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) proband (III-16). Family members (Fig. 1) underwent neurological examination and genetic testing. Genomic DNA was isolated from blood and analyzed by a polymerase chain reaction assay. Sixteen family members were identified as affected by family history and/or genetic testing, 14 of whom were living at the time this study commenced. Thirteen have been followed since 1997 with neurological examinations (JDS). The remaining individual was examined elsewhere by a local movement disorders neurologist. Of the two originally identified deceased individuals, one (IV-19) had been examined at our hospital in the 1980s; the other (II-4) died at age 58 before the proband presented and was not examined by a neurologist. Eleven members presented to the Berman-Gund Laboratory of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI) since 1986, including the MEEI proband IV-19 [7]. In addition to the child (IV-19) who came to autopsy in the 1980s, three of the four members of the family who died since this study began in 1997 have also come to autopsy. Study of this family was approved by the Institutional Review Board of MGH.

Fig. 1
figure 1

SCA 7 family tree. Solid black symbols denote a gene-positive, symptomatic family member; half-shaded circles or squares represent gene-positive but asymptomatic individuals; a black dot denotes a member with unknown genetic status. CAG expansion lengths are listed in bracketed italics below numerical identifiers for each affected family member. Unfilled circles or squares represent family members who have tested negative for the CAG expansion, or their offspring who are not at risk. Asterisk: II-4 was not seen by a neurologist and was asymptomatic at death, but the conclusion that he carried a CAG-expanded SCA 7 allele is solid given the family history

Quantitation of Ataxia

Beginning in 2003, ataxia was quantified with the modified International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (MICARS) [8]. Since 2007, the Brief Ataxia Rating Scale [8] (BARS) (Table 1), derived from the MICARS, was used to score ataxia prospectively. The five domains assessed via the BARS are gait, upper extremity movement, lower extremity movement, speech, and oculomotor findings; the scoring guide and descriptors are included in Table 1. It was also possible to score ataxia retrospectively, as the records contained detailed qualitative descriptors of the five BARS domains. Inter-rater reliability of BARS is 0.91 [8]; serial examinations performed by the same rater in this study are likely equally or more reliable.

Table 1 Brief Ataxia Rating Scale, used to quantify ataxia

Statistical Analysis

Statistical computations were performed using GraphPad Prism version 5.04 for Windows, GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA, USA,, except for CAG and AO correlation and BARS and ERG correlation, which were performed using R, the lme4, and survival libraries [911]. To examine the relationship between AO and CAG repeat length, we used a proportional hazards regression with CAG as the only covariate.


After dilation of the pupils and dark adaptation for 45 min, full-field ERGs were recorded from each eye with a Burian–Allen contact lens electrode placed on the topically anesthetized cornea, as described previously [12]. Rod-isolated responses were recorded to 0.5 Hz dim blue light, then mixed cone-plus-rod responses to 0.5 Hz white light, and then cone-isolated responses to 30 Hz white flicker; narrow band pass filtering and computer averaging were used to quantitate cone responses less than 10 μV [13]. Cone responses were quantitated with respect to peak-to-peak amplitude, and with respect to implicit time, i.e., time interval between stimulus flash onset and corresponding response peak. Foveal cone ERGs were recorded to 42 Hz white flickering stimuli with a two-channel stimulator-ophthalmoscope that was used to present a 4° diameter white flickering stimulus centered within a steady 10° white annular surround [14].

Brain Imaging

Magnetic resonance brain imaging (MRI) was performed in five patients using 1.5 Tesla clinical scanners. T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences were available for review.

Postmortem Analysis

Pathological examination was completed on four affected individuals in this kindred (II-3, II-5, III-16, and IV-19) (Table 5). Tissue was obtained within 24 h of death in all cases. Standard autopsy procedures were used, with brains and spinal cords fixed in 10 % buffered formalin for 10–14 days, followed by cutting in the coronal plane (brain) and transversely (brainstem and spinal cord). Tissue samples were processed for paraffin-embedding. Staining methods included routine Luxol/H&E, modified Bielschowsky silver staining, and immunohistochemistry for ubiquitin.


Clinical Findings

Thirteen gene-positive individuals are, or were, clinically symptomatic (see Appendix for synopses of their clinical course). Two remain asymptomatic; one (II-4) was neurologically asymptomatic at time of death.

Of the symptomatic patients, all demonstrated gait ataxia, dysmetria, and dysrhythmia of the extremities, dysarthria, and oculomotor abnormalities (Table 2). Facial dyskinesias and/or grimacing were evident in four (30.7 %). Oculomotor findings included saccadic intrusions into pursuit, slowing of eye movements, overshoot and/or undershoot of saccades, saccadic intrusions into and slowing of vestibulo-ocular reflex cancellation, nystagmus and, late in the illness, ophthalmoparesis and ophthalmoplegia (Table 3).

Table 2 Clinical findings in 13 symptomatic patients
Table 3 Oculomotor findings in 13 symptomatic patients

Muscle tone was increased in five (38.5 %), increased with superimposed spastic catch in three (23.1 %), decreased with spastic catch in three (23.1 %), and otherwise normal with spastic catch in two (15.4 %). No patient demonstrated pure hypotonia. Muscular power was preserved until late in the illness, when deconditioning and loss of muscle bulk became evident. Prominent hyperreflexia included crossed-supraclavicular (n = 8, 61.5 %), pectoral (n = 8, 61.5 %), and hip adductor (n = 9, 69.2 %) reflexes in addition to a Hoffmann sign (n = 9, 69.2 %) and extensor plantar responses (n = 8, 61.5 %). The jaw jerk reflex was normal in 12 (92.3 %). Sensory impairment was evident in six (46.2 %). Seven (53.8 %) reported restless legs syndrome (RLS).

Relationship of CAG Expansion to Age of Onset

Two patients were gene-positive but asymptomatic (i.e., AO was censored). CAG repeat expansion was inversely correlated to AO of either visual or motor symptoms (proportional hazards regression; r = −0.74, p = 0.002). CAG expansion accounted for 52 % of variability in AO. In contrast to a previous report [15], onset of visual symptoms preceded onset of motor symptoms in three cases with <59 repeats (III-16, IV-20, and IV-36). Four individuals of the same generation (III-7, III-8, III-12, and III-15) had identical CAG expansions (41) with disparate phenotypes. AO was approximately 40 for two (III-6 and III-7), whereas two remained asymptomatic at ages 46 (III-12) and 58 (III-15) with only hyperreflexia.


Five affected individuals (II-3, II-5, III-6, III-16, and IV-19) were evaluated ophthalmologically 27 years ago including ERGs [7]. Two (III-6 and III-16) underwent follow-up ERG testing as part of the current study. An additional six affected individuals underwent ERG on only one occasion, as part of the current study (III-8, III-12, III-13, III-15, IV-20, and IV-36; see Table 4). BARS score correlated with implicit time of cone-isolated response to 30 Hz white flicker (Pearson's product–moment correlation; r = 0.82, p = 0.01), and with amplitude of rod-isolated response to blue 0.5 Hz flashes (Pearson's product–moment correlation; r = 0.66, p = 0.05). Retinopathy worsened over time (Fig. 2), but our data were insufficient to permit conclusions regarding rate of change as a function of length of CAG repeat or duration of disease.

Table 4 Clinical and electroretinogram (ERG) findings
Fig. 2
figure 2

Full-field electroretinograms; one to three consecutive responses are superimposed for each test condition. a Representative normal (control). b III-6, age 32, OD. Delayed cone responses to white (30 Hz) flicker. c III-6, age 51, OD. Reduced rod responses to blue (0.5 Hz) flashes; reduced rod-plus-cone responses to white (0.5 Hz) flashes; delayed and reduced cone responses to white (30 Hz) flicker. d III-6, age 62, OD. Non-detectable (<10 μV) rod responses to blue (0.5 Hz) flashes; reduced rod-plus-cone responses to white (0.5 Hz) flashes; delayed and reduced cone responses to white (30 Hz) flicker. The calibration symbol at lower right designates 50 ms horizontally for all tracings and 100 μV vertically for all tracings except white (30 Hz) flicker for III-6, age 62 (voltage shown as vertical axis). A and B reproduced from To et al. [7], with permission

Brain Imaging

Brain MRI revealed mild volume loss in the cerebellum, pons, and inferior olives, somewhat more prominent in those patients with higher scores on the BARS (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

MRI findings for four patients. Family member numerical identifier, CAG repeat expansion length, and age and Brief Ataxia Rating Scale (BARS) score at time of MRI are listed at the top of each column. Cases are ordered from most severe at left to least severe at right (as measured on BARS) at time of MRI. Scans demonstrate cerebellar volume loss, prominence of cerebellar fissures, mild volume loss in brainstem, reduced volume of inferior olives (arrow), mild pontine volume loss, and mild enlargement of fourth ventricle. al T2 axial images. mo T1 midsagittal images. pr T1 parasagittal images

Rate of Change of Severity of Ataxia and Stages of Clinical Disease

BARS scores increased steadily over time for some patients (e.g., III-16), whereas in others, there appeared to be a stage of moderate stabilization with fluctuation for a number of years, followed by a stage of progression (Fig. 4). We defined the indolent stage as Stage 2 and the aggressive phase as Stage 3. This was corroborated by patients' accounts (II-3 and III-7) of a change in the aggressiveness of the disease at ages 67 and 60, respectively, with more rapid decline thereafter. BARS data exist for both stages in patients III-6 and III-8, and for six patients in Stage 3 (II-3, III-13, III-16, IV-22, IV-36, and IV-43). The rate of progression within Stage 3 was determined based on these eight patients using a linear regression model (Fig. 4). The average rate of change of BARS score over time for these Stage 3 patients was 1.31 ± 0.31 (mean ± SD) points per year. When the linear regression lines were compared [16], there was no significant difference in the rate of change of BARS score in patients in Stage 3 (analysis of covariance, p = 0.18). Case IV-19 was not included in this analysis, as retroactive BARS scoring were not possible.

Fig. 4
figure 4

BARS scores with linear regression models of Stage 3 progression for each patient. III-6 is in Stage 2 from age 49 to 54; III-8 is in Stage 2 from age 46 to 52. All other data points are in Stage 3

Based on history, BARS (Fig. 4), neurological examination, and ERG, the disease therefore appeared to evolve through four stages (0 through 3).

In Stage 0, gene-positive individuals have no symptoms or signs of disease, or abnormalities on ERG testing.

Stage 1 (clinically detectable but presymptomatic) was defined by nascent physiological dysfunction reflected in abnormal ERG and/or exaggerated deep tendon reflexes (DTRs). Case III-12 (41 CAG repeats) exemplified the transition from Stage 0 at age 34, to Stage 1 at age 36.

In Stage 2 (symptomatic), patients developed visual or motor symptoms. Ataxia was mild. In case III-8, BARS scores fluctuated between 0.5 and 3.5 over 9 years, and in III-6, between 7 and 9 over 7 years. This milder stage was reported by other affected family members, before being seen in our clinic.

Stage 3 (accelerated progression) was characterized by rapid evolution of disease. BARS scores increased by 1.31 ± 0.31 (mean ± SD) points per year, with a range of 0.86 to 1.80 points per year.

We note that the course of the early childhood case (IV-19) was compressed into 6 years. This individual may have transitioned quickly through Stages 1 and 2, but BARS scores could not be determined from available records. The true date of onset of pathological or clinical disease (pre- or postpartum) in this case is not known.

Neuropathological Findings

Four patients came to postmortem. Pathological changes were noted in the cerebellar cortex and white matter, deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN), inferior olivary nuclei, basis pontis, lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), substantia nigra, subthalamic nucleus (STN), cranial nerve (CN) nuclei, retina, dorsal nerve roots, spinocerebellar tracts, posterior columns, and anterior horns (Figs. 5 and 6). For detailed results, see Table 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Light microscopy. a Cerebellar folium, II-3; marked loss of white matter (arrow). Bar = 1 mm, hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E), ×4. Inset: normal cerebellar folium. Bar = 1 mm, H&E, ×4. b Cerebellar folium, IV-19; marked depletion of granule cell layer, cortical thickness, and reduced intensity of white matter staining. Bar = 1 mm, ×4. c Purkinje cell (PC) enclosed by basket cell axons (arrow) and empty basket (arrowhead), III-16. Bar = 100 μm, silver stain, ×40. d PC axonal torpedo (arrow), III-16. Bar = 100 μm, silver stain, ×40. e Cerebellar cortex, II-3; mildly hypercellular with an increase in astrocytes. Mild to moderate loss of Purkinje cells. Bar = 250 μm, H&E, ×20. f Cerebellar cortex, III-16; mildly hypercellular and thin with marked loss of PCs and mild Bergmann gliosis. Bar = 250 μm, H&E, ×20. g Cerebellar cortex, IV-19; severe loss of PCs and granule cells and thinning of the molecular layer. Bar = 250 μm, H&E, ×20. h Dentate nucleus, III-16; marked neuronal loss and gliosis, more prominently in the upper limb (arrow), and loss of myelinated fibers exiting the nucleus (asterisk). Bar = 1 mm, silver stain, ×2. i Upper limb of the dentate nucleus showing neuronal dropout, III-16. Bar = 50 μm, silver stain, ×20. j Lower limb of the dentate nucleus showing relative preservation of neurons, III-16. Bar = 50 μm, silver stain, ×20. k Basis pontis, II-5; moderate neuronal loss and reactive gliosis. Bar = 100 μm, H&E, ×20. l Basis pontis, IV-19; largely unaffected. Bar = 100 μm, H&E, ×20. Inset: Basis pontis, IV-19. Bar = 1 mm, H&E, ×4. m Inferior olive (IO) with mildly depleted olivocerebellar fibers (asterisk), II-5. Bar = 1 mm, H&E, ×2. n IO, II-5; moderate neuronal loss. Bar = 100 μm, H&E, ×40. Inset IO with cytoplasmic lipofuscin, II-5; neuronal intranuclear inclusion indicated by arrow. Bar = 50 μm, ubiquitin stain, ×40. o IO, IV-19; near complete loss of olivocerebellar fibers exiting the principal olivary nucleus (asterisk). Bar = 1 mm, H&E, ×2. p IO, IV-19; loss of olivocerebellar fibers and neuronal depletion. Bar = 100 μm, H&E, ×40

Fig. 6
figure 6

Light microscopy. a CN III (arrow), IV-19. Bar = 0.5 mm, ×10. b CN VI (arrow), IV-19. Bar = 250 μm, ×20. c CN XII (arrow), IV-19. Bar = 0.5 mm, ×10. d CN XII (arrow), II-5. Bar = 0.5 mm, ×10. e Lumbosacral cord, IV-19; marked pallor of the dorsal columns (asterisk) and spinocerebellar tracts (arrow). Note near-absence of neurons in the anterior horn (arrowhead). Bar = 1 mm, KB stain, ×2. f Anterior horn, lumbar cord, demonstrating absence of motor neurons, IV-19. Bar = 100 μm, KB stain, ×10. g Anterior horn, lumbar spinal cord, lateral aspect with chromatolytic neurons, II-5. Bar = 100 μm, ×20. h LGN, IV-19. Bar = 1 mm, ×2. i LGN, III-16. Bar = 1 mm, ×2. Inset: Normal LGN. Bar = 1 mm. j Subthalamic nucleus (asterisk), III-16. Bar = 0.5 mm, ×2. k Higher-power view of subthalamic nucleus (III-16; Bar = 50 μm, ×40), showing gliosis and neuronal depletion. l Light micrograph of the retina from patient IV-19 at age 6. Unremarkable choroid, poorly defined Bruch's membrane, and hypo- and hyperpigmented retinal pigment epithelium cells. Debris is seen in the subretinal space, and the neural retina is severely vacuolated. The outer nuclear layer (ONL) shows cell dropout. Bar = 50 μm. m Normal retina, 5-year-old boy. Photoreceptors are intact. Bar = 50 μm. (l and m reproduced from To et al. [7], with permission)

Table 5 Neuropathological findings in SCA 7


This study of a large family with SCA 7 over 27 years leads us to conclude that the disease evolves through different stages, that neuropathological findings explain the clinical phenomenology, and that longitudinal analysis of the ERG responses may provide an independent biomarker of disease progression over time.

An inverse correlation between CAG repeat expansion and AO is well documented [6, 15], and here we confirm this. The phenotypic variability cannot be fully accounted for based on CAG expansion alone; however, other genetic and environmental factors may play a role, and may also influence the transition from Stage 2 to Stage 3.

Based on electrophysiological and neurological features in this kindred, there appear to be four stages of SCA 7 that may have clinical and pathophysiological significance. Stage 0 patients are gene-positive, asymptomatic, with normal physiology (DTRs and/or ERG). Stage 1 patients are asymptomatic, with abnormal physiology (hyperreflexia and/or abnormal ERG). Stage 2 patients are symptomatic with mild disease and slow, variable progression. The disease evolves rapidly in Stage 3 (BARS change 1.31 ± 0.31 (mean ± SD) points per year). The rate of progression in Stage 3 of the patients in this family with SCA 7 is of similar magnitude to that described for other spinocerebellar ataxias, notably SCA 1, 2, and 3 [17, 18].

Quantitative and longitudinal in vivo brain imaging was not performed in this study. In the five patients who underwent MRI, however, atrophy appeared to be more pronounced in those with longer disease duration. In contrast to the relatively mild atrophy on gross inspection of postmortem brain, the histopathology was widespread and severe, notably in the two cases with earlier AO (cases IV-19 and III-16).

Our neuropathological findings are in general agreement with previous reports [19, 20]. In addition, the retinal pathology that we identified, including diffuse and extensive photoreceptor degeneration and disruption of the retinal pigment epithelium (case IV-19; Fig. 6l) [7] reflecting cone–rod dystrophy, is a well-documented feature of SCA 7 [21, 22] underlying progressive visual loss.

Lesions in cerebellar cortex, white matter, and nuclei; loss of afferent input from dorsal nerve roots and spinocerebellar tracts; deprivation of olivary afferents; and the consequent loss of olivocerebellar tracts together could account for the cerebellar motor syndrome seen in all our patients (Fig. 5). Moreover, the severe axon loss in the posterior columns adds a proprioceptive component to the impaired motor control.

DCN pathology was more advanced in younger AO cases. The shrinkage and discoloration of the dentate hilum and the superior cerebellar peduncle reflected the loss of dentatothalamic axons secondary to the loss of DCN neurons. In case III-16, the superior aspect of the dentate was more affected than the ventral dentate (Fig. 5h–j). Tract tracing studies in non-human primates suggest a dorsal-motor versus ventral-cognitive dichotomy in the dentate nucleus [23], a finding consistent with the motor-predominant manifestations in this cohort.

Oculomotor abnormalities were noted in all symptomatic patients (Table 3), consistent with previous reports [2426]. The cerebellar pathology identified in all four autopsied cases likely underlies the saccadic intrusions into pursuit, hypometric and/or hypermetric saccades, and nystagmus. Neuronal loss evident in CN III in III-16 and IV-19 conceivably accounts for slowing of eye movements and ophthalmoplegia in the late stages of disease. Notably, in II-5, CN III was spared, and his eye movements were largely preserved. Neuronal loss in CN XII in II-5 and IV-19 would contribute to impairment of articulation and swallowing. Degeneration of the LGN was seen in III-16 (Fig. 6i), as has been noted previously [19, 27], and is thought to be secondary to retinal and optic tract degeneration [3]. The truncated course in IV-19 may explain the lack of changes in the LGN (Fig. 6h).

The basis pontis showed atrophy and neuronal loss in three of our four cases. Unlike in the three other cases, the pons of IV-19 was unaffected (Fig. 5l). Pontine atrophy in SCA 7 [22] reflects principally the loss of neurons in the basis pontis, and in our cohort was more pronounced in patients with longer duration of illness. Pontine atrophy may thus represent retrograde neuronal loss due to absence of sustaining projections to the more severely affected cerebellum, or conceivably, death of pontine neurons as a primary but delayed target of the disease process. The brevity of illness and preservation of the basis pontis in IV-19 (Fig. 5l) support the notion that death of pontine neurons reflects a dying back phenomenon.

Although none of our four cases had resting tremor, damage to the substantia nigra may be linked to rigidity and bradykinesia in II-3 and II-5.

All three patients with pathologic changes in the STN experienced RLS, and two had facial choreiform movements. The STN has been linked to RLS in Parkinson's disease [28, 29]; the STN may be involved in RLS in SCA 7 as well, but further investigation is needed to confirm this.

The distribution of anterior horn cell involvement in our cases suggests that anterior horn cells projecting to axial musculature (located in the medial aspects of the cervical and lumbar anterior horns and in the thoracic cord) are more affected than anterior horn cells projecting to distal musculature (located in the lateral regions of the cervical and lumbar anterior horns). Despite the anterior horn cell pathology in all of the autopsied cases, our patients did not demonstrate fasciculations in the extremities, and weakness and muscle atrophy was noted only in IV-19. Expansion of the polyQ tract in the SCA2 gene has been identified as a risk factor for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [30]; the finding of anterior horn cell loss in these SCA 7 cases is therefore intriguing and requires further study. The unusual combination in some individuals of muscular hypotonicity with superimposed spastic catch likely reflects the complex interaction of cerebellar-related hypotonia [31] with the spasticity of corticospinal release [32].

The gliosis and attenuation in the posterior columns and changes in the posterior roots were the likely cause of sensory loss and may have contributed a proprioceptive element to the dissolution of gait.

Hyperreflexia was a uniform early sign of disease, and was used, along with ERGs, to segregate patients into Stages 0 and 1. There was mild attenuation of corticospinal tracts in two cases, providing a plausible anatomical underpinning of hyperreflexia.

We identified neuronal intranuclear inclusions in the cerebellum and subcortical sites in our patients, but not in the cerebral cortex. A range of cognitive deficits was identified during routine clinical care. Patients and families reported difficulties with multitasking, and testing revealed impaired phonemic fluency and free recall of recently acquired verbal information. These cognitive issues are consistent with deficits previously described in cerebellar patients [33].

Limitations of the Study

The conclusions of this study should be interpreted with caution, given certain constraints. Comprehensive neurological examinations and determination of BARS scores were performed in a prospective manner over a number of years by the same neurologist (JDS) for six members of this family (III-6, III-8, III-13, IV-20, IV-36, and IV-37). In addition, in five of these cases, the BARS score was determined retrospectively for visits prior to the development of the MICARS, from which BARS was derived, in 2003, based on the narrative report in the records of the examination findings of these cases by this same neurologist. In six other subjects last seen prior to 2003 (II-3, II-5, III-12, III-15, III-16, and IV-43), the BARS scores were derived retrospectively based on detailed notes in their records of their neurological findings (JDS). In three cases (III-7, IV-19, and IV-22), the BARS score was derived from examinations performed by other neurologists. One subject (II-4) was not seen by a neurologist and was asymptomatic at death, but the conclusion that he carried a CAG-expanded SCA 7 allele is solid given the family history. Eight subjects were followed with consecutive neurological evaluations. During the course of prospective evaluations, verifiable, objective data on the rate of progression in Stage 2 were available in only two subjects. This period of apparent relative stability in the course was reported also by other members of the kindred who had already passed into Stage 3, providing some subjective support for this observation. All these subjects are from one pedigree, and therefore, features of their disease course may not be representative of other, unrelated individuals with SCA 7. Additional longitudinal data are necessary to confirm or refute the present conclusions, particularly with respect to the course and progression within Stage 2. Further study of unrelated SCA 7 patients is also needed to ascertain whether this disease course is specific to this large family or, conversely, is a common feature in SCA 7.


We provide the first indication that objective and quantifiable ERG evidence of cone–rod dystrophy may prove a valuable biomarker of SCA 7 that correlates with measures of ataxia. Miller et al. [25], however, found no correlation between the severities of visual loss and ataxia; further studies will be necessary to characterize fully how ERG findings relate to disease severity. Our data are insufficient to determine whether rate of decline in cone function in SCA 7 is exponential, as has been shown in retinitis pigmentosa [34]. Whereas neuropathological findings account for the identified clinical manifestations, the significance of anterior horn cell devastation remains to be determined. We also identify what appear to be four stages of SCA 7 from gene-positive Stage 0, through physiologically abnormal but presymptomatic Stage 1, to slowly evolving Stage 2, and rapidly progressing Stage 3. CAG repeat expansion influences AO, but progression within Stage 3 is remarkably uniform across all cases despite disparate CAG repeat expansions. Further, prospective study of the relationship between CAG expansion length, AO, and disease stages in a larger cohort of SCA 7 patients may help shed light on the natural history of this disorder and confirm or refute our present findings. The SCA 7 transgenic mouse may also serve as a useful model to study both the pathophysiology of this disorder and its longitudinal course.