1 Introduction

Solving equations over the binary finite field \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) is of high importance. In particular, those involving the trace functions are crucial in many contexts in the framework of Boolean and vectorial functions for symmetric cryptography and error-correcting codes [2, 3].

Let \({\overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}}\) be the algebraic closure of \(\mathbb {F}_{2}\). Let n be any positive integer and k and l be positive integers such that l|k. In this paper, we discuss the sets of the solutions of the affine equation:

$$ {T^{k}_{l}}(x) := \sum\limits_{i=0}^{\frac kl-1}x^{2^{li}} = a \in\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}, $$

in \({\overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}}\) and in the finite field \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\). When l = 1, we shall simply write Tk instead of \({T^{k}_{1}}\).

Such an equation has no multiple roots since its derivative is a non-zero constant polynomial. Linearized polynomials \({T^{k}_{l}}\) induce a linear map between fields viewed as vectorspaces over \(\mathbb {F}_{2}\). Therefore, the set of preimages of \(a\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) under \({T^{k}_{l}}\) is a coset of the kernel of \({T^{k}_{l}}\). Despite this fact is well-known, no explicit representations for such preimage sets can be found in the literature except the quadratic equation x2 + x = a [1, 4]. In this paper, we shall provide an explicit representation for the solutions of (1) in \(\overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}\) as well as in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) for any n ≥ 1.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we state some properties about the linearized polynomials involved in (1). Next, in Section 3, we study the solutions of (1). To this end, we exploit the linearity to divide our study into two steps. Firstly, we identify the zeros of the linearized polynomials \({T_{l}^{k}}\) in the algebraic closure and next in the given finite field (Propositions 2 and 3). Secondly, in Section 3.2, we explicit all the solutions in the algebraic closure \({\overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}}\) (Theorems 2 and 3). At this stage, the key step is to explicit particular solutions of (1) (Lemmas 2 and 3). Finally, We identify in Section 3.3 all the solutions that lies in a given finite field (Theorems 5 and 7). As a by-product of our study, we are able to completely characterize when (1) has solutions in a given finite field (Theorems 4 and 6).

2 Preliminaries

Throughout this paper, we maintain the following notation.

  • n is a positive integer.

  • a is any element of the finite field \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\).

  • k and l are positive integers such that l|k.

  • L is any common multiple of n and k.

  • We denote the greatest common divisor and the lowest common multiple of two positive integers u and v by (u, v) and [u, v], respectively.

  • d = (n, k).

  • Given a positive integer m, we denote by \(\mu _{2^{m}+1}\) the multiplicative group of \(\overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}\) of order 2m + 1: \(\mu _{2^{m}+1}=\{\zeta \in \overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}\mid \zeta ^{2^{m}+1}=1\}\subset \mathbb {F}_{2^{2m}}\).

To begin with, we present several results that should help us in our study of the solutions of (1). First of all, note that \({T^{k}_{l}}\) restricted to \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{k}}\) is the trace map \(Tr_{l}^{k}\), that is, \({T_{l}^{k}}(x) = Tr_{l}^{k}(x)\) when \(x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{k}}\). We now present some properties about the linearized polynomials \({T^{k}_{l}}\).

Proposition 1

Let k, l, \(k^{\prime }\), \(l^{\prime }\), mbe positive integers such that lk, \(l^{\prime }\mid k^{\prime }\)and ml. Then, the followings hold true:

  1. 1.

    \({T^{k}_{l}}\circ T^{k^{\prime }}_{l^{\prime }} = T^{k^{\prime }}_{l^{\prime }}\circ {T^{k}_{l}}\).

  2. 2.

    \({T^{l}_{m}}\circ {T^{k}_{l}} = {T^{k}_{m}}\).

Lemma 1

The followings hold true:

  1. 1.

    For any\(x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{k}}\), \({T_{l}^{k}}(x)\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{l}}\). Furthermore, \({T_{l}^{k}}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{k}})=\mathbb {F}_{2^{l}}\).

  2. 2.

    \(T_{k}\circ T_{2}(x)=T^{2k}_{k}(x)=x+x^{2^{k}}\)for any\(x\in \overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}\).

  3. 3.

    For any\(x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{l}}\),

    $$ T_l^k(x) = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} x & \text{if }\frac kl \text{ is odd,}\\ 0 & \text{if }\frac kl \text{ is even.} \end{array}\right. $$
  4. 4.

    For any\(x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\), \(T^{n}_{(n,k)}(x) = T_{k}^{[n,k]}(x)\).


The first three statements are obtained by straightforward calculations. Hence, we give a proof only for the last statement.

Since nk = [n, k](n, k), we have n (n, k) = [n, k] k. Furthermore, one has \(\{j(n,k)\mod n \mid 0\leq j\leq \frac n{(n,k)}-1\} = \left \{ik\mod n \mid 0\leq i\leq \frac {[n,k]}{k}-1\right \}\) because n divides ik if and only if i is a multiple of n/(n, k) = [n, k]/k. □

3 On the solutions of (1)

We shall often view the algebraic closure \(\overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}\) and any finite field \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{m}}\), m ≥ 1, as vectorspaces over \(\mathbb {F}_{2}\) and the linearized polynomials involved in (1) as linear maps between the vectorspaces over \(\mathbb {F}_{2}\). Given a finite dimensional subspace E of the linear space \({\overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}}\) over \(\mathbb {F}_{2}\), \(\dim (E)\) denotes its dimension over \(\mathbb {F}_{2}\). Let us now recall some well-known facts in linear algebra that we shall use in the sequel. Let f be a linear map of \({\overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}}\) to itself. Then

$$ \dim f(E) = \dim(E)-\dim(\ker(f)\cap E) $$


$$ \dim f^{-1}(E) = \dim(E\cap \text{Im}(f))+\dim(\ker(f)), $$

where \(\text {Im}(f):=\{f(x)\mid x\in {\overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}}\}\) denotes the range of f and \(\ker (f):=\{x\in {\overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}} \mid f(x)=0\}\) denotes the kernel of f.

3.1 On the zeros of \({T^{k}_{l}}\)

The zeros of the linearized polynomials \({T_{l}^{k}}\) are the zeros of the trace map \(Tr_{l}^{k}\), that is, \({T^{k}_{l}}\) has no zeros outside \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{k}}\). Indeed, the number of the zeros of the linearized polynomial \({T^{k}_{l}}\) is equal to 2kl since its degree is 2kl which is exactly the number of the zeros of \(Tr_{l}^{k}\). Therefore,

$$ \left\{x\in\overline{\mathbb{F}_{2}} \mid {T^{k}_{l}}(x) = 0\right\} = \left\{x\in\mathbb{F}_{2^{k}}\mid Tr_{l}^{k} k(x)=0\right\}. $$

Now, it is well-known that \(Tr_{l}^{k} k(x)=0\) with \(x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{k}}\) is equivalent to \(x = y + y^{2^{l}} = T^{2l}_{l}(y)\) for some \(y\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{k}}\) (see for instance [4]). Hence, according to Item 2 of Lemma 1, it follows

Proposition 2

\(\left \{x\in \overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}} \mid {T^{k}_{l}}(x) = 0\right \} = T_{l}\circ T_{2}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{k}})\).

Let us now study the zeros of \({T_{l}^{k}}\) lying in the finite field \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\). We deduce from (2) that

$$ \{x\in{\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}} \mid {T^{k}_{l}}(x) = 0\} = \{x\in\mathbb{F}_{2^{k}}\cap\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}=\mathbb{F}_{2^{d}}\mid Tr_{l}^{k} k(x)=0\}. $$

Next, observe that, since l|[d, l]|k, for any \(x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{d}}\subset \mathbb {F}_{2^{[d,l]}}\),

$$ Tr_{l}^{k} k(x) = {T_{l}^{k}}(x) = T_{l}^{[d,l]}\left( T_{[d,l]}^{k}(x)\right) =\left\{\begin{array}{ll} T_{l}^{[d,l]}(x) & \text{if }\frac{k}{[d,l]} \text{ is odd,}\\ 0 & \text{if }\frac{k}{[d,l]} \text{ is even} \end{array}\right. $$

by Item 2 of Proposition 1 and Item 3 of Lemma 1. On the other hand, by Item 4 of Lemma 1, one has \( T_{l}^{[d,l]}(x) = T_{(d,l)}^{d}(x)\) for any \(x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{d}}\) and

$$ \{x\in\mathbb{F}_{2^d}\mid T^{d}_{(d,l)}(x) = 0\} = \left\{y+y^{2^{(d,l)}} \mid y\in\mathbb{F}_{2^d}\right\} = T^{2(d,l)}_{(d,l)}\left( \mathbb{F}_{2^{d}}\right) = T_2\circ T_{(d,l)}\left( \mathbb{F}_{2^{d}}\right). $$

Therefore, one has

Proposition 3

$$ \ker({T_{l}^{k}})\cap \mathbb{F}_{2^{n}} = \{x\in{\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}} \mid {T^{k}_{l}}(x) = 0\} =\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} T_{2}\circ T_{(d,l)}\left( \mathbb{F}_{2^{d}}\right) & \text{if }\frac{k}{[d,l]} \text{ is odd,}\\ \mathbb{F}_{2^{d}} & \text{if }\frac{k}{[d,l]} \text{ is even.} \end{array} \right. $$

Remark 1

When l = 1, the above proposition rewrites as

$$ \{x\in{\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}} \mid T_{k}(x) = 0\} =\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} T_{2}\left( \mathbb{F}_{2^{d}}\right) & \text{if }\frac{k}{d} \text{ is odd,}\\ \mathbb{F}_{2^{d}} & \text{if }\frac{k}{d} \text{ is even.} \end{array} \right. $$

Remark 2

Proposition 3 states that

$$ \dim\left( \ker({T_{l}^{k}})\cap \mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}\right) =\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} d- (d,l) & \text{if }\frac{k}{[d,l]} \text{ is odd,}\\ d & \text{if }\frac{k}{[d,l]} \text{ is even.} \end{array} \right. $$

Indeed, suppose that \(\frac {k}{[d,l]}\) is odd. The dimension of the subspace \(T_{2}\circ T_{(d,l)}\left (\mathbb {F}_{2^{d}}\right )\) is equal to \(\dim \left (T_{(d,l)}\left (\mathbb {F}_{2^{d}}\right )\right )-\dim \left (\ker T_{2}\cap T_{(d,l)}\left (\mathbb {F}_{2^{d}}\right )\right )=\dim \left (T_{(d,l)}\left (\mathbb {F}_{2^{d}}\right )\right )-\dim \left (\mathbb {F}_{2}\cap T_{(d,l)}\left (\mathbb { F}_{2^{d}}\right )\right )\). By Remark 1, \(\dim (T_{(d,l)}\left (\mathbb {F}_{2^{d}}\right )) = \dim (\mathbb {F}_{2^{d}}) - \dim \left (T_{2}(\mathbb { F}_{2^{(d,l)}})\right )=d-((d,l)-1)=d-(d,l)+1\). On the other hand, \(T_{(d,l)}\left (\mathbb {F}_{2^{d}}\right )\) contains \(\mathbb {F}_{2}\), yielding the result.

Example 1

When k = 2l, we can recover from Remark 2 the well-known result \(\dim \left (\ker (T_{l}^{2l})\cap \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\right )=(n,l)\). Indeed, one has

$$ \dim\left( \ker(T_{l}^{2l})\cap \mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}\right) =\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (n,2l)-((n,2l),l) = (n,2l)-(n,l) & \text{if }\frac{2l}{[{(n,2l)},l]} \text{ is odd,}\\ (n,2l) & \text{if }\frac{2l}{[{(n,2l)},l]} \text{ is even.} \end{array} \right. $$

Now, \([{(n,2l)},l]=\frac {(n,2l)l}{({(n,2l)},l)}=\frac {(n,2l)l}{(n,l)}\). Thus, if (n,2l) = (n, l), then \(\frac {2l}{[{(n,2l)},l]}=2\) (i.e. even) and otherwise (i.e. (n,2l) = 2(n, l)) \(\frac {2l}{[{(n,2l)},l]}=1\).

Example 2

When k = n, that is, d = n, (d, l) = l and \(\frac {k}{[d,l]}=1\), Remark 2 states that \(\dim (\ker ({T^{n}_{l}})\cap \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}})=n-l\).

A direct consequence of Proposition 3 is:

Corollary 1

\({T_{l}^{k}}\)is a permutation of\(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\)if and only if d|land\(\frac kl\)is odd. Hence, when\(\frac {k}{l}\)is odd, \({T_{l}^{k}}(x)\)is an exceptional polynomial over\(\mathbb {F}_{2}\).

We can deduce the number of \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\)-solutions of (1) from Remark 2.

Theorem 1

The number of the\(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\)-solutions to (1) is 2dif\(\frac {k}{[d,l]}\)is even and 2d−(d, l)if\(\frac {k}{[d,l]}\)is odd.

3.2 Solutions in the algebraic closure

In Section 3.1, we presented an explicit representation of the kernel of the linear map \({T^{k}_{l}}\) on \(\overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}\). Therefore, in order to describe all the solutions of (1) in \(\overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}\), it suffices to find an explicit representation of a particular solution to (1). We begin with the case where l = 1 which contains the main idea.

Lemma 2

Let\(\zeta \in \mu _{2^{L}+1}\setminus \{1\}\). Set\(x_{0}={T^{L}_{k}}\circ T_{2}\left (\frac a{\zeta +1}\right )\). Then Tk(x0) = a.


By Item 2 of Proposition 1 and Item 2 of Lemma 1, one has

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} T_{k}(x_{0}) &=& T_{k}\left( {T^{L}_{k}}\left( T_{2}\left( \frac a{\zeta+1}\right)\right)\right)\\ &=& T_{L}\left( T_{2}\left( \frac a{\zeta+1}\right)\right)\\ &=& \frac a{\zeta+1} + \left( \frac a{\zeta+1}\right)^{2^{L}}\\ &=& \frac a{\zeta+1} + \frac a{1/\zeta+1}=a. \end{array} $$

In the last line, we have used the fact that \(\zeta ^{2^{L}}=1/\zeta \).□

If x1 are x2 are two solutions of (1), then x1 + x2 is a zero of \({T^{k}_{l}}\). Hence, we deduce from Lemma 2 and Proposition 2 the following representation of the solutions to (1) when l = 1.

Theorem 2

Let\(\zeta \in \mu _{2^{L}+1}\setminus \{1\}\). Then, for any\(a\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\),

$$ \{x\in{\overline{\mathbb{F}_{2}}}\mid T_k(x)=a\}=T^L_k\circ T_2\left( \frac{a}{\zeta+1}\right) + T_2(\mathbb{F}_{2^k}). $$

Using the fact \(T_{k}=T_{l}\circ {T^{k}_{l}}\), the preceding result can be easily extended to find a particular solution to the equation \({T_{l}^{k}}(x)=a\).

Lemma 3

Let\(\zeta \in \mu _{2^{L}+1}\setminus \{1\}\). Set\(x_{1}=T_{l}\circ {T^{L}_{k}}\circ T_{2}\left (\frac a{\zeta +1}\right )\). Then\({T_{l}^{k}}(x_{1})=a\).


By Lemma 2, \(x_{0}={T^{L}_{k}}\circ T_{2}\left (\frac a{\zeta +1}\right )\) is a particular solution to Tk(x) = a. Then x1 = Tl(x0) is a particular solution of \({T_{l}^{k}}(x)=a\) since \({T_{l}^{k}}(x_{1})={T_{l}^{k}}(T_{l}(x_{0}))=T_{l}({T^{k}_{l}}(x_{0}))=T_{k}(x_{0})=a\). □

We then deduce from Proposition 2 that

Theorem 3

Let\(\zeta \in \mu _{2^{L}+1}\setminus \{1\}\). Then, for any\(a\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\),

$$ \{x\in{\overline{\mathbb{F}_{2}}}\mid T^k_l(x)=a\}=T_l\circ T^L_k\circ T_2\left( \frac{a}{\zeta+1}\right) + T_l\circ T_2(\mathbb{F}_{2^k}). $$

3.3 Solutions in a finite field

In this section, we study the solutions of (1) lying in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\). As in Section 3.2, we begin with the case l = 1 because it contains some ingredients of the general case and is more simple to study in the first stage. To this end, we have firstly to characterize the a’s for which (1) has solutions in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\).

Theorem 4

The equation Tk(x) = ahas a solution in\(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\)if and only if\(T_{2}\circ {T_{d}^{n}}(a)=0\)when\(\frac kd\)is odd and if and only if\({T_{d}^{n}}(a)=0\)when\(\frac kd\)is even.


Let \(a\in T_{k}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}})\), that is, there exists \(x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) such that a = Tk(x). Then,

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} {T^{n}_{d}}(a) &=& {T^{n}_{d}}(T_{k}(x)) = T_{k}({T^{n}_{d}}(x)) = T_{d}({T^{k}_{d}}({T^{n}_{d}}(x))) \\ &=&\left\{\begin{array}{ll} T_{d}({T^{n}_{d}}(x)) =T_{n}(x) & \text{if \(\frac kd\) is odd,}\\ 0 & \text{if \(\frac kd\) is even} \end{array}\right. \end{array} $$

by Lemma 1 and Proposition 1. Now, T2(Tn(x)) = Tn(T2(x)) = 0 for any \(x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) according to Proposition 1 and Item 2 of Lemma 1. This proves that \(T_{k}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}})\subset \ker (T_{2}\circ {T_{d}^{n}})\cap \mathbb { F}_{2^{n}}\) if \(\frac kd\) is odd and \(T_{k}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}})\subset \ker ({T_{d}^{n}})\) if \(\frac kd\) is even.

Suppose that \(\frac kd\) is odd. Then Tk is a linear map from \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) to itself whose kernel is of dimension d − 1 according to Remark 2. Therefore, \(T_{k}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}})\) is of dimension n − (d − 1) = nd + 1 over \(\mathbb {F}_{2}\). On the other hand,

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \dim\left( \ker(T_{2}\circ {T_{d}^{n}})\cap \mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}\right) &=& n-\dim(T_{2}\circ {T^{n}_{d}}(\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}))\\ &=& n-\dim\left( {T^{n}_{d}}(\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}})\right) + \dim\left( \ker(T_{2})\cap {T^{n}_{d}}(\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}})\right)\\ &=& \dim\left( \ker({T^{n}_{d}})\cap \mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}\right) + 1\\ &=& (n - d) + 1. \end{array} $$

The third line follows from the fact that \(\mathbb {F}_{2}\subset {T^{n}_{d}}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}})=\mathbb {F}_{2^{d}}\) and the last line follows from Remark 2. We therefore conclude that \(T_{k}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}})=\ker (T_{2}\circ {T_{d}^{n}})\cap \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) if \(\frac kd\) is odd (because they have the same dimension).

Suppose that \(\frac kd\) is even. Then Tk is a linear map from \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) to itself whose kernel is of dimension d according to Remark 2. Therefore, \(T_{k}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}})\) is of dimension nd which is exactly the dimension of the kernel of the restriction of \({T_{d}^{n}}\) to \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\). By the same arguments as in the odd case, we conclude that \(T_{k}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}})=\ker ({T_{d}^{n}})\). □

We are now in position to state an explicit representation of the solutions to (1) in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) when l = 1.

Theorem 5

Let\(\zeta \in \mu _{2^{n}+1}\setminus \{1\}\).

  1. 1.

    Let\(\frac {k}{d}\)be odd. Suppose that\(T_{2}\circ {T^{n}_{d}}(a)=0\). Then,

    $$ \{x\in\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}\mid T_{k}(x) = a\} = T_{2}\circ T^{[n,k]}_{k}\left( \frac{a}{\zeta+1}\right)+T_{2}\left( \mathbb{F}_{2^{d}}\right). $$
  2. 2.

    Let\(\frac {k}{d}\)be even. Suppose that\({T^{n}_{d}}(a)=0\). Then,

    $$ \{x\in\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}\mid T_{k}(x) = a\} = T_{2}\circ T^{[n,n-k]}_{n-k}\left( \frac{a^{2^{n-k}}}{\zeta+1}\right)+\mathbb{F}_{2^{d}}. $$


Firstly, suppose that \(\frac {k}{d}=\frac {[n,k]}{n}\) is odd. Then, according to Lemma 2, \(x_{0}=T_{2}\circ T^{[n,k]}_{k}\left (\frac {a}{\zeta +1}\right )\) is a solution to Tk(x) = a since \(\mu _{2^{n}+1}\subset \mu _{2^{[n,k]}+1}\). Let us now show that x0 lies in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\):

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} x_{0}+x_{0}^{2^{n}} &=& T_{n}\circ T_{2} \left( T_{2}\circ T^{[n,k]}_{k}\left( \frac{a}{\zeta+1}\right)\right)\\ &=& T_{2}\circ T^{[n,k]}_{k}\left( T_{n}\circ T_{2} \left( \frac{a}{\zeta+1}\right)\right) \\ &=& T_{2}\circ T^{[n,k]}_{k}\left( \frac{a}{\zeta+1} + \left( \frac{a}{\zeta+1}\right)^{2^{n}}\right)\\ &=& T_{2}\circ T^{[n,k]}_{k}\left( \frac{a}{\zeta+1} + \frac{a}{1/\zeta+1}\right)\\ &=& T_{2}\circ T^{[n,k]}_{k}(a) = T_{2}\circ {T^{n}_{d}}(a) = 0. \end{array} $$

Since \(\frac {k}{d}\) is odd, (5) follows then from Proposition 3 (because the set of solutions to Tk(x) = a is the affine subspace \(x_{0}+\ker (T_{k})\cap \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\)).

Suppose that \(\frac {k}{d}\) is even. Observe that in this case \(\frac {n-k}{d}=\frac {n}{d}-\frac {k}{d}\) is odd since \((\frac {n}{d}, \frac {k}{d})=1\). Furthermore, the equation \(x^{2^{n-k}}+x=a^{2^{n-k}}\) has the same \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\)-solutions as the equation \(x^{2^{k}}+x=a\). Therefore, it can be shown that \(y_{0}=T^{[n,n-k]}_{n-k}\left (\frac {a^{2^{n-k}}}{\zeta +1}\right )\) is a particular \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\)-solution to \(T^{2k}_{k}(x) = a\). Thus, \(x_{0}=T_{2}(y_{0})=T_{2}\circ T^{[n,n-k]}_{n-k}\left (\frac {a^{2^{n-k}}}{\zeta +1}\right )\) is a particular \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\)-solution to Tk(x) = a since \(T_{k}(x_{0})=T_{k}\circ T_{2}(y_{0})=T^{2k}_{k}(y_{0}) = a\). Equation (6) follows then from Proposition 3. □

Now, we will consider the general case. Following the case when l = 1, we begin with characterizing all the a’s for which (1) has solutions in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\).

Theorem 6

The equation\({T_{l}^{k}}(x)=a\)has a solution in\(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\)if and only if\(T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\circ {T_{d}^{n}}(a)=0\)when\(\frac k{[d,l]}\)is odd and if and only if\({T_{d}^{n}}(a)=0\)when\(\frac k{[d,l]}\)is even.


For any \(x\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\),

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} &&{T_{d}^{n}}\circ {T^{k}_{l}}(x) = {T^{k}_{l}}\circ {T_{d}^{n}}(x)\\ &&\quad= T_{l}^{[d,l]}\left( T_{[d,l]}^{k}\left( {T_{d}^{n}}(x)\right)\right)\\ &&\quad= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} T_{l}^{[d,l]}\left( {T^{n}_{d}}(x)\right) = T_{(d,l)}^{d}({T^{n}_{d}}(x)) = T^{n}_{(d,l)}(x) & \text{if }\frac{k}{[d,l]} \text{ is odd,}\\ 0 & \text{if }\frac{k}{[d,l]} \text{ is even} \end{array} \right. \end{array} $$

and \(T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\circ T^{n}_{(d,l)}(x))=T_{2}\circ T_{n}(x)=0\). Therefore, it follows that \({T^{k}_{l}}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}})\subset \ker (T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\circ {T^{n}_{d}})\cap \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) when \(\frac {k}{[d,l]}\) is odd and that \({T^{k}_{l}}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}})\subset \ker ({T^{n}_{d}})\cap \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) when \(\frac {k}{[d,l]}\) is even. Now, we will show that the dimensions of the subspaces involved in these inclusion relations are equal.

According to Remark 2, \({T_{l}^{k}}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}})\) is of dimension nd + (d, l) if \(\frac {k}{[d,l]}\) is odd and of dimension nd if \(\frac {k}{[d,l]}\) is even.

Suppose \(\frac {k}{[d,l]}\) odd. One has

$$\dim\left( \ker(T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\circ {T^{n}_{d}})\cap\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}\right)=n - \dim\left( T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\circ {T_{d}^{n}}(\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}})\right).$$

First, \(T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\circ {T_{d}^{n}}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}) = T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{d}})=T^{2(d,l)}_{(d,l)}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{d}})\). Furthermore, Example 1 let us know

$$ \dim\left( T^{2(d,l)}_{(d,l)}(\mathbb{F}_{2^{d}})\right)= d-(d,l).$$

We therefore conclude that

$$\dim\left( \ker(T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\circ {T^{n}_{d}})\cap\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}\right)=n-d+(d,l),$$

proving that \({T^{k}_{l}}(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}})= \ker (T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\circ {T^{n}_{d}})\cap \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\).

The case when \(\frac {k}{[d,l]}\) is even follows directly from Remark 2 which states \(\dim (\ker ({T^{n}_{d}})\cap \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}) = n - d\) in this case (see Example 2). □

We now states the main result of this paper.

Theorem 7

Let\(a\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\)and d = (n, k).

  1. 1.

    Let\(\frac {k}{[d,l]}\)and\(\frac {k}{d}\)be odd. Suppose that\(T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\circ {T^{n}_{d}}(a)=0\). Then, one has

    $$ \{x\in\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}\mid {T_{l}^{k}}(x) = a\} = T_{l}\circ T_{2}\circ T^{[n,k]}_{k}\left( \frac{a}{\zeta+1}\right)+T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\left( \mathbb{ F}_{2^{d}}\right), $$

    where ζis any element of\(\mu _{2^{n}+1}\setminus \{1\}\).

  2. 2.

    Let\(\frac {k}{[d,l]}\)be odd and\(\frac {k}{d}\)be even. Suppose that\(T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\circ {T^{n}_{d}}(a)=0\). Then, one has

    $$ \{x\in\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}\!\mid\! {T_{l}^{k}}(x) = a\} = T_{l}\circ T_{2}\circ T^{[n,n-k]}_{n-k}\left( \!\frac{a^{2^{n-k}}}{\zeta+1}\!\right)+T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\!\left( \!\frac{{T^{n}_{d}}(a)}{\zeta+1}\!\right)+T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\left( \mathbb{F}_{2^{d}}\right), $$

    where ζis any element of \(\mu _{2^{d}+1}\setminus \{1\}\).

  3. 3.

    Let\(\frac {k}{[d,l]}\)be even. Suppose that \({T^{n}_{d}}(a)=0\). Then, one has

    $$ \{x\in\mathbb{F}_{2^{n}}\mid {T_{l}^{k}}(x) = a\} = T_{l}\circ T_{2}\circ T^{[n,n-k]}_{n-k}\left( \frac{a^{2^{n-k}}}{\zeta+1}\right)+\mathbb{F}_{2^{d}}, $$

    where ζis any element of\(\mu _{2^{d}+1}\setminus \{1\}\).


When \(\frac {k}{[d,l]}\) be odd and \(\frac {k}{d}\) is even, the solution formula can be checked as follows: Consider \({T_{d}^{n}}(a)\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{d}}\). Let \(y_{0}=T_{l}\circ T_{2}\circ T_{n-k}^{[n,n-k]}\left (\frac {a^{2^{n-k}}}{\zeta +1}\right )\) and \(z_{0}=T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\left (\frac {{T_{d}^{n}}(a)}{\zeta +1}\right )\). First, the facts that \(y_{0}\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) and that \(z_{0} \in \mathbb {F}_{2^{d}}\) can be checked by using Theorem 5 and the condition \(T_{(d,l)}\circ T_{2}\circ {T^{n}_{d}}(a)=0\). Then, it can be easily checked that \({T_{l}^{k}}(z_{0})={T_{d}^{n}}(a)\) i.e. \(T^{[d,l]}_{l}(z_{0})={T_{d}^{n}}(a)\) i.e. \(T_{(d,l)}^{d}(z_{0})={T_{d}^{n}}(a)\). It is also an easy exercise to check by direct calculation \({T_{l}^{k}}(y_{0})={T_{d}^{n}}(a)+a\). So x0 = y0 + z0 is a \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\)-solution to \({T_{l}^{k}}(x) = a\) and Proposition 3 completes the proof.

In remaining cases, the solution formulas are deduced from Theorem 5 and Proposition 3, regarding the fact that Tl(x0) is a solution in \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) to \({T_{l}^{k}}(x)=a\) if \(x_{0}\in \mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) is a solution to Tk(x) = a. □

4 Conclusion

In this paper, we discussed the sets of preimages of linearized polynomials

$$ {T^{k}_{l}}(x) := \sum\limits_{i=0}^{\frac kl-1}x^{2^{li}} $$

over \({\overline {\mathbb {F}_{2}}}\) and over the finite field \(\mathbb {F}_{2^{n}}\) for any n ≥ 1 and provided an explicit representation for such preimages. It would be interesting to consider such a problem in odd characteristic.