1 Introduction

In this paper, we want to characterize the second weight codewords of generalized Reed-Muller codes.

We first introduce some notations:

Let p be a prime number, n a positive integer, q = p n and \({\mathbb{F}}_q\) a finite field with q elements.

If m is a positive integer, we denote by \(B_m^q\) the \({\mathbb{F}}_q\)-algebra of the functions from \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) to \({\mathbb{F}}_q\) and by \({\mathbb{F}}_q[X_1,\ldots,X_m]\) the \({\mathbb{F}}_q\)-algebra of polynomials in m variables with coefficients in \({\mathbb{F}}_q\).

We consider the morphism of \({\mathbb{F}}_q\)-algebras \(\varphi: {\mathbb{F}}_q[X_1,\ldots,X_m]\rightarrow B_m^q\) which associates to \(P\in{\mathbb{F}}_q[X_1,\ldots,X_m]\) the function \(f\in B_m^q\) such that

$$ \textrm{$\forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m$, $f(x)=P(x_1,\ldots,x_m)$.} $$

The morphism φ is onto and its kernel is the ideal generated by the polynomials \(X_1^q-X_1,\ldots,X_m^q-X_m\). So, for each \(f\in B_m^q\), there exists a unique polynomial \(P\in{\mathbb{F}}_q[X_1,\ldots,X_m]\) such that the degree of P in each variable is at most q − 1 and φ(P) = f. We say that P is the reduced form of f and we define the degree \(\deg(f)\) of f as the degree of its reduced form. The support of f is the set \(\{x\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m:f(x)\neq0\}\) and we denote by |f| the cardinal of its support (by identifying canonically \(B_m^q\) and \({\mathbb{F}}_q^{q^m}\), |f| is actually the Hamming weight of f).

For 0 ≤ r ≤ m(q − 1), the rth order generalized Reed-Muller code of length q m is

$$ R_q(r,m):=\{f\in B_m^q :\deg(f)\leq r\}. $$

For 1 ≤ r ≤ m(q − 1) − 2, the automorphism group of generalized Reed-Muller codes R q (r,m) is the affine group of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) (see [2]).

For more results on generalized Reed-Muller codes, we refer to [7].

In the following of the article, we write r = t(q − 1) + s, 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 1, 0 ≤ s ≤ q − 2.

In [10], interpreting generalized Reed-Muller codes in terms of BCH codes, it is proved that the minimal weight of the generalized Reed-Muller code R q (r,m) is (q − s)q m − t − 1.

The following theorem gives the minimum weight codewords of generalized Reed-Muller codes and is proved in [7] (see also [12]).

Theorem 1

Let r = t(q − 1) + s < m(q − 1), 0 ≤ s ≤ q − 2. The minimal weight codewords of R q (r,m) are codewords whose support is the union of (q − s) distinct parallel affine subspaces of codimension t + 1 included in an affine subspace of codimension t .

In his Ph.D thesis [8], Erickson proves that if we know the second weight of R q (s,2), then we know the second weight for all generalized Reed-Muller codes. From a conjecture on blocking sets, Erickson conjectures that the second weight of R q (s,2) is (q − s)q + s − 1. Bruen proves the conjecture on blocking set in [5]. Geil also proves this result in [9] using Groebner basis. An altenative approach can be found in [13] where the second weight of most R q (r,m) is established without using Erickson’s results.

Theorem 2

For m ≥ 3, q ≥ 3 and q ≤ r ≤ (m − 1)(q − 1) the second weight W 2 of the generalized Reed-Muller codes R q (r,m) satisfies:

  1. 1.

    if 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 1 and s = 0,

    $$ W_2=2(q-1)q^{m-t-1}; $$
  2. 2.

    if 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 2 and s = 1,

    1. (a)

      if q = 3, \(W_2=8\times 3^{m-t-2},\)

    2. (b)

      if q ≥ 4, \(W_2=q^{m-t}\) ,

  3. 3.

    if 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 2 and 2 ≤ s ≤ q − 2,

    $$ W_2=(q-s+1)(q-1)q^{m-t-2}. $$

In [6], Cherdieu and Rolland prove that the codewords of R q (s,m) of weight (q − s + 1)(q − 1)q m − 2, 2 ≤ s ≤ q − 2, which are the product of s polynomials of degree 1 are of the following form.

Theorem 3

Let m ≥ 2, 2 ≤ s ≤ q − 2 and f ∈ R q (s,m) such that |f| = (q − s + 1)(q − 1)q m − 2 ; we denote by S the support of f . Assume f is the product of s polynomials of degree 1 then either S is the union of q − s + 1 parallel affine hyperplanes minus their intersection with an affine hyperplane which is not parallel or S is the union of (q − s + 1) affine hyperplanes which meet in a common affine subspace of codimension 2 minus this intersection.

In [14], Sboui proves that the only codewords of R q (s,m), \(2\leq s\leq\frac{q}{2}\) whose weight is (q − s + 1)(q − 1)q m − 2 are these codewords. The case where q = 2 is proved in [11]. In [1], Ballet and Rolland prove that a codeword with an irreducible but not absolutely irreducible factor of degree greater than 1 over \({\mathbb{F}}_q\) is not a second weight codeword.

All the results proved in this paper are summarized in Section 2 and their proofs are in the following sections.

2 Results

2.1 Description of second weight codewords of generalized Reed-Muller codes

The following theorems and propositions describe the second weight codewords of generalized Reed-Muller code R q (r,m) for q ≥ 3, m ≥ 2, and 1 ≤ r ≤ m(q − 1) − 1. We recall that we write r = t(q − 1) + s where 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 1 and 0 ≤ s ≤ q − 2.

2.1.1 Case where t = m − 1 and s ≠ 0

Theorem 4

Let m ≥ 2, q ≥ 5, 1 ≤ s ≤ q − 4. Up to affine transformation, the second weight codewords of R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + s,m) are of the form

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\quad f(x) =\alpha\prod\limits_{i=1}^{m-1}\left(1-x_i^{q-1}\right)\prod\limits_{j=1}^{s-1}(x_m-b_j) $$

where \(\alpha\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) and \(b_j\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) are such that if j ≠ k, b j  ≠ b k .

Proposition 1

Let m ≥ 2 and q ≥ 4. Up to affine transformation, the second weight codewords of R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + q − 3,m) are either of the form

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\quad f(x) =\alpha\prod\limits_{i=1}^{m-1}\left(1-x_i^{q-1}\right)\prod\limits_{i=1}^{q-4}(x_m-b_i) $$

where \(\alpha\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) and \(b_j\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) are such that if j ≠ k, b j  ≠ b k or

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\quad f(x) =\alpha\prod\limits_{i=1}^{m-2}\left(1-x_i^{q-1}\right)\prod\limits_{i=1}^{q-1}(a_ix_{m-1}+b_ix_m)\prod\limits_{i=1}^{q-3}(x_m-c_i) $$

where \(\alpha\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) , \((a_j,b_j)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^2\setminus\{(0,0)\}\) and \(c_j\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) are such that if j ≠ k c j  ≠ c k or of the form \(\forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\)

$$ f(x) =\alpha\prod\limits_{i=1}^{m-2}\left(1-x_i^{q-1}\right)\prod\limits_{i=1}^{q-1}(a_ix_{m-1}+b_ix_m)\prod\limits_{i=1}^{q-4}(x_m-c_i)(ax_{m-1}+bx_m+c) $$

where \(\alpha\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) , \((a_j,b_j)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^2\setminus\{(0,0)\}\) , \(c_j\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) are such that if j ≠ k c j  ≠ c k and \(a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) , \(b\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) , \(c\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\)

Proposition 2

Let m ≥ 2 and q ≥ 3. If q ≥ 3, up to affine transformation, the second weight codewords of R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + q − 2,m) are of the form \(\forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\)

$$ f(x) =\alpha\prod\limits_{i=1}^{m-2}\left(1-x_i^{q-1}\right) \prod\limits_{i=1}^{q-2}(x_{m-1}-b_i)\prod\limits_{i=1}^{q-2}(x_m-c_i)(ax_{m-1}+bx_m+c) $$

where \(\alpha\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) , \(a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) , \(b\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) , \(c\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) and \(b_j\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) , \(c_j\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) are such that if j ≠ k, b j  ≠ b k and c j  ≠ c k

2.1.2 Case where 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 2 and 2 ≤ s ≤ q − 2

Theorem 5

Let q ≥ 4, m ≥ 2, 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 2, 2 ≤ s ≤ q − 2. Up to affine transformation, the second weight codewords of R q (t(q − 1) + s,m) are either of the form

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\quad f(x) =\alpha\prod\limits_{i=1}^{t}\left(1-x_i^{q-1}\right)\prod\limits_{j=1}^{s-1}(x_{t+1}-b_j)(x_{t+2}-c) $$

where \(\alpha\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) , \(b_j\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) are such that if j ≠ k, b j  ≠ b k and \(c\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) or of the form

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\quad f(x) =\alpha\prod\limits_{i=1}^{t}\left(1-x_i^{q-1}\right)\prod\limits_{j=1}^{s}(a_jx_{t+1}+b_jx_{t+2}+c_j) $$

where \(\alpha\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) and \((a_j,b_j)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^2\setminus\{(0,0)\}\) , \(c_j\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) such that

$$ A=\displaystyle\bigcap\limits_{j=1}^{s}\{(x_{t+1},x_{t+2},\ldots,x_m): a_jx_{t+1}+b_jx_{t+2}+c_j=0\}\neq\emptyset $$

and \(\dim(A)=m-t-2\) .

2.1.3 Case where s = 0

Theorem 6

Let m ≥ 2, q ≥ 3, 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 1. Up to affine transformation, the second weight codewords of R q (t(q − 1),m) are either of the form

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\quad f(x) =\alpha\prod\limits_{i=1}^{t-1}\left(1-x_i^{q-1}\right)\prod\limits_{j=1}^{q-2}(x_{t}-b_j)(x_{t+1}-c) $$

where \(\alpha\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) , \(b_j\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) are such that if j ≠ k, b j  ≠ b k and \(c\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) or of the form

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\quad f(x) =\alpha\prod\limits_{i=1}^{t-1}\left(1-x_i^{q-1}\right)\prod\limits_{j=1}^{q-1}(a_jx_{t}+b_jx_{t+1}+c_j) $$

where \(\alpha\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) and \((a_j,b_j)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^2\setminus\{(0,0)\}\) , \(c_j\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) such that

$$ A=\displaystyle\bigcap\limits_{j=1}^{q-1}\{(x_{t},x_{t+1},\ldots,x_m): a_jx_{t}+b_jx_{t+1}+c_j=0\}\neq\emptyset $$

and \(\dim(A)=m-t-1\) .

2.1.4 Case where 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 2 and s = 1

Theorem 7

Let q ≥ 4, m ≥ 1, 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 1. Up to affine transformation, the second weight codewords of R q (t(q − 1) + 1,m) are of the form

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\quad f(x) =\alpha\prod\limits_{i=1}^t\left(1-x_i^{q-1}\right) $$

where \(\alpha\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) .

Proposition 3

Let m ≥ 3, q = 3, 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 2. Up to affine transformation, the second weight codewords of R 3(2t + 1,m) are of the form

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\quad f(x) =\alpha\prod\limits_{i=1}^{t-1}\left(1-x_i^{2}\right)x_tx_{t+1}x_{t+2} $$

where \(\alpha\in{\mathbb{F}}_3^*\) .

Remark 1

For q = 3, in the case where r = 1, the second weight of R 3(1,m) is 3m and the second weight codewords are degree zero codewords.

Remark 2

From the above theorems, it follows that second weight codewords of generalized Reed-Muller codes are product of degree 1 factors.

2.2 Strategy of proof

In the following, except when another affine space is specified, a hyperplane or a subspace is, respectively, an affine hyperplane or an affine subspace of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\).

It is easy to verify that the codewords described above are second weight codewords. Using the following lemma and its corollary from [7], we deduce that these codewords are exactly the second weight codewords from the results on the structure of the support of second weight codewords below.

Lemma 1

Let m ≥ 1, q ≥ 2, \(f\in B_m^q\) and \(a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) . If for all (x 2,...,x m ) in \({\mathbb{F}}_q^{m-1}\) , f(a,x 2,...,x m ) = 0 then for all \((x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) ,

$$ f(x_1,\ldots,x_m)=(x_1-a)g(x_1,\ldots,x_m) $$

with \(\deg_{x_1}(g)\leq\deg_{x_1}(f)-1\) .

Corollary 1

Let m ≥ 1, q ≥ 2, \(f\in B_m^q\) and \(a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) . If for all (x 1,...,x m ) in \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) such that x 1 ≠ a, f(x 1,...,x m ) = 0 then for all \((x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) , \(f(x_1,\ldots,x_m)=(1-(x_1-a)^{q-1})g(x_2,\ldots,x_m)\) .

2.2.1 Case where t = m − 1 and s ≠ 0

Theorem 4 comes from

Theorem 8

Let m ≥ 2, q ≥ 5, 1 ≤ s ≤ q − 4 and f ∈ R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + s,m) such that |f| = q − s + 1. Then the support of f is included in a line.

Propositions 1 and 2 come from

Proposition 4

Let m ≥ 2. If q ≥ 4 and f ∈ R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + q − 3,m) such that |f| = 4 or q ≥ 3 and f ∈ R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + q − 2,m) such that |f| = 3, then the support of f is included in an affine plane.

Indeed, in both cases, since the support of f is included in an affine plane, up to affine transformation, \(\forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\),

$$ f(x)=\prod\limits_{i=1}^{m-2}\left(1-x_i^{q-1}\right)g(x_{m-1},x_m) $$

where g ∈ R q (u,2), u ∈ {2q − 4,2q − 3}.

Consider the case of Proposition 1. If the support of f is included in a line then f is a minimum weight codeword of R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + q − 4,m) and we get the first case of the Proposition. Assume that 3 points of the support are included in a line L. We denote by A the point of the support which is not in L and by B, C , D the 3 other points. We define a point E such that ABDE is a parallelogram.

Then considering the lined parallel to (AB) and those parallel to (AD) which do not contain any point of the support, the line parallel to (BD) through E and the line L and L′ (see Fig. 1), we get that up to affine transformation g is of the form \(\displaystyle\prod\limits_{i=1}^{q-3}(x_{m-1}-b_i)\prod\limits_{i=1}^{q-3}(x_m-c_i)\prod\limits_{i=1}^3(\alpha_i x_{m-1}+\beta_ix_m+\gamma_i)\) where \(b_i\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\), \(c_i\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) are such that if j ≠ k, b j  ≠ b k , c j  ≠ c k and \(\alpha_i\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\), \(\beta_i\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\), \(\gamma_i\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\). So f ∈ R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + q − 2,m) and this case is not possible.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Proposition 1, case where 3 points of the support are included in a line

In the other cases, the four points of the support form a quadrilateral, we denote by M the intersection of the diagonals of this quadrilateral. By applying an affine transformation, we can assume that M = (0,0).

If at least two of the edges of this quadrilateral are parallel, considering all the lines through M which do not contain any point of the support and all the lines parallel to these edges which contain neither M nor any point of the support, we get that f is of the second form in Proposition 1.

In the last case, we denote by A, B, C, D the vertices of the quadrilateral and by C′ (respectively D′) the intersection of the diagonal (BD) (respectively (AC)) with the line parallel to (AB) through C (respectively D). Then considering all the lines through M which do not contain any point of the support, all the lines parallel to (AB) which do not contain any point of the support and the line (CD′), we get that f is of the third form in Proposition 1.

Consider now the case of Proposition 2. Denote by A, B, C the 3 points of the support and define D a point such that ABCD is a parallelogram. Considering the line through D parallel to (AC) we get that f is of the form described in the Proposition.

2.2.2 Case where 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 2 and 2 ≤ s ≤ q − 2

Theorem 5 comes from

Theorem 9

Let q ≥ 4, m ≥ 2, 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 2, 2 ≤ s ≤ q − 2. The second weight codewords of R q (t(q − 1) + s,m) are codewords whose support S is included in an affine subspace of codimension t and either S is the union of q − s + 1 parallel affine subspaces of codimension t + 1 minus their intersection with an affine subspace of codimension t + 1 which is not parallel or S is the union of (q − s + 1) affine subspaces of codimension t + 1 which meet in an affine subspace of codimension t + 2 minus this intersection (see Fig.  2 ).

Fig. 2
figure 2

The possible support for a second weight codeword of R 4(5,3)

2.2.3 Case where s = 0

Theorem 6 comes from:

Theorem 10

Let m ≥ 2, q ≥ 3, 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 1. The second weight codewords of R q (t(q − 1),m) are codewords whose support S is included in an affine subspace of codimension t − 1 and either S is the union of 2 parallel affine subspaces of codimension t minus their intersection with an affine subspace of codimension t which is not parallel or S is the union of two non parallel affine subspaces of codimension t minus their intersection.

2.2.4 Case where 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 2 and s = 1

Theorem 7 comes from

Theorem 11

For q ≥ 4, m ≥ 1, 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 1, if f ∈ R q (t(q − 1) + 1,m) is such that |f| = q m − t , the support of f is an affine subspace of codimension t .

Proposition 3 comes from

Proposition 5

Let m ≥ 3, q = 3, 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 2 and f ∈ R 3(2t + 1,m) such that |f| = 8.3m − t − 2 . We denote by S the support of f . Then S is included in A an affine subspace of dimension m − t + 1, S is the union of two parallel hyperplanes of A minus their intersection with two non parallel hyperplanes of A (see Fig.  3 ).

Fig. 3
figure 3

The support of a second weight codeword of R 3(3,3)

3 A preliminary lemma

Lemma 2

Let q ≥ 3, m ≥ 3, and S be a set of points of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) such that #S = u.q n < q m , with \(u\not\equiv0\mod q\) . Assume for all hyperplanes H either #(S ∩ H) = 0 or #(S ∩ H) = v.q n − 1 , v < u or #(S ∩ H) ≥ u.q n − 1 Then there exists H an affine hyperplane such that S does not meet H or such that #(S ∩ H) = vq n − 1 .


Assume for all H hyperplane, S ∩ H ≠ ∅ and #(S ∩ H) ≠ vq n − 1. Consider an affine hyperplane H; then for all H′ hyperplane parallel to H, #(S ∩ H′) ≥ u.q n − 1. Since \(u.q^{n}=\#S=\displaystyle\sum\limits_{H'//H}\#(S\cap H')\), we get that for all H hyperplane, #(S ∩ H) = u.q n − 1.

Now consider A an affine subspace of codimension 2 and the (q + 1) hyperplanes through A. These hyperplanes intersect only in A and their union is equal to \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\). So

$$ uq^{n}=\#S=(q+1)u.q^{n-1}-q\#(S\cap A). $$

Finally we get a contradiction if n = 1. Otherwise, #(S ∩ A) = u.q n − 2. Iterating this argument, we get that for all A affine subspace of codimension k ≤ n, #(S ∩ A) = u.q n − k.

Let A be an affine subspace of codimension n + 1 and A′ an affine subspace of codimension n − 1 containing A. We consider the (q + 1) affine subspace of codimension n containing A and included in A′, then

$$u.q=\#(S\cap A')=(q+1)u-q\#(S\cap A)$$

which is absurd since #(S ∩ A) is an integer and \(u\not\equiv 0\mod q\). So there exists H 0 an hyperplane such that \(\#(S\cap H_0)=vq^{n-1}\) or S does not meet H 0.□

Remark 3

This lemma applies in particular when S is the support of a second weight codeword and vq n is the minimal weight.

4 Case where t = m − 1 and s ≠ 0

4.1 Proof of Theorem 8

We recall that S is the support of f. Let ω 1, ω 2 ∈ S and H be an affine hyperplane containing ω 1 and ω 2. Assume S ∩ H ≠ S. We have #S = q − s + 1 ≤ q and ω 1, ω 2 ∈ S ∩ H, so there exists an affine hyperplane parallel to H which does not meet S. Since the affine group is the automorphism group of generalized Reed-Muller codes, we can apply an affine transformation without changing the weight of a codeword. So, we can assume x 1 = 0 is an equation of H and we denote by H a the affine hyperplane parallel to H of equation x 1 = a, \(a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\). Let \(I:=\{a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q:S\cap H_a=\emptyset\}\) and denote by k: = # I; s ≤ k ≤ q − 2. Let \(c\not\in I\), we define

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m, \ f_c(x)=f(x)\prod\limits_{a\not\in I,a\neq c}(x_1-a) $$

that is to say f c is a function in \(B_m^q\) such that its support is S ∩ H c . Since \(c\not\in I\), f c is not identically zero. Then \(|f|=\displaystyle\sum\limits_{c\not\in I}|f_c|\) and we consider two cases.

  • Assume k > s.

    Then the reduced form of f c has degree at most (m − 1)(q − 1) + q − 1 + s − k and |f c | ≥ k − s + 1. Then,

    $$(q-s+1)=|f|=\sum\limits_{c\not\in I}|f_c|\geq(q-k)(k-s+1)$$

    which gives


    this is possible if and only if k = q − 2 = s + 1 and we get a contradiction since s ≤ q − 4.

  • Assume k = s.

    Then S meets (q − s − 1) affine hyperplanes parallel to H in 1 point and H in 2 points. Consider the function g in \(B_m^q\) defined by

    $$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m, \ g(x)=x_1f(x). $$

    The reduced form of g has degree at most (m − 1)(q − 1) + s + 1 and

    $$ |g|=(q-s-1). $$

    So g is a minimum weight codeword of R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + s + 1,m) and its support is included in a line. This line is not included in H. So consider H 1 an affine hyperplane which contains this line but does not contain both ω 1 and ω 2. Then S ∩ H 1 ≠ S and H 1 contains at least 3 points of S since s ≤ q − 4 which gives a contradiction by applying the previous argument to H 1.

So S is included in all affine hyperplanes through ω 1 and ω 2 which gives the result.

4.2 Proof of Proposition 4

  • If f ∈ R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + q − 2,m) is such that |f| = 3, we have the result since 3 points are always included in an affine plane.

  • Assume f ∈ R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + q − 3,m) is such that |f| = 4. By Corollary 1, there exist a, b, c, \(d\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) and \(\omega^{(a)}=(\omega_1^{(a)},\ldots,\omega_m^{(a)})\), \(\omega^{(b)}=(\omega_1^{(b)},\ldots,\omega_m^{(b)})\), \(\omega^{(c)}=(\omega_1^{(c)},\ldots,\omega_m^{(c)})\), \(\omega^{(d)}=(\omega_1^{(d)},\ldots,\omega_m^{(d)})\) 4 distinct points of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) such that \(\forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m,\)

    $$\begin{array}{lll} f(x)&=&a\prod\limits_{i=1}^m\left(1-\left(x_i-\omega_i^{(a)}\right)^{q-1}\right)+b\prod\limits_{i=1}^m\left(1-\left(x_i-\omega_i^{(b)}\right)^{q-1}\right) \\[-3pt] &&+\,c\prod\limits_{i=1}^m\left(1-\left(x_i-\omega_i^{(c)}\right)^{q-1}\right)+d\prod\limits_{i=1}^m\left(1-\left(x_i-\omega_i^{(d)}\right)^{q-1}\right). \end{array}$$


    $$\begin{array}{lll} f(x) &=&(-1)^m(a+b+c+d)\prod\limits_{i=1}^mx_i^{q-1} \\[-3pt] &&+(-1)^{m-1}\sum\limits_{i=1}^m\left(a\omega_i^{(a)}+b\omega_i^{(b)}+c\omega_i^{(c)}+d\omega_i^{(d)}\right)x_i^{q-2}\prod\limits_{j\neq i}x_j^{q-1}+r \end{array} $$

    with \(\deg(r)\leq(m-1)(q-1)+q-3\). Since f ∈ R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + q − 3,m),

    $$ \left\{\begin{array}{l}a+b+c+d=0\\a\omega^{(a)}+b\omega^{(b)}+c\omega^{(c)}+d\omega^{(d)}=0\end{array}\right.. $$

    So, \(a\overrightarrow{\omega^{(d)}\omega^{(a)}}+b\overrightarrow{\omega^{(d)}\omega^{(b)}}+c\overrightarrow{\omega^{(d)}\omega^{(c)}}=\overrightarrow{0}\) which gives the result.

Remark 4

In both cases we cannot prove that the support of f is included in a line. Indeed,

  • Let ω 1, ω 2, ω 3 be 3 points of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) not included in a line. For q ≥ 3 we can find a, \(b\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) such that a + b ≠ 0. Let \( f=a\mathrm{1}_{\omega_1}+b\mathrm{1}_{\omega_2}-(a+b)\mathrm{1}_{\omega_3}\) where for \(\omega\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\), 1 ω is the function from \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) to \({\mathbb{F}}_q\) such that 1 ω (ω) = 1 and 1 ω (x) = 0 for all x ≠ ω. Then, since \(\displaystyle\sum\limits_{x\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m}f(x)=a+b-(a+b)=0\), f ∈ R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + q − 2,m).

  • Let ω 1, ω 2, ω 3 be 3 points of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) not included in a line and set

    $$ \omega_4=\omega_1+\omega_2-\omega_3. $$

    Then \(f=\mathrm{1}_{\omega_1}+\mathrm{1}_{\omega_2}-\mathrm{1}_{\omega_3}-\mathrm{1}_{\omega_4}\in R_q((m-1)(q-1)+q-3,m)\).

5 Case where 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 2 and 2 ≤ s ≤ q − 2

5.1 Case where t = 0

In this subsection, we write r = a(q − 1) + b with 0 ≤ a ≤ m − 1 and 0 < b ≤ q − 1.

Lemma 3

Let q ≥ 3, m ≥ 2, 0 ≤ a ≤ m − 2, 2 ≤ b ≤ q − 1 and f ∈ R q (a(q − 1) + b,m) such that |f| = (q − b + 1)(q − 1)q m − a − 2 ; we denote by S the support of f . If H is an affine hyperplane of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) such that S ∩ H ≠ ∅ and S ∩ H ≠ S then either S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H or S meets q − b + 1 affine hyperplanes parallel to H in (q − 1)q m − a − 2 points or S meets q − 1 affine hyperplanes parallel to H in (q − b + 1)q m − a − 2 points.


By applying an affine transformation, we can assume x 1 = 0 is an equation of H and consider the q affine hyperplanes H w of equation x 1 = w, \(w\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\), parallel to H. Let \(I:=\{w\in{\mathbb{F}}_q:S\cap H_w=\emptyset\}\) and denote by k: = # I. Assume k ≥ 1. Since S ∩ H ≠ ∅ and S ∩ H ≠ S, k ≤ q − 2. For all \(c\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\), \(c\not\in I\), we define

$$\forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_n)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m, \ f_c(x)=f(x)\prod\limits_{w\in{\mathbb{F}}_q,w\neq c,w\not\in I}(x_1-w).$$
  • Assume b < k.

    Then 2 ≤ q − 1 + b − k ≤ q − 2 and for all \(c\not\in I\), the reduced form of f c has degree at most a(q − 1) + q − 1 + b − k. So \(|f_c|\geq (k-b+1)q^{m-a-1}\). Hence

    $$ (q-1)(q-b+1)q^{m-a-2}\geq(q-k)(k-b+1)q^{m-a-1} $$

    which means that (b − k)q(q − k − 1) + b − 1 ≥ 0. However (b − k) ≤ − 1 and q − k − 1 ≥ 1 so (b − k)q(q − k − 1) + b − 1 < 0 which gives a contradiction.

  • Assume b ≥ k.

    Then 0 ≤ b − k ≤ q − 2 and for all \(c\not\in I\), the reduced form of f c has degree at most (a + 1)(q − 1) + b − k. So \(|f_c|\geq (q-b+k)q^{m-a-2}\). Hence

    $$ (q-1)(q-b+1)q^{m-a-2}\geq (q-k)(q-b+k)q^{m-a-2} $$

    with equality if and only if for all \(c\not\in I\), \(|f_c|=(q-b+k)q^{m-a-2}\). Finally, we obtain that (k − 1)(k − b + 1) ≥ 0 which is possible if and only if k = 1 or 1 ≥ b − k ≥ 0. Now, we have to show that k = s is impossible to prove the lemma. If b = q − 1, since k ≤ q − 2, we have the result. Assume b ≤ q − 2 and b = k. Then, for all \(c\not\in I\), f c  ∈ R q ((a + 1)(q − 1),m). The minimum weight of R q ((a + 1)(q − 1),m) is q m − a − 1 and its second weight is 2(q − 1)q m − a − 2. We denote by \(N_1:=\#\{c\not\in I:|f_c|=q^{m-a-1}\}\). Since k = b, N 1 ≤ q − b. Furthermore, we have

    $$ (q-b+1)(q-1)q^{m-a-2}\geq N_1q^{m-a-1}+(q-b-N_1)2(q-1)q^{m-a-2} $$

    which means that \(N_1\geq \frac{(q-1)(q-b-1)}{q-2}>q-b-1\). Finally, N 1 = q − b and for all \(c\not\in I\), \(|f_c|=q^{m-a-1}\). However (q − 1)(q − b + 1)q m − a − 2 > (q − b)q m − a − 1 which gives a contradiction.□

Lemma 4

For m = 2, q ≥ 3, 2 ≤ b ≤ q − 1. The second weight codewords of R q (b,2) are codewords of R q (b,2) whose support S is the union of q − b + 1 parallel lines minus their intersection with a line which is not parallel or S is the union of (q − b + 1) lines which meet in a point minus this point.


To prove this lemma, we use some results on blocking sets proved by Erickson in [8] and Bruen in [5]. All these results are recalled in the Appendix of this paper. By Theorem 3, which is also true for b = q − 1 (see [8, Lemma 3.12]), it is sufficient to prove that f ∈ R q (b,2) such that |f| = (q − b + 1)(q − 1) is the product of linear factors.

Let f ∈ R q (b,2) such that |f| ≤ (q − b + 1)(q − 1) = q(q − b) + b − 1. We denote by S its support. Then, S is not a blocking set of order (q − b) of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^2\) (Theorem 13) and f has a linear factor (Lemma 10).

We proceed by induction on b. If b = 2 and f ∈ R q (b,2) is such that |f| ≤ (q − b + 1)(q − 1), then f has a linear factor and by Lemma 1 f is the product of two linear factors. Assume if f ∈ R q (b − 1,2) is such that |f| ≤ (q − b + 2)(q − 1) then f is a product of linear factors. Let f ∈ R q (b,2) such that |f| ≤ (q − b + 1)(q − 1); then f has a linear factor. By applying an affine transformation, we can assume for all \((x,y)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^2\), \(f(x,y)=y\widetilde{f}(x,y)\) with \(\deg(\widetilde{f})\leq b-1\). So, L the line of equation y = 0 does not meet S the support of f. Since (q − b + 1)(q − 1) > q, S is not included in a line and by Lemma 3, either S meets (q − b + 1) lines parallel to L in (q − 1) points or S meets (q − 1) lines parallel to L in (q − b + 1) points.

In the first case, by Lemma 1, we can write for all \((x,y)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^2\),


where a i , 1 ≤ i ≤ q − 2 are q − 2 distinct elements of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^*\) and \(\deg(g)\leq 1\) which gives the result.

In the second case, we denote by \(a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) the coefficient of x s − 1 in \(\widetilde{f}\). Then for any \(\lambda\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\), since S meets all lines parallel to L but L in q − s + 1 points, we get for all \(x\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\),

$$ f(x,\lambda)=a\lambda(x-a_1(\lambda))\ldots(x-a_{b-1}(\lambda)) $$

So there exists \(a_1,\ldots a_{b-1}\in{\mathbb{F}}_q[Y]\) of degree at most q − 1 such that for all \((x,y)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^2\),

$$ f(x,y)=ay(x-a_1(y))\ldots(x-a_{b-1}(y)). $$

Then for all \(x\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\),


and \(|\widetilde{f}_0|\leq q-1\). So,

$$ |\widetilde{f}|\leq |f|+|\widetilde{f}_0|\leq (q-b+2)(q-1). $$

By induction hypothesis, \(\widetilde{f}\) is the product of linear factors which finishes the proof of Lemma 4.□

Proposition 6

For m ≥ 2, q ≥ 3, 2 ≤ b ≤ q − 1. The second weight codewords of R q (b,m) are codewords of R q (b,m) whose support S is the union of q − b + 1 parallel hyperplanes minus their intersection with an affine hyperplane which is not parallel or S is the union of (q − b + 1) hyperplanes which meet in an affine subspace of codimension 2 minus this intersection.


We say that we are in configuration A if S is the union of q − b + 1 parallel hyperplanes minus their intersection with an affine hyperplane which is not parallel (see Fig. 2a) and that we are in configuration B if S is the union of (q − b + 1) hyperplanes which meet in an affine subspace of codimension 2 minus this intersection (see Fig. 2b).

We prove this proposition by induction on m. The Lemma 4 proves the case where m = 2. Assume m ≥ 3 and that second weight codeword of R q (b,m − 1), 2 ≤ b ≤ q − 1 are of type A or type B. Let f ∈ R q (b,m) such that |f| = (q − 1)(q − b + 1)q m − 2 and we denote by S its support.

  • Assume S meets all affine hyperplanes.

    Then, by Lemma 2, there exists an affine hyperplane H such that #(S ∩ H) = (q − b)q m − 2. By applying an affine transformation, we can assume x 1 = 0 is an equation of H. We denote by 1 H the function in \(B_m^q\) such that

    $$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m,\ \mathrm{1}_{H}(x)=1-x_1^{q-1} $$

    then the reduced form f.1 H has degree at most (t + 1)(q − 1) + s and the support of f.1 H is S ∩ H so S ∩ H is the support of a minimal weight codeword of R q (q − 1 + b,m) and S ∩ H is the union of (q − b) parallel affine subspaces of codimension 2. Consider P an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H such that #(S ∩ P) = (q − b)q m − 3. Assume there are at least two hyperplanes through P which meet S in (q − b)q m − 2 points. Then, there exists H 1 an affine hyperplane through P different from H such that \(\#(S\cap H_1)=(q-b)q^{m-2}\). So, S ∩ H 1 is the union of (q − b) parallel affine subspaces of codimension 2. Consider G an affine hyperplane which contains Q an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H which does not meet S and the affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H 1 which meets Q but not S (see Fig. 4).

    By applying an affine transformation, we can assume x m  = λ, \(\lambda\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) is an equation of an hyperplane parallel to G. For all \(\lambda\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\), we define f λ  ∈ \( B_{m-1}^q\) by

    $$ \forall(x_1,\ldots,x_{m-1})\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^{m-1},\qquad f_{\lambda}(x_1,\ldots,x_{m-1})=f(x_1,\ldots,x_{m-1},\lambda). $$

    If all hyperplanes parallel to G meets S in (q − b + 1)(q − 1)q m − 3 then for all \(\lambda\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\), f λ is a second weight codeword of R q (b,m − 1) and its support is of type A or B. We get a contradiction if we consider an hyperplane parallel to G which meets S ∩ H and S ∩ H 1. So, there exits G 1 an hyperplane parallel to G which meets S in (q − b)q m − 2 points and S ∩ G 1 is the union of (q − b) parallel affine subspaces of codimension 2 which is a contradiction. Then for all H′ hyperplane through P different from H #(S ∩ H′) ≥ (q − 1)(q − b + 1)q m − 3. Furthermore, since

    $$\begin{array}{lll} &&(q-b)q^{m-2}+q.(q-1)(q-b+1)q^{m-3} \\ &&\;\;\; -q.(q-b)q^{m-3}=(q-1)(q-b+1)q^{m-2}, \end{array}$$

    #(S ∩ H′) = (q − 1)(q − b + 1)q m − 3. Finally, by applying the same argument to all affine subspaces of codimension 2 included in H parallel to P, we get that all hyperplanes through an affine subspace of codimension 2 parallel to P but H meet S in (q − 1)(q − b + 1)q m − 3. Choosing q such hyperplanes, we get q parallel hyperplanes (G i )1 ≤ i ≤ q such that for all 1 ≤ i ≤ q, \(\#(S\cap G_i)=(q-b+1)(q-1)q^{m-3}\) and \(\#(S\cap G_i\cap H)=(q-b)q^{m-3}\). Then by induction hypothesis, S ∩ G i is either of type A or of type B.

    If there exists i 0 such that \(S\cap G_{i_0}\) is of type A. Consider F an affine hyperplane containing R an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H which does not meet S and the affine subspace of codimension 2 included in \(G_{i_0}\) which does not meets S but meets R. If for all F′ hyperplane parallel to F, #(S ∩ F′) > (q − b)q m − 2 then #(S ∩ F′) = (q − 1)(q − b + 1)q m − 3. So S ∩ F′ is the support of a second weight codeword of R q (b,m − 1) and is either of type A or of type B which is absurd is we consider an hyperplane parallel to F which meets S ∩ H. So there exits F 1 an affine hyperplane parallel to F which meets S in (q − b)q m − 2 points. So S ∩ F 1 is the union of (q − s) parallel affine subspaces of codimension 2 which is absurd since \(S\cap G_{i_0}\) is of type A (see Fig. 5).

    If for all 1 ≤ i ≤ q, S ∩ G i is of type B. Let H 1 be the affine hyperplane parallel to H which contains the affine subspace of codimension 3 intersection of the affine subspaces of codimension 2 of S ∩ G 1. We consider R an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H which does not meet S. Then there is (q − b + 1) affine hyperplanes through R which meet S ∩ G 1 in (q − b)q m − 3. However, if we denote by k the number of hyperplanes through R which meet S in (q − b)q m − 2 points, we have

    $$ k(q-b)q^{m-2}+(q+1-k)(q-1)(q-b+1)q^{m-3}\leq (q-1)(q-b+1)q^{m-2} $$

    which implies that k ≥ q − b + 2. For all H′ hyperplane through R such that #(S ∩ H′) = (q − b)q m − 2, S ∩ H′ is the union of (q − b) affine subspaces of codimension 2 parallel to R and then \(\#(S\cap H'\cap G_1)=(q-b)q^{m-3}\) which is absurd (see Fig. 6).

  • So, there exists H an affine hyperplane such that H does not meet S.

    Then, by Lemma 3, either S meets (q − 1) hyperplanes parallel to H in (q − b + 1)q m − 2 points or S meets (q − b + 1) hyperplanes parallel to H in (q − 1)q m − 2 points.

    If S meets (q − b + 1) hyperplanes parallel to H in (q − 1)q m − 2 points, then , for all H′ hyperplane parallel to H such that S ∩ H′ ≠ ∅, S ∩ H′ is the support of a minimal weight codeword of R q (q,m) and is the union of (q − 1) parallel affine subspaces of codimension 2. Let H′ be an affine hyperplane parallel to H such that S ∩ H′ ≠ ∅. We denote by P the affine subspace of codimension 2 of H′ which does not meet S. Consider H 1 an affine hyperplane which contains P and a point not in S of an affine hyperplane \(H"\) parallel to H which meets S. Then

    $$ \#(H_1\setminus S)\geq bq^{m-2}+1. $$

    However, if S ∩ H 1 ≠ ∅, \(\#(H_1\setminus S)\leq bq^{m-2}\). So, S ∩ H 1 = ∅ and we are in configuration A.

    If S meets (q − 1) hyperplanes parallel to H in (q − b + 1)q m − 2 points. Then for all H′ parallel to H different from H, S ∩ H′ is the support of a minimal weight codeword of R q ((q − 1) + b − 1,m) and is the union of (q − b + 1) parallel affine subspaces of codimension 2. Let H 1 be an affine hyperplane parallel to H different from H and consider P an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H 1 such that

    $$ \#(S\cap P)=(q-b+1)q^{m-3}. $$

    Assume there exists H 2 an affine hyperplane through P such that \(\#(S\cap H_2)=(q-b)q^{m-2}\). Then S ∩ H 2 is the support of a minimal weight codeword of R q (q − 1 + b,m) and is the union of (q − b) parallel affine subspaces of codimension 2 which is absurd since S ∩ H 2 meets H 1 in S ∩ P (see Fig. 7).

    Then, for all H′ through P #(S ∩ H′) ≥ (q − 1)(q − b + 1)q m − 3. Furthermore,

    $$\begin{array}{lll} &&(q-b+1)q^{m-2}+q.(q-1)(q-b+1)q^{m-3}-q.(q-b+1)q^{m-3}\\ &&\qquad=(q-1)(q-b+1)q^{m-2}. \end{array}$$

    So for all H′ hyperplane through P different from H 1,

    $$ \#(S\cap H')=(q-1)(q-b+1)q^{m-3}. $$

    By applying the same argument to all affine subspaces of codimension 2 included in H 1 parallel to P, we get q parallel hyperplanes (G i )1 ≤ i ≤ q such that for all 1 ≤ i ≤ q, \(\#(S\cap G_i)=(q-b+1)(q-1)q^{m-3}\) and \(\#(S\cap G_i\cap H_1)=(q-s+1)q^{m-3}\). By induction hypothesis, for all 1 ≤ i ≤ q, either S ∩ G i is of type A or S ∩ G i is of type B.

    Assume there exists i 0 such that \(S\cap G_{i_{0}}\) is of type A. Consider F an affine hyperplane containing Q an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H 1 which does not meet S and the affine subspace of codimension 2 included in \(G_{i_0}\) which does not meets S but meets Q. Assume S meets all hyperplanes parallel to F in at least (q − b)q m − t − 2. If for all F′ parallel to F, #(S ∩ F′) > (q − b)q m − 2 then

    $$ \#(S\cap F')\geq (q-1)(q-b+1)q^{m-3}. $$

    So S ∩ F′ is the support of a second weight codeword of R q (b,m − 1) and is either of type A or of type B which is absurd is we consider an hyperplane parallel to F which meets S ∩ H 1 and \(S\cap G_{i_0}\). So, there exits F 1 an affine hyperplane parallel to F such that \(\#(S\cap F_1)=(q-b)q^{m-2}\). Then, S ∩ F 1 is the union of (q − b) parallel affine subspaces of codimension 2, which is absurd. Finally, there exists an affine hyperplane parallel to F which does not meet S. By Lemma 3, either S meets (q − b + 1) hyperplanes parallel to F in (q − 1)q m − 2 points and we have already seen that in this case S is of type A or S meets (q − 1) hyperplanes parallel to F in (q − b + 1)q m − 2 points. In this case, for all F′ parallel to F such that S ∩ F′ ≠ ∅, S ∩ F′ is the support of a minimal weight codeword of R q (q − 1 + b − 1,m) and is the union of q − b + 1 parallel affine subspaces of codimension 2, which is absurd since \(S\cap G_{i_0}\) is of type A (see Fig. 8).

    Now, assume for all 1 ≤ i ≤ q, G i  ∩ S is of type B. Let Q be an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H 1 which does not meets S. Assume S meets all affine hyperplanes through Q and denote by k the number of these hyperplanes which meet S in (q − b)q m − 2 points. Then,

    $$ k(q-b)q^{m-2}+(q+1-k)(q-1)(q-b+1)q^{m-3}\leq(q-1)(q-b+1)q^{m-2} $$

    which means that k ≥ q − b + 2. These (q − b + 2) hyperplanes are minimal weight codewords of R q (q − 1 + b,m). So, they meet S in (q − b) affine subspaces of codimension 2 parallel to Q, that is to say, they meet S ∩ G 1 in (q − b)q m − 3 points. This is absurd since S ∩ G 1 is of type B and so there are at most (q − b + 1) affine hyperplanes through Q which meet S ∩ G 1 in (q − b)q m − 3 points (see Fig. 9). So there exists an affine hyperplane through Q which does not meet S.

    By applying the same argument to all affine subspaces of codimension 2 included in H 1 which does not meet S, since S ∩ G i is of type B for all i, we get that S is of type B.□

Fig. 4
figure 4

Proposition 6, case where S meets all affine hyperplanes, construction of G

Fig. 5
figure 5

Proposition 6, case where S meets all affine hyperplanes, there exists \(G_{i_{0}}\) such that \(S \cap G_{i_{0}}\) is of type A

Fig. 6
figure 6

Proposition 6, case where S meets all affine hyperplanes, for all \(G_{i}, S \cap G_{i}\) is of type B

Fig. 7
figure 7

Proposition 6, case where there exists an affine hyperplane which does not meet S, contruction of (G i )

Fig. 8
figure 8

Proposition 6, case where there exists an affine hyperplane which does not meet S, there exists \(G_{i_{0}} \) such that \(S \cap G_{i_{0}} \) is of type A

Fig. 9
figure 9

Proposition 6, case where there exists an affine hyperplane which does not meet S, for all G i , \(S \cap G_{i} \) is of type B

5.2 The support is included in an affine subspace of codimension t.

The two following lemmas are proved in [8].

Lemma 5

Let m ≥ 2, q ≥ 3, 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 1, 1 ≤ s ≤ q − 2. Assume f ∈ R q (t(q − 1) + s,m) is such that \(\forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\),

$$ f(x)=(1-x_1^{q-1})\widetilde{f}(x_2,\ldots,x_m) $$

and that g ∈ R q (t(q − 1) + s − k), 1 ≤ k ≤ q − 1, is such that \((1-x_1^{q-1})\) does not divide g . Then, if h = f + g, either |h| ≥ (q − s + k)q m − t − 1 or k = 1.

Lemma 6

Let m ≥ 2, q ≥ 3, 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 1, 1 ≤ s ≤ q − 2 and f ∈ R q (t(q − 1) + s,m). For \(a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) , the function f a of \(B_{m-1}^q\) defined for all \((x_2,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) by f a (x 2,...,x m ) = f(a,x 2,...,x m ). Assume for a , \(b\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) f a is different from the zero function and \((1-x_2^{q-1})\) divides f a and that

$$ 0<|f_b|<(q-s+1)q^{m-t-2}. $$

Then there exists T an affine transformation, fixing x i for i ≠ 2 such that \((1-x_2^{q-1})\) divides (f ∘ T) a and (f ∘ T) b .

Lemma 7

Let m ≥ 3, q ≥ 4, 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 2 and 2 ≤ s ≤ q − 2. If f ∈ R q (t(q − 1) + s,m) is such that |f| = (q − s + 1)(q − 1)q m − t − 2 , then the support of f is included in an affine hyperplane of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) .


We denote by S the support of f. Assume S is not included in an affine hyperplane. Then, by Lemma 2, there exists an affine hyperplane H such that either H does not meet S or H meets S in (q − s)q m − t − 2. Now, by Lemma 3, since S is not included in an affine hyperplane, either S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H or S meets (q − 1) affine hyperplanes parallel to H in (q − s + 1)q m − t − 2 or S meets (q − s + 1) affine hyperplanes parallel to H in (q − 1)q m − t − 2 points. By applying an affine transformation, we can assume x 1 = λ, \(\lambda \in {\mathbb{F}}_q\) is an equation of H. We define \(f_{\lambda}\in B_{m-1}^q\) by

$$\forall(x_2,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^{m-1}, \qquad f_{\lambda}(x_2,\ldots,x_m)=f(\lambda,x_2,\ldots,x_m).$$

We set an order λ 1,...,λ q on the elements of \({\mathbb{F}}_q\) such that

$$ |f_{\lambda_1}|\leq\ldots\leq|f_{\lambda_q}|. $$

Then either \(|f_{\lambda_1}|=0\) or \(|f_{\lambda_1}|=(q-s)q^{m-t-2}\), that is to say either \(f_{\lambda_1}\) is null or \(f_{\lambda_1}\) is the minimal weight codeword of R q (t(q − 1) + s,m − 1) and its support is included in an affine subspace of codimension t + 1. Since t ≥ 1, in both cases, the support of \(f_{\lambda_1}\) is included in an affine hyperplane of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) different from the hyperplane parallel to H of equation x 1 = λ 1. By applying an affine transformation that fixes x 1, we can assume \((1-x_2^{q-1})\) divides \(f_{\lambda_1}\). Since S is not included in an affine hyperplane, there exists 2 ≤ k ≤ q such that \(1-x_2^{q-1}\) does not divide \(f_{\lambda_k}\). We denote by k 0 the smallest such k.

Assume S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H and that

$$ |f_{\lambda_{k_0}}|\geq(q-s+k_0-1)q^{m-t-2}. $$


$$ \begin{array}{lll} |f|&=&\sum\limits_{k=1}^q|f_{\lambda_k}|\\ &\geq&(q-s)q^{m-t-2}(k_0-1)+(q-k_0+1)(q-s+k_0-1)q^{m-t-2}\\ &=&(q-s)q^{m-t-1}+(k_0-1)(q-k_0+1)q^{m-t-2}\\ &>&(q-s)q^{m-t-1}+(s-1)q^{m-t-2} \end{array}$$

which gives a contradiction. In the cases where S meets (q − s′), s′ = 1 or s′ = s − 1, for 1 ≤ i ≤ s′, \(|f_{\lambda_i}|=0\) and the support of \(f_{\lambda_{s'+1}}\) is \(S\cap H_{\lambda_{s'+1}}\), where \(H_{\lambda_{s'+1}}\) is the hyperplane of equation x 1 = λ s′ + 1. Since \(S\cap H_{\lambda_{s'+1}}\) is the support of a minimum weight codeword of R q ((t + 1)(q − 1) + s′,m), it is included in affine subspace of codimension t + 1. So in those cases, we can assume k 0 ≥ s′ + 2. Finally, \(|f_{\lambda_{k_0}}|<(q-s+k_0-1)q^{m-t-2}\).

We write

$$\begin{array}{lll} f(x_1,x_2,x_3,\ldots,x_m)&=&\sum\limits_{i=0}^{q-1}x_2^ig_i(x_1,x_3,\ldots,x_m)\\ &=&h(x_1,x_2,x_3,\ldots,x_m)+(1-x_2^{q-1})g(x_1,x_3,\ldots,x_m). \end{array}$$

Since for all 1 ≤ i ≤ k 0 − 1, \(1-x_2^{q-1}\) divides \(f_{\lambda_i}\), for all \((x_2,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^{m-1}\), for all 1 ≤ i ≤ k 0 − 1, h(λ i ,x 2,...,x m ) = 0. So, by Lemma 1,

$$\begin{array}{lll} f(x_1,x_2,x_3,\ldots,x_m)&=&(x_1-\lambda_1)\ldots(x_1-\lambda_{k_0-1})\widetilde{h}(x_1,x_2,x_3,\ldots,x_m)\\ &&+(1-x_2^{q-1})g(x_1,x_3,\ldots,x_m) \end{array}$$

with \(\deg(\widetilde{h})\leq r-k_0+1\). Then by applying Lemma 5 to \(f_{\lambda_{k_0}}\), since

$$ |f_{\lambda_{k_0}}|<(q-s+k_0-1)q^{m-t-2}, $$

k 0 = 2. This gives a contradiction in the cases where S does not meet all hyperplanes parallel to H. In the case where S meets all hyperplanes parallel to H, by applying Lemma 6, there exists T an affine transformation which fixes x 1 such that \((1-x_2^{q-1})\) divides \((f\circ T)_{\lambda_1}\) and \((f\circ T)_{\lambda_2}\), we set k 0′ the smallest k such that \((1-x_2^{q-1})\) does not divide \((f\circ T)_{\lambda_k}\). Then k 0′ ≥ 3 and by applying the previous argument to f ∘ T, we get a contradiction.□

Proposition 7

Let m ≥ 3, q ≥ 4, 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 2 and 2 ≤ s ≤ q − 2. If f ∈ R q (t(q − 1) + s,m) is such that |f| = (q − 1)(q − s + 1)q m − t − 2 , then the support of f is included in an affine subspace of codimension t .


We denote by S the support of f. By Lemma 7, S is included in H an affine hyperplane. By applying an affine transformation, we can assume x 1 = 0 is an equation of H. Let \(g\in B_{m-1}^q\) defined by

$$ \textrm{$\forall x=(x_{2},\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_{q}^{m-1}$, $g(x)=f(0,x_{2},\ldots,x_m)$} $$

and denote by \(P\in{\mathbb{F}}_{q}[X_{2},\ldots,X_m]\) its reduced form. Since

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_{q}^m, \ f(x)=\left(1-x_1^{q-1}\right)P(x_{2},\ldots,x_m), $$

the reduced form of f ∈ R q (t(q − 1) + s,m) is

$$ \left(1-X_1^{q-1}\right)P(X_{2},\ldots,X_m). $$

Then g ∈ R q ((t − 1)(q − 1) + s,m − 1) and

$$ |g|=|f|=(q-s+1)(q-1)q^{m-t-2}=(q-1)(q-s+1)q^{m-1-(t-1)-2}. $$

Then, by Lemma 7, if t ≥ 2, the support of g is included in an affine hyperplane of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^{m-1}\). By iterating this argument, we get that S is included in an affine subspace of codimension t.□

5.3 Proof of Theorem 9

Let 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 2, 2 ≤ s ≤ q − 2 and f ∈ R q (t(q − 1) + s,m) such that

$$ |f|=(q-s+1)(q-1)q^{m-t-2}; $$

we denote by S the support of f. Assume t ≥ 1. By Proposition 7, S is included in an affine subspace G of codimension t. By applying an affine transformation, we can assume

$$ G=\{x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_{q}^m:x_{i}=0 \textrm{ for }1\leq i\leq t\}. $$

Let \(g\in B_{m-t}^q\) defined for all \(x=(x_{t+1},\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_{q}^{m-t}\) by

$$ g(x)=f(0,\ldots,0,x_{t+1},\ldots,x_m) $$

and denote by \(P\in{\mathbb{F}}_{q}[X_{t+1},\ldots,X_m]\) its reduced form. Since

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_{q}^m, \ f(x)=\left(1-x_1^{q-1}\right)\ldots\left(1-x_t^{q-1}\right)P(x_{t+1},\ldots,x_m), $$

the reduced form of f ∈ R q (t(q − 1) + s,m) is

$$ \left(1-X_1^{q-1}\right)\ldots\left(1-X_t^{q-1}\right)P(X_{t+1},\ldots,X_m). $$

Then g ∈ R q (s,m − t) and |g| = |f| = (q − s + 1)(q − 1)q m − t − 2. Thus, using the case where t = 0, we finish the proof of Theorem 9.

6 Case where s = 0

6.1 The support is included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t + 1

Proposition 8

Let q ≥ 3, m ≥ 2 and f ∈ R q ((m − 1)(q − 1),m) such that |f| = 2(q − 1). Then, the support of f is included in an affine plane.

In order to prove this proposition, we need the following lemma.

Lemma 8

Let m ≥ 3, q ≥ 4 and f ∈ R q ((m − 1)(q − 1),m) such that |f| = 2(q − 1). If H is an affine hyperplane of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) such that S ∩ H ≠ S, #(S ∩ H) = N, 3 ≤ N ≤ q − 1 and S ∩ H is not included in a line then there exists H 1 an affine hyperplane of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) such that S ∩ H 1 ≠ S, #(S ∩ H 1) ≥ N + 1 and S ∩ H 1 is not included in a line


Since S ∩ H ≠ S, by Lemma 3, either S meets (q − 1) hyperplanes parallel to H or S meets two hyperplanes parallel to H or S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H. If S does not meet all affine hyperplanes parallel to H then S ∩ H is the support of a minimal weight codeword of R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + s′,m), s′ = 1 or s′ = q − 2. In both cases, S ∩ H is included in a line which is absurd. So, S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H.

By applying an affine transformation, we can assume x 1 = 0 is an equation of H. Let \(I:=\{a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q:\#(\{x_1=a\}\cap S)=1\}\) and k: = #I. Since #S = 2(q − 1) and #(S ∩ H) = N, k ≥ N. We define

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m,\quad g(x)=f(x)\prod\limits_{a\not\in I}(x_1-a). $$

Then, \(\deg(g)\leq (m-1)(q-1)+q-k\) and |g| = k. So, g is a minimal weight codewords of R q ((m − 1)(q − 1) + q − k,m) and its support is included in a line L which is not included in H. We denote by \(\overrightarrow{u}\) a directing vector of L. Let b be the intersection point of H and L and ω 1, ω 2, ω 3 3 points of S ∩ H which are not included in a line. Then there exists \(\overrightarrow{v}\) and \(\overrightarrow{w}\in\{\overrightarrow{b\omega_1},\overrightarrow{b\omega_2},\overrightarrow{b\omega_3}\}\) which are linearly independent. Since L is not included in H, \(\{\overrightarrow{u},\overrightarrow{v},\overrightarrow{w}\}\) are linearly independent. We choose H 1 an affine hyperplane such that b ∈ H 1, \(b+\overrightarrow{v}\in H_1\), L ⊂ H 1 but \(b+\overrightarrow{w}\not \in H_1\).□

Now we can prove the proposition


If m = 2, we have the result. Assume m ≥ 3. Let S be the support of f. Since #S = 2(q − 1) > q, S is not included in a line. Let ω 1, ω 2, ω 3 be 3 points of S not included in a line. Let H be an hyperplane such that ω 1, ω 2, ω 3 ∈ H. Assume S ∩ H ≠ S. Then there exists an affine hyperplane H 1 such that #(S ∩ H 1) ≥ q, S ∩ H 1 is not included in a line and S ∩ H 1 ≠ S. Indeed, if q = 3, we take H 1 = H and for q ≥ 4, we proceed by induction using the previous Lemma. Then by Lemma 3 either S meets two hyperplanes parallel to H 1 in 2 points or S meets two hyperplanes parallel to H 1 in q − 1 points or S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H 1. Since #(S ∩ H 1) ≥ q, S meets all hyperplanes parallel to H 1. Then, we must have

$$ q+q-1\leq2(q-1) $$

which is absurd.□

The two following lemmas are proved in [8].

Lemma 9

Let m ≥ 2, q ≥ 3, 1 ≤ t ≤ m and f ∈ R q (t(q − 1),m) such that |f| = q m − t and g ∈ R q ((t(q − 1) − k,m), 1 ≤ k ≤ q − 1, such that g ≠ 0. If h = f + g then either |h| = kq m − t or |h| ≥ (k + 1)q m − t .

Lemma 10

Let m ≥ 2, q ≥ 3, 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 1 and f ∈ R q (t(q − 1),m). For \(a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) , we define the function f a of \(B_{m-1}^q\) by for all \((x_2,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) , f a (x 2,...,x m ) = f(a,x 2,...,x m ). If for some a , \(b\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\) , \(|f_a|=|f_b|=q^{m-t-1}\) , then there exists T an affine transformation fixing x 1 such that

$$ (f\circ T)_a=(f\circ T)_b. $$

Proposition 9

Let q ≥ 3, m ≥ 2, 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 1. If f ∈ R q (t(q − 1),m) is such that |f| = 2(q − 1)q m − t − 1 then the support of f is included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t + 1.


For t = 1, this is obvious. For the other cases we proceed by recursion on t. Proposition 8 gives the case where t = m − 1.

If m ≤ 3 we have considered all cases. Assume m ≥ 4. Let 2 ≤ t ≤ m − 2. Assume for f ∈ R q ((t + 1)(q − 1),m) such that |f| = 2(q − 1)q m − t − 2 the support of f is included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t. Let f ∈ R q (t(q − 1),m) such that |f| = 2(q − 1)q m − t − 1. We denote by S the support of f.

Assume S is not included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t + 1. Then there exists H an affine hyperplane of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) such that S ∩ H ≠ S and S ∩ H is not included in an affine space of dimension m − t. By Lemma 3, either S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H or S meets (q − 1) affine hyperplanes parallel to H in 2q m − t − 1 or S meets two affine hyperplanes parallel to H in (q − 1)q m − t − 1 points.

If S does not meet all hyperplanes parallel to H then S ∩ H is the support of a minimal weight codeword of R q (t(q − 1) + s′,m), s′ = 1 or s′ = q − 2. So S ∩ H is included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t which gives a contradiction.

So, S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H in at least q m − t − 1 points. If for all H′ parallel to H, #(S ∩ H′) > q m − t − 1 then for all H′ parallel to H, #(S ∩ H′) ≥ 2(q − 1)q m − t − 2. So, for reason of cardinality, S ∩ H is the support of a second weight codeword of R q ((t + 1)(q − 1),m) and by recursion hypothesis S ∩ H is included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t which gives a contradiction. So, there exists H 1 an affine hyperplane parallel to H such that \(\#(S\cap H_1)=q^{m-t-1}\).

By applying an affine transformation, we can assume x 1 = λ, \(\lambda\in {\mathbb{F}}_q\) is an equation of H. For \(\lambda\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\), we define \(f_{\lambda}\in B_{m-1}^q\) by

$$ \forall (x_2,\ldots,x_m)\in {\mathbb{F}}_q^{m-1},\qquad f_{\lambda}(x_2,\ldots,x_m)=f(\lambda,x_2,\ldots,x_m). $$

We set an order λ 1,..., λ q on the elements of \({\mathbb{F}}_q\) such that

$$ |f_{\lambda_1}|\leq\ldots\leq|f_{\lambda_q}|. $$

Since \(\#(S\cap H_1)=q^{m-t-1}\) and S meets all hyperplanes parallel to H,

$$ |f_{\lambda_1}|=q^{m-t-1} $$

and \(f_{\lambda_1}\) is a minimum weight codeword of R q (t(q − 1),m − 1). Let k 0 be the smallest integer such that \(|f_{\lambda_{k_0}}|>q^{m-t-1}\). Since |f| > q m − t, k 0 ≤ q. Then by Lemma 10 and applying an affine transformation that fixes x 1, we can assume for all 2 ≤ i ≤ k 0 − 1, \(f_{\lambda_i}=f_{\lambda_1}\). If we write for all \(x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\),

$$ f(x)=f_{\lambda_1}(x_2,\ldots,x_m)+(x_1-\lambda_1)\widehat{f}(x_1,\ldots,x_m). $$

Then for all 2 ≤ i ≤ k 0 − 1, for all \(\overline{x}=(x_2,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^{m-1}\),

$$ f_{\lambda_i}(\overline{x})=f_{\lambda_1}(\overline{x})+(\lambda_i-\lambda_1)\widehat{f}_{\lambda_i}(\overline{x}). $$

Since for all 2 ≤ i ≤ k 0 − 1, \(f_{\lambda_i}=f_{\lambda_1}\), by Lemma 1, we can write for all \( x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\),

$$ f(x)=f_{\lambda_1}(x_2,\ldots,x_m)+(x_1-\lambda_1)\ldots(x_1-\lambda_{k_0-1})\overline{f}(x_1,\ldots,x_m) $$

with \(\deg(\overline{f})\leq t(q-1)-k_0+1\). Now, we have \(f_{\lambda_{k_0}}=f_{\lambda_1}+\lambda'\overline{f}_{\lambda_{k_0}}\), \(\lambda'\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\). Then, by Lemma 9, either \(|f_{\lambda_{k_0}}|\geq k_0q^{m-t-1}\) or \(|f_{\lambda_{k_0}}|=(k_0-1)q^{m-t-1}\). Assume \(|f_{\lambda_{k_0}}|\geq k_0q^{m-t-1}\). Then

$$\begin{array}{lll} |f|&=&\sum\limits_{i=1}^q|f_{\lambda_i}|\\ &\geq& (k_0-1)q^{m-t-1}+(q+1-k_0)k_0q^{m-t-1}\\ &=&q^{m-t}+(k_0-1)(q-k_0+1)q^{m-t-1}\\ &>&2(q-1)q^{m-t-1}. \end{array}$$

So, \(|f_{\lambda_{k_0}}|=(k_0-1)q^{m-t-1}\). Since \(|f_{\lambda_{k_0}}|>q^{m-t-1}\), k 0 ≥ 3. Now, we have

$$|f|\geq (k_0-1)q^{m-t-1}+(q+1-k_0)(k_0-1)q^{m-t-1}=(k_0-1)(q-k_0+2)q^{m-t-1}.$$

So either k 0 = q or k 0 = 3.

  • Assume k 0 = q.

    Since \(f_{\lambda_1}=\ldots=f_{\lambda_{q-1}}\) are minimum weight codeword of R q (t(q − 1),m − 1), there exists A an affine subspace of dimension m − t of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) such that for all 1 ≤ i ≤ q − 1, S ∩ H i  ⊂ A, where H i is the hyperplane parallel to H of equation x 1 = λ i . Since S is not included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t + 1 and t ≥ 2, there exists an affine hyperplane G containing A such that S ∩ G ≠ S and there exists x ∈ S ∩ G, \(x\not\in A\). Then #(S ∩ G) ≥ (q − 1)q m − t − 1 + 1, S ∩ G ≠ S and S ∩ G is not included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t. Applying to G the same argument than to H, we get a contradiction.

  • So, k 0 = 3.

    Then \(f_{\lambda_1}=f_{\lambda_2}\) are minimum weight codeword of R q (t(q − 1),m − 1) and for reason of cardinality, for all 3 ≤ i ≤ q, \(|f_{\lambda_i}|=2q^{m-t-1}\). So, there exists A an affine subspace of dimension m − t of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) such that for all 1 ≤ i ≤ 2, S ∩ H i  ⊂ A, where H i is the hyperplane parallel to H of equation x 1 = λ i . Since S is not included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t + 1 and t ≥ 2, there exists an affine hyperplane G containing A such that S ∩ G ≠ S and there exists x ∈ S ∩ G, \(x\not\in A\). Then #(S ∩ G) ≥ 2q m − t − 1 + 1, S ∩ G ≠ S and S ∩ G is not included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t. Applying to G the same argument than to H, we get a contradiction.

Finally, S is included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t + 1.□

6.2 Proof of Theorem 10

Let 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 1 and f ∈ R q (t(q − 1),m) such that

$$ |f|=2(q-1)q^{m-t-1}; $$

we denote by S the support of f. Assume t ≥ 2. By Proposition 9, S is included in an affine subspace G of codimension t − 1. By applying an affine transformation, we can assume

$$ G=\{x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_{q}^m:x_{i}=0 \textrm{ for }1\leq i\leq t-1\}. $$

Let \(g\in B_{m-t+1}^q\) defined for all \(x=(x_{t},\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_{q}^{m-t+1}\) by

$$ g(x)=f(0,\ldots,0,x_{t},\ldots,x_m) $$

and denote by \(P\in{\mathbb{F}}_{q}[X_{t},\ldots,X_m]\) its reduced form. Since

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_{q}^m, \ f(x)=\left(1-x_1^{q-1}\right)\ldots\left(1-x_{t-1}^{q-1}\right)P(x_{t},\ldots,x_m), $$

the reduced form of f ∈ R q (t(q − 1) + s,m) is

$$ \left(1-X_1^{q-1}\right)\ldots\left(1-X_{t-1}^{q-1}\right)P(X_{t},\ldots,X_m). $$

Then g ∈ R q (q − 1,m − t + 1) and |g| = |f| = 2(q − 1)q m − t − 1. Thus, using the case where t = 1, we finish the proof of Theorem 10.

7 Case where 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 2 and s = 1

7.1 Case where q ≥ 4

Lemma 11

Let m ≥ 2, q ≥ 4, 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 2 and f ∈ R q (t(q − 1) + 1,m) such that |f| = q m − t . We denote by S the support of f . Then, if H is an affine hyperplane of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) such that S ∩ H ≠ ∅ and S ∩ H ≠ S, S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H.


By applying an affine transformation, we can assume x 1 = 0 is an equation of H. Let H a be the q affine hyperplanes parallel to H of equation x 1 = a, \(a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\). We denote by \(I:=\{a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q:S\cap H_a=\emptyset\}\). Let k: = #I and assume k ≥ 1. Since S ∩ H ≠ ∅ and S ∩ H ≠ S, k ≤ q − 2. For all \(c\not\in I\) we define

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m, \quad g_c(x)=f(x)\prod\limits_{a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\setminus I, a\neq c}(x_1-a). $$

Then \(|f|=\displaystyle\sum\limits_{c\not\in I}|g_c|\).

  • Assume k ≥ 2.

    Then for all \(c\not\in I\), \(\deg(g_c)\leq t(q-1)+q-k\) and 2 ≤ q − k ≤ q − 2. So, \(|g_c|\geq kq^{m-t-1}\). Let \(N=\#\{c\not\in I:|g_c|=kq^{m-t-1}\}\). If \(|g_c|>kq^{m-t-1}\), \(|g_c|\geq (k+1)(q-1)q^{m-t-2}\). Hence

    $$ q^{m-t}\geq Nkq^{m-t-1}+(q-k-N)(k+1)(q-1)q^{m-t-2}. $$

    Since k ≥ 2, we get that N ≥ q − k. Since (q − k)kq m − t − 1 ≠ q m − t, we get a contradiction.

  • Assume k = 1.

    Then, for all \(c\not \in I\), \(\deg(g_c)\leq t(q-1)+1+q-2=(t+1)(q-1)\). So \(|g_c|\geq q^{m-t-1}\). Let \(N=\#\{c\not\in I:|g_c|=q^{m-t-1}\}\). If \(|g_c|>q^{m-t-1}\), \(|g_c|\geq 2(q-1)q^{m-t-2}\). Since for q ≥ 4, 2(q − 1)2 q m − t − 2 > q m − t, N ≥ 1. Furthermore, since (q − 1)q m − t − 1 < q m − t, N ≤ q − 2. For \(\lambda\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\), we define \(f_{\lambda}\in B_{m-1}^q\) by

    $$ \forall (x_2,\ldots,x_m)\in {\mathbb{F}}_q^{m-1},\qquad f_{\lambda}(x_2,\ldots,x_m)=f(\lambda,x_2,\ldots,x_m). $$

    We set λ 1,...,λ q an order on the elements of \({\mathbb{F}}_q\) such that for all i ≤ N, \(|f_{\lambda_i}|=q^{m-t-1}\), \(|f_{\lambda_{N+1}}|=0\) and \(q^{m-t-1}<|f_{\lambda_{N+2}}|\leq \ldots \leq|f_{\lambda_q}|\).

    Since \(f_{\lambda_{N+1}}=0\), we can write for all \((x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\),

    $$ f(x_1,\ldots,x_m)=(x_1-\lambda_{N+1})h(x_1,\ldots,x_m) $$

    with \(\deg(h)\leq t(q-1)\). Then, for all 1 ≤ i ≤ q, i ≠ N + 1 and \((x_2,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^{m-1}\),

    $$ f_{\lambda_i}(x_2,\ldots,x_m)=(\lambda_i-\lambda_{N+1})h_{\lambda_i}(x_2,\ldots,x_m). $$

    So \(\deg(f_{\lambda_i})\leq t(q-1)\) and \(h_{\lambda_i}=\frac{f_{\lambda_i}}{\lambda_i-\lambda_{N+1}}\).

    Since h ∈ R q (t(q − 1),m), by Lemma 10, there exists an affine transformation such that for all i ≤ N, \(h_{\lambda_i}=h_{\lambda_1}\). Then, for all \((x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\),

    $$ h(x_1,\ldots,x_m)=h_{\lambda_1}(x_2,\ldots,x_m)+(x_1-\lambda_1)\ldots(x_1-\lambda_N)\widetilde{h}(x_1,\ldots,x_m) $$

    with \(\deg(\widetilde{h})\leq t(q-1)-N\). Hence, for all \((x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\),

    $$ f(x_1,\ldots,x_m)=\frac{x_1-\lambda_{N+1}}{\lambda_1-\lambda_{N+1}}f_{\lambda_1}(x_2\ldots,x_m)\!+\! (x_1\!-\!\lambda_1)\ldots(x_1\!-\!\lambda_{N+1})\widetilde{h}(x_1,\ldots,x_m). $$

    Then, for all \((x_2,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^{m-1}\),

    $$ f_{\lambda_{N+2}}(x_2,\ldots,x_m)=\lambda f_{\lambda_1}(x_2\ldots,x_m)+\lambda'\widetilde{h}_{\lambda_{n+2}}(x_2,\ldots,x_m) $$

    with λ, \(\lambda'\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^*\).

    Since \(f_{\lambda_1}\in R_q(t(q\!-\!1),m-1)\) and \(\widetilde{h}_{\lambda_{n+2}}\in R_q(t(q\!-\!1)\!-\!N,m-1)\), by Lemma 9, either \(|f_{\lambda_{N+2}}|=Nq^{m-t-1}\) or \(|f_{\lambda_{N+2}}|\geq (N+1)q^{m-t-1}\).

    If N = 1, since \(|f_{\lambda_{N+2}}|>q^{m-t-1}\), we get

    $$ q^{m-t-1}+(q-2)2q^{m-t-1}\leq q^{m-t} $$

    which means that q ≤ 3. So N ≥ 2. Then,

    $$ Nq^{m-t-1}+(q-1-N)Nq^{m-t-1}\leq q^{m-t}. $$

    Since N(q − N) ≥ 2(q − 2), we get that q ≤ 4. So, the only possibility is q = 4 and N = q − 2 = 2.

    If t = 0, \(H_{\lambda_4}\) contains 2.4m − 1 points which is absurd. Assume t ≥ 1. Since \(h_{\lambda_1}=h_{\lambda_2}\) and for i ∈ {1,2}, \(f_{\lambda_i}=(\lambda_i-\lambda_3)h_{\lambda_i}\), \(S\cap H_{\lambda_1}\) and \(S\cap H_{\lambda_2}\) are both included in A an affine subspace of dimension m − t. If t = 1, by applying an affine transformation which fixes x 1, we can assume x 2 = 0 is an equation of A. If S is included in A, then

    $$ \#(S\cap H_{\lambda_4}\cap A)=2.4^{m-2} $$

    which is absurd since \(H_{\lambda_4}\cap A\) is an affine subspace of codimension 2. So there exists an affine hyperplane H′ containing A but not S. By applying an affine transformation which fixes x 1, we can assume x 2 = 0 is an equation of H′. Now, consider g defined for all \((x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) by g(x 1,...,x m ) = x 2 f(x 1,...,x m ). Then |g| ≤ 2.4m − t − 1. Furthermore, since S is not included in H′ and \(\deg(g)\leq 3t+2\), |g| ≥ 2.4m − t − 1. So g is a minimum weight codeword of R 4(3t + 2,m) and its support is the union of two parallel affine subspace of codimension t + 1 included in an affine subspace of codimension t. Then, since \(H'\cap H_{\lambda_4}=\emptyset\), there exists H1 an hyperplane parallel to H′ such that S ∩ H1 = ∅. Now, consider G the hyperplane through \(H_{\lambda_4}\cap H'_1\) and \(H'\cap H_{\lambda_3}\) and G′ the hyperplane through \(H'\cap H_{\lambda_4}\) parallel to G (see Fig. 10).

    Fig. 10
    figure 10

    Lemma 11, case where k = 1

    Then G and G′ does not meet S but S is not included in an hyperplane parallel to G which is absurd by the previous case.□

Lemma 12

For m ≥ 3, if f ∈ R 4(3(m − 2) + 1,m) is such that |f| = 16, the support of f is an affine plane.


We denote by S the support of f.

First, we prove the case where m = 3. To prove this case, by Lemma 11, we only have to prove that there exists an affine hyperplane which does not meet S.

Assume S meets all affine hyperplanes. Let H be an affine hyperplane. Then for all H′ affine hyperplane parallel to H, #(S ∩ H′) ≥ 3. Assume for all H′ hyperplane parallel to H, #(S ∩ H′) ≥ 4. For reason of cardinality , for all H′ parallel to H #(S ∩ H′) = 4. Since q = 4, there exists a line in H which does not meet S. Since 3.4 + 4 = 16, S meets four hyperplanes through this line in 3 points and the last one in 4 points. So, there exists H 1 an affine hyperplane such that #(S ∩ H 1) = 3. We denote by H 2, H 3, H 4 the hyperplanes parallel to H 1. Then, S ∩ H 1 is the support of a minimal weight codeword of R 4(3(m − 1) + 1,m) so S ∩ H 1 is included in L a line. Consider L′ a line in H 1 parallel to L. Then there is four hyperplanes through L′ which meets S in 3 points and one H 1′ which meets S in 4 points. Let H′ be an affine hyperplane through L′ which meets S in 3 points; S ∩ H′ is minimum weight codeword of R 4(3(m − 1) + 1,m) which does not meet H 1. So either S ∩ H′ is included in an affine hyperplane parallel to H 1 or S ∩ H′ meets all affine hyperplane parallel to H 1 but H 1 in 1 point. Then we consider four cases:

  1. 1.

    H 1 is the only hyperplane through L′ such that #(S ∩ H 1) = 3 and S ∩ H 1 is included in one of the affine hyperplane parallel to H 1.

    Since S ∩ H 1 ∩ H 1′ = ∅ there exists an affine hyperplane parallel to H 1 which meets S ∩ H 1′ in at least 2 points. Assume for example it is H 2. Since m = 3, these 2 points are included in L 1 a line which is a translation of L. Consider H the hyperplane containing L 1 and L. Then, H meets S ∩ H 3 and S ∩ H 4 in 1 point (see Fig. 11a). So #(S ∩ H) = 7

  2. 2.

    There are exactly two hyperplanes through L′ which meets S in 3 points and such that its intersection with S is included in one of the affine hyperplane parallel to H 1.

    Assume H 2 contains \(S\cap \widehat{H}\) where \(\widehat{H}\) is the hyperplane through L′ different from H 1 such that \(\#(S\cap \widehat{H})=3\) and \(S\cap \widehat{H}\) is included in an hyperplane parallel to H 1, say H 2. We denote by \(L_1=\widehat{H}\cap H_2\). Since for all H′ hyperplane #(S ∩ H′) ≥ 3, S ∩ H 1′ meets H 3 and H 4 in at least one point. Then consider H the hyperplane through L and L 1. Since H is different from the hyperplane through L′ and L 1, H meets H 3 and H 4 in at least 1 point each (see Fig. 11b). So #(S ∩ H) ≥ 7.

  3. 3.

    There are exactly three hyperplanes through L′ which meets S in 3 points and such that its intersection with S is included in one of the affine hyperplane parallel to H 1.

    If two such hyperplanes have their intersection with S included in the same hyperplane parallel to H 1, say H 2, then #(S ∩ H 2) ≥ 7. Now, assume they are included in two different hyperplanes, H 2 and H 3. If S ∩ H 1′ is included in H 4 then we consider H the hyperplane through L and S ∩ H 1′ and #(S ∩ H) ≥ 7. Otherwise, we can assume S ∩ H 1′ meets H 2 in at least 1 point. Let H be the hyperplane through L and L 1 the line containing the minimum weight codeword included in H 3. Since H is different from the hyperplane through L′ and L 1, H meets S ∩ H 2 in at least 1 point and #(S ∩ H) ≥ 7 (see Fig. 11c).

  4. 4.

    There are four hyperplanes through L′ which meets S in 3 points and such that its intersection with S is included in one of the affine hyperplane parallel to H 1.

    If three such hyperplanes have their intersection with S included in the same hyperplane parallel to H 1, say H 2, then #(S ∩ H 2) ≥ 7. Assume two such hyperplanes have their intersection included in the same hyperplane parallel to H 1, say H 2 and the last one has its intersection with S included in H 3. Then, since #(S ∩ H 4) ≥ 3, #(S ∩ H 1′ ∩ H 4) ≥ 3.

    If #(S ∩ H 4 ∩ H 1′) = 4, we consider H the hyperplane through L and S ∩ H 1′ and #(S ∩ H) ≥ 7. Otherwise, there is one point of S ∩ H 4 included in H 2 or H 3. If this point is included in H 2 then #(S ∩ H 2) ≥ 7. If it is included in H 3, we consider L 1 and L 2 the two lines in H 2 containing S which are a translation of L. Then either the hyperplane through L and L 1 or the hyperplane through L and L 2 meets S ∩ H 3 or S ∩ H 4 (see Fig. 11d). So there is an hyperplane H such that #(S ∩ H) ≥ 7.

    Now assume for each hyperplane H′ parallel to H 1, there is only one hyperplane through L′ which meets S in 3 points such that its intersection with S included in H′. If S ∩ H 1′ is included in an affine hyperplane parallel to H 1 then we consider H the hyperplane through L and S ∩ H 1′ and #(S ∩ H) ≥ 7. Otherwise, S ∩ H 1′ meets at least two hyperplanes parallel to H 1, say H 2 and H 3 in at least 1 point. For i ∈ {2,3,4}, we denote by H i ′ the hyperplane through L′ such that S ∩ H i ′ ⊂ H i . If \(\widehat{H}\) the hyperplane through L and S ∩ H4 does not meet S ∩ H 2 and S ∩ H 3, then \(\widetilde{H}\) the hyperplane through S ∩ H 4′ and S ∩ H 3′ meets S ∩ H 2. Indeed, if \(\widehat{H}\) does not meet S ∩ H 2 we consider four hyperplanes through S ∩ H 4′ different from H 4, which intersect H 2 in 4 distinct parallel lines. However two of these lines meet S (see Fig. 11e). So there is an hyperplane H such that #(S ∩ H) ≥ 7.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Lemma 12, case where m = 3

In all cases, there exists an affine hyperplane H such that #(S ∩ H) ≥ 7. If #(S ∩ H) > 7, since S meets all affine hyperplanes in at least 3 points, #S > 7 + 3.3 = 16 which gives a contradiction. If #(S ∩ H) = 7, then for all H′ parallel to H different form H #(S ∩ H′) = 3. By applying an affine transformation, we can assume x 1 = 0 is an equation of H. Then g = x 1 f ∈ R 4(3(m − 2) + 2,m) and |g| = 9. So, g is a second weight codeword of R 4(3(m − 2) + 2,m) and by Theorem 9, the support of g is included in a plane P. Since S meets all hyperplanes, S is not included in P. Then, S meets all hyperplanes parallel to P in at least 3 points. However 3.3 + 9 = 18 > 16 which is absurd.

Now, assume m ≥ 4. Assume S is not included in an affine subspace of dimension 3. Then there exists H an affine hyperplane such that S ∩ H is not included in a plane and S is not included in H. So, by Lemma 11, S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H in at least 3 points.

Assume for all H′ parallel to H, #(S ∩ H′) ≥ 4, then for reason of cardinality, #(S ∩ H) = 4. So S ∩ H is the support of a second weight codeword of R 4(3(m − 1) + 1,m) and is included in a plane which is absurd. So there exists H 1 an affine hyperplane parallel to H such that #(S ∩ H 1) = 3. Then, S ∩ H 1 is the support of the minimum weight codeword of R 4(3(m − 1) + 1,m) and is included in a line L. We denote by \(\overrightarrow{u}\) a directing vector of L and a the point of L which is not in S.

Let w 1, w 2, w 3 be 3 points of S ∩ H which are not included in a line. Then, there are at least 2 vectors of \(\{\overrightarrow{w_1w_2},\overrightarrow{w_1w_3},\overrightarrow{w_2w_3}\}\) which are not collinear to \(\overrightarrow{u}\). Assume they are \(\overrightarrow{w_1w_2}\) and \(\overrightarrow{w_1w_3}\). Let a be an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H 1 which contains a, \(a+\overrightarrow{w_1w_2}\), \(a+\overrightarrow{w_1w_3}\) but not \(a+\overrightarrow{u}\). Then S does not meet A. Assume S does not meet one hyperplane through A. Then S is included in an affine hyperplane parallel to this hyperplane which is absurd by definition of A. So, S meets all hyperplanes through A and since 3.4 + 4 = 16, There exists H 2 an hyperplane through A such that #(S ∩ H 2) = 4 and S ∩ H 2 is included in a plane. For all H′ hyperplane through A different from H 2, #(S ∩ H′) = 3 and S ∩ H′ is included in a line. Consider H2 the hyperplane through A such that w 1 ∈ H2. Then w 1, w 2, w 3 ∈ H2. Since for all H′ hyperplane through A different from H 2, S ∩ H′ is included in a line and w 1, w 2, w 3 are not included in a line H2 = H 2. Further more S ∩ H 2 is included in a plane, so S ∩ H2 ⊂ H.

For all H′ hyperplane through A different from H 2, S ∩ H′ is the support of a minimum weight codeword of R 4(3(m − 1) + 1,m) which does not meet H 1, so either S ∩ H′ is included an affine hyperplane parallel to H 1 or S ∩ H′ meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H but H 1 in 1 point. Since S ∩ H 2 is included in H and all hyperplanes parallel to H meets S in at least 3 points, there are only three possibilities:

  1. 1.

    For all H2 hyperplane through A, S ∩ H2 is included in an affine hyperplane parallel to H.

  2. 2.

    For H2 hyperplane through A different from H 2 and H 1, S ∩ H2 meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H different from H 1 in 1 points.

  3. 3.

    There is four hyperplanes through A such that their intersection with S is included in an affine hyperplane parallel to H and one hyperplane through A which meets all hyperplanes parallel to H but H 1 in 1.

In the two first cases, since S ∩ H is not included in a plane and S meets all hyperplanes parallel to H in at least 3 points, #(S ∩ H) = 7 and for all H′ parallel to H different form H, #(S ∩ H′) = 3. By applying an affine transformation, we can assume x 1 = 0 is an equation of H. Then g = x 1 f ∈ R 4(3(m − 2) + 2,m) and |g| = 9. So, g is a second weight codeword of R 4(3(m − 2) + 2,m) and by Theorem 9, the support of g is included in a plane P. Since S is not included in P, there exists H1 an affine hyperplane which contains P but not S. Then, S meets all hyperplanes parallel to H 1′ in at least 3 points. However 3.3 + 9 = 18 > 16 which is absurd.

Assume we are in the third case. Since S ∩ H is the union of a point and S ∩ H 2 which is included in a plane and m ≥ 4, there exist B an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H such that S does not meet B and S ∩ H is not included in affine hyperplane parallel to B. Then S meets all affine hyperplanes through B in at most 4 points which is a contradiction since #(S ∩ H) = 5.

So S is included in G an affine subspace of dimension 3. By applying an affine transformation, we can assume

$$ G:=\{(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in {\mathbb{F}}_q^m:x_4=\ldots=x_m=0\}. $$

Let \(g\in B_{3}^q\) defined for all \(x=(x_{1},x_2,x_3)\in{\mathbb{F}}_{q}^{3}\) by

$$ g(x)=f(x_1,x_2,x_3,0,\ldots,0) $$

and denote by \(P\in{\mathbb{F}}_{q}[X_{1},X_2,X_3]\) its reduced form. Since

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_{q}^m, \ f(x)=(1-x_4^{q-1})\ldots(1-x_{m}^{q-1})P(x_{1},x_2,x_3), $$

the reduced form of f ∈ R q (3(m − 2) + 1,m) is

$$ (1-X_4^{q-1})\ldots(1-X_{m}^{q-1})P(X_{1},X_2,X_3). $$

Then g ∈ R q (4,3) and |g| = |f| = 16. Thus, using the case where m = 3, we finish the proof of Lemma 12.□

Theorem 12

For q ≥ 4, m ≥ 2, 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 2, if f ∈ R q (t(q − 1) + 1,m) is such that |f| = q m − t , the support of f is an affine subspace of codimension t .


If t = 0, the second weight is q m and we have the result.

For other cases, we proceed by recursion on t.

If q ≥ 5, we have already proved the case where t = m − 1 (Theorem 8); if m = 2 and t = m − 2 = 0, we have the result. Assume m ≥ 3.

For q = 4, if m = 2, t = m − 2 = 0 and we have the result. If m ≥ 3, we have already proved the case t = m − 2 (Lemma 12). Furthermore, if m = 3 we have considered all cases. Assume m ≥ 4

Let 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 2 (or for q = 4, 1 ≤ t ≤ m − 3). Assume the support of f ∈ R q ((t + 1)(q − 1) + 1,m) such that |f| = q m − t − 1 is an affine subspace of codimension t + 1.

Let f ∈ R q (t(q − 1) + 1,m) such that |f| = q m − t. We denote by S its support. Assume S is not included in an affine subspace of codimension t. Then there exists H an affine hyperplane such that S ∩ H is not included in an affine subspace of codimension t + 1 and S ∩ H ≠ S. Then, by Lemma 11, S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H and for all H′ hyperplane parallel to H,

$$ \#(S\cap H')\geq (q-1)q^{m-t-2}. $$

If for all H′ hyperplane parallel to H, #(S ∩ H′) > (q − 1)q m − t − 2 then, for reason of cardinality, #(S ∩ H) = q m − t − 1. So S ∩ H is the support of a second weight codeword of R q ((t + 1)(q − 1) + 1,m) and is included in an affine subspace of codimension t + 1 which is a contradiction.

So there exists H 1 parallel to H such that \(\#(S\cap H_1)=(q-1)q^{m-t-2}\). Then S ∩ H 1 is the support of a minimal weight codeword of R q ((t + 1)(q − 1) + 1,m). Hence, S ∩ H 1 is the union of q − 1 affine subspaces of codimension t + 2 included in an affine subspace of codimension t + 1.

Let A be an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H 1 such that A meets the affine subspace of codimension t + 1 which contains S ∩ H 1 in the affine subspace of codimension t + 2 which does not meet S. Assume there is an affine hyperplane through A which does not meet S. Then, by Lemma 11, S is included in an affine hyperplane parallel to this hyperplane which is absurd by construction of A. So, S meets all hyperplanes through A. Furthermore,

$$ q^{m-t}=q^{m-t-1}+q(q-1)q^{m-t-2}. $$

So S meets one of the hyperplane through A in q m − t − 1 points, say H 2, and all the others in (q − 1)q m − t − 2 points.

Since H 2 ≠ H 1, H 2 ∩ H 1 = A and S ∩ H 2 ∩ H 1 = ∅. So, S ∩ H 2 is the support of a second weight codewords of R q ((t + 1)(q − 1) + 1,m) which does not meet H 1. Hence, S ∩ H 2 is included in one of the affine hyperplanes parallel to H. Furthermore, for all H 2′ hyperplane through A different from H 2 and H 1, S ∩ H 2′ is the support of a minimum weight codeword of R q ((t + 1)(q − 1) + 1,m) which does not meet H 1, so it meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H 1 different from H 1 in q m − t − 2 points or is included in an affine hyperplane parallel to H 1. Since S ∩ H 2 is included in one of the affine hyperplanes parallel to H and all hyperplanes parallel to H meets S in at least (q − 1)q m − t − 2 points, there are only three possibilities:

  1. 1.

    For all H2 hyperplane through A, S ∩ H2 is included in an affine hyperplane parallel to H.

  2. 2.

    For H2 hyperplane through A different from H 2 and H 1, S ∩ H2 meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H different from H 1 in q m − t − 2 points.

  3. 3.

    There is q hyperplanes through A such that their intersection with S is included in an affine hyperplane parallel to H and one hyperplane through A which meets all hyperplanes parallel to H but H 1 in q m − t − 2.

In the two first cases, if S ∩ H 2 is not included in H′ parallel to H, #(S ∩ H′) = (q − 1)q m − t − 2 and S ∩ H′ is the support of a minimum weight codewords of R q ((t + 1)(q − 1) + 1,m). So S ∩ H′ is included in an affine subspace of codimension t + 1. Then, necessarily, S ∩ H 2 is included in H. For all H′ parallel to H but H, #(S ∩ H′) = (q − 1)q m − t − 2. In the third case, for all H′ hyperplane parallel to H different from H 1 which does not contain S ∩ H 2, #(S ∩ H′) = q m − t − 1. So S ∩ H′ is the support of a second weight codeword of R q ((t + 1)(q − 1) + 1,m) and is an affine subspace of dimension m − t − 1. Then, S ∩ H 2 ⊂ H and #(S ∩ H) = q m − t − 2 + q m − t − 1, \(\#(S\cap H_1)=(q-1)q^{m-t-2}\). So if we are in the last case for reason of cardinality, for all A′ affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H 1 such that A′ meets the affine subspace of codimension t + 1 which contains S ∩ H 1 in the affine subspace of codimension t + 2 which does not meet S we are also in case 3. Then S is the union of affine subspaces of dimension m − t − 2 which are a translation of the affine subspace of codimension t + 2 which does not meet S in S ∩ H 1. Then, since S ∩ H 2 is the support of a second weight codeword of R q ((t + 1)(q − 1) + 1,m), it is an affine subspace of dimension m − t − 1. So S ∩ H is the union of an affine subspace of dimension m − t − 1 and an affine subspace of dimension m − t − 2. Since S is the union of affine subspaces of dimension m − t − 2 which are a translation of an affine subspace of codimension t + 2, there exists B an affine subspace of codimension 2 such that B does not meet S and S ∩ H is not included in an affine subspace of codimension 2 parallel to B. Now, we consider all affine hyperplanes through B. Assume there exists G an affine hyperplane through B which does not meet S. Then, S is included in an affine hyperplane parallel to G which is absurd by construction of B. So, S meets all hyperplanes through B and there exists G 1 hyperplane through B such that \(\#(S\cap G_1)=q^{m-t-1}\) and for all G through B but G 1, #(S ∩ G) = (q − 1)q m − t − 2 which is absurd since #(S ∩ H) = q m − t − 1 + q m − t − 2. Finally, we are in case 1 or 2.

By applying an affine transformation, we can assume x 1 = 0 is an equation of H. Now, consider g the function defined by

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m\quad g(x)=x_1f(x). $$

Then \(\deg(g)\leq t(q-1)+2\) and |g| = (q − 1)2 q m − t − 2. So, g is a second weight codeword of R q (t(q − 1) + 2,m) and by Theorem 9, the support of g is included in an affine subspace of codimension t.

Let H 3 be an affine hyperplane containing the support of g but not S. Then, \(\#(S\cap H_3)\geq (q-1)^2q^{m-t-2}\). Furthermore, since \(S\not\subset H_3\), S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H 3 in at least (q − 1)q m − t − 2. Finally,

$$ \#S\geq2(q-1)^2q^{m-t-2}>q^{m-t}. $$

We get a contradiction. So S is included in an affine subspace of codimension t. For reason of cardinality, S is an affine subspace of codimension t.□

7.2 Case where q = 3, proof of Theorem 5

Lemma 13

Let m ≥ 2, 0 ≤ t ≤ m − 2, f ∈ R 3(2t + 1,m) such that |f| = 8.3m − t − 2 . If H is an affine hyperplane of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\) such that S ∩ H ≠ ∅ and S ∩ H ≠ S then either S meets two hyperplanes parallel to H in 4.3m − t − 2 points or S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H .


By applying an affine transformation, we can assume x 1 = 0 is an equation of H. We denote by H a the affine hyperplanes parallel to H of equation x 1 = a, \(a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q\). Let \(I:=\{a\in{\mathbb{F}}_q : S\cap H_a=\emptyset\}\) and k: = #I. Since S ∩ H ≠ ∅ and S ∩ H ≠ S, k ≤ q − 2 = 1. Assume k = 1. For all \(c\not\in I\) we define

$$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_q^m,\quad f_c(x)=f(x)\prod\limits_{a\not\in I,a\neq c}(x_1-a). $$

Then \(\deg(f_c)=(t+1)2\) and \(|f_c|\geq 3^{m-t-1}\). Assume there exists H′ an affine hyperplane parallel to H such that #(S ∩ H′) = 3m − t − 1 and S ∩ H′ is the support of a minimal weight codeword of R 3(2(t + 1),m). Then consider A an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H′ containing S ∩ H′ and A′ an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H′ parallel to A. We denote by k the number of hyperplanes through A which meet S and by k′ the number of affine hyperplanes through A′ which meet S in 3m − t − 1 points. Then

$$ k'3^{m-t-1}+(k-k')4.3^{m-t-2}\leq 8.3^{m-t-2}. $$

Since #S > #(S ∩ H′) and k′ ≤ k, we get k = 2. Then, if we denote by H′′ the other hyperplane parallel to H′ which meets S, S ∩ H′′ is included in an affine subspace of codimension 2 which is a translation of A. By applying this argument to all affine subspaces of codimension 2 included in H′ and containing S ∩ H′, we get that S ∩ H′′ is included in a an affine subspace of dimension m − t − 1. For reason of cardinality this is absurd. If \(|f_c|>3^{m-t-1}\) then \(|f_c|\geq 4.3^{m-t-2}\). For reason of cardinality, we have the result.□

Now, we prove Proposition 5.

  • First, we prove the case where t = 1. Obviously, S is included in an affine subspace of dimension m. Assume S meets all affine hyperplanes of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\). Then for all H′ affine hyperplane of \({\mathbb{F}}_q^m\), #(S ∩ H′) ≥ 2.3m − 3 and by Lemma 2, there exists H an affine hyperplane such that

    $$ \#(S\cap H)=2.3^{m-3}. $$

    Then S ∩ H is the support of a minimum weight codeword of R 3(5,m). So it is the union of P 1, P 2 2 parallel affine subspaces of dimension m − 3 included in an affine subspace of dimension m − 2. Let A be an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H, containing P 1 and different from the affine subspace of codimension 2 containing S ∩ H. Then there exists A′ an affine hyperplane of codimension 2 included in H parallel to A which does not meet S. We denote by k the number of affine hyperplanes through A′ which meet S in 2.3m − 3 points. Then, if m ≥ 4,

    $$ k2.3^{m-3}+(4-k)8.3^{m-4}\leq 8.3^{m-3} $$

    which means that k ≥ 4. If m = 3, 2k + (4 − k)3 ≤ 8 which also means that k ≥ 4. Then for all H′ hyperplane through A different from H, S ∩ H′ is a minimal weight codeword of R 3(5,m) which does not meet H and either S ∩ H′ is included in one of the hyperplanes parallel to H or S ∩ H′ meets the two hyperplanes parallel to H different from H. In all cases, S is the union of eight affine subspace of dimension m − 3. By applying this argument to all affine subspaces of codimension 2 included in H, containing P 1 and different from the affine subspace of codimension 2 containing S ∩ H, we get that these 8 affine subspaces are a translation of P 1.

    Choose H 1 one of the hyperplanes through A′ and consider H 2 and H 3 the two hyperplanes parallel to H 1. Since \(\#(S\cap H_1)=2.3^{m-3}\) and S meets all hyperplanes in at least 2.3m − 3 points, either \(\#(S\cap H_2)=3.3^{m-3}\) and \(\#(S\cap H_3)=3.3^{m-3}\) or \(\#(S\cap H_2)=2.3^{m-3}\) and \(\#(S\cap H_3)=4.3^{m-3}\).

    First consider the case where \(\#(S\cap H_2)=3.3^{m-3}\) and \(\#(S\cap H_3)=3.3^{m-3}\). Then there exists an affine subspace of codimension 2 in H 2 which does not meet S. We denote by k′ the number of hyperplanes through A which meet S in 2.3m − 3 points. Then , we have k′ ≥ 4 which is absurd since \(\#(S\cap H_2)=3.3^{m-3}\).

    Now, consider the case where \(\#(S\cap H_2)=2.3^{m-3}\) and \(\#(S\cap H_3)=4.3^{m-3}\). By applying an affine transformation, we can assume x 1 = 0 is an equation of H 3. Then x 1.f is a codeword of R 3(4,m) and \(|x_1.f|=4.3^{m-3}\). So, by Theorem 10, its support is included in an affine hyperplane H 1′ and S ∩ H 1′ ∩ H 3 = ∅. So S is included H 1′ and H 3 and there exists an affine hyperplane through H 1′ ∩ H 3 which does not meet S which is absurd.

    Finally there exists an affine hyperplane G 1 which does not meet S. So, by Lemma 13, S meets G 2 and G 3 the two hyperplanes parallel to G 1 in 4.3m − 3 points. Then, Theorem 10, G 2 ∖ S and G 3 ∖ S are the union of two non parallel affine subspaces of codimension 2. Consider A one of the affine subspaces of codimension 2 in G 2 ∖ S. Assume all hyperplanes through A meet S. So for all G′ hyperplane through A, #(G′ ∖ S) ≤ 7.3m − 3. Furthermore, one of the hyperplanes through A, say G, meets G 3 ∖ S in at least 2.3m − 3, then #(G ∖ S) ≥ 2.3m − 2 + 2.3m − 3 which is absurd (see Fig. 12). So there exists G′ through A which does not meet S. By applying the same argument to the other affine subspace of dimension 2 of G 2 ∖ S, we get the result for t = 1.

  • We prove by recursion on t that S is included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t + 1. Consider first the case where t = m − 2. If m = 3 then t = 1 and we have already considered this case. Assume m ≥ 4. Let f ∈ R 3(2(m − 2) + 1,m) such that |f| = 8. Assume S is not included in an affine subspace of dimension 3. Let w 1, w 2, w 3, w 4 be 4 points of S which are not included in a plane. Since S is not included in an affine subspace of dimension 3, there exists H an affine hyperplane such that H contains w 1, w 2, w 3, w 4 but S is not included in H. Then by Lemma 13 either S meets two hyperplanes parallel to H in 4 points or S meets all hyperplanes parallel to H.

    If S meets two hyperplanes parallel to H then S ∩ H is the support of a second weight codeword of R 3(2(m − 1),m) so is included in a plane which is absurd since w 1, w 2, w 3, w 4 ∈ S ∩ H. So S meets all hyperplanes parallel to H and for all H′ hyperplane parallel to H, #(S ∩ H′) ≥ 2. Since #S = 8 and #(S ∩ H) ≥ 4, for all H′ hyperplane parallel to H different from H #(S ∩ H′) = 2 and #(S ∩ H) = 4.

    By applying an affine transformation, we can assume x 1 = 0 is an equation of H. Then x 1.f ∈ R 3(2(m − 1),m) and |x 1.f| = 4 so x 1.f is a second weight codeword of R 3(2(m − 1),m) and its support is included in a plane P not included in H. Let H′ be an affine hyperplane which contains P and a point of (S ∩ H) ∖ P but not all the points of S ∩ H. Then, #(S ∩ H′) ≥ 5 and S ∩ H′ ≠ S. By applying the same argument to H′ than to H we get a contradiction for reason of cardinality.

  • If m ≤ 4, we have already considered all the possible values for t. Assume m ≥ 5. Let 2 ≤ t ≤ m − 3. Assume if f ∈ R 3(2(t + 1) + 1,m) is such that |f| = 8.3m − t − 3 then its support is included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t. Let f ∈ R 3(2t + 1,m) such that |f| = 8.3m − t − 2 and denote by S its support. Assume S is not included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t + 1. Then, there exists H an affine hyperplane such that S ∩ H ≠ S and S ∩ H is not included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t. So, by Lemma 13, either S meets two affine hyperplanes parallel to H in 4. 3m − t − 2 points or S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H.

    If S meets two affine hyperplanes in 4.3m − t − 2 points, S ∩ H is the support of a second weight codeword of R 3(2(t + 1),m) and is included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t which is absurd. So S meets all affine hyperplanes parallel to H and for all H′ hyperplane parallel to H,

    $$ \#(S\cap H')\geq 2.3^{m-t-2}. $$

    Assume for all H′ parallel to H, #(S ∩ H′) > 2.3m − t − 2. Then, for reason of cardinality #(S ∩ H) = 8.3m − t − 3 and S ∩ H is the support of a second weight codeword of R 3(2(t + 1) + 1,m) which is absurd since S ∩ H is not included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t. So there exists H 1 parallel to H such that \(\#(S\cap H_1)=2.3^{m-t-2}\) and S ∩ H 1 is the support of a minimal weight codeword of R 3(2(t + 1) + 1,m) so S ∩ H 1 is the union of P 1 and P 2 2 parallel affine subspaces of dimension m − t − 2 included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t − 1.

    Let A be an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H 1 and containing P 1 and such that A ∩ P 2 = ∅. Let A′ be an affine subspace of codimension 2 included in H 1 parallel to A which does not meet S. Assume there exists H1 an affine hyperplane through A′ which does not meet S. Then, S meets H 2′ and H 3′ the two hyperplanes parallel to H 1′ different from H 1′ in 4.3m − t − 2 points. For example, we can assume A ⊂ H 2′. Then, S ∩ H 3′ is the support of a second weight codeword of R 3(2(t + 1),m). So S ∩ H 3′ meets H in 0, 3m − t − 2, 2.3m − t − 2 or 4.3m − t − 2 points. Since S meets all hyperplanes parallel to H in at least 2.3m − t − 2 points, if

    $$ \#(S\cap H\cap H_3')=4.3^{m-t-2}, $$

    S ∩ H ∩ H 2′ = ∅. So S ∩ H is included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t which is absurd. So S ∩ H 2′ and S ∩ H 3′ are the support of second weight codewords of R 3(2(t + 1),m) not included in H, then their intersection with H is the union of at most two disjoint affine subspaces of dimension m − t − 2.

    Now assume S meets all hyperplanes through A′. We denote by k the number of the hyperplanes through A which meet S in 2.3m − t − 2 points. Then

    $$ k2.3^{m-t-2}+(4-k)8.3^{m-t-3}\leq 8.3^{m-t-2} $$

    which means that k ≥ 4. So for all H′ affine hyperplane through A′ different from H 1, S ∩ H′ is the support of minimum weight codeword of R 3(2(t + 1) + 1,m) which does not meet H 1. So either S ∩ H′ is included in H or S ∩ H′ meets S in an affine subspace of dimension m − t − 2. In both cases , S ∩ H is the union of at most four disjoint affine subspaces of dimension m − t − 2. By applying this argument to all affine subspaces of dimension 2 included in H 1 containing P 1 but not P 2, we get that S ∩ H is the union of four affine subspaces of dimension m − t − 2 which are a translation of P 1. This gives a contradiction since S ∩ H is not included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t. So S is included in an affine subspace of dimension m − t + 1.

  • Let f ∈ R 3(2t + 1,m) such that |f| = 8.3m − t − 2 and A the affine subspace of dimension m − t + 1 containing S. By applying an affine transformation, we can assume


    Let \(g\in B_{m-t+1}^3\) defined for all \(x=(x_{t},\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_{3}^{m-t+1}\) by

    $$ g(x)=f(0,\ldots,0,x_{t},\ldots,x_m) $$

    and denote by \(P\in{\mathbb{F}}_{3}[X_{t},\ldots,X_m]\) its reduced form. Since

    $$ \forall x=(x_1,\ldots,x_m)\in{\mathbb{F}}_{3}^m, \ f(x)=\left(1-x_1^{2}\right)\ldots\left(1-x_{t-1}^{2}\right)P(x_{t},\ldots,x_m), $$

    the reduced form of f ∈ R 3(t(q − 1) + s,m) is

    $$ \left(1-X_1^{2}\right)\ldots\left(1-X_{t-1}^{2}\right)P(X_{t},\ldots,X_m). $$

    Then g ∈ R 3(3,m − t + 1) and |g| = |f| = 8.3m − t − 2. Thus, using the case where t = 1, we finish the proof of Proposition 5.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Proposition 5, case where t = 1