1 Introduction

Space weather prediction involves forecasting of the magnitude and time of the commencement of a geomagnetic storm, based on solar and interplanetary observations (Srivastava 2005). During a geomagnetic storm, severe changes occur both in interplanetary (IP) space and the terrestrial environment such as acceleration of charged particles and enhancement of electric currents, auroras, and magnetic field variations on the Earth’s surface, which can endanger human life or health (Siscoe and Schwenn 2006). Geomagnetic storms (GMS) represent typical features of space weather. They occur as a result of energy transfer from the solar wind (SW) to Earth’s magnetosphere via magnetic reconnection. However, despite the prominent role played by CMEs in producing GMS, their prediction cannot be based only on CME observations (Uwamahoro et al. 2012). To achieve this goal, it is important to develop a prediction scheme based on both solar and IP properties of geo-effective CMEs (Srivastava 2005).

Artificial neural network (ANN) techniques have been described by various authors to be suitable for predicting transient solar-terrestrial phenomena (Lundstedt et al. 2005; Pallocchia et al. 2006; Woolley et al. 2010). A very well-designed and trained network can improve a theoretical model by performing generalizations rather than simply curve fitting. By changing the ANN input values, it is possible to investigate the functional relationship between the input and the output and therefore, be able to derive what the network has learned (Lundstedt 1997). ANN models for predicting magnetic storms using SW data as inputs have been developed (Lundstedt and Wintoft 1994), with the ability to estimate the level of geomagnetic disturbances as measured by the Dst index. The model developed by Lundstedt et al. (2002) consists of a recurrent neural network that requires hourly averages of the solar wind magnetic field component B z , particle density n, and velocity V as inputs and predicts the Dst index in almost real-time (Srivastava 2005). In order to improve GMS forecasts, Dryer et al. (2004) suggested that models should include both solar and near-Earth conditions. Recently, Uwamahoro et al. (2012) estimated the geo-effectiveness of halo CMEs from associated solar and IP parameters using neural networks. They presented an improved performance with an accuracy of 86% in the prediction of geomagnetic storm occurrence. However, for moderate storms (−100 <Dst ≤ −50), the model is successful up to 75% only.

For the present study, a combination of solar and IP properties of halo CMEs is used in an ANN model to predict the probability of GMS occurrence following halo CMEs observed during the ascending phase of the 24th solar cycle between 2009 and 2014. Out of a total of 110 geomagnetic storms that occurred during the study period, 21 were intense storms and 89 were moderate. The results obtained by previous studies show the ability of the ANN model to produce a good estimate of the probability occurrence of only intense storms compared to moderate storms. However, the present model focuses mainly on the probability occurrence of moderate geomagnetic storms with an improved performance of about 80%.

2 Observational inputs for space weather prediction

2.1 Key solar parameters

The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (SOHO/LASCO) (Bruckner et al. 1995) has been detecting the occurrence of CMEs on the Sun for more than a decade. Halo CMEs are those that appear to surround the occulting disk of the observing coronagraphs (Uwamahoro et al. 2012). It has been observed that halo CMEs originating from the visible solar disc and that are Earth-directed have the highest probability to impact the Earth’s magnetosphere (Webb et al. 2000), and hence are useful for the prediction of GMS. In this study, we considered halo CMEs as categorized by Gopalswamy et al. (2007), where full halo CMEs (F-type) have an apparent sky plane angular width (AW) of 360°, while partial halos (P-type) are those with an apparent AW in the range 120° ≤ W ≤ 360° as suggested by Uwamahoro et al. (2012). The angular width of a CME is a measure of the volume in the corona that is ‘blown out’ (Robbrecht et al. 2009).

During the ascending phase of the 24th solar cycle (January 2009–December 2014), the LASCO/ SOHO catalogue list indicates 110 halo CMEs (both partial and full halo CMEs) which are geo-effective. Table 1 lists 110 halo CMEs (Dst < −50 nT) out of which 21 were intense storms and 89 were moderate storms. In addition to the AW, the CME speed represents another important property of geo-effective CMEs. Halo CMEs generally have a higher speed than the mean SW speed (470 km s −1) and are useful parameters to predict the intensity of GMS (Srivastava 2005). For the model developed in this study, we used halo CME (AW and SW speed values of CMEs) data from the LASCO/SOHO catalogue list (available online at: http://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/CMElist).

Table 1 List of all 110 CME driven geomagnetic storm events along with solar and interplanetary parameters and their arrivals.

Another solar input used is the flare parameter expressing the flare activity association with CMEs. In their analysis, Wang et al. (2002) found that geo-effective halo CMEs were mostly associated with flare activity. Furthermore, Srivastava and Venkatakrishnan (2004) observed that fast and full halo CMEs associated with large flares drive large geomagnetic disturbances. For our ANN model, we used the logarithmic value of the peak flux of the most significant flare that has occurred during the CME eruption as an input, quantifying the halo CME association with solar flares. The flare data archive used is available on the website: http://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/goes/goeseventlistings/goesxrayeventlist2014.txt http://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/goes/goeseventlistings/goesxrayeventlist2014.txt.

2.2 Key interplanetary parameters

The main inputs for any space weather prediction based on properties of interplanetary medium are known to be the solar wind speed at 1 AU, the total interplanetary magnetic field (BT) and the southward component of the interplanetary magnetic field (B z ) (Srivastava 2005). In the IP medium, CMEs are manifested as shocks and interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) structures, which couple to the magnetosphere to drive moderate to major storms (Webb 2000; Echer et al. 2008). As indicated by Gonzalez and Tsurutani (1987), the intensity of the storm following the passage of shock-ICME structures is well correlated with two parameters, namely: (1) the IMF negative B z -component (B s ) and (2) the electric field convicted by the SW, E y = V B s , where V is the SW velocity. Recent findings have also confirmed that the convective electric field has the best correlation with the Dst index (Echer et al. 2008). So for the ANN model developed in this study, halo CMEs (AW ≥ 120°), CME speed (V cme), peak flux as well as IP peak values of negative B z , E y and SW speed (V sw) were used as ANN numeric input (as shown in table 1) (table 2).

Table 2 The input and output parameters and their corresponding measures.

The peak values (V sw, B z and E y ) correspond to the maxima (magnitude only) recorded during the time period of ICME passage. SW data are provided by the OMNI-2 dataset and available online (http://www.nssdc.gsfc.nasa/omniweb.html).

3 Artificial neural network (ANN) and principal component analysis (PCA)

In this study, ANN has been used as a tool in the development of a model to study the precursors leading to GMS from the observed solar and IP properties of halo CMEs. Neural network is an assembly of interconnected computing elements called units or neurons. For the model developed in this work, we used a three-layered feed forward ANN. Feed Forward Neural Networks (FFNN) represent the simplest and most popular type of ANN, which has been widely used with success in the prediction of various solar-terrestrial time series (Lundstedt and Wintoft 1994; Macpherson et al. 1995; Conway 1998; Uwamahoro et al. 2009). The ANNs generally have a layered structure in which each input passes through same number of nodes to produce an output. The first layer is the layer of input data, termed the input layer whereas the output layer is the layer of nodes which produces the output. The intermediate layers of processing units are called hidden layers.

Figure 1 illustrates the three-layered ANN architecture used in the present study. In a three layered FFNN with six input neurons, one hidden layer with different neurons and one output neuron. The activation functions we have used in hidden layer and output layer nodes are tan-sigmoid and linear functions, respectively. Such activation functions on the network outputs play an important role in allowing the outputs to be given a probabilistic interpretation (Bishop 1995). Indeed, ANNs provide an estimate of the posterior probabilities using the least squares optimization and are sensitive to sample size. A larger database provides better estimates (Richard and Lippmann 1991; Hung et al. 1996). If there exists a relation between the input and the output, the network learns by adjusting the weights until an optimum set of weights that minimizes the network error is found and the network then converges. Before training, the dataset is generally split randomly into training, testing and validation datasets in order to avoid the training results becoming biased towards a particular section of the database. For the ANN trained while developing this model, data were split into 60% for the training set and 20% for the testing, and rest 20% for the validation dataset, in order to determine how the ANN has learned the behaviour in the input–output patterns, consisting of the data not involved in the network training process was selected. Given that input variables have different numerical ranges (negatives values of B z and F class, values of AW and SW speed in hundreds, CME speed in thousands), they were first normalized through weight initialization.

Figure 1
figure 1

The three-layered FFNN architecture which was used in the study.

A typical batch learning procedure can be implemented through the following algorithm:

  1. (1)

    Read the input data

  2. (2)

    Initialize the weights

  3. (3)


    1. (a)

      Initialize all weight correction to zero

    2. (b)

      For each input point

      (i) Calculate net output

      (ii) Calculate gradient of error corre sponding to each weight(iii) Accumulate the weight corrections

    3. (c)

      Modify the weights using average of the accumulated weight corrections until the error reduces to desired level or the iterations exceed the allowed maximum number.

  4. (4)

    Print the net output and net error

  5. (5)


3.1 Principal component analysis

Principal component analysis (PCA) is a technique that is useful for the compression and classification of data. The purpose is to reduce the dimensionality of a dataset by finding a new set of variables, smaller than the original set of variables that retains most of the sample information (Jolliffe 2002). It is a way of identifying patterns in data, and expressing the data in such a way as to highlight their similarities and differences. Principal component analysis is appropriate when there are measures on a number of observed variables and we wish to develop a smaller number of artificial variables. Principal component analysis is a variable reduction procedure useful when data have a large number of variables and there is some redundancy in those variables. In this case, redundancy means that some of the variables are correlated with one another, possibly because they are measuring the same construct. Principal component can be defined as a linear combination of optimally-weighted observed variables. The goal is to account for the variation in a sample in fewer variables. Steps involved in calculation of PCA are given below:

  • Giving data The data consists of 110 CMEs which need to be reduced so that it takes minimum time for classification, providing more accurate results.

  • Subtracting the mean For PCA to work properly, the mean is subtracted from each of the data dimensions. The mean subtracted, is the average across each dimension. This produces a dataset whose mean is zero.

  • Calculating the covariance matrix Since the data is 2 dimensional, the covariance matrix will be calculated. Covariance shows the variation in the data which will ultimately account for pattern classification.

  • Calculating the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix From the covariance matrix, calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues for this matrix. These are important as they contain useful information about our data. An eigenvalue represents the amount of variance that is accounted for by a given component. It is important to notice that these eigenvectors are both unit eigenvectors, i.e., their lengths are both 1. This is very important for PCA that when asked for eigenvectors, it must give unit eigenvectors. These are important as they provide with information about the patterns in the data.

  • Choosing components and forming a feature vector It turns out that the eigenvector with the highest eigenvalue is the principal component of the dataset. Once eigenvectors are found from the covariance matrix, the next step is to order them by eigenvalue, highest to lowest. This gives the components in order of significance. The components with lesser significance can be ignored. Originally data have n dimensions and n eigenvectors and eigenvalues but final dataset can have only p dimensions. This is constructed by taking the eigenvectors that are kept from the list of eigenvectors, and forming a matrix with these eigenvectors in the columns.

    $$\mathit{Feature~vector}=\mathit{(eig1eig2eig3}\cdots\mathit{eign)} $$
  • Deriving the new dataset Once components (eigenvectors) are chosen and formed a feature vector, take the transpose of the vector and multiply it on the left of the original dataset, transposed as:

    $$\mathit{Final\,data}\,=\,\mathit{Row\,feature\,vector}\,\times\,\mathit{row\,data\,adjust} $$

    where row feature vector is the matrix with the eigenvectors in the columns transposed so that the eigenvectors are now in the rows, with the most significant eigenvector at the top, and row data adjust is the mean-adjusted data transposed, i.e., the data items are in each column, with each row holding a separate dimension. Final data is the final dataset, with data items in columns and dimensions along rows.

The PCA plot of the data is shown in figure 2 which shows the highly nonlinear behaviour of the CME data (110 CMEs) when the data dimension is reduced from six variables to a set of orthonormal basis (principal components). When the first three components are plotted, they give the maximum information about the data.

Figure 2
figure 2

The PCA plot showing the linearity in the CME data.

4 Result and discussion

We have first discussed the interdependency of various input parameters and then discussed our results from ANN by various plots showing the network output.

Figure 3 shows the geomagnetic storm of 7 March, 2012 with peak minimum D s t = −143 nT followed by two full halo CMEs (AW = 360°) at 00:24 UT and 01:30 UT with high CME speed (V cme) of about 2684 km s −1 and 1825 km s −1, respectively, that were probable sources of the storm. Indeed, the two halo CMEs involved were associated with X-class solar flares and were followed by an ICME also observed on 7 March, 2012 (on the 67th day of the year). The red lines show that at the time of sudden storm commencement (SSC), there is a sudden increase in the magnitude of B z and Dst while the wind speed (V sw) and E y decreases suddenly (on the 68th day of the year). Since the storm is followed by two full halo CMEs, there were two sudden storm commencement (SSC) regions depending upon their CME speeds. However, we get only one peak of Dst (min.) which is more pronounced and include the effects of both the CMEs shown by the black line (on 69th day of the year). This plot also depicts the interdependency of input parameters as well as with the output parameter. The B z and Dst vary in the same manner while the V sw and E y variations were out of phase, but their magnitudes vary in the same manner. So we have taken interplanetary parameters along with solar parameters as input variables while Dst (min) as an output variable for training, testing and validation of dataset in ANN.

Figure 3
figure 3

A 5-day window plot showing the variation of the interplanetary parameters, i.e., z-component of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) B z , the southward wind speed V sw, the electric field E y with the output, D s t index, following the passage of the interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs), observed on 7 March, 2012.

The input given to the ANN for training in a manner such that rows contain the attributes and column contain the number of samples. The activation function of the hidden layer and output layer are logistic sigmoid function and pure linear function. The number of neurons in the hidden layer is determined empirically by experimenting with various network configurations. The ANNs were trained by the gradient descent back-propagation training algorithm. When the network is trained, the network gives the correct output upon testing and validation. The optimum network architecture was found to be that with six inputs using eight hidden nodes (configuration: 6:8:1). The network with only seven hidden nodes was found to perform poorly when tested on the validation dataset.

Uwamahoro et al. (2012) considered the ANN with only three solar input parameters, which performed poorly when tested on the validation dataset, indicating the importance of considering the IP parameters for improving the model performance.

Table 3 shows that with the increase in the hidden layer, the network performance improves and we found that our network performs best with 20 hidden neurons. Also on changing the sample ratio of the neurons, i.e., input : hidden : output, the network performance changes and the networks best validation performance was found to be for the sample ratio 6:8:1 with 20 hidden neurons.

Table 3 The ANN architecture used in the study with their corresponding best validation performances.

Figure 4 shows the best validation performance or the mean squared error (MSE) is 201.3559 at epoch 497 and the errors in the training, test and validation process decrease in the same manner. The regression plots are shown in figure 5 which clearly shows that the model validates up to 79% with an overall regression up to 77.36%. Thus the network is successful in predicting the occurrence of intense storms up to 77.36% and with a validation of 79% for the sample ratio 60:20:20 for training, validation and test respectively.

Figure 4
figure 4

The performance plot with 19 hidden layer and 8 hidden neurons.

Figure 5
figure 5

The regression plot showing the output-target fit.

Uwamahoro et al. (2012) using the ANN model predicted 100% of intense storms and 75% of moderate storms. The overall ANN model prediction ability of GMS (Dst < −50 nT) based on the observed halo CME was estimated at 86%. The results obtained demonstrate the ability of the ANN model to produce a good estimate of the probability occurrence of intense storms compared to moderate storms. This difference in performance is related to the characteristics of inputs. Observations of the data indicate that intense storms are generally preceded by full halo CMEs (AW = 360°), high values of CME speed and flare activity as well as high peak values of B z and V sw compared to those associated with moderate GMS. On the other hand, previous studies have indicated that partial halo CMEs produce mostly moderate storms and the majority of them are less energetic (possess lower speed). Note that moderate storms are often driven by the non-halo CMEs or CIRs that have not been considered in the present study.

The results presented in this study only serve as an indication that solar and IP parameter characteristics of geo-effective halo CMEs, can be used in an ANN to estimate the probability occurrence of the subsequent GMS. The estimated geo-effectiveness of solar events (halo CMEs in this case) can be compared to other predictions from various analyses. Valach et al. (2009) used a combination of X-ray flares (XRAs) and solar radio burst (RSPs) as input to the ANN model and obtained a 48% successful forecast for severe geomagnetic response. The ANN model described in the present study shows an improved performance with an accuracy of 77.36% with a validation performance of 79%. We also want to emphasize that our topic of interest was to estimate the GMS occurrence following halo CMEs observed during the ascending phase of 24th solar cycle between 2009 and 2014; however, a lager database provides better estimates (Richard and Lippmann 1991; Hung et al. 1996). On the other hand, this compares favourably to the 77.7% obtained by Srivastava (2005), using the logistic regression model. The prediction performance of the ANN model described in the present study is unique, as our main focus is to estimate the probability occurrence of both intense and moderate storms, which were not effectively done in previous studies.

5 Summary and conclusion

Predicting the occurrence of GMS on the basis of CME observations by ANN architecture is a very effective tool. In this study, a combination of solar and IP parameters have been used as inputs in an ANN model with the ability to estimate the probability occurrence of GMS resulting from halo CMEs. The results obtained, indicate that the model performs well in estimating the occurrence of intense GMS as compared to moderate storms. In addition, this study shows that IP input parameters characterizing geo-effective halo CMEs and related ICME structures (i.e., increased peak values of B s and V sw) contribute significantly in improving the predictability of GMS occurrence. It was observed by use of the PCA technique that the GMS data is highly nonlinear; however, our model can correctly predict up to 79% of the GMS resulting from CMEs. Thus, the ANN model described in this paper will contribute towards improving real-time space weather predictions and is used to minimize the effects on the radio as well as satellite communication.