1 Introduction

With the exponential growth of  Web services, there are many Web services with identical or similar functionalities, but different QoS [1]. Thus, Web services with identical or similar functionalities would be identified by QoS which has become a critical issue in services computing [2].

The QoS performance of Web services observed from the users’ perspective is usually quite different from what is declared by the service providers in SLA, mainly due to the following reasons: (1) QoS performance of Web services is highly related to invocation time, since the service status (e.g., workload, number of clients) and the network environment (e.g., congestion) change over time. For example, in throughput dataset 3,Footnote 1 which was published in reference [3] when user 141 invokes service 4499 at time interval 20, the throughput is 39.953053. But when the same user invokes the same service at different time interval 45, the throughput becomes 6.022647. The first throughput is six times larger than the second. (2) the QoS values are often different from the QoS values it declared, since Web services are in essence loosely coupled, hosted by different providers and located in different location and may subject to different development, verification, or testing processes.

Thus, predicting the QoS value is becoming more and more essential for service-oriented application designers to make service selection and service composition.

CF [47] is an effective method for Web service selection and recommendation. And CF has been widely used in commercial recommendation systems [8]. CF would automatically predict the QoS values of a target Web service for an active service user by employing historical QoS information from other similar service users, who have similar historical QoS values on the service set, in which every service is similar to the target service.

Collaborative filtering algorithms could be divided into two main categories: memory-based and model-based algorithms [9]. Memory-based CF algorithms use the entire or a sample of the user-service database to generate a prediction. By identifying neighbors of an active user, a prediction of QoS values on a target service for the active user can be produced. Model-based CF algorithms make prediction by models.

Memory-based CF algorithms are easy to implement and highly effective, but they suffer from two fundamental problems: sparsity and scalability. Sparsity refers to the fact that most users do not invoke most services and hence a very sparse user-service rating matrix is generated. As a result, the accuracy of the method will be poor. For example, Titan [10] has about 16,000 Web services. In this case, even if the average number of Web services which had been invoked by each user, up to 1,000, the data density of user-service matrix is merely 6.3 %. In this case, the accuracy of the state of the art memory-based CF algorithms will be poor, since memory-based CF algorithms don’t have enough information to find enough similar users or similar services. Even sometimes, the memory-based CF algorithm will fail in this case. In scalability aspect, it suffers from serious scalability problems in failing to scale up its computation with the growth of both the number of users and the number of items. For example, Amazon.com has more than 29 million customers and several million products. The time complexity of general memory-based collaborative filtering algorithms is \(O(M \times N)\), where N is the number of users and M is the number of product catalog items, since it examines N customers and up to M items for each customer. Thus, the memory-based CF algorithms encounter severe performance and scaling issues. Some model-based CF algorithms would address the sparsity and scalability problem, but those models are often time-consuming to build and update. Please refer to the “Related work” for detail.

This paper proposes a clustering CF algorithm to address the data sparsity and scalability problems.

Clustering CF algorithms address the scalability problem by seeking users for recommendation within smaller and highly similar clusters instead of the entire database, but there are trade-offs between scalability and prediction performance [9]. Our approach is a clustering CF approach. In order to improve the prediction accuracy, our approach employs time factor, since QoS performance of Web services is highly related to invocation time (QoS performance of Web services is highly related to invocation time, since the service status (e.g., workload, number of clients) and the network environment (e.g., congestion) change over time). Moreover, our approach systematically combines user-based and item-based methods to predict the missing QoS values and employs influence weights, \({ inf}_u\) and \({ inf}_s\), to balance these two predicted values, automatically.

To alleviate the data sparsity problem, our approach improves matrix density by converting the user-service-time tensor into a user-service matrix and then converting the user-service matrix into userCluster-service matrix and user-serviceCluster matrix. For example, we suppose the number of users is 100 and the number of services is also 100, the data density of user-service matrix is 6.3 %. In this case, if the number of service clusters is about 20, then the average data density of user-serviceCluster matrix is about 27.8 %. Similarly, if the number of user clusters is about 20, then the average data density of userCluster-service matrix is also about 27.8 %. This example shows that our approach would improve the data density effectively. Generally, if the data density is larger than 20 %, the prediction accuracy of CF algorithm would be fairly higher and this forms a solid basis for our approach. According to the analysis in Sect. 3.9, the time complexity of our approach is about O(5*20) which is far smaller than the complexity of traditional memory-based CF which is O(100*100). According to the analysis in Sect. 3.2.1, the average time complexity of updating is just about O(5).

According to the analysis in Sect. 3.9, this complexity analysis shows that our approach is very efficient and can be applied to large-scale systems.

Experimental results show that our approach is capable of alleviating the data sparsity problem.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 introduces related work. Section 3 describes the novel clustering CF algorithm. Section 4 presents experiments and results. Section 5 concludes this paper.

2 Related work

In this section, we briefly present some of the research literatures related to collaborative filtering, recommender systems, and QoS prediction. Researchers have devised a number of collaborative filtering algorithms which could be divided into two main categories: memory-based and model-based algorithms [11].

Memory-based CF algorithms are easy to implement and highly effective, but they suffer from two fundamental problems: sparsity and scalability. Model-based CF algorithms can address the scalability and sparsity problems. However, those models are often time-consuming to build and update. They can be built off-line over a matter of hours or days.

To alleviate the data sparsity problem, many approaches have been proposed. Dimensionality reduction techniques, such as singular value decomposition (SVD) [12], remove unrepresentative or insignificant users or items to reduce the dimensionality of the user-item matrix directly, but have to undergo expensive matrix factorization steps. The time complexity of SVD is \(O(N^3+M^3)\) [13], where N is the number of users and M is the number of services. The time complexity of SVD-updating is \(O(f^2M +f^2N)\), where f is the number of factors [14]. Thus, these CF algorithms aren’t fit for highly dynamic and large-scale environments, such as Web service recommendation systems. The patented latent semantic indexing (LSI) techniques, such as Sarwar et al. [15], are based on SVD. LSI captures the similarity among users and items in a reduced dimensional space. LSI also has to undergo expensive matrix factorization steps. Contend-based filter techniques, such as GroupLens [16] and content-based collaborative recommendation [17], are found helpful to address the sparsity problem, in which external content information can be used to produce predictions for new users or new items. They recommend items based solely on a profile built up by analyzing the content of items that a user has rated. But content-based CF have difficulty in distinguishing between high-quality and low-quality information that is on the same topic. And as the number of items grows, the number of items in the same content-based category increases, further decreasing the effectiveness of content-based approaches [18]. Therefore, those approaches aren’t fit for the environments with a large amount of users and services.

In order to overcome the drawbacks described above, our approach CluCF improves matrix density to alleviate the data sparsity problem. According to the analysis in Sect. 3.9 and the experiment results in Sect. 4.3, the advantages of our approach are that the models would be updated quickly which assure that our approach are fit for highly dynamic environments with massive users and services, and the prediction accuracy is fairly high when the user-service-time rating tensor is very sparse.

Clustering CF algorithms would address the scalability problem, but there are trade-offs between scalability and prediction performance. Much research effort focuses on improving the prediction accuracy. For example, Zheng et al. propose a hybrid method, which is a user-based and item-based collaborative filtering algorithm to make QoS prediction [19]. In order to further improve the prediction accuracy, different kinds of factors are taken into account when the missing QoS values are predicted by collaborative filtering algorithm. Jiang et al. [20] take into account the influence of personalization of Web service items when computing degree of similarity between users. Zhang et al. [21] take the environment factor and user input factor into account, where environment factor refers to those environmental features which have an effect on the QoS of Web service, e.g., bandwidth, and input factor refers to those input features which have an effect on QoS of Web service, e.g., input data size. Chen et al. [22] and Tang et al. [23] take location factor into account. All above works focus on improving the prediction accuracy of CF algorithms, but none of them focus on sparsity.

Our approach employs time factor to improve the prediction accuracy. Time factor is a very important factor to predict QoS, since QoS performance of Web services is highly related to invocation time. The reason why QoS performance of Web services is highly related to invocation time is that the service status (e.g., workload, number of clients) and the network environment (e.g., congestion) change over time. Moreover, our approach systematically combines user-based and item-based methods to predict the missing QoS values and employs influence weights, \({ inf}_u\) and \({ inf}_s\), to balance these two predicted values, automatically.

3 The QoS prediction algorithm

3.1 Notations and definitions

The following are important notations used in the rest of this paper:

\(U = \{ {u_1},{u_2},\ldots ,{u_n}\}\) is a set of service users, where n refers to the total number of service users registered in the recommendation system.

\(S = \{ {s_1},{s_2},\ldots ,{s_m}\}\) is a set of Web services, where m refers to the total number of Web services collected by the recommendation system.

\(U_{c}=\{ { uc}_1, { uc}_2,\ldots ,{ uc}_{k'} \}\) is a set of user clusters. In other words, \(U_{c}\) is a partition of users set U. \(uc_i\) is a user cluster.

\(S_{c}=\{ { sc}_1, { sc}_2,\ldots , sc_{k''}\}\) is a set of service clusters. In other words, \(S_{c}\) is a partition of services set S. \({ sc}_i\) is a service cluster;

\(T = \{ {t_1},{t_2},\ldots ,{t_r}\}\) is a set of time interval, where r refers to the total number of time intervals. For example, 1 day has 24 h with a time interval lasting for 15 min, then r \(=\) 96.

\(M_{u,s,t} = \{ q_{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}}\left| {1 \le i \le n,1 \le j \le m,1 \le k \le r\} } \right. \) is the user-service-time tensor, where \(q_{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}}\) is a vector of QoS attribute values acquired from \({u_i}\) invoking \({s_j}\) at \({t_k}\). If \({u_i}\) has no experiences on \({s_j}\) at \({t_k}\), \(q_{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}} = \emptyset \).

Active user is a user for whom CF algorithm is employed to automatically predict the QoS values of the target Web service.

3.2 User clusters and service clusters

K-means is a fast in-memory clustering algorithm, and K-means has a time complexity of \(O(k^2x)\), where k is the number of clusters and x is the dataset size [24]. K-means begins its clustering by selecting k initial seeds as the temporary cluster centers and then assigning users to the cluster that they are closest to. The centroid of each cluster (which is called representative object) is then taken as the new temporary center and users are reassigned. These steps are repeated until the change in centroid positions fall below a threshold.

In this paper, the similarities between users (services) are used to measure the distances between users (services). Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) [25] would be employed to calculate the similarities between users (services). The distances between users (services) are increased with the decrease of the similar values between users (services).

Small clusters which contain a few users or services would be build by the K-means algorithm. When clustering CF algorithms are used to predict the QoS values located in the small clusters, the prediction accuracy of clustering CF algorithms would decrease. To address this problem, this paper will delete the small clusters and reclassify the members located in the small clusters. Figure 1 shows the reclassifying process.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Reclassifying process of the enhanced K-means algorithm

We classify the new user into the user cluster which contains most of the users who are located in the same country as the new user, mainly due to the following reasons:

  1. 1.

    According to the experiment results in Tang’s paper [23], we can see that every average internal QoS similarityFootnote 2 is significantly greater than its corresponding average external QoS similarity.Footnote 3

  2. 2.

    QoS values of Web services are mainly comprised of performance factors such as response time and throughput. Thus, these QoS values are usually highly dependent on the network distance between services and users, i.e., the locations of services and users.

Users’ IP would be used to identify the country in which the user is located. Similar to the new user, the new service would be classified into the service cluster which contains most of the services which are located in the same country as the new service.

In order to lower the time complexity of updating clusters, a record will be attached to each user cluster. The record will be used to indicate from which country those users located in this user cluster come and how many users located in this user cluster each country has. In this case, when a new user arrives, the new user can be classified based on the record. Thus, the time complexity of this updating is \(O(|{U_c}|)\), where \(|{U_c}|\) denotes the cardinality of the set \({U_c}\). Similar to user cluster, a similar record will also be attached to each service cluster, and the time complexity of new service updating will be \(O(|{S_c}|)\), where \(|{S_c}|\) denotes the cardinality of the set \({S_c}\).

3.2.1 Updating clusters

When new users (new services) which will be added to the system arrive or the QoS values for services observed by users have been altered, the users clusters (services clusters) should be updated correspondingly. In order to assure that our approach can be applied to highly dynamic and large-scale environments, the users clusters and services clusters must be updated quickly.

When new user (new service) arrives, the new user (new service) will be assigned to a user cluster (service cluster). Since the user (service) is a new user (service), NULL will be assigned to all items which will be added to the user-service-time tensor. According to the above analysis, the time complexity of new user or new service updating is \(O(|{U_c}|)\) or \(O(|{S_c}|)\).

When the QoS values for services observed by users have been altered, two different kinds of updating approaches would be employed.

If the user (service) isn’t representative user (representative service), this user (service) will be reclassified to the cluster that they are closest to. Thus, the distances between this user (service) and the representative user (representative service) of each cluster will be calculated. Thus, the time complexity of this updating is also O(k).

If the user (service) is representative user (representative service), the new representative user (representative service) should be sought from the user cluster (service cluster) where the old representative user (representative service) located in. the time complexity of seeking new representative user (representative service) is \( O(|{ clu}_i|^2)\), where \({ clu}_i\) is the cluster where the old representative user (representative service) located, and \(|{ clu}_i|\) denotes the number of elements that the cluster \({ clu}_i\) has. Then the similarity between the old representative user (representative service) and representative users (representative services) are calculated, respectively, and then assigning the old representative user (representative service) to the user (service) cluster that it is closest to. After that, the old representative user (representative service) becomes the ordinary user (service). And the time complexity of this process is also O(k). Thus, the time complexity of updating in this case is \(O(k+|clu_i|^2)\).

If the probabilities of altering the QoS values for every services (users) are equal, the average time complexity is \(O({\frac{{(z - k) \times k}}{z}} + {\sum \nolimits _{i = 1}^k {\frac{{(k + |{ cl}{{ u}_i}{|^2})}}{z}}})\), where z denotes the total number of users (services). In general, \(k \ll z\) and \(k \ll |{ clu}_i|\), thus \(O({\frac{{(z - k) \times k}}{z}} + {\sum \nolimits _{i = 1}^k {\frac{{(k + |{ cl}{{ u}_i}{|^2})}}{z}}})\) \(= O(\sum \nolimits _{i = 1}^k {\frac{{|{ cl}{{ u}_i}|^2}}{z}})\). Since the small clusters have been deleted by our clustering approach, the average time complexity is approximately equal to \(O(\overline{|{ clu}|})\), where \(\overline{|{ clu}|} \) denotes the average number of elements that a cluster has.

The online updating approach employed by this paper makes sure that the clusters would be updated quickly. But the quality of clusters would be decreased with the increase of the times of execution of online updating process. Thus, the users or services should be reclassified, when the quality of clusters is decreased obviously. And it could be executed off-line.

3.3 Addressing the cold-start problem

The cold-start problem concerns three aspects: (1) new user and old service; (2) new service and old user; (3) new user and new service.

According to the analysis in the fourth paragraph of page 6, CluCF would employ userCluster-service matrix, user-serviceCluster matrix, and userCluster-serviceCluster matrix to address the cold-start problem. Both userCluster-service matrix and user-serviceCluster matrix will be described in Sect. 3.5.3.

3.3.1 New user and old service

Our approach CluCF uses \({q_{u{c_i},{s_j}}}\) to predict \({q_{{u_i},{s_j}}}\), where user \({{u_i}}\) is a new user and service \({s_j}\) isn’t a new service, and the entry \({q_{u{c_i},{s_j}}}\) in userCluster-service matrix \(M_{u_{c},s}(t_k,d)\) denotes the average QoS values of user cluster \(uc_i\) on service \(s_j\). \(\ uc_i\) denotes a user cluster, \({u_i} \in u{c_i}\), and \(uc_i \in U_c\).

3.3.2 New service and old user

Our approach CluCF uses \({q_{u_{i},{sc_j}}}\) to predict \({q_{{u_i},{s_j}}}\), where service \({s_j}\) is a new service and user \({{u_i}}\) isn’t a new user and the entry \({q_{u_{i},{sc_j}}}\) in user-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u,s_c}(t_k,d)\) denotes the average QoS values of user \(u_i\) on service cluster \(sc_j\). \(\ sc_j\) denotes a service cluster, \({s_j} \in s{c_j}\), and \(sc_j \in S_c\)

3.3.3 New user and new service

When service \({s_j}\) is a new service and user \({{u_i}}\) is also a new user, our approach CluCF uses \({q_{uc_{i},{sc_j}}}\) to predict \({q_{{u_i},{s_j}}}\). \({q_{uc_{i},{sc_j}}}\) belongs to userCluster-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u_c,s_c}(t_k,d)\). Both userCluster-service matrix \(M_{u_{c},s}(t_k,d)\) and user-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u,s_c}(t_k,d)\) can be converted into userCluster-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u_c,s_c}(t_k,d)\). In this section, we convert userCluster-service matrix \(M_{u_{c},s}(t_k,d)\) into userCluster-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u_c,s_c}(t_k,d)\). And the formula which is used to get userCluster-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u_c,s_c}(t_k,d)\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {q_{u{c_i},{sc_j}}} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{{ll}} {\emptyset , \quad \hbox {if}\;\hbox {nonZer}{\hbox {o}_{u{c_i},{sc_j}}} = \emptyset }\\ {\frac{{\sum \limits _{s \in s{c_j}} {{q_{{uc_i},{s}}}} }}{{\left| {nonZer{o_{{uc_i},{sc_j}}}} \right| }},\quad \hbox {else}} \end{array}} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where the entry \({q_{u{c_i},{sc_j}}}\) in userCluster-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u_{c},s_c}(t_k,d)\) denotes the average QoS values of user cluster \({ uc}_i\) on service cluster \({ sc}_j\). And \({q_{{uc_i},{s}}} \in M_{u_c,s}(t_k,d)\). The entries set \({\hbox {nonZer}{\hbox {o}_{{uc_i},{sc_j}}}}\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned}&\hbox {nonZer}{\hbox {o}_{u{c_{i,}}{sc_j}}}\\&\quad = \{ {q_{uc_i,{s}}}| \ s \in s{c_j}, {q_{uc_i,{s}}} \in {M_{u_c,s}(t_k,d)},\quad {q_{uc_i,{s}}} \ne \emptyset \} \end{aligned}$$

Thus, when service \({s_j}\) is a new service and user \({{u_i}}\) is also a new user, our approach CluCF uses \({q_{uc_{i},{sc_j}}}\) to predict \({q_{{u_i},{s_j}}}\).

3.4 Overview of the algorithm

In this section, an abstract description of CluCF has been given. The CluCF algorithm comprises the following six subprocedures.

  1. 1.

    Convert the user-service-time tensor \(M_{u,s,t}\) into a user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\). This converting would be done off-line.

  2. 2.

    The user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\) is used to classify users (services). The users clusters (services clusters) will be build in this procedure. And it would be done off-line.

  3. 3.

    Convert the user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\) into userCluster-service matrix \(M_{u_{c},s}(t_k,d)\) and user-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u,s_c}(t_k,d)\), respectively. These converting would be done off-line.

  4. 4.

    Calculate the similarity between target service and all other services located in the same cluster with target service, respectively. And then select the top K services with highest similarity to the target service.

  5. 5.

    Calculate the user similarity between active user and all other users located in the same cluster with active user, respectively. And then select the top K users with highest similarity to the active user.

  6. 6.

    Combine user-based and item-based methods to predict the missing values (QoS values) for the active user.

3.5 Matrix converting

In this section, we present the process of converting the user-service-time tensor \(M_{u,s,t}\) into a user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\) and then convert the user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\) into userCluster-service matrix \(M_{u_{c},s}(t_k,d)\) and user-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u,s_c}(t_k,d)\), respectively.

3.5.1 Converting user-service-time tensor into user-service matrix

In a typical CF scenario, a general Web services recommender system consists of N users and M services, and the relationship between users and services is denoted by an \(N \times M\) matrix, called the user-service matrix. Every entry \(q_{n,m}\) in this matrix represents a vector of QoS values (e.g., response time, failure rate), which is observed by the user n on the service m.

But we found that the QoS values which are observed by the same user on the same service at different time would be different. Thus, in this paper, in order to improve the QoS prediction accuracy, user-service-time tensor \(M_{u,s,t}\) is employed to record the historical QoS values, which is observed by the user on the service at a certain time.

In fact, the number of services far exceeds what any user can hope to absorb, and thus, user-service-time tensor \(M_{u,s,t}\) is very sparse. In order to increase the density of data of matrix, we convert user-service-time tensor \(M_{u,s,t}\) into a user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\). And the formula which is used to get user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {q_{{u_i},{s_j}}}({t_k},d) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{{ll}} {0 ,\quad \hbox {if}\ \hbox {nonZer}{\hbox {o}_{{u_i},{s_j}}}({t_k},d) = \emptyset }\\ {\frac{{\sum \limits _{t \in {T_{{t_k},d}}} {{q_{{u_i},{s_j},t}}} }}{{\left| {\hbox {nonZer}{\hbox {o}_{{u_i},{s_j}}}({t_k},d)} \right| }} ,\quad else} \end{array}} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where the entry \({q_{{u_i},{s_j}}}({t_k},d)\) in user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\) denotes the average QoS values. Both \(t_k\) and d are parameters for user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\). \(t_k\) is determined by the missing QoS values which will be predicted by our approach. For example, if the entry which will be predicted is \(q_{u_1,s_1,t_x}\), \(t_k\) equals to \( t_x\).

A tunable parameter d is used to adjust the prediction accuracy. On the one hand, the density of matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\) tends to increase with the increase of parameter d. It tends to improve the prediction accuracy. On the other hand, the absolute value of \({q_{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}}} - {q_{{u_i},{s_j}}}({t_k},d)\) tends to increase with the increase of parameter d. It tends to decrease the prediction accuracy. Thus, a proper parameter value for d is important for our approach. The entry \(q_{{u_i},{s_j},{t}}\) in user-service-time tensor \(M_{u,s,t}\) denotes the real QoS value, which is observed by the user \({u_i}\) on the service \({s_j}\) at time t. Time interval set \({T_{{t_k},d}}\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {T_{{t_k},d}} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{{llll}} {\{ {t_{k'}}|{k} - d \le k' \le {k} + d,1 \le {k} - d,{k} + d \le r\} } \ \\ {\{ {t_{k'}}|{k} - d \le k' \le r,1 \le {k} - d,{k} + d > r\} } \ \\ {\{ {t_{k'}}|1 \le k' \le {k} + d,1 > {k} - d,{k} + d \le r\} } \\ {\{ {t_{k'}}|1 \le k' \le r,1 > {k} - d,{k} + d>r\} } \end{array}} \right. \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

Time interval set \({T_{{t_k},d}}\) is determined by parameter \(t_k\) and d. For example, when d = 2 and \(t_{k} = t_2\), we can get \({T_{{t_2},2}} = \{t_1,t_2,t_3,t_4\}\), according to formula 3. The entries set \({\hbox {nonZer}{\hbox {o}_{{u_i},{s_j}}}({t_k},d)}\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned}&nonZer{o_{{u_{i,}}{s_j}}}({t_{k,}}d) \nonumber \\&\quad = \{ {q_{_{{u_{i,}}{s_j},t}}}|{q_{_{{u_{i,}}{s_j},t}}} \in {M_{u,s,t}},\ t \in {T_{{t_k},d}},\quad {q_{_{{u_{i,}}{s_j},t}}} \ne 0\} \end{aligned}$$

In order to increase the density of data of matrix, the user-service-time tensor \(M_{u,s,t}\) can be converted into a user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\) by formulas 2, 3, and 4.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Process of converting user-service matrix into userCluster-service matrix and user-serviceCluster matrix

3.5.2 Updating user-service matrix

When new users (new services) which will be added to the system arrive or the QoS values for services observed by users at time intervals have been altered, the user-service matrix should be updated correspondingly.

When a new user arrives, there are \(1 \times m \times r\) items which will be added to the user-service-time tensor. m refers to the total number of Web services collected by the recommendation system, and r refers to the total number of time intervals. Since the user is a new user, zero will be assigned to all items which will be added to the user-service-time tensor. Thus, for the new user, zero will also be assigned to all items which will be added to the user-service matrix. Thus, in this case, the time complexity of updating user-service matrix is O(1).

When a new service arrives, the process of updating user-service matrix is similar to the process of updating for new user. Thus, the time complexity of updating user-service matrix for new service is also O(1).

Thus, when a new user or service arrives, the time complexity of updating user-service matrix is O(1).

When the QoS value for a service observed by a user at a time interval has been altered, only one item will be updated in user-service matrix. According to formula 2, the time complexity of updating is O(d) in this case. d is a parameter for user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\).

3.5.3 Converting user-service matrix into userCluster-service matrix and user-serviceCluster matrix, respectively

Sometimes the density of data of matrix isn’t enough just by converting user-service-time tensor \(M_{u,s,t}\) into user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\). Thus, in order to increase the density further, we need to convert user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\) into userCluster-service matrix \(M_{u_{c},s}(t_k,d)\) and user-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u,s_c}(t_k,d)\), respectively. And Fig. 2 shows the process of converting user-service matrix into userCluster-service matrix and user-serviceCluster matrix.

The formula which is used to get userCluster-service matrix \(M_{u_{c},s}(t_k,d)\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {q_{u{c_i},{s_j}}}({t_k},d) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{{ll}} {0,\quad \hbox {if}\;\hbox {nonZer}{\hbox {o}_{u{c_i},{s_j}}}({t_k},d) = \emptyset }\\ {\frac{{\sum \limits _{u \in u{c_i}} {{q_{{u},{s_j}}}({t_k},d)} }}{{\left| {\hbox {nonZer}{\hbox {o}_{{uc_i},{s_j}}}({t_k},d)} \right| }},\quad \hbox {else}} \end{array}} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where the entry \({q_{u{c_i},{s_j}}}({t_k},d)\) in userCluster-service matrix \(M_{u_{c},s}(t_k,d)\) denotes the average QoS values of user cluster \({ uc}_i\) on service \(s_j\). \(\ uc_i\) denotes a user cluster and \(uc_i \in U_c\). And \({q_{{u},{s_j}}}({t_k},d) \in M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\). The entries set \({\hbox {nonZer}{\hbox {o}_{{uc_i},{s_j}}}({t_k},d)}\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} \hbox {nonZer}{\hbox {o}_{u{c_{i,}}{s_j}}}({t_{k,}}d) = \{ {q_{u,{s_j}}}({t_k},d)|\\ \ \ \ {q_{u,{s_j}}}({t_k},d) \in {M_{u,s}}({t_k},d),\quad u \in u{c_i},\quad {q_{u,{s_j}}}({t_k},d) \ne 0\} \end{array}\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

The formula which is used to get user-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u,s_c}(t_k,d)\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {q_{{u_i},s{c_j}}}({t_k},d) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{{ll}} {0,\quad \hbox {if}\;\hbox {nonZer}{\hbox {o}_{{u_i},s{c_j}}}({t_k},d) = \emptyset }\\ {\frac{{\sum \limits _{s \in s{c_j}} {{q_{{u_i},s}}({t_k},d)} }}{{\left| {\hbox {nonZer}{\hbox {o}_{{u_i},s{c_j}}}({t_k},d)} \right| }},\quad else} \end{array}} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where the entry \({q_{u_{i},{sc_j}}}({t_k},d)\) in user-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u,s_c}(t_k,d)\) denotes the average QoS values of user \(u_i\) on service cluster \({ sc}_j\). \(\ { sc}_j\) denotes a service cluster and \({ sc}_j \in S_c\). And \({q_{{u_i},{s}}}({t_k},d) \in M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\). The entries set \({\hbox {nonZer}{\hbox {o}_{{u_i},{{ sc}_j}}}({t_k},d)}\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{{l}} {\hbox {nonZer}{\hbox {o}_{{u_{i,}}s{c_j}}}({t_{k,}}d) = \{ {q_{{u_i},s}}({t_k},d)|}\\ {\;\;\;{q_{{u_i},s}}({t_k},d) \in {M_{u,s}}({t_k},d),\;s \in s{c_j},\;{q_{{u_i},s}}({t_k},d) \ne 0\} } \end{array}\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

The user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\) can be converted into the userCluster-service matrix \(M_{u_{c},s}(t_k,d)\) and user-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u,s_c}(t_k,d)\) to increase the density further by formulas 5, 6, 7, and 8.

3.5.4 Updating userCluster-service matrix and user-serviceCluster matrix

When new users (new services) which will be added to the system arrive or the QoS values for services observed by users at time intervals have been altered, the userCluster-service matrix and user-serviceCluster matrix should be updated correspondingly.

When a new user \(u_{i_1}\) arrives, userCluster-service matrix and user-serviceCluster matrix would be updated correspondingly. According to the analysis in Sects. 3.2.1 and 3.5.2, for the new user, zero will be assigned to all items which will be added to the user-service-time tensor and user-service matrix, and the new user will be classified into the user cluster which contains most of the users who are located in the same country as the new user. Thus, all items in userCluster-service matrix will not be altered. And zero will be assigned to all items which will be added to the user-serviceCluster matrix. Thus, the time complexity of updating userCluster-service matrix is O(0) and the time complexity of updating user-serviceCluster matrix is O(1).

When a new service arrives, the process of updating user-service matrix is similar to the process of updating for new user. Thus, the time complexity of updating userCluster-service matrix is O(1) and the time complexity of updating user-serviceCluster matrix is O(0).

When the QoS value for a service observed by a user at a time interval has been altered, an item in userCluster-service matrix and an item in user-serviceCluster matrix should be updated correspondingly. According to Sect. 3.5.3, the time complexity of updating userCluster-service matrix is \(O(\sum \nolimits _{i = 1}^{k'} {\frac{{|u{c_i}{|^2}}}{n}} )\), where \(k'\) is the number of users clusters that users have been classified, n refers to the total number of service users registered in the recommendation system, and \(|{ uc}_i|\) denotes the number of users that user cluster \({ uc}_i\) has. And time complexity of updating user-serviceCluster matrix is \(O(\sum \nolimits _{j = 1}^{k''} {\frac{{|s{c_j}{|^2}}}{m}} )\), where \(k''\) is the number of services clusters that services have been classified, m refers to the total number of services registered in the recommendation system, and \(|{ sc}_j|\) denotes the number of services that service cluster \({ sc}_j\) has.

Since the small clusters have been deleted by our clustering approach, the average time complexity of updating userCluster-service matrix is approximately equal to \(O(\overline{|{ uc}|})\), where \(\overline{|{ uc}|} \) denotes the average number of elements that a user cluster has. And the average time complexity of updating user-serviceCluster matrix is approximately equal to \(O(\overline{|{ sc}|})\), where \(\overline{|{ sc}|} \) denotes the average number of elements that a service cluster has.

3.6 Similarity measure

Similarity computation between services or users is a critical step in memory-based collaborative filtering algorithms. There are a number of different methods to compute the similarity between services or users. For example, cosine-based similarity [25], Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) [25], and adjusted-cosine similarity [25].

The Pearson correlation coefficient-based CF algorithm is a representative CF algorithm and is widely used in the CF research community [9]. Although many variations of Pearson correlation coefficient have been proposed, such as constrained Pearson correlation [9], Spearman rank correlation [9], and Kendall’s \(\tau \) correlation [9], Pearson correlation coefficient is constantly employed by a large number of CF algorithms until now, such as [23, 26]. Thus, in this paper, Pearson correlation coefficient was employed to calculate the similarity between services or users.

PCC often overestimates the similarities of services which are actually not similar but happen to have similar QoS on a few common users [27]. To address this problem, this paper employs a similarity weight to reduce the influence of the small number of similar common users. An enhanced PCC for \({sim({s_{{j_1}}},{s_{{j_2}}})}\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} {\mathop {\mathrm{sim}}\nolimits } ({s_{{j_1}}},{s_{{j_2}}}) = \frac{{\left| {U_c^{{s_{{j_1}}},{s_{{j_2}}}}} \right| }}{{\left| {{U_c}} \right| }} \\ \quad \times \frac{{\sum \limits _{uc \in U_c^{{s_{{j_1}}},{s_{{j_2}}}}} {({q_{uc,{s_{{j_1}}}}} - \overline{{q_{{s_{{j_1}}}}}} )({q_{uc,{s_{{j_2}}}}} - \overline{{q_{{s_{{j_2}}}}}} )} }}{{\sqrt{\sum \limits _{uc \in U_c^{{s_{{j_1}}},{s_{{j_2}}}}} {{{({q_{uc,{s_{{j_1}}}}} - \overline{{q_{{s_{{j_1}}}}}} )}^2}} } \sqrt{\sum \limits _{uc \in U_c^{{s_{{j_1}}},{s_{{j_2}}}}} {{{({q_{uc,{s_{{j_2}}}}} - \overline{{q_{{s_{{j_2}}}}}} )}^2}} } }} \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

The entry in userCluster-service matrix \(M_{u_{c},s}(t_k,d)\) will be used to calculate the similarity between services, where \({U_c^{{s_{{j_1}}},{s_{{j_2}}}}}\) is the subset of user clusters \(U_c\). And \(U_c^{{s_{{j_1}}},{s_{{j_2}}}} = \{ { uc}|{ uc} \in {U_c},{q_{uc,{s_{{j_1}}}}} \ne 0,{q_{uc,{s_{{j_2}}}}} \ne 0\} \). And \(\frac{{\left| {U_c^{{s_{{j_1}}},{s_{{j_2}}}}} \right| }}{{\left| {{U_c}} \right| }}\) is a similarity weight. When \(U_c^{{s_{{j_1}}},{s_{{j_2}}}} \) is small, the similarity weight will devalue the similarity estimation between the services. Both \({q_{uc,{s_{{j_1}}}}}\) and \({{q_{uc,{s_{{j_2}}}}}}\) are the entry in userCluster-service matrix \(M_{u_{c},s}(t_k,d)\). \({\overline{{q_{{s_{{j_1}}}}}} }\) represents the vector of average QoS values of the Web service \(s_{j_1}\) in userCluster-service matrix \(M_{u_{c},s}(t_k,d)\). \(sim({s_{{j_1}}},{s_{{j_2}}})\) ranges from [\(-\)1,1] with a larger value indicating that services \(s_{j_1}\) and \(s_{j_2}\) are more similar.

Similar to calculating the similarity between services, an enhanced PCC is also employed to compute the similarity between users. The similarity computation of two users \(u_{i_1}\) and \(u_{i_2}\) can be described as:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} {\mathop {\mathrm{sim}}\nolimits } ({u_{{i_1}}},{u_{{i_2}}}) = \frac{{\left| {S_c^{{u_{{i_1}}},{u_{{i_2}}}}} \right| }}{{\left| {{S_c}} \right| }} \\ \quad \times \frac{{\sum \limits _{sc \in S_c^{{u_{{i_1}}},{u_{{i_2}}}}} {({q_{{u_{{i_1}}},{s_c}}} - \overline{{q_{{u_{{i_1}}}}}} )({q_{{u_{{i_2}}},{s_c}}} - \overline{{q_{{u_{{i_2}}}}}} )} }}{{\sqrt{\sum \limits _{sc \in S_c^{{u_{{i_1}}},{u_{{i_2}}}}} {{{({q_{{u_{{i_1}}},{s_c}}} - \overline{{q_{{u_{{i_1}}}}}} )}^2}} } \sqrt{\sum \limits _{sc \in S_c^{{u_{{i_1}}},{u_{{i_2}}}}} {{{({q_{{u_{{i_2}}},{s_c}}} - \overline{{q_{{u_{{i_2}}}}}} )}^2}} } }} \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

The entry in user-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u,s_c}(t_k,d)\) will be used to calculate the similarity between users, where \({S_c^{{u_{{i_1}}},{u_{{i_2}}}}}\) is the subset of service clusters \(S_c\). And \(S_c^{{u_{{i_1}}},{u_{{i_2}}}} = \{ { sc}|{ sc} \in {S_c},{q_{{u_{{i_1}}},{ sc}}} \ne 0,{q_{{u_{{i_2}}},{ sc}}} \ne 0\} \). And \(\frac{{\left| {S_c^{{u_{{i_1}}},{u_{{i_2}}}}} \right| }}{{\left| {{S_c}} \right| }}\) is a similarity weight. Both \({{q_{{u_{{i_1}}},{s_c}}}}\) and \({{q_{{u_{{i_2}}},{s_c}}}}\) are the entry in user-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u,s_c}(t_k,d)\). \({\overline{{q_{{u_{{i_1}}}}}} }\) represents the vector of average QoS values observed by the user \(u_{i_1}\) in user-serviceCluster matrix \(M_{u,s_c}(t_k,d)\). \(sim({u_{{i_1}}},{u_{{i_2}}})\) also ranges from [\(-\)1,1] with a larger value indicating that users \(u_{i_1}\) and \(u_{i_2}\) are more similar.

3.7 Similar neighbors selection

After computing the similarities between active user and all other users who are located in the same user cluster as active user, a user similarity vector has been obtained. Likewise, a service similarity vector has also been obtained.

Thus, the TopK similar users (services) would be selected from the user (service) similarity vector to construct a set of the TopK similar users (services) to active user (target service) by traditional Top-K algorithm. N(u) is used to denote the set of the TopK similar users to active user u. N(s) is used to denote the set of the TopK similar services to target service s.

Similar to [19], the similar neighbors whose similarity is equal to or smaller than 0 will be removed. Thus, a new set of the TopK similar users \(N'(u)\)to active user u would be obtained by removing those similar neighbors whose similarity is equal to or smaller than 0 from the set of the TopK similar users N(u). And a new set of the TopK similar services \(N'(s)\) to target service s would also be obtained by similar method.

3.8 Missing value prediction

The following formula is employed to predict the missing QoS values for the active user by user-based CF algorithms:

$$\begin{aligned} {p_u}(u,s,t) = \overline{{q_u}} + \frac{{\sum \limits _{{u_i} \in N'(u)} {\hbox {sim}(u,{u_i})({q_{{u_i},s}} - \overline{{q_{{u_i}}}} )} }}{{\sum \limits _{{u_i} \in N'(u)} {\hbox {sim}(u,{u_i})} }}\ \ \end{aligned}$$

The entry in user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t,d)\) will be used to calculate the missing QoS values \({p_u}(u,s,t)\) by formula 11, where \(\overline{{q_u}}\) represents the vector of average QoS values observed by the user u in user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t,d)\). And \({q_{{u_i},s}}\) represents the vector of QoS values observed by the user \(u_i\) on service s in user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t,d)\).

The following formula is employed to predict the missing QoS values by item-based CF algorithms:

$$\begin{aligned} {p_s}(u,s,t) = \overline{{q_s}} + \frac{{\sum \limits _{{s_j} \in N'(s)} {\hbox {sim}(s,{s_j})({q_{u,s_j}} - \overline{{q_{{s_j}}}} )} }}{{\sum \limits _{{s_j} \in N'(s)} {\hbox {sim}(s,{s_j})} }} \end{aligned}$$

The entry in user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t,d)\) will be used to calculate the missing QoS values \({p_s}(u,s,t)\) by formula 12, where \(\overline{{q_s}}\) represents the vector of average QoS values of Web service s in user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t,d)\). And \({q_{{u},s_j}}\) represents the vector of QoS values observed by the user u on service \(s_j\) in user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t,d)\).

In order to improve the prediction accuracy, a hybrid CF algorithm is employed, which systematically combines user-based and item-based methods to predict the missing QoS values. Since these two predicted values may have different prediction performance, two influence weights, \({ inf}_u\) and \({ inf}_s\), are employed to balance these two predicted values. We combine the two methods by using formula 13:


where \({ inf}_u + { inf}_s = 1\).

\({ inf}_u\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {{ inf}_u} = \frac{{\sum \limits _{{u_i} \in N'(u)} {\hbox {sim}(u,{u_i})} }}{{\sum \limits _{{u_i} \in N'(u)} {\hbox {sim}(u,{u_i}) + \sum \limits _{{s_j} \in N'(s)} {sim(s,{s_j})} } }} \end{aligned}$$

A higher value indicates a higher prediction accuracy of \({p_u}(u,s,t)\).

\({ inf}_s\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} {{ inf}_s} = \frac{{\sum \limits _{{s_j} \in N'(s)} {\hbox {sim}(s,{s_j})} }}{{\sum \limits _{{u_i} \in N'(u)} {sim(u,{u_i}) + \sum \limits _{{s_j} \in N'(s)} {\hbox {sim}(s,{s_j})} } }} \end{aligned}$$

A higher value indicates a higher prediction accuracy of \({p_s}(u,s,t)\).

Influence weights, \({ inf}_u\) and \({ inf}_s\), determine how much the hybrid method relies on the user-based prediction and the item-based prediction automatically. Our approach are the first one to employ influence weights to balance \({p_u}(u,s,t)\) and \({p_s}(u,s,t)\), automatically. And the experimental results in Sect. 4 show that they would significantly improve the QoS value prediction accuracy.

3.9 Complexity analysis

The main off-line computation of our approach is converting user-service-time tensor into user-service matrix and user-service matrix into userCluster-service matrix and user-serviceCluster matrix. And the main on-line computation of our approach is constructing the set of the TopK similar users \(N'(u)\) and the set of the TopK similar services \(N'(s)\).

Based on the formula 2, the time complexity of converting user-service-time tensor into user-service matrix is \(O(n \times m \times r)\) and the time complexity of updating the user-service matrix is O(r), where n refers to the total number of users registered in the recommendation system, m refers to the total number of services registered in the recommendation system, and r refers to the total number of time interval.

Based on the formula 5, the time complexity of converting user-service matrix into userCluster-service matrix is \(O(n \times m)\). Based on the formula 7, the time complexity of converting user-service matrix into user-serviceCluster matrix is \(O(n \times m)\).

Thus, the time complexity of converting matrices is \(O(n \times m \times r + n \times m + n \times m) = O(n \times m \times r)\). And these works would be done off-line.

Based on the formula 9 and traditional Top-K algorithm, the average time complexity of constructing the set of the TopK similar services \(N'(s)\) is \(O( {|U_c|} \times \overline{|{ sc}|})\). Based on the formula 10 and traditional Top-K algorithm, the average time complexity of constructing the set of the TopK similar users \(N'(u)\) is also \(O(\overline{|{ uc}|} \times {|S_c|})\). Thus, the average time complexity of predicting QoS values is \(O(( {|U_c|} \times \overline{|{ sc}|})+ (\overline{|{ uc}|} \times {|S_c|}))\), where \({\overline{|{ uc}|}} \ll n\), \(|U_c| \ll n,\,\overline{|{ sc}|} \ll m\) and \(|S_c| \ll m\).

The above complexity analysis shows that our approach is very efficient and can be applied to large-scale systems.

According to the analysis in Sects. 3.2.1, 3.5.2, and 3.5.4, when new user (new service) arrives, the time complexity of updating models is \(O(|U_c|)\) or \(O(|S_c|)\). And when the QoS value for a service observed by a user at a time interval has been altered, the time complexity of updating models is \(O(d + \overline{|{ uc}|} + \overline{|{ sc}|})\). \(\overline{|{ uc}|} \) denotes the average number of elements that a user cluster has. \(\overline{|{ sc}|} \) denotes the average number of elements that a service cluster has. d is a parameter for user-service matrix \(M_{u,s}(t_k,d)\). Generally, \(d \ll \overline{|{ uc}|} \ and \ d \ll \overline{|{ sc}|}\), thus, when the QoS value for a service observed by a user at a time interval has been altered, the time complexity of updating models is \(O(\overline{|{ uc}|} + \overline{|{ sc}|})\).

Thus, the major disadvantage of model-based CF algorithms, namely time-consuming to update, could be avoided by employing our approach, according to the above analysis. This property assures that our approach can be applied to those environments which are highly dynamic and large-scaled, such as Web service recommendation systems.

In short, our approach can be applied to highly dynamic and large-scale environments.

4 Experiments

All experiments were implemented and deployed with JDK6.0 and Eclipse Helios Service Release 2.

All experiments were run on a win7-based PC with Intel Core i3-3220 CPU having a speed of 3.3 GHz and 4 GB of RAM.

Two experiments have been implemented. The purpose of the first experiment is to analyze the effect of our approach to alleviate the data sparsity problem. The purpose of the second experiment is to analyze the impact of parameter d on prediction accuracy.

4.1 Dataset

To evaluate our approach in the real world, this paper adopts a real-world Web service dataset WSDream-dataset 3,Footnote 4 which was published in references [3].

The original dataset 3 contains QoS records of service invocations on 4532 Web services from 142 users at 64 time interval, which are transformed into a user-service-time tensor. Every time interval lasts for 15 min. Then the dataset is a \(142 \times 4532 \times 64\) user-service-time tensor, and each item is a pair values (RT, TP). RT denotes response time, and TP denotes throughput. The original user-service-time tensor will be decomposed into two simpler matrices: \(142 \times 4532 \times 64\) user-service-time RT tensor and \(142 \times 4532 \times 64\) user-service-time TP tensor.

In the following experiment, the 142 users are divided into two groups: 118 service users randomly selected as training service users and the rest as test service users. The RT matrix is divided into two parts: the RT-training matrix and the RT-test matrix, and so is the TP matrix. Each experiment is performed 100 times, and their average values are taken as results.

4.2 Evaluation metrics

Statistical accuracy metrics evaluate the accuracy of a system by comparing the numerical prediction QoS values with the actual QoS values acquired by invoking actual service. Mean absolute error (MAE) [28] between actuality and predictions is a widely used metric. MAE is a measure of the deviation of predictions from their actual QoS values. For each actuality-prediction pair \( < A{q_{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}}},P{q_{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}}} > \), this metric treats the absolute error between them equally. The MAE is computed by first summing these absolute errors of the N corresponding actuality-prediction pairs and then computing the average. Formally,

$$\begin{aligned} { MAE} = \frac{{\sum \nolimits _{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}} {\left| {A{q_{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}}} - P{q_{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}}}} \right| } }}{N} \end{aligned}$$

where \(A{q_{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}}}\) denotes actual QoS values of  Web service \(s_j\) observed by user \(u_i\) at time interval \(t_k\) and \(P{q_{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}}}\) denotes the predicted QoS values of Web service \(s_j\) observed by user \(u_i\) at time interval \(t_k\), and N denotes the number of predicted values. The lower the MAE, the higher the recommendation system accuracy.

Since different QoS properties of Web services have distinct value ranges, the normalized mean absolute error (NMAE) [28] metric is also used to measure the prediction accuracy. NMAE is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} { NMAE} = \frac{{{ MAE}}}{{(\sum \nolimits _{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}} {A{q_{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}}})/N} }} \end{aligned}$$

Lower NMAE value represents higher prediction accuracy about recommendation system.

In these papers, NMAE is employed to measure the prediction quality, since it is most commonly used and easiest to interpret directly.

4.3 Impact of tensor (matrix) density

In order to show the effectiveness of our method to alleviate the data sparsity problem and justify the usage of the proposed CluCF algorithm, we compare the prediction accuracy of our method with some other famous methods under different tensor density. Those methods are user-based CF [29], item-based CF [30], WSRec [19], and WSPred [3].

User-based CF and item-based CF are famous memory-based CF algorithms. Since user-based CF and item-based CF have been widely accepted and adopted, they have been picked up for comparison in a number of CF-based approaches. Thus, they are also picked up for comparison in this paper. WSRec is a well-known hybrid algorithm combing user-based CF and item-based CF, and the prediction accuracy of WSRec is quite high. Similar to WSRec, our approach is also a hybrid algorithm combing user-based CF and item-based CF. Thus, WSRec is picked up for comparison in this paper. In order to show the improvement of addressing the data sparsity problem, our approach should be compared with a famous model-based CF algorithm which has relatively high performance to address the data sparsity problem. Since WSPred is such an algorithm, it is picked up for comparison in this paper.

We change the tensor density from 5 to 40 % with a step value of 5 %. The tensors with missing values are in different densities. For example, 5 % means that we randomly remove 95 % entries from the original tensor and use the remaining 5 % entries to predict.

The parameters to our approach CluCF are \({ topK} = 30\), \(d = 9\), \(k' = 3\), \(k'' = 300\). \({ thresholdUser} = 20\) and \({ thresholdServie} = 80\). \({ thresholdUser}\) and \({ thresholdService}\) are the variable \({ threshold}\) which is used in Fig. 1.

The parameters to WSPred are \(l=15\) and \({\lambda _1} = {\lambda _2} = {\lambda _3} = \eta = 0.001\).

Since user-based CF, item-based CF, and WSRec predict QoS values by employing user-service matrix, the original user-service-time tensor must be converted into user-service matrix. In order to simulate the real-world situation, a entry \({q_{{u_{i_1}},{s_{j_1}}}}\) of user-service matrix, equals the entry \( {q_{{u_{i_1}},{s_{j_1}},{t_{k_1}}}}\) of user-service-time tensor, where \(t_{k_1}\) will be randomly selected from set \(\{ 1,2,\ldots ,64\} \). And the parameter to them are \({ topK} = 30\). We change the matrix density from 5 to 40 % with a step value of 5 %. The matrices with missing values are in different densities. For example, 5 % means that we randomly remove 95 % entries from the original matrix and use the remaining 5 % entries to predict. And the parameter to WSRec is \(\lambda = 0.7 \).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Impact of tensor density

Fig. 4
figure 4

Impact of tensor density

Figures 3 and 4 show the experimental results of response time and throughput, respectively. The experimental results show that our approach CluCF achieves higher prediction accuracy (lower NMAE value) than other competing methods under different tensor (matrix) density.

In the experimental results, we observe that the performance of user-based CF, item-based CF, and WSRec is worse than that of other methods. The reason is that if the matrix density is sparse, similar users may have too few ratings in common or may even show a negative correlation due to a small number of ratings in common.

Our approach CluCF improves matrix density by converting the user-service-time tensor into a user-service matrix and then converting the user-service matrix into userCluster-service matrix and user-serviceCluster matrix. Then our approach CluCF predicts QoS values by employing userCluster-service matrix and user-serviceCluster matrix. The densities of userCluster-service matrix and user-serviceCluster matrix are much higher than user-service-time tensor. Moreover, our approach CluCF systematically combines user-based and item-based methods to predict the missing QoS values and employs influence weights, \({ inf}_u\) and \({ inf}_s\), to balance these two predicted values, automatically. Thus, our approach CluCF achieves higher prediction accuracy (lower NMAE value) than other approaches under different tensor (matrix) density.

4.4 Impact of parameter d

To study the impact of parameter d, two experiments have been implemented. The parameters are \(topK = 30\), \(k' = 3\), \(k'' = 300\). \(thresholdUser = 20\), and \(thresholdUser = 80\). And the tensor density is 30 %. Figure 5 shows the experimental results. We observe that in Fig. 5, as d increases, the NMAE decreases, but when d surpasses a certain threshold, the NMAE increases with further increase of d. The reason is that, on the one hand, the matrix density tends to increase with the increase of parameter d. It tends to improve the prediction accuracy. On the other hand, the absolute value of \({q_{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}}} - {q_{{u_i},{s_j}}}({t_k},d)\) tends to increase with the increase of parameter d. It tends to decrease the prediction accuracy. When the value of d is at a high level, the increase of matrix density tends to slow down even if the value of the d is still raising, while the increase of absolute value of \({q_{{u_i},{s_j},{t_k}}} - {q_{{u_i},{s_j}}}({t_k},d)\) may remain at the same level or tend to be augmented. Thus, a proper parameter value for d is important.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Impact of parameter d

5 Conclusions

Collaborative filtering is an effective method for Web service selection and recommendation. But they suffer from two fundamental problems: sparsity and scalability.

Model-based CF algorithms could address the data sparsity problem. But those approaches have a severe drawback. The time complexity of updating for those approaches are much higher. For example, the time complexity of SVD-updating is \(O(f^2M +f^2N)\). Thus, those approaches aren’t fit for highly dynamic and large-scale environments, such as Web service recommendation systems. In order to overcome this drawback, the CluCF has been proposed in this paper. CluCF improves matrix density by converting the user-service-time tensor into a user-service matrix and then converting the user-service matrix into userCluster-service matrix and userserviceCluster matrix to alleviate the data sparsity problem. According to the analysis in Sect. 3.9, the time complexity of updating for CluCF is \(O(\overline{|{ uc}|} + \overline{|{ sc}|})\) at most. It assures that our approach CluCF can be applied to those environments which are highly dynamic and large-scaled, such as Web service recommendation systems. The experiment results in Sect. 4.3 show that CluCF is an effective approach to alleviate the data sparsity problem.

Our approach CluCF is a clustering CF algorithm. Clustering CF algorithms would address the scalability problem, but there are trade-offs between scalability and prediction performance. In order to improve the prediction accuracy, our approach employs time factor. Moreover, our approach systematically combines user-based and item-based methods and employs influence weights to balance these two predicted values, automatically.

In this paper, K-means is employed to classify users and Web services; meanwhile, PCC is employed to measure the distance between users or Web services. Although other clustering algorithms would be combined with the approach proposed by this paper in order to alleviate the data sparsity problem, the actual effect still needs further testing. Thus, more experiments should be done. However, it is beyond the scope of this paper. And it will be discussed in future work. In this paper, we focus on the effect of K-means algorithm composed with the approach to improve the matrix density.

In future work, our approach will be improved to alleviate gray sheep and shilling attack problem.