
Birkmeyer et al. [1] have shown that postoperative outcomes are associated with technical skills of the operating surgeon and that peer review may be useful to assess surgical skills. Such peer review is impractical at scale due to time and resource constraints. However, this may become tractable if new tools are developed to efficiently index all surgical phases within each procedure.

We posit computational models that automatically analyze surgical procedures and extract critical phases will benefit both manual and automated video review. Computational models could also help focus surgical training by detecting and annotating common errors that occur in each step of a surgery. In addition, phase cataloging may be important for self-review and context-aware operating room technologies. For example, trainees could be shown a set of relevant surgical phase videos from the catalog based on a structured query. Surgeons could be provided statistics on the phases from their previous operating room performances along with patient outcomes. Useful information related to the current phase of the surgery could be displayed to the operating room members to enhance workflow efficiency.

In this paper, we describe work toward automated surgical phase detection in efforts to make these tools a possibility. The method we present relies on readily available event data such as a binary signal indicating whether an energy instrument is active. Although our data were acquired from a da Vinci surgical robot, we show that we achieve similar performance using only events that are easily acquired from most surgical platforms for laparoscopic, endoscopic, and open surgeries. The event-based signals are simpler than video or kinematic data, but, as we show later, can be highly discriminative of surgical phase.

Few papers have focused on using event-based data for phase recognition. The structured review presented in [2] shows that there has been a significant effort since 2002 to develop methods for surgical process modeling, but only a small fraction of this work has addressed surgical phase segmentation. Methods using techniques such as dynamic time warping [3, 4], canonical correlation analysis [5], hidden Markov models [6], random forests [7], support vector machines, and conditional random fields [8] have been used on sensor data recorded during laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedures in order to perform surgical phase modeling. However, the sensor data used in this work—carbon dioxide pressure, weight of the irrigation and suction bag, inclination of the surgical table—require additional, and sometimes sophisticated, instrumentation of the operating room prior to the surgery. The method presented by Neumuth et al. in [9] for surgical phase detection by jointly representing each low-level action using the action class, instrument, and anatomy has been recently applied by Forestier et al. [10] to detect phases of surgery using manually labeled low-level activity information. Similarly, Katic et al. [11] proposed a rule-based surgical workflow analysis using manual low-level activity labels for phase detection. The low-level activity data that these approaches rely upon require explicit manual labeling, thereby limiting their scalability.

Previous approaches using tool motion data, video data, and combination of both have been developed to perform surgical process modeling. However, most of this work has operated at a different level of abstraction than phases. Twinanda et al. [12] performed whole procedure classification using endoscopic video data. Other work has focused on detection of low-level activities at the maneuver/subtask and gesture/surgeme level using machine learning approaches such as hidden Markov models [1315], linear dynamical systems [16, 17], conditional random fields [18, 19], and many more. However, to the best of our knowledge, none of these methods have been successfully applied at the surgical phase granularity using live surgery data.

In the remainder of this paper, we present a framework for surgical phase detection using features obtained from system events collected from the da Vinci Surgical system (dVSS; Intuitive Surgical, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA), and we demonstrate its effectiveness at performing surgical phase recognition in robot-assisted hysterectomy.


Our phase detection framework consists of: aggregating system events over short time intervals (section “Feature extraction”), computing the surgical phase probability for each interval (section “Phase scoring”), and jointly segmenting and classifying all surgical phases (section “Joint phase segmentation and classification”).

Feature extraction

We define a set of features, highlighted in Table 1, that summarize tool and event information within each 90-s interval. These features are motivated by the notion that many surgical phases must be completed using a specific set of tools. For example, a Cuff Closure should ideally be performed using a large needle driver.

We categorize tools into three types: monopolar energy, bipolar energy, and normal. The first two refer to cautery tools and the last refers to non-energized tools such as a needle driver. Note while some tools are intended for cautery actions, there are times when a surgeon will use them for other tasks like grasping.

For cautery tasks, the surgeon uses one form of energy over the other based on the step of the procedure and the surrounding anatomy. For example, a surgeon applies “bipolar” energy to coagulate a structure that is small enough to be grasped between its two grippers. This tool isolates most of the electrosurgical current passed to the grasped tissue or blood vessel. In contrast, a monopolar tool is used when dissecting a larger area where there are no significant anatomic structures or vasculature.

Fig. 1
figure 1

System events-based features for a sample hysterectomy procedure from our data set. (Note feature values have been scaled to [0,1] for better contrast)

We use additional events recorded by the da Vinci including tool identity, tool changes, movement of the endoscope, repositioning (“clutching”) the manipulators in the surgical console, and a head-in indicator indentifying whether a surgeon is working at the console. For evaluation, we compute results using events common among most surgical systems as well as ones also available for the da Vinci.

There are three types of features corresponding to the duration of an event during each 90-s interval, how many times it was activated, and whether or not it was in use within that period (as listed in Table 1). We compute a feature vector \(\mathbf {f}_t\) for each time interval from 1 to T composed of each item listed in Table 1. When using all da Vinci events, each vector is of length 16.

Figure 1 shows a subset of the above features for a sample procedure from our data set.

Table 1 System events-based features and their descriptions

Phase scoring

A score is computed for each interval which corresponds to the likelihood that the interval belongs to each class. Let \(s_t \in \mathbb {R}^{C}\) be a vector at time t where C be the number of surgical phase classes. We compare three score models. The first is a linear model applied to features at each time step, the second assumes a nonlinear model applied to each time step, and the third assumes a nonlinear model applied to sequences of time steps.

Linear frame-wise model The first model assumes there is a linear vector \(w_c \in \mathbb {R}^{16}\) that discriminates phase c from the rest of the data. Let the score \(s_t^c = w_c^T f_t\). If phase label \(y_t=c\) then the correct score, \(s_t^{y_t}\) should be higher than the score for any other class such that \(s_t^{y_t} > s_t^c\) for all c where \(c \ne y_t\). We learn weights w with a one-versus-all support vector machine (SVM).

Nonlinear frame-wise model Each phase may be best classified using a nonlinear mapping of the given features in each interval. We follow the work of Stauder et al. [7] who model surgical phase using a random forest classifier. A random forest is an ensemble learning method that randomly learns which features are most indicative of each class. At each node in the tree, a subset of the features from the training data are selected and tested for their Gini’s index as described in [20]. In our data, we observe different subsets of features are important in characterizing different active surgical phase; thus, the random forest is well suited to our problem. The score for the cth class is given by the posterior probability \(s^c_t = P(c | f_t)\) as computed by this model.

Nonlinear temporal model The previous two models assume the label at each time step is only a function of the data at the current time step. However, in many phases the features may change substantially between the start and the end of a phase. For example, a surgeon may use a monopolar tool at the start of a dissection and a bipolar tool at the end.

We apply the temporal convolutional neural network (tCNN) of [21] to capture long-range dependencies across intervals. A set of temporal filters \(W_I \in \mathbf {R}^{d \times F}\) model the features across a sequence of d intervals where F is the number of features in each interval. Let there be a total of I temporal filters. Each filter models how features change over the course of a phase. The data for each class can be modeled as a function of these weights where variable \(\alpha ^c_{i}\) weighs how important each filter \(W_i\) is for class c. The score is computed as \(s_t^c = \sum _{i=1}^I \alpha ^c_{i} W_i *f_{t:t+d}\) where \(f_{t:t+d}\) denotes the set of features from times t to \(t+d\). Symbol \(*\) refers to a temporal convolution where the features for each event are convolved over time with the filter.

Joint phase segmentation and classification

In frame-wise prediction, the class for each time step is \(y_t = \arg \max _y s_t^y\) where \(y_t\) is the best scoring phase. While frame-wise accuracy is reasonable, some actions get oversegmented due to high variance in the data. We use a segmental inference method based on the semi-Markov conditional random fields to prevent this issue [22].

Let tuple \(p_j=(y_j, t_j, d_j)\) be the jth action segment where \(y_j\) is the action label, \(t_j\) is the start interval, and \(d_j\) is the segment duration. There is a sequence of M segments \(P=\{p_1, p_2, \dots , p_M\}\) for \(0 < M \le T\) such that the start of segment j coincides with the end of the previous segment \(t_j=t_{j-1}+d_{j-1}\) and the durations add up to the total number of intervals \(\sum _{i=1}^M d_i = T\).

Given scores \(\mathbf {S} = \begin{pmatrix}\mathbf {s}_1, \mathbf {s}_2, \dots , \mathbf {s}_n\end{pmatrix}\), we find the segments P that maximize the cost \(E(\mathbf {S},P)\) of the whole sequence:

$$\begin{aligned} E(\mathbf {S},P)=\sum _{j=1}^m g(\mathbf {S}, y_j, t_j, d_j) \end{aligned}$$

The segment function \(g(\cdot )\) is defined as a sum of the scores within that segment with the constraint that segment j and segment \(j+1\) do not belong to the same phase:

$$\begin{aligned} g(S, y_j, t_j, d_j) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \mathop {\sum }\nolimits _{t=t_j}^{t_j+d_j-1} s^{y_j}_t ,&{} \text {if } y_j \ne y_{j-1}\\ -\infty , &{} \text {otherwise} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

This model can be viewed in the probabilistic setting as a conditional random field using \(Pr(P | S) \propto \exp (-E(S,P)).\)

We solve the following discrete constrained optimization problem to find all phases, their start times, and durations:

$$\begin{aligned}&P = \mathop {\hbox {arg max}}\limits _{P = \{p_1, \dots , p_m\}} E(\mathbf {S}, P) \nonumber \\&\hbox {s.t.} \textstyle \sum _{i=1}^m d_i = T \qquad \hbox {and} \qquad 0 < m \le T \end{aligned}$$

In the naive case, this problem has computational complexity \(O(T^2C^2)\). We use the method proposed in [21] that is of the order \(O(KTC^2)\) where K is an upper bound on the number of segments. K is typically much smaller than T.

Table 2 Phases during a robot-assisted hysterectomy procedure along with their duration distribution across the 24 surgeries (VCC: vaginal cuff closure)


Hysterectomy data set

We collected data from a da Vinci surgical robot for robot-assisted hysterectomy (RAH) procedures during an ongoing institutional review board (IRB)-approved study [23]. We interfaced with the robot using the da Vinci research API [24] to collect time synchronized (1) endoscopic video, (2) tool motion data, and (3) system (console) events. The data set consists of 24 full RAH surgeries. This excludes those recordings that had missing video or system event data.

Hysterectomies are highly variable in duration and phase flow. This is unlike procedures like cholecystectomies which have been studied in many previous phase detection papers. Our data set contains surgeries that range from 47 min to 3 h and 47 min in length and contain between 8 and 18 phase instances. Six faculty surgeons performed the procedures with the assistance of more than 20 surgical residents. At least two surgeons participated in each procedure.

Phase labels

A set of surgical phases were defined after consulting with our collaborating gynecologist. These phases are listed in Table 2. Our event-based features cannot distinguish between anatomical structures so similar phases were grouped into a higher-level labels. In addition to the four surgical phase labels from Table 2, remaining portions of the surgery were labeled a background class named No Label. In total, our system classifies five phase labels: ligation, dissection, colpotomy, cuff closure, and no label.

A vocabulary consisting of the start point, end point, and description for each phase was created in consultation with an expert surgeon. A single individual (without a medical background) followed these instructions and labeled each procedure by manually annotating the start, stop, and phase type of each such instance. Another individual independently verified these phase labels.

Feature extraction

In total, the 24 RAH procedures contain approximately 50 h of data. Features are aggregated in overlapping intervals of 90 s resulting in 5781 intervals across all surgeries. In the discussion, we show sensitivity analysis on interval lengths from 60 to 180 s. Note it is possible for a single interval to contain more than one distinct phase label. As such, the label that is true for the longest is chosen as that interval’s ground truth phase label.

In principle, we could compute a feature for every time step; however, the data tend to stay constant over long periods of time. As such, we only compute features every 30 s. This makes training our models much more reasonable. We explore different rates in the discussion.

Modeling tools implementation

All data were normalized using zero-mean and unit-variance scaling using statistics from the training data. Cross-validation was performed to find the hyperparameters in each model. The random forest uses 100 trees using out-of-bag estimation error over the range of \(N = [10, 500]\). The minimum number of leaf nodes in each tree is set to 5. The temporal CNN was implemented using Keras,Footnote 1 an efficient library for developing deep learning models. We set the filter duration to be 20 intervals based on cross-validation. For segmental inference, we set the upper bound on the number of phases in a procedure sample to be 15.


Results are evaluated using overall accuracy, per-class precision/recall, and a segmental Levenshtein distance. Accuracy, precision, and recall are computed using their standard formulae. The Levenshtein distance metric (LD) [25] emphasizes the difference in errors like false-positives between frame-wise and segmental inference. It computes the difference between two string sequences by computing the minimum number of edits (insertions, deletions and substitutions) that need to be performed to change one sequence into the other. Each set of predictions is split into its constituent segments. For example, “AAABBCCCC” becomes “ABC.” The number of segments in each prediction and ground truth labeling may vary; thus, LD is normalized by the maximum number of segments in each prediction and ground truth labeling. Note smaller values for LD indicate better performance.

Skewed phase distribution

Some surgical phases are much longer in duration than others. Table 2 shows the ground truth phase distribution is highly skewed toward Dissection and No Label class. To account for this, we subsampled the training data for the SVM and RF classifiers to create a balanced training data set. We created 100 iterations for training set in each of the validation folds. The final score \(\mathbf {s}_t\) for a test sample was the average of the score over the 100 iterations. However, as the test set was expected to be skewed, the training data class distribution was set as the class weight for the SVM and RF models.

The most important phase labels from a surgical standpoint—Ligation and Colpotomy—are sometimes very short in duration. Using a step size of 60 s, most instances of these phases are contained by a single time step. In the discussion, we show performance using different sampling periods (10, 30, 45, 60 s).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Phase prediction for a hysterectomy procedure from our data set using system events-based features. (Seg) refers to segmental inference-based predictions

Sensitivity analyses: interval length and feature set

In addition to the validation of the three models using the metrics listed above, we performed two sets of experiments to analyze the effect on phase prediction performance of our framework:

Interval length This is the time period over which the signals are aggregated. For an interval length of 120 s, if the bipolar energy tool was activated 10 times during the period \((t, t+120)\), then its count feature at time t would be 10. We evaluated performance for interval lengths ranging from 60 to 180 s in increments of 30 s.

Feature set Although our data were recorded using a da Vinci system, a subset of the features, like those derived from energy activations and tool identification, can be captured easily and at a low cost using button sensors and RFID tags. These signals are generic across laparoscopic, endoscopic, and open surgical procedures. We evaluated our framework’s prediction performance using a nine-dimensional subset vector (EtECtTi) containing three time-based energy features, three count-based energy features, and three tool information flags.


Performance is computed using leave-one-surgery-out cross-validation over all 24 trials. We address several questions: (1) What is the overall accuracy and precision/recall for each surgical phase? (2) What is the impact of segmental inference? (3) How do the interval length and time between intervals impact accuracy? and (4) Do signals specific to the da Vinci enhance performance versus signals available and generic to most other forms of surgery?

Table 3 Phase prediction accuracy for various step sizes

Overall frame-wise prediction accuracy is displayed in Table 3. Results using frame-wise inference are listed on top and using segmental inference are on bottom. In general, RF and tCNN perform better than SVM; however, these differences are only 4–5 %. Accuracy of the segmental predictions is higher than the corresponding frame-wise predictions by about 3 %. The phase label predictions from the three approaches along with the ground truth phase sequence from one of the data set procedures are shown in Fig. 2. Additionally, the feature importance based on mean-squared error at each node from RF showed that all the features were similar in importance.

Table 3 also shows that there is a minor increase in accuracy as the step size decreases from 60 to 10 s. The results stabilize around 30 s. This may be because phases with short duration, such as Ligation, yield a small number of samples. The improvement is largest for the temporal CNN which models how the features change over time.

Tables 4 and 5 show per-class precision and recall. Precision is higher for Dissection and Cuff Closure, moderate for Colpotomy and No Label, and low for Ligation. Segmental inference tends to improve precision in all except three cases (marked with a \(^{*}\)). Cuff Closure phase has near perfect recall and Dissection has recall of 85 %. Recall for Ligation was poor in most cases.

Table 6 compares performance using the LD metric. The results are similar to observations in the overall accuracy. RF and tCNN perform similarly and are both better than SVM. The segmental inference performance across the three approaches improves the LD metric as well. As the step size decreases, the LD performance tends to decrease.

Table 7 shows effect on accuracy in phase prediction as part of the first sensitivity analysis (section “Sensitivity analyses: interval length and feature set”) using features computed with interval lengths varying from 60 to 180 s. The performance is similar among all values; however, results at 60 s are marginally worse. This matches our intuition to choose 90-s intervals for the main results based on the typical phase lengths for hysterectomy procedures.

Table 8 compares results using all signals recorded by the da Vinci versus the subset EtECtTi of signals common to most surgical systems (section “Sensitivity analyses: interval length and feature set”). Our results show the performance using these generic features is only a small amount worse than using all features.

Table 4 Per-phase precision with a 30 s step size
Table 5 Per-phase recall with a 30 s step size
Table 6 Overall Levenshtein distance in phase prediction for the different time steps
Table 7 Phase prediction accuracy using different interval lengths for aggregating the features
Table 8 Phase prediction accuracy using signals specific to the da Vinci (all) versus signals generic to many surgical systems (EtECtTi)

Discussion and future work

Our data set is highly realistic and contains natural variations in procedure flow pertaining to patient anatomy, type of hysterectomy (total, radical, subtotal), and surgeon style. Despite these challenges, the performance of our framework was comparable to the overall accuracy of other reported results [7, 8]. Precision and recall across phases are similar to those reported in [7]. That work also finds precision and recall of the dominant class tends to be much higher than other classes.

Despite investigating several models with various distinct assumptions, we found all approaches achieved relatively similar performance. The first (SVM) assumed a simple linear model, the second (random forest) learned the most important subsets of features for each phase, and the third (temporal CNN) non-linearly modeled the temporal evolution of features. Based on these results and our experience working with these data, we surmise the biggest issue is not with the activity recognition models but with the way the problem is posed. The extreme temporal variability has a large negative impact on prediction. Some of the phases are many times longer than others. This results in many short phases being merged into neighboring larger ones. This was an issue with the tCNN because temporal filters tended to smooth out feature responses across short phases. It was especially apparent when using segmental inference.

The presented framework and its validation were based on events data captured from a robot-assisted surgery platform. However, we performed the same validation experiments by leaving out some of the robot-specific events such as camera motion, clutching, and the console head sensor. This analysis showed that the performance of the different models in predicting the phase label did not decrease by a large amount using the smaller set of features generic to other forms of surgery (Table 8). Thus, our method can be applied and tested with non-robotic surgical systems. The previous work [7] has successfully captured these signals in the laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure setting. This would enable large-scale studies that require surgical phase analysis in the domain of traditional laparoscopic as well as open surgery, in addition to robot-assisted procedures.

Information for surgical phase detection is distributed across different forms of data video, tool motion and system events. Each data type has its own advantages and disadvantages. While video contains the most context it is challenging to detect the action being performed, anatomy being operated upon, and the instruments in use. Tool motion data capture a surgeon’s direct movements but lack contextual information such as what anatomy the surgeon is operating on. Events signals such as button presses and releases are the simplest and cheapest to acquire but do not capture anatomy or nuance in a surgeon’s motions. Our presented work supports the hypothesis that phase information is contained in the system event signals. This information is not available through tool motion data and hard to extract from video data. Thus, future work should look at combining multiple modalities to capture complementary information about surgical phases.

There are many questions that require further investigation. For example, can our proposed approach apply to other surgical procedure data? How does workflow vary between different surgeons? Do certain workflows correlate with improved outcomes? How do patient anatomy or prior conditions affect the workflow? While this work highlights some of the tools necessary for addressing these questions, our analysis is limited by the size of our data set. To answer these questions, we must scale up the data set so there are a sufficient number of samples belonging to different sets of parameters like operating surgeon, patient’s anatomy, for statistically significant analysis and results. Future research must consider this when generating new data sets.


Surgical phase detection, at scale, has many useful applications for surgical education, training, and assessment. Analysis of surgical phases and their impact on patient outcomes can provide important insights about critical steps in a surgery. We have presented a scalable solution for phase detection using system events captured during live surgical procedures. Our findings demonstrate that system events contain surgical phase information, and thus, they may be combined with tool motion and/or video data to automate surgical phase recognition with a better performance.