1 Introduction

The ease of implementation, flexibility and mobility provided by Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) makes the community rely heavily on wireless communication services in their daily lives. People have started using wireless communication services in accomplishing their important and sensitive tasks. While offering the great convenience, the open nature of wireless medium makes the transmitted data vulnerable to security attacks. To prevent these security attacks many cryptographic primitives including symmetric, asymmetric and without key ciphers, have been developed [1]. These primitives maintains the features of confidentiality, integrity and availability of the transmitted data. Symmetric key ciphers include block and stream ciphers. DES, IDEA, RC5, AES, BLOWFISH, TWOFISH are the various available block ciphers, where a block of data is processed at a time. Whereas in stream ciphers, bit by bit processing is carried out. The different available stream ciphers are RC4, E0 (in Bluetooth), A5/1 and A5/2 (in GSM), SNOW 3G, ZUC (4G), Rabbit, FISH, and HC-256 etc. [28].

RC4 is one of the most extensively used stream cipher. In spite of being publicly revealed, the design simplicity of the cipher makes the research community always attracted towards it [9]. The cipher is broadly used in a number of software and web applications including Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP), Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocols, Microsoft windows, Apple OCE (Apple Open Collaboration Environment), secure SQL (a server for database management) etc. However, the design simplicity, statistical weaknesses and non-random behavior between the key, Cipher text (CT), and Plain text (PT) leaves the cipher open to different security attacks.

To remove the weaknesses and related cryptanalytic attempts, different RC4 variants have been proposed in the literature. But the recent cryptanalytic attempts prove that in spite of a number of efforts in improving the security of RC4, weaknesses still exist in the cipher. It shows that even after the eras of research, the RC4 stream cipher is still an insecure cipher and continues to offer plethora of research problems to the research community.

A work focused on the upgrading of RC4 from its byte oriented design to higher word designs is reported in [10]. The series of improvements were reported in the literature with the names Pypy and TPypy [11, 12]. However all the improvements are changing the basic design of RC4 to great extent and is considered as a big drawback since the time-tested security performance of RC4 is not carrying forward. Arguments can be made on the choice of RC4 instead of stream ciphers listed in e-STREAM project. Working on the e-STREAM finalists [7, 8] is rather more practical than modifying RC4. The e-STREAM finalists are word (32 bit) oriented ciphers and possess more complicated structure and have changed the basic design of RC4. Our goal in the present work is not to contest with these algorithms but to improve the strength of RC4 while keeping its simple design by including few additional operations.

In this paper, three modified designs of RC4 have been presented while keeping the original structure of RC4 as it is, and added some additional operations to increase the security of the cipher as compared to its existing variants. The other major issue that has been addressed in this paper is the security performance tradeoff. Increase in security or the computational complexity of any cipher results in more consumption of resources, which further decrease the network performance. Since a number of modifications have been carried out on improving the strength of RC4 but security performance tradeoff has not taken much into consideration. We have analyzed the security performance tradeoff and have optimized it to significant extent.

First we have implemented conventional RC4 and its three existing variants. Further we have proposed three new RC4 variants; RC4-M1, RC4-M2, and RC4-M3. The performance analysis of all the existing and modified RC4 variants has been carried out in terms of security and network performance. We have analyzed the security in terms of computational complexity and randomness offered by the cipher. Where, computational complexity is the measure of security and defined as the computational effort required by the intruder to break the cipher. The strength of the proposed schemes against different cryptanalytic attempts has been analyzed theoretically and shown that the proposed schemes are resistant to many attacks that are possible on conventional ciphers. Randomness analysis is performed by performing statistical tests using National Institute of Standards and Technology Statistical Test Suite (NIST STS) on RC4 keystream [13]. It is observed that all the three proposals are more secure than conventional RC4 both in terms of randomness and complexity. All the proposed ciphers are passing the randomness tests of NIST STS, hence prove the statistical security of the cipher which is the root to several attacks. Since no significant attacks have been reported on RC4+ [14], it is considered to be the most secure software RC4 implementation till date but with poor performance in terms of resource utilization. The proposed modifications are developed with the focus of achieving security either equivalent to or more than RC4+ with optimized performance. On the basis of complexity, security offered by RC4 PRGA and RC4 KSA varies in a manner such that RC4-M2 > RC4+ > RC4-M1 > RC4-M3 > RC4 PRGA and RC4-M1 > RC4+ = RC4-M2 = RC4-M3 > RC4 KSA respectively.

Our proposed RC4 variants are more focused on security performance tradeoff optimization. Performance of RC4 is analyzed in terms of execution time, energy cost, CPU cycles and throughput. The obtained numerical values show that the execution time, energy cost, and CPU cycles consumed in the proposed variants are more than conventional RC4 but less than RC4+ and the obtained throughput for the proposed ciphers is less than plain RC4 and more than RC4+. The comparison of proposed schemes with plain RC4 and further plain RC4 and RC4+ clearly reflects the security performance tradeoff. This tradeoff has been taken care of in our proposed schemes. In the proposed schemes parallel outputs bytes are generated that leads to improved performance. Encryption time for the proposed schemes—RC4-M1, RC4-M2 and RC4-M3 is 30.1, 10 and 48.7 % less as compared to RC4+. It depicts that the computation load of the proposed variants has been reduced significantly as compared to the RC4+, hence the proposed schemes are computationally efficient schemes. We have achieved security with performance better than RC4+, without affecting the basic design of RC4.

Further for real time applications, information security while achieving good network performance is always desirable. There are variety of network services which varies in their security and QoS requirements. Our analysis is useful in understanding the applicability of RC4 in real time applications. The comprehensive performance analysis reported in the paper may be used as reference for selecting the RC4 variant for given applications or service required.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the brief discussion regarding the choice of RC4 is presented in Sect. 2. Section 3 reviews the existing weaknesses, and the related cryptanalysis of conventional RC4. Various enhancements in RC4 are presented in Sect. 4. Section 5 describes the working of existing RC4 encryption algorithms. Our proposed RC4 variants are discussed in Sect. 6. Security analysis and performance analysis of all the variants is elaborated in Sects. 7 and 8 respectively. Recommendations of the proposed schemes for various application scenarios are made in Sect. 9. Conclusion and future scope are drawn in Sect. 10.

2 Why RC4?

Working on the e-STREAM finalists-HC-128, SALSA 20/12, Rabbit, SOSEMANUK has been shown more practical approach rather than modifying the RC4 [7, 8]. The choice of RC4 has been made amongst all the modern stream ciphers because of the following properties;

  • RC4 is the most widely accepted stream cipher specifically in web and network security.

  • It offers commendable simplicity, ease of implementation both in software and hardware, speed and efficiency.

  • Can be stated in few lines.

  • In spite of the decades of analysis, community is still more and more curious about the strengths and weaknesses of the algorithm.

  • It is the only software stream cipher with patented hardware structure.

  • In contrast, the e-STREAM finalists are word (32 bit) oriented and possess more complicated structure and resulting modifications in the basic design of RC4.

The above discussion clearly corroborates that there is no other stream cipher with surprising characteristics both in software and hardware implementations in comparison to RC4. However, we have analyzed the performance of HC-128 as presented in Sect. 8.

3 Weaknesses of RC4 Stream Cipher

RC4 designed in 1984 and publicly revealed in 1994, is vulnerable to different security attacks. Since then, weaknesses of the cipher have been exploited for having access on either input state or key. In RC4 algorithm, PRGA generates a random sequence of bytes from the scrambled internal state which itself is a random sequence. An intruder while attacking RC4, always focus on the non-random behavior either in the internal state or in the output keystream. In depth discussion on the various weaknesses of RC4 algorithm, which are the roots to several attacks have been reported in [15]. These weaknesses include weak keys, key collisions, key recovery from state, key recovery from keystream, state recovery and biased bytes. Cryptanalytic attempts pertaining to weak keys were given by Roos and Wagner in [1618]. The construction and cryptanalysis of related key pairs (key collision) that produce similar state and in turn the similar output keystream even if two different keys are used has been carried out by authors in [1923]. The reversible nature of RC4 PRGA was explored for the first time by Paul and Maitra [24] and was motivated by the observation made by Roos [16], that key bytes and the PRGA state bytes are correlated. A better key recovery approaches based on differential equations, equation solving approach, modular equations and bidirectional search are discussed in [2528]. Another RC4 weakness i.e. to recover key from output keystream, was exploited when used in WEP and WPA. Various attacks on WEP (RC4 is used as an encryption algorithm) reported in the literature are Fluhrer, Mantin and Shamir (FMS) [29], Korek practical [30, 31], Mantin [32], Klein [33], Tews, Weinmann and Pyshkin (TWP) [34], Vaudenay and Vuagnoux (VV) [35], Tews and Beck (TB) [36], Sepehrdad, Vaudenay and Vuagnoux (SVV) [3739], and Sepehrdad, Susil, Vaudenay and Vuagnoux (SSVV) attacks [40]. Due to these attacks, WEP was considered to be an insecure protocol and was replaced by WPA. Though the protocol removes several attacks in WEP, but the existence of TB data injection [36], and SVV attacks [39] made the protocol insecure. Further, WPA2, a more secure protocol, was proposed where AES encryption is used. Though WPA2 is considered to be a secure protocol, but is not cost efficient as compared to WEP and WPA (where RC4 was used as a basic module). Further, the state recovery is possible in RC4, in spite of its huge state space i.e. 256! × 2562 ≈ 21700. In Knudsen et al. [41] proposed the first state recovery attack on RC4. Different approaches for analyzing the state recovery attacks are reported in [4247]. Another possible attacks on RC4 are due to its biased bytes. The knowledge of such bytes is always the goal of an attacker. Several biases related to secret key, state variables, and short term and long term biases related to keystream bytes are elaborated in [4862].

The available literature presents a number of security vulnerabilities in the RC4. But the robustness and design simplicity of RC4 has made it the most preferred algorithm for last two decades. A number of modifications to improve the security of RC4 have been reported in the literature (discussed in Sect. 4). However, the existing weaknesses reported in the year 2013 and 2014 on RC4 and its applications in WEP, WPA and TLS shows that the RC4 is an insecure algorithm and is still a challenging issue for research community.

4 Enhancements in RC4 Stream Cipher

Due to the RC4 weaknesses and related cryptanalytic attempts as discussed in Sect. 3, a number of variants of RC4 have been developed. Several enhancements of RC4 algorithm are presented in our survey article [15, 63]. A modified 32-bit RC4, named as RC4 (n, m) keystream generator, was proposed in [64, 65]. A modified RC4 KSA+ and PRGA+ with three layers of scrambling was proposed in [14]. Analysis of RC4+ illustrates that although the modified algorithm destroys many of the correlation between the state and the key but at the cost of encryption and decryption time. Run time of KSA+ and PRGA+ is 2.94 times (approx.) and 1.70 times than that of original RC4 KSA and RC4 PRGA respectively. Several new variants of RC4 including Quad-RC4, FJ-RC4, effective RC4, improved RC4, and RC4B were proposed in [6673]. The available literature reveals that the RC4 variants proposed in the past were focused on eliminating the non-uniformity of bytes or the correlation between key and the state bytes. Also the proposed variants were targeted towards achieving better performance in terms of security, time or throughput. It is found that the existing proposals have changed the basic design of RC4, which is usually not desirable. Because the strength of RC4 lies in its robust design and simplicity.

However, in spite of numerous RC4 proposals, a number of challenges related to the searches of more biases, key collisions, and key recovery attack on WPA have not been explored till date. Therefore, there is a strong requirement to modify RC4 and to develop a new RC4 variant exhibiting better security and performance.

5 RC4 and its Variants

In the following section, we discuss the original RC4 and its various modified variants. We elaborate on the original RC4 [2], improved RC4 [65], RC4+ [14], FJ-RC4 [67] and effective RC4 [68]. The simulation parameters and attributes used for the implementation of RC4 and its variants are shown in Algorithm 1. The brief description of each existing RC4 algorithm is given below:

5.1 RC4

RC4 follows the design strategy used in stream ciphers. Pseudo code for RC4 KSA and PRGA is shown in Algorithm 2. Extracting pseudorandom data bytes from a pseudorandom permutation is the basic design principle of RC4 stream cipher. It has two working modules: the first is a Key Scheduling Algorithm (KSA) with key K as input (with typical size of 40–256 bits), and the second is Pseudo Random Number Generation Algorithm (PRGA), that generates a pseudo-random output sequence. The pseudo code for RC4 is presented in Algorithm 1. KSA generates 256 byte initial state vector S, by scrambling input state vector with a random key K. The S contains a permutation of 8 bit words i.e. 256 bytes. The secret key K is generally of length between 8 and 2048 bits and the expanded key K (length N = 256 bytes) is produced by performing simple repetitions. The expanded key is generated in the manner such that if secret key k is of length l bytes, the expanded key will be K[i] = k [i mod L] for 0 ≤ i ≤ N1. Further, S pairs are swapped and an initial state SN−1 is achieved at the end, which is input to the second module PRGA. It generates the keystream of words from the permutation in S. Each iteration of the PRGA produces an output word, which is an output keystream byte. The generated byte is further xored with the plaintext to produce a ciphertext. It is to be noted that each time a new keystream byte O is required, RC4 runs the loop of PRGA and each time with the generation of new keystream, the internal state S is updated.

5.2 RC4+

The second RC4 variant that we have implemented is RC+. The pseudo code of RC4+ is shown in Algorithm 3. The cipher is modified as KSA+ and PRGA+. A three-layer architecture was proposed in KSA+ such that, the output keystream byte has no correlation with the secret key. Further, in PRGA+, masking was done in such a manner as if output byte is not coming directly from permutation byte. It was reported that the proposed algorithm diminishes known security attacks on RC4 including state recovery and distinguishing attacks. The running time of RC4 KSA+ and PRGA+ was claimed as 2.94 and 1.70 times, higher than that of RC4 KSA and PRGA respectively [14]. However, RC4 is widely accepted in numerous applications for its high speed. Though RC+ is providing high level of security, but at the cost of performance degradation in terms of time. The encryption time incurred in RC4+ is very high as compared to conventional RC4. So, there is a need for new RC4 implementation, which can overcome this tradeoff issue.

5.3 Improved RC4

The third implemented RC4 variant is an Improved RC4, pseudo code for which is presented in Algorithm 4. In an improved RC4, unlike conventional RC4 two S-boxes have been used which increase the randomness in the state and improve the statistical properties of the cipher. Authors have claimed that the proposed algorithm has removed many vulnerabilities of RC4 and the data can be encrypted with high speed of 0.875 s due to the parallel processing of output bytes.

5.4 FJ-RC4

The pseudo code of the fourth implemented variant, FJ-RC4 is given in Algorithm 5. In the proposed cipher the initial key was divided into three parts. Triple encryption and decryption is carried out to enhance the security of the cipher. Due to the occurrence of triple encryption and decryption, the authors claim the cipher to be more secure, but at the cost of running time, which is increased about three times as compared to plain RC4.

5.5 Effective RC4 Stream Cipher

Algorithm 6 presents the pseudo code of Effective RC4 stream cipher. In this cipher, KSA is the same as that in improved RC4. Modifications have been incorporated in PRGA. In PRGA, two parallel output bytes are generated, which are further xored with plaintext byte and the index j1 and j2 in two different steps. Due to parallel processing of output bytes and xoring of output byte with j index, the algorithm was claimed to be more secure and fast.

figure c
figure d
figure e
figure f
figure g
figure h

6 Proposed RC4 Algorithm

In Sect. 5, five different RC4 variants have been briefly described. It is found that, RC4+ is known to be the most secure cipher among all the existing variants, as it is resistant to many security attacks. However, security is achieved at the cost of performance degradation in terms of running time, almost thrice as compared to the conventional RC4. The RC4 modification proposed in improved RC4 provides high speed but low security as compared to RC4+. FJ-RC4 is again a weak cipher, where a plain RC4 runs three times, which results in performance degradation in terms of encryption time. Hence, it is not very efficient both in terms of security as well as encryption time. Looking into the security-performance tradeoff in existing variants, we have proposed three new implementations of RC4 referred to as; RC4-M1, RC4-M2 and RC4-M3. The proposed variants are based on RC4+. To improve the run time, we have focused more on PRGA instead of KSA. It is because, during the whole encryption process, KSA runs only for one time to generate a state permutation for 256 bytes. However, PRGA runs every time to generate a single output byte. The simulation parameters and attributes used for the implementation of proposed algorithms are same as used for the implementation of existing algorithms and are shown in Algorithm 1.

6.1 RC4-M1

The first proposed variant RC4-M1 is based on RC4 KSA+. In the proposed cipher, three layer scrambling is performed in the same manner as with RC4+.

  1. 1.

    Initialization and first layer of scrambling is the same as the basic RC4 algorithm.

  2. 2.

    In the second layer, IV used is of same length as the secret key (256 bytes). The index i moves first from the middle down to the left end and then from the middle up to the right end. In our scheme, an l-byte IV, denoted by an array IV [0…l−1], is used from index N/2−1 down to N/2–l, during the leftward movement and the same IV is repeated from index N/2 up to N/2 + l–1, during the rightward movement.

  3. 3.

    In third and final layer of scrambling i takes values in the order: 0, 255, 1, 254, 2, 253…125, 130…128. Pseudo code for the RC4-M1 KSA and PRGA is shown in Algorithm 7 respectively.

The proposed variant RC4-M1 is different from RC4+ in a manner such that,

  1. 1.

    Two different keys K1 and K2 and two states S1 and S2 along with three layers of scrambling have been used. The keys—K1 and K2, throws S1 and S2 in confusion by generating two random permutations of {0, 1, 2…N–1}. The three layers of scrambling combined with two states remove correlation between secret key and permutation bytes, biases in different bytes, and chosen IV attacks to the great extent, which are the roots to several security attacks.

  2. 2.

    PRGA in RC4-M1, has the same structure as conventional RC4. Output stream is generated using S1 and S2, and two pseudo random words in one loop are obtained. In RC4-M1 PRGA two secret parameters j1 and j2 are obtained from S1 and S2 at the end of every loop, and four different secret states S1 [i], S1 [j1], S2 [i], S2 [j2] are computed. The elements of S1 swapped by S2 [i], S2 [j2] and the elements of S2 are swapped by S1 [i], S1 [j1]. As S1 [i], S1 [j1], S2 [i], S2 [j2] are the secret parameters, adversary will not come to know about which elements of S1 and S2 have been swapped. It also hides the relation between different bytes of S-boxes.

  3. 3.

    The proposed algorithm increases the internal states of S-boxes, which in turn increases the security of the cipher. In the proposed cipher security has been achieved but not at the cost of the performance of the cipher. Parallel processing in the proposed algorithm increases the speed of the algorithm. Pseudo code for the proposed PRGA is given in Algorithm 7.

figure i

6.2 RC4-M2

The second proposed modified RC4 variant is RC4-M2. As given in Algorithm 8, the proposed cipher is based on the design principle of KSA+.

  1. 1.

    In RC4-M2, KSA used is the same as KSA+.

  2. 2.

    Modification have been incorporated in RC4 PRGA+. Correlation between output byte and secret key, key recovery in IV mode, recovery of state permutation from generated output byte are some of the major weaknesses of RC4 PRGA. These weaknesses of PRGA were removed in PRGA+ by masking the output byte in a manner such that, it is not derived from any permutation byte.

    figure j
    figure k
  3. 3.

    In PRGA+ two permutation bytes are added in modulo 256, ((S [i ≫ 3 xor j ≪ 5] + S [i ≪ 5 xor j ≫ 3]) xor 0xAA)).

  4. 4.

    Further, to conceal the non-uniformity and to remove internal biases, the resultant of two added bytes is xored with third byte 0xAA, which is equivalent to 10101010. The addition of S [t′] and S [t″] in PRGA+ has increased its running time as compared to RC4 PRGA, which is not desirable in any real time applications.

  5. 5.

    To reduce the run time of PRGA+, it is modified such that, instead of generating single output, we generate two parallel outputs by adding one more layer in RC4-M2 PRGA (t′ = (S[i ≫ 3 xor j ≪ 5] + S[i ≪ 5xor j ≫ 3]) xor 0 × 55). Where the byte 0x55 represents 01010101, is xored with the two added bytes. It clearly shows that, generation of two parallel output bytes instead of one will reduce the run time of RC4-M2 PRGA as compared to PRGA+. Hence while maintaining the security of RC4+, RC4-M2 improves the performance as compared to RC4+. Security and performance analysis of all the proposed and existing RC4 variants is presented in Sects. 7 and 8 respectively.

6.3 RC4-M3

The third proposed RC4 variant is RC4-M3 in which, KSA is similar to the one used in KSA+ and RC4-M2, but with modified PRGA. Two different keys; K1 and K2 are used. The first key K1 is used in KSA and the second key K2 in PRGA.

  1. 1.

    As shown in Algorithm 9, one more layer of scrambling is added to the cipher (k: = (j + S[i] +K2 [i]) mod 256). The additional layer in PRGA includes the scrambling of permuted bytes with key K2 and a new index K is generated.

  2. 2.

    Further, to obtain the output byte, two bytes are added in module 256 and xored with index S[k] (output: = S [(S[i] + S[j]) mod 256] xor S[k]).

  3. 3.

    With this additional layer, we have enhanced the computational complexity of the cipher, intruder has to face the challenge of finding two different keys. The output byte is not directly dependent on keystream and the index j.

7 Security Analysis of RC4 Variants

The security of all the existing and the proposed variants has been evaluated through their respective security analysis on the basis of design, randomness analysis, and computational complexity in each variant.

7.1 Security Analysis

There are many flaws in traditional RC4 which makes it vulnerable to different security attacks. We have analyzed the security performance of proposed RC4 variants relative to the existing variants on the basis of their design structure. The security analysis of the existing variants and the three proposed RC4 variants is shown in Table 1. It is depicted that RC4+ is the strongest variant to date which resolves variety of security issues related to key recovery, state recovery and initial state biases while compromising the performance in terms of time offered by the cipher. We have proposed three new RC4 variants which are based on RC4+. In all the variants we have used RC4+ as their basic structure with some modification either in KSA+ or PRGA+ with the focus of either retaining or enhancing the security of the cipher. On the basis of the complexity offered by all the proposed variants we deduce that among all the proposed RC4 variants security provided by RC4-M2 > RC4-M1 > RC4-M3. Among all the implemented existing and proposed variants security provided by RC4-M2 > RC4+ > RC4-M1 > RC4-M3 > FJ-RC4 > Improved RC4 > Effective RC4. We have theoretically analyzed the resistance of proposed ciphers against cryptanalytic attempts.

Table 1 Security analysis of RC4 variants

7.1.1 Brute Force Attack

Brute force is an exhaustive key search attack. Intruder tries each and every possible combination of key to find the plaintext. The proposed schemes RC4-M1 and RC4-M3 are resistant to brute force attack as key length has increased from 256 to 512 bytes by using of two different keys.

7.1.2 Permutation Recovery Attack

The basic idea of permutation recovery attack is elaborated in [46], where permutations can be recovered easily. The proposed schemes are resisting permutation recovery attacks, in PRGA, output keystream [SG[SG[i G] + SG[j G]] is not directly derived from the state permutation, instead is masked by various other operations. For the cryptanalysis one is required to first estimate SG[t], SG[t′], and SG[t″]. To find the output value, intruder has no option, than to go for all the probable choices. The inclusion of additional operations in PRGA, t′ and t″, ensures the non-recovery of RC4 permutation from the output keystream byte and the idea of [46] will not work.

7.1.3 Distinguishing Attacks

The distinguishing attack challenges the pseudorandom generation of bytes in the stream cipher, a basic claim of any stream cipher. This type of attack initiates from the fact that when second state byte is 0 and first byte is not equal to 2, the second output byte will take the value of 0. Many cryptanalysis attempts have been made on the basis of this fact [53]. In the proposed schemes, output keystream is generated in different manner as compared to RC4 PRGA. It does not produce a non-random output and make the cipher free from such biases.

7.1.4 Key Correlation Attacks

The attack aims at finding any correlation between output keystream and the secret key and leads to key recovery attacks. In the proposed schemes the index i is moving first from middle bytes to left end enables the swapping of bytes in the first quarter of permutation, that were in linear combination with secret key bytes. It results in the removal of initial byte biases. Similar operation is performed on the second half and removes the biases at the time of inverse permutation. Further the use of xor operation is also eliminating these biases. Also the zig-zag scrambling occurring in layer 3 of KSA is preventing the formation of recursive equation [24] and hiding the connection between key and permutation bytes. So it is deduced that the proposed schemes are resistant to key recovery attacks as there is no correlation between key bytes and secret key bytes.

7.1.5 Chosen IV Attack

In the conventional schemes, the improper use of initialization vector makes the cipher vulnerable to IV-mode attacks [32]. The IV’s were either prefixed or suffixed with secret key. In our proposed variants, the IV is used in the middle and added with key bytes in each iteration during the updation of index j. Moreover, IV is involved only in Layer 2, and not used in layer 3 where zig-zag scrambling is involved. This step helps the cipher to get rid of chosen IV vector attack.

7.2 Randomness Analysis

It is always desirable that output of PRGA must be unpredictable without the knowledge of any input. In particular, without knowing the key, intruder must not be able to develop the present or future messages, even if he had gained an access to any previously generated random sequence. There should be no correlation between the key and the generated output sequence. We have proposed the three different RC4 variants to increase the randomness which in turn increase the security of the cipher as compared to the existing RC4 variants. To analyze the security of different RC4 variants we have studied the degree of randomness associated with each cipher. To investigate the degree of randomness offered by RC4 PRGA, we have performed extensive experimentation with the NIST statistical test suite. We have opted NIST test suite for its accuracy and popularity. The NIST framework, based on hypothesis testing, is a set of 15 statistical tests to examine the randomness of binary sequences (a long sequence) generated by any PRGA. The NIST statistical test suit emphasis on a number of different type of non-randomness that could exist in any binary sequence.

Each test has been designed to detect specific type of flaws. The different tests and their general characteristics are shown in Table 2. Using NIST STS for RC4, we have investigated, whether or not the generated sequence of zeros and ones is random. We have implemented all the variants and statistical tests in MATLAB 13. We have conducted our experiments on over 10 lac bytes. All the generated RC4 PRGA sequences are applied to the NIST STS and the result of each test was analyzed to decide whether or not it passes the randomness tests. A generated random sequence to be accepted or rejected is decided by comparing the p value to 0.01.

Table 2 NIST statistical test suite

If p value is more than 0.01, the sequence is random and is accepted else the sequence is non-random and is rejected. If the generated sequence will pass all the statistical tests, only then it will be concluded that the resultant sequence is truly random and RC4 can be securely used in wireless networks. p Values obtained after implementing all the 15 statistical tests are shown in Table 3, where ‘Success’ indicates that for all implemented RC4 variants, the obtained p values are >0.01. All the algorithms are passing the NIST statistical test suite; hence the generated PRGA keystream is truly random and uniformly distributed.

Table 3 Randomness test results

7.3 Computational Complexity (CC)

In this paper, we have analyzed the computational complexity in terms of the number of operations (No) incurred in each RC4 variant. Computational complexity of each cipher is shown in Table 4. CC is evaluated by finding out the total number of operations incurred in both KSA and PRGA. More the number of operations more will be the complexity of the cipher. Complexity of each variant is analyzed as below:

$${\text{In basic RC}}4{\text{ in}} \quad {\text{ KSA}}\quad {\text{ N}}_{\text{o}} = 3 \times 256 = 768$$
Table 4 Analysis of computational complexity

where 256 is the total number of bytes in the state box S and

$${\text{PRGA}}\quad {\text{ N}}_{\text{o}} = 6 \times {\text{N}} = 6{\text{N bytes}}$$

N represents the number of plaintext bytes. For example if N = 40 then number of iterations in PRGA will be 40 and the number of operations will be 6 × 40 = 240. So the computational complexity of

$${\text{Basic RC}}4 \quad {\text{CC}} = 768 + 6{\text{N}}({\text{Total number of operations in KSA}} + {\text{PRGA}})$$

Similarly we have evaluated total number of operations for each RC4 variant and calculated the complexity associated with each cipher.


$$\begin{array}{*{20}l} {{\text{Improved RC}}4} \hfill & {{\text{CC}} = 1536 + 14{\text{N}}} \hfill \\ {{\text{FJ}} {\text{-}} {\text{RC}}4} \hfill & {{\text{CC}} = 2304 + 18{\text{N}}} \hfill \\ {{\text{Effective RC}}4} \hfill & {{\text{CC}} = 1536 + 14{\text{N}}} \hfill \\ {{\text{RC}}4 + } \hfill & {{\text{CC}} = 4608 + 16{\text{N}}} \hfill \\ {{\text{RC}}4 0 {\text{M}}1} \hfill & {{\text{CC}} = 9216 + 14{\text{N}}} \hfill \\ {{\text{RC}}4 0 {\text{M}}2} \hfill & {{\text{CC}} = 4608 + 29{\text{N}}} \hfill \\ {{\text{RC}}4 0 {\text{M}}3} \hfill & {{\text{CC}} = 4608 + 8{\text{N}}} \hfill \\ \end{array}$$

It is interpreted that complexity associated with basic RC4 is minimum (768 + 6N) which leads for better time and poor security performance. Though CC in improved RC4, effective RC4 and proposed RC4-M1 PRGA are same (14N) but they vary in their security performance due to the complexity of KSA which is very high in RC4-M1 (CC = 9216). CC of FJ-RC4 are thrice that of basic RC4 (2304 +18N). In this case with increase in CC, security is enhanced with degraded time performance. CC in the case of RC4+, RC4-M2 and RC4-M3 is 4608 + 16N, 4608 +29N, 4608 + 8N. As the complexity associated with RC4-M2 is the maximum, it provides maximum security with little bit high execution time but less than RC4+.

8 Performance Analysis

RC4 is a stream cipher, where byte-by-byte processing is performed under MOD N condition. Key size and state length are the two important attributes of this stream cipher. In the present work, Key size is considered of 16 bytes and state box of 256 bytes. In each round a single byte is generated after PRGA, which is xored with single input byte to generate a cipher text byte. Performance analysis of all the RC4 variants has been carried out in terms of running time, CPU cycles, energy cost and throughput. All the simulations have been carried out in C language on Intel i5, 2.5 GHz, 2.2 V and 28namp machine. We have encrypted 1.25 million bytes with all the variants.

8.1 Run Time

Run time is the time taken by any cipher in encryption or decryption of data. Table 5 and Fig. 1 present the run time analysis of all the RC4 variants along with their security performance tradeoff. We have evaluated the time consumed in generating 1.25 million output bytes from PRGA for each cipher. In this case, key size does not affect the performance of the cipher. It is used only once in KSA and not used in PRGA. Moreover, if we keep both the key size and the state [S] smaller, it will reduce the security of cipher. The size of text affects the encryption time in PRGA. Larger will be the text, more number of times the PRGA will run resulting in greater time consumption.

Table 5 Performance analysis of RC4 variants
Fig. 1
figure 1

Running time comparison of RC4 variants

We have computed the time consumed by KSA in generating the new keystream. KSA runs only once, hence it will not affect the performance of RC4 to large extent. PRGA will run with the length of plaintext to generate the ciphertext bytes. Every time it will be incremented to produce the output byte. It is observed that the time incurred is the minimum for plain RC4 due to its design simplicity and is the least secure algorithm. As we increase the security of the cipher, encryption time increases.

Though the execution time of improved RC4 and effective RC4 is not very high but these algorithms are not resistant to many security attacks as compared to RC4+. The RC4+ is the most secure algorithm but time consumption is almost thrice as compared to the basic RC4. We have proposed three RC4 variants while focusing on this security performance tradeoff. Figure 2 presents the comparative analysis of conventional RC4, RC4+ and the proposed RC4 variants. It demonstrates that the execution time incurred in RC4+ is 60, 30, 10, and 48.7 % higher than conventional RC4, RC4-M1, RC4-M2 and RC4-M3 respectively. In the proposed variants, encryption time is decreased as compared to RC4+ and reflects the computational efficiency of proposed schemes. In RC4-M1 and RC4-M2, two parallel outputs are obtained, hence reduces the time consumption. In RC4-M3 PRGA is based on plain RC4 with the additional byte that is generated using K2 and further xored with output byte and plain text which increase the security of the cipher without compromising the performance.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Comparative analysis of run time of conventional RC4, RC4+ and proposed RC4 variants

8.2 CPU Cycles

It measures the number of clock cycles incurred in encrypting 1.25 million bytes with various RC4 variants. Table 5 and Fig. 3 present the results for the number of clock cycles. It is observed that similar trends as with run time are followed for clock cycles. To be more specific we have presented the encryption speed of all the RC4 variants in terms of cycles/byte in Table 6. The encryption speeds for RC4+, RC4-M1, RC4-M2 and RC4-M3 are 312 cycles/byte, 218 cycles/byte, 280 cycles/byte and 160 cycles/byte respectively. Speed of the proposed schemes—RC4-M1, RC4-M2 and RC4-M3 PRGA are 1.43, 1.11 and 1.95 times greater than RC4+ PRGA+ respectively.

Fig. 3
figure 3

CPU cycles consumed in various RC4 variants

Table 6 Cycles/byte consumed in RC4 variants

8.3 Energy Cost

It is the amount of energy consumed during encryption process. Energy consumption can be measured by counting the number of cycles incurred in the encryption process. Energy cost is determined by the number of cycles, operating voltage of CPU, and average current drawn for each cycle in accordance with the procedure followed in [70]. It is given by

$${\text{E}} = {\text{Vcc}} \times I \times {\text{N}}$$

where E is the energy cost, Vcc is the supply voltage of the system (2.2 V), N is the number of cycles, and I is the average current drawn from the power source (28 namp). Typically, for 155 Mega cycles consumed in the plain RC4 is computed as

$${\text{E}} = 155{\text{Mcycles}} \times 2.2{\text{V}} \times 28{\text{namp}} = 9.548{\text{J}}$$

This operation is used to evaluate the energy cost for all the existing and proposed RC4 variants. As shown in Fig. 4, the energy cost of RC4 variants varies in the order of RC4+ > RC4-M2 > RC4-M1 > RC4-M3 > RC4 as depicted in the Table 5. It shows that RC4+ consumes the maximum energy due to the highest time incurred in the encryption/decryption process and the energy cost of the proposed algorithms is less than RC4+.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Energy consumption in RC4 variants

8.4 Throughput

It is the amount of data bytes encrypted per second, measured in Mbps. Throughput obtained varies as RC4+ < RC4-M2 < RC4-M1 < RC4-M3 < RC4 as depicted in Fig. 5 and Table 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Throughput comparison of RC4 variants

8.5 Performance Comparison of RC4 and HC-128

Performance analysis of HC-128 and conventional RC4 is given in the Table 7, which shown that RC4 outperforms HC-128 for all the considered performance measures.

Table 7 Performance comparison of RC4 and HC-128

In this paper we have carried out the performance analysis of some of the recently proposed existing variants and compared with the proposed RC4 variants. The results presented in the paper demonstrate that security and network performance work in contrast to each other. The simulation results presented in this paper proves that the proposed RC4 variants results in better security performance tradeoff as compared to the existing variants. Hence the proposed algorithms outperform the existing variants in terms of both security and performance.

9 Recommendations for Potential Applications

Our simulation results and their analysis identify the appropriate security algorithm in the given network scenario. An acceptable level of both security and its associated performance is always required for designing any application. Application designers always have different inclinations, on the basis of the risk they can tolerate and the performance price.

For instance, in conversational services for audio and video conversation, security can be compromised but not the speed [74, 75]. In these applications, high throughput is always desired. More complex RC4 variants cannot be used in such scenarios, because increase in complexity will decrease the throughput. In such a scenario, RC4-M3, providing high speed without compromising the security to large extent is recommended.

In interactive services low throughput and high run time greater than conversational services can be tolerated. For transaction services high security even at the cost of performance is required. For such scenarios, RC4-M2, due to its high security is recommended as the proposed variant provides high security without incurring any transactional delays. Streaming services require high data rate values. On the basis of the sensitivity of data and user requirements RC4-M1 and RC4-M2 can be used in such applications.

Background services, also known as best effort services do not have any specific performance constraints. Depending on the security requirements any of the proposed variants RC4-M1, RC4-M2 and RC4-M3 can be implemented in these services. The numerical results presented in this paper can be used to choose a security algorithm, depending upon the sensitivity of data transmitted and the performance requirements by users.

10 Conclusion

In this paper, we have presented different implementations of RC4 stream cipher and elaborated on the various weaknesses in the existing variants. Further, we have proposed three RC4 variants by introducing additional layers of scrambling in the existing variants. The security of the proposed algorithms is tested by performing their randomness analysis using NIST STS, which is a package of 15 randomness analysis tests. It is proved that the proposed ciphers conform to all these randomness tests. Secondly the security of the proposed variants on the basis of their design structure has been analyzed and proved that the proposed algorithms are offering more challenges and complexity to the intruder as compared to the existing RC4 variants. Resistance of proposed schemes against several cryptanalytic attempts is discussed and justified their strength in removing these attacks. Further, performance analysis of all the RC4 variants has been carried out in terms of run time, CPU cycles, energy cost and throughput. It is observed that while providing the comparable security, the running time of RC4-M1, RC4-M2 and RC4-M3 is 30, 10, and 48.7 % lower than that of RC4+. Similar variations are observed for number of cycles and energy cost. The throughput achieved with proposed variants is high as compared to RC4+ and other variants. These results show that computation load of the proposed variants as compared to the RC4+ is significantly reduced, concluding that the proposed schemes are computationally efficient.

Due to computational complexity of the proposed algorithms, the execution time incurred is higher than the basic RC4, which corroborates the fact that there is always a tradeoff between security and network performance. This tradeoff is optimized in the proposed RC4 variants. The performance analysis presented herein may be used as reference for selecting the particular RC4 variant for given applications/service as required. The analysis presented in this paper shows that there is a tradeoff between security and network performance and efforts can be made to further optimize this tradeoff.