1 Introduction

Cloud computing is relatively mature and has been utilized in a number of applications, including those involving Internet of Things (IoT) devices. IoT devices are Internet connected devices (also referred to as objects or things) designed to collect data (e.g. sense environmental data such as moisture and air temperature) prior to sending the data to a processing center (e.g. the cloud) for storage, processing, analysis, etc. In other words, the bulk of the processing is undertaken at a remote data center site that may be physically located in another country. Such a deployment model may not be suitable for applications that have specific requirements [4], such as the following:

  • Latency/delay sensitive applications Latency/delay sensitive applications such as video conferencing and industrial automation may demand an extremely short latency in order to maintain a high quality of (user) experience (e.g. Quality of Service—QoS, and Quality of Experience—QoE). Other latency sensitive applications such as battlefields, smart traffic lights and emergency response services may require an even shorter latency as any delay can have real-world consequences (e.g. fatalities).

  • Network connectivity constrained applications In a cloud computing model, all data and requests are transmitted to and processed at the cloud server. The significant increase in the number of IoT devices also results in a corresponding increase in the amount of data to be transmitted, processed, stored, etc. However, IoT devices typically have limited network (and computing) capacities. Thus, it is challenging to deliver continuous and reliable service in a constrained network environment.

  • Geographically distributed applications IoT applications can be geographically distributed, for example, in smart grids, railways, and pipeline monitoring, and the distance between IoT devices and remote cloud center affects latency and consequently the quality of service.

  • Real-time mobile applications Cloud servers are deployed in a static location, but IoT applications such as those deployed in smart transportation and environmental monitoring are dynamic and have high mobility.

1.1 Fog computing

To mitigate some of the above challenges, a more recent cloud-related trend is to move computing capabilities (e.g. limited processing and storage) closer to the users and their devices. In such a paradigm (also referred to as fog computing), fog nodes (routers, gateways, switchers, access points, etc) are deployed at the edge of the network, geographically close to the end devices [15, 22]. By extending the cloud services to the edge of network, fog computing turns a cloud data center into a distributed platform, while retaining cloud services for users; thus, minimizing latency and improving QoS and/or QoE. Furthermore, fog computing provides better support for mobile and geographically distributed devices and large-scale sensor networks.

Typically, fog computing has a hierarchical architecture, comprising the cloud layer, the fog layer, and the end device layer (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

An example hierarchical fog computing architecture

Healthcare system is one of several potential industry IoT (IIoT) applications, where IoT devices can be deployed in venues as big as a large healthcare center (e.g. University of Texas Health System) or venues as small as a private specialist clinic. In addition, the popularity of wearable smart devices has changed the healthcare system from hospital-centric to patient-centric, by allowing citizens to access healthcare services anytime, anywhere without any geographical limitations. For example, patients can upload their health conditions to healthcare professionals using their embedded (e.g. pacemakers), wearable (e.g. smart watches) and other IoT devices, without the need to physically visit a hospital.

Healthcare is one particular industry that requires latency to be minimized. For example, a minute delay could have catastrophic consequences on an individual suffering from a heart attack (e.g. fatality). Thus, we posit a fog-driven solution in this context. For example, a fog-driven IoT healthcare system described in Fig. 1 comprises three layers, namely: the IoT healthcare devices layer, the IoT healthcare fog layer, and the IoT healthcare cloud layer [8].

  • IoT healthcare device layer This layer consists of a large number of distributed IoT devices and sensors, which are used to monitor the physical objects, collect data, and transmit data to the fog nodes. For example, embedded and wearable devices facilitate the collection of a user’s health data (e.g. blood pressure, heartbeat and body temperature), which can be used by the responding healthcare professionals to formulate medical delivery strategy when the user arrives at the hospital. These devices connect to the nearest fog nodes through various communication protocols, either via a wired or a wireless network.

  • IoT Healthcare fog layer This layer consists of fog nodes. The fog nodes can be deployed in appropriate sites. Fog nodes have the capability to process, transmit, and store the received data. They receive data and commands from both the user and the cloud, and are responsible for filtering the raw data, and sending the aggregated data to the cloud for long-term storage or further analysis. These fog nodes can also provide real-time response on time-sensitive applications. To accommodate different kinds of devices, the fog nodes must be equipped with different interfaces and have the ability to communicate with different communication protocols. Fog nodes and the cloud server are connected by a backbone network, such as an IP/MPLS network.

  • IoT Healthcare cloud layer This layer consists of high performance servers and storage devices. It provides computing, networking and storage services for large amount of data. Unlike conventional cloud computing, cloud servers are only responsible for work that requires high computing power and has low latency requirements. Cloud server also provides long-term storage for critical or sensitive data such as medical records of patients. Big data analytics is also an important function of the cloud server. By analyzing the aggregated medical data or stored / archival data, the cloud layer can provide suggestions about the health status, disease predicting, etc. The cloud server also provides an interface for the patients and the healthcare professionals (e.g. medical doctors) to monitor and manage the connected IoT devices. It also enables the users to read or share their medical data.

Figure 2 shows our proposed fog-driven IoT personal health monitoring system.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Proposed fog-driven IoT personal health monitoring system

Unlike a centralized cloud computing system, fog nodes are usually deployed in an environment without adequate physical security measures. In other words, end devices and fog nodes may be easier to compromise (e.g. data transmitted between devices and devices, devices and fog nodes, fog nodes and cloud servers can be eavesdropped, modified and replayed). This could result in the leakage of user privacy information, such as identity, location, health status, and medical records [1, 14].

In order to establish trust and prevent impersonation, each user or fog node in the system should be uniquely identified and authenticated. Furthermore, to ensure the security and privacy of data transmitted over the public channel and stored in fog nodes or cloud server, the data need to be encrypted. However, it is not realistic to pre-share session keys between fog nodes and end devices due to the dynamic and mobility nature of end devices and fog nodes. Thus, authenticated key agreement (AKA) protocol is a good solution to authenticate users or nodes and produce common session keys [7]. Unfortunately, there are relatively few AKA schemes designed specifically for a fog computing environment. In the settings of most existing AKA protocols designed for IoT applications, a user and an IoT device authenticate each other with the help of a gateway node, which has no ability to process data and does not have access to a common session key. Also, usually there is no role for a cloud server in these protocols. In the fog computing environment, however, fog nodes are more than gateway nodes. Fog nodes need to preprocess data collected from IoT devices, and receive instructions from the user or the cloud.

In this paper, we mainly focus on AKA protocols designed specifically for a fog-driven IoT personal health monitoring system. Our key contributions are listed as follows:

  • The proposed efficient three party AKA protocol, based on bilinear pairings. By execution the protocol, the IoT device and fog node are authenticated by the cloud server, and a common session key shared by the three entities is generated. The protocol execution only requires one round communication to achieve mutual authentication and key agreement.

  • The proposed protocol is then proved secure formally in the BRP security model. Informal security analysis also demonstrates that the protocol preserves user anonymity and un-traceability and is immune to various attacks.

  • The protocol’s performance is then evaluated, which demonstrates that our protocol outperforms Hamid et al.’s protocol [11] in terms of computation and communication costs.

In the next section, we will describe extant literature on IoT healthcare and three-party AKA protocols. Sections 3 and 4 introduce the mathematical assumptions used in the proposed protocol, and the security model and security definition for the protocol. The proposed AKA protocol is then presented in Sect. 5, whose security analysis is presented in Sect. 6. The performance evaluation of the proposed protocol is then presented in Sect. 7. Section 8 concludes this paper.

2 Related literature

Bonomi et al. [5] introduced the concept of fog computing and described its characteristics and potential application in IoT services. Since then, fog computing has been the subject of ongoing research [22]. For example, similar to Huang, Lu and Choo [15], Sookhak et al. [24] presented a fog vehicular computing (FVC) infrastructure for smart transportation. Farahani et al. [8] discussed the application of IoT in healthcare and medicine and presented a fog-based IoT eHealth ecosystem. Similar to this paper, Gia et al. [10] and Rahmani et al. [23] presented fog-based healthcare systems. More recently in 2017, Hu et al. [14] summarized the architecture, key technologies, applications and open issues of fog computing.

There has also been studies dedicated to the security and privacy of fog computing. For example, Stojmenovic et al. [25], for example, focused on man-in-the-middle attack in fog computing. Authentication and authorization were presented as viable solutions in their follow-up work [26]. Yi et al. [31] described security and privacy issues such as trust and authentication, network security, secure data storage, secure and private data computation, privacy, access control and intrusion detection. In [17], a number of security issues and possible solutions in fog computing were also presented. However, there was no discussion of a specific practical solution for these security challenges.

In the fog computing setting, three entities (data user, fog node and cloud server) need to authenticate each other and negotiate a common session key to protect the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of the transmitted data. There are a large number of three-party AKA protocols proposed for wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which can be adapted for IoT applications. Turkanović et al. [27] proposed an efficient AKA protocol for the heterogeneous WSN. In their protocol, an IoT user can authenticate with a sensor node without having to communicate with a gateway node. However, Farash et al. [9] found that the scheme does not provide user untraceability and sensor node anonymity, as claimed. It was also found to be vulnerable to stolen smart card attack. More recently in 2018, Amin et al. [2] presented a lightweight AKA protocol for IoT enabled devices in the distributed cloud computing environment. In their protocol, the user, the service provider server and the control server achieve mutual authentication and a common session key is shared between the user and the service provider.

The above mentioned schemes only used symmetric cryptosystem to achieve high efficiency. As pointed out by Wang et al. [28], anonymous authentication cannot be achieved by symmetric cryptosystem alone. Thus, there has also been focus on designing asymmetric-based AKA schemes. Hayajneh et al. [12] proposed a lightweight authentication protocol based on Rabin signature for remote patient monitoring with wireless medical sensor networks and implemented the protocol on different hardware settings. Yeh et al. [30] proposed the first AKA scheme for WSNs based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC). Since then, many more ECC-based AKA protocols have been designed and presented in the literature [6, 20, 21, 29].

Despite the many AKA protocols designed for IoT applications, few such protocols are suitable for direct deployment in a fog computing environment. Hamid et al. [11] proposed a three party one-round AKA protocol with bilinear pairings to preserve the privacy of medical big data in a fog-based healthcare system. However, the session key produced by their protocol is static and does not provide forward privacy. As their key exchange mechanism is based on the tripartite Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm of Joux [16], it is also vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks launched by an active adversary.

In this paper, we will present an efficient and secure AKA protocol for fog-driven healthcare IoT system, which does not suffer from the drawbacks in Hamid et al.’s scheme [11].

3 Complexity assumptions

ECC has been widely used in designing public key cryptographic protocols, since it can achieve equivalent security level with relatively short key size compared to non-ECC public key cryptosystems (e.g. Diffie–Hellman-based and RSA-based cryptosystems). Let E be an elliptic curve over a finite field \(F_p\) defined by the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} y^2=x^3+ax+b\pmod p, \end{aligned}$$

where \(x,y,a,b\in F_p\) and \((4a^3+27b^2)\bmod p\ne 0\). \(E/F_p\) denotes the set of points on E. \(G=E/F_p\cup O\), where O is a “point at infinity”. G is an additive cyclic group under the point addition operation. Scalar multiplication is denoted as \(kP=P+P+\ldots +P\) (k times), where \(k\in Z_n\) and n is the order of group G.

Next, we introduce the bilinear pairings defined on elliptic curve groups, and the related complexity assumption which underpins the security of the proposed protocol.

\(G_1\) is an additive cyclic subgroup of \(E/F_p\) with an order q, where q is a large prime number. P is a generator of group \(G_1\), which we call a base point. Let \(G_2\) be a multiplicative cyclic group of the same order q. A bilinear pairing is a map \(e:G_1\times G_1\rightarrow G_2\), which satisfies the following three properties.

  • Computability Given two points \(P_1,P_2\in G_1\), there is a polynomial time algorithm to compute \(e(P_1,P_2)\).

  • Non-degeneracy If P is an arbitrary generator of \(G_1\), then \(e(P,P)\ne 1\).

  • Bilinearity Given \(P_1,P_2\in G_1\) and \(a,b\in Z_n^*\), there is \(e(aP_1,bP_2)=e(P_1,P_2)^{ab}\).

A bilinear map satisfies the above properties is a non-degenerate admissible bilinear map, which can be obtained from the Weil, Tate or Ate pairings over super-singular elliptic curves.

BDH Assumption. Let P be a base point of group \(G_1\). The Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (BDH) assumption says that any given \(xP,yP,zP\in G_1\) for some unknown \(x,y,z\in Z_q^*\), it is computationally hard to compute \(e(P,P)^{xyz}\in G_2\).

DBDH Assumption. Let P be a base point of group \(G_1\). The Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption says that any given \(xP,yP,zP \in G_1\) for some unknown \(x,y,z \in Z_q^*\) and \(h\in G_2\), it is computationally hard to decide if \(h=e(P,P)^{xyz}\) holds.

4 Security model

We slightly modify the three-party BRP model [3] to define the security of the proposed protocol.

Let P be the protocol, and U is a participant of the protocol. In our protocol, the participants include the client C, the fog nodes FN and the cloud service provider S. \(\Pi _U^i\) denotes oracle machine of the i-th instance of participant U. The adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\) and the protocol participants execute the protocol interactively through various oracle queries. Each type of oracle query models the adversary’s ability to attack the protocol. The oracle queries are described as follows.

  • \(Send(U^i, M)\): This query models an active attack against the instance \(U^i\). \({\mathcal {A}}\) sends message M to the oracle \(\Pi _U^i\). \(\Pi _U^i\) responses with the message that would be output by the instance \(U^i\) in a true execution of the protocol. \({\mathcal {A}}\) may start the protocol by issuing a \(Send(U^i,START)\) query.

  • \(Reveal(U^i)\): This query models the leakage of the session key. If \(\Pi _{U}^i\) has already produced a session key \(SK_U^i\), then it returns \(SK_U^i\) to \({\mathcal {A}}\); otherwise, it outputs a \(\perp\).

  • Corrupt(U): This query simulates the perfect forward privacy. \({\mathcal {C}}\) returns the U’s long-term key. In our protocol, it could be the smart card or the password of the client.

  • \(Execute(A^i,B^j,S^k)\): This query models the passive eavesdropping on the public channel. The protocol is executed among the client instances \(\Pi _A^i\), \(\Pi _B^j\) and the server instance \(\Pi _S^k\). The oracle machine returns all messages exchanged in the execution of the protocol.

  • \(Test(U^i)\): This query is used to define the semantic security of the session key. The adversary is allowed to issue this query only once. The Test oracle flips a coin and obtains a bit \(b\in \{0,1\}\). If \(b=1\), then the adversary is returned a true session key \(SK_U^i\). If \(b=0\), the adversary is returned a random value of the same size.

Definition 1

(Partnership) Two instances \(\Pi _A^i\) and \(\Pi _B^j\) are called partners if, and only if, the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. 1.

    \(\Pi _A^i\) and \(\Pi _B^j\) exchange messages directly;

  2. 2.

    \(\Pi _A^i\) and \(\Pi _B^j\) accept the common session key SK; and

  3. 3.

    There is no other instance who would accept SK, except for \(\Pi _A^i\) and \(\Pi _B^j\).

Definition 2

(Freshness) An instance \(\Pi _U^i\) is fresh if the following conditions hold:

  • \(\Pi _U^i\) has accepted the session key SK;

  • Reveal oracle has not been queried before \(\Pi _U^i\) being accepted; and

  • Corrupt oracle has never been queried on \(\Pi _U^i\) and its partners (see Definition 1).

Suppose \(\Pi _A^i\) and \(\Pi _B^j\) are partners and have established a common session key SK. SK is said to be fresh if, and only if, both \(\Pi _A^i\) and \(\Pi _B^j\) are fresh.

Definition 3

(AKA-security) For any adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\), \(Succ({\mathcal {A}})\) denotes the event that \({\mathcal {A}}\) issues a \(Test(U^i)\) query some accepted fresh instances, and outputs the correct b. The advantage of \({\mathcal {A}}\) in attacking the semantic security of protocol P is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} Adv_P^{AKA}({\mathcal {A}})=|2Pr[Succ({\mathcal {A}})]-1|. \end{aligned}$$

A protocol P is said to be AKA-secure if for any probabilistic polynomial time adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\), \(Adv_P^{AKA}({\mathcal {A}})\) is negligible.

5 Proposed scheme

There are three entities in our protocol, namely: the user, the fog note and the cloud service provider (CSP). The user controls one or more IoT devices connected to the fog node and is able to gain access to the system using a password and a smart card.

In our authentication model, fog nodes are regarded as entities that are not trustworthy. Thus, these nodes will not maintain/store any private authentication information of users. They are not responsible for authenticating users. They only transfer public authentication messages between the user and the cloud server, and they provide a share of the session key.

We establish a verifier-based mechanism to authenticate the user and fog nodes. A verifier-based AKA scheme is a variant of a password-based AKA scheme, in which the server only preserves a verifier instead of an image of the password. There have been a number of verifier-based three-party AKA protocols in the literature [13, 18, 19].

Each fog node or end device has a unique identity and must register with the cloud server. The cloud server will keep a verifier of that node or device for future authentication. The verifier is derived from the identity and the CSP’s master key. The protocol generates a common session key shared by an end device, the fog node and the cloud server. The fog node does not preserve the private information (password, verifier) of any user. If a fog node is compromised, then user’s data on other nodes will not be affected even if they use the same password and smart card.

Now, we present the details of the proposed AKA scheme.

5.1 System setup

The CSP chooses a non-singular elliptic curve over finite field \(F_p\), where p is a large prime number, and \(l=log_2p\) is the security parameter. Let G be a cyclic group of order n generated by a base point P. CSP then chooses a random \(s\in Z_n^*\), and calculates \(P_{pub}=sP\). \((G,P,P_{pub})\) are published as the public system parameters, while s is kept secret. CSP selects 6 secure hash functions \(\{h_0,h_1,h_2,h_3,h_4,h_5\}\), where \(h_0: G_1\rightarrow \{0.1\}^*\), \(h_1:\{0,1\}^*\times \{0,1\}^*\rightarrow Z_p^*\), \(h_2:\{0,1\}^*\times Z_n^*\times Z_p^*\rightarrow Z_p^*\), \(h_3:G_1\times Z_p^*\times G_1\times \{0,1\}^*\times \{0,1\}^*\times \{0,1\}^*\rightarrow Z_p^*\), \(h_4: G_1\times G_1\times G_1\times G_1\times \{0,1\}^*\times \{0,1\}^*\rightarrow Z_p^*\), \(h_5: G_2\times G_1\times G_1\times G_1\rightarrow Z_p^*\). CSP also maintains a database to record the registered users and fog nodes. We assume that CSP is trustworthy.

5.2 User registration phase

In this phase, each user sends a registration request to the trusted cloud, and receives a smart card.

  1. 1.

    \(U_i\) randomly chooses \(r_i\in Z_p^*\), inputs the password \(PW_i\) and the identity \(ID_i\) and computes \(RID_i=h_1(ID_i||PW_i)\oplus r_i\). \(U_i\) sends \((ID_i,RID_i)\) to CSP securely.

  2. 2.

    After receiving \(U_i\)’s request, CSP randomly chooses \(x_i\in Z_p^*\) and computes \(R_i=h_2(ID_i||s||x_i)\oplus RID_i\). CSP stores \(R_i\) on a smart card, and sends it to \(U_i\) via a secure channel. CSP also records \((ID_i,x_i)\) in its own database.

  3. 3.

    After receiving the smart card, \(U_i\) computes \(R_i^*=R_i\oplus r_i\) and replaces \(R_i\) on the card with \(R_i^*\).

Here, we emphasize that the registration process must be carried out through a secure channel and the user must be authenticated by the CSP. The process is depicted in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

User Registration Phase

5.3 Fog node registration phase

Each fog node \(FN_j\) must register with the CSP before it is deployed. \(FN_j\) sends its identity \(ID_j\) to the CSP. CSP randomly chooses \(y_j\in Z_p^*\) and computes \(R_j=h_2(ID_j||s||y_j)\). CSP sends \(R_j\) to the fog node in a secure way and stores \((ID_j,y_j)\) in its own database. The process is depicted in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Fog Node Registration Phase

5.4 Authentication and key agreement phase

In this phase, the user, the fog node and the cloud server authenticate each other and generate a common session key. The process is depicted in Fig. 5.

  1. 1.

    \(U_i\) randomly chooses \(a\in Z_n^*\), and computes \(A=aP\), \(\bar{A}=aP_{pub}\), \(PID_i=ID_i\oplus h_0(\bar{A})\), \(M_i=h_1(ID||\)\(PW_i)\oplus R^*\), \(N_i=h_3(\bar{A}||M_i||A||ID_i||ID_j||T_u)\), where \(T_u\) is the current timestamp. \(U_i\) sends \(Msg_1=(A,\)\(PID_i,N_i,T_u)\) to \(FN_j\).

  2. 2.

    Upon receiving the authentication request from \(U_i\), \(FN_j\) first checks the freshness of the timestamp \(T_u\), then randomly chooses \(b\in Z_n^*\), and computes \(B=bP\), \(\bar{B}=bP_{pub}\), \(PID_j=ID_j\oplus h_0(\bar{B})\), \(L_j=h_3(\bar{B}||R_j\)\(||A||PID_i||ID_j||T_f)\), where \(T_f\) is the current timestamp. \(FN_j\) forwards \(Msg_2=(A,B,PID_i,PID_j,N_i,\)\(L_j,T_u,T_f)\) to the CSP.

  3. 3.

    After receiving \(FN_j\)’s authentication request, CSP first checks the validity of two timestamps \(T_u,T_f\), and then proceeds as follows.

    • CSP computes \(\bar{A}'=sA\), \(\bar{B}'=sB\), \(ID_i'=PID_i\oplus h_0(\bar{A}')\), \(ID_j'=PID_j\oplus h_0(\bar{B}')\).

    • CSP searches its database to find the entries \((ID_i',x_i)\), \((ID_j',y_j)\). If the entries are not found, then CSP rejects the request and aborts the session.

    • CSP continues to compute \(M_i'=h_2(ID_i'||s||x_i)\), \(R_j'=h_2(ID_j'||s||y_j)\), \(N_i'=h_3(\bar{A}'||M_i'||A||ID_i'||\)\(ID_j'||T_u)\), \(L_j'=h_3(\bar{B}'||R_j'||A||PID_i||ID_j'||T_f)\).

    • CSP checks if \(N_i=N_i'\) and \(L_j=L_j'\). If either one does not hold, then CSP rejects the request and aborts.

    • CSP randomly chooses \(c\in Z_n^*\), and computes \(C=cP\), \(Auth_i=h_4(A||B||C||\bar{A}'||ID_i'||T_c)\), \(Auth_j\)\(=h_4(A||B||C||\bar{B}'||ID_j'||T_c)\), \(K_c=e(A,B)^c\), \(SK_c\)\(=h_5(K_c||A||B||C)\), where \(T_c\) is the current timestamp.

    • CSP sends \(Msg_3=(C,Auth_i,Auth_j,T_c)\) to \(FN_j\).

  4. 4.

    Upon receiving the response from CSP, \(FN_j\) checks the freshness of \(T_c\), and verifies if \(Auth_j=h_4(A||B||\)\(C||\bar{B}||ID_j||T_c)\). If not, then \(FN_j\) aborts the session. Otherwise, \(FN_j\) computes \(K_f=e(A,C)^b\), \(SK_f=h_5(K_f||\)A||B||C) and forwards \(Msg_4=(B,C,Auth_i,T_c)\) to \(U_i\).

  5. 5.

    Upon receiving the response from the fog node, \(U_i\) checks the freshness of \(T_c\) and verifies if \(Auth_i=h_4(A||B||C||\bar{A}||ID_i||T_c)\). If not, then \(U_i\) aborts the session. Otherwise, \(U_i\) computes \(K_u=e(B,C)^a\), \(SK_u=h_5(K_u||A||B||C)\).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Authentication and Key Agreement Phase

We claim that if the protocol proceeds correctly, then \(U_i\), \(FN_j\) and CSP achieve mutual authentication and share a common session key at the end of the authentication process. The correctness is guaranteed by the equation \(e(B,C)^a=e(A,C)^b=e(A,B)^c=e(P,P)^{abc}\). Then, we have \(K_u=K_f=K_c\) and therefore, \(SK_u=SK_f=SK_c\).

5.5 Password update phase

To prevent password guessing attacks, users are advised to change their password regularly. In the proposed scheme, a user \(U_i\) can update his/her password locally, as frequent as required. \(U_i\) executes the following steps.

  1. 1.

    \(U_i\) inserts the smart card and issues an instruction to modify the password.

  2. 2.

    \(U_i\) is required to input the old password \(PW_u\) and the new password \(PW_u^{new}\).

  3. 3.

    The smart card computes \((R^*)^{new}=h_1(ID_i||PW_u)\oplus h_1(ID_i||PW_u^{new})\oplus R^*\), and replaces \(R^*\) with \((R^*)^{new}\).

5.6 User revocation and re-registration

In some cases, users need to revoke their accounts from the system. For example, if a user \(U_i\)’s smart card is lost or stolen, then he/she should revoke the old account in such event. \(U_i\) sends a revocation request to the CSP. After verifying the \(U_i\)’s identity (based on the old password or other identity information), CSP deletes the entry \((ID_i, x_i)\) from its database and thereafter the login requests issued by the old smart card will be rejected.

\(U_i\) can re-register with the CSP using the same identity and a new password following the registration procedure described in Sect. 5.2. CSP then chooses a new random number \(x_i^{new}\) and stores \((ID_i,x_i^{new})\) in its database.

5.7 Fog node revocation

If a fog node \(FN_j\) is damaged or compromised, then CSP will revoke the node by deleting the record \((ID_j,y_j)\) from its database. Subsequently, any access to the fog node will be declined, since all authentication requests issued by \(FN_j\) cannot successfully pass the verification without the random number \(y_j\).

6 Security analysis

In this section, we present the formal security proof of the proposed scheme, as well as the informal security analysis against possible attacks.

6.1 Formal security proof

We prove that that the proposed scheme is AKA-secure and achieves mutual authentication under the security model described in Sect. 4.

Theorem 1

LetPbe the proposed protocol. If there is a probabilistic polynomial time adversary\({\mathcal {A}}\)who wins the AKA attack game with advantage\(Adv_{P}^{AKA}({\mathcal {A}})\), then there must be a probabilistic polynomial time algorithm that can solve the BDH problem with advantage

$$\begin{aligned} Adv_{G_1,G_2}^{DBDH}\ge & {} \frac{1}{q_s}Adv_P^{AKA} ({\mathcal {A}}) -\frac{\sum _{i=0}^{i=4}{q_{h_i}^2+(q_s+q_e)^2}}{2pq_s}\\&+\frac{q_{h_5}}{pq_s}+\frac{2q_{h_0}q_{h_3}}{p^2q_s}), \end{aligned}$$

where\(q_{h_i}\)\((i=0,1,2,3,4,5)\), \(q_s\), \(q_e\), \(q_r\)denotes the times of thehash, Send, ExecutionandRevealoracle queries respectively.


Let \({\mathcal {A}}\) be an adversary who attacks the protocol and wins the game with an advantage of \(\epsilon\). We construct a challenger \({\mathcal {C}}\) who makes use of \({\mathcal {A}}\)’s ability to solve a DBDH problem instance (PxPyPzPh) for some unknown \(x,y,z\in Z_n^*\) and \(h\in G_2\), namely, to decide if \(h=e(P,P)^{xyz}\) holds. The hash functions in the protocol are simulated as random oracles. \({\mathcal {C}}\) maintains a hash list \(L_h\), which is initialized to be empty. \(Msg_i (i=1,2,3,4)\) denotes the corresponding messages transmitted among the entities during the execution of the protocol. \({\mathcal {C}}\) randomly picks a random \(s\in Z_n^*\), and \(P_{pub}=sP\) publishes \((G,P,P_{pub})\) as the public parameters, and keeps s secret. \({\mathcal {C}}\) also sets identity and password \((ID_i,PW_i)\) and the smart card information \(R_i^*\) for each user, as well as \((ID_j, R_j^*)\) for each fog. \(\square\)

\({\mathcal {C}}\) simulates the protocol and answers \({\mathcal {A}}\)’s oracle queries as follows.

  • Send query\({\mathcal {A}}\) issues an active attack and sends messages adaptively constructed by itself through different Send queries. According to the execution process of the protocol, there are four different Send queries available to \({\mathcal {A}}\).

    • \(Send(C^i, (FN,START))\): Upon receiving this query, \({\mathcal {C}}\) starts a new session and returns the login message generated by the user. Specifically, \({\mathcal {C}}\) randomly chooses \(a\in Z_n^*\) and computes \(A=aP\), \(\bar{A}=aP_{pub}\). \({\mathcal {C}}\) then computes \(PID_i=ID_u\oplus h_0(\bar{A})\), \(M_i=h_1(ID_u||PW_u)\oplus R^*\), \(N_i=h_3(\bar{A}||M_i\)\(||A||ID_i||ID_j||T_u)\). \({\mathcal {C}}\) returns \((A,PID_i,N_i,T_u)\) to \({\mathcal {A}}\), and the instance \(\Pi _C^i\) was set to an expecting state.

    • \(Send(FN^j, Msg_1)\): Upon receiving this query, \({\mathcal {C}}\) first divides \(Msg_1\) into \((A,PID_i,N_i,T_u)\), then randomly picks \(b\in Z_n^*\) and computes \(B,\bar{B},\)\(PID_j=ID_j,L_j\) as described in Sect. 5.4. \({\mathcal {C}}\) returns \((A,B,PID_i,PID_j,N_i,L_j)\) to \({\mathcal {A}}\) and sets the instance \(\Pi _{FN}^j\) to an expecting state.

    • \(Send(S^k,Msg_2)\): Upon receiving this query, \({\mathcal {C}}\) divides \(Msg_2\) into \((A,B,PID_i,PID_j,N_i,L_j)\), and computes \((N_i',L_j')\) as described in Sect. 5.4. \({\mathcal {A}}\) verifies if \(N_i=N_i'\) and \(L_j=L_j'\), if not, \({\mathcal {C}}\) rejects \({\mathcal {A}}\)’s query and returns nothing. Otherwise, \({\mathcal {C}}\) picks a random \(c\in Z_q^*\), and computes \((C, Auth_i, Auth_j,K_c,SK_c)\) as in Sect. 5.4. \({\mathcal {C}}\) returns \((C, Auth_i, Auth_j)\) to \({\mathcal {A}}\), and the CSP instance terminates.

    • \(Send(FN^j,Msg_3)\): Upon receiving this query, assuming that \(\Pi _{FN}^j\) is in the expecting state, \({\mathcal {C}}\) first divides \(Msg_3\) into \((C,Auth_i,Auth_j)\), and verifies if \(Auth_j=h_4(A||B||C||\bar{B}||ID_j)\) holds. If not, then \({\mathcal {C}}\) rejects \({\mathcal {A}}\)’s query and returns nothing. Otherwise, \({\mathcal {C}}\) returns \((B,C, Auth_i)\) to \({\mathcal {A}}\) and the fog instance terminates.

    • \(Send(C^i,Msg_4)\): Upon receiving this query, assuming that \(\Pi _C^i\) is in the expecting state, \({\mathcal {C}}\) first divides \(Msg_4\) into \((B,C,Auth_i)\) and verifies if \(Auth_i=h_4(A||B||C||\bar{A}||ID_i)\). If not, then \({\mathcal {C}}\) rejects \({\mathcal {A}}\)’s query and returns nothing. Otherwise, \({\mathcal {C}}\) computes \(K_u=e(B,C)^a\), \(SK=h_5(K_u||A||B||C)\), and the client instance accepts and terminates. \((Msg_1,Msg_2,Msg_3,Msg_4)\) is added to the list \(\Gamma\).

  • Corrupt query. The adversary issues this query to obtain one of the user’s long term key.

    • On receiving Corrupt(CPW), returns the client C’s password \(PW_u\).

    • On receiving Corrupt(CSC), returns the information \(R_u^*\) stored on the smart card.

  • \(Execute(U^i,FN^j,S^k)\). On receiving this query, \({\mathcal {C}}\) simulates the execution process of the protocol by issuing the following Send queries.

    $$\begin{aligned} Msg_1\leftarrow & {} Send(C^i,(FN,START));\\ Msg_2\leftarrow & {} Send(FN^j,Msg_1);\\ Msg_3\leftarrow & {} Send(S^k,Msg_2);\\ Msg_4\leftarrow & {} Send(FN^j,Msg_3); \end{aligned}$$

    \({\mathcal {C}}\) returns \((Msg_1,Msg_2,Msg_3,Msg_4)\) to \({\mathcal {A}}\).

  • \(Reveal(\Pi _P^i)\). On receiving this query, responses with the session key SK if the session instance \(\Pi _P^i\) is accepted, else returns \(\perp\).

  • Test query. On receiving a query \(Test(U^i)\), \({\mathcal {C}}\) randomly picks \(\tau \in \{0,1\}\). If \(\tau =1\), then returns the true session key SK; otherwise, returns a random value with the same size.

The proof consists of a sequence of games: \(G_0,G_1,\ldots\)\(G_5\). Let \(S_i\) be the event that \({\mathcal {A}}\) outputs the correct \(\tau\) in game \(G_i\)\((i=1,2,3,4,5)\).

Game\(G_0\). \(G_0\) is the original attacking game. In this game, \({\mathcal {C}}\) simulates the oracle queries as a real player would do, as listed above. Hash functions are modeled as random oracles. Thus, the probability of success in this game is equal to the probability that \({\mathcal {A}}\) succeeds in attacking the real protocol. By definition, we have

$$\begin{aligned} \epsilon =|2Pr[S_0]-1|. \end{aligned}$$

Game\(G_1\). \(G_1\) is as same as \(G_0\), except that \({\mathcal {C}}\) maintains hash value lists \(L_0-L_5\). When a hash oracle is queried, \({\mathcal {C}}\) first searches the corresponding list and if there is an entry already, then returns the same, else \({\mathcal {C}}\) returns a random chosen value and adds the result to the corresponding list \(L_i\). From the properties of random oracles, it is easy to see that \(G_1\) is indistinguishable from \(G_0\), so

$$\begin{aligned} Pr[S_1]=Pr[S_0]. \end{aligned}$$

Game\(G_2\). This game simulates all kinds of queries just like in game \(G_1\), except that the simulation will be terminated if the following two events happen:

  • Event \(E_1\): Collisions on the output of hash queries.

  • Event \(E_2\): Collisions on the copy of the messages \((Msg_1,Msg_2,Msg_3,Msg_4)\).

According to the birthday paradox, we have

$$\begin{aligned} Pr[E_1]\le \sum _{i=0}^{i=4}{q_{h_i}^2}/(2p). \end{aligned}$$

Since abc are randomly chosen, the probability that \(E_2\) happens is \(Pr[E_2]\le (q_s+q_e)^2/(2p)\), where \(q_s\) and \(q_e\) are the upper bound of Send and Execute queries, respectively. Thus,

$$\begin{aligned} |Pr[S_2]-Pr[S_1]|\le ( \sum _{i=0}^{i=4}{q_{h_i}^2+(q_s+q_e)^2})/(2p). \end{aligned}$$

Game\(G_3\). In this game, we modify the Send query. \({\mathcal {C}}\) randomly picks a matched instance \((C^i,FN^j,S^k)\) and answers \({\mathcal {A}}\)’s Send queries as follows.

  • When \({\mathcal {A}}\) issues a \(Send(C^i,(FN,START))\) query, \({\mathcal {C}}\) sets \(A=xP\), \(\bar{A}=sA\), and generates \(PID_i,M_i,N_i,T_u\) as it does in \(G_2\). \({\mathcal {C}}\) returns \(Msg_1=(A,PID_i,N_i,T_u)\) to \({\mathcal {A}}\).

  • When \({\mathcal {A}}\) issues a \(Send(FN^j,Msg_1)\) query, \({\mathcal {C}}\) sets \(B=yP\), \(\bar{B}=sB\), and generates \(PID_j,L_j,T_f\) as it does in \(G_2\). \({\mathcal {C}}\) returns \(Msg_2=(A,B,PID_i,PID_j,\)\(N_i,L_j)\) to \({\mathcal {A}}\).

  • When \({\mathcal {A}}\) issues a \(Send(S^k,Msg_2)\) query, \({\mathcal {C}}\) sets \(c=zP\), \(\bar{C}=sC\), and generates \(Auth_i,Auth_j\) as it does in \(G_2\). \({\mathcal {C}}\) sets \(K_c=h\) and calculates \(SK_c=h_5(K_c||A||\)B||C). \({\mathcal {C}}\) returns \(Msg_3=(C,Auth_i,Auth_j)\) to \({\mathcal {A}}\).

  • When \({\mathcal {A}}\) issues a \(Send(FN^j,Msg_3)\) query, \({\mathcal {C}}\) sets \(K_f=h\), \(SK_f=h_5(K_f||A||B||C) and\)returns \(Msg_4=(B,C,Auth_i)\) to \({\mathcal {A}}\).

  • When \({\mathcal {A}}\) issues a \(Send(C^i,Msg_4)\) query, \({\mathcal {C}}\) sets \(K_u=h\), \(SK_u=h_5(K_u||A||B||C)\) and terminates the instance.

We demonstrates that if the DBDH assumption holds, then the difference between game \(G_2\) and \(G_3\) is negligible, just as the following equation shows.

$$\begin{aligned} |Pr[S_3]-Pr[S_2]|\le q_sAdv_{G_1,G_2}^{DBDH}. \end{aligned}$$

Suppose there is a differentiator that can successfully distinguish game \(G_2\) and \(G_3\), \({\mathcal {C}}\) can make use of this differentiator to solve the DBDH problem. The differentiator selects an instance with probability of \(1/q_s\). From the above description, we can see that \({\mathcal {C}}\) simulates all the queries without knowing xyz. If \(h=e(P,P)^{xyz}\) holds, then the differentiator actually interacts with game \(G_2\). Otherwise, the differentiator interacts with \(G_3\). If the differentiator decides it is interacting with \(G_2\), then \({\mathcal {C}}\) outputs 1, or else outputs 0. So we have \(Adv_{G_1,G_2}^{DBDH}\ge (1/q_s)|Pr[S_3]-Pr[S_2]|\), and Equation (5) holds.

In game \(G_3\), \(K_u=K_f=K_c=h\) is a random value independent of the password and the number xyz. The adversary may distinguish a true session key and a random one, if the following events happen.

  • Event \(E_3\): \({\mathcal {A}}\) has queried \(h_5\) oracle on input (hABC), which has a probability of

    $$\begin{aligned} Pr[E_3]= q_{h_5}/p. \end{aligned}$$
  • Event \(E_4\): \({\mathcal {A}}\) successfully impersonates the user and forges a \(Msg_1=(A,PID_i,N_i,T_u)\), which passes the verification executed by the CSP. To achieve this, \({\mathcal {A}}\) has to calculate a valid \(PID_i\) and \(N_i\). \({\mathcal {A}}\) can issue the Corrupt(C) query to achieve one of the long term keys but not both. Since x is an unknown value, \({\mathcal {A}}\) cannot compute \(\bar{A}\), and the probability that \({\mathcal {A}}\) outputs a valid \(Msg_1\) is:

    $$\begin{aligned} Pr[E_4]\le \frac{q_{h_0}}{p}\cdot \frac{q_{h_1}}{p} =\frac{q_{h_0}q_{h_3}}{p^2}. \end{aligned}$$
  • Event \(E_5\): \({\mathcal {A}}\) successfully impersonates the fog and forges a \(Msg_2\), which passes the verification executed by the CSP. Similar to event \(E_4\), the probability that \({\mathcal {A}}\) outputs a valid \(Msg_2\) is:

    $$\begin{aligned} Pr[E_5]\le \frac{q_{h_0}}{p}\cdot \frac{q_{h_3}}{p} =\frac{q_{h_0}q_{h_3}}{p^2}. \end{aligned}$$

In summary, we have

$$\begin{aligned} Pr[S_3]\le \frac{1}{2}+\frac{q_{h_5}}{p}+\frac{2q_{h_0}q_{h_3}}{p^2}. \end{aligned}$$

From Equation (1)-(5) and Equation (9), we have

$$\begin{aligned} Adv_P^{AKA}(\mathcal {A})\le & {} \frac{\sum _{i=0}^{i=4}{q_{h_i}^2 +(q_s+q_e)^2}}{2p}+\frac{q_{h_5}}{p}+\frac{2q_{h_0}q_{h_3}}{p^2} \\&+ q_sAdv_{G_1,G_2}^{DBDH}. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} Adv_{G_1,G_2}^{DBDH}\ge & {} \frac{1}{q_s}Adv_P^{AKA}(\mathcal {A}) -\frac{\sum _{i=0}^{i=4}{q_{h_i}^2+(q_s+q_e)^2}}{2pq_s} \\&-\frac{q_{h_5}}{pq_s}-\frac{2q_{h_0}q_{h_3}}{p^2q_s}. \end{aligned}$$

Now, we have concluded the proof of Theorem 1. In other words, as long as the BDH problem is hard, it is computationally challenging for any polynomial time adversary to break the AKA-security of the proposed protocol.

6.2 Security analysis

  • User anonymity and un-traceability In the proposed protocol, an adversary (e.g. an inside user, a fog node, or an external attacker) cannot extract the real identity of the user, even if it intercepts all messages \(Msg_i (i=1,2,3,4)\) transferred over the public channel during the authentication and key agreement process. The user’s real identity is hidden by a hash value that can only be calculated by the CSP, namely, \(PID_i=ID_i\oplus H_0(\bar{A})\), instead of being transmitted in plaintext over the public channel. What’s more, abc are random numbers and the timestamps are dynamic and unique for each session.

  • Perfect forward privacy Perfect forward privacy requires that even if the user’s long-time key (here, long-term key include password and smart card) are compromised, previous session keys established by these keys are still secure. Namely, the session keys are independent of the user’s long-term key. In the proposed protocol, even if \(PW_i\) and the smart card are compromised at the same time, \(\mathcal {A}\) still cannot break the security of the previously generated session keys. This is because \(SK=h(K||A||B||C)\) where \(K=e(P,P)^{a,b,c}, A=aP,B=bP,C=cP\), the generation of each session key needs the random numbers abc chosen by all the three entities, which is independent of the user’s long-term key. The perfect forward privacy is assured by the randomness of the session key and the collision resistance of the underpinning hash function.

  • Offline dictionary attack In the proposed scheme, neither the CSP nor the fog node store any user’s password. The only possible way to get some information about a user’s password is from the smart card. Suppose an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) has tried to obtain a user’s smart card and extract the information \(R^*\) on it. We can see that the user \(U_i\)’s password is protected by a secure hash and masked by the server’s private key and a random number, which is unknown to \(\mathcal {A}\). Namely, \(R^*=h(ID_i||PW_i)\oplus h(ID_i||s||\)\(x_i)\). Thus, it is infeasible for \(\mathcal {A}\) to verify his/her guess. The protocol is secure against offline dictionary attack.

  • Stolen-verifier attack We can see that in the proposed protocol, the CSP only stores the user’s identity \(ID_i\) and a randomly chosen \(x_i\) instead of the real verifier \(h(ID_i||s||x_i)\) directly. Suppose there is an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) who has stolen the information stored in the CSP, namely, \((ID_i,x_i)\). A still cannot calculate the real verifier \(h(ID_i||s||x_i)\) without the secret key s. Thus, it is infeasible for \(\mathcal {A}\) to impersonate \(U_i\) even if \(\mathcal {A}\) obtains the information stored in the CSP. Similarly, \(\mathcal {A}\) cannot impersonate a fog node \(FN_j\) by stealing \(FN_j\)’s verifier \((ID_j,y_j)\) either.

  • Stolen smart card attack Suppose there is an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) who has stolen the smart card of the user \(U_i\) and extracted the authentication factor \(R^*\) stored in the smart card and attempted to produce a legitimate login message \(Msg_1\). Suppose \(\mathcal {A}\) also knows the user’s identity \(ID_i\), the identity of fog node \(ID_j\). \(\mathcal {A}\) can even choose a random number \(a'\in Z_n^*\), a fresh timestamp \(T_a\), and compute \(\bar{A}'=a'P_{pub}\). However, \(\mathcal {A}\) has no idea of \(PW_i\), which is necessary in calculating \(M_i=h(ID_i||PW_i)\oplus R_i^*\) and \(N_i=h(\bar{A}||M_i||ID_i||I\)\(D_j||T_u)\). Thus, \(\mathcal {A}\) cannot produce a legitimate login message. The protocol is vulnerable to stolen smart card attack.

  • Known session key attack In the proposed protocol, a session key \(SK=h(K||A||B||C)\), where \(K=e(P,P)^{abc}\), is established after mutual authentication. Notice that abc are dynamic numbers randomly chosen by different entities in each session. In other words, session keys in different sessions are independent from each other. Therefore, the leakage of one session key has no effect on the privacy of the others.

  • Man-in-the-middle attack We show that even if \(\mathcal {A}\) intercepts and modifies all the messages transferred over the public channel, it is still infeasible for \(\mathcal {A}\) to produce a legitimate message \(Msg_i (i=1,2,3,4)\) in the name of any entity in the protocol. Suppose that \(\mathcal {A}\) knows the user’s identity \(ID_i\) and the fog node’s \(ID_j\). To produce a valid \(Msg_1\), \(\mathcal {A}\) can choose its own random number \(a\in Z_n^*\) and the timestamp \(T_a\), and computes \(A,\bar{A},PID_i\) as the legitimate user does, but it cannot calculate \(M_i,N_i\) without \(R^*\) and \(PW_i\). Thus, the adversary can have both values as long as he/she does not get the password and the smart card at the same time. In addition, if \(\mathcal {A}\) uses \(R^*\) and \(PW_i\) of its own choice, it will be easily detected by the CSP. Similarly, \(\mathcal {A}\) cannot generate a \(Msg_2\) without the registered verifier \(R_j\). Furthermore, without the CSP’s private key s, \(\mathcal {A}\) cannot forge \(Msg_3\) and \(Msg_4\) either. In summary, the proposed scheme is secure against man-in-the-middle attack.

  • Replay attack In the proposed protocol, timestamps are involved in each step of the authentication process. As long as the time interval to assure the freshness of the timestamps is sufficiently small and the clock remains synchronized, it is challenging for \(\mathcal {A}\) to replay a legitimate message.

7 Performance evaluation

In this section, we evaluate the performance of the proposed protocol, in terms of computation and communication costs.

In the evaluation, we used a super singular elliptic curve \(E/F_p\), and the Ate pairing \(e:G_1\times G_1\rightarrow G_2\) generated by a point on \(E/F_p\). Both \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) are groups of prime order q, and p and q are large prime numbers with a length of 512 and 160 bits respectively.

The evaluation was realized by MIRACL library on two platforms. One is the elastic compute service (ECS) host provided by the Alibaba Cloud platform, which was used to simulate the cloud server and fog node. The host’s operating system is Ubuntu 14.04 for 64 bit with an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 0 @ 2.30 GHz, and equipped with 1 GB RAM. Another one is a Google Nexus One smart phone with ARM CPU armeabi-v7a 2 GHz, 300 MiB RAM, and Android 4.4.2 operation system. Table 1 lists the computational cost in these two platforms for basic operations used in the protocol.

Table 1 Computation time of basic operations (ms)

Table 2 lists the computation costs of three entities in the different phases of the protocol. From the table, we observed that the computation cost in the registration phase is very small and has little impact on the overall performance. In the authentication and key agreement phase, the time cost on the user is \(2TG_m+5T_h+TG_e\) (88.643 ms), time cost on the fog node is \(2TG_m+5T_h+TG_e\) (9.26 ms), and time cost on the cloud server is \(3TG_m+9T_h+TG_e\) (11.266 ms). It can also be observed from the table that the time cost is mainly in the calculation of bilinear pairings. Thus, we could reduce the time costs by designing a protocol without bilinear pairings.

Table 2 Computation cost at each entity (ms)

To evaluate the communication costs, we denote the length of a point in group \(G_1\) as \(|G_1|\), which is 1024 bit. The output of hash functions \(h_0,h_1,h_2,h_3,h_4\) is in \(Z_p^*\), which has a length of 160 bit, denoted as |q|. The output length of \(h_5\) is equal to the session key size k, and we assume it to be 256 bit. We also assume that timestamp has a length of 32 bit, denoted as T. The communication costs in each phase of the protocol are listed in Table 3. From the table, we observed that the communication costs on the user and cloud are the same, namely, \(|G_1|+2|q|+|T|\) (1376 bit). Communication on the fog node side is relatively higher at \(3|G_1|+6|q|+3|T|\) (4128 bit).

Table 3 Communication costs at each entity (bits)

8 Conclusion

Fog computing has applications in a wide range of applications, ranging from civilian (e.g. healthcare settings such as the context in this paper) to military (e.g. battlefields in fog-of-battlefields). Thus, the capability to ensure security and privacy of a fog-driven deployment will be increasingly important.

In this paper, we proposed a three-party AKA protocol with bilinear pairings, and proved its security in the random oracle model. The performance evaluation was also presented, which demonstrated its potential to be deployed in a real-world healthcare organization.

Future work includes exploring ways to improve the efficiency of the scheme, in order to be more suited for other lightweight applications.