1 Introduction

Today, standard computational nodes include one multicore CPU together with one or more coprocessors (typically GPUs and/or Many Integrated Core, e.g., the Intel Xeon Phi). The basic computational components of these nodes have different architectures and computational capacities; therefore, they can be organized/managed hierarchically, with the basic computing units (CPU, GPU and MIC) having separate memory spaces and communicating with data transfers between them across the memory associated with the CPUs and those of the coprocessors. This heterogeneous and hierarchical organization makes the efficient exploitation of routines for those nodes difficult and requires techniques for exploiting the underlying heterogeneity and hierarchy.

Elsewhere, linear algebra routines are widely used as basic computational kernels in scientific software, and their optimization for today’s standard heterogeneous nodes would lead to important improvements when solving scientific problems based on highly efficient linear algebra libraries such as MKL [16], PLASMA [19], MAGMA [1] and Chameleon [8], whose routines base their optimization in implementations by blocks or tiles in which the basic kernel is a highly optimized matrix multiplication [13]. The matrix multiplication has been widely researched, and there are now many highly efficient implementations for today’s systems [14, 15, 17]. As with computational systems, the optimization of linear algebra routines has traditionally been based on a hierarchical schema [6], with a set of basic linear algebra routines (BLAS) and higher-level routines (LAPACK) developed by blocks or tiles.

A hierarchical and decentralized schema can be applied for the automatic optimization of linear algebra software for heterogeneous CPU+multicoprocessor nodes [7]. This paper analyzes the application of the hierarchical approach to both the hardware and the software in multicore+multicoprocessor nodes and uses a traditional three-loop matrix multiplication and a Strassen multiplication as proof of concept.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 makes a brief comparison with other hierarchical optimization approaches. The implementations of the parallel routines used to illustrate the methodology of hierarchical autotuning for linear algebra (the traditional and the Strassen matrix multiplications) are presented in Sect. 3. Section 4 outlines the general ideas of the hierarchical methodology, and Sect. 5 gives some experimental results which show the applicability of the proposal. Section 6 comments on some possible extensions of the methodology, and Sect. 7 concludes the paper.

2 Related work

Traditionally, hierarchical approaches have been applied in the design of general software [4], and, particularly, in the design of parallel linear algebra routines [6] and also in the theoretical study of its execution time [11]. Recently, they have been applied in the development of linear algebra routines for both clusters and distributed systems. The autotuning process applied to these routines must take into account this degree of heterogeneity when searching for the best adjustable parameter values [23].

The search for satisfactory values for those adjustable parameters when tuning a routine for a hierarchical computational system can be improved in various ways. The convex form of the function that represents the execution time [24] or accurate theoretical models [5] can be used. An optimization problem of finding the values of the parameters which minimize the execution time can be approached through metaheuristic methods (e.g., OpenTuner [2]) or with heuristics tailored for each specific routine to optimize [10].

Some works exploit heterogeneity to improve this search. When applying OpenTuner, the parameters can be grouped hierarchically and the tool can be applied incrementally to the parameters at different levels. In [15], the hierarchical organization of the communication scheme is exploited for the optimization of a parallel matrix multiplication.

In [18], a study of each routine is carried out to perform a division of the search space of the adjustable parameters, a graph of dependencies is generated, and then, independent subspaces composed of the nodes of the graph may be tuned with individual search algorithms. In [22], the autotuning process is divided into different phases that work with different sets of adjustable parameters: local parameters such as loop unrolling, those related to the threads and, finally, those referring to the distribution of work between nodes.

As far as we know, our proposal is the first to consider a hierarchy in both the hardware and software, in a two-dimensional way. Furthermore, the set of parameters considered at each level form a black box that is autotuned separately and can be reused in the autotuning process at any upper level box, which includes it in the hardware or software hierarchy. In addition, variability is an important issue in autotuning [20], and the hierarchical optimization methodology used here allows us to intensify the experimentation at different levels depending on the degree of variability observed for each routine and for each computing unit, and different optimization methods (theoretical, experimental, hybrid) or software (e.g., OpenTuner) can be used at different levels depending on how accurate and efficient they prove to be for the particular software and hardware.

3 Parallel implementations of the naive three-loop multiplication and the Strassen method

The basic and the Strassen matrix multiplication are used to show the application of the hierarchical autotuning methodology. The development of routines which are competitive with efficient implementations of the matrix multiplication is out of the scope of this paper.

3.1 Matrix multiplication

Our implementation of the basic matrix multiplication for multicore+coprocessor is heterogeneous. The data are unevenly distributed between the computing units (CUs) in the node, and the computations (matrix multiplication) are carried out in each CU with optimized routines. The amount of work to assign to each CU is obtained taking in consideration their relative speed.

For the matrix multiplication \(C =\alpha AB +\beta C\), \(A \in R^{m\times k}\), \(B \in R^{k\times n}\), \(C \in R^{m\times n}\), matrix A is replicated in all the CUs in the node, and matrix B is scattered in adjacent blocks of columns. There are some works on techniques for balancing the workload between the CPU and the coprocessors [12, 24]. If the node comprises one multicore CPU and c coprocessors (referenced from 1 to c), the matrix multiplication can be expressed as \(C =\alpha (AB_1 | \cdots | AB_{c+1}) + \beta (C_1 | \cdots |C_{c+1})\), where \(\alpha AB_i+\beta C_i\), with \(1\le j\le c\), is assigned to the coprocessor j, and \(\alpha AB_{c+1}+\beta C_{c+1}\) to the CPU, with \(B_i\in R^{k\times n_i}\), \(\sum _{i=1}^{c+1} n_i=n\).

In a node with one multicore CPU and c coprocessors, of which g are GPU and m MIC (\(c=g+m\)), our task is to determine the optimum values of \(n_i\), \(1\le i\le c+1\). Thus, it depends on the speed of the CUs in the node when running the basic matrix multiplication when optimized for the current matrix sizes. We use the basic multiplication from MKL [16] for CPU and Xeon Phi and the one from cuBLAS [9] for GPU, but the methodology can be applied with other basic libraries and for other versions of the matrix multiplication.

When the matrix multiplication is executed on a platform composed of N heterogeneous nodes, where node i has a multicore CPU (with \(p_i\) cores) and \(c_i\) accelerators, the set of adjustable parameters, whose values must be chosen for setting the execution of the routine, is:

$$\begin{aligned}&\{n_{1,1},\ldots ,n_{1,j},\ldots , n_{1,c_1},n_{1,\mathrm{cpu}},\ldots , n_{i,1},\ldots ,n_{i,j},\ldots ,n_{i,c_i},n_{i,\mathrm{cpu}},\ldots , \nonumber \\&\qquad n_{N,1},\ldots ,n_{N,j},\ldots ,n_{N,c_N},n_{N,\mathrm{cpu}}\}, \end{aligned}$$

with \(n_{i,j}\) being the number of columns of matrix B mapped to the accelerator j of node i (\(1\le i\le N\), \(1\le j\le c_i\)) and \(n_{i,\mathrm{cpu}}\) the part mapped to the CPU in node i. The search space for the best values for these adjustable parameters following a global method would be huge. For example, if matrix B is divided into blocks with s consecutive columns, the number of possible assignations has an order of \(O\left( \left( N+\sum _{i=1}^N c_i\right) ^{\frac{n}{s}}\right) \). Alternatively, with a hierarchical approach, the search space to decide the distribution between nodes has an order of \(O\left( N ^{\frac{n}{s}}\right) \), and in each node i the order is \(O\left( \left( 1+c_i\right) ^{\frac{n}{s}}\right) \). If a heuristics method based on the exploration of the neighborhood is used to guide the search [10] and the neighbors for a given configuration are those obtained just by transferring a quantity of workload from one element to other, the neighborhood has an order of \(O\left( \left( N+\sum _{i=1}^N c_i\right) ^2\right) \) without the hierarchical approach, and \(O\left( N ^2\right) \) and \(O\left( \left( 1+c_i\right) ^2\right) \) for the whole platform and the nodes with the hierarchical methodology.

Besides, if we take into account the set of adjustable parameters for each basic computational element, the search space grows considerably. For instance, when using the MKL multiplication, the number of MKL threads influences the execution time; therefore, the value for this parameter must be considered for CPU and Xeon Phi. So, if \(t_{i,j}\) represents the number of threads to use in each element j of each node i, the set of parameters in Eq. (1) is now

$$\begin{aligned}&\{n_{1,1},\ldots ,n_{1,j},\ldots , n_{1,c_1},n_{1,\mathrm{cpu}},\ldots , n_{i,1},\ldots ,n_{i,j},\ldots ,n_{i,c_i},n_{i,\mathrm{cpu}},\ldots , \nonumber \\&\qquad n_{N,1},\ldots ,n_{N,j},\ldots ,n_{N,c_N},n_{N,\mathrm{cpu}}, \nonumber \\&\qquad t_{1,1},\ldots ,t_{1,j},\ldots , t_{1,c_1},t_{1,\mathrm{cpu}},\ldots , t_{i,1},\ldots ,t_{i,j},\ldots ,t_{i,c_i},t_{i,\mathrm{cpu}},\ldots , \nonumber \\&\qquad t_{N,1},\ldots ,t_{N,j},\ldots ,t_{N,c_N},t_{N,\mathrm{cpu}}\} \end{aligned}$$

3.2 Strassen multiplication

The Strassen multiplication has a recursive schema in which the basic operations are at the same time matrix multiplications, which are carried out with efficient implementations for the system in hand. It follows the typical divide-and-conquer recursive paradigm. We consider square matrices, and the matrices to be multiplied and the resulting matrix are divided into four submatrices of size \(\frac{n}{2}\times \frac{n}{2}\). The routine is then called recursively seven times with matrices of this size. Ten additions and subtractions of matrices \(\frac{n}{2}\times \frac{n}{2}\) are carried out to form the matrices to be multiplied, and the seven resulting matrices are combined with eight operations of the same type and size. For submatrices smaller than a base size, the direct heterogeneous multiplication is used.

When the Strassen multiplication is installed directly on a node, the parameters to be selected are those corresponding to the Strassen method (recursion level and assignation of the basic multiplications to the CUs of the node), and for each basic multiplication the parameters considered depending on the unit to which it is assigned (workload for each basic CU, and the number of threads on CPU and Xeon Phi, and no parameter for GPU).

4 Methodology for hierarchical autotuning

An autotuning methodology is used to provide linear algebra routines with automatic optimization capability for heterogeneous nodes. Thus, when the user wants to run the routine for a specific problem size, the execution is close to optimum in execution time without user intervention. Some decisions which depend on the computing units and the routine implementation need to be taken. They correspond to parameters (Algorithmic Parameters, AP) which determine the way in which the routine is run. The values of the parameters which give the lowest execution time are searched for, either theoretically or empirically. In complex computational systems, with a large number of CUs, the number of parameters and their possible values can be huge, making it impossible to explore exhaustively all the possible values for all the parameters (Eq. 2). The hierarchical approach helps to overcome this problem, organizing the computational units and/or the routines hierarchically, with smaller groups of decisions to take at each level of the hierarchy, and taking these decisions at each level using the information from previous levels.

4.1 Basis of the autotuning methodology

The hardware dimension is considered here in order to simplify the description of the autotuning methodology. The following subsection shows how this proposal is applied to a two-dimensional hardware+software hierarchy.

In general, a platform is considered as a computing unit, CU, of the highest level made up of a set of computing units of a lower level. Recursively, this approach is used for each CU at the successive levels until the basic level is reached. In a node, the whole node is considered at the highest level (level 1), and the basic computing units (CPU, GPU, MIC or any other accelerator) composing the node are considered at the lowest level (level 0). Additionally, the computing units of level \(l-1\) which compose a unit at a level l are connected through links of level \(l-1\), which correspond to how the units at level \(l-1\) communicate data. Those links can be physical or logical. For example, the CUs can share the memory and the data can be communicated through the memory; or they can be nodes in a cluster with an interconnection network. In our case, the three types of computing units in a node communicate with transfers to and from the CPU and the coprocessors.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Operation diagram of the autotuning engine for the CU i of level l, \(CU_i^l\), searching the best values for its adjustable parameters, \(AP_i^l\), for each problem size, \(n_i\), at Level_l_Installation_Set

Given a routine, at each level l of the hierarchy, the search process for the best AP values is performed simultaneously in all the CUs of this level, for each problem size previously selected and stored in Level_l_Installation_Set by the platform manager. When the installation finishes for level l, the best AP values and the performance information obtained for each CU and for each link (bandwidth and latency) are stored in Level_l_Performance_Information (Fig. 1). This information is used to guide the process at level \(l+1\), so reducing the complexity and the time of the installation process. As mentioned, the search for the best values of the AP for each CU can be made independently, which makes it easier to use different methods for searching, for each level and even for each CU. Some possible methods are:

  • TPM: Theoretical-Practical Modeling In this approach, the working time, \(T_w\), to solve the problem of size \(n_i\) in \(CU_i^l\) is considered to be the maximum execution time needed by its CUs of level \(l-1\) for solving the portion of the problem assigned to each of them, \(n_{i,j}\) according to the Level_l-1_Performance_Information. The execution time for each CU of level l, \(CU_{i,j}^{l-1}\), is the addition of the communication time (\(T_c\)) for receiving operands and sending results back from/to the data source, \(CU_{i,0}^{l-1}\), plus the working time for the solution of that subproblem, \(T_w\). So, the theoretical optimum time is represented as

    $$\begin{aligned} T_w(CU_i^l,n_i)= \min _{AP_i^l}\left\{ \max _{CU_{i,j}^{l-1}} \left\{ T_w(CU_{i,j}^{l-1},n_{i,j}) + T_c(CU_{i,0}^{l-1},n_{i,j})\right\} \right\} \end{aligned}$$

    With this approach, the installation process for the level l, with \(l>0\), does not entail additional experimentation, since it is based completely on the information from the previous level, Level_l-1_Performance_Information. The only experimentation necessary is that of level 0, to obtain the performance of the CUs and the time of the links at that basic level.

  • EES: Exhaustive Experimental Searching The installation can be executed for the routine in \(CU_i^l\) for each subproblem of the sizes collected in Level_l_Installation_Set for this CU. For each of these sizes, the goal is to find the combination of values of the AP (in a range preset by the system manager) of that CU, \(AP_i^l\), which provides the lowest execution time.

  • HES: Heuristic Experimental Searching An exhaustive experimental search may be excessively costly, so it can be replaced by another type of experimental search that includes some kind of heuristics, for example, starting from the selection of the \(AP_i^l\) values made by the theoretical–practical modeling and performing a local experimental search around these values.

As described, the information of the CU of the previous level corresponds to the black boxes and, therefore, not have to be modified, but is used in the corresponding method chosen for \(CU_i^l\). So, the search space is considerably reduced. In the same way, the autotuning work for each CU is isolated and modulated and can be done simultaneously for all the units at the same level, using the appropriate method for each of them.

4.2 Methodology for a two-dimensional hardware+software hierarchy

Like the hardware, the software is also organized in levels, with the basic routines at the lowest level, and the routines calling to those basic routines at a higher level. Any number of levels can be considered.

We illustrate the methodology with two levels for the hardware (a node as level 1 and its CUs as level 0) and two levels for the software (the basic matrix multiplication as level 0 routine and, as an example of level 1 routine, the Strassen multiplication).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Possibilities of installation of routines for various levels of software and hardware

There are different possibilities when installing a routine of a certain level on a computing platform of a particular level. Figure 2 shows the possibilities for various levels of routines and platforms. A circle in the figure (labeled SRHP) represents that the routine S of level R is installed in platform H of level P. An arrow labeled SRHP-srhp represents that routine S of level R is installed in platform H of level P using the information obtained when the routine s of level r was installed in platform h of level p (Level_srhp_Peformance_Information). Only two levels (continuous lines) are explained in detail, and some possible extensions (dashed lines) are commented on elsewhere. A bottom-up approach is used to show how the methodology works starting from the lowest level (S0H0) to the highest level (S1H1):

  • Level S0H0: The installation of the basic routine in each basic computing unit is carried out by searching for the best AP values for the problem sizes previously stored in Level_S0H0_Installation_Set. Since S0H0 is the lowest level of the hierarchy, the search method employed for this level is exhaustive. The values of the AP for which the lowest experimental time is obtained are stored together with the performance (GFlops) in Level_S0H0_Performance_Information. In our example, no parameters are considered for GPU, and only the performance is stored. For CPU and MIC, the number of threads is also selected.

  • Level S0H1: When a routine of level 0, S0, is installed on the node, H1, the amount of work to assign to each CU of the node needs to be determined, as well as the parameters for each particular CU for the problem size assigned to it. The values of these parameters could be selected either by working directly at level 1 (S0H1) or by the hierarchical approach delegating the selection of the parameters at this level to the installation of the previous level (S0H1-s0h0). In order to select the best theoretical partition of the work, the hierarchical approach can be applied to obtain the information from the previous level (Level_S0H0_Performance_Information) and then perform experiments varying the amount of work assigned to each CU (EES or HES method) or use Eq. (3) without experimentation (TPM method).

  • Level S1H0: The installation of the level 1 routine, S1 (Strassen multiplication in our example), in a CU of level 0 could be made at the highest level with experiments, varying the AP values for both this routine and the basic routine. With the hierarchical approach (S1H0-s0h0), only the parameter value of the level 1 routine (Strassen recursion level) is searched for, whereas the parameter values of the basic routine (number of threads for CPU or MIC) would be taken from the information generated by S0H0 (Level_S0H0_Performance_Information). In this way, the performance information from a lower level (S0H0) is reused for higher levels of hardware (S0H1-s0h0) or software (S1H0-s0h0) and could also be reused for other nodes with the same basic CUs or for other routines which call to the basic matrix multiplication with sizes and shapes similar to those used in the installation in S0H0 (Level_S0H0_Installation_Set).

  • Level S1H1: The installation at the highest level can be made hierarchically in three ways:

    • S1H1-s0h1: The routine S1 uses S0 optimized for the level 1 of the hardware, so the exploitation of the heterogeneity of the system is delegated to S0. Only AP values of S1 have to be selected. In our example, the basic matrix multiplication optimized for the node is used to perform each multiplication in the base case of the Strassen recursion. The distribution of the data to the CUs is made inside the basic multiplication. Therefore, the only parameter value to be determined is the recursion level of the Strassen method.

    • S1H1-s0h0: Each basic routine, S0, used in S1 is assigned to a single CU of level 0. The decision on how to perform this mapping is a parameter whose value must be determined. An exhaustive experimental search (EES method) for the best allocation among all the possible ones may not be viable. An alternative is to perform a theoretical search based on the performance information of each basic CU obtained and saved when S0 has been installed at level H0 (TPM method). In the example, each basic multiplication is performed in a single CU, with the parameters (number of threads in CPU and MIC) stored in S0H0 for the matrix sizes closest to those of the matrices to be multiplied. So, the preferred recursion level is selected together with the distribution of the basic multiplications between the basic CUs in the node. Another alternative is to use dynamic scheduling [3]. The basic matrices are distributed among the CUs dynamically, starting with the fastest units, and the information from S0H0 can be used to decide the CU in which the basic multiplications are assigned. The working distribution with lowest computing inactivity gaps is searched for [21].

    • S1H1-s1h0: This case is similar to S1H1-s0h0, with the only difference that now, S0 (the basic multiplication) is replaced by S1 (a Strassen multiplication), for which different values of its AP (recursion level) may have been selected for each computing unit when S1 was installed on it with S1H0.

    The three possibilities can be tested (experimentally or theoretically) to select the best of the three configurations: successive basic multiplications which exploit the heterogeneity in the node, and sets of basic or Strassen multiplications assigned to the basic CUs. Each possibility corresponds to a different implementation of the Strassen method for the node. Furthermore, the schema in Fig. 2 follows the dynamic programming paradigm, with the value for levels 1 for software and hardware obtained from the optima stored for lower levels.

Table 1 summarizes the AP for levels 0 and 1 of hardware (multicore, GPU and MIC as CUs at level 0, and nodes composed of level 0 CUs at level 1) and software (basic multiplication at level 0, Strassen multiplication at level 1).

Table 1 Algorithmic parameters, AP, for levels 0 and 1 in the hierarchy (Fig. 2), with the basic matrix multiplication as level 0 routine and the Strassen multiplication as an example of level 1 routine

The parameters for the basic matrix multiplication are those in Eq. (2). For the Strassen multiplication, the APs are the recursion level and the parallel implementation of Strassen to be used (s0h1, s0h0 or s1h0). For the two Strassen implementations based on simultaneous execution of routines optimized for H0 (s0h0 or s1h0), an additional parameter would be the mapping of these routines to the CUs of level 0.

5 Experimental results

This section shows some results to illustrate the installation of some linear algebra routines using a hierarchical autotuning engine at different levels, as shown in Fig. 2. The basic matrix multiplication and the Strassen multiplication are used for software levels 0 and 1, and level 1 of hardware corresponds to a hybrid node with a multicore CPU and several coprocessors such as GPUs and/or Xeon Phi (placed at level 0). Experiments have been carried out in four computing nodes:

  • 6c_GTX480: 1 CPU AMD Phenom II X6 1075T (6 cores) and 1 GPU NVIDIA GForce GTX 480 Fermi.

  • 24c_K20c: 4 CPU Intel Xeon E7530 (hexa-core) (24 cores) and 1 GPU NVIDIA Tesla K20c (Kepler).

  • 12c_2C2075_4GTX590: 2 CPU Intel Xeon E5-2620 (hexa-core) (12 cores), 2 GPUs NVIDIA Tesla C2075 Fermi and 4 GPUs NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590 Fermi.

  • 12c_GT640K_2MIC: 2 CPU Intel Xeon E5-2620 (hexa-core) (12 cores), 1 GPU NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 Kepler and 2 Intel Xeon Phi 3120A KNC.

MKL was used for the basic multiplications on CPU and Xeon Phi, and cuBLAS was used for GPU, but the methodology works in the same way for other basic libraries, and the results are similar.

How the hierarchical autotuning works is shown. At the lowest level (S0H0), experiments are carried out for each problem size in the Installation_Set and each basic CU considered. The sizes in the Installation_Set must be representative of the sizes with which the matrix multiplication will be called at higher levels. Hence, square and rectangular matrices need to be experimented with. For example, for multiplications of size 1000, in the multiplication on a node, matrix B may be partitioned in different sizes, and multiplications of sizes \(1000\times 1000\times n\), for several values of \(n\le 1000\), are included in the Installation_Set. When more values of n are used, the installation time increases, but the information generated represents the behavior of the routine better. Table 2 shows the installation time for the different CUs of each computing node considered for sizes 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 and 50 intermediate values of n for each size s (\(\frac{s}{50}\), \(2\frac{s}{50}, \ldots , s\)). The total installation time is the highest of the times in all the CUs (the installation is made in parallel). The time is around 9 h, which is affordable because it runs just once, but a HES method with guided search can be used to reduce this time [10].

Table 2 Installation time (in s) on each CU, for an Installation_Set with sizes ssn, with \(s=1000,2000, 3000,4000,5000,6000\) and \(n=k\frac{s}{50}\), \(k=1,2,\ldots ,50\)

On advancing one level in the hardware, for an installation S0H1-s0h0 the information of lower level can be used at least two ways:

  • At this level, we consider an Installation_Set with square matrices of sizes 1500, 2500, 3500, 4500, 5500, 6500 and 7500. The workload to assign to each CU is decided for each matrix size with the relative performance of each unit stored for the closest problem size in the Installation_Set of S0H0 (for example, for 1500 the values associated with 1000 are considered). Figure 3 shows, for the four nodes considered, the workload distribution to each CU. The workload changes for the different nodes. For large problems, it tends to be proportional to the relative computational capacity of the units, but this is not so for smaller problems (especially in 24c_K20c and 12c_GT640K_2MIC), which can be closer to the sizes used when the routine is used inside routines of higher level. In 12c_2C2075_4GTX590, the fastest GPUs are GPU1 and GPU5, and the GPU of 12c_GT640K_2MIC is much slower than the other units, so the amount of work assigned to it is residual. No experiments are carried out in the installation, for which the information from S0H0 is used, so the installation time is very low if the node comprises only a few CUs. For more CUs, this time increases. In 12c_GT640K_2MIC, with four units, it is around 0.28 s, and in 12c_2C2075_4GTX590 with seven CUs, it grows to 126.35 s.

  • The prediction based only on the performance of the CUs without considering transfers (TPM method in S0H0 performing experiments only on the computation) gives estimations far from the experimental measures. An installation with experiments which include transfers produces more accurate predictions and consequently facilitates better decisions. One possibility to reuse information from level 0 is to experimentally measure the transfer cost between CPU and coprocessors and to use accurate models of the execution time including the transfers cost [5]. The time is the maximum of the computational plus transfer times from all the CUs according to Eq. (3) (TPM method in S0H0 performing experiments on computation and communications). Figure 4 compares in 12c_2C2075_4GTX590 and 12c_GT640K_ 2MIC the prediction with and without transfers. The installation is made at level 0 and 1 with sizes 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 and 6000 (and the corresponding rectangular matrices), and square multiplications of sizes 1500, 3500 and 5500 are used for the comparison. Without transfers, the number of columns of matrix B assigned to each CU is obtained with Eq. (3) with \(T_c=0\), and when the transfers are considered, the GFlops for each entry of the Installation_Set are obtained with executions for each size and workload distribution in the equation, so the values \(T_c\) are considered. This figure shows, for each test size, the quotient of the execution time with respect to the lowest experimental, which is obtained with exhaustive executions and varying the workload distribution among CUs. The decisions are better (quotient closer to 1) when the transfers are considered, and improve when the problem size increases.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Workload distribution among the CUs in the four nodes considered for different matrix sizes

Fig. 4
figure 4

Quotient of the execution time with respect to the lowest experimental, with the workload distribution selected depending on whether the transfers are taken into account or not in the execution time model (Eq. 3)

When the level of the software increases (S1H0), we consider the Strassen multiplication in individual CUs. The optimum recursion level is obtained experimentally for the sizes in the Installation_Set on each CPU, GPU and Xeon Phi, and the parameters of the basic routine are delegated to the installation in the previous level of software (S1H0-s0h0). Figure 5 shows the quotient of the execution time of the direct multiplication with respect to that of the Strassen algorithm, when varying the recursion level and the number of threads, for matrix sizes 8000 and 12,000, for the nodes 12c_2C2075_4GTX590 and K20c. The quotient for the slowest (GTX590) and the fastest (K20c) GPUs are also shown (for GTX590 only size 8000 due to memory constraints). According to the figure, due to the higher speed of the GPUs, the selected level would be 0 (direct multiplication), whereas for the CPUs the preferred level for large matrix sizes is 1.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Quotient of the execution time of the direct multiplication with respect to that of the Strassen’s algorithm with recursion levels L1, L2 and L3, for matrix sizes 8000 (up) and 12,000 (bottom), in two nodes, with one GPU on each node

At the highest level of hardware and software, the Strassen multiplication can run with successive executions of the basic multiplication using the whole node in the basic case, so the only parameter to be selected is the level of recursion, since the workload distribution to the CUs is done in the basic multiplication (S1H1-s0h1). Table 3 shows, for different matrix sizes, the configuration with which the lowest execution time is obtained as well as the parameters selected. The results are for 12c_2C2075_4GTX590, and the use of all the GPUs in the node generates many transfers and a degradation on the performance, so different combinations of CPU and GPUs are considered (CPU+C2075, CPU+GTX590, C2075+GTX590, CPU+C2075+GTX590 and CPU+2C2075). The lowest times are always obtained with CPU+2C2075, which is the configuration with the highest computational capacity. For small matrices, the direct method is preferred, but due to memory limitations, Strassen with one recursion level can be used for larger matrices. For very large matrices, two levels are required. The workload of the Strassen method corresponds to that of the basic multiplication: half the size of the matrix or a quarter, for levels 1 and 2. The parameters are autonomously selected by the heterogeneous multiplication on the node (S0H1).

Table 3 Method with which the lowest execution time is obtained, varying the matrix size on 12c_2C2075_4GTX590

6 Possible extensions

The methodology can be extended in both hardware and software hierarchies (dashed lines in Fig. 2).

One possibility of extension in the hardware hierarchy is to use of the concept of subnodes (subsets of CUs) inside a node. In this way, each subnode becomes a CU of level 1 and the node is at level 2. The handling of the subnode concept introduces more flexibility to the proposal. When several routines without temporal dependencies are executed, there are two options: to execute one after the other using the node as a whole for each one of them, or to manage the node as a set of subnodes where simultaneous executions of these routines are mapped.

In the example, we have a S1H2 strategy, in which the Strassen multiplication is optimized for the node with dynamic assignation of the basic multiplications to CUs of level 1 (subnodes). Figure 6 compares the execution time of the Strassen multiplication of level 1 on 12c_2C2075_4GTX590 for different configurations of subnodes: \(1\times (12c+2C2075)\), one subnode composed of 12 CPU cores plus 2 C2075; \(2\times (6c+C2075)\), two subnodes, each composed of 6 CPU cores plus 1 C2075 card; and \(2\times (4c+C2075)+1\times (4c+GTX590)\), three subnodes, each with 4 CPU cores, two of them with one C2075 and the other with one GTX590. The extension of the hierarchy in the hardware contributes to lower execution times. Furthermore, the workload distribution to the basic CUs of each subnode is decided with information from installation of the basic multiplication on each subnode. For example, for matrix size 10,000, the executions with C2075 distribute 1000 columns of matrix B to the CPU and 4000 columns to the GPU, and in GTX590 the distribution is 1600 for CPU and 3400 to the GPU.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Execution time with different hierarchical configurations of the computational node as a group of subnodes, varying the matrix size in 12c_2C2075_4GTX590 with two C2075 and one GTX590

Another possibility of extension in the hardware hierarchy is to treat the whole cluster of nodes as a CU of level 2. A basic matrix multiplication which distributes matrix B among the nodes is a level 0 routine running on a level 2 CU (S0H2). Table 4 shows the workload distribution in a cluster made up of four nodes connected through Gigabit Ethernet. The installation time is short (less than 1 min) thanks to the use of the information stored at level 1. The deviation of the performance with respect to the lowest experimental (exhaustive experiments varying the workload) is maintained at an acceptable level (between 2 and 10%) without user intervention.

Table 4 Workload distribution of the matrix multiplication in a cluster with four nodes

Regarding extensions in the software hierarchy, other linear algebra routines can be optimized at level 1 using the same information of the installation for lower level routines. As an example, we consider an LU factorization by blocks on 12c_2C2075_4GTX590 (S1H1) which uses the matrix multiplication on each basic CU (S0H0). Table 5 shows the workload distribution and the GFlops achieved with the four multiplications inside the LU factorization of size \(10{,}000\times 10{,}000\) with a block size of 1000. The division shows the number of columns of matrix B distributed to the CPU and to each GPU. The six GPUs in the node are considered, but, due to the high CPU–GPU transfer cost, only three are used. The first and third GPUs are GTX590, and the second is a C2075, so more work is assigned to the C2075. When the size of the multiplication decreases, the same happens with the performance and the number of GPUs selected to work with.

Table 5 Work division and performance of the successive matrix multiplications in an LU factorization \(10{,}000\times 10{,}000\) with block size \(1000\times 1000\), in 12c_2C2075_4GTX590
Fig. 7
figure 7

Matrix multiplication routine in 12c_1GTX590_1C2075. Comparison of the performance obtained using three searching algorithms of the proposed hierarchical methodology (HL) and OpenTuner (OT) with the search time limit employed by each HL version. The results are the mean of ten executions for each matrix size. On the left, the performance in GFlops. On the right, the loss of performance of the methods exploiting the hierarchy and OpenTuner with the corresponding time limit with respect to the exhaustive search method

Another aspect of possible extensions to the proposed methodology arises from the comparison with existing standard proposals. Figure 7 shows a performance comparison of the matrix multiplication routine in a node with a multicore CPU and two different GPUs (S0H1) using different approaches:

  • Peak is obtained for each problem size, n, by adding the performance obtained for this size with the MKL multiplication on CPU and the cuBLAS multiplication on each GPU. It represents the maximum achievable performance with these basic libraries, but the actual multiplications are carried out in each CU with smaller matrices (\(n_{gpu1}\), \(n_{gpu2}\) and \(n_{\mathrm{cpu}}\), with \(n=n_{gpu1}+n_{gpu2}+n_{\mathrm{cpu}}\)) and so the experimental results will not be close to this value.

  • The performance using different searching methods for the AP values (HL, in green). \(HL_{Exh}\) corresponds to an exhaustive search on all the possible values of the parameters. The hierarchy is not exploited, and it represents a more realistic upper-bound than Peak. Two methods use the information of level 0, performing a search on the parameters of level 1 only (S0H1-s0h0): the exhaustive experimental search (\(HL_{EES}\)) and the heuristic experimental search (\(HL_{HES}\)) described in Sect. 4.1. The total installation time employed for the problem sizes 1000, 2000, ..., 7000 was more than 3 days for \(HL_{Exh}\), around 4 h for \(HL_{EES}\) and around 4 min for \(HL_{HES}\). So, there is a great reduction in the search time with the hierarchical methodology, mainly when some heuristic is used.

  • The performance obtained with OpenTuner (OT, in blue) where the search time has been limited to the search time of the three HL versions.

It can be observed how the performance obtained with each version of HL versus OT limited with the same search time are very similar, but slightly favorable to HL. The average loss of OpenTuner with respect to \(HL_{Exh}\) is 11.2%, and 15.7% with the time limits from \(HL_{EES}\) and \(HL_{HES}\). The average losses of \(HL_{EES}\) and \(HL_{HES}\) are 12.8% and 4.8%, respectively. So, the systematic application of metaheuristics by OpenTuner gives slightly better results than those with the exhaustive search of the parameters at level 1, but a heuristic search on those parameters greatly improves the results with lower search times. This leads us to think that the integration of OpenTuner in the hierarchical approach as one of the possible methods to be used at some levels of the hierarchy could be interesting, and that neighborhood-based search methods should be considered to be included in OpenTuner.

7 Conclusions and future research

This work presents an autotuning methodology for parallel routines on heterogeneous platforms composed of hybrid nodes with a different number and type of processing elements (multicore and manycore). A hierarchical bottom-up approach is proposed. The integration of the software and hardware hierarchies allows the complexity of this autotuning process to be addressed in a decentralized and modular manner. As proof of concept, the methodology is described using the matrix multiplication kernel like basic routine, and the extension to higher-level routines is discussed with the Strassen multiplication. The optimization of the basic multiplications is performed at the lowest level of the hierarchy for the underlying computing system, whereas the combination of those multiplications and their assignation to the computing units is decided at a second level. Therefore, the efficient exploitation of the computing units in the node is delegated to the underlying direct multiplication in the base case.

The Strassen multiplication is used as a case study to show the viability of the hierarchical autotuning methodology, but it can be applied similarly to other linear algebra routines, like matrix factorizations (LU, QR, Cholesky) implemented by blocks, with the most computationally demanding kernel being the matrix multiplication. So, the information generated when the basic matrix multiplication is installed at the different levels of a computing platform can be used for several higher-level routines, for which it is necessary to consider installations of the basic multiplication with sizes and shapes similar to those used in the routines in which it is going to be used. Furthermore, there are other routines of lower order which are called inside the higher-level routines. In the Strassen multiplication, these are additions and subtractions, and in matrix factorizations, they are normally non-block factorizations on smaller matrices and solutions of triangular systems also working on smaller matrices. For a particular routine, a graph of dependencies should be developed, and the tasks in the graph assigned to the computing units statically or dynamically. Even in linear algebra packages with dynamic assignation of tasks, the block or tile sizes need to be selected, so we are working on the adaptation of the methodology for libraries with dynamic assignation (e.g., Chameleon).

The hierarchical structure of the methodology makes it a generic approach. The search for appropriate values of the parameters for a problem size can be very costly, and so an exhaustive search (experimentation or theoretical estimation for all the possible values of the parameters, or for a representative set of values) can be substituted by a smarter search. OpenTuner is a powerful tool for parameters selection, and its integration in the hierarchical methodology is being considered. In any case, the use of more sophisticated search methods would contribute to reduce the installation time, but they do not change the validity of the hierarchical approach.