1 Introduction

The ever increasing processing speeds of supercomputers—culminating at IBM Summit [6] with its peak speed of 201 PFlops and 2,414,592 cores—brings exascale era within reach by systems and applications developers. For achieving the milestone of exascale computing, the developers must reduce power consumption and increase processing speeds by means of, e.g., design of power-efficient processors (and other components) capable of delivering higher local performance and design of networks capable of delivering low-latency and high-bandwidth communications. Those goals have been incrementally achieved, e.g., the ratio of performance to power consumption of IBM Summit is greater than that of TaihuLight; IBM Summit’s faster processing speed is reached with a smaller number of cores; comparison of June 2018 and November 2018 Top 500 lists [6] shows Sierra machine surpassing TaihuLight with a new High-Performance Linpack (HPL) result. Performance increase, however, cannot rely only on raising individual processors clock speed because of the power wall of the Moore’s law [60]. Consequently, the number of interconnected processors will keep increasing along with the impact of network topologies on the supercomputers’ sustained (maintained average) processing speed, a deed raising the necessity of providing architects with consistent tools for the discovery and design of optimal networks. To attend that, theoretical insights [30, 64] for describing, designing, analyzing and optimizing the next-generation interconnection networks to increase global processing speeds of supercomputers may become a major tool for the HPC community.

In this manuscript, we approach the problem of enhancing a cluster’s performance using symmetric minimal latency network topologies supported by a new framework for designing regular graphs of degree k with rotational symmetry and minimal mean path length. The graphs support the network topologies of the directly connected clusters that we benchmarked. The optimal graphs enabled building a cluster which may outperforms a torus of the same degree by a factor of up to 3. Our graphs of degree 3 can achieve the same performance of the torus of degree 4—a clear reduction in hardware costs, engineering complexity, and power consumption. Our results showing the favorable impact of optimal graphs on a cluster’s performance open a new avenue of theoretical and experimental research for supercomputer architects. Related work is discussed in Sect. 2, and Sect. 3 presents our algorithm for designing a network topology and the cluster that we used on our analysis. Section 4 presents and examines graph properties supporting different clusters designs and their benchmark results. Concluding remarks are presented in Sect. 5.

2 Related work

We present a discussion on the potential use of our approach and on how it complements existing technologies for network topologies for supercomputers and data centers. Despite active theoretical investigations on network design for clusters [52, 54], the use of advanced topologies in actual machines has not been a priority since the early days of parallel computing [43] because of potential engineering complications and lack of a measure of performance gains. Network topologies are the main elements affecting supercomputer interconnection network performance, and for decades, meshes [28], tori of 3D through 6D [8,9,10, 18, 25, 44, 66], hypercubes of various dimensions [32, 40, 42], fat trees [37, 51, 53] and off-the-shelf Ethernet or adapted InfiniBand [45] switched fabrics have been the mainstream network subsystems. Mesh topologies which are based on lattice graphs, tori resulting from graph product of rings and hypercubes as binary n-cubes represent the direct interconnection network [28], while fat trees (folded Clos) belong to multistage indirect networks which consist of multiple layers of switches [28, 51].

In general, the system architecture aims at providing maximal connectivity, scalable performance, minimal engineering complexity and least monetary cost [30]. An ideal network of a fixed node degree must satisfy performance requirements including small network diameter, broad bisection width, simple symmetric topology, engineering feasibility, and modular, expandable design [30]. For example, mesh topology has low node degree and engineering complexity, but its large network diameter and average distance dampen node-to-node communications; fat tree by its multi-level switches realizes the maximum bisection width but with large diameter; the torus and its derivative k-ary n-cube [26] have lower node degree, relatively smaller diameter and average distance. Hybrid 6D mesh/torus TOFU interconnect is incorporated in K computer [9], while modified 3D torus with combined 2-node is designed to form the Cray Gemini interconnect [10], upgrading from the traditional 3D torus topology as in Cray SeaStar [18, 66], IBM Blue Gene/L [8] and Blue Gene/P [44], and 5D torus is applied in IBM Blue Gene/Q [44]. Other variants of torus such as the SRT [46] and RDT [75] networks, variant of k-ary n-cube such as the Express Cubes [27] and interlaced bypass torus (iBT) [76, 77] use the technique of adding bypass links. Modifications of fat tree [38, 41] have also been carried out to reduce its complexity and cost. Recently, high-radix hierarchical topologies such as Dragonfly [48] on which Aries interconnect [33] is based have been studied and implemented. Slim Fly [16] among the high-radix topologies also proposed to minimize mean path length but is limited by the fixed combination of its radixes and sizes. However, a classification of the graphs enabling minimal mean path length is only on its infancy [7, 39]. To the best of our knowledge, there are only a few network topologies aiming at minimizing mean path length that have been thoroughly researched and even less have been deployed and benchmarked in supercomputers architecture.

On the other hand, use of data centers for cloud computing has been rapidly increasing and challenges architects to build machines of which the amounts of processing nodes, memory and switches grow steadily while keeping the machine operational. That poses scalability and fault detection, along with maximal bisection bandwidth, as key features of data center networks (DCNs). Instead of reaching that by addition of switch layers, recent advances propose the use of optical networks of switches to replace top-of-rack aggregation switches [55]. That approach may be complemented by ours by constructing optimal networks of switches with reduced latency. In that case, there will be two optimization procedures, for minimizing mean path length (MPL) and labeling pairs of communicating optical channels, which will enable the small network of switches to perform optimally under constraint of a finite numbers of ports. Symmetry of our optimal network topologies enables low levels of engineering complexity, as exemplified by our prototype machines.

3 Discovery of optimal network topologies and cluster description

We aim to investigate the increase in the processing speeds of a cluster by optimizing its average latency accordingly with its network topology. Hence, we propose a new algorithm to discover minimal MPL symmetric graphs to support optimal low-latency network topologies for clusters and test experimentally our proposition on a directly connected cluster.

3.1 Discovery of optimal network topologies

To obtain optimal network topologies, we search for N-vertex degree-k regular graphs, denoted by (Nk), with minimal mean path length (MPL). Cerf et al. [23] first calculated the lower bound of MPL for any regular graph and discovered small degree-3 graphs with up to 24 vertices whose MPL is minimal [24]. Additionally, it was proved that the diameters of such optimal graphs are also minimal. The exhaustive computer search of an optimal graph of fixed size and degree is computationally expensive, e.g., the number of non-isomorphic 32-vertex degree-3 regular graphs, labeled as (32,3), is \(\sim 10^{13}\) [21]. Thus, heuristic methods have been developed using greedy local search [49], simulated annealing [68], or theoretical graph product and construction [59] for reduced search duration.

For the graphs reported in this manuscript, we implemented the graph parallel exhaustive search using the enumeration algorithms snarkhunter [19, 20] and genreg [58], with built-in split option for parallelization and girth (the length of the smallest cycle in the graph) option as constraint. Optimal graphs having large girths [24] help reduce the search space, e.g., a reduction from \(\sim 10^{13}\) non-isomorphic (32,3) regular graphs (with no girth constraint) to \(\sim 10^{5}\) by a constraint of girth 7 [21]. This method was used for finding the (32,3)-Optimal graph. However, the exhaustive search of graphs with more vertices or higher degree has astronomical duration even under girth constraint.

To find larger optimal graphs with higher degree, we used random iteration of Hamiltonian graphs (i.e., graphs having a closed cycle that visits each node only once called Hamiltonian cycle) [17] with rotational symmetry. By this method, we have discovered the (32,4)-Optimal graph. It is worth mentioning that the final layout of the (32,3)-Optimal graph is also \(90^\circ \) rotationally symmetric after the MPL optimization search. For each optimal graph, we reorder the vertices on the ring according to its different Hamiltonian cycles and look for more rotational symmetries among these isomorphic layouts. The coloring of the edges helps to visualize this symmetric design. Fixing such symmetric structure is also one way to reduce the search space, which we also apply to the optimization of larger-scale topologies.

3.2 Cluster description

To perform our experiments, we constructed a switchless Beowulf cluster named “Taishan” that has up to 32 nodes (Fig. 1). Each node has eight communication ports, with two of them used for cluster management and storage. Hence, we can evaluate performances of clusters with network topologies supported by graphs of degrees 2 to 6 and benchmark the impact of network topology on processing speeds. Because of hardware homogeneity, we conclude that our results on the impact of network topology remain valid when cutting edge technology is used.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Taishan Beowulf cluster

Because of budget limits, we use a low-end hardware to build a functional prototype suited for investigating the impact of the network topology on the cluster’s processing speeds. Moreover, we use such a configuration to focus on the role of the network on the cluster’s performance while expecting to minimize additional influences. Each node of Taishan has 1 Intel Celeron 1037U dual-core processor (1.80 GHz, 2M Cache), 1 × 8 GB DDR3 SODIMM (1600 MHz, 1.35V), 128 GB SSD and eight Intel 82583V Gigabit Ethernet controllers (PCIe v.1.1, 2.5 GT/s). We use CentOS Linux 6.7 (kernel 2.6.32) as operational system and NFS for sharing files through one of the ports that is connected to a 48-port Gigabit Ethernet switch. Processes communicate directly through node’s ports interconnected accordingly with the supporting graph adjacency rules. We use GCC version 4.4.7 and MPICH 3.2 for compiling and running our parallel programs. Static routing is used accordingly with Floyd’s algorithm [34] to ensure the shortest path length and lowest congestion.

4 Analysis of graph properties and cluster benchmarks

4.1 Comparative analysis of optimal network topologies

In order to evaluate the effects of the optimal network topologies on the cluster performance, we have designed several network topologies using regular graphs (Nk) with \(N=16,32\) and \(k=2,3,4\). The topologies of the benchmarked clusters of 16 nodes are ring (R), Wagner (W) [17], Bidiakis (B) [72], \(4\times 4\) torus (T) (4D hypercube) and two optimal graphs (O) re-discovered by our parallel exhaustive search. The 32 vertices clusters used the ring, Wagner, Bidiakis, \(4\times 8\) torus, Chvatal (C) [17] and the two optimal graphs obtained by our parallel exhaustive and random search. The adjacency matrices of all the benchmarked topologies are included in additional Online Resource. We also compute the bisection width (BW) of each topology using the KaHIP program, which efficiently achieves a balanced partition of a graph [65]. We refer to each cluster as \((N,k)-X\), where X is the 1st letter of, or the name of the supporting graph. The evaluated network topologies and respective graph properties are presented in Table 1, while Fig. 2 shows the graphs (left) and their corresponding latency versus hop distance plots (right) obtained by actual ping-pong messaging tests. In all graphs of Fig. 2, the solid black disks denote average values for the latency and hop distance, while the error bars’ lengths are obtained from the standard deviation. The dashed black line indicates the fit of the ping-pong latency, denoted by T, as a linear function of the hop distance h, namely \(T=T_0+\alpha \cdot h\) where \(T_0\) is the network initiating time and \(\alpha \) is the slope. We denote the Pearson correlation coefficient [36] between the ping-pong latency and the hop distance by \(\rho \) and compute it as

$$\begin{aligned} \rho = \frac{ \sum _{i,j=1}^N(T_{i,j}- \langle T \rangle )(h_{i,j}- \langle h \rangle ) }{ N(N-1) \, \sigma _T \, \sigma _h }, \ \ i \ne j, \end{aligned}$$

where \(T_{i,j}\) and \(h_{i,j}\) are the ping-pong latency and the hop distance between nodes i and j. The average ping-pong latency and average hop distance (MPL) are given by, respectively,

$$\begin{aligned} \langle T \rangle = \frac{\sum _{i,j=1}^NT_{i,j}}{N(N-1)}, \ \ \mathrm{and} \ \ \langle h \rangle = \frac{\sum _{i,j=1}^Nh_{i,j}}{N(N-1)}, \ \ i \ne j, \end{aligned}$$

while their corresponding standard deviations are given by

$$\begin{aligned} \sigma _T = \sqrt{\frac{ \sum _{i,j=1}^N(T_{i,j}-\langle T \rangle )^2 }{ N(N-1)}}, \ \ \mathrm{and} \ \ \sigma _h = \sqrt{\frac{ \sum _{i,j=1}^N(h_{i,j}-\langle h \rangle )^2 }{ N(N-1)}}, \ \ i \ne j. \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 2
figure 2figure 2figure 2figure 2

Benchmarked topologies (left) and their node-to-node ping-pong latency versus hop distance (right)

Table 1 shows the diameters (D), mean path length (MPL) and bisection width (BW) of the graphs supporting the benchmarked networks. Properties of optimal graphs are emphasized with bold fonts. For all (Nk) graphs, the optimal topology has minimal MPL and D and maximal BW. Hence, we expect that the optimal graphs will support a network topology of low latency, because of shorter MPL and D (see ping-pong test results in Fig. 2), and high throughput, because of larger BW [28]. Indeed, results present in the next section lead to similar conclusions despite the influence of communication patterns, internal algorithms, message sizes, memory access, and routing.

Table 1 Graph properties of benchmarked topologies

4.2 Benchmark results and analysis

The following representative benchmark programs were used to evaluate the cluster’s performance: custom ping-pong and MPI collective communications; effective bandwidth (b_eff) [1, 50]; FFTE [2, 70]; Graph 500 [3, 61]; and the NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) [5, 12]. Ping-pong tests report runtime and, for each topology, produce a node-to-node latency matrix used to show correlation with supporting graph’s hop distances (Fig. 2). Here, benchmark runtime refers to the elapsed wall clock time for a benchmark to be completed. The evaluation of remaining benchmarks is done by means of the ratio of the sustained processing speed of a given topology to that of the ring of the same size. Since the effective bandwidth and Graph 500 benchmarks report average speed S while the other benchmarks report average runtime T, the performance ratio of each topology to its corresponding ring is \({S/S_\mathrm{ring}}\) or equivalently \({T_\mathrm{ring}/T}\). The values of S and T are averages obtained after multiple executions of each benchmark. In particular, for ping-pong, MPI collective communications, effective bandwidth and Graph 500, the calculation method of average runtime or speed is specified in their respective sections. Our analysis generates scatter plots of the performance ratio at y-axis versus the topology’s MPL at x-axis for each benchmark, as shown in Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Error bars are calculated by repeated experiments (except ping-pong and effective bandwidth). Red (or blue) points indicate the data for degree-3 (or 4) clusters. Different data points’ symbols represent different sub-tests of one application.

4.2.1 Ping-pong test

The routing algorithm and communication properties of the cluster in comparison with the supporting graph path lengths are evaluated by means of the ping-pong test designed using MPI_Send and MPI_Recv, with message sizes ranging from 1 byte to \(2^{13}\) bytes (8 KB). Latency is measured as the average round-trip time for a message to travel between source and destination over multiple runs. We select 1 KB as the message size to output the corresponding node-to-node latency in the form of a matrix. The Pearson correlation and linear regression between node-to-node latency and hop distance were calculated for each topology as in Fig. 2, while performance ratios of average latency between all pairs of nodes for each topology are plotted in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Performance ratios on ping-pong tests

Figure 2 shows that the Pearson correlation coefficients (\(\rho \)) between ping-pong latency and hop distance under the shortest-path routing are all greater than 0.977. Such a strong correlation is reflected on the approximately linear dependence between node-to-node latency in the network and graph’s distance (hop) as indicated by the dashed line. Notice that besides (32,2)-Ring the fitting equations describing the linear relation are very similar, independently of the cluster’s sizes and topologies, the average of which being \(T=107.17+121.15h\). (Because of the high diameter of (32,2)-Ring, message traverse and serialization start to affect the latency for long-distance transfer.) Moreover, performance of ping-pong for different topologies is strongly inversely proportional to their MPL as shown in Fig. 3. Those results also hold for larger messages of sizes up to 8 KB.

4.2.2 Collective communications

Collective communications benchmarks test the performance of MPI_Bcast, MPI_Reduce (with reduce operation MPI_SUM), MPI_Scatter and MPI_Alltoall. We choose unit messages of 1 MB and 32 MB under the constraint of 8 GB RAM available per node. On each node, the transfer message sizes are either equal to the unit message sizes or the unit sizes multiplied by the number of nodes, depending on whether it is the root node and on the MPI collective function.

MPI_Bcast, MPI_Reduce and MPI_Scatter were run multiple times with all nodes being root multiple times. Then, we average the runtime over all root nodes and then over all tests. The runtime of each test is the maximum elapsed wall clock time on all nodes. For MPI_Alltoall, we conduct the test multiple times and average the runtime over all tests. The runtime of each test is the average elapsed wall clock time on all nodes.

The performance ratios to ring are plotted in Fig. 4. Collective communications are influenced by MPL, BW, traffic pattern, MPI internal algorithm, message size and memory access. For example, Wagner topology has greater MPL but shorter diameter than Bidiakis, while they have the same bisection width (Table 1). The shorter diameter of Wagner graph is especially pronounced in the 1 MB message MPI_Bcast (Fig. 4a) which leads to a \(17\%\) and \(11\%\) performance gain, respectively, for (16,3)- and (32,3)-Wagner over Bidiakis. However, for larger messages and other MPI collective functions with similar traffic pattern such as MPI_Scatter (Fig. 4c), MPL becomes a more dominant factor and Bidiakis outperforms or at least performs equally as Wagner with slight fluctuation. Static shortest-path routing also affects the performance of collective communications. For example, torus has relatively low performance in MPI collective functions with large message, except MPI_Reduce (Fig. 4b). The low performance when transferring large message may be caused by network congestion due to static routing, especially for torus, while the internal algorithm of MPI_Reduce overcomes such congestion.

Fig. 4
figure 4figure 4

Performance ratios on collective communications

4.2.3 Effective bandwidth

Effective bandwidth (b_eff, version [1] measures the accumulated network bandwidth by means of multiple communication patterns (ordered naturally and randomly) with messages of 21 sizes ranging from 1 byte to 1/128 of memory per processor, 64 MB in Taishan. It uses MPI_Sendrecv, MPI_Alltoallv and non-blocking MPI_Irecv and MPI_Isend with MPI_Waitall. The output is the average bandwidth over ring and random patterns and 21 message sizes after taking the maximum bandwidth of the three MPI methods in each measurement [50].

The performance ratios to ring are plotted in Fig. 5. A strong impact of MPL on b_eff benchmark is shown, though traffic patterns, message sizes and MPI methods may also affect performance. Indeed, (16,4)- and (32,4)-Optimal have the highest effective bandwidths, 686.51 MB/s (and 1066.80 MB/s), a performance gain of 38% (and 68%) over (16,3)- and (32,3)-Wagner. Indeed, we can consider that performance of b_eff has an inversely proportional relation to MPL if we neglect the torus because the static shortest-path routing causes congestion in collective MPI functions.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Performance ratios on effective bandwidth

4.2.4 FFTE

We benchmarked the version 6.0 of the parallel FFTE [2, 70] from the HPC Challenge [4, 56], which in cache-based processors [69] has data transpositions as its main bottleneck because of all-to-all communications. We perform the parallel 1D FFTE routine with transform array lengths ranging from \(2^{10}\) to \(2^{27}\), limited by local 8 GB RAM. Then, we select \(2^{21}\) and \(2^{27}\) as the transform array lengths (equal to 32 MB and 2 GB in total transform array sizes).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Performance ratios on 1D FFTE

Figure 6 shows the performance plots of 1D FFTE. Transforming larger arrays stresses the network such that 1D FFTE performs with almost linear dependence of MPL. When transforming 2 GB array in 1D FFTE, (16,4)- and (32,4)-Optimal topologies have top performance ratios of 1.85 and 2.31 to ring, a gain of 51% and 74% over (16,3)- and (32,3)-Wagner. For arrays \(<32\) MB, the performances are almost uniform for all network topologies.

4.2.5 Graph 500

The Graph 500 (version 3.0.0) [3, 61] tests large-scale graph algorithms, where multiple breadth-first search (BFS) and single-source shortest path (SSSP) computations are performed on an extremely large undirected graph generated and distributed in the beginning of the test. Graph 500 evaluates data-intensive performance in supercomputers reporting the mean TEPS (traversed edges per second). The best choice for test scale limited by local RAM was 27, generating an initial unweighted graph of 24 GB for BFS and an initial weighted graph of 40 GB for SSSP.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Performance ratios on Graph 500

Figure 7 shows the performance of Graph 500 benchmark. A strong inversely proportional relation to MPL is exhibited, despite fluctuations on torus (because of congestion), Bidiakis and (32,4)-Chvatal. The relatively high diameter of Bidiakis compared with Wagner and relatively low bisection width of (32,4)-Chvatal compared with (32,3)-Optimal topology (Table 1) weaken their performances as well. However, MPL keeps playing a major role on Graph 500 with (16,4)- and (32,4)-Optimal having top performances of, respectively, 3.05/2.71 and 5.41/4.75 for BFS/SSSP, a gain of 90%/71% and 278%/271% over (16,3)- and (32,3)-Wagner.

4.2.6 NAS parallel benchmarks (NPB)

The NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB version 3.3.1 on MPI) [5, 12] contain a set of programs derived from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications, with built-in runtime reporting. We run integer sort (IS), conjugate gradient method (CG) for approximating the smallest eigenvalue, multi-grid solver (MG) for 3D Poisson PDE, FFT solver (FT) for 3D PDE NPB kernels, and lower–upper (LU) Gauss–Seidel solver pseudo-application [57]. IS uses intensive data communication, while also testing random memory access and integer computation speed; CG tests unstructured long-distance communication and irregular memory access; MG tests highly structured short- and long-distance communication with intensive memory access; FT tests long-distance all-to-all communication [5, 12, 13]. For each benchmark, we choose the standard problem sizes: Class A, B and C because of local memory constraints.

The performance ratios to ring for Classes A and C are shown in Fig. 8. Note that traffic patterns, internal algorithms, problem sizes, memory access and static shortest-path routing, apart from MPL and BW, affect the performance of NPB. The performances of CG (Fig. 8b) and MG (Fig. 8c) are similar to MPI_Reduce (Fig. 4b), in which torus shows relatively high performance. In these benchmarks, the static routing for torus does not cause congestion with internal algorithms and memory access benefitting the torus. LU (Fig. 8e) shows a nearly uniform performance over all benchmarked topologies, a result attributable to its limited parallelism [12], i.e., low communication-to-computation ratio. However, NPB performance exhibits weak, or even strong, dependence on MPL as in IS (Fig. 8a) and FT (Fig. 8d) resembling, respectively, Graph 500 (Fig. 7) and 1D FFTE with 2 GB array size (Fig. 6), as expected for benchmarks requiring heavy global communication. IS and FT Class A/C problem sizes are \(2^{23}/2^{27}\) resulting in, respectively, 32 MB/512 MB total integer array sizes and 128 MB/2 GB transform array sizes. In IS Cass A/C, (16,4)- and (32,4)-Optimal topologies have top performance ratios of 2.70/2.89 and 3.89/4.32, respectively, a gain of 79%/93% and 153%/202% over (16,3)- and (32,3)-Wagner. In FT Class A/C, (16,4)- and (32,4)-Optimal topologies have top performance ratios of 2.70/2.89 and 3.89/4.32, respectively, a gain of 79%/93% and 153%/202% over (16,3)- and (32,3)-Wagner. In FT Class A/C, the optimal graphs, 1.72/1.66 and 2.31/2.35, outperform both Wagner graphs with a gain of 26%/40% and 56%/81%, respectively.

Fig. 8
figure 8figure 8

Performance ratios on NPB

4.3 Large-scale topology optimization and simulation analysis

4.3.1 Comparative analysis of larger-scale near-optimal network topologies

We obtain the near-optimal topologies of 256 nodes and degrees 3, 4, 6, 8 using random iteration of Hamiltonian graphs with rotational symmetry. The near-optimal topologies are compared with topologies of the same size and degrees: ring, Wagner, Bidiakis, \(16\times 16\) torus (4D hypercube), \(4\times 8\times 8\) torus and \(4\times 4\times 4\times 4\) torus (8D hypercube), as shown in Table 2. For the near-optimal topologies, we also calculate their gaps of diameter and MPL compared to the theoretical lower bounds, respectively. Figures of the near-optimal topologies are listed in the Appendix. The adjacency matrices of all the simulated topologies are included in additional Online Resource.

Table 2 Graph properties of simulated topologies

Table 2 shows that the near-optimal topologies have the smallest diameter (D), MPL and highest bisection width (BW) among the topologies of the same sizes and degrees. Properties of near-optimal graphs are emphasized with bold fonts. For the gaps of D and MPL of near-optimal topologies, the diameter gap is within 1 and MPL gap is within 2% compared to the theoretical lower bounds. This shows our optimization method is effective on the large scale. The current optimization runtime is 96 h, and one may further extend the runtime or improve the method to obtain better near-optimal topologies.

4.3.2 Simulation results and analysis

We simulate larger-scale topologies on the platform SimGrid (version 3.21) [22]. SimGrid provides versatile, accurate and scalable simulation of distributed applications, especially with SMPI API that enables simulation of unmodified MPI applications [22]. We configure SimGrid to approximate the settings and ping-pong test results of Taishan cluster, with dual-core CPU per host, 8 Gflops processing speed per core, gigabit bandwidth and 30 μs latency per link. Static shortest-path routing is implemented with full routing table calculated using the same algorithm as for the benchmarking cluster. We run the simulations on the SeaWulf cluster at Stony Brook University.

We select the benchmarks that largely depend on global communication: MPI_Alltoall, effective bandwidth, 1D FFTE, Graph 500 and NPB IS and FT. Because of the limited 128 GB RAM of SeaWulf nodes and long simulation runtime for large-scale topologies, we reduce the problem sizes for some benchmarks, namely 64 KB and 512 KB as the unit message sizes for MPI_Alltoall, 1 MB maximum message size for effective bandwidth and Class S and A for NPB IS. For Graph 500, due to implementation issues with SimGrid, we use a previous version 2.1.4 that only contains BFS test and reduce the test scale to 12.

The simulation performance ratios to ring are plotted in Fig. 9 for topologies of 256 nodes, with log scale on MPL. The near-optimal topologies are labeled as \((N,k)-N\) and gold (or cyan) points indicate the data for degree-6 (or 8) clusters.

The simulation results reveal that for large-scale topologies, (256, k)-Near-optimal with low MPL has mostly prominent performance increase over other topologies with the same degree. Despite fluctuations in Graph 500 BFS (Fig. 9d) and NPB IS (Fig. 9e) due to limited problem sizes and thus less intensive communication, all the simulation performances show a strongly inversely proportional relation with respect to MPL. The performance gain of (256,8)-Near-optimal over (256,3)-Wagner is above 1000% in MPI_Alltoall (Fig. 9a), 1D FFTE (Fig. 9c) and NPB FT (Fig. 9f). Again, tori show low performance partially due to network congestion caused by static shortest-path routing.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Performance ratios on simulated MPI_Alltoall, effective bandwidth, 1D FFTE, Graph 500 BFS and NPB

5 Discussion and conclusion

In this manuscript, we examine our hypothesis on increasing a cluster’s sustained processing speed by interconnecting its nodes with a minimal MPL network topology. That is done experimentally in small clusters supported by optimal symmetric regular graphs generating advanced network topologies. We build clusters of the same size with multiple topologies, namely torus, Wagner, Bidiakis, Chvatal and ring, to run a basic set of benchmarks. Our results show that the optimal network topologies, in general, deliver the highest performance. We also perform simulations of larger clusters that confirm our observations. Moreover, our results attest to the effectiveness and importance of the mathematically driven design of network topologies.

The minimum MPL graphs were constructed using our parallel enumeration algorithm with girth restrictions and random iteration on Hamiltonian graphs that generated a reduced search space by imposition of symmetry requirements. These methods are general, being applied well for the search of small and large (near) optimal network topologies. Hence, one may employ our algorithm for generating advanced network topologies for clusters of enhanced performance and provide parallel computers architects with an additional rationale to enhance those machine’s performance.

Our results running high communication-to-computation ratio applications, namely MPI_Alltoall-based tests, effective bandwidth, 1D FFTE, Graph 500, and NPB IS and FT, indicate the strong influence of MPL on the clusters’ performance. This proves the importance of network topologies with optimized MPL for speeding up processing and encourages designing clusters using (near) optimal symmetric regular graphs. Our results are also useful for architects designing switched networks, the communicating circuitry of multicore processors or DCN topologies. The (near) optimal graphs obtained with our algorithms can provide reduced communication times for any type of network since there is no assumption on the properties of the nodes. Architects interested on larger-scale clusters would still benefit from our methods as the (near) optimal graphs can be combined by graph product [29] or integrated as base graphs into hierarchical networks [47, 63, 67] to construct scalable network topologies of reduced latency and compete with other multistage networks like fat tree [31].

Optimal symmetric network topologies of minimal MPL are also important for ensuring engineering feasibility as demonstrated by the construction of our cluster Taishan. It enables optimal use of the available hardware while adding minimal costs: the time and energy for computational search of the optimal topology for a regular graph of a given size and node degree. Hence, further development of mathematical tools for minimizing the computer search time or, in an ideal scenario, finding optimal graphs by analytic calculations would be welcome. Currently, the parallel exhaustive search for (32,3)-Optimal graph without girth constraint goes through \(\sim 10^{13}\) graphs and took about one week on thousands of Sunway BlueLight cores [74]. That amount of time is greatly reduced if we consider the symmetries and obtain near-optimal graphs as done for the 256-node graphs. Such improvement on the optimization method may lead to the discovery of larger-scale (near) optimal graphs in combination with graph product [59], hierarchical construction [14, 15] and other graph design and optimization techniques [62, 73].

The linear relation between the distance and latency matrices for, respectively, the graph and the networks demonstrates the strength of our mathematically driven design as an additional layer for a supercomputer’s optimization. Tables 1 and 2 show the properties of the networks that we have evaluated in our work, and also the symmetric (near) optimal graphs having minimized diameters and maximized bisection widths. Those two quantities also help in enhancing the cluster’s performance as is widely known by supercomputer and DCN architects. Hence, our approach enables the concomitant optimization of three parameters.

A seminal model for latency in a computer’s network considers its dependence on: its components technology determining both the time of message processing in a single router, \(t_R\), and the velocity of package propagation through interconnects, v; the network topology determining the average hop distance, H, average cable distance, \(\mu \), and bandwidth, b, that depends on node degree and packaging constraints (Section 3.3.2 of [28]). The latency of a message can be written as \(T=Ht_R+\mu /v+L/b\), where L is the message length. Since the performance of the components is a fixed parameter given by financial, energetic and technological constraints, latency reduction can be achieved by increasing node’s degree and reducing average hop and cable distances. The linear relation between the latency and hop distance for the ping-pong test is contrast with the non-trivial dependence on MPL when more complex benchmarks are executed. Hence, a more complex theoretical work [11, 28, 35, 39, 57, 71] is necessary for understanding the dependence of a cluster’s performance on its network topology and prevalent applications and to establish general principles to be used by supercomputer architects.