1 Introduction

Cost estimation is one of the critical steps of the software development life cycle as underestimation results in approving projects that would exceed their budgets, whereas overestimation results in wasting of resources (Leung and Fan 2001). Modeling accurate and robust software cost estimators is still a key challenge for managing successful software projects. Thus, it preserves its popularity within the research community and many articles continue to be published, each of which introduces a new perspective on cost estimation (Kitchenham et al. 2007; Menzies 2007; Ohsugi et al. 2007; Premraj and Zimmermann 2007).

Recently, the focus of cost estimation studies has shifted from comparing a number of models on a specific dataset to investigating the relationship between the structure of cost data and the prediction accuracy (Kitchenham et al. 2007; Ohsugi et al. 2007; Premraj and Zimmermann 2007). Up to now, this issue has been considered as a comparison of either cross- versus within-company methods or cross- versus within-business domain methods and many studies reached different conclusions. In their article, Kitchenham et al. (2007) perform a systematic review of these studies and report that (1) in 3 of the 7 studies reviewed, cross-company models were not significantly different than within-company models, (2) in 4 of the 7 studies reviewed, within-company models were significantly better than cross-company models, (3) and in none of them, cross-company models were significantly better than within-company models. They further discuss that within-company models based on small datasets are better, since these datasets may be more homogeneous than large cross-company datasets in terms of incorporating similar projects. In contrast to these studies, we treat data homogeneity from an application domain point of view. By application domain, we mean domains such as embedded, real-time, desktop application, etc. and we focus on the embedded domain in this research. Our aim is to find out what type of data (within-domain data or cross-domain data) should be preferred for embedded software cost estimation. In addition, we aim to find out the effect of training dataset size on prediction performance.

Specifically, we set the limits of our research to the embedded software domain, because, in the last decade, development of multimedia and wireless applications on mobile devices have led to increasing interest in embedded systems (Vahid and Givargis 2002). We can see examples of these systems in every part of our lives; from cellular phones to automobile systems. These systems, which are formerly implemented in hardwired uni-processor architectures, now contain programmable multiprocessors which means increased complexity and cost. For this reason, cost-effective implementations of embedded systems that meet performance, functional, timing, and physical requirements becomes a challenge. This is the main reason why we focus on embedded software in this research.

Our main contribution is to investigate the homogeneity of cost data in terms of application domains, and to focus on the embedded domain. For this purpose, we design three experimental setups to compare models trained on cross-domain data with those trained on within-domain data. While the first experiment provides a baseline by using within-domain data, the second and third experiments deal with cross-domain data with different training data sizes. In each setup, various machine-learning techniques have been applied to make our results independent from the techniques used. Further, in the additional experiments conducted, we investigate the effect of training data size on prediction performance, an open question discussed in other studies. In our experiments, we use different datasets from public repositories so that other researchers can replicate and/or improve our results (Boetticher et al. 2007; SoftLab 2009).

The rest of the article is organized as follows: Section 2 gives some related work from the literature. Section 3 states our main problem and the proposed methodology with the experiments conducted, the datasets, the methods used, and the performance measures. Threats to validity in our experiments are also given in this section. In Section 4, the results obtained are given and in Section 5 evaluation of the results are made. Finally, conclusions and future work are given in Section 6.

2 Background

In general, there are three types of domains as specified by (Lokan et al. 2001):

  1. a.

    Business domain: the main operation area of a company such as finance, medical, telecommunications, etc.

  2. b.

    Application domain: the type of application being addressed by the project such as embedded, process control, information system, etc.

  3. c.

    Organizational domain: the type of organization that submitted the project such as banking, manufacturing, and retail.

The latest trend in cost estimation is to concentrate on the homogeneity of cost data, in terms of these domains, rather than individual cost models built on the data. As an extension of Kitchenham et al.’s (2007) research on cross- versus within-company studies, Premraj and Zimmerman (2007) examine the homogeneity of cost data from the business domain point of view. By business domain, they mean the main operation area of a company such as finance, medical, telecommunications, etc. The idea is that companies can either use business specific data (within-business data) or data that belongs to other businesses (cross-business data). In their article, they reported that within-business domain data are better for developing estimation models on than cross-business domain data. In contrast to this study, our main aim is to compare cross- and within-domain data and try to find out what kind of data should be preferred for embedded software cost estimation.

Another study that focuses on data homogeneity is Ohsugi et al. (2007). In their hypothesis, they test whether more homogenous analogies for a project produce a more reliable cost estimate. In order to achieve this, they define a metric for homogeneity. As a result, they observe a large variation in reliability between high and low homogeneity level projects. The main disadvantage of this study is that they test their hypothesis on one dataset using one estimation algorithm. Instead, we implement a number of estimators and test them on more datasets in order to interpret the generality of our results independent of the cost model used.

There is a lack of cost models that are specific to application domains, and there are no published studies that address this gap specifically for the embedded domain. In the literature, research on embedded systems mainly concentrates on power cost analysis (Oliveira et al. 2004; Ragan et al. 2002; Tiwari et al. 1994; Zotos et al. 2005). To the best of our knowledge, there is no published study that focuses on the modeling/estimation of software development costs of embedded systems. In this article, our main aim is to fill in this gap from a data homogeneity point of view.

For estimating the cost of embedded software, in practice, parametric models like COCOMO, REVIC, and some commercial tools are used (Boehm 2009; Debardelaben et al. 1997; EstimatorPal 2009; Igoodsoft 2009; SCEP 2009). In particular, the embedded models of COCOMO and REVIC are the most applicable tools for the software costing of embedded systems. COCOMO uses nominal effort equations that are derived from labor effort, and related to the size of the software system. REVIC is the US Air Force’s embedded-mode REVised Intermediate Cocomo cost model. It includes many functions such as those for calculating development effort, development time, annual maintenance effort, multi-objective cost function, effort adjustment and utilization, and processors and memory capacity. However, these models are designed to be rather generic and should be calibrated before being used by other companies (Kitchenham et al. 2007).

3 Methodology

We bring a new perspective to data homogeneity and propose an application domain viewpoint, which we call within-domain versus cross-domain. The domain on which a software project is developed plays a very important role as it affects the whole software development lifecycle. In particular, the embedded domain is promising in today’s world where embedded systems are so popular. Thus, we focus on the embedded software domain and investigate what type of data should be used for embedded software cost estimation.

In this context, we have the following research questions:

  1. 1.

    What type of training data should we use for embedded software cost estimation: cross-domain datasets or within-domain (embedded software) datasets?

  2. 2.

    Elsewhere (Kitchenham et al. 2007), it is discussed that small within-company datasets are more homogeneous and large cross-company datasets introduce heterogeneity to the solutions. “What is the effect of training dataset size on the prediction performance?”

In order to answer the research questions above, we compare the estimators that are trained on within-domain data with those trained on cross-domain data by using three different experimental setups:


train and validate the estimators only on the embedded software dataset


train the estimators on a subset of the cross-domain dataset by randomly selecting the same number of projects as in the embedded software dataset, and then validate on the embedded software dataset


train the estimators on the cross-domain dataset by using all of the projects and validate on the embedded software dataset

Among these setups, S1 defines a baseline where the estimations are carried out with within-domain datasets. S2 is a cross-domain setup where the training dataset is different from the within-domain dataset, but has the same size as in S1. If we were to use different training set sizes in S1 and S2, then we would have difficulty in determining whether our results are due to using different applications domains or using different training set sizes. In order to see how the results are affected by the training set size, S3 is designed. S3 is the same as S2 except that this time all of the projects in the cross-domain dataset are used as the training dataset.

3.1 Data

In our research, datasets from three main sources are used. The first one is PROMISE Data Repository which is a public repository that contains data about software projects from NASA and different universities located in US (Boetticher et al. 2007). Three of the cost estimation datasets in PROMISE are used in this research: cocomonasa_v1, coc81_1_1, and nasa93. These datasets are collected in COCOMO81 format and include 17 attributes in total (15 effort multipliers, one size attribute, and one actual effort value) except that nasa93 includes seven additional project attributes (Boehm 1981).

The second source is Bogazici University Software Engineering Research Laboratory repository (SoftLab), which contains data about software projects that belongs to various companies in Turkey. Three of the cost estimation datasets in SoftLab are used in this research: sdr05, sdr06, and sdr07. All of these datasets are collected in COCOMO II format and include 22 attributes in total (15 effort multipliers, 5 scale factors, one size attribute, and one actual effort value) (Boehm 1999).

The last resource is International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) repository, which is a non-profit organization that maintains a software project management database from a variety of organizations (Lokan et al. 2001). In this research, we use ISBSG Release 10 that contains 4,106 projects each with around 106 attributes. These attributes can be classified into 15 categories that are rating, sizing, effort, productivity, schedule, quality, grouping attributes, architecture, documents and techniques, project attributes, product attributes, effort attributes, size attributes, size other than FSM, and software age. More details can be found in (Lokan et al. 2001).

In order to form the embedded software datasets to be used in our experiments, from coc81_1_1 and nasa93, by choosing only the projects with embedded development mode, we form two new datasets that we call coc81_e and nasa93_e. These new datasets contain 28 and 21 projects with 17 COCOMO I attributes. Then, we form a third embedded software dataset from the ISBSG dataset by selecting the projects whose application type is embedded. There are in total 21 such projects. From these projects, the ones whose size and effort attributes are empty are removed and the number of projects decreases to 17. Lastly, unnecessary attributes and the attributes with an empty value for all projects are removed. The remaining attributes that are 8 in total are summary work effort, project elapsed time, development platform, language type, primary programming language, 1st operating system, 1st language, and Lines of Code. Among these eight attributes, those that are categorical are converted into numerical format by assigning a number (1, 2, 3 …) for each category. This final dataset is called ISBSG_e.

In order to form a cross-domain dataset to be used in S2 and S3, firstly, all the datasets except nasa93_e and coc81_e (cocomonasa_v1, sdr05, sdr06, sdr07) are merged into one large dataset, which is called crossdomain1. Secondly, one more cross-domain dataset is formed by adding the nonembedded projects in coc81 and nasa93 to crossdomain1. This second dataset is called as crossdomain2. While merging the datasets, only the common attributes, which are 15 in total, are selected from each dataset. The reason for the different number of features is that they are collected in either COCOMO or COCOMO II model format. These two datasets, crossdomain1 and crossdomain2, will be used to train coc81_e and nasa93_e since they have same attributes. However, for ISBSG_e, we have different attributes; so, thirdly, a new cross-domain dataset is formed from the ISBSG dataset by selecting the projects whose application types are not embedded and do not include null values. This new dataset including 104 projects each with 8 attributes is called as ISBSG. By taking into account all of the data repositories used, we have three embedded software (within-domain) datasets and three cross-domain datasets for our experiments. An overview of the contents of these datasets is given in Table 1.

Table 1 An overview of the datasets

3.2 Cost models

There has been various research in the area of software cost and effort estimation, where several different approaches have been used: parametric models, expertise-based techniques, function point analysis, learning-oriented techniques, dynamics-based models, regression-based models, and composite Bayesian techniques for integrating expertise-based and regression-based models (Boehm 1981; Walston and Felix 1977; Albrecht 1979; Putnam 1978). In real life, project managers have to make cost and effort related decisions under uncertainty. Therefore, they need a model that has high accuracy, free of expert judgment, and has flexible attributes. Such a model can be constructed by using machine-learning algorithms. The capacity to learn from experience, analytical observation, and other means, results in a system that can continuously self-improve and, thereby, offer increased efficiency and effectiveness (Alpaydin 2004). In such circumstances, learning-based predictor models are expected to be more useful. In the literature, there are a number of studies that focus on applying machine-learning techniques to cost data (Baskeles et al. 2007; Srinivasan and Fisher 1995; Briand et al. 1992; Boetticher 2001). We have chosen six of these methods to be used in our research for estimating the effort value for embedded software projects, since we wanted our results to be independent from a specific model. We have chosen widely used models such as linear regression, support-vector regression (SVR), and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) as well as other models such as kernel smoother (KS), k-nearest neighbors, and voting cost estimation models in the context of embedded system domain.

Linear regression (LR) seeks a linear combination of attributes to estimate cost (Alpaydin 2004). The output is a linear function, which is the weighted sum of the input variables. Despite its simplicity, it has been widely used in other studies, and this is the reason why we used it in our research (Angelis and Stamelos 2000; Mason and Sweeney 1992; Perel 1994; Shepperd et al. 1996).

Another machine-learning algorithm we used is KS. It is similar to linear regression except that the importance of data instances is not the same for all inputs. It gives less weight to distant samples by dividing the data into bins and fitting a kernel function to the data that are in the same bin. The most popular kernel function is the Gaussian kernel, which is also the one used in this research (Alpaydin 2004).

We also apply SVR that approximates a solution into a higher dimensional space where the solution is linear (Smola and Schölkopf 2003). We have used Steve Gunn’s SVR implementation with a spline kernel (Gunn 1998). Another nonlinear complex model we have included in our research is the MLP with back-propagation, where cost is estimated as nonlinear combinations of input attributes (Fausett 1994). We have used Phil Brierley’s neural network with a back-propagation implementation (Brierley 2009).

We have also included an unsupervised method, k-nearest neighbor algorithm (KNN), which gives a baseline for comparing the similarity of the projects. While we use our prior knowledge about the application domain of projects for defining similarity, KNN measures it in terms of the Euclidean distance between input attributes of different projects.

Finally, we have used a voting algorithm in order to combine the results of different estimators. Voting is one of the methods for combining multiple learners (Alpaydin 1998). The estimated cost value of each learner is given a particular weight and this weighted sum of each estimate is taken as the final estimation. In this research, we have set equal weight values for each learner (1/number of learners).

3.3 Experimental design

There are three embedded software (within-domain) and three cross-domain datasets that can be used to compare our three setups (Table 1). Embedded software datasets are coc81_e, nasa93_e, and ISBSG_e, whereas cross-domain datasets are crossdomain1, crossdomain2, and ISBSG. In all these datasets, there are great variations between different attributes (e.g. between nominal COCOMO attributes and numerical size attribute). Thus, before performing any experiment, all of the datasets are normalized in order to remove scaling effects by using Min-max normalization (Shalabi and Shaaban 2006).

The datasets used for S1 and the way they are processed are given in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Data processing in S1

In S1, since the estimators are both trained and validated on embedded software datasets, 10 × 10 cross-validation is used to create various training and validation sets from the same dataset (Alpaydin 2004). Firstly, the normalized dataset is shuffled 10 times into random order and then divided into 10 bins. Training data are built from nine of the bins, and the remaining bin is set for validation. Secondly, Principal Component Analysis is applied on both training and validation sets to extract relevant features for each of them (Alpaydin 2004). Thirdly, the estimators are applied to the training set to learn the models’ parameters. Then, the models and the voting method are applied to the validation bin for estimation. Finally, the results on the validation set and the associated errors are collected for all 100 cross-validation iterations. The pseudo code of S1 is given in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Pseudo code of S1

The datasets used for S2 and the way they are processed are given in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Data processing in S2

In S2, there is no need for cross-validation because there are separate training (cross-domain datasets) and validation sets (embedded software datasets). As we want to use a training set with the same size as the embedded software dataset, a group of projects in the cross-domain dataset are selected randomly and used as the training set. After normalization and dimensionality reduction with PCA, unlike S1, all of the estimators are first trained on the randomly selected subset of projects from the cross-domain dataset, and then validated on embedded software dataset in order to determine the performance measures. In order to obtain 100 results as in S1, the whole setup is run for 100 times. The pseudo code of S2 is given in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Pseudo code of S2

The datasets used for S3 and the way they are processed are given in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Data processing in S3

S3 is almost the same as S2. The only difference is that, instead of using a random subset of projects from cross-domain datasets, all of the projects in them are used as the training set. The reason for this is to check if the dataset size affects the performance of the models on the embedded software dataset. The pseudo code S3 is given in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Pseudo code of S3

3.4 Performance measures

For all setups, after the effort values are estimated for each project in the validation set, three performance measures are calculated in order to compare the setups with each other: mean magnitude of relative error (MMRE), median magnitude of relative error (MdMRE), and prediction at level r (PRED(r)). These are the measures calculated from magnitude of relative error (MRE) between the actual and estimated values (Menzies et al. 2006):

$$ {\text{MRE}} = {\frac{{\left| {{\text{predicted}} - {\text{actual}}} \right|}}{\text{actual}}} $$

Simply, MMRE is the mean of the MRE values and MedianMRE (MdMRE) is the median of the MRE values. A third measure is used to examine the cumulative frequency of MRE for a specific error level, which is Prediction at level r or PRED(r). In this study, we take the desired error level as r = 25. That is, if we have n projects and there are m of them whose MRE is smaller than 25%, then PRED (25) is equal to m/n:

$$ {\text{PRED}}(N) = {\frac{100}{T}}\sum\limits_{i}^{T} {\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} 1 \hfill & {{\text{if}}\,{\text{MRE}}_{i} \le {\frac{N}{100}}} \hfill \\ 0 \hfill & {\text{otherwise}} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.} $$

One important thing while evaluating the results is that we want MdMRE and MMRE values to be low and PRED (25) values to be high in order to say that a model performs well.

Since we have three competing setups that are used to predict the same dataset, the t-test is used for comparing different sets of predictions (Stensrud and Myrtveit 1998). The t-test is a test of the null hypothesis that two sample sets of predictions are not significantly different, and the alternative hypothesis is that the two sets of predictions are significantly different. If there is not enough statistical evidence at the 95% significance level (α = 0.05) to reject the null hypothesis, then we can be confident that the two sets of predictions are not significantly different.

3.5 Threats to validity

As a threat to internal validity of our results, firstly, we constructed three embedded software datasets that are small in size. To overcome this issue, we used a 10 × 10 cross-validation framework in our experiments so that, at each iteration, different training and validation sets are generated. Secondly, the use of metrics based on absolute relative error (MMRE, MdMRE, PRED) may be inaccurate for experimental evaluation (Foss et al. 2003; Korte and Port 2008). Although they are the most widely used evaluation criteria for assessing the performance of different prediction models, there are some studies that question their accuracy. For example, according to Foss et al. (2003), both MMRE and MdMRE are inherently biased and do not always select the best model. Also, Korte and Port (2008) stated that most of the results of these measures are questionable due to large possible variations resulting from population sampling error. However, in order to obtain a more accurate comparison of the models developed, we give statistical test results (t-test) and show the box plots of residuals (i.e. the estimate-actual) for each setup as suggested in (Kitchenham et al. 2001).

We can say that our results are externally valid, because, both the datasets collected from software companies in Turkey and the datasets from PROMISE Data Repository are used in our experiments instead of relying only on datasets from a single source. Furthermore, the ISBSG dataset that contains data about current software development projects from different organizations in the world is used to generalize our results.

4 Results

4.1 Results for research question 1

In our experiments, there are two cross-domain datasets, crossdomain1 and crossdomain2, that can be used for training coc81_e and nasa93_e. Thus, there are two possible cases for S2 and S3 that we call S2-crossdomain1, S2-crossdomain2, S3-crossdomain1, and S3-crossdomain2. However, for ISBSG_e dataset, there is only one cross-domain dataset, ISBSG, thus, there is only one possible case for S2 and S3. Results for each embedded software dataset are given in Tables 2, 3, 4 respectively. Since MdMRE, MMRE, and PRED measures can be misleading as stated in our threats to validity section, Figs. 7, 8, and 9 are included to visualize the residuals for each setup in Tables 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The box plots are interquartile plots, and the line within each box is the median. The length of the box indicates the spread of the distribution and the position of the median (the line) show the skewness of the distribution. In order to say that a method performs well, the box length and tails should be small (Kitchenham et al. 2001).

Table 2 Results for coc81_e dataset
Table 3 Results for nasa93_e dataset
Table 4 Results for ISBSG_e dataset
Fig. 7
figure 7

Boxplots for coc81_e

Fig. 8
figure 8

Boxplots for nasa93_e

Fig. 9
figure 9

Boxplots for ISBSG_e

For coc81_e, the results for each setup are given in Table 2. Best values for each method are given in bold. When we look at the results, we see that MdMRE and MMRE values are very high and PRED values are very low. However, our aim is to compare the setups we designed, not the methods with each other. With this in mind, the best values for most of the methods are obtained when S1 is used, which means that the methods perform better when they are trained on the embedded software (within-domain) dataset, coc81_e.

For coc81_e, the box plots for each method are given in Fig. 7 in order to compare their performances in different setups. In contrast to the results given in Table 2, the best performance is obtained when they are trained on crossdomain2 by using all of the projects, because the box length and tails for S3-crossdomain2 (5) are clearly smaller than the box length and tails for other setups (Kitchenham et al. 2001).

For nasa93_e, the results for each setup are given in Table 3. Best values for each method are given in bold. When we look at the results, we see that, again, the best values for most of the methods are obtained when S1 is used, which means that the methods perform better when they are trained on the embedded software (within-domain) dataset, nasa93_e.

For nasa93_e, the box plots for each method are given in Fig. 8. In contrast to the results given in Table 3, it can be seen that for all methods, the best performance is obtained when they are trained on crossdomain2 by using all of the projects (5).

For ISBSG_e, the results for each setup are given in Table 4. The best values for each method are given in bold. We want to remind readers that there are in total three possible cases for this dataset since there is only one cross-domain dataset that is ISBSG. When we look at the results, we see that, again, the best values for most of the methods are obtained when S1 is used, which means that the methods perform better when they are trained on the embedded software (within-domain) dataset, ISBSG_e.

For ISBSG_e, the box plots for each method are given in Fig. 9. In contrast to the results given in Table 4, it can be seen that for all methods except MLP, the best performance is obtained when they are trained by using all of the projects (3). MLP performs the best when it is trained on a subset of projects (2).

4.2 Results for research question 2

Using either a subset (in S2) or all of the projects in cross-domain datasets (in S3) does not give us an idea about the direct relationship between the training set size and the performance of the estimators. In order to observe this relationship, we perform an additional experiment for embedded software datasets. In this experiment, we begin training the embedded software datasets by using the same number of projects from the cross-domain dataset and then increase training set size one by one, calculating the results for each estimator at each step. This gives us the opportunity to observe the performances of each estimator for each different training set size. We call this experiment as “Performance Experiment” in the rest of the article.

For coc81_e, we perform the performance experiment by training the methods using the crossdomain1 dataset, and then validating using the coc81_e dataset. We begin with 28 projects in the training set and continue by increasing the number one by one until all of the 149 projects in crossdomain1 are used. The results obtained are given in Fig. 10. When we look at the figure, we can see that there is no general tendency such as effort estimation performance gets better or worse as the training set size increases.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Performance results for coc81_e

For nasa93_e, we perform the performance experiment by training the methods using the crossdomain1 dataset and then validating using the nasa93_e dataset. We begin with 21 projects in the training set and continue by increasing the number one by one until all of the 149 projects in crossdomain1 are used. The results obtained are given in Fig. 11. When we look at the figure, again, we cannot see a direct relationship between training set size and performance.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Performance results for nasa93_e

For ISBSG_e, we perform the performance experiment by training the methods using the ISBSG dataset, and then validating using the ISBSG_e dataset. We begin with 17 projects in the training set, and continue by increasing the number one by one until all of the 104 projects in crossdomain1 are used. The results obtained are given in Fig. 12. When we look at the figure, again, there is no general tendency about the methods’ performances.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Performance results for ISBSG_e

5 Evaluation

Up to now, the effort estimation results for each setup are presented separately for each dataset. However, we still do not have an idea about what type of training data (within-domain or cross-domain) should be used for embedded software cost estimation. According to the MdMRE, MMRE, and PRED results obtained, most of the best values for either measure were obtained when the methods are trained on the embedded software datasets (S1). However, when we look at the box plots of residuals for each method, we see that the best performances are obtained when the methods are trained on crossdomain2 or ISBSG by using all of the projects (S3-crossdomain2 or S3 for ISBSG). Thus, in order to come up with a neutral conclusion, we performed t-tests between different sets of results of each algorithm. While performing the t-tests, we used a 0.05 significance level (∝ = 0.05).

According to the t-tests performed, the best performing setups obtained for each estimator are given for coc81_e dataset in Table 5. When we look at the results, S3-crossdomain2 performs best for most of the methods. This means that when the estimators are trained by using all of the projects in crossdomain2, the best performances are obtained for the coc81_e dataset.

Table 5 t-test results for coc81_e dataset

The best performing setups for nasa93_e dataset are given in Table 6. When we look at the results, S3-crossdomain2 again performs best for most of the methods. This means that when the estimators are trained by using all of the projects in crossdomain2, the best performances are obtained for the nasa93_e dataset.

Table 6 t-test results for nasa93_e dataset

The best performing setups for the ISBSG_e dataset are given in Table 7. We should note that the ISBSG_e dataset can use only the ISBSG dataset as training data, because, the attributes in crossdomain1 and crossdomain2 are different; so, there are three possible cases: S1 S2, and S3. When we look at the results, as being different from the previous results, S2 performs best for most of the algorithms. This means that when the estimators are trained by using the same number of projects from ISBSG, the best performances are obtained for the ISBSG_e dataset.

Table 7 t-test results for ISBSG_e dataset

As a result, for all of the embedded software datasets, the estimators that are trained on cross-domain datasets outperform those trained on the embedded software datasets. Thus, we can conclude that cross-domain datasets should be used for training estimators in embedded software cost estimation.

On the other hand, for two of the embedded software datasets used (coc81_e and nasa93_e), using all the projects in the cross-domain dataset as training data gives the best results. For only one dataset, ISBSG_e, using the same number of projects from cross-domain dataset performs best. According to these results, it may seem that as training set size increases performance gets better for cross-domain datasets. However, in order to make a conclusion about how much data should be used as training data, we must take the performance experiments into account. In the performance experiments we made, we observed that there is no direct relationship between training set size and the performances of the estimators. We can only suggest that all possible training set sizes should be tested, and then the best one should be selected for use in experiments.

Although finding the best performing algorithm is not the main focus of this research, we would like to give some insights on the comparative performances of the algorithms we used. When we look at the six algorithms used, k-nearest neighbor (KNN) outperforms the others, because KNN learns the effort values only from similar projects. KS and MLP are the next best ones, where Kernel smother assigns larger weight values to the similar projects and MLP dynamically adjusts its weights according to the delta between the attributes of input project and the training project. Linear regression comes next in terms of prediction performance, since it tries to fit a linear model to the multi-variate project samples. Voting algorithm, on the other hand, does not perform well compared to the previous models. The reason may be that we use equal weights for each model and, thus, all models including the bad-performing ones have the same effect on the result. Finally, the support-vector regression (SVR) model is the worst performing one among the six models used. SVR tries to approximate the solution into a higher dimensional space, where the solution is linear. Cost data is generally high-dimensional; the solution becomes highly complex resulting in over fitting.

We should carefully note that the ordering of these methods may not necessarily reflect their accuracies in practice. Our sole intention is to span as large a number of methods as possible while investigating within versus cross- application domain issues. Determining the best method is out of the scope of this article and is still an open issue.

5.1 Answers to research questions and practical implications

In this article, we report our study about training data domain on software cost modeling, and we especially focus on the cross- versus within-application domain. We have analyzed embedded software systems due to the increasing attention in this domain. We have designed experiments to answer our research questions. Below, we provide the analysis on the rationale of our experimental results for each research question:

  1. 1.

    What type of training data should we use for embedded software cost estimation: cross-domain datasets or within-domain (embedded software) datasets?—In our experiments, we observed that all estimators perform better when they are trained on the cross-domain datasets than they do on the embedded software datasets. Thus, we can conclude that cross-domain datasets should be used for training estimators in embedded software cost estimation.

  2. 2.

    What is the effect of training dataset size on the prediction performance?—In our experiments, we observed that as training set size increases, performance gets better for two of four cross-domain datasets. However, we could not observe this relationship consistently through all datasets. Thus, we suggest determining the correct training dataset size after validating on possible set sizes. A possible reason why this remains an open issue is the fact that the choice of the learning algorithm and data quality have undeniable effects on the size of the training set.

Our results also have practical implications for decision making in the software engineering industry. Below, we list the implications of our research for software practitioners:

  1. 1.

    Our comprehensive analysis of data usage for cost estimation in embedded software development domain can help managers to decide which data to use: cross-domain or within-domain. This is very critical for companies that are newly established or that do not have enough historical data. In such a case, they can use the cross-domain datasets for their cost estimation studies, at least for embedded systems.

  2. 2.

    Project managers can benefit from the learning-based methods we have used, in order to make more accurate estimates while bidding for (1) a new project, (2) allocating the resources among different projects, as well as among different stages of software development lifecycle.

  3. 3.

    A widely used approach is to employ analogy based cost models. However, this assumes the availability of project data that are similar to the project at hand, which can be difficult to obtain, i.e. there may be no similar projects in house and obtaining data from other companies may be limited due to confidentiality. On the other hand, our proposed framework suggests that it is not necessary to take care of particular development characteristics of a project, i.e. its similarity with other projects, while constructing cost models. On the contrary, we observe that rather than using projects from a similar application domain, it is better to use projects from a wider spectrum.Footnote 1

6 Conclusion and future work

There have been many studies that compare within-company cost estimation models to cross-company models and try to find an answer to the question of when companies should rely on cross-company models. However, in this study, we focus on a different aspect of data homogeneity, that is the application domain, and investigate what type of training data should be used for embedded software cost estimation. Further, we investigate the effects of training data size on prediction performance.

We carry out our experiments on public datasets in order to enable other researchers to replicate our experiments. We have used three different experimental setups with a number of learning-based methods. The first setup is to apply the estimators in a within-domain setup. The second one uses a cross-domain training dataset with the same as in the first setup. The last one is the same as the second one except that the training dataset size grows larger. According to the experiments, we can conclude that cross-domain datasets should be used for training estimators in embedded software cost estimation.

In order to find the effect of training data size, we performed additional experiments and we observed that there is no direct relationship between training set size and performance. The optimum training data size depends on the method used, thus, we can only suggest that all possible training set sizes should be tested and then the best one should be selected for use in experiments.

Our main research contribution is to investigate the homogeneity of cost data in terms of application domain. This issue has not been studied before in software cost estimation literature. The second contribution of our study is that, we investigate the effect of training data size on prediction performance, an open question discussed in other studies. We performed experiments to answer this question, yet we conclude that this still remains as an open issue due to variations in data quality and the choice of prediction algorithm. However, the current experiment results can guide project managers in making a decision on how much data is enough for training the algorithm. Finally, we benefit from various machine-learning techniques for software cost estimation and provide a performance comparison. Also, our experimental design may inspire and guide other researchers who would be conducting research on this domain. In our experiments, we use different datasets from public repositories so that other researchers can replicate, refute and/or improve our results.

As a future research direction, the data collection process in embedded systems domain may focus on searching for domain specific attributes, so that the information content of the attributes becomes richer and as a result prediction performance of the algorithm improves.