
A number of studies have documented the importance of a college degree in terms of a range of economic and social outcomes such as higher earnings, lower unemployment rates, greater civic and volunteer engagement, and reduced criminal involvement (e.g., Light 1995; DesJardins et al. 1999; Pascarella and Terenzini 2005). There is also a growing literature that documents a host of factors that account for the variation in retention rates across students and institutions, such as institutional selectivity, academic preparation, and financial aid (e.g., DesJardins et al. 2002b; Singell and Stater 2006). However, few papers examine the pragmatic question of whether universities, using easily accessible data and standard empirical techniques, can effectively identify students who could be retention risks sufficiently early in their college careers to practically intervene (e.g., Murtaugh et al. 1999; DesJardins and Wang 2002; St John 2003; Miller and Tyree 2009). Our study builds on the education literature by examining this question using data from the University of Oregon.

Of course, if institutions were unconstrained in their resources, the likely choice would be for retention efforts to be employed quite broadly with the hope of capturing all possible returns. However, as budgetary concerns are very much active, we question whether there are potential efficiency gains to pooling resources on certain types of students and not others. In an attempt to set the groundwork for such an effort, we model student retention based on a set of student attributes, arguing that it is reasonable to classify students by their probabilities of remaining in the institution at a particular time in the future, and in a way that is actionable. For example, if we consider estimated re-enrollment probabilities by residency status for the 2001 entering class of freshman, we find that resident (nonresident) students in the decile with the highest predicted probability of exiting after the first quarter on campus—those with the lowest estimated probability of re-enrollment—11.0 (12.9) percent actually exit the institution by the end of their second quarter, while only 0.5 (0.0) percent of those in the lowest decile actually exit.

In light of the fact that exits occur across all predicted deciles (i.e., attrition cannot be perfectly predicted), we discuss the importance of considering resource allocations that are sensitive to the implicit and inevitable tradeoff between “type-one errors” (i.e., not treating students who will leave without treatment) and “type-two errors” (i.e., needlessly treating students who will not exit even in the absence of the treatment). Moreover, it may also be the case that the efficacy of treatment varies systematically by type of student. For example, it need not be the case that the best practice spends resources first on those who are at the highest risk of exiting. To the contrary, being most at risk a priori may well correlate with being less sensitive to intervention, yielding resources spent in this effort without an offsetting benefit. Moreover, that those resources could have been spent elsewhere (e.g., on those who, while at less risk of exiting, may be more responsive to treatment), makes such spending inefficient.

By the fall term of the 2001 class’ second year, we find that 35.4 (40.4) percent of the highest-risk residents (nonresidents) fail to be retained, as compared to 3.5 (7.1) for the lowest-risk residents (nonresidents). However, that at-risk students tend to remain at risk throughout their college careers suggests that resources devoted to their retention early in their tenures can be complementary to resources devoted to these same students in subsequent years. Moreover, we find that the degree to which a given student is at risk is predictive of whether a non-returning student remains in higher education at all and the type of institution he or she moves to when enrolling elsewhere. In this context, we discuss how retention policy should not be considered independent of the broader considerations that relate to the match between student and institution. In short, some attrition can be optimal under wider social interests.

Broadly, our findings suggest that uncertainty in predicting retention and in the efficacy of treatment leave unresolved whether administrative action and the associated resource expenditures would yield a net institutional or social benefit. On the other hand, our analysis shows how an institution can estimate the degree of future retention risk within their pool of applicants and the potential maximum yield from an intervention with their enrollees. Such information is critical in formulating a targeted admissions strategy and a cost-effective retention policy, which is a nascent objective among increasingly budget conscience higher educational institutions.

In the following section, we provide a brief account of the necessary background to the issues at hand. In “Second-Term Retention” section, we model patterns of retention within the first academic year at the University of Oregon, choosing to discuss longer-term retention separately in “Later-Term Retention” section. In “Subsequent Post-Secondary Re-enrollment of Non-Retainees” section, we analyze the subsequent re-enrollment patterns of exiting students using data from the National Student Clearinghouse. We conclude with further thoughts on experimental designs as extensions of this research.


Early theoretical work on retention by Tinto (1975) modeled attrition as a longitudinal process where students enter college with a set of attributes and predispositions that precondition their academic and social commitment to graduation. The academic track is influenced by the quality of the student’s interactions with the academic elements of the institution, including faculty and other students, and the social track is refined by the quality of student’s social interactions, including friends and school activities. Tinto (1987) shows that this series of joint interactions collectively determines whether the student persists in the institution. The student-integration model predicts that, all else equal, institutional commitment and the goal of college completion are positively related to the degree of student integration into the institutional environment, where the dropout process includes temporal stages that reflect continuously updated perceptions regarding the students’ enrollment status.

Alternatively, Bean (1978) posits a student-attrition model that borrows from the job-satisfaction literature whereby a student’s decision to leave college relates directly to their cognitive perception of satisfaction. Consistent with this approach, Bean (1983) finds that student satisfaction is influenced by a variety of factors that include grades the student receives and their belief regarding the influence of a college degree on future job prospects. Thus, student satisfaction relates directly to course-taking behavior and membership in campus organizations, which determine their perceptions of the value of participation, the presence of distributive justice, their integration into the institution and other related factors.

Subsequent work has largely worked to integrate and test the student-integration model and student-attrition models (e.g., Cabrera et al. 1993; Guarino and Hocevar 2005; Caison 2007). In this context, most retention studies adopt a logistic regression approach and institution-specific data from either a single or repeated cross section to demonstrate that both financial and non-pecuniary factors play a role in retention (e.g., Wetzel et al. 1999; Stratton et al. 2008). For example, logistic regressions have been used to demonstrate the importance of the gender composition of the faculty (e.g., Robst et al. 1998), teaching effectiveness of faculty (e.g., Langbein and Snider 1999), the quality of the match between the student and university (e.g., Light and Strayer 2000), the initial enrollment intensity of the student as measured by full-time versus part-time status (e.g., Stratton et al. 2007).

In the early empirical literature, the logistic or structural modeling approaches employed to test the hypothesized determinants of student departure largely ignore the dynamic nature of attrition that theory predicts should depend critically on the information implicitly communicated by the timing of the student’s departure. In response, DesJardins et al. (1999) employ a technique to model the correlation in the observed re-enrollment over time using an event-history approach. For example, in a particular application of this technique, DesJardins et al. (2002a) estimate a hazard model that simulates how changes in financial-aid packaging affect the timing of student departures at the University of Minnesota.

Our analysis in a sense combines the logistic regression and dynamic hazard modeling approaches used in prior work. We exploit data that tracks whether a student has been retained by the University of Oregon and includes routinely available personal, performance, and financial information. These data permit estimation of the predicted retention probability at a particular point in time that serves as a measure of “at-risk status” and confirms prior work that student attributes, measured performance, and financial aid are important factors in retention. Subsequently, we test whether the predicted at-risk status early in a student’s career can be used to anticipate subsequent observed decisions regarding retention up through graduation. Combining our institutional data with student-level information available in the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), we also demonstrate that predicted retention behavior while at the University of Oregon relate to the post-attrition decisions of students who fail to be retained by the University. Our results demonstrate the importance of both fixed and time-varying factors in understanding retention and post-attrition behavior of students, which provide a policy platform to help institutions effectively identify at-risk students at critical times in the matriculation process.

Second-Term Retention

We intentionally limit our empirical assessment of retention in two ways. First, we restrict our attention to information generally available to admissions offices and university administrators either at the time the student arrives on campus or in the first couple of terms of enrollment. Second, we use these data to estimate a reduced-form, binary (probit) model of whether a student is retained or not that could be executed by an office of institutional research using off-the-shelf statistical packages. In adopting this approach, our intention is to determine whether an institution could effectively use accessible statistical models and data to identify those students who are at risk of attrition, and if so, engage in a preemptive intervention before such students fail to return to campus.

Our initial approach is the most restrictive in the sense that it uses only the information available at the time of initial enrollment, which would permit the earliest possible identification and intervention. In particular, our initial analysis focuses on a model of second-term retention without the inclusion of information on first-term student performance. We use these data to obtain an estimate of the second-term retention probability, which permits an assessment of whether students who a priori enter with a high probability of attriting from the institution are those who are subsequently more likely to leave. We later relax this restriction and examine the efficacy of incorporating on-campus performance in identifying at-risk students.

Empirical Specification

The University of Oregon is on a quarter system that includes three regular-year terms (i.e., fall, winter, spring) and a summer quarter that we (and the institution) do not consider part of regular full-time enrollment. Because the decision to re-enroll is dichotomous in nature, we estimate probit models where the dependent variable equals one if the student chooses to re-enroll in a particular subsequent academic term and zero otherwise.Footnote 1 The base specification considers whether the student who enrolls as a fall-term freshman re-enrolls in the subsequent winter term. Nonetheless, the structure of the estimation procedure itself is flexible and will not change when we recast the model in terms of predicting later outcomes (e.g., retention in the fall term of the second year, graduation within 5 years). In all cases, we estimate the probit model separately for resident and nonresident students.Footnote 2

Although it would be of interest to model the set of factors that determine retention in a fully dynamic context—examining the behavior and information that exists even within a single term—data limitations prevent us from doing so. Having acknowledged this, it is our belief that this level of aggregation is not likely to constrain policy efforts in any significant way as it would be difficult to imagine implementations in response to information learned in any shorter intervals than single terms. Therefore, we focus on the evaluation of retention probabilities at several points over a student’s academic tenure, with the objective being to determine what student attributes are predictive of being at risk.

The models we consider each include information on personal attributes that are known to the institution at the time of enrollment and may correlate with retention (e.g., Singell 2004). Specifically, we allow retention probabilities to differ across gender and race with the inclusion of binary variables that equal one if the applicant is female, or Asian, African American, Hispanic, Native American, or other non-White (i.e., the comparison category is white males). Also among student attributes included in our specifications are high-school GPA and SAT scores, arguably controlling for measures of aptitude for academic performance upon entry into the institution. Age is controlled for with two binary variables that allow for the retention behavior of students who are either younger than 18 or older than 19 to differ from 18 and 19 year old students that comprise majority of University of Oregon students.

Prior literature has documented the importance of financial considerations in enrollment and retention (e.g., James 1988). Thus, each of our models control for first-year financial eligibility and first-year financial aid offered to the applicant.Footnote 3 Specifically, we include separate controls for the dollar value of scholarships (e.g., institutional and non-institutional scholarships, etc.), grants (e.g., state and federal), loans (e.g., subsidized and unsubsidized), and work-study aid offers measured in thousands of dollars. In so doing, we recall prior work shows that the coefficients on financial aid controls tend to be biased downward (e.g., St John 1990). In particular, the level of financial aid, while potentially relaxing financial constraints that would be expected to be positively related to retention, is also correlated with need that is expected to be negatively related to retention. Identifying the positive retention effects of aid net of its correlation with need is particularly a problem with limited family income measures. Nonetheless, in this case, we adopt a specification that does not attempt to decouple these offsetting effects, in keeping with our objective of parsimony.

To permit possible differences in the enrollment propensities of students with different academic interests, we include two binary variables that allow retention to differ by whether the applicant files for a major in either the College of Arts and Sciences or in any of the professional schools. The excluded comparison category is those students who are undeclared. We further relax our constraints on the model by allowing retention to differ for those students admitted into the Honors College, which includes both a residential and curricular component. Finally, we include a binary variable for small freshman seminars called Freshman Interest Groups (FIGs) which may predict attachment. We also distinguish between FIGs associated with resident halls and those that are nonresidential in nature. Finally, to allow for different enrollment propensities associated with unobserved time-varying factors, we include binary variables for each year, with the first cohort (i.e., 2001) being the comparison group.Footnote 4

Data and Descriptive Statistics

Reflecting the availability of data, we define the sample of University of Oregon students used for this analysis as first-time, fall-term freshmen from academic years 2001 through 2006. The binding constraint on our sample of students is the availability of student-level FIG affiliations, which has only been made available from 2001 onward. As will be noted below, FIG participation is a relatively strong predictor of retention behavior. It is also reflective of the current state of the campus opportunities. We have thus determined that the merits of going further back in time with transcript data are not outweighed by the cost of not including this information in the models. Moreover, the tighter time window has the added advantage that, while the analysis has sufficient observations to yield precise estimates, it permits us to make out-of-sample predictions on relatively current observed behavior. To get a sense of the dynamics of the retention decision over a University of Oregon career, throughout the paper we use the 2001 cohort to examine the effectiveness of the analysis at identifying a specific set of students who will and will not be retained over time and up through graduation.

Prior research has established that departure types such as dropout, stopout, and transfer can be quite different (e.g., Stratton et al. 2008). For consistency, throughout our analysis student attrition is defined at the first term in which active participation in the institution is not evidenced in the records of course enrollment and completion. Moreover, we consider any active engagement within an academic term as attachment and make no distinction by intensity of attachment (e.g., credit hours). Given the regularity with which students skip the summer term, we do not interpret inactivity in summer terms as a stop out.Footnote 5 With this summer-term exception, we otherwise restrict our attention to continuous and active participation in the institution. That is, when we predict fall, second-year re-enrollment for a particular student, we do so only for those students who have been observed at the institution in the fall, winter and spring terms of the previous year. Further, in predicting a particular term in which the student has not re-enrolled (e.g., fall of the second year) we take no account of any subsequent re-enrollment behavior, which is to treat all students equally no matter whether we eventually observe attritors re-enroll or not.

To get a sense of the importance of our restrictions on the data by our definition of continuous participation, we reconstruct the histories and observed decisions of recent University of Oregon students to provide an indication of the relative frequency of the various paths of progression through the institution. For example, Table 1 provides the patterns of active annual enrollment for the 2001 cohort of first-time fall freshmen by eventual graduation outcome, where the real number descriptors are a shorthand way of capturing the wide variety of possible paths. We use years rather than terms for ease of presentation because finer distinctions by term greatly expand the number of categories without changing the qualitative pattern of student participation. In this case, the number of digits in the number corresponds to the number of years in which the student was actively enrolled in the institution. The first digit, by definition, will be one with all subsequent digits assigned the chronological year of contact with the institution. For example, a pattern of 1,245 would indicate that the student was enrolled in years one and two (i.e., 2001 and 2002), was not enrolled in year three (i.e., 2003), re-enrolled in year four (i.e., 2004) and again in year five for a total of 4 years of active enrollment spread over five chronological years. Table 1 indicates that of those students who have graduated, 89% (i.e., 1,585 of 1,779) have continuous year-to-year participation up to the fifth year of enrollment. Thus, for simplicity and without a great loss of generality, we focus on students who are continuously enrolled that constitute the majority of students who matriculate through the University.

Table 1 Paths of persistence by graduation outcome, 2001 Cohort

Historically, the University of Oregon graduates slightly more than 60% of students who enroll as freshman by their sixth year. For example, fall freshman in the 2001 cohort of students have had 6 years on campus and, of cohorts available in the data, have the longest or most complete spell of potential enrollment within the sample. Using the class of 2001, 1,780 of 2,851 students (i.e., 62.4%) had graduated as of the winter term of 2008, while 64 students within the cohort remain active at the institution. Moreover, of the attrition experienced so far from the 2001 cohort, the University of Oregon lost approximately 39% of the total before the fall term of their sophomore year. Table 2 reports the complete pattern of attrition observed from the 2001 cohort of students, by year and term. Generally, the results in Table 2 show that the pattern of attrition is somewhat lumpy, with recurring clusters of attrition being experienced at the end of each academic year.Footnote 6

Table 2 The timing of attrition (without graduation) from the 2001 cohort of first-time fall freshmen


Using only the fixed, student-level information at the time of matriculation (i.e., not exploiting first-term performance, in particular), we model the decision to re-enroll in the winter term of the freshman year as a function of the available student attributes discussed above. The results in Table 3 reveal differences in the probabilities of returning to the University of Oregon in the second quarter of the freshman year across a number of observed attributes known at the time each student enrolls.

Table 3 Determinants of winter-term, first-year re-enrollment, 2001–2006 cohorts

First, we estimate separate models for residents and nonresidents reflecting the findings of prior work that these two student groups face a distinctly different set of choices (e.g., Singell 2004) and supported by a likelihood-ratio test that rejects the restriction of equal coefficients by residential status at the 99% level. Our results indicate that across residency status, winter-term retention probabilities differ by student attributes, and the estimates differ not only in magnitude but sign. For example, female residents are significantly less likely to return in the winter term than their male counterparts, whereas there are no gender differences in retention probabilities for nonresidents. On the other hand, nonresident students with higher high-school GPAs are less likely to return, whereas the coefficient on high-school GPA is not significant for residents. Similarly, while not robust across residency status, out of-state Asian students are more likely to be retained into the winter term. Nonetheless, high-SAT and African American students are more likely to return in the second quarter, regardless of residency. Thus, we find that personal attributes matter with regard to retention, but the pattern of effects is complex.

Second, winter-term retention probabilities are systematically and similarly related to both need and financial aid for resident and nonresident students. Specifically, needy students, as measured by financial eligibility, are less likely to return. This finding is consistent with the expectation that meeting financial need is an important factor in retaining students. Likewise, scholarships and loans positively relate to retention, suggesting that financial assistance can increase the probability that a student remains enrolled at the University. However, the coefficients on grants and work-study, while positive, are insignificant and suggest that the type of aid is important in determining whether it will be effective at improving retention. Broadly, these findings support those of Singell (2004) that merit aid has larger retention effects than need-based aid in part because merit aid correlates positively with ability and retention while need negatively correlates with retention.

Finally, variables relating to the type of student connection to the institution also appear important for retention. In particular, FIG status is a significant predictor of retention, with non-residential FIG affiliations having the stronger correlation for in-state students and residential-FIG affiliations having the stronger correlation for out of-state students. This supports prior findings in Hotchkiss et al. (2002) that freshman learning communities can improve both retention and college performance. Student selection into professional-school majors does not significantly affect the probability of returning winter term relative to students who are undeclared, but nonresident (resident) CAS majors are (are not) significantly less likely to return relative to undeclared students. In addition, admission to the Honors College does not significantly affect winter-quarter retention.

As a general rule, our econometric analysis is suggesting that retention is a difficult outcome to predict, in the sense that there is much variation that is not explained by the list of student determinants in the model. However, prediction-based modeling is still valid and instructive. For example, consider one who has interest in identifying the most-at-risk students among a given class of freshmen. With the above model operating as the backbone of the predictive exercise, we can identify students in a given class who fall on either side of a prescribed probability threshold or within a range of prescribed probabilities of re-enrollment. Consider, by the way of example, predicting the retention probability for each student in the 2001 class and ranking all students in the class from the lowest to the highest probability of being retained. Doing so, one could then decide to treat those below the tenth percentile of re-enrollment probabilities from this class—those that the model predicts are the most at risk of not returning.

Row 1 of the left panel in Table 4 demonstrates that, for residents, the University of Oregon would treat 191 most-at-risk students out of a possible 1,917 students in 2001. These 191 students have predicted probabilities of re-enrolling in winter of their first year that range between 77.8 and 92.5%. Following these students into their subsequent term, 170 are found to have re-enrolled, while 21 actually left the University. In other words, their observed re-enrollment rate was 89% (i.e., 170/191). Conversely, the relatively low-retention-risk categories in rows 2 through 10 include the remaining 1,726 students that our model predicts have a rank-order re-enrollment probability in winter term that ranges between 92.6 and 100%. In reality, 53 of these resident students did not re-enroll in the subsequent term, implying a re-enrollment rate of 96.9% (i.e., 1,673/1,726). The right panel of Table 4 shows a similar pattern for nonresidents. Thus, broadly speaking, the model can identify students (resident and nonresident) who are most vulnerable of not being retained and thereby providing decision makers the opportunity to intervene.

Table 4 Realized winter-term re-enrollment by deciles of predicted re-enrollment probability for the 2001 cohort

Type I versus Type II Errors in Prediction

At this point, and with this illustration in mind, let us pause to consider the necessity that errors in assignment be realized in this context. As with many decisions made in uncertain environments, identifying anything less than an entire population of individuals for an intervention yields some probability of mistaken identity. Errors that naturally arise out of such decisions are commonly classified as one of two types. In the current context, we will commit Type 1 errors (i.e., the error of rejecting a true hypothesis) when we do not identify a student as a retention risk when he/she is truly a retention risk. Acting on such an error may well cost the institution insofar as resources are not directed to a student in need. Such an error would be particularly costly, for example, if students are relatively costly to recruit or if state funds are attached to institutional retention rates.

Conversely, we will commit Type 2 errors (i.e., the error of accepting a false hypothesis) when we identify a student as a retention risk when he or she is truly not at risk. Acting on such an error may well cost the institution insofar as resources are needlessly spent to intervene with these students when they were never truly at risk. It is important to note that in order to evaluate the cost of Type 2 errors, one must examine if persons who are identified as at risk of not returning winter term in the first year but who do return for winter term are at higher risk of not returning some subsequent period before graduation. In our subsequent analysis, we examine whether students who are at risk of not returning early in their career at the University of Oregon remain high risks later in their college career such that interventions could pay future retention dividends.

The decision-making process with regard to retention inevitably involves a trade off between the costs or making these two types of errors. Reconsider the group that fell below the tenth percentile in terms of our predicted probability of returning for winter term from the 2001 cohort of in-state freshmen (i.e., Table 4, row 1)—the lowest 191 of the 1,917 total individuals in this cohort in terms of predicted probability of returning. Of these students, 18 ultimately exited the institutions, suggesting that our predictive model correctly flagged these 18 as true retention risks. Of course, were treatment to have been implemented on all 191 in this category, 170 Type 2 errors would have been committed, as 170 of these 191 students actually returned in the absence of treatment, suggesting that the resources associated with treatment may have been employed to greater benefit elsewhere in the institution. Of the 1,726 students not targeted as retention risks (given this threshold), forgoing treatment of them would be to commit 56 Type 1 errors (i.e., 56 “not-at-risk” students actually dropped out of the institution and may have benefited from treatment). As both types of errors are both necessary implications of facing uncertain outcomes and implicitly costly to the institution, one must bear in mind the need to balance the two.

The comparable breakdown for all intervals is provided in rows two through nine in Table 4 that shows that the number of students who actually re-enroll increases with their predicted re-enrollment. This result is true of both residents and nonresidents. Thus, an empirical retention model can be used to improve an institution’s ability to identify at-risk students and who might benefit from an intervention.

Persistence in At-Risk Status

The effectiveness of early detection depends, in part, on whether students who are identified to be at risk but return continue to be at risk for subsequent re-enrollment decisions. To this end, the left panel of Table 5 is the same as the left panel of Table 4 representing the re-enrollment-probability deciles for residents, whereas the right panel of Table 5 examines the actual enrollment behavior for the students identified in these same re-enrollment-probability deciles but observed in the fall term of the second year. In other words, Table 5 examines whether students grouped into increasingly higher deciles of predicted retention rates in the winter term of their first year are observed to have systematically higher re-enrollment rates in the subsequent fall term of their second year such that there is persistence in at-risk status.

Table 5 Future re-enrollment by predicted winter-term re-enrollment-probability deciles, 2001 cohort

The results demonstrate that residents identified as at risk for the second term continue to be at risk in subsequent terms. For example, 21 of 191 students in the highest re-enrollment-probability decile fail to return winter term of their first year and this number increases to 62 non-retainees in the fall term of their second year. The second decile, comprised of students who are at a lower risk of exiting, appears to be associated with the observed attrition in the second year. Specifically, 13 of the 192 students in the second decile fail to return for winter term of their first year, which increases to 46 non-retainees for this same decile in the fall term of their second year. This positive correlation between second-term and second-year attrition and the declining attrition rate with re-enrollment probability is observed up to the lowest-risk group. For example, 1 of the 192 students in the tenth decile fail to return for winter term of first year, which climbs to 7 for this same decile in the fall term of their second year. The bottom panel of Table 5 conducts a similar exercise for nonresidents and indicates a similar pattern to that observed for residents.

We subsequently show that the re-enrollment-probability deciles derived early in students’ careers are effective at predicting outside of the sample as it relates to graduation. Thus, the findings suggest that identifying students (resident or nonresident) early with the intent to treat may pay future dividends because term-by-term retention risks are positively correlated throughout their tenures.

Later-Term Retention

To this point we have restricted our analysis to an evaluation of retention based on student-level data available upon the arrival of students on campus, which permits immediate identification of potential retention risks. However, while early detection is beneficial, it precludes the possibility of including on-campus academic choices and related outcomes that are likely to add explanatory power to a model of re-enrollment. Thus, our second approach exploits information on performance and course-taking behavior acquired over the first year at the University to explain retention in the fall term of the second year. We also examine whether at-risk status identified in the second year correlates with 5 year graduation rates, which provides further evidence regarding the dynamics of retention behavior.

Data and Descriptive Statistics

A focus on later-term retention requires us to address sampling issues that arise from the fact that we observe more terms of potential re-enrollment for earlier cohorts in our sample. As a general approach, we use the longest period of data available. In particular, we extend our sample by one term, to the fall of 2007, so that a model of fall-term, second-year retention can be estimated for the 2001 through 2006 cohorts used in the previous analysis. However, we also have a specific interest in understanding the dynamics of retention up through graduation, which requires observing at least one cohort over an interval sufficiently long to afford them a reasonable opportunity to graduate. In this case, we use 5 year graduation rates, which allow us to observe the 2001 and 2002 fall-term freshman cohorts up through their expected graduations.Footnote 7

While it is reasonable to expect that performance in college relates to retention, it is important to understand the extent to which measured performance correlates with persistence in college in our sample. For the 2001 cohort of first-time fall freshmen, Fig. 1 considers the typical path of performance (as measured by GPA) by whether the student (resident or nonresident) graduates within 5 years, does not graduate within 5 years but continues to be actively enrolled in the University, or does not graduate and is no longer actively enrolled in the institution. Fig. 1 clearly shows that, without controlling for other student attributes, there are distinct differences in GPA observable even in the first term of active enrollment and then throughout the average student’s tenure. In particular, Fig. 1 shows that those students who are ultimately not retained by the University perform worse during the periods they are enrolled than those students who are retained.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Mean GPA for resident and nonresident students by term, by outcomes, 2001 cohort

From an empirical perspective, Fig. 1 suggests that a model must to account for two particular types of performance effects on retention. First, the model should allow for level differences in performance (i.e., level effects) because students who ultimately leave the University begin with lower grades than those who stay. Second, the model should allow any performance effect to change over time (i.e., time trends), to account for the fact that the trajectory of grades differs for students who eventually exit. Thus, our second-year retention model includes three term-specific GPA measures to control for “level effects of GPA” and a “three-term trend in GPA” to permit differences over time in the influence of academic performance. To improve the fit of the model, the term-specific GPA controls are measured in logs. Logarithmic transformation is a common method to account for nonlinearity in regressions where an explanatory variable (e.g., GPA) is expected to relate positively to the dependent variable (e.g., retention) but at a diminishing rate.

To this point, our model specification includes observed GPA but does not account for the substantial variation in GPAs across subject areas. This is potentially important, given the wide variance in grades across subjects. For example, considering the mean grade awarded by subject code within the University reveals that average grades in lower-division classes by subject range from a low of 2.55 (Accounting) to a high of 3.92 (Military Science) and in upper-division classes range from a low of 2.80 (Economics) to a high of 4.03 (Education). In this circumstance, controls for the level and trend in GPA are likely not sufficient to fully measure differences in college performance across students who themselves differ by subject area. It follows that, beyond our observed GPA measures, we calculate and include in the model each student’s “expected GPA.” The inclusion of this measure then incorporates into the model any systematic differences in the difficulty of obtaining high letter grades in certain disciplines.Footnote 8

In particular, a student’s expected GPA can be simply defined as the average GPA (across all students) over all courses in which the student is enrolled in a given term. For example, consider four schedules of classes in Table 6, with typical grades observed in lower-division University of Oregon courses by discipline. Comparing schedules 1 and 2 on realized GPA alone would lead one to believe that two different students with these schedules were comparable insofar as they receive the same GPA (i.e., 3.35). However, upon reflection, Schedule 1 is a more-difficult course load as measured by the average grade received across those classes (i.e., a GPA of 2.78), while Schedule 2 implied an average GPA of 3.43. Likewise, schedules 3 and 4 demonstrate that it is possible for two students to have distinctly different GPAs in a way that may well imply real differences in performance, as an expected-GPA calculation suggests that course difficulty was not different. To the extent that course difficulties are systematically chosen by students with different unobserved attributes (e.g., drive, motivation), and these same attributes correlate with retention, including both actual GPA and the expected GPA in the model will improve our ability to predict retention.

Table 6 Examples of actual GPA compared to expected GPA

In terms of the interpretation of expected GPA, given that the model includes each student’s realized GPA, which measures actual performance, a lower expected GPA may speak to a student’s willingness to take a harder course load. Because students take a different mix of courses each term, our specifications include the expected GPA for fall, winter, and spring terms, allowing for differences in course taking behavior across time. Following the specification for observed GPA, the three expected GPA controls are measured in logs to account for the fact that taking a more difficult course load may influence retention at a positive but diminishing rate.

Analysis of Fall term, Second-Year Retention

Our probit specifications for residents and nonresidents in the fall term of their second years are presented in Table 7. To a large extent, estimation results are qualitatively similar to those of the first-year, winter term results presented above. Thus, we focus our discussion on the new GPA variables and those findings that differ from prior specifications.

Table 7 Determinants of fall-term, second-year re-enrollment, 2001–2006 cohorts

The results for term-by-term GPA are significant and positive for all three-first-year terms with the largest marginal effect (i.e., coefficient) occurring for the fall-term GPA. This suggests that, for both residents and nonresidents, a student’s performance in each term contributes to their re-enrollment decision in the subsequent fall, but that the student’s initial performance is particularly important. Interestingly, students who take harder course loads (particularly in the spring term) are more likely to re-enroll the following fall. Thus, student engagement in the University appears to be reflected in their willingness to take a more difficult course load. In addition to level effects measured by observed and expected GPA, the trend in GPA is also positive and significant suggesting that students who “get their feet under them” as they matriculate through the University are more likely to return. Thus, consistent with the results in DesJardins and Wang (2002), the findings suggest that tracking both the level and trend in GPA and the student’s course taking behavior may be an effective means of identifying possible retention risks.

Interestingly, participation in FIGs (residential and nonresidential) and admittance to the Honors College have significant and substantial retention effects into the second year even after controlling for GPA. Consistent with the Student Integreation model of Tinto (1987), our results suggests that programs that provide students a smaller and well-defined group of peers may be effective at improving retention. Note, however, that because students must apply for FIGs and the Honors College, this finding is also consistent with the Student Attrition model of Bean as it suggests that students who actively seek out these peer networks are more likely to be retained and opposed to these peer networks causing these students to be retained. Nonetheless, the findings are useful for identifying students who may require intervention either because they do not have such peer networks or are not willing to actively seek and establish these peer networks.

Not surprisingly, the coefficients on high-school performance measures (i.e., high-school GPA and SAT) are smaller in magnitude and generally insignificant in the specifications that include current college performance. Thus, current performance in college is a better predictor of retention than past performance in high school, which has been found in other work (e.g., DesJardins et al. 2002a, b). Likewise, first-year aid values are generally not important in predicting second-year retention, although scholarships are significantly positive for residents suggesting that scholarship programs may create some warm-glow retention effects for resident students.Footnote 9 Finally, consistent with the findings in Light (2002), the results for non-white students indicate that African American and Asian American students are more likely to be retained than white students, net of other attributes. To the contrary, Hispanics, Native American, and other non-whites do not differ in their retention probabilities from white students. Thus, non-white students appear to consistently have higher (or no different) retention probabilities net of other attributes, suggesting that diversity efforts regarding retention may more appropriately focus on other attributes (e.g., current GPA) than on race.

For those in the 2001 cohort who returned winter term of their first year, we use the models estimated in Table 7 (separately for residents and nonresidents) to predict the re-enrollment-probability deciles associated with fall-term, second-year retention. Following the previous analysis, the re-enrollment-probability deciles presented in Table 8 focus on the 2001 cohort in order to examine the model’s effectiveness at predicting the retention behavior for a specific group of students over their career in the institution. Considering these results for residents, we suggest that being in the most-at-risk decile is an accurate predictor of second-year attrition (i.e., 63 correct predictions of a possible 173). However, attrition from the middle deciles is quite uniform up to the ninth decile. For nonresidents, in the right panel of Table 8, we see that high-risk deciles are consistently more likely to have higher observed attrition. For example, the model correctly predicts 34 of 84 in the highest-risk decile. With the exception of the second decile, the number of non-returning out-of-state students increases with the predicted risk of attrition.

Table 8 Realized re-enrollment by deciles of predicted re-enrollment probability, 2001 cohort

Broadly, Table 8 suggests that it is important to look at where non-returnees go after they leave the University because these exiting students may simply be seeking better matches at competing institutions, which may differ distinctly with residency status in part due to their having distinctly different sets of alternatives. Thus, we will later return to examining the post-secondary re-enrollment of non-retainees of the University of Oregon.

Analysis of Graduation Probabilities

Students who are identified as at risk could receive some intervention on the part of the University. However, before an institution would potentially find it worthwhile to spend resources on an intervention for at-risk students it would be important to know if they are, in fact, less likely to graduate. To examine the correlation between risk of attrition and graduation, we run a probit model with a dependent variable that equals one for five-year graduates from the 2001 and 2002 cohorts (i.e., those cohorts in which it is possible to observe 5 year graduation) and that includes the predicted risk categories (excluding the most at risk group).

The results for the 5 year graduation model are presented in Table 9, by residency status. As might be expected, patterns in the data indicate that those students who are most at risk of not returning in the second year are the least likely to graduate in 5 years and the probability of graduating increases for those who are at lower levels of risk. For example, residents (nonresidents) in the second re-enrollment-probability decile are 25.3 (14.0) percent more likely to graduate than those in the first decile. Residents (nonresidents) in the tenth decile are 36.0 (32.2) percent more likely to graduate than those in the first decile. These findings highlight a possible tradeoff in intervention expenditures. Specifically, the greatest percentage (and raw number) of non-retainees are in the highest-risk categories, which suggests a large potential benefit to identifying and treating high-risk students. On the other hand, the attributes of high-risk students may also imply that it is harder (i.e., more costly) to influence their decisions to re-enroll (i.e., they are further from the margin in terms of interventions influencing their behavior).

Table 9 Graduation within 5 years (2001 and 2002 cohorts)

Subsequent Post-Secondary Re-enrollment of Non-Retainees

The net cost of attrition depends critically on post-attrition student outcomes, which the above analysis and most prior work has heretofore largely ignored. For example, if the most-at-risk students do not drop out of higher education when they fail to return to the University of Oregon, but simply move to less-selective institutions, then the failure to retain a student may signal an initial mismatch whereby attrition is an efficient and natural mechanism in a student-institution sorting process. On the other hand, if there is no correlation between at-risk status and post-attrition behavior among those who do not re-enroll, and non-returning University of Oregon students simply exit higher education altogether, then the failure to be retained does not necessarily indicate a mismatch around which one should design policy. In either case, it may be worthwhile from the perspective of the institution to intervene if such costs are less than the costs from attrition. Nonetheless, it is important to understand post-retention behavior and its relationship to at-risk status because the social cost from attrition clearly differs depending on the factors underlying the retention process.

To examine post-retention behavior, we obtain data from the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), which is a non-profit organization that tracks post-secondary enrollment for member institutions that presently comprise nearly the entire population of 2 and 4 year schools.Footnote 10 Specifically, we used the institutional data of the University of Oregon to identify all non-returning students and then queried the NSC for whether they were found to be attending any other 2 year or 4 year institution. We classify all non-returning students not found in a 2 year or 4 year NSC-affiliated institution as “Out of School.” We then restrict our immediate attention to considering whether the student is found in the NSC in the subsequent term. As such, being classified as “Out of School” does not necessarily imply that a student is never to be found in the NSC. Moreover, it is possible for some students who are identified as “Out of School” to be, in fact, attending one of the small number of institutions not included in the NSC.

With these caveats in mind, Table 10 reports the known outcomes of all attrition losses occurring for resident and nonresident students over the first summer. Panel A in Table 10 reports the known outcomes of all attrition losses occurring for residents over the first summer. For example, the first row of Table 10 shows that for the 407 students who exited the University of Oregon from the most-at-risk groups within the 2001–2006 cohorts (i.e., students at the tenth percentile or below), 43.2% (176) were subsequently enrolled in 2 year schools, 8.5% (35) were subsequently enrolled in other 4 year schools, and 48.2% (196) appeared to have left higher education. This compares to 50 students who exited the University of Oregon from the least-at-risk group (i.e., students at or above the 90th percentile of retention probability), where 4.0% (2) were subsequently enrolled at 2 year schools, 52.0% (26) were subsequently enrolled at other 4 year schools, and 44.0% (22) were found to have left higher education.

Table 10 Realized re-enrollment by deciles of predicted re-enrollment probability, 2001–2006 cohorts

In general, the results show that the percent of non-returning students attending 2 year institutions or dropping out of higher education appears to increase with the attrition risk, whereas the percentage subsequently attending other 4 year institutions tends to decrease with the risk-of-attrition. These findings are consistent with Light and Strayer (2000) and Kerkvliet and Nowell (2005) who show that re-enrollment responds to the opportunity cost of alternative choices, which vary across institution types. Moreover, they highlight a potential concern in attempting to retain at-risk students as it suggests that at least some non-retained students may not be well matched to a 4 year institution such as the University of Oregon. In particular, attrition and re-enrollment in 2 year institutions, or exiting higher education altogether, is a realization that could best serve the student. On the other hand, those residents who leave the University of Oregon to attend a competing 4 year institution may be better served by staying at the University of Oregon if an effective intervention was administered. It follows that any retention policy should consider students’ interests, which need not align with those of the institution trying to retain the student.Footnote 11

Panel B of Table 10 reports the known outcomes of all attrition losses occurring for nonresidents over the first summer. For example, the first row of Panel B of Table 10 shows that for the 210 students who exited the University from the most-at-risk groups within each of the 2001–2006 cohorts (i.e., those at the tenth percentile or below), 38.1% (80) were subsequently enrolled at 2 year schools, 10.9% (23) were subsequently enrolled at other 4 year schools, and 51.0% (107) appeared to have left higher education. This can be compared to 37 students who exited the University from the group of students with the lowest likelihood of leaving within the 2001–2006 cohorts (i.e., those above the 90th percentile), where 21.6% (8) were subsequently enrolled at 2 year schools, 54.1% (20) were subsequently enrolled at other 4 year schools, and 24.3% (9) were found to have left higher education.

Overall, and consistent with the findings for residents, the results show that the percent of non-returning students attending 2 year institutions or dropping out of higher education appears to increase with the risk of attrition, whereas the percentage attending other 4 year institutions tends to decrease with the risk of attrition. It follows that the possible misalignment between student and institutional interests remains for nonresidents. However, the percentage of nonresident students who exit the University of Oregon for other 4 year institutions is substantially higher than for resident students, particularly for those most at risk of attrition. This finding suggests that the University of Oregon may benefit most from treating nonresidents who are at risk of attrition but nonetheless demonstrate some degree of attachment to 4 year institutions.Footnote 12

Policy Remarks

Overall, we find that at-risk students can be identified using accessible statistical models and information available at the time a student enrolls and that observed performance in college improves the model’s ability to predict retention. Together, this implies that there is a tradeoff between early identification/intervention and the information gained by including additional data that becomes available as the student matriculates through school.

Our early-career models are used to group students by risk of attrition, which correlates with future attrition up through graduation. Consistent with theoretical expectations, predicted retention grows with student experiences that increase integration such as participation in Freshman Interest Groups and the Honors College. However, for non-returning resident and nonresident students, spring-to-fall transitions are found to be the most concentrated points of attrition. As the percent of exiting students who subsequently attend 2 year institutions or dropout increases with the risk-of-attrition, our findings broadly suggest that some non-returning students may be mismatched, which may tend to manifest itself most when the student is away from the institution during the summer.

The fact that at-risk status can be identified before a student arrives on campus suggests that these models can be used to inform the admissions decision and improve the match between the student and institution. In particular, admissions offices frequently use a point system that assigns explicit weight or points to desired attributes that are used to determine the admissions decision. Such a point system could assign points based on whether a student’s predicted probability of retention crosses a desired threshold by the institution. For example, if an institution has an aspiration to obtain a 90% retention rate, the admissions point system could assign positive points to those student who have a predicated probability of retention of 90% or higher. Although countervailing factors to retention that are consistent with institutional priorities may also weigh into an admissions point system (e.g., first-generation status), explicitly incorporating retention probabilities would move the process toward admitting a class that is individually and collectively more likely to succeed once admitted.

Likewise, once a student has arrived on campus, a risk analysis could be used to shape how students are advised. In particular, students who are identified as retention risks prior to showing up to campus could be given more comprehensive advising designed to mitigate the risk factors regarding retention. Although prior work suggests that what happens to students after enrolling is more influential in their persistence decisions than characteristics that they bring with them to college (e.g., Pascarella and Terenzini 2005), our findings suggest that students who are predicted to be at-risk based on their student attributes remain so throughout their college career. Thus, predictive models can potentially be useful in identifying tendencies to respond adversely to the complex set of post-enrollment factors that affect retention such that systems designed to improve retention at an institution could potentially be more optimally employed. Of course, risk assessment can be updated as the student progresses through school such that students whose revealed decisions and observed performance change their risk of attrition receive advising that reflects their risk status. Thus, a retention model can be used to identify who among a class may require intervention at various stages of their college career.

Ultimately, while a student’s retention risk can be estimated, it remains unclear whether an intervention in the form of a discrete adjustment in best practices would induce these at-risk students to stay and, if so, whether benefits exceed the costs of such an intervention. Moreover, whether interventions should take the form of marginal adjustments in best practices or broader systemic reform that attempt to tackle the multiple factors that influence withdrawal decisions is an open question. An obvious extension to this research exercise is to conduct controlled experiments that examine the efficacy of interventions in improving retention, where treatments could take the form of discrete adjustments to existing practices or more holistic systemic changes.

For example, one might consider estimating such a retention model on the observed retention patterns in earlier cohorts of students in order to predict the retention probabilities of an incoming class of fall-term freshman. All fall-term freshmen can then be sorted into deciles by these predicted retention probabilities. Within each of the deciles—each having similar predicted likelihoods of retention—some students could then be randomly selected to receive one of a set of alternative treatments, with others in that same group acting as untreated “controls” against which deviations in their realized attrition can be measured. Only in this way would policy makers later have the ability to evaluate the efficacy of their interventions and the cost per student retained over and above what would have been predicted.

The advantage of a controlled but locally randomized approach to the allocation of available resources is that it will have the additional benefit of providing insight into how to best target limited funds in the future, improving overall retention efforts. Such information could be used to improve future retention efforts that may then be much more broadly applied with the added confidence of having demonstrated efficacy. This type of research is essential because while there is growing evidence of the factors that determine retention, there is no concrete evidence on whether institutional retention efforts can reduce attrition and whether these efforts are cost effective from an institutional or social perspective.