
With the ongoing proliferation of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) for assessing health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in addition to more clinical and objective indicators of intervention impact [14], it is essential to continually verify the reliability and validity of these tools within different populations and contexts [57]. In particular, establishing that the content of a given PROM is interpreted consistently by respondents across a wide variety of patient subgroupings (e.g., different chronic diseases, socioeconomic strata, ethnicity, age, and gender) and modes of administration (i.e., paper-based vs. electronic) is necessary for performing accurate intergroup comparisons of both baseline and post-treatment levels of HRQoL [8, 9]. In this regard, the recent study by Varni et al. [10] fills an important gap in the psychometric literature on PROMs by examining the factorial invariance of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ Multidimensional Fatigue Scale (PedsQL™ MFS) across gender and three age groupings (5–7, 8–12, and 13–18 years of age). Beginning with the best-fitting confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) model for the PedsQL™ MFS within each age and gender group—namely a bi-factor model consisting of a global fatigue factor and three domain-specific factors of General, Sleep/Rest, and Cognitive Fatigue—Varni et al. conducted the following sequence of cross-group invariance tests in order to detect potential interactions of age and gender with the measurement properties of the scale: (1) metric (i.e., equality constraints on factor loadings); (2) strong (i.e., equality constraints on factor loadings and intercepts); (3) strict (i.e., equality constraints on factor loadings, intercepts, and measurement errors); and (4) homogeneity of variance (i.e., equality constraints on factor variances). Strict and strong invariance were found to hold, respectively, across the gender and age groups, and therefore, it was concluded that the meaning of the PedsQL™ MFS items was sufficiently similar across these subpopulations to allow the intergroup comparison of scores and justify the interpretation of any differences as true rather than artifactual.

Despite these encouraging findings, however, there are some serious limitations in the methodological strategy employed in this study to both locate the optimal baseline model structure for the PedsQL™ MSF and perform the series of factorial invariance tests. Therefore, the present commentary consists of two parts: (1) a discussion of the main statistical problems with Varni et al.’s [10] approach and (2) the presentation of a flexible and innovative resolution for these issues, based on a recently developed Bayesian framework for conducting CFA.

Evaluating model fit in CFA: two perspectives

Varni et al. [10] make a distinction between “traditional” and “practical” perspectives on assessing global model fit and factorial invariance in CFA. The traditional perspective entails using the maximum-likelihood chi-square (χ 2) test of exact fit for establishing a cleanly fitting baseline model [11], and then evaluating the tenability of successive, nested factorial invariance constraints using χ 2 difference (Δχ 2) tests [12, 13]. On the other hand, the practical perspective focuses on the use of supplemental or approximate fit indices (AFIs) with associated “cut-off” thresholds to locate a well-fitting baseline model [1416], followed by assessing the magnitude of the differences in fit indices across the series of equality constraints imposed on the measurement parameters [1719]. In keeping with what is still popular mainstream CFA practice, Varni et al. opt for the practical perspective, using AFIs for all of their model assessments and dismissing the χ 2 and Δχ 2 tests due to a presumed “oversensitivity” to sample size. However, there is somewhat of a sleight of hand with this oft-used claim. More specifically, in any given CFA or structural equation modeling (SEM) application where a significant χ 2 statistic is obtained, there is always the possibility that model misspecification is the culprit, regardless of how high the sample size is. Unfortunately, AFIs cannot be used to safely “override” a failed χ 2 test because, as highlighted by several CFA/SEM methodologists for more than a decade, these indexes cannot shed further light on the precise sources of model misfit [2027]. Thus, relying on AFIs could potentially lead to grossly incorrect models being misjudged as good representations of the phenomena or behaviors under study. And by a straightforward extension, differences in AFIs cannot speak to the tenability of factorial invariance across population subgroups, in the event that the Δχ 2 tests do not support the various sets of equality constraints.

In the Varni et al. [10] study, the χ 2 statistic obtained for the overall bi-factor model (all participants combined) for the PedsQL™ MSF was 250.23 (N = 837, df = 117, p < 0.001). Concerning the configural models for the age and gender invariance testing, the χ 2 values were reported, respectively, as 535.49 (N = 837, df = 357, p < 0.001) and 379.91 (N = 756, df = 234, p < 0.001). These findings indicate a strong possibility of model misspecification, which could have also resulted in distortions in parameter estimates and their associated significance tests [28, 29]. Moreover, while a number of the exact Δχ 2 tests obtained by Varni et al. were actually non-significant and thus appeared to support the invariance constraints (particularly for the gender-based analysis), these can only be taken as accurate if the initial baseline or configural model shows a non-significant χ 2 [12]. Therefore, a more focused diagnosis and resolution of model misspecification would have been much more prudent than simply deferring to AFIs for establishing the baseline models.

Where might CFA/SEM model misspecifications lie?

Encountering some degree of specification error tends to be the norm rather than exception in virtually all CFA/SEM applications, given that the relationships among certain variables are typically set precisely at zero. For example, it is conventionally specified that each observed variable loads on one and only one latent factor [30]; in the case of a bi-factor model, as used by Varnie et al. [10] for the PedsQL™ MFS, it is specified that each variable loads on the global factor and only one of the domain-specific factors [31]. Furthermore, it is also typically assumed that the observed items are conditionally independent given the factor model; in other words, absolutely no additional covariation should exist among the measurement error terms (i.e., the portion of the variance in the items not explained by the factor). In practice, however, the observed variables will load to some degree on factors other than their hypothesized “parent” latent variables [32, 33], and the presence of minor unmodeled factors will often lead to residual covariances among the items [3436]. The latter finding is often due to what Meehl [37] aptly dubbed as “the crud factor” (p. 204), which essentially means that to some extent, all variables are intercorrelated in the world of social science research. Even though these types of misspecifications may be small in a practical sense when considered individually, they will have a cumulative deleterious effect on both model fit and parameter estimates if they are not accounted for. To be sure, more serious varieties of CFA misspecification are also entirely possible (e.g., too few factors in the model), but the ubiquity of cross-loadings and correlated errors means that they should always be the focus of an initial diagnosis of the sources of ill fit.

Conventionally, specification checks on constrained parameters are performed post hoc and one-at-a-time, using modification indices that show the improvement in model fit that would result from freeing a single fixed parameter. Trying to achieve good model fit using this strategy can involve a long series of model modifications that carry a substantial risk of type I error, which makes it potentially dangerous to generalize a substantially revised model to the population under study [38]. Given these issues, researchers engaged in estimating and testing CFA models might be tempted to just simply free all measurement errors and cross-loadings a priori in order to maximize fit. However, under Frequentist estimation methods such as ML or least squares-based procedures, such an approach will lead to the model being statistically underidentified, that is, having too little numerical information in the raw data for estimating the unknown parameter values [39]. However, a new Bayesian framework for CFA/SEM allows practitioners to incorporate the possibility of nonzero cross-loadings and measurement error covariances in advance, minimizing the potential for post hoc data snooping while still ensuring that the model parameters are identified [4042]. The following section provides an overview of the key basic principles of Bayesian estimation, followed by a discussion of their application to both establishing baseline CFA models and testing whether factorial invariance holds across population subgroups.

Bayesian statistical analysis: an overview

While still certainly not yet as commonplace as conventional Frequentist approaches to statistical analysis, the use of Bayesian methods in applied research has grown dramatically over the last two decades, largely due to an increase in the number of high-quality introductory and advanced textbooks, as well as the development of versatile software packages for implementing Bayesian estimation [4345]. Briefly, the two fundamental, overarching differences between the Bayesian and Frequentist paradigms are that Bayesians: (1) view model parameters as variables with probability distributions, not as constants with one and only one true population value and (2) advocate combining empirical data with a researcher’s prior beliefs about model parameters in order to ultimately arrive at a posterior distribution for those parameters, rather than estimating parameters based strictly on the observed data only. More formally, these principles can be compactly expressed using Bayes’ rule [4648]:

$$p(\theta |{\text{Data}}) = \frac{{p({\text{Data}}|\theta )*p(\theta )}}{{p({\text{Data}})}},$$

where p(θ|Data) is the posterior probability (p) distribution of the model parameters (θ) given the empirical data, p(Data|θ) is the likelihood of observing the empirical data given the set of model parameters, p(θ) is the prior probability distribution of the model parameters, and p(Data) is simply the probability distribution of the observed data. Therefore, the posterior distribution is essentially a statistical combination of observed data and prior beliefs about model parameters; in other words, the posterior reflects the extent to which the empirical evidence modifies the researcher’s initial convictions about the distribution of the model parameters.

It is important to point out that the prior distribution—which is constructed based on the theory, expert opinion, or empirical findings from previous research—can vary widely in informativeness, or the degree of influence on the results of a Bayesian analysis [48, 49]. As a simple example, consider that a normal distribution for any model parameter q can be represented as q ~ Normal(μ q , σ q ²), where μ q and σ q ² are the population mean and variance of q, respectively. Whatever prior value is selected for μ q in a Bayesian application, the value chosen for σ q ² reflects how certain the researcher is about the chosen value for μ q . For instance, a researcher with no available prior knowledge of μ q could simply assign it an infinite prior variance, such that the likelihood portion of Eq. [1] would dominate the prior in determining the form of the posterior distribution, rendering the analysis essentially Frequentist in nature. On the other hand, smaller prior values for σ q ² reflect greater degrees of certainty about μ q and would therefore give the prior more weight in shaping the posterior. Note also that priors need not be normal or even part of the family of parametric distributions at all, if the data being analyzed typically depart from these standard forms [50, 51]. Thus, the researcher has considerable flexibility in dealing with non-normality up front and ensuring that it is appropriately reflected in the posterior distribution, rather than applying post hoc non-normality corrections to standard errors and test statistics.

In practice, the posterior distribution is almost always too complex to be calculated directly or even estimated iteratively using familiar ML or least squares techniques. Instead, sophisticated Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are required for gradually locating and mapping out the entire posterior distribution, using a long sequence of random samples of parameter values [52]. Point estimates for parameters (e.g., mean, median, and mode) can then be computed directly using the samples from the posterior, while inference is done using credible intervals, which are fundamentally different from Frequentist confidence intervals [53, 54]. In particular, a credible interval is a range of parameter values in the posterior distribution that cover a certain percentage of the probability. For example, a 95 % credible interval means that given the observed data, there is a 95 % chance that the interval contains the true value of the parameter in question; if this interval does not include zero, then the estimate is considered substantively meaningful. On the other hand, the more familiar 95 % confidence interval means that if we repeated the exact same study 100 times, 95 % of those replications will contain the true value of the parameter. Thus, Bayesian credible intervals focus on the credibility of parameter values given the data at hand (and the prior), not probabilities based on the theoretical replications and data that were never actually observed. For this reason, credible intervals are regarded as more useful and informative than confidence intervals [55, 56].

Bayesian CFA for a single model

The flexibility of Bayesian priors can help CFA practitioners to pre-empt some of the most commonly encountered varieties of model misspecification. A helpful initial step in understanding and using Bayesian CFA is to first view the conventional Frequentist approach to model specification through a Bayesian lens. In particular, the conventional omission of cross-loadings and measurement error covariances in CFA is essentially equivalent to specifying a prior distribution where both the mean and variance of the parameter are exactly zero [40, 41], which is extremely unlikely to be true in the population. While freeing all of these parameters en masse would lead to an underidentified model from a Frequentist standpoint, the use of informative Bayesian priors brings additional statistical information into the analysis that can render the model identified [40, 41, 57]. More specifically, instead of exact zeros where relationships are hypothesized to be absent, “approximate” zero priors can be used in which the distribution for a given parameter is centered at zero, but allowed to vary within the bounds of what might be considered as non-substantive values.

For instance, guidance on what constitutes a nonzero yet trivial range for a cross-loading can be taken from Comrey and Lee’s [58] widely used classification of loading magnitudes, according to which loadings ≥0.71 are considered excellent; ≥0.63 very good; ≥0.55 good; ≥0.45 fair; and ≥0.32 poor. Therefore, a prior that allows a cross-loading to take on values up to even 0.44 might be reasonable, providing that all major loadings of conceptual interest were ultimately estimated to be in the good to excellent range. Thus, assuming that all variables have been standardized for convenience, an approximate zero prior for a given cross-loading λ cross could be specified as λ cross ~ Normal(0.0, 0.05), which implies a prior 95 % credibility interval of −0.44 to +0.44. This strategy gives the posterior estimate for λ cross considerable leeway to depart its zero prior mean—thereby reducing the potential for model misfit—but at the same time helps to restrict it from attaining a more substantively important value. Of course, if one believes the cross-loadings to be even more trivial in magnitude, lower prior variances could be used, for example, λ cross ~ Normal(0.0, 0.005) or λ cross ~ Normal(0.0, 0.01) yield 95 % prior credible intervals of −0.14 to +0.14 and −0.20 to +0.20, respectively [40, 41]. Approximate zero priors could be set for measurement error covariances in a similar manner, with the exception that instead of the normal distribution, inverse-Wishart or inverse-gamma priors are required for these parameters [40, 41, 57].

Of course, the option of using informative Bayesian priors should not be taken as giving CFA practitioners free rein to fill their models with superfluous parameters, simply for the purpose of mathematically improving model fit. Prior distributions should always be carefully specified and justified based on the content area knowledge and any available findings from past research, which still renders the Bayesian approach highly confirmatory. Further, the adequacy of overall model fit should be evaluated using posterior predictive p values (PPPs) [59], which are based on the repeated comparisons of the observed dataset with a series of simulated or “model-implied” datasets created using MCMC-based random samples from the posterior distribution of the model parameters. More formally, in the CFA/SEM context, one computes the following discrepancy measure for each iteration of the MCMC algorithm:

$$D_{i} = T_{i}^{\text{sim}} (Y_{i}^{\text{sim}} ,\theta_{i} ) - T_{i}^{\text{obs}} (Y^{\text{obs}} ,\theta_{i} )$$

where \(T_{i}^{\text{sim}}\) is a summary test statistic (typically, χ 2) produced by fitting the ith posterior sample of model parameters θ i to the simulated dataset \(Y_{i}^{sim}\), and \(T_{i}^{\text{obs}}\)is an analogous test statistic generated by fitting θ i to the observed dataset \(Y^{\text{obs}}\). If the model is correct, the observed and simulated data (and thus \(T_{i}^{\text{sim}}\)and \(T_{i}^{\text{obs}}\)) should match very closely, yielding a distribution of the D i (across the MCMC samples) that is symmetric around 0, and therefore a PPP = 0.5. Thus, PPP values close to 0 (or 1) would suggest that the model is not a good representation of the data, and one could potentially use familiar “alpha” cut-offs such as p < 0.05 (or p > 0.95). However, it is also recommended to inspect the bivariate scatterplot of \(T_{i}^{\text{sim}}\) and \(T_{i}^{\text{obs}}\) as an additional aid in evaluating overall model quality [59]. Furthermore, cross-loadings and measurement error covariances with approximate zero priors should have posterior credible intervals that include zero; if not, then the researcher might need to consider larger prior variances, or perhaps rethink the entire model structure. However, a recent application of Bayesian CFA found that the small variance prior strategy produces excellent fit, without requiring any further model modifications [42].

Bayesian CFA for factorial invariance testing

After establishing a well-fitting baseline model, the flexibility of Bayesian priors can be extended to factorial invariance testing across population subgroups, where they can also be used to relax some conventional yet typically untenable parameter constraints [41]. More specifically, in addition to the usual practice of setting cross-loadings and measurement error covariances to exact zeros in single group CFA, Frequentist-based factorial invariance testing involves setting measurement parameters to be precisely equal to each other across groups, which is also not likely to hold in applications. Therefore, instead of imposing such stringent equality constraints, practitioners can use Bayesian priors to allow a given parameter some degree of variability across groups. For example, a small, likely non-substantive prior variance for the difference in a factor loading between two groups could be specified as Δλ g1,g2 ~ Normal(0.0, 0.005), which gives a narrow 95 % prior credible interval of −0.14 to +0.14 for the cross-group discrepancy. (Whatever prior variance values are chosen should be based on the knowledge of the conceptual background for and psychometric properties of the scale). In addition to improving the capacity of the multigroup model to fit the data, the strategy of allowing some cross-group variability in the measurement parameters greatly simplifies the identification and correction of the sources of non-invariance. Whereas the Frequentist approach to factorial invariance involves the rather cumbersome specification and testing of several nested models, accompanied by a series of specification searches on individual invariance constraints, the Bayesian method entails two simple steps, which are implemented in a user-friendly manner in the Mplus software package [41].

In the first step, the model is estimated using small variance priors on the differences in the measurement parameters across groups, and then the average cross-group differences and accompanying 95 % posterior credible intervals for each parameter are displayed in the output for inspection. A parameter is considered non-invariant if the credible interval for its cross-group differences excludes zero. In the second step, all non-invariant parameters identified in step one are set free (i.e., given infinite prior variances), all invariant parameters are set exactly equal across groups (i.e., zero mean and zero variance priors), and then the model is re-estimated. While one could of course still retain the small variance priors for the parameters that were found to be invariant across groups in the first step, it has been demonstrated that switching to exact equalities on these parameters in the second step actually leads to superior overall fit in terms of PPPs [41]. Achieving a good fit in the second step allows factor means to be compared without the risk of confounding by factorial non-invariance across groups.


Establishing factorial invariance is an essential component of the psychometric evaluation of a measuring instrument, as it provides a sound statistical basis for the comparison of scores across different population subgroups. This commentary sheds further light on some common yet still underappreciated problems encountered when using conventional Frequentist estimation methods and AFIs for developing a well-fitting baseline factor model, as well as conducting a follow-up series of factorial invariance tests. In response to these issues, a flexible and convenient Bayesian framework was presented that can substantially aid in: (1) effectively tackling the most ubiquitous sources of model misspecification in CFA and (2) locating specific measurement parameters that are non-invariant across population subgroups. It is recommended that these promising techniques be more widely adopted by HRQoL researchers for evaluating the factorial invariance of PROMS and other types of self-report instruments.