1 Introduction

The Firing Squad Synchronization Problem (FSSP) (Goto 1962; Moore 1964) is one of the best studied problems for cellular automata. The initial problem, involves finding a cellular automaton, such that, some time after a command is given, all the cells in a line enter a designated firing state simultaneously and for the first time. Several variants of FSSP have been proposed and studied, for variety of structures (Nishitani and Honda 1981; Szwerinski 1982; Grefenstette 1983; Schmid and Worsch 2004). Studies of these variations mainly focus on finding a solution with as few states as possible and possibly running in optimum time (Waksman 1966; Balzer 1967; Mazoyer 1987; Imai et al. 2002; Kobayashi and Goldstein 2005; Umeo et al. 2005).

There are several applications that require synchronization. We list just a few here. At the biological level, cell synchronization is a process by which cells at different stages of the cell cycle (division, duplication, replication) in a culture are brought to the same phase. There are several biological methods used to synchronize cells at specific cell phases (Humphrey 2005). Once synchronized, monitoring the progression from one phase to another allows us to calculate the timing of specific cells’ phases. Another example relates to computer networks (Freeman 2005), where we often want to synchronize computers to the same time, i.e. primary reference clocks should be used to avoid clock offsets.

The synchronization problem has recently been studied in the framework of P systems. Using tree-based P systems, Bernardini et al. (2008) provided a non-deterministic solution with time complexity 3h and a deterministic solution with time complexity 4n + 2h, where h is the height of the tree structure underlying the P system and n is the number of membranes of the P system. The deterministic solution requires membrane polarization techniques and uses a depth-first-search.

More recently, Alhazov et al. (2008) described an improved deterministic algorithm for tree-based P systems, that runs in 3h + 3 steps. This solution requires conditional rules (promoters and inhibitors) and combines a breadth-first-search, a broadcast and a convergecast.

We continue our study of FSSP for digraph-based P systems (Dinneen et al. 2009, 2010c), where we proposed uniform deterministic solutions to a variant of FSSP (Szwerinski 1982), in which there is a single general, at an arbitrary position, and we synchronize a subset of cells (or membranes) of the considered P system. In contrast to the previous FSSP solutions, our solutions require states and priority rules, instead of membrane polarizations or conditional rules. We have earlier presented (Dinneen et al. 2010c) two FSSP algorithms with the running times of 4e + 13 and 3e + 13, where e is the eccentricity of the initiator; the former does not use cell IDs and latter uses cell IDs. All cells of our solutions start with the same state and rules, and have no priori knowledge of the network topology.

In this paper, we present an improved deterministic FSSP algorithm, for P systems with digraph membrane structure, which runs in 3e + 11 steps, without the support of cell IDs. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we define a virtual communication structure for a given P system structure, based on the recursive construction of the transitive closure of the neighboring relation. We also establish a convenient P system framework, called simple P modules (Dinneen et al. 2010a). In Sect. 3, we provide an overview and the P module specification for our FSSP algorithm. Finally, in Sect. 4, we summarize our results and conclude with some open problems.

2 Preliminaries

We assume that the reader is familiar with the basic terminology and notations, such as relations, graphs, nodes (vertices), arcs, edges, directed graphs (digraphs), directed acyclic graphs (dags), alphabets, strings and multisets.

For a digraph (X, δ), recall that \({\mathsf{Neighbor}}(x) = \delta(x) \cup \delta^{-1}(x).\) The relation \({\mathsf{Neighbor}}\) is always symmetric and defines a graph structure, which will be here called the virtual communication graph defined by δ.

A special node g of X is designated as the (fixed) general. For a given general g, we define the depth of a node \({x, {\mathsf{depth}}_g(x) \in {\mathbb{N}},}\) as the length of any shortest path between the c and x, over the \({\mathsf{Neighbor}}\) relation. Recall that the eccentricity of a node \(x \in X, {\mathsf{e}}_x,\) as the maximum length of a shortest path between x and any other node. We note \({\mathsf{e}}_g = \max \{{\mathsf{depth}}_g(x) \mid x \in X \}.\)

Given nodes xy, if \(y \in {\mathsf{Neighbor}}(x)\) and \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(y) = {\mathsf{depth}}_g(x) + 1,\) then (xy) is a depth-increasing arc, x is a predecessor of y and y is a successor of x. Similarly, a node z is a peer of x, if \(z \in {\mathsf{Neighbor}}(x)\) and \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(z) = {\mathsf{depth}}_g(x).\) Note that, for node x, the set of peers and the set of successors are disjoint. A node without a successor will be referred to as a terminal. For node \(x,\,{\mathsf{Pred}}_g(x) = \{y \mid y {\,\hbox{is}\,\hbox{a}\,\hbox{predecessor}\,\hbox{of}\,\hbox{x}} \},\, {\mathsf{Peer}}_g(x) = \{y \mid y {\,\hbox{is}\,\hbox{a}\,\hbox{peer}\,\hbox{of}\,x} \},\, {\mathsf{Succ}}_g(x) = \{y \mid y {\,\hbox{is}\,\hbox{a}\,\hbox{successor}\,of\,x} \}.\)

The depth-increasing arcs form a virtual shortest-paths dag, where each path from general c to a node y is a shortest path, over the \({\mathsf{Neighbor}}\) relation. We further define \({\mathsf{height}}_g(y)\) as the height of y in the shortest-paths dag and \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(y)\) as the number of shortest paths from g to y.

If, as we further assume, the original digraph, δ, is weakly connected, then the shortest paths dag has a single source, general c.

Figure 1a illustrates a digraph with the general g = 1. Figure 1b illustrates its communication graph, where the nodes at even distance from g are shaded and the depth-increasing arcs of the shortest-paths dag are marked by additional arrows. For each node x, Fig. 1c indicates \({\mathsf{Neighbor}}(x), {\mathsf{Pred}}_g(x), {\mathsf{Peer}}_g(x), {\mathsf{Succ}}_g(x), {\mathsf{depth}}_g(x), {\mathsf{height}}_g(x)\) and \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(x).\)

Fig. 1
figure 1

a A sample digraph with the general ]] g = 1. b Its virtual communication graph and shortest-paths dag. c A table with node attributes introduced in this section

Definition 1

(simple P module, Dinneen et al. 2010a). A simple P module with duplex channels is a system \(\Uppi = (O, K, \delta),\) where:

  1. 1.

    O is a finite non-empty alphabet of objects;

  2. 2.

    K is a finite set of cells;

  3. 3.

    δ is an irreflexive binary relation on K, which represents a set of structural arcs between cells, with duplex communication capabilities.

Each cell, \(\sigma_i \in K,\) has the initial configuration σ i  = (Q i s i0w i0R i ), and the current configuration σ i  = (Q i s i w i R i ), where:

  • Q i is a finite set of states;

  • \(s_{i0} \in Q_i\) is the initial state; \(s_i \in Q_i\) is the current state;

  • \(w_{i0} \in {O}^*\) is the initial content; \(w_i \in {O}^*\) is the current content; note that, \(|w_i|_o, o \in O,\) denotes the multiplicity of object o in the multiset w i ;

  • R i is a finite ordered set of multiset rewriting rules of the form: \(s x \rightarrow_{\alpha} s'x'(u)_{\beta_\gamma},\) where \(s, s' \in Q, x, x' \in {O}^*, u \in {O}^*, \alpha \in \{{\mathsf{min}}, {\mathsf{max}}\}, \beta \in \{\uparrow, \downarrow, \updownarrow\}, \gamma \in \{{\mathsf{one}}, {\mathsf{spread}}, {\mathsf{repl}}\} \cup K.\) If u = λ, i.e. the empty multiset of objects, this rule can be abbreviated as \(sx \rightarrow_{\alpha} s'x'.\)

Cells evolve by applying rules. An evolving cell applies one or more rules, which can change its content and state and send objects to its neighbors. For a cell σ i  = (Q i s i w i R i ), a rule \(sx \rightarrow_{\alpha} s'x'(u)_{\beta_\gamma} \in R_i\) is applicable if s = s i and \(x \subseteq w_i.\) The application of a rule takes two sub-steps, after which the cell’s current state s is replaced by target state s′, the current content x is replaced by x′ and multiset u is sent as specified by the transfer operator βγ (as further described below).

The rules are applied in the weak priority order (Păun 2006), i.e. (1) higher priority applicable rules are applied before lower priority applicable rules, and (2) a lower priority applicable rule is applied only if it indicates the same target state as the previously applied rules. We use the notation s ⇒ s′ to indicate a state transition from current state s to target state s′.

In this paper, we use the rewriting operator \(\alpha = {\mathsf{max}}\) and the transfer operator \(\updownarrow_{\mathsf{repl}}.\) The rewriting operator \(\alpha = {\mathsf{max}}\) indicates that an applicable rewriting rule of R i is applied as many times as possible. If the right-hand side of the rule contains \((u)_{\updownarrow_{{\mathsf{repl}}}},\) then, for each application of this rule, a copy of multiset u is sent to each of the neighboring cells (i.e. cells in δ(i) ∪ δ−1(i)). Other rewriting and transfer operators, not used in this paper, are described in Dinneen et al. (2010b). The following example illustrates the behavior of operators that are used in this paper.

Example 2

Consider a simple P module \(\Uppi = ( \{a, b, c, d, e, f, g \}, \{\sigma_1, \sigma_2, \sigma_3 \}, \{(\sigma_1, \sigma_2), (\sigma_2, \sigma_3) \} ),\) where each cell \(\sigma_i \in K\) has the initial form (Qs i0w i0R), where:

  • Q = {s 0, s 1}.

  • s i0 = s 0.

  • \(w_{i0} = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} aabbc & {\hbox{if}\,} \sigma_i = \sigma_2, \\ \lambda & {\hbox{if}\,} \sigma_i \neq \sigma_2. \\ \end{array} \right.\)

  • R is the following sequence of rules:

    1. 1.

      \(s_0\, a \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_0\, d (d)_{\updownarrow_{{\mathsf{repl}}}}\)

    2. 2.

      \(s_0\, b \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_0\, e\)

    3. 3.

      \(s_0\, c \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_1\, f\)

    4. 4.

      \(s_0\, c \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_0\, g\)

In this scenario, all rules are applicable for cell σ2. First, rule 1 is applied twice and sets the target state to s 0. Next, rule 2 is applied twice, then rule 3 is not applied (because it indicates a different target state, s 1) and, finally, rule 4 is applied once. In the final configuration of the system, after one step, cell σ1 contains dd, cell σ2 contains ddeeg and cell σ3 contains dd.

3 Deterministic FSSP solution

In FSSP, all cells start in a quiescent state, i.e. in a state where no rules are applicable if the cell is empty. Also, all cells are empty, except the general cell. In principle, the general sends a “firing order” to all cells, which will prompt them to synchronize, by entering a designated firing state (different from the initial quiescent state), simultaneously and for the first time. However, in general, the general does not have direct communication channels to all cells, thus, the firing order has to be relayed through intermediate cells. Relaying the order through intermediate cells results in some cells receiving the order before other cells. To ensure that all cells enter the firing state simultaneously, each cell needs to wait until all other cells receive the order.

Our FSSP algorithm works in four phases. In Phases I and II, prior to sending the firing order, the general determines its eccentricity, using all shortest paths available. In Phase III, the general sends the firing order, paired with a hop-count, initially set to its eccentricity. The order is further broadcasted to all cells, again via shortest paths. Each cell decrements the hop-count by one, before forwarding the order. In Phase IV, each cell keeps decrementing the hop-count by one, until the hop-count becomes zero, and then enters the firing state; this ensures that cells enter the firing state simultaneously.

Our FSSP algorithm is implemented using the simple P module \(\Uppi = (O, K, \delta),\) where

  1. 1.

    O = {abcdehorvx}.

  2. 2.

    \(K = \{\sigma_1, \sigma_2, \dots, \sigma_n \}.\)

  3. 3.

    δ is a weakly connected digraph.

The general is an arbitrary cell \(\sigma_g \in K.\) All cells have the same set of states, the same set of rules and start at the same initial quiescent state; however, they have different initial contents. Thus, each cell \(\sigma_i \in K\) has the initial form σ i  = (Qs 0w i0R), where:

  • Q = {s 0s 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s 7s 8s 9}, where s 0 is the initial quiescent state and s 9 is the firing state.

  • \(w_{i0} = \left\{\begin{array}{ll}\{a \} & {\hbox{if}}\, \sigma_i = \sigma_g, \\ \emptyset & {\hbox{if}}\, \sigma_i \neq \sigma_g. \\ \end{array} \right.\)

  • R is defined by the following rulesets, grouped by the conceptual four phases.

    • ◯ Rules used in Phase I:

      1. 0.

        Rules for state s 0:

        1. (1)

          \( s_0\, a \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_1\, a b b b d e (o)_{\updownarrow_{\mathsf{repl}}}\)

        2. (2)

          \(s_0 \,o \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_1\, a (x)_{\updownarrow_{\mathsf{repl}}}\)

        3. (3)

          \(s_0\, x \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_1\, a e (o)_{\updownarrow_{\mathsf{repl}}}\)

      2. 1.

        Rules for state s 1:

        1. (1)

          \(s_1\, a \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_2\, a\)

        2. (2)

          \(s_1\, o \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_2\, r\)

        3. (3)

          \(s_1\, x \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_2\, r\)

      3. 2.

        Rules for state s 2:

        1. (1)

          \(s_2\, e \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_3\)

        2. (2)

          \(s_2\, a \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_4\, a\)

        3. (3)

          \(s_2\, x \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_3\, v\)

        4. (4)

          \(s_2\, o \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_4\, v\)

    • ◯ Rules used in Phase II:

      1. 3.

        Rules for state s 3:

        1. (1)

          \(s_3\, h \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_5\, r\)

        2. (2)

          \(s_3\, x v \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_3\)

        3. (3)

          \(s_3\, a v \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_3\, a v\)

        4. (4)

          \(s_3\, a \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_3\, a h\, (o)_{\updownarrow_{\mathsf{repl}}}\)

        5. (5)

          \(s_3\, b d \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_3\, b b d\)

      2. 4.

        Rules for state s 4:

        1. (1)

          \(s_4\, h \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_5\, r\)

        2. (2)

          \(s_4\, o v \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_4\)

        3. (3)

          \(s_4\, a v \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_4\, a v\)

        4. (4)

          \(s_4\, a \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_4\, a h\, (x)_{\updownarrow_{\mathsf{repl}}}\)

      3. 5.

        Rules for state s 5:

        1. (1)

          \(s_5\, d r \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_6\)

        2. (2)

          \(s_5\, b b \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_6\, b\)

        3. (3)

          \(s_5\, r x \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_5\)

        4. (4)

          \(s_5\, r o \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_5\)

        5. (5)

          \(s_5\, r \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_5\, r\)

        6. (6)

          \(s_5\, a \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_6\, a\)

    • ◯ Rules used in Phase III:

      1. 6.

        Rules for state s 6:

        1. (1)

          \(s_6\, a b \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_7\, a h\)

        2. (2)

          \(s_6\, b \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_7\, c\, (b)_{\updownarrow_{\mathsf{repl}}}\)

      2. 7.

        Rules for state s 7:

        1. (1)

          \(s_7\, h \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_7\)

        2. (2)

          \(s_7\, a \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_8\, a\)

        3. (3)

          \(s_7\, b \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_8\)

    • ◯ Rules used in Phase IV:

      1. 8.

        Rules for state s 8:

        1. (1)

          \(s_8\, a c \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_8\, a\)

        2. (2)

          \(s_8\, a \rightarrow_{\mathsf{max}} s_9\)

To simplify our arguments, for each cell \(\sigma_i \in K, \) we define \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)= {\mathsf{paths}}_{\sigma_g}(\sigma_i), {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) = {\mathsf{depth}}_{\sigma_g}(\sigma_i), {\mathsf{height}}_g(i) = {\mathsf{height}}_{\sigma_g}(\sigma_i), {\mathsf{Pred}}_g(i) = {\mathsf{Pred}}_{\sigma_g}(\sigma_i), {\mathsf{Succ}}_g(i) = {\mathsf{Succ}}_{\sigma_g}(\sigma_i), {\mathsf{Peer}}_g(i) = {\mathsf{Peer}}_{\sigma_g}(\sigma_i). \) Additionally, we define the following “variable” objects, which depend on the depth of the cell \(\sigma_i: \mu_i = x, {\overline{\mu}}_i = o, \) if \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)\) is even and \(\mu_i = o, {\overline{\mu}}_i = x,\) if \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)\) is odd. In Phases I and II, this alternation between μ i and \({\overline{\mu}}_i\) enables cell σ i to distinguish between “useful” objects, μ i , received from predecessors and successors, and “noise” objects, \({\overline{\mu}}_i,\) received from peers; cell σ i will itself send out \({\overline{\mu}}_i\) objects, to all its neighbors.

3.1 FSSP Phase I

Phase I is a broadcast initiated by the general, relayed from predecessors to successors, using \(\mu_i, {\overline{\mu}}_i\) as broadcast objects. Intuitively, cell σ i expects to receive “useful” objects μ i , first from its predecessors, then from its successors, “noise” objects \({\overline{\mu}}_i,\) from its peers, and sends \({\overline{\mu}}_i\) objects, to all its neighbors. Additionally, the general starts a counter, which is incremented by one in each step.

Phase I (First broadcast from the general)

  • Precondition: Phase I starts with P module \(\Uppi\) in its initial configuration.

  • Postcondition: At the end of Phase I, the configuration of cell \(\sigma_i \in K\) is (Qs i w i R), where

    • \(s_i = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} s_3 & {\hbox{if}\,} {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) {\,\hbox{is}\,\hbox{even},} \\ s_4 & {\hbox{if}\,} {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) {\,\hbox{is}\,\hbox{odd}s.} \\ \end{array} \right.\)

    • \(|w_i|_a = {\mathsf{paths}}_g(i),\) is the number of shortest paths from σ g to σ i .

    • |w i | b  = 3 and |w i | d  = 1, if σ i  = σ g , is used to implement the general’s counter.

    • \(|w_i|_r = \sum_{\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Peer}}_g(i)} {\mathsf{paths}}_g(j),\) used in Phase II, as the expected number of convergecast objects from peers.

    • \(|w_i|_v = \sum_{\sigma_k \in {\mathsf{Succ}}_g(i)} {\mathsf{paths}}_g(k),\) used in Phase II, as the expected number of convergecast objects from successors.

  • Description: In Phase I, each cell σ i makes three state transitions: if \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)\) is even (which includes the general), then s 0s 1s 2s 3; otherwise s 0s 1s 2s 4. The general σ g , identified by its initial content a, sends the first broadcast object, one copy of \({\overline{\mu}}_g = o,\) to each of its neighbors. Each other cell σ i  ≠ σ g receives its first broadcast objects μ i from its predecessors, in state s 0. Rules applied in transition s 0s 1 rewrite received μ i ’s into a’s and send \({\overline{\mu}}_i\)’s to all σ i ’s neighbors. Additionally, for general σ g , these rules produce three copies of b and one copy of d. Rules applied in transition s 1s 2 rewrite \({\overline{\mu}}_i\)’s received from peers into r’s. Rules applied in transitions s 2s 3 or s 2s 4 rewrite μ i ’s received from successors into v’s.

Propositions 3, 4 and 5, indicate the number of broadcast objects respectively received from predecessors, peers and successors. Cells complete this phase in the number of steps indicated by Proposition 6. Proposition 7 characterizes the terminals.

Proposition 3

Cell σ i  ≠ σ g receives k copies of μ i from its predecessors, in step i \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)\) and sends k copies of \({\overline{\mu}}_i\) to each of its successors, in step \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 1,\) where \(k = {\mathsf{paths}}_g(i).\)


Proof by induction, on \(m = {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) \geq 1.\) In step 1, the general sends o to all its neighbors. Hence, in step 1, each cell σ i in depth 1 receives o =  μ i . Then, in step 2, by state transition s 0s 1, σ i sends \(x = {\overline{\mu}}_i\) to each of its successors.

Assume that the induction hypothesis holds for each cell σ j at depth m. Consider cell σ i at \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) = m + 1 = {\mathsf{depth}}_g(j) + 1.\) By induction hypothesis, in step \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(j) + 1,\) each \(\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Pred}}_g(i)\) sends \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(j)\) copies of \({\overline{\mu}}_j\) to all its neighbors. Thus, in step \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(j) + 1 = {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i), \sigma_i\) receives \(\sum_{\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Pred}}_g(i)} {\mathsf{paths}}_g(j) = {\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) copies of \({\overline{\mu}}_j = \mu_i.\) In step \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 1,\) by state transition s 0s 1, σ i sends \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) copies of \({\overline{\mu}}_i\) to all its neighbors.□

Proposition 4

Cell σ receives i k copies of \({\overline{\mu}}_i\) from its peers, in step \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 1,\) where \(k = \sum_{\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Peer}}_g(i)} {\mathsf{paths}}_g(j).\)


From Proposition 3, each cell \(\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Peer}}_g(i)\) sends \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(j)\) copies of \({\overline{\mu}}_j\) to all its neighbors in step \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(j) + 1.\) Hence, σ i receives \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) copies of \({\overline{\mu}}_j = {\overline{\mu}}_i\) from σ j in step \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(j) + 1 = {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 1.\) Thus, in step \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 1, \sigma_i\) receives \({\overline{\mu}}_i^k,\) where \(k = \sum_{\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Peer}}_g(i)} {\mathsf{paths}}_g(j).\)

Proposition 5

Cell σ i receives k copies of μ i from its successors, in step \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 2,\) where \(k = \sum_{\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Succ}}_g(i)} {\mathsf{paths}}_g(j).\)


From Proposition 3, each cell \(\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Succ}}_g(i)\) sends \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(j)\) copies of \({\overline{\mu}}_j\) to all its neighbors in step \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(j) + 1.\) Hence, σ i receives \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) copies of \({\overline{\mu}}_j = \mu_i\) from σ j in step \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(j) + 1 = {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 2.\) Thus, in step \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 2, \sigma_i\) receives μ k i , where \(k = \sum_{\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Succ}}_g(i)} {\mathsf{paths}}_g(j).\)

Proposition 6

Cell σ i takes \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 3\) steps in Phase I.


From Proposition 3, cell σ i receives \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) copies of μ i from its predecessors in step \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i).\) Cell σ i takes three state transitions, where each state transition takes one step. Hence, σ i takes \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 3\) steps. □

Proposition 7

A cell σ i which does not receive any broadcast objects in step \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 2\) is terminal.


Follows from Proposition 5. □

3.2 FSSP Phase II

Phase II is a convergecast initiated by the terminals, relayed from successors to predecessors. using \(\mu_i, {\overline{\mu}}_i\) as convergecast objects (identical to the broadcast objects sent in Phase I). Intuitively, cell σ i expects to receive “useful” objects μ i , first from its successors, then from its predecessors, “noise” objects \({\overline{\mu}}_i,\) from its peers, and sends \({\overline{\mu}}_i\) objects, to all its neighbors. At the end of this phase, the general stops its counter (used to compute its eccentricity).

Phase II (Convergecast from terminals)

  • Precondition: Phase II starts with the postcondition of Phase I.

  • Postcondition: Phase II ends when the general σ g enters state s 6. At the end of Phase II, the configuration of cell \(\sigma_i \in K\) is (Qs i w i R), where

    • s i  = s 6.

    • \(|w_i|_a = {\mathsf{paths}}_g(i),\) is the number of shortest paths from σ g to σ i .

    • \(|w_i|_b = {\mathsf{e}}_g + 2,\) if σ i  = σ g .

Description: Immediately after the first broadcast (Phase I), each terminal cell σ i initiates a convergecast, by sending convergecast objects \({\overline{\mu}}_i,\) to all its predecessors. A non-terminal cell σ i expects |w i | v copies of μ i from its successors. After receiving this expected number, cell σ i sends |w i | a copies of \({\overline{\mu}}_i,\) to each of its neighbors.

Additionally, when i = c, the general cell σ g stops its counter (which was started in Phase I). The resulting general counter is \(2{\mathsf{e}}_g + 6,\) i.e. the round-trip time from σ g to one of its farthest terminal (plus some overheads). Thus, at the end of Phase II, using this counter, σ g can determine its eccentricity.

Proposition 8

A non-terminal cell σ i receives u copies of μ i from its successors and sends k copies of \({\overline{\mu}}_i\) to each of its predecessors, where \(k = {\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) and \(u = \sum_{\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Succ}}_g(i)} {\mathsf{paths}}_g(j).\)


Proof by induction, on cell σ i ’s height, \(m = {\mathsf{height}}_g(i).\)

In the base case, when m = 0, cell σ i is a terminal cell. Clearly, cell σ i has zero successors and therefore receives zero copies μ i . By rule 3.4 or 4.4, cell σ i sends \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) copies of \({\overline{\mu}}_i\) to all its neighbors (one copy of \({\overline{\mu}}_i\) for each copy of a).

Assume that the induction hypothesis holds for each cell σ k with height \({\mathsf{height}}_g(k) \leq m,\) and consider cell σ i at height \({\mathsf{height}}_g(i) = m + 1.\) In this case case, cell σ i is non-terminal. Each cell \(\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Succ}}_g(i)\) has height \({\mathsf{height}}_g(j) \leq m,\) thus it satisfies the induction hypothesis and sends out, to σ i \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(j)\) copies of \({\overline{\mu}}_j.\) In total, cell σ i receives, from all its successors, \(u = \sum_{\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Succ}}_g(i)} {\mathsf{paths}}_g(j)\) copies of μ i . Next, by rule 3.2 or 4.2, σ i consumes its u copies of μ i and v (one copy of μ i for each copy of v). After consuming all its v’s, by rule 3.4 or 4.4, cell σ i sends \(k = {\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) copies of \({\overline{\mu}}_i\) to each of its neighbors (one copy of \({\overline{\mu}}_i\) for each copy of a). □

Proposition 9

Cell σ i takes \(2{\mathsf{e}}_g - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 3\) steps in Phase II.


The general σ g starts Phase II after completing its Phase I transitions (s 0s 1s 2s 3) i.e. three steps after sending its Phase I broadcast object o. The broadcast needs \({\mathsf{e}}_g\) steps to reach σ t , one of the farthest terminal (with respect to σ g ). Cell σ t needs three more steps to decide that it is terminal. Further \({\mathsf{e}}_g\) steps are needed for the convergecast to reach back σ g . Finally, σ g needs three more overhead steps to reach state s 6. Thus, σ g needs a total of \(2{\mathsf{e}}_g + 3\) steps to reach Phase II’s final state. Each cell σ j  ≠ σ g starts Phase II, with a delay of \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(j)\) steps, after σ g starts Phase II. Therefore, σ i takes \(2{\mathsf{e}}_g - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 3\) steps in Phase II. □

3.3 FSSP Phase III

Phase III is a second broadcast initiated by the general, relayed from predecessors to successors. Initially, the general sends \({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1\) copies of object b to each of its successors. After receiving a number of b’s (which depends on its depth and on its number of shortest paths from the general), each cell σ i sends \({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1 - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)\) copies of b to each of its successors.

Phase III (Second broadcast from the general)

  • Precondition: Phase III starts with the postcondition of Phase II.

  • Postcondition: At the end of Phase III, the configuration of cell \(\sigma_i \in K\) is (Qs i w i R), where

    • s i  = s 8.

    • \(|w_i|_a = {\mathsf{paths}}_g(i),\) is the number of shortest paths from σ g to σ i .

    • \(|w_i|_g = ({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1 - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)) {\mathsf{paths}}_g(i),\) where \({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1 - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)\) is the countdown counter used in Phase IV.

  • Description: In Phase III, each cell σ i makes three transitions, s 6s 7s 7s 8, where each transition takes one step. The general σ g initiates a second broadcast by sending \({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1\) copies of b to all its successors. hop count is represented by the multiplicity of the second broadcast object. A cell σ i  ≠ σ g receives b’s simultaneously via all shortest paths from σ g to σ i . Specifically, σ i receives \(({\mathsf{e}}_g + 2 - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)){\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) copies of b, then transition s 6s 7 removes \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) copies of b and sends remaining \(({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1 - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)){\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) copies of b to all its neighbors. During transitions s 7s 7s 8, σ i accumulates and removes superfluous b’s from its peers and successors.

Proposition 10

Cell σ i receives p copies of b from its predecessors, where \(p = ({\mathsf{e}}_g + 2 - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)){\mathsf{paths}}_g(i),\) and sends q copies of b to each of its successor, where \(q = ({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1 - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)){\mathsf{paths}}_g(i).\)


Proof by induction, on \(m = {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) \geq 1.\) First, the general sends b y to all its neighbors, where \(y = {\mathsf{e}}_g + 1.\) Thus, each cell σ i at depth 1 receives b y, where \(y = {\mathsf{e}}_g + 1 = ({\mathsf{e}}_g + 2 - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)){\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) (since \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(i) = 1\)). Also, by state transition s 6s 7, sends b z to each of its successors, where \(z = {\mathsf{e}}_g = ({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1 - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)){\mathsf{paths}}_g(i).\)

Assume that the induction hypothesis holds for each cell σ j at depth m. Consider cell σ i at \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) = m + 1 = {\mathsf{depth}}_g(j) + 1.\) By induction hypothesis, each \(\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Pred}}_g(i)\) sends \(({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1 - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(j)){\mathsf{paths}}_g(j)\) copies of b. In total, σ i receives \(u = \sum_{\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Pred}}_g(i)} ({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1 - m){\mathsf{paths}}_g(j)\) copies of b. Unrolling this expression, we obtain \(u = ({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1 - m) \sum_{\sigma_j \in {\mathsf{Pred}}_g(i)} {\mathsf{paths}}_g(j) = ({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1 - m) {\mathsf{paths}}_g(i) = ({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1 - ({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) - 1)) {\mathsf{paths}}_g(i) = ({\mathsf{e}}_g + 2 - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)){\mathsf{paths}}_g(i).\) By state transition s 6s 7, σ i removes \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) copies of b and sends the remaining copies of b, i.e. \(({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1 - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)){\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) copies, to all its successors. □

Proposition 11

Cell σ i takes \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 3\) steps in Phase III.


Phase III starts when the general sends the second broadcast object(s). Similar to Phase I, each cell σ i receives its first broadcast object(s) \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)\) steps after the general sends the second broadcast object(s). Cell σ i then takes three state transitions as described above. Thus, σ i takes \({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 3\) steps in Phase III. □

3.4 FSSP Phase IV

Phase IV is the countdown towards firing state. This phase uses the countdown counters \({\mathsf{e}}_g + 1 - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i)\) determined in Phase III.

Phase IV (Countdown towards synchronization)

  • Precondition: Phase IV starts with the postcondition of Phase III.

  • Postcondition: At the end of Phase IV, the configuration of cell \(\sigma_i \in K\) is (Qs i w i R), where s i  = s 9 (the firing state) and w i  = λ.

  • Description: Immediately after receiving the second broadcast (Phase III), each cell initiates a countdown (Phase IV). To achieve synchronization, each cell σ i needs to idle for \({\mathsf{e}}_g - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 1\) steps, before entering the firing state. Specifically, during state transition s 8s 8, σ i removes \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) copies of c in each step, such that after \({\mathsf{e}}_g - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 1\) steps, all c’s disappear. When there are no c’s, by state transition s 8s 9, σ i enters the firing state s 9.

Proposition 12

Cell σ i takes \({\mathsf{e}}_g - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 2\) steps in Phase IV.


Each cell σ i removes \({\mathsf{paths}}_g(i)\) copies of the second broadcast objects. Hence, σ i takes \({\mathsf{e}}_g - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 1\) steps to remove all the broadcast objects. Cell σ i takes one step to enter the firing state. Thus, σ i takes \({\mathsf{e}}_g - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 2\) steps in Phase IV. □

Theorem 13

The running time of our FSSP solution is \(3{\mathsf{e}}_g + 11\) steps, where \({\mathsf{e}}_g\) is the eccentricity of the general σ g .


The result is obtained by summing the individual running times of the four phases, as given by Propositions 6, 9, 11 and 12: \(({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 3) + (2 {\mathsf{e}}_g - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 3) + ({\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 3) + ({\mathsf{e}}_g - {\mathsf{depth}}_g(i) + 2) = 3 {\mathsf{e}}_g + 11.\)

3.5 FSSP complete example

In Table 1, we present the traces of the FSSP algorithm for the virtual structure of the simple P module shown in Fig. 1. Note, for convenience, the phase boundaries are indicated in bold in Table 1.

Table 1 The FSSP trace of the simple P module shown in Fig. 1, where σ g  = σ1

3.6 FSSP optimality

Finally, we show that our algorithm is optimal, up to an additive constant, if we assume that all cells, except the general, start empty and in a quiescent state s 0 (no rules are applicable until some objects appear).

Theorem 14

Any algorithm that solves the FSSP problem must use at least \(3{\mathsf{e}}_g+3\) steps, on an infinity of systems defined as simple P modules (where \({\mathsf{e}}_g\) is the eccentricity of the general σ g ).


The proof is by contradiction. Consider an algorithm \(\Upphi,\) that solves the FSSP problem and the following two simple P modules (see Fig. 2):

  1. 1.

    \(\Uppi_k,\) with an underlying structure of a simple path \(\sigma_0, \sigma_1, {\ldots}, \sigma_{2k},\) with the general located at cell σ k (i.e. the middle). Clearly, this general’s eccentricity is e k  = k.

  2. 2.

    \(\Uppi'_k,\) with an underlying structure of a simple path \(\sigma'_0, \sigma'_1, {\ldots}, \sigma'_{4k+2},\) with the general located at cell \(\sigma'_{k}\) (\(\Uppi'_k\) can be thought as a clone of \(\Uppi_k,\) extended on its right, with 2k + 2 more cells).

Fig. 2
figure 2

The two P modules used in Theorem 14

First, a straightforward induction shows that cells σ0 and \(\sigma'_{0}\) need at least 3k + 3 steps to reach different states. Specifically, we show the converse, that, after t ≤ 3k + 2 steps, cells σ0 and \(\sigma'_{0}\) still have identical states.

  • Initially, all \(\Uppi_k\) and \(\Uppi'_k\) cells are in their initial quiescent state, say s 0, and all cells are empty, except the two generals, σ k and \(\sigma'_{k}\).

  • At step 1, only these two generals evolve. Other quiescent cells cannot evolve, until they receive objects from their evolving neighbors.

  • Thus, after u steps, where 0 ≤ u ≤ k, cells \(\sigma_{k-u}, {\ldots}, \sigma_{k+u}\) have, respectively, identical contents and states as their pair cells \(\sigma'_{k-u}, {\ldots}, \sigma'_{k+u}; \) all remaining \(\Uppi_k\) and \(\Uppi'_k\) cells are still empty and quiescent.

  • Then, after a total of k + 1 steps, cells σ0, \(\sigma_1, {\ldots}, \sigma_{2k}\) have, respectively, identical contents and states as their pair cells \(\sigma'_0, \sigma'_1, {\ldots}, \sigma'_{2k};\) while cells \(\sigma'_{2k+2}, \sigma'_{2k+3}, {\ldots}, \sigma'_{4k+2}\) are still empty and quiescent. However, at this stage, cell \(\sigma'_{2k+1}\) can be non-empty and send, in the next step, objects to cell \(\sigma'_{2k}\).

  • Next, after a total of v steps, where k + 1 ≤ v ≤ 3k + 1, cells \(\sigma_0, \sigma_1, {\ldots}, \sigma_{3k+1-v}\) have, respectively, identical contents and states as their pair cells \(\sigma'_0, \sigma'_1, {\ldots}, \sigma'_{3k+1-v}.\)

  • Thus, after a total of up to 3k + 1 steps (inclusive), cells σ0 and \(\sigma'_{0}\) still have identical contents and states.

  • Finally, after a total of up to 3k + 2 steps (inclusive), cells σ0 and \(\sigma'_{0}\) still have identical states (contents could now be different, but this is not relevant here).

We now show that algorithm \(\Upphi\) needs at least 3k + 3 steps on \(\Uppi_k.\) Assume, by contradiction, that \(\Uppi_k\) can be synchronized in t ≤ 3k + 2 steps. In this case, after t steps, cells σ0 and \(\sigma'_{0}\) are in the same state, say s t , which is also the firing state. Therefore, if algorithm \(\Upphi\) is correct, then \(\Uppi'_k\) must also synchronize in t steps, and its rightmost cell \(\sigma'_{4k+2}\) must also reach the same firing state, s t .

However, a similar induction shows that, after t ≤ 3k + 2 steps, \(\Uppi'_k\) cell \(\sigma'_{4k+2}\) is still in its initial quiescent state, s 0, which is different from the firing state s t . This contradiction completes the proof. □

Remark 15

The lower bound 3e g  + 3 indicated by Theorem 14 is for our current definition of simple P modules. With respect to its proof, at least two steps are required for cells σ2k and \(\sigma'_{2k}\) to differentiate between their right context, i.e. to determine if they are terminal (σ2k ) or not (\(\sigma'_{2k}\)). Thus, the lower bound can be improved (e.g., to 3e g  + 1), if we enable cells to detect faster (in fewer steps) if they are terminals or not; this could be achieved if each cell would be equipped with a predefined counter, indicating the number of its local structural connections.

4 Conclusion

We have proposed an improved deterministic FSSP solution in the framework of P systems, expressed using simple P modules, with the running time of \(3 {\mathsf{e}}_g + 11,\) where \({\mathsf{e}}_g\) is the eccentricity of the general cell. We have also shown that the multiplier is optimal, up to an additive constant.

We end this paper with two open problems. One problem asks if there are adaptive FSSP algorithms which can run faster in many scenarios, by exploiting specific structural layouts, without otherwise incurring any runtime penalty. The other problem is related to the type of communication channels: are there FSSP solutions for a P system with strongly connected underlying membrane structure and simplex communication capability?