1 Introduction

Sensor traces have found vital applications in a variety of diverse scenarios, such as logistics, advanced driver assistance systems, medical care, public security, defense, aerospace, robotics, industrial production, precision agriculture [18], traffic monitoring, and policy making [2, 7]. However, the use of sensory data in these scenarios has often raised privacy concerns. The privacy concerns get more serious with video sensors. This is because people generally don’t like their activities being recorded and watched by others. The main challenge here is to understand and analyze various inference channels that can result in a breach of privacy. While such inference channels are well studied in the context of traditional data sharing applications (e.g., a hospital releasing patient records and GPS based location aware services), it is challenging to understand inference channels embedded in semantically rich video.

In the past works on privacy preserving applications of video, it has been assumed that the identity leakage itself is equivalent to the privacy loss [5, 33]. We recognize that privacy loss occurs when an adversary is able to map an identity to the sensitive information present in the video, for example their habits, physique, companions, etc. The adversary can either be a human being with prior knowledge or an automated system with pattern information obtained through data mining and similar learning techniques [11]. There has been a great deal of work in privacy modeling in the field of video surveillance. In these works, privacy is modeled as a binary variable based on the presence of faces [5, 12, 19, 33] or silhouettes [15]. While removing the facial information is necessary for privacy preservation, it is not sufficient. Saini et al. [24] identified implicit identity leakage channels which exist even in the absence of the facial information. However, in this work the authors only considered privacy loss from a single camera video. The access to multiple camera videos may cause additional privacy loss in the following ways:

  • The adversary can correlate persons in multiple video streams and observe more activities resulting in increased chances of identity leakage and privacy loss. For example, from a single camera generally we cannot infer what places a person visits or whom he meets over a period of time at different places. But this information can be easily extracted by correlating people over multiple camera videos.

  • When an adversary identifies a person in a video, he can use this information to identity other persons in the video. Furthermore, this leakage could be propagated to other camera videos if the adversary is able to correlate people across multiple videos.

In the model proposed in [24], the activity information is measured as a binary variable for the whole video clip. It has completely ignored how many activities there are in the video. However, the chance of identity leakage increases with the amount of activity information. For example, it is easier to identify a person in a ten minute video full of activities rather than in a one hour video in which the activities effectively occur only for a short duration of one minute. The same is true for privacy loss; the chances of privacy loss generally increase with the number of activities in the video.

In this paper we analyze the implicit inference channels in the case of multi-camera surveillance videos and provide an enhanced model to measure the privacy loss due to what, when, and where, i.e. W 3-Privacy. In the proposed model, we first divide the video into a sequence of events and then analyze these events for privacy loss. Information extraction is applied to find different types of evidence what, when and where. The evidence information is used to measure the identity leakage that can occur due to each event. To incorporate the identity leakage due to event patterns, we prepare event lists for each person and fuse the identity leakages from all the events in the list using the anonymity based approach [28]. We separately measure the the amount of sensitive information as sensitivity index, and model privacy loss as a probabilistic product of identity leakage and the sensitivity index. While the proposed event based privacy model incorporates the breach in the current privacy methods, it also integrates seamlessly with currently growing research on event-based semantic representation of video [8, 10, 21]. The model measures the privacy at the semantic level in comparison to the earlier approaches which are mainly based on regions of interest (RoI) such as face and blob.

The main contributions of this paper are summarized as:

  • A model that captures the increase in the identity leakage due to the simultaneous presence of multiple events.

  • An assessment of privacy loss based on identity leakage and the associated sensitive information present in the video.

  • Extending the model for privacy loss assessment to multi-camera surveillance videos.

The paper is laid out as follows. In Section 2, we describe the past works related to privacy loss assessment in video surveillance and discuss the novelty of the proposed work. Section 3 presents the proposed work. Various definitions used in the paper are provided in Section 3.1 and identity leakage is modeled in Section 3.2. A model to measure sensitivity of the video follows in Section 3.3 and privacy loss assessment in Section 3.4. We provide experimental results in Section 4, along with a discussion on the deployment of the model in real systems in Section 4.4. Finally we conclude the paper in Section 5.

2 Related work

In the past works, the privacy loss is often viewed as a discrete value. This set could be of size two (privacy is preserved or lost) [12, 15, 20, 23, 25, 29] or a fixed number [19, 33]. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to model privacy loss as a continuous variable in the range [0,1] consolidating identity leakage through events and event patterns.

Privacy preservation has been studied by many researchers in the video surveillance community, leading to a number of data suppression techniques. In these techniques, the image regions occupied by humans are transformed partially or fully to hide the identity information. For instance, [12] proposed to use a filter to detect and remove the facial information before saving it onto the server until the person’s behavior is considered suspicious. Similar strategies are adopted in works [4, 5, 25] to preserve privacy in video, i.e. if a person’s face is obscured in the video, the privacy is considered preserved. In another set of works, the whole body is replaced by a solid color, estimated background, bar, dot, edges, border, silhouette, or mosaic [6]. While these works don’t model privacy loss explicitly, they assume that hiding bodily cues (such as faces) is enough for privacy preservation. They have overlooked other implicit inference channels associated with what (activity), where (location where the video is recorded) and when (time when the video is recorded). An adversary can observe the behavior, look at the places visited and use prior knowledge to infer identity information.

Table 1 presents a summary of existing works and shows how the proposed work is novel in comparison. This summary has been provided from the following aspects: whether implicit inference channels are considered; whether privacy loss is modeled for surveillance video from multiple cameras; whether the notion of sensitive information has been used in privacy loss computation; whether privacy loss is determined as a binary or continuous value; and whether privacy loss is determined based on single or multiple events in the video. It is clearly shown in the table that the proposed work is novel in many aspects.

Table 1 A summary of related work

3 Proposed work

3.1 Definitions

For the sake of brevity, let us first define the key terms used in the paper.

Definition 1

(Event) The event definition has been adopted from [3]: ‘Event is a physical reality that consists of one or more living or non-living real world objects (who) having one or more attributes (of type) being involved in one or more activities (what) at a location (where) over a period of time (when)’.

Definition 2

(Identity leakage) The probability with which an adversary can identify an individual in the video.

Definition 3

(Anonymity) The size of the group of people who can not be distinguished from each other with the information available in the video.

Definition 4

(Sensitivity index) This is a measure of sensitive information in the video for which an individual feels a privacy violation would occur if made available to public.

Definition 5

(Privacy loss) This is defined as the probability that an adversary will be able to gain sensitive information about an individual depicted in the video.

Definition 6

(Implicit channels) Except facial information, all other means of identity leakage are called implicit channels of identity leakage.

Definition 7

(Evidence) This is the information which is extracted from the video data. The facial information is termed as “who” evidence, any activity related information is termed as “what” evidence, temporal information is said to be “when” evidence, and spatial information as “where” evidence. These evidence types have been identified as main aspects of a generic event model [32].

3.2 Identity leakage

In the proposed framework, the privacy loss is determined based on the identity leakage and association of the identity with the sensitive information present in the video. This is illustrated in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The process of assessment of privacy loss of individuals in the video

The aim of an adversary is to establish a relation between an identity and sensitive information present in the video. Hence, the first step in privacy modeling is to determine the extent of identity leakage. Let us start with the analysis of the human recognition system. We recognize people generally by their name, face, and habits etc. Table 2 enumerates usual idiosyncrasies used by human beings to recognize fellow humans. In our formalization of identity leakage, we model ‘face’ as who evidence, ‘gait’ and ‘social behavior’ as what evidence, ‘time’ as when evidence, and spatial information as where evidence [24]. Other aspects such as ‘associated objects’ and ‘who else they meet’ can be considered by determining the number of objects present in the video.

Table 2 Different idiosyncrasies which human beings use in order to recognize other people

We measure the identity leakage through the degree of anonymity. An identity leakage with κ-anonymity means that the size of the smallest group with which the adversary can associate the individual’s identity is κ [28]. With the detection of each idiosyncrasy, we are able to associate the identity of the individual to a subgroup of people (the default initial group is the world’s total population). For example, when it is detected that the place is ‘Smart Lab, NUS’, through prior knowledge we can relate the identity of the individuals in the video to the group of people who visit ‘Smart Lab’. Furthermore, if the time is also detected as evening, we can use the knowledge that only half of them are expected to be there, reducing the association group by half. Hence, the identity leakage depends on prior knowledge of the adversary and corresponding observations from the video. We model the knowledge of an adversary as a rule based expert system [14]. In its knowledge base, an expert system contains facts and beliefs learned over time, which can be used to interpret the observations (in our case its purpose is to infer identity from given evidence). The structure of the knowledge base and its application will be discussed later. Note that a significant amount of work is being done on knowledge modeling in the interdisciplinary fields of Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, and Knowledge Representation and Reasoning [31]. Systems are being developed that can learn these rules automatically [10, 11] and make inferences, causing privacy loss.

Figure 2 shows the overall framework for identity leakage calculation. Events are detected from the video of each camera and analyzed to enumerate the number of targets. Consequently, an event list is constructed for each target. In the figure, T 1, T 2, ..., T m denote m targets and E 1, E 2, ..., E m denote the corresponding event lists. The event list contains all the events in which a particular target is detected. Overall identity leakage I i for the target T i is calculated by using anonymity based fusion [28] of the information from the corresponding events in the event list E i . The anonymity is calculated for each target appearing in the detected events using the adversary’s knowledge base.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The framework for Identity Leakage Analysis. Here, the term target is used to denote individuals in the video

3.2.1 Video segmentation

The input video from multiple cameras is segmented into events. This segmentation can be performed based on various criteria. For example, one event can be the video segment between two consecutive background frames encompassing non background frames with motion and activity [17]. Alternatively, video can be segmented based on the number of people [26]. The proposed framework is independent of how we segment the video.

3.2.2 Evidence detection

After segmenting the video into events, we detect evidence from each event. This is done by analyzing the information present in the video. If the information is sufficient to recognize the place, we consider that the where evidence is detected. Similarly, if the event contains time information, it leads to when evidence. The what evidence is always present if the event involves one or more persons; which is true by definition (c.f. Section 3.1).

3.2.3 Proposition generation

The event related knowledge of an adversary can be represented using propositional logic statements. This knowledge can be learned using machine learning techniques or it can be an expert knowledge base related to the application scenario. Every statement consists of a premise and conclusion. A premise is a proposition that is used as the foundation for drawing a conclusions. In our case, each premise proposition statement consists of information about an event. An event consists of following attributes: when, where, and what (we exclude the who because the face is assumed obscured in the video). Hence, a premise statement is represented by a 4-tuple \(\mathcal{P}\)(t s , t e ,act,loc); where t s and t e are the start and end time of an event respectively (when), act is the activity (what), and loc is the location (where). For example, a premise statement \(\mathcal{P}\)(25-Oct-2010:10:35, 25-Oct-2010:11:10, “working”, “smart lab”) means “a group of people was working in the smart laboratory from 10:35 h to 11:10 h on 25-Oct-2010”. This premise leads to the corresponding conclusion \(\mathcal{C}(grp)\), where grp is the associated group of people. A knowledge base consists of pairs of premise and conclusion statements. A knowledge base entry \(\mathcal{P} \Rightarrow \mathcal{C}\) denotes that if a premise \(\mathcal{P}\) is true, it leads to conclusion \(\mathcal{C}\). For example, \(\mathcal{P}\) (25-Oct-2010:10:35, 25-Oct-2010:11:10, “working”, “smart lab”) \(\Rightarrow \mathcal{C}\)(G1) would mean that “The group of people who are working in the smart laboratory from 10:35 h to 11:10 h on 25-Oct-2010 are G1”. Note that the absence of any attribute in the tuple is represented by a null symbol ‘ϕ’. For instance, a premise statement \(\mathcal{P}\) (ϕ, ϕ,“dancing”, ϕ) denotes “a group of people was involved in dancing activity in the scene”. This premise leads to the corresponding conclusion \(\mathcal{C}\)(G2) “The group of people in the video who are involved in the dancing activity are G2”.

Using the above propositional statements, we can build propositions for each type of idiosyncrasy listed in Table 2. For example, identity leakage through clothes can be represented as \(\mathcal{P}\)(t s , t e , “kurta”, “office”) to distinguish people who wear kurtas in an office, social behavior related identity leakage can be represented as \(\mathcal{P}\)(t s , t e , “praying”, “temple”) which can map to the people of a particular religion who go to temple to pray, the proposition for gait related identity leakage can be constructed as \(\mathcal{P}\)(t s , t e , “hand in pocket”, “temple”), and companion related identity leakage as \(\mathcal{P}\)(t s , t e , “with Mukesh”, “temple”).

The event contains the information that can be learned by the adversary about any individual. Every event is a potential source of identity leakage. The identity leakage can take place in two ways:

  • Through individual events in isolation, i.e. every event has what, when and where information which can be used to associate a person’s identity to a particular group of people.

  • Through a spatiotemporal sequence of events which might map to an identity revealing patterns present in the knowledge base. The matching patterns further restrict the identity to a subgroup of people.

Although all statements of the knowledge base conclude in an association group, they differ for both the cases discussed above. The statements used for identity leakage from events generally have propositions that are generated by only that event, whereas for a later case the premise may consist of multiple propositions derived from multiple events which might be from multiple cameras. We will calculate both types of identity leakages (due to individual events and event patterns) and combine them to find the overall identity leakage.

3.2.4 Identity leakage from individual events

The propositions generated in the previous section contain the event information. However, the identity leakage only occurs if similar propositions are also present in the adversary’s knowledge base. Hence, for each proposition, we find mapping in the knowledge base. If an appropriate mapping is found, we add the corresponding associated group in the set of mapped groups \(\mathcal{G}\). Let \(\mathcal{G}^e\) be the resulting association group due to event information. It is calculated as the intersection of all the groups in \(\mathcal{G}\) as follows:

$$ \mathcal{G}^e= \cap\{G \mid G \in \mathcal{G}\} $$

For example, if the knowledge base consists of propositions \(\mathcal{P}_1\) to \(\mathcal{P}_{10}\) with the corresponding association groups G1 to G10; and the event under consideration generates propositions \(\mathcal{P}_2\) and \(\mathcal{P}_8\), then the set of mapped groups \(\mathcal{G} = \{\mathrm{G2, G8}\}\) and the resulting association group \(\mathcal{G}^e = \mathrm{G2}\cap\mathrm{G8}\). The above equation implies that by using the information present in the event, we are able to associate the identity of the person seen in the video to a group of people \(\mathcal{G}^e\).

3.2.5 Identity leakage through multiple event patterns

In the previous section we modeled the identity leakage by considering the events in isolation. However, the adversary may track the person over multiple events and multiple cameras which allows the adversary to exploit the knowledge of event patterns to further reduce the anonymity of identity. In order to model the identity leakage through event patterns, events are analyzed to detect the total number of targets present in the video. A separate event list is created for each target as shown in Fig. 2. The target association across events is done based on similarity of appearances such as height, clothes etc. This is because the adversary can obtain an event sequence only if the person looks similar across cameras.

Once we build the event list for all the targets, we fuse the identity leakage for each target using the information obtained from its associated event list. Let \(\mathcal{G}^e_{ij}\) be the association group for the j th event in event list E i , which corresponds to target T i , and is calculated using (1).

To understand how the knowledge of patterns helps in identity leakage, let us consider the following example. Suppose the adversary knows that G1 = {A1, A2, ..., A10} people are expected at site 1, and G2 = {A1, A2, B1, B2, ..., B6} people are expected at site 2. If A1 appears at site 1 and site 2 in two separate events (from separate cameras), the corresponding anonymities are 10 for event 1 and 8 for event 2. This results in an anonymity of 8 for A1 (i.e. the minimum of the two values), if events are considered in isolation. However, even without facial information the adversary can identify that the person detected at site 1 as well as site 2 is same through visual similarity. The adversary has the pattern information that only A1 and A2 are seen at both sites which results in a reduced anonymity of 2. The pattern information (only A1 and A2 are seen at both sites) is embedded in G1 and G2 and it can be easily obtained by intersecting G1 and G2. Hence, the combined association group \(\mathcal{G}'_{i}\) for target T i is calculated as the intersection of all the association groups of corresponding events in its event list E i (See (2)).

$$\mathcal{G}'_{i}=\mathcal{G}^e_{i1} \cap \mathcal{G}^e_{i2} \cap \dots \mathcal{G}^e_{in_e} $$

where n e is the number of matching propositions for all the events in E i .

In the discussion above, it is assumed that the adversary has the knowledge of all populations in their entirety. In practice the adversary may not have knowledge of G1 and G2 but may only know that if someone is seen at both site 1 and site 2, it is either A1 or A2, which can be stored in the knowledge base using the following statement:

$$ \mathcal{P}(\phi, \phi, \phi,Site1)\wedge \mathcal{P}(\phi, \phi, \phi,Site2) \Rightarrow \mathcal{C}(\mbox{A1, A2}) $$

Now, if there are two events generating propositions \(\mathcal{P}(\phi,\phi,\phi,\mathrm{Site1})\) and \(\mathcal{P}(\phi,\phi,\phi,\mathrm{Site2})\), they will not cause any identity leakage individually as they do not have any mapping statements. However, when found to be related to the same target, both events can be mapped together to the pattern statement discussed above causing additional identity leakage. Let \(\mathcal{G}^p_{i1}, \mathcal{G}^p_{i2}...\) be the association groups for the matching pattern statements. The overall association group is now calculated by intersecting all the association groups corresponding to events (\(\mathcal{G}^e_{ij}\)) and event patterns (\(\mathcal{G}^p_{ij}\)):

$$ \mathcal{G}_{i}=\big(\mathcal{G}^e_{i1} \cap \mathcal{G}^e_{i2} \cap \dots \mathcal{G}^e_{in_e}\big) \cap \big(\mathcal{G}^p_{i1} \cap \mathcal{G}^p_{i2} \cap \dots \mathcal{G}^p_{in_p}\big) $$

In the above equation, n p is the number of matching patterns for all the events in E i .

The anonymity, κ i , of target T i is calculated as the size of the overall association group \(\mathcal{G}_{i}\):

$$ \kappa_i = |\mathcal{G}_{i}| $$

Finally, the identity leakage, I i , for target T i is the inverse of the anonymity by definition and is computed as:

$$ I_i = \frac{1}{\kappa_i} $$

If all the events belong to one person, that person should be common among all the association groups. Nevertheless, there can be multiple people satisfying the same set of propositions. For example, there can be multiple people who come to the laboratory at night and do similar activities. Therefore, the identity leakage is generally less than one.

3.3 Sensitivity index

Privacy loss and identity leakage are two separate phenomena. Mere identity leakage does not always lead to privacy loss. For example, a video which only shows the full frontal face reveals the identity of the person quite accurately. However, if no other information can be learned from the video (activity, place, time, etc.), people generally don’t feel that their privacy is being compromised, whereas, if the video also shows which place the person is visiting or whom the person is meeting, it might be a privacy loss for some individuals. Similar situations can be found in the statistical data publication where well structured data records of individuals are published after the removal of the direct identifiers [13]. There, the privacy loss occurs when an adversary is able to map the identity to the sensitive information stored in the sensitive information fields of the published data records. For example, medical data records might contain disease names as sensitive information.

Video generally contains an enormous amount of information which might qualify as sensitive. Which information is sensitive and which is normal, depends on the individuals and may vary from person to person [16]. Yet Table 3 enumerates commonly found video attributes which are considered sensitive. These attributes can be categorized as one of the evidence types what, when, and where, and the identity leakage through these implicit channels can provide a basis to determine the privacy loss. Further discussion on state of the art techniques to determine these attributes is provided in Section 4.4.

Table 3 Commonly identified sensitive information

We assume that the information in the video consists of a set of attributes and that some of these represent the sensitive information. Let A = {a 1, a 2,...a l } be the set of attributes that can potentially be sensitive information. Let \(\mathcal{W}\) be the priority vector defined as:

$$ \mathcal{W}=\{w_k\mid k\in[1,l], w_k\geq 0, w_1 + w_2,...+w_l=1\} $$

The elements of the vector are weights (w k ) which are set by the individuals seen in the video and they reflect their priority of the corresponding attribute as sensitive information. While the priority vector could be different for each individual, we recommend the calculation of a representative priority vector for a group of people seen at video recording site. For each target we detect the sensitive attributes in all of the events in the corresponding event list and build a sensitivity matrix as follows:

$$ S = \{s_{ki} \mid k \in [1,l],i\in [1,m]\} $$

Each column is related to one target, and each row to one sensitive attribute. The elements of the array are calculated as follows:

$$ s_{ik} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & \mbox{if $k${th} attribute is detected for target $T_i$};\\ 0 & \mbox{otherwise}.\end{array}\right. $$

The sensitivity index for each ith target can be calculated as follows:

$$ \Psi_i = \sum\limits_{k=1}^{l}w_{k} s_{ik}. $$

The equation reflects that any information in the video only adds to the privacy loss if it is also sensitive to the individuals in the video. In the above discussion we assume that the sensitivity of an attribute remains unchanged over time. However, an attribute which is not sensitive today, may become sensitive at some later point in time. This is the limitation of all existing privacy solutions and remains so in our proposed model as well. It is very difficult to capture the evolving sense of privacy loss.

3.4 Privacy loss

If we remove the identity information completely, the video cannot cause privacy loss to any individual, no matter how much sensitive information the video contains. This is because the sensitive information cannot be associated with anyone. Similarly, if there is nothing sensitive in the video, it generally does not cause privacy loss even when people are identified. In both the cases, the resulting privacy loss is zero. Hence, the privacy loss γ i of ith target can be calculated as a product of the identity leakage (I i ) and the sensitivity index Ψ i , i.e.

$$ \gamma_i = I_i \Psi_i $$

where γ i is the total privacy loss of ith individual. In order to reduce the privacy loss, we need to minimize both identity leakage and sensitive information. Interestingly, even if one of them is close to zero, we can keep privacy loss to a minimum.

3.5 Remarks

The proposed model measures the privacy loss of the individuals that are usual inhabitants living in the vicinity of the video recording site. The framework takes a conservative approach and models the privacy loss that would occur when no random people appear at the site. To understand this point, let us assume that there is a hypothetical model that considers random people as well in determining the association groups. If r is the number of additional random people seen at the site, \(\mathcal{G}\) is the association group according to the proposed framework, and \(\mathcal{G}^r\) is the association group considering these r random people as well; it can be easily proven that ∀ r ≥ 0, \(\mathcal{G}\subset \mathcal{G}^r \). In the limiting case we have:

$$ \lim_{r \to 0} \frac{|\mathcal{G}^r|}{|\mathcal{G}|} = 1. $$

Since \(\gamma \propto 1/|\mathcal{G}|\) (see (5), (6), and (11)), the privacy loss computed using our model will always be higher than the actual privacy loss for any nonzero r. The proposed privacy model considers the worst case scenario when no random people show up and provides an upper bound of the privacy loss for the given video and adversary knowledge base.

This paper examines an anonymity based approach to ensure privacy in a video, however, it remains to be explored how a differential privacy mechanism [9], which is a completely new direction and claims to provide a more accurate measure of privacy, can be used in the W3-privacy framework.

4 Experimental results

To demonstrate the utility of the proposed model, we conduct three experiments. In the first experiment we highlight the difference between identity leakage and privacy loss. In the second, the effect of multiple events of the identity leakage is shown. Finally in the third experiment, we show how the proposed framework is used to calculate privacy loss in the case of a multi-camera surveillance video.

4.1 Experiment 1: identity leakage vs privacy loss

The distinction between identity leakage and privacy loss is demonstrated using the following experiment. We consider a case where a person is sick and visits a hospital. He does not want his friends to know his disease and the doctor with whom he is consulting, likely because the doctor’s specialization might reveal the disease. Here, there are two sensitive attributes A = {a 1, a 2} where a 1 is the companion and a 2 is the location. The corresponding priority weights for sensitive information are given as W = {w 1, w 2} where w 1 = 0.5, and w 2 = 0.5. He goes to the hospital and the surveillance camera records four separate images of the person. For this example we assume that each image is representative of one event. The four images are shown in Fig. 3. The sensitivity matrix is a column vector since we are analyzing the privacy loss of only the patient, which is denoted as \(S=\{s_1,s_2\}^T\). The values of s 1 and s 2 are different for different images which are determined below.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Four pictures taken by surveillance cameras placed around a hospital

In Fig. 3a, we cannot see the person’s face, hence the privacy loss predicted by traditional models is 0. The picture also does not have any other information which can be used for implicit inference channel, hence the proposed model also gives zero identity loss as well as privacy loss. In Fig. 3b we can see the person’s face implying a privacy loss of 1 with traditional models of privacy. However, since no sensitive information is available in this image, s 1 and s 2 are taken as 0, which results in zero privacy loss using the proposed model (11). Figure 3c clearly has companion information, making s 2 = 1. This results in a privacy loss of γ = 0.5 × 1 = 0.5. Finally, from Fig. 3d we can deduce the exact disease through hospital name. Hence the privacy loss γ = 1 × (0.5 × 1 + 0.5 × 1) = 1. Figure 4 shows the results of the experiment. To get the user perceived privacy loss, five students aged between 20 and 30 were explained the situation and were asked to rate the privacy loss for each image from 0 to 1. The users were explained the scenario that a person has a sensitive disease and he is visiting a doctor in a hospital. If they are the sick person in the picture, how would they rate the privacy loss for each of the four pictures.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Identity vs privacy

There are two implications of the results. Firstly, if the video does not contain any sensitive information for the person, we do not need to hide the identity information; the video will not cause any privacy loss. Alternatively, if the identity cannot be inferred from the video, the video can be released with all the sensitive information, although this is generally not possible as sensitive information itself can cause identity leakage through other implicit inference channels.

4.2 Experiment 2: event based identity leakage

The goal of this experiment is to highlight the effect of multiple events on identity leakage. We use a video clip from a single camera recorded in a laboratory scenario. The knowledge base in this case has statements shown in Table 4. The video, half an hour in length, consists of seven events described in Table 5 with three targets involved. Here, SL means ‘Smart Lab’ and for clarity we mention the events as C 1, C 2, ..., etc., which later form the event lists E i . The representative images from four of them are shown in Fig. 5. In this video clip, all three types of evidence are detected as follows: what = walking (WK), running (RN), discussion (DC), where = smart lab (SL), when = evening (EV). Since all the events had the same starting and ending time (EV), in the propositions we mention both the start and end time using a single EV.

Table 4 Knowledge base for experiment 2
Table 5 Event description of the video for experiment 2
Fig. 5
figure 5

Representative images from four events of the video recoded in the smart lab

Since the proposition generation depends on the targets, we describe it for individual targets separately. In Table 6, the first column shows the events in which the target is detected. The second column shows the proposition generated by that event. In the third column we write the association group according to the mapping proposition in the knowledge base shown in Table 4. We calculate the final association group by calculating the intersection of all groups due to individual events. Table 6 shows the results for T 1 and T 2. Target T 3 only appears in one event and generates the proposition \(\mathcal{P}\)(EV, WK, SL) which maps to statement 3, giving \(\mathcal{G}_{3}\) = G3. In case the event generated proposition does not have mapping in the knowledge base, the association group is assumed to be the universal group (UV) which is superset of all other groups. Note that if only individual events are considered, the association groups would be the smallest in the list, which is incidentally the same for all three targets, i.e. 4. Figure 6 compares anonymities calculated using both models.

Table 6 Event lists and identity leakage for individual targets
Fig. 6
figure 6

The anonymity when we consider events in isolation and event sequences. The third bar shows the results of recursive identity leakage

It is interesting to observe that a unity identity leakage of a target can increase identity leakage of other targets. For example, in this experiment we conclude that the anonymity of T 1 is anonymous between A4 and A7 and T 2 is known to be A7. Since we know that A7 is T 2, we can conclude that T 1 is A4. The exact identities of T 1 and T 2 also reduce the anonymity of T 3 to two (A3 or A9). The ground truth is A4, A7, A9.

4.3 Experiment 3: privacy loss from multiple cameras

If the adversary has access to multiple camera videos where the same person is spotted at multiple places, the adversary can use the knowledge of spatiotemporal patterns to infer the identity. In this experiment we demonstrate two main contributions: (1) The effect of multiple cameras on identity leakage and (2) The privacy loss assessment in a multi-camera scenario. For this experiment we recorded video at four places in the department building: (1) Department Entrance (DE) (2) Audio Lab (AL) (3) Staff Club (SC) and (4) Canteen (IC) Fig. 7. A total of 40 people are expected in the department (A1–10, B1–10, C1–10, D1–10). However, the adversary does not have knowledge about all of them. The adversary’s knowledge is limited to the propositional logic statements given in Table 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Representative images from four cameras: a Department Entrance, b Audio Lab, c Staff Club, d Canteen

Table 7 Knowledge base for experiment 3

Six actors created a series of events at these sites. Table 8 provides the description of all the events captured at these sites. These actors were involved in one of the following activities: discussion, walking, and running. For the calculation of anonymity, we created event lists for each target separately. The time was detected as evening in all the cameras except camera 1 at the department entrance.

Table 8 Description of events captured by cameras

The event lists for the targets and generated propositions are given in Table 9. Similar to the previous experiment, the first column shows the events where the target was detected. The second column shows the proposition generated by the event. In third column we write the association group derived from the knowledge base by proposition mapping. An event proposition may have multiple matches in the knowledge base, in which case we list all the groups in the third column.

Table 9 Event lists and identity leakage for targets

In order to calculate privacy loss, we need to determine the sensitive information matrix. In this experiment we have chosen the sensitive attributes to be: (1) Companion (2) Running activity (3) Height (4) Clothes. The priorities for the attributes are as follows: \(\mathcal{W} = \{0.45, 0.30, 0.15, 0.10\}\). The weights have been determined based on common notions of privacy. People are more sensitive to their company than their clothes or height. Similarly, they might not feel comfortable being watched while running. The sensitivity matrix can be easily derived from event descriptions as follows:

$$ \begin{pmatrix} 1& 1& 1&0 &0 &0\\ 1& 1& 0&0 &0 &1\\ 1& 1& 1&1 &1 &1\\ 1& 1& 1&1 &1 &1\\ \end{pmatrix} $$

Since \(I_i = 1/|\mathcal{G}_{i}|\), the identity leakage vector is calculated as I = {0.50, 0.17, 0.25, 0.5, 0.17, 0.14 }. With these values of W, S, and I, we can calculate the privacy loss. Figure 8a shows the resulting identity leakage and privacy loss in three scenarios of identity leakage: (1) Individual events (2) Patterns among single camera events and (3) Patterns among multiple camera events. It can be seen that when multiple camera video is available and adversary has knowledge of patterns, the identity leakage and privacy loss increases.

Fig. 8
figure 8

a Identity leakage and privacy loss for T 1. b Identity leakage and privacy loss for all targets

Similarly, Fig. 8b shows the identity leakage and privacy loss for all the targets measured using the proposed framework for multi-camera video. The identity leakage for T 1 is highest because T 1 was seen at all four sites and was involved in all the activities: walking, running and discussion. T 2 and T 4 appear in the same number of events, however, T 4 appears in events from multiple cameras hence its identity leakage is higher than T 2. T 1 and T 4 have the same identity leakage, yet the privacy loss of T 1 is still higher than T 4. This shows the effect of the sensitive attributes on privacy loss. For T 1, all sensitive attributes are detected whereas for T 4, only two out of four attributes are detected.

4.4 Discussion and practical considerations

This paper highlights the privacy breach that exists in the current privacy preserving methods which consider only facial and appearance based cues. Although the current technology is not robust enough to decipher the event information accurately, a human observer can definitely detect what, when, and where information from multi-camera video which may lead to privacy loss. In experiments it is demonstrated that even when the bodily cues are absent, in extreme cases the adversary can identify the individuals with a small value of anonymity.

The success of any privacy preserving method depends on the automated detection techniques and there is a whole community of researchers working on improving these detectors [8, 10, 21]. Recent surveys on human activity detection techniques [1, 22, 30] describe how current research is progressing toward the detection of different gestures, actions, interactions and group activities. While gestures include individual body part movements such as “stretching an arm” and “raising a leg”; actions are composed of a sequence of gestures such as “walking”, “jogging”, “hand shaking”, “pushing” “pool diving”, “boxing”, “kissing”, “hitting”, “opening a cabinet”, “picking up an object”, “jumping”, “bending”, and “waving”. Similarly, interactions and group activities involve multiple people e.g. “meeting”, “marching”, “fighting”, “presenting”, “discussing”, “taking a break” etc. Furthermore, there have been a number of works on localization using video, which can automatically detect the presence of where information [3436].

We recognize that the extent to which we can block these privacy leakage channels is limited by the accuracy of the methods for automatic object tracking and event detection. However, we can follow a conservative approach for event detection in order to preserve privacy (but at the cost of utility). By “conservative approach”, we mean that we can lower the detection thresholds. Although this may result in a large number of false detections; by adopting this approach we may over-do some suppression operations. This approach can be flexible in the sense that the thresholds can be raised as progress is made in event detection research. In this paper we restricted our focus to expose the various channels (other than the human face) that can cause privacy leakage, which we believe is an important first step toward future privacy aware multi-camera systems.

The acceptable value of privacy loss can be determined by considering the sensitivity of the video recording site and application context. For example, in a very sensitive application, such as defense, even a small value of privacy loss may not be acceptable, while in other normal applications like shopping mall surveillance, a relatively higher value of privacy loss could be acceptable.

5 Conclusions & future work

Implicit inference channels of what, when, and where can cause significant privacy loss when an adversary gets access to multiple-camera surveillance videos. The privacy loss through these inference channels is modeled as W 3-Privacy. The privacy loss measured by the proposed model is closer to the user perceived privacy loss than earlier models. Furthermore, privacy loss only occurs when sensitive information and identity leakage co-exist. Therefore, any of these can be separately controlled to minimize privacy loss. The proposed model can be configured for any adversarial knowledge and the sensitive attributes of the individuals, making it flexible and applicable in diverse scenarios. For example, in a surveillance scenario, the occupants of the surveilled premises can provide the sensitive attributes and the person who has access to this surveillance video can be considered as an adversary.

Following are the conclusions derived from this work:

  1. 1.

    The proposed model is able to consolidate the privacy loss through what, when, and where inference channels. Compared to earlier models, the proposed model calculates privacy loss that is closer to the user perceived privacy loss.

  2. 2.

    Event and activity patterns across multiple cameras lead to privacy loss which does not result from a single camera. Therefore, a recurring behavior at multiple camera sites can increase the risk of privacy loss for the usual occupants.

  3. 3.

    Identity leakage of an individual can also affect the identity leakage of other individuals in the video. When the identity leakage of a person is unity, the anonymity of all other people showing similar patterns reduces by 1.

  4. 4.

    The proposed model measures the upper bound of privacy loss by considering the worst case scenario when only usual occupants are seen(i.e., no random people appear).

The privacy assessment model proposed in this paper is necessarily the first and a very important step toward privacy protection of the people in multi-camera videos, and this work sets the directions for future research, i.e. to investigate methods to reduce the privacy loss with minimal loss of utility of videos. We hope to inspire further research in data transformation techniques, which will retain in the video just enough information required for intended application (e.g. surveillance), without compromising the privacy of the people under surveillance.