1 Introduction

Let (T,Σ,μ) be a σ-finite, non-atomic measure space. We denote by \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}=\mathcal{P}(T,\Sigma,\mu)\) the family of all probability measures on T that are equivalent to the measure μ. The probability family \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\) can be represented as (we adopt the same symbol \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\) for this representation)

where L 0 is the linear space of all real-valued, measurable functions on T, with equality μ-a.e., and \(\mathbb{E}[\cdot]\) denotes the expectation with respect to the measure μ.

The family \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\) can be equipped with a structure of C -Banach manifold, using the Orlicz space \(L^{\Phi _{1}}(p)=L^{\Phi_{1}}(T,\Sigma,p\cdot\mu)\) associated to the Orlicz function Φ1(u)=exp(u)−1, for u≥0. With this structure, \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\) is called the exponential statistical manifold, whose construction was proposed in [15] and developed in [3, 5, 14]. Each connected component of the exponential statistical manifold gives rise to an exponential family of probability distributions \(\mathcal{E}_{p}\) (for each \(p\in\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\)). Each element of \(\mathcal{E}_{p}\) can be expressed as


for a subset \(\mathcal{B}_{p}\) of the Orlicz space \(L^{\Phi_{1}}(p)\). K p is the cumulant-generating functional \(K_{p}(u)=\log\mathbb {E}_{p}[e^{u}]\), where \(\mathbb{E}_{p}[\cdot]\) is the expectation with respect to pμ. If c is a measurable function such that p=e c, then (1) can be rewritten as


where 1 A is the indicator function of a subset AT. A generalization of expression (1) was given in [13], where the exponential function is replaced by a κ-exponential function. In our generalization, we make use of expression (2).

In the φ-family of probability distributions \(\mathcal {F}_{c}^{\varphi}\), which we propose, the exponential function is replaced by the so called φ-function \(\varphi\colon T\times\overline{\mathbb {R}}\rightarrow[0,\infty]\). The function φ(t,⋅) has a “shape” which is similar to that of an exponential function, with an arbitrary rate of increasing. For example, we found that the κ-exponential function satisfies the definition of φ-functions. As in the exponential family, the φ-families are the connected component of \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\), which is endowed with a structure of C -Banach manifold, using φ in the place of an exponential function. Let c be any measurable function such that φ(t,c(t)) belongs to \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\). The elements of the φ-family of probability distributions \(\mathcal{F}_{c}^{\varphi}\) are given by


for a subset \(\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi}\) of a Musielak–Orlicz space \(L_{c}^{\varphi}\). The normalizing function \(\psi\colon\mathcal {B}_{c}^{\varphi}\rightarrow[0,\infty)\) and the measurable function u 0:T→[0,∞) in (3) replaces K p and 1 T in (2), receptively. The function u 0 is not arbitrary. In the text, we will show how u 0 can be chosen.

We define the φ-divergence as the Bregman divergence associated to the normalizing function ψ, providing a generalization of the Kullback–Leibler divergence. Then geometrical aspects related to the φ-family can be developed, since the Fisher information (on which the Information Geometry [1, 9] is based) is derived from the divergence. A formula for the φ-divergence where the φ-function is the Kaniadakis’ κ-exponential function [6, 11] is derived, which we called the κ-divergence.

We expect that an extension of our work will provide advances in other areas, like in Information Geometry or in the non-parametric, non-commutative setting [4, 12]. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 deals with the topics of Musielak–Orlicz spaces we will use in the construction of the φ-family of probability distributions. In Sect. 3, the exponential statistical manifold is reviewed. The construction of the φ-family of probability distributions is given in Sect. 4. Finally, the φ-divergence is derived in Sect. 5.

2 Musielak–Orlicz Spaces

In this section we provide a brief introduction to Musielak–Orlicz (function) spaces, which are used in the construction of the exponential and φ-families. A more detailed exposition about these spaces can be found in [7, 10, 16].

We say that Φ:T×[0,∞]→[0,∞] is a Musielak–Orlicz function when, for μ-a.e. tT,

  1. (i)

    Φ(t,⋅) is convex and lower semi-continuous,

  2. (ii)

    Φ(t,0)=lim u↓0Φ(t,u)=0 and Φ(t,∞)=∞,

  3. (iii)

    Φ(⋅,u) is measurable for all u≥0.

Items (i)–(ii) guarantee that Φ(t,⋅) is not equal to 0 or ∞ on the interval (0,∞). A Musielak–Orlicz function Φ is said to be an Orlicz function if the functions Φ(t,⋅) are identical for μ-a.e. tT.

Define the functional I Φ(u)=∫ T Φ(t,|u(t)|) , for any uL 0. The Musielak–Orlicz space, Musielak–Orlicz class, and Morse–Transue space, are given by


respectively. If the underlying measure space (T,Σ,μ) have to be specified, we write L Φ(T,Σ,μ), \(\tilde {L}^{\Phi}(T,\Sigma,\mu)\) and E Φ(T,Σ,μ) in the place of L Φ, \(\tilde{L}^{\Phi}\) and E Φ, respectively. Clearly, \(E^{\Phi}\subseteq\tilde {L}^{\Phi}\subseteq L^{\Phi}\). The Musielak–Orlicz space L Φ can be interpreted as the smallest vector subspace of L 0 that contains \(\tilde{L}^{\Phi}\), and E Φ is the largest vector subspace of L 0 that is contained in \(\tilde{L}^{\Phi}\).

The Musielak–Orlicz space L Φ is a Banach space when it is endowed with the Luxemburg norm

or the Orlicz norm

where \(\Phi^{*}(t,v)=\sup\nolimits_{u\geq0}(uv-\Phi(t,u))\) is the Fenchel conjugate of Φ(t,⋅). These norms are equivalent and the inequalities ∥uΦ≤∥uΦ,0≤2∥uΦ hold for all uL Φ.

If we can find a non-negative function \(f\in\tilde{L}^{\Phi}\) and a constant K>0 such that

then we say that Φ satisfies the Δ2 -condition, or belong to the Δ2 -class (denoted by Φ∈Δ2). When the Musielak–Orlicz function Φ satisfies the Δ2-condition, E Φ coincides with L Φ. On the other hand, if Φ is finite-valued and does not satisfy the Δ2-condition, then the Musielak–Orlicz class \(\tilde{L}^{\Phi}\) is not open and its interior coincides with

or, equivalently, \(B_{0}(E^{\Phi},1)\varsubsetneq\tilde{L}^{\Phi }\varsubsetneq\overline{B}_{0}(E^{\Phi},1)\).

3 The Exponential Statistical Manifold

This section starts with the definition of a C k-Banach manifold [8]. A C k -Banach manifold is a set M and a collection of pairs (U α ,x α ) (α belonging to some indexing set), composed by open subsets U α of some Banach space X α , and injective mappings x α :U α M, satisfying the following conditions:

  1. (bm1)

    the sets x α (U α ) cover M, i.e., ⋃ α x α (U α )=M;

  2. (bm2)

    for any pair of indices α,β such that x α (U α )∩x β (U β )=W≠∅, the sets \(\boldsymbol{x}_{\alpha}^{-1}(W)\) and \(\boldsymbol{x}_{\beta}^{-1}(W)\) are open in X α and X β , respectively; and

  3. (bm3)

    the transition map \(\boldsymbol{x}_{\beta}^{-1}\circ \boldsymbol{x}_{\alpha}\colon\boldsymbol{x}_{\alpha}^{-1}(W)\rightarrow \boldsymbol{x}_{\beta}^{-1}(W)\) is a C k-isomorphism.

The pair (U α ,x α ) with px α (U α ) is called a parametrization (or system of coordinates) of M at p; and x α (U α ) is said to be a coordinate neighborhood at p.

The set M can be endowed with a topology in a unique way such that each x α (U α ) is open, and the x α ’s are topological isomorphisms. We note that if k≥1 and two parametrizations (U α ,x α ) and (U β ,x β ) are such that x α (U α ) and x β (U β ) have a non-empty intersection, then from the derivative of \(\boldsymbol {x}_{\beta}^{-1}\circ\boldsymbol{x}_{\alpha}\) we see that X α and X β are isomorphic.

Two collections {(U α ,x α )} and {(V β ,x β )} satisfying (bm1)–(bm3) are said to be C k -compatible if their union also satisfies (bm1)–(bm3). It can be verified that the relation of C k-compatibility is an equivalence relation. An equivalence class of C k-compatible collections {(U α ,x α )} on M is said to define a C k -differentiable structure on X.

Now we review the construction of the exponential statistical manifold. We consider the Musielak–Orlicz space \(L^{\Phi_{1}}(p)=L^{\Phi _{1}}(T,\Sigma,p\cdot\mu)\), where the Orlicz function Φ1:[0,∞)→[0,∞) is given by Φ1(u)=e u−1, and p is a probability density in \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\). The space \(L^{\Phi_{1}}(p)\) corresponds to the set of all functions uL 0 whose moment-generating function \(\widehat{u}_{p}(\lambda)=\mathbb{E}_{p}[e^{\lambda u}]\) is finite in a neighborhood of 0.

For every function uL 0 we define the moment-generating functional

and the cumulant-generating functional

Clearly, these functionals are not expected to be finite for every uL 0. Denote by \(\mathcal{K}_{p}\) the interior of the set of all functions \(u\in L^{\Phi_{1}}(p)\) whose moment-generating functional M p (u) is finite. Equivalently, a function \(u\in L^{\Phi_{1}}(p)\) belongs to \(\mathcal{K}_{p}\) if and only if M p (λu) is finite for every λ in some neighborhood of [0,1]. The closed subspace of p-centered random variables

is taken to be the coordinate Banach space. The exponential parametrization \(\boldsymbol{e}_{p}\colon\mathcal{B}_{p}\rightarrow \mathcal{E}_{p}\) maps \(\mathcal{B}_{p}=B_{p}\cap\mathcal{K}_{p}\) to the exponential family \(\mathcal{E}_{p}=\boldsymbol{e}_{p}(\mathcal{B}_{p})\subseteq \mathcal{P}_{\mu}\), according to

e p is a bijection from \(\mathcal{B}_{p}\) to its image \(\mathcal{E}_{p}=\boldsymbol{e}_{p}(\mathcal{B}_{p})\), whose inverse \(\boldsymbol{e}_{p}^{-1}\colon\mathcal{E}_{p}\rightarrow\mathcal{B}_{p}\) can be expressed as

Since K p (u)<∞ for every \(u\in\mathcal{K}_{p}\), we find that e p can be extended to \(\mathcal{K}_{p}\). The restriction of e p to \(\mathcal{B}_{p}\) guarantees that e p is bijective.

Given two probability densities p and q in the same connected component of \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\), the exponential probability families \(\mathcal{E}_{p}\) and \(\mathcal{E}_{q}\) coincide, and the exponential spaces \(L^{\Phi_{1}}(p)\) and \(L^{\Phi_{1}}(q)\) are isomorphic (see [14, Proposition 5]). Hence, \(\mathcal{B}_{p}=\boldsymbol {e}_{p}^{-1}(\mathcal{E}_{p}\cap\mathcal{E}_{q})\) and \(\mathcal{B}_{q}=\boldsymbol{e}_{q}^{-1}(\mathcal{E}_{p}\cap\mathcal {E}_{q})\). The transition map \(\boldsymbol{e}_{q}^{-1}\circ\boldsymbol {e}_{p}:\mathcal{B}_{p}\rightarrow\mathcal{B}_{q}\), which can be written as

is a C -function. Clearly, \(\bigcup_{p\in\mathcal{P}_{\mu }}e_{p}(\mathcal{B}_{p})=\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\). Thus the collection \(\{(\mathcal{B}_{p},\boldsymbol{e}_{p})\}_{p\in \mathcal{P}_{\mu}}\) satisfies (bm1)–(bm2). Hence \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\) is a C -Banach manifold, which is called the exponential statistical manifold.

4 Construction of the φ-Family of Probability Distributions

The generalization of the exponential family is based on the replacement of the exponential function by a φ-function \(\varphi \colon T\times\overline{\mathbb{R}}\rightarrow[0,\infty]\) that satisfies the following properties, for μ-a.e. tT:

  1. (a1)

    φ(t,⋅) is convex and injective,

  2. (a2)

    φ(t,−∞)=0 and φ(t,∞)=∞,

  3. (a3)

    φ(⋅,u) is measurable for all u∈ℝ.

In addition, we assume a positive, measurable function u 0:T→(0,∞) can be found such that, for every measurable function c:T→ℝ for which φ(t,c(t)) is in \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\), we have

  1. (a4)

    φ(t,c(t)+λu 0(t)) is μ-integrable for all λ>0.

The choice for φ(t,⋅) injective with image [0,∞] is justified by the fact that a parametrization of \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\) maps real-valued functions to positive functions. Moreover, by (a1), φ(t,⋅) is continuous and strictly increasing. From (a3), the function φ(t,u(t)) is measurable if and only if u:T→ℝ is measurable. Replacing φ(t,u) by φ(t,u 0(t)u), a “new” function u 0=1 is obtained, satisfying (a4).

Example 1

The Kaniadakis’ κ-exponential exp κ :ℝ→(0,∞) for κ∈[−1,1] is defined as

The inverse of exp κ is the Kaniadakis’ κ-logarithm

Some algebraic properties of the ordinary exponential and logarithm functions are preserved:

For a measurable function κ:T→[−1,1], we define the variable κ-exponential exp κ :T×ℝ→(0,∞) as

whose inverse is called the variable κ-logarithm:

Assuming that κ =ess inf |κ(t)|>0, the variable κ-exponential exp κ satisfies (a1)–(a4). The verification of (a1)–(a3) is easy. Moreover, we notice that exp κ (t,⋅) is strictly convex. We can write for α≥1

By the convexity of exp κ (t,⋅), we obtain for any λ∈(0,1)

Thus any positive function u 0 such that \(\mathbb{E}[\exp_{\kappa }(u_{0})]<\infty\) satisfies (a4).

Let c:T→ℝ be a measurable function such that φ(t,c(t)) is μ-integrable. We define the Musielak–Orlicz function

and denote L Φ, \(\tilde{L}^{\Phi}\) and E Φ by \(L_{c}^{\varphi}\), \(\tilde{L}_{c}^{\varphi}\) and \(E_{c}^{\varphi}\), respectively. Since φ(t,c(t)) is μ-integrable, the Musielak–Orlicz space \(L_{c}^{\varphi}\) corresponds to the set of all functions uL 0 for which φ(t,c(t)+λu(t)) is μ-integrable for every λ contained in some neighborhood of 0.

Let \(\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\) be the set of all functions \(u\in L_{c}^{\varphi}\) such that φ(t,c(t)+λu(t)) is μ-integrable for every λ in a neighborhood of [0,1]. Denote by φ the operator acting on the set of real-valued functions u:T→ℝ given by φ(u)(t)=φ(t,u(t)). For each probability density \(p\in\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\), we can take a measurable function c:T→ℝ such that p=φ(c). The first import result in the construction of the φ-family is given below.

Lemma 2

The set \(\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\) is open in \(L_{c}^{\varphi}\).


Take any \(u\in\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\). We can find ε∈(0,1) such that \(\mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\varphi}(c+\alpha u)]<\infty\) for every α∈[−ε,1+ε]. Let \(\delta=[ \frac {2}{\varepsilon}(1+\varepsilon)(1+ \frac{\varepsilon}{2})]^{-1}\). For any function \(v\in L_{c}^{\varphi}\) in the open ball \(B_{\delta}=\{w\in L_{c}^{\varphi}:\Vert w\Vert_{\Phi}<\delta\}\), we have \(I_{\Phi}( \frac{v}{\delta})\leq1\). Thus \(\mathbb {E}[\boldsymbol{\varphi}(c+ \frac{1}{\delta}|v|)]\leq2\). Taking any \(\alpha\in(0,1+ \frac{\varepsilon}{2})\), we denote \(\lambda=\frac{\alpha}{1+\varepsilon}\). In virtue of

it follows that


For \(\alpha\in(- \frac{\varepsilon}{2},0)\), we can write


By (4) and (5), we get \(\mathbb {E}[\boldsymbol{\varphi}(c+\alpha(u+v))]<\infty\), for any \(\alpha\in(- \frac{\varepsilon}{2},1+ \frac{\varepsilon}{2})\). Hence the ball of radius δ centered at u is contained in \(\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\). Therefore, the set \(\mathcal {K}_{c}^{\varphi}\) is open. □

Clearly, for \(u\in\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\) the function φ(c+u) is not necessarily in \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\). The normalizing function \(\psi\colon\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\) is introduced in order to make the density

contained in \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\), for any \(u\in\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\). We have to find the functions for which the normalizing function exists. For a function \(u\in L_{c}^{\varphi}\), suppose that φ(c+uαu 0) is μ-integrable for some α∈ℝ. Then u is in the closure of the set \(\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\). Indeed, for any λ∈(0,1),

Since the function u 0 satisfies (a4), we see that φ(c+λu) is μ-integrable. Hence the maximal, open domain of ψ is contained in \(\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\).

Proposition 3

If the function u is in \(\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\), then there exists a unique ψ(u)∈ℝ for which φ(c+uψ(u)u 0) is a probability density in \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\).


We will show that if the function u is in \(\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\), then φ(c+u+αu 0) is μ-integrable for every α∈ℝ. Since u is in \(\mathcal {K}_{c}^{\varphi}\), we can find ε>0 such that φ(c+(1+ε)u) is μ-integrable. Taking \(\lambda= \frac{1}{1+\varepsilon}\), we can write

Thus φ(c+u+αu 0) is μ-integrable. By the Dominated Convergence Theorem, the map \(\alpha\mapsto J(\alpha )=\mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\varphi}(c+u+\alpha u_{0})]\) is continuous, tends to 0 as α→−∞, and goes to infinity as α→∞. Since φ(t,⋅) is strictly increasing, it follows that J(α) is also strictly increasing. Therefore, there exists a unique ψ(u)∈ℝ for which φ(c+uψ(u)u 0) is a probability density in \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\). □

The function \(\psi\colon\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\) can take both positive and negative values. However, if the domain of ψ is restricted to a subspace of \(L_{c}^{\varphi}\), its image will be contained in [0,∞). We denote by \(\boldsymbol {\varphi}_{+}'\) the operator acting on the set of real-valued functions u:T→ℝ given by \(\boldsymbol{\varphi}_{+}'(u)(t)=\varphi_{+}'(t,u(t))\), where \(\varphi_{+}'(t,\cdot)\) is the right-derivative of φ(t,⋅). Define the closed subspace

and let \(\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi}=B_{c}^{\varphi}\cap\mathcal {K}_{c}^{\varphi}\). By the convexity of φ(t,⋅), we have

Hence, for any \(u\in\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi}\), we get

Thus it follows that ψ(u)≥0 in order to find that φ(c+uψ(u)u 0) is in \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\).

For each measurable function c:T→ℝ such that p=φ(c) is the probability density in \(\mathcal {P}_{\mu}\), we associate a parametrization \(\boldsymbol{\varphi}_{c}\colon\mathcal {B}_{c}^{\varphi}\rightarrow\mathcal{F}_{c}^{\varphi}\) that maps any function u in \(\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi}\) to a probability density in \(\mathcal{F}_{c}^{\varphi}=\varphi_{c}(\mathcal {B}_{c}^{\varphi})\subseteq\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\) according to

Clearly, we have \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}=\bigcup\{\mathcal{F}_{c}^{\varphi }:\boldsymbol{\varphi}(c)\in\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\}\). Moreover, the map φ c is a bijection from \(\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi}\) to \(\mathcal{F}_{c}^{\varphi}\). If the functions \(u,v\in\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi}\) are such that φ c (u)=φ c (v), then the difference uv=(ψ(u)−ψ(v))u 0 is in \(B_{c}^{\varphi}\). Consequently, ψ(u)=ψ(v) and then u=v.

Suppose that the measurable functions c 1,c 2:T→ℝ are such that p 1=φ(c 1) and p 2=φ(c 2) belong to \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\). The parametrizations \(\boldsymbol{\varphi }_{c_{1}}\colon\mathcal{B}_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}\rightarrow\mathcal {F}_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}\) and \(\boldsymbol{\varphi}_{c_{2}}\colon\mathcal{B}_{c_{2}}^{\varphi }\rightarrow\mathcal{F}_{c_{2}}^{\varphi}\) related to these functions have transition map

Let \(\psi_{1}\colon\mathcal{B}_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}\rightarrow[0,\infty)\) and \(\psi_{2}\colon\mathcal{B}_{c_{2}}^{\varphi}\rightarrow[0,\infty)\) be the normalizing functions associated to c 1 and c 2, respectively. Assume that the functions \(u\in\mathcal {B}_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}\) and \(v\in\mathcal{B}_{c_{2}}^{\varphi}\) are such that \(\boldsymbol {\varphi}_{c_{1}}(u)=\boldsymbol{\varphi}_{c_{2}}(v)\in\mathcal {F}_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}\cap\mathcal{F}_{c_{2}}^{\varphi}\). Then we can write

Since the function v is in \(B_{c_{2}}^{\varphi}\), if we multiply this equation by \(\boldsymbol{\varphi}_{+}'(c_{2})\) and integrate with respect to the measure μ, we obtain

Thus the transition map \(\boldsymbol{\varphi}_{c_{2}}^{-1}\circ \boldsymbol{\varphi}_{c_{1}}\) can be expressed as


for every \(w\in\boldsymbol{\varphi}_{c_{1}}^{-1}(\mathcal {F}_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}\cap\mathcal{F}_{c_{2}}^{\varphi})\). Clearly, this transition map will be of class C if we show that the functions w and c 1c 2 are in \(L_{c_{2}}^{\varphi}\), and the spaces \(L_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}\) and \(L_{c_{2}}^{\varphi}\) have equivalent norms. It is not hard to verify that if two Musielak–Orlicz spaces are equal as sets, then their norms are equivalent (see [10, Theorem 8.5]). We make use of the following:

Proposition 4

Assume that the measurable functions \(\widetilde {c},c\colon T\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\) satisfy \(\mathbb{E}[\varphi(t,\widetilde{c}(t))]<\infty\) and \(\mathbb {E}[\varphi(t,c(t))]<\infty\). Then \(L_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\subseteq L_{c}^{\varphi}\) if and only if \(\widetilde{c}-c\in L_{c}^{\varphi}\).


Suppose that \(\widetilde{c}-c\) is not in \(L_{c}^{\varphi}\). Let \(A=\{t\in T:\widetilde{c}(t)<c(t)\}\). For λ∈[0,1], we have

Since \(\widetilde{c}-c\notin L_{c}^{\varphi}\), for any λ>0, there holds \(\mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\varphi}(c-\lambda(\widetilde {c}-c))]=\infty\). From

we see that \((c-\widetilde{c})\boldsymbol{1}_{A}\) does not belong to \(L_{c}^{\varphi}\). Clearly, \((c-\widetilde{c})\boldsymbol{1}_{A}\in L_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\). Consequently, \(L_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\) is not contained in \(L_{c}^{\varphi}\).

Conversely, assume \(\widetilde{c}-c\in L_{c}^{\varphi}\). Let w be any function in \(L_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\). We can find ε>0 such that \(\mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\varphi}(\widetilde{c}+\lambda w)]<\infty\), for every λ∈(−ε,ε). Consider the convex function

This function is finite for λ=0 and α in the interval (−η,1], for some η>0. Moreover, g(1,λ) is finite for every λ∈(−ε,ε). By the convexity of g, we see that g is finite in the convex hull of the set 1×(−ε,ε)∪(−η,1]×0. We find that g(0,λ) is finite for every λ in some neighborhood of 0. Consequently, \(w\in L_{c}^{\varphi}\). Since \(w\in L_{c}^{\varphi}\) is arbitrary, the inclusion \(L_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\subseteq L_{c}^{\varphi}\) follows. □

Lemma 5

If the function u is in \(\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\) and we denote \(\widetilde{c}=c+u-\psi(u)u_{0}\), then the spaces \(L_{c}^{\varphi}\) and \(L_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\) are equal as sets.


The inclusion \(L_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\subseteq L_{c}^{\varphi}\) follows from Proposition 4. Since \(u\in\mathcal {K}_{c}^{\varphi}\), we have

for every λ in a neighborhood of 0. Thus \(c-\widetilde {c}=-u+\psi(u)u_{0}\) belongs to \(L_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\). From Proposition 4, we obtain \(L_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\subseteq L_{c}^{\varphi}\). □

By Lemma 5, if we denote \(c_{1}+u-\psi _{1}(u)u_{0}=\widetilde{c}=c_{2}+v-\psi_{2}(v)u_{0}\), we find that the spaces \(L_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}\), \(L_{\widetilde {c}}^{\varphi}\) and \(L_{c_{2}}^{\varphi}\) are equal as sets. In (6), the function w is in \(L_{c_{2}}^{\varphi}\) and consequently c 1c 2 is in \(L_{c_{2}}^{\varphi}\). Therefore, the transition map \(\boldsymbol {\varphi}_{c_{2}}^{-1}\circ\boldsymbol{\varphi}_{c_{1}}\) is of class C .

Since \(\boldsymbol{\varphi}_{c_{2}}^{-1}\circ\boldsymbol{\varphi}_{c_{1}}\) is of class C , the set \(\boldsymbol{\varphi }_{c_{1}}^{-1}(\mathcal{F}_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}\cap\mathcal {F}_{c_{2}}^{\varphi})\) is open \(B_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}\). The φ-families \(\mathcal {F}_{c}^{\varphi}\) are maximal in the sense that if two φ-families \(\mathcal {F}_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}\) and \(\mathcal{F}_{c_{2}}^{\varphi}\) have non-empty intersection, then they coincide.

Lemma 6

For a function u in \(\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi}\), denote \(\widetilde{c}=c+u-\psi(u)u_{0}\). Then \(\mathcal{F}_{c}^{\varphi }=\mathcal{F}_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\).


Let v be a function in \(\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi}\). Then there exists ε>0 such that, for every λ∈(−ε,1+ε), the function φ(c+λv+(1−λ)u) is μ-integrable. Consequently, \(\varphi(\widetilde{c}+\lambda(v-u))\) is μ-integrable for all λ∈(−ε,1+ε). Thus the difference vu is in \(\mathcal{K}_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\) and


belongs to \(\mathcal{B}_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\). Let \(\widetilde{\psi }\colon\mathcal{B}_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\rightarrow[0,\infty)\) be the normalizing function associated to \(\widetilde{c}\). Then the probability density \(\boldsymbol{\varphi}(\widetilde{c}+w-\widetilde {\psi}(w)u_{0})\) is in \(\mathcal{F}_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\). This probability density can be expressed as φ(c+vku 0) for a constant k. According to Proposition 3, there exists a unique ψ(u)∈ℝ such that the probability density φ(c+vψ(v)u 0) is in \(\mathcal{F}_{c}^{\varphi}\). Therefore, \(\mathcal{F}_{c}^{\varphi }\subseteq\mathcal{F}_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\).

Using the same arguments as in the previous paragraph, we obtain \(c=\widetilde{c}+w-\widetilde{\psi}(w)u_{0}\), where the function \(w\in\mathcal{B}_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\) is given in (7) with v=0. Thus \(\mathcal{F}_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\subseteq\mathcal {F}_{c}^{\varphi}\). □

By Lemma 6, if we denote \(c_{1}+u-\psi _{1}(u)u_{0}=\widetilde{c}=c_{2}+v-\psi_{2}(v)u_{0}\), then we have the equality \(\mathcal{F}_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}=\mathcal {F}_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}=\mathcal{F}_{c_{2}}^{\varphi}\).

The results obtained in these lemmas are summarized in the next proposition.

Proposition 7

Let c 1,c 2:T→ℝ be measurable functions such that the probability densities p 1=φ(c 1) and p 2=φ(c 2) are in \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\). Suppose \(\mathcal{F}_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}\cap\mathcal{F}_{c_{2}}^{\varphi }\neq\emptyset\). Then the Musielak–Orlicz spaces \(L_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}\) and \(L_{c_{2}}^{\varphi}\) are equal as sets, and have equivalent norms. Moreover, \(\mathcal {F}_{c_{1}}^{\varphi}=\mathcal{F}_{c_{2}}^{\varphi}\).

Thus we can state:

Proposition 8

The collection \(\{(\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi},\boldsymbol {\varphi}_{c})\}_{\boldsymbol{\varphi}(c)\in\mathcal{P}_{\mu}}\) satisfies (bm1)(bm2), equipping \(\mathcal{P}_{\mu}\) with a C -differentiable structure.

5 Divergence

In this section we define the divergence between two probability distributions. The entities found in Information Geometry [1, 9], like the Fisher information, connections, geodesics, etc., are all derived from the divergence taken in the considered family. The divergence we will found is the Bregman divergence [2] associated to the normalizing function \(\psi\colon\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi }\rightarrow[0,\infty)\). We show that our divergence does not depend on the parametrization of the φ-family \(\mathcal{F}_{c}^{\varphi}\).

Let S be a convex subset of a Banach space X. Given a convex function f:S→ℝ, the Bregman divergence B f :S×S→[0,∞) is defined as

for all x,yS, where + f(x)(h)=lim t↓0(f(x+th)−f(x))/t denotes the right-directional derivative of f at x in the direction of h. The right-directional derivative + f(x)(h) exists and defines a sublinear functional. If the function f is strictly convex, the divergence satisfies B f (y,x)=0 if and only if x=y.

Let X and Y be Banach spaces, and UX be an open set. A function f:UY is said to be Gâteaux-differentiable at x 0U if there exists a bounded linear map A:XY such that

for every hX. The Gâteaux derivative of f at x 0 is denoted by A=∂f(x 0). If the limit above can be taken uniformly for every hX such that ∥h∥≤1, then the function f is said to be Fréchet-differentiable at x 0. The Fréchet derivative of f at x 0 is denoted by A=Df(x 0).

Now we verify that \(\psi\colon\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) is a convex function. Take any \(u,v\in\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\) such that uv. Clearly, the function λu+(1−λ)v is in \(\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\), for any λ∈(0,1). By the convexity of φ(t,⋅), we can write

Since φ(c+λu+(1−λ)vψ(λu+(1−λ)v)u 0) has μ-integral equal to 1, we can conclude that the following inequality holds:

So we can define the Bregman divergence B ψ from to the normalizing function ψ.

The Bregman divergence \(B_{\psi}\colon\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi}\times \mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi}\rightarrow[0,\infty)\) associated to the normalizing function \(\psi\colon\mathcal {B}_{c}^{\varphi}\rightarrow[0,\infty)\) is given by

Then we define the divergence \(D_{\psi}\colon\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi }\times\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi}\rightarrow[0,\infty)\) related to the φ-family \(\mathcal{F}_{c}^{\varphi}\) as

The entries of B ψ are inverted in order that D ψ corresponds in some way to the Kullback–Leibler divergence \(D_{\mathrm{KL}}(p,q)=\mathbb{E}[p\log( \frac{p}{q})]\). Assuming that φ(t,⋅) is continuously differentiable, we will find an expression for ∂ψ(u).

Lemma 9

Assume that φ(t,⋅) is continuously differentiable. For any \(u\in\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\), the linear functional \(f_{u}\colon L_{c}^{\varphi}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\) given by \(f_{u}(v)=\mathbb{E}[v\boldsymbol{\varphi}'(c+u)]\) is bounded.


Every function \(v\in L_{c}^{\varphi}\) with norm ∥vΦ,0≤1 satisfies I Φ(v)≤∥vΦ,0. Then we obtain

Since \(u\in\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\), we can find λ∈(0,1) such that \(\mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\varphi}(c+ \frac{1}{\lambda }u)]<\infty\). We can write

Thus the absolute value of \(f_{u}(v)=\mathbb{E}[v\boldsymbol{\varphi}'(c+u)]\) is bounded by some constant for ∥vΦ,0≤1. □

Lemma 10

Assume that φ(t,⋅) is continuously differentiable. Then the normalizing function \(\psi\colon\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) is Gâteaux-differentiable and



According to Lemma 9, the expression in (8) defines a bounded linear functional. Fix functions \(u\in\mathcal {K}_{c}^{\varphi}\) and \(v\in L_{c}^{\varphi}\). In virtue of Proposition 4, we can find ε>0 such that \(\mathbb{E}[\boldsymbol{\varphi }(c+u+\lambda|v|)]<\infty\), for every λ∈[−ε,ε]. Define

for any λ∈(−ε,ε) and k≥0. Since \(\mathcal{K}_{c}^{\varphi}\) is open, there exist a sufficiently small α 0>0 such that u+λv+α|v| is in \(\mathcal {K}_{c}^{\varphi}\) for all α∈[−α 0,α 0]. We can write

The function in the expectation above is dominated by the μ-integrable function \(\frac{1}{\alpha_{0}}\{\boldsymbol{\varphi}(c+u+\lambda v+\alpha_{0}|v|-ku_{0})-\boldsymbol{\varphi}(c+u+\lambda v-ku_{0})\}\). By the Dominated Convergence Theorem,

and, consequently,

Since v φ′(c+u+λvku 0) is dominated by the μ-integrable function |v|φ′(c+u+ε|v|−ku 0), we obtain for any sequence λ n λ,

Thus \(\frac{\partial g}{\partial\lambda}(\lambda,k)\) is continuous with respect to λ. Analogously, it can be shown that

and \(\frac{\partial g}{\partial k}(\lambda,k)\) is continuous with respect to k. The equality \(g(\lambda,k(\lambda))=\mathbb {E}[\boldsymbol{\varphi}(c+u+\lambda v-k(\lambda)u_{0})]=1\) defines k(λ)=ψ(u+λv) as an implicit function of λ. Notice that \(\frac{\partial g(0,k)}{\partial k}<0\). By the Implicit Function Theorem, the function k(λ)=ψ(u+λv) is continuously differentiable in a neighborhood of 0, and has derivative


Thus the expression in (8) is the Gâteaux-derivative of ψ. □

Lemma 11

Assume that φ(t,⋅) is continuously differentiable. Then the divergence D ψ does not depend on the parametrization of  \(\mathcal{F}_{c}^{\varphi}\).


For any \(w\in\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi}\), we denote \(\widetilde {c}=c+w-\psi(w)u_{0}\). Given \(u,v\in\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi}\), select \(\widetilde {u},\widetilde{v}\in\mathcal{B}_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi}\) such that \(\boldsymbol{\varphi}_{\widetilde{c}}(\widetilde {u})=\boldsymbol{\varphi}_{c}(u)\) and \(\boldsymbol{\varphi}_{\widetilde{c}}(\widetilde{v})=\boldsymbol {\varphi}_{c}(v)\). Let \(\widetilde{\psi}\colon\mathcal{B}_{\widetilde{c}}^{\varphi }\rightarrow[0,\infty)\) be the normalizing function associated to \(\widetilde{c}\). These definitions provide


Subtracting these equations, we obtain

and, consequently,

Therefore, \(D_{\widetilde{\psi}}(\widetilde{u},\widetilde{v})=D_{\psi}(u,v)\). □

Let p=φ c (u) and q=φ c (v), for \(u,v\in\mathcal{B}_{c}^{\varphi}\). We denote the divergence between the probability densities p and q by

According to Lemma 11, D(pq) is well-defined if p and q are in the same φ-family. We will find an expression for D(pq) where p and q are given explicitly. For u=0, we have D(pq)=D ψ (0,v)=ψ(v), and then

Therefore, the divergence between probability densities p and q in the same φ-family can be expressed as


Clearly, the expectation in (9) may not be defined if p and q are not in the same φ-family. We extend the divergence in (9) by setting D(pq)=∞ if p and q are not in the same φ-family. With this extension, the divergence is denoted by D φ and is called the φ-divergence. By the strict convexity of φ(t,⋅), we have the inequality φ −1(t,u)−φ −1(t,v)≥(φ −1)′(t,u)(uv) for any u,v>0, with equality if and only if u=v. Hence D φ is always non-negative, and D φ (pq) is equal to zero if and only if p=q.

Example 12

With the variable κ-exponential exp κ (t,u)=exp κ(t)(u) in the place of φ(t,u), whose inverse φ −1(t,u) is the variable κ-logarithm ln κ (t,u)=ln κ(t)(u), we rewrite (9) as


where ln κ (p) denotes ln κ(t)(p(t)). Since the κ-logarithm \(\ln_{\kappa}(u)=\frac{u^{\kappa}-u^{-\kappa}}{2\kappa}\) has derivative \(\ln_{\kappa}'(u)= \frac{1}{u} \frac{u^{\kappa }+u^{-\kappa}}{2}\), the numerator and denominator in (10) result in


respectively. Thus (10) can be rewritten as

which we called the κ-divergence.