1 Introduction

For problems of security or reliability, it is important to assess the capacity of a system to resist to a destruction or a failure of a number of its entities. This amounts to identifying critical entities which can be determined with respect to a measure of performance or a cost associated to the system. Modeling the network as a weighted connected graph where entities are edges or nodes and costs are weights associated to edges, one way of identifying critical entities is to determine a subset of edges or nodes whose removal from the graph causes the largest cost increase. Another way is to find a subset of edges or nodes of minimum cardinality whose removal involves that the optimal cost in the residual network is larger than a given threshold. In the literature these problems are referred to respectively as the k most vital edges/nodes problem and min edge/node blocker problem. In this paper the k most vital edges/nodes and min edge/node blocker versions for the minimum spanning tree problem are investigated.

The problem of finding the k most vital edges of a graph has been studied for various problems including shortest path (Bar-Noy et al. 1995; Khachiyan et al. 2008; Nardelli et al. 2001), maximum flow (Wollmer 1964; Ratliff et al. 1975; Wood 1993), 1-median and 1-center (Bazgan et al. 2010). For the minimum spanning tree problem, Frederickson and Solis-Oba (1996) showed that k Most Vital Edges MST is NP-hard and proposed an O(logk)-approximation algorithm. For a fixed k, the problem is obviously polynomial. The case k=1 has been largely studied in the literature (Hsu et al. 1991; Iwano and Katoh 1993; Suraweera et al. 1995). Several exact algorithms based on an explicit enumeration of possible solutions have been proposed (Liang 2001; Liang and Shen 1997; Shen 1999; Bazgan et al. 2011).

After introducing some preliminaries in Sect. 2, we show in Sect. 3 that k Most Vital Edges MST is NP-hard even for complete graphs with weights 0 or 1 and 3-approximable for graphs with weights 0 or 1. We also prove, in Sect. 4, that k Most Vital Nodes MST is not approximable within a factor n 1−ϵ, for any ϵ>0, unless NP=ZPP, even for complete graphs of order n with weights 0 or 1. In Sect. 5, we establish that Min Edge Blocker MST is NP-hard even for complete graphs with weights 0 or 1. In Sect. 6, we show that Min Node Blocker MST is NP-hard to approximate within a factor 1.36 even for graphs with weights 0 or 1. Final remarks are provided in Sect. 7.

2 Basic concepts and preliminary results

Let G=(V,E) be a weighted undirected connected graph where |V|=n, |E|=m and w(e)≥0 is the integer weight of each edge eE. Denote by GR the graph obtained from G by removing the subset R of edges or nodes.

We consider in this paper the k most vital edges (nodes) and min edge (node) blocker versions of the minimum spanning tree problem. These problems are defined as follows:

k Most Vital Edges (resp. Node) MST

Input: :

A connected weighted graph G=(V,E) where each edge eE has an integer weight w e ≥0 and a positive integer k.

Output: :

A subset S E (resp. S V), with |S |=k, such that the weight of a minimum spanning tree in GS is maximum.

For an instance of k Most Vital Edges MST defined on a graph G, we consider that kλ(G)−1 where λ(G) is the edge-connectivity of G. Otherwise, any selection of k edges including the edges of a minimum cardinality cut would lead to a solution with infinite value since we disconnect G.

For an instance of k Most Vital Nodes MST defined on a graph G, we consider that kκ(G)−1, where κ(G) is the node-connectivity of G. Otherwise, any selection of k nodes including the nodes of a minimum node separator would lead to a solution with infinite value since we disconnect G.

Min Edge (resp. Node) Blocker MST

Input: :

A connected weighted graph G=(V,E) where each edge eE has an integer weight w e ≥0 and a positive integer U.

Output: :

A subset S E (resp. S V) of minimum cardinality such that the weight of a minimum spanning tree in GS is greater than or equal to U.

An optimal solution S of an instance of Min Edge (resp. Node) Blocker MST defined on a graph G is such that |S |≤λ(G) (resp. |S |≤κ(G)) since, at worst, it is necessary to disconnect G so as to exceed the threshold U.

Given an optimization problem in NPO and an instance I of this problem, we use |I| to denote the size of I, opt(I) to denote the optimum value of I, and val(I,S) to denote the value of a feasible solution S of instance I. The performance ratio of S (or approximation factor) is \(r(I,S)=\max\{\frac{\mathit{val}(I,S)}{\mathit{opt}(I)},\frac{\mathit{opt}(I)}{\mathit{val}(I,S)}\}\). The error of S, ε(I,S), is defined by ε(I,S)=r(I,S)−1.

For a function f, an algorithm is an f(|I|)-approximation, if for every instance I of the problem, it returns a solution S such that r(I,S)≤f(|I|).

The notion of a gap-reduction was introduced in Arora and Lund (1996). A maximization problem Π is called gap-reducible to a maximization problem Π′ with parameters (c,ρ) and (c′,ρ′), ρ,ρ′≥1, if there exists a polynomial time computable function f which maps any instance I of Π to an instance I′ of Π′, while satisfying the following properties.

  • If opt(I)≥c then opt(I′)≥c

  • If \(\mathit{opt}(I) < \frac{c}{\rho}\) then \(\mathit{opt}(I^{\prime}) <\frac{c^{\prime}}{\rho^{\prime}}\).

The interest of a gap-reduction is that if Π is not approximable within a factor ρ then Π′ is not approximable within a factor ρ′.

The notion of an E-reduction (error-preserving reduction) was introduced by Khanna et al. (1994). A problem Π is called E-reducible to a problem Π′, if there exist polynomial time computable functions f, g and a constant β such that

  • f maps an instance I of Π to an instance I′ of Π′ such that opt(I) and opt(I′) are related by a polynomial factor, i.e. there exists a polynomial p such that opt(I′)≤p(|I|)opt(I),

  • g maps any solution S′ of I′ to one solution S of I such that ε(I,S)≤βε(I′,S′).

An important property of an E-reduction is that it can be applied uniformly to all levels of approximability; that is, if Π is E-reducible to Π′ and Π′ belongs to \(\mathcal{C}\) then Π belongs to \(\mathcal{C}\) as well, where \(\mathcal{C}\) is a class of optimization problems with any kind of approximation guarantee (see also Khanna et al. 1994).

A problem Π is called E-equivalent to a problem Π′ if Π is E-reducible to Π′ and Π′ is E-reducible to Π.

3 k most vital edges MST

Frederickson and Solis-Oba (1996) show that k Most Vital Edges MST is NP-hard even for graphs with weights 0 or 1 and that the problem is O(logk)-approximable for graphs with arbitrary weights. In this section, we strengthen the NP-hardness result of Frederickson and Solis-Oba by specifying a more restricted class of instances for which the problem remains NP-hard. Moreover, we establish a constant approximation result for graphs with weights 0 or 1.

First we show that we can decide in polynomial time if the optimum value is a fixed constant.

Proposition 1

For any fixed value c≥0, it can be checked in polynomial time if the optimum value of k Most Vital Edges MST on graphs with weights 0 or 1 on edges is c.


Consider an instance I of k Most Vital Edges MST formed by a weighted graph G=(V,E), with weights 0 or 1, and by a positive integer k. Denote by G 0=(V,E 0) the subgraph induced by the edges of weight 0. Let E 1=EE 0 and m 1=|E 1|.

We have that opt(I)=0 if and only if G 0 is (k+1) edge-connected. Indeed, if opt(I)=0 then G 0 must be (k+1) edge-connected otherwise opt(I)>0. Conversely, if G 0 is (k+1) edge-connected, then removing any subset of k edges from G 0 induces a minimum spanning tree of weight 0. Consequently, it is polynomial to verify if opt(I)=0 since it is polynomial to determine the edge-connectivity of a given graph. Once we checked iteratively that opt(I)≠, for 0≤c−1, we consider all the \(\binom{m_{1}}{c} \) graphs G 0R, for any subset RE 1 with |R|=c. We can decide in polynomial time if opt(I)=c by verifying if G 0R is (k+1) edge-connected. □

We show in the following that k Most Vital Edges MST is E-equivalent to Max Component defined as follows.

Max Component


a connected graph and a positive integer k.


a subset of k edges to be removed such that the number of connected components in the obtained graph is maximum.

Theorem 1

k Most Vital Edges MST for graphs with weights 0 or 1 is E-equivalent to Max Component.


We first show that Max component is E-reducible to k Most Vital Edges MST. Given an instance I of Max component formed by a graph G=(V,E) with n nodes, we construct an instance I′ of k Most Vital Edges MST consisting of a complete graph G′=(V,E′) where each edge (i,j)∈E′ is assigned a weight 0 if (i,j)∈E and 1 otherwise.

Let S E be a subset of k edges whose deletion from G generates a maximum number of connected components. By removing S from G′, all the connected components of GS are linked in G′−S by edges of weight 1. Thus, the weight of a minimum spanning tree in G′−S is equal to the number of connected components in GS minus 1. Therefore, we have opt(I′)≥opt(I)−1.

Let S′⊆E′ be a subset of k edges whose deletion from G′ generates a minimum spanning tree in G′−S′ of weight v. If S′ contains edges of weight 1 then by replacing these edges by edges of weight 0, either the weight of a minimum spanning tree in the modified graph remains unchanged or it increases. Thus, considering S defined from S′ by replacing edges of weight 1 with edges from E′∖S′ of weight 0, se define a subset SE such that GS contains at least v+1 connected components. Hence, val(I,S)≥val(I′,S′)+1. In particular, when S is an optimum solution, we have opt(I′)+1≤val(I,S)≤opt(I). It follows from the previous result that opt(I)=opt(I′)+1.

Therefore, we have opt(I′)≤opt(I) and \(\varepsilon (I,S)=\frac{\mathit{opt}(I)}{\mathit{val}(I,S)}-1\leq\frac{\mathit{opt}(I^{\prime})+1}{\mathit{val}(I^{\prime},S')+1}-1=\frac{\mathit{opt}(I^{\prime})-\mathit{val}(I^{\prime},S')}{\mathit{val}(I^{\prime},S')+1}\leq\frac{\mathit{opt}(I^{\prime})-\mathit{val}(I^{\prime},S')}{\mathit{val}(I^{\prime},S')}=\varepsilon (I^{\prime},S')\).

We show now that k Most Vital Edges MST is E-reducible to Max component. Consider an instance I of k Most Vital Edges MST formed by a graph G=(V,E) with edges of weight 0 or 1. From Proposition 1, we can consider that opt(I)>0. We construct an instance I′ of Max component consisting of the graph G′=(V,E′) obtained from G by considering only edges of weight 0.

Let S be a subset of k edges whose removal from G generates a minimum spanning tree T in GS of maximum weight. The weight of T being equal to the number of edges of T of weight 1, by deleting edges of S E′ plus any k−|S E′| edges from E′, the number of connected components in G′−S is at least equal to the weight of T plus 1. Thus, we have opt(I′)≥opt(I)+1.

Consider a subset S′ of k edges whose deletion from G′ partitions G′ into val(I′,S′) connected components. If val(I′,S′)=1 then we can replace S′ by another solution with value at least 2 obtained by selecting k edges including a minimum cut since from Proposition 1, G′ is not (k+1) edge-connected. Thus, we can assume that val(I′,S′)≥2. By removing S′ from G, all connected components of G′−S′ are linked in GS′ by edges of weight 1. Thus, the weight of a minimum spanning tree in GS′ is equal to val(I′,S′)−1. Then, val(I,S′)≥val(I′,S′)−1. In particular, when S′ is an optimum solution in G′, we have val(I,S′)=opt(I′)−1 and thus opt(I)≥opt(I′)−1. It follows from the previous result that opt(I′)=opt(I)+1.

Therefore, since opt(I)>0, we have opt(I′)≤2opt(I) and \(\varepsilon (I,S')= \frac{\mathit{opt}(I)}{\mathit{val}(I,S')}-1\leq\frac {\mathit{opt}(I^{\prime})-1}{\mathit{val}(I^{\prime},S')-1}-1\) \(=\frac{\mathit{opt}(I^{\prime})-\mathit{val}(I^{\prime},S')}{\mathit{val}(I^{\prime},S')-1}=\frac {\mathit{val}(I^{\prime},S')}{\mathit{val}(I^{\prime},S')-1}\frac{\mathit{opt}(I^{\prime})-\mathit{val}(I^{\prime},S')}{\mathit{val}(I^{\prime},S')}\leq2\frac{\mathit{opt}(I^{\prime})-\mathit{val}(I^{\prime},S')}{\mathit{val}(I^{\prime},S')}=2\varepsilon (I^{\prime},S')\). □

From Theorem 1, we obtain the two following results. First, we slightly strengthen the NP-hardness result of Frederickson and Solis-Oba (1996) by specifying a more restricted class of instances for which the problem remains NP-hard.

Corollary 1

k Most Vital Edges MST is NP-hard even for complete graphs with weights 0 or 1.


The E-reduction from Max Component to k Most Vital Edges MST constructs from any graph G a complete graph G′ with weights 0 or 1. Since Max Component is NP-hard (Frederickson and Solis-Oba 1996), the results follows. □

Second, we establish a constant approximation result for graphs with weights 0 or 1.

Corollary 2

k Most Vital Edges MST is 3-approximable for graphs with weights 0 or 1.


In the E-reduction from k Most Vital Edges MST to Max component, we have shown that any solution S of I′ is such that ε(I,S)≤2ε(I′,S). Thus, r(I,S)−1≤2(r(I′,S)−1) and then r(I,S)≤2r(I′,S)−1. Since r(I′,S)=2 as established in Frederickson and Solis-Oba (1996), we have r(I,S)≤3. □

4 k most vital nodes MST

We study in this section the complexity of k Most Vital Nodes MST. First we show that k Most Vital Nodes MST is at least as hard as k Most Vital Edges MST by establishing an E-reduction from the edge version to the node version. As far as we know, this is the first result in the literature that establishes a direct relationship between the k most vital edge version and the k most vital node version of a problem. Using the NP-hardness of the edge version even for graphs with weights 0 or 1 (Frederickson and Solis-Oba 1996), this reduction implies the NP-hardness of k Most Vital Nodes MST on the same class of graphs. We strengthen this result by proving that k Most Vital Nodes MST is not approximable within a factor n 1−ϵ, for any ϵ>0, if NPZPP, even for complete graphs with weights 0 or 1.

Theorem 2

k Most Vital Edges MST is E-reducible to k Most Vital Nodes MST.


Consider an instance I of k Most Vital Edges MST formed by a weighted graph G=(V,E) with V={v 1,…,v n } and |E|=m. We construct an instance I′ of k Most Vital Nodes MST formed by a graph G′=(V′,E′) as follows (see Fig. 1). We consider in G′ the nodes of V and m nodes r 1,…,r m . Let R={r 1,…,r m }. To each edge e =(v i ,v j )∈E of weight w ij , =1,…,m and i<j, we associate two edges in E′ : (v i ,r ) of weight w ij and (r ,v j ) of weight 0. Let \(K_{k}^{v_{i}}\), for i=1,…,n, be n complete graphs of size k with \(X_{v_{i}}=\{v_{i}^{1},\ldots,v_{i}^{k}\}\) and weights 0 on their edges. We connect each node v i , for i=1,…,n, to the k nodes of \(K_{k}^{v_{i}}\) and assign a weight 0 to these added edges. We also add, for each edge (v i ,r )∈E′ the edges \((v_{i}^{h},r_{\ell})\), for h=1,…,k, with the same weight as the weight of the edge (v i ,r ).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Construction of an instance of k Most Vital Nodes MST from an instance of k Most Vital Edges MST

Suppose first that there exists a subset S E, with |S |=k, such that a minimum spanning tree T in GS has a maximum weight. We set N ={r :e S }. By deleting N from G′, we construct a spanning tree T′ in G′−N as follows: we take for each edge e =(v i ,v j )∈T with i<j, the edges (v i ,r ) and (r ,v j ) in T′, for each edge \(e_{h}=(v_{i},v_{j}) \not\in T\) with i<j, the edge (r h ,v j ) in T′, and we add the paths \(v_{i},v_{i}^{1},\ldots,v_{i}^{k}\), i=1,…,n. We prove, by contradiction, that T′ is a minimum spanning tree in G′−N . Suppose that there exists a spanning tree T″ in G′−N of weight strictly inferior to that of T′. Then, the spanning tree constituted by the edges e =(v i ,v j ) such that (v i ,r )∈T″ has a smaller weight than T in GS , contradicting the optimality of T. Thus, T′ is a minimum spanning tree in G′−N . Therefore, we have opt(I′)≥opt(I).

Consider now a subset N, with |N|=k, and a minimum spanning tree T′ in G′−N. If N contains v i or one node \(v_{i}^{h}\), for a given i and h, then the weight of a MST in G′−N is the same as in G′−(N∖{v i }) or \(G'-(N\setminus \{v_{i}^{h}\})\). When removing all nodes \(v_{i}, v_{i}^{h}\) from N we obtain a subset N′⊆R, |N′|≤k. Since N′ corresponds to edges in G, any subset N″⊆R containing N′ such that |N″|=k is such that the weight of a MST in G′−N″ is at least as large as the weight of a MST in G′−N′. Let S={e :r N″}. Consider T the spanning tree in GS constituted by the edges e =(v i ,v j ) such that the edge (v i ,r )∈T′. T is optimal, since otherwise, the existence of a spanning tree T″ of weight strictly inferior to that of T would imply that the corresponding spanning tree constructed from T″ in G′−N″, as explained above, has a weight strictly inferior to that of T′. Thus, T is a minimum spanning tree in GS of the same weight as T′. Hence, val(I,S)=val(I′,N″). In particular, when N″ is an optimal solution in G′, we have opt(I′)=val(I,S)≤opt(I). It follows from the previous result that opt(I)=opt(I′). Therefore, we have ε(I,S)=ε(I′,N″). □

Theorem 3

k Most Vital Nodes MST is not approximable within a factor n 1−ϵ, for any ϵ>0, unless NP=ZPP, even for complete graphs of order n with weights 0 or 1.


We propose a gap-reduction from Max independent set to k Most Vital Nodes MST.

Denote by α(G) the cardinality of maximum independent set of G. Let g be the non approximation gap of Max independent set. Thus, for a given integer , it is NP-hard to decide if α(G)= or \(\alpha(G) <\frac{\ell}{g}\).

Given an instance I of Max independent set formed by a graph G=(V,E), we construct an instance I′ of k Most Vital Nodes MST constituted by a complete graph G′=(V,E′) where each edge (i,j)∈E′ is assigned a weight 0 if (i,j)∈E and 1 otherwise (see Fig. 2). We set k=n. We show that:

  1. 1.


  2. 2.

    \(\alpha(G)< \frac{\ell}{g} \Rightarrow \mathit{opt}(I^{\prime})<\frac{\ell-1}{g}\).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Construction of an instance of k Most Vital Nodes MST from an instance of Max Independent Set

1. Suppose first that there exists an independent set V in G of cardinality and let N =V\V . By removing N from G′, all nodes of G′−N are connected by edges of weight 1 only. Thus, we obtain a minimum spanning tree in G′−N of value −1. Therefore, opt(I′)≥−1.

2. Suppose now that \(\alpha(G) < \frac{\ell}{g}\). Hence, there exists a maximum independent set V such that \(|V^{*}| < \frac{\ell}{g}\). If the node set N of cardinality n to be removed from G′ is such that N V =∅ then let V 1=V\(N V ). Each node of V 1 is at least connected to one node of V by an edge of weight 0, otherwise V ∪{v} would be an independent set in G of larger cardinality. Thus, the weight of a minimum spanning tree in G′−N cannot exceed \(\frac{\ell}{g}-1\). Since g>1, we have \(\frac{\ell}{g}-1 < \frac{\ell-1}{g}\). Therefore if \(\alpha(G)< \frac{\ell}{g} \) then \(opt(I^{\prime}) <\frac{\ell-1}{g}\). If N V ≠∅ then a minimum spanning tree in G′−N would have a weight strictly inferior to \(\frac{\ell}{g}-1\).

Since Max independent set is not approximable within a factor n 1−ϵ, for any ϵ>0, unless NP=ZPP (Håstad 1999), we deduce that k Most Vital Nodes MST is also not n 1−ϵ-approximable, for any ϵ>0, unless NP=ZPP. □

From Theorem 3 and Corollary 2, we can give the following result.

Corollary 3

There is no E-reduction from k Most Vital Nodes MST for graphs with weights 0 or 1 to k Most Vital Edges MST for graphs with weights 0 or 1.

5 Min edge blocker MST

We present in the following a relationship between k Most Vital Edges MST and Min Edge Blocker MST.

Proposition 2

k Most Vital Edges MST and Min Edge Blocker MST are polynomial-time equivalent.


If an algorithm \(\mathcal{A}_{k}\) solves k Most Vital Edges MST defined on graph G for all 1≤kλ(G)−1, then we can run \(\mathcal{A}_{k}\) for k=1,…,λ(G)−1 and choose the smallest k yielding optimum at least U. If no k exists then the optimum for Min Edge Blocker MST is λ(G). Conversely, if an algorithm \(\mathcal{B}_{U}\) solves Min Edge Blocker MST with any bound U, we can apply binary search to locate the largest U that requires the removal of at most k nodes. □

Theorem 4

Min Edge Blocker MST is NP-hard even for complete graphs with weights 0 or 1.


Follows from Proposition 2 and Corollary 1. □

6 Min node blocker MST

The equivalent of Proposition 2 applied to nodes also holds (with a similar proof).

Proposition 3

k Most Vital Nodes MST and Min Node Blocker MST are polynomial-time equivalent.

Theorem 5

Min Node Blocker MST is NP-hard even for complete graphs with weights 0 or 1.


Follows from Proposition 3 and Theorem 3. □

This result could also be established by the following gap-reduction from Min Edge Blocker MST.

Theorem 6

Min Edge Blocker MST is gap-reducible to Min Node Blocker MST.


Consider an instance I for Min Edge Blocker MST formed by a graph G=(V,E), with |V|=n and |E|=m, and a positive integer U. We construct an instance I′ for Min Node Blocker MST, constituted by a graph G′=(V′,E′) and a positive integer U, using the same construction as in Theorem 2, but we modify the size of the n complete graphs which we set to be m+1. We show that

  1. 1.


  2. 2.


1. Let S E be a subset of minimum cardinality such that a minimum spanning tree T in GS has a weight at least U. We set N ={r :e S }. By deleting N from G′, we construct a minimum spanning tree T′ in G′−N of the same weight as that of T as explained in Theorem 2. Thus, the weight of T′ is at least U. Therefore, opt(I′)≤opt(I)≤c.

2. Suppose now that opt(I)>. When we remove all nodes of R from G′, the weight of a minimum spanning tree is infinite. Hence, opt(I′)≤m. Let NV′ be an optimal solution whose deletion generates a minimum spanning tree T′ in G′−N of weight at least U. If N contains v i or one node \(v_{i}^{h}\), for a given i and h, then N must contain all the m+1 nodes v i and \(X_{v_{i}}\), since otherwise the weight of a minimum spanning in G′−N is the same as in G′−(N∖{v i }) or \(G'-(N\setminus\{v_{i}^{h}\})\). Therefore, since opt(I′)≤m, we can consider that NR. Let S={e :r N}. We construct a minimum spanning tree T in GS as explained in Theorem 2. The weight of T being equal to the weight of T′ is at least U. Hence, opt(I)≤val(I,S)=val(I′,N)=opt(I′) and thus opt(I′)>. □

In the absence of known inapproximability results for Min Edge Blocker MST, we can only exploit the above gap-reduction to establish the NP-hardness of Min Node Blocker MST. Nevertheless, we can obtain the following stronger result.

Theorem 7

Min Node Blocker MST is NP-hard to approximate within a factor 1.36 even for graphs with weights 0 or 1.


We propose a gap-reduction from Min Vertex Cover. Consider an instance I of Min Vertex Cover formed by a graph G=(V,E) with V={v 1,…,v n }. We construct from I, an instance I′ of Min Node Blocker MST constituted by a graph G′=(V′,E′) and a positive integer U as follows (see Fig. 3). G′ is a copy of G to which we add a path x 1,x 2,…,x n with X={x 1,…,x n } and we connect each node x i to the nodes \(x_{i}^{1},\ldots,x_{i}^{n}\) of a complete graph \(K_{n}^{i}\) of size n. We also connect each node \(x_{i}^{r}\) to node x i+1 and each node x i to node \(x_{i+1}^{r}\) for i=1,…,n−1 and r=1,…,n. We connect each node v i to nodes x i and \(x_{i}^{r}\), for i=1,…,n and r=1,…,n. We associate a weight 1 to all edges of the path (x 1,x 2),(x 2,x 3),…,(x n−1,x n ) and to edges \((x_{i}^{r},x_{i+1})\) and \((x_{i},x_{i+1}^{r})\) for i=1,…,n−1 and r=1,…,n, and a weight 0 to all other edges in E′. We set U=n−1.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Construction of an instance of Min Node Blocker MST from an instance of Min Vertex Cover

We show that

  1. 1.


  2. 2.


which establishes that Min Node Blocker MST is NP-hard to approximate within a factor 1.36, since Min Vertex Cover is NP-hard to approximate within a factor 1.36 (Dinur and Safra 2005).

1. Let V V be a minimum vertex cover in G. By deleting the nodes of V from G′, the nodes of V\V form an independent set in G′−V . Then, connecting any two nodes x i ,x j in G′−V requires to use a path of weight at least 1. Thus, a minimum spanning tree in G′−V , of weight U=n−1, is obtained by connecting the nodes x i through the path x 1,x 2,…,x n and each node v i V\V and \(x_{i}^{r}\) to node x i , for i=1,…,n and r=1,…,n. Therefore, we get opt(I′)≤opt(I)≤c.

2. Suppose now that opt(I)>. When we remove all nodes v i , i=1,…,n from G′, the weight of a minimum spanning tree in the resulting graph is U. Hence, opt(I′)≤n. Let NV′ be an optimal solution. If N contains nodes x i or \(x_{i}^{\ell}\) for a given i and , then N must contain all the nodes x i and \(x_{i}^{r}\) for r=1,…,n, otherwise the weight of a minimum spanning tree in G′−N is the same as in G′−(N\{x i }) or \(G^{\prime}-(N\backslash \{x_{i}^{\ell}\})\). Therefore, since opt(I′)≤n, we can consider in the following that N is included in V. We show in the following that N is a vertex cover in G. Suppose that there exists an edge (v i ,v j )∈E such that v i N and v j N. By deleting N from G′, the weight of a minimum spanning tree in G′−N is at most equal to n−2. Indeed, in such a minimum spanning tree the nodes x i ,v i ,v j ,x j are not connected by the edges (v i ,x i ), (x j ,v j ) and the path on X from x i to x j but by the path (x i ,v i ),(v i ,v j ),(v j ,x j ) of weight 0, thus contradicting the fact that the weight of a minimum spanning tree in G′−N must be at least n−1. Thus, N is a vertex cover in G and opt(I)≤val(I,N)=val(I′,N)=opt(I′) and then opt(I′)>. □

7 Conclusions

As a first result, we established or strengthened the NP-hardness of the four studied problems. Regarding approximation, negative results were obtained only for the node related versions and positive results were obtained only for k Most Vital Edges MST. This situation, combined with our reductions from edge related versions to node related versions (see Theorems 2 and 6, and Corollary 3) clearly shows that node related versions are more difficult than edge related versions. An interesting perspective is to look for approximability results for k Most Vital Nodes MST and Min Edge (Node) blocker MST and for inapproximability results for edge related versions.