
Knowledge of the three-dimensional (3D) structure of proteins at atomic accuracy is important to understand protein function, protein–ligand interactions and for rational drug design. Over the last two decades nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) has become an established complement to X-ray crystallography for the determination of 3D structures. The most challenging bottleneck in determining NMR structures, the assignment of side-chain chemical shifts and of NOE cross-peaks, can be avoided with methods for computing structures from backbone-only NMR experiments. Backbone chemical shift values reflect a wide array of structural information including backbone and side-chain conformations, secondary structure, hydrogen bond strength, and the position of aromatic rings. This information can be exploited to predict the 3D structure of proteins using software packages such as CS-ROSETTA, CHESHIRE and CS23D (Cavalli et al. 2007; Shen et al. 2008; Wishart et al. 2008).

The convergence and reliability of CS-ROSETTA calculations have been shown to improve by utilizing additional NMR data, such as residual dipolar couplings (RDC) (Raman et al. 2010a), NOE-derived distance restraints (Lange et al. 2012) and pseudo-contact shifts (PCS) (Schmitz et al. 2012). In the context of available RDC and NOE data an iterative sampling scheme, RASREC (Raman et al. 2010a; Lange and Baker 2011; Lange et al. 2012), was shown to greatly extend the applicability towards larger protein structures. Here we introduce a number of algorithmic advances whose cumulative effect significantly improves reliability, convergence and accuracy of final structures for chemical shift-only calculations. Moreover, we describe the WeNMR (Wassenaar et al. 2012) webserver that accesses the European Grid Initiative (EGI, computational resources, allowing efficient CS-ROSETTA computations via the simplicity of a web interface to academic users.

The CS-ROSETTA methodology consists of three stages: (1) fragment picking, (2) sampling, and (3) model selection. Originally, backbone chemical shift information was only used in stages (1) and (3). Fragment picking for CS-ROSETTA was originally carried out using the MFR method of the NMRPipe software package (Delaglio et al. 1995; Lange et al. 2012) which combined chemical shift information with peptide sequence matching to score fragment candidates. However, for regions where no experimental data was present the ROSETTA2 method (Rohl et al. 2004; Schmitz et al. 2012) outperformed MFR (Shen et al. 2009b; Lange and Baker 2011). In the present work the chemical shift based fragment picking is incorporated directly into a new ROSETTA3 fragment picker. This new fragment picker (denoted R3FP in the following) combines salient features of both original algorithms (MFR and ROSETTA2) (RV, YS, DB and OFL; J Biomol NMR submitted). The performance of the new method is benchmarked on a set of target proteins that have not been used for development or optimization of the R3FP protocol.

RASREC is an iterative sampling algorithm that has been shown to significantly increase sampling efficiency for larger proteins (10–40 kDa), if additional restraint data such as RDCs and NOEs are used (Lange and Baker 2011; Lange et al. 2012). Instead of running 10,000 or more independent structure calculations with increased cycle number as in CS-ABRELAX [the standard CS-ROSETTA algorithm (Shen et al. 2008)], RASREC performs iterative batches of short simulations. Similar to a genetic algorithm, a pool of best performing structures is maintained throughout the iterative procedure and sampling is focused around previously identified conformations. It is crucial for the performance of RASREC that pseudo-energies (e.g., from RDC and NOE restraint data) be available to assist ROSETTA in predominantly selecting structures with native features for this pool. In this study we extend the RASREC algorithm to allow chemical shift rescoring of intermediate structures (CS-RASREC) and test the performance of this extended method.

Chemical shifts are dominated by local backbone conformations, and thus CS-ROSETTA structures based solely on chemical shifts tend to be locally correct but globally unconverged. Here we introduce a post-analysis procedure that identifies locally converged regions of the structure, which have been shown to be generally accurate (Rohl et al. 2004; Shen et al. 2008; Raman et al. 2010a). However, with decreasing convergence there is an increasing probability that also the conformation of the converged part is inaccurate. We address this issue here by testing a number of criteria, including the quality of chemical shift data, the number of converged residues and the significance of the ROSETTA energy gap, to detect inaccurate predictions. These criteria are aggregated to annotate each CS-ROSETTA prediction as weak or strong, thereby providing users with a reliability metric to assess the results.

Materials and methods

We benchmarked the performance of the new fragment picker (R3FP) and CS-RASREC on a set of 39 proteins in the size range of 50–100 residues that have neither been used for training of the R3FP, nor in CS-ROSETTA, SPARTA+ or TALOS+ development (Suppl. Table 1 + 3). All input files (fragments, reference coordinate and chemical shift files) are available for download at

Target selection and fragment picking

The benchmark set was selected from a larger set of 206 proteins for which recently released chemical shift information from the BMRB was linked to coordinate information from the PDB in the CCPN framework (Vranken and Rieping 2009) and re-referenced using the VASCO protocol (Rieping and Vranken 2010). For NMR resolved structures, only proteins of sequence length 50–100 with at least 40 % secondary structure were retained from this set. Homologous proteins using an e-value cutoff of 0.05 (sequence identity >20 %) were excluded from MFR and R3FP fragment picking. The resulting set of 39 proteins covers a wide range of secondary structure content, as determined by DSSP from the PDB deposited structures. Since TALOS+ is used to pre-filter CS-ROSETTA submissions, and because the TALOS+ predicted secondary structure content is similar to what DSSP determines from the coordinates (Suppl. Fig. 6), this set of 39 is expected to be representative of typical CS-ROSETTA input.

Structure generation with CS-ABRELAX (server)

The latest version of the CS-ROSETTA webserver runs ROSETTA 3.3 including the new fragment selection method R3FP. For each target in the benchmark, 50,000 models were automatically generated by the CS-ROSETTA web server, using the standard CS-ABRELAX protocol with the ABRELAX cycle factor (command-line flag -increase_cycles) set to 10 as in Ref (Shen et al. 2008). The jobs are automatically distributed to available computational resources part of the worldwide WeNMR grid under the European Grid Initiative (EGI). As input, only a backbone NMR chemical shift list is required, which can be supplied in any of the common NMRPipe (TALOS), NMR-Star 2.1, or NMR-Star 3.1 (BMRB) formats.

The webserver uses SPARTA+ (Shen and Bax 2010) for final model selection in analogy to the original procedure based on SPARTA (Shen et al. 2008). Additionally, the server can combine the chemical shifts score with the DP score (Huang et al. 2005) based on unassigned NOE data for model selection, which has been shown to improve model selection from CS-ROSETTA calculations (Raman et al. 2010b, 2012).

An overview of the CS-ROSETTA web portal workflow can be found in Suppl. Fig. 1.

Structure generation with RASREC-ROSETTA

RASREC structure calculations (Lange and Baker 2011) with a pool-size of 500 conformers (command-line flag -iterative:pool_size 500) were started from the same fragment libraries as CS-ABRELAX calculations. As in the standard protocol (Lange and Baker 2011), Recombination-stages were terminated when the acceptance ratio into the pool dropped below 10 % (-iterative:accept_ratio 0.1) and the cycle factor was set to 2.0 (-increase_cycles 2). The protocol was modified to add chemical shift pseudo-energies with a weight of 5.0 to the ROSETTA energy to bias the RASREC pool of low-energy structures towards conformations in agreement with the experimental chemical shifts. Chemical shifts were computed from conformations using SPARTA+ (Shen and Bax 2010) and compared to the experimental chemical shifts to yield a pseudo-energy as described previously (Shen et al. 2008). To improve the prediction of chemical shifts from intermediate low-resolution structures a shortened refinement procedure was applied that uses only 1 of the usual 5 relax cycles (Raman et al. 2010a). SPARTA+ was implemented as a module of ROSETTA to allow computation of chemical shift pseudo-energies during RASREC iterations.

Calculation of converged regions

To determine the converged region of a protein structure predicted with CS-ROSETTA an adaption of the Gaussian-weighted RMSD method (Damm and Carlson 2006) was implemented in ROSETTA. The 30 lowest energy structures were superimposed using a scaling factor of 2 Å2 (Damm and Carlson 2006). This procedure iteratively determines a set of rigid residues on which the structures can be superimposed; residues with a root-mean square fluctuation (RMSF) below 2 Å are considered to be converged. Gaps of <3 residues between regions of low RMSF (<2 Å) are ignored.

RMSD calculations

All reported RMSDs are C α -RMSD to the PDB deposited reference structure or its first model. If the reference structure stems from an NMR solution ensemble only residues that superimpose within 1 Å in the deposited ensemble were used. Where indicated, C α -RMSD computations are further restricted to regions converged in the ROSETTA calculations (see “Materials and methods”).

Criteria used for annotations

The criteria of strong/weak prediction annotation are slightly different between CS-RASREC and CS-ABRELAX. cs-consensus, convergence and energy gap are used to annotate the prediction from CS-RASREC, and for CS-ABRELAX the criteria are cs-class, convergence and energy gap. cs-consensus is the fraction of residues for which TALOS+ finds more than 7 consensus matches in the database. cs-class is the fraction of residues annotated by TALOS+ with ‘GOOD’. convergence is the fraction of residues which are converged with an RMSF cutoff of 2 Å (see “Materials and methods”). The energy gap is the difference in ROSETTA all-atom energy between the lowest energy decoys and the lowest energies obtained for decoys far away (>4 Å) from the lowest energy decoys. Specifically, it is calculated as follows: the median energy of the 10 lowest energy structures is subtracted from the median energy of the 10 lowest energy structures within the subset of structures that are more than >4 Å (converged region; see “Materials and methods”) from the lowest energy structure. In CS-RASREC annotations, the raw energy gap is divided by the number of residues and mapped to an interval 0.0.1 using a sigmoidal function with its inflection point at 0.05 Rosetta energy units (REU) per residue (see Suppl. Methods). Differently, the raw energy gap is directly mapped to [0,1] using sigmoidal function in CS-ABRELAX annotations.


Performance of new fragment picker (R3FP)

Figure 1a shows the mean C α -RMSD of the best 10 generated models with respect to the reference structure for MFR and R3FP. As can be seen, more targets appear above the diagonal, i.e., ABRELAX samples closer to the native structure, if R3FP fragments are used. Necessary for the success of a CS-ROSETTA structure calculation is that sufficient conformations below a C α -RMSD of 2.0 Å to the reference structure are generated (Shen et al. 2008). This is the case for significantly more targets, if R3FP fragments are used (Fig. 1a; Table 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Performance comparison. a Comparison of MFR and R3FP fragment picking methods using the ABRELAX sampling protocol. Shown are the mean C α -RMSD of the lowest 10-RMSD structures (Table 1). Dashed lines indicate the 2 Å RMSD threshold, which is often predictive whether CS-Rosetta yields converged ensembles after energy-based selection. b Comparison of CS-RASREC (x-axis) and RASREC (y-axis). Shown are the median RMSDs of the ten lowest energy models selected by Rosetta energy and chemical shift score. c Comparison of CS-RASREC (x-axis) with CS-ABRELAX (y-axis). Shown are RMSDs of 10 lowest energy models selected by Rosetta energy and chemical shift score as in b

Table 1 Success of structure generation for MFR and R3FP fragment picker

We also compared the performance in sampling near-native conformations of ABRELAX between software versions Rosetta 2.6 [used here (Shen et al. 2008; Wassenaar et al. 2012)] and Rosetta 3.x [used here (Raman et al. 2010b; Schmitz et al. 2012)]. As shown in Table 1, a performance gain is observed for Rosetta 3.x.

RASREC with chemical shift rescoring

As shown previously (Rohl et al. 2004; Shen et al. 2008), chemical shift rescoring improves precision and accuracy of final target selection for the CS-ABRELAX method. We have now implemented SPARTA+ rescoring directly into ROSETTA which allows us to apply the chemical shift score as a filter between iterations of the RASREC method (Shen et al. 2009b; Lange and Baker 2011). However, chemical shift rescoring is usually applied to fully refined structures, whereas intermediate structures in RASREC are without atomic detail (i.e., they use only a single centroid to represent the side-chain). To allow chemical shift rescoring nevertheless, a short refinement to atomic detail models that requires only ca. 20 % of the usual computer time is applied (see “Materials and methods”).

We investigated whether chemical shift rescoring of intermediate structures improves the performance of the new CS-RASREC protocol on the benchmark set of 39 proteins. Indeed, a significant improvement in the RMSDs of the final energy selected models (Fig. 1b) is seen for CS-RASREC (points left of diagonal). Thus, CS-RASREC (but not RASREC) can further improve the accuracy of final models in comparison to CS-ABRELAX with R3FP fragments (Fig. 1c).

Restriction to converged regions

Figure 2a shows the C α -RMSD to the reference structure of the lowest 10 scoring models from CS-ABRELAX calculations. As can be seen, only a small fraction of targets (~25 %) yields accurate (<2 Å) solutions. The reason for this apparent bad accuracy of CS-ROSETTA predictions is that RMSDs were computed on regions that are not converged in the CS-ROSETTA ensemble. To address this issue we added an auxiliary application called ensemble_analysis to the CS-ROSETTA toolbox (, which detects residues whose RMSD fluctuations are <2 Å (see “Materials and methods”). Restriction of the structural prediction to these converged residues drastically changes the appearance of the results and shows that the converged regions are actually quite accurate for the majority of targets, with only five targets where the accuracy is worse than 2.5 Å (Fig. 2b). However, Fig. 2b also reveals that for many targets significant portions of the structures remain unconverged in the CS-ABRELAX calculations. As can be seen in Fig. 2c, the convergence is significantly improved in CS-RASREC calculations.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Overview of accuracy of 10 lowest scoring structures from the 39 protein benchmark. C α -RMSD to the reference structure (circles) are calculated over a subset of residues (bars). Predictions annotated as weak are shown in red (convergence is more than 50 %) or pink (convergence is <50 %) (Suppl. Table 2 and 4). a The RMSDs are calculated over all residues that are converged within 1 Å in the reference NMR structural ensemble (Suppl. Table 1). The number of residues used for RMSD calculation are shown as fraction of total length f reference (gray). b The RMSD calculation is restricted to residues converged within 2 Å in the CS-ROSETTA structural ensemble (and within 1 Å in the references) (Suppl. Table 1). The additional restriction in RMSD calculation is given as ratio f rosetta/f reference (green). c RMSD restriction as in b but using the CS-RASREC method

Reliability measure: annotation of weak/strong predictions

Originally, CS-Rosetta calculations were discarded if they did not converge on all residues (Shen et al. 2008; Schmitz et al. 2012). However, as shown above, some of the calculations that contain converged segments yield quite acceptable models. Thus, we looked for additional criteria to detect accurate predictions. We speculated that, in addition to (a) the overall convergence of the calculation, also the significance of (b) the chemical shift consensus or class (Shen et al. 2009a) and (c) the ROSETTA energy gap (Raman et al. 2010a; Fleishman and Baker 2012) should be informative on the likelihood of obtaining accurate structures.

To this purpose we define a predictor model that yields the signal strong if the weighted sum of the criteria c i

$$ P_{\text{sum}} = \mathop \sum \limits_{i = 1}^{3} w_{i} c_{i} $$

exceeds a threshold of 0.82 or 0.69 for CS-RASREC and CS-ABRELAX calculations, respectively (see Suppl. Methods). Optimizing the predictor model against manual classifications of the benchmark results, we obtained for CS-RASREC the weights 0.58, 0.29 and 0.13 for the criteria cs-consensus, convergence, and energy-gap, respectively. For CS-ABRELAX the weights 0.08, 0.54 and 0.38 for criteria cs-class, convergence, and energy-gap. The criteria are defined in “Materials and methods” section. In 100 rounds of cross-validated training using a different random selection of 25 % of the data as test-set for each round, for CS-RASREC the cutoff was selected by fixing the false positive rate (FPR) to 3 % and 6 % for CS-RASREC and CS-ABRELAX, respectively. The resulting thresholds of 0.82 ± 0.06 and 0.69 ± 0.05 yielded true positive rates (TPR) of (89 ± 20) %and (80 ± 33) %, respectively. The standard deviation of the weights trained on the 100 different selections of training data during cross-validation were 0.08, 0.10 and 0.08, for CS-RASREC and 0.25, 0.13, 0.14 for CS-ABRELAX. The higher variation of weights for CS-ABRELAX reflects the less pronounced energy gap and the lower rate of convergence observed in CS-ABRELAX simulations (Suppl. Fig. 4). Alternative predictor models were discarded based on inferior receiver operating characteristic (ROC) in the cross-validation and the compound predictor model outperforms the individual criteria (Suppl. Fig. 2). The final set of weights was obtained by optimizing the most successful predictor model against all data points.

Indeed, the classification scheme successfully annotates those predictions as weak that yield bad accuracy (red in Fig. 2b, c). 20 of 39 targets (51 %) listed in Suppl. Table 2 computed with CS-ABRELAX are considered as strong structure calculations. For 18 of these the accuracies range from 0.9 to 2.0 Å, and for the remaining two, accuracies are 3.1 and 2.1 Å for targets #21 (2jvf) and #31 (2k3d), respectively. From the targets computed with CS-RASREC, 29 of 39 (74 %) results are considered strong. For 26 of the strong targets, accuracies range from 0.7 to 2.0 Å and for the remaining three, targets #4 (2dm2), #12 (2jov) and #34 (2k5c), accuracies are 2.1, 2.9 and 2.4 Å, respectively (Suppl. Table 4).

For these three targets (#4, #12, and #34), CS-RASREC predicted structures have the same fold as the reference structure, but show better packing with less and smaller solvent inaccessible cavities in the protein core (Suppl. Fig. 3) (Sheffler and Baker 2008). Given the clear packing deficiencies in the deposited NMR ensembles, we believe that the 2.1–2.9 Å RMSDs do not actually reflect the accuracy of the CS-RASREC structures, and that these targets can be ignored for the overall assessment of CS-RASREC accuracy of strong predictions. Representative examples of the remaining strong predictions are shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Overview of structures obtained with RASREC structure calculations that passed the filter (i.e., annotated as strong prediction). Shown are the three best, 2jsx (0.8 Å), 2jt1 (0.7 Å) and 2qmt (0.9 Å), respectively, and the three worst, 2jrm (1.6 Å), 2jvr (2.0 Å) and 2k14 (2.0 Å), respectively. For each target, the reference structure is in blue and the predicted structures are in red with unconverged regions (see “Materials and methods”) shown in gray

The WeNMR CS-ROSETTA web server

The most time consuming part of a typical CS-ROSETTA run consists of a large number (500–2,500) of independent Monte Carlo calculations to calculate in the order of 10,000–50,000 structures. The WeNMR ( CS-Rosetta web server (Wassenaar et al. 2012) conveniently distributes those calculations over the grid resources made available through the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI, The original server has now been extended to allow DP scoring and include the reliability measure described above. Table 2 shows the results of the DP rescoring option (using the CS-ABRELAX setup), using a different benchmark of 6 CASD-NMR targets (Rosato et al. 2009, 2012). Consistent with previous observations (Raman et al. 2010b; Rosato et al. 2012) the combination of DP rescoring (Huang et al. 2005; Raman et al. 2010b) and CS rescoring outperforms the other rescoring option, including CS rescoring, both in successful predictions and reliability (100 %).

Table 2 Reliability of different structure selection methods


We have considerably improved the scope, convergence and reliability of CS-ROSETTA calculations from chemical shifts only. On a representative benchmark of 39 small proteins in the size range of 50–100 residue size range, we demonstrated that CS-ROSETTA calculations yield successful and accurate 3D structure predictions in 74 % of the cases when using the new CS-RASREC method. CS-ABRELAX is still successful in 51 % of the cases but generally yields less converged residues per target. Most importantly, we introduced a classification scheme that can be used to detect whether a successful prediction has been made, which increases the reliability to >89 and >80 % for CS-RASREC and CS-ABRELAX calculations, respectively. Reliable predictions have accuracies of 2 Å and better on the converged residues. This renders the presented CS-ROSETTA structure calculation protocols a reliable tool for rapid and accurate structure determination at atomic resolution.

CS-ROSETTA calculations entail a considerably computational effort; a reliable structure prediction requires 10,000 or more models to be generated with an overall cost of several thousand CPU-hours. We implemented a webserver that utilizes the WeNMR grid infrastructure to farm out the time-consuming model generation part of CS-ROSETTA calculations. The service is available for the whole scientific community and is free of charge to academic users. It only requires a backbone chemical shift list as input and offers several options to re-evaluate the generated models, including NOE based rescoring with the DP-score (Huang et al. 2005; Raman et al. 2010b).

Currently, the WeNMR grid cannot support CS-RASREC calculations due to the requirement of communication between RASREC processes that is not supported by the grid-infrastructure. However, RASREC calculations are considerably more time-efficient than CS-ABRELAX; for targets in the size range addressed here, they require on the order of 200–1,000 CPU hours, which is available on medium sized in-house clusters or at adjunct computer centers of universities. We made considerable advances to simplify running these calculations by providing a Python-based toolbox for pre- and post-processing of CS-ROSETTA related data files and fragment picking. This allows easy setup of CS-ABRELAX and RASREC CS-ROSETTA structure generation runs including integrated support for queuing systems such as SLURM and MOAB. The computational infrastructure has to support jobs that utilize the common Message Passing Interface (MPI) protocol (e.g., openMPI, LAM, MPICH, MPICH2) for inter-process communication. Additionally, a website providing documentation and tutorials ( has been launched in support of the growing user community.

The main advantage of CS-RASREC calculations over the CS-ABRELAX is that a larger fraction of residues converges and that the energy gap becomes more pronounced. This in turn generates a higher chance of a strong prediction. On the 39 benchmark cases, the average fraction of converged residues (as shown in Fig. 2b, c (green bars) is 72 % for CS-ABRELAX and 80 % for CS-RASREC. From the 9 targets that are classified strong in CS-RASREC but weak in CS-ABRELAX, 4 have improved classification due to a drastic increase in convergence (from ~30 to >70 %), whereas the remaining 5 have similar convergence but improved energy-gaps (Suppl. Table 2 + 4). Finally, the mean accuracy (RMSD) for strong predictions is 1.76 Å for CS-ABRELAX and 1.44 Å for CS-RASREC. Thus, if local computer resources can be obtained it is advisable to run CS-RASREC rather than CS-ABRELAX, if such resources cannot be secured, running just the webservice-based CS-ABRELAX remains a reasonable and valuable alternative. Adaption of the RASREC protocol to a grid or cloud computing platform is in principle possible as only very low-bandwidth communication is required, but technically involved as the entire communication layer of the protocol has to be adapted.

A program to apply the reported classification scheme into strong and weak 3D structure predictions is provided with the CS-ROSETTA toolbox versions 2.x and higher at and is implemented in the CS-ROSETTA web server.