
Although research on outcome and treatment response is of paramount importance in child mental health (Arnold et al. 2000), the literature in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is only slowly improving (Howlin and Moss 2012; Oono et al. 2013). Among the factors hampering better evidence is a lack of the possibility to draw overarching conclusions from different studies, owing to the fact that researchers have not yet adopted a common set of outcome measures (Reichow et al. 2012). Studies have used a diverse repertoire of cognitive tests and clinical scales to determine outcome that mostly were not constructed to assess change in ASD or generally to be particularly sensitive to change (Howlin et al. 2009), for example the Wechsler IQ scales or the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. Often the choice of the instruments has rather reflected the limited availability of more adequate tools for measuring change than its genuine appropriateness.

Although substantial progress in the past two decades concerning the development and psychometric evaluation of screeners, diagnostic rating scales and interviews in ASD has been made (Charman and Gotham 2013), the focus has clearly been on tools for establishing categorical diagnostic status rather than assessing change over time or treatment response. For instance, the “gold standard” of diagnosing ASD, the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2 (ADOS-2) (Lord et al. 2012; Lord et al. 1994) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (Rutter et al. 2003) were both developed with the aim to maximize diagnostic/discriminant validity, not to measure change of symptoms or severity over time. Only very recently, there have been attempts to quantify ADOS scores by the creation of a 10-point calibrated severity scale (de Bildt et al. 2011; Gotham et al. 2012) which better enable comparability of score between ADOS modules. In addition, a new version of the ADOS, the ADOS-C (C for change) is in preparation, which hopefully will represent a sensitive metric of symptom or functional capacity assessment over time in the future (Lord et al. 2013). Nevertheless, the ADOS and ADI-R are rather time and cost intensive, and require extensive training and experience. Another widely applied scale in ASD, the Social Responsiveness Scale (Bölte 2012; Bölte et al. 2008; Constantino and Gruber 2012; Constantino and Frazier 2013) is a quick quantitative measure of autistic traits. It provides a standard measure of error for reassessment in order to enable to judge whether changes are random variation or are likely to embody true changes. The SRS has repeatedly demonstrated sensitivity to treatment response, for instance in clinical trials of social skills training (Tse et al. 2007; Wood et al. 2009). However, the SRS is an informant-based measure, not an expert-based measure. Moreover, it is not constructed as a measure of clinical autism severity or functional impairment in everyday life.

In conclusion, there is shortage of economic, intuitive, clinician-based, reliable measures of symptomatic and functional change in ASD. As DSM-5 (APA 2013) introduces severity specifiers for ASD behavior domains, functional impairment and the associated need for support, the availability of such tools will become ever important in the future. In order to facilitate the availability of economic scales to measure change in international ASD research and practice, and to examine their practicability and scientific value, this study aimed at determining the inter-rater reliability and feasibility of the Developmental Disabilities Children’s Global Assessment Scale (DD-CGAS) (Wagner et al. 2007) and the OSU Autism Clinical Global Impression (OSU Autism CGI) (RUPP 2005) in a European environment. Both instruments are clinician friendly tools, taking only a few minutes to complete, that have been derived from the well-known and widespread Children Global Assessment Scale, and Clinical Global Impression scale to fit ASD assessment. In addition to previous North American studies, the current article particularly examined the scales’ properties in experienced versus inexperienced clinicians with varying professional background, who spontaneously (without explicit training) conducted ratings. The latter might allow to evaluate the scales’ scientific properties in more a more conservative and perhaps naturalistic fashion.




For the current study, the DD-CGAS was translated into Swedish, back-translated to English and authorized. The DD-CGAS (Wagner et al. 2007) is a clinician-rated scale derived from the Children Global Assessment Scale (Shaffer et al. 1983). Text revisions are introduced to the original CGAS to enable a more targeted functional assessment in ASD. It yields a single score of current global functioning for children and adolescents with ASD aged 4–18 years relative to the typical development of same age peers. Ratings can be completed in less than 5 min. Scores are based on all available sources of information from multiple areas of functioning: self-care, social behavior, and school/academic functioning. Maintaining the overall structure of the original CGAS, the DD-CGAS scores range from 1 (maximum impairment) to 100 (superior level of functioning). The scale is divided into 10-point intervals that are headed by a description of the level of functioning. Each interval (1–10, 11–20 and so forth) has a descriptive header (e. g. “Moderate impairment in functioning in most domains”, for range of score 60–51). Scores below 70 on the DD-CGAS indicate atypical functioning in a clinically relevant range. For administration, the examiner first determines the level of impairment for each domain, taking into account the child’s behavior in various environments, as well as the level of environmental accommodation necessary to support the child and the level of support required. Then the rater selects the composite reference range that best correspondents with the level of functioning in all domains (for example, 60–51 moderate operating in most areas). The examples used in the ranges to confirm the description of the child’s functioning, although no child will be perfectly described by these descriptions.

Previous North American data on the psychometric properties of DD-CGAS in certified trained raters within ongoing research on pediatric psychopharmacology judging children with pervasive developmental disorders yielded good to excellent interrater reliability [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = .79], retest reliability (average ICC = .86), and concurrent validity with the Aberrant Behavior Checklist-I (r = .71) and Global Impression Scale–I (r = .52) (Wagner et al. 2007).

OSU Autism CGI

The CGI (Guy 1976) is a tool to rate global symptom severity and symptom improvement that takes less than 5 min to complete, and has demonstrated good psychometric properties in large European child and adolescent psychiatric cohorts (Dyrborg et al. 2000; Lundh et al. 2010; Lundh et al. 2012). It combines two ratings, current symptom severity (CGI-S) and symptomatic improvement compared to baseline (CGI-I). Severity (CGI-S) is scored on a 7-point scale from (1) “Normal, not at all ill” to (7) “Among the most extremely ill patients”. The OSU Research Unit on Pediatric Psychopharmacology modified the CGI for individuals with ASD [OSU Research Unit on Pediatric Psychopharmacology (RUPP) 2005] to create the OSU Autism CGI. The scale is rated in a similar way to the classical CGI, but it is focused on autism spectrum symptoms. Symptoms frequently associated with autism spectrum—such as compulsions, hyperactivity, and self-injury should also be considered. As far as we are aware, no psychometric data has yet been published on the OSU Autism CGI. For the current study, the OSU Autism CGI was translated into Swedish, back-translated to English, checked for clarify and piloted. Only the severity scale of the CGI, the CGI-S, was used.


To establish the interrater reliability of the Swedish DD-CGAS and OSU Autism CGI-S, 16 clinicians involved in neuropsychiatric assessments on a daily basis from 9 child and adolescent psychiatry outpatient units in Stockholm County with varying professional background, and clinical experience were included: psychologists (11), social workers (3) and nurses (2). There were 13 female and 3 male raters, ranging in age between 31 and 62 years, with a mean age of 42 years. Eleven (69 %) had master and 5 (31 %) bachelor degrees. Their clinical experience ranged from 1 to 40 years, with a mean of 7.8 years. The raters were divided in two groups: experienced [<2 years clinical experience to work with ASD = 8 raters (7 psychologists and 1 social worker)] and inexperienced [>2 years clinical experience to work with ASD = 8 raters (4 psychologists, 2 nurses, 1 social worker)]. Raters were naïve to both the DD-GAS and OSU Autism CGI-S, and had neither been explicitly trained on the CGAS or DD-CGAS for this study. They were in the majority not familiar to the original CGI-S, but mostly familiar to the classical CGAS.


Clinicians rated eight written vignettes of ASD reflecting a range of adaptive functioning and symptom severity using the DD-CGAS and OSU Autism CGI-S (Table 1). They described 3 girls and 5 boys given a clinical ICD-10 (WHO 1992) consensus diagnoses of autism, Asperger syndrome or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, who also fulfilled current DSM-5 (APA 2013) and ADOS [module 3 (new algorithm) or module 4)] criteria for ASD. The cases were aged between 8 and 16 years, and had borderline to high range IQs (75–120). Gold standard scores for the DD-CGAS and OSU Autism CGI-S regarding the vignettes were established by averaging the two author’s (Swedish version developers) independent ratings for each of the vignettes. Gold standard ratings of the vignettes ranged from 32 to 69 (M = 53.6) for the DD-CGAS and 2–5 (M = 3.5) for OSU Autism CGI at referral and 40–75 (M = 59.4) for the DD-CGAS and 2–5 (M = 3.1) for OSU Autism CGI at discharge.

Table 1 Case vignettes

Each vignette comprised extensive clinical descriptions of the individual’s situation, symptomatology, and treatment for two points in time: one for clinical referral (before treatment), the other for discharge (after treatment). Common interventions were individual cognitive behavior therapy, medication, social skills training, psychoeducation and general information about ASD. Clinicians rated the vignettes separately for both time points resulting in a total of 16 ratings for each of the instruments. Vignettes were based on true clinical cases of ASD at the division of child and adolescent psychiatry, Stockholm County. The vignettes (2–3 pages in length) included information on age, gender, IQ, ASD diagnosis, psychiatric co-morbidities, as well as behavioral descriptions of everyday functioning regarding adaptive skills, social integration, and treatment provided.

Procedure and Statistics

The 16 raters independently and spontaneously rated the eight clinical vignettes of ASD in terms of psychosocial functioning using the DD-CGAS, and clinical severity using the OSU Autism CGI-S, for referral and discharge. The only instruction given prior to ratings was to read the general information provided on the instruments’ forms.

Two-way random ICCs (with 95 % confidence interval, CI) in SPSS 20 were calculate to determine interrater reliability for all case vignettes and all possible pairs of raters for both the DD-CGAS and the OSU Autism CGI-S, as well as separately for experienced and less experienced clinicians. The ICC classification by Landis and Koch (1977) was used to interpret the findings, with ICC <.20 indicating slight, .21–.40 fair, .41–.60 moderate, .61–.80 substantial, and .81–1.00 (almost) perfect agreement. In addition to ICCs, Pearson correlation between DD-CGAS and the OSU Autism CGI ratings was computed. In terms of construct validity, we expected a high negative correlation between the DD-CGAS (with increasing values indicating higher adaptive functional skills), on one hand, and the OSU Autism CGI-S (with increasing values indicating higher symptom severity), on the other.


Average scores on the DD-CGAS made by experienced raters were M = 56.1 at referral and M = 59.7 at discharge. For inexperienced raters the figures were M = 51.1 at referral and M = 58.6 at discharge. On the OSU Autism CGI, experiences raters scored on average M = 3.4 at referral and M = 3.0 at discharge. In experienced raters scores on the OSU Autism CGI were M = 4.2 at referral and M = 3.7 at discharge. ICCs for all raters (experienced and inexperienced) and points in time were .63 (95 % CI = .34–.94) on the DD-CGAS and .60 (95 % CI = .31–.93) on the OSU Autism CGI-S. On the DD-CGAS, ICCs were 0.75 [95 % CI = .45–.96, (.78 referral/.79 discharge)] for experienced, and .58 (95 % CI = .39–.96, [ICC.54 referral/.53 discharge]) for inexperienced clinicians. On the OSU Autism CGI-S, ICCs were .72 [95 % CI = .39–.96, [ICC.73 referral/.72 discharge)] for experienced and .59 (95 % CI = .40–.79, [ICC.48 referral/.46 discharge]) for inexperienced clinicians. The correlations between the DD-CGAS and the OSU Autism CGI-S were r = −.86 (referral), and r = −.82 (discharge), respectively.


Economic, clinician-based, reliable measures of symptomatic and functional change are scarce in ASD. This this study examined the interrater reliability of the of the DD-CGAS and OSU Autism CGI-S, two brief and clinician friendly tools to assess psychosocial functioning and clinical severity that only require a few minutes to complete, in clinicians with varying professional background and clinical experience, being rather naïve to the instruments. Our results endorse the usage of both instruments even in untrained clinicians. Interpersonal agreement was substantial for experienced and moderate even for inexperienced raters in ASD cases of varying clinical complexity. Prior inter-rater training and the scoring true cases rather than vignettes might further increase interpersonal agreement (Dyrborg et al. 2000; Lundh et al. 2010). Therefore, the reliability values reported here might rather be pessimistic than optimistic estimates of the instruments’ fidelity. In addition, as hypothesized, DD-CGAS and OSU Autism CGI-S values correlated highly negative, indicating divergent validity. Findings are in line with earlier studies on the DD-GAS in pervasive developmental disorders, and the classical GAS version in child mental health samples. However, the current study markedly enlarges previous evidence for the DD-GAS in ASD (Wagner et al. 2007) to ASD cases with various comorbidity, European culture, and untrained clinicians with differing professional background and clinical experience. To the author’s best knowledge, no psychometric studies on the OSU Autism CGI have been published yet. Thus, the current article is the first to provide particularly evidence for usage of this tool in ASD.

This study has several limitations, among them its rather narrow focus on interrater reliability, with no other aspect of reliability or validity being included. Moreover, as the present study is embedded into an ongoing large randomized controlled trial on group-based social skills training (NCT01854346), the vignettes did in the majority describe intermediate to high functioning children and adolescents with ASD, not profoundly impaired and intellectually disabled cases, which hampers the finding’s generalizability to the severe autism spectrum. Finally, observable change in the vignettes was moderate, and despite this may being characteristic of ASD over a shorter period of time, the sensitivity of the DD-CGAS and OSU Autism CGI-I to change could therefore only be demonstrated to a certain degree.

In conclusion, both the DD-CGAS and OSU Autism CGI-S are feasible tools for quick and general assessment of symptom severity and psychosocial functioning in ASD. They might hold promise for a range of purposes in outcome evaluation and observation of change, for instance in the scope of large scale quality and research registries, where quick and intuitive scales are essential. Such registries are widely used in Scandinavia and contribute important results to the study of ASD (e.g. Abel et al. 2013; Magnusson et al. 2013). A new medical records based nationwide research and quality registry for neurodevelopment disorders (“NEUROPSYK”; including ASD) is under construction in Sweden, were different variants of the CGAS (e.g. DD-CGAS) and CGI-S (e.g. OSU Autism CGI-S) are planned as mandatory outcome tools. Establishing an interrater reliability protocol for the DD-CGAS and OSU Autism CGI-S and other instruments for clinicians and researchers contributing to the registry is an essential part of this effort. For the latter purpose, the current findings offer valuable information.