1 Introduction

With the rapid development of the Internet, concerns on intellectual property protection have been raised in recent years. A way to protect the copyright of audio works is to embed robust watermark into it. On the other hand, audio contents are tampered easily by many operations, such as insertion, deletion and replacement. So, embedding (semi-) fragile watermarking into an audio work to authenticate the integrity is also received widespread concern.

Many robust audio watermarking schemes were proposed in recent years. (Ma and Han 2006) set up a mathematical relationship between the coefficient where watermark was embedded and the audible quality of the audio file with watermark. (Wu et al. 2005) embedded the synchronization codes and the hidden informative data into the approximation frequency coefficients in DWT (discrete wavelet transform) domain. By exploiting the time-frequency localization characteristics of DWT, the computational load in searching synchronization codes had been dramatically reduced. (Wang et al. 2009) embedded the watermark bits into the statistics average value of approximation frequency components in DWT. The proposed scheme was inaudible and robust against common signals processing and some de-synchronization attacks. Making use of the multi-resolution of DWT and the energy compression of discrete cosine transform (DCT), (Wang and Zhao 2006) embedded the watermark into the hybrid domain. Their algorithm was robust and the impairment to watermarked audio was inaudible. (Lei et al. 2011) proposed a robust audio watermarking scheme based on SVD–DCT (singular value decomposition). The scheme embedded the watermark into the high-frequency band of the SVD–DCT block blindly.

Some (semi-)fragile watermarking schemes were proposed in these years. In literature (Gulbis et al. 2008), authors extracted the energy of the critical bands in each segment as the feature, and embedded it into each segment by modifying the coefficients in DCT domain. (Wang and Fan 2010) computed the centroid of each audio frame, quantized it as watermark. They embedded watermark in DWT-DCT domain. (Lei et al. 2010) proposed a semi-fragile audio watermarking scheme. They used binary image as fragile watermark, and embedded the watermark signal into the average value of the wavelet coefficients.

In some circumstances, copyright protection and content authentication are necessary simultaneously. Many multipurpose watermarking techniques have been proposed to achieve these goals. (Wang and Xu 2006) presented an audio watermarking scheme which embedded robust and fragile watermark at the same time in lifting wavelet. The robust watermark and the fragile watermark were the same binary image. (Chen and Zhu 2008b) proposed a scheme which embedded semi-fragile watermark into the audio signal first. In order to extract semi-fragile accurately, zero-watermark technology was used to embed robust watermark. (Lei and Soon 2012) embedded robust watermark by modifying low frequency component and fragile watermark by modifying high frequency component in DCT domain. The fragile watermark was a chaotic sequence. (Liao et al. 2009) embedded robust watermark by quantizing the difference of the sum of the odd and the even coefficients in DWT domain and fragile watermark by modifying the first level detail coefficients. The robust watermark and the fragile watermark were both binary images. (Chen and Zhu 2008a) proposed a scheme which embedded semi-fragile watermark into the audio signal. In order to extract semi-fragile accurately, zero-watermark technology was used to embed robust watermark.

These multipurpose schemes mentioned above adopted binary image or chaotic sequence as fragile watermark. It will greatly increase the false alarm probability of tamper detection and decrease the security of watermark system, as is discussed in (Wang and Fan 2010). In our scheme, we divide an audio clip into non-overlapping frames first. Then DWT–DCT is performed on each frame. Robust watermark bits are embedded by modifying the coefficient in hybrid domain. Simultaneously, we extract the features of each frame when robust watermark is embedding, quantizing them as semi-fragile watermark and embedding them into this frame. The proposed scheme achieves right protection and content authentication for audio signal at the same time.

2 Embedding and extraction of robust and semi-fragile watermark

In our scheme, the robust watermark is a random sequence \( w_{R} \; \in \;\{ - 1,1\} \), which may be a chaotic sequence, or generated by secure hash algorithm, such as SHA-3. The features of each frame are obtained when robust watermark bits are embedded.

2.1 Robust watermark embedding process

After the original audio is divided, each frame is embedded into watermark bits as follow. The following watermark embedding rule hides several bits of the watermark in each frame. The embedding process contains the following steps.

Step 1. Let \( X = (x_{1} ,x_{2} , \ldots ,x_{{N_{R} }} ) \) represents a frame audio signal with \( N_{R} \) samples.

Step 2. d-level DWT is applied on \( X \), then DCT is performed on the obtained coarse signal, and we get the DCT coefficients \( C = (c_{1} ,c_{2} , \ldots ) \). After computing the absolute value of each coefficient in \( C \), we obtain \( C' = (|c_{1} |,|c_{2} |, \ldots ) \). Then sorting \( C^{'} \) in descend order and we get \( T = (|t_{1} |,|t_{2} |, \ldots ) \). The first \( n \) coefficients with original sign \( t_{1} \),\( t_{2} \),…,\( t_{n} \) are selected to embed watermark. For the coefficient \( t_{1} \), the watermark bit is embedded as follows (Chen and Wornell 2001)

$$ t_{1}^{'} = \;\left\{ {\begin{array}{ll} {round\;(t_{1} /S_{R} )\; \times \;S_{R} , \quad if\, w_{R} = 1} \\ {floor\;(t_{1} /S_{R} )\; \times \;S_{R} \, + \;\;0.5S_{R} , \quad if\, w_{R} = -1} \\ \end{array} } \right. $$

where \( S_{R} \;\; > \;0 \) denotes the embedding strength.

Step 3. For the second coefficient \( t_{2} \), after embedding the next watermark bit by performing on Eq. (1), we obtain \( t_{2}^{'} \). if \( |t_{1}^{'} | < |t_{2}^{'} | \), then \( |t_{1}^{'} | = |t_{1}^{'} | + S_{R} \).

Step 4. Continuing to embed watermark bit following step 3.

At last, the \( n \) coefficients are satisfied with the relationship \( |t_{1}^{'} |\; \ge \;|t_{2}^{'} |\; \ge \; \ldots \ge \,|t_{n}^{'} | \).

After \( t_{n}^{'} \) is gotten, there may be some un-watermarked coefficients that are larger than \( t_{n}^{'} \) in absolute value. We must decrease these un-watermarked coefficients in value to assure watermark can be extracted correctly. In order to improve the robustness of the scheme, it is necessary to slightly decrease these un-watermarked coefficients whose absolute value are adjacent to \( |t_{n}^{'} | \).

Step 5. Inverse DCT and Inverse DWT are performed on the modified coefficients. Then, the watermarked audio is obtained.

Step 6. We quantize these coefficients \( t_{1}^{'} \),\( t_{2}^{'} \),…,\( t_{n}^{'} \) as semi-fragile watermark as described in Sect. 2.2.

The remaining watermark bits are embedded in the same way in other frames.

After all watermark bits are embedded, in order to improve the robustness against various attacks, the watermark bits are embedded repeatedly in the remaining audio frames.

2.2 Generation of semi-fragile watermark

As mentioned in Sect. 2.1 step 6, the semi-fragile watermark is generated when robust watermark is embedded. For a certain coefficient \( t_{i}^{'} \) in hybrid domain, we compute \( m_{i} = \left\lfloor {(|t_{i}^{'} | + 0.5Q_{F} )/Q_{F} } \right\rfloor \), where \( \left\lfloor \cdot \right\rfloor \) returns the largest integer less than the original value. Then \( m_{i} \) is converted into binary sequence \( b_{i} \), and the lowest \( l \) bits is selected as a feature for this frame,denoted as \( b_{i}^{'} \). If the length of \( b_{i} \) is shorter than \( l \), 0 is padded in the head of \( b_{i} \) until the length is \( l \). It looks like 0…0||\( b_{i} \). We concatenate \( b_{i}^{'} \) and get \( w = b_{1}^{'} ||b_{2}^{'} || \ldots ||b_{n}^{'} \), \( n \) is the number of hybrid domain coefficients which are chosen to embed watermark bits, as described in Sect. 2.1 step 2. That is, the length of semi-fragile watermark for each frame is nl bits.

Then, a secure, open stream cipher algorithm, such as ZUC, is chosen to encrypt \( w \). Assume the key stream is \( K \), the encryption rule is as follows:

$$ W_{F} = w\; \oplus \;K $$

where ⊕ means XOR operation.

2.3 Embedding the semi-fragile watermark

The embedding process of semi-fragile watermark is described as follows.

The watermarked frame \( X \) is divided into non-overlapping sections, denoted as \( X_{i} \) | i =1,2,…, \( nl \). That is to say, the length of a section is \( N_{R} /nl \). Then DCT is performed on each audio section, that is, \( D_{i} \) = DCT(\( X_{i} \))| i = 1, . . ., nl, where \( D_{i} \) is the DCT coefficient vector of the i-th section.

In each section, only one watermark bit is embedded. The similar rule, as robust watermark is embedded, is adopted to embed \( W_{F} \) by modifying a certain coefficient of \( D_{i} \). Usually, the 2-th or 3-th coefficient is chosen to embed watermark bit. The embedding strength is \( S_{F} \).

2.4 Extracting the robust watermark

The extracting process of the robust watermark contains the following steps.

Step 1. Assume the corresponding audio frame \( X = (x_{1} ,x_{2} , \ldots ,x_{{N_{R} }} ) \).

Step 2. The same procedure is performed as in the watermark embedding process. At last, the \( n \) coefficients \( t_{1}^{*} \),\( t_{2}^{*} \),…, \( t_{n}^{*} \) are selected to detect watermark. For the coefficient \( t_{i}^{*} \), the watermark is extracted as follows:

$$ w_{i}^{*} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{l} { - 1, \quad S_{R} /4 \le \bmod \;(t_{i}^{*} ,S_{R} ) \le 3S_{R} /4} \\ {1, \quad \rm otherwise \, } \\ \end{array} } \right. $$

Extract watermark bit repeatedly from the remaining audio. The final watermark \( w^{*} \) can be obtained from the extracted watermarks according to the majority rule.

The semi-fragile watermark is also generated when robust watermark is extracted. For the coefficient \( t_{i}^{*} \) in hybrid domain, compute

$$ t_{i}^{*\prime} = \left\{{\begin{array}{ll} \lfloor (t_{i}^{*} + S_{R} /2) / S_{R} \rfloor * S_{R} + S_{R} / 2,& S_{R} /4 \le {\text{mod}} (t_{i}^{*} ,S_{R} ) \le 3S_{R} /4 \\ \lfloor (t_{i}^{*} + S_{R}/2)/S_{R}\rfloor*S_{R}, & {\text{otherwise}} \end{array}} \right.,$$

then compute \( m_{i}^{\prime } = (\left| {t_{i}^{*} \prime } \right| + 0.5Q_{F} )/Q_{F} \). \( m_{i}^{'} \) is converted into binary sequence. The remainder step is as similar as Sect. 2.2, and we get the \( W_{F}^{'} \).

2.5 Extraction of the semi-fragile watermark

Since the embedding rule of semi-fragile is similar to the robust watermark, the extraction rule is also similar to it. In the extraction procedure, the embedding strength is \( S_{F} \), and \( W_{F}^{*} \prime \) is obtained.

2.6 Locating the tampered position

In order to judge whether the watermarked audio is tampered, and locate the tampered position, we will compare \( W_{F}^{'} \), the semi-fragile watermark generated from watermarked frame, with \( W_{F}^{*} \prime \), the extracted watermark from the watermarked audio.

To an audio signal, the amplitude of samples will change after signal process operation such as resampling, re-quantization, low-pass filtering, etc., which will influence the extraction of watermark. Define the authentication sequence as follows:

$$ e\left( i \right) = W_{F}^{\prime } (i)\; \oplus \;W_{F}^{*^{\prime}}(i), \quad i \in [1,nl] $$

For a certain \( i \), if \( e(i) = 1 \), it means samples in this section which watermark bit is embedded into in the watermarked audio is changed to a certain extent due to an certain signal process operation.

For each frame, Define \( T_{P} \) as follows:

$$ T_{P} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{ll} {1, \quad T_{F} < \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{nl} {e(i)} } \\ {0, \quad \rm otherwise} \\ \end{array} } \right. $$

where \( T_{F} \) is a threshold. That is to say, if more than \( T_{F} \) sections are modified, \( T_{P} = 1 \), the algorithm judges the audio frame has been tampered. Otherwise, \( T_{P} = 0 \), it represents the audio frame has not been tampered.

3 Experiments and analysis

We test our algorithm on different audio clips including pop, light, march, piano, jazz and rock with different lengths. The experimental results are similar for all audio files tested. We report the results with three audio clips that are the pop music clip, light music clip, and dance music clip. They are in WAV format, mono, 16 bits/sample, 15 s, and 44.1 kHz sampling frequency. The length of robust watermark is 64 bits.

In experiments, \( N_{R} = 4096 \) and \( S_{R} = 0.2 \). Db4 wavelet basis is adopted and 2-level DWT is performed. In each audio frame, the first 4 largest coefficients are chosen to embed robust watermark bits. During the generation of semi-fragile, \( Q_{F} = 0.01 \), \( l = 8 \). We select the 3-th coefficient in DCT domain to embed semi-fragile watermark. \( S_{F} = 0.03 \). All these parameters are chosen to achieve a good compromise between the conflicting requirements of imperceptibility and robustness.

3.1 Inaudibility tests

In order to evaluate the inaudibility of the proposed scheme comprehensively, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and perceptual evaluation of audio quality (PEAQ) are both used in objective evaluation tests, and Mean Opinion Score (MOS) is used in the subjective listening test.

In audio watermarking, the SNR is a difference indicator between the watermarked and the original audio. The definition of SNR is shown as follows:

$$ SNR = 10\lg \frac{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{l} {x_{i}^{2} } }}{{\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{l} {(x_{i} - x_{i}^{'} } )^{2} }} $$

where \( x_{i} \) and \( x_{i}^{'} \) are the original and watermarked audio signal respectively.

As can be seen from Eq. (6), for a given audio signal, the sum of \( E_{C} = \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{l} {(x_{i} - x_{i}^{'} } )^{2} \) is the only factor influencing the SNR. Assume the sum \( E_{CR} \) and \( E_{CF} \) for the embedding of robust and semi-fragile watermark respectively. In Table 1, the effect of robust and semi-fragile watermark to SNR is given. Simultaneously, the SNR, ODG and MOS values are shown.

Table 1 The results of inaudibility tests

3.2 Robustness tests for common signal process operations

The audio signal processing operations shown in Table 2 are performed on the watermarked audio signals. These operations include: additive noise (SNR = 65 dB/55 dB), resampling (44.1->22.05/ 11.025->44.1 kHz), re-quantization (16->8->16 bits) and low pass filtering(cutoff frequency 8 kHz). In experiments, we take into account the ODG value after the watermarked audio is treated. As can be seen in the table, the proposed scheme for robust watermark is robust to common signal process operations.

Table 2 Robustness of robust watermark tests

In tests, we set \( T_{F} = 0.1 \). For most audio clips, after common signal process operations, the results that the semi-fragile watermark extracted from each frame is compared with the watermark generated from the same frame are shown as Fig. 1(a). That is, as the common signal operations don’t modify the content of audio signal, the scheme achieves the content authentication. Occasionally, a small number of error detected frame is shown as Fig. 1(b). It takes place when resampling (11,025 Hz) or additive noise (55 dB) is performed. We notice that the ODG value is less than −2 in this case. That is to say, the quality of audio decreases dramatically, and the noise is audible.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Results of content authentication tests. (a) most cases, (b) rare cases

3.3 Tampering location test

In order to evaluate the ability to locate the tampered position against malicious operations, the attack that one part of audio is replaced by another part is performed on watermarked audio signal. Figure 2(a) shows the maliciously tampered watermarked audio signals. The watermarked audio samples from the 150,000th to the 180,000th were replaced by another part from 60,000th to 90,000th. Figure 2(b) shows the results of tamper location.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Tamper Location. (a) Waveform performed tamper attack on a watermarked, (b) tamper location results of a tampered watermarked audio

According to our algorithm, the attacker may successfully tamper the watermarked audio with the probability of 1/\( N_{R} \), \( N_{R} \) is the length of a frame for embedding \( n \) bits robust watermark, as described in Sect. 2.1. But, even the modified watermarked audio can survive our algorithm, it won’t be coherent. Usually, clear “click” may be listened.

3.4 Algorithm analysis

In our scheme, an audio clip first is partitioned into frames, and each frame is divided into sections. Robust watermark bits are embedded into the first \( n \) larger DWT–DCT coefficients of a frame, and these coefficients are quantized. As a result, the binary sequence is semi-fragile watermark bits. The semi-fragile watermark is embedded into DCT domain of each section.

When the semi-fragile watermark is embedded, the 2nd or 3rd coefficient of DCT domain in each section is modified, which will introduce noise into the audio clip which robust watermark bit has been embedded into. As previously described, the length of a frame is \( N_{R} \), and the length of a section is \( N_{R} /nl \). In our experiments, \( N_{R} = 4096 \), \( n = 4 \), and \( l = 8 \), if the 2-th coefficient of DCT domain in each section is modified, according to literature (Zhang and Wang 2013), it means that after DCT is performed on a frame with the length of \( N_{R} \), the value of the \( nl \)-th (here is 32th) coefficient will be modified for embedding the semi-fragile watermark. As for robust watermark, in experiments, we notice that the chosen \( n \) coefficients usually distribution among (Lei and Soon 2012; Lei et al. 2010, 2011; Ma and Han 2006; Wang and Fan 2010; Wang et al. 2009; Wang and Xu 2006; Wang and Zhao 2006; Wu et al. 2005; Zhang and Wang 2013). That is, the change of samples due to embedding semi-fragile watermark has no influence on the extraction of the robust watermark.

On the other hand, when robust watermark are extracted from the watermarked audio, we compute the semi-fragile watermark. Before the DWT–DCT coefficients are quantified, we modulate these coefficients first, as described in Sect. 2.4. It deduces the false alarm rate dramatically.

4 Conclusions and future work

A multipurpose audio watermark scheme is proposed in this paper. After common signal processing operations, robust watermark can be extracted correctly, and semi-fragile one can also be detected. When the watermarked audio is modified, the scheme can detect it and accurately locate the tampered position.

There are several works to further the research introduced in this paper. One of the future works is to find a good synchronization code algorithm. This is also an open problem in the industry. With the help of good synchronization code algorithm, our scheme can locate the position where watermarked audio is deleted or added some samples. Secondly, the embedding strength in our scheme has nothing to do with the audio content. New schemes are necessary to be presented to solve this problem. Finally, our scheme could be implemented in real scenarios to test the performance for copyright protection and tamper location.