1 Introduction

Shannon’s seminal paper [24], which appeared in 1948, was a starting point for research on error-correcting and error-detecting codes. Quite soon thereafter, Golay [7] and Hamming [8] presented the remarkable codes that are now so central in coding theory and bear the names of their discoverers. In that very early work, the focus was on systematic codes, and B(nd) was defined in [8] as the maximum size of a systematic binary code with length n and minimum distance d.

Somewhat later, Plotkin realized that also nonsystematic codes are relevant and defined A(nd) to be the maximum size of any binary code with length n and minimum distance d. Plotkin’s first study on A(nd) was published in his M.Sc. thesis [21] in 1952 and as a journal paper eight (!) years later [22], one of the main results being an upper bound on A(nd) that we now know as the Plotkin bound. The function A(nd) later became one of the most studied functions in combinatorial coding theory; the reader may consult [13] for the basic theory of this function. All codes considered here are binary, and the term binary will be used only occasionally for emphasis.

As \(A(n,d) = A(n+1,d+1)\) for odd d, it suffices to consider either the odd or the even case. If a code is r-error-correcting, then the minimum distance is at least \(2r+1\), so it is natural to consider odd d in that context. On the other hand, in various computational studies of codes, including the current work, the case of even d has certain advantages. When considering even d, we may also assume that the codes be even, that is, that all codewords have even weight. Namely, by first deleting one coordinate and then adding an even parity bit, we can always get a desired even code.

A code with length n, cardinality M, and minimum distance at least d is called an (nMd) code. An (nA(nd), d) code is called optimal. For \(n \le 15\), we currently know not only the size of optimal codes, but we know all optimal codes up to symmetry; see [10, Sect. 7.1.4], [12], and [20]. Computational techniques have played a central role in obtaining those results, but we are now approaching the limits for such work. For \(n \le 28\), there is only a handful of open cases for which it is reasonable to think that the current generation of scientists might experience the determination of A(nd). Two such cases are \(64 \le A(18,8) \le 68\) and \(128 \le A(19,8) \le 131\), where the lower bounds follow from shortening the extended binary Golay code six and five times, respectively, and the upper bounds have been proved in [19] and [11], respectively. Here, those two cases will be settled computationally. Indeed, it turns out that \(A(18,8)=64\) and \(A(19,8)=128\).

The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we survey the development of upper bounds on A(n, 8) for \(18 \le n \le 24\). These upper bounds have gradually been lowered towards the lower bounds \(A(n,8) \ge 2^{n-12}\) for \(n \le 24\), which come from shortening the extended binary Golay code. The main approach is discussed in Sect. 3, which is concluded with detailed results. By far the most time-consuming part of the computations is that of classifying the even (17, 33, 8) codes. The core result \(A(18,8)=64\) follows from the fact that the even (17, M, 8) codes with \(33\le M \le 36\) cannot be lengthened to codes of size greater than 64. The classification results are validated using double counting.

2 On subcodes of the binary Golay code

The extended binary Golay code [7] shows that \(A(24,8)=4096\). By shortening a binary code—removing one coordinate and taking one of the two subcodes induced by the value in the removed coordinate—it follows that \(A(n-1,d) \ge A(n,d)/2\), so \(A(n,8) \ge 2^{n-12}\) for \(n \le 24\). The inverse operation of shortening is called lengthening (with some freedom to define how the new codewords are chosen).

Johnson [9] carried out extensive calculations to obtain upper bounds on A(nd) for specific small values of n and d including those of interest here. Major progress was made by Best et al. [2], who used Delsarte’s linear programming method [4] to get many new upper bounds and even prove that \(A(21,8)=512\), from which it follows that \(A(n,8) \le 2^{n-12}\) for \(21 \le n \le 24\). (The paper [2] lacks some details, which was a challenge for later studies [1]. Such details were later provided by Brouwer [3], a central inequality for proving \(A(21,8)=512\) being \(A_{16}+12A_{18}+21A_{20} \le 21\).)

In [2] it is further shown that \(A(18,8) \le 74\), \(A(19,8) \le 144\), and \(A(20,8) \le 279\). The first of these bounds was later improved by van Pul [26] to \(A(18,8) \le 72\), and the other two were improved by Schrijver [23]—using novel techniques based on semidefinite programming—to \(A(19,8) \le 142\) and \(A(20,8) \le 274\). After developing the technique based on semidefinite programming even further, Gijswijt, Mittelmann, and Schrijver [6] were able to prove \(A(19,8) \le 135\) and even optimality of the quadruply shortened extended binary Golay code, \(A(20,8)=256\). The current author showed [18] that \(A(17,8)=36\), which implies \(A(18,8) \le 72\), and later [19] \(A(18,8) \le 68\). The result \(A(19,8) \le 131\) by Kim and Toan [11], based on semidefinite programming, completes this brief historical survey of bounds on A(n, 8) for \(18 \le n \le 24\). (For smaller values of n, A(17, 8) was mentioned above, and A(n, 8) for \(n \le 16\) are easy cases.)

3 Classifying error-correcting codes

3.1 Background and preliminaries

The current work is a continuation of work carried out by the author in [18] and [19]; see also [12]. The general approach in all these studies is essentially the same and the core task is about classifying even (17, M, 8) codes for gradually smaller values of M.

The concept of symmetry is essential when discussing classification of combinatorial objects. Two binary codes are equivalent if one can be obtained from the other by a permutation of the coordinates followed by a transposition of the coordinate values in a subset of the coordinates (the latter operation can also be viewed through addition of a binary vector). Such a mapping from a code onto itself is an automorphism. The set of automorphisms of a code C form a group under composition, the automorphism group of C, \(\text{ Aut }(C)\). We denote the group of all possible mappings by G; this group has order \(n!2^n\), where n is the length of the codewords. In group-theoretic terms, classification is about finding a transversal of the orbits of codes under the action of G. See [10] for the theory of classifying combinatorial objects.

The even (17, 37, 8) codes were classified in [18]: there are none, so \(A(17,8) \le 36\), and since \(A(17,8) \ge 36\)—attained by a conference matrix code (see [13, Sect. 2.4])—it follows that \(A(17,8)=36\). In [18] there is a remark that the next step would be to classify the (17, 36, 8) codes, but no application or motivation for such work could then be anticipated. However, later it turned out that the conference matrix code, if it is the unique code attaining \(A(17,8)=36\), would prove a result on the distribution of coordinate values of optimal codes. Specifically, this would show that there are parameters for which no optimal codes have a balanced coordinate (meaning that the number of 0s and 1s differ by at most one). Indeed, that particular optimal code is unique.

The classification of even (17, 35, 8) codes can be obtained with roughly the same effort as for even (17, 36, 8) codes, so those were also classified in [19]. However, for two reasons the work was not extended to even (17, 33, 8) and (17, 34, 8) codes. First, necessary computational resources for classifying the even (17, 33, 8) and (17, 34, 8) codes were not available to the author at that time. Second, the increasing number of intermediate codes posed a challenge for the approach used in [18] and [19].

3.2 General approach

The general algorithm used in [18, 19] and here proceeds in a bottom-up fashion: to classify the (nMd) codes, the \((n-1,M',d)\) codes with \(M' \ge \lceil M/2 \rceil \) are lengthened and equivalent copies amongst the constructed codes are removed (this is called isomorph rejection). Let us now briefly consider the two subtasks of lengthening and isomorph rejection.

The task of lengthening error-correcting codes fits perfectly into the framework of finding cliques in graphs. The vertices of such a graph correspond to the candidate words that are at distance at least d from all codewords in the code from which the search starts, and there is an edge in the graph exactly when the mutual distance between the corresponding words is at least d. When lengthening an \((n-1,M',d)\) code to an (nMd) code, we specifically want to find all cliques of size \(M-M'\) in this graph. In the current work, we have used the Cliquer software [16], which is based on the algorithm presented in [17].

Whereas the implementation of the lengthening part poses little challenge with dedicated software routines available, the isomorph rejection part is somewhat more involved. The general technique employed here is canonical augmentation [14], which has established itself as the standard method for classification [10, Sect. 4.2.3]. A useful tool in this work is the nauty graph isomorphism software [15], which can be employed after a proper mapping of codes into graphs [10, p. 89].

The set of \((n-1,M',d)\) codes with \(M' \ge \lceil M/2 \rceil \) are called seeds when classifying (nMd) codes. Notice that an (nMd) code C can be obtained from n to 2n seeds (some of which may be equivalent): C can be shortened in n coordinates, and when shortening in some coordinate we get two seeds if there are equally many 0s and 1s in that coordinate and one seed otherwise.

In our implementation of canonical augmentation, a code C obtained by lengthening a code \(C'\) is subject to two tests, both of which must be passed for C to be accepted:

  1. (i)

    Identify a canonical \(\mathrm{Aut}(C)\)-orbit of seeds contained in C, and check whether the seed from which C was extended is in that orbit.

  2. (ii)

    If C is obtained by extending a seed \(C'\), check whether C is the (lexicographic) minimum of its \(\mathrm{Aut}(C')\)-orbit.

Test (i) is conveniently handled via nauty, see [12]. Notice, however, that all shortened subcodes are seeds in [12] but not here. Proper coloring of the graph that is fed to nauty ensures that the canonical subcode is indeed a seed. Invariants—which are, for example, based on value distributions in coordinates—can be utilized as a part of determining whether \(C'\) is in the canonical orbit of seeds. Invariants speed up the algorithm in two ways: Test (i) can often be handled without calling nauty at all, and proper invariants speed up nauty. Care must be taken to use the same invariants outside and inside of nauty.

In [12, 18, 19], Test (ii) is simply handled by instead comparing canonical labellings (produced by nauty) of all codes that pass Test (i) starting from some code \(C'\). However, Test (ii) as stated here is faster and is also immune against the number of codes that pass the tests. As an example, one code in the current work led to more than 10 million accepted lengthened codes.

3.3 Results

The numbers of equivalence classes of even (nM, 8) codes that have been classified are given in Table 1, including old [18, 19] as well as new results. The new entries are for even (16, 17, 8), (17, 33, 8), and (17, 34, 8) codes and are given in bold.

The even (16, 17, 8) and (17, 33, 8) codes were classified using the approach discussed earlier. Since there are only 459 equivalence classes of even (17, 33, 8) codes, the even (17, 34, 8) codes are most conveniently classified from those, by adding one codeword in all possible ways and carrying out isomorph rejection.

Table 1 Equivalence classes of even (nM, 8) codes

Most of the even (17, M, 8) codes with \(33\le M \le 36\) are subsets of codewords of the (unique) even (17, 36, 8) conference matrix code: 418 of the 459 equivalence classes for length 33 and 42 of the 44 equivalence classes for length 34 have this property. The even (17, 33, 8) codes have automorphism groups of order 96 (1 code), 16 (3 codes), 8 (7 codes), 3 (1 code), 2 (8 codes), and 1 (439 codes). The even (17, 34, 8) codes have automorphism groups of order 272 (1 code), 16 (1 code), 8 (4 codes), 2 (2 codes), and 1 (36 codes).

In the final step, we need to lengthen the even (17, M, 8) codes with \(M \ge 33\).

Theorem 3.1



Codes obtained by shortening the extended binary Golay code six times prove that \(A(18,8) \ge 64\).

By [19], we know that an even (18, M, 8) code with \(M \ge 65\) cannot be shortened to a \((17,M',8)\) code with \(M' \ge 35\). Hence, if such a code exists, it can be shortened to a \((17,M',8)\) code with \(\lceil 65/2\rceil = 33 \le M' \le 34\). However, when lengthening the classified even (17, 33, 8) and (17, 34, 8) codes, the largest number of codewords that can be added is 7 and 3, respectively. Consequently, \(A(18,8) < 65\), and the theorem follows. \(\square \)

Corollary 3.1

\(A(n,8) = 2^{n-12}\) for \(18 \le n \le 24\).

The intermediate results were validated by double counting [10, Sect. 10.2]. Consider the step of classifying the even (nMd) codes, \(\mathcal{C}\), from representatives of even \((n-1,M',d)\) codes with \(M'\ge M/2\), \(\mathcal{C}'\). Let N(C) denote the total number of codes found when lengthening a code \(C \in \mathcal{C}'\), before isomorph rejection. Further, let \(S(C)=1\) if \(|C|=M/2\) and \(S(C)=2\) otherwise (in the former case, an (nMd) code can be obtained from two subcodes, but in the latter case only from one). Utilizing the orbit–stabilizer theorem, we may now in two ways count the number of labelled (nMd) codes with only even-weight or only odd-weight codewords:

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{C \in \mathcal {C}} \frac{2^nn!}{|\text{ Aut }(C)|} = \sum _{C \in \mathcal {C'}} \frac{2^{n-1}(n-1)!N(C)S(C)}{|\text{ Aut }(C)|}. \end{aligned}$$

When classifying the even (16, 17, 8) codes from the even \((15,M',8)\) codes with \(M' \ge 9\), both sides of (1) give

$$\begin{aligned} 2\,124\,460\,504\,747\,223\,745\,822\,720\,000 \end{aligned}$$

and when classifying the even (17, 33, 8) codes from the even \((16,M',8)\) codes with \(M' \ge 17\) (by [18] we may also assume that \(M' \le 20\)), both sides of (1) give

$$\begin{aligned} 20\,718\,513\,827\,648\,372\,736\,000. \end{aligned}$$

The computations were carried out on a compute cluster with 256 cores with 2.4-GHz Intel Xeon E5-2665 processors and 192 cores with 2.5-GHz Intel Xeon E5-2680v3 processors, with two virtual cores for each physical core. The total amount of compute time for the virtual cores was approximately 37 years, practically all of which was spent on extending the even (16, 17, 8) codes to even (17, 33, 8) codes by clique search.

It is known that the optimal (23, 2048, 8) and (24, 4096, 8) codes are unique [25]; see [5] for a later and simpler proof. A classification of the optimal \((n,2^{n-12},8)\) codes for \(18 \le n \le 22\) does not seem too far away but would still require at least hundreds of years of core time with the current approach. One way to speed up the search could be to make use of theoretical results, which were crucial for making the classification in [12] possible.