1 Introduction

Cloud computing [1] is a business-oriented concept to outsource the elastic and scalable IT resources as a utility computing [2]. One of the fundamental aspects of this paradigm is the guaranteed on-demand availability of distributed resources over the Internet to solve High-Performance Computing (HPC) problems [3]. In general, scheduling is significant and challenging issue known as an NP-complete problem [4,5,6,7,8] and particularly it must be addressed to achieve good performance in HPC environment. The nature of scheduling strategies could be either static or dynamic. The dynamic strategies can be classified into two types: online and batch [9]. Online dynamic strategies deal with the scheduling of a single job, whereas the batch dynamic scheduling strategies are concerned with the mapping of job batch. In general, the low scheduling overhead of static strategies adheres them to outperform over dynamic strategies [10,11,12]. In addition, static scheduling heuristics avoid Virtual Machine (VM) migration to reduce the execution delays and provide irrefutable Quality of Service (QoS) [13]. On the other hand, static heuristics usually produce inefficient and poor resource utilization due to fixed resource allocation [10].

Improper workload distribution on VMs causes longer execution time and more energy consumption due to which most of the scheduling heuristics are not efficient enough to harness the full capacity of the available Cloud computing resources. According to a survey [1], approximately 1.6 million tons of additional CO2 emission are caused only due to the idle computing resources within Cloud data-centers. Moreover, the idle computing resources cost additional 19 billion dollars in terms of the consumed resources and energy cost. To overcome the issue of load imbalance, several researchers have proposed scheduling mechanisms [14,15,16] to maps Cloud jobs in a load balanced manner to achieve improved resource utilization and system throughput [17]. Min–Min scheduling heuristic [18] offers a reduced makespan for a job pool comprised of small sized jobs. On the other hand, if the job pool contains very large size jobs the Min–Min heuristic produces load imbalance, low resource utilization, and high makespan. On the other hand, Max–Min [19] provides a quality solution with reduced makespan for a job pool with a large number of shorter jobs and few longer ones. However, the inherent mechanism of Min–Min and Max–Min provides desired makespan but often leads to a poor resource utilization [17,18,19]. Most of the proposed scheduling mechanisms do not consider mapping of Cloud jobs in a load balanced manner, which ultimately results in poor resource utilization and low system throughput.

This study proposes a scheduling algorithm named Resource-Aware Load Balancing Algorithm (RALBA) to mitigate load imbalance issue in Cloud computing. RALBA is a novel batch-dynamic scheduling heuristic wherein Cloud jobs (in batch) are scheduled in a load balanced manner. RALBA schedules a batch of compute-intensive, non-preemptive, and independent jobs. The primary objective of RALBA is to maximize resource utilization, minimize execution time or makespan, and maximize throughput. RALBA performs execution in two phases; in the first phase, the workload is scheduled according to the computing capabilities of Virtual Machines (VMs) and computing requirements of Cloud jobs. The second phase schedules the remaining jobs (left by the first phase scheduling of RALBA) to VMs producing the Earliest Finish Time (EFT). Experimental evaluation of RALBA has revealed that the proposed scheduling heuristic has achieved up to 7.21 times improved resource utilization as compared to Random Selection (RS) heuristic. The main contributions of the proposed scheme are as follows:

  • In-depth analysis of the current state-of-the-art to identify merits and demerits of several existing heuristics;

  • A novel load-balancing Cloud scheduler for a batch of compute-intensive, non-preemptive, and independent jobs that produces reduced makespan, increased resource utilization, and higher throughput, and;

  • Performance analysis and empirical investigation of the proposed scheduling heuristic against state-of-the-art scheduling techniques.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the related work. Section 3 presents the system architecture, system model, and RALBA algorithm along with the complexity and overhead analysis. The experimental setup, workload characteristics, performance evaluation, and discussion related to the attained performance results are presented in Sect. 4. In the end, Sect. 5 concludes the paper and identifies some potential future directions of this work.

2 Related work

Random Selection (RS) Cloud scheduling allocates jobs to VMs without considering the current load of VMs [20,21,22]. RS has a minimal scheduling overhead, simple implementation, and low complexity compared to other Cloud scheduling heuristics [23]. However, RS arbitrarily assigns a job to a randomly selected VM. However, the unfair scheduling mechanism employed by the RS may lead to the selection of an overloaded VM that could cause the load-imbalance, low resource utilization, and a long waiting time for the submitted jobs [20, 21].

Round Robin (RR) scheduling mechanism distributes Cloud jobs over the available VMs in a circular order [21, 23]. The equitable scheduling of RR results in a mapping of an almost equal number of jobs to VMs regardless of the job sizes [21, 23]. RR has minimal scheduling overhead as compared to the other scheduling techniques [20, 21, 24]. However, the assignment of small jobs to the faster resources and large jobs to the slower resources originates the longer makespan, poor resource utilization, and load imbalance [20, 24].

Minimum Completion Time (MCT) heuristic assigns the candidate job to a VM producing minimum completion time for it [7, 22, 25, 26]. The current load of a VM is employed to identify appropriate VM for assignment of the job [7, 20]. At each scheduling step, MCT heuristic has to scan all the available VMs to find the machine producing minimum completion time for a candidate job that causes significant scheduling overhead. On the other hand, MCT heuristic produces improved makespan and resource utilization compared to the RR and RS techniques [27]. Another concern of the MCT is that it assigns more jobs to faster VMs that leads to load imbalance [17, 24, 25].

Min–Min heuristic is based on the MCT mechanism [7, 26,27,28]. The functionality of this heuristic follows two steps; firstly, the earliest finish time of all jobs is determined by considering all VMs. In the second step, the job with the minimum earliest finish time is selected and assigned to the concerned VM. On each scheduling decision, the ready time of the candidate VM is updated and this process continues until all the jobs have been scheduled on the VMs. Min–Min heuristic favors smaller jobs and penalizes larger jobs [17, 20, 29]. Min–Min often results in low resource utilization for a job pool based on fewer larger jobs [21, 25, 27]. Moreover, Min–Min overloads faster VMs with smaller jobs that lead to load imbalance.

Max–Min has a resemblance to Min–Min. Both heuristics have a divergent job selection policy but the functionality of both the heuristics is almost identical. In Max–Min, the first step is identical to Min–Min but in the second step, the job with the maximum earliest finish time is selected and assigned to the concerned VM [26, 27, 30]. On each scheduling decision, the ready time of the VM is updated and the process is repeated until all the jobs have been scheduled. Max–Min favors larger jobs by producing minimum completion time; on the other hand, Max–Min penalizes smaller size jobs [18, 22, 29,30,31]. Moreover, Max–Min heuristic produces load imbalance for a job pool with larger size jobs [8, 18, 31].

Resource-Aware Scheduling Algorithm (RASA) [18, 29] uses Min–Min and Max–Min alternatively to utilize the merits of both heuristics. RASA was originally proposed for grid computing. First, RASA develops a job-related resource-matrix that contains the completion time of each job on all the resources. For the mapping of a first job, Min–Min heuristic is employed if numbers of jobs are odd; otherwise, Max–Min is used for mapping the jobs. After that, all the remaining jobs are scheduled using one of the two algorithms (i.e., Min–Min and Max–Min) alternatively. RASA provides fair scheduling for both large and small size jobs [18, 23, 28]. On the other hand, RASA generates load imbalance [21] and penalizes smaller jobs if the workload contains a large number of big jobs [30, 32].

Sufferage heuristic [16, 23, 24] computes the sufferage-value for each job by finding the difference between its MCT and the second MCT (higher than the first MCT) generated by any VM. The job with largest sufferage-value is assigned to the VM producing minimum completion time for it. Sufferage produces minimal makespan; but it has a consequential scheduling overhead due to the large number of calculations (to compute sufferage-value) in each scheduling decision [31]. Mostly, Sufferage produces minimal makespan compared to RS, RR, MCT, Min–Min, and Max–Min [23, 28].

Task-Aware Scheduling Algorithm (TASA) favors smaller jobs in one step by using Min–Min and finds an appropriate VM for the job by using Sufferage in the second step [33]. TASA generates better makespan and resource utilization as compared to Min–Min, Max–Min, RASA, and Sufferage [33].

Panda et al. [16] proposed a Skewness-Based MinMin MaxMin (SBM2) for scheduling of skewed size workload on Grid. If the dataset contains a large number of shorter jobs with a few longer jobs then the dataset is referred as positively skewed. On the other hand, if the dataset is comprised of a large number of longer jobs with a few shorter jobs then the dataset is known as negatively skewed [16]. SBM2 computes the skewness of the workload in each scheduling decision. Min–Min is employed if the workload is negatively skewed; otherwise, Max–Min is adopted for the scheduling of positively skewed workload.

Priority-Aware Load-Balanced Improved MinMin (PA-LBIMM) heuristic is proposed in [15]. PA-LBIMM categorizes both the jobs and resources in VIP and normal classes. First, the VIP jobs are scheduled on VIP resources using Min–Min. After that, PA-LBIMM schedules the normal jobs on all resources using Min–Min.

Service Level Agreement MinMin (SLA-Min–Min) and Service Level Agreement MCT (SLA-MCT) are proposed in [34]. SLA-Min–Min and SLA-MCT are SLA-based heuristics, which provide a quality solution to form a balance between makespan and penalty cost on execution time. Table 1 presents a concrete summary of the related work.

Table 1 Summary of the related work

Synthesis of the literature has revealed that most of the contemporary scheduling heuristics often result in the form of low resource utilization and load imbalance. The empirical analysis (in our experiments) exhibits that a smaller makespan produced by the existing scheduling techniques cannot guarantee the load balanced mapping of the jobs.

3 Proposed load balancing algorithm

This section presents a detailed overview of the proposed scheduling heuristic RALBA. The system architecture, overall system and performance model, algorithm, computational complexity, and overhead analysis are presented in this section.

3.1 RALBA overview and background

RALBA is a resource-aware load balancing algorithm comprises of two sub-schedulers: Fill and Spill. Figure 1 presents the abstraction layer of RALBA based Cloud computing architecture. A renowned simulator CloudSim [35] is employed to evaluate the performance of the proposed RALBA scheduler. Cloudlet is used as a synonym for the job in CloudSim simulator. Physical and virtual instance layers provide a foundation for the delivery of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) to the Cloud users [35]. The computing power of a Cloud data-center is represented as a collection of physical host machines along with the storage servers at the physical instance layer. These resources are transparently managed by harnessing the virtualization concept to provide dynamic sharing of computing and storage resources at the virtual instance layer. A Cloud resource manager maintains the track and records the status of VMs in the virtual instance layer. The resource manager is accountable for creation, termination, and migration of VMs when required. Cloud resource manager provides to RALBA the information pertaining to the available VMs and their computing capabilities. To utilize the VMs for their full capacity, a resource-aware scheduler is required on top of the virtual instance layer for a balanced distribution of cloudlets among VMs. The system accessibility layer provides a user-friendly interface for the submission of HPC based cloudlet instances to the Cloud. To improve resource utilization and balanced job scheduling, we propose RALBA on top of the virtual instance layer (as shown in Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Abstraction layer of RALBA architecture

RALBA system and performance model are presented using mathematical expressions. The basic definitions, terminologies, and the notations used in the mathematical expressions are listed in Table 2.

Table 2 Preliminary notations used in RALBA system and performance model

3.2 RALBA system architecture

RALBA is based on batch dynamic scheduling technique wherein a batch of cloudlets is formulated and a balanced mapping of cloudlets is performed. The system architecture of RALBA is depicted in Fig. 2. RALBA comprises of two sub-schedulers i.e., Fill and Spill schedulers. Fill Scheduler performs Cloudlet to VM allocation via considering the computing share of VMs. Fill scheduler selects VMj with Largest_VMShare and determines maxPCloudletVMj for VMj. The candidate Cloudlet to VM allocation is performed and VMSharej of VMj is modified after allocation of the Cloudlet. Fill scheduler repeats the process of cloudlets mapping until there does not exist VMj with non-empty RPCloudletj or the CLS becomes empty.

Fig. 2
figure 2

RALBA system architecture

Spill scheduler performs Cloudlets to VMs allocation based on EFT of candidate Cloudlet. After Fill scheduler, RALBA system switches to the Spill scheduler to allocate the remaining Cloudlets of CLS. The maxCloudlet is selected and allocated to the specific VM that produces EFT for this maxCloudlet. On candidate Cloudlet–VM allocation, the completion time of the VM is updated. Cloudlet to VM allocation is repeated until CLS becomes empty.

3.3 RALBA system model

A unified Cloud system model is formed to delineate the performance of RALBA based cloudlet scheduling. A Cloud comprises of a set of VMs represented as VMS = {VM1, VM2,…,VMm}, where m is the total number of VMs and a specific VM can be represented as VMj (1 ≤ j ≤ m). VMS represents the computing resources responsible for the execution of cloudlets. The set of cloudlets is presented as CLS = {Cloudlet1, Cloudlet2,…,Cloudletn}, where n is the total number of cloudlets and a specified cloudlet can be represented as Cloudleti (1 ≤ i ≤ n). A resource manager in Cloud is responsible to provide the computation ratios (vmCrMap) of all VMs to RALBA, where vmCrMapj can be computed as:

$$\textit{vmCrMap}_{j} = \left( {\frac{{VM_{j}.MIPS}}{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{k = 1}^{m} VM_{k} .MIPS}}} \right)\quad \forall j = \left\{ {1, 2, \ldots , m} \right\}$$

vmCrMap is used to maintain a balanced workload allocation to VMs and assists in calculating the computing share of all VMs (VMShare). The VMSharej of a specified VM is mathematically expressed as:

$$VMShare_{j} = \left( {\mathop \sum \limits_{i = 1}^{n} Cloudlet_{i} .MI} \right) \times \textit{vmCrMap}_{j} \quad \forall j = \left\{ {1, 2, \ldots , m} \right\}$$

Fill scheduler allocates Cloudlet to VM based on VMShare. The RPCloudletj of a specified VMj can be computed as:

$$\textit{RPCloudlet}_{j} = \left\{ {Cloudlet | \forall Cloudlet \in CLS, Cloudlet.MI \le VMShare_{j} } \right\}$$

maxPCloudletVMj in each scheduling decision of Fill scheduler can be computed as:

$$maxPCloudletVM_{j} = \mathop {\hbox{max} }\limits_{\forall p \in \textit{RPCloudletj}} Size(p)$$

In addition, on each scheduling decision of Fill and Spill schedulers, the candidate cloudlet is removed from the list of cloudlets with Eq. (5):

$$CLS = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {\left( {CLS} \right) - \left( {maxPCloudletVMj} \right), Using\,Fill\_Scheduler} \\ {\left( {CLS} \right) - \left( {\textit{maxCloudlet}} \right),\quad Using\,\it{Spill}\_Scheduler} \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

Equations (6) and (7) computes minCloudlet and maxCloudlet, respectively.

$$\textit{minCloudlet} = \max_{\forall c \in CLS} Size(c)$$
$$\textit{maxCloudlet} = \max_{\forall c \in CLS} Size(c)$$

On cloudlet–VM allocation, \(VMShare_{j}\) of \(VM_{j}\) is modified by Fill Scheduler as:

$$VMShare_{j} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {Switch\,to\,Spill\_Scheduler, VMShare_{j} < minCloudlet} \\ {VMShare_{j} - maxPCloudletVM_{j} .MI, VMShare_{j} \ge minCloudlet} \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

In each scheduling decision of the Fill scheduler, the VM with largest VMSharej is selected. The Largest_VMShare can be computed as:

$$Largest\_VMShare = \mathop {\hbox{max} }\limits_{{\forall j \in \left\{ {1,2,3, \ldots ,m} \right\}}} \left( {VMShare_{j} } \right)$$

Spill scheduler uses \(Cloudlet\_EFT_{i}\) to allocate the remaining cloudlets to VMs. The \(Cloudlet\_EFT_{i}\) of a specified \(Cloudlet_{i}\) is computed using the mathematical relation:

$$Cloudlet\_EFT_{i} = \mathop {\hbox{min} }\limits_{{\forall j \in \left\{ {1,2,3, \ldots ,m} \right\}}} \left( {Cloudlet\_CT_{ij} } \right)$$

where \(Cloudlet\_CT_{ij}\) is the expected completion time of \(Cloudlet_{i}\) on \(VM_{j} .\) The \(Cloudlet\_CT_{ij}\) is mathematically defined and expressed as:

$$Cloudlet\_CT_{ij} = \left( {\frac{{Cloudlet_{i} .MI}}{{VM_{j} .MIPS}}} \right) + VM\_CT_{j}$$

The \(VM\_CT_{j}\) is the completion time of \(VM_{j}\) for already assigned workload prior to the allocation of \(Cloudlet_{i}\) and computed as:

$$VM\_CT_{j} = \mathop \sum \limits_{i = 1}^{n} \left( {\frac{{Cloudlet_{i} .MI \times F\left[ {i,j} \right]}}{{VM_{j} .MIPS}}} \right)$$

where F[i,j] is a Boolean variable that determines the allocation of \(Cloudlet_{i}\) to \(VM_{j}\) represented in Eq. (13).

$$F\left[ {i,j} \right] = \left\{ {\begin{array}{ll} { 1,\quad cloudlet\,\text{i}\,is\,assigned\,to\,VM j} \\ {0,\quad Otherwise} \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

3.4 Performance model

This study evaluates RALBA based scheduling using makespan, throughput, and resource utilization performance metrics. The mathematical presentation of makespan is [27, 34]:

$$Makespan = \mathop {\hbox{max} }\limits_{{\forall j \in \left\{ {1,2,3, \ldots ,m} \right\}}} \left( {VM\_CT_{j} } \right)$$

Throughput definition is presented in Eq. (15). A higher throughput value indicates high workload execution per unit time.

$$Throughput = \frac{\text{n}}{\text{Makespan}}$$

where, n represents total Cloud jobs executed. ARUR is a measure to present the overall utilization of Cloud [27, 34] (expressed in Eq. (16)). The value of ARUR remains between 0 and 1. The higher ARUR value represents higher resource utilization in Cloud.

$$ARUR = \frac{{\left( {\frac{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{j = 1}^{m} VM\_CT_{j} }}{m}} \right)}}{Makespan}$$

3.5 RALBA algorithm

This section elaborates the proposed scheduling heuristic RALBA (shown in Algorithm 1) with its two primary modules i.e., Fill Scheduler (presented in Algorithm 2) and Spill Scheduler (shown in Algorithm 3). Table 3 illustrates the interpretations of data items harnessed in Algorithms 1–3.

Table 3 Variables and their interpretation (used in Algorithms 1—3)

List of Cloudlets and list of all VMs computation ratio (provided by Cloud resource manager) are used as input parameters in RALBA (Algorithm 1). To perform mapping of Cloudlets to VMs, RALBA invokes Fill scheduler (line 2 of Algorithm 1) and then invokes the Spill scheduler (line 5 of Algorithm 1).

Fill Scheduler (Algorithm 2) performs the necessary initializations (lines 1–4) and computes the totalLength of all the cloudlets in the submitted batch (lines 5–6). Afterwards, the computing share of each VM (vShareMapv) is calculated (lines 7–8 of Algorithm 2) by using Eq. (2). A while-loop (lines 9–15 of Algorithm 2) is used to select the VM with the largest computation share and to determine the maxPCloudletVm for scheduling. On each scheduling decision (lines 13–15 of Algorithm 2), the candidate cloudlet is removed from the cloudletList and the vShareMapv of the candidate VM is modified (using Eq. (8)). This process (lines 9–15 of Algorithm 2) is repeated until the smallest size cloudlet becomes greater than the largest vShareMapv in vShareMap.

After cloudlets–VMs allocation by the Fill scheduler, the Spill Scheduler (Algorithm 3) is employed for the allocation of the remaining cloudlets to VMs. While-loop (in line 1 of Algorithm 3) allocates the remaining cloudlets (in descending order of cloudlets size) to VMs based on EFT. The maxCloudlet is selected on line 2 and the VM producing Cloudlet_EFT is determined in line 3. This candidate cloudlet to VM allocation is performed in line 4 within each loop-iteration. At each scheduling decision, the candidate cloudlet is removed from the cloudletList and the \(VM\_CT_{j}\) of VMj is modified (using Eq. (12)). This process is repeated until cloudletList becomes empty. RALBA produces a load-balanced schedule in the form of cloudletVmMap.

The source code of the RALBA is available on the Bitbucket RepositoryFootnote 1 in a project named prjRALBA.

figure f

3.6 Complexity and overhead analysis

This section delineates the complexity and overhead analysis of the scheduling heuristics. To scrutinize the complexity of RALBA, we consider N as the total number of cloudlets and M as the total number of VMs in a Cloud data-center. In worst-case, Fill scheduler selects a VM with largest VMShare using M number of comparisons and determines maxPCloudletVM after N comparisons. After cloudlet–VM allocation, the vShareMapv is modified in vShareMap with a maximum of M comparisons. The time complexity of Fill scheduler is O(M2N); where M  N on the real Cloud. On the other hand, Spill scheduler selects the maxCloudlet from a sorted cloudletList and assigns to the VM producing EFT for it. In worst-case, when N cloudlets are scheduled by Spill scheduler, the time complexity of Spill scheduler is O(MN). If n is the number of cloudlets scheduled by Fill scheduler, then remaining Nn cloudlets will be scheduled by Spill scheduler. Therefore, the computational complexity of RALBA becomes O(M2.n + M.Nn). Table 4 provides a comparison of the computational complexities of RALBA and the existing scheduling heuristics.

Table 4 Computational complexity of scheduling heuristics

Furthermore, we profile the simulation code of RALBA and other existing scheduling heuristics to collect the time overhead related to the scheduling decisions. RR presents the minimal scheduling overhead against the other heuristics. Table 5 delineates the relative scheduling overhead in terms of complexity order (N times of RR scheduling) from best to worst i.e., RS, MCT, RALBA, MaxMin, RASA, MinMin, TASA, and Sufferage. The Sufferage heuristic has the most expensive time overhead among the given set of heuristics. Considering the computational complexity (Table 4) and the overhead analysis (Table 5), RALBA is promised to schedule jobs in a scalable manner for large-dataset.

Table 5 Overhead analysis of scheduling heuristics

4 Experimental evaluation and discussions

This section encompasses the experimental evaluation of RALBA as compared to the other scheduling heuristics.

4.1 Experimental setup

For empirical evaluation, we employ a renowned Cloud simulator CloudSim [35]. It is an open-source framework for modeling and performance analysis of Cloud environment and services. The experiments are performed on a machine equipped with Intel Core i3-4030U Quad-core processor (having 1.9 GHz clock speed) and 04 GBs of main memory. Table 6 illustrates the configuration detail for the employed simulation environment. All the experiments are performed by using 50 VMs, hosted on 30 host machines within a data-center. Figure 3 presents the overall statistics of the VMs and their computing power in terms of Millions of Instructions Per Second (MIPS). As shown in Fig. 3, the slowest and fastest VMs have the computing power of 100 and 4000 MIPS, respectively.

Table 6 Configuration of the simulation environment
Fig. 3
figure 3

Computation power of heterogeneous VMs

4.2 Workload generation

For experiments, two workloads of independents cloudlets are generated using the guidelines available in the literature [35,36,37,38], i.e., (i) synthetic workload (ii) Google-like realistic workload. The synthetic workload is created using random-number generation mechanism employing 05 different cloudlet-size ranges i.e., tiny (1–250 MI), small (800–1200 MI), medium (1800–2500 MI), large (7000–10,000 MI), and extra-large (30,000–45,000 MI) (as shown in Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Composition of synthetic workload

Using Monte-Carlo simulation method [39], the Google-like workload is generated based on the realistic Google cluster traces. For the creation of real-world traces, analysis of Google cluster traces [38, 40,41,42,43,44,45,46] and MapReduce logs from the M45 supercomputing cluster [44] was performed. The analysis affirms that the majority of cloudlets were of small (execution time less than 15 min) and few large size cloudlets (exceeding the execution time over 300 min) [38]. Based on the analysis, we formulate the following cloudlet sizes for the Google-like realistic workload: small (15,000–55,000 MI), medium (59,000–99,000 MI), large (101,000–135,000 MI), extra-large (150,000–337,500 MI), and huge (525,000–900,000 MI) (as shown in Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Composition of Google-like realistic workload

4.3 Simulation results

The performance of RALBA and the other Cloud scheduling heuristics (i.e., TASA, Sufferage, MaxMin, RASA, MinMin, MCT, RR, and RS) is compared by using makespan, Average Resource Utilization Ratio (ARUR), and throughput metrics. Each experiment is performed 05 times and the analysis is conducted on average values.

Figure 6 presents the average makespan based results for the synthetic workload. Figure 6 shows that RALBA consumes on average 5.5, 6.9, 243.9, 246.4, 46.1, and 41.9% less time for the execution of synthetic workload as compared to the TASA, Sufferage, Max–Min, RASA, Min–Min, and MCT heuristics, respectively. For the execution of Google like realistic workload (shown in Fig. 7), RALBA consumes on average 3.8, 1.8, 47.5, 24.5, 28.1, and 18.6% lower time as compared to the TASA, Sufferage, Max–Min, RASA, Min–Min, and MCT heuristics, respectively.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Average makespan—synthetic workload

Fig. 7
figure 7

Average makespan—Google-like workload

Figure 8 presents the mean ARUR based experimental results for execution of the synthetic workload. Figure 8 shows that RALBA has attained 10.9, 9.8, 103.3, 117.6, 121.6, 65, 624.1, and 541.2% higher resource utilization as compared to TASA, Sufferage, Max–Min, RASA, Min–Min, MCT, RS, and RR heuristics, respectively. For the execution of Google like realistic workload, RALBA has achieved higher resource utilization of 16.9, 7.4, 15.9, 13.9, 78.8, 30.1, 550.6, and 541.7% as compared to the TASA, Sufferage, Max–Min, RASA, Min–Min, MCT, RS, and RR scheduling heuristics, respectively (see Fig. 9).

Fig. 8
figure 8

Mean ARUR—synthetic workload

Fig. 9
figure 9

Mean ARUR—Google-like workload

Figure 10 presents average throughput results for execution of the synthetic workload. As shown in Fig. 10, RALBA has achieved 6.2, 7.5, 151.6, 160.1, 47.2, 42.1, 2047, and 1812% higher throughput as compared to the TASA, Sufferage, Max–Min, RASA, Min–Min, MCT, RS, and RR scheduling heuristics, respectively. Figure 11 shows the average throughput results for Google like realistic workload. As shown in Fig. 11, RALBA has attained higher job execution throughput of 5.6, 3.1, 20.1, 8.4, 33.8, 21.9, 1125, and 1785% as compared to the TASA, Sufferage, Max–Min, RASA, Min–Min, MCT, RS, and RR heuristics, respectively.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Average throughput—synthetic workload

Fig. 11
figure 11

Average throughput—Google-like workload

4.4 Results and discussion

It can be scrutinized that the proposed scheduling heuristic has successively achieved significant improvements in terms of makespan and resource utilization for the skewed workload [16] (especially the positively skewed one) because of the inherent resource aware scheduling mechanism employed by RALBA. We refer workload having a large number of shorter cloudlets (positively skewed) and a large number of longer size cloudlets (negatively skewed). A modest improvement in makespan and significant higher resource utilization is observed for execution of non-skewed workload. The higher resource utilization achieved by RALBA is due to the resource aware mapping that results in a load balanced execution of the workload.

The composition of the synthetic workload (as shown in Fig. 4) shows that there are a large number of smaller and a few outsized (i.e., 10% large and 05% extra-large) cloudlets. This workload composition shows that the synthetic workload is a more positively skewed as compared to the Google-like realistic workload (i.e., 05% more number of large cloudlets). Experiments have revealed that the MCT scheduling heuristic reduces the makespan; however, it causes an imbalanced mapping of cloudlets by overloading the faster VMs. The execution of the synthetic workload has resulted in more imbalanced mapping as compared to the scheduling of Google like realistic workload which arose due to the more positively skewed nature of the synthetic workload as compared to the Google-like workload.

The experimental evaluation has revealed that the Min–Min has acquired reduced makespan as compared to the Max–Min due to a large number of shorter size cloudlets in both workloads (i.e., synthetic and Google like). The inherent scheduling mechanism of Max–Min maps some larger cloudlets to slow VMs producing a longer makespan [21]. As compared to Min–Min heuristic, RALBA has achieved 28.1% (for Google like realistic workload) and 46.1% (for synthetic workload) reduced makespan. Moreover, RALBA has consumed 243.9 and 47.5% reduced time as compared to Max–Min for execution of the Google-like and synthetic workloads, respectively. Max–Min has produced longer makespan (for Google-like realistic workload) due to few huge size cloudlets as compared to the synthetic workload. Alternatively, Max–Min has significantly improved the resource utilization as compared to the Min–Min that overloads faster VMs (producing load imbalance). However, Max–Min has not significantly improved the resource utilization (for execution of the synthetic workload) as compared to the Google-like workload because the synthetic workload contains high number of large size cloudlets.

Our experimental evaluation exhibits that the Sufferage scheduling heuristic produces lower makespan and higher resource utilization as compared to the Min–Min, Max–Min, and RASA heuristics. This reduced makespan and higher resource utilization are achieved due to the selection of a suitable VM for cloudlet mapping. The suitable VM represents the computing resource which will suffer most (in terms of makespan) if the candidate cloudlet has not been mapped to that resource (in the current scheduling iteration).

The VM–cloudlet allocation mechanism of TASA is based on Sufferage and Min–Min heuristics. Therefore, TASA provides reduced makespan among the existing heuristics. Figure 7 shows that RALBA has produced slightly reduced makespan as compared to TASA and Sufferage for the Google-like workload (i.e., 1.88 and 3.86% reduced, respectively). TASA and Sufferage have performed almost identical to RALBA due to the inherent resource-aware mapping mechanism employed by both of these scheduling heuristics. However, RALBA also considers load-balance factor for scheduling; therefore, it has produced higher resource utilization (i.e., 7.45 and 16.97% more resource utilization as compared to TASA and Sufferage, respectively) for Google like workload as well. It is evident that the TASA has produced lower resource utilization (as compared to the Sufferage) due to the inherent use of Min–Min scheduling mechanism.

The scheduling mechanism of RASA is based on Max–Min and Min–Min heuristics. Therefore, RASA provides improved resource utilization over TASA for the Google-like workload (better resource utilization due to the inherent Max–Min mechanism). Overall scrutinization of the conducted experiments persuades that RALBA has achieved significant improvement in resource utilization, makespan, and throughput as compared to the existing scheduling heuristics. However, RALBA does not support SLA-aware scheduling of Cloud jobs. Therefore, the SLA based resource (e.g., execution-cost, bandwidth, memory, etc.) and deadline constrained cloudlets may not be scheduled adequately.

5 Conclusions and future work

In-depth analysis of the current state-of-the-art scheduling heuristics results in inefficient resource utilization, reduced makespan, and low throughput due to the imbalanced mapping of Cloud jobs. This study presents a novel Cloud scheduling heuristic RALBA that ensures improved resource utilization with minimal makespan and increased throughput. The performance of RALBA has been compared with the state-of-the-art scheduling heuristics in terms of makespan, resource utilization, and throughput. The detailed analysis of experimental results has shown that RALBA has successively attained lower makespan, higher throughput, and improved resource utilization as compared to the existing Cloud scheduling heuristics (i.e., TASA, Sufferage, Max–Min, RASA, Min–Min, MCT, RS, and RR). In future, we intend to enhance the functionalities of RALBA to deal with the unexpectedly slow computing resources and to cope with the sudden resource failures with a fault-tolerant scheduling mechanism.