1 Introduction

Data skew can result in load imbalance and longer computation time in the distributed computing system. To avoid data skew, it is necessary to transmit the data to appropriate machines and process the data concurrently. Data skew has been widely studied in the literature [25], and a large number of skew aware load balancing algorithms have been developed [15, 22, 24], some of which are quite successful. However, none of these algorithms considers the bandwidth usage. Resources of a distributed system can be divided into computational resources and network resources. Due to the rapid development of the microprocessor, the effects of the computation delay on the overall performance of the system are becoming less significant [32]. On the other hand, the communication delay still has a major effect on the system performance and can be a major problem especially in a system with many nodes and a high communication frequency [33]. Making the data distributed evenly across a cluster will take too much network resources. Therefore the trade-off between the computational resources and the network resources has to be considered.

Suppose an upper bound of relative computation time is given, there can be a reasonable data transmission path so that the computation time will not exceed the given upper bound. Although different distributed systems may have different frameworks, most of them have the same model, which contains two basic processes: data transmission and data computation. This model has been used in many recent distributed systems such as Dryad [19] and Google MapReduce [8]. To simplify the model, two rules are added to it: (1) data computation phase of a task cannot start until all the data of the task are transmitted to the appropriate machines; (2) the data in different machines can be processed concurrently without any influence on each other. The first rule seems to be too strong, but in fact, there are always many tasks in a distributed system, therefore the computational resources will not be wasted: when task A is in data transmission phase, task B may be in data computation phase. By separating the data transmission phase and the data computation phase, we can take full advantage of the computational resources and the network resources of the distributed system.

Data skew has been widely studied in the literature, and a large number of skew aware load balancing algorithms have been developed [15, 24], some of which are quite successful. In recent years, with the development of MapReduce, some algorithms that focus on solving the data skew in MapReduce are presented, such as [14, 17, 29]. Hadoop uses JobQueueTaskScheduler to lower the cost of network traffic of data transmission, the JobQueueTaskScheduler implements a greedy method that transfers the data block to the nearest node. However, none of these algorithms considers the trade-off between the computational resources and the network resources. From the above facts, we introduce our algorithm, which dynamically selects the data transmission path which can be best suited for a particular task, and reduces the bandwidth usage based on the dynamically measured resource parameters. Our algorithm is based on the distributed two-phase model (hereafter referred to as the DTPM). DTPM is different from MapReduce. Both the map phase and the reduce phase of MapReduce contain data transmission and data computation, while in DPTM, data transmission and computation are separated. In some ways, DTPM is similar to the Map phase of MapReduce model. The basic unit of data storage, data transmission, and data computation in DTPM is the block. Each block has the same size. We use relative time instead of absolute time in our algorithm, for example, if \(\beta \) stands for the time node A uses to process one block of data, and node B is two times faster that node A, then node B takes \(0.5\beta \) to process the block. This paper is concerned with reducing of communication bandwidth usage and data transmission time in the DTPM. The two major contributions of this study are:

  • We propose an algorithm to accomplish tasks in DTPM with minimum data transmission time and communication bandwidth usage, in the condition that the relative computation time does not exceed a given upper bound.

  • We reduce the number of nodes which participate in the data computation phase.

This paper is organized as follows. The model description is given in Sect. 2, in which we will introduce the background, the data transmission model and the methods to establish the flow network and find out the minimum data transmission time. We discuss how to minimize the occupied bandwidth and number of nodes in Sect. 3. We show how our algorithm can be available in replication situation in Sect. 4. The emulation results are shown in Sect. 5. In Sect. 6, we give a general introduction and comparison of related works. In Sect. 7 we summarize our results, and mention some future work.

2 Model description

2.1 Background

A computer cluster consists of numerous network devices (routers and switches) and computers. The computers in the cluster are heterogeneous, which means that different nodes have different compute ability, storage capacity, and bandwidth. A simple network of computer cluster is shown in Fig. 1 (network devices are omitted). There are N nodes in the Fig. 1: node 1 \(\sim \) node N. The numbers placed on the arcs represent the network bandwidth between two compute nodes. In order to describe DTPM and discuss the problem in this paper, more terminology are needed. Table 1 summarizes some of the important terminology that will be used in this paper.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A simple network of computer cluster

Table 1 Some terminology

In the distributed system, data are distributed on the computer cluster. When a task begins, some data which are related to the task will be transmitted from one node to another and then each node will process the data that are stored on it. The symbol \(M_i\) stands for the initial amount of data of node i before data transmission phase, and \(D_i\) stands for the final amount of data of node i after the data transmission phase. Note that \(D_i\) is not a given parameter, the value of \(D_i\) is unknown until the data transmission phase is finished. The symbol \(F_i\) is a Boolean value. If \(F_i\) is true, then node i is busy and cannot process any data except that it can transmit the data of it to other idle nodes. Otherwise, node i is idle and it can process more data including data transmission and data computation. Most of the properties that used in our algorithm are changing all the time. Therefore, before each task is executed, the properties will be updated to latest, in this way multitask can be supported . Similarly, MapReduce achieves multiple tasks by maintaining the information (slots, health status, etc.) of all of the slave nodes. There are many methods [3, 18, 26] that can be used to monitor the status of the cluster, however it is not our theme in this paper. As the executing process of a task can be divided into two phases:

  1. Step 1

    Data Transmission Different nodes have different abilities (processing speed, remaining storage capacity, transmission rate etc.), therefore nodes that have no enough ability to process data should transmit their data to other nodes.

  2. Step 2

    Data Computation In this step, some operations that specified by the task are performed on the data concurrently.

Then the total processing time of a task is:

$$\begin{aligned} T_{task} = \alpha T_{tran} + \beta T_{comp} \end{aligned}$$

Since \(T_{tran}\) and \(T_{comp}\) are both relative value, the factors \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) stand for the basic time unit of the data transmission phase and the data computation phase, respectively. We need \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) because that the time unit in data transmission phase and data computation phase may be different. For example, if \(T_{tran}=3\), \(T_{comp}=5\), \(\alpha =2second\), \(\beta =1second\), then \(T_{task} = 2 \times 3 + 1 \times 5 = 11 (second)\). In fact \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) are just constants that are used to unify the time unit of the two phases, the accurate values of them are not important, because they have no effect on our algorithm. Both \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) vary in different tasks, and they are difficult to estimate because the absolute speed of data computation and data transmission of each node are difficult to estimate. Let \(T_i\) be the relative time that node i takes to finish processing the data on it:

$$\begin{aligned} T_i = D_i / P_i \end{aligned}$$

We suppose that \(T_i\) grows linearly as the amount of data increases for simplicity. However, more complicated relation of \(T_i\), \(D_i\), and \(P_i\) is supported. In fact, we just need to know how \(T_i\) is related to \(D_i\) and \(P_i\). For example, let \(T_i = f(D_i, P_i)\), if f is known, our algorithm can work fine. The algorithm description and the examples in this paper are based on the simplified model. The relative total computation time \(T_{comp}\) depends on when the last node finishes the computation phase. Therefore,

$$\begin{aligned} T_{comp} = max(T_i) \end{aligned}$$

Instead of finding the minimum \(T_{task}\), we focus on finding the minimum \(T_{tran}\) and communication bandwidth usage while satisfying the \(T_{comp}\) restriction (\(T_{comp} \le T_{max}\)). In fact, it is difficult to figure out the minimum \(T_{task}\). To figure out the minimum \(T_{task}\), the absolute speed of data computation and data transmission of each node has to be known. Besides, both \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) vary in different tasks, and they are difficult to estimate.

2.2 Data transmission

The nodes in the cluster vary in computation speed, storage capacity, bandwidth, etc., therefore, nodes that have more capacity should undertake more work. Conversely, nodes that have lower capacity should deliver their data to other nodes which are more powerful. Let \(Q_i\) stand for the amount of data that node i should transmit. If \(Q_i\) is positive, it indicates the amount of data that node i should deliver to others. If \(Q_i\) is negative, \(|Q_i|\) indicates the amount of data that node i can receive besides of the initial data on it.

$$\begin{aligned} Q_i = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} M_i &{}\quad F_i = True \\ max(\lceil M_i - T_{max}P_i \rceil , -\lfloor R_i \rfloor ) &{}\quad F_i = False \\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

If node i is busy (\(F_i\) = True), it should transmit all its data to other nodes, in this case, the amount of data that node i should transmit is \(M_i\). Otherwise, if node i is not busy (\(F_i\) = False), \(Q_i = max(\lceil M_i - T_{max}P_i \rceil , -\lfloor R_i \rfloor )\). If \(M_i - T_{max}P_i\) is greater than 0, then \(Q_i = \lceil M_i - T_{max}P_i \rceil \), which means that node i can only process part of its initial data, and it has to transmit the remain of its data to other nodes. If \(M_i - T_{max}P_i\) is less that 0, it means that node i can process more data after finishing processing the initial data on it. However due to the remaining disk space of node i, the amount of data it can receive will not exceed \(R_i\), therefore the function max is used. We let the basic unit of data transmission be a block, therefore the operators \(\lceil \rceil \) and \(\lfloor \rfloor \) are used. It is obvious that \(T_{tran}\) is determined by when the last node finishes its data transmission, therefore, we let all nodes finish their data transmission at the same time to minimize the total network bandwidth usage. In this situation,

$$\begin{aligned} T_{tran} = \frac{Q_i}{B_i} = \frac{Q_j}{B_j} \end{aligned}$$

where symbol \(B_i\) stands for the bandwidth usage of node i. Then we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} B_i = \frac{Q_i}{T_{tran}} \end{aligned}$$

To keep \(T_{tran}\) as small as possible, we should increase \(B_i\). However, it is difficult to calculate \(B_i\) directly from the network. Therefore, we propose another way to obtain \(T_{tran}\). Note that if there is a feasible \(T_{tran}\) that can satisfy the condition that \(T_{comp}\) is not bigger than \(T_{max}\), then there must be a critical value \(T^*_{tran} (0 \le T^*_{tran} < +\infty \)), such that

  1. 1.

    If \(T_{tran} < T^*_{tran}\), there is no feasible solution which can satisfy \(T_{comp} \le T_{max}\).

  2. 2.

    If \(T_{tran} \ge T^*_{tran}\), there must be at least one feasible solution.

Let \(G = (V, E)\) be the undirected graph of the cluster with compute node set V, arc set E. Each arc(uv) stands for a network transmission channel between node u and node v. We also assume that \(P_i\), \(C_i\), \(M_i\), and \(F_i\) of each node are known. Therefore, we can figure out the \(T^*_{tran}\) by binary search shown in Algorithm 1.

figure e

Algorithm 1 is similar to the classic binary search algorithm [7], but we still provide the pseudocode for intuition. Each time we obtain a possible \(T_{tran}\), we check whether it is feasible by calling the function \(Check(T_{tran})\). This function will be called \(log\,T\) times, where T denotes the upper bound of \(T_{tran}\). Details are presented in the next subsection.

2.3 Establish flow network

In this subsection, we will discuss the method that we use to check whether a specific \(T_{tran}\) is feasible. We utilize the algorithm which is used to solve the maximum flow problem [28]. We need to build a flow network according to the cluster. For the sake of simplicity, we take two steps to build the flow network. Firstly, we build a flow network according to the \(Q_i\) of each node and the bandwidth between each two nodes, without considering the \(C_i\). Secondly, we take \(C_i\) into consideration and establish the final flow network. We follow the steps below to build the first phase flow network:

  1. Step 1

    Let \(G' = (V', E')\) be a graph with \(V' = V\), \(E' = \emptyset \). Each arc \((u, v)\in E' \) has an associated non-negative real valued capacity \(C'(u,v)\), which means the maximal amount of data that can be transmitted between node u and node v.

  2. Step 2

    Add a source S and a sink T to \(V'\).

  3. Step 3

    For each node i in V, we calculate \(Q_i\) using Eq. (4). If \(Q_i > 0\), add a directed arc (Si) to \(E'\), and let \(C'(S,i) = Q_i\). If \(Q_i < 0\), add a directed arc (iT) to \(E'\), let \(C'(i, T) = -Q_i\).

  4. Step 4

    For each arc (uv)in E, add an undirected arc (uv) to \(E'\), let \(C'(u,v) = C'(v,u) = \lfloor b(u, v)T_{tran} \rfloor \) where b(uv) stands for the bandwidth between node u and node v.

The value of \(C'(S,i)\) means the amount of data that node i should transmit, similarly, the value of \(C'(i, T)\) stands for the amount of data that node i can receive. The value of \(C'(u,v)\) stands for the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted between node u and node v during \(T_{tran}\). Therefore, a feasible flow of \(G'\) stands for a feasible data transmission path. For example, suppose the cluster shown in Fig. 2 has the following properties:

Fig. 2
figure 2

A simple cluster

As shown in Table 2, \(C_i\) = [1, 2, 1, 1, 1] means that \(C_1\) = 1,\(C_2\) = 2,...,\(C_5\) = 1. Other properties follow the same rules. We substitute \(P_i\), \(M_i\), \(F_i\), \(R_i\) and \(T_{max}\) into Eq. (4), and obtain \(Q_i\) = [2, -4, 2, -1, -1]. Suppose we want to check whether \(T_{tran} = 2\) is feasible, we firstly build the flow network following the steps above, the process is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Process of building flow network

Table 2 Properties of the cluster

Note that so far we do not consider the maximal transmission rate \(C_i\) of each node, to take it into consideration, we need another flow network based on Fig. 3. We divide each node \(i(1 \le i \le N)\) into two nodes : node \(i+\) and node \(i-\), as shown in Fig. 4. Let \(C''(u,v)\) stand for the capacity of arc (uv). In a feasible flow, we have

$$\begin{aligned} \sum \limits _{p = 1}^{n} Fin\_p = C_i = \sum \limits _{q = 1}^{m} Fout\_q \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} C_i \le C''(i+,i-) \end{aligned}$$

In this way, neither the amount of input flow nor output flow of node i will exceed \(C''(i+, i-)\). The algorithm below illustrates the steps of building the flow network of the second phase. Figure 5 illustrates the final flow network after all above steps.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Divide each node into two nodes

  1. Step 1

    Let \(G'' = (V'', E'')\) be a directed graph with \(V'' = \{S, T\}\), \(E'' = \emptyset \). Each arc \((u, v) \in E''\) has an associated non-negative real valued capacity \(C''(u,v)\).

  2. Step 2

    For each node i in V, add two nodes: node \(i+\) and node \(i-\) to \(V''\).

  3. Step 3

    For each directed arc (Si) in \(E'\), add a directed arc \((S, i+)\) to \(E''\), let \(C''(S, i+) = C'(S,i)\). Similarly, for each directed arc (iT) in \(E'\), add a directed arc \((i-, T)\) to \(E''\), let \(C''(i-,T) = C'(i, T)\).

  4. Step 4

    For each undirected arc (uv) in \(E'\), add two directed arcs \((u-, v+)\) and \((v-, u+)\) to \(E''\). Let \(C''(u-, v+) = C''(v-, u+) = C'(u, v)\).

  5. Step 5

    For each node i in \(S'\), add a directed arc \((i+, i-)\) with \(C''(i+, i-) = \lfloor C_iT_{tran} \rfloor \) to \(E''\).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Final flow network

After establishing the flow network, we obtain a maximum flow of it. The result is shown in Fig. 6. If the sum of flow to the sink T equals to the sum of all \(Q_i (Q_i > 0, 1 \le i \le N)\), then the current \(T_{tran}\) is feasible. It is easy to obtain the real feasible flow from the flow shown in Fig. 6. We remove the source S and sink T, combine node \(i+\) and node \(i-\) into node i, and Fig. 7 illustrates the result. The number on each arc indicates the amount of data that are transmitted during \(T_{tran}\). The flow size of arc \((S, i+)\) means the total amount of data that node i transmits to other nodes, the flow size of arc \((i-, T)\) means total amount of data that node i receives from other nodes.

Fig. 6
figure 6

A feasible flow when \(T_{tran} = 2\)

Fig. 7
figure 7

The real feasible flow when \(T_{tran} = 2\)

Up to this point, we have discussed the way to judge whether a specific \(T_{tran}\) is feasible, and figured out the \(T^*_{tran}\). The function \(Check(T_{tran})\) contains two main steps : establishing the flow network and calculating the maximum flow of it, and the latter will take much more time when N is large. Let M stand for the number of arcs in G. The process of building the network flow is the process of adding nodes and arcs to \(G''\), which has \(2N+2\) nodes, and \(2M+N+N\) arcs. Therefore the process of establishing the network flow takes \(O(4N+2M+2)\) steps. In the next section we will discuss how to minimize the network bandwidth usage.

3 Optimizing

3.1 Minimize the occupied bandwidth

In Sect. 2 we discuss how to find out \(T^*_{tran}\) and a feasible flow, which can satisfy the condition \(T_{comp} \le T_{max}\). However the feasible flow is not optimal. Now our goal is to minimize the total occupied bandwidth in the data transmission phase. To achieve that goal, we let \(G_c = (V_c, E_c)\) be a flow network with \(V_c = V''\), \(E_c = E''\). Each arc \((u,v)\in E_c\) has an associated real valued pair \((C_c(u,v), A(u,v))\). Let \(C_c(u,v)\) equal to \(C''(u,v)\) and let A(uv) be the unit cost of arc (uv). The value of \(A(i+,i-)(1 \le i \le N)\) is 1, while A(uv) equals to zero in the other circumstance. Figure 8 illustrates the flow network with cost of \(G''\) shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 8
figure 8

The flow network with cost

Let \(f_c\) denote a feasible flow of \(G_c\), the total cost of \(f_c\) is

$$\begin{aligned} C(f_c) = \sum \limits _{i \in V}^{} f(i+,i-) \end{aligned}$$

where \(f(i+,i-)\) denotes the flow size between node \(i+\) and \(i-\). Note that \(f(i+, i-)\) can also denote the bandwidth usage of node i, thus the total bandwidth usage equals to \(C(f_c)\). Therefore, we calculate the minimum cost and maximum flow of \(G_c\) using any of these algorithms: Double Scaling:\(O(nm(log\,log\,U)log(nC))\) [2], Jens Vygen & Orlin:\(O(m\,log\,m(m+nlog\,n))\) [31] etc.. Note that, the “minimum cost & maximum flow” algorithm can find a flow which is maximum, but has the lowest cost among the maximums. One of the feasible flow is shown in Fig. 9. The number on each arc indicates the total amount of data that are transmitted during \(T_{tran}\).

Fig. 9
figure 9

A feasible minimum cost and maximum flow

3.2 Minimize the number of nodes

We can calculate the amount of final data (\(D_i\)) of each node. For example, we can obtain \(D_3\) after data transmission: \(D_3 = M_3 - 2 = 2 - 2 = 0\). We can obtain \(D_i = [1, 2, 0, 2, 0]\). After calculating the amount of final data of each node, we find that only node 1, node 2, and node 4 participate in the data computation phase. We discover that if node 3 transmits all its data to node 2 instead of node 4, the result (\(D_i = [1,4,0,0,0]\)) will also be a feasible flow, however, the number of nodes which participate in the data computation phase is less than that in Fig. 9. We divide all the nodes in \(f_c\) into three categories:

  1. Type 1

    Nodes that do not participate in data computation phase (\(D_i=0\)).

  2. Type 2

    Nodes that participate in data computation because they receive data from other nodes (\(D_i >0, M_i=0\)).

  3. Type 3

    Nodes that must participate in data computation (\(D_i>0,M_i>0\)).

We use a greedy algorithm to change nodes of type 2 into type 1. Steps below illustrate how to reduce the number of nodes:

  1. Step 1

    For each node i in \(f_c\), if node i is of type 1 and \((i-,T) \in E_c\), delete arc \((i-,T)\) in \(G_c\).

  2. Step 2

    Sort the nodes of type 2 in \(f_c\) by \(D_i\) from smallest to largest, let \(N_{sorted}\) denote the the list of sorted nodes.

  3. Step 3

    For each node i in \(N_{sorted}\), delete arc \((i-,T)\) in \(G_c\), then try to find a feasible flow of minimum cost & maximum flow of \(G_c\). If there is no a feasible flow or the cost of this feasible flow is larger than before, then recover the arc that has just been deleted.

Note that in the flow network, the total input flow size of a node must equal to the total output flow size, therefore arc \((i-, T)\) must exist so that node i of type 2 (\(D_i >0, M_i=0\)) can receive data from other nodes. Figure 10 shows an optimized flow network of Fig. 9. In the optimized flow network, only two nodes (node 1 and node 2) participate in the computation phase.

Fig. 10
figure 10

The optimized flow network with a minimum number of nodes

4 Replication

In this section, we describe how our algorithm works when the data are replicated. Before the discussion of replication, we want to introduce the concept of copyset [6]. A copyset is a set that stores all of the copies of a specified data, which can be a file or a chunk. Asaf Cidon et al. pointed out that a large number of distinct copysets will increase the probability of losing data under a massive correlated failure. We make our algorithm available under the situation of replication when the number of copysets is not too large. Our solution is adding virtual nodes, each of which stands for a copyset, into our initial network topology. Therefore if the number of copysets is too large, the total number of nodes will be too large. According to the study of Asaf Cidon et al., a well designed storage system should have a small number of copysets, in which situation our solution will work fine. Specifically, when we consider the situation of replication, we do the following things to the initial network topology \(G = (V, E)\):

  1. Step 1

    Add \(N_c\) virtual nodes to V, where \(N_c\) is the number of copysets. Each virtual node represents a copyset.

  2. Step 2

    Link each virtual node with its corresponding real nodes, let the bandwidth between the virtual node and its corresponding real nodes be infinity.

Now we get a new network topology , when a task begins, we do the following things:

  1. Step 1

    Let the busy flag of each virtual node be busy. Because the virtual nodes do not have any compute ability.

  2. Step 2

    For each virtual node i, let \(M_i\) be the total amount of initial data located in its corresponding copyset, the same data will be counted only once. Let \(M_j\) be zero where node j is a real node.

In this way, a virtual node has to transmit all its data to its corresponding real nodes. Because that each data has several replicas, however only one of them should be processed (calculated or transmitted to other nodes) during one task. Therefore we need a scheme of data distribution to decide on which node a specified data should be processed. The way a virtual node transmits its data represents the scheme of data distribution we need. For a specific copyset, if the virtual node i transmits k data to one of its corresponding real node j, it means that the amount of data which are processed in node j is k.

The remaining steps are the same with what we mention in Sects. 2 and 3. Here is an example of how we modify the initial network topology. Suppose we have four real nodes, node 1 \(\sim \) node 4, four copysets, copyset S1 \(\sim \) S4. Figure 11 shows the copysets and the initial network with virtual nodes. The black spots in each node represent the data, for example the amount of data of copyset S1 is 2. A possible feasible flow in this situation is shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 11
figure 11

The copysets and the initial network with virtual nodes

Fig. 12
figure 12

A feasible flow in replication situation

The data transmission of the virtual node means the data distribution of the real nodes in the same copyset in the data computation phase. For example, as shown in Fig. 12, the virtual node S3 transmits all its data to node 1 and node 3, it means that, for copyset S3, the amount of data that are processed in node 1 is 2, while the amount of data that are process in node 3 is 1.

5 Simulation

A series of experiments are conducted to evaluate the effect of our algorithm as well as our optimization which is discussed in Sect. 3. We compare our algorithm to the algorithm which is used in Hadoop to reduce bandwidth usage. Before optimization, the algorithm focuses on solving the data skew problem, and make the \(T_{comp}\) not larger than \(T_{max}\), but it will occupy too much bandwidth. To see how the occupied bandwidth and the number of nodes which take part in computation phase decrease after the optimization, we pick three typical variables: \(T_{max}\), total amount of data, total number of nodes. Then we compare the optimized algorithm to the algorithm which is used to schedule the map tasks in Hadoop[1] to reduce bandwidth usage. The nodes are arranged in a tree network, because tree topology is most typical in real world. In every experiment, we randomly let half of the nodes be busy. Other variables are generated randomly, such as \(P_i\), \(C_i\), \(M_i\), and \(R_i\). Each experiment is repeated over 100 times and the result shows the average situation. The network topology is shown in Fig. 13. All the nodes are arranged in the leafs of the tree, and each inner node denotes a switch, which can connect to up 32 other switches or nodes. We build the tree from bottom to top: every 32 nodes are connected to a switch, and every 32 switches are connected to an upper layer switch. For example, if we have 4096 nodes, then the tree will have 4 layers: \(4096 = 32 \times 32 \times 4 \times 1\).

Fig. 13
figure 13

The network topology in the experiments

5.1 \(T_{max}\)

In this experiment, we aim at finding the effect of \(T_{max}\). The network topology is shown in Fig. 13. Table 3 summarizes the variables that we use in this experiment. The results are shown in Fig. 14.

Table 3 Range of the variables
Fig. 14
figure 14

The occupied bandwidth and nodes of different \(T_{max}\)

As we saw from the scenario of Fig. 14, the occupied bandwidth and number of nodes that take part in computation can be decreased by about 73 and 33 % respectively when \(T_{max}\) grows up. There is no feasible flow when \(T_{max}\) is too small (less than 3.4 in this experiment).

5.2 The amount of data

In the second experiment, we study how the amount of data can effect the result of optimization. Table 4 summarizes the variables that we use in this experiment. We conduct a series of tests, the initial amount of data is 2500. We increase the amount of data by 2500 in each test, based on the data distribution in previous test. In this way we keep the amount of data changing while not influencing too much on the data distribution. The results are shown in Fig. 15. The occupied bandwidth and number of nodes that take part in computation can be decreased by about 71 and 14 % respectively when the amount of data grows up.

Table 4 Range of the variables

5.3 The number of nodes

In the third experiment, we study how the number of nodes can effect the result of optimization. Table 5 summarizes the variables that we use in this experiment. The results are shown in Fig. 16. The occupied bandwidth can be decreased by about 72 % when the number of nodes grows up. However, the number of nodes that take part in computation is volatile. This is because when we change the number of nodes, the network topology changes too, which results in the change of data distribution.

Fig. 15
figure 15

The occupied bandwidth and nodes of different amount of data

Fig. 16
figure 16

The occupied bandwidth and nodes of different number of nodes

Table 5 Range of the variables

5.4 Comparison to another bandwidth saving algorithm

In the fourth experiment, we compare our optimized algorithm to the algorithm which is used to schedule the tasks in Hadoop to reduce bandwidth usage. The strategy of moving computation to the data, instead of moving the data to the computation allows Hadoop to achieve high data locality which in turn results in less bandwidth usage. In this experiment, we simulate the default hadoop scheduler called JobQueueTaskScheduler which can be found in the source code of Hadoop, and show the results of bandwidth usage in both situations. When simulating the task in Hadoop, each block of data are processed in a map task, there are no reduce tasks in this experiment. The variables that we use in this experiment are the same as those in second experiment. The results are shown in Fig. 17.

Fig. 17
figure 17

The occupied bandwidth in our algorithm and Hadoop

5.5 Discussion

A series of experiments are conducted to evaluate the effect of our optimization. To see how the occupied bandwidth and the number of nodes which take part in computation phase decrease after the optimization, we pick three typical variables: \(T_{max}\), total amount of data, total number of nodes. The experimental results show that our algorithm can effectively reduce the occupied bandwidth (about 70 %). The second and third experiments prove that our algorithm can work fine under a large scale of system. Moreover, the number of nodes that participate in data computation phase can also decrease, in this way, part of the computational resources can be saved. We think the number of nodes which take part in computation phase can be further reduced. In the fouth experiment, we compare our algorithm to the default algorithm which is used in Hadoop to reduce bandwidth usage, and find that our algorithm can still have a better effect on reducing bandwidth usage.

6 Related work

Data skew has been widely studied in the literature, and a large number of skew aware load balancing algorithms have been developed, some of which are quite successful. Abdelsalam (Sumi) Helal et al. introduced a dynamic and transactional re-allocation scheme based on the work on disk cooling in shared memory architecture by Scheuermann et al. The proposed scheme detects access skew as it occurs and re-allocates data partitions to underloaded processing elements on the fly [15]. Hongjun Lu et al. presented a fully dynamic partitioning approach that could effectively distribute the workload among both intra- and inter-processing nodes without priori knowledge of data distribution [24]. In recent years, with the development of MapReduce, some algorithms that focus on solving the data skew in MapReduce are presented, such as [14, 17, 29]. However, none of these algorithms considers the network resources usage. Resources of a distributed system can be divided into computational resources and network resources. Due to the rapid development of the microprocessor, the effects of the computation delay on the overall performance of the system are becoming less significant. On the other hand, the communication delay still has a major effect on the system performance and can be a major problem especially in a system with many nodes and a high communication frequency. A lot of efforts have been made to reduce the network resources usage in distributed systems. For example, Min Li et al. proposed a cloud platform called CAM that provides an innovative resource scheduler particularly designed for hosting MapReduce applications in the cloud, their system could reduce network traffic and average MapReduce job execution time by a factor of 3 and 8.6, respectively [23]. Dzmitry Kliazovich et al. presented a scheduling approach that combines energy efficiency and network awareness, named DENS [21]. The DENS methodology balances the energy consumption of a data center, individual job performance, and traffic demands. The proposed approach optimizes the trade-off between job consolidation (to minimize the amount of computing servers) and distribution of traffic patterns (to avoid hotspots in the data center network). Unfortunately, none of these algorithms considers the trade-off between the computational resources and the network resources.

Some researches have been made to use the maximum flow algorithm to reduce network resources in the distributed systems. The algorithm called Balance-Reduce(BAR) [20] was proposed to reduce the job completion time gradually by tuning the initial task allocation. Differ from our algorithm, it only aims at reducing the completion time of tasks integrally. Instead that our algorithm focus on optimizing both the completion time and the bandwidth of each single task to achieve better effect. Both of BAR and our work consider the network state and cluster workload in the algorithms. The authors of [27] proposed a low cost network coding algorithm based on the maximum flow algorithm and key link. Differently from our model, it focuses on data transmission while our model contains both data transmission and data computation. Another data transmission algorithm to deal with the load rebalancing problem in distributed file systems in clouds has been presented in [16]. Compared with our work, [16] requires data transmission to reduce the demanded network traffic caused by rebalancing the loads of nodes as much as possible, while our algorithm aims at minimize network bandwidth usage and data transmission time.

The maximum flow problem was first formulated in 1954 by T. E. Harris as a simplified model of Soviet railway traffic flow in 1955 [28]. Lester R. Ford, Jr. and Delbert R. Fulkerson created the first known algorithm, the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm [11, 12]. Over the years, various improved solutions to the maximum flow problem were discovered, notably the shortest augmenting path algorithm of Edmonds and Karp [10] and independently Dinitz; the blocking flow algorithm of Dinitz [9]; the push-relabel algorithm of Goldberg and Tarjan [4]; and the binary blocking flow algorithm of Goldberg and Rao [13]. The electrical flow algorithm of Christiano et al. [5], and Spielman finds an approximately optimal maximum flow but only works in undirected graphs [30]. The following table lists the time complexities of different algorithms for solving the maximum flow problem. Table 6 summarizes these developments.

Table 6 Polynomial algorithms for the max flow problem

7 Conclusion and future work

In this paper, we introduce the distributed two-phase model (DTPM), and propose an algorithm to minimize the data transmission time and the bandwidth usage in this model, while a given upper bound of relative computation time is satisfied. The algorithm we use to establish the flow network takes \(O(4N+2M+2)\). Besides, we introduce the way to reduce the number of nodes that participate in the data computation phase. The results show that the occupied bandwidth can be reduced effectively (about 70 %) in the situation of large-scale data sets and large number of nodes. We describe how our algorithm can work in replication situation while the number of copysets is not large. Although priority is not our main subject, we can support different priorities of different user, without changing our algorithm. We can achieve priority by adding a logical layer. For example, a task of an user with high priority can be launched earlier. We can also limit the range of \(T_{comp}\) of users with different priorities. We also plan to consider several high-level objectives, such as intelligent scheduler based on genetic algorithm and energy saving.