1 Introduction

Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) with NH3 is proven to be the most promising technology to control the emission of nitrogen oxides from automobile exhaust gas and industrial combustion of fossil fuels [1]. Although V2O5/WO3–TiO2 has been employed as a commercial SCR catalyst for several decades [2], it is still not satisfactory due to some drawbacks, such as the relatively narrow temperature window of 300–400 °C, the low N2 selectivity at high temperatures, the toxicity of vanadium pentoxide to the environment [3], and the soaring price of W resource [4]. Therefore, a more cost-effective, better N2 selectivity and more environmental-friendly SCR catalyst should be developed.

Recently, it is reported that Fe-based catalysts [57], for example Fe/ZSM-5 [8, 9], Fe3+ exchanged TiO2-pillared clay [10], Fe–Ti spinel [11], Fe–Ti–V spinel [12], Fe2(SO4)3/TiO2 [13], and iron titanate [14], show excellent SCR activity and N2 selectivity at 300–400 °C. γ-Fe2O3 is one of the simplest iron oxides, which adopts a cubic close packed cation deficient spinel structure [15]. γ-Fe2O3 shows the reduction–reoxidation properties, which is suitable for the use as an oxygen storage component in automobile exhaust catalysts [16]. Recently, it is reported that γ-Fe2O3 had excellent SCR activity and N2 selectivity at 200–350 °C [17]. However, the operation temperature window of γ-Fe2O3 for the SCR reaction shifted 100 °C to higher temperature in the presence of SO2 [17]. Generally, the deactivation of SO2 on the SCR reaction was attributed to the deposition of NH4HSO4 and/or (NH4)2SO4 at low temperatures [18]. The decomposition temperature of NH4HSO4 and/or (NH4)2SO4 was less than 250 °C. Therefore, there could be another mechanism, which caused to the deactivation of SO2 at 250–300 °C. Meanwhile, the SCR activity of γ-Fe2O3 was obviously promoted above 300 °C due to the presence of SO2. Therefore, the mechanism of SO2 effect on the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3 need to be further studied. The presence of SO2 would cause to the sulfation of catalyst [1921]. The mechanism of the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3 may differ from that over sulfated γ-Fe2O3. Therefore, the sulfation on the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3 was investigated in this work, which is helpful to understand the mechanism of SO2 effect on the SCR reaction [22].

2 Experimental

2.1 Catalyst Preparation

Nanosized Fe3O4, the precursor of γ-Fe2O3, was prepared using a co-precipitation method at room temperature [23]. γ-Fe2O3 was obtained after the thermal treatment of Fe3O4 under air for 3 h at 400 °C [11]. Sulfated γ-Fe2O3 was obtained by pretreating γ-Fe2O3 (1.0 g) in a flow of 500 ppm SO2 and 2 % O2 (200 mL min−1) at 300 °C for 8 h.

2.2 Catalytic Activity Measurement

The SCR reaction was performed on a fixed-bed quartz tube reactor. The mass of catalyst with 40–60 mesh was 100 mg. The total flow rate was 200 mL min−1 (room temperature), and the corresponding gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) was 1.2 × 105 cm3 g−1 h−1. The typical reactant gas composition was as follows: 500 ppm of NH3, 500 ppm of NO, 2 % of O2, 500 ppm of SO2 (when used), 10 % of H2O (when used), and balance of N2. The concentrations of SO2, H2O, NO, NO2, NH3 and N2O were continually monitored by an FTIR spectrometer (MKS Instruments).

2.3 Catalyst Characterization

BET surface area was determined using a nitrogen adsorption apparatus (Quantachrome, Autosorb-1). XRD patterns were recorded on an X-ray diffractionmeter (Rigaku, D/max-2200/PC) between 20° and 80° at a step of 7° min−1 operating at 30 kV and 30 mA using Cu Kα radiation. H2-TPR was recorded on a chemisorption analyzer (Micromeritics, ChemiSorb 2720 TPx) under a 10 % hydrogen-90 % nitrogen gas flow (50 cm3 min−1) at a rate of 10 °C min−1. Temperature programmed desorption of ammonia (NH3-TPD) and temperature programmed desorption of NO (NO-TPD) were carried out on the packed-bed microreactor at a rate of 10 °C min−1 from 50 to 600 °C. The binding energies of Fe 2p, S 2p and O 1s were recorded on an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (Thermo, ESCALAB 250) with Al Kα (hv = 1486.6 eV) as the excitation source and C 1s line at 284.6 eV as the reference for the binding energy calibration. In situ DRIFT spectra were performed on a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR, Nicolet NEXUS 870) equipped with a liquid-nitrogen-cooled MCT detector, collecting 100 scans with a resolution of 4 cm−1.

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 SCR Activity

As shown in Fig. 1a, γ-Fe2O3 showed an excellent SCR activity at 200–350 °C (NO x conversion was higher than 80 %). During the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3, only a small amount of N2O formed above 300 °C. However, NO x conversion obviously decreased with the increase of reaction temperature from 300 to 400 °C, and a small amount of NO2 was observed at 350–400 °C. However, NH3 conversion reached 100 % above 300 °C. It suggests that some NH3 was oxidized to NO over γ-Fe2O3 at 300–400 °C. As 500 ppm of SO2 was introduced, the SCR activity of γ-Fe2O3 obviously decreased at 150–300 °C. However, the SCR activity of γ-Fe2O3 was obviously promoted due to the presence of SO2 at 350–400 °C (shown in Fig. 2). After the further introduction of H2O, no obvious change happened (shown in Fig. 2). The similar result of γ-Fe2O3 was once reported by Mou et al. [17]. As shown in Fig. 2, the SCR activity of γ-Fe2O3 in the presence of SO2 was close to that of sulfated γ-Fe2O3 at 300–400 °C. It suggests that the sulfation of γ-Fe2O3 could contribute to the effect of SO2 on the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3. Therefore, the sulfation on the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3 was studied.

Fig. 1
figure 1

SCR reaction over:a γ-Fe2O3, b sulfated γ-Fe2O3

Fig. 2
figure 2

Effect of SO2 and/or H2O on the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3

With the increase of reaction temperature from 150 to 400 °C, NO x conversion over sulfated γ-Fe2O3 gradually increased (shown in Fig. 1b). Figure 1b also shows that the ratio of NO x conversion was close to that of NH3 conversion. It suggests that most NH3 was used to reduce NO over sulfated γ-Fe2O3. Meanwhile, little NO2 can be observed during the SCR reaction over sulfated γ-Fe2O3. In comparison with γ-Fe2O3, NO x conversion over sulfated γ-Fe2O3 was much less at 150–300 °C. However, sulfated γ-Fe2O3 showed excellent SCR activity (NO x conversion was higher than 80 %) and N2 selectivity (>95 %) above 300 °C, which was much better than γ-Fe2O3. Figure 1 shows that the operation temperature window of γ-Fe2O3 for the SCR reaction shifted about 100 °C to higher temperature after the sulfation.

3.2 Characterization

3.2.1 XRD and BET

As shown in Fig. 3, the characteristic peaks of γ-Fe2O3 and sulfated γ-Fe2O3 correspond very well to the standard card of maghemite (JCPDS: 39-1346) [15]. It indicates that the spinel structure of γ-Fe2O3 was not destroyed after the sulfation.

Fig. 3
figure 3

XRD patterns of γ-Fe2O3 and sulfated γ-Fe2O3

BET surface areas of γ-Fe2O3 and sulfated γ-Fe2O3 were 74.7 and 64.8 m2 g−1, respectively. It indicates that the BET surface area of γ-Fe2O3 slightly decreased after the sulfation.

3.3 XPS

As shown in Fig. 4a, the binding energies of Fe 2p 2/3 on γ-Fe2O3 mainly centered at about 710.2, 711.1 and 712.5 eV, which were assigned to Fe3+ in the spinel structure and Fe3+ bonded with hydroxyl groups respectively [15]. Furthermore, the satellite component appeared at about 719.0 eV, which is the fingerprint of Fe3+ species [23]. They both suggest that Fe species on γ-Fe2O3 were mainly Fe3+. The O 1s peaks on γ-Fe2O3 mainly centered at about 530.2 eV and 531.6 eV (shown in Fig. 4b), which were attributed to O2− in transition metal oxides and that in –OH respectively [24]. As shown in Fig. 4c, no obvious S 2p band was observed on γ-Fe2O3.

Fig. 4
figure 4

XPS spectra of γ-Fe2O3 and sulfated γ-Fe2O3 over the spectral regions of Fe 2p, O 1s and S 2p

As shown in Fig. 4d, a new peak at 713.8 eV appeared in the spectral region of Fe 2p after the sulfation of γ-Fe2O3, which could be attributed to Fe3+ in Fe2(SO4)3 [23]. Meanwhile, XPS analysis shows that the percent of Fe3+ on γ-Fe2O3 decreased from 40 to 31.3 % after the sulfation. The presence of SO4 2− on sulfated γ-Fe2O3 can also be supported by the XPS spectra over S 2p and O 1s regions. A new peak at 532.1 eV appeared in the spectral region of O 1s (shown in Fig. 4e), which could be assigned to O2− in SO4 2− [25]. The S 2p peaks mainly centered at 168.9 and 169.9 eV (shown in Fig. 4f), which could be assigned to SO4 2− and HSO4 respectively [15]. Previous research on the heterogeneous uptake of SO2 on γ-Fe2O3 also demonstrated that the formed S species on iron oxides were mainly HSO4 and SO4 2− [26]. XPS analysis shows that the percent of S(SO4 2−) on γ-Fe2O3 increased to 5.4 % after the sulfation.

3.4 TPR

TPR profile recorded from γ-Fe2O3 showed two obvious reduction peaks. The peak centered at about 318 °C was assigned to the reduction of γ-Fe2O3 to Fe3O4 [27], and the slight fluctuation at about 350 °C may be related to the impurity on γ-Fe2O3. The broad peak at higher temperature was attributed to the reduction of Fe3O4 to Fe [27].

The active site on γ-Fe2O3 for H2 oxidization was covered by SO4 2− after the sulfation. Hence, a strong displacement of the first reduction peak to 423 °C happened in the TPR profiles of sulfated γ-Fe2O3 (shown in Fig. 5). It suggests that the oxidization ability of γ-Fe2O3 decreased after the sulfation. Meanwhile, no obvious changes happened on the broad peak at higher temperature. The reduction peak at 423 °C of sulfated γ-Fe2O3 could be attributed to the reduction of Fe3+–SO4 2−. TPR analysis shows that the area ratio of the first peak to the total TPR profile increased from 13 % for γ-Fe2O3 to 19 % for sulfated γ-Fe2O3. It also suggests that the reduction of γ-Fe2O3 to Fe3O4 and the reduction of SO4 2− both contributed to the first reduction peak of sulfated γ-Fe2O3.

Fig. 5
figure 5

H2-TPR profiles of γ-Fe2O3 and sulfated γ-Fe2O3

3.5 NO-TPD and NH3-TPD

The capacities of γ-Fe2O3 and sulfated γ-Fe2O3 for NH3 and NO + O2 adsorption were calculated from NH3-TPD and NO-TPD (shown in Fig. S1). The capacity of sulfated γ-Fe2O3 for NH3 adsorption was 5.1 mmol g−1, which was about 4.3 times that of γ-Fe2O3 (1.2 mmol g−1). However, the capacity of sulfated γ-Fe2O3 for NO + O2 adsorption was 0.32 mmol g−1, which was only about 1/5 that of γ-Fe2O3 (1.7 mmol g−1). It suggests that the adsorption of NH3 on γ-Fe2O3 was promoted and the adsorption of NO on γ-Fe2O3 was restrained after the sulfation.

3.6 Adsorption of NO and NH3

The characteristic vibration corresponding to the adsorption of NO + O2 on γ-Fe2O3 at 300 °C mainly appeared at about 1,600 and 1,578 cm−1 (shown in Fig. 6a), which were assigned to monodentate nitrite and monodentate nitrate respectively [28]. However, the characteristic vibration corresponding to the adsorption of NO + O2 on sulfated γ-Fe2O3 at 300 °C appeared at 1,385 cm−1 (shown in Fig. 6a). Monodentate nitrite and monodentate nitrate adsorbed on γ-Fe2O3 were coordinated by oxygen atom. However, the oxygen atom on γ-Fe2O3, which can be used to bridge NO and Fe cation, was covered by SO4 2− after the sulfation. Therefore, the characteristic vibration at 1,385 cm−1 was assigned to nitro [28], which is coordinated via its N atom [19]. The intensity of the adsorption of NO + O2 on sulfated γ-Fe2O3 was much less than that on γ-Fe2O3. It indicates that the adsorption of NO x on γ-Fe2O3 was restrained after the sulfation.

Fig. 6
figure 6

a DRIFT spectra of the adsorption of NO + O2 on γ-Fe2O3 and sulfated γ-Fe2O3 at 300 °C, b DRIFT spectra of the adsorption of NH3 on γ-Fe2O3 and sulfated γ-Fe2O3 at 300 °C

The characteristic vibration corresponding to NH3 adsorption on γ-Fe2O3 at 300 °C mainly appeared at about 1,202 and 1,609 cm−1 (shown in Fig. 6b), which were assigned to coordinated ammonia bound to the Lewis acid sites [14]. However, the characteristic vibration corresponding to NH3 adsorption on sulfated γ-Fe2O3 appeared at 1,426 and 1,298 cm−1 (shown in Fig. 6b), which were assigned to ammonium ions bound to the Brønsted acid sites [22]. The intensity of the adsorption of NH3 on sulfated γ-Fe2O3 was much higher than that on γ-Fe2O3. It indicates that the adsorption of NH3 on γ-Fe2O3 was promoted after the sulfation, which was consistent with the result of NH3-TPD. Meanwhile, a negative peak at about 1,373 cm−1 appeared on sulfated γ-Fe2O3. XPS analysis demonstrates that γ-Fe2O3 was covered by SO4 2− after the sulfation. As is well known, SO4 2− is a typical Brønsted acid [29], so NH3 mainly adsorbed on SO4 2− on sulfated γ-Fe2O3. Therefore, the negative peak at about 1,373 cm−1 could be ascribed to SO4 2−, which was covered by NH4 + after the adsorption of NH3 [22].

3.7 Mechanism of the Sulfation on the SCR Reaction

Both the Eley–Rideal mechanism (the reaction of activated NH3 with gaseous NO) and the Langmuir–Hinshelwood mechanism (the reaction between adsorbed NO x and NH3) could contribute to the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3 and sulfated γ-Fe2O3. Furthermore, the catalytic oxidization of NH3 to NO [21] can happen at high temperatures (shown in Table S1).

The SCR reaction and the catalytic oxidization of NH3 to NO both contributed to NH3 conversion over γ-Fe2O3 and sulfated γ-Fe2O3. Therefore, the ratio of NH3 conversion over γ-Fe2O3 and that over sulfated γ-Fe2O3 can be described as:

$$ {\text{NH}}_{ 3} {\text{ conversion \% = }}\delta_{\text{SCR}} + \delta_{{{\text{C}}{-}{\text{O}}}} , $$

where δ SCR and δ C–O were the contributions of the SCR reaction and the catalytic oxidization of NH3 to NO to the ratio of NH3 conversion, respectively.

The SCR reaction contributed to the reduction of gaseous NO, while the catalytic oxidization of NH3 to NO contributed to the formation of gaseous NO. Therefore, the ratio of NO conversion over γ-Fe2O3 and that over sulfated γ-Fe2O3 can be described as:

$$ {\text{NO conversion \% = }}\delta_{\text{SCR}} \; - \;\delta_{{{\text{C}} - {\text{O}}}} $$

According to Eqs. 1 and 2, the amount of NH3 conversion assigned to the SCR reaction and that assigned to the catalytic oxidization of NH3 to NO can be calculated according to the difference between the ratio of NO conversion and that of NH3 conversion.

Figure 7a shows that the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3 was obviously promoted with the increase of reaction temperature. However, the catalytic oxidization of NH3 to NO happened over γ-Fe2O3 above 250 °C, resulting in a drop of NO x conversion (shown Fig. 1a). After the sulfation, the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3 was obviously restrained, resulting in a remarkable decrease of NO conversion at 150–300 °C. Meanwhile, the catalytic oxidization of NH3 to NO over γ-Fe2O3 above 250 °C was suppressed after the sulfation. As a result, the operation temperature window of γ-Fe2O3 for the SCR reaction shifted about 100 °C to higher temperature after the sulfation.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Contributions of the SCR reaction and the catalytic oxidization of NH3 to NO (C–O) to NH3 conversion during the SCR reaction over: a γ-Fe2O3, b sulfated γ-Fe2O3

The acid sites on γ-Fe2O3 (Lewis acid) mainly resulted from the unsaturated coordination between Fe3+ and O2−. The unsaturated coordination was destroyed after the sulfation, and the acid sites on sulfated γ-Fe2O3 mainly resulted from SO4 2− on the surface. Therefore, NH3 mainly adsorbed on Fe3+ (or Fe–O band) on γ-Fe2O3, while it mainly adsorbed on SO4 2− on sulfated γ-Fe2O3. It suggests that the site for NH3 adsorption and the active site for NH3 activation on γ-Fe2O3 were separated after the sulfation (illustrated in Fig. 8). Meanwhile, the oxidization ability of Fe3+ on sulfated γ-Fe2O3 was less than that on γ-Fe2O3, which was hinted by the TPR analysis (shown in Fig. 5). Moreover, the concentration of Fe3+ on sulfated γ-Fe2O3 was slightly less than that on γ-Fe2O3. As a result, the activation of adsorbed NH3 over γ-Fe2O3 was restrained after the sulfation. It suggests that the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3 through the Eley–Rideal mechanism would be obviously restrained after the sulfation. Furthermore, NO-TPD analysis and in situ DRIFTS study show that the adsorption of NO + O2 on γ-Fe2O3 was restrained after the sulfation. It suggests that the SCR reaction through the Langmuir–Hinshelwood mechanism would be restrained after the sulfation. As a result, the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3 was restrained after the sulfation (shown in Fig. 7).

Fig. 8
figure 8

Illustration of sulfation on the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3

Figure 1b shows that most of adsorbed NH3 on sulfated γ-Fe2O3 can be transformed above 300 °C, so the negative effect of sulfation on the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3 above 300 °C can be neglected. Therefore, the key factor of NO reduction over γ-Fe2O3 at high temperatures was the negative effect of the catalytic oxidization of activated NH3 species (–NH2) to NO.

–NH2 mainly adsorbed on Fe3+ (or Fe–O band) on γ-Fe2O3, while it mainly adsorbed on SO4 2− on sulfated γ-Fe2O3. It suggests that the site for –NH2 adsorption and the active site for the further oxidization of –NH2 were separated after the sulfation, which was similar to that for NH3 activation. Meanwhile, the concentration of Fe3+ on sulfated γ-Fe2O3 was less than that on γ-Fe2O3. Moreover, the concentration of –NH2 on sulfated γ-Fe2O3 was much less than that on γ-Fe2O3 due to the depression of NH3 activation. As a result, the catalytic oxidization of NH3 to NO over γ-Fe2O3 was obviously restrained after the sulfation (shown in Fig. 7).

4 Conclusions

Because the site for NH3 adsorption and the active site for NH3 activation were separated, the SCR reaction over γ-Fe2O3 was restrained at 150–300 °C after the sulfation. Meanwhile, the catalytic oxidization of NH3 to NO over γ-Fe2O3 was restrained after the sulfation, so the drop of NO x conversion at high temperatures postponed. As a result, the operation temperature window of γ-Fe2O3 for the SCR reaction shifted about 100 °C to higher temperature after the sulfation.