
Genome-scale metabolic models are now widely used in biotechnology and bioengineering (Zomorrodi et al. 2012). Constraint-based analysis of these models provide a mathematical framework for understanding biotransformations in metabolism and possibly rational design of strains (Lewis et al. 2012; Price et al. 2003).

Elementary flux modes (EMs) are defined as the minimal sets of reactions in a metabolic network that can be active in steady-state conditions (Schuster et al. 2000). Therefore, each EM can be interpreted as a metabolic “pathway”. EMs are applicable to various fields of metabolic network studies, e.g., analysis of the capabilities of cellular metabolism (Çakir et al. 2007; Schilling and Palsson 2000; Schuster et al. 1999; Stelling et al. 2002), determination of minimal medium requirements (Schilling and Palsson 2000), measuring the flexibility of metabolic networks (Çakir et al. 2007; Papin et al. 2002), identification of pathways with optimal yield (Hädicke and Klamt 2010; Trinh et al. 2008) and determination the importance of a specific reaction (Wlaschin et al. 2006).

Current approaches for calculating EMs generally use an algorithm called the double description method (Fukuda and Prodon 1996; Gagneur and Klamt 2004). In the double description method, a set of linear constraints are given as the input. In case of metabolic networks, these constraints are the stoichiometric and the reversibility constraints (Marashi 2011). The linear constraints, in general, characterize a polytope in space. The output of the algorithm is the set of extreme rays of the polytope. For metabolic networks, the set of computed extreme rays is equivalent to the set of elementary modes.

Despite recent developments in EM calculation (Terzer and Stelling 2008), these methods are unable to calculate EMs in genome-scale metabolic networks (due to running out of memory). This shortcoming is a consequence of the combinatorial explosion during the enumeration of the full set of EMs in a genome-scale network. Many efforts have been made to overcome this issue including enumerating EMs with a specific objective or constraint (de Figueiredo et al. 2009), enumerating all achievable pathways through chosen reactions that satisfy the steady-state flux of the whole network (Kaleta et al. 2009), breaking the network down in modules (Schuster et al. 2002; Schwartz et al. 2007) and enumerating the extreme rays of the projected flux cone onto a lower-dimensional subspace (Marashi et al. 2012). A method for randomly computing a subset of the EMs has been reported (Machado et al. 2012).

In spite of the mentioned endeavors, enumeration of the full set of the EMs in genome-scale networks remains unsolved. In this study, we introduce a novel random sampling approach to calculate EMs that is comparable to the core reductive algorithm (Pál et al. 2006; Yizhak et al. 2011). Briefly, in order to compute a random elementary mode, including a certain objective reaction, in each iteration we delete a subset of reactions and then, using flux balance analysis (FBA), we check if the objective reaction can carry a non-zero flux in steady-state conditions. This step is repeated until no further reaction can be deleted. The remaining set of reactions represents a flux distribution with a minimal number of non-zero elements and, therefore, it characterizes an elementary mode. We also applied flux coupling analysis (FCA) to remove reactions rationally. The ultimate goal of this study is to present a random sampling of EMs in genome-scale networks (where most of the current methods are unable of computing EMs).


Metabolic network models and computing EMs

As a medium-scale metabolic network, we used a simplified core metabolic network model of Escherichia coli, which includes 60 (unblocked) reactions and 56 metabolites. The SBML file of this model is presented in Supplementary Data 1. In order to test the validity of our results for larger models, we used the genome-scale metabolic network of E. coli which includes 1,075 reactions and 761 metabolites (Reed et al. 2003). Where applicable, “efmtool” software was used to compute the full set of EMs in metabolic networks (Terzer and Stelling 2008).

Reductive algorithm for computing EMs

We developed an algorithm for computing EMs based on computing minimal sets of reactions, possibly including an objective reaction, which can be active in steady-state conditions. Our algorithm consists of three main parts:

  1. (1)

    Preprocessing, including removing blocked reactions and merging fully coupled reactions;

  2. (2)

    Randomly deleting k reactions; and

  3. (3)

    Examining the effect of the previous deletion on the network by FBA. If flux through the objective reaction drops to zero, the deleted group of reactions will be restored to the network; otherwise the deletion is accepted.

Steps 2 and 3 are iterated until no further reaction can be deleted. (It should be noted that if no fixed objective reaction is given in the input, then one reaction is chosen randomly as the objective reaction.)

In the constraint-based modeling of metabolic networks (Marashi 2011), it is often assumed that the network functions in steady-state conditions.

In the first step, i.e. the preprocessing step, we applied linear programming (LP) to detect reactions carrying no flux in steady-state, i.e. the blocked reactions (Burgard et al. 2004). Additionally, metabolic networks often include reactions which always have a fixed flux ratio, these are called fully-coupled reactions (Burgard et al. 2004; Larhlimi et al. 2012). We also merge each set of fully-coupled reactions into one “cumulative reaction”. For this purpose, we apply the function “removeTrivialFC” of the F2C2 tool (Larhlimi et al. 2012). The preprocessing step helps to reduce the problem size, and consequently, lessens the calculation time.

In the second step, we remove reactions by a k-elimination scheme. Overall, the multiple deletion strategy gives us the advantage to solve fewer LPs. The number of reactions to be deleted in each iteration can be estimated by finding the largest integer number k, such that:

$$ \left( {1 - {m \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {m a}} \right. \kern-0pt} a}} \right)^{k} > 0.5 $$

where k is the number of reactions to be deleted in each iteration, m is the mean length of EMs and a is the total number of reactions that are currently present in the network.

Inequality (1) sets the deletion acceptance probability of a group of k reactions, greater than the probability of their rejection in third step. Applying inequality (1) after each deletion updates the value of k during gradual decrease in total number of reactions. In practice, we remove k + n reactions in each iteration, where n ≥ 0 is kept fixed during the algorithm. This scheme will be referred to as the (k + n)-elimination scheme. Therefore, k-elimination scheme is a special case of (k + n)-elimination scheme, where n = 0. In order to choose the best value, we ran the program several times and tested different values of n.

The set of reactions to be deleted can be chosen rationally. We utilize FCA for this purpose. F2C2 tool (Larhlimi et al. 2012) is applied to determine flux coupling relations between reactions. As an example, suppose that Fig. 1 represents the flux coupling graph of some metabolic network (Burgard et al. 2004). In this graph, there is an arrow from reaction i to reaction j if zero flux through i results in zero flux through j, i.e., reactions j and i are directionally coupled (Larhlimi and Bockmayr 2006). Reactions at the top of this graph have deletion priority over other reactions. Once one reaction is removed, all its descendant reactions become blocked. Therefore, in order to reduce the running time of the algorithm, only other reactions should be checked for removal. For example, in Fig. 1, once we remove reaction 2, in the next step we may remove one of the reactions 1, 3, 6 and 7.

Fig. 1
figure 1

a Flux coupling graph of an imaginary metabolic network. Each reaction is shown as a node of this graph. An arrow from reaction i to reaction j means that zero flux through i results in zero flux through j. b For rational deletion of reactions from the network, flux coupling graph is used. For example, suppose that reactions 2 is deleted in the first step; c Then, in the flux coupling graph, all reactions below a deleted reaction will be deleted automatically. In this example, since reaction 2 is deleted in the previous step, reactions 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11 will be blocked. Therefore, the next reaction to be deleted should be chosen only from the remaining set of reactions, i.e., 1, 3, 6 and 7

For the third step of the algorithm, FBA in the COBRA toolbox v 2.0.3 (Schellenberger et al. 2011) was used to calculate the maximum flux through a (random) objective reaction. If by deletion of k reactions in the previous step our objective reaction becomes inactive, then those k reactions are restored to the network, in order to perform the deletion and flux checking for each of the k reactions. Otherwise, the deletion is accepted. All the computations are performed on a 64-bit Windows system with Intel Core i7 2.00 GHz processor.

Control effective flux (CEF) calculations

We used Stelling’s algorithm to calculate CEFs (Stelling et al. 2002). ATP synthesis (by ATP synthase) and biomass production reaction were used as our objective reactions.


Randomly sampled EMs

In the first step, we applied our algorithm to the simplified E. coli core model. In this network, “efmtool” (Terzer and Stelling 2008) finds 1,164 EMs. We used our algorithm to compute EMs in this network. The number of unique EMs as a function of computation time is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Number of unique EMs found by our algorithm during time

More than half of the EMs are found in the first 2.5 h of running the program, while 750 EMs (i.e., about two-third of all EMs) can be computed in ~9 h 30 min. In this figure, as we go further in time, the EM finding rate slows down. Since our algorithm randomly finds an EM in each iteration, it is expected that at the beginning only unique EMs are detected, while the probability of computing a previously-found EM increases in the next iterations.

To examine whether the set of sampled EMs is an unbiased representative of the full set of EMs, we compared the lengths of the 750 calculated EMs with the length distribution of the full set. Figure 3 demonstrates that the two distributions are qualitatively similar, showing the same bimodal distributions.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Distribution of EM lengths. The full set of EMs (dark gray) and a set of 726 sampled EMs computed by our algorithm (light gray) are shown

“Estimated” CEF values

One of the important applications of EMs is in the calculation of CEFs. The CEF value of a reaction is a measure of its efficiency in the metabolic network (Stelling et al. 2002). The CEF concept has been previously applied in biotechnology and bioengineering studies (Çakir et al. 2004, 2007; Zhang et al. 2010). Therefore, we decided to compare “actual” and “estimated” CEFs to examine the relevance of our results.

Figure 4 shows the difference between actual and estimated CEF values. One can observe that the difference values are generally very close to zero, which is reflected in the sharp peak in the center of the histogram (slightly greater than zero). The average was not found to be significantly different from zero (p value = 0.74; one-sample t test). The CEF values of 57 out of 60 reactions lie between −0.088 and +0.112. Hence, we suggest that estimated CEF can be considered as a good approximation of actual CEF.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Distribution of differences between the “actual” and “estimated” CEF values. The estimated CEF values are based on the first 150 sampled EMs (averaged over 50 runs). The average of this distribution is 0.003 and its standard deviation is 0.067

Computing EMs in genome-scale metabolic network of E. coli

We applied our algorithm to sample EMs of the E. coli genome-scale metabolic network (iJR904) consisting of 1,075 reactions. At the beginning we removed blocked reactions, and additionally, the fully coupled reactions were merged. The resulting network included 582 reactions.

Instead of solving 582 LPs to compute each EM, we used the k-elimination scheme, resulting in an average of 265 LPs for computing each EM (which takes ~9.8 s on average). We also tested the (k + n)-elimination scheme, for fixed n values ranging from 0 to 4. The results are presented in Fig. 5. The optimal value of n was empirically found to be 3, which results in ~207 LPs to be solved for finding each EM, which takes ~8 s on average.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Average number of LPs for computing an EM in the genome-scale metabolic network of E. coli as a function of n. The (k + n)-elimination scheme is used for n = 0, 1,…, 4. The values are shown for computation with (filled square) and without (open circle) FCA-based rational reaction elimination

We used FCA to show the effect of rational reaction elimination on calculation time of our algorithm. As illustrated in Fig. 5, utilizing FCA significantly reduces the number of LPs to be solved. In the (k + n)-elimination scheme, the minimum number of LPs required for computing each EM occurs in n = 3, where only 168 LPs should be solved on average to find an EM. With these conditions, each EM can be computed in ~6.7 s. This is equivalent to 31 % decrease in computation time of each EM (compared to the case of k-elimination scheme without applying rational elimination).


Each EM is a minimal set of reactions which can work together in steady-state conditions. In the present paper, in order to compute EMs we utilized a method inspired by the natural reductive evolution of metabolic networks. This approach is different from the previously reported method for random EM computation (Machado et al. 2012), which is based on double-description method. Moreover, we used flux coupling relations for rational selection of reactions to be deleted, which resulted in the speed up of EM computation procedure.

The most important benefit of our algorithm over current EM finding algorithms is the ability to calculate (at least a subset of) EMs in genome-scale metabolic networks. This can be considered as a great advantage, because current EM-finding algorithms cannot compute any EM in genome-scale metabolic models due to running out of memory (Marashi et al. 2012). Moreover, our algorithm can be run easily in parallel, due to its random sampling basis. Therefore, computers can independently compute EMs, which can be checked for redundancies afterwards.

Comparing the lengths of calculated EMs with the length distribution of full set of EMs indicates that sampling EMs is performed in an unbiased way, which can be seen as an improvement to the previous approaches for random sampling of EMs (Machado et al. 2012), which is noticeably biased towards computing short EMs. The unbiased sampling in our algorithm is the prerequisite for applicability of sampled EMs. We show that for certain applications, e.g. for computing CEFs, only a subset of (well-sampled) EMs may produce acceptable results.

One drawback of our current approach is that our implementation is slower than other software based on double-description method. Therefore, we believe that this strategy is still open for further optimizations.