1 Introduction

Person re-identification (Re-ID) aims to detect and return images containing the same person from an image gallery. Re-ID is critical in intelligent surveillance systems and has essential research influence and practical significance because it is important in the field of public safety due to the increasing number of surveillance cameras. Since the scene complexity of images from surveillance videos is high, Re-ID’s primary challenge comes from considerable changes in the image’s subject, such as posture, viewpoint, occlusion, clothing, background clutter, detection/tracking errors, and illumination changes, among others. These factors contribute to the difficulty of identifying unique individuals from among extensive galleries.

Among these, the crucial factor that affects the Re-ID accuracy is misalignment. First, pedestrians will naturally adopt a variety of postures. Changes in posture mean that the body part’s location inside the bounding box is uncertain. Detection errors may also cause misalignment. Pedestrians can appear in various locations throughout the image at varying scales. In addition, different camera viewpoints may cause misalignment due to factors such as different clothing characteristics. As shown in Fig. 1, we present some misaligned images that demonstrate the above factors from three popular Re-ID datasets.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Examples of detected pedestrian images from three popular Re-ID datasets (from left to right are Market-1501 [8], CUHK03 [7], and DukeMTMC-reID [20, 21]). The green bounding box represents the actual location of the pedestrian in the image. The first row shows the misalignment caused by posture and camera viewpoint changes, and the second row shows the misalignment from detection errors

In general, previous Re-ID methods extract features from the entire image and use them for retrieval. These methods either directly use global character features [1, 2] or combine local features from various parts [3,4,5,6]. However, when pedestrians are not appropriately aligned, the Re-ID accuracy may be significantly reduced. A typical Re-ID practice, for example, is to divide the bounding box into horizontal stripes [3, 7,8,9,10]. This approach assumes minor vertical misalignment. However, when vertical misalignment occurs, a person’s head may match the background of another picture. As a result, when extreme misalignment occurs, the horizontal partition’s advantages may be diminished. In another case, the feature extractor may incorrectly weigh the background under various pedestrian poses, impairing subsequent matching accuracy.

To our knowledge, several previous works [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19] explicitly consider the misalignment problem. [11, 12] utilize the image structure (pictorial structure), and the extracted features are affected by noise and produce specific errors. [14, 17, 19] segment the human body structure into blocks using a more precise pose estimation network and employ a particular procedure for reorganization or feature fusion. However, its network structure is relatively simple, and the fusion process results in some information loss. In [87], although the PAP module is used for part alignment, its performance primarily comes from the image’s segmentation constraints in the target domain, which requires impractical and complex pseudo label generation. [13] introduced a four-stream network that acquires global and part features based on the head, upper body, and lower body simultaneously. It then combines multiple features to produce a GLAD descriptor. It lacks, however, strong robustness to changes in posture and viewpoint. In summary, [15, 16, 18, 19] add attention factors, [16, 18] are based on posture keypoints, and [15, 19] are derived from similarity calculations. These factors guide the model’s attention to the critical portion of the input image that contributes to alignment. Although relying solely on attention for alignment is not ideal, the robustness is insufficient when attention modules are not used. Unlike the above methods, the network we built incorporates multiple branches based on attention and alignment. Diverse attention mechanisms and feature partitioning are used in various branches, with global feature representations for complementation, contributing to better feature alignment and improving the model’s performance.

Considering the problems mentioned above and the limitations of existing methods, we propose a multi-branch feature fusion strategy based on pose-guided multi-attention and feature alignment. The attention mechanism in deep learning causes the network to pay more attention to feature extraction of areas practical for the Re-ID task, and the keypoints have important guiding significance for alignment in high-level semantics. We propose a concise but efficient multi-branch attention and alignment network that combines the ideas mentioned above. It is divided into three parts. Before processing the input images, they are routed via a backbone network (ResNet-50). Following this process, the global features are obtained and sent to three distinct components. Part 1 is used for global feature representations. In Part 2, we introduce a multiple attention mechanism including spatial attention, channel attention, and keypoint attention; then, we set a horizontal feature partition for local feature mining. In Part 3, we introduce an alignment method based on part features. We use a pretrained pose estimation model to obtain 17 keypoints; relying on these keypoints, we divide the input feature map into nine parts to achieve alignment. In addition, and considering the errors of attention blocks and pose estimation, both Part 2 and Part 3 introduce a sub-branch for feature information complementation. Notably, our feature extraction is based on the backbone, and only extra attention and region divisions are used in subsequent branches to further complete feature extraction. This design minimizes the number of network parameters and makes it easy to train. Simultaneously, we calculate the loss function for each minimum branch’s features. Finally, these features are concatenated to create the final representation of the input images; this process assists in developing the extracted features’ discrimination and robustness, thus improving the Re-ID accuracy.

This paper’s main contributions are:

  • We propose a simple yet effective Re-ID pipeline called the multi-branch attention and alignment network (MAAN). This method can simultaneously learn local features using the attention mechanism while finding part features partitioned according to keypoints. In addition, to construct a global feature representation branch, we create a separate sub-branch to maintain the global features as supplementary before each main branch’s feature partitioning process. We achieve feature alignment and increase the network’s robustness by combining features from multiple levels and different critical locations.

  • We use keypoints to partition the global features into nine specialized parts and connect a classification loss function to each part feature in the part alignment branch. This process enables finer-grained mining of part features, mitigates the effects of real factors such as sample noise, and leads to improved alignment.

  • Using MAAN, we report competitive Re-ID accuracy on the Market-1501 [8], CUHK03 [7], and DukeMTMC-reID [20, 21] datasets.

2 Related work

2.1 Attention mechanism

In the last few years, the attention mechanism has been widely used in computer vision as a method that may enhance convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Its primary objective is to choose the most critical pieces of information from a large amount of data. SENet [22] proposed a squeeze and exception network based on the relationship between feature channels. The interdependence between feature channels is modelled explicitly, and the weight of each feature channel is automatically obtained by learning. Then, according to the weight, the model enhances the valuable features and suppresses the useless features for the current task. SKNet [23] inspired cortical neurons to dynamically adjust their receptive fields according to different stimuli, used multiscale feature information to guide the distribution, and focused on which kernel representation to use. To emphasize the meaningful features in the two region and channel dimensions, CBAM [24] combines the two channel and spatial attention modules to achieve better feature representation.

2.2 Pose estimation

The research on pose estimation has diverged from classical methods [11, 12] to deep learning [25,26,27]. In general, this problem can be divided into four tasks: single-person skeleton estimation, multi-person pose estimation, video pose tracking, and 3D skeleton estimation. For single-person skeleton estimation, a picture of the cropped person is used as input, and then the keypoints needed in the body area, such as the head, left hand, and right knee, are predicted. Keypoints can be used to indicate the position of the human body and can assist with a variety of visual issues. In this paper, we use OpenPose [26] to produce keypoints, including the position of keypoints on the face, hand, and joints of the human body, since it is a multistage pose estimator with continuous pose prediction.

2.3 Person re-identification

Person re-identification addresses the problem of matching pedestrian images across disjoint cameras. The key challenge lies in the large intragroup and small intergroup differences caused by different views, illumination, occlusion, and poses. Existing techniques can be classified as follows: hand-crafted descriptors [10, 30], metric learning methods [32,33,34], and deep learning algorithms [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 35]. The aforementioned Re-ID approaches are not robust to changes in human pose and camera viewpoint, restricting their applicability in real-world surveillance scenarios.

2.4 Part-based person re-identification

The part-based Re-ID methods use local descriptors from different regions to enhance the discrimination and robustness of the feature representation. Part-based deep feature extraction methods can be divided into two groups. The first group turns to the predicted keypoints, which require the help of pretrained pose estimators. [36] suggested a novel pose-based attention perception synthesis network. In addition, part of the visibility is also incorporated into the final feature representation. [37] suggested combining the person’s fine and coarse posture information to learn the discriminative embedding, directly splicing the confidence map of 14 keypoints, and the model automatically learns alignment. In [87], under the guidance of pose estimation and semantic segmentation, part aligned pooling and part segmentation constraints were proposed to improve the cross-domain Re-ID behaviour. The second group does not require keypoints or segmentation information . A simple method is to divide the person image or feature map into uniform partitions. [3] divided the feature map into p horizontal stripes and trained each embedding part independently using a non-shared classifier. Additionally, one can extract the local features using pose-driven RoI extraction [14], human parsing results [38], or learning attention regions based on appearance features [5, 6, 39]. For instance, [14] proposed using posture detection to generate a local area through a manually crafted cutting method and then gradually fusing part features. [38] extracted features of body parts from human semantic analysis results. In [5, 6, 39], they attempted to exploit local information using appearance-based attention maps.

Compared with the above related Re-ID methods, we creatively construct a more complete and robust fine-grained feature extraction and alignment framework based on multi-branch deep networks and multi-task learning. We simultaneously introduced a multi-attention mechanism and alignment method. In the former, we combine spatial attention, channel attention, and keypoint attention while carrying out multiple feature segmentation operations at the appropriate scale to strengthen the information mining of local features. In the alignment branch, we propose a new horizontal segmentation method with reused hierarchical information, which is different from previous work. For example, ’upper leg’ features will appear in the ’upper leg’,’ lower body’, and ’whole body’, and they are further divided into three sub-branches. This design is more reasonable because each branch can provide better gradient flow during training and alleviate the problem of the uneven gradient of each classification loss function. When calculating feature similarity, the feature robustness can also be improved, and better results can be achieved.

3 Method

This paper proposes a multi-branch Re-ID network consisting of a global feature extraction network; a multi-attention mechanism that incorporates channel, spatial, and keypoint attention; and a pose-guided part feature alignment network. We outline the proposed method’s overall framework in Section 3.1, and the design of the global feature extraction network is shown in Section 3.2. The pose-guided attention mechanism and the part alignment method are discussed separately in Sections 3.2 and 3.4. Section 3.5 summarizes the overall structure.

3.1 The overall framework

In a Re-ID system, an input pedestrian image’s global features can be used to achieve a reasonable Re-ID effect. However, by learning more refined local features, the effect is improved when compared to using only global features. Traditional methods usually use uniform partitioning and do not pay attention to the region around keypoints. As a result, the change in pedestrian pose and camera viewpoint can substantially influence the network’s performance. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a MAAN module. The overall structure is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Overview of our multi-branch attention and alignment network (MAAN). ResNet50 is used as the backbone for global feature extraction, whereas different branches adopt different pooling strides at the last layer. Pose information is included using a keypoint attention mechanism as well as a keypoint partition operation. The MAAN consists of three main branches, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Part 1: global feature extraction network from all input images. Part 2: multi-attention mechanism including spatial attention, channel attention, and keypoint attention. Part 3: part feature alignment network based on a pose-guided feature partition operation

3.2 Global feature extraction

As shown in Fig. 2, Part1 is a global feature extraction branch for input images. To increase the scale of extracted features in the network, the input image is resized to 384 × 128. We adopt ResNet-50 as the backbone to extract feature f1 with a size of 2048 × 12 × 4. Part1 learns global information using global average pooling (GAP), 1 × 1 convolution(Conv1×1), BatchNorm(BN) and the ReLU activation function. We use ResNet-50 to extract features since it can converge quickly and reduce the number of parameters. In addition, it can make the model easier to train, which not only prevents the gradient from disappearing but also prevents the loss from diverging.

The global feature \(f_{g}^{P1}\) is extracted from the input image using this branch, and the size of \(f_{g}^{P1}\) is 256 × 1 × 1. Through dimension reduction, f1 can be reduced to 256-dim from 2048-dim, which is more effective for feature calculation. The 256-dim feature \(f_{g}^{P1}\) is used to simultaneously calculate the softmax loss \(L_{softmax}^{P1}\) and hard triple loss \(L_{triplet}^{P1}\). Both losses are summed for backpropagation. For feature fi, the softmax loss is formulated as follows:

$$ L_{softmax}=-\frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{i= 1}^{N}\log \frac{\exp \left (W_{yi}^{T} f_{i}\right )}{{\sum}_{k=1}^{C}\exp \left ({W_{k}^{T}} f_{i}\right )} $$

\({W_{k}^{T}}\) is the weight vector for class k, where N denotes the number of mini-batches in the training period, C denotes the number of classes in the training dataset, and \(W_{yi}^{T}\) corresponds to a weight vector when input sample i is predicted for the correct class yi. To improve the ranking performance, the global feature \(f_{g}^{P1}\) is trained using a hard triplet loss that consists of an anchor sample, a positive sample, and a negative sample. The anchor and positive samples are the most dissimilar positive sample pairs, while the anchor and negative samples are the most similar negative sample pairs. The following formula is used to express the hard triplet loss function.

$$ L_{triplet}={\sum\limits_{i}^{N}}\left [ \max \left \| {f_{a}^{i}}-{f_{p}^{i}} \right \|_{2} -\min \left \| {f_{a}^{i}}-{f_{n}^{i}} \right \|_{2} +margin\right ]_{+} $$

\({f_{a}^{i}},{f_{p}^{i}},{f_{n}^{i}}\) are features extracted from an anchor, a positive sample and a negative sample respectively, and the margin is used to control the inter-class distance. \(\left \| {f_{a}^{i}}-{f_{p}^{i}} \right \|_{2}\) is the Euclidean distance between the anchor and positive sample, and \(\left \| {f_{a}^{i}}-{f_{n}^{i}} \right \|_{2}\) is the Euclidean distance between the anchor and negative sample. The global feature has good performance on Re-ID tasks; however, it introduces some interference factors such as background noises, so we use it as a supplement to the overall feature and combine it with other branches.

3.3 Multi-attention mechanism

The attention mechanism is an important tool in computer vision tasks, and it causes the network to pay more attention to the effective part of the input image. Therefore, in the second part of the network (Part 2), we introduced a multi-attention mechanism combined with classic horizontal segmentation to complete local feature extraction. The principle of channel attention is to use different channels’ coefficient weights, and that of spatial attention is to use different regions’ coefficient weights. Neither of the two, however, recognize the significance of human pose variation. Thus, following the channel and spatial attention blocks, we introduce a keypoint attention block. This combination causes the network to focus on valuable parts of input images while diminishing the importance of insignificant or even harmful regions.

As shown in Part 2 of Fig. 2, the last layer of ResNet-50 cancels the downsampling operation that extracts feature f2 with a size of 2048 × 24 × 8. The last stride is changed from 2 to 1, so the size of feature f2 is twice as large as that of f1. A larger feature size indicates that more information can be obtained, which is more helpful when learning details.

We detail the attention mechanism in Fig. 3. First, f2 passes through a global max pooling and GAP block. Both features are then forwarded to another network, which conducts channel attention. This network is composed of two convolution layers and a ReLU activation function. After adding both output features, which are based on each element and activated by the sigmoid function, this subsequent network generates the final channel attention map. The channel attention map \(f_{channel\_ map}\) is computed as:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} f_{channel\_ map}&=&\sigma \left (W_{1} \left (ReLU\left (W_{0} avgpool\left (f^{2} \right )\right ) \right )\right.\\ &&\left. + W_{1} \left (ReLU\left (W_{0} maxpool\left (f^{2} \right )\right ) \right ) \right ) \end{array} $$

where σ denotes the sigmoid function, the convolution weights W0 and W1 are shared by both inputs, and the ReLU activation function is followed by W0.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Illustration of our proposed multi-attention mechanism

The channel attention map \(f_{channel\_ map}\) and the feature f2 are multiplied element-wise to generate feature \( f_{channel}^{2} \). Then, feature \( f_{channel}^{2} \) is used as the input for the spatial attention module. First, \( f_{channel}^{2} \) passes a global max pooling layer and a GAP layer separately, and then we concatenate these two features on the channel dimension. The dimension is reduced to one channel using another convolution layer. After that, the spatial attention map \(f_{spatial\_ map}\) is generated using a sigmoid function, and \(f_{spatial\_ map}\) is computed as:

$$ f_{spatial\_ map} = \sigma \left (W_{2} \left [ avgpool\left (f_{channel}^{2} \right ) ,maxpool\left (f_{channel}^{2} \right )\right ] \right ) $$

where σ denotes the sigmoid function, and W2 is the convolution weight. Then, feature \( f_{channel}^{2} \) is multiplied by \(f_{spatial\_ map}\) to obtain the input feature for the keypoint attention module.

The channel and spatial attention blocks produce the feature \( f_{channel+spatial}^{2} \), which is then used to process the keypoint attention. Specifically, we use OpenPose[26] pretrained on the MS COCO2017 dataset[41] to obtain the coordinates of 18 keypoints in the original image, including ’nose’, ’neck’, ’right shoulder’, ’right elbow’, ’right wrist’, ’left shoulder’, ’left elbow’, ’left wrist’, ’right hip’, ’right knee’, ’right ankle’, ’left hip’, ’left knee’, ’left ankle’, ’right eye’, ’left eye’, ’right ear’, and ’left ear’. According to our experience, when applying the pretrained model to Re-ID datasets, the estimation of ’neck’ has a larger deviation. Therefore, we removed ’neck’ and used the remaining 17 keypoints for the attention calculation in Part 2 and the partition of the global feature in Part 3. The keypoint coordinates are modified using Gauss’s transformation and binarization.

$$ \begin{aligned} &f_{keypoint\_ map}\left [ m\geq 0.8 \right ]=1\\ & f_{keypoint\_ map}\left [ m<0.8 \right ]=0 \end{aligned} $$

where m denotes the confidence values on the keypoint attention map \(f_{keypoint\_ map}\). The elements on this attention map matrix that exceed 0.8 are set to 1, as we regard these elements as belonging to the region near the keypoints, and the remaining elements are set to 0. As shown in Fig. 4, bright areas represent the regions near the keypoints. The keypoint attention map focuses only on the areas surrounding 17 keypoints, omitting other areas. After multiplying by the corresponding features, it is possible to emphasize significant characteristics near the keypoints and extract more practical features for pedestrian identity representation.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Visualization of keypoint attention maps on four different pedestrian images

Then, \( f_{channel+spatial}^{2} \) is multiplied by the keypoint attention map to obtain \( f_{keypoint}^{2} \), which has a size of 2048 × 24 × 8. Next, it is sent to two branches, one of which learns global information using GAP, a 1 × 1 convolution(Conv1×1), BatchNorm(BN) and the ReLU activation function. The global feature \( f_{g}^{P2} \) is extracted from the input image using this sub-branch, and the size of \( f_{g}^{P2} \) is 256 × 1 × 1. We retain this global feature following the upper attention module as a complement. In another sub-branch, feature \( f_{keypoint}^{2} \) passes through GAP and a 1 × 1 convolution layer, to obtain features with a size of 256 × 2 × 1. Using horizontal partitioning, the feature is divided into two uniform parts, \( f_{pi}^{P2}\mid _{i=0}^{1} \), which have the same size of 256 × 1 × 1. We can obtain better local features by mining after this division operation.

The softmax loss \( L_{softmax}^{P2},L_{softmax0}^{P2},L_{softmax1}^{P2} \) and the hard triplet loss \( L_{triplet}^{P2} \) are calculated after the calculation of the above branches. All the losses are added together for backpropagation.

In this section, only softmax loss is used for the two local features \( f_{pi}^{P2}\mid _{i=0}^{1}\), because if hard triplet loss is used for the local feature mining branches, the results will be less satisfactory. When an image is divided into two parts from top to bottom, it is not clear whether the upper part represents the upper body or the lower part represents the lower body. In reality, the upper part may include the background, while the lower part may represent the whole body. If we choose the hard triplet loss, the distance between the background and the upper body is meaningless, and the training data will cause the model to learn the wrong prediction.

3.4 Pose-guided part feature alignment

In this section, a part feature alignment network is proposed. When matching the local features from two pedestrian images, the identified accuracy based on the same body part is better. Therefore, according to human parsing, we could extract nine local regions using 17 estimated keypoints, as mentioned in Sec. 3.2. By aligning the corresponding part features, we can solve the offsets caused by misalignment, thus enhancing the discrimination of extracted features and the robustness of the entire network.

Part 3 of Fig. 2 includes one sub-branch for global information extraction and nine sub-branches for part information mining. The input image first passes through the same backbone used in Part 2, and the last layer of ResNet-50 cancels the downsampling operation to extract the feature f3, which has a size of 2048 × 24 × 8, the same as f2.

After that, we distribute the network into two branches. One learns global information using GAP and a 1x1 convolution to obtain the global feature \(f_{g}^{P3}\), and the other obtains the features \( z_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=0}^{8} \) using pose-guided partitioning, as shown in Fig. 5. As mentioned in Sec. 3.2, we use OpenPose[26], which is pretrained on the MS COCO2017 dataset [41], to obtain 17 keypoints from the total 18 keypoints for feature partitioning; we discard the neck keypoint. Specifically, we can obtain the coordinates of 17 keypoints in the original image and map to the feature map using the size ratio of the original image as well as the feature map. The vertical coordinates’ maximums for the left eye and right eye were selected as the vertical coordinate Y 1 for the eyes, and the vertical coordinates’ minimum for the left ankle and right ankle were selected as the vertical coordinate Y 2 for the ankles. According to the human body’s proportions, 120% of the difference M between the vertical eye and mouth coordinates is calculated as the distance from the eyes to the top of the head. The vertical coordinate Y 1 for the eyes plus this distance M is used as the vertical head coordinate Y 3, and the vertical coordinate Y 2 for the ankles minus this distance M is used as the vertical coordinate Y 4 for the feet. Therefore, a person’s height is the difference \(\left |Y3-Y4\right |\) between the vertical coordinates for the head and the feet, and the person image is segmented into six stripes, as shown in Fig. 5. The average position of the symmetrical keypoints is used as the partition boundary. The average position of the left and right shoulders is used as the boundary between the head and upper torso, and the area between the shoulder and waist is divided equally into two parts: the upper torso and the lower torso. The average position of the left and right waist is used as the boundary between the upper body and the lower body. The average position of the left and right knees is used as the boundary between the upper leg and the lower leg. The average position of the left and right ankles is used as the boundary between the lower leg and feet. In this way, pedestrians can be divided into six parts. In addition to the above operations, and considering the general information, the image can be divided into three parts. The upper body is composed of the head, upper torso, and lower torso. The lower body is composed of the upper leg, lower torso, and feet, and the whole body is composed of the head to the feet. Therefore, the feature \( z_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=0}^{8} \) is finally divided into nine different parts.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Examples with 17 keypoints and nine part partitions. We used OpenPose [26], which was pretrained on the MS COCO2017 dataset [41], to obtain the coordinates of 18 keypoints in the original image, including ’nose’, ’neck’, ’right shoulder’, ’right elbow’, ’right wrist’, ’left shoulder’, ’left elbow’, ’left wrist’, ’right hip’, ’right knee’, ’right ankle’, ’left hip’, ’left knee’, ’left ankle’, ’right eye’, ’left eye’, ’right ear’, and ’left ear’. According to our experience, when applying the pretrained model to Re-ID datasets, the estimation of ’neck’ has a large deviation. Therefore, we removed ’neck’ but retained the remaining 17 keypoints. The yellow dots in each image represent the 17 keypoints. Nine rectangular boxes with different colours divide the body into different parts, including the head between the top of the skull and shoulders, the upper torso between the shoulders and chest, the lower torso between the chest and waist, the upper leg between the waist and knees, the lower leg between the knees and ankles, the feet between the ankles and soles of the feet, the upper body between the head and waist, the lower body between the waist and feet, and the entire body between the head and feet. In addition, none of the nine regions contain ineffective background information above the head or under the feet

This division method causes the network to pay attention to specific human body regions; thus, the extracted features are more specific, and the entire image is free from interference such as background noise. For example, the network can focus on details about the local information, such as the logo on the clothes.

The division method also modifies a uniform partition, such as PCB, to realize partial feature alignment. Additionally, 1 × 1 convolution(Conv1×1), BatchNorm(BN) and the ReLU activation function are used to obtain features \( f_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=0}^{8} \), and each has a size of 256 × 1 × 1.

The global feature \(f_{g}^{P3}\) and the features \( z_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=0}^{8} \) from the other branch are used to learn each part feature of an input image, and these subnetworks share the same weights. Instead of training ten subnetworks separately, they are trained to share weights in the convolution layer to avoid overfitting. The softmax losses, \(L_{softmax}^{P3},L_{softmax0}^{P3},L_{softmax1}^{P3}, L_{softmax2}^{P3},L_{softmax3}^{P3},\) \(L_{softmax4}^{P3}, L_{softmax5}^{P3},L_{softmax6}^{P3},L_{softmax7}^{P3}, L_{softmax8}^{P3} \), and the hard triplet losses, \( L_{triplet}^{P3} \ and\ L_{triplet0}^{P3} \), are calculated. Eventually, all losses are added together for backpropagation. As \( f_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=0} \) means that all of the body features belong to the global feature, features \( \left \{ f_{g}^{P3},f_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=0} \right \} \) are trained using the hard triplet loss to improve the network’s performance.

In the training stage, the global feature \(f_{g}^{P3}\) and nine part features \( f_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=0}^{8} \) are calculated separately and are then concatenated to form the entire identity representation during the test stage. Every branch in Part 3 shares parameters during training to enhance the model’s performance, as the concatenation of global features and each part feature with a total size of 10 × 256 is used in the test stage. The shared convolution kernels are forced to learn both the global and local features, and more samples are used during training to avoid overfitting.

This pose-guided feature partitioning method can effectively focus on the critical body parts and mine the corresponding information while suppressing the misalignment caused by background noise and detection errors. Compared with the existing partitioning methods [13, 14, 17, 19], the features we extracted consider the representation at different granularities; they are more informative and complete. We also prove that this method can achieve good results in the experiment section.

3.5 Training and inference

The entire network structure is composed of Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. These branches include both cooperation and division of labour. The weights of the lower layers are shared, and those of the higher layers are independent. Global features are the overall common representation, and then the multi-attention mechanism and pose-guided feature alignment focus on local features at different levels. Combining the global and local features as the final identity representation could strengthen the network’s discrimination. Thus, in the training stage, the total loss function is formulated as follows:

$$ \begin{aligned} L=&L_{softmax}^{P1}+L_{softmax}^{P2}+L_{softmax}^{P3}+L_{triplet}^{P1}+L_{triplet}^{P2}+L_{triplet}^{P3}\\ +&L_{triplet0}^{P3}+\sum\limits_{i=0}^{1}L_{softmaxi}^{P2}+\sum\limits_{i=0}^{8}L_{softmaxi}^{P3} \end{aligned} $$

our method realizes end-to-end learning by integrating global information, multi-attention-based local features, and pose-guided part feature alignment. In retrieval, as shown in Fig. 2, there are 18 purple blocks of 256-dim vectors from top to bottom at the end of the network. We concatenate these to form an identity feature with the size of 18 × 256. The Euclidean distance was used for similarity calculation.

4 Experiments

The experiments are described in nine sections. Sections 4.1 and 4.2 introduce the datasets, evaluation protocols, experimental environments, and implementation details. In Section 4.3, we verify the effectiveness of the global feature extraction network. Section 4.4 demonstrates that the accuracy is further improved by the multi-attention mechanism. Section 4.5 proves the effectiveness of pose-guided part feature alignment. Section 4.6 shows the superiority of the overall network. In Section 4.7, we conduct an additional cross-domain experiment to demonstrate the generalization ability of this network. Section 4.8 provides a discussion of the time and space complexity. Finally, Section 4.9 conducts a synthesis comparison between our method and several state-of-the-art methods.

4.1 Dataset and evaluation protocol

We conduct experiments on three popular Re-ID datasets: Market-1501 [8], DukeMTMC-reID (Duke) [20, 21], and CUHK03 [7]. The Market-1501 dataset was collected on the Tsinghua University campus, and the images are from six non-overlapping cameras, including one with low resolution. The images are automatically detected and cut by the detector. This dataset includes pose changes, illumination variations, and occlusion, which are similar to an actual scene. The DukeMTMC-reID dataset is the largest person Re-ID dataset and was collected at Duke University. It also provides the annotation of pedestrian attributes such as gender and sleeve length, among others. The CUHK03 dataset was collected at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and contains some detection errors. The details of these datasets are described in Table 1.

Table 1 Descriptions of the Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID, and CUHK03 (detected) datasets

In our experiments, to evaluate the performances of Re-ID methods, we report the cumulative matching characteristics (CMC) at Rank-1, Rank-3, Rank-5, Rank-10 and the mean average precision (mAP) on all the candidate datasets.

4.2 Experimental environment and implementation details

Our model is trained on PyTorch, and the details of the experimental environment are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Experimental environment

During the training process, the backbone network adopts the ResNet-50 model, which was pretrained on ImageNet. Pretraining was been completed before network initialization, to reduce the training time. To increase the scale of feature extraction, the input image is resized to 384 × 128. We use random flipping and random erasing to augment the data. The ADAM optimizer and smooth label are used to train the network for 500 epochs, and the first-order momentum coefficient and second-order momentum coefficient are 0.9 and 0.999, respectively. The weight decay is set to 5e-4. The initial learning rate is set to 2e-4, which decays by 0.1 at epochs 300 and 400 to avoid overfitting. The mini-batch is composed of 16 samples, and the batch size for every sample is set to 4. The margin in the triplet loss is set to 1.2.

4.3 Effectiveness of the global feature extraction branch

As shown in Part 1 of Fig. 2, the global feature extraction branch is used separately for Re-ID research. The softmax loss and hard triple loss are introduced for training. This method is represented by ”Part1”. We continue to experiment on the ResNet-50 network and only use the softmax loss to calculate the loss. This method is represented by ”ResNet-50”, and we compare Part 1’s performance with ResNet-50. The results of ”Part1” and ”ResNet-50” are recorded in Table 3.

Table 3 Results of the methods ”ResNet-50” and ”Part1” on the Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID and CUHK03 (detected) datasets

Table 3 shows that after adding the global feature, when compared with ResNet-50, the Rank1/mAP rises from 87.6%/71.02% to 90.56%/ 77.6% (+ 2.96%/ 6.58%) on Market-1501, from 81.04%/64.63% to 82.63%/68.4% (+ 1.59%/3.77%) on DukeMTMC-reID, and from 45.14%/43.3% to 63.36%/59.07% (+ 18.22%/ 15.77%) on CUHK03. The global network leads to better Re-ID accuracy. In addition, from Table 4, we can see that ”Part1” is superior to other popular methods based on the global feature. Nevertheless, the global feature does not focus on detailed information. Combining the local features from Part2 and Part3 can improve the network.

Table 4 Comparison with several global-feature-based SOTA methods on the Market-1501 and DukeMTMC-reID datasets

4.4 Effectiveness of multi-attention mechanism branch

As shown in Part2 of Fig. 2, in this section, we use this branch separately for Re-ID research. Specifically, the softmax and hard triple loss are used for training, and we concatenate the output features from the three sub-branches of Part 2 to create the final representation of the input images during retrieval. This method is denoted by ”Part2” in the table. For this multi-attention mechanism branch, Fig. 6 shows the feature response maps of two query images. The feature response map can filter background information and focus on the valuable information in the pedestrian images, and highlights only the fields surrounding the head, shoulders, waist, limbs, and feet near 17 keypoints.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Feature response maps from the pose-guided attention network in the query set and gallery set. The left side of the arrow denotes an original pedestrian image from the query set and its feature response map from the pose-guided attention network; the right side of the arrow denotes the feature response maps produced by the pose-guided attention network for four pedestrian images from the gallery set, in which the ID is the same as the query image on the left. The bright fields indicate the positions near the keypoints of the human pose, which are more valuable than other areas

To verify the effect of the multi-attention mechanism, we designed three other network structures for comparison. The first removes all attention modules, but the network structure is the same as Part 2 and includes the same feature segmentation method. This method is denoted as ”Base”. The second network structure uses only the spatial and channel attention modules. This method is denoted as ”Spatial+Channel”. the third network structure uses only the keypoint attention modules. This method is denoted as ”Keypoint”. The results of this comparative experiment are shown in Table 5.

Table 5 Results with different Part 2 settings on the Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID and CUHK03 (detected) datasets

Table 5 shows that after adding the channel, spatial, and keypoint attention blocks, the model performance is significantly improved. Compared with ”Base”, the results of Rank1/mAP increase from 91.95%/77.59% to 92.67%/82.99%(+ 0.72%/5.4%) on Market-1501, from 83.17% /68.93% to 86.0%/ 73.52%(+ 2.83%/4.59%) on DukeMTMC-reID, and from 54.36% /51.5% to 73.57%/70.61%(+ 19.21%/19.11%) on CUHK03. In addition, combining spatial and channel attention with keypoint attention results in better performance than when they are used separately. Different attention mechanisms affect the model’s performance from different aspects. Channel attention represents global information, spatial attention represents local information, and keypoint attention focuses on the information near human body keypoints. In addition, following the multi-attention mechanism, Part 2 is divided into a global feature and two local features so that the network can better learn the local features. Thus, in Table 6, we find that the multi-attention mechanism branch achieves better performance than some common attention-based SOTA methods.

Table 6 Comparison with several attention-based SOTA Re-ID methods on the Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID and CUHK03 (detected) datasets

4.5 Effectiveness of the pose-guided part feature alignment branch

As shown in Part 3 of Fig. 2, the pose-guided part feature alignment branch partitions the global features into nine different parts according to the 17 keypoints and then outputs features including the global feature \(f_{g}^{P3}\), the head \( f_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=1} \), the upper torso \( f_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=2} \), the lower torso \( f_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=3} \), the upper leg \( f_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=4} \), the lower leg \( f_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=5} \), the feet \( f_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=6} \), the upper body \( f_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=7} \), the lower body \( f_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=8} \), and the entire body \( f_{pi}^{P3}\mid _{i=0} \). In this section, we use this branch separately for Re-ID research and conduct experiments using various feature fusion and training strategies on Market-1501. The detailed experimental results are recorded in Table 7.

Table 7 Results of different feature fusion strategies on Market-1501

As seen from Fig. 7, we divided the global feature of the corresponding position in the input image into the following parts using the keypoints: the upper body, the lower body, the head, the upper torso, the lower torso, the upper leg, the lower leg, and the feet. These corresponding parts may be located in different positions in different images, and the original sizes vary; however, the last features extracted represent the same semantic information. Therefore, through this partition operation, when we calculate the distance between different features, the results are more accurate and can align the same features in different images.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Schematic of part feature alignment with the same ID between a query image and a gallery image. The left side of the arrow denotes the parts of a query image; the right side of the arrow denotes the corresponding parts of the gallery image. The parts of the human body enclosed by the different-coloured bounding boxes are illustrated in boxes of the same colour on the left side. The same part features can be matched one by one using a part alignment network that also calculates the distance between different input images

In Table 5, the effect of the ”Part3” fusion strategy is the best. The network performance with weight sharing is better than that which does not share parameters because sharing convolution kernels results in better training and avoids overfitting. The performance of the global feature is better than that of the local features because the global feature contains complete information, which results in better discrimination. Because the head, upper torso, lower torso, upper leg, lower leg, and feet are hard to recognize, the performance of the fusion strategy ”head + upper torso + lower torso + upper leg + lower leg + feet” is worse than that of the fusion strategy ”upper body”, ”lower body” and ”whole body”. However, these six parts can still focus on detailed information. The performance of ”Part3”, which adds these parts, is the best and rises from Rank1/mAP= 91.11%/77.25% to 93.3%/83.23%(+ 2.19%/5.98%). When comparing this result to ”global” on Market-1501, it is clear that the head, upper torso, lower torso, upper leg, lower leg, and feet features are helpful for Re-ID because they are easy to align across images.

Therefore, we conduct experiments using ”Part3” on the Market1501, DukeMTMC-reID, and CUHK03 datasets. The results are recorded in Table 8. In Table 9, we further compare ”Part3” with other popular SOTA methods that aim to solve the alignment problem to prove its effectiveness. We can see that ”Part3” demonstrates the best performance, which verifies its alignment effectiveness.

Table 8 Results of ”Part3” method on the Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID, and CUHK03 (detected) datasets
Table 9 Comparison with several alignment-oriented SOTA methods on the Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID, and CUHK03 (detected) datasets

4.6 Effectiveness of MAAN

This section combines the global feature extraction branch, the multi-attention mechanism branch, and the pose-guided part feature alignment branch for Re-ID. The experiments are conducted on the Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID, and CUHK03 datasets. ”Part2+Part3” denotes that the network consists of only Part 2 and Part 3, and ”MAAN” denotes that the network consists of all sub-branches, i.e., the complete method proposed in this paper. In addition, we include the results of ”MAAN (rerank)”, which denotes using MAAN as well as the reranking tricks for Re-ID. The results are recorded in Table 10.

Table 10 Results of the methods ”Part2+Part3”, ”MAAN”, and ”MAAN (rerank)” on the Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID, and CUHK03 (detected) datasets

By reviewing the data in Table 10, it is clear that when the global feature, the pose-guided attention mechanism, and the part feature alignment network are combined, the Re-ID accuracy is increased in comparison with ”Part2+Part3” as well as the results in Sections, demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed MAAN method. Rank1 and the mAP for the ”Part2 + Part3” method are 96.07% and 87.44%, respectively, on Market-1501, and the effect is good. In addition, the MAAN structure is more reasonable, with Rank1 and mAP values of 96.97% and 88.38%, respectively, on Market-1501. This result is obtained because different branches encourage each other or share valuable information. Hence, the MAAN effect is better than the ”Part2 + Part3” method. When rearranging the test results, Rank1 is 97.16%, and mAP is 94.66% on the Market-1501 dataset. The method ”MAAN (rerank)” uses the information from the test set itself. In a practical sense, the test set is likely to be open. Thus, there is no way to use the information from the test set, and this method therefore cannot be achieved, making the original Rank1 and mAP are more valuable. However, for some known test sets, rerank technology can be used to improve network accuracy. In our experiment, mAP is improved from 88.38% to 94.66% on Market-1501 using ”rerank”, which is very significant.

To briefly summarize, the proposed MAAN learns the feature information from different perspectives. The global branch has a larger receptive field, which captures full and sparse features. The multi-attention branch focuses on the critical location of features while suppressing useless feature information such as background noise, and the pose-guided part alignment branch causes the model to compare the same semantic parts from different images, leading to alignment. What different branches have learned from different perspectives can complement each other. Under the same network settings, the synthesis MAAN method behaves much better than any single method.

To analyse the experimental results, we draw the Cumulative Match Characteristic (CMC) curve for the proposed MAAN, as shown in Fig. 8. This experiment has a duration of 500 training epochs and tests every 50 epochs. The network is jointly trained by three branches, and every branch is responsible for different tasks, including global feature extraction, the multi-attention mechanism and part feature extraction. Therefore, the branches have many different loss functions. Owing to the reasonable settings, the network is not difficult to train and can converge to a good effect after 100 epochs. Due to the richness of the feature extraction, the gradients of the losses can maintain their updates after 100 epochs, and the network can continue to converge better and obtain a better effect of feature extraction. From Fig. 8, it can be seen that mAP and Rankn are further improved at 350 epochs because the model jumps out of the local minimum under continuous training. The CMC curve gradually becomes stable between 400 and 500 epochs, and the best convergence effect is obtained at 500 epochs. After 500 epochs, the CMC curve no longer fluctuates. Therefore, the network’s training potential is relatively large. By training for 500 epochs, the network’s different losses and gradients can be better matched.

Fig. 8
figure 8

CMC curve of MAAN on the Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID and CUHK03 (detected) datasets. The abscissa represents epochs, and the ordinate represents mAP/Rank-n. Five curves with different colours in each image, from top to bottom, represent mAP, Rank1, Rank2, Rank3, Rank5, and Rank10

Figure 9 shows the retrieval results of four different query images. The first two query images are all identified accurately whether the pedestrians are sideways or shown from the back. The first query pedestrian has his back to the camera, and his front face is found in the retrieval result. There is considerable background information above these gallery images corresponding to the first query image, which can still be identified accurately using the pose-guided part feature alignment branch of MAAN. The fifth and tenth vague gallery images corresponding to the second query pedestrian were also identified accurately, reflecting the robustness of MAAN. For the seventh gallery image with a red dotted box corresponding to the third query pedestrian, the person’s clothes and looks are nearly identical to the correct one, which leads to errors. For the ninth gallery image with a red dotted bounding box corresponding to the fourth query image, the head information is missing due to an extreme detection error, while its other appearance is nearly the same as the query’s, leading to a mistake.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Top 10 ranking list from four query images from the Market-1501 dataset by MAAN. The retrieved images are all from in the gallery set. The images with green numbers belong to the same identity, and those with red numbers belong to a different identity

4.7 Cross-Domain Re-ID

This section conducts cross-domain Re-ID experiments on the ”Part2+ Part3” and ”MAAN” methods. We first use the model trained on Market1501 to test on DukeMTMC-reID. In addition, we also use the model trained on DukeMTMC-reID to test on Market-1501. The results are recorded in Table 11.

Table 11 Cross-domain Re-ID results

From the results of the cross-domain experiment, it is clear that the MAAN method can achieve competitive accuracy when compared with the state-of-the-art unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) methods, even though it does not use any unlabelled source data. The MAAN performance on the Duke target dataset is better than most UDA methods in Table 11, and on target dataset Market-1501, MAAN’s performance is better than SPGAN, TJ-AIDL, and ATNet, which verifies its generalization ability. Some of the compared methods in the cross-domain experiment are better than the proposed MAAN method, such as ECN. These are used for domain adaptation based on UDA methods and not general architectures. The proposed method is a supervised and general architecture, not a network specially used for migration. In addition, the proposed network extracts detailed features based on three branches, so the fusion effect can achieve competitive migration performance. The proposed MAAN method can achieve better results in both the original domain and the cross domain, while the other methods are only better in the cross domain. Their accuracy in the original domain is not as good as our method. Therefore, in terms of overall performance, the MAAN method is better than other methods and has a comparable cross-domain ability. Without the global feature branch, the performance of ”Part2 + Part3” is slightly worse. In summary, our proposed MAAN can be used as a backbone model for cross-domain Re-ID.

4.8 Complexity analysis

The proposed approach is based on a deep network with three branches, but the time and space complexity are not high. Notably, our feature extraction is based on the backbone (ResNet-50), and only extra attention and region divisions are used in subsequent branches to further complete feature extraction. The function of the multi-branch network is to perform post-processing without introducing too many complex operations. Specifically, Part 1 extracts the global feature. For Part 2, the parameters used for the channel and spatial attention are small, and the keypoint attention does not require parameters that do not occupy space. For Part 3, the part feature is calculated based on keypoints, so the amount of calculation is small, and no parameters are introduced. After every branch, GAP does not introduce parameters, and the parameters for Conv1×1 are small. Although the network has multiple branches, we introduce fewer parameters and computations. As shown in Table 12, Macs and Params denote the time complexity. Compared with ResNet-50, the network does not substantially increase the computational burden, and the accuracy is greatly improved. Therefore, the computational efficiency is excellent. This design minimizes the number of network parameters and makes it easy to train.

Table 12 Time complexity, space complexity and top-1 accuracy (%) on Market-1501

4.9 Comparison with state-of-the-art methods

We compare the MAAN method with several state-of-the-art methods on the Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID, and CUHK03 datasets to verify its performance. These methods are divided into four classes: stripe-based, attention-based, pose-guided, and others. MAAN belongs to the Pose-guided class. The detailed results for different datasets are provided in Tables 1314, and 15.

Table 13 Comparison with state-of-the-art methods on the Market-1501 dataset
Table 14 Comparison with state-of-the-art methods on the DukeMTMC-reID dataset
Table 15 Comparison with state-of-the-art methods on the CUHK03(detected) dataset

From Tables 1314, and 15, we find that MAAN’s Rank1 and mAP are 96.97% and 88.38% on Market-1501, 89.47% and 78.89% on DukeMTMC-reID, and 76.29% and 74.64% on CUHK03, respectively, which are much higher than other methods such as MGN. MGN is a powerful Re-ID method based on multi-branch and horizontal feature partitioning, and it is the nearest competitor on the Market-1501 and CUHK03 datasets. MAAN’s Rank1 and mAP surpass MGN by 1.27% and 1.48% on Market-1501, and 9.49% and 8.64% on CUHK03(detected). In addition, ABD-Net is the nearest competitor on the DukeMTMC-reID dataset. MAAN’s Rank1 and mAP surpass ABD-Net by 0.47% and 0.29% on DukeMTMC-reID. Comparing the above results demonstrates that MAAN has a comparative performance to state-of-the-art Re-ID methods on several commonly used person Re-ID benchmarks.

The proposed MAAN can achieve excellent performance because the global feature extraction branch, the multi-attention mechanism branch, and the pose-guided part feature alignment branch mine more valuable and more substantial information from complete perspectives, thus broadly enhancing the discrimination and robustness of the final feature representation.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a robust person re-identification algorithm called MAAN. By integrating different functional branches, MAAN can complete mining of both the global features and valuable local features while performing part feature alignment. Specifically, MAAN extracts complete and detailed identity information using global feature extraction and a multi-attention mechanism. MAAN also suppresses the misalignment caused by pose changes and camera viewpoint changes using pose-guided part feature partitioning. Extensive experiments have shown that our method outperforms several state-of-the-art methods on three mainstream Re-ID benchmarks and has good discrimination, robustness, and generalization ability. In the future, we will also extend our idea and network to other intelligent computing, such as 3D mesh simplification with feature preservation [83], social representation learning [84], training detection networks [85] and deep residual convolutional dehazing networks [86].