1 Introduction

Data mining techniques [28, 29] are applied in numerous domains to discover insightful, novel, and interesting patterns, as well as to build understandable, descriptive, and predictive models from large volumes of data. It encompasses various algorithms such as principle component analysis, clustering, sequence detection, association rule mining, and classification [40]. Association rule mining (ARM) is an unsupervised data mining task that consists of extracting interesting associations and frequent patterns from sets of items in a transaction database or other data repositories [38]. ARM is often considered as an exploratory data mining technique, as it can be used to find associations between values that can help to better understand the data.

Association rules have a wide range of applications in many fields. A well-known application of association rules is in the business field [19], where discovering associations between purchased products is very useful for decision-making and devising effective marketing strategies. In addition, some classification methods based on association rules have also been developed that achieved high classification accuracy on datasets from the UCI machine learning repository [2]. For classification, association rules may not always have the best accuracy but they are rules that are generally easily interpretable by humans. Apart from the aforementioned applications, association rule mining is also used for inventory control, analyzing protein sequences, medical diagnosis, fraud detection, monitoring telecommunication networks and many other applications [39].

To consider various factors, several variants of the association rule mining problem have been studied such as fuzzy association rule mining, relational association rule mining, weighted association rule mining, temporal association rule mining and also several measures have been proposed to select interesting rules. The task of traditional association rule mining is to enumerate all rules satisfying some predefined minimum support and confidence thresholds in a given database [30]. The rule mining process is usually divided into two parts. Part one is to mine frequent patterns such as itemsets and subsequences that have a frequency that is no less than a given threshold in large transactions or relational datasets. Then, part two consists of deriving all association rules from the frequent patterns under the minimum confidence constraint.

In general, mining association rules requires that users set the corresponding minimum thresholds in advance. But, it is not intuitive for users to find appropriate values for these parameters, which have a direct impact on the number of generated association rules. The reason is that these parameters are dataset dependent. In many cases, ARM generates a large number of association rules, which cannot be understood or verified by the end users, thus limiting the usefulness of data mining results [31]. To address this problem, the TopKRules algorithm was proposed for mining the top-k association rules [14], where k is a parameter set by users to indicate the number of association rules to be found. Different from the traditional two-step mining of association rules, TopKRules uses rule expansions to find the top-k association rules that meet the user requirements. Although TopKRules accomplishes its mission, it explores a huge search space. To improve the performance of top-k association rule mining, the ETARM (Efficient Top-K Association Rule Miner) algorithm was proposed [34], which uses two pruning properties to reduce the search space. Experiments have shown that ETARM outperforms TopKRules. However, performance still remains an issue.

Top-k association rule mining is a more difficult problem than traditional ARM since the user does not have to set a minimum support threshold. As a consequence, the search for the top-k rules must be done starting with a minimum support threshold value of zero to ensure that all the desired rules can be found. Besides, the traditional two-step approach is not efficient for mining the top-k rules, thus it is necessary to design new pruning strategies to reduce the search space for mining rules.

In this paper, to further improve the performance of top-k association rule mining, we propose an algorithm named FTARM (Fast Top-K Association Rule Miner). It extends the ETARM algorithm with a novel search space reduction technique called rule generation property pruning (RGPP) to improve the performance. A significant advantage of FTARM is that it can raise the minimum support threshold more quickly, causing many low frequency rules to be ignored from the beginning, thus greatly reducing the search space.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews relevant studies on mining the top-k association rules. Section 3 presents the basic definitions. Section 4 describes the proposed FTARM algorithm for mining the top-k association rules. Section 5 presents results from detailed experiments to compare the performance of the FTARM, ETARM and TopKRules algorithms. Lastly, Section 6 draws a conclusion and discusses future work.

2 Related work

Agrawal et al. introduced the concept of ARM in 1993 to identify interesting relationship between dataset entities [1]. Then, numerous researchers have joined the research on ARM to improve the performance of mining algorithms from different angles. Some people have focused on improving the performance using optimization techniques. Son et al. [38] proposed a method based on animal migration optimization to reduce the number of association rules by ignoring rules that are weakly supported by the data. In [47], Wen et al. presented a hybrid temporal ARM method with genetic algorithm to mine temporal association rules. Moslehi et al. [32] proposed a hybrid framework based on genetic particle swarm optimization algorithms to discover rules in continuous numeric datasets. Zhang et al. [49] introduced a method to mine association rules by integrating a multi-dimension and multi-objective double group discrete firefly algorithm (MODGDFA) with Pareto rules. Besides, some efficient data structures have also been used to improve the performance of ARM. For example, Anand et al. [3] proposed a mining algorithm which applies a priority model to find interesting relations in a database using the treap data structure. Hashem et al. [18] introduced a new memory efficient data structure called dynamic superset bit-vector to represent the relationship between frequent closed itemsets in a lattice, and Mai et al. [30] proposed a lattice-based algorithm for mining high utility association rules. ARM is an active research field and several other improvements have also been proposed [5, 10, 22, 25, 33, 44].

Frequent itemset mining (FIM) is a sub-problem of ARM. Its purpose is to extract any frequent itemset, that is a set of values that has an occurrence frequency that is no less than a given threshold. Since FIM was introduced [1], many approaches have been designed using different optimization strategies to improve the performance of this task. Aryabarzan et al. [6] proposed an efficient algorithm to quickly mine frequent itemsets using a data structure called NegNodeset. An efficient algorithm using hashing and lexicographic order for FIM was introduced in [7]. Djenouri et al. [13] combined a heuristic with bio-inspired algorithms for solving the FIM problem. To better handle large-scale data, Han et al. [17] introduced a novel precomputation-based FIM method to quickly identify frequent itemsets, and Zhang et al. [50] proposed an algorithm for mining high quality approximate frequent itemsets in very large databases. In addition, some parallel methods have also been proposed. Raj et al. [35] presented an efficient apriori-based frequent itemset mining algorithm on Spark, and Chon et al. [8] proposed a fast GPU-based FIM method for analyzing large-scale data. Other related works can be seen in [12, 15, 16, 48].

However, mining frequent itemsets still requires much memory and time, and setting the non intuitive minimum support parameter is an important limitation of FIM algorithms. As a solution, the task of FIM was redefined as top-k FIM [9, 43]. In recent years, the concept of top-k pattern mining has been extended to many other pattern types [23, 24, 26, 36]. To quickly complete this top-k mining task, many researchers have improved the performance using various data structures and pruning strategies. For example, Deng et al. [11] proposed a fast algorithm for mining the top-rank-k frequent itemsets using the Node-list structure. In [20], an efficient and effective algorithm using the N-list structure was proposed for mining the top-rank-k frequent patterns. Vo et al. [42] used the Weighted N-list (WN-list) structure and an early pruning strategy to mine the top-rank-k frequent weighted itemsets. And Le et al. [27] introduced a method for mining the top-k frequent patterns with effective threshold raising strategies.

The idea of mining the top-k association rules is analogous to the idea of mining the top-k itemsets, as both are applied to meet the needs of users who are only interested in the strongest rules or itemsets. As for top-k ARM, algorithms were designed to discover k-optimal rules [46] and filtered top-k association rules [45]. These algorithms were found to be very efficient, but they are unable to mine rules with more than one item in the consequent. To address this issue, the TopKRules algorithm was proposed [14]. The traditional minsup parameter is replaced by a k parameter, which is more intuitive to set for users. TopKRules does not restrict the number of items contained in the antecedent or consequent of association rules. The algorithm finds the top-k most frequent association rules satisfying a minimum confidence in a transaction database using a process called rule expansion. Although TopKRules offers a substantial performance improvement compared with the traditional two-step mining algorithms, the number of candidate rules generated by rule expansions can still be huge and runtimes remain long. To solve this problem, the ETARM algorithm was recently proposed [34]. Two novel search space pruning strategies are used to reduce the number of candidate rules, which can considerably decrease the running time and memory usage.

TopKRules and ETARM have been widely used in recent years, and they each play an indispensable role in different data mining tasks and practical applications [4, 21, 33, 37, 41]. But in many cases, ETARM and TopKRules still have long runtimes. Hence, it remains an important research problem to design faster algorithms. For top-k association rule mining algorithms, how quickly the minimum support threshold is increased directly influences performance. Based on this observation, this paper presents a novel algorithm named FTARM, which extends ETARM with novel techniques. FTARM prunes the search space before and during rule expansions to speed up the mining process. A key to the success of FTARM is that it can raise the minimum support threshold to a higher level before even starting the rule expansion process.

3 Problem definition

This section is divided in two subsections, which describe the traditional problem of ARM and that of top-k ARM, respectively.

3.1 Traditional association rule mining

Let I = {i1,i2,i3,...,im} be a set of items or features, and DB = {T1,T2,T3,...,Tn} be a set of transactions, where each transaction Tj (1 ≤ jn) comprises a subset of items, and has a transaction identifier (tid) j. An association rule r is an implication having the form XY where X and Y are sets of items and XY = . X and Y are called the antecedent and consequent of the rule, respectively. The meaning of r is that if the antecedent X appears in a transaction Tj, that is XTj, then the consequent Y is likely to appear in the same transaction Tj. Two important criteria in association rule mining are the support and confidence as they can reveal reliable rules for specific applications [14].

Definition 1

Tidset (Transaction identifier set)

The tidset of an itemset X can be expressed as tids(X) and defined as \(tids(X)=\{j|T_{j}\in DB \land X\subseteq T_{j}\}\). For a rule r : XY, its tidset is denoted as tids(r) and is equivalent to tids(XY ) = tids(X) ∩ tids(Y ).

Example 1

The database DB1 of Table 1 is used to provide examples illustrating definitions throughout this section. According to Definition 1, tids(b) = {1,2,3,5}, tids({a,b,d}) = {1,2,5}.

Table 1 An example database DB1

Definition 2


The support sup(r) of an association rule r : XY is defined as the proportion of transactions satisfied by r in DB, where Tj is said to be satisfied by r if it contains all the items of r. The support sup(X) of an itemset X in a database is similarly defined.

$$ sup(X) = \frac {|tids(X)|}{|DB|} \qquad $$
$$ sup(r) = \frac {|tids(X\cup Y)|}{|DB|} \qquad $$

Definition 3


Rule confidence is defined as the probability that the consequent Y of a rule is satisfied when its antecedent X is satisfied. This quality measure thus assesses how dependent the set of items Y is on the set of items X.

$$ conf(r) = \frac {|tids(X\cup Y)|}{|tids(X)|} \qquad $$

Both minsup and minconf are parameters that users need to set before starting the association rule mining process, and their values are in the [0,1] interval.

Example 2

Table 2 lists some association rules found in the DB1 database and their corresponding support and confidence values.

Table 2 Example association rules

Rules that both have a support no less than minsup and a confidence no less than minconf are called strong rules or valid rules, and mining them in a given database is the task of ARM.

3.2 Top-k association rule mining

To address the problem that setting the minsup parameter is unintuitive in traditional ARM, it was proposed to mine the top-k association rules.

Given a transaction database DB, an integer k and the minconf threshold, the problem of mining the top-k association rules is to discover a set L with k rules such that for each rule rL|conf(r) ≥ minconf, and there is no rule sL|conf(s) ≥ minconfsup(s) ≥ sup(r) [14]. It can be seen that the set L contains the k most frequent association rules that satisfy the confidence threshold. In addition, it is important to note that when multiple rules have the same support, the set L can contain more than k rules. Besides, it is also possible that no set L having k rules may be found if the database is too small. In this case, a set L of less than k rules may be shown to the user.

Example 3

For the database DB1, k = 5 and minconf = 0.80, the set L of top-k association rules is shown in Table 3 . In this case, the total number of rules exceeds k.

Table 3 The top-5 association rules found in DB1

Definition 4

Candidate item

To explore the search space of rules, algorithms such as TopKRules and ETARM repeatedly apply a process called rule expansion, which consists of adding an item to either the left or right side of a rule to obtain a new rule. A candidate item is an item that is larger than all items in the expanded side (left or right) of a rule according to the total order and that does not appear in the other side.

Definition 5

Left expansion

A left expansion is the process of adding an item iI to the antecedent of a rule XY to generate a new rule X ∪{i}→ Y.

Definition 6

Right expansion

A right expansion is the process of adding an item iI to the consequent of a rule XY to generate a new rule XY ∪{i}.

Property 1

For an item iI, the two association rules r : XY and \(r^{\prime }:X\cup \{i\}\to Y\) satisfy \(sup(r)\ge sup(r^{\prime })\).

Property 2

For an item iI, the two association rules r : XY and \(r^{\prime }:X\to Y\cup \{i\}\) satisfy \(sup(r)\ge sup(r^{\prime })\).


According to Definition 1, the tidset of a rule r is the intersection of the tidsets of all items that it contains. Therefore, whether r is left expanded or right expanded, the tidset of the new rule \(r^{\prime }\) obtained must be a subset of the tidset of r, that is, \(|tids(r)| \ge |tids(r^{\prime })|\). From Definition 2, sup(r) = |tids(r)|/|DB|, and \(sup(r^{\prime })=|tids(r^{\prime })|/|DB|\), that is, \(sup(r)\ge sup(r^{\prime })\). Hence, Properties 1 and 2 are proved. □

Properties 1 and 2 indicate that applying left and/or right expansions to a rule will only produce rules having a support that is not greater than that of the original rule, which means that an infrequent rule cannot generate frequent rules through expansions. It should be noted that the above conclusions do not apply to the confidence of rules, as the next two properties state.

Property 3

If an item iI is added to the antecedent of a rule r : XY to generate a new rule \(r^{\prime }:X\cup \{i\}\to Y\), then the confidence of \(r^{\prime }\) may be greater than, equal to, or less than that of r.

Property 4

For an item iI, the two association rules r : XY and \(r^{\prime }:X\to Y\cup \{i\}\) satisfy \(conf(r)\ge conf(r^{\prime })\).


According to Definition 3, for the rule r : XY and \(r^{\prime }: X\to Y\cup \{i\}\), conf(r) = |tids(XY )|/|tids(X)| and \(conf(r^{\prime })=|tids(X\cup Y\cup \{i\})|/|tids(X)|\). Where tids(XY ∪{i}) is a subset of tids(XY ), that is |tids(XY )|≥|tids(XY ∪{i})|. Therefore, \(conf(r)\ge conf(r^{\prime })\) and Property 4 is proved. □

4 The FTARM algorithm

To find the top-k association rules, the state-of-the-art ETARM and TopKRules algorithms perform rule expansions starting from rules containing two items and using an internal minsup threshold set to zero. Then when k rules are found, these algorithms raise the minsup threshold to that of the least frequent rule among the top-k rules until now, which allow to reduce the search space. Though this process guarantees finding the top-k association rules, performance is often unsatisfying and largely depends on how fast the minsup threshold can be raised.

The proposed FTARM algorithm uses a novel rule generation property pruning (RGPP) technique to improve mining performance, and one of its significant advantages is that it can raise the minsup threshold more quickly. Different from existing algorithms, FTARM prunes the search space before and during rule expansions. Before rule expansions, the internal relationships between items in the input database and parameters set by the user are first analyzed. Not only useless items are eliminated directly, but also the internal minimum support value that influences the number of rules is set based on that analysis instead of being set to zero (as in ETARM and TopKRules). Then, in the process of rule expansion, a variable used to record the largest database item is updated in real time as the minsup threshold is raised so as to further reduce the search space.

This section first explains the novel propositions adopted by FTARM. Then, the detailed design of FTARM is described and an example is provided to illustrate how it is applied.

4.1 Three novel propositions

The next paragraphs first present two properties that will be used to discuss the novel propositions.

Property 5

Let there be a set of items I = {i1,i2,i3,..., im}. The total number of rules that can be generated from these items is given by the following equation:

$$ S=\sum\limits_{j=1}^{m-1}{C_{m}^{j}}(2^{m-j}-1) $$

By Property 5, the minimum number of items m needed to generate k rules can be derived from the user-defined parameter k. For example, when k = 30, the minimum number of required items m is 4.

Property 6

Let there be a database DB = {T1,T2,T3,..., Tn} and a set of items I = {i1,i2,i3,...,im} such that \(T_{j}\subseteq I\) (1 ≤ jn). If a set \(I^{\prime } = \{i_{s},i_{s+1},i_{s+2},...,i_{e}\}\) is a subset of the set I, then the support of the rules generated using the set \(I^{\prime }\) should be greater than or equal to Ms, and the confidence of the rules generated by the set \(I^{\prime }\) should be greater than or equal to Mc.

$$ M_{s} = \frac {|tids(i_{s}\cup i_{s+1}...i_{e-1}\cup i_{e})|}{|DB|} \qquad $$
$$ M_{c} = \frac {|tids(i_{s}\cup i_{s+1}...i_{e-1}\cup i_{e})|}{|Max\{tids(i_{s}),tids(i_{s+1}),...,tids(i_{e-1}),tids(i_{e})\}|} $$


According to Definition 2, the support of a rule r : XY is sup(r) = |tids(XY )|/|DB| = |tids(X) ∩ tids(Y )|/|DB|. That is, the support of r should be the same as the support of the least supported item among all the items it contains. Therefore, if the rule \(r^{\prime }\) contains all the items in the set \(I^{\prime }\), its support must be the lowest support among all the rules that \(I^{\prime }\) can generate, that is, \(M_{s}=sup(r^{\prime })=|tids(i_{s}\cup i_{s+1}...i_{e-1}\cup i_{e})|/|DB|\). Assume that \(r^{\prime }: X^{\prime }\to Y^{\prime }\) is the rule having the lowest confidence among rules that can be generated using the set \(I^{\prime }\). Then, according to Definition 3, \(conf(r^{\prime })=|tids(X^{\prime }\cup Y^{\prime })|/|tids(X^{\prime })|\), the numerator part should be the smallest of all possible cases, that is \(|tids(X^{\prime }\cup Y^{\prime })|=|Min\{tids(i_{s}),...,tids(i_{e})\}|=|tids(i_{s}\cup i_{s+1}...i_{e-1}\cup i_{e})|\), and the denominator part should be the largest of all possible cases, that is \(|tids(X^{\prime })|=|Max\{tids(i_{s}),...,tids(i_{e})\}|\). Therefore, \(M_{c}=conf(r^{\prime })=|tids(i_{s}\cup i_{s+1}...i_{e-1}\cup i_{e})|\)/|Max{tids(is),...,tids(ie)}| and Property 6 is proved. □

Proposition 1

Initialization of the minsup variable

Under the premise that the user has set the k and minconf parameters, the FTARM algorithm uses Property 5 to calculate the minimum number of items m required to generate k rules, and then sorts the items in descending order of support in the given database, and preferentially select m items from the items with higher support to form a set \(I^{\prime }\). If the Mc value of set \(I^{\prime }\) is greater than or equal to the minconf threshold, the process is stopped and minsup can be initialized to the Ms of \(I^{\prime }\).


For set \(I^{\prime }\), the number of rules S that can meet the minconf threshold is greater than or equal to k, and the support of all rules is not less than Ms. Therefore, the support of the top-k frequent association rules to be mined must not be less than Ms, and the value of the minsup variable can be initialized to Ms.

Proposition 2

Remove useless items

According to the minsup variable that has been initialized, each item i from the database such that sup(i) < minsup can be removed from the database and ignored when performing subsequent rule expansions.


Expanding a frequent rule r : XY with an item i satisfying sup(i) < minsup will result in a rule \(r^{\prime }\) that is infrequent no matter whether the rule r is expanded to the left or right with item i.

However, in the TopKRules and ETARM algorithms, the minsup variable is initialized to zero and all items in the database are preserved before starting rule expansions. As a consequence, these algorithms can generate much more candidate rules than the proposed FTARM algorithm, and they typically perform much more expansion operations as it will be shown in the experimental evaluation of this paper, and this results in consuming more time and memory.

Proposition 3

Update the largest item in real time

During the execution of the algorithm, when the minsup value is raised, the largest item in the database is updated to the item that satisfies the minsup threshold and is the largest according to the total order.


In the ETARM algorithm, if the largest item in the antecedent (consequent) of a rule according to the total order is also the largest item in the database, the rule should not be expanded by a left (right) expansion. But ETARM does not take into account the following situation: let Ic be a candidate item set for the antecedent (consequent) of a rule, if there is no item iIc|sup(i) ≥ minsup, the rule should also not be expanded by a left (right) expansion. Proposition 3 was defined based on this observation.

4.2 The proposed algorithm

The pseudocode of the proposed FTARM algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1. FTARM takes as parameter a database and the k and minconf parameters. FTARM consists of two parts: expansion preparation and rule expansion.

At the beginning of the algorithm, the tidset of each item contained in the database DB is calculated and items are sorted according to a total order (such as the lexicographical order). Next, the Initialize_Remove procedure is called to initialize the minsup variable and remove the useless items from DB. Then, for all rules generated using a pair of remaining items (i,j) such that sup(i) ≥ minsup and sup(j) ≥ minsup, if the rule r is valid, it is added to a set L containing the top-k rules so far, and if r is frequent, it is added to a set R of rules to be considered for subsequent expansions. When the largest item of the antecedent of r is larger than or equal to MaxItem, its flag expandLR is set to false, otherwise it is set to true.

In the rule expansion phase, the algorithm loops to find the rule r with the highest support in the set R. If its flag expandLR is set to true, it will be expanded from the left and right, otherwise it will only be expanded from the right. After the above operations are completed, r is removed from R, and at this time, the rules having a support less than minsup in R are also removed. When R is empty, the algorithm terminates, and the rules in L are the top-k rules.

figure a
figure b

The Initialize_Remove procedure

As shown in Algorithm 2, the minimum number of items m required to generate k rules is first calculated, and then under the condition that all items in the database DB are arranged in descending order of support, the m items are preferentially selected from items with higher support to form a set \(I^{\prime }\). If the Mc of \(I^{\prime }\) satisfies the constraint that Mc is greater than or equal to minconf, then the search process is stopped and the minsup variables value is initialized to the Ms of \(I^{\prime }\). Finally, the procedure traverses the database to remove items having a support less than minsup, and ignores them in the following search for the top-k rules.

The Save procedure

(Algorithm 3). The main task of this procedure is to update the set L, minsup and MaxItem in real time during the algorithm’s execution. Firstly, the rule r is added to L. Then, if L still contains at least k rules after removing the rules with a support of minsup, these rules are removed. After the removal operation, the procedure sets minsup to the lowest support of the rules in the current L, and scans items to find the item i that meets minsup and is the largest according to the total order, and finally records it in MaxItem.

figure c

As mentioned earlier, during the rule expansion phase, the Expand_L and Expand_R procedures perform the expansion operations on the candidate rules to obtain more valid rules and then add them to the set L.

Expand_L procedure

is shown in Algorithm 4. The candidate item set Ic of the antecedent of the rule r to be expanded is first calculated, and then each item i in Ic is individually added to the left side of r to obtain a new rule \(r^{\prime }\). For the rule \(r^{\prime }\), if it is frequent, \(r^{\prime }\) is added to the set R. If \(r^{\prime }\) is frequent and its confidence is not less than minconf, the save procedure is called to add \(r^{\prime }\) to the set L. For the flag expandLR of \(r^{\prime }\), if the largest item of the antecedent of \(r^{\prime }\) is larger than or equal to MaxItem, it is set to false, which means that \(r^{\prime }\) is only considered for right expansions, otherwise it is set to true, and \(r^{\prime }\) can be considered for both left and right expansions.

figure d
figure e

The Expand_R procedure

is shown in Algorithm 5. It is very similar to the expand_L procedure, adding qualified candidate items to the right side of the rule r to generate a new rule \(r^{\prime }\). The main difference is that the conditions for \(r^{\prime }\) to be added to the set R are more strict. Based on Property 4, \(r^{\prime }\) is only added to the set R for right expansions if \(r^{\prime }\) is valid and the largest item of its consequent is smaller than MaxItem.

The FTARM algorithm recursively performs left and right expansions starting from rules containing one item in the antecedent and one item in the consequent, which ensures that all possible rules can be generated. To avoid generating the same rule twice by different combinations of left and right expansions, FTARM never does a left expansion to a rule that was generated by a right expansion (based on the flag expandLR, which is set to false by Expand_R). Besides, to avoid exploring all possible rules, the algorithm does not expand a rule that has a support lower than minsup (based on Properties 1 and 2) and does not do a right expansion of a rule that has confidence lower than minconf (based on Property 4). Note that a rule that has a confidence lower than minconf cannot be eliminated for left expansions due to Property 3. To further improve performance, this paper has introduced three propositions, which also guarantee that only rules that are not top-k rules are eliminated (by Properties 5 and 6). Hence, all the desired top-k rules can be obtained by FTARM.

4.3 An illustrative example

Consider that k = 10 and minconf = 0.8. Mining the top-k association rules in the database of Table 4 using FTARM is done as follows.

Table 4 A second example database DB2

Step 1. Initialize sets R and L, traverse the database to calculate and record the tidset of each item (Table 5), and record the largest item in MaxItem (MaxItem = h).

Table 5 Tidsets of items

Step 2. Based on Property 5, calculate the minimum number of items m required to generate k rules (m = 3).

Step 3. Sort all items in descending order of support, preferentially select m items from higher support items and combine them to obtain the set \(I^{\prime }\) satisfying the constraint that Mc is no less than minconf, then initialize minsup to the Ms of \(I^{\prime }\), and remove all items whose support is less than minsup. In this example, \(I^{\prime }\) is finally composed of items b, c and e, minsup is initialized to 0.8, and the value of MaxItem is modified to e after items a, d, f, g and h have been removed.

Step 4. Generate all rules having two items and add the rules that meet the corresponding conditions to the sets R (Table 6) and L, respectively.

Table 6 Candidate rules with two items

Step 5. Select the rule r with the highest support in set R(sup(r) ≥ minsup), and expand it according to its flag expandLR. If expandLR is set to true, it will be expanded from the left and right, otherwise it will only be expanded from the right. Some examples of rule expansions can be seen in Fig. 1. In that example, the rule {b}→{c} has a support of 0.8 and a confidence of 1.0. Moreover, its flag expandLR is set to true, indicating that this rule could be left and right expanded. By performing a left expansion of {b}→{c} with item e, the rule {be}→{c} can be obtained. This rule has the flag expandLR set to false because the largest item of its antecedent is equal to MaxItem, and it is only considered for right expansions. By expanding {b}→{c} with item e, the rule {b}→{ce} is obtained and its expandLR flag is set to null because the largest item of its consequent is not smaller than MaxItem. Hence, it cannot be added to the set R for further expansions. Other examples in Fig. 1 describes the expansions of other rules in a similar way. Through the process of expanding rules, the new rules obtained from the expansions are added to sets R and L respectively when the corresponding conditions are met. After that, r and rules having a support that is less than minsup are removed from R.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Examples of rule expansions

Then, step 5 is repeated until the set R is empty. The algorithm returns the set L, which contains the top-k association rules (Table 7).

Table 7 The top-10 association rules found in DB2

5 Experiments

This section describes results from experiments to evaluate the performance of the proposed FTARM algorithm. Section 5.1 gives a detailed description of the datasets and the testing environment. Section 5.2 presents results from experiments that compare the performance of FTARM, ETARM and TopKRules for two typical scenarios, in terms of runtime and memory usage. Section 5.3 reports results from scalability experiments where the size of both sparse and dense datasets are varied to evaluate their influence on performance. Lastly, Section 5.4 discusses and summarizes the results.

5.1 Datasets and environment

The proposed FTARM algorithm has been implemented in Java and its performance was compared with that of the state-of-the-art TopKRules [14] and ETARM [34] algorithms. All the experiments were carried on a personal computer having an Intel Core I7-9700K 3.6 GHz processor and 16 GB of RAM, running Microsoft Windows 10. Each algorithm was run 20 times and the average results were calculated.

Standard benchmark datasets obtained from http://www.philippe-fournier-viger.com/spmf/ were used to compare the performance of the algorithms. Characteristics of datasets are shown in Table 8 . They are well known datasets for association rule mining and have different transaction counts, item counts and densities. The Chess, Mushrooms, Pumsb and Connect datasets have also been used in the TopKRules and ETARM papers to test their performance.

Table 8 Characteristics of the experimental datasets

5.2 Performance comparison

To better compare the performance of the FTARM, ETARM and TopKRules algorithms, their performance was assessed for two scenarios: the parameter k is varied and the minconf parameter is changed.

Case 1: minconf was set to 0.8, and k was varied from 2000 to 16000.

Figure 2 shows the mining times of the algorithms for the eight datasets and different k values. The parameter settings in this experiment are similar to those used in the ETARM paper. It is observed that the proposed FTARM algorithm outperforms the other two algorithms. And as the value of k increases, the gap in terms of runtime of the three algorithms becomes larger. For example, for the Accidents dataset (Fig. 2e), when k = 2000, the mining times of the three algorithms are almost the same, but for k = 16000, the runtime of FTARM is 23.57% less than ETARM and 40.21% less than TopKRules. And for the PAMP dataset (Fig. 2h), when k = 16000, the runtime of FTARM is 32.68% less than ETARM and 45.10% less than TopKRules. On the Chess, Mushrooms, Connect and RecordLink datasets, the percentage of runtime reduction obtained by FTARM compared with ETARM for k = 16000 are 30.35%, 21.36%, 27.83% and 41.93%, respectively.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Time analysis for different datasets in case 1

Figure 3 shows the maximum amounts of memory used by FTARM, ETARM and TopKRules for various k values. It can be seen that FTARM consumes less memory than the others. For the Connect dataset (Fig. 3d), when k = 16000, the memory consumption of ETARM reaches more than twice that of FTARM, and under the same parameter settings, the memory consumption of ETARM on the Pumsb dataset (Fig. 3c) is equivalent to three times that of FTARM. This reduction in memory consumption is also evident for larger datasets, such as PAMP (Fig. 3h), where as k is increased the memory consumption of FTARM increases slowly, while under the same experimental conditions, the memory consumption of ETARM increases to more than twice that of FTARM, and the maximum memory consumption of TopKRules even exceeds three times that of FTARM.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Memory analysis for different datasets in case 1

Case 2: k was set to 8000, and minconf was varied from 0.3 to 0.8.

Figure 4 illustrates the runtimes of FTARM, ETARM and TopKRules for the different datasets and parameter values. The range of minconf values in this experiment is larger than the one used in the TopKRules paper. It is observed that FTARM performs best. For instance, on the Chess dataset (Fig. 4a), when minconf = 0.8, the time used by FTARM is 22.37% less than ETARM and 32.13% less than TopKRules. And on the Connect dataset (Fig. 4d), when minconf = 0.8, the runtime of FTARM is 26.72% less than ETARM and 31.96% less than TopKRules. Similarly, FTARM still performs well on larger datasets. For the OnlineRetail dataset (Fig. 4f), the runtime of FTARM changes less when minconf is varied than the other two algorithms, and it tends to be more stable. Moreover, when minconf = 0.8, the gap in terms of runtime between FTARM and the other two algorithms is the largest, FTARM takes 21.16% less time than ETARM and 26.89% less than TopKRules. And on the RecordLink dataset (Fig. 4g), when minconf = 0.8, FTARM takes 35.23% less time than ETARM and even 55.12% less than TopKRules.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Time analysis for different datasets in case 2

In terms of memory consumption, as can be seen in Fig. 5, FTARM still has an absolute advantage just as in case 1. For instance, for the Pumsb dataset (Fig. 5c), when minconf = 0.8, the memory consumption of ETARM is more than twice that of FTARM, while TopKRules consumes almost three times that of FTARM. And for the Mushrooms dataset (Fig. 5b), when minconf = 0.8, the maximum memory consumption of ETARM also reaches more than twice that of FTARM, and under the same experimental conditions, the memory consumed by TopKRules is more than three times that of FTARM. Moreover, on larger datasets, FTARM also significantly reduces memory consumption compared to the other two algorithms, as only a small amount of memory is used to complete the same mining task. For example, on the RecordLink dataset (Fig. 5g), when minconf = 0.8, FTARM consumes 41.99% less memory than ETARM, and 60.91% less than TopKRules.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Memory analysis for different datasets in case 2

5.3 Scalability analysis

To assess the impact of database size on the performance of the FTARM, ETARM and TopKRules algorithms, scalability experiments were conducted on the Pumsb (sparse) and Connect (dense) datasets for different database sizes. The size of the database was increased by 20%, while k and minconf were set to 16000 and 0.8 respectively, and the runtime and memory consumption of the three algorithms were recorded.

As can be seen in Fig. 6, as database size is increased, the runtime of the three algorithms increases, while FTARM always outperforms the other two algorithms. In terms of maximum memory consumption, the three algorithms also show an upward trend as database size is increased, and the performance of FTARM in terms of memory consumption is considerably better than that of the other two algorithms. On overall, it is observed that the runtime and memory usage of FTARM remains better than that of ETARM and TopKRules when processing more data. Thus, it can be concluded that the proposed FTARM algorithm has good scalability, and scales well on both sparse and dense datasets.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Experimental results of scalability evaluation

5.4 Discussion and summary

To comprehensively evaluate the proposed FTARM algorithm’s performance, we compared its performance with the state-of-the-art ETARM and TopKRules algorithms. We conducted experiments to evaluate the influence of the k parameter, the minconf threshold, and database size on performance, in terms of memory and runtime. Based on the three novel propositions proposed in this paper, FTARM raises the internal minsup threshold faster, removes useless items and updates the largest item in real-time, all of which greatly reduce the search space for mining the top-k rules. Compared with ETARM and TopKRules, FTARM generates much less candidate rules, which explains its substantially higher speed and lower memory consumption. Experimental results also show that the proposed algorithm can scale well on both sparse and dense datasets.

It should be noted that although the ETARM algorithm and the FTARM algorithm prune the search space for mining the top-k rules, the results of the three algorithms are exactly the same. For ETARM, if the largest item in the antecedent (consequent) of a rule is equal to MaxItem, it is and should not be considered for left (right) expansions. And if the confidence of a rule is less than minconf, it is and should not be considered for right expansions. FTARM extends ETARM with novel pruning strategies that also reduce the number of unnecessary rule expansions, thus further reducing the number of candidate rules. In general, both ETARM and FTARM proposed additional pruning strategies compared to TopKRules and those are based on relevant properties of association rules. These pruning strategies can eliminate some parts of the search space that do not contain the top-k rules. Hence, these strategies have no effect on the mining results.

6 Conclusion and future work

This paper presented a novel algorithm named FTARM that uses a novel rule generation property pruning (RGPP) technique to mine the top-k association rules. The advantage of FTARM lies in that it removes useless items and raises the internal minsup threshold before rule expansions by analyzing the internal relationships between the parameters set by users and the items of the database to be mined, and in the process of rule expansion, a novel candidate pruning property is also used to further reduce the search space by updating the largest item in real time. Thus, the time and memory required for mining the top-k association rules are greatly reduced. Extensive experiments have shown that FTARM outperforms both ETARM and TopKRules for various datasets.

However, the proposed algorithm still requires that users set the minconf parameter to mine the top-k association rules. Thus, extending FTARM to mine the top-k rules having the highest confidence without minconf parameter is an interesting topic for future research. In addition, besides the support and confidence, the lift and other measures could be used to mine the top-k association rules. And to process much larger datasets, a parallel/distributed implementation of FTARM could be developed.