1 Introduction

For the past three decades several researchers have displayed more interest in human emotion recognition for Human Computer Interaction (HCI), affecting computing, etc. In [1, 2] and [3] research determined the facial emotion analysis criteria using the still images that had a high recognition rate, but not in video sequences. The work carried out in [4] and [5] established the automatic facial emotion recognition system (FERs) from facial video sequences, which analyse facial emotion through detection and tracking of feature points. From a literature review in [6] and [7] it is suggested that facial emotion is defined by the maximum number of facial feature points with Action Units (AUs) [8]. A maximum feature point for facial emotion creates complex data in computation with less accuracy [6,7,8,9]. To overcome this problem, selecting the minimal feature points is essential. Paul Ekman [10] used the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), which defines only muscular movement of a facial feature. FACS also defines the basic six emotions on a human face. However, FACS uses a combination of additional facial features (i.e. the eyebrow, jaw and mouth region, etc.) to define human facial emotions. In FACS, the facial emotion recognition system has more data complexity and high computation time using 40 Action Units (AUs). In this case, Facial Animation Parameters (FAPs) define human facial emotions through the facial feature point movements. Facial Animation Parameters (FAPs) [11] defines facial emotion of action units within 10 groups using entire feature points. FAP also defines facial emotions with minimal facial actions. In line with FAPs, this paper concentrates only on minimal feature vectors of human emotion. In [12], the geometric deformable model (CLM) has specific face detection and tracking mechanisms when compared to different face modelling, which is considered state of the art.

From the literature survey [1,2,3] and [13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21] and [22] the FER system developed by various supervised learning systems achieved good accuracy. However, the robust and automatic facial emotion recognition system is not suitable above those FERs. Therefore, semi supervised learning was chosen for FERs because it is better than supervised learning of FERs. From the survey of [23,24,25] and [26] the semi-supervised Twin Support Vector Machines (TWSVMs) has a high performance compared to the other classifier models. From the [27, 28] and [29] other semi-supervised learning of facial emotion has less accuracy and moderate performance. In this study, multi-class TWSVMs was used to detect human motions.

The purpose of this study is to detect human emotions using semi-supervised learning with minimal facial feature vectors from videos. Four essential steps are involved in this emotion recognition system. First, Constrained Local Method (CLM) is used for face detection, tracking, and extracting the feature points. Second, the minimal feature vectors are formed based on FAPs of AUs. Third, using normalization, minimal feature vectors are obtained. Finally, the normalized minimal feature vectors are fed as input to the TWSVMs for facial emotion classification. Section 2 describes the methods involving facial emotion systems. Section 3 describes the experimental analysis and validation. Section 4 outlines the experimental results and discussion of the proposed system. Section 5 summarises the conclusion and recommendations for future studies.

2 Facial emotion recognition system

The architecture of the robust facial emotion recognition system is shown in Fig. 1 and contains the following five steps:

Fig. 1
figure 1

Facial emotion recognition system architecture

2.1 Facial detection and tracking

The non-rigid shape of the face is employed by the Point Distribution Model (PDM). In PDM, 2D vertex meshes is symbolized as dimensionality shaped vectors. PDM is applied through Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for acquiring aligned non-rigid face shapes. Before PCA, the Procrustes analysis is applied for removing the parameters s, R, tx, ty of aligned mesh shapes. The 2D PDM is linearly deformed by the variation of non-rigid shapes and is combined with the transformation, placing the shape in an image frame as shown in (1).

$$ \mathbf{x}_{i}=sR(\tilde{\mathbf{x}}_{i})+T_{t_{x},t_{y}} \Leftarrow T_{s,R,t_{x},t_{y}} (\tilde {\mathbf{x}}_{i}) $$

Where s, R, tx, ty denotes as scale, rotation, and translation respectively. Where xi denotes ith landmark of 2D PDM’s location, xi denotes as mean shape of 2D PDM and pose parameters of PDM represent as p = (s,R,t,q). In CLM fitting, applied Subspace Constrained Mean Shift (SCMS) [30] is applied to combine the good local (patch) search and optimised 2D PDM landmark fitting. In an exhaustive local search, using linear logistic regression [31] gives the response maps for the ith landmark position in image frame, which is given in (2).

$$ \textit{p}(l_{i}=\textbf{aligned}|\textit{I},\mathbf{x})={\frac{1}{1+\exp\{\alpha C_{i}(\textit{I},\mathbf{x})+\beta\}}} $$

Where li is a discrete random variable that denotes the ith number of iterations, it aligns to correct the PDM landmark value. I denotes the 2D location in local images (x). β is the regression coefficient and denotes as to correct the 2D landmark of local maps. Ci is the linear classifier of a local detector which is defined in (3) with \(\textbf {x}_{i=1}^{m}\)\( \in {\Omega }_{\textbf {x}_{i}}\) (image patch) and bi is shape vector parameters.

$$ C_{i}(\textit{I}(\mathbf{x}_{i}))=\textit{w}_{i}^{T} [\textit{I}(\mathbf{x}_{i});....;\textit{I}(\mathbf{x}_{m})]+\textit{b}_{i} $$

The optimized probabilistic function of local response image for each landmark detection is given in (4). Once the response maps of each landmark of local search have been found that the probabilistic function is maximized.

$$ \textit{p}\left( \left\{l_{i}=\textbf{aligned}\right\}_{i=1}^{n}|\textit{p}\right)= \prod\limits_{i=1}^{n}\textit{p}(l_{i}=\textbf{aligned}|) $$

With respect to p. PDM parameters, xi is parametrized of response images. The active shape model is defined as a summation of weighted least square difference between the maximum response map and peak response of PDM coordinates, which is given in (5).

$$ \textit{Q}(\textbf{\textbf{p}})=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}\textit{w}_{i}\Vert\textbf{x}_{i}-\mu_{i}\Vert^{2} $$

A first order Taylor expansion is applied in (4) for minimising the active shape model, which leads to convergence of the PDM landmark. This is defined in (6).

$$ \textbf{x}_{i}\approx \textbf{x}_{i}^{\textit{c}}+\textbf{J}_{i}{\Delta}\textit{p} $$

And solving the parameter update is defined in (7).

$$ {\Delta}\textit{p}=\left( \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}\textit{w}_{i}\textbf{J}_{i}^{T}\textbf{J}_{i}\right)^{-1} \left( \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}\textit{w}_{i}\textbf{J}_{i}^{T}(\mu_{i}-\textbf{x}_{i}^{c} )\right) $$

The current parameter is applied in pp + Δp to estimate the pose and shape. Here Jacobian is J = [J1; ⋯ ; Jn] and current shape parameter update is \(x = [{x_{1}^{c}}; \cdots ;{x_{n}^{c}}]\). For independent maximisation and non-parametric representation of the Kernel Density Estimate (KDE), [32] is applied for each PDM landmark location in the Mean-Shift Algorithm (MSA) [33]. This consists of a fixed point iteration and is defined in (8). Equation (8) is applied iteratively until it reaches convergence Δp

$$ \textbf{x}_{i}^{\tau+1}\leftarrow\sum\limits_{\mu_{i}\epsilon{\Psi}_{\textbf{x}_{i}^{c}}} \frac{{\alpha^{i}_{\mu_{i}}}N\left( \textbf{x}_{i}^{(\tau)};\mu_{i},\sigma^{2}\textit{I}\right)} {{\sum\limits_{\textit{y}\epsilon{\Psi}_{\textbf{x}_{i}^{c}}}} {\alpha_{\textit{y}^{i}}N\left( \textbf{x}_{i}^{(\tau)};\textit{y},\sigma^{2}\textit{I}\right)}}\mu_{i} $$

To convert the shape constrained to optimisation, which is defined in (9), MSA uses a two-step strategy: i) compute the mean-shift update for each 2D PDM landmark, ii) constrain the mean-shifted landmark to remain in the PDM parametrization using a least-square fit. The Gauss Newton update for least square PDM constraint is also defined in (9).

$$ \textit{Q}(\textbf{\textbf{p}})=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}\Vert\textbf{x}_{i}-\textbf{x}_{i}^{(\tau+1)}\Vert^{2} $$

The image that has a high probabilistic function of local response obtained from (4) is given as an input to the EM algorithm to find the difference between the peak responses. The Q-function of M-step is defined in (10), and is formed using the linear shape model in (6).

$$ {\Delta}\textit{p}=\textbf{J}^{\dagger}\left[\textbf{x}_{1}^{(\tau+1)}-\textbf{x}_{1}^{c};\cdots\cdots;\textbf{x}_{n}^{(\tau+1)}-\textbf{x}_{n}^{c}\right] $$

Where J denotes the pseudo-inverse of J and \(x_{i}^{(\tau +1)}\), it denotes the ith landmark of mean shift update parameters, which is given in (8). The kernel width relaxation and local optima is addressed in the subspace constrained mean shift (SCMS) [30].

2.2 Feature vectors displacement

The geometric deformable model (CLM) is carried out to perform face detection, tracking and extraction from video. The feature vectors displacement (di, j) is defined as the facial feature point movement between the consecutive frame by frame sequence. (di, j) is the difference between the grid node displacements of the first to ith node coordinates. The feature vectors displacement is given in (11).

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \textbf{d}_{i,j}&=&\left[\begin{array}{ll} {\Delta}\textbf{x}_{i,j}\\ {\Delta}\textbf{y}_{i,j} \end{array}\right]\\ &=&\sum\limits_{i,j=1}^{F,N}\scriptsize\left[\begin{array}{l} \textbf{a}_{11}-\textbf{a}_{12} \quad\textbf{a}_{12}-\textbf{a}_{13}\quad \cdots\quad\!\textbf{a}_{1,j+1}-\textbf{a}_{1,j+2}\\ \textbf{a}_{21}-\textbf{a}_{22} \quad\textbf{a}_{22}-\textbf{a}_{23}\quad \cdots\quad\textbf{a}_{2,j+1}-\textbf{a}_{2,j+2}\\ \vdots\qquad\qquad\qquad{\vdots} \quad\quad\quad \cdots\qquad\qquad\vdots\qquad\quad\\ \textbf{a}_{i+1,1}-\textbf{a}_{i+1,2} \quad\cdots\quad \cdots\quad\textbf{a}_{m,n}-\textbf{a}_{m,n+1} \end{array}\right]\\ \end{array} $$

i = 1, … , F, j = 1, … , N , where Δxi, j, Δyi, j are x, y axis coordinates of grid node displacement of the ith node in the jth frame, respectively. F is the number of grid node (F = 66 no. of nodes of CLM) and N is the number of extracted facial frames from video. The grid deformation feature vector displacement gj consists of feature vector displacement of the every geometric grid node di, j, gj which is given in (12).

$$ \textbf{\textit{g}}_{j}=\left[\textbf{d}_{1,j},\textbf{d}_{2,j},\cdots\cdots,\textbf{d}_{E,j}\right]^{T} $$

2.3 Minimal feature vectors displacement

The pictorial representations of feature points that are affected by different emotions are shown in Fig. 2. The entire feature vectors and minimal feature vectors of the six basic emotions are shown in Fig. 2a and b, respectively.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Entire and minimal feature vectors of six facial emotions movements

In [11], [34] describe the groups, number of FAPs, and textual description of emotion, which are affected by the six basic emotions. Based on the definition of FAPs, which is illustrated in Tables 1 and 2, it provides the information regarding the number of feature points and group numbers that are affected by the six basic emotions. Table 1 provides information about the entire set of feature points involved in six emotions. Insight of any emotion is given as onset, where staring points of emotion, apex, where emotion reaches peak position, and offset, where emotion returns to the neutral state. The entire set of feature vectors of any emotion is the displacement between the onset and offset phase. From the literature [6, 9] and [35], the entire vectors displacement has a high data redundancy, less accuracy, and low data computation. To increase the accuracy and reduce computation time, the minimal feature vectors displacement is chosen. Any emotion that reaches the apex phase from onset phase is defined as the peak response. The minimal feature vectors displacements are chosen based on the high variance values among feature points during the peak response of an emotion. In Table 2, the high variance range of minimal feature is calculated and tabulated. The major feature movement for six facial emotions are eyebrow (ebw), outer lip (olp), eyelids (eld) and corner lip (clp). Table 2, shows the differences of variance range of the other than minimal feature points that are also tabulated.

Table 1 Entire feature vectors by FAPs
Table 2 Minimal feature vectors

Based on the definition of FAPs and the facts stated above, surprise emotion involves 45 entire feature points. In those 45 feature points, 5 feature points have a high variance compared to the remaining 40 feature points. Similarly, for all the emotions, the minimal feature vectors points are determined and are tabulated in Table 2. Table 2 provides details of the minimal feature points of six emotions that are affected. The minimal feature points from eyebrow, mouth, and eyelids are observed. To obtain effective performance and improve accuracy, less data redundancy and computation time are selected by the minimal feature points. From (11) and (12), the minimal feature vectors displacements are obtained.

2.4 Normalization of feature vectors displacement

For data scaling, normalization is applied on the minimal feature vectors displacement to increase the feature scaling. In this paper, Max & Min and Z-normalization are applied and compared to obtain the feature scaling as defined in (13). Using normalization, the normalized data of minimal feature vectors displacement is formed.

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \textbf{Max \& Min} _{(-1,1)}\quad \textit{f(x)}&=&2\left( {\frac{\textit{x}-\textit{Max(x)}}{\textit{Max(x)}-\textit{Min(x)}}}\right)-1\\ \textbf{Z-norm} _{(-1,1)}\quad\textit{f(x)}&=&\frac{\textit{x}-\mu}{\sigma} \end{array} $$

2.5 Facial emotion classifier-bilinear classifier

In this system, the TWSVM classifier is used to classify the basic six facial emotions. The normalized data of minimal feature vectors displacement is given as input to the two classes TWSVM [23, 25] and [26] to classify facial emotion. Using TWSVM, the two non-parallel hyperplanes for each class is constructed to solve the quadratic programming problem. In this case, let gj = {(xi, yi)}; i = 1, … , k; x ∈ ℜn; yi ∈ {− 1, + 1} is the training dataset of normalized minimal feature vectors displacement. The separating hyperplane of linear data is defined in (14). Separating the minimal feature vectors displacement gj = RL in the order of positive and negative class is formed by the Karush-Kuhn Tucker (K.K.T) conditions, which is provided in (14).

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \textit{f(x)}_{+}&=&{\textit{x}}^{T}\cdot{\textit{w}}_{+}+b_{+} =0\\ \textit{f(x})_{-}&=&{\textit{x}}^{T}\cdot{\textit{w}}_{-}+b_{-} =0 \end{array} $$

Where wT is the weight vector and b is a bias. The objective function of linear TWSVM is corresponding to one class and constraints to the other class are defined by (15).

$$ \begin{array}{ll} &\textbf{min}(\textit{w}_{+},b_{+},\xi) \quad\frac{1}{2}\Vert{\textit{X}}\textit{w}_{+}+e_{+}b_{+}\Vert^{2}+c_{1}e^{T}_{-}\xi\\ &\qquad\textbf{s.t} \qquad\quad-({\textit{Y}}\textit{w}_{+}+e_{-}b_{+})+\xi \geq e_{-},\quad\xi\geq0\\ &\textbf{min}(\textit{w}_{-},b_{-},\xi) \quad\frac{1}{2}\Vert{\textit{Y}}\textit{w}_{-}+e_{-}b_{-}\Vert^{2}+c_{2}e^{T}_{+}\eta\\ &\qquad\textbf{s.t} \qquad\quad-({\textit{X}}\textit{w}_{-}+e_{+}b_{-})+\xi \geq e_{+},\quad\eta\geq0 \end{array} $$

Where c+, c are a penalty parameter and are slack variables. e+, e are vectors of suitable dimensions. Let \(\textit {H}=[\textit {X}^{T}_{+} \textit {e}^{T}_{+}]\) and \(\textit {G}=[\textit {X}^{T}_{-} \textit {e}^{T}_{-}]\). In (16), the Lagrangian and Wolf dual problem are formulated and they obtained from the equation of TWSVM.

$$ \begin{array}{ll} &\textbf{max}_{\alpha}\quad e^{T}_{-}\alpha-\frac{1}{2}\alpha^{T}\textit{G}(\textit{H}^{T}\textit{H})^{-1}\textit{G}^{T}\alpha\\ &\quad\textbf{s.t}\quad 0\leq \alpha \leq c_{1}e_{-}\\ &\textbf{max}_{\beta}\quad e^{T}_{+}\beta-\frac{1}{2}\beta^{T}\textit{H}(\textit{G}^{T}\textit{G})^{-1}\textit{H}^{T}\beta\\ &\quad\textbf{s.t}\quad 0\leq \beta \leq c_{2}e_{+} \end{array} $$

Where Lagrangian multipliers are α and β. In (17) introduces a term δI(δ > 0) to avoid becoming singular and the ill-conditioning of HTG. Where I denotes a regularisation identity matrix. The function of non-parallel hyperplane of TWSVM from the α and β value is defined in (17).

$$ \begin{array}{ll} &\textbf{u}_{1} = -(\textit{H}^{T}\textit{H}+\delta\textit{I})^{-1}\textit{G}^{T}\alpha\\ &\textbf{u}_{2} = -(\textit{G}^{T}\textit{G}+\delta\textit{I})^{-1}\textit{H}^{T}\beta \end{array} $$

Where \(\textit {u}_{i=1,2} =[\textit {w}^{T}_{\pm }\textit {b}_{\pm }]^{T}\). From (17), the weight vector and bias value of optimal hyperplane of linear TWSVM is obtained. For validation, a new data sample is assigned to class ‘i’ by the decision function, as given in (18). A decision surface classified in the new data depends upon whether its distance is closer to hyperplane (18).

$$ \textbf{Class (i)} = \arg\min _{i=1,2} \frac{\vert{\textit{x}}^{T}{\textit{w}_{(i)}}+b_{(i)}\vert}{\Vert\textit{w}_{(i)}\Vert} $$

For Non-Linear cases of TWSVM, the training data are examined with the Kernel Function such as Linear, Polynomial and Radial Base Function (RBF) [23,24,25] and [26]. The Multi class TWSVM [25, 26] and [36] has two approaches: ‘One vs One’ and ‘One vs All’. The ‘One vs One’ approach is a ‘divide and conquer’ approach, consisting of building one TWSVM class for each pair of subclasses. The ‘One vs All’ is a ‘single approach’ consisting of built TWSVM which is one class versus all other classes. This paper carried out both approaches of multi class TWSVM and it proved more effective in the ‘One vs All’ approach.

3 Experimental analysis and validation

3.1 Experimental settings

The FAPs [11], [34] ’s definition has a combination of AU, for emotion identification, with entire and minimal feature vectors. This is shown in Fig. 2. From the FAPS definition [34], the entire feature vectors displacement is in the form of the neutral to peak response then returning to the neutral state (i.e. expressive time episode = onset, apex and offset phase). In this system, the geometric deformable grid node (CLM) has L = 66*2 = 132 dimensions. The feature vectors displacement is employed for the set of six emotions (i.e. Surprise (SUR), Happy (HAP), Disgust (DIS), Fear (FEA), Angry (ANG) and Sad (SAD)) using TWSVM. In this proposed system, CLM and TWSVM are developed in C++ with open framework and Matlab2014b, which are implemented with an Intel i5 processor. In both training and testing phases, standard databases such as the MMI facial expression database [37], Oulu Database [38], CK [39], Extended CK + database [40] and Mahonb Laughter database [41] are used. A few real-time databases were also used [24] in which the video rate was 25 frames/sec. In training and testing phases, let gj be the feature vectors displacements of the extracted face image sequence from the standard database as i = 1, … , N, N = 6, emotions in face, which is shown in Fig. 2. The normalized data of minimal feature vectors is fed as input to the multi-class TWSVM to classify facial emotions.

3.2 Training and testing

The 10-fold and hold out cross-validation technique is applied in both training and testing phases. A new database is formed through the fusion of existing standard databases such as MMI, Oulu, CK, CK + , Mahnob and a few real-time datasets. The normalized minimal feature vectors of cross-databases are given to hold out validation. In cross- validation, 80% of normalized datasets are given to the training phase and the remaining 20% of datasets is used as a testing phase for validating the facial emotion classifier. In validation, the multi-class TWSVM of 3 kernel cases (Linear, Polynomial and RBF) with both normalization are evaluated. In hold out cross-validation, 3 kernel case of penalty and kernel parameters values such as c1, c2 and γ = 0.5 is applied. In 10-fold cross-validation, the grid search mechanism is formulated for attaining the optimal parameters such as Cost (c1 and c2) and Gamma (γ) value in the training phase. The range of Cost (c1and c2) is 10− 5, 10− 4.5, .... , 104.5, 105 and Gamma (γ) is 2− 5, 2− 4.5, .... , 24.5, 25 are applied in the training phase. From the training phase, the optimal value of Cost and Gamma value is formed by the optimal trained model and then testing the unknown data of six emotions. In cross-validation, the linear case is considered where Cost value and non-linear case (Poly, RBF), whereas Cost and Gamma value are considered. The Confusion Matrix of ‘One vs One’ and ‘One vs All’ is employed in both phases.

From the results of the Confusion Matrix, validation parameters such as True Positive (TP), True Negative (TN), False Positive (FP), False Negative (FN), Accuracy (Acc), Precision (Pre), Recall (Rec), F1-score (F1-sco), Error rate (Err.rte), and Computational Time (Comp. Time) are calculated. For each emotion, 18 models of multi-class (‘One vs One’ and ‘One vs All’ with 3 kernel) with one normalization method are calculated. A total of 36 models are calculated by Max & Min and Z-normalization through the multi class TWSVM classifier. The computation time of training and testing phase of all basic emotions are also calculated.

4 Experimental results and discussion

4.1 Experimental results

4.1.1 Hold out cross validation

Max-Min and Z-norm is applied on minimal feature vector displacement to produce the global normalized data which is fed as input to multi-class classifiers and validated with the hold out method for each kernel namely Linear, Polynomial (Poly) and RBF. In cases of ‘One vs One’ and ‘One vs All’, the validation parameter (accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, error rate) of the six basic emotions are computed and shown in Tables 345678910. From the Table 310, it is inferred that ‘One vs All’ multi classes have higher performance than the ‘One vs One’ multi classes. From the Table 310, the bar chart representation of validation parameter of proposed model (‘One vs All’) are plotted and shown in Figs. 345. In Figs. 35, relations between the validation parameters, Multi class and facial emotions. From Fig. 3a, it is inferred that the six emotions: Surprise (95.85%), Happy (95.6%), Disgust (88.26%), Fear (91.69%), Anger (91.89%) and Sad (88.6%) have high accuracy, which is achieved in RBF kernel of ‘One vs All’ using Z-norm. Similarly, the validation parameter such as Precision, Recall, Error rate, F1-score, Computation Time for training and testing phase are also shown in Table 310, is calculated. From Tables 310 and Figs. 3a, 4a and 5, it is inferred that RBF kernel of ‘One vs All’ using Z-norm has high Precision, high Recall, high F1-score, less Error rate and less computational time compared to other kernel (multi class) of normalization. The overall performance of the proposed model which was higher in RBF (‘One vs All’) and Z-norm are calculated and tabulated in Table 19. From Table 19, the overall validation parameter such as Accuracy is 92.05 ± 3.79%, Precision is 0.75 ± 0.18, Recall is 0.68 ± 0.25, Error rate is 0.32 ± 0.25, F1-score is 2.74 ± 0.98 and computation time 2.05 ± 0.43 sec of basic six emotions are achieved.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Bar chart representation of Accuracy of the proposed system (‘One vs All’) using both validation

Fig. 4
figure 4

Bar chart representation of Precision, Recall, Error.rate,F1-score of the proposed system (‘One vs All’) using both validation

Fig. 5
figure 5

Bar chart representation of Computation time of the proposed system (One vs All) using both validation

Table 3 The hold-out validation result of Surprise eyebrow in both multi-classifier and normalization
Table 4 The hold-out validation result of Surprise mouth in both multi-classifier and normalization
Table 5 The hold-out validation result of Happy mouth in both multi-classifier and normalization
Table 6 The hold-out validation result of Fear eyebrow in both multi-classifier and normalization
Table 7 The hold-out validation result of Fear mouth in both multi-classifier and normalization
Table 8 The hold-out validation result of Anger eyebrow in both multi-classifier and normalization
Table 9 The hold-out validation result of Disgust eyelids in both multi-classifier and normalization
Table 10 The hold-out validation result of Sad mouth in both multi-classifier and normalization

4.1.2 10-fold cross validation

The 10-fold cross-validation result of system shown in Tables 1112131415161718. Similarly, used Max & Min and Z-normalization with 3 kernel to attain the 36 optimal trained model of the FER system. Table 1118 shows the 10 fold cross-validation of accuracy, cost, gamma, and validation parameter result of tested data. In Table 11, it is inferred that the RBF kernel of the ‘One vs All’ model achieved high performance using 10-fold validation of z-normalization data. From the result of the 10-fold RBF kernel model is the cost and gamma value for creating the optimal trained model for the surprise eyebrow feature. Then the tested data is given to the optimal trained model achieving high validation parameter when compared to other multi class models of surprise eyebrow. Similarly, in Tables 1118, it is inferred that the RBF kernel of ‘One vs All’ model achieved high performance using 10-fold validation of z-normalization data. Somehow emotion has attained high accuracy in different optimal models but the performance is less than the RBF Trained model. From Fig. 3b, it is inferred the six emotions such as Surprise (96.6%), Happy (96%), Disgust(91.6%), Fear(90.15%), Anger(93.16%) and Sad(90.67%) has high accuracy is achieved in RBF kernel of ‘One vs All’ using Z-norm. From Table 1118 and Figs. 3b, 4b and 5 this inference the RBF kernel model has high optimal performance for all six basic emotions when compared to the other model.

Table 11 The 10-fold validation result of Surprise eyebrow in both multi-classifier and normalization
Table 12 The 10-fold validation result of Surprise mouth in both multi-classifier and normalization
Table 13 The 10-fold validation result of Happy mouth in both multi-classifier and normalization
Table 14 The 10-fold validation result of Fear eyebrow in both multi-classifier and normalization
Table 15 The 10-fold validation result of Fear mouth in both multi-classifier and normalization
Table 16 The 10-fold validation result of Anger eyebrow in both multi-classifier and normalization
Table 17 The 10-fold validation result of Disgust eyelids in both multi-classifier and normalization
Table 18 The 10-fold validation result of Sad mouth in both multi-classifier and normalization

The overall performance of proposed model that is higher in RBF (‘One vs All’) and Z-norm are calculated and tabulated in Table 19. From Table 19, the overall validation parameter such as Accuracy is 93.42 ± 3.25% (10-fold) and 92.56 ± 3.02% (test), Precision is 0.76 ± 0.11, Recall is 0.73 ± 0.22, Error. Rate is 0.27 ± 0.22, F1-score is 20.76 ± 0.22 and computation time 15.08 ± 4.08 sec of basic six emotions are achieved. From the experiments, it is found that the minimal feature vector which is specified in Table 2 is good enough to classify the basic six emotions such as Surprise (eyebrow+outer lip), Happy (corner lip), Disgust (eyelids), Fear (eyebrow + outer lip), Anger (eyebrow) and Sad (corner lip+outer lip).

Table 19 The overall performance of proposed model (RBF-‘One vs All’-Z-norm)

4.2 Discussion

From Table 20 the comparison of various classifier models for recognition of facial emotion shows supervised and semi-supervised models, databases, and accuracy of the model. From Table 20, Uddin [30] have supervised classifiers as LDP+HMM and LDP-PCA+HMM used for facial emotion recognition, which achieved accuracy are 82.91% and 87.50% respectively. Yu [14] has used SVM+PCA supervised classifier for facial emotion recognition achieved 75.50% accuracy. Saeed [15] has applied a supervised SVM classifier for facial emotion recognition that achieved 83% accuracy. Wan [16] applied a supervised SVM classifier for facial emotion recognition that achieved 80% accuracy. Mohammadian [17] used a supervised SVM classifier for facial emotion recognition which achieved 83.90% accuracy. Ren [18] applied the Fuzzy+SVM for facial emotion recognition that achieved an 81.4% accuracy. Jiang [19] used a SRC classifier for facial emotion recognition which achieved an 80% accuracy. Papachristou [20] applied an SSL classifier for facial emotion recognition with 71.14% (CK, CK + ) and 71.84% (BU) accuracy. Nikitidis [21] used a MMPP classifier for facial emotion recognition with 80.9% accuracy. Owusu [1] has used SVM of facial emotion system was attained 97.57% (JAFFE), 92.33% (Yale) accuracy. Patil [2] has developed Patch-LDSMTNN for Facial emotion system of accuracy are 98.33% (JAFFE), 99.27% (CMU-AMP), 98.14% (ORL), 98.44% (Yale), 98.49% (CK) was achieved. Siddiqi [3] has developed robust facial emotion system with help HMM 95% (You tube images) accuracy was achieved. Cohen [27] have a three semi supervised classifier for facial emotion that achieved accuracy are Navies Bayes (69.10 ± 1.44%), Tree-Augmented Naive Bayes classifier (69.30 ± 1.44%), and Stochastic search (74.80 ± 1.36%). Rifai [28] has semi-supervised classifier is CC-NET+CDA+SVM, which achieved 85% accuracy of facial emotion recognition. Jihang [29] achieved 82.68% and 87.71% accuracy using Transfer Learning Adaptive Boosting semi-supervised learning for facial emotions. From Table 20, [1], [2],[3], it is inferrred that it has a higher accuaracy than our proposed model, but the drawback is differences in types of datasets. Our proposed FERs model are used video datasets of facial emotions not in images. Most of the existing model are used images datasets and few model are used videos are highlited in Table 20. From Table 20, our proposed model has high accuracy and high performance than the state of arts of FER system. Our proposed model has attained the good performance for facial emotions using semi-supervised lerning from the video sequence compared to other existing model. In this work, compared to other models for a semi-supervised classifier for facial emotion, TWSVM achieved a higher accuracy and better performance than Cohen [27], Rifai [28] and Jihang [29].

Table 20 Comparison of proposed model and state of the arts of facial emotion

In this work, the research produces an overall computation time of 2.05 ± 0.43 sec(hold out) and 15.08 ± 4.08 sec(10-fold) in training and testing phases of basic six emotion classification. However Dapgony’s [42] work shows the computation time of 11.75 ± 7.5 sec and Guo’s [43] work shows a computation time of 3.0 ± 0.25 sec for training and testing phase of emotional classifier. Patil’s [2] system shows the computation time of 4 sec. This shows the computational time is reduced in our model when compared to the other models are shown in the Table 21 . From the experiments result, the 10-fold cross validation found above 90% accuracy of all basic six facial emotions and the hold out cross validation found that Disgust and Sad has less than 90% accuracy when compared to other emotions (Surprise, Happy, Fear, and Anger). This may be improved by local normalized data with cross-validation applied in the minimal feature vector of TWSVM classifier. The optimal model can be achieved by validating the above experiment with (k-fold, leave-one-out and bootstrapping with grid search) minimal feature vectors of TWSVM classifier.

Table 21 Comparison of the execution time of proposed and existing models

5 Conclusion

This paper proposes the classification of facial emotion with minimal facial features of geometric deformable nodes with a semi-supervised classifier. In this system, it is demonstrated that those minimal feature vectors with a semi supervised classifier has high accuracy and less computation time. In this paper, the hold-out validation and 10-fold cross validation of a fused global normalized minimal feature vector is applied in Multi TWSVM to determine the validation parameters of the proposed system. From the comparison of validation parameters, using RBF kernel (‘One vs All’) with Z-normalization have achieved high accuracy of all facial emotions compared to other kernels with normalization. From the proposed model, good performance and accuracy are achieved with the comparison of proposed and existing models, which achieves a better performance than the existing model. This work can be extended for micro and subtle expression as well. This work can go much deeper by applying different cross-validation, local normalized features and feature selection optimization. This work can go in real time application of Human Computer Interactions.