1 Introduction

A Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) consists of a finite set of variables with finite domains, and a finite set of constraints restricting the possible combinations of variable values [9]. A solution tuple to a CSP is a set of assigned values to variables that satisfy all the constraints. Since a CSP is known to be an NP-hard problem in general,Footnote 1 a backtrack search algorithm of exponential time cost is needed to find a complete solution. In order to overcome this difficulty in practice, constraint propagation techniques have been proposed [9, 15, 18, 23]. The goal of these techniques is to reduce the size of the search space before and during the backtrack search. In the past four decades the CSP framework, with its solving techniques, has demonstrated its ability to efficiently model and solve a large size real-life applications, such as scheduling and planning problems, configuration, bioinformatics, vehicle routing and scene analysis [21]. However, dealing with these applications requires the consideration of their dynamic aspect since they are usually evolving in a non static environment. Moreover, the goal in general when tackling these applications is to find a good (if not the best) solution (or scenario) satisfying the problem requirements while optimizing a given objective function.

This has motivated us to propose the following extensions to the CSP framework in order to manage, in a dynamic environment, constraints with preferences.

In order to allow the addition of variables and their related constraints dynamically to the problem to solve, during the resolution process, we have extended the CSP with composite variables and activity (or conditional) constraints. We call Conditional and Composite Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CCCSP) this extension. Composite variables are variables whose possible values are CSP variables.Footnote 2 In other words this allows us to represent disjunctive CSP variables. An activity constraint has the following form \(X_{1} \wedge\cdots\wedge X_{p}\stackrel{\mathit{condition}}{\rightarrow} Y\) where X 1,…,X p and Y are variables (composite or CSP variables). This activity constraint will activate Y (Y will be added to the problem to solve) if X 1∧⋯∧X p are active (currently present in the problem to solve) and condition holds between these variables. condition corresponds here to the assignment of particular values to some variables. Solving a CCCSP is a decision problem which consists in looking for an assignment of values to the CSP variables such that all the constraints are satisfied. Like a CSP, a CCCSP is in general NP-hard and in order to efficiently solve it, we have updated the constraint propagation techniques we mentioned earlier in order to handle the case of conditional constraints and composite variables.

Preferences are handled in a dynamic environment by augmenting the CCCSP with the following: unary and binary constraint, composite and conditional preferences. We call Conditional and Composite Constraint Satisfaction Problem with Preferences  (CCCSPP) this augmented model. Unary (also called variable value) and binary constraint preferences associate degrees of preferences respectively to variables domain values and constraints,Footnote 3 in order to favor some decisions. A composite preference is a higher level of preference among the choices of a composite variable. Conditional preferences allow some preference functions (unary or binary constraint; or composite) to be added dynamically to the problem (associated to a given CSP variable, constraint or composite variable), during the resolution process, if a given condition on some variables is true. Solving a CCCSPP is an optimization problem which consists in finding the best solution according to the preference values. This is done by a variant of the branch a bound algorithm we propose in this paper and where constraint propagation is used to prune some inconsistent values at the early stage of the resolution process. Experimental tests, we conducted on random CCCSPPs generated with the RB model [37], favor the MAC principle [9, 15] as the constraint propagation strategy to be used within the branch and bound algorithm.

The remaining of the paper is structured as follows. First, related work in the area of constraint preferences is reported in the next section. We then introduce in Sect. 3, through an example, our CCCSP model and the corresponding solving techniques. Section 4 introduces the CCCSPP through unary and binary constraint, composite and conditional preferences. In Sect. 5 we present the branch and bound algorithm for solving CCCSPPs. Experimental tests we conducted on randomly generated CCCSPPs are presented in Sect. 6. Conclusion and future work are finally listed in Sect. 7.

2 Related work

Classical constraints, also called hard constraints, are relations that can be satisfied or violated. This two level notion of satisfiability has been generalized to several levels in order to express quantitative preferences. This generalization is called a soft constraint. In order to handle soft constraints, in the past decades the CSP framework has been extended to several formalisms including fuzzy CSPs, weighted CSPs, probabilistic CSPs and partial CSPs [11]. The most general of these formalisms is the C-semiring-based Soft Constraint Satisfaction Problems (SCSP) [6, 21]. In a SCSP, constraints have several levels of satisfiability that are totally or partially ordered according to the C-semiring structure. A semiring is a tuple \(\left\langle A, +,\times,0,1 \right\rangle\) such that:

  • A is a set and 0,1∈A;

  • +, called the additive operation, is a commutative and associative operation such that 0 is its unit element;

  • ×, called the multiplicative operation, is an associative operation such that 1 is its unit element and 0 is its absorbing element. × distributes over +.

The set of the semiring specifies the values to be associated with each tuple of values of the variable domain. The two semiring operations (+ and ×) represent constraint projection and combination respectively. A semiring for handling constraints is called c-semiring. A c-semiring is a semiring with additional properties on the two operations such that + is idempotent, × is commutative, and 1 is the absorbing element of +. A partial order relation ≤ is defined over A to compare tuples of values and constraints.

Valued CSPs [5, 33] are an alternative to SCSPs with the particularity that the levels of satisfiability in a valued CSP are totally ordered [4].

Conditional Preference networks (CP-nets) [7] are a graphical model for representing conditional and qualitative preferences under the ceteris paribus assumption (with all other things being without change). A CP-net is a set of the cp-statements such as: “I prefer A to B when X holds”. It is represented by a directed dependency graph (similar to a Bayesian Network) expressing all its cp-statements. Lexicographically ordered CSP in [12] is another alternative framework for preferred variables and values. In this latter model, variable selection is the primary factor while value assignment is secondary. Recently, this framework has been extended to Conditional lexicographic CSPs [36] for conditional preferences. Qualitative (but unconditional) preferences have been addressed within the well known propositional satisfiability (SAT) problem as reported in [10]. In this latter paper, the authors propose an extension of the Davis Logemann Loveland procedure (DLL) to return an optimal solution. Soft temporal constraints have been tackled in [16] using fuzzy preferences and in [25] through utilitarian preferences. A local search method, addressing Fuzzy CSPs where some of the preferences are unspecified, has been proposed in [13]. The goal here is to find an optimal solution regardless of the missing information. In [22] a new model has been proposed to tackle soft (called flexible) constraints in a dynamic environment. The model is called Dynamic Flexible CSP (DFCSP) and uses a solving method based on a local repair algorithm called Flexible Local Change. Finally, in [28] the authors propose an approach that manages CSP hard constraints, soft constraints and CP-nets.

To our best knowledge no published work addresses constraints with different types of preferences in a dynamic environment. Indeed, the difference between our model and the works we cited earlier is that, we handle both qualitative and quantitative preferences and in a dynamic environment (as opposed to, for instance, the work in [21] considering only the static environment). The dynamic aspect is managed through conditional preferences and preferences on composite variables (that we call composite preferences). In Sect. 4 we will define, through examples, the different components of our model using the Fuzzy CSP (FCSP) formalism [29]. Note that, since the fuzzy CSP only handles quantitative preferences, we convert each qualitative preference into a numeric value before processing it as we will see through the different examples presented in Sect. 4.

3 Managing conditional constraints and composite variables

3.1 The CCCSP model

In the following, we will first define the CCCSP model and its corresponding constraint network (graph representation) through the dress up game example. A backtrack search method based on constraint propagation is then presented.

Definition 1

(Conditional and Composite Constraint Satisfaction Problem, CCCSP)

A CCCSP is CSP augmented by conditional constraints and composite variables. More precisely, it is a tuple 〈X,D X ,Y,D Y ,IV,C,A〉, where:

  • X={x 1,…,x n } is a finite set of CSP variables.

  • \(D_{X}= \{ D_{x_{1}},\ldots, D_{x_{n}}\}\) is the set of domains of the CSP variables. Each domain \(D_{x_{i}}\) contains the possible values that x i can take.

  • Y={y 1,…,y m } is the finite set of composite variables.

  • \(D_{Y}=\{ D_{y_{1}},\ldots, D_{y_{m}}\}\) is the set of domains of the composite variables. Each domain \(D_{y_{i}}\) is the set of CSP variables that the composite variable y i can take.

  • IV is the set of initial variables (including composite variables): IVXY.

  • C={C 1,…,C p } is the set of compatibility constraints. Each compatibility constraint is a binary relationFootnote 4 between variables in case these latter variables are not composite, or a set of binary relations if at least one of the two variables involved is composite.

  • A is the set of activity constraints. Each activity constraint has the following form:

    $$Z_1 \wedge\cdots\wedge Z_p \stackrel{\mathit{condition}}{\rightarrow} T$$

    where Z 1,…,Z p and T are (CSP or composite) variables; and p≥1. This activity constraint will activate T if Z 1,…,Z p are active and condition holds on these variables. condition corresponds here to the assignment of particular values to the variables Z 1,…,Z p .

Note that the CCTCSP we proposed in [26] is a particular case of the CCCSP where the CSP variables are events defined on sets of numeric intervals and the compatibility constraints, representing the relative position between a pair of events, are disjunctions of Allen primitives [1, 14]. The CCCSP can also be considered as a generalization of both the CCSP [24] and the composite CSP [31] paradigms.

Like a CSP, we can represent a CCCSP by a graph where nodes correspond to variables (CSP or composite variables) while arcs represent compatibility or activity constraints. Through the following example let us illustrate the CCCSP and its graph representation.

Example 1

Let us consider the dress up game (see Fig. 1) described as follows. This entertaining game provides the user with sets of clothes, accessories and shoes. The user will then use his/her free style Mix and Match imagination to create a complete outfit. In order to assist the user to have an appropriate outfit and be in a fashion trend, we can enhance the dress up game by adding tips and advices (expertise) from fashion designers. The fashion designers knowledge can be viewed as the set of compatible constraints, activity constraints and composite variables including the following: “running shoes does not match with pants”, “pantsuit with business shirt make you look elegant”, “jacket with jeans is for a weekend look”, “set of skirt, jacket and shirt makes you look feminine”, and “two piece matched suit without jewelry is an appropriate dress for job interview”. A possible mix-match dress up is to wear a T-shirt, short and running shoes with a baseball cap. Another possible clothes set is a dress, a necklace (J1) and a handbag (HB3) with pump shoes.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The dress up game

The dress up game is formulated in a natural way using the CCCSP framework as follows (see Fig. 1 for the CCCSP graph representation).

  • Apparel and Shoes are initial active variables; the rest are nonactive variables. Apparel is a composite variable.

  • Activity constraints:

    • \(\mathit{APPAREL}\stackrel{\mathit{APPAREL}=\mathit{TOP}}{\rightarrow}\mathit{BOTTOM}\),

    • \(\mathit{APPAREL}\stackrel{\mathit{APPAREL}=\mathit{BOTTOM}}{\rightarrow}\mathit{TOP}\),

    • \(\mathit{SET}\stackrel{\mathit{SET}=\mathit{Dress} }{\rightarrow}\mathit{JEWELRY}\),

    • \(\mathit{SET}\stackrel{\mathit{SET}=\mathit{Dress} }{\rightarrow}\mathit{HANDBAG}\),

    • \(\mathit{TOP} \stackrel{\mathit{TOP}=\mbox{\scriptsize\textit{T-Shirt}} }{\rightarrow}\mathit{HAT}\),

    • \(\mathit{BOTTOM} \stackrel{\mathit{BOTTOM}=\mathit{Pant}}{\rightarrow}\mathit{BELT}\),

    • \(\mathit{BOTTOM}\stackrel{\mathit{BOTTOM}=\mathit{Jeans} }{\rightarrow}\mathit{BELT}\),

    • and \(\mathit{BOTTOM} \stackrel{\mathit{BOTTOM}=\mathit{Skirt} }{\rightarrow}\mathit{HANDBAG}\)

  • Compatibility constraints:

    • (TOP, SHOES),

    • (SET, SHOES),

    • (BOTTOM, SHOES),

    • (TOP, BELT),

    • (HAT, BOTTOM),


Figure 2 illustrates each of the above compatibility constraints.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Compatibility constraints for the dress up game

3.1.1 Arc Consistency for CCCSPs: AC-3-CCCSP

In order to solve the CCCSP, we propose a solving method based on constraint propagation. The goal of this method is to overcome, in practice, the difficulty due to the exponential search space of the possible CSPs generated by the CCCSP to solve in addition to the search space we consider when solving each CSP. Indeed, a CCCSP represents D M possible CSPs where D is the domain size of the composite variables and M the number of composite variables.

Constraint propagation enforces arc consistency [18, 23] before and during the actual backtrack search as we will show later when describing the details of our solving method. In a classical CSP, arc consistency ensures that for each variable pair (x 1,x 2), each value of x 1’s domain has a value in x 2’s domain such that the constraint between the two variables hold. In the case of a CCCSP, we have defined arc consistency as follows.

We will assume in the following that x 1 and x 2 are non composite variables while y 1 and y 2 are composite. After identifying four possible cases depending on the constraint shared by the two variables, arc consistency is enforced as follows.

  1. 1.

    Case 1: The constraint is (x 1,x 2). This is the case in a classical CSP. Arc consistency is applied here between (x 1,x 2) i.e. each value a of x 1 should have a support in the domain of x 2.

  2. 2.

    Case 2: The constraint is (y 1,x 1). Arc consistency is applied between x 1 and each CSP variable within y 1 domain i.e. each value a, from the domain of each variable x within y 1, should have a support in the domain of x 1.

  3. 3.

    Case 3: The constraint is (x 1,y 1). Each value a, from the domain of x 1, should have a support in at least one domain of the variables within y 1.

  4. 4.

    Case 4: The constraint is (y 1,y 2). Apply case 2 between y 1 and each variable x within y 2.

AC-3 [18] and its variant [3] are the most known and used arc consistency algorithms. Figure 3 illustrates the code of the algorithm AC-3. As shown in line 2 of the algorithm, AC-3 starts with a list of all variable pairs (i,j) and enforces the arc consistency for each of these pairs through the function REVISE as follows. For each value a from i’s domain, REVISE looks for a value b in j’s domain such that the constraint between i and j holds. If no such value b is found, value a is removed from i’s domain (as it has no value in j’s domain supporting it). This change will be propagated to all the variables sharing a constraint with variable i. For that, we reconsider all variable pairs (k, i) where k is a variable sharing a constraint with i. This is done in line 6 of the algorithm AC-3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Pseudo-code of the algorithm AC-3

To enforce arc consistency on a CCCSP we have extended AC-3 by considering the four cases above. We call the new algorithm AC-3-CCCSP. Figure 4 illustrates the pseudo-code of this algorithm. AC-3-CCCSP starts with a list of pairs of variables to revise (the list Q containing all the pair of variables sharing a constraint) and goes through this list until this latter is empty. Each pair (i,j) is then processed (revised) according to the above 4 cases as follows.

  • Case 1. If i and j are CSP variables, we apply the traditional REVISE function of AC-3 [18] presented in Fig. 3.

  • Case 2. If i is a CSP variable and j is a composite variable, each value a of D i (where D i is the domain of variable i) should have a support in at least one domain D k (where k is a CSP variable within the composite variable j). In other words, a is removed from D i if it does not have any support in any domain D k . This is implemented by computing the union of the sets respectively obtained by revising D i with each of the CSP variables within j.

  • Case 3. If i is a composite variable and j is a CSP variable, the function REVISE is applied here on each pair of variables (k,j) where k is a CSP variable within i.

  • Case 4. Both i and j are composite variables. Here we apply case 2 on each CSP variable within i, and j.

Fig. 4
figure 4


Note that AC-3-CCCSP is a generalization of the arc consistency algorithm we proposed in [26] in the particular case of temporal constraints (that we called CCTCSP).

3.2 Backtrack search for CCCSPs

Based on AC-3-CCCSP, our solving method is described in two stages as follows.

  1. 1.

    Preprocessing stage. The goal here is to enforce AC-3-CCCSP before the backtrack search in order to reduce the size of the search space. Starting from an initial problem containing a list of initially activated variables (including composite variables), AC-3-CCCSP is enforced on these initial variables in order to reduce some inconsistent values which will reduce the size of the search space. If the initial problem is arc inconsistent (in the case of an empty domain) then the method will stop and returns that the CCCSP is inconsistent.

  2. 2.

    Backtrack search. In the same way as reported in [24, 32], we use arc consistency during the search in order to detect, at the early stage of the search process, any subset containing conflicting variables. Based on the forward check (FC) principle [15], we pick an active variable v, assign a value to it and perform AC-3-CCCSP between this variable and the non assigned active variables. If one domain of the non assigned variables becomes empty then we assign another value to v or backtrack to the previously assigned variable if there are no more values to assign to v. We activate any variable v′ resulting from this assignment and perform AC-3-CCCSP between v′ and all the active variables. If arc inconsistency is detected then we deactivate v′ and choose another value for v (since the current assignment of v leads to an inconsistent CCCSP). If v is a composite variable then assign a variable to it (from its domain). Basically, this consists of replacing the composite variable with one variable x of its domain. We then assign a value to x and proceed as shown before except that we do not backtrack in case all values of x are explored. Instead, we will choose another variable from the domain of the composite variable v or backtrack to the previously assigned variable if all values of v have been explored. This process will continue until all the variables are assigned in which case we obtain a solution to the CCCSP.

The flow chart of the above proposed solving method is described in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Flow chart of the proposed backtrack search method

Note that, instead of using forward checking (FC) in step two above, we can also use one of the following three strategies.

  • Maintaining Arc Consistency (MAC). This strategy maintains a full arc consistency on the current and future active variables (variables not assigned yet).

  • FC+. Same as FC except that the applicability of the arc consistency is extended to non active variables as well.

  • MAC+. Same as MAC except that the applicability of the arc consistency is extended to non active variables as well.

Figures 6, 7 and 8 illustrate the application of the standard backtrack search (BT, the solving method without arc consistency in the second phase), FC and MAC to the dress up game described in Example 1.

Fig. 6
figure 6

BT for the dress up game

Fig. 7
figure 7

FC for the dress up game

Fig. 8
figure 8

MAC for the dress up game

Like for classical CSPs, variable and value ordering, during search, has a significant impact on the size of the explored space in the case of CCCSPs. For variable selection, we use the heuristic method we proposed in [27] based on Hill Climbing (HC) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and following conflict driven heuristics.

In the case of value selection, we start with the value that leads to an easiest to solve CCCSP first since our goal here is to find the first solution and that there is no preference on the solution obtained. More precisely, in the case of a composite variable x, we select the simple variables, within the domain of x, by decreasing number of their degrees. For a simple variable, we select the least constrained value first (the value that causes the activation of the minimum number of constraints).

4 Variable value, constraints, composite and conditional preferences: the CCCSPP model

In the following we will present the different components of our CCCSPP model through our dress up game example extended to include preferences.

Example 2

  1. 1.

    There are four occasions to consider during the dress up: job interview, party, sport and camping. If the occasion selected is job interview or party, we prefer “set” instead of mix-and-match pieces (“top” and “bottom”). If it is camping or sport, we prefer “top” and “bottom” instead of “set”.

  2. 2.

    We always prefer to wear “Casual” and “Boot” instead of “Sandal”, “Running” and “Pump”.

  3. 3.

    We like handbag “HB3” and “HB4” the most.

  4. 4.

    For match clothes (Top&Bottom constraint), we like “Blouse with Skirt”, “T-Shirt with Capri” and “Jacket with Jeans” the most.

  5. 5.

    For Set&Shoes constraint, we prefer “Skirt-Suit with Boot” and “Pant-Suit with Casual” to the rest.

4.1 Unary and binary constraints preferences

We define two types of preferences at the traditional CSP level. The first one is imposed on variable values while the second concerns the pairs of values within the binary constraints. Both preferences are defined over a fuzzy CSP. We call the first one Soft Unary Constraint (SUC) and the second one Soft Binary Constraint  (SBC). As mentioned before in introduction, we are assuming here that the binary constraints are defined in extension.

Definition 2

(Soft Unary Constraint, SUC)

A Soft Unary Constraint (SUC) is a function

$$f_{suc:x_i}: D_{x_i}\rightarrow A$$

where x i is a CSP variable and \(D_{x_{i}}\) its domain of values.

Example 3

The information in 2 and 3 in Example 2 above can be formulated with SUCs as they concern preferences on the values of CSP variables SHOES and HANDBAG respectively. The SUC corresponding to 2 is the function f suc:SHOES defined, for example, as follows.

Definition 3

(Soft Binary Constraint, SBC)

A Soft Binary Constraint (SBC) is a function

$$f_{sc:C_{ij}}: C_{ij}\rightarrow A$$

where C ij is the binary constraint between the variables i and j.

Example 4

The information in 4 and 5, in Example 2 above, can be formulated with SBCs as they are related to preferences on the constraints (Top,Bottom) and (Set,Shoes) respectively. The SBC corresponding to 4 is the function f sbc:(Top,Bottom) defined, for example, as follows.

For any other possible pair of the constraint (Top,Bottom) the value of the SBC function is for example equal to 0.6. Similarly, the SBC corresponding to 5 is the function f sc:(Set,Shoes) defined, for example, as follows.

For any other possible pair of the constraint (Set,Shoes) the value of the SBC function is for example equal to 0.6.

4.2 Composite and conditional preferences

Definition 4

(Composite Preference, CompP)

A Composite Preference (CompP) is a function

$$f_{c:X}: D_{X}\rightarrow A$$

where X is a composite variable and D X its domain of values  (CSP variables).

This function allows us to favor some CSP variables within the domain of a given composite variable.

A Conditional Preference (CP) allows a preference function (SUC, SBC and ComP) to be added dynamically to the CCCSPP when a given condition on CSP or composite variables is true. The condition corresponds here to the assignment of particular values to variables.

Definition 5

(Conditional Preference, CP)

figure a

The above conditional preference will associate f to Y if condition holds on the variables X 1,…,X p . condition corresponds here to the assignment of particular values to the variables X 1,…,X p . Note that the variable Y can be associated to only one conditional preference f.

Example 5

Information 1 in Example 2 is formulated with the following conditional preference.

  1. 1.

    \(\mathit{OCCASION} \stackrel{\mathit{condition}_{1}}{\rightarrow}\) assign the CompP f 1 to the composite variable APPAREL

  2. 2.

    \(\mathit{OCCASION}\stackrel{\mathit{condition}_{2}}{\rightarrow}\) assign the CompP f 2 to the composite variable APPAREL


  • condition 1 is:

  • condition 2 is:

    $$\mathit{OCCASION}=\mathit{camping} \vee \mathit{OCCASION}=\mathit{sport}$$
  • f 1={set=0.9,top=0.6,bottom=0.6}

  • f 2={top=0.9,bottom=0.9,set=0.6}

4.3 Global preferences and optimal solution to the CCCSPP

In order to define the global preference of a solution to a CCCSPP, the Consistent Binary Assignment Preference (CBAP) is introduced in the following. A solution to the CCCSPP is an assignment of values to all the CSP variables of the problem such that all the compatible constraints are satisfied. The global preference of a solution can be computed by performing the min operation on all the Consistent Binary Assignment Preferences (CBAPs) defined as follows.

Definition 6

(Consistent Binary Assignment Preference, CBAP)

figure b

Example 6

Let us assume that during the backtrack search we have made the following decision (assignment):

  • \(\mathit{OCCASION} = \mathit{job\mbox{-}interview}\)

According to Example 5 above, assigning job-interview to OCCASION will activate the composite preference f 1 which will favor the value set over top and bottom. set will then be the first value to assign to APPAREL. Since there is no SUC preference on the values of SET’s domain, the choice for the first value to assign to SET will be guided by the SBC of the constraint this latter variable shares with other active variables. Since SBC of the constraint (SET,SHOES) favors 2 pairs involving skirt-suit and plant-suit, these latter are the first two values to choose for SET. Let us assume that skirt-suit is assigned to SET. SHOES will then be assigned to boot and the CBAP of the constraint (SET,SHOES) will then be computed as follows.

Definition 7

(Global Preference, GP)

figure c

An Optimal Solution (Opt) of a given CCCSPP P is the solution having the highest global preference degree.

Definition 8

(Optimal Solution, Opt)

figure d

5 Solving CCCSPPs

The solution method we propose here is based on Branch and Bound (BnB) and uses constraint propagation in order to reduce the size of the search space during the resolution process. More precisely, our proposed algorithm is described below with a flow chart presented in Fig. 9.

  • Step 1. The method starts with an initial problem containing a list of initially activated CSP and composite variables. In order to ensure that domain values are considered according to their preference functions, all the values within each domain are sorted in decreasing order of their SUC or CompP values (depending whether they belong to CSP variable or composite variable domains). Arc consistency is then applied to the initial CSP and composite variables in order to reduce some inconsistent values which will reduce the size of the search space. If the initial CSP is arc inconsistent (in the case of an empty domain) then the method will stop. The CCCSPP is inconsistent in this case.

  • Step 2. Following the forward check principle [15], pick an active variable x, assign a value to it and perform AC-3-CCCSP between this variable and the non assigned active variables. If one domain of the non assigned variables becomes empty then assign another value to x or backtrack to the previously assigned variable if there are no more values to assign to x. Activate any preference function (through conditional preference) and any variable x′  (through activity constraint) resulting from this assignment and perform arc consistency between x′ and all the active variables. If arc inconsistency is detected then deactivate x′ and choose another value for x (since the current assignment of x leads to an inconsistent CCCSPP). If x is a composite variable then assign a CSP variable to it. Basically, this consists of replacing the composite variable with one variable x i of its domain. We then assign a value to x i and proceed as shown before except that we do not backtrack in case all values of x i are explored. Instead, we will choose another CSP variable from the domain of the composite variable x or backtrack to the previously assigned variable if all values (CSP variables) of x have been explored. This process will continue until all the variables are assigned in which case we obtain a solution to the CCCSPP. Since we are looking for the highest global preference degree, the GP value of this solution will be used as a lower bound (LB) of our branch and bound algorithm. Note that anytime a preference function f is activated (added to the CCCSPP) through a conditional preference, the domain of values of the variable associated to f is sorted according to this latter.

  • Step 3. The rest of the search space is then systematically explored as follows. Each time the current variable (CSP variable or composite) is assigned a value, an overestimation of the GP value of any possible solution following this decision is computed and used as an upper bound (UB). If UB<LB then the current variable is assigned another value or backtrack to the previous variable if all the values have been explored. The overestimated GP is the minimum of the CBAPs of all the assigned variables and the estimated CBAPs involving non assigned variables (including those that can be activated during the remaining search process). An estimated CBAP involving a non assigned variable X i is calculated as follows.

    If :

    the other variable X j involved by the CBAP is an assigned variable then the estimated CBAP is the minimum of the following: the SUC of the value assigned to X j , the maximum of the SBCs of all the pairs within the constraint between X i and X j , and the maximum of the SUCs of all the values belonging to X i ’s domain.

    Else :

    (X j is not assigned yet): the maximum of the SUCs of all the values belonging to X j ’s and X i ’s domains, and the minimum of the SBCs of all the pairs within the constraint between X i and X j .

Fig. 9
figure 9

Flow chart of the proposed solving method

Note that, like in the solving method we described in Sect. 2 we have also used MAC, FC+ and MAC+ instead of FC in step 2 above. An experimental comparative study of the four strategies is reported in the following section.

6 Experimentation

To evaluate and study the time performance of the four variants of the method we propose (namely FC, FC+, MAC and MAC+), we have performed several experimental tests on consistent CCCSPPs randomly generated as shown in the next section.

The experiments are conducted on a PC Pentium 4 computer running Linux. All the procedures are coded in C/C++. The tests we have performed compare the four propagation strategies used in step 2 of our branch and bound based solving method we described in the previous section.

6.1 CCCSPP instances

CCCSPPs are build from CSPs randomly generated by the model RB proposed in [37]. The choice of this model is motivated by the fact that it has exact phase transition and the ability to generate asymptotically hard instances. More precisely, we randomly generate each CSP instance as follows using the parameters n, p, α and r where n is the number of variables, p (0<p<1) is the constraint tightness, and r and α (0<α<1) are two positive constants used by the model RB [37].

  1. 1.

    Select with repetition rnlnn random constraints. Each random constraint is formed by selecting without repetition 2 of n variables.

  2. 2.

    For each constraint we uniformly select without repetition pd k incompatible pairs of values, where d=n α is the domain size of each variable.

Each CCCSPP instance is then generated as follows using the parameters N, D and a respectively corresponding to the number of composite variables, their domain size and the number of activity constraints.

  1. 1.

    Randomly generate a CSP with the parameters n, p, α and r as shown above.

  2. 2.

    Generate N composite variables each containing D simple variables.

  3. 3.

    Select with repetition r[(n+N)ln(n+N)−nlnn] new random constraints (between the n+N variables), each formed by selecting without repetition 2 of the n+N variables. This will guarantee that the total number of constraints is r(n+N)ln(n+N) as per the requirements of the RB model. For each constraint we uniformly select without repetition pd k incompatible pairs of values.

  4. 4.

    Select I(n+N) initial variables from n+N (0<I<1).

  5. 5.

    Select a(nd+ND) activity constraints for each of the n+NI(n+N) non initial variables (0<a<1).

  6. 6.

    Preference values are finally randomly distributed on the values of the different CSP and composite variables and also on the pair of values within each compatibility constraint. In addition, conditional preferences are randomly generated and added to the problem.

As demonstrated in [37], when the number of variables approaches infinity the phase transition occurs when the constraint tightness \(\mathit{pt}=1-e^{-\frac{\alpha}{r}}\). Thus, the phase transition is an asymptotic phenomenon since, only for infinite number of variables, we can have sharp phase transitions. In addition, the number of variables and constraints of the possible CSPs, each CCCSPP contains, is slightly different from the one of the CCCSPP they are generated from.

6.2 Discussion of the experimental results

In order to come up with a complete study, we have conducted three sets of experiments. In each of these cases, we first fix all the parameters needed to generate the CCCSPP instances as follows: n=50, D=5, p=0.5, α=0.8, a=0.2, r=0.6 and I=0.8. We then vary one of these parameters in order to study its influence on the running time needed to return the optimal solution by each of the four methods.

According to the parameters we have set, the phase transition is computed as follows: \(\mathit{pt} = 1-e^{-\frac{\alpha}{r}} = 1 - e^{-\frac {0.8}{0.6}} = 0.73\). Thus, consistent instances are those with the tightness less than 0.73. The results of the tests are visualized through charts where the x coordinate represents the values of the varying parameter while the y coordinate corresponds to the running time in seconds needed to return the optimal solution. The time here is averaged over 10 runs.

In the following, we report the experimental results and discuss them in each of the following three subsections. Each chart reporting the results of a given test set will have the varying parameter in the X axis and the running time in seconds in the Y axis.

6.3 Easy versus hard problems

The goal here is to study the behavior of the four methods when varying the tightness p. Note that in this particular case, we changed n to 100 in order to be able to easily distinguish between the four methods.

Figure 10 presents the results of these comparative tests. In the case of under constrained problems (corresponding to low tightness values) FC and FC+ provide better results. This is due to the fact that there are fewer inconsistent values to be removed and the extra effort done by MAC and MAC+ to remove these values does not improve the overall running time for finding the optimal solution. We also notice that FC+ does better than FC (and the same can be said for MAC+ over MAC) since the former strategy extends the propagation to non active variables and there is a considerable number of these variables (since I=0.8 and a=0.2). However, when we move toward the phase transition the extra work performed by MAC and especially MAC+ starts to pay off. Indeed, in this particular situation fewer consistent solutions are available in the search space and the FC and FC+ methods have more difficulties moving from one solution to another in order to find the optimal one.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Comparative tests when varying the tightness p

6.4 Less versus more dynamic problems

The idea here is to study the behavior of the four methods when the problems become more dynamic i.e. by increasing each of the following parameters: a,I,N and D. The results are reported respectively in Figs. 11, 12, 13 and 14. In all these four charts we can easily notice that MAC and MAC+ outperform the other two methods especially when the problems become more dynamic (corresponding to high values of a,I,N and D).

Fig. 11
figure 11

Comparative tests when varying a (% of possible activity constraints)

Fig. 12
figure 12

Comparative tests when varying I

Fig. 13
figure 13

Comparative tests when varying the number of composite variables

Fig. 14
figure 14

Comparative tests when varying the domain size of the composite variables

Note that in the case of Fig. 12, while MAC+ does more efforts than MAC when I decreases (since the difference between the two strategies is that MAC+ does the propagation to non active variables as well as active variables), this extra effort is paying off as the total running time of MAC+ is always better than the MAC’s time.

6.5 Small versus large size problems

In this case we increase the size of the problem by varying the number of variables from 10 to 150 as shown in Fig. 15. Here again, MAC and MAC+ are faster than FC and FC+.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Comparative tests when varying n the number of CSP variables

7 Conclusion and future work

In this paper we have proposed a unique framework managing preferences at different levels of the constraint network and in a dynamic environment. This framework is very appealing for a wide variety of real world applications such as reactive scheduling and planning, logistics and configuration problems. The approach we adopted consists in converting a given constraint problem involving all the possible change that can occur depending on the validity of certain conditions into a constraint network where conditional constraints and composite variables are used to add new information to the constraint network in a dynamic manner during the resolution process. Preferences are associated to variable and constraint values as well as composite variables, in order to favor some solutions of the constraint problem. Finding the best solution is carried out by a variant of the branch and bound algorithm we propose. In order to evaluate the time performance of our solving method, we conducted experimental tests comparing different propagation strategies on randomly generated CCCSPPs. The results favor the MAC principle [9, 15] over the other strategies.

In the near future, we intend to conduct a more experimental study on some real life applications under constraints and preferences such as those addressed in [17, 20, 30]. This will be done especially when considering approximation methods such as Stochastic Local Search (SLS) [34], Genetic Algorithms  (GAs) [8] and Ant Colony Algorithms (ACOs) [35]. While these techniques do not always guarantee an optimal solution to the problem, they are very efficient in time (comparing to branch and bound) and can thus be useful if we want to trade the optimality of the solution for the time performance.