1 Introduction

SAR ADCs are widely utilized in low-power field. With the rapid development of semiconductor technology, the energy consumption is smaller and smaller. The switching energy still occupies a high proportion of the total energy consumption of SAR ADC. Recently, many techniques are proposed to reduce switching energy. Compared with conventional architecture, the monotonic [1], Vcm-based [2], Vcm-based monotonic [3] and energy-efficient hybrid switching scheme [4] reduce the switching energy by 81.26, 87.52, 97.66 and 98.83 %, respectively. The energy efficiency of SAR ADCs which are based on the normal architecture is close to the limitation. To further reduce the switching energy, new architecture should be adopted. Bridge capacitor used in [5, 6] and split capacitor used in [7] are usually adopted to save more energy.

The proposed switching scheme combines two-step architecture, split capacitor array and C-2C dummy capacitor together. The average energy consumption is reduced by 99.75 %, and the total capacitance is reduced by 85.9 %. The proposed switching scheme is described in Sect. 2. The analysis and comparison are provided in Sect. 3, and Sect. 4 gives the conclusion.

2 Proposed switching scheme

Figure 1 shows the architecture of the proposed 10-bit SAR ADC. The proposed SAR ADC adopts the two-step architecture. And the proposed SAR adopts fully differential architecture to suppress the common-mode noise. In addition, the most significant bit (MSB) capacitor is split into capacitors which are the same as the rest of capacitors. The C-2C dummy capacitor are adopted to reduce the total capacitance as reported in [8]. However, [8] uses only two voltage references while the proposed switching scheme utilizes one more voltage reference, the common-mode voltage. Moreover the switching step is changed as well.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The architecture of the proposed 10-bit SAR ADC

For N-bit SAR ADC, the first M bits can be determined by split capacitor array during the first step, and the rest of bits are determined by C-2C capacitor array during the second step. In this switching scheme, M is set as 6. Because the switching scheme of the state that Vip is larger than Vin and that of the condition that Vip is smaller than Vin are similar, for simplicity, we just introduces the latter.

2.1 The first step

During the sampling phase, all the switches are on. The differential signal is sampled to the “right” plates of capacitor Cs. The bottom plates of capacitors in the split capacitor arrays are connected to Vref, and the bottom plates of capacitors in C-2C capacitor arrays are connected to Vcm. After sampling, SP0, SN0 SP3 and SN3 are off. The circuit can be simplified into Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The simplified architecture of circuit after sampling

There is no voltage reference will charge or discharge to points 2 and 4. So the total numbers of charge on the “right” plate of Cs are unchanged. Based on Eq. (1), Eqs. (2) and (3) are always valid.

$${\text{V}}_{\text{Cs}} = \frac{{{\text{Q}}_{\text{total}} }}{\text{Cs}}$$
$${\text{V}}_{2} - {\text{V}}_{1} = {\text{V}}_{\text{ip}}$$
$${\text{V}}_{4} - {\text{V}}_{3} = {\text{V}}_{\text{in}}$$

So Cs keeps input signal all the time. The voltage of the “left” plate of Cs follows the top plates of split capacitor array and C-2C capacitor array. The size of Cs won’t influence the function of circuit.

Because of the top-plate sampling, MSB is determined without energy consumption. When Vip is smaller than Vin, SN2 and SP1 are off immediately. And the voltage of positive terminal of comparator will not change until the first step is finished. So the circuit can be simplified as Fig. 3 after getting MSB. In this switching scheme, we set M as 6. To explain the switching scheme of the first step after MSB decision clearly, an example in which M equals 4 is given in Fig. 4. In both cases, the principles of the switching scheme during the first step are the same. When Vip is smaller than Vin, all the bottom plates of capacitors in the split capacitor array are connected to Vcm, and the (MSB-1) bit are determined. The voltages of top plates and bottom plates of capacitors decrease Vref/2 at the same time. Thus, there is no energy consumption during the second comparison. In addition, SN2 and SP1 should be off before changing the voltage of the bottom plates of capacitors in split capacitor array to keep the function of circuit right. According to the result of the second comparison, all the split MSB capacitors are connected to Vref or 0 to determine the third bit, and this step consumes 1/4\({\text{CV}}_{\text{ref}}^{2}\). Then, the ADC performs the monotonic switching scheme until the end of the first step as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The simplified architecture of circuit after getting MSB

Fig. 4
figure 4

Switching scheme of the first step after MSB decision when M equals 4

The average switching energy for the first step is given below:

$$E_{avg\_first} = \left( {2^{M - 6} + \mathop \sum \limits_{i = 0}^{M - 4} \frac{{2^{M - 3 - i} - 1}}{{2^{M - 2i} }}} \right)CV_{ref}^{2}$$

2.2 The second step

During the second step, the voltage of Vin_first will keep the value of the final result of the first step until all bit are determined. The circuit can be simplified as Fig. 5. If the output of comparator is “1” at the end of first step, the bottom plate of the 4C capacitor is connected to 0. Otherwise, the bottom plate will be connected to Vref. Next, ADC will perform the same procedure. And the last bit is determined by C-2C dummy capacitor. And the waveform of the proposed switching scheme is shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The simplified architecture of circuit at the end of first step

Fig. 6
figure 6

The waveform of the proposed switching scheme when Vip is smaller than Vin

3 Analysis and comparison

For a 10-bit SAR ADC, there is more than one choice for the value of M. The average energy consumption and the total capacitance are dependent on the value of M. There is a trade-off between energy consumption and area. Comparing with other cases, M is set as 6 for higher energy efficiency. The behaviour simulation of different switching schemes for a 10-bit differential SAR ADC was performed in MATLAB for comparison with the proposed switching scheme as shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Switching energy against output code

The average switching energy for the proposed switching scheme is 3.44\({\text{CV}}_{\text{ref}}^{2}\) which achieves a 99.75 % reduction compared with the conventional SAR. The total energy consumed by capacitor arrays are reduced effectively. Table 1 shows the comparison of different switching schemes for a 10-bit SAR ADC. It is obvious that the proposed scheme achieves the highest energy efficiency. In addition, the proposed scheme saves more area than the others.

Table 1 Comparison of different switching schemes

4 Conclusions

A novel architecture low-power switching scheme is proposed. The proposed switching scheme combines two-step architecture, split capacitor array, C-2C dummy capacitor and more than one switching schemes together. This scheme with new architecture achieves a 99.75 and 85.9 % reduction in switching energy reduction and area, respectively. So far, the energy efficiency of this scheme is the highest.