
In GPS applications the dilution of precision (GDOP) is often used to select a subset of satellites from all visible ones. In order to determine the position of a receiver, pseudoranges from n (≥4) satellites must be used at the same time. By linearizing the pseudorange equation with Taylor’s series expansion at the approximate (or nominal) receiver position, the relationship between pseudorange difference (Δρ i) and positioning difference (Δx i ) can be summarized as follows (Jwo 2001):

$$ \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {\Updelta \rho_{1} } \\ {\Updelta \rho_{2} } \\ {\Updelta \rho_{3} } \\ \vdots \\ {\Updelta \rho_{n} } \\ \end{array} } \right] = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {e_{11} } & {e_{12} } & {e_{13} } & 1 \\ {e_{21} } & {e_{22} } & {e_{23} } & 1 \\ {e_{31} } & {e_{32} } & {e_{33} } & 1 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ {e_{n1} } & {e_{n2} } & {e_{n3} } & 1 \\ \end{array} } \right]\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {\Updelta x_{1} } \\ {\Updelta x_{2} } \\ {\Updelta x_{3} } \\ {c\Updelta t} \\ \end{array} } \right] + \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {v_{1} } \\ {v_{2} } \\ {v_{3} } \\ \vdots \\ {v_{n} } \\ \end{array} } \right] $$

which is written in a compact form as

$$ {\mathbf{z}} = {\mathbf{Hx}} + {\mathbf{v}} $$

The n × 4 matrix H is formed with direction cosines e i1, e i2, and e i3 from the receiver to the ith satellite, and v denotes a random noise with an expected value of 0. The difference between the estimated and true receiver positions is given by

$$ \tilde{x} = ({\mathbf{H}}^{{\mathbf{T}}} {\mathbf{H}})^{ - 1} {\mathbf{H}}^{{\mathbf{T}}} {\mathbf{v}} $$

where H T denotes the transpose of H, and M = H T H, called the measurement matrix, is a 4 × 4 matrix no matter how large n is. It can be shown that the measurement matrix is symmetric and nonnegative, and thus it has four nonnegative eigenvalues (Hoffman and Kunze 1961). Assuming \( E\{ {\mathbf{vv}}^{{\mathbf{T}}} \} = \sigma^{2} {\mathbf{I}}, \) then \( E\{ \tilde{x}\tilde{x}^{{\mathbf{T}}} \} = \sigma^{2} ({\mathbf{H}}^{{\mathbf{T}}} {\mathbf{H}})^{ - 1} . \) The GDOP factor is defined as the square root of the trace of the inverse measurement matrix

$$ {\text{GDOP}} = \sqrt {{\text{trace}}({\mathbf{M}}^{ - 1} )} = \sqrt {\frac{{{\text{trace}}[{\text{adj}}({\mathbf{M}})]}}{{\det ({\mathbf{M}})}}} $$

Because GDOP provides a simple interpretation of how much positioning precision can be diluted by a unit of measurement error, it is desirable to choose the combination of satellites in a satellite constellation with GDOP as small as possible. Yarlagadda et al. (2000) showed that increasing the number of satellites will always reduce the GDOP. Thus, it makes sense for a receiver to use all its available channels to receive signals from visible satellites. Suppose that a receiver has five channels to receive signals from nine visible satellites, then a total of 9!/(4!5!) = 126 GDOPs need to be computed in order to decide the best combination of satellites. This can present challenges to some real time GPS applications.

By using cofactors and determinant in Eq. 4, the computation of GDOP does have a closed-form solution in terms of elements of M, and thus H. However, this approach is often less efficient than well-designed numerical algorithms such as the LU decomposition. Using the conventional LU decomposition, it takes a total of 160 floating point operations (add, subtract, multiply and divide) to invert a 4 × 4 matrix (Atkinson 1978).

Due to limited resources associated with many handheld GPS devices, previous studies have tried to compute GDOP without resorting to the cofactors approach or matrix inversion. Simon and El-Sherief (1995) used a function approximation procedure rooted in artificial neural network (ANN) to compute GDOP. Extensive studies following this track of GDOP computation have been conducted elsewhere (Jwo and Chin 2002; Jwo and Lai 2003, 2007).

There are a few problems associated with the neural based solutions to the GDOP computation. First, a model must be trained with substantial computing resources. Second, it is well known in the machine learning field that the resultant model depends critically on the set of training data. Thus, when the GPS application is moved to a geographically different area, new training data must be collected to train a new model.

In this paper, we show that using the same features in Simon and El-Sherief (1995) or Jwo and Lai (2007), the GDOP function can be explicitly written down with a very simple formula. The methodology behind this formula is Netwon’s identities in the theory of symmetric polynomials. This paper is organized as follows. In the next section, a literature review of GDOP computation is discussed. This is followed by the theory of symmetric polynomials and Netwon’s identities. The closed-form formula is then derived from Newton’s identities. The paper is ended with a few concluding remarks.

Literature review

In this section, a brief review of GDOP computation is presented. This review is focused on a closed-form solution from Zhu (1992) and the ANN based approach. Other possible solutions based on machine learning tools are also discussed.

GDOP estimation

Yarlagadda et al. (2000) reviewed the GDOP metrics with a goal to estimate bounds of GDOP. For example, when there are exactly four satellites in the measurement of pseudorange, then GDOP \( {\text{GDOP}} \ge \sqrt 2, \) and

$$ {\text{GDOP}} \ge \frac{2}{{(\det ({\mathbf{M}}))^{1/8} }} $$

Another interesting and important result of Yarlagadda et al. (2000) is, in a satellite constellation, increasing the number of satellites for positioning tasks will always reduce the GDOP. Thus, a GPS receiver should use all its available channels to receive signals from visible satellites. This has created a practical need to find alternative means other than the Zhu (1992) closed-form formula, which is valid only for the four-satellite situation. Most GPS receivers today can receive signals from more than four satellites.

A closed-form formula for four satellites

By denoting

$$ E_{ij} = e_{i1} e_{j1} + e_{i2} e_{j2} + e_{i3} e_{j3} + 1,\quad 1 \le i < j \le 4 $$

where e i1, e i2 and e i3 are direction cosines in Eq. 1, and using the fact that \( e_{i1}^{2} + e_{i2}^{2} + e_{i3}^{2} = 1, \) Zhu (1992) derived a closed-form formula for GDOP

$$ {\text{GDOP}} = \sqrt {\frac{16 + b + c}{a + b + 2c}} $$

where a, b and c are intermediate variables defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned}a &= (E_{12} E_{34} + E_{13} E_{24} - E_{14} E_{23} )^{2} - 4(E_{12} E_{34} E_{13} E_{24} ) \\b &= 16 - 4(E_{12}^{2} + E_{13}^{2} + E_{14}^{2} + E_{23}^{2} + E_{24}^{2} + E_{34}^{2} ) \\c &= 2[E_{12} (E_{13} E_{23} + E_{14} E_{24} ) + E_{34} (E_{13} E_{14} + E_{23} E_{24} )] \\\end{aligned}$$

Starting from elements of H, it has been determined that 39 multiplications, 34 additions, 1 division and 1 square root are needed to compute GDOP in Eq. 7. This is less than half of the operation count needed to invert the measurement matrix M, let alone that M must be computed from H T H first. Unfortunately, Zhu’s formula is valid only when = 4 in Eq. 1 since it uses a critical equality valid only for this dimension

$$ {\text{trace}}({\mathbf{H}}^{{\mathbf{T}}} {\mathbf{H}})^{ - 1} = {\text{trace}}({\mathbf{HH}}^{{\mathbf{T}}} )^{ - 1} $$

As Yarlagadda et al. (2000) suggested more satellites than four can be used to decrease GDOP, efficient GDOP computation for any number (≥4) of satellites is desirable. Jwo (2001) has extended Zhu’s work by considering the situation of three satellites aided by an altimeter.

Neural network based approximations

An ANN mimics the working of a human brain in learning. A neural cell (neuron) is a fundamental information processing unit in ANN. Neurons are connected via synapses with weights that can be optimized to fit the training data. Two types of neural based approaches have been proposed to handle the GDOP problem: approximation and classification (Simon and El-Sherief 1995; Jwo and Lai 2007). In the approximation approach, the GDOP is predicted from a trained ANN model as a real number. The model is often assessed with the mean absolute error

$$ {\text{MAE}} = \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{N} {|y_{i} - t_{i} |} $$

where y i and t i are the ANN computed GDOP and target GDOP respectively, or the root mean square error

$$ {\text{RMSE}} = \sqrt {\frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{N} {(y_{i} - t_{i} )^{2} } } $$

The training time for this kind of function approximation by ANN is usually long; thus a different type of ANN is introduced for GDOP computation. The classification approach uses a threshold to cut the GDOP range into two classes: acceptable and unacceptable. For example, if GPS applications accept a GDOP as high as 2.5, then the threshold can be set to 2.5. Therefore, if a set of satellites yields a GDOP higher than this number, this set is labeled unacceptable; otherwise, the set is labeled acceptable. Due to the fact that only a binary decision is needed in this case, training a classification ANN is very fast. A classification ANN model is usually assessed with the precision, recall and accuracy rates that are commonly used in binary prediction problems (Witten and Frank 2005). The binary classification approach can be extended to a multi-class classification approach when there is a need to divide the GDOP range in a finer manner; for example, two threshold values may be used to label a set of satellites as excellent, acceptable and unacceptable.

The ANN approach is a supervised learning procedure and thus there are two phases of operations. In the training phase, data with known input–output pairings are fed into the network to learn synaptic weights. The goal of this learning is to minimize differences between network outputs and target outputs. After the network is trained, the procedure enters the operational phase where inputs can be fed into the network to compute estimated outputs. The effectiveness of ANN is founded on an extended Kolmogorov’s theorem by Hecht-Nielson (1987), which says that any continuous functional mapping R mR n can be approximated by a three-layer ANN with (2m + 1) neurons in the middle layer.

Simon and El-Sherief (1995) started the ANN approach for GDOP approximation. In their study, GDOP is considered as a function of four independent variables as follows. Since the measurement matrix M = H T H is symmetric, it has four real valued eigenvalues λ1, λ2, λ3, λ4. Assuming that M is nonsingular, then the GDOP can be expressed as

$$ {\text{GDOP}} = {\text{trace}}({\mathbf{M}}^{ - 1} ) = \sqrt {\lambda_{1}^{ - 1} + \lambda_{2}^{ - 1} + \lambda_{3}^{ - 1} + \lambda_{4}^{ - 1} } $$

because eigenvalues of the inverse matrix are inverses of eigenvalues of the original matrix and the trace of a symmetric matrix equals the sum of all its eigenvalues (Hoffman and Kunze 1961).

In order to estimate GDOP in Eq. 9, Simon and El-Sherief (1995) adopted a special set of features

$$ h_{1} (\lambda ) \equiv \lambda_{1} + \lambda_{2} + \lambda_{3} + \lambda_{4} = {\text{trace}}({\mathbf{M}}) $$
$$ h_{2} (\lambda ) \equiv \lambda_{1}^{2} + \lambda_{2}^{2} + \lambda_{3}^{2} + \lambda_{4}^{2} = {\text{trace}}({\mathbf{M}}^{2} ) $$
$$ h_{3} (\lambda ) \equiv \lambda_{1}^{3} + \lambda_{2}^{3} + \lambda_{3}^{3} + \lambda_{4}^{3} = {\text{trace}}({\mathbf{M}}^{3} ) $$
$$ h_{4} (\lambda ) \equiv \lambda_{1} \lambda_{2} \lambda_{3} \lambda_{4} = \det ({\mathbf{M}}) $$

The last term in each equation is used to compute the components of h, i.e., h 1 = trace(M), h 2 = trace(M 2), h 3 = trace(M 3), and h 4 = det(M). These equalities hold because M and its powers are symmetric matrices (Hoffman and Kunze 1961). Thus, the researchers considered a real valued function

$$ f:R^{4} \to R,\quad {\mathbf{h}}\;\mapsto\;{\text{GDOP}} $$

to be approximated by ANN. The training data were collected from a GPS receiver located at 5,000 ft above San Francisco (37.5° latitude, 122° longitude), and the trained model was tested on a simulated missile trajectory originating from Vandenberg air force base in California.

Using a back-propagation technique, the function GDOP = f(h) of Eq. 14 was approximated by an ANN with nine middle layer neurons. It took the researchers 4 h and 47 min on a VAX machine of 1990s to train a satisfactory ANN. The RMSE was 1.44%. On the other hand, an optimal interpolative (OI) net was used to classify sets of satellites according to a threshold of the GDOP value. The threshold was set from 2.4 to 3.4 with an increment of 0.2, and the classification accuracy was high (>87.4%) in all cases. The training time for this OI net was about 1 s, which is a 99.994% of savings from the back-propagation neural network (BPNN) for function approximation.

Jwo and Chin (2002) expanded the study of Simon and El-Sherief (1995) by using three more input–output mappings. In addition to the mapping in Eq. 14, called type 3 mapping in Jwo and Chin (2002), the researchers also considered the following mappings:

$$ {\mathbf{h}}\;\mapsto\;\lambda^{ - 1} = (\lambda_{1}^{ - 1},\lambda_{2}^{ - 1},\lambda_{3}^{ - 1},\lambda_{4}^{ - 1} )\quad \left( {{\text{type}}1{\text{ mapping}}} \right) $$
$$ {\mathbf{H}}^{{\mathbf{T}}} {\mathbf{H}}\;\mapsto\;\lambda^{ - 1} = (\lambda_{1}^{ - 1},\lambda_{2}^{ - 1},\lambda_{3}^{ - 1},\lambda_{4}^{ - 1} )\quad \left( {{\text{type}}2{\text{ mapping}}} \right) $$
$$ {\mathbf{H}}^{{\mathbf{T}}} {\mathbf{H}}\;\mapsto\;{\text{GDOP}}\quad \left( {{\text{type}}4{\text{ mapping}}} \right) $$

In type 2 and type 4 mappings, the input H T H denotes elements of the measurement matrix. Since the measurement matrix is a symmetric 4 × 4 matrix, there are ten input variables for the type 2 and type 4 mappings. Incidentally, the middle layer had 21 neurons according to Hecht-Nielson (1987), and the resultant network was much more complicated than the one for the other two scalar valued mappings. Only BPNN was explored in Jwo and Chin (2002) to approximate the four continuous mappings from R 4 (using h) or R 10 (using H T H) to R 1 (using GDOP) or R 4 (using λ−1). The training and testing data were gathered with a receiver placed on the top of the building of the author’s institute (25.15° latitude, 121.78° longitude and 62 m altitude). For the purpose of a direct GDOP approximation, it was found that the type 3 mapping had an error mean of −0.0022 and a SD of 0.0236, and the type 4 mapping had an error mean of −0.0127 and a SD of 0.0174. Both results were considered very good by the researchers, but the type 4 mapping needed much more time to learn the patterns due to its complicated structure.

On the other hand, Jwo and Lai (2003) considered the type 3 mapping with different types of ANN to classify sets of satellites. A GDOP threshold of 2.5 was assumed, and three types of ANN were considered, namely, BPNN, OI nets and probabilistic neural nets (PNN). It was found that PNN had provided the best performance in terms of classification accuracy and training efficiency.

Similarly, Jwo and Lai (2007) considered the type 3 mapping with different neural nets to approximate or classify the GDOP function. The general regression neural networks (GRNN) and BPNN were used to approximate the function and both types of ANN were found to be feasible in this task. All four neural nets (BPNN, OI net, PNN and GRNN) were found to provide satisfactory results for GDOP classification.

Other possible solutions for GDOP computation

Phillips (1984) proposed to select the four satellites with a maximum volume of tetrahedron formed by the tips of the unit vectors from the receiver to the satellites, i.e., vertices with the direction cosines (e i1, e i2, e i3), i = 1, 2, 3, 4. This is because GDOP is approximately proportional to the inverse of this volume. However, this maximum volume method may not select desired satellites with the minimum GDOP. There are also other machine learning techniques that can be used to learn the GDOP function as ANN above. These will be briefly discussed in the following.

Support vector regression

An ANN uses the empirical risk minimization (ERM) principle to learn patterns. On the other hand, support vector regression (SVR) proposed by Vapnik (Cristianini and Shawe-Taylor 2000) uses the structural risk minimization (SRM) principle to train a model. ERM minimizes risks resulting from the training data only; thus it may overfit a model. On the other hand, SRM incorporates the model complexity into a learning process and may avoid the overfitting problem encountered in many supervised learning algorithms. Support vector based techniques have been used to solve many scientific and engineering problems; therefore, the type 3 mapping of Jwo and Chin (2002) may be learnt with a SVR procedure.

Genetic programming

Genetic programming (GP), a biologically inspired machine learning technique, may help in finding the size and shape of a regression model (Koza 1992). GP uses evolutionary principles to evolve better individuals in successive generations. An individual in GP is a program tree with input variables such as h 1, h 2, h 3, and h 4 above or a random constant as leaf nodes and operators such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, etc., as internal nodes. This program tree is evaluated for evolutionary purpose against a test environment. In the GDOP application, a test environment is formed by the input–output pairings of the training data. The purpose of GP is to find a program tree (i.e. a formula relating the input variables to the output variable) such that the discrepancy between computed outputs and target outputs is minimized. Like the ANN approach, a GP-based symbolic regression can be used to learn the GDOP function.

Symmetric polynomials

A symmetric polynomial is a polynomial p(X 1, X 2,…, X n ) in n variables such that when any two variables are interchanged, the polynomial remains the same. This can be more precisely defined as follows:

$$ p(X_{\sigma (1)} ,X_{\sigma (2)} , \ldots, X_{\sigma (n)} ) = p(X_{1} ,X_{2} , \ldots, X_{n} ) $$

where σ is any permutation of the sequence 1, 2,…, n. Symmetric polynomials have many applications in combinatorics, group representation, and quantum theory among others. There are many types of symmetric polynomials, of which two are of special interest to this study, namely the power sum symmetric polynomials and elementary symmetric polynomials.

Power sum symmetric polynomials

The power sum symmetric polynomial of degree k in variables X 1, X 2 ,…, X n is the sum of all kth powers of the variables

$$ p_{k} (X_{1} ,X_{2} , \ldots, X_{n} ) = X_{1}^{k} + X_{2}^{k} + \cdots + X_{n}^{k} $$

The power sum symmetric polynomials form a type of building blocks for symmetric polynomials in the sense that every symmetric polynomial with rational coefficients may be expressed as a sum and difference of products of power sum symmetric polynomials with rational coefficients (Macdonald 1995). For example, the symmetric polynomial \( p(X_{1} ,X_{2} ) = X_{1}^{2} X_{2} + X_{1} X_{2}^{2} + X_{1} X_{2} \) can be expressed as

$$ p(X_{1} ,X_{2} ) = \frac{1}{2}p_{1}^{3} - \frac{1}{2}p_{1} p_{2} + \frac{1}{2}p_{1}^{2} - \frac{1}{2}p_{2} $$

where p k is defined in Eq. 16 with n = 2.

Elementary symmetric polynomials

Elementary symmetric polynomials form another type of building blocks in the theory of symmetric polynomials. An elementary symmetric polynomial of a positive degree k ≤ n in variables X 1, X 2,…, X n is defined as follows:

$$ e_{k} (X_{1} ,X_{2} , \ldots, X_{n} ) = \sum\limits_{1 \le j1 < j2 < \cdots < jk \le n} {X_{j1} X_{j2} , \ldots,X_{jk} } $$

For example, the third degree elementary symmetric polynomial in four variables can be explicitly written down as

$$ e_{3} (X_{1} ,X_{2} ,X_{3} ,X_{4} ) = X_{1} X_{2} X_{3} + X_{1} X_{2} X_{4} + X_{1} X_{3} X_{4} + X_{2} X_{3} X_{4} $$

When k > n, it is convenient to define e k (X 1X 2,…, X n ) = 0. The 0th degree elementary symmetric polynomial is defined by e 0(X 1X 2,…, X n ) = 1. It can be proved that every symmetric polynomial, including power sum symmetric polynomials, can be expressed as the sum and product of constant and elementary symmetric polynomials (Macdonald 1995). On the other hand, since an elementary symmetric polynomial has rational coefficients 1, it can be expressed by the power sum symmetric polynomials. The close relationship between these two types of symmetric polynomials is further explained by Newton’s identities.

Newton’s identities

Newtown’s identities are also called Newton–Girard formulae. These identities were found by Isaac Newton and Albert Girard in 1600s independently, and they relate power sum symmetric polynomials to elementary symmetric polynomials as follows:

$$ ke_{k} (X_{1} , \ldots, X_{n} ) = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{k} {( - 1)^{i - 1} } e_{k - i} (X_{1} , \ldots, X_{n} )p_{k} (X_{1}, \ldots, X_{n} ) $$

The formulae are valid for any integer k ≥ 1. Each identity of a special k can be verified by direct algebraic manipulations, while the validity of all identities needs a proof. A simple proof using formal power series expansion can be found in Berlekamp (1968). Mead (1992) provides another simple and natural proof of Newton’s identities.

The closed-form formula for GDOP

Studies in Simon and El-Sherief (1995), Jwo and Lai (2003) and Jwo and Lai (2007) pointed out that the type 1 mapping \( {\mathbf{h}}\;\mapsto\;{\varvec{\uplambda}}^{ - 1} \) or type 3 mapping \( {\mathbf{h}}\;\mapsto\;{\text{GDOP}} \) is highly nonlinear and cannot be determined analytically. Thus, ANN has been employed to approximate these mappings. The type 1 mapping remains to be studied in the future. The other three types of mapping will be analyzed in the following. A simple closed-form formula for the type 3 mapping can be derived from Newton’s identities.

The type 2 mapping: \( {\mathbf{H}}^{{\mathbf{T}}} {\mathbf{H}}\;\mapsto\;\lambda^{ - 1} \)

Since the measurement matrix M = H T H is a 4 × 4 matrix, the characteristic polynomial

$$ {\text{p}}(\lambda ) = \det (\lambda {\mathbf{I}} - {\mathbf{M}}) = 0 $$

is a fourth degree polynomial in λ. There is a closed-form solution to a general fourth degree polynomial, though this quartic formula is not as popular or well-known as the quadratic formula for second degree polynomial equations. Lodovico Ferrari discovered this quartic formula in 1540s by using finitely many radicals (i.e. nth root) and arithmetic operations on the coefficients of a fourth degree polynomial. Therefore, λ −1 i can be computed analytically by using a finite number of radicals and arithmetic operations on elements of M. Indeed, n = 4 is the highest degree of a polynomial equation that has a general solution formula using only radicals and arithmetic. The third degree polynomial equation was solved by Niccolo Tartaglia. Using Galois theory, it can be shown that a general polynomial equation of degree greater than 4 is not solvable in radicals and arithmetic (Goldstein 1973). That is, there is no general solution formula using only finitely many radicals and arithmetic operations for a polynomial equation with degree higher than 4.

The type 3 and type 4 mappings: \( {\mathbf{h}}\;\mapsto\;{\text{GDOP,}}\quad {\mathbf{H}}^{{\mathbf{T}}} {\mathbf{H}} \mapsto {\text{GDOP}} \)

Fortunately, in terms of GDOP computation, embedded symmetry in the formula has avoided many messy computations in the quartic formula of Ferrari. A simple algebraic manipulation of GDOP shows that

$$ {\rm GDOP} = \sqrt {\frac{{\lambda_{1} \lambda_{2} \lambda_{3} + \lambda_{1} \lambda_{2} \lambda_{4} + \lambda_{1} \lambda_{3} \lambda_{4} + \lambda_{2} \lambda_{3} \lambda_{4} }}{{\lambda_{1} \lambda_{2} \lambda_{3} \lambda_{4} }}} $$

The denominator inside the radical is h 4(λ), and the numerator is the third degree elementary symmetric polynomial of Eq. 18. Using Netwon’s identities successively for k = 3, 2 and 1, it follows that

$$ e_{3} = \frac{1}{3}\left[ {\frac{1}{2}(p_{1}^{2} - p_{2} )p_{1} - p_{1} p_{2} + p_{3} } \right] $$

Since h 1(λ), h 2(λ) and h 3(λ) are first, second and third degree power sums of the eigenvalues, a close-form formula for computing GDOP is given by

$$ {\rm GDOP} = \sqrt {\frac{{0.5h_{1}^{3} - 1.5h_{1} h_{2} + h_{3} }}{{3h_{4} }}} $$

Because each h i (λ)can be computed from elements of the measurement matrix, Eq. 21 also provides an exact formula for the type 4 mapping \( {\mathbf{H}}^{{\mathbf{T}}} {\mathbf{H}} \mapsto {\text{GDOP}} \) in Jwo and Chin (2002). The work in Simon and El-Sherief (1995) or Jwo and Lai (2007) has tried to approximate the formula in Eq. 21 by using various kinds of ANN. This formula is a simple combination of h i (λ); thus it may be found by GP described above. However, due to the specific coefficients involved, it will take GP substantial efforts to find this formula. A flowchart for the proposed GDOP computation is depicted in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

GDOP computation using the proposed formula

An example using the proposed formula to compute GDOP is now illustrated. Suppose five satellites are available to a receiver with the direction cosines as follows:

$$ {\text{H}} = \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {0.408248} & {0.816497} & {0.408248} & 1 \\ {0.666667} & {0.333333} & {0.666667} & 1 \\ { - 0.408248} & {0.816497} & {0.408248} & 1 \\ {0.816497} & { - 0.408248} & {0.408248} & 1 \\ {0.408248} & { - 0.816497} & {0.408248} & 1 \\ \end{array} } \right) $$

The measurement matrix M = H T H is computed as a 4 × 4 matrix and given in the following.

$$ {\mathbf{M}} = \left( {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {1.61111} & { - 0.444444} & {0.944445} & {1.89141} \\ { - 0.444444} & {2.27778} & {0.388889} & {0.741582} \\ {0.944445} & {0.388889} & {1.11111} & {2.29966} \\ {1.89141} & {0.741582} & {2.29966} & 5 \\ \end{array} } \right) $$

Computing the traces of M, M 2, and M 3 yields h 1 = 10, h 2 = 55.3316 and h 3 = 357.319. The determinant of M gives h 4 = 0.281962, and according to Eq. 21, GDOP for this set of satellites is 5.68569.

Operation count and discussions

When there are exactly four satellites to compute GDOP, Zhu’s formula (1992) provides the best computational efficiency. On the other hand, when there are more than four satellites to consider, one must first compute the matrix product H T H to get the measurement matrix. This effort will not be considered in the following task of comparing operation count. The type 1 and type 3 mappings of Jwo and Chin (2002) require an intermediate step to compute h i ’s from Eqs. 1013. These computations need 144 floating operations divided as follows: three sums for h 1, 40 multiplications and 33 sums for h 2, 16 multiplications and 15 sums for h 3, and 23 multiplications and 14 sums for h 4. The determinant is computed by using the Gaussian elimination method (Atkinson 1978).

The presented formula

The presented formula in Eq. 21 needs six sums, two multiplications and one square root operation. Thus, the total operation count to compute GDOP from elements of M is 152 floating point operations and one radical operation.

The conventional LU decomposition for matrix inversion

Using the conventional LU decomposition to invert the measurement matrix requires 160 floating point operations (Atkinson 1978). Additionally, three sums are required to compute the trace of the inverse matrix, thus it takes a total of 163 floating point operations and one radical operation to compute GDOP, should this approach is adopted.

The ANN approach

For the ANN approach in Simon and El-Sherief (1995) or Jwo and Lai (2007), if type 3 mapping is used, then it needs a total of 144 floating point operations to compute intermediate variables. Additionally, with a BPNN structure of 4 × 9 × 1, it needs more than 100 floating point operations to compute weighted sums and 10 exponential operations to compute the sigmoid function during the operational phase. On the other hand, if type 4 mapping is used, there is no need to compute the intermediate variables. However, a bigger network structure must be used to incorporate ten input variables now. Suppose a BPNN structure of 10 × 21 × 1 is used, it will need more than 400 floating point operations to compute weighted sums and 22 exponential operations to compute the sigmoid function during the operational phase. The operation counts for different approaches are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 Operation counts to compute GDOP from elements of the measurement matrix


GPS applications use pseudoranges to locate the position of a receiver. The positioning accuracy is affected by measurement error amplified by GDOP. It is desirable to select a set of satellites with GDOP as small as possible. In real time GPS applications, fast computation of GDOP is needed to get the best performance from the system. Extensive studies using machine learning techniques have been conducted previously (Simon and El-Sherief 1995; Jwo and Lai 2003, 2007). Though these studies have shown that ANN provided a feasible means to solve the GDOP computation problem, there are a few questions left to be answered. First of all, machine learning techniques require computational resources to train a model, which needs to be retrained when substantially different geographic data are used. Second, machine learning techniques offer only approximations to the target values.

This study provides yet another method to compute GDOP without the labor associated with most machine learning techniques. Using Newton’s identities in the theory of symmetric polynomials, a simple closed-form formula for GDOP was derived with the four features used previously (Simon and El-Sherief 1995; Jwo and Lai 2007). The comparison of operation count in Table 1 shows that this formula beats the direct matrix inversion method and neural based approaches in operational phase.

In contrast to the conventional approach, the closed-form formula does not need any training efforts, and nor does it incur any approximation error. The formula is a function of four real valued variables: traces of the measurement matrix M, M 2 and M 3, and the determinant of M. Using the embedded symmetry in the definition of GDOP and the theory of symmetric polynomials, a simple closed-form formula for GDOP has been derived. In addition to its practical applications in GDOP computation, the formula may also provide a means to estimate GDOP bounds in future studies.