1 Introduction

In this paper, all rings are commutative with identity and the dimension of a ring means its Krull dimension. Throughout this paper, if D denotes an integral domain with quotient field K, then \(D^{\prime }\) denotes its integral closure, \(\text{ Min }(D)\) denotes the set of height-one prime ideals of D and if \(X_n=\{x_1,\ldots ,x_n\}\) is a set of indeterminates over K, then we write \(D[[X_n]]\) rather than \(D[[x_1,\ldots ,x_n]]\). An ideal \(I\) is called an SFT-ideal if there exist a natural number \(k\) and a finitely generated ideal \(J\subseteq I\) such that \(a^k\in J\) for each \(a\in I\). An SFT-ring is a ring in which every ideal is an SFT-ideal. SFT-rings are similar to Noetherian rings, and they have many nice properties. For properties about SFT-rings, the readers are referred to [1, 2, 4].

In [2], Arnold studied the Krull dimension of power series ring and showed that if a ring \(R\) fails to have the SFT-property, then \(R[[X]]\) has infinite dimension. Arnold’s result forces us to consider only SFT-rings when we study finite-dimensional power series extensions. Also, it forces us to raise the question: does \(R[[X]]\) is an SFT-ring when \(R\) is an SFT-ring?. In fact, this is an old question which was raised by R. Gilmer. In Coykendall [8], answered this question in the negative by constructing a one-dimensional SFT-domain R such that \(R[[X_n]]\) is not an SFT-ring. At the same time (2002), in Badawi and Houston [5], introduced the concept of an almost pseudo-valuation domain. An integral domain \(R\) is said to be an almost pseudo-valuation domain (or, for short, APVD) if \(R\) is a quasi-local domain with maximal ideal \(M\), and there is a valuation overring in which \(M\) is a primary ideal. One very remarkable thing in [8] is that Coykendall’s example is a one-dimensional APVD (see [13, Example 2.4]). So it is natural to study the SFT-instability via power series extension over an APVD regardless of its dimension and ask which things cause the SFT-instability in such extensions, which is the first purpose of this paper.

In this paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition to win the SFT-stability via power series extension over an APVD. Recall from [7] that a P-primary ideal \(Q\) of an integral domain \(R\) is called a Noether strongly primary ideal of \(R\) if \(P^k\subseteq Q\) for some positive integer \(k\). We prove that if \(R\) is an APVD with maximal ideal \(M\), then \(R[[x_1]]\) is an SFT-ring if and only if \(R[[x_1,x_2]]\) is an SFT-ring if and only if the integral closure of \(R\) is an SFT-ring if and only if \(R\) is an SFT-ring and \(M\) is a Noether strongly primary ideal of \((M:M)\) (Theorem 2.3).

We show first that if \(R\) is a one-dimensional APVD with maximal ideal \(M\), then \(R[[X]]\) is an SFT-ring if and only if \(R\) is an accp-ring (i.e., satisfies the ascending chain condition on principal ideals) and \(M\) is a Noether strongly primary ideal of \((M:M)\).

We use rings of the form \(D+M\) to construct several examples which prove the SFT-instability via power series extension over an APVD regardless of its dimension (Proposition 2.7 and Example 2.8).

Recall from [13], an integral domain \(R\) is called a \(*\)-domain if the set \(\text{ Min }(R)\) is nonempty and if for each \(P\in \text{ Min }(R),\,R\) satisfies the ascending chain condition on \(P\)-principal ideals (ideals of the form \(aP,\,a\in R\)). Also from [13], \(R\) is said to be a residually \(*\)-domain if for each nonmaximal prime ideal \(P\) of \(R\), the quotient ring \(R/P\) is a \(*\)-domain. In [13], we proved that if \(R\) is an APVD with nonzero finite dimension, then \(\dim R[[X]]<\infty \) if and only if \(\dim R[[X_n]]<\infty \) if and only if \(R\) is a residually \(*\)-domain if and only if the ring \(R[[X]]\) is catenary ([13, Theorem 3.5]). And, in this case, we have \(\dim R[[X]]=1+\dim R,\,1+n\dim R\le \dim R[[X_n]]\le n+(n+1)\dim R\) and ht\(P[[X_n]]=n\) ht\(P\) for each nonmaximal prime ideal \(P\) of \(R\) ([13, Theorem 2.9 and Corollary 2.17]). As an application of Theorem 2.3 (instability theorem on an APVD), we show that \(\dim R[[X_n]]=n\dim R+1\) or \(n\dim R+n\) and ht\(M[[X_n]]=n(\)ht\(M-1)+1\) or \(n\) ht\(M\) and for each value we give sufficient and necessary conditions on \(R\) (Theorem 3.1, Corollary 3.4 and Corollary 3.5). Also we give examples for each value (Example 3.8 and Example 3.9). Finally, we show that the ring \(R[[X_n]]\) is not catenary if \(n>1\) and \(\dim R>1\).

2 When is \({\varvec{R}}{\varvec{[[}}{\varvec{X}}_{\varvec{n}}{\varvec{]]}}\) an SFT-ring?

Throughout this section, \(R\) will denote an APVD with quotient filed \(K\) and maximal ideal \(M\) and \(V\) will denote the overring \((M:M)=\{x\in K; xM\subseteq M\}\) of \(R\). By [5, Theorem 3.4], \(V\) is a valuation domain and \(M\) is primary to the maximal ideal \(N\) of \(V\).

Lemma 2.1

  1. 1.

    \(V\) and \(R\) have the same set of nonmaximal prime ideals. In particular, \(\dim V=\dim R\) and every prime ideal of \(R\) is a proper ideal of \(V\).

  2. 2.

    Let \(P\) be a nonmaximal prime ideal of \(R\). Then \(V/P=(\widetilde{M}:\widetilde{M})\) where \(\widetilde{M}=M/P\).


  1. (1)

    By [13, Lemma 2.13], every nonmaximal prime ideal \(P\) of \(R\) is also a nonmaximal (because \(P\subset M\subseteq N\)) prime ideal of \(V\). Since \(R\subseteq V\), it is easy to show that every nonmaximal prime ideal \(P\) of \(V\) (thus \(P\subset M\) because \(\sqrt{MV}=N\)) is also a nonmaximal prime ideal of \(R\).

  2. (2)

    Since \(\widetilde{M}\) is an ideal of \(V/P,\,(\widetilde{M}:\widetilde{M})\) is an overring of the valuation domain \(V/P\). Thus \((\widetilde{M}:\widetilde{M})=(V/P)_{Q/P}\) for some prime ideal \(Q\) of \(V\) which contains \(P\). Then \((\widetilde{M}:\widetilde{M})=V_Q/PV_Q=V_Q/P\). So \(Q/P\) is the maximal ideal of \((\widetilde{M}:\widetilde{M})\). Since \(\widetilde{M}\) is a proper ideal of \((\widetilde{M}:\widetilde{M}),\,\widetilde{M}\subseteq Q/P\) and thus \(M\subseteq Q\). So \(N=\sqrt{MV}\subseteq Q\), and then \(Q=N\). Hence \((\widetilde{M}:\widetilde{M})=V/P\). \(\square \)

The following lemma gives new characterizations of a one-dimensional APVD \(R\) so that \(R[[X]]\) is an SFT-ring.

Lemma 2.2

If \(\dim R=1\), then the following assertions are equivalent:

  1. 1.

    \(R[[X]]\) is an SFT-ring.

  2. 2.

    \(R\) is a \(*\)-domain.

  3. 3.

    \(R\) is an SFT-ring and \(M\) is a Noether strongly primary ideal of \((M:M)\).

  4. 4.

    \(R\) is an accp-ring and \(M\) is a Noether strongly primary ideal of \((M:M)\).

  5. 5.

    \((M:M)\) is an SFT-ring


For \((1)\Leftrightarrow (2)\Leftrightarrow (5)\), see [13, Theorem 2.2 and Theorem 2.9].

\((5)\Rightarrow (4)\) Note that a rank-one valuation domain is SFT if and only if it is Noetherian if and only if it is discrete. If \((a_nR)_{n\ge 0}\) is an ascending chain of nonzero proper principal ideals of \(R\), then \((a_nV)_{n\ge 0}\) is an ascending chain of principal ideals of \(V\). Thus, there exists a positive integer \(k\) such that \(a_nV=a_kV\) for every integer \(n\ge k\). Let \(c\in V\) and \(d\in R\) such that \(a_n=ca_k\) and \(a_k=da_n\). We have \(dc=1\), and thus, \(d\) is invertible in \(V\). So \(d\notin M\), and then \(d\) is invertible in \(R\) because \(R\) is quasi-local. Hence \(R\) is an accp-ring. Suppose that \(N^n\nsubseteq M\) for each integer \(n>0\). Then \(M\subseteq \bigcap _{n=1}^{\infty }N^n\) which is a prime ideal of \(V\) by [9, Theorem 17.1]. Thus \(N=\sqrt{M}\subseteq N^2\), a contradiction.

\((4)\Rightarrow (3)\) Note that for a nonzero proper ideal \(I\) of a valuation domain, \(I\) is an SFT-ideal if and only if \(I^2\ne I\). Let \(s\) be a positive integer such that \(N^s\subseteq M\) and suppose that \(M^2=M\). Then \(V\) is not SFT and so not Noetherian. So there exists a strictly increasing chain \((a_nV)_{n\ge 0}\) of principal ideals of \(V\). Thus \(\frac{a_n}{a_{n+1}}\in N\) and so \(a_{n}^s\in a_{n+1}^sM\). Then \((a_{n}^sR)_{n\ge 0}\) is a strictly increasing chain of principal ideals of \(R\), a contradiction. Necessarily \(M^2\ne M\), and hence \(R\) is SFT by [1, Proposition 2.2] and [13, Proposition 1.4].

\((3)\Rightarrow (5)\) Let \(s\) be a positive integer such that \(N^s\subseteq M\). By [13, Proposition 1.4], there exists an \(a\in M\) such that \(M^6\subseteq aR\). So \(N^{6s}\subseteq aV\). Thus, \(N\) is an SFT-ideal of \(V\). Hence, \(V\) is an SFT-ring. \(\square \)

In the following result, we give a necessary and sufficient condition on an APVD \(R\) so that \(R[[X_n]]\) is an SFT-ring. Also many characterizations of nonzero finite-dimensional APVDs which are residually \(*\)-domains are given.

Theorem 2.3

Let R be an APVD with maximal ideal M. The following statements are equivalent:

  1. 1.

    \(R[[X_n]]\) is an SFT-ring.

  2. 2.

    \(R[[X]]\) is an SFT-ring.

  3. 3.

    The integral closure of \(R\) is an SFT-ring.

  4. 4.

    \(R\) is an SFT-ring and \(M\) is a Noether strongly primary ideal of \((M:M)\).

  5. 5.

    \((M:M)\) is an SFT-ring. Moreover, if \(0<\dim R<\infty \), then each of the previous statements is equivalent to the following:

  6. 6.

    \(R\) is a residually \(*\)-domain.


\((1)\Rightarrow (2)\) Note that the homomorphic image of an SFT-ring is also an SFT-ring [1, Proposition 2.3]. The result follows from the fact that \(R[[X]]\cong R[[X_n]]/<X_{n-1}>\).

\((2)\Rightarrow (4)\) Since \(R\cong R[[X]]/<X>,\,R\) is an SFT-ring. We can assume that \(M\ne 0\) (because in this case \(N=0\)). Denote \(Q\) to be the union of the nonmaximal prime ideals of \(R\). Since \(R\) is a quasi-local domain with linearly ordered prime ideals, \(Q\) is a prime ideal of \(R\) by [12, Theorem 9]. Also \(Q\) is a prime ideal of \(V\) by Lemma 2.1. If \(Q=M\), then \(N=M\). So, we can assume that \(Q\ne M\). Then \(Q\) is the prime ideal just below \(M\) in \(R\), and so \(\dim \widetilde{R}=1\) where \(\widetilde{R}=R/Q\). Note that the homomorphic image (not be field) of a finite-dimensional APVD with the property residually \(*\) is also a finite-dimensional APVD with the property residually \(*\) [13, Remark 1.2-(4) and Proposition 1.9]. Since \(\widetilde{R}[[X]]\cong R[[X]]/Q[[X]]\) is an SFT-domain, \(\widetilde{M}\) is a Noether strongly primary ideal of \((\widetilde{M}:\widetilde{M})\) by Lemma 2.2, where \(\widetilde{M}=M/Q\). By Lemma 2.1, \((\widetilde{M}:\widetilde{M})=V/Q\). Thus \((N/Q)^s\subseteq M/Q\) for some integer \(s>0\). Hence \(N^s\subseteq M+Q=M\).

\((4)\Rightarrow (1)\) Suppose that \(R[[X_n]]\) is not an SFT-domain. Then there exists an infinite chain \(Q_1\subset Q_2\subset \cdots \) of prime ideals in \(R[[X_n]][[x_{n+1}]]\) by [2, Proof of Theorem 1]. Denote \(P=(\bigcup _{i=1}^{\infty }Q_i)\cap R\). Since \(P\) is an SFT-ideal of \(R,\,Q_k\supseteq P\) for some integer \(k>0\). Then \(Q_k\supseteq P[[X_{n+1}]]\) by [4, Proposition 2.1]. We have an infinite chain of prime ideals \(\widetilde{Q_{t}}\subset \widetilde{Q_{t+1}}\subset \cdots \) of \(\widetilde{R}[[X_{n+1}]]\) where \(\widetilde{R}=R/P,\,\widetilde{Q_i}=Q_i/P[[X_{n+1}]]\). Since \(\widetilde{Q_i}\cap \widetilde{R}=(0)\) for all integer \(i\ge t,\,\dim \widetilde{R}[[X_{n+1}]]_{\widetilde{R}\backslash (0)}=\infty \) (in particular \(P\ne M\) and so \(\dim \widetilde{R}\ge 1\)), and so \(\text{ Min }(\widetilde{R})\) is nonempty [13, Remark 2.1]. Let \(s>0\) be an integer such that \(N^s\subseteq M\). Thus \((N/P)^s\subseteq \widetilde{M}\), and then \(\widetilde{M}\) is a Noether strongly primary ideal of \((\widetilde{M}:\widetilde{M})\) by Lemma 2.1. Hence \(\widetilde{R}\) is a \(*\)-domain by Lemma 2.2 and [13, Lemma 1.11], a contradiction by [13, Theorem 2.2].

\((4)\Rightarrow (5)\) Let \(P\) be a nonzero prime ideal of \(V\). If \(P\) is not maximal in \(V\), then \(P\) is a prime ideal of \(R\) by Lemma 2.1. Thus \(P^2\ne P\). So \(P\) is an SFT-ideal of \(V\). Now, we suppose that \(P=N\). Let \(s>0\) be an integer such that \(N^s\subseteq M\), and let \(a\in M\backslash M^2\). Then \(M^6\subseteq aR\) by [13, Proposition 1.4]. Thus \(N^{6s}\subseteq aV\subseteq N\). Then \(N\) is an SFT-ideal of \(V\).

\((5)\Rightarrow (4)\) Every nonzero prime ideal of \(R\) is a proper ideal of \(V\), and so it is not idempotent. Hence \(R\) is an SFT-ring. Note that a nonidempotent maximal ideal of a valuation domain is a principal ideal. Let \(a\in N\) and \(s>0\) an integer such that \(N=aV\) and \(a^s\in M\) for some integer \(s>0\). Hence \(N^s=a^sV\subseteq MV=M\).

\((5)\Leftrightarrow (3)\) By [5, Proposition 3.7], \(R^{\prime }\) is a PVD with maximal ideal \(Q:=\sqrt{MR^{\prime }}\) (Recall that a domain \(R\) with quotient field \(K\) is called a pseudo-valuation domain (for short, PVD) if each prime ideal \(P\) of \(R\) is strongly prime, in the sense that \(x,y\in K\) and \(xy\in P\) implies that \(x\in P\) or \(y\in P\)). Let \(W=(Q:Q)\) be the valuation domain associated with \(R^{\prime }\). Since \(R^{\prime }\subseteq V\) [9, Theorem 19.8], \(Q\subseteq N\) and so \(V\subseteq W\). Let \(P\) be a prime ideal of \(V\) such that \(W=V_P\). Thus, \(Q=PV_P=P\) is a prime ideal of \(V\), and then \(W=V_Q\). Since \(R\subseteq R^{\prime }\) is an integral extension and \(Q\) is a maximal ideal of \(R^{\prime },\,Q\cap R=M\). Thus \(Q=N\) by Lemma 2.1. Hence \(V=W\). The result follows from the fact that a PVD is SFT if and only its associated valuation overring is SFT [6, Chapitre 11-Proposition 8.10].

In case \(0<\dim R<\infty \), the equivalence \((6)\Leftrightarrow (2)\) follows from [13, Theorem 2.9]. \(\square \)

The proof of the following result is straightforward because the maximal ideal \(M\) of a PVD is always a Noether strongly primary ideal of \((M:M)\) (in fact, M is the maximal ideal of \((M:M)\), see [10, Corollary 6]).

Corollary 2.4

Let \(R\) be a PVD with maximal ideal M. The following statements are equivalent:

  1. 1.

    \(R[[X_n]]\) is an SFT-ring.

  2. 2.

    \(R[[X]]\) is an SFT-ring.

  3. 3.

    The integral closure of \(R\) is an SFT-ring.

  4. 4.

    \(R\) is an SFT-ring.

  5. 5.

    \((M:M)\) is an SFT-ring. Moreover, if \(0<\dim R<\infty \), then each of the previous statements is equivalent to the following:

  6. 6.

    \(R\) is a residually \(*\)-domain.

In the following example, we show that for each \(m\in \mathbb N ^*\cup \{\infty \}\), there exists an \(m\)-dimensional APVD \(R\) (not PVD) such that \(R\) and \(R[[X_n]]\) are SFT-rings.

Example 2.5

Let \(F\) be a field. It is known that there exists an SFT-valuation domain \(V\) of the form \(F+N\) with maximal ideal \(N\) and Krull dimension \(m\). By [4, Lemma 3.1], there exists \(a\in V\) such that \(N=aV\). Denote \(R=F+N^2\). The ideal \(N^2\) is maximal in \(R\) because \(R/N^2\cong F\). Since the conductor \((R:V)=N^2\ne (0),\,V\) is a valuation overring of \(R\). Since \(a^2\in N^2\) and \(a\notin N^2,\,N^2\) is not strongly prime and then \(R\) is not a PVD. Since \(N^2\) is a primary ideal of \(V,\,N^2\) is a strongly primary ideal of \(R\) by [5, Theorem 2.11] and then \(R\) is an APVD by [5, Theorem 3.4]. Since \((N^2:N^2)=(a^2V:a^2V)=V,\,\dim R=m\) (by Lemma 2.1) and \(R[[X_n]]\) is an SFT-ring by Theorem 2.3.

Example 2.6

[8, Theorem 4.1](Coykendall’s example). We follow [13, Example 2.4]. Take \(R=V_1=\mathbb F _{2}+XV\) where \(V=\mathbb F _{2}[X^\alpha ]_{M}\), with \(\mathbb F _{2}[X^\alpha ]=\{\sum _{i=0}^{n}\epsilon _iX^{\alpha _i}|\epsilon _i\in \mathbb F _{2},\alpha _i\in \mathbb Q ^{+}\}\) and \(M\) is the maximal ideal of \(\mathbb F _{2}[X^\alpha ]\) generated by the monomials. The ring R is a one-dimensional SFT–APVD which is not a residually \(*\)-domain. Hence, by Theorem 2.3, \(R[[X_n]]\) is not an SFT-domain and so \((MV)^n\nsubseteq XV\) for each integer \(n>0\). Thus, \(XV\) is not a Noether strongly primary ideal of \(V\). This last fact is the cause of the SFT-instability in Coykendall’s example.

Coykendall [8] constructed a one-dimensional APVD \(R\) which is SFT but \(R[[X_n]]\) is not an SFT-ring. We will show that for each \(m\in \mathbb N ^*\cup \{\infty \}\), there exists an \(m\)-dimensional APVD \(R\) which is SFT but \(R[[X_n]]\) is not an SFT-ring. The following result will help us to construct the desired examples.

Proposition 2.7

Let \(m\in \mathbb N ^*\cup \{\infty \}\) and \(V\) be an \(m\)-dimensional valuation domain of the form \(F+N\), where \(F\) is a field and \(N\) is the maximal ideal of \(V\). Let \(D\) be a domain with quotient field \(F\) and set \(R=D+N\). If \(V\) is an SFT-ring and \(D\) is a one-dimensional SFT–APVD with maximal ideal \(M\), then \(R\) is an \((m+1)\)-dimensional SFT–APVD with maximal ideal \(M+N\).


Since \(R/(M+N)\cong D/M,\,M+N\) is a maximal ideal of \(R\). The domains \(R\) and \(V\) have the same quotient field \(K\) because the conductor \((R:V)=N\) is nonzero. Let \(x\in K\) such that \(x^n\notin M+N\) for each integer \(n>0\). Since \(V\) is a valuation overring of \(R\) and \(x\notin R\), either \(x^{-1}\in N\) or \(x\) is a unit of \(V\). If \(x^{-1}\in N\), then \(x^{-1}(M+N)\subseteq N\subseteq (M+N)\). If \(x=f+z\) is a unit of \(V\), where \(f\) is a nonzero element of \(F\) and \(z\in N\). Thus \(f^n\notin M\) for each integer \(n>0\) and there exists \(z^{\prime }\in N\) such that \(x^{-1}=f^{-1}+z^{\prime }\). So \(f^{-1}M\subseteq M\) by [5, Lemma 2.3]. Thus \(x^{-1}(M+N)\subseteq (M+N)\). Then \(R\) is an APVD by [5, Lemma 2.3 and Theorem 3.4]. Easily one can show that \(N\) is a strongly prime ideal of \(R\) and \(\text{ ht }_RN=m\). Since \(N\) is a divided prime ideal of \(R,\,\dim R=\text{ ht }N+\dim (R/N)=m+\dim D=m+1\). Let \(P\) be a nonzero nonmaximal prime ideal of \(R\). So \(P\) is a prime ideal of \(V\). Thus, \(P^2\ne P\) and then \(P\) is an SFT-ideal of \(R\). By [13, Proposition 1.4], \(M^2\ne M\) and \(M^6\subseteq aD\) for each \(a\in M\backslash M^2\). Since \(N\) is a divided prime ideal of \(R,\,N\subset aR\). So \((M+N)^6\subseteq M^6+N\subseteq aR\). Hence \((M+N)\) is an SFT-ideal of \(R\). \(\square \)

In the following example, we show that for every integer \(m\in \mathbb N ^*\cup \{\infty \}\), there exists an \(m\)-dimensional APVD \(R\) (not PVD) such that \(R\) is SFT but \(R[[X_n]]\) is not SFT.

Example 2.8

Let \(W\) be a rank-one nondiscrete valuation domain (so \(Q^2=Q\) and \(W\) is not SFT) of the form \(H+Q\), where \(H\) is a field and \(Q\) is the maximal ideal of \(W\). Let \(0\ne a\in Q\) and set \(D=H+a^2W\). By an argument similar to the one just given in Example 2.5, one can show that \(D\) is an APVD (not PVD) with maximal ideal \(a^2W\), that \(\dim D=1\) and that \(D[[X_n]]\) is not an SFT-ring. The ideal \(a^2W\) is the unique nonzero prime ideal of \(D\) and \((a^2W)^2=a^4W\subseteq a^2D\). Hence \(D\) is an SFT-ring. Let \(m\in (\mathbb N \cup \{\infty \})-\{0,1\}\) and \(F\) be the quotient field of \(D\). Let \(V\) be an \((m-1)\)-dimensional SFT-valuation domain of the form \(F+N\), where \(N\) is the maximal ideal of \(V\). Set \(R=D+N\). By Proposition 2.7, \(R\) is an \(m\)-dimensional SFT–APVD. Since \(R[[X_n]]/N[[X_n]]\cong D[[X_n]],\,R[[X_n]]\) is not an SFT-ring.

3 Application: Krull dimension of \({\varvec{R}}{\varvec{[[}}{\varvec{X}}_{\varvec{n}}{\varvec{]]}}\)

Let \(F\subset L\) be fields, let \(K_0\) be the maximal separable extension of \(F\) in \(L\), and let \(p\) denote the characteristic of \(F\) if \(F\) has nonzero characteristic but set \(p:=1\) if \(F\) has characteristic zero. We say that \(L\) has finite exponent over \(K_0\) if \(L^{p^n}\subseteq K_0\) for some positive integer \(n\).

Park [14] proved that if \(R\) is a finite-dimensional SFT-PVD with maximal ideal \(M\), then \(\dim R[[X_n]]=\left\{ \begin{array}{clrcll} n\dim R+1 &{} \text{ if } L \text{ has } \text{ finite } \text{ exponent } \text{ over } K_0 \text{ and } [K_0:F]<\infty \\ n\dim R+n &{} \text{ otherwise }\\ \end{array}\right. \)

where \(F=R/M,\,L\) is the residue field of \((M:M)\) and \(K_0\) is the maximal separable extension of \(F\) in \(L\).

We will show that Park’s result also remains true if \(R\) is a nonzero finite-dimensional APVD such that it is a residually \(*\)-domain. In fact, Park proved that if \(R\) is a finite-dimensional SFT GPVD with maximal ideal \(M\), then \(\dim R[[X_n]]=n\dim R+1\) or \(n\dim R+n\), where GPVDs is a generalization of the concept of PVD in the nonquasi-local case (Recall that an integral domain \(R\) is called a globalized pseudo-valuation domain (or, for short, GPVD) if there exists a Prüfer overring \(T\) satisfying the following two conditions: \((1)\,R\subseteq T\) is a unibranched extension; \((2)\) there exists a nonzero radical ideal \(I\) common to \(T\) and \(R\) such that each prime ideal of \(T\) (respectively, \(R\)) that contains \(I\) is a maximal ideal of \(T\) (respectively, \(R\)).). It is easy to see that an APVD is a GPVD if and only if it is a PVD. As our goal was proved by Park in the case of a PVD, so we can suppose that our APVD is not a PVD and consequently necessarily is not a GPVD. However, Park’s proof in [14, Theorem 2.4] is also valid for an APVD which is not PVD.

An immediate consequence of Theorem 2.3 and Park’s technique is that we can calculate \(\dim R[[X_n]]\) as the following result shows.

Theorem 3.1

Let R be an APVD with maximal ideal \(M\), residue field \(F\) and nonzero finite Krull dimension such that \(R\) is a residually \(*\)-domain. Let \(L\) be the residue field of \((M:M)\) and \(K_0\) be the maximal separable extension of \(F\) in \(L\). Then \(\dim R[[X_n]]=\left\{ \begin{array}{clrcll} n\dim R+1 &{} \text{ if } L \text{ has } \text{ finite } \text{ exponent } \text{ over } K_0 \text{ and } [K_0:F]<\infty \\ n\dim R+n &{} \text{ otherwise } \end{array}\right. \)


Assume that \(L\) has finite exponent over \(K_0\) and \([K_0:F]<\infty \). By [14, Lemma 2.1] (also [3, (3.8) p. 107 and Theorem 3.9]), \(L[[X_n]]\) is integral over \(F[[X_n]]\). By Theorem 2.3, \(N^s\subseteq M\) for some integer \(s>0\) and so \(N[[X_n]]^s\subseteq M[[X_n]]\). It follows that \(V[[X_n]]\) is integral over \(R[[X_n]]\) and hence \(\dim R[[X_n]]=\dim V[[X_n]]=n\dim R+1\) by [4, Theorem 3.6] and Lemma 2.1.

For the case “\(L\) has infinite exponent over \(K_0\) or \([K_0:F]=\infty \)”, we follow the same way in [14, Theorem 2.4] given by Park (the proof needs [14, Lemma 2.3] which is also true if we replace an SFT-PVD by an APVD which is a residually \(*\)-domain, the proof is similar to Park’s proof). \(\square \)

Let \(R\) be an APVD with maximal ideal \(M\), residue field \(F\) and nonzero finite Krull dimension such that \(R\) is a residually \(*\)-domain. Let \(L\) be the residue field of \((M:M)\) and \(K_0\) be the maximal separable extension of \(F\) in \(L\). In [13], we proved that \(\text{ ht }P[[X_n]]=n \text{ ht }P\) for each prime ideal \(P\ne M\) of \(R\) [13, Corollary 2.17]. We will show that \(\text{ ht }M[[X_n]]=n \text{ ht }M\) or \(n(\text{ ht }M-1)+1\), but first we need to recall some background material.

Let \(D\) and \(J\) be two integral domains such that \(D\subseteq J\). Let \(Z=\{z_i\}_{i=1}^{\infty }\) be a countable set of indeterminates over \(J\). Let \(\mathcal F =\{f_i\}_{i=2}^{\infty }\) be a subset of \(z_1J[[z_1]]\). By Arnold ([4, p. 899]), \(\mathcal F \) is said to be a suitable subset of \(z_1J[[[z_1]]\) if \(\{i; f_i\notin z_{1}^{k}J[[z_1]]\}\) is finite for each positive integer \(k\). If \(\mathcal F \) is a suitable subset of \(z_1J[[z_1]]\), then we can define a unique \(D[[z_1]]\)-homomorphism \(\varPhi _\mathcal{F }: D[[Z]]\longrightarrow J[[z_1]]\) by \(\varPhi (z_i)=f_i,\,i\ge 2\) (where \(D[[Z]]\) denotes (in the notation of [9, p. 10]) the full power series ring \(D[[\{z_i\}_{i=1}^{\infty }]]_3\)). By Arnold, \(J\) is called a special algebraic extension of \(D\) if for each suitable subset \(\mathcal E =\{g_i\}_{i=2}^{\infty }\) of \(z_1J[[z_1]]\), the \(D[[z_1]]\)-homomorphism \(\varPhi _\mathcal{E }\) is not an isomorphism.

In other words, J is a special algebraic extension of D if and only if for each integral domain T such that \(D[[X]]\subseteq T\subseteq J[[X]],\,T\ncong D[[X]][[\{Y_i\}_{i=1}^{\infty }]]\) via a \(D[[X]]\)-isomorphism.

Lemma 3.2

Suppose that \(\dim R=1\). If \(L\) has infinite exponent over \(K_0\) or \([K_0:F]=\infty \), then \(\text{ ht } M[[X_n]]=n\).


\(R\subseteq V\) is a special algebraic extension because the conductor \((R:V)=M\) is nonzero. By [14, Lemma 2.1], \(F\subseteq L\) is not a special algebraic extension and hence \(\text{ ht }M[[X_n]]\ge n\) by [4, Proposition 2.3]. Since \(\text{ ht }M[[X_n]]+n\le \text{ ht }(M+<X_n>),\,\text{ ht }M[[X_n]]\le n\) by Theorem 3.1. \(\square \)

Remark 3.3

In fact, another proof for the last lemma is similar to the one given by Park in [14, Theorem 2.4], but we choose to give a new proof.

Corollary 3.4

If \(L\) has infinite exponent over \(K_0\) or \([K_0:F]=\infty \), then ht\(M[[X_n]]=n\,\text{ ht }M\).


Since \(\text{ ht }M[[X_n]]+n\le \text{ ht }(M+(X_n)),\,\text{ ht }M[[X_n]]\le n\,\text{ ht }M\) by Theorem 3.1. Let \(P\) be the prime ideal just below \(M\) in \(R\). Denote \(\widetilde{R}=R/P\) and \(\widetilde{M}=M/P\). Note that \(\widetilde{R}\) is a one-dimensional APVD with maximal ideal \(\widetilde{M}\) and is a residually \(*\)-domain [13, Remark 1.2-(4) and Proposition 1.10]. Also note that the valuation domain associated with \(\widetilde{R}\) is \(V/P\) by Lemma 2.1. Since residue field \((\widetilde{R})=F\) and residue field \((V/P)=L,\,\text{ ht }\widetilde{M}[[X_n]]=n\) by Lemma 3.2. Hence \(\text{ ht }M[[X_n]]\ge \,\text{ ht }\widetilde{M}[[X_n]]+\text{ ht }Q[[X_n]]=n+n\,\text{ ht }Q=n\,\text{ ht }M\) by [13, Corollary 2.17]. \(\square \)

Corollary 3.5

If \(L\) has finite exponent over \(K_0\) and \([K_0:F]<\infty \), then \(\text{ ht }M[[X_n]]=n(\text{ ht }M-1)+1\).


It is easy to see that ht\(M[[X_n]]\le \,\text{ ht }(M+(X_n))-n=\dim R[[X_n]]-n\). Thus \(\text{ ht }M[[X_n]]\le n(\text{ ht }M-1)+1\) by Theorem 3.1. Since \(N[[X_n]]\cap R[[X_n]]=M[[X_n]]\) and \(R[[X_n]]\subseteq V[[X_n]]\) is an integral extension (so it satisfies incomparability), \(\text{ ht }M[[X_n]]\ge \,\text{ ht }N[[X_n]]=n(\text{ ht }M-1)+1\) by [11, Theorem 13]. \(\square \)

It is well known that if \(Q\) is a prime ideal of \(D[X_n]\) with \(Q\cap D=P\), then \(\text{ ht }Q=\,\text{ ht }P[X_n]+\text{ ht }(Q/P[X_n])\) [9, Theorem 30.18]. Kang and Park [11] asked if the power series analogue of this last result is true. They were especially interested in Prüfer domains and they answered their question in some cases of Prüfer domains [11, Corollary 15]. The following result gives an answer for their question in some cases of an APVD.

Corollary 3.6

If \(L\) has infinite exponent over \(K_0\) or \([K_0:F]=\infty \), then \(\text{ ht }Q=\text{ ht }P[[X_n]]+\text{ ht }(Q/P[[X_n]])\) for all prime ideal \(Q\) of \(R[[X_n]]\) with \(Q\cap R=P\).


\(\ge \)” is obvious. “\(\le \)”: Use induction on \(m:=\mathrm{ht}P\). If \(m=0\), then it is obvious. Suppose \(m>0\) and the statement holds when ht\(P<m\). Let \(Q\) be a prime ideal of \(R[[X_n]]\) such that ht\(P=m\) where \(P=Q\cap R\). Let \((0)=Q_0\subset Q_1\subset \ldots \subset Q_s=Q\) be a chain of prime ideals of \(R[[X_n]]\) arriving at \(Q\). Let \(k\) be the smallest integer \(i\in \{1,\ldots ,s\}\) such that \(Q_i\cap R\ne (0)\). Thus \(Q_0\cap R=\ldots =Q_{k-1}\cap R=(0)\). So \(k-1\le \dim R[[X_n]]_{R\backslash (0)}=n\) by [13, Theorem 2.2]. Denote \(P_0=Q_k\cap R\). Hence \(P_0[[X_n]]\subseteq Q_k\).

  • Case 1 \(P_0=M\) (and so \(P=M\)). If \(M[[X_n]]=Q_k\), then \(s=k+(s-k)\le \) ht\(M[[X_n]]+\)ht\((Q/M[[X_n]])\). If \(M[[X_n]]\subset Q_k\), then \(s=(k-1)+(s-k+1)\le n+\)ht\((Q/M[[X_n]])\le \) ht\(M[[X_n]]+\)ht\((Q/M[[X_n]])\) by Corollary 3.4.

  • Case 2 \(P_0\ne M\). Denote \(\widetilde{R}=R/P_0\) and \(\widetilde{P}=P/P_0\). So, by considering \(R[[X_n]]/P_0[[X_n]]\cong \widetilde{R}[[X_n]]\), since \(ht\widetilde{P}<m\) and \((Q/P_0[[X_n]])\cap \widetilde{R}=\widetilde{P}\), then ht\((Q/P_0[[X_n]])=\) ht\(\widetilde{P}[[X_n]]+\) ht\((Q/P[[X_n]])\) by induction hypothesis.

  • Case 2.1 \(Q_k=P_0[[X_n]]\). Then \(s=k+(s-k)\le \) ht\(P_0[[X_n]]+\)ht\((Q/P_0[[X_n]]=\) ht\(P_0[[X_n]]+\)ht\(\widetilde{P}[[X_n]]+\)ht\((Q/P[[X_n]])\le \) ht\(P[[X_n]]+\)ht\((Q/P[[X_n]])\).

  • Case 2.2 \(P_0[[X_n]]\subset Q_k\). Then \(s=(k-1)+(s-k+1)\le n+\)ht\((Q/P_0[[X_n]])=n+\)ht\(\widetilde{P}[[X_n]]+\)ht\((Q/P[[X_n]])\le \) ht\(P_0[[X_n]]+\)ht\(\widetilde{P}[[X_n]]+\)ht\((Q/P[[X_n]])\) because \(n\le n\) ht\(P_0=\)ht\(P_0[[X_n]]\). Thus \(s\le \) ht\(P[[X_n]]+\)ht\((Q/P[[X_n]])\). \(\square \)

Of course, the last result forces us to ask if the ring \(R[[X_n]]\) is catenarian (Recall that a ring \(D\) is said to be catenary if for each pair \(P\subset Q\) of prime ideals of \(D\), all saturated chains of prime ideals of \(D\) between \(P\) and \(Q\) have a common finite length). In [13], we proved that if \(D\) is an APVD with nonzero finite dimension, then \(D[[X]]\) is catenarian if and only if \(D\) is a residually \(*\)-domain. The question is still open for \(R[[X_n]]\) with \(n>1\).

Corollary 3.7

If \(n>1\) and \(\dim R>1\), then \(R[[X_n]]\) is not catenarian.


Let \(n>1\) be an integer and suppose that \(R[[X_n]]\) is catenarian. Then \(\mathrm{ht}(x_n)+\mathrm{ht}(M+(X_{n}))/(x_n)=\mathrm{ht}(M+(X_n))\). Thus \(1+\mathrm{ht}(M+(X_{n-1}))=\mathrm{ht}(M+(X_n))\). If \(L\) has finite exponent over \(K_0\) and \([K_0:F]<\infty \), then \(1+(n-1)\dim R+1=n\dim R+1\) by Theorem 3.1. Thus \(\dim R=1\), a contradiction. If \(L\) has infinite exponent over \(K_0\) or \([K_0:F]=\infty \), then \(1+(n-1)(\dim R+1)=n(\dim R+1)\) again by Theorem 3.1. Thus \(\dim R=0\), a contradiction. \(\square \)

In the following example, we show that for every integer \(m\ge 1\), there exists an \(m\)-dimensional APVD \(R\) such that \(R\) is a residually \(*\)-domain and (\(L\) has infinite exponent over \(K_0\) or \([K_0:F]=\infty \)).

Example 3.8

Let \(F\subset L\) be an extension of fields such that \(L\) is not algebraic over \(F\). Let \(K_0\) be the maximal separable extension of \(F\) in \(L\). It is known that there exists an SFT-valuation domain \(V\) of the form \(L+N\) with maximal ideal \(N\) and Krull dimension \(m\). By [4, Lemma 3.1], there exists \(a\in V\) such that \(N=aV\). Denote \(R=F+N^2\). By an argument similar to the one just given in Example 2.5, we show that \(R\) is an APVD with maximal ideal \(N^2,\,\dim R=m\) and \(R\) is a residually \(*\)-domain. It is clear that \(F\) and \(L\) are the residue fields, respectively, of \(R\) and \((N^2:N^2)=V\). Since \(F\subset L\) is not an algebraic extension, \(F\subset L\) is not a special algebraic extension by [3, Theorem 2.1]. Then \(L\) has infinite exponent over \(K_0\) or \([K_0:F]=\infty \) by [14, Lemma 2.1].

In the following example, we show that for every integer \(m\ge 1\), there exists an \(m\)-dimensional APVD \(R\) such that \(R\) is a residually \(*\)-domain and (\(L\) has finite exponent over \(K_0\) and \([K_0:F]<\infty \)).

Example 3.9

Let \(F, m, V, N\) and \(R\) be as in Example 2.5. The result follows from the fact that \(R/N^2\cong F\cong V/N\).

SFT-stability and Krull dimension questions in power series rings over an APVD are solved, but catenarity question is not yet. It is still open if \(R[[X_n]]\) is catenarian where \(n>1\) and \(R\) is a one-dimensional APVD.