1 Introduction

Digital signatures are used in several contexts by authorities who are trusted to behave appropriately. For instance, certificate authorities (CAs) in public key infrastructures, who assert that a certain public key belongs to a party with a certain identifier, are trusted to not issue fraudulent certificates for a domain name; time-stamping services, who assert that certain information existed at a certain point in time, are trusted to not retroactively certify information (they should not “change the past”).

In both of these cases, the authority is trusted to make a unique binding between a subject—a domain name or time—and a digital object—a public key or piece of information. However, traditional digital signatures provide no assurance of the uniqueness of this binding. As a result, an authority could make multiple bindings per subject.

Multiple bindings per subject can happen due to several reasons: poor management practices, a security breach, or coercion by external parties. Although there have been a few highly publicized certificate authority failures due to either poor management practices or security breaches, the vast majority of certificate authorities seem to successfully apply technological measures—including audited key generation ceremonies, secret sharing of signing keys, and use of hardware security modules—to securely and correctly carry out their role.

However, CAs have few tools to resist coercion, especially in the form of legal demands from governments. This was identified by Soghoian and Stamm [40] as the compelled certificate creation attack. For example, a certificate authority may receive a national security letter compelling it to assist in an investigation by issuing a second certificate for a specified domain name but containing the public key of the government agency, allowing the agency to impersonate Internet services to the target of the investigation. Regardless of one’s opinions on the merits of these legal actions, they are a violation of the trust promised by certificate authorities: to never issue a certificate to anyone but the correct party. The extent to which legal coercion of CAs occurs is unknown; however, there are indications that the technique is of interest to governments. A networking device company named Packet Forensics sells a device for eavesdropping on encrypted web traffic in which, reportedly, “users have the ability to import a copy of any legitimate key they obtain (potentially by court order)”.Footnote 1 Moreover, various documents released by NSA contractor Edward Snowden in disclosures in June–September 2013 indicate government interest in executing man-in-the-middle attacks on SSL users.Footnote 2

Two certificates for the same domain signed by a single CA indeed constitute a cryptographic proof of fraud. However, in practice, it is currently up to the “market” to decide how to respond: the nature of the response depends on the scope and nature of the infraction and the CA’s handling of the issue. The consequences that have been observed from real-world CA incidents range from minimal, such as the CA revoking the extra certificates amid a period of bad publicity (as in the 2011 Comodo incidentFootnote 3), up to the ultimate punishment for a CA on the web: removal of its root certificate from web browsers’ lists of trusted CAs (as in the 2011 DigiNotar incident [20], which was found to have issued fraudulent certificates that were used against Iranian Internet users [23], and which lead to the bankruptcy of DigiNotar).

For a CA making business decisions on management and security practices, such consequences may be enough to convince the CA to invest in better systems. For a CA trying to resist a lawful order compelling it to issue a fraudulent certificate, however, such consequences may not be enough to convince a judge that the CA should not be compelled to violate the fundamental duty with which it was entrusted.

1.1 Contributions

We propose a new type of digital signature scheme for which the consequences of certain signer behaviours are unambiguous: any double signing, for any reason, leads to an immediate, irreversible, incontrovertible loss of confidence in the signature system. On the one hand, this “fragility” provides no room for mistakes but, on the other hand, encourages “self-enforcement” of correct behaviour and allows a signer to make a more compelling argument resisting lawful coercion. If a CA fulfils a request to issue a double signature even to a lawful agency, the agency, by using the certificate, enables the attacked party to issue arbitrary certificates as well.

In a double-authentication-preventing signature (DAPS), the data to be signed are split into two parts: a subject and a message. If a signer ever signs two messages for the same subject, then enough information is revealed for anyone to be able to forge signatures on arbitrary messages, rendering the signer immediately and irrevocably untrustworthy. Depending on the nature of the subjects, in some applications an honest signer may need to track the list of subjects signed to avoid signing the same subject twice.

In addition to unforgeability, we require one of two new security properties for DAPS: double-signature forgeability, where a signer who signs two messages for the same subject reveals enough information for anyone to sign arbitrary messages, and a stronger notion called double-signature extractability, where two signatures on the same subject allow full recovery of the signing key.

We give a generic construction for DAPS based on a new primitive called extractable two-to-one trapdoor function which allows anyone, given two preimages of the same value, to recover the trapdoor required for inverting the function. We show how to construct these functions using the group of sign-agnostic quadratic residues modulo a Blum integer (RSA modulus), an algebraic reformulation of a mathematical construction that has been used in several cryptographic primitives. The resulting double-authentication-preventing signature scheme is efficient; with 1024-bit signing and verification keys, the signature size is about 20 KiB, and the runtime of our implementation using libgcrypt is about 0.3 s for signing and 0.1 s for verifying. Note that in applications such as PKI, signing happens rarely, and verifications may be cached.

Our quadratic residue-based construction provides double-signature extractability in what we call the trusted set-up model, where it is assumed that the signer follows the correct procedure for key generation. This model is suitable for scenarios where signers want to be honest and create their keys with best intention—and we hope most CAs belong to this group, facing coercive requests only after they have completed set-up. Our construction can be translated to the untrusted set-up model, where parties do not have to trust the signer to generate keys following the scheme specification, using zero-knowledge techniques for proving well-formedness of the verification key.

We also show how to use extractable two-to-one trapdoor functions to construct tightly secure standard digital signatures, demonstrating the utility of extractable two-to-one trapdoor functions beyond our immediate application of DAPS.

1.2 Outline

We recall some notation and standard definitions in Sect. 2. We define a double-authentication-preventing signature in Sect. 3 and its unforgeability as well as double-signature forgeability and double-signature extractability properties. We introduce in Sect. 4 extractable 2:1 trapdoor functions, and as a warm-up we show in Sect. 5 how to construct a tightly secure standard digital signature scheme. We provide a factoring-based instantiation of extractable 2:1 trapdoor functions in Sect. 6 using sign-agnostic quadratic residues. In Sect. 7, we generically construct a DAPS scheme from extractable 2:1 trapdoor functions and prove the scheme’s security and double-signature extractability in the trusted set-up model, as well as discuss its use with untrusted set-up. Sect. 8 examines applications of DAPS to certification and time-stamping authorities. We conclude in Sect. 9. The appendices contain a review of basic results from number theory (“Appendix 1”), a construction of a random oracle that maps into the group of sign-agnostic quadratic residues (“Appendix 2”), and proofs of results from the main body (“Appendix 3”).

1.3 Related work

Certificate auditing and other techniques. Mechanisms such as Certificate TransparencyFootnote 4 and others aim to identify malicious or incorrect CA behaviour by collecting and auditing public certificates. Incorrect behaviour, such as a CA issuing two certificates for the same domain name, can be identified and then presented as evidence possibly leading to a loss of trust. DAPS differs in that it provides an immediate and irrevocable loss of confidence and, importantly, provides a completely non-interactive solution. Recently, several distinct technical measures [19, 26, 35] have been proposed to try to wrest some trust decisions away from CAs, for example by allowing websites to make assertions to users about what certificates to accept in the future.

Self-enforcement and traitor tracing. Dwork et al. [18] introduced the notion of self-enforcement in cryptography, in which the cryptosystem is designed to force the user to keep the functionality private, that is, to not delegate or transfer the functionality to another user. There are a variety of techniques for ensuring self-enforcement: trade-offs in efficiency [18] or by allowing recovering of some associated secret value with any delegated version of the secret information [13, 28, 31]. Broadcast encryption schemes often aim for a related notion, traitor tracing [12], in which the broadcaster aims to detect which of several receivers have used their private key to construct and distribute a pirate device; typically, the broadcaster can identify which private key was leaked. DAPS differs from this line of research in that it does not aim to deter delegation or transferring of keys; rather it aims to deter a single party from performing a certain local operation (double signing).

Accountable IBE. Goyal [24] aimed to reduce trust in the key generation centre (KGC) in identity-based encryption: How can a user demonstrate that the KGC created a second key for the user’s identity? In accountable IBE, the key generation protocol between the user and the KGC results in one of a large number of possible keys being generated, and which one is generated is unknown to the KGC. Thus if the KGC issues a second key, it will with high probability be different, and the two different keys for the same identity serve as a proof that the KGC misbehaved. This effectively allows IBE to achieve the same level of detection as normal public key infrastructures: two certificates for the same subject serve as a proof that the CA misbehaved. However, neither approach has the stronger level of deterrence offered by DAPS: double signing leads to an immediate and irrevocable loss of confidence, rather than just proof of misbehaving for consideration of prosecution.

Digital cash. Digital cash schemes [11] often aim to detect double-spending: a party who uses a token once maintains anonymity, but a party who uses a token twice reveals enough information for her identity to be recovered and traced. DAPS has some conceptual similarities, in that a party who signs two messages with the same subject reveals enough information for her secret key to be recovered. In both settings, double operations leak information, but double-spending in digital cash typically leaks only an identity, whereas double signing in DAPS leaks the signer’s private key. It is interesting to note that the number-theoretic structures our DAPS scheme builds on are similar to those used in early digital cash to provide double-spending traceability [11]: both schemes use RSA moduli that can be factored if signers/spenders misbehave. However, there does not seem to be a direct connection between the primitives.

One-time signatures. One-time signatures, first proposed by Lamport using a construction based on hash functions [32], allow at most one message to be signed. Many instances can be combined using Merkle trees [33] to allow multiple signatures with just a single verification key, but key generation time becomes a function of the total number of signatures allowed.

Double-authentication-preventing signatures are fundamentally different from one-time signatures: in DAPS, the number of messages to be signed need not be fixed a priori, and our construction relies on number-theoretic trapdoor functions, rather than solely hash functions. A natural first attempt at creating a DAPS scheme is to begin with a Merkle-tree construction, in which each subject identifies a path from the root to a leaf and hence which keys must be used to sign the message. However, this requires a key generation time at least linear in the size of the subject space and therefore limits the size of the latter. Moreover, in such a scheme two signatures under the same subject do not immediately lead to the ability to forge signatures on arbitrary messages. Our scheme allows for arbitrary subject spaces and has efficient key generation time, so we leave the construction of a tree-based DAPS as an open problem.

Fail-stop signatures. Fail-stop signatures considered in [7, 38, 4345] allow a signer to prove to a judge that a forgery has occurred; a signer is protected against cryptanalytic attacks by even an unbounded adversary. Verifiers too are protected against computationally bounded signers who try to claim a signature is a forgery when it is not. When a forgery is detected, generally the security of the scheme collapses, because some secret information can be recovered, and so the security of previous signatures is left in doubt. Forgery-resilient signatures [34] aim to have similar properties to fail-stop signatures—the ability for a signer to prove a cryptanalytic forgery—but discovery of a forgery does not immediately render previous signatures insecure. Both fail-stop and forgery-resilient signatures focus on the ability of an honest signer to prove someone else has constructed a forgery, whereas DAPS is about what happens when a dishonest or coerced signer signs two messages for the same subject.

Chameleon hash functions. Chameleon hash functions [30] are trapdoor-based and randomized. Hashing is collision resistant as long as only the public parameters are known. However, given the trapdoor and the message-randomness pair used to create a specific hash value, a collision for that value can be efficiently found. Some constructions allow the extraction of the trapdoor from any collision [1, 10, 41]. However, it remains open how DAPS could be constructed from Chameleon hash functions.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Experiment for existential unforgeability of signature schemes

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we introduce some notation and recall some standard cryptographic definitions.

Notation. If S is a finite set, let U(S) denote the uniform distribution on S and \(x \leftarrow _{\!_R}S\) denote sampling x uniformly from S. If A and B are two probability distributions, then notation \(A \approx B\) denotes that the statistical distance between A and B is negligible. If \(\mathcal {A}\) is a (probabilistic) algorithm, then \(x \leftarrow _{\!_R}\mathcal {A}^{\mathcal {O}}(y)\) denotes running \(\mathcal {A}\) with input y on uniformly random coins with oracle access to \(\mathcal {O}\), and setting x to be the output. For a given x, we write \(\mathcal {A}^{\mathcal {O}}(y)\Rightarrow x\) for the event that \(\mathcal {A}\) outputs x. We use the notation \(\mathcal {A}(y; r)\) to explicitly identify the random coins r on which the otherwise deterministic algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) is run.

Definition 1

(Pseudorandom function) A pseudorandom function (PRF) with output length c is a family \(F=(F_\lambda )_{\lambda \in \mathbb {N}}\) of efficient functions \(F_\lambda :\{0,1\}^\lambda \times \{0,1\}^*\rightarrow \{0,1\}^c\). It is secure if the advantage \(\mathbf {Adv}\,^{{{\mathrm{prf}}}}_{{F},{\mathcal {D}}}(\lambda )\) of any efficient distinguisher \(\mathcal {D}\) is a negligible function in \(\lambda \), where we define

and denote with \(\mathrm{Func}^{\{0,1\}^*\rightarrow \{0,1\}^c}\) the set of all functions mapping domain \(\{0,1\}^*\) to range \(\{0,1\}^c\).

Definition 2

(Signature scheme) A signature scheme is a tuple of efficient algorithms \(\varSigma =(\mathsf{KGen},\mathsf{Sign},\mathsf{Ver})\) as follows:

  • \(\mathsf{KGen}(1^\lambda )\): On input security parameter \(1^\lambda \), this algorithm outputs a signing key \(\mathsf{sk}\) and a verification key \(\mathsf{vk}\).

  • \(\mathsf{Sign}(\mathsf{sk},\mathsf{msg})\): On input signing key \(\mathsf{sk}\) and message \(\mathsf{msg}\in \{0,1\}^*\), this algorithm outputs a signature \(\sigma \).

  • \(\mathsf{Ver}(\mathsf{vk},\mathsf{msg},\sigma )\): On input verification key \(\mathsf{vk}\), message \(\mathsf{msg}\in \{0,1\}^*\), and candidate signature \(\sigma \), this algorithm outputs either 0 or 1.

Definition 3

(Correctness) Signature scheme \(\varSigma \) is correct if, for all \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\), for all key pairs \((\mathsf{sk},\mathsf{vk}) \leftarrow _{\!_R}\mathsf{KGen}(1^\lambda )\), for all \(\mathsf{msg}\in \{0,1\}^*\), and for all signatures \(\sigma \leftarrow _{\!_R}\mathsf{Sign}(\mathsf{sk},\mathsf{msg})\), we have that \(\mathsf{Ver}(\mathsf{vk},\mathsf{msg},\sigma )=1\).

Definition 4

(Existential unforgeability) A signature scheme \(\varSigma \) is existentially unforgeable under adaptive chosen message attacks if the success probability \(\mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{EUF}}}_{{\varSigma },{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda ):= \Pr [\mathbf {Exp}\,^{{{\mathrm{EUF}}}}_{{\varSigma },{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda )=1]\) in the \({\mathrm{EUF}}\) experiment of Fig. 1 is a negligible function in \(\lambda \), for all efficient adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\).

3 Double-authentication-preventing signatures

In this section, we present the central definitions of the paper: a double-authentication-preventing signature and, as security requirements, the standard (though slightly adapted) notion of existential unforgeability, as well as the new properties of forgeability and signing key extractability given two signatures on the same subject.

Definition 5

(Double-authentication-preventing signature) A double-authentication-preventing signature (DAPS) is a tuple of efficient algorithms \((\mathsf{KGen},\mathsf{Sign},\mathsf{Ver})\) as follows:

  • \(\mathsf{KGen}(1^\lambda )\): On input security parameter \(1^\lambda \), this algorithm outputs a signing key \(\mathsf{sk}\) and a verification key \(\mathsf{vk}\).

  • \(\mathsf{Sign}(\mathsf{sk},\mathsf{subj},\mathsf{msg})\): On input signing key \(\mathsf{sk}\) and subject/message pair \(\mathsf{subj},\mathsf{msg}\in \{0,1\}^*\), this algorithm outputs a signature \(\sigma \).

  • \(\mathsf{Ver}(\mathsf{vk},\mathsf{subj},\mathsf{msg},\sigma )\): On input verification key \(\mathsf{vk}\), subject/message pair \(\mathsf{subj},\mathsf{msg}\in \{0,1\}^*\), and candidate signature \(\sigma \), this algorithm outputs either 0 or 1.

Definition 6

(Correctness) A double-authentication-preventing signature scheme is correct if, for all \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\), for all key pairs \((\mathsf{sk},\mathsf{vk}) \leftarrow _{\!_R}\mathsf{KGen}(1^\lambda )\), for all \(\mathsf{subj},\mathsf{msg}\in \{0,1\}^*\), and for all signatures \(\sigma \leftarrow _{\!_R}\mathsf{Sign}(\mathsf{sk},\mathsf{subj},\mathsf{msg})\), we have \(\mathsf{Ver}(\mathsf{vk},\mathsf{subj},\mathsf{msg},\sigma )=1\).

3.1 Unforgeability

Our unforgeability notion largely coincides with the standard unforgeability notion for digital signature schemes [22]; the main difference is that, for DAPS, forgeries crafted by the adversary are not considered valid if the adversary has requested forgeries on different messages for the same subject.

Definition 7

(Existential unforgeability) A double-authentication-preventing signature scheme is existentially unforgeable under adaptive chosen message attacks if, for all efficient adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\), the success probability \(\mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{EUF}}}_{{\mathsf{DAPS}},{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda ):= \Pr [\mathbf {Exp}\,^{{{\mathrm{EUF}}}}_{{\mathsf{DAPS}},{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda )=1]\) in the \({\mathrm{EUF}}\) experiment of Fig. 2 is a negligible function in \(\lambda \).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Experiment for existential unforgeability of DAPS

3.2 Double-signature forgeability

Although Definition 7 ensures that signatures of DAPS are generally unforgeable, we do want signatures to be forgeable in certain circumstances, namely when two different messages have been signed for the same subject. First, we define the notion of compromising pairs of signatures, which says when two signatures should lead to a forgery, and then define double-signature forgeability.

Definition 8

(Compromising pair of signatures) For a fixed verification key \(\mathsf{vk}\), a pair \((S_1,S_2)\) of subject/message/signature triples \(S_1=(\mathsf{subj}_1,\mathsf{msg}_1,\sigma _1)\) and \(S_2=(\mathsf{subj}_2, \mathsf{msg}_2,\sigma _2)\) is compromising if \(\sigma _1,\sigma _2\) are valid signatures on different messages for the same subject; that is, if \(\mathsf{Ver}(\mathsf{vk},\mathsf{subj}_1,\mathsf{msg}_1,\sigma _{1})=1\), \(\mathsf{Ver}(\mathsf{vk},\mathsf{subj}_2,\mathsf{msg}_2,\sigma _{2})=1\), \(\mathsf{subj}_1=\mathsf{subj}_2\), and \(\mathsf{msg}_1\ne \mathsf{msg}_2\).

We now define the double-signature forgeability requirement. Here, the adversary takes the role of a malicious signer that aims to generate compromising pairs of signatures that do not lead to successful double-signature forgeries. We consider two scenarios: the trusted set-up model, where key generation is assumed to proceed honestly, and the untrusted set-up model, where the adversary has full control over key generation as well.

Definition 9

(Double-signature forgeability) A double-authentication-preventing signature \(\mathsf{DAPS}\) is double-signature forgeable (resp. double-signature forgeable with trusted set-up) if an efficient algorithm

  • \(\mathsf{Forge}(\mathsf{vk},(S_1,S_2),\mathsf{subj}^*,\mathsf{msg}^*)\): On input verification key \(\mathsf{vk}\), compromising pair \((S_1,S_2)\), and subject/message pair \(\mathsf{subj}^*,\mathsf{msg}^*\in \{0,1\}^*\), this algorithm outputs a signature \(\sigma ^*\).

is known such that, for all efficient adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\), the probability \(\mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{DSF}}^{(*)}}_{{\mathsf{DAPS}},{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda ):=\Pr [\mathbf {Exp}\,^{{{\mathrm{DSF}}^{(*)}}}_{{\mathsf{DAPS}},{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda )=1]\) of success in the \({\mathrm{DSF}}\) (resp. \({\mathrm{DSF}}^{*}\)) experiment of Fig. 3 is a negligible function in \(\lambda \).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Experiments for double-signature forgeability (without and with trusted set-up)

Fig. 4
figure 4

Experiments for double-signature extractability (without and with trusted set-up)

3.3 Double-signature extractability

While the notion of double-signature forgeability expresses the desired functionality of the scheme from a theoretical point of view, from an engineering perspective it may be more natural to consider double-signature extractability, in which two signatures for the same subject lead to full recovery of the signing key; obviously, full recovery of the signing key gives the ability to forge.

Definition 10

(Double-signature extractability) A double-authentication-preventing signature \(\mathsf{DAPS}\) is double-signature extractable (resp. double-signature extractable with trusted set-up) if an efficient algorithm

  • \(\mathsf{Extract}(\mathsf{vk},(S_1,S_2))\): On input verification key \(\mathsf{vk}\) and compromising pair \((S_1,S_2)\), this algorithm outputs a signing key \(\mathsf{sk}'\).

is known such that, for all efficient adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\), the probability \(\mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{DSE}}^{(*)}}_{{\mathsf{DAPS}},{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda ):=\Pr [\mathbf {Exp}\,^{{{\mathrm{DSE}}^{(*)}}}_{{\mathsf{DAPS}},{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda )=1]\) of success in the \({\mathrm{DSE}}\) (resp. \({\mathrm{DSE}}^{*}\)) experiment of Fig. 4 is a negligible function in \(\lambda \).

Note that the \({\mathrm{DSE}}\) experiment assumes existence of an efficient predicate that verifies that a candidate \(\mathsf{sk}'\) is the signing key corresponding to a verification key. In some schemes, there may be several signing keys that correspond to a verification key or it may be inefficient to check. However, for the scheme presented in Sect. 7, when instantiated with the factoring-based primitive of Sect. 6, it is easy to check that a signing key (pq) corresponds to a verification key n; note that there is a canonical representation of such signing keys (take \(p<q\)).

Clearly, double-signature extractability implies double-signature forgeability. In fact, DSE implies that the forger can generate signatures that are perfectly indistinguishable from signatures generated by the honest signer. This is an important feature that plain double-signature forgeable schemes do not necessarily offer, and indeed one can construct degenerate examples of schemes that are double-signature forgeable but for which forged signatures are obviously different from honest signatures.

4 2:1 Trapdoor functions and extractability

We introduce the concept of 2:1 trapdoor functions (2:1-TDF). At a high level, such functions are trapdoor one-way functions, meaning that they should be hard to invert except with knowledge of a trapdoor. They are two-to-one, meaning that the domain is exactly twice the size of the range, and every element of the range has precisely two preimages. We also describe an additional property, extractability, which means that given two distinct preimages of an element of the range, the trapdoor can be computed.

Consider two finite sets, A and B, such that A has twice the size of B. Let \(f:A \rightarrow B\) be a surjective function such that, for any element \(b\in B\), there are exactly two preimages in A; f is not injective, so the inverse function does not exist. Define instead \(f^{-1}:B\times \{0,1\}\rightarrow A\) such that for each \(b\in B\) the two preimages under f are given by \(f^{-1}(b,0)\) and \(f^{-1}(b,1)\). Observe that this effectively partitions set A into two subsets \(A_0=f^{-1}(B,0)\) and \(A_1=f^{-1}(B,1)\) of the same size.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Illustration of a 2:1 trapdoor function \(f:A \rightarrow B\). Each element of B has exactly two preimages, one in \(A_{0}\) and one in \(A_{1}\)

Function f is a 2:1-TDF if the following additional properties hold: sets \(A_0\), \(A_1\), and B are efficiently samplable, function f is efficiently computable, and inverse function \(f^{-1}\) is hard to compute unless some specific trapdoor information is known. We finally require an extraction capability: there should be an efficient way to recover the trapdoor for the computation of \(f^{-1}\) from any two elements \(a_0\ne a_1\) with \(f(a_0)=f(a_1)\) (we will also write \(a_0\mathrel {\mathop {\sim }\limits ^{_{\,\mathsf x}}}a_1\) for such configurations). The setting of 2:1-TDFs is illustrated in Fig. 5. We will formalize the functionality and security properties below.

4.1 Definition

We give a formal definition of 2:1-TDF and its correctness and establish afterwards that it implements the intuition developed above.

Definition 11

(2:1 trapdoor function) A 2:1 trapdoor function (2:1-TDF) is a tuple of efficient algorithms \((\mathsf{TdGen},\mathsf{Sample}_A,\mathsf{Sample}_B,\mathsf{Apply},\mathsf{Reverse},\mathsf{Decide})\) as follows:

  • \(\mathsf{TdGen}(1^\lambda )\): On input security parameter \(1^\lambda \), this randomized algorithm outputs a pair \((\mathsf{td},\mathsf{pub})\), where \(\mathsf{td}\) is a trapdoor and \(\mathsf{pub}\) is some associated public information. Each possible outcome \(\mathsf{pub}\) implicitly defines finite sets \(A=A(\mathsf{pub})\) and \(B=B(\mathsf{pub})\).

  • \(\mathsf{Sample}_A(\mathsf{pub},d;r)\): On input public information \(\mathsf{pub}\), bit \(d\in \{0,1\}\), and randomness \(r\in \{0,1\}^\lambda \), this algorithm outputs a value \(a\in A(\mathsf{pub})\). As shortcuts:

    • \(\mathsf{Sample}_A(\mathsf{pub},d) := r\leftarrow _{\!_R}\{0,1\}^\lambda \); return

             \(\mathsf{Sample}_A(\mathsf{pub}, d; r)\)

    • \(\mathsf{Sample}_A(\mathsf{pub}) := d\leftarrow _{\!_R}\{0,1\}\); return

             \(\mathsf{Sample}_A(\mathsf{pub}, d)\)

    • \(\mathsf{Sample}_{A_0}(\mathsf{pub}) := \) return \(\mathsf{Sample}_A(\mathsf{pub}, 0)\)

    • \(\mathsf{Sample}_{A_1}(\mathsf{pub}) := \) return \(\mathsf{Sample}_A(\mathsf{pub}, 1)\)

  • \(\mathsf{Sample}_B(\mathsf{pub};r)\): On input public information \(\mathsf{pub}\) and randomness \(r\in \{0,1\}^\lambda \), this algorithm outputs a value \(b\in B(\mathsf{pub})\).

  • \(\mathsf{Apply}(\mathsf{pub},a)\): On input public information \(\mathsf{pub}\) and element \(a\in A(\mathsf{pub})\), this deterministic algorithm outputs an element \(b\in B(\mathsf{pub})\).

  • \(\mathsf{Reverse}(\mathsf{td},b,d)\): On input trapdoor \(\mathsf{td}\), element \(b\in B(\mathsf{pub})\), and bit \(d\in \{0,1\}\), this deterministic algorithm outputs an element \(a\in A(\mathsf{pub})\).

  • \(\mathsf{Decide}(\mathsf{pub},a)\): On input public information \(\mathsf{pub}\) and element \(a\in A(\mathsf{pub})\), this deterministic algorithm outputs a bit \(d\in \{0,1\}\).

Definition 12

(Correctness) A 2:1-TDF is correct if, for all \((\mathsf{td},\mathsf{pub})\leftarrow _{\!_R}\mathsf{TdGen}\), all \(d\in \{0,1\}\), all \(a\in A(\mathsf{pub})\), and all \(b\in B(\mathsf{pub})\), we have that

  1. (1)

    \(a\in \mathsf{Reverse}(\mathsf{td},\mathsf{Apply}(\mathsf{pub},a),\{0,1\})\),

  2. (2)

    \(\mathsf{Apply}(\mathsf{pub},\mathsf{Reverse}(\mathsf{td},b,d))=b\), and

  3. (3)


We further require \(\mathsf{Decide}(\mathsf{pub},\mathsf{Sample}_A(\mathsf{pub},d;r))=d\) for all \(d\in \{0,1\}\) and \(r\in \{0,1\}^\lambda \).

Let \((\mathsf{td},\mathsf{pub})\) be output by \(\mathsf{TdGen}\). Consider partition \(A(\mathsf{pub})=A_0(\mathsf{pub})\mathop {\cup }\limits ^{.}A_1(\mathsf{pub})\) obtained by setting \(A_d(\mathsf{pub})=\{a\in A(\mathsf{pub}):\mathsf{Decide}(\mathsf{pub},a)=d\}\), for \(d\in \{0,1\}\). It follows from correctness requirement (3) that function \(\psi _d:=\mathsf{Reverse}(\mathsf{td},\cdot ,d)\) is a mapping \(B(\mathsf{pub})\rightarrow A_d(\mathsf{pub})\). Note that \(\psi _d\) is surjective by condition (1), and injective by condition (2). Hence, we have bijections \(\psi _0:B(\mathsf{pub})\rightarrow A_0(\mathsf{pub})\) and \(\psi _1:B(\mathsf{pub})\rightarrow A_1(\mathsf{pub})\). Thus, \(| A_0(\mathsf{pub})|=| A_1(\mathsf{pub})|=| B(\mathsf{pub})|=| A(\mathsf{pub})|/2\).

Define now relation \(\mathrel {\mathop {\sim }\limits ^{_{\,\mathsf x}}}\;\subseteq A(\mathsf{pub})\times A(\mathsf{pub})\) such that

$$\begin{aligned}&a\mathrel {\mathop {\sim }\limits ^{_{\,\mathsf x}}}a'\;\Longleftrightarrow \; \mathsf{Apply}(\mathsf{pub},a)=\mathsf{Apply}(\mathsf{pub},a') \wedge \\&\qquad \mathsf{Decide}(\mathsf{pub},a)\ne \mathsf{Decide}(\mathsf{pub},a'). \end{aligned}$$

Note that for each \(a\in A(\mathsf{pub})\), there exists exactly one \(a'\in A(\mathsf{pub})\) such that \(a\mathrel {\mathop {\sim }\limits ^{_{\,\mathsf x}}}a'\); indeed, if \(a\in A_d(\mathsf{pub})\), then \(a'=\psi _{1-d}(\psi _d^{-1}(a))\in A_{1-d}(\mathsf{pub})\). Observe how algorithms \(\mathsf{Apply}\) and \(\mathsf{Reverse}\) correspond to functions \(f:A\rightarrow B\) and \(f^{-1}:B\times \{0,1\}\rightarrow A\) discussed at the beginning of Sect. 4.

4.2 Security notions

We proceed with the specification of the principal security properties of 2:1-TDFs, samplability and one-wayness. The treatment of extraction follows in the next section. The proofs of Lemmas 1 and 2 appear in “Proofs from Section 4” of Appendix 3.

4.2.1 Samplability

The task of a 2:1-TDF’s \(\mathsf{Sample}_A\) and \(\mathsf{Sample}_B\) algorithms is to provide samples from sets \(A(\mathsf{pub})\) and \(B(\mathsf{pub})\), respectively, that are distributed nearly uniformly. The samplability security property refers to the extent to which these samples are close to uniform.

Definition 13

(Sampling distance) Let X be a 2:1-TDF and \(S_0,S_1\) be (sampling) algorithms. We define the sampling distance of \(S_0,S_1\) with respect to a distinguisher \(\mathcal {D}\) as \(\mathbf {Dist}\,^{{S_0,S_1}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}}}(\lambda ):=|P_0(\lambda )-P_1(\lambda )|\), where \(P_d(\lambda )=\) \(\Pr [(\mathsf{td},\mathsf{pub})\leftarrow _{\!_R}\mathsf{TdGen}(1^\lambda ); x\leftarrow _{\!_R}S_d(\mathsf{pub}): \mathcal {D}(\mathsf{pub},x)=1]\).

We consider different strategies to obtain samples from set B: using the \(\mathsf{Sample}_B\) algorithm directly, or using \(\mathsf{Sample}_A\) (or \(\mathsf{Sample}_{A_0}\), or \(\mathsf{Sample}_{A_1}\)) and mapping obtained samples from set A to set B using the \(\mathsf{Apply}\) algorithm. The latter hybrid constructions are formalized in Definition 14. We show in Lemma 1 that they yield reasonable results, assuming good \(\mathsf{Sample}_A\) and \(\mathsf{Sample}_B\) algorithms.

Definition 14

(Hybrid sampling) For a 2:1-TDF, let \((\mathsf{td}, \mathsf{pub})\) be output by \(\mathsf{TdGen}\). Then sampling algorithm \(\mathsf{Sample}_B^A\) for set \(B(\mathsf{pub})\) is defined as \(\mathsf{Sample}_B^A(\mathsf{pub}) := \mathsf{Apply}(\mathsf{pub}, \mathsf{Sample}_A(\mathsf{pub}))\). We define sampling algorithms \(\mathsf{Sample}_B^{A_0}\) and \(\mathsf{Sample}_B^{A_1}\) correspondingly.

Lemma 1

(Quality of hybrid sampling) Let X be a 2:1-TDF and let \(\mathcal {D}_B\) be an efficient distinguisher. Then there exist efficient distinguishers \(\mathcal {D}_A',\mathcal {D}_{A_0}',\mathcal {D}_{A_1}',\mathcal {D}_B',\mathcal {D}_B'',\mathcal {D}_B'''\) such that

$$\begin{aligned}&\mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_B,\mathsf{Sample}_B^A}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}_B}}(\lambda ) \le \\&\qquad \mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_A,U(A)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}_A'}}(\lambda )+\mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_B,U(B)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}_B'}}(\lambda )\\&\mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_B,\mathsf{Sample}_B^{A_0}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}_B}}(\lambda ) \le \\&\qquad \mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_{A_0},U(A_0)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}_{A_0}'}}(\lambda )+\mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_B,U(B)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}_B''}}(\lambda )\\&\mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_B,\mathsf{Sample}_B^{A_1}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}_B}}(\lambda ) \le \\&\qquad \mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_{A_1},U(A_1)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}_{A_1}'}}(\lambda )+\mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_B,U(B)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}_B'''}}(\lambda ) . \end{aligned}$$

In Lemma 1, the terms on the left-hand side are small if the terms on the right-hand side are. This observation motivates the following security requirement on 2:1-TDFs. Note that if \(\mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_A,U(A)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}}}\) is negligible, then so are \(\mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_{A_0},U(A_0)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}}}\) and \(\mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_{A_1},U(A_1)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}}}\).

Definition 15

(Samplability of 2:1-TDF) Let X denote a 2:1-TDF. We say that X is samplable if, for all efficient distinguishers \(\mathcal {D},\mathcal {D}'\), we have that \(\mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_A,U(A)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}}}\) and \(\mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_B,U(B)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}'}}\) are negligible functions.

4.2.2 One-wayness

We next define one-wayness for 2:1-TDFs. Intuitively, it should be infeasible to find preimages and second preimages of the \(\mathsf{Apply}\) algorithm without knowing the corresponding trapdoor.

Definition 16

(Preimage resistance of 2:1-TDF) A 2:1-TDF X is preimage resistant and second preimage resistant if \(\mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{INV{{ -}}1}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda ):=\Pr [\mathbf {Exp}\,^{{{\mathrm{INV{{ -}}1}}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda ) =1]\) and \(\mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{INV{{ -}}2}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {B}}}(\lambda ) := \Pr [\mathbf {Exp}\,^{{{\mathrm{INV{{ -}}2}}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {B}}}(\lambda ) =1]\) are negligible functions in \(\lambda \), for all efficient adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\) and \(\mathcal {B}\), where \(\mathbf {Exp}\,^{{{\mathrm{INV{{ -}}1}}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {A}}}\) and \(\mathbf {Exp}\,^{{{\mathrm{INV{{ -}}2}}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {B}}}\) are as in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Experiments for preimage and second preimage resistance of 2:1-TDFs

The following simple lemma shows that second preimage resistance implies preimage resistance. We will see in Sect. 4.3 that these notions are actually equivalent for an extractable variant of 2:1-TDF.

Lemma 2

(\({\mathrm{INV{{ -}}2}}\Rightarrow {\mathrm{INV{{ -}}1}}\) if 2:1-TDF samplable) Let X be a 2:1-TDF and let \(\mathcal {A}\) be an efficient algorithm for the \({\mathrm{INV{{ -}}1}}\) experiment. Then there exist an efficient algorithm \(\mathcal {B}\) for the \({\mathrm{INV{{ -}}2}}\) experiment and an efficient distinguisher \(\mathcal {D}_B\) such that \(\mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{INV{{ -}}1}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda ) \le 2\cdot \mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{INV{{ -}}2}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {B}}}(\lambda ) + \mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_B,\mathsf{Sample}_B^A}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}_B}}(\lambda )\).

4.3 Extractable 2:1 trapdoor functions

We extend the functionality of 2:1-TDFs to include extraction of the trapdoor: knowledge of any two elements \(a_0,a_1\in A\) with \(a_0\ne a_1\wedge f(a_0)=f(a_1)\) shall immediately reveal the system’s inversion trapdoor.

Definition 17

(Extractable 2:1-TDF) A 2:1-TDF is extractable if an efficient algorithm

  • \(\mathsf{Extract}(\mathsf{pub},a,a')\): On input public information \(\mathsf{pub}\) and \(a,a'\in A(\mathsf{pub})\), this algorithm outputs a trapdoor \(\mathsf{td}^*\).

is known such that we have \(\mathsf{Extract}(\mathsf{pub},a,a')=\mathsf{td}\) for all \((\mathsf{td},\mathsf{pub})\) output by \(\mathsf{TdGen}\) and all \(a,a'\in A(\mathsf{pub})\) with \(a\mathrel {\mathop {\sim }\limits ^{_{\,\mathsf x}}}a'\).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Signature scheme \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{Sig}}\)

Surprisingly, extractability of 2:1-TDFs has an essential effect on the relationship between \({\mathrm{INV{{ -}}1}}\) and \({\mathrm{INV{{ -}}2}}\) security notions. In combination with Lemma 2, we see that notions \({\mathrm{INV{{ -}}1}}\) and \({\mathrm{INV{{ -}}2}}\) are equivalent for (samplable) extractable 2:1-TDFs. The proof of Lemma 3 appears in “Proofs from Section 4” of Appendix 3.

Lemma 3

(\({\mathrm{INV{{ -}}1}}\!\Rightarrow \!{\mathrm{INV{{ -}}2}}\) if 2:1-TDF extractable) Let X be an extractable 2:1-TDF and let \(\mathcal {B}\) be an efficient algorithm for the \({\mathrm{INV{{ -}}2}}\) experiment. Then there exists an efficient algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) for the \({\mathrm{INV{{ -}}1}}\) experiment such that \(\mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{INV{{ -}}2}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {B}}}(\lambda )=\mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{INV{{ -}}1}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda )\).

5 Tightly secure signatures from 2:1 trapdoor functions

As a first application of our new primitive, we present a signature scheme. The construction essentially extends the well-known full-domain hash paradigm (FDH, see [8]) from bijective trapdoor functions, e.g. TDPs, to the new 2:1-TDF notion. While security reductions of regular FDH signatures are necessarily highly untight (the security loss in comparison with TDP security is \(q_H\), the number of adversary’s hash function evaluations; but see [15] for tighter bounds for homomorphic TDPs), it turns out that our new signature scheme is tightly secure if the deployed 2:1-TDF is extractable. We note that our construction is similar in spirit with the tightly secure signature constructions found in [4, 21]; however, our abstraction model is quite different.

Construction 1

(Signatures from 2:1-TDF) Let \(\lambda \) be a security parameter, and let \({\lambda _{2}}\) and \({\lambda _{f}}\) be parameters polynomially dependent on \(\lambda \). Let \(X=(\mathsf{TdGen},\mathsf{Sample}_A,\mathsf{Sample}_B,\mathsf{Apply},\mathsf{Reverse},\mathsf{Decide})\) be an extractable 2:1 trapdoor function and let \(F:\{0,1\}^{\lambda _{f}}\times \{0,1\}^*\rightarrow \{0,1\}\) be a PRF. For each \(\mathsf{pub}\) output by \(\mathsf{TdGen}\), let \(H_\mathsf{pub}:\{0,1\}^*\rightarrow B(\mathsf{pub})\) be a hash function. Signature scheme \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{Sig}}\) consists of the algorithms specified in Fig. 7.

We assess the security of \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{Sig}}\) in Theorem 1; the corresponding proof appears in “Proofs from Section 5” of Appendix. A factor of \(q_H\) appears in the bounds claimed in Theorem 1. That factor scales a purely statistical quantity that can easily be forced to be smaller than (say) \(2^{-256}\), and this matches the notion of “tightness” in works like [4] (in which the sampling issues that we factor in are actually left implicit).

Theorem 1

(\(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{Sig}}\) is \({\mathrm{EUF}}\)) In the setting of Construction 1, if X is extractable, samplable, and second preimage resistant, F is a secure PRF, and \(H_{\mathsf{pub}}\) is a random oracle, then signature scheme \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{Sig}}\) is existentially unforgeable under adaptive chosen message attacks. More precisely, for any efficient \({\mathrm{EUF}}\) algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) making at most \(q_H\) queries to the \(H_{\mathsf{pub}}(\cdot )\) oracle, there exist efficient distinguishers \(\mathcal {D}_{A}\), \(\mathcal {D}_{B}\), and \(\mathcal {C}\), and an efficient algorithm \(\mathcal {B}\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{EUF}}}_{{\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{Sig}}},{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda )&\le q_H\cdot \mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_A,U(A)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}_{A}}}({\lambda _{2}})\\&\; +q_H\cdot \mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_B,U(B)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}_{B}}}({\lambda _{2}}) \\&\; + 2\cdot \mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{INV{{ -}}2}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {B}}}({\lambda _{2}}) + \mathbf {Adv}\,^{{{\mathrm{prf}}}}_{{F},{\mathcal {C}}}({\lambda _{f}}). \end{aligned}$$

6 Constructing extractable 2:1 trapdoor functions

Having introduced 2:1-TDFs and extractable 2:1-TDFs, we now show how to construct these primitives: we propose an efficient extractable 2:1-TDF and prove it secure, assuming hardness of the integer factorization problem.

Our construction builds on the group of sign-agnostic quadratic residues, a specific structure from number theory. This group was introduced to cryptography by Goldwasser, Micali, and Rivest in [22], and rediscovered 20 years later by Hofheinz and Kiltz [25]. We first reproduce the results of [22, 25] and then extend them towards our requirements.Footnote 5

In our exposition, we assume that the reader is familiar with definition and structure of groups \(\mathbb {Z}_n^\times \), \(J_n\), and \(QR_n\), for Blum integers n. If we additionally define \(\overline{J}_n=\mathbb {Z}_n^\times \setminus J_n\) and \(\overline{QR}_n=J_n\setminus QR_n\), these five sets are related to each other as visualized in Fig. 8 (left). Also illustrated is the action of the squaring operation: it is 4:1 from \(\mathbb {Z}_n^\times \) to \(QR_n\), 2:1 from \(J_n\) to \(QR_n\), and 1:1 (i.e. bijective) from \(QR_n\) to \(QR_n\). For reference, we reproduce all number-theoretic details relevant to this paper in Facts 16 and Corollary 2, in “Appendix 1”.

6.1 Sign-agnostic quadratic residues

For an RSA modulus n, it is widely believed that efficiently distinguishing elements in \(QR_n\) from elements in \(\overline{QR}_n\) is a hard problem. It also seems to be infeasible to sample elements from \(QR_n\) without knowing a square root of the samples, or to construct hash functions that map to \(QR_n\) and could be modelled as random oracles. However, such properties are a prerequisite in certain applications in cryptography [25], what renders group \(QR_n\) unsuitable for such cases. As we see next, by switching from the group of quadratic residues modulo n to the related group of sign-agnostic quadratic residues modulo n, sampling and hashing become feasible.

The use of sign-agnostic quadratic residues in cryptography is explicitly proposed in [22, 25]. However, some aspects of the algebraical structure of this group are concealed in both works by the fact that the group operation is defined to act directly on specific representations of elements. The introduction to sign-agnostic quadratic residues that we give in the following paragraphs uses a new and more consistent notation that aims at making the algebraical structure more readily apparent. Using this new notation, it will not be difficult to establish Lemmas 58 below.

Let \((H,\cdot )\) be an arbitrary finite abelian group that contains an element \(T\in H\setminus \{1\}\) such that \(T^2=1\). Then \(\{1,T\}\) is a (normal) subgroup in H, that is, quotient group \(H/_{\{1,T\}}\) is well-defined, \(\psi : H\rightarrow H/_{\{1,T\}} : x\mapsto \{x,Tx\}\) is a group homomorphism, and \(|\psi (H)|=|H/_{\{1,T\}}|=|H|/2\) holds. Further, for all subgroups \(G\le H\), we have that \(\psi (G)\le \psi (H)=H/_{\{1,T\}}\). In such cases, if G is such that \(T\in G\), then \(|\psi (G)|=|G/_{\{1,T\}}|=|G|/2\) as above; otherwise, if \(T\not \in G\), then \(|\psi (G)|=|G|\) and thus \(\psi (G)\cong G\).

Consider now the specific group \(H=\mathbb {Z}_n^\times \), for a Blum integer n. Then \(T=-1\) has order 2 in \(\mathbb {Z}_n^\times \) and above observations apply, with mapping \(\psi :x\mapsto \{x,-x\}\). For any subgroup \(G\le \mathbb {Z}_n^\times \), let \({{G}/_{\pm 1}} := \psi (G)\). For subgroup \(QR_n\le \mathbb {Z}_n^\times \), as \(-1\not \in QR_n\), we have \({{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\cong QR_n\) and thus \(|{{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}|=\varphi (n)/4\). Moreover, as \(J_n\le \mathbb {Z}_n^\times \) and \(-1\in J_n\), we have \(|{{J_n}/_{\pm 1}}|=|J_n|/2=\varphi (n)/4\). Similarly, we see \(|{{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}|=\varphi (n)/2\). After setting \({{\overline{QR}_n}/_{\pm 1}}:=({{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}})\setminus ({{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}})\), we finally obtain \(|{{\overline{QR}_n}/_{\pm 1}}|=\varphi (n)/4\).

Note that we just observed \({{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\le {{J_n}/_{\pm 1}}\le {{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\) and \(|{{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}|=\varphi (n)/4=|{{J_n}/_{\pm 1}}|\). The overall structure is hence \({{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}={{J_n}/_{\pm 1}}\lneq {{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\), as illustrated in Fig. 8 (right). After agreeing on notations \(\{\pm x\}=\{x,-x\}\) and \(\{\pm x\}^2=\{\pm (x^2)\}\), we additionally obtain the following result (proven in “Proofs from Section 6” of Appendix 3):

Lemma 4

Let n be a Blum integer. Then \({{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}=\left\{ \{\pm x\}^2:\{\pm x\}\in {{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\right\} \).

Moreover, by exploiting identity \({{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}={{J_n}/_{\pm 1}}\), we directly get the following characterizations of \({{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\) and \({{\overline{QR}_n}/_{\pm 1}}\). Observe that the sets are well-defined since \(\bigl (\tfrac{x}{n}\bigr )=\bigl (\tfrac{-x}{n}\bigr )\) for all \(x\in \mathbb {Z}_n^\times \).

$$\begin{aligned} {{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}&=\left\{ \{\pm x\}\in {{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}:\bigl (\tfrac{x}{n}\bigr )=+1\right\} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} {{\overline{QR}_n}/_{\pm 1}}&=\left\{ \{\pm x\}\in {{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}:\bigl (\tfrac{x}{n}\bigr )=-1\right\} . \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 8
figure 8

Illustration of \(\mathbb {Z}_n^\times \) and \({{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\) (for Blum integers n), and subgroups \(QR_n\), \(J_n\), and \({{J_n}/_{\pm 1}}={{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\). Also visualized is the action of the squaring operation (see Corollaries 1 and 2)

Many facts on the structure of \(\mathbb {Z}_n^\times \) can be lifted to \({{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\). This holds in particular for Lemmas 5 and 6, which directly correspond with Facts 4 and 5 from “Appendix 1”. Similarly, Corollaries 1 and 2 correspond. We stress that the following results do not appear in [22, 25]; the corresponding proofs appear in “Proofs from Section 6” of Appendix 3.

Lemma 5

(Square roots in \({{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\)) If n is a Blum integer, every element \(\{\pm y\}\in {{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\) has exactly two square roots in \({{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\). More precisely, there exist unique \(\{\pm x_0\}\in {{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\) and \(\{\pm x_1\}\in {{\overline{QR}_n}/_{\pm 1}}\) such that \(\{\pm x_0\}^2=\{\pm y\}=\{\pm x_1\}^2\). The factorization of n can readily be recovered from such pairs \(\{\pm x_0\},\{\pm x_1\}\): non-trivial divisors of n are given by \(\gcd (n,x_0-x_1)\) and \(\gcd (n,x_0+x_1)\). Square roots in \({{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\) can be efficiently computed if the factors of \(n=pq\) are known.

Corollary 1

(Squaring in \({{\mathbb {Z}_{n}^{\times }}/_{\pm 1}},{{QR_{n}}/_{\pm 1}},{{\overline{QR}_{n}}/_{\pm 1}}\)) If n is a Blum integer, the squaring operation \({{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\rightarrow {{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}} : \{\pm x\}\mapsto \{\pm x\}^2\) is a 2:1 mapping. Moreover, squaring is a 1:1 function from \({{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\) to \({{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\) and from \({{\overline{QR}_n}/_{\pm 1}}\) to \({{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\). These relations are illustrated in Fig. 8 (right).

Lemma 6

(Computing square roots in \({{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\) is hard) Let n be a Blum integer. Computing square roots in \({{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\) is as hard as factoring n.

Lemma 7

(Samplability and decidability) Let n be a Blum integer and \(t\in \mathbb {Z}_n^\times \) be fixed with \(\bigl (\tfrac{t}{n}\bigr )=-1\). The algorithm that samples \(a \leftarrow _{\!_R}\mathbb {Z}_{n}\) and returns \(\{\pm a\}\) generates a distribution that is statistically indistinguishable from uniform on \({{\mathbb {Z}_{n}^{\times }}/_{\pm 1}}\). If the algorithm is modified such that it returns \(\{\pm a\}\) if \(\bigl (\tfrac{a}{n}\bigr )=+1\) and \(\{\pm ta\}\) if \(\bigl (\tfrac{a}{n}\bigr )=-1\), then the output is statistically indistinguishable from uniform on \({{QR_{n}}/_{\pm 1}}\). Elements in \({{\overline{QR}_{n}}/_{\pm 1}}\) can be sampled correspondingly. Sets \({{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\) and \({{\overline{QR}_n}/_{\pm 1}}\) are efficiently decidable (within \({{\mathbb {Z}_{n}^{\times }}/_{\pm 1}}\)) by Eqs. (1) and (2).

We anticipate the following result from “Appendix 2”.

Lemma 8

(Indifferentiable hashing into \({{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\)) There exist efficient functions \(\ell \) and \(\varphi :\{0,1\}^{\ell (n)}\rightarrow {{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\) such that if a hash function \(h:\{0,1\}^*\rightarrow \{0,1\}^{\ell (n)}\) behaves like a (programmable) random oracle then so does \(H=\varphi \circ h:\{0,1\}^*\rightarrow {{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\).

Remark 1

(Representation of elements) An efficient and compact way to represent elements \(\{\pm x\}\in {{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\) is by the binary encoding of \(\overline{x}=\min \{x,n-x\}\in [1,(n-1)/2]\), as proposed by [22]. The corresponding decoding procedure is \(\overline{x}\mapsto \{\overline{x},-\overline{x}\}\).

6.2 Construction of Blum-2:1-TDF from sign-agnostic quadratic residues

We use the tools from Sect. 6.1 to construct a factoring-based extractable 2:1-TDF, which will map \({{\mathbb {Z}_{n}^{\times }}/_{\pm 1}} \rightarrow {{QR_{n}}/_{\pm 1}}\). While the \(\mathsf{Apply}\) algorithm corresponds to the squaring operation, extractability will be possible given distinct square roots of an element.

Construction 2

(Blum-2:1-TDF) Define algorithms \(\mathsf{Blum-2:1-TDF}=(\mathsf{TdGen},\mathsf{Sample}_A,\mathsf{Sample}_B,\mathsf{Apply},\mathsf{Reverse},\mathsf{Decide},\mathsf{Extract})\) as follows:

  • \(\mathsf{TdGen}(1^\lambda )\): Pick random Blum integer \(n=pq\) of length \(\lambda \) such that \(p<q\). Pick \(t\in \mathbb {Z}_n^\times \) with \(\bigl (\tfrac{t}{n}\bigr )=-1\). Return \(\mathsf{pub}\leftarrow (n,t)\) and \(\mathsf{td}\leftarrow (p,q)\). We will use sets \(A_0(\mathsf{pub}):={{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\), \(A_1(\mathsf{pub}):={{\overline{QR}_n}/_{\pm 1}}\), \(A(\mathsf{pub}):= {{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\), and \(B(\mathsf{pub}):={{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\).

  • \(\mathsf{Sample}_A(\mathsf{pub},d)\): Implement \(\mathsf{Sample}_A(\mathsf{pub},0)\), \(\mathsf{Sample}_A(\mathsf{pub},1)\), and \(\mathsf{Sample}_A(\mathsf{pub})\) using the samplers for sets \({{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\), \({{\overline{QR}_n}/_{\pm 1}}\), and \({{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\) from Lemma 7.

  • \(\mathsf{Sample}_B(\mathsf{pub})\): Implement \(\mathsf{Sample}_B(\mathsf{pub})\) using the sampler for set \({{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\) from Lemma 7.

  • \(\mathsf{Apply}(\mathsf{pub},\{\pm a\})\): Return \(\{\pm b\}\leftarrow \{\pm a\}^2\).

  • \(\mathsf{Reverse}(\mathsf{td},\{\pm b\},d)\): By Lemma 5, element \(\{\pm b\}\in {{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\) has precisely two square roots: \(\{\pm a_0\}\in {{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\) and \(\{\pm a_1\}\in {{\overline{QR}_n}/_{\pm 1}}\). Return \(\{\pm a_d\}\).

  • \(\mathsf{Decide}(\mathsf{pub},\{\pm a\})\): Return 0 if \(\{\pm a\}\in {{QR_n}/_{\pm 1}}\); otherwise return 1.

  • \(\mathsf{Extract}(\mathsf{pub},\{\pm a_0\},\{\pm a_1\})\): Both \(\gcd (n, a_{0}-a_{1})\) and \(\gcd (n, a_{0}+a_{1})\) are non-trivial factors of \(n=pq\). Return \(\mathsf{td}^* \leftarrow (p,q)\) such that \(p<q\).

These algorithms are all efficient. Correctness of Blum-2:1-TDF and the various security properties follow straightforwardly from the number-theoretic facts established in Sect. 6.1. The proof appears in “Proofs from Section 6” of Appendix 3.

Theorem 2

(Security and extractability of Blum-2:1-TDF) Blum-2:1-TDF  is samplable (Def. 15), (second) preimage resistant (Def. 16) under the assumption that factoring is hard, and extractable (Def. 17).

Remark 2

(Choice of element t) In Construction 2, public element t can be any quadratic non-residue; small values likely exist and might be favourable for storage efficiency. Observe that, if \(p \equiv 3 \mod 8\) and \(q \equiv 7 \mod 8\), for \(t=2\) we always have \(\bigl (\tfrac{t}{n}\bigr )=-1\), so there is not need to store t at all.

7 Double-authentication-preventing signatures from extractable 2:1-TDFs

We now come to the central result of this paper, a double-authentication-preventing signature generically constructed from any extractable 2:1 trapdoor function; of course factoring-based Blum-2:1-TDF from the previous section is a suitable candidate for instantiating the scheme.

Construction 3

(DAPS from 2:1-TDF) Let \(\lambda \) be a security parameter, and let \({\lambda _{2}}\) and \({\lambda _{h}}\) be parameters polynomially dependent on \(\lambda \). Let \(X=(\mathsf{TdGen},\mathsf{Sample}_A,\mathsf{Sample}_B,\mathsf{Apply},\mathsf{Reverse},\mathsf{Decide})\) be an extractable 2:1 trapdoor function and let \(H^\#:\{0,1\}^*\rightarrow \{0,1\}^{\lambda _{h}}\) be a hash function. For each \(\mathsf{pub}\) output by \(\mathsf{TdGen}\), let \(H_\mathsf{pub}:\{0,1\}^*\rightarrow B(\mathsf{pub})\) be a hash function. Double-authentication-preventing signature scheme \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\) consists of the algorithms specified in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Double-authentication-preventing signature scheme \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\)

The basic idea of the signing algorithm is as follows. From any given subject, the signer derives message-independent signing elements \(b_{1}, \dots , b_{{\lambda _{h}}}\in B\). The signer also hashes subject and message to a bit string \(d_1\ldots d_{\lambda _{h}}\); for each bit \(d_{i}\), she finds the preimage \(a_{i}\) of the signing element \(b_{i}\) which is in the \(d_{i}\) partition of A, either in \(A_{0}\) or in \(A_{1}\). The signature \(\sigma \) is basically the vector of these preimages. Intuitively, the scheme is unforgeable because it is hard to find preimages of signing elements \(b_{i}\) without knowing the trapdoor. Moreover, the scheme is extractable because the signing elements \(b_{i}\) are only dependent on the subject, so the signatures of two different messages for the same subject use the same \(b_{i}\). But, assuming collision resistance of \(H^\#\), at least one different \(d_{i}\) is used in the two signatures, so two distinct preimages of \(b_{i}\) are involved, which allows anyone to recover the trapdoor.

We give further explanation on the subject-dependent value s that we embed into every signature. Consider the standard security reduction for proving FDH-TDP signatures unforgeable [9], and in particular how adversary’s queries to random oracle H are answered. Usually, random oracle H is programmed such that \(H(m)=g(x)\), where m is the queried message, g is the TDP, and x is sampled uniformly from the domain of g. This construction exploits that g (as opposed to \(g^{-1}\)) can be efficiently computed without knowledge of any trapdoor, and it ensures that the simulation ‘knows’ the preimage of hash values H(m), for all messages m. When switching to 2:1-TDFs, however, we observe that this method of reduction does not work satisfyingly: While for any H query a corresponding preimage \(a\in A\) of the 2:1-TDF could be uniformly sampled, it might be related value \(a'\in A\), \(a\mathrel {\mathop {\sim }\limits ^{_{\,\mathsf x}}}a'\), that needs to be revealed in later queries to the signing oracle. But computing \(a'\) from a, or even jointly sampling them, is infeasible without knowledge of 2:1-TDF’s trapdoor. In our DAPS construction, value s ensures that the simulation is not required to program \(H_\mathsf{pub}\) oracle until the point where it learns \(\mathsf{subj}\) and \(\mathsf{msg}\), i.e. learns which preimage it will have to reveal. For further details, we refer to the proof of Theorem 3.

7.1 Unforgeability of \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\)

We next establish existential unforgeability of \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\) (cf. Definition 7). The proof proceeds by changing the \({\mathrm{EUF}}\) simulation so that it performs all operations without using the signing key and without (noticeably) changing the distribution of verification key and answers to \(\mathcal {A}\)’s oracle queries; these changes cannot be detected if 2:1-TDF X is samplable. From any forgery crafted by adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), either a preimage or second preimage of X, or a collision of \(H^{\#}\) can be extracted. Observe that, by Lemma 2, it suffices to require second preimage resistance of X in Theorem 3. The detailed proof appears in “Proof of unforgeability (Theorem 3)” of Appendix 3.

Theorem 3

(\(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\) is \({\mathrm{EUF}}\)) In the setting of Construction 3, if X is samplable and second preimage resistant, \(H^{\#}\) is collision resistant, and \(H_{\mathsf{pub}}\) is a random oracle, then double-authentication-preventing signature \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\) is existentially unforgeable under adaptive chosen message attacks. More precisely, for any efficient \({\mathrm{EUF}}\) algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) making at most \(q_{1}\) queries to \(H_{\mathsf{pub}}(\cdot )\) and \(q_{S}\) queries to \(\mathcal {O}_{\mathsf{Sign}}\) oracle, there exist efficient distinguishers \(\mathcal {D}_{A}\) and \(\mathcal {D}_{B}\) and efficient algorithms \(\mathcal {B}_{1}\), \(\mathcal {B}_{2}\), and \(\mathcal {C}\) such that

$$\begin{aligned}&\mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{EUF}}}_{{\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}},{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda ) \; \le \\&\qquad (q_{1}+({\lambda _{h}}+1)q_{S} + 1)\, \mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_A,U(A)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}_{A}}}({\lambda _{2}})\;+ \\&\qquad (q_{1}+({\lambda _{h}}+1)q_{S})\, \mathbf {Dist}\,^{{\mathsf{Sample}_{B},U(B)}}_{{X},{\mathcal {D}_{B}}}({\lambda _{2}}) \;+ \\&\qquad q_{1} \mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{INV{{ -}}1}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {B}_{1}}}({\lambda _{2}}) + 2 q_{S}{\lambda _{h}}\, \mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{INV{{ -}}2}}}_{{X},{\mathcal {B}_{2}}}({\lambda _{2}}) \;+\\&\qquad \mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{CR}}}_{{H^{\#}},{\mathcal {C}}}({\lambda _{h}}), \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{CR}}}_{{H^{\#}},{\mathcal {C}}}({\lambda _{h}})\) is the success probability of algorithm \(\mathcal {C}\) in finding collisions of hash function \(H^{\#}\).

Remark 3

(\(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\) is deterministic and \({\mathrm{S{{ -}}{}EUF}}\)) Note that \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\) is not only deterministic but also unique [15] and, in particular, strongly unforgeable.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Double-authentication-preventing signature scheme \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\) instantiated using sign-agnostic quadratic residues (Blum-2:1-TDF). In algorithm \(\mathsf{Ver}\), for any element \(\bar{x}=\{\pm x\}\in {{\mathbb {Z}_n^\times }/_{\pm 1}}\) we write \(\bigl (\tfrac{\bar{x}}{n}\bigr )\) as shortcut for \(\bigl (\tfrac{x}{n}\bigr )=\bigl (\tfrac{-x}{n}\bigr )\)

7.2 Double-signature extractability of \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\)

Assuming collision resistance of \(H^{\#}\), two signatures for different messages but the same subject result in some index i where the hashes \(H^{\#}(\mathsf{subj}, s, \mathsf{msg}_{1})\) and \(H^{\#}(\mathsf{subj}, s, \mathsf{msg}_{2})\) differ. The corresponding ith values \(a_i\) in the two signatures can be used to extract the signing key. This is the intuition behind Theorem 4; the detailed proof appears in “Proof of double-signature extractability (Theorem 4)” of Appendix 3.

Theorem 4

(\(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\) is \({\mathrm{DSE}}^{*}\)) In the setting of Construction 3, if X is extractable and \(H^{\#}\) is collision resistant, then double-authentication-preventing signature 2:1 \(-\) DAPS is double-signature extractable with trusted set-up. More precisely, with the notation from Theorem 3, there exists an efficient algorithm \(\mathsf{Extract}\) (described in the proof of the theorem) and an efficient algorithm \(\mathcal {C}\) such that, for all algorithms \(\mathcal {A}\), \(\mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{DSE}}^*}_{{\mathsf{DAPS}},{\mathcal {A}}}(\lambda )\le \mathbf {Succ}\,^{{\mathrm{CR}}}_{{H^{\#}},{\mathcal {C}}}({\lambda _{h}})\).

Observe that the double-signature extractability of \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\) in Theorem 4 relies on the assumption that signer’s verification key is well-formed. When instantiated with Blum-2:1-TDF (see Sect. 7.3), this means assuming that signer’s public information n is a Blum integer, as extractability of Blum-2:1-TDF is guaranteed only in this case. Well-formedness can be shown using interactive or non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs. In particular, there is an interactive zero-knowledge protocol of van de Graaf and Peralta [42] for demonstrating that an integer n is of the form \(p^{r}q^{s}\) where p and q are both primes such that \(p \equiv q \equiv 3 \mod 4\), which can be combined with the interactive protocol of Boyar et al. [6] for demonstrating that an integer n is square free, to ultimately show that a modulus n is a Blum integer. Alternatively, a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof for the well-formedness of a Blum integer was given by De Santis et al. [16] and for products of safe primes (which includes Blum integers) by Camenisch and Michels [14].

Table 1 Efficiency of \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\) based on sign-agnostic quadratic residues

7.3 DAPS instantiation based on sign-agnostic quadratic residues

Figure 10 shows the instantiation of \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\) from Fig. 9 using the Blum-2:1-TDF  from Construction 2. In Table 1, we analyse the corresponding sizes of verification keys, signing keys, and signatures, and the cost of signature generation and verification, with abstract results as well as results with 1024- and 2048-bit keys. We assume the element representation from Remark 1 and the verification key optimization from Remark 2.

We also report the results of our implementation of DAPS using the libgcrypt cryptographic library.Footnote 6 As libgcrypt does not have routines for square roots or Jacobi symbols, we implemented our own, and we expect that there may be space for improvement with optimized implementations of these operations. Timings reported are an average of 50 iterations, performed on a 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 (3720QM) CPU, using libgcrypt 1.5.2, compiled in x86_64 mode using LLVM 3.3 and compiler flag -O3. Source code for our implementation is available online at http://eprints.qut.edu.au/73005/.

With 1024-bit signing and verification keys, a signature is about 20 KiB in size and takes about 0.341 s to generate and 0.105 s to verify. While our scheme is less efficient than a regular signature scheme, we believe these timings are still in the acceptable range; this holds in particular if our scheme is used to implement CA functionality where signature generation happens rarely and verification results can be cached.

8 Applications

DAPS allows applications that employ digital signatures for establishing unique bindings between digital objects to provide self-enforcement for correct signer behaviour, and resistance by signers to coercion or the “compelled certificate creation attack” [40]. Whenever the verifier places high value on the uniqueness of the binding, it may be worthwhile to employ DAPS instead of traditional digital signatures, despite the potential for increased damage in the case of accidental errors by the signer.

It should be noted that use of DAPS may impose an additional burden on honest signers: they need to maintain a list of previously signed subjects to avoid double signing. Some signers may already do so, but the importance of the correctness of this list is increased with DAPS. As noted below, signers may wish to use additional protections to maintain their list of signed subjects, for example by cryptographically authenticating it using a message authentication code with a key in the same hardware security module as the main signing key.

In this section, we examine a few cryptographic applications involving unique bindings and discuss the potential applicability of DAPS.

8.1 Certificate authorities

The potential use of DAPS for certificate authorities has been discussed in some detail in the Introduction.

DAPS could be used to ensure that certification authorities in the web PKI behave as expected. For example, by having the subject consist of the domain name and the year, and the message consist of the public key and other certificate details, a CA who signs one certificate for “www.example.com” using DAPS cannot sign another for the same domain and time period without invalidating its own key. A CA using DAPS must then be stateful, carefully keeping track of the previous subjects signed and refusing to sign duplicates. In commercial certificate authorities, where the signing is done on a hardware security module (HSM), the list of subjects signed should be kept under authenticated control of the HSM.

A DAPS-based PKI would need to adopt an appropriate convention on validity periods to accommodate expiry of certificates without permitting double-signing. For example, a DAPS PKI may use a subject with a low-granularity non-overlapping validity period (“www.example.com \(\Vert \) 2015”) since high-granularity overlapping validity periods in the subject give a malicious CA a vector for issuing two certificates without signing the exact same subject twice (“www.example.com \(\Vert \) 20150501-20160430” versus “www.example.com \(\Vert \) 20150502-20160501”).

Furthermore, a DAPS-based PKI could support revocation using standard mechanisms such as certificate revocation lists. Reissuing could be achieved by including a counter in the DAPS subject (e.g. “www.example.com \(\Vert \) 2015 \(\Vert \) 0”) and using DAPS-based revocation to provide an unambiguous and unalterable auditable chain from the initial certificate to the current one.

One of the major problems with multi-CA PKIs such as the web PKI is that clients trust many CAs, any one of which can issue a certificate for a particular subject. A DAPS-based PKI would prevent one CA from signing multiple certificates for a subject, but not other CAs from also signing certificates for that subject. We could consider a multi-CA PKI in which other DAPS-based CAs agree to issue a “void certificate” for a domain name when presented with a valid certificate from another CA, thereby disqualifying them from issuing future signatures on that subject. In general, though, coordination of CAs is challenging. We believe it remains a very interesting open question to find cryptographic constructions that solve the multi-CA PKI problem.

8.2 Time-stamping

A standard approach to preventing time-stamping authorities from “changing the past” is to require that, when a digital signature is constructed that asserts that certain pieces of information x exist at a particular time t, the actual message being signed must also include the (hash of) messages authenticated in the previous time periods. The authority is prevented from trying to change the past and assert that \(x' \ne x\) existed at time t because the signatures issued at time periods \(t+1, t+2, \dots \) chain back to the original message x.

DAPS could be used to alternatively discourage time-stamping authority fraud by having the subject consist of the time period t and the message consist of whatever information x is to be signed at that time period. A time-stamping authority who signs an assertion for a given time period using DAPS cannot sign another for the same time period without invalidating its own key. Assuming an honest authority’s system is designed to only sign once per time period, the signer need not statefully track the list of all signed subjects, since time periods automatically increment.

8.3 Hybrid DAPS + standard signatures

DAPS could be combined with a standard signature scheme to provide more robustness in the case of an accidental error, but also provide a clear and quantifiable decrease in security due to a double signing, giving users a window of time in which to migrate away from the signer.

We can achieve this goal by augmenting a generic standard signature scheme with our factoring-based DAPS as follows. The signer publishes a public key consisting of the standard signature’s verification key, the \(\mathsf{2:1-}\mathsf{{DAPS}}\) verification key n, and a verifiable Rabin encryption under key n of, say, the first half of the bits of the standard scheme’s signing key. The hybrid DAPS signature for a subject/message pair would consist of the standard scheme’s signature on subject and message concatenated, and the DAPS signature on separated subject and message. If two messages are ever signed for the same subject, then the signer’s DAPS secret key can be recovered, which can then be used to decrypt the Rabin ciphertext containing the first half of the standard scheme’s signing key. This is not quite enough to readily forge signatures, but it substantially and quantifiably weakens trust in this signer’s signatures, making it clear that migration to a new signer must occur but still providing a window of time in which to migrate. As the sketched combination of primitives exhibits non-standard dependencies between different secret keys, a thorough cryptographic analysis of the construction is indispensable.

9 Conclusions

We have introduced a new type of signatures, double-authentication-preventing signatures, in which a subject/message pair is signed. In certain situations, DAPS can provide greater assurance to verifiers that signers behave honestly since there is a great disincentive for signers who misbehave: if a signer ever signs two different messages for the same subject, then enough information is revealed to allow anyone to forge arbitrary signatures or even fully recover the signer’s secret key. Although this leads to less robustness in the face of accidental behaviour, it also provides a mechanism for self-enforcement of correct behaviour and gives trusted signers such as certificate authorities an argument to resist coercion and the compelled certificate creation attack.

Our construction is based on a new primitive called extractable 2:1 trapdoor function. We have shown how to instantiate this using an algebraic reformulation of sign-agnostic quadratic residues modulo Blum integers; the resulting DAPS is unforgeable assuming factoring is hard, with reasonable signature sizes and computation times.

We believe DAPS can be useful in scenarios where trusted authorities are meant to make unique bindings between identifiers and digital objects. This includes the cases of certificate authorities in PKIs who are supposed to make unique bindings between domain names and public keys, and time-stamping authorities who are supposed to make unique bindings between time periods and pieces of information.

Besides the practical applications of DAPS, several interesting theoretical questions arise from our work. Are there more efficient constructions of DAPS? How else can extractable 2:1 trapdoor functions be instantiated? Given that DAPS and double-spending-resistant digital cash use similar number-theoretic primitives, can DAPS be used to generically construct untraceable digital cash? Can these techniques be applied to key generation in the identity-based setting? Can DAPS be adapted to provide assurance in a multi-CA setting?