1 Introduction

Recent advancements in consumer-grade 3D display and gesture input technology have enabled new pathways for the creation of immersive virtual reality systems. Previous methods for constructing these systems required customized room configurations, tracking hardware, projections, and screens. This in turn has meant that most VR systems have become an exclusive enterprise, as the systems are thus designed and utilized by a limited number of privileged individuals.

Given this outlook, our mission is to develop a system entirely from commodity, off-the-shelf hardware that has comparable performance to commercially built environments. However, as we discovered in the process of building this system, the current generation of commodity-grade technologies provides a significant number of challenges to creating effective immersive virtual environments.

In this paper, we present the design considerations, specifications, and lessons learned for building the “DSCVR System”, a hybrid reality environment (HRE) constructed from commodity-grade hardware. HREs, as defined by Febretti et al. (2013), enable the benefits of both tiled display environments along with the immersive characteristics of virtual reality systems. Specific contributions include:

  • Design guidelines for the construction of a virtual reality system utilizing commodity hardware, such as micropolarization 3D displays.

  • Quantification of attributes and performance of the system compared to professionally constructed virtual reality systems.

  • Discussion of lessons learned and considerations for others attempting to create these types of systems.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Design schematics for the DSCVR System. a A subset of the designs considered, including horizontally oriented displays, larger displays, a wider or tighter curvature, and positioning techniques to hide bezels. b The final, implemented structure, with the back of the system shown inset. c The 80/20 components of one of the final design’s ten columns

1.1 Related work

Many researchers have attempted to balance the trade-offs between cost and fidelity in the creation of virtual reality systems. Pausch (1991) proposed building a VR system on the budget of five dollars a day. The system was developed using a HMD with a Nintendo PowerGlove for interaction and a Polhemus Isotrak magnetic tracker for a cost around $5,000. Basu et al. (2012) updated this concept, showcasing the ability to build a virtual reality system for a dollar a day. Others such as Avery et al. (2005) have utilized custom HMDs to develop low-cost augmented reality.

Bowman and McMahan (2007) have posed the question of how much immersion is enough for the field of virtual reality. This question has been studied from a variety of angles. Prabhat et al. (2008) have tried to study the difference between low-fidelity fishtank VR systems in relation to more immersive CAVE-style systems. Bacim et al. (2013) have attempted to study how the level of immersion in CAVE environments affects task performance. Laha et al. (2012) have studied the effects of immersion on the analysis of volumetric data in virtual environments. Ragan et al. (2013) have studied how spatial judgment tasks were affected by stereo, head tracking, and field of regard. Polys et al. (2007) studied how screen size and field of view affected performance using a tiled display environment. Finally, McMahan et al. (2012) studied how immersion and fidelity affected performance in a first-person shooter video game.

The video gaming industry has generated a large amount of motion-tracking hardware that has also spurred interest in low-cost virtual reality systems. For example, Schou and Gardner (2007) combined the Nintendo Wii Remote, multiple infrared sensor bars, and a two-wall immersive VR theater. Lange et al. (2012) also examined the use of a Microsoft Kinect motion-tracking sensor in a clinical VR rehabilitation task.

Immersive display environments have also seen several design iterations. Cruz proposed the original design and implementation of the CAVE in the early 1990s (Cruz-Neira et al. 1992, 1993). This projection-based multi-wall design became the de facto standard for immersive, room-sized virtual reality environments. These types of systems range from a three-wall setup with a floor, to a fully immersive six-sided system. However, other designs which curve around the user have also been created for virtual reality, such as the allosphere (Amatriain et al. 2009) and the i-Cone (Simon and Gobel 2002).

Tiled display walls rose in popularity in the mid-2000s for their ability to provide a large viewing area while maintaining a high image resolution. Systems such as HIPerWall at the University of California, Irvine (Knox et al. 2005), HIPerSpace at the University of California, San Diego (Ponto et al. 2010), Stallion at the University of Texas (Johnson et al. 2012) and the Reality Deck at New York’s Stony Brook University (Williams 2013) have shown the ability to create high-resolution data visualizations. However, these systems do not provide an efficient method to present stereoscopic imagery.

DeFanti et al. (2011a) proposed new methods for creating CAVE-style systems from the same components used in tiled display walls. Since this time, new types of immersive display environments have been created, from the desk-sized, 3DTV-based HUVR device at University of California, San Diego (Margolis et al. 2011) to the large-scale NexCAVE at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and CAVE2 at the University of Illinois at Chicago (Febretti et al. 2013).

The development of CAVE2, in addition to showcasing many advances in VR hardware and software, underscored the challenges of working with micropolarization displays. The CAVE2 implementation used specialized filters and displays to address these issues. With these lessons in mind, one early goal for the DSCVR System was to recreate this type of system entirely with consumer-grade hardware. As with all computer systems, many factors need to be taken into account in the design process (Rosson and Carroll 2001). We describe the design decisions made in the creation of the DSCVR System below.

2 Design

DSCVR’s design and implementation are ultimately a balance between these financial, technological, and structural goals:

  1. 1.

    Implement a hybrid reality system in a cost-effective way, using unmodified, consumer-grade hardware, such that its performance rivals that of more expensive systems.

  2. 2.

    Reduce the appearance of bezels and stereo image cross talk in users’ fields of view.

  3. 3.

    Build a frame that supports both display position adjustments and display upgrades.

  4. 4.

    Balance design trade-offs between cost and performance.

To accomplish these goals, compromises were inevitably made, making DSCVR neither the best, worst, most expensive, or cheapest environment of its kind. However, as shown in Sects. 4 and 5, the performance of the implemented system can equate or exceed that of much more expensive systems.

2.1 Display technology

One of the early decisions while designing the DSCVR System was the choice of display technologies. Projectors were known to have substantial drawbacks such as the need to replace bulbs, use specialized projection material, accomodate throw distance with extra space, and perform repeated color calibrations. It was therefore prudent to utilize one of the increasingly capable consumer-grade 3D television models available on the market.

Consumer 3DTVs currently use either active or passive stereo display technology. Active stereo, accomplished through synchronizing display frame swaps with shutter glasses, is the most common format in use today. Unfortunately, this technique becomes problematic when multiple TV screens are used, as each TV must show the image intended for the viewer's left or right eye at the same time. Synchronizing this type of swapping would have required specialized and costly hardware and thus was rejected in favor of passive stereo technologies.

While traditional passive stereo displays utilize linear polarizers, newer ones use micropolarization technology. Febretti et al. (2013) provide a detailed description how this technology works. Notably, this type of polarization filter can be easily produced for thin-bezel displays. The major problem with these types of displays is that, while the images are of good quality when viewed in the direction parallel to the micropolarizer lines, the images have substantial “cross talk” when viewed from the direction perpendicular to the micropolarizer lines. As these types of TVs provide the best image quality, contrast, and 3D capability for the cost, we chose to tackle the hurdle of cross talk through our arrangement. As of this writing, LG Electronics Inc., is the prominent manufacturer of consumer-grade, passive stereo 3DTVs, so we focused on the capabilities of the LG LM7600 television. Additional details on model selection are given below.

2.2 Structure and arrangement

The limitations of these LG TVs meant that the system’s shape and structure would have to accommodate the displays’ unmodifiable polarization filters, as well as their wider 1-in. bottom bezels. Early development on the system required accounting for uncertainties, such as the displays’ panel sizes—either 47 or 55 in. diagonal—and the unknown final location of the system. Therefore, regardless of the final shape, display quantity, or panel size, we decided to build the system as a series of modular, functionally independent columns, using 80/20 aluminum framing for the structure.

The first designs, modeled in Trimble SketchUp for its ease of use, adapted a tiled display wall layout into a cylindrical shape, making it a variation on systems such as the KAUST NexCAVE (DeFanti et al. 2011a), in which users stand near the center of the display array’s radius. Landscape and portrait display orientations were both considered, as well as other techniques to hide the wider bezels behind the previous or next column of displays. These unimplemented designs, some of which used up to 28 displays, are shown in Fig. 1a.

Analyzing the trade-offs posed by these design experiments informed our decisions for the final model. A wider, more gradual curving arrangement, for example, may have accommodated more viewers, but would have exacerbated the appearance of off-axis viewing artifacts, such as stereo image cross talk. This curved layout has also been shown to have several benefits over a linear layout by Shupp et al. (2009). Framing constructions with four displays grouped together may have minimized the number of components, but would have reduced the modularity of the design. 55-in. displays may have made the system fill a larger field of view, but 47-in. displays would increase the pixel density, shorten the height of the system, and enable the mounting of tracking hardware on top of the frame, all while staying under the height of a standard office ceiling.

Portrait orientation became a particularly important consideration early on, since the wide bezels of the landscape-oriented displays may have cut a tall and wide horizontal gap through the viewer’s entire field of view, regardless of their height. Though tucking away the wider bezels may have further reduced the appearance of gaps, positioning the displays edge-to-edge along the cylinder’s interior radius would instead minimize changes in display depth, enhancing the appearance of the array as a seamless, curved surface.

Fig. 2
figure 2

An overhead view of the DSCVR System’s final design, showing the displays’ estimated viewing ranges and the center region in which all the viewing ranges overlap

Understanding the limitations of the displays’ micropolarization filters further validated the use of a cylindrical, portrait-oriented layout. Purchasing one display allowed us to determine the range of horizontal and vertical viewing angles for which viewers could not observe any off-axis viewing artifacts. To accomplish this, we used the method described in Sect. 4.3 to measure the level of cross talk (Woods 2010).

Measurements were taken from distances of 3, 5, and 10 feet from the TV. For each measurement, the instrument was positioned in the center of the monitor and was then slid parallel to the monitor until cross talk occured. The process was repeated 3 times at each distance and was tested with the monitor in both landscape and portrait orientations. From these measurements, the angle from the edge of the TV was calculated for which the 3D effect would work correctly. From this initial test, it was determined that when the TV was positioned in a landscape orientation, the horizontal artifact-free field of view was approximately \(170^\circ \hbox {s}\), while the vertical artifact-free field of view was approximately \(20^\circ \hbox {s}\).

Given the display’s very wide horizontal viewing range, mounting the displays in portrait would provide an artifact-free image to viewers of different statures. The narrower vertical viewing range, however, indicated the need for a cylindrical arrangement small enough to have each column’s viewing ranges overlap, but large enough to support multiple viewers for 2D applications and spectator viewing.

This analysis allowed us to visualize a central “sweet spot” for our cylindrical models, shown in Fig. 2. The understood constraints on viewing ranges, system size, and budget thus led to DSCVR’s final design, consisting of 10 columns and 20 displays arranged in a half-cylinder shape, with a “sweet spot” approximately 4 feet in diameter. The final design is shown in Fig. 1b.

One additional finding was that orienting the displays in portrait introduced a minor visual artifact when viewing stereo images through the included 3D glasses. Orienting the linear components of the glasses’ polarization filters perpendicularly to the filters on the displays produced an additional color-fringing artifact, most noticeable when viewing images with high-contrast edges, such as white text on a black background. We found that 3D glasses with circular polarized filters at \(90^\circ \) left and \(90^\circ \) right completely eliminated this artifact. After modifying a pair of included 3D glasses, we ordered two inexpensive pairs of built-to-order glasses with these orientation changes.

Finally, the system was created to only comprise half of a circle as opposed to being fully encompassing to enable benefits seen in tiled display environments such as high-resolution image and cinema viewing (Ponto et al. 2009, 2010; Renambot et al. 2009). This arrangement also enabled an audience to easily observe a virtual experience from behind the participant in 3D. If one was inclined, extending the system to cover a full circle would simply be an extension of the described methods.

3 Implementation

Based on the design described above, the system was implemented as described below.

3.1 Framing

After finalizing the DSCVR System’s shape, a single prototype column was constructed using 80/20 aluminum framing. 80/20, which is manufactured according to order, allowed us to develop a custom frame with greater utility and lower cost than any of the expensive, proprietary display stands we considered. Consumer-grade VESA mounts were initially used to attach two displays to the structure. Assessing the prototype allowed us to revise several components for the final construction, such as the frame’s depth and its ease of assembly. We replaced the VESA mounts with custom horizontal pieces of 80/20 with precisely machined screw holes, enabling the displays to be mounted on the frame without sloping downwards.

The final single-column frame is shown in Fig. 1c. It stands 90 in. tall, 24 in. wide, and 22.5 in. deep and uses inside-to-inside corner connectors to join the 80/20 pieces along their interior tracks. The 21-in. VESA mount pieces, with two precision holes drilled 200 mm apart, attach the displays to the frame. These pieces can be loosened, moved vertically along the inside of the frame, and reattached, thereby supporting precision height adjustments for both current and future displays. A separate 7-in. piece with \(10^\circ \) cuts attaches multiple columns to each other, simplifying inter-column alignment and increasing structural stability. An extra metal brace is attached between the tops of adjacent columns for even more stability.

3.2 Hardware

The DSCVR System utilizes several Alienware X51 mini gaming desktops, which were chosen for their high CPU and GPU performance, comparatively low power requirements, and comparatively low price. Each of 12 machines is equipped with an Intel Core i7-3770, 8 GB of 1600 MHz DDR3 SDRAM, a 1 TB SATA hard disk, gigabit Ethernet, an NVIDIA GTX 660 GPU with 1.5 GB of GDDR5 VRAM, and a 330-W power supply. Ten “cluster nodes” drive the 20 displays, one “head node” hosts one or more VRPN tracking servers, and one “workstation” supports development and cluster control. A 13th “hot spare” machine is available to replace a malfunctioning one. Driving just two displays per cluster machine balances the capabilities of these single-GPU gaming PCs with the need to render a high-resolution, distributed, 3D viewport. The CentOS operating system provides a stable, UNIX-like software environment, which also enables us to administer cluster commands via SSH and tentakel.

A USB to RS-232 serial interface connects each column’s two displays to its cluster machine, enabling programmatic control over display visibility and 3D modes. The serial cable is split once to send the same command to both displays simultaneously.

3.3 Tracking system

For a number of reasons, the Microsoft Kinect system was selected to track the user. Clark et al. found that Kinect, in combination with the Microsoft Kinect for Windows SDK, was able to provide data comparable to that of a commercial 3D motion analysis system (Clark et al. 2012). The price of Kinect was substantially lower than specialized ultrasonic or optical tracking hardware. Furthermore, Kinect does not require the user to wear any specialized tracking equipment, such as a tracking bar, enabling users to easily move in and out of the tracking space.

As the “sweet spot” for the system is not overly large, the entire area can be easily covered by a single Kinect system mounted on top of the framing. On initialization, we use the Microsoft Kinect SDK to tilt the sensor to its lowest possible level of declination. The accelerometer value is read to determine the actual orientation of the sensor. The Kinect SDK’s skeleton-tracking APIFootnote 1 is used to determine the position and orientation of the user. All system-level transformations are “undone” before packing and sending the tracking data to client applications using VRPN (Taylor et al. 2001). In practice, simple temporal averaging was able to alleviate most tracking signal artifacts. However, the steep downward tilting angle mixed with certain hair colors and styles has been shown to confuse hair regions and head regions. Future work will attempt to mitigate these effects.

To allow for multiple individuals to be in the space, we used the “sticky user” flag in the Kinect skeleton-tracking API. This allows a tracked user to utilize the space while other individuals are in the same area. A tracked user can “switch” with another user by simply walking out of the space, which allows Kinect to then detect and track the next available skeleton. This process occurs without the exchange of any glasses or equipment.

3.4 Software

While the DSCVR System does not approach the resolution of environments such as Stallion (Johnson et al. 2012), HIPerSpace (Ponto et al. 2010), or Reality Desk (Williams 2013), the resolution is still quite high compared to many still-image capture technologies. In this regard, the system is well suited for tiled display software, such as CGLX (Doerr and Kuester 2011), Equalizer (Eilemann et al. 2009), Chromium (Leigh et al. 2013), and others (Luo et al. 2010). We demonstrate the ability to view this type of high-resolution content in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The DSCVR System, shown displaying (a) high-resolution panoramic imagery, (b) playing 4K stereo video at 30 FPS using custom software, and (c) rendering an interior environment in real-time stereo 3D using the OGRE 3D engine

One feature of the DSCVR System compared to other high-resolution displays (Johnson et al. 2012, Ponto et al. 2010, Williams 2013) is its ability to display 3D media. Stereo panoramas, such as those outlined by Ainsworth et al. (2011), are particularly well-suited to the display capabilities of the DSCVR System.

Another source of interesting data comes from 3D video, which has become readily available on the Internet. Unfortunately, tiled video players such as VideoBlaster (Ponto et al. 2009) and SAGE (Renambot et al. 2009) do not have native support for this 3D content. Having a desire to view this type of content, we developed a distributed video player application capable of playing back such 3D content.

The software is based on the VideoBlaster framework (Ponto et al. 2009), which utilizes a message-based protocol as opposed to a streaming-based technique. 3D media content can be provided in two ways: multiple video streams can be encapsulated in a single video file for each eye, or video frames can contain the left and right frames in a single video stream. The software takes the content for each eye and uploads the YUV frames to the graphics card. A single video viewport can thus be moved around the display environment, with the appropriate content for each eye being shown in the appropriate location. This technique enables the playback of stereo 4K content at 30 FPS as shown in Fig. 3b.

The DSCVR System successfully enables several open-source and free-to-use visualization and software applications such as the Unity 3D game engine (Higgins 2010) with stereoscopic rendering via side-by-side stereo as shown in Fig. 4. In addition, DSCVR makes use of a custom-built software framework that runs a point cloud renderer, a volume renderer via the open-source software Voreen (Meyer-Spradow et al. 2009), molecular visualization with the application VMD (Humphrey et al. 1996), and rendering of 3D models via the OGRE 3D engine (Sampaio et al. 2008), as shown in Fig. 3c. The software framework uses VRPN (Taylor et al. 2001) for head tracking and generates asymmetric viewing frustums to create a seemingly seamless 3D viewport (Cruz-Neira et al. 1993). The virtual binocular disparity (i.e., the distance between the virtual eyes) was set via a configuration file at startup. All input for these applications is handled with a wireless PS3 Dual Analog controller. Future work will seek to add additional user input controls, such as the Leap Motion, and continue to add new VR-enabled applications.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The DSCVR System running a scene built using the Unity 3D game engine

4 Evaluation

The DSCVR System was designed with commodity-grade hardware in an effort to reduce costs. This effort introduced trade-offs for a variety of factors such as resolution, field of regard, and latency.

As a reference, we compare our system against a professionally built CAVE environment 2.93 m \(\times \) 2.93 m \(\times \) 2.93 m in size. The CAVE system utilizes four workstations, each with 2 \(\times \)Quad-Core Intel Xeon processors and 2 NVIDIA Quadro 5000 GPUs. Two 3D projectors (Titan model 1080p 3D, Digital Projection), with a maximum brightness of 4500 lumens per projector, are used to generate projections with a resolution of 1,920 \(\times \) 1,920 per display wall. The system utilizes an InterSense ultrasonic tracking system, VETracker Processor model IS-900 with MicroTrax model 100-91000-EWWD and MicroTrax model 100-91300-AWHT used for wand and head tracking, respectively.

We also compare the DSCVR System to the specifications to the CAVE2 system (Febretti et al. 2013). The CAVE2 system was selected as it implements a similar screen-based, cylindrical approach to immersive virtual reality. While direct comparison of these systems could not be achieved, as the authors did not have access to CAVE2, a comparison of DSCVR against published specifications was performed.

4.1 Human vision factors

When comparing the immersiveness of different systems, several factors need to be accounted for simultaneously. For example, as someone moves their head closer to a screen, the amount of screen filling their field of vision increases. However, as the user’s eyes move closer to a screen, the size of the pixels as projected onto their retinas increases, thus reducing the effective resolution. To this end, we analyze both field of view and resolution metrics simultaneously.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The determination of coverage for a stationary position by determining the percent of view that the display covers (purple) compared to the human field of view (blue)

4.1.1 Stationary viewpoint

For certain simulation tasks, users generally stay in a fixed location viewing the virtual display environment. In these scenarios, providing views behind the user is not considered important and performance can be estimated given a single view. Using previous literature, we can estimate the average human’s field of view to be \(175^\circ \) horizontally and \(135^\circ \) vertically (Arthur 1996, Rash et al. 1999, Wells and Venturino 1990). Using this knowledge, we analyzed the following factors for each system:

  1. 1.

    3D system resolution: the number of coordinated 3D megapixels which the system can display.

  2. 2.

    System viewable area: the percentage of the system which can be seen when the user is viewing a stereo image while standing in the center of the system.

  3. 3.

    Viewable 3D resolution: the number of 3D megapixels that can be seen by the eye when the user is viewing a stereo image while standing in the center of the system.

  4. 4.

    FOV horizontal coverage: the percentage of the view which the display surface covers, using the average human’s estimated horizontal field of view. See Fig. 5.

  5. 5.

    FOV vertical coverage: the percentage of the view which the display surface covers, using the average human’s estimated vertical field of view.

  6. 6.

    Immersive resolution: the product of the viewable 3D resolution and vertical and horizontal coverage values. This attempts to balance how much the display surrounds the user, while also accounting for display resolution.

  7. 7.

    Refresh per eye: a system specification describing the refresh rate per image seen by a single eye. As the CAVE uses frame interleaving to transmit left and right-eye images, its value was nearly half the value of its counterparts.

  8. 8.

    Immersive bandwidth: the product of the immersive resolution and the refresh per eye values. This number accounts for frame interleaving by attempting to provide a fixed-viewpoint measure of immersion.

We show the comparison between the different systems in Table 1.

Table 1 Eight human vision and perception-based factors calculated for three virtual reality systems (color figure online)

4.1.2 Moving viewpoint

Fig. 6
figure 6

The determination of field of regard or coverage for a moving position by determining the percent of view that the display covers (purple) compared to the field of view surrounding the user (blue)

As shown, the DSCVR System performs admirably compared to the other three systems while the user is stationary. However, in other applications, it may be important to for the user to look in different directions. This is often referred to as field of regard, being the range of the virtual environment that can be viewed with physical rotation (Ragan et al. 2013).

Using this motivation, we analyzed the following factors for each system:

  1. 1.

    Horizontal field of regard: the percentage of the horizontal view which the display surface covers for any viewing direction. See Fig. 6.

  2. 2.

    Vertical field of regard: the percentage of the vertical view which the display surface covers for any viewing direction.

  3. 3.

    Motion immersive resolution: the product of the viewable 3D resolution and the vertical and horizontal field of regard values. This attempts to balance how much the display surrounds the user, while also accounting for display resolution.

  4. 4.

    Motion immersive bandwidth: the product of the motion immersive resolution and the refresh per eye values. This number accounts for frame interleaving by attempting to provide a moving viewpoint measure of immersion.

We show the comparison between the systems in Table 2.

Table 2 Four human vision and perception-based factors calculated for three virtual reality systems (color figure online)

4.2 Latency

Latency is a common measurement of virtual reality systems. One common way to accomplish this is to use a pendulum model (Teather et al. 2009). As our system utilizes Microsoft Kinect, we chose to use a variation on the method proposed by (Livingston et al. 2012).

The first step in the process was for the participant to orient their arm parallel to the ground, setting the “zero point” in the virtual system and in the video. The user then waved their arm up and down, mimicking the motion of a pendulum. On the screen in front of the user, the virtual height of the marker was displayed using colored rectangles. To make tracking easier, heights above the zero point were shown with a red rectangle, while heights below the zero point were shown with a blue rectangle. Images were captured with a GoPro Hero3 Black Edition camera, which was selected for its ability to capture images at a rate of 240 Hz at WGA resolution. Each video frame was extracted, and both marker height and virtual height were tagged in OpenCV, as demonstrated in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

The variation of the pendulum model used to evaluate DSCVR’s latency. The user first sets the zero point with their arm straight out. The user then waves their arm up and down, like a pendulum

These tagged heights were then imported into statistical analysis software. While the height of physical and projector marker are not identical, the important component is the phase shift between the two signals. From this, the latency amount can be found, as shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

The vertical position of the physical and projected markers for several iterations of the subject’s movement. The latency is determined by the phase shift of the two waves

Using 18 samples, we found an average latency of approximately 150 ms with a standard deviation of 23 ms. This result is similar to the latency of Kinect found by Livingston et al. (2012) of 146 ms. As a comparison, we repeated this same procedure for the CAVE system. For the CAVE system, the position of the marker was tracked using the InterSense ultrasonic tracking system described previously. The CAVE system produced very similar results, with a latency of 150 ms with a standard deviation of 24 ms. This result is discussed further in Sect. 5.1.

Latency is not reported in Febretti et al.’s paper on the CAVE2 (Febretti et al. 2013), so no direct comparisons can be made.

4.3 Stereo cross talk

As stated in Sect. 2.1, micropolarization technology has a limited effective viewing range. When the viewer is not inside of the viewing range, cross talk between the stereo images occurs. DSCVR’s arrangement, as shown in Fig. 2, attempts to minimize cross talk by creating a region in the center of the system for optimal viewing. We felt it was important to quantify the degradation of visual quantity outside of this zone. Early photographic analysis showed evidence of this phenomenon, as seen in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Panoramic images shot through a left-eye circular polarization filter (inset), showing stereo cross talk artifacts. a A panorama captured at the center of the system, with all displays showing a red hue (apart from reflections). b A panorama taken to the left of center. Pink and purple hues indicate cross talk due to off-axis viewing

Previously, Febretti et al. (2013) attempted to measure cross talk utilizing Weissman cross talk patterns. This measurement approach requires a human’s subjective assessment, meaning that precise measurements may require a large sample size. The process was also quite laborious as each monitor needed to be checked from each location, meaning each participant would need to make 500 evaluations. For these reasons, we choose to use an optical approach (Woods 2010).

To accomplish this, we used a digital camera with an 8 megapixel sensor and 35 mm fixed focal length. As opposed to using patterns to assess stereo cross talk, we used a luminance-based approach similar to Hong et al. (2010); however, as opposed to separating the signals based on spatial locations, we instead separate the signals based on color (Kim et al. 2011). We used red and blue, as these colors have an equal number of sensors which pass through a Bayer (1976) filter. We chose 25 locations at which to sample the cross talk amount for each of the ten columns. Three photographs were taken at each sample location for each column, with different configurations of left-eye/right-eye images: one with both images red (labeled R), one with both images blue (labeled B), and one in which one image was blue and the other was red (labeled T). To reduce indirect illumination from other displays, columns not being photographed were visually muted.

The three images were used to compute the amount of cross talk for each column at each position. The first step was to compute the amount of cross talk, done for the “red-eye image” by measuring the normalized signal loss of the red component and the normalized signal gain of the blue component across the display (Eq. 1). The second step was to determine the amount of the opposite eye’s image seen—which should not be seen under optimal conditions—by computing the gain in blue signal normalized to the difference between the blue component of the blue and red images (Eq. 2). Finally, we computed the cross talk amount as the sum of the red loss and blue gain (Eq. 3).

Red Loss:

$$\begin{aligned} L = \frac{R_{\mathrm{r}} - T_\mathrm{r}}{R_{\mathrm{r}} - B_{\mathrm{r}}} \end{aligned}$$

Blue Gain:

$$\begin{aligned} G = \frac{T_{\mathrm{b}} - R_{\mathrm{b}}}{B_{\mathrm{b}} - R_{\mathrm{b}}} \end{aligned}$$

Cross talk:

$$\begin{aligned} C = L + G \end{aligned}$$

Figure 10 shows the average amount of stereo cross talk for all columns in the system. As shown, the “sweet spot”, described in Sect. 2.2, is clearly visible at the center of the system. We found the average H value from Eq. 3 to be 0.04. For positions extremely close to the system, however, values were close to 1.0, where the majority of columns were viewed off-axis. This result is further discussed in Sect. 5.2.

Fig. 10
figure 10

A heat map showing the amount of cross talk measured at 25 locations within the viewing ranges of the DSCVR System’s displays. Bright spots indicate low cross talk, while darker spots indicate high cross talk. Test locations and display viewing ranges are overlaid

5 Discussion

We first provide a discussion of the results from the evaluation and then present a discussion of the challenges and future work.

5.1 Latency

Tracking using the Microsoft Kinect for Windows sensor was generally acceptable. While small jitters were sometimes evident, the flexibility of Kinect made it an excellent low-cost alternative to the InterSense system. As stated above, the small, centered optimal viewing area made the use of a single Kinect a viable option. However, multiple Kinects could provide a greater coverage area and a way to further improve the quality of the tracking data. Eventually, replacing the single Kinect with the announced next-generation Kinect Heddle, featuring a higher-resolution sensor and lower latency, will likely have a substantial positive impact on the quality of the tracked user’s experience.

While the calculated latency for the DSCVR System met expectations, the determined latency for the CAVE was somewhat surprising. To verify the result, the test was performed using both TrackD and VRPN software (Taylor et al. 2001), and was performed on multiple software infrastructures. While the InterSense tracking system specifications reported very low latencies, our estimation is the smoothing parameters enabled by default on these trackers increased their latencies substantially.

5.2 Cross talk

The results of the cross talk test described in Sect. 4.3 adequately quantify and validate the convergence of viewing ranges we predicted during development. As shown in Fig. 10, the measured amounts of cross talk were significantly less inside the area where all ten columns’ viewing ranges overlapped. While the measured average cross talk amount inside of this “sweet spot” was never measured at 0, the results conform to previous studies, which have shown that a range of cross talk in which 2–5 % is considered to be very good and a range of 5–8 % is considered to be acceptable (Febretti et al. 2013).

Several improvements to this test could improve its accuracy, however. The photos captured for the test may have been affected by the uneven lighting in DSCVR’s installation location, leading to variations in luminance between the left half and the right half. Furthermore, light from other sources, such as the windows on the right side of the room, produced reflections on the left half’s displays, contributing to luminance and hue variations. Though we tried to minimize these effects, improvements could be made to future versions of this test.

While the sweet spot in which all displays were without cross talk was relatively small, the direct view facing the system was able to provide stereo imagery for spectators and audiences. Traditionally, CAVE systems have enabled non-tracked viewers to share experiences through incorrect viewpoints; therefore, we chose to focus on a single-user virtual experience. However, synchronizable active stereo televisions would mitigate these cross talk issues.

5.3 Comparison with existing systems

As shown throughout this paper, virtual reality systems present a plethora of trade-offs. In this regard, comparing and contrasting different virtual reality systems is extremely difficult. In Febretti et al. (2013), one metric used is cost per megapixel. We show this metric, along with overall cost and cost per immersive bandwidth (as described in Table 1) CAVE, CAVE2, and DSCVR in Table 3 Footnote 2.

Table 3 The cost of various virtual reality systems for different factors (color figure online)

However, even this simple comparison is somewhat problematic. For example, only sections of the CAVE and CAVE2 can ever be seen from a given viewpoint. On the other hand, the CAVE is the only system which provides total field of regard allowing the user to look in any direction. For the DSCVR System, we attempted to maximize the viewing characteristics from a single immersive viewpoint.

Our calculations of per-eye human vision characteristics (Table 1) show that DSCVR is competitive with similar systems, with a 3D system resolution only slightly below that of the CAVE, and a higher viewable 3D resolution than any other system evaluated. Furthermore, the immersive resolution and immersive bandwidth values show that DSCVR is, in fact, a superior high-bandwidth virtual reality environment to any of the other three systems. These performance characteristics are direct results of DSCVR’s use of higher-resolution 1080p stereo displays—perhaps an expected year-over-year improvement—and its smaller size—a deliberate choice, given the system’s design constraints. Finally, of the three systems surveyed, the DSCVR System has both the lowest cost per 3D megapixel and lowest cost per immersive bandwidth, demonstrating that a smaller, less expensive virtual reality environment can be a viable alternative to costly commercial-grade counterparts. As the quality of consumer-grade technology continues to increase—and prices continue to decrease—we expect these systems to someday become commonplace.

5.4 Challenges and future work

Utilizing consumer-grade televisions provided many challenges in the design of the system. One of the unexpected challenges was that the consumer-grade LG displays shipped with many automatic image “optimization” features enabled by default. One particular setting, auto-stereo adjustment, uses a “depth” value to shift 3D images in the horizontal direction. When the televisions were positioned in portrait orientation, this shift instead resulted in undesirable vertical image shifts. This problem was solved by setting the depth value to 10, apparently the “zero depth” point on a scale from 0 to 20. Additionally, the displays had a pattern detection feature enabled by default, which would shift the images in an attempt to find an ideal disparity. As the displays had been reoriented, this option needed to be disabled. Finally, like most modern televisions, latency-inducing image processing techniques had to be disabled by switching to the “Game” picture mode.

After evaluating both infrared and HDMI-CEC control methods, RS-232 communication was chosen for display communication because it offered the simplest, best-documented control scheme for these particular LG displays. Unfortunately, the displays, such as the cluster machines, required relatively expensive USB serial adapters to access their embedded RS-232 hardware. HDMI-CEC appears to be a reluctant successor to decades-old serial control, but it is mostly a vendor proprietary protocol as of this writing. Future developments in the field of consumer electronics may lead to better documentation and standardization of this protocol.

While the LG TVs’ bezels are significantly smaller than those shown in the NexCAVE (DeFanti et al. 2011b), they are still noticeable. Three of the four bezels were approximately 5 mm across, but the forth bezel was five times larger, with a width of 25 mm. While professional-grade televisions can be bought without this larger bezel, the cost of these displays is over eight times that of their consumer-grade counterparts at the time of this writing.

Furthermore, higher-resolution 4K televisions have recently shown up in consumer markets. As the prices for these displays continue to fall, higher-resolution HREs will be able to be built without substantial jumps in price. In the process of designing the DSCVR system, thought was put into how to make the system accessible for future upgrades. The DSCVR’s framing design, described in Sects. 2.2 and 3.1, enables columns to be easily repositioned and adapted to new display hardware, offering the possibility to swap different-sized monitors for system hardware upgrades.

Beyond TV, there is also a recent and earnest push toward consumer-grade virtual reality technology. The next-generation Kinect promises better resolution, a higher frame rate, and a more accurate sensor (Heddle). This technology will likely mitigate many of the issues raised by the utilization of a first-generation Kinect. Commodity input device technologies, such as the MYO wireless EMG armband developed by Thalmic Labs (MYO) or the STEM wireless, modular motion-tracking system (STEM System), offer new means of virtual interaction at consumer-level pricing.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we have demonstrated the DSCVR System, a hybrid reality environment (HRE) built with commodity hardware. As part of the DSCVR System’s goals was to implement the system for under $100,000, we present a breakdown of component costs and average energy consumption in Table 4. The final implementation of DSCVR cost just over $40,000 and consumes slightly more than 3 kW on average when in active use. The overall expenditures of the project, combined with the quality of the implementation, emphatically demonstrate that reasonably high-quality, large-scale HRE can be economically constructed from commodity off-the-shelf hardware.

Table 4 Costs and energy consumption specifications for the DSCVR System and its individual components

While the price point for DSCVR is much too high for most consumers, it is a very reasonable price for many small business and research labs. The ability to give clients a virtual walkthrough of an environment would be extremely useful for architects, real estate agents and interior designers, to name just a few beneficiaries. While virtual reality has been used in all of these fields, the cost has generally proved too high for smaller firms, limiting their interest in and utilization of VR and 3D user interfaces. We believe that by significantly reducing the price point of larger-scale immersive display environments, lower-cost systems like DSCVR will become commonplace in the future.

As with all virtual reality systems, many trade-offs were considered during its development. While this approach has several shortcomings, such as cross talk and display bezels, the DSCVR System has comparable and sometimes better performance characteristics than commercially built systems, at a fraction of their cost. As the quality of consumer-grade technology continues to increase while prices continue to decrease, it is likely that future consumer-grade HREs, using higher-resolution displays and higher-fidelity commodity-tracking hardware, will have even better performance and lower costs than DSCVR. We see this as a democratizing trend that could enable new research and use cases in fields, industries, and businesses that have previously been priced out of using VR technology.