1 Introduction

Flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSP) is a type of optimization problem. In this context, scheduling is the allocation and arrangement of resources over time to perform a collection of tasks to achieve an objective or goal. Scheduling varies according to the constraints of different conditions or situations. Normally, scheduling is graphically represented by Gantt chart that shows resource allocation and scheduling arrangement where the y-axis represents a variety of resources and the x-axis represents the length of time that each resource is utilized. FJSP is an extension of the classical job-shop scheduling problem (JSSP), but is much harder and more complex to solve because FJSP allows each operation to be processed by more than one machine and each machine can finish each operation in a different amount of time.

Recently, a number of meta-heuristic approaches, such as genetic algorithm (GA) [1], ant colony optimization (ACO) [2], shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) [3], particle swarm optimization (PSO) [4], artificial immune algorithm (AIA) [5], and harmony search (HM) [6], have gained a lot of attention from researchers as viable FJSP optimization methods. Pezzella et al. [7] proposed a genetic algorithm that incorporates different strategies for generating initial population and selecting individuals for reproduction. Zhang et al. [8] proposed new GA concepts for generating high-quality initial population, called global selection (GS) and local selection (LS). In another study, Zhang et al. [9] used variable neighborhood search to perform local search in PSO. Bagheri et al. [10] used an artificial immune algorithm to solve FJSP. They proposed a method for constructing diverse initial population, a strategy of using ‘most work remaining’ and ‘most operation remaining’ to arrange the order of operations, and a mutation procedure to achieve even more diversity. Teekeng et al. [11] proposed an SFLA-FS algorithm that incorporates fuzzy logic for selecting parents that are better than those in the previous generation. In another one of their studies, Teekeng et al. [12] introduced new crossover and mutation features into GA for solving FJSP. Yuan et al. [13] presented a hybrid harmony search (HM) for solving FJSP.

Our proposed EPSO algorithm introduced the following two sets of new features to the original concept of PSO: (I) particle life cycle that consists of 4 features: (1) courting call, (2) egg-laying stimulation, (3) biparental reproduction, and (4) population turnover; and (II) discrete position update mechanism.

This paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 briefly describes FJSP; Sect. 3 describes the original PSO; Sect. 4 presents our proposed EPSO algorithm for FJSP; Sect. 5 presents the performance test results; and Sect. 6 concludes the paper.


Flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSP) allows a job operation to be processed by any machine out of a set of several machines. To solve FJSP is to find the best schedule for a set of R jobs J = {J 1, J 2, …, J R } that is operated by a set of S machines M = {M 1, M 2, …, M S }. Each job can have a different set of operations, and each operation O ij , the jth operation of the ith job, can be processed by any of the available machines. An example of FJSP is given in Table 1. Each row refers to an operation and each column refers to a machine. For example, the first row shows that the first operation of Job1 can be processed by M 1 and M 2 using 2 and 4 time units, respectively. On the other hand, the fifth row shows that the third operation of the second job is allowed to be processed only by M 1.

Table 1 An example of FJSP with 4 jobs, 2 machines, and 9 operations

3 Particle swarm optimization algorithm

Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is an algorithm that was inspired by the behaviour of swarming animals like a flock of birds or a school of fish [4]. It is similar to genetic algorithm (GA) in that they both randomly select an initial population and improve it so that the population of the next generation (iteration) is better at finding the optimal solution (the actual bound) than the previous one. In PSO algorithm, a potential solution is called a particle. The ultimate goal of a particle is to reach the optimal solution. A particle moves towards the solution by positioning itself nearer to the flight leader, Gbest, that is the nearest particle to the optimal solution in a particular iteration. The position of a particle is updated according to Eqs. (1) and (2):

$$\begin{aligned} v_{\text{id}}^{'} & = \omega \times v_{\text{id}} + c_{1} \times {\text{Rand}} \times (p_{\text{id}}^{\text{best}} - p_{\text{id}} ) \\ & \quad + c_{2} \times {\text{Rand}} \times (p_{\text{gd}}^{\text{best}} - p_{\text{id}} ) \\ \end{aligned}$$
$$p_{\text{id}} = p_{\text{id}} + v_{\text{id}}^{'}$$

where \(v_{\text{id}}^{'}\) is the speed of the idth particle in the current iteration; \(v_{\text{id}}\) is the speed of the idth particle in the previous iteration; \(\omega\) is the initial weight; \(c_{1} {\text{ and }}c_{2}\) are positive constants; Rand is a random function in the range of [0, 1]; \(p_{\text{id}}^{\text{best}}\) is the best local position of the idth particle (Pbest); \(p_{\text{gd}}^{\text{best}}\) is the best global position among all particles (Gbest); and \(p_{\text{id}}\) is the idth particle. PSO is widely used for a variety of optimization tasks; however, it cannot be applied directly to FJSP because PSO was developed to solve continuous optimization problems but FJSP is a combinatorial problem which is discrete in nature.

4 EPSO algorithm for FJSP

Our EPSO algorithm uses the same position update strategy as PSO does but defines a new discrete particle representation and a new position update mechanism that suits the discrete nature of FJSP. In this section, we describe this representation and mechanism, our objective function, and particle life cycle, a set of enhancing features.

4.1 Particle representation

For discrete FJSP problem, a particle is defined as follows. Each particle consists of a string of integers separated into two parts: (1) job sequence part containing as many slots, each holding a single job number, as the total number of operations, and (2) machine selection part containing the same number of slots as that of the job sequence part, each holding a single machine number assigned for a job operation of that job. The first integer slot (or dimension) of the job sequence part denotes that the operation of the selected job in this slot is performed first and the corresponding slot of the machine selection part denotes the machine selected to perform that operation; similarly, the second dimension denotes that the second operation (of any one of the jobs selected) is performed by the machine selected to perform it, and so on. To make particle representation clear, we show a concrete example in Fig. 1 and Table 1. This example is a string of 18 dimensions (9 × 2) representing a particle. Initially, the job sequence part contains 9 randomly selected job numbers, O ij , 1 ≤ j ≤ n i , where n i is the number of operations, while the machine selection part contains 9 methodically selected feasible machine numbers, M ij . The machine selection method is as follows: (1) 80 % of the population consist of machines that perform the operations of jobs in the shortest processing time (SPT); and (2) 20 % of the population consist of randomly selected machines that can perform the selected jobs. The processing time of each machine is P ijk , 1 ≤ k ≤ M ij . It can be seen in Fig. 1 that the first slot operation is the first job operation of job 4 with machine 1; the second slot operation is the first job operation of job 2 with machine 1; while the last slot operation is the second job operation of job 3 with machine 2.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A particle representation

4.2 Objective function

After a particle is represented, the particle is measured for its search effectiveness by an objective function. The objective function used in this study minimizes the maximums of the complete-time of every job (i.e., minimizes makespan),

$$C_{\hbox{max} } = \max \nolimits_{1 \le j \le n} \{ C_{j} \}$$

where C j is the complete time of job j.

This objective function is also used for measuring the effectiveness of particles when their positions at the end of an iteration are updated and when the particle life cycle features generate new positions.

4.3 Particle life cycle

Enhancing this discrete algorithm based on PSO by incorporating the following four particle life cycle features brings about changes to particle population as described below.

The first feature is courting call (\(p_{\text{id}}^{\text{call}}\)). The courting call of a particle (solution) is an indicator of the effectiveness of the particle; the more effective the particle, the louder the call, and the higher the chance that the particle will take a mate and reproduce, hence, there will be more effective and diverse offspring from the current generation. A courting call is a measure of the extent to which every machine can perform every of its assigned operation in roughly the same amount of time. The loudest call means that the total processing time of all operations processed by that machine of that particle is close to the average processing time of all operations, as expressed in Eq. 4 below,

$$p_{\text{id}}^{\text{call}} = \sum\nolimits_{k = 1}^{n} {\left| {m_{k} - \overline{\text{mac}} {\kern 1pt}_{\text{id}} } \right|}$$

Figure 2 illustrates \(p_{\text{id}}^{\text{call}}\) of two particles—\(p_{{{\kern 1pt} 1}}^{\text{call}}\) and \(p_{{{\kern 1pt} 2}}^{\text{call}}\)—of which \(p_{{{\kern 1pt} 1}}^{\text{call}}\) is louder than \(p_{{{\kern 1pt} 2}}^{\text{call}}\) because the first particle operates all of its machines in an amount of time closer to \(\overline{\text{mac}} {\kern 1pt}_{\text{id}}\) than the second particle does: \(\overline{\text{mac}} {\kern 1pt}_{1}\) of \(p_{{{\kern 1pt} 1}}^{\text{call}}\) is 16.5 while its m 1 and m 2 are 16 and 17, respectively, while \(\overline{\text{mac}} {\kern 1pt}_{2}\) of \(p_{ 2}^{\text{call}}\) is 19 which is farther to its m 1 and m 2 at 12 and 26, respectively.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Gantt chart of courting calls of two particles

The second feature is egg-laying stimulation (\(q_{{{\kern 1pt} {\text{id}}}}^{\text{ovum}}\)). \(q_{{{\kern 1pt} {\text{id}}}}^{\text{ovum}}\) is the variable number of offspring that can be produced by a courting call of particle. A courting call without egg-laying stimulation produces a fixed number of eggs. With egg-laying stimulation, a courting call produces a variable number of eggs that depends on the effectiveness of the particle. Because of this arrangement, the next generation (iteration) will have a higher number of more effective particles. Mathematically, \(q_{{{\kern 1pt} {\text{id}}}}^{\text{ovum}}\) is expressed by the equation below,

$$q_{{{\kern 1pt} {\text{id}}}}^{\text{ovum}} = \hbox{max} \left\{ {E_{\hbox{min} } ,E_{\hbox{max} } - \left[ {{\text{round}}\,{\kern 1pt} {\kern 1pt} \left( {\frac{{E_{\hbox{max} } \times p_{\text{id}}^{\text{call}} }}{{\hbox{max} \left( {P_{\text{id}}^{\text{call}} } \right)}}} \right)} \right]} \right\}$$

where \(E_{\hbox{min} }\) is the minimum number of eggs a particle lays and \(E_{\hbox{max} }\) is the maximum.

The third feature is biparental reproduction. This kind of reproduction exchanges job numbers in the job sequence part of two parent particles. This exchange increases the diversity of offspring, leading to a better chance for the search to avoid local optimums. In this study, only the job sequence part is crossed over, not the machine selection part. The steps in the crossover procedure, illustrated in Fig. 3, are as follows:

Fig. 3
figure 3

Biparental reproduction

  1. (a)

    Randomly select half of the jobs from a randomly selected elite parent—the best 30 % of all of the particles;

  2. (b)

    Copy all of the selected jobs from the elite parent and place them in the same slot of the offspring;

  3. (c)

    Fill in the rest of the slots sequentially from left to right with the jobs from the non-elite parent (the last 70 % of particles) that are different from those jobs in b.

  4. (d)

    Repeat step a–c with the same parents until the maximum number of eggs allowed is reached.

The last feature is population turnover (p ini). p ini selects the best 80 % of the initial population and adds newly randomly selected particles (p new) to make up 100 %. Therefore, most of the best particles in the current generation (iteration) will be passed along to the next generation while significant diversity is introduced. The equation for p ini is below,

$$p_{\text{ini}} = \, \left( {p_{\text{ini}} \times \, 0.8} \right) \, + \, p_{\text{new}}$$

4.4 Discrete particle position update mechanism

Similar to PSO, EPSO has a position update mechanism to move particles closer to Gbest, the flight leader, the one nearest to the solution, thus increasing the chance of a particle to reach the optimal solution. PSO cannot be applied directly to FJSP because its update mechanism uses real numbers; instead, EPSO uses discrete integers for the same purpose. To take advantage of the combined effectiveness of the flight leader and itself, the next position of a particle depends on both Gbest and Pbest values of the flight leader and itself, respectively. When these two values are dissimilar, the particle will be positioned somewhere in the middle between them. An example showing the discrete update mechanism is depicted in Fig. 5. This example shows changes in job sequence part and machine selection part of a particle as it is updated with Gbest. The same procedure applies when the particle is further updated with Pbest. The update procedure is as follows:

  • Updating job sequence part: the job numbers in the corresponding slots of Gbest and a pre-updated particle are compared, and the slots holding similar job numbers in the pre-updated particle are kept unchanged while the slots holding different job numbers are changed; Fig. 4a shows an example of these changes; the job numbers in the 4 gray slots are similar and so remain the same, while the other 5 slots are dissimilar and the following changes are made: randomly select the job number and job operation of a half of the dissimilar slots of Gbest and sequentially place them in the similar slot of the pre-updated particle; then, the other half of the dissimilar slots of the pre-updated particle are sequentially filled with the job numbers that are required to pair with all of the job operations that are not selected in the former step, as shown Fig. 4a.

    Fig. 4
    figure 4

    An example of particle position update mechanism

  • Updating machine selection part: As shown in Fig. 4b, after a rearrangement that is reversed after the update, the machine numbers in the corresponding slots of Gbest and the pre-updated particle are compared, and the slots holding similar machine numbers in the pre-updated particle are kept unchanged while the slots holding different job numbers are changed; the changes are made in the same way as those made in the job sequence part.

To summarize the steps in our proposed algorithm, we present them in pseudocode in Fig. 5 below.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Pseudo-code of EPSO algorithm for discrete FJSP problem. The italicized texts represent new features to the original PSO

5 Results of performance test

Our proposed algorithm was performance tested with Fdata set, a benchmark data set invented by Fattahi [14]. An Fdata set consists of 20 test instances that are grouped according to their size: (1) small size (SJJS1:10), and (2) medium and large size (MFJS1:10). It is relatively easy to find a solution that matches the lower bound of SJJS1:10, but it is not so for MFJS1:10.

The test parameters used were as follows:

  • Population size: initially 200 and does not increase over 500.

  • Termination check: 80 % of the population share the same effectiveness values.

  • Number of elite particles: the best 30 % of the population.

  • Number of eggs: E max = 5 to E min = 2.

  • Number of matings (for elite parent particle) = 3.

Performance was measured in terms of closeness to the lower bound of the benchmark. The best solution that the algorithm found was reported, and so was the average percentage of relative error from the lower bound of the final solution. The percentage of relative error RE (%) is calculated by the following Eq. (7):

$${\text{RE}}(\% ) = \frac{{C_{\text{best}} - {\text{BKS}}}}{\text{BKS}} \times 100$$

where C best is the best solution obtained from our algorithm.

BKS is the best-known solution or the lower bound of the benchmark.

Table 2 shows the best results from our algorithm for all 20 test instances of the Fdata set (SFJS1:10 and MFJS1:10) compared to the best results obtained from the artificial immune algorithm (AIA) of Bagheri et al. [8] as well as our best results for 17 instances of the Fdata set (SFJS1:10 and MFJS1:7) compared to the best results obtained from a mathematical model proposed by Demir et al. [15]. With respect to the results obtained from testing with SFJS1:10, the best solutions from our algorithm, AIA algorithm, and Demir’s mathematical model were the same and equal to the lower bound, but with respect to the results obtained from testing with MFJS, the best solution from our algorithm was either the same or better than both the best solutions from AIA and Demir’s mathematical model. The average percentages of relative error from the lower bound of our algorithm and the AIA algorithm for the 20 test instances were 13.53 and 14.27 %, respectively, and the average percentages of relative error from the lower bound of our algorithm and Demir’s mathematical model for the 17 test instances were 9.50*** and 10.11 %***, respectively. All of these results show that the performance of EPSO was better than those of AIA and Demir’s mathematical model.

Table 2 Best solutions and percentage relative errors (in parentheses) from the lower bounds of Fattahi’s data set

6 Conclusion

This paper proposes an algorithm for solving discrete flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSP) based on the swarming strategy of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. Two sets of enhancing features are introduced: (I) particle life cycle that consists of the following features: (1) courting call, (2) egg-laying stimulation, (3) biparental reproduction, and (4) population turnover; and (II) discrete position update mechanism. The performance test results show that the proposed algorithm performed better than AIA algorithm and Demir’s mathematical model. In our future work, we will attempt to apply this algorithm to a much more complex FJSP with multi-objective functions.