1 Introduction

The purpose of this paper is to prove the algebraic degeneracy of entire holomorphic curves into a normal algebraic variety X carrying a finite map onto a semi-abelian variety by assuming only some non-singular part of X to be of log-general type (see Theorem 1). The proof gives a simplification of that of the degeneracy theorem in [5]. The result also gives another proof of a degeneracy theorem due to Winkelmann [8] for surfaces and Lu–Winkelmann [2] in general, whose proofs rely on the main results of [6] and [5] (cf. Theorem 2).

We continue to use the terms and notation of [5] (cf. Sect. 3); moreover, in this paper, “degenerate” means “algebraically degenerate” for simplicity.

2 Finite Case

Theorem 1

Let X be a complex normal algebraic variety and let π:XA be a surjective and finite morphism onto a semi-abelian variety A. Let E be a reduced Weil divisor on X. Assume that X∖(EX sing) is of log-general type. Let \(f:\mathbb{C}\to X\) be an entire holomorphic curve such that

$$ N_1\bigl(r;f^*E\bigr)\leq\varepsilon T_f(r) \,\Vert_{\varepsilon} $$

for all ε>0. Then \(f:\mathbb{C}\to X\) is degenerate.


Since A is quasi-projective, so is X; henceforth, a “variety” means a quasi-projective algebraic one. We assume the non-degeneracy of f to derive a contradiction.

Step 1. Let RX be the ramification divisor of π, and put D 0=π(R+E)red. By [6], there is a smooth equivariant compactification \(\bar{A}\) of A such that

  • \(\partial A=\bar{A}\backslash A\) is a simple normal crossing divisor;

  • the second main theorem holds for D 0 and πf.

Let D 1=∂A and let \(D_{2}\subset\bar{A}\) be the Zariski closure of D 0. Put D=D 1+D 2. Then the above second main theorem takes the form

$$T_{\pi\circ f}\bigl(r;K_{\bar{A}}(D)\bigr)\leq N_1\bigl(r;( \pi\circ f)^*D\bigr)+\varepsilon T_{\pi\circ f}(r)\,\Vert_{\varepsilon}, \quad \forall \varepsilon>0. $$

We extend π to \(\bar{\pi}:\bar{X}\to\bar{A}\), where \(\bar {X}\) is normal and \(\bar{\pi}\) is finite. Then \(\bar{\pi}\) is unramified outside D.

Step 2. We apply the following embedded resolution Lemma 1 for \(\bar{A}\) and D to get a smooth modification \(\varphi :\tilde{A}\to\bar{A}\) and a simple normal crossing divisor \(\tilde {D}:=\varphi^{-1}D\subset\tilde{A}\), such that the modification φ is an isomorphism over \(\bar{A}\backslash D_{2}\). Here we note that D 1 is simple normal crossing by Step 1.

Lemma 1

(The embedded resolution; Szabó [7])

Let V be a smooth variety, and let FV be a reduced divisor. Then there is a smooth modification \(p :\tilde{V}\to V\) with the following two properties:

  1. (i)

    p −1 F is a simple normal crossing divisor.

  2. (ii)

    p is an isomorphism outside the locus of F where F is not simple normal crossing.

Step 3. Let \(\widetilde{\pi\circ f}:\mathbb{C}\to\tilde{A}\) be the lifting of πf. Let Σ be a divisor on \(\tilde{A}\) such that \(K_{\tilde{A}}(\tilde{D})=\varphi^{*}K_{\bar{A}}(D)+\varSigma\). The codimension of φ(Supp Σ) is greater than one. Hence by [6] we have

$$N \bigl(r;(\widetilde{\pi\circ f})^*\mathrm{Supp}\,\varSigma \bigr)\leq \varepsilon T_{\widetilde{\pi\circ f}}(r)\,\Vert_\varepsilon,\quad\forall \varepsilon>0. $$

Since the modification \(\tilde{A}\to\bar{A}\) is an isomorphism outside D 2, we have φ(Supp Σ)⊂D 2. Therefore by the estimate in Step 1, we have

$$m_{\widetilde{\pi\circ f}}(r;\mathrm{Supp}\,\varSigma)\leq \varepsilon T_{\widetilde {\pi\circ f}}(r) \,\Vert_\varepsilon,\quad\forall\varepsilon>0. $$

Hence we get

$$T_{\widetilde{\pi\circ f}}(r;\varSigma)\leq\varepsilon T_{\widetilde{\pi \circ f}}(r)\,\Vert_\varepsilon, \quad\forall\varepsilon>0. $$

Thus by Step 1, we have the estimate

$$ T_{\widetilde{\pi\circ f}} \bigl(r;K_{\tilde{A}}(\tilde{D}) \bigr)\leq N_1 \bigl(r;(\widetilde{\pi\circ f})^* \tilde{D} \bigr)+\varepsilon T_{\widetilde{\pi\circ f}}(r) \,\Vert_\varepsilon,\quad\forall \varepsilon>0. $$

Step 4. By base change and normalization, we get the following:

where \(\tilde{X}\) is a normal projective variety and p is a finite map. Then p is unramified outside the simple normal crossing divisor \(\tilde{D}\). Thus by the following lemma, \(\tilde{X}\) is \(\mathbb{Q}\)-factorial.

Lemma 2

Let V be a normal variety, let Y be a smooth variety, let FY be a simple normal crossing divisor, and let p:VY be a finite morphism. Assume that p is unramified outside F. Then V is a \(\mathbb{Q}\)-factorial variety, i.e., all Weil divisors on V are \(\mathbb{Q}\)-Cartier divisors.


Replacing p:VY by its compactification \(\bar{p}:\bar{V}\to \bar {Y}\), where F∂Y is simple normal crossing, if necessary, we may assume that Y is projective. Let B be a prime divisor on V. We shall show that some multiple of B is a Cartier divisor.

Let \(\mathbb{D}^{n}\subset Y\) be an open polydisc, where \(F\cap\mathbb{D}^{n}\) is written as z 1z l =0 with a coordinate (z 1,…,z n ) of \(\mathbb{D}^{n}\). Let U be an irreducible component of \(p^{-1} \mathbb{D}^{n}\) and let \(p_{U}:U \to\mathbb{D}^{n}\) be the restriction. Then p U is finite and unramified over \(\mathbb{D}^{n}\setminus F\). Note that \(\pi_{1}(\mathbb{D}^{n}\setminus F)=\mathbb{Z}^{l}\) and \((p_{U})_{*}\pi _{1}(U\setminus p_{U}^{-1} F)\subset\pi_{1}(\mathbb{D}^{n}\setminus F)\) is a finite index subgroup. Hence there exists a positive integer μ such that \(\mu\mathbb{Z}^{l}\subset(p_{U})_{*}\pi_{1}(U\setminus p_{U}^{-1} F)\). Let \(\varphi:\mathbb{D}^{n}\to\mathbb{D}^{n}\) be defined by \(\varphi (w_{1},\ldots,w_{n})=(w_{1}^{\mu},\ldots,w_{l}^{\mu},w_{l+1},\ldots,w_{n})\). Then \(\varphi_{\mathbb{D}^{n} \setminus F}\) factors \(p_{U\setminus p_{U}^{-1}F}\); i.e., there is an unramified covering map \(\psi_{\mathbb{D}^{n} \setminus F}:\mathbb{D}^{n} \setminus F \to U\setminus p_{U}^{-1}F\) satisfying \(\varphi_{\mathbb{D}^{n} \setminus F}=p_{U} \circ\psi_{\mathbb{D}^{n} \setminus F}\). Since p U is finite (so, proper), \(\psi_{\mathbb{D}^{n} \setminus F}\) extends holomorphically to \(\psi: \mathbb{D}^{n} \to U\) by Riemann’s extension theorem. Hence we have a finite map \(\psi :\mathbb{D}^{n}\to U\), which is unramified over \(U\setminus p_{U}^{-1} F\).

Now there exists a holomorphic function g on \(\mathbb{D}^{n}\) such that ψ −1(BU) is defined by g=0. We define a holomorphic function G on \(U\setminus p_{U}^{-1}F\) by

$$G(x)=\prod_{w : \psi(w)=x}g(w). $$

Since G is locally bounded around \(p_{U}^{-1} F\) and U is normal as complex analytic space (cf. [1, (36.7) p. 332]), G has a holomorphic extension over U. By the construction of G, the zero set of G is equal to BU.

Since V is compact, we may cover V by a finite number of U as above. Thus some multiple of B is a Cartier divisor in the sense of analytic space. Hence by the GAGA principle, we complete the proof of our lemma. □

Step 5. We define a reduced divisor H on \(\tilde{X}\) as follows. We note that \(\psi^{-1}(X \setminus(E\cup X_{\mathrm{sing} }))\subset\tilde{X}\) is a Zariski open subset, since \(X\backslash (E\cup X_{\mathrm{sing}})\subset\bar{X}\) is so. We define H to be the union of the codimension one components of \(\tilde{X} \setminus\psi ^{-1}(X\backslash(E\cup X_{\mathrm{sing}}))\). Then we have \(\psi ^{-1}(X\backslash(E\cup X_{\mathrm{sing}}))=\tilde{X}\setminus (H\cup S)\), where \(S\subset\tilde{X}\) is a Zariski closed subset with codimension greater than one. By the assumption of X∖(EX sing) being of log-general type, we deduce that ψ −1(X∖(EX sing)) is also of log-general type. Thus by the following lemma, \(K_{\tilde{X}}(H)\) is big.

Lemma 3

Let V be a normal variety, and let \(\bar{V}\) be a compactification of V such that \(\partial V=\bar{V}\backslash V\) is a (Weil) divisor. Assume that \(\bar{V}\) is normal and \(\mathbb{Q}\)-factorial. Let \(S\subset\bar{V}\) be a Zariski closed set with codimension greater than one. If VS is of log-general type, then \(\mathbb{Q}\)-line bundle \(K_{\bar{V}}(\partial V)\) is big.


Let \(\bar{V}_{\mathrm{sing}}\) be the set of singularities of \(\bar {V}\). Let (∂V)sing be the set of singularities of ∂V. Then \(T=S\cup\bar{V}_{\mathrm{sing}}\cup(\partial V)_{\mathrm {sing}}\) is codimension greater than one in \(\bar{V}\). There exists a smooth modification \(p :\tilde{V}\to\bar{V}\) such that F=p −1(S∂V) is a simple normal crossing divisor and p is an isomorphism over \(\bar {V}\setminus T\). By the assumption that VS is of log-general type, \(K_{\tilde{V}}(F)\) is big. Over \(\bar{V}\setminus T\), \(K_{\bar{V}}(\partial V)\) is isomorphic to \(K_{\tilde{V}}(F)\), hence big. There exists a positive integer ν such that \(\nu K_{\bar {V}}(\partial V)\) is a line bundle. For each positive integer l, we have \(H^{0}(\bar{V}\setminus T,l\nu K_{\bar{V}}(\partial V))=H^{0}(\bar {V},l\nu K_{\bar{V}}(\partial V))\). Hence \(K_{\bar{V}}(\partial V)\) is big on \(\bar{V}\). □

Step 6. Note that the image of each irreducible component of H under ψ is contained in one of \(\bar {X}\setminus X\), \(\bar{E}\) (the closure of E in \(\bar{X}\)) or X sing. Thus denoting by \(\tilde{f}:\mathbb{C}\to\tilde{X}\) the canonically induced holomorphic map from f, we have

$$N_1 \bigl(r;\tilde{f}^*H \bigr)\leq N_1 \bigl(r;f^{*}(\bar {X}\setminus X) \bigr)+N_1 \bigl(r;f^{*}\bar{E} \bigr)+N_1 \bigl(r;f^{*}X_{\mathrm{sing} } \bigr). $$

By the assumption, we have \(N_{1}(r;f^{*}(\bar{X}\setminus X))=0\) and

$$N_1 \bigl(r;f^{*}\bar{E} \bigr)\leq\varepsilon T_{\tilde{f}}(r)\,\Vert_\varepsilon,\quad\forall\varepsilon>0. $$

Since X sing is codimension greater than one, we have [6]

$$N_1 \bigl(r;f^{*}X_{\mathrm{sing}} \bigr)\leq\varepsilon T_{\tilde {f}}(r)\,\Vert_\varepsilon,\quad\forall\varepsilon>0. $$


$$N_1 \bigl(r;\tilde{f}^*H \bigr)\leq\varepsilon T_{\tilde{f}}(r)\,\Vert_\varepsilon, \quad\forall\varepsilon>0. $$

Step 7. Put \(G=p^{*}(\tilde{D})_{\mathrm{red}}\). Then we have HG. By the ramification formula, we have

$$K_{\tilde{X}}(G)=p^*K_{\tilde{A}}(\tilde{D}). $$

Thus we have

$$T_{\tilde{f}} \bigl(r;K_{\tilde{X}}(G) \bigr)=T_{\tilde{f}} \bigl(r;p^*K_{\tilde{A}}(\tilde{D}) \bigr)+O(1)=T_{p\circ\tilde {f}} \bigl(r;K_{\tilde{A}}(\tilde{D}) \bigr)+O(1). $$

Hence by Step 3 (note that \(p\circ\tilde{f}=\widetilde{\pi\circ f}\)), we have

$$ T_{\tilde{f}} \bigl(r;K_{\tilde{X}}(G) \bigr)\leq N_1 \bigl(r;(p \circ \tilde{f})^*\tilde{D} \bigr)+\varepsilon T_{p \circ\tilde{f}}(r) \,\Vert_\varepsilon,\quad\forall\varepsilon>0 . $$

Thus by \(N_{1}(r;(p \circ\tilde{f})^{*}\tilde{D})=N_{1}(r;\tilde{f}^{*} G)\), we get

$$T_{\tilde{f}} \bigl(r;K_{\tilde{X}}(G) \bigr)\leq N_1 \bigl(r; \tilde{f}^* G \bigr)+\varepsilon T_{\tilde{f}}(r) \,\Vert_\varepsilon,\quad \forall \varepsilon>0. $$

We decompose as G=H+F, where F is a reduced (Weil) divisor on \(\tilde{X}\). Then we have

$$ T_{\tilde{f}} \bigl(r;K_{\tilde{X}}(H+F) \bigr)\leq N_1 \bigl(r;\tilde {f}^*H \bigr)+N_1 \bigl(r;\tilde{f}^*F \bigr)+ \varepsilon T_{\tilde {f}}(r)\,\Vert_\varepsilon,\quad\forall\varepsilon>0 . $$

Applying the estimate in Step 6, we get

$$T_{\tilde{f}} \bigl(r;K_{\tilde{X}}(H+F) \bigr)\leq N_1 \bigl(r;\tilde {f}^*F \bigr)+\varepsilon T_{\tilde{f}}(r)\,\Vert_\varepsilon, \quad \forall\varepsilon>0 . $$

Step 8. Let k be a positive integer such that kF is a Cartier divisor. Since \(F\cap(\tilde{X}\setminus\tilde{X}_{\mathrm{sing}})\) is a Cartier divisor on \(\tilde{X}\setminus\tilde{X}_{\mathrm{sing}}\), we have

$$k\,\mathrm{ord}_z \tilde{f}^{*}F=\mathrm{ord}_z \tilde{f}^{*}(kF) $$

for \(z\in\tilde{f}^{-1} (\tilde{X}\setminus\tilde{X}_{\mathrm{sing}})\), and hence

$$k\,\min\bigl\{ 1,\mathrm{ord}_z \tilde{f}^{*}F\bigr\} \leq \mathrm{ord}_z \tilde {f}^{*}(kF). $$

Thus we get

$$ kN_1 \bigl(r;\tilde{f}^{-1}(F) \bigr)\leq N \bigl(r;\tilde {f}^*(kF) \bigr)+kN_1 \bigl(r;\tilde{f}^{-1}( \tilde{X}_{\mathrm{sing}}) \bigr). $$

By the Nevanlinna inequality, we have

$$N \bigl(r;\tilde{f}^*(kF) \bigr)\leq T_{\tilde{f}}(r;kF)+O(1). $$


$$ kN_1 \bigl(r;\tilde{f}^{-1}(F) \bigr)\leq T_{\tilde {f}}(r;kF)+kN_1 \bigl(r;\tilde{f}^{-1}( \tilde{X}_{\mathrm{sing}}) \bigr)+O(1). $$

Since \(\tilde{X}_{\mathrm{sing}}\) is codimension greater than one, we have

$$N_1 \bigl(r;\tilde{f}^{-1}(\tilde{X}_{\mathrm{sing}}) \bigr) \leq \varepsilon T_{\tilde{f}}(r)\,\Vert_\varepsilon,\quad\forall\varepsilon>0. $$

Hence we have

$$kN_1 \bigl(r;\tilde{f}^{-1}(F) \bigr)\leq T_{\tilde {f}}(r;kF)+\varepsilon T_{\tilde{f}}(r)\,\Vert_\varepsilon, \quad \forall \varepsilon>0. $$

Step 9. Now we conclude the proof. By Step 7, we have

$$T_{\tilde{f}} \bigl(r;kK_{\tilde{X}}(H) \bigr)+T_{\tilde {f}}(r;kF)\leq kN_1 \bigl(r;\tilde{f}^*F \bigr)+\varepsilon T_{\tilde{f}}(r)\,\Vert_\varepsilon, \quad\forall\varepsilon>0. $$

Thus by Step 8, we get

$$T_{\tilde{f}} \bigl(r;kK_{\tilde{X}}(H) \bigr)\leq\varepsilon T_{\tilde {f}}(r)\,\Vert_\varepsilon,\quad\forall\varepsilon>0. $$

However, since \(kK_{\tilde{X}}(H)\) is big (cf. Step 5) and \(\tilde{f}\) is non-degenerate, this is a contradiction. We completed the proof of the theorem.  □

3 Non-finite Case

Theorem 1 implies the following statement due to [8] (dim=2) and [2].

Theorem 2

Let V be a smooth quasi-projective variety with log-irregularity \(\bar {q}(V) = \dim V\). Assume that V is of log-general type. Then every entire holomorphic curve \(f:\mathbb{C}\to V\) is degenerate.

Remark 1

If \(\bar{q}(V) > \dim V\), \(f: \mathbb{C} \to V\) is degenerate by the log-Bloch–Ochiai Theorem [3, 4]. Therefore, f must be degenerate under the condition that \(\bar{q}(V) \geq\dim V=\bar {\kappa}(V)\).


Let a:VA be a quasi-Albanese map to a semi-abelian variety A. We may assume that a is dominant by the log-Bloch–Ochiai Theorem. Let π:XA be the normalization of A in V and let φ:VX be the induced map. Then φ is birational. Let \(\bar {V}\) be a smooth partial compactification such that φ extends to a projective morphism \(\bar{\varphi}:\bar{V}\to X\) and \(\bar {V}\setminus V\) is a divisor on \(\bar{V}\). Since \(\bar{\varphi}\) is birational and X is normal, there exists a Zariski closed subset ZX whose codimension is greater than one such that \(\bar {\varphi}\) is an isomorphism over XZ. In particular XZ is smooth. Let E be the Zariski closure of \((X\setminus Z)\cap\bar{\varphi}(\bar{V}\setminus V)\) in X. Then E is a reduced divisor on X and X∖(ZE) is of log-general type. Thus by Lemma 4 below, X∖(X singE) is of log-general type. Let F=EZ. Then FX has codimension greater than one. Let \(f:\mathbb{C}\to V\) be non-degenerate. Then we have

$$N_1 \bigl(r;(\varphi\circ f)^*E \bigr)=N_1 \bigl(r;( \varphi\circ f)^*F \bigr)\leq\varepsilon T_{\varphi\circ f}(r) \,\Vert_\varepsilon , \quad\forall\varepsilon>0. $$

Hence we may apply Theorem 1 to conclude the degeneracy of φf, which contradicts the assumption for f being non-degenerate. Thus every \(f:\mathbb{C}\to V\) is degenerate. □

Lemma 4

Let V be a smooth, quasi-projective variety. Let SV be a Zariski closed set of codimension greater than one. If VS is of log-general type, then so is V.


Let \(\bar{V}\) be a smooth compactification of V such that \(\partial V=\bar{V}\setminus V\) is simple normal crossing. Let \(\bar{S}\subset \bar{V}\) be the compactification. Then by Lemma 3, \(K_{\bar {V}}(\partial V)\) is big. Thus V is of log-general type. □