1 Introduction

In the constraint-based approach to data quality, a database is said to be dirty if it contains inconsistencies with respect to some set of constraints [7, 24, 37]. The corresponding data repairing process consists in removing these inconsistencies in order to clean the database. The modeling and repairing of dirty data represents a crucial activity in many real-life information systems. Indeed, unclean data often incurs economic loss and erroneous decisions [21, 24, 37]. For these reasons, several constraint-based data quality approaches have recently been put forward in the database community. These can be distinguished based on the following three facets:

  • Facet 1: Data quality constraints A plenitude of languages has been devised to capture various aspects of dirty data as inconsistencies of constraints. These constraint languages range from standard database dependency languages such as functional dependencies, to conditional functional dependencies [24, 25], to editing rules [29] and fixing rules [52], among others.

  • Facet 2: Conflict resolution Repairing strategies for inconsistencies (violations of constraints) are based on extra information indicating how to modify the dirty data. In most cases, values are changed into “preferred ” values. Preferred values can be found from, e.g., master data [43], tuple-certainty and value-accuracy [30], freshness and currency [28], just to name a few.

  • Facet 3: Selecting types of repairs Repairing strategies also differ in the kind of repairs that they compute. Since the computation of all possible repairs is infeasible in practice, conditions are imposed on the computed repairs to restrict the search space. These conditions include, e.g., various notions of (cost-based) minimality [9, 11] and certain fixes [29]. Alternatively, sampling techniques are put in place to randomly select repairs [9].

Fig. 1
figure 1

System overview of Llunatic

We refer to [24] and [37] for recent overviews of constraint-based approaches to data quality. We note, however, that there is currently no uniform framework to handle all of the three facets in a flexible and efficient way. To remedy this situation, in this paper we describe a flexible and efficient repairing system referred to as Llunatic. A system overview of Llunatic is shown in Fig. 1. We provide detailed running examples and descriptions of all ingredients of the system later in the paper. We here briefly highlight the key components of Llunatic.

The Llunatic system consists of two core components: (i) an initial labeled instance and (ii) a disk-based chase engine over labeled instances. Furthermore, (iii) the constraint language is fixed to a generalization of equality-generating dependencies.

(i) The initial labeled instance is a generalization of a standard database instance in which additional information is stored alongside the values in the input dirty instance. This information is provided by the user at the start of the repairing process. Intuitively, when conflicts need to be resolved at some point, this information allows inferring the most preferred way of modifying the data. More precisely, each location in the database will be adorned with a set of preference labels each consisting of a preference level and a value, where preference levels are elements of a partial order. The partial order will allow us to define a notion of most preferred value, which will be used to resolve a conflict. This value can either be a normal domain value or, when insufficient information is encoded in the partial order, a special value which we refer to as a llun (llun stands for the reverse of null), hence the name Llunatic. The use of partial order information is what allows users to plug-in any kind of preference information (cfr. Facet 2) into the repairing process (e.g., in a conflict, prefer the more recent value). We illustrate in the next sections how information from constraints, master data, user-input, and special attributes (holding preference information) can be encoded in the partial order and initial labeled instance.

(ii) The second component is the chase engine. A key insight underlying Llunatic is that most data repairing methods behave like the well-known chase procedure [2, 4], i.e., as long as violations (conflicts) of data quality constraints exist, some data updates are triggered to resolve these violations. Since we use labeled instances, we completely overhaul the standard chase procedure such that it works on labeled instances. That is, it uses partial order information to resolve conflicts. This requires a revision of the formalization of the chase to ensure that it will generate repairs, which we develop in this paper. Furthermore, we provide a disk-based implementation of the revised chase procedure, with great attention for optimizations to ensure scalability. To our knowledge, Llunatic is the first repairing framework that works with data residing on disk. We allow a fine-grained control of the chase by the user by means of a cost manager. This manager allows users to effectively reason about the trade-offs between performance and accuracy and let the chase only generate certain kinds of repairs (cfr. Facet 3).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Running example: instances and equality-generating dependencies

(iii) The use of labeled instances and more specifically the partial order information on preference levels allows us to model a variety of constraint formalisms in a uniform way (cfr. Facet 1). More precisely, Llunatic supports variable and constant equality-generating dependencies (egds). Constant egds are an extension of classical egds [4] which can enforce the presence of certain constants. We provide ample examples of egds and how labeled instances and the chase interact with those constraints in the next sections. In the following, it should therefore be understood that when we mention data quality constraints (or dependencies) we always mean egds. We further emphasize that we assume that the edgs are given, either by a domain expert or automatically discovered from the data (see e.g., [10, 26, 35, 45, 46]).

In summary, we propose Llunatic as a data repairing framework which addresses all three facets in a flexible way.

We remark that this paper is based on our previous work [31]. Due to the complexity of the formalization used in [31], we believe that some of the key insights behind our approach were unclear. We therefore completely changed the underlying formalization: Everything is now modeled in terms of labeled instances. Not only does this result in a more elegant way of describing how the partial order information is used to resolve conflicts during the chase, it also provides a more clear semantics of repairs. Moreover, labeled instances and the integration of the partial order in the chase process may be of interest in its own right. The current formalization is closer to the standard chase, and it is now clearer how our ideas can be adopted in other contexts as well where now only the standard chase is available. We only consider variable and constant egds in this paper. In [32], we extended our approach to more powerful constraints (tuple-generating dependencies, tgds). The labeled instance formalization can be extended to this more general setting, but for the sake of clarity of exposition, we do not consider tgds in this paper. We remark that we provide many more details compared to [31, 32] and also include a more extensive experimental evaluation than in our previous work.

Organization of the paper We start with preliminaries in Sect. 2. Motivation for using labeled instances and the chase for repairing can be found in Sect. 3. We provide a formalization of our approach in Sect. 4. We detail the chase procedure and how to use Llunatic in Sect. 5. Optimizations and implementation details are described in Sect. 6. We discuss how ideas from other approaches can be integrated in Sect. 7. In Sect. 8, we report our experimental findings. Finally, related work and future directions of research are discussed in Sects. 9 and 10, respectively. We conclude the paper in Sect. 11.

2 Preliminaries

We fix a countably infinite domain of constant values, denoted by \({\textsc {consts}}\), and a countably infinite set of labeled nulls, denoted by \({\textsc {nulls}}\), distinct from \({\textsc {consts}}\). Labeled nulls will be denoted by \(\bot _0\), \(\bot _1\), \(\bot _2\), \(\ldots \) and are used to denote different unknown values, i.e., \(\bot _i\) is assumed to be different from \(\bot _j\), for \(i\ne j\). Furthermore, we fix a countably infinite set, \(\textsc {Tids}\), of tuple identifiers distinct from \({\textsc {consts}}\) and \({\textsc {nulls}}\).

Database instances and cells A schema\({{\mathscr {R}}}\) is a finite set \(\{R_1,\ldots , R_k\}\) of relation symbols. For \(i\in [1,k]\), the relation symbol \(R_i\) in \({{\mathscr {R}}}\) has a fixed set of attributes, \({\textsf {Tid}},A_1,\ldots ,A_{n_i}\), where \({\textsf {Tid}}\) is a special attribute whose domain is \(\textsc {Tids}\). All other attributes have \({\textsc {consts}}\cup {\textsc {nulls}}\) as domain. For \(i\in [1,k]\), an instance of\(R_i\) is a finite subset \(I_i\) of \(\textsc {Tids}\times ({\textsc {consts}}\cup {\textsc {nulls}})^{n_i}\). A (database) instance\({\mathbf {I}}=(I_1, \ldots , I_k)\) of \({{\mathscr {R}}}\) consists of instances \(I_i\) of \(R_i\), for \(i\in [1,k]\). A tuplet in \({\mathbf {I}}\) is an element in one of the instances \(I_i\) in \({\mathbf {I}}\). Let t be a tuple in \(I_i\) and \(A_j\) an attribute in \(R_i\). We denote by \(t[A_j]\) the value of tuple t in attribute \(A_j\). We assume that every tuple in \({\mathbf {I}}\) has a unique \({\textsf {Tid}}\)-value. If t is a tuple in \({\mathbf {I}}\) with \(t[{\textsf {Tid}}]=\text { tid}\), then we also refer to this (unique) tuple by \(t_\text { tid}\). Given an instance \(I_i\) over \(R_i\), a cell in \(I_i\) is a location specified by a tuple id/attribute pair \(\langle \text { tid},A_j\rangle \) (or \(\langle \text { tid},{\textsf {Tid}}\rangle \)), where \(\text { tid}\) is an identifier for a tuple in \(I_i\) and \(A_j\) is an attribute in \(R_i\). The value of a cell \(\langle \text { tid},A_j\rangle \) in \(I_i\) is the value of tuple \(t_{\text { tid}}\) in attribute \(A_j\), i.e., \(t_{\text { tid}}[A_j]\). Similarly, the value of the cell \(\langle \text { tid},{\textsf {Tid}}\rangle \) in \(I_i\) is \(\text { tid}\). We denote by \(\textit{cells}(I_i)\) the set of all cells in \(I_i\). Similarly, for an instance \({\mathbf {I}}=(I_1, \ldots , I_k)\) of \({\mathscr {R}}\) we define \(\textit{cells}({\mathbf {I}})=\bigcup \{\textit{cells}(I_i)\mid i \in [1,k]\}\).

Example 1

An instance I of relation \(D({\textsf {Tid}}, {\textsf {NPI}},{\textsf {Name}}, {\textsf {Sur}}{\textsf {name}}, {\textsf {Spec}}, {\textsf {Hospital}})\) consisting of tuples \(t_1\), \(t_2\) and \(t_3\) (with ids 1, 2 and 3, respectively) containing information about doctors is shown in Fig. 2. Also depicted is a master data instance J, containing correct data, of schema \(M({\textsf {Tid}},{\textsf {NPI}},{\textsf {Name}}, {\textsf {Surname}}, {\textsf {Spec}}, {\textsf {Hospital}})\) consisting of a single tuple \(t_m\). In instance I we also depict the cells in \(\textit{cells}(I)\). For cells corresponding to the \({\textsf {Tid}}\)-attribute, we simply denote the cell by \(c_i^t\), where i is the tuple identifier for the tuple. For example, \(c_1^t=\langle 1,{\textsf {Tid}}\rangle \). For cells corresponding to other attributes, we represent cells by \(c_{ij}\). For example, \(c_{10}=\langle 1,{\textsf {NPI}}\rangle \), \(c_{11}=\langle 1,{\textsf {Name}}\rangle \), and so on. We ignore the attribute \({\textsf {Conf}}\)(idence) for the moment. We do not include cells for the master data instance. We show below that we can eliminate master data instances using an encoding in data quality constraints.

Data quality constraints We will use equality-generating dependencies (or egds for short) to express data quality constraints (also called quality rules in the literature). In fact, we use two types of egds: variable and constant egds. Unlike the seminal paper [4], our egds need not to be typed and can contain constants. A variable egd is defined as follows. A relational atom over\({\mathscr {R}}\) is a formula of the form \(R({\bar{s}})\) with \(R\in {\mathscr {R}}\) and \(\bar{s}\) is a tuple of (not necessarily distinct) constants and variables. Then, a variable egd over\({\mathscr {R}}\) is a formula e of the form \(\forall \bar{x}\, (\phi (\bar{x}) \rightarrow x_i=x_j)\), where \(\phi (\bar{x})\) is a conjunction of relational atoms over \({\mathscr {R}}\) with variables \({\bar{x}}\), and \(x_i\) and \(x_j\) are variables in \(\bar{x}\). A constant egde is of the form \(\forall \bar{x}\, (\phi (\bar{x}) \rightarrow x=a)\) where x is a variable in \(\bar{x}\) and a is a constant in \({\textsc {consts}}\). It is common to write an egd e without writing the universal quantification. So, in what follows \(\phi (\bar{x}) \rightarrow x_i=x_j\) corresponds to \(\forall \bar{x}\, (\phi (\bar{x}) \rightarrow x_i=x_j)\). Similarly for constant egds.

To prevent any interaction of the egds with the tuple identifiers, we assume that: (i) every relational atom \(R({\bar{s}})\) in \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\) carries a variable in its first position, i.e., \(s_1\) is a variable, and this variable does not occur anywhere else in \({\bar{s}}\) and also does not occur in any other relational atom in \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\); (ii) if \(\phi (\bar{x})\rightarrow x_i=x_j\) or \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\rightarrow x=a\), then neither \(x_i\), \(x_j\) nor x can be a variable that occurs in the first position of a relational atom in \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\). These conditions basically indicate that the egds do not pose constraints on the tuple identifiers.

In the constraint-based data quality approach, dependencies are used to assess the cleanliness of data [7, 24, 37]. More specifically, an instance \({\mathbf {I}}\) of \({\mathscr {R}}\)satisfies an egde, variable or constant, denoted by \({\mathbf {I}}\models e\), if it satisfies e according to satisfaction of first-order logic with (i) a Herbrand interpretation of the constants in e, and (ii)  the universe of discourse of the first-order structure being \({\textsc {consts}}\cup {\textsc {nulls}}\) (and \(\textsc {Tids}\) for the \({\textsf {Tid}}\)-attributes) [2]. In particular, nulls are interpreted as constants and hence \(\bot =a\) is false for \(a\in {\textsc {consts}}\). Similarly, \(\bot _i=\bot _j\) is false for two different nulls.

Example 2

Examples of variable egds include functional and (variable) conditional functional dependencies. Constant conditional functional dependencies can be expressed as constant egds. In Fig. 2, the variable egds \(e_1\)\(e_4\) correspond to the functional dependency expressing that attribute \({\textsf {NPI}}\) is a key for relation D. (We again ignore the attribute \({\textsf {Conf}}\) and also do not take into account the \({\textsf {Tid}}\)-attribute.) Furthermore, the constant egd \(e_5\) corresponds to the constant conditional functional dependency which requires the standardization of the name “Greg” into “Gregory”. Finally, constant egds \(e_6\)\(e_9\) originate from a so-called editing rule, which states that any tuple s in I which shares the same \({\textsf {NPI}}\)-value with a tuple t in the master data J must agree on all common other attributes with t. Such editing rules are easily seen to be equivalent to a set of constant egds by introducing a constant egd for each tuple in the master data and each attribute (except for the \({\textsf {Tid}}\)-attribute) in the master data’s schema. In our example, \(t_3[{\textsf {NPI}}]=t_m[{\textsf {NPI}}]=\text {222}\) and the editing rule is translated into the four constant egds \(e_6\)\(e_9\) basically requiring the four remaining attributes of \(t_3\) to take the corresponding values from \(t_m\). In this way, master data and editing rules are represented by constant egds. It is readily verified that \(I\models \{e_2,e_7,e_8\}\) but I does not satisfy any of the remaining egds. For example, \(t_1[{\textsf {Name}}]=\text {Robert}\) and \(t_2[{\textsf {Name}}]=\text {Frank}\) should be equal according to the egd \(e_1\). Hence, I is a dirty instance relative to these egds.

The previous example shows that egds are expressive enough to capture a wide variety of existing data quality formalisms: Functional dependencies [2], conditional functional dependencies [25], and editing rules [29]. Furthermore, one can also verify that egds can express fixing rules (without negative patterns) [52], and certain classes of denial constraints (basically, denial constraints which are logically equivalent to an egd) [7, 24]. Motivated by this, we focus on egds. Not supported in Llunatic are, for example, matching dependencies [23], metric dependencies [42], differential dependencies [49], and general denial constraints [7, 24]. We defer to future work to include a larger variety of data quality constraints in Llunatic.

3 Llunatic: finding repairs using the chase

With the constraint formalism fixed, we next turn to the repairing or cleaning of the data. Intuitively, repairing a dirty instance \({\mathbf {I}}\) such that \({\mathbf {I}}\not \models \varSigma \) for some set \(\varSigma \) of egds means finding a clean instance \({\mathbf {J}}\) such that \({\mathbf {J}}\models \varSigma \) and \({\mathbf {I}}\) and \({\mathbf {J}}\) are “closely related”. As already mentioned in the Introduction, in recent years, repairing methods have been proposed for several classes of constraints. These methods typically consider only specific types of constraints and different interpretations of “closely related”. Furthermore, each of these methods differs in how conflicting values (such as Robert and Frank in the previous example) are resolved. We refer to the Related Work Sect. 9 for more details.

With Llunatic we aim to provide a single-node scalable algorithmic framework for finding repairs of instances for a set of egds, hereby covering different classes of constraints in a uniform way. Moreover, different conflict resolution strategies should be easy to incorporate in the framework, without the need of changing the underlying algorithm (and thus implementation). To this aim, Llunatic uses a generalization of the standard chase procedure by incorporating preference information on values in cells and by producing a chase tree consisting of chase sequences, where each sequence leads to a repair.

We next recall the standard chase procedure and then identify why it needs to be revised in order to become a true workhorse for repairing. In particular, we argue the need for better conflict resolution (Sect. 3.2), support for constant egds (Sect. 3.3), backward repairs (Sect. 3.4) and user provided repairs (Sect. 3.5). With the help of a motivating example, we informally introduce the main concepts used in Llunatic to address these issues. A formal account will be given in Sects. 4 and 5.

3.1 The standard chase

When \(\varSigma \) consists of variable egds only, the chase procedure (or, simply the chase) provides an elegant repairing method [4]. It works as follows. Consider a dirty instance \({\mathbf {I}}\not \models \varSigma \) and variable egd \(e:\phi (\bar{x})\rightarrow x_i=x_j\) in \(\varSigma \). A homomorphism h from \(\phi (\bar{x})\) to \({\mathbf {I}}=(I_1,\ldots ,I_k)\) is a mapping which assigns to every variable x in \(\bar{x}\) a value in \({\textsc {consts}}\cup {\textsc {nulls}}\) (and \(\textsc {Tids}\) for the variables in \({\textsf {Tid}}\)-attributes) such that every relational atom \(R_i({\bar{s}})\) in \(\phi (\bar{x})\) maps onto a tuple \(h({\bar{s}})\in I_i\), where h is the identity on \({\textsc {consts}}\). When \(h(x_i)\ne h(x_j)\), we say that ecan be applied to\({\mathbf {I}}\)with homomorphismh. The result of applyingeon\({\mathbf {I}}\)withh is defined as follows: If \(h(x_i)\) and \(h(x_j)\) are two different constants in \({\textsc {consts}}\), then the result of applying e on \({\mathbf {I}}\) with h is “failure”, and we write \({\mathbf {I}}{\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e,h}} \lightning \). Otherwise, the result is a new instance \({\mathbf {I}}'\), defined as follows. When \(h(x_i)\in {\textsc {consts}}\) and \(h(x_j)\in {\textsc {nulls}}\), the null value \(h(x_j)\) is replaced everywhere in \({\mathbf {I}}\) by the constant value \(h(x_i)\), resulting in \({\mathbf {I}}'\). When \(h(x_i)\) and \(h(x_j)\) are both null values, then one is replaced everywhere by the other, resulting in \({\mathbf {I}}'\) Footnote 1. In both cases, we write \({\mathbf {I}}{\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e,h}} {\mathbf {I}}'\). Then, for a set \(\varSigma \) of variable egds, a chase sequence of\({\mathbf {I}}\)with\(\varSigma \) is a sequence of the form \({\mathbf {I}}_i {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e_i,h_i}}{\mathbf {I}}_{i+1}\) with \(i=0,1,\ldots \), \({\mathbf {I}}_0={\mathbf {I}}\), \(e_i\in \varSigma \) and \(h_i\) a homomorphism from \(e_i\) to \({\mathbf {I}}_{i}\). A finite chase of\({\mathbf {I}}\)with\(\varSigma \) is a finite chase sequence \({\mathbf {I}}_i {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e_i,h_i}}{\mathbf {I}}_{i+1}\), \(i\in [0,m-1]\), such that either \({\mathbf {I}}_m=\lightning \) or no egd e exists in \(\varSigma \) for which there is a homomorphism h such that e can be applied to \({\mathbf {I}}_m\) with h. We call \({\mathbf {I}}_m\) the result of such a finite chase and when \({\mathbf {I}}_m\ne \lightning \), the instance \({\mathbf {I}}_m\) is called the result of a successful chase. It is known that if \({\mathbf {I}}_m\) is the result of a successful chase of \({\mathbf {I}}\) with \(\varSigma \), then \({\mathbf {I}}_m\models \varSigma \) and \({\mathbf {I}}_m\) is thus clean [4]. The repair \({\mathbf {I}}_m\) has many other nice theoretical properties (universality, independence of the order in which egds are applied,...), see e.g., [22]. Our revised chase does not inherit these properties. Our primary goal, however, is using the chase as a practical way of generating repairs.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Running example: labeled instances and their corresponding (standard) instances at different times during the Llunaticchase process

3.2 Avoiding failure by conflict resolution

Clearly, when repairing data, the standard chase will often be unsuccessful because different constants may need to be equated. This is not surprising. After all, the chase was originally designed to reason about dependencies, where the input instance does not contain constants and not for repairing data [4]. As an example, we chase our running example with variable egds.

Example 3

Consider the variable egds \(e_1\), \(e_2\), \(e_3\) and \(e_4\) in Fig. 2. Since \(I\models e_2\), only \(e_1\), \(e_3\) and \(e_4\) are applicable. It is readily verified that there is a homomorphism h for \(e_4\) such that \( I{\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e_4,h}}I'\) with \(I'\) obtained from I by replacing the null value \(\bot _1\) in \(t_2[{\textsf {Hospital}}]\) and \(t_3[{\textsf {Hospital}}]\) by PPTH, i.e., the value from \(t_1[{\textsf {Hospital}}]\). However, chasing \(I'\) further with \(e_1\) and \(e_3\) results in a failure. Indeed, \(e_1\) requires \(t_1[{\textsf {Name}}]=\text {Robert}\) to be equal to \(t_2[{\textsf {Name}}]=\text {Frank}\) which are two different constants. Similarly, \(e_3\) requires \(t_1[{\textsf {Spec}}]=\text {surg}\) to be equal to \(t_2[{\textsf {Spec}}]=\text {urol}\).

Instead of simply returning failure (\(\lightning \)), it is desirable, from a data repairing perspective, for the chase to (i) either report the reasons for failure, or (ii) resolve conflicts between constant values based on some additional information. In Llunatic this is achieved as follows. Let \({\mathbf {I}}\) be a database instance.

  • The initial step consists of adorning the cells in \({\mathbf {I}}\) with preference levels from a partially ordered set\((\mathbf{P},\preceq _{\mathbf{P}})\) and combining these with values of the cells in \({\mathbf {I}}\). As a result, each cell initially contains a preference label of the form \(\langle p, v\rangle \) where \(p\in \mathbf{P}\) and v is the value in the cell, resulting in the initial labeled instance\({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \). Looking ahead, the initial labeled instance will be changed during the (revised) chase process into a labeled instance in which cells may have multiple preference labels. Preference labels allow comparing values based on their preference levels and the order between these levels according to \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\). We use this information to resolve conflicts, when cells have multiple preference labels after chasing, by taking the most preferred value, i.e., the value with the highest preference level. The partial order \((\mathbf{P},\preceq _{\mathbf{P}})\) is fixed at the beginning of the repairing process. For preference levels p and \(p'\), we denote by \(p\prec _{\mathbf{P}} p'\), if \(p\preceq _{\mathbf{P}} p'\) and \(p'\not \preceq _{\mathbf{P}} p\).

Example 4

In Fig. 3a, we show an initial labeled instance \(I^\circ \) obtained from I (cfr. Fig. 2) by putting in each cell of I a single preference level together with the value of that cell. From here on, we do not depict the attribute \({\textsf {Tid}}\) since it is only used for identifying tuples and the tuple identifiers do not interact with the egds. In \( I^\circ \), we find preference levels \(p_{\bot _1}\) and \(p_{\bot _2}\) assigned to null values \(\bot _1\) and \(\bot _2\) in cells \(c_{25}\), \(c_{35}\) and \(c_{31}\), respectively. We also find preference levels \(p_{0.1}\), \(p_{0.9}\) and \(p_{1}\), associated with urol, surg and diag, in cells \(c_{23}\), \(c_{13}\) and \(c_{33}\), respectively. These preference levels encode the confidence of these values according to the \({\textsf {Conf}}\) attribute. By imposing \(p_{0.1}\prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{0.9} \prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{1}\), we encode that the higher the confidence is, the more preferred the value associated with these levels in the preference labels is. This is an important example showing how external information (in this case confidence) can be encoded in preference levels and labels. We generalize the use of attributes that encode some ordering (such as \({\textsf {Conf}}\)) to assign preference levels to values in another attribute (such as \({\textsf {Spec}}\)) later in Sect. 4.5 in the form of a partial order specification. All other preference levels in \(I^\circ \) are chosen arbitrarily, except that we impose that \(p_{\bot _1}\prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{15}\). This is to indicate that when the value in the preference labels of cells \(c_{25}\) and \(c_{35}\) (i.e., the value \(\bot _1\)) needs to be equated later on with the value in the label of \(c_{15}\) (i.e., PPTH) due to egd \(e_4\), that PPTH is preferred over \(\bot _1\). We here capture the semantics that constants are preferred to null values, just as in the standard chase. From the labeled instance \(I^\circ \), we can obtain a normal instance \(\mathsf {inst}(I^\circ )\) simply by picking the values in the preference labels in each cell with the highest preference value (Fig. 3b). In \(I^\circ \), each cell carries a single preference label holding the original value of that cell in the instance I given in Fig. 2. Hence, \(\mathsf {inst}(I^\circ )=I\) in this case. The partial order \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\) used is shown in Fig. 4 and comes into play when chasing \(I^\circ \). In this partial order, we more generally assume that \(p_{\bot _i}\prec _{\mathbf{P}} p\) for any preference level \(p_{\bot _i}\) associated with null value \(\bot _i\) and any preference value p associated with a constant in \(I^\circ \). Furthermore, we also assume that \(p_{\bot _0}\prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{\bot _1}\prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{\bot _2}\) in accordance with the ordering on null values (see earlier footnote).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Partial order \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\) on preference levels used in our running example. Arrows between preference levels denote \(\prec _{\mathbf{P}}\) (strictly less). No arrow means incomparable. Arrows between dotted boxes mean that all levels in one box are strictly less preferred than those in the other box

As previously mentioned, when chasing an initial labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) we will obtain labeled instances \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) in which each cell is assigned a set of preference labels.

  • More precisely, in Llunatic we use a modified chase procedure which works on labeled instances. Intuitively, whenever a variable egd \(e:\phi (\bar{x})\rightarrow x_i=x_j\) applies with a homomorphism h, the set of preference labels corresponding to the cells in \(h(x_i)\) and \(h(x_k)\) are merged. This merging represents that these cells must carry the same value (according to e) and that the choice of value should take into account preference level information present in the set of preference labels of all cells involved. If a unique preferred value, i.e., a value with maximal preference level exists, that value will be used for repairing and find its way to the standard instance \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\) corresponding to \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \).

  • Moreover, when a set of preference labels of a cell does contain different preferred values (distinct maximal preference levels), this implies that not enough information is present to resolve the conflict. Instead of returning failure, we mark such cells in \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\) with a special constant which we refer to as a llun.

Example 5

We chase the initial labeled instance \(I^\circ \) by our revised chase procedure. The resulting labeled instance \(I_1^\star \) of this chase, using the variable egds in \(\varSigma \), is shown in Fig. 3c. As an example, \(t_1[{\textsf {Spec}}]=\text {surg}\) and \(t_2[{\textsf {Spec}}]=\text {urol}\) need to be equated, due to egd \(e_3\). The chase will consider the preference labels in \( I^\circ \) of the cells \(c_{13}\) and \(c_{23}\) and merge these, resulting in the set of preference labels \(\{\langle p_{0.1}, \text {urol}\rangle ,\langle p_{0.9}, \text {surg}\rangle \}\). To resolve the conflict between \(t_1[{\textsf {Spec}}]=\text {surg}\) and \(t_2[{\textsf {Spec}}]=\text {urol}\), one finds that “surg” has a higher preference level (\(p_{0.9}\)) than “urol” (\(p_{0.1}\)) according to \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\). This implies that when turning the labeled instance \(I_1^\star \) back into a normal instance \(\mathsf {inst}(I_1^\star )\), the cells \(c_{12}\) and \(c_{23}\) will carry value “surg”, as shown in Fig. 3d.

We next focus on preference level \(p_{15}\) in \(\langle p_{15}, \text {PPTH}\rangle \) in cell \(c_{15}\). In the standard chase, PPTH will replace both occurrences of \(\bot _1\) in I, in cells \(c_{25}\) and \(c_{35}\). To satisfy \(e_4\), the revised chase will again merge preference labels in \(I^\circ \) for the cells \(c_{15}\), \(c_{25}\) and \(c_{35}\) resulting in \(\{\langle p_{15}, \text {PPTH}\rangle ,\langle p_{\bot _1}, \bot _1\rangle \}\) as shown in Fig. 3c. Since in our partial order (Fig. 4) \(p_{\bot _1}\prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{15}\), in instance \(\mathsf {inst}(I_1^\star )\) we pick PPTH as the most preferred value for \(c_{15}\), \(c_{25}\) and \(c_{35}\) as shown in Fig. 3d. So indeed, nulls are less preferred than constants when they need to be equated, just as in the standard chase.

To illustrate the use of lluns, we consider the set of preference labels \(\{\langle p_{11}, \text {Robert}\rangle ,\langle p_{21}, \text {Frank}\rangle \}\) in \(I_1^\star \) obtained by merging the preference labels of cells \(c_{11}\) and \(c_{21}\) to satisfy \(e_1\). Here, we do not have a most preferred value as \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\) does not have information about how the preference levels \(p_{11}\) and \(p_{21}\) compare (cfr. Fig. 4). In this case, in \(\mathsf {inst}(I_1^\star )\), these cells are populated by a fresh llun value \(\ell _0\) to indicate that there is a conflict as shown in Fig. 3d. It is easily verified that \(\mathsf {inst}(I_1^\star )\) satisfies the variable egds in \(\varSigma \).

3.3 Supporting constant egds

The next issue is that the standard chase does not support constant egds. These are, however, crucial to model popular data quality constraint formalisms such as conditional functional dependencies and editing rules. In Llunatic, we benefit from the use of labeled instances to revise the chase so that it works with constant egds, as follows:

  • We reserve a special authoritative preference level, \(p_{\textsf {au}}\), to indicate authoritative values. Authoritative values originate from user-defined constant egds and should thus be enforced by the chase, whenever possible. We therefore impose that \(p_{\textsf {au}}\) is more preferred according to \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\) than most other preference levels (except for the invalid and user preference level to be introduced below). Hence, whenever a preference label \(\langle p_{\textsf {au}}, v\rangle \) is present in a set of preference labels, the authoritative value v will be picked.

  • In the revised chase, when a constant egd \(e:\phi ({\bar{x}})\rightarrow x=a\) can be applied with a homomorphism h, we simply put \(\langle p_{\textsf {au}}, a\rangle \) in the preference labels of all cells related to h(x). This is how authoritative preference labels are assigned to cells and authoritative values find their way into repairs.

This once more shows the usefulness of working with labeled instances and the partial order \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\).

Example 6

The labeled instance \(I_2^\star \) shown in Fig. 3e reflects the situation after chasing the labeled instance \(I_1^\star \) from the previous example with the constant egds in \(\varSigma \). For example, the cell \(c_{31}\) now holds preference labels \(\{\langle p_{\bot _2}, \bot _2\rangle ,\langle p_{\textsf {au}}, \text {Gregory}\rangle ,\langle p_{\textsf {au}}, \text {Greg}\rangle \}\) due to the application of the constant egds\(e_5\) and \(e_6\). In other words, we simply mark that these values come from user-defined constraints and should have high preference. Since these constant egds are inconsistent with each other, i.e., they require to apply inconsistent changes, we find two values (Gregory and Greg) both with the authoritative preference level \(p_{\textsf {au}}\). When moving from the labeled instance \(I_2^\star \) to the normal instance \(\mathsf {inst}(I_2^\star )\) shown in Fig. 3f, we end up in a situation in which no single most preferred value exists (both Greg and Gregory are candidates) and hence \(c_{31}\) obtains a llun value \(\ell _1\). This illustrates that Llunatic will still generate a repair even when the egds are in conflict with each other. Suppose that only \(e_5\) would be present in \(\varSigma \) then \(c_{31}\) would have ended up with preference labels \(\{\langle p_{\bot _2}, \bot _2\rangle ,\langle p_{\textsf {au}}, \text {Gregory}\rangle \}\) and the value Gregory would be picked in \(\mathsf {inst}(I_2^\star )\). In Fig. 4, we show how \(p_{\textsf {au}}\) relates to other preference levels in \((\mathbf{P},\preceq _{\mathbf{P}})\).

3.4 Backward repairing

So far, when chasing with egds we always enforced that the antecedent of an egd was satisfied. Another way is to invalidate the premise of an egd, i.e., performing a so-called backward repair. Again, labeled instances and preference levels make it easy to incorporate such backward repairs.

  • In the revised chase, whenever an egd \(e:\phi ({\bar{x}})\rightarrow x_i=x_j\) or \(e:\phi ({\bar{x}})\rightarrow x=a\) applies with a homomorphism h, we perform a backward repair by introducing a special invalid preference label, \(\langle p_\times , \times \rangle \), into the set of preference labels of cells on which relation atoms in \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\) are mapped into by h. We refer to \(p_\times \) as the invalid preference level and to \(\times \) as an invalid value (we assume that \(\times \) is in \({\textsc {consts}}\)). Intuitively, we mark cells as invalid if they are changed in order to prevent an egd to be applicable, but we do not know to which value they are changed. By positioning \(p_\times \) in \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\) such that it is incomparable to most other preference levels, we can force cells to take a llun value in the corresponding instance, indicating that the original value was incorrect.

Example 7

Consider the labeled instance \(I_3^\star \) shown in Fig. 3g. It is obtained by enforcing the constant egds, as before, and by invalidating the value 111 in cell \(c_{20}\) by inserting \(\langle p_\times , \times \rangle \) into its set of preference labels. We now check how this prevents any variable egd to be applicable. Assuming that \(p_\times \) and \(p_{20}\) are incomparable, in \(\mathsf {inst}(I_3^\star )\) the cell \(c_{20}\) will obtain a llun value \(\ell _2\) since no single most preferred value exists in \(\{\langle p_{20}, 111\rangle ,\langle p_\times , \times \rangle \}\). Clearly, \(\mathsf {inst}(I_3^\star )\) satisfies all egds in \(\varSigma \), and this is because we marked one single cell with an invalid preference label. We also note that although the constant egd \(e_9\) only applies to tuple \(t_3\), when the cell \(c_{35}\) obtains preference label \(\langle p_{\textsf {au}}, \text {PPTH}\rangle \), also \(c_{25}\) obtains this preference labels. This is in accordance with how the standard chase replaces all occurrences of the same null value with the same constant. How \(p_\times \) relates to other preference levels is shown in Fig. 4.

3.5 User repairs

A final important aspect is the incorporation of user knowledge in the repairing process. In Llunatic we allow users to change the value of sets of preference labels and solve any incompleteness or conflict marked by lluns, as follows.

  • We reserve a special user preference level, \(p_\top \), such that when \(\langle p_\top , v\rangle \) is present in a set of preference labels then this implies that the user specified the “correct” value v. User interaction gracefully embeds in our revised chase as it suffices to add the user provided label \(\langle p_\top , v\rangle \) to the preference labels of relevant cells. The preference level \(p_\top \) will be the maximal level in our partial order.

Example 8

Consider labeled instance \(I_4^\star \) shown in Fig. 3i which is obtained from \(I_3^\star \) by injecting two pieces of information from a user: \(t_2[{\textsf {NPI}}]\) should be 112 and \(t_3[{\textsf {Name}}]\) should be Gregory. This is represented in \(I_4^\star \) by inserting \(\langle p_\top , 112\rangle \) in the preference labels of cell \(c_{20}\) and inserting \(\langle p_\top , \text {Gregory}\rangle \) in the preference labels of \(c_{31}\). Since \(p_\top \) is the most preferred preference level, \(\mathsf {inst}(I_4^\star )\) will carry value 112 (instead \(\ell _2\) in \(\mathsf {inst}(I_3^\star )\)) and Gregory (instead of \(\ell _1\) in \(\mathsf {inst}(I_3^\star )\)) in the corresponding cells. How \(p_\top \) relates to other preference levels is shown in Fig. 4.

In summary, by using labeled instances, preference levels and labels, and revising the chase, we obtain a flexible mechanism of repairing data for sets of egds.

4 The formalization underlying Llunatic

Having informally described the main concepts underlying Llunatic in the previous section, we next formalize labeled instances and how to go from a standard instance to a labeled instance and back (Sect. 4.1), what it means for an egd to be satisfied on a labeled instance (Sect. 4.2) as this is needed to understand the semantics, introduce user-input functions (Sect. 4.3) and finally define when a labeled instance is an upgrade of another labeled instance (Sect. 4.4) as this will enable us to link repairs obtained from our revised chase procedure to the original dirty instance.

4.1 Labeled instances

Given an instance \({\mathbf {I}}\), a labeled instance assigns a set of preference labels to each cell in \({\mathbf {I}}\). Preference labels consist of values taken from \({\textsc {consts}}\) or \({\textsc {nulls}}\) (and \(\textsc {Tids}\) for the \({\textsf {Tid}}\)-attributes), together with preference levels. We model preference levels by values taken from a partially ordered, countable set \(\mathbf{P}\). The partial order on \(\mathbf{P}\) is denoted by \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\) and reflects how different preference levels compare with each other. For two preference levels p and \(p'\) in \(\mathbf{P}\), we denote by \(p\prec _{\mathbf{P}} p'\) if \(p\preceq _{\mathbf{P}} p'\) and \(p'\not \preceq _{\mathbf{P}} p\).

Definition 1

A preference label over \(\mathbf{P}\) is a pair \(\langle p, v\rangle \), where p is a preference level in \(\mathbf{P}\), and v is a value from \({\textsc {consts}}\cup {\textsc {nulls}}\) (and \(\textsc {Tids}\) for the \({\textsf {Tid}}\)-attributes). A labeled instance\({\mathbf {I}}^\star \)over\(\mathbf{P}\) of instance\({\mathbf {I}}\) is a mapping that associates a non-empty finite set of preference labels over \(\mathbf{P}\) with each cellc in \({\mathbf {I}}\), denoted by \({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c)\).

Intuitively, in a labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) all cells in \({\mathbf {I}}\) come equipped with a set of preference labels indicating possible values that can be put in the cells. Instances \(I^\circ \), \(I_1^\star \), \(I_2^\star \), \(I_3^\star \) and \(I_4^\star \) in Fig. 3 are examples of labeled instances over \(\mathbf{P}\), shown in Fig. 4, of instance I given in Fig. 2. As an example, \(I_1^\star (c_{21})=\{\langle p_{11}, \text {Robert}\rangle ,\langle p_{21}, \text {Frank}\rangle \}\).

In the Llunatic framework, everything starts by inspecting the dirty instance \({\mathbf {I}}\) and (i) extracting preference levels \(p_c\) for the values in all cells c in \({\mathbf {I}}\); (ii) extracting partial order information about these preference levels, to form \((\mathbf{P},\preceq _{\mathbf{P}})\); and (iii) creating an initial labeled instance based on this information. In Example 4, we have put arbitrary preference levels \(p_{10}\), \(p_{11}\), \(p_{12}\), \(p_{14}\), \(p_{15}\), \(p_{20}\), \(p_{21}\), \(p_{22}\), \(p_{24}\), \(p_{30}\), \(p_{32}\), \(p_{34}\) in cells for which we have no further information, \(p_{\bot _1}\) and \(p_{\bot _2}\) for cells containing null values, and \(p_{0.1}\), \(p_{0.9}\), \(p_1\) for cells for which confidence information was available. For cells \(c_i^t=\langle i,{\textsf {Tid}}\rangle \), we always assign preference label \(\langle p_{id}, i\rangle \) for some arbitrary fixed preference level \(p_{id}\).

These preference levels relate to each other by \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\) as shown in Fig. 4. We come back to this important initialization phase in more detail in Sect. 4.5. For now, we assume that \((\mathbf{P},\preceq _{\mathbf{P}})\) is given and assume that for each cell c of \({\mathbf {I}}\) we have a preference level \(p_c\in \mathbf{P}\) associated with it. Given this, we can easily associate a labeled instance to a normal instance.

Definition 2

The initial labeled instance\({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) is defined as the labeled instance in which each cell \(c=\langle \text { tid},A_i\rangle \) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) is assigned \(\langle p_c, v\rangle \) where \(v=t_{\text { tid}}[A_i]\), that is, \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ (c)=\{\langle p_c, v\rangle \}\).

The labeled instance \(I^\circ \) depicted in Fig. 3a is obtained from the instance I and \((\mathbf{P},\preceq _{\mathbf{P}})\) shown in Fig. 4.

We also associate a unique (standard) instance to a labeled instance by leveraging the partial order information in the preference labels. More specifically, we associate with a set of preference labels a unique value. Intuitively, this value is the value associated with the “highest” preference level among all preference labels. When no such unique value exists, we assign it a special constant value, which we refer to as a llun. More specifically, we denote by \(\textsc {lluns}= \{ \ell _0,\ell _1, \ell _2,\ldots \}\), an infinite set of constants, disjoint from \({\textsc {consts}}\), \(\textsc {Tids}\) and \({\textsc {nulls}}\). These constants are used to solve conflicts. That is, when the correct value of a cell is currently unknown, we mark it by a llun so that it might be resolved later on into a constant, e.g., by asking for user input. Lluns allow us to always infer a unique value for a set of preference labels.

Definition 3

Given a set of preference labels \({{\mathscr {L}}} = \{\langle p_1, v_1\rangle , \ldots , \langle p_k, v_k\rangle \}\) over \(\mathbf{P}\), the preferred value of \({\mathscr {L}}\), denoted by \({\textit{pval}}({{\mathscr {L}}})\), is obtained as follows. Consider the set M of maximal elements in \({\mathscr {L}}\) according to \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\), i.e., the set of all \(\langle p, v\rangle \in {{\mathscr {L}}}\) such that there exists no \(\langle p', v'\rangle \in {{\mathscr {L}}}\) for which \(p \prec _{\mathbf{P}} p'\) holds. Then:

  1. 1.

    if all preference labels in M have exactly the same value v, then \({\textit{pval}}({{\mathscr {L}}})= v\);

  2. 2.

    otherwise \({\textit{pval}}({{\mathscr {L}}})\) is a fresh llun value in \(\textsc {lluns}\).

For example, for \({{\mathscr {L}}}=\{\langle p_{0.1}, \text {urol}\rangle ,\langle p_{0.9}, \text {surg}\rangle \}\) in \(I_1^\star \) we have that \({\textit{pval}}({{\mathscr {L}}})=\text {surg}\) because \(p_{0.1}\prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{0.9}\). By contrast, for \({{\mathscr {L}}}=\{\langle p_{11}, \text {Robert}\rangle ,\langle p_{21}, \text {Frank}\rangle \}\) in \(I_1^\star \), we have that \({\textit{pval}}({{\mathscr {L}}})=\ell _1\in \textsc {lluns}\) because \(p_{11}\) and \(p_{21}\) are incomparable according to \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\). Moreover, \({\textit{pval}}(\{\langle p_{id}, i\rangle \})\) is always i for cells \(\langle i,{\textsf {Tid}}\rangle \). With this notion in place, we can now assign a unique standard instance to a labeled instance.

Definition 4

Given a labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\), we define the instance associated with\({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) as the standard instance, denoted by \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\), obtained by assigning each cell c in \({\mathbf {I}}\) the value \({\textit{pval}}({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c))\). We note that \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\) consists of relations taking values from \({\textsc {consts}}\cup {\textsc {nulls}}\cup \textsc {lluns}\) (and \(\textsc {Tids}\) for the \({\textsf {Tid}}\)-attributes).

In Fig. 3, we have shown various labeled instances and their associated instances. As a sanity check, we observe that \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\circ )={\mathbf {I}}\). That is, the standard instance associated with the initial labeled instance of \({\mathbf {I}}\) is \({\mathbf {I}}\) itself. This holds because in \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \), every cell is associated with a single preference label and \({\textit{pval}}{\{\langle p, v\rangle \}}=v\) with v the value of the cell in \({\mathbf {I}}\).

4.2 Satisfaction of egds for labeled instances

We next define what it means for a labeled instance to satisfy an egd. We distinguish between variable and constant egds. For variable egds, we simply use the standard notion of satisfaction of first-order logic Footnote 2 on the instance associated with a labeled instance.

Definition 5

Given a variable egd \(e: \phi (\overline{x})\)\(\rightarrow x_i=x_j\), an instance \({\mathbf {I}}\) and a labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\), we say that \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \)satisfiese, denoted \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \models _\ell e\), if \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\models e\).

The motivation behind this definition is as follow. Let \({\mathbf {I}}^\star =(I_1^\star ,\ldots ,I_k^\star )\) be a labeled instance of \({\mathbf {I}}=(I_1,\ldots ,I_k)\), e be a variable egd \(\phi (\bar{x}) \rightarrow x_i=x_j\), and let \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )=(\mathsf {inst}(I_1^\star ),\ldots ,\mathsf {inst}(I_k^\star ))\) be the instance associated with \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \). We next associate cells with homomorphisms and variables of \(\phi (\bar{x})\).

Definition 6

Let h be a homomorphism from \(\phi (\bar{x})\) to \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\) and let x be a variable in \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\). The set of cells associated withxandh, denoted by \(\textit{cells}_h(x)\), is the smallest subset of cells in \(\textit{cells}({\mathbf {I}})\) such that for every atom \(R_i({\bar{s}})\) in \(\phi (x)\), if x occurs at position j in \({\bar{s}}\), then \(\textit{cells}_h(x)\) contains \(\langle { tid},A_j\rangle \) where \({ tid}\) is the tuple identifier of the tuple \(h({\bar{s}})\in \mathsf {inst}(I_i^\star )\) and \(A_j\) is the attribute corresponding to position j in \(R_i\).

If \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\models e\) for a variable egd e, then \(h(x_i)=h(x_j)\) for any homomorphism h from \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\) to \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\). This in turn implies that for any pair of cells c and \(c'\) in \(\textit{cells}_h(x_i)\) and \(\textit{cells}_h(x_j)\), the preferred values of \({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c)\) and \({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c')\) agree, which is precisely what e demands. It is easily verified that the labeled instances \(I_2^\star \), \(I_3^\star \), \(I_4^*\) in Fig. 3 satisfy all variable egds in \(\varSigma \) because their associated instances \(\mathsf {inst}(I_2^\star )\), \(\mathsf {inst}(I_3^\star )\) and \(\mathsf {inst}(I_4^\star )\) do so.

Satisfaction of constant egds is defined differently. Consider a constant egd \(e: \phi (\bar{x}) \rightarrow x=a\). If, as in the variable egd case, \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\models e\) then we also say that \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) satisfies e, denoted by \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \models _\ell e\). We also consider another way for a constant egd to be satisfied, as is explained next. Consider the set of cells \(\textit{cells}_h(x)\). We want to ensure that the set of preference labels in \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) associated with cells in \(\textit{cells}_h(x)\) carry information that the constant a is preferred as described by the constant egd. As previously explained, to this aim we introduce a special authoritative preference level \(p_{\textsf {au}}\) in \(\mathbf{P}\) and preference label \(\langle p_{\textit{au}}, a\rangle \) where a is the constant in the constant egd e.

Definition 7

Given a constant egd \(e: \phi (\overline{x})\)\(\rightarrow x=a\), an instance \({\mathbf {I}}\) and a labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\), we say that \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \)satisfiese, denoted \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \models _\ell e\), if either \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\models e\), or for every homomorphism h from \(\phi (\overline{x})\) to \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\), for every cell \(c\in \textit{cells}_h(x)\), \({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c)\) contains \(\langle p_{\textsf {au}}, a\rangle \).

By positioning \(p_{\textsf {au}}\) in the partial order \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\), the preference of \(p_{\textsf {au}}\) compared with other preference levels can be adjusted. See, for example \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\) in Fig. 4. In this way, when \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \models _\ell e\) holds, the preferred values used to obtain \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\) took into account that a constant egd required certain cells to have a specific constant value, despite that the preferred value of the cell’s preference labels may not agree with constants required by the constant egd.

In Fig. 3, the labeled instance \(I_2^\star \) satisfies the constant egds \(e_7\)\(e_9\) because \(\mathsf {inst}(I_2^\star )\) does so. Furthermore, \(e_5\) and \(e_6\) are satisfied by \(I_2^\star \) because \(I_2^\star (c_{31})=\{\langle p_{\bot _2}, \bot _2\rangle ,\langle p_{\textsf {au}}, \text {Greg}\rangle ,\langle p_{\textsf {au}}, \text {Gregory}\rangle \}\) and hence \(I_2^\star \) has encoded that \(e_5\) tells that the value should be “Greg” and \(e_6\) tells that the value should be “Gregory”. Note, however, that \(\mathsf {inst}(I_2^\star )\) does not satisfy \(e_5\) and \(e_6\) since the conflicting information is resolved by a llun value \(\ell _1\). Similarly, the labeled instances \(I_3^\star \) and \(I_4^\star \) satisfies all constant egds in \(\varSigma \). We note that the labeled instance \(I_1^\star \) does not satisfy \(e_5\).

Given a set \(\varSigma \) of egds, a labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\)satisfies\(\varSigma \), denoted \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \models _\ell \varSigma \), if \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \models _\ell e\) for all \(e\in \varSigma \).

Definition 8

A labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) is clean relative to a set \(\varSigma \) of egds when \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \models _\ell \varSigma \). It is called dirty, otherwise.

From our earlier observations it now follows that \(I_2^\star \), \(I_3^\star \) and \(I_4^\star \) in Fig. 3 are all clean, and \(I^\circ \) and \(I_1^\star \) are dirty.

4.3 User functions

Labeled instances provide an elegant formalism for dealing with user corrections. In Llunatic, we abstract user inputs by seeing the user as an oracle over sets of preference labels. Such an oracle represents the ultimate way to change the preferred value for a cell with a given set of labels.

Definition 9

We call a user-input function a (computable) partial function \(\mathsf {User}\) that takes as input any set of preference labels, \({\mathscr {L}}\), and returns a value \(v \in {\textsc {consts}}\), denoted by \(\mathsf {User}({{\mathscr {L}}})\), to indicate that the clean value of any cell annotated with \({\mathscr {L}}\) is v.

Note that \(\mathsf {User}\) is by definition a partial function, and it may thus be undefined for some sets of labels. User-specified clean values will be encoded by means of special user preference label \(\langle p_{\top }, v\rangle \) and we require, when \(\mathsf {User}({{\mathscr {L}}}) = v\) is defined, that \({{\mathscr {L}}}\) is always extended with \(\langle p_{\top }, v\rangle \).

Definition 10

A labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^*\) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) is said to be user-corrected according to \(\mathsf {User}\) if there exists no cell \(c\in \textit{cells}({\mathbf {I}})\) such that for some \(v\in {\textsc {consts}}\), \(\mathsf {User}({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c)) = v\) but \(\langle p_{\top }, v\rangle \not \in {\mathbf {I}}^\star (c)\).

Similarly to the level \(p_{\textsf {au}}\), we can adjust the preference of \(p_{\top }\) compared with other preference values in \(\mathbf{P}\) by positioning \(p_{\top }\) in the partial order \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\) of \(\mathbf{P}\). See, for example \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\) in Fig. 4. It is now easy to see that the labeled instance \(I_4^\star \) in Fig. 3 is user-corrected according to the user-input function given by \(\mathsf {User}(\{\langle p_{20}, 111\rangle ,\langle p_\times , \times \rangle \})=112\), \(\mathsf {User}(\{\langle p_{\bot _2}, \bot _2\rangle ,\langle p_{\textsf {au}}, \text {Greg}\rangle ,\langle p_{\textsf {au}}, \text {Gregory}\rangle \})=\text {Gregory}\).

4.4 Upgrades and repairs

Given a dirty instance \({\mathbf {I}}\), a set \(\varSigma \) of egds and a user-input function \(\mathsf {User}\), we will consider labeled instances \({\mathbf {I}}^*\) that are (i) clean relative to \(\varSigma \); and (ii) user-corrected according to \(\mathsf {User}\). What is missing from the picture is how such labeled instances \({\mathbf {I}}^*\) are related to \({\mathbf {I}}\). We formalize this using the notion of upgrade.

We start from \({\mathbf {I}}\), consider the initial labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) and now want to assess whether a labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) is of better “quality” than \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \). More generally, we want to compare two labeled instances in terms of the information stored in their preference labels. Intuitively, a set of preference labels is of higher quality than another set of preference labels when it contains at least the same preference labels. This lifts to labeled instances in a natural way.

Definition 11

Given labeled instances \({\mathbf {I}}_1^\star \) and \({\mathbf {I}}_2^\star \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\), we say that \({\mathbf {I}}_1^\star \)upgrades\({\mathbf {I}}_2^\star \), denoted by \({\mathbf {I}}_2^\star \preceq {\mathbf {I}}_1^\star \), if for each cell c of \({\mathbf {I}}\), it is the case that the set of labels of cell c in \({\mathbf {I}}_1^\star \) contains the set of labels of c in \({\mathbf {I}}_2^\star \), i.e., \({\mathbf {I}}_2^\star (c) \subseteq {\mathbf {I}}_1^\star (c)\). We say that \({\mathbf {I}}_1^\star \)strictly upgrades\({\mathbf {I}}_2^\star \), denoted by \({\mathbf {I}}_2^\star \prec {\mathbf {I}}_2^\star \), if \({\mathbf {I}}_2^\star \preceq {\mathbf {I}}_1^\star \) and \({\mathbf {I}}_1^\star \not \preceq {\mathbf {I}}_2^\star \).

Indeed, upgrades capture our intended semantics in that values are replaced by more preferred values. Intuitively, whenever instance \({\mathbf {I}}_1^\star \) upgrades \({\mathbf {I}}_2^\star \), then, for each cell c of \({\mathbf {I}}\), it must be the case that the value assigned to c in \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}_1^\star )\) is more (or equally) preferred over the corresponding value assigned in \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}_2^\star )\).

Definition 12

A labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) is said to upgrade instance\({\mathbf {I}}\) if it upgrades the initial labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) of \({\mathbf {I}}\), i.e., \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \preceq {\mathbf {I}}^\star \). Similarly, if \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \prec {\mathbf {I}}^\star \) holds, then the labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) is said to be a strict upgrade of \({\mathbf {I}}\).

In Fig. 3, we see by simply checking containment of the sets of preference labels in cells that \(I^\circ \prec I_1^\star \prec I_2^\star \) and \(I^\circ \prec I_3^\star \prec I_4^\star \). We note, however, that \(I_1^\star \) and \(I_3^\star \) are incomparable. We are now finally ready to define what we mean by a repair.

Definition 13

A repair\({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) is a labeled instance over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) which is (i) clean relative to \(\varSigma \); (ii) user-corrected according to \(\mathsf {User}\); and (iii) is an upgrade of \({\mathbf {I}}\). Moreover, \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) is a minimal repair if any other repair \({\mathbf {K}}^\star \) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) satisfies \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \preceq {\mathbf {K}}^\star \).

In Fig. 3, only the labeled instance \(I_4^\star \) is a repair of I for the egds in \(\varSigma \) and user-input function \(\mathsf {User}\) given earlier.

The computational challenge is now to compute such repairs. We do this by means of a revised chase procedure on labeled instances. Before explaining the Llunatic chase, we provide some more information on how to extract the initial labeled instance from a dirty instance, as this initial labeled instance is the starting point of the chase.

4.5 Partial order specification

From the discussion so far, it should be clear that the preference levels and preference labels in the initial labeled instance are fixed up front and are used later on to select the preferred value from a set of preference labels. Although any partially ordered set \((\mathbf{P},\preceq _{\mathbf{P}})\) could be used (as long as it supports \(p_\times \), \(p_{\textsf {au}}\) and \(p_\top \)), in practical settings we assume that \((\mathbf{P},\preceq _{\mathbf{P}})\) is structured as in Fig. 4. More precisely, we assume that \(\mathbf{P}\):

  • Contains a null preference level \(p_{\bot _i}\) for each null value \(\bot _i\) in \({\textsc {nulls}}\), such that \(p_{\bot _0}\prec _{\mathbf{P}}p_{\bot _1}\prec _{\mathbf{P}}p_{\bot _2}\prec _{\mathbf{P}}\cdots \), and furthermore \(p_{\bot _i}\prec _{\mathbf{P}} p\) for any other \(p\in {\mathbf{P}}\setminus \{p_{\times }\}\);

  • Is such that for any \(p \in {\mathbf{P}}\setminus \{p_{\textsf {au}}, p_{\top }\}\), \(p \prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{\textsf {au}}\), i.e., the authoritative preference level is higher than any other preference level, except for the user preference level \(p_\top \);

  • For any \(p\in {\mathbf{P}}\setminus \{p_{\textsf {au}},p_\top \}\), p is incomparable with the invalid preference level \(p_\times \); and

  • for any \(p \in {\mathbf{P}} \setminus \{p_{\top }\}\), \(p \prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{\top }\), i.e., the user preference level trumps any other preference level.

This ensures that the preference levels \(p_{\bot _i}\), \(p_\times \), \(p_{\mathsf {au}}\) and \(p_\top \) have the desired effect when present in a set of preference labels. We also assume \(p_{\bot _i}\) only to be present in the preference label \(\langle p_{\bot _i}, \bot _i\rangle \) and \(p_\times \) in \(\langle p_\times , \times \rangle \).

We next describe how a user can create the initial labeled instance. More precisely, in the initial labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\), one initalizes

  • For any cell \(c=\langle { tid}, A_i\rangle \) in \({\mathbf {I}}\) such that \(t_{ tid}[A_i]=\bot _j\):

    $$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {I}}^\circ (c):=\{\langle p_{\bot _j}, \bot _j\rangle \}, \end{aligned}$$
  • And for all other cells \(c=\langle { tid}, A_i\rangle \) in \({\mathbf {I}}\) such that \(t_{ tid}[A_i]=v\in {\textsc {consts}}\):

    $$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {I}}^\circ (c):=\{\langle p_c, v\rangle \}, \end{aligned}$$

    where \(p_c\in {\mathbf{P}}\setminus \{p_{\bot _i}, p_\times , p_{\mathsf {au}},p_\top \}\). Further inspection of the data is needed to select these preference levels \(p_c\) and fixing their relationship in the partial order.

To better understand what we mean here, just recall how cells \(c_{13}\) and \(c_{23}\) in I in our running example were labeled in \(I^\circ \) by preference labels \(\langle p_{0.9}, \text {surg}\rangle \) and \(\langle p_{0.1}, \text {urol}\rangle \), respectively, such that \(p_{0.1}\prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{0.9}\), based on the confidence information stored in the \({\textsf {Conf}}\) attribute. Hence, when later on a conflict between “surg” and “urol” needed to be resolved, “surg” will be the most preferred value and be used to resolve the conflict. In principle there is no restriction on how the preference levels \(p_c\) relate to each other; however, we next describe a practical way of extracting partial order information on preference levels \(p_c\) associated with the constant values in cells in \({\mathbf {I}}\).

We propose the use of ordering attributes. An ordering attributeA in \({\mathscr {R}}\) is such that tuples t in instances \({\mathbf {I}}\) of \({\mathscr {R}}\) have values t[A] coming from a domain equipped with a natural partial order. For example, \({\textsf {Conf}}\) is an ordering attribute over the rational numbers. Other examples are timestamp attributes, or other numerical attributes. We then define a partial order specification as a partial function from the set of attributes in \({\mathscr {R}}\) to the set of ordering attributes in \({\mathscr {R}}\). For example, in our running example maps attribute \({\textsf {Spec}}\) to \({\textsf {Conf}}\) in relation D. Although \({\textsf {Spec}}\) by itself is not an ordering attribute, the partial order specification can now be used to extract partial order information on preference levels in \(\mathbf{P}\) for cells related to \({\textsf {Spec}}\).

In general, consider an instance \({\mathbf {I}}\) of \({\mathscr {R}}\) and cells \(c_1=\langle { tid}_1, A\rangle \) and \(c_2=\langle { tid}_2, A\rangle \) in \({\mathbf {I}}\). Let \(p_{c_1}\) and \(p_{c_2}\) be two new preference levels in \(\mathbf{P}\) used to create the initial instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \). That is, in the initial labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) we have that \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ (c_1)=\{\langle p_{c_1}, t_{{ tid}_1}[A]\rangle \}\) and \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ (c_2)=\{\langle p_{c_2}, t_{{ tid}_2}[A]\rangle \}\). We then define

That is, we order \(p_{c_1}\) and \(p_{c_2}\) in \(\preceq _{\mathbf{P}}\) in accordance to the (ordered) attribute values and (recall that \(c_1\) and \(c_2\) are cells in the A attribute in \({\mathbf {I}}\).)

In this way, we can use temporal information (e.g., timestamps) to give certain cell values higher preference in \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) based on their date of creation. We can also add an ordering attribute as part of a preprocessing step which records the frequency of values in another attribute. In \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) we then give more preference to frequent values. We tie the use of partial order specifications to other repairing methods in Sect. 7. We emphasize that this is only one of the possible ways of specifying the desired partial order, and by no means it is the most general. Yet, we believe that it represents a good compromise between simplicity and expressiveness.

5 The Llunatic chase

As anticipated, we now revise the standard chase procedure such that it works on labeled instances and generates repairs according to Definition 13. Intuitively, starting from the initial labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\), in each step of the chase we generate an upgrade by either merging sets of preference labels or extending sets of preference labels. By contrast to the standard chase, the revised chase produces a chase tree, i.e., a tree in which each branch corresponds to a different chase sequence. To guarantee that the chase ends after a finite number of steps, we do impose a restriction on the labeled instances (upgrades) that can be generated by the chase. More precisely, for a given set \({{\mathscr {L}}}\) of preference labels, the set of all cells having \({{\mathscr {L}}}\) as their set of preference labels in a labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \), is referred to as the cell group of\({{\mathscr {L}}}\)in\({\mathbf {I}}^\star \). We will change all cells in the same cell group in the same way. For example, in an initial labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) all cells having \(\langle p_{\bot _i}, \bot _i\rangle \) as their preference label will be in the same cell group. We have remarked earlier that these should indeed be changed in the same way, in accordance with the standard chase. As another example, when the chase merges two sets of preference labels, for example in cells \(c_{11}\) and \(c_{12}\) in \(I_1^\star \) in Fig. 3, this implies that these two cells should carry the same preferred value. By putting these cells in the same cell group, we guarantee that this is preserved during further chase steps. Typically, cells will belong to the same cell group if a previous application of an egd required the two cells to carry the same information. We next detail the chase steps (Sect. 5.1) and then describe the result of chase and some of its properties (Sect. 5.2). How a user interacts with the chase (and Llunatic in general) is explained in Sect. 5.3.

5.1 Chase steps

Let \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) be a labeled instance over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) and consider the corresponding instance \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\). Let \(e:\phi ({\bar{x}})\rightarrow x_i=x_j\) or \(e:\phi ({\bar{x}})\rightarrow x=a\) be a variable or constant egd, respectively. Let h be a homomorphism from \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\) to \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\). We associate, similar to Definition 6, cells with variables and constants in \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\). A more fine-grained association is needed for the backward chase step (see below) since we have to be able to distinguish between cells corresponding to different occurrences of the same variable in \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\) and also need to identify cells corresponding to constants in \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\).

Definition 14

Consider a homomorphism h from \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\) to \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )=(\mathsf {inst}(I_1^\star ),\ldots ,\mathsf {inst}(I_k^\star ))\). Let \(F=R_i({\bar{s}})=R_i({ tid},s_1,\ldots ,s_{n_i})\) be an atom in \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\) and let \(j\in [1,n_i+1]\). We define the cell associated withh, atomFand positionj, denoted by \(\textit{cell}_h(F,j)\), as the (single) cell \(\langle { tid}, A_j\rangle \), where \({ tid}\) is the tuple identifier of the tuple \(h({\bar{s}})\in \mathsf {inst}(I_i^\star )\) and \(A_j\) is the attribute name of position j in \(R_i\).

We remark that \(\textit{cells}_h(x)\) (cfr. Definition 6) is just the union of \(\textit{cell}_h(F,j)\) where F and j range over all atoms F in \(\phi (x)\) containing x at a position j. We further expand \(\textit{cell}_h(F,j)\) by the cells in its cell group, i.e., we define

$$\begin{aligned} \overline{\textit{cell}}_h(F,j):= \{c'\in \textit{cells}(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star ))\mid {\mathbf {I}}^\star (c')= {\mathbf {I}}^\star (\textit{cell}_h(F,j))\}. \end{aligned}$$

Intuitively, \(\overline{\textit{cell}}_h(F,j)\) contains all cells that need to be changed in the same way as \(\textit{cell}_h(F,j)\) during the chase, as remarked earlier. The value to which all cells in \(\overline{\textit{cell}}_h(F,j)\) need to be changed is determined by \({\mathbf {I}}^\star (\textit{cell}_h(F,j))\).

We can lift these definitions to variables x in \(\phi (x)\) in a natural way. More precisely, \(\overline{\textit{cells}}_h(x)\) is the union of all \(\overline{\textit{cell}}_h(F,j)\) where, as before, F and j range over all atoms F in \(\phi (x)\) containing x at position j. The value to which all cells in \(\overline{\textit{cells}}_h(x)\) need to be changed is determined by the union of the set of preference labels associated to cells in \(\overline{\textit{cells}}_h(x)\). We denote this union by \({{\mathscr {L}}}_h(x)\) which is the union of \({\mathbf {I}}^\star (\textit{cell}_h(F,j))\) where F and j range over all atoms F in \(\phi (x)\) containing x at position j.

Then, when e is a variable egd, we say that ecan be applied to\({\mathbf {I}}^\star \)with homomorphismh when \(h(x_i)\ne h(x_j)\). When e is a constant egd, we say that ecan be applied to\({\mathbf {I}}^\star \)with homomorphismh when either \(h(x)\ne a\) or when \(\langle p_{\textsf {au}}, a\rangle \) is not part of \({{\mathscr {L}}}_h(x)\). These conditions basically check whether \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \not \models _\ell e\) (cfr. Sect. 4.2). We now define the result of applyingeon\({\mathbf {I}}^\star \)with homomorphismh as a new labeled instance \({\mathbf {J}}^\star \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) defined as follows.

Forward chase step variable egd In this case, \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) and \({\mathbf {J}}^\star \) agree on all cells in \({\mathbf {I}}\) except for those corresponding to \(\overline{\textit{cells}}_h(x_i)\) and \(\overline{\textit{cells}}_h(x_j)\). More precisely, for all cells \(c\in \overline{\textit{cells}}_h(x_i)\cup \overline{\textit{cells}}_h(x_j)\) we define

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {J}}^\star (c):={{\mathscr {L}}}_h(x_i)\cup {{\mathscr {L}}}_h(x_j). \end{aligned}$$

In other words, we merge all sets of preference labels of cells related to \(h(x_i)\) and \(h(x_j)\).

Forward chase step constant egd In this case, \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) and \({\mathbf {J}}^\star \) agree on all cells in \({\mathbf {I}}\) except for those corresponding to \(\overline{\textit{cells}}_h(x)\). More precisely, for all cells \(c\in \overline{\textit{cells}}_h(x)\) we define

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {J}}^\star (c):={{\mathscr {L}}}_h(x)\cup \{\langle p_{\textsf {au}}, a\rangle \}. \end{aligned}$$

In both cases, we write \({\mathbf {I}}^\star {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e,h}} {\mathbf {J}}^\star \). It is readily verified that there exist homomorphisms \(h_1\), \(h_2\), \(h_3\) such that \(I^\circ {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e_1,h_1}} J_1^\star {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e_3,h_2}} J_2^\star {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e_4,h_3}} I_1^\star \) for the labeled instances \(I^\circ \) and \(I_1^\star \) and variable egds in \(\varSigma \) given in Fig. 3. Furthermore, there exist homomorphisms \(h_4\) and \(h_5\) such that \(I_1^\star {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e_5,h_4}} J_3^\star {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e_6,h_5}} I_2^\star \) for \(I_2^\star \) and constant egds in \(\varSigma \) in Fig. 3.

Backward chase step egd We want to create a labeled instance \({\mathbf {J}}^\star \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) such that, when e is applicable to \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) with a homomorphism h from \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\) to \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\), then h is not a homomorphism anymore from \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\) to \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {J}}^\star )\).

We distinguish between the following two cases, depending on whether we “disable” a constant or an equality between variables in \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\). Let \(F=R_i({\bar{s}})=R_i({ tid},s_1,\ldots ,s_{n_i})\) be an atom in \(\phi (x)\). Suppose that \(j\in [1,n_i]\) is such that \(s_j\in {\textsc {consts}}\). Then, we first check whether \({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c)\) does contain authoritative preference labels for \(c\in \overline{cell}_h(F,j)\). If so, we do not perform a backward chase step since we do not want to invalidate such information. Otherwise, we ensure that \({\mathbf {J}}^\star (c)\), for all \(c\in \overline{cell}_h(F,j)\), contains the invalid preference label \(\langle p_{\times }, \times \rangle \). In other words, for such cells c, \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {J}}^\star )\) will not hold constant value \(s_j\) anymore, ensuring that \(h({\bar{s}})\not \in \mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {J}}^\star )\). More precisely, we create a new labeled instance \({\mathbf {J}}^\star \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) which agrees with \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) on all cells in \({\mathbf {I}}\) except for those in \(\overline{cell}_h(F,j)\). For cells c in \(\overline{cell}_h(F,j)\) we define

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {J}}^\star (c):={\mathbf {I}}^\star (c)\cup \{\langle p_{\times }, \times \rangle \}, \end{aligned}$$

as just explained.

For the second case, let x be a variable in \(\phi (x)\) that occurs multiple times in \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\). If no such variable exists, then this case does not apply. Consider relational atoms \(F=R_i({\bar{s}})\) and \(F'=R_j({\bar{s}}')\) in \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\) and assume that \(s_\ell =x\) and \(s_{\ell '}'=x\). When \(F=F'\), then we must have that \(\ell \ne \ell '\).

Let h be a homomorphism from \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\) to \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}^\star )\) and consider \(c=\textit{cell}_h(F,\ell )\) and \(c'=\textit{cell}_h(F',\ell )\). We only backward chase when \({\textit{pval}}({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c))={\textit{pval}}({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c'))\) is a constant, \(I^\star (c)\ne I^\star (c')\) and, as above, no authoritative preference labels are present in \(I^\star (c)\) and \(I^\star (c')\). Here, the second condition implies that \(\overline{\textit{cell}}_h(F,\ell )\) and \(\overline{\textit{cell}}_h(F',\ell ')\) are disjoint. We then create a new labeled instance \({\mathbf {J}}^\star \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) which agrees with \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) on all cells in \({\mathbf {I}}\) except for those in either \(\overline{\textit{cell}}_h(F,\ell )\) or \(\overline{\textit{cell}}_h(F',\ell ')\). In one of those sets of cells, we will add to all cells the invalid preference label \(\langle p_\times , \times \rangle \) to their set of preference labels. As a consequence, the two variable occurrences will be mapped to different values in \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {J}}^\star )\) hereby disabling the application of e.

More precisely, say that we pick \(\overline{\textit{cell}}_h(F,\ell )\). Then for all \(c\in \overline{\textit{cell}}_h(F,\ell )\) we define

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {J}}^\star (c)={\mathbf {I}}^\star (c)\cup \{\langle p_{\times }, \times \rangle \}. \end{aligned}$$

The reason to restrict the application of backward chase steps when \({\textit{pval}}({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c))={\textit{pval}}({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c'))\) is a constant is that we feel that invalidating a null or a llun does not make sense semantically. (Of course, in general one may allow this.)

In both cases (disable constant, disable equality), we write \({\mathbf {I}}^\star {\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{e,h,F,\ell }} {\mathbf {J}}^\star \) indicating which atom (F) and position (j) in \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\) we invalidate.

As an example, consider variable egd \(e_1: D({ tid},\textit{npi},\textit{nm},\textit{sur},\textit{spec},\textit{hosp})\wedge D({ tid}',\textit{npi},\textit{nm}',\textit{sur}',\textit{spec}',\textit{hosp}')\rightarrow {} \textit{nm}=\textit{nm}'\). Both these atoms, let us denote them by F and \(F'\), have variable \(\textit{npi}\) at position 2. It is now readily verified that there exist homomorphisms \(h_1\), \(h_2\), \(h_3\) and \(h_4\) such that \(I^\circ {\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{e_1,h_1,F,2}} J_1^\star {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e_5,h_2}} J_2^\star {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e_6,h_3}} J_3^\star {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e_9,h_4}} I_3^\star \) for \(I_3^\star \) and egds in \(\varSigma \) in Fig. 3.

User chase step When a user-input function \(\mathsf {User}\) is given, we say that this function is applicable on\({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) when there are cells c such that \(\mathsf {User}({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c))=v\) is defined. In this case, we create a new labeled instance \({\mathbf {J}}^\star \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) which agrees with \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) on all cells in \({\mathbf {I}}\) except for those cells c in which \(\mathsf {User}({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c))\) is defined. More precisely, for all such cells c we define

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {J}}^\star (c):={\mathbf {I}}^\star (c)\cup \{\langle p_{\top }, \mathsf {User}({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c))\rangle \}. \end{aligned}$$

In other words, we add \(\mathsf {User}({\mathbf {I}}^\star (c))=v\) together with the user preference level \(p_\top \) to the set of preference labels. Note that this step changes all cells in the same cell group in the same way. Indeed, cells in a cell group have the same set of preference labels. We write \({\mathbf {I}}^\star {\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\mathsf {User},{{\mathscr {L}}}}} {\mathbf {J}}^\star \) where \({{\mathscr {L}}}={\mathbf {I}}^\star (c)\) for which this chase step is applied. As an example, we have that \(I_3^\star {\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\mathsf {User},{{\mathscr {L}}}_1}} J_1^\star {\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\mathsf {User},{{\mathscr {L}}}_2}} I_4^\star \) for \(I_4^\star \) shown in Fig. 3, where \({{\mathscr {L}}}_1=\{\langle p_{20}, 111\rangle ,\langle p_\times , \times \rangle \}\), \({{\mathscr {L}}}_2=\{\langle p_{\bot _2}, \bot _2\rangle ,\langle p_{\textsf {au}}, \text {Greg}\rangle , \langle p_{\textsf {au}}, \text {Gregory}\rangle \}\), and \(\mathsf {User}\) is the user-input function given earlier.

5.2 The Llunatic chase and its properties

Given a set \(\varSigma \) of egds, constant or variable, a user-input function \(\mathsf {User}\) and a labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\), a chase sequence of\({\mathbf {I}}^\star \)with\(\varSigma \)and\(\mathsf {User}\) is a sequence of labeled instances \({\mathbf {I}}_i^\star \) with \(i=0,1,\ldots \), such that \({\mathbf {I}}_0^\star ={\mathbf {I}}^\star \) and for every i, either \({\mathbf {I}}_i^\star {\mathop {\rightarrow }\limits ^{e,h}} {\mathbf {I}}_{i+1}^\star \) (forward step), \({\mathbf {I}}_i^\star {\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{e,h,F,j}} {\mathbf {I}}_{i+1}^\star \) (backward step), or \({\mathbf {I}}_i^\star {\mathop {\longrightarrow }\limits ^{\mathsf {User},{{\mathscr {L}}}_i}} {\mathbf {I}}_{i+1}^\star \) (user step). The chase tree\({\mathbf {I}}^\star \)with\(\varSigma \)and\(\mathsf {User}\), denoted by \({\textsf {chase}}_{\varSigma , \mathsf {User}}({\mathbf {I}}^*)\), is a tree whose root is \({\mathbf {I}}^*\) and all branches correspond to finite chase sequences of \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) with \(\varSigma \) and \(\mathsf {User}\) such that no further chase steps can be applied to the last labeled instance in the sequence. We note that our chase steps never return failure\(\lightning \).

We next show that every branch in the chase is a finite chase sequence and that the leaves of the chase are repairs.

Theorem 1

Given a labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\), a set \(\varSigma \) of egds and user-input function \(\mathsf {User}\). Then, every chase sequence in \({\textsf {chase}}_{\varSigma , \mathsf {User}}({\mathbf {I}}^*)\) is finite and furthermore, every labeled instance in a leaf of \({\textsf {chase}}_{\varSigma , \mathsf {User}}({\mathbf {I}}^*)\) is a repair of \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \).


To show that every chase sequence in \({\textsf {chase}}_{\varSigma , \mathsf {User}}({\mathbf {I}}^*)\) is finite, it suffices to observe that every chase step, whether it is a forward, a backward or a user chase step, either strictly increases the size of cell groups (cells that carry the same set of preference labels), or strictly increases the size of sets of preference labels. There is clearly an upper bound on how many times cell groups can be expanded as in the worst case all cells in an instance belong to the same cell group. Similarly, since \(\varSigma \) contains a finite number of constant egds, the number of times the corresponding authoritative preference level can be added is bounded. The same holds for the invalid preference level and user preference level. Hence every chase sequence is bounded in length. From the definition of chase steps, it is clear that when no further chase steps can be executed on a labeled instance, it satisfies all egds in \(\varSigma \) and is user-corrected according to \(\mathsf {User}\). Furthermore, by definition, a chase step from a labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}_i^\star \) to a labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}_{i+1}^\star \) ensures that \({\mathbf {I}}_{i+1}^\star \) is an upgrade of \({\mathbf {I}}_i^\star \). Hence, every leaf in \({\textsf {chase}}_{\varSigma , \mathsf {User}}({\mathbf {I}}^*)\) is a repair of \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \). \(\square \)

In Llunatic, we will of course apply the chase on the initial labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) of a dirty instance \({\mathbf {I}}\). As an example, \(I_4^\star \) in Fig. 3 is a repair generated by \({\textsf {chase}}_{\varSigma , \mathsf {User}}(I^\circ )\). We return both \(I_4^\star \) and its corresponding instance \(\mathsf {inst}(I_4^\star )\) to the user.

Furthermore, some properties of the standard chase carry over to our revised chase.

Theorem 2

Given an initial labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\), a set \(\varSigma \) of egds and user-input function \(\mathsf {User}\), we have that:

  • The number of repairs (leaves) in \({\textsf {chase}}_{\varSigma , \mathsf {User}}({\mathbf {I}}^\circ )\) is at most exponential in the size \(|{\mathbf {I}}|\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\); and

  • every chase sequence in \({\textsf {chase}}_{\varSigma , \mathsf {User}}({\mathbf {I}}^\circ )\) is of length polynomial in the size \(|{\mathbf {I}}|\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\),

where \(|{\mathbf {I}}|\) is the number of tuples in \({\mathbf {I}}\) and where, as usual, we consider the schema, the set of constraints and user-input function to be fixed (data complexity).


Repairs are obtained from \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) by expanding the set of preference labels associated with cells in \({\mathbf {I}}\). For each cell, the possible set of preference labels is bounded by the constants appearing in \({\mathbf {I}}\) and preference levels in \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) (together with the special levels \(p_\times \), \(p_{\textsf {au}}\) and \(p_\top \)). Hence, there are most \(2^{{{\mathscr {O}}}(|{\mathbf {I}}|)}\) different sets of preference labels and since the number of cells is bounded by \({{\mathscr {O}}}(|{\mathbf {I}}|)\) (recall the schema is fixed), we have at most \(2^{{{\mathscr {O}}}(|{\mathbf {I}}|)}\) possible labeled instances over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\) which upgrade \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \). Consequently, there are at most an exponential number (in \(|{\mathbf {I}}|\)) leaves in \({\textsf {chase}}_{\varSigma , \mathsf {User}}({\mathbf {I}}^\circ )\).

To see that every chase sequence in \({\textsf {chase}}_{\varSigma , \mathsf {User}}({\mathbf {I}}^\circ )\) is of length polynomial in the size \(|{\mathbf {I}}|\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\), we have seen in the proof of the previous theorem that each step either strictly increases the size of cell groups (cells that carry the same set of preference labels), or strictly increases the size of sets of preference labels. One can now associate an integer-valued function f to labeled instances based on the size of cell groups and sizes of sets of preference labels such that \(f({\mathbf {J}}_1)<f({\mathbf {J}}_2)\) when \({\mathbf {J}}_2\) is the result of a chase step on \({\mathbf {J}}_1\). It suffices now to observe that f is bounded by \({{\mathscr {O}}}(|{\mathbf {I}}|)\) on every upgrade generated in a chase sequence in \({\textsf {chase}}_{\varSigma , \mathsf {User}}({\mathbf {I}}^\circ )\). Hence, such a chase sequence must of length bounded by \({{\mathscr {O}}}(|{\mathbf {I}}|)\). \(\square \)

We conclude this section by observing that the Llunatic chase can be seen as a conservative extension of the standard chase. Indeed, we instantiate \(\mathbf{P}\) by preference levels for nulls and assign a unique preference level for each cell carrying a constant value in \({\mathbf {I}}\). We relate these to the null preference levels as before. By redefining \({\textit{pval}}({{\mathscr {L}}})\) such that it returns \(\lightning \) (instead of a llun) when no single preferred value can be obtained from \({{\mathscr {L}}}\), then it is readily verified that the Llunatic chase on \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) coincides with the standard chase when no backward chase steps are performed.

5.3 Llunatic in action

We next illustrate how a user would interact with the chase while repairing data with our Llunatic open-source data repairing system.Footnote 3Llunatic has been developed in Java on top of PostgreSQL as DBMS and its GUI is depicted in Fig. 5. First of all, the data can browsed to inspect the data, as illustrated in frame (1) for an example database exposed as a standard instance. A partial order specification can then be specified by simply selecting columns as shown in frame (2). In that frame, maps attribute \({\textsf {phone}}\) to an attribute \({\textsf {cfphone}}\) holding confidence information and attribute \({\textsf {salary}}\) to an attribute \({\textsf {date}}\) holding timestamps. The constraints (egds) can either be declaratively specified, but the system also provides a graphical user interface for this task, as reported in frame (3). The example shows a functional dependency (“fd3”) that enforces equality on attribute \({\textsf {cc}}\). In addition, users may specify configuration options, such as the cost manager which we introduce later in the paper (Sect. 6.2).

Then, Llunatic has all information to create the initial labeled instance and compute a set of repairs. To do this, it generates a chase tree, reported in frame (4). Leaves in the chase tree are repairs that can be inspected by users to analyze the modifications to the original instance, as shown in frame (5). In the figure, we highlight the intermediate node (labeled “I”) after chasing with “fd3” in a branch of the tree; the following chase steps enforce other possible egds. In the corresponding upgrade, credit card (\({\textsf {cc}}\)) values “781-658” and “784-659” have been updated with a llun to satisfy “fd3”.

As Llunatic models upgrades by means of labeled instances and changes cells in cell groups in the same way, it is possible to retrieve cell groups and their labels, as illustrated in frame (6). In the example, we see how, as attribute \({\textsf {cc}}\) has no ordering attribute associated, Llunatic does not make an arbitrary choice and rather marks the conflict with a llun. In general, a user can analyze the cell group and labels associated to a llun and the dependency at hand to manually intervene and provide values with the user preference level. In the example, we show the details for the cell group of the chase step involving constraint “fd3” with the resulting llun “L202”. We pick up the corresponding node in the chase tree (frame (4)), consult its history in terms of changes to the original database, as described by the labels, inspect the lluns that have been introduced (frame (5)), and analyze the associated cell groups and labels (frame (6)). Based on this, we can now take an informed decision in order to update the llun with the appropriate constant (provided by the user) or discard unwanted repairs. If we make a change, i.e., if a user chase step is applied, we are updating the preference level for the labeled instance. We then rerun the chase for the branch at hand, this time with the user-input function, and we will get a different repair.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Llunatic GUI

In another frame, which is not reported in the figure, we allow users to rank the alternative repairs according to the number of lluns contained in the final instance. We argue that the chase tree, lluns, and cell groups and their labels provide an effective source of information to support users in exploring and refining alternative repairs.

6 Implementing the chase

The computation of the chase tree of all chase sequences of \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) with \(\varSigma \) and \(\mathsf {User}\), i.e., \({\textsf {chase}}_{\varSigma , \mathsf {User}}({\mathbf {I}}^\circ )\), is the core algorithmic component in Llunatic. In this section, we describe some underlying internal optimizations and an external mechanism, called the cost manager, to control the chase in a fine-grained manner.

To accommodate for large datasets, Llunatic is built around a disk-based chase engine. The chase logic is controlled by a Java program that handles the heuristic decisions we describe next, such as when to go forward or backward, the computation of value similarity, and caching strategies. Disk support, essential for scalability, is provided by exploiting a DBMS for data access. This is a natural choice for our setting, as a DBMS is faster and exposes data operations closer to our needs than the OS file system.

6.1 Chasing on top of a DBMS

Due to space limitations, we only provide a high-level description of some internal implementation choices.

Storing the delta’s It is clearly infeasible to materialize the entire chase tree since each of its nodes corresponds to an upgrade, i.e., a labeled instance obtained by a chase step, and we may have exponentially many repairs. In Llunatic, we therefore only store the changes (the “delta’s”) made after each chase step, i.e., how the preference labels in a labeled instance are changed in each step. We use a relational representation in which changes to the labeled instance made in one chase step are grouped together by means of the same value for a special \({\textsf {StepId}}\)-attribute. We store strings in \({\textsf {StepId}}\) which uniquely identify nodes in the chase tree and such that ancestor nodes are identified by prefixes of those strings. By means of SQL queries we can check easily for violations of the egds and user-input function, and for each set of violating tuples (i.e., for homomorphisms that make egds applicable), we add the changes as determined by the chase steps to the preference labels of the cells involved.

Caching of cell groups In Sect. 5, we explained how the chase changes together all cells in the same cell group. Speeding up the identification and management of the cell groups involved at each step is crucial for performance. We therefore introduce three caching strategies for cell groups: (i) the lazy strategy, in which a cell group is first searched in the cache; in case it is missing, it is loaded from the database and stored in the cache; (ii) the greedy strategy in which the first time a cell group for a chase step s is requested, we load into the cache all cell groups involved in step s with a SQL query; and (iii) the single-step strategy, that caches cell groups for a single step at a time. Similarly to greedy, we keep cell groups for chase step s in the cache, but, whenever a cell group for a different step \(s'\) is requested, we clean the cache and load all cell groups for \(s'\). We will show in our experiments that the last strategy performs best, as the first two tend to keep in memory cell groups that are not immediately reused.

Equivalence class-based chase We limit the number of nodes (upgrades) generated by grouping together different homomorphismsh that make an egd \(e:\phi ({\bar{x}})\rightarrow x_i=x_j\) (or \(e:\varphi ({\bar{x}})\rightarrow x=a\)) applicable, as follows. Let \({\mathbf {I}}_s^\star \) be the labeled instance obtained in step s of the chase. Let h and \(h'\) be two different homomorphisms of \(\phi ({\bar{x}})\) into \(\mathsf {inst}({\mathbf {I}}_s^\star )\) such that e is applicable to \({\mathbf {I}}_s^\star \) with h and \(h'\). We then say that h and \(h'\) are compatible if h and \(h'\) agree on all occurrences of variables x that occur more than once in \(\phi (x)\). Intuitively, this implies that the chase steps for h and \(h'\) can be combined. The compatibility relation induces an equivalence relation of homomorphisms and we perform a single chase step for each equivalence class of homomorphisms.

Example 9

Consider the schema \(R({\textsf {Tid}},A,B,C)\) and the following labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\star \) over \((\mathbf{P},\preceq _{\mathbf{P}})\):

such that \(p_{0.1}\prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{0.2} \prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{0.3}\) and all other preference levels are incomparable. Consider the variable egd \(e: R({ tid},x,y,z)\wedge R({ tid}',x,y',z')\rightarrow y=y'\) (expressing the functional dependency \(A\rightarrow B\)) and homomorphisms \(h_1\), \(h_2\) and \(h_3\) such that \(h_1(R({ tid},x,y,z))=t_1\), \(h_1(R({ tid}',x,y',z'))=t_2\), \(h_2(R({ tid},x,y,z))=t_1\), \(h_2(R({ tid}',x,y',z'))=t_3\), \(h_3(R({ tid},x,y,z))=t_2\) and \(h_3(R({ tid}',x,y',z'))=t_3\). In e, only variable x has multiple occurrences and all three homomorphisms map these occurrences to the same value “1”. They are then regarded as compatible and the equivalence-based chase will apply the three corresponding forward chase steps simultaneously. The result is the labeled instance in which the cells corresponding to attribute B in all tuples are assigned preference labels \(\{\langle p_{0.1}, 1\rangle ,\langle p_{0.2}, 2\rangle ,\langle p_{0.3}, 3\rangle \}\); the preference labels of all other cells remain the same.

We note that a similar equivalence class-based repairing strategy is used in [11, 24]. One can verify that the equivalence-based chase still returns repairs. Of course, some repairs may be missed out because of the coarser granularity with which is chased. Nevertheless, the equivalence-based chase enables some additional ways of guiding the chase when combined with the cost manager, which we describe next.

6.2 Cost manager

We have shown before that all leaves in \({\textsf {chase}}_{\varSigma , \mathsf {User}}({\mathbf {I}}^\circ )\) are repairs. Instead of computing all repairs, in practice, one wants to impose further conditions on these repairs, by, e.g., limiting the number of repairs, disallowing backward chase steps, or by disallowing changes to very reliable attributes. In Llunatic we allow the user to control the behavior of the chase by incorporating pruning strategies. To this aim, we complement the chase procedure in Llunatic with a cost manager. During the chase, only the nodes (i.e., intermediate results—upgrades—of chase steps) that are accepted by the cost manager are generated.

Definition 15

A cost manager for a labeled instance \({\mathbf {I}}^\circ \) over \(\mathbf{P}\) of \({\mathbf {I}}\), \(\varSigma \) and \(\mathsf {User}\) is a predicate \(\textsc {cm}\) over nodes in the chase tree \({\textsf {chase}}_{\varSigma , \mathsf {User}}({\mathbf {I}}^\circ )\). For each node n in this tree, it may either accept (\(\textsc {cm}(n) = \text { true}\)) or refuse it (\(\textsc {cm}(n) =\text { false}\)).

The standard cost manager is the one that accepts all chase nodes. We note that when the cost manager is too restrictive, it is possible that no repairs are found. Indeed, simply consider the cost manager that rejects all nodes. More practical cost managers are motivated by approaches taken in related work, as follows:

  • The maximum size cost manager (sN): it accepts new nodes as long as the number of leaves in the chase tree (i.e., the repairs produced so far) are less than N; as soon as the size of the chase tree exceeds N, it accepts only one child of each node, and rejects the rest; as a specific case, the s1 cost manager only generates one path in the chase tree, and ignores other branches;

  • The forward-only cost manager (FO): It accepts forward nodes (i.e., nodes representing the result of a forward chase step) and rejects backward nodes (i.e., nodes representing the result of a backward chase step);

  • The sampling cost manager (SPLk): It randomly accepts nodes, until K repairs have been generated (see also [9]);

  • The certain-region cost manager (CTN): It incorporates the notion of a certain region [29], i.e., a set of attributes that are considered “fixed”. Values in these attributes are reliable and cannot be changed. Nodes corresponding to results of chase steps that change these reliable attributes are rejected; all others are accepted.

  • The frequency cost manager (FR) (or similarity to most frequent): It is inspired by the heuristics originally proposed in [11] and modeled in our semantics as discussed in Sect. 7. We resort to this manager when preference levels for the cells in a violation for dependency e are incomparable with other partial orders. The idea is to make local decisions for which cells to change by analyzing the violations in one equivalence class for e. For a given equivalence class of homomorphisms, the cost manager computes the frequency of values appearing in conclusion cells and a similarity measure across their values (based on the Levenshtein distance for strings). Based on this information, it makes decisions in terms of the next chase step. The manager rejects repair strategies that backward chase cells with the most frequent conclusion value. The intuition is that these cells are likely to be correct. For every other conclusion cell, if its value is similar (distance below a fixed threshold) to the most frequent one, the cell is forward-chased (i.e., it is likely to be a typo); otherwise, it is backward chased.

Notice that combinations of cost managers are possible, e.g., one can have a FO-s5 or a SPL50-FO cost manager. The FO-s5 strategy, for example, discards backward changes and, in addition, it considers five different ways of chasing in a forward way. We believe that cost managers are an elegant way of controlling the chase.

7 Comparison to other semantics

Fig. 6
figure 6

Extended running example with extra ordered attributes Freq (frequency) and Rnd (random)

We further illustrate how partial order specifications and initial label instances can be used such that the Llunatic chase mimics repair semantics used in other work. In particular, we show how:

  • Frequency information can be used to resolve conflicts. This is motivated by the Minimum Cost repair method for functional and conditional functional dependencies introduced in [11, 18]. Here, when conflicts need to be resolved, equivalence classes are formed of cells that need to get the same value. The actual values for such classes are determined at the end and are selected based on a cost function [11]. We focus on the heuristic in which the most frequent value in each equivalence class is selected in an attempt to minimize the number of changes made.

  • Random conflict resolution can be incorporated. This is motivated by the Sampling repair method for functional dependencies [9]. Here, conflicts of functional dependencies are randomly resolved (forward or backward) and special variables or values are randomly selected to repair conflicts.

Example 10

Consider the initial labeled instance \(I^\circ \) shown in Fig. 6. Compared to our running example, we added one more tuple and expanded the schema with two ordering attributes: Freq, which is to hold the frequency of values appearing in the Name-attribute, and Rnd, which holds random values. The partial order specification maps Name to Freq, and Surname to Rnd. The attribute Spec is still mapped to Conf, just as before. This implies, e.g., that \(p_{11}\prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{21}=_{\mathbf{P}} p_{31}\), \(p_{33}\prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{23} \prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{13} \prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{43}\), and \(p_{25}=_{\mathbf{P}} p_{35} \prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{15} \prec _{\mathbf{P}} p_{45}\). Here, \(x =_{\mathbf{P}} y \) denotes that \(x\preceq _{\mathbf{P}} y\) and \(y\preceq _{\mathbf{P}} x\) hold. In addition, we still have the standard partial order information related to nulls, invalid, authoritative and user preference levels as in Fig. 4. Suppose that we chase \(I^\circ \) in a forward way with the variable egds \(e_1\)\(e_4\) in \(\varSigma \), stating that attribute NPI is a key of the relation. Then it should be clear that the Llunatic chase resolves conflicts of Name-values based on frequency. We also recall that the chase changes cells belonging to the same cell group in the same way. Intuitively, cell groups can be seen to correspond to the equivalence classes used in [11, 18]. Hence, the chase behaves like the minimum cost repairing method for the Name attribute. Similarly, the chase resolves conflicts of Surname-values in a random way. When complemented with a sampling of the chase steps at random (sampling cost manager, Sect. 6.2), we obtain a repairing method similar to the Sampling method [9]. The instance \(\mathsf {inst}(I^\circ )\) obtained by chasing \(I^\circ \) with the variable egds is shown in Fig. 6 (we omitted the ordering attributes). We also remark that although we explicitly added ordering attributes to the schema, one can of course regard these as virtual attributes and compute frequencies or random values on the fly, when needed.

We want to stress that these are just two examples. By adding ordering attributes related to string similarity, distance functions, timestamps, and others, one can encode complex relationships between preference levels by using appropriate partial order specifications. These in turn affect how conflicts are resolved during the chase and what kind of repairs one obtains.

8 Experiments

This section reports our experimental results with Llunatic. We consider several cleaning scenarios of different nature and sizes and study both the quality of the upgrades computed by our system and the scalability of the chase algorithm. We show that our algorithm produces upgrades of better quality with respect to other systems in the literature, and at the same timescales to large databases. We ran all tests on a server with 40 physical Xeon v4 cores running at 2.4 GHz and a 512 GB SSD under Ubuntu v16. All the tools are Java-based, use PostgreSQL as DBMS, and have been executed on a JVM with 16 GB of RAM.

The section is organized as follows. We start by introducing the datasets and the cleaning scenarios. We describe the way errors are introduced in the datasets and how repairs are evaluated with several metrics. We then introduce alternative algorithms to obtain repairs and compare them against Llunatic.

Datasets and cleaning scenarios We selected five datasets:

(a) Hospital is based on real data from the US Department of Health & Human Services.Footnote 4 It contains a single table with 100 K tuples and 17 attributes, over which we specified 7 functional dependencies. To test the scalability of the systems, we generated instances of size up to 1M tuples by replicating the original data several times. We call this variant Hospital-Synth.

(b) Bus, is a real-world scenario [19] composed by a single table containing 284 K tuples with 25 attributes, and 9 functional dependencies.

(c) IMDB, it contains real data about movies, directors and actors obtained by joining data provided by Internet Movie Database (IMDB).Footnote 5 The resulting single table is composed by 8 attributes and contains 20 million of tuples. We identified 4 functional dependencies for this dataset.

(d) Tax, is a synthetic scenario [25] with a single table with 15 attributes and 4 functional dependencies.

(e) Doctors, corresponds to our running example introduced in Sect. 3. The target database schemas contain 2 tables, plus 1 master data table. We considered 3 editing rules, 4 CFDs and 3 FDs. We synthetically generated up to 1M tuples with a proportion of 40% in the Doctors table, and 60% in a Treatments table; the master data table contains a few hundreds of the tuples present in Doctors. We consider master data tuples outside the total, as they cannot be modified. Moreover, the master data and editing rules are compiled into constant egds.

These scenarios represent a spectrum of data repairing problems. The first four scenarios contain functional dependencies only, and therefore are quite standard in terms of constraints. Hospital can be considered a worst-case in terms of scalability, since all data are stored as a single, non-normalized table, with many attributes and lots of redundancy; over this single table, the dependencies interact in various ways, and there is no partial order information to ameliorate the cleaning process. The Doctors scenario contains a complex mix of dependencies; this increased complexity of the constraints is compensated by the fact that data are stored as normalized tables, with no redundancy, and a partial order specification is provided for some of the attributes.

Errors and metrics To test our algorithms with different levels of noise, we introduced errors by using BART, an error-generation tool [3]. Differently from ad-hoc strategies, BART allows researchers to inject errors into data in a principled and controlled way. More specifically:

  • It guarantees that all errors are detectable using the given constraints, i.e., it does not generate errors that are “impossible” to identify using a constraint-based tool;

  • It controls the degree of repairability of errors; intuitively, this is a measure of the “difficulty” of repairing errors;

  • Finally, it represents a platform for researchers to share their datasets and error-generation configurations, in order to foster repeatability.

We introduced 5% of errors, all detectable by the constraints. To test the impact of the errors on the final quality of the process, we used different level of repairability, that we call High Rep, Med Rep and Low Rep. Datasets, constraints, and BART configurations are available through the project web site (http://db.unibas.it/projects/llunatic/).

For all scenarios, we measure running times and size of the chase trees. We measure quality as precision and recall in terms of dirty cells that have been restored to the original values. More specifically, for each clean database, we generated the set \({{\mathscr {C}}}_p\) of perturbed cells. Then, we run each algorithm to generate a set of repaired cells, \({{\mathscr {C}}}_r\), and computed precision (P), recall (R), and F-measure (\(F=2 \times (P \times R) / (P+R)\)) of \({{\mathscr {C}}}_r\) wrt \({{\mathscr {C}}}_p\). Since several of the algorithms may introduce variables to repair the database—like our lluns—we calculated two different metrics.

- Metric 0.5. This is the metrics adopted in [9]: (i) for each cell \(c \in {{\mathscr {C}}}_r\) repaired to the original value in \({{\mathscr {C}}}_p\), the score was 1; (ii) for each cell \(c \in {{\mathscr {C}}}_r\) changed into a value different from the one in \({{\mathscr {C}}}_p\), the score was 0; (iii) for each cell \(c \in {{\mathscr {C}}}_r\) repaired to a variable value, if the cell was also in \({{\mathscr {C}}}_p\), the score was 0.5. In essence, a llun or a variable is counted as a partially correct change. This gives an estimate of precision and recall when variables are considered as a partial match.

- Metric 1.0. Since our scenarios may require a consistent number of variables, due to the need for backward updates, and this metric disfavors variables, we also adopt a different metric, which counts all correctly identified cells to repair. In this metric, called Metric 1.0, item (iii) above becomes: for each cell \(c \in {{\mathscr {C}}}_r\) repaired to a variable value, if the cell was also in \({{\mathscr {C}}}_p\), the score was 1.

Algorithms We ran Llunatic with several cost managers and several caching strategies, as discussed in Sect. 6. We chose variants of the Llunatic-FR-sN cost manager—the frequency cost manager that generates up to N repairs—with \(N = 1, 10, 50\), and the Llunatic-FR-s1-FO, the forward-only variant of Llunatic-FR-s1. We do not report results obtained by the standard cost manager, as it only can be used with small instances due to its high computing times.

In order to compare our system to previous single-node approaches, we tested the several repairing algorithms from the literature, implemented as separate systems: (a) Holistic [16]; (b) Min. Cost [11]; (c) Vertex Cover [41]; (d) Sampling [9]; for this, we took 500 samples for each experiment, as done in the original paper. All of these systems support a smaller class of constraints wrt to the ones expressible in our framework, and cannot handle all of the constraints in the Doctors experiment. Therefore, only variants of Llunatic were used for the latter.

Results Each experiment was run 5 times, and the results for the best execution are reported, both in terms of quality and execution times. We pick the best result, instead of the average, in order to favor Sampling, which is based on a sampling of the possible repairs and has no guarantee that the best repair is computed first.

For the Llunatic variants that return more than one repair for a database, we calculated quality metrics for each repair; in the graphs, we report the maximum, minimum, and average values for Llunatic-FR-s10. We do not report quality values for the Llunatic-FR-s50 cost manager, since they differ for less than one percentage point from those of Llunatic-FR-s10.

The quality experiment We first investigate the quality of the repairing algorithms by using three datasets: Hospital, Bus and Tax. For each of them, we made three noisy versions introducing 5% errors with different repairability levels. In Table 1, we report the average repairability of errors. A higher repairability configuration involves mostly constraints with master data and CFDs (if any) and contains errors for right-hand sides of FDs, while a low repairability one mostly involves left-hand side errors. We do not report quality results for Doctors and IMDB since Llunatic is the only system capable of handling these scenarios, either due to the variety of dependencies or to the size of data. Results obtained by Llunatic in these scenarios are in line with those discussed below.

We begin with comparing the quality obtained by the different Llunatic cost managers (Fig.7a, e). For this task, we choose the Hospital scenario since it contains highly interacting dependencies. As expected the Llunatic-FR-s10 cost manager shows better result wrt Llunatic-FR-s1, especially for the Low Rep variant. The Llunatic-FR-s1-FO cost manager shows good results only whenever the repairing task is easy, while in harder cases the choice of repairing always in a forward way is not appropriate.

Table 1 Repairability levels for the datasets in Fig. 7a–h
Fig. 7
figure 7

Experimental results

In Fig. 7b–d, f–h, we compare Llunatic-FR-s1 to the other systems. We notice that Llunatic produces repairs of significantly higher quality with respect to those produced by previous algorithms. Quality results for algorithms Min. Cost, Sampling, and Vertex Cover are consistent with those reported in [9], which also conducted a comparison of these three algorithms on scenarios in which forward and backward repairs were necessary.

It is not surprising that the F-measure for the Low Rep variants are quite low. Consider, in fact, a relation R(AB) with FD \(A \rightarrow B\) and a tuple R(a, 1); suppose the first cell is changed to introduce an error, so that the tuple becomes R(x, 1). There are many cases in which this error is not fixed by repairing algorithms, since they choose to repair it forward, thus missing the correct repair. In addition, even when a backward repair is correctly identified, algorithms have no clue about the right value for the A attribute and may do little more than introducing a variable—a llun in our case—to fix the violation. All of these cases contribute to lower precision and recall.

The superior quality achieved by Llunatic variants can be explained by first noticing that algorithms capable of repairing both forward and backward obtained better results than those that only perform forward repairs. Besides Llunatic, the other algorithms capable of backward repairs are Holistic and Sampling. In particular, Llunatic’s chase algorithm explores the space of repairs in a more systematic way, and this explains its improvements in quality, especially in harder scenarios. In light of this, the superior quality achieved by the Llunatic variants, which clearly outperformed the competitors, is a significant improvement.

The scalability experiment The second set of experiments is aimed at testing scalability. In Fig. 7i–p, we compare execution times (in seconds) for the various algorithms on databases with different sizes. We started with a small scenario, Hospital, with data that vary from 20k to 100k tuples, to end up with a very large scenario, IMDB, with 20 million tuples (note the logarithmic scale).

To begin, recall that Llunatic is the first disk-based implementation of a data repairing algorithm. Therefore, our implementation is a bit disfavored in the comparison of execution times wrt to main memory tools. More specifically, when producing repairs, main memory algorithms may aggressively use hash-based data structures to speed-up the computation of repairs, at the cost of using more memory. On the contrary, our algorithm uses SQL for accessing and repairing data: updating a single cell (a very quick operation, when it is performed in main memory) using the DBMS requires to perform an UPDATE, and therefore, a SELECT to locate the right tuple. This difference drastically affects the execution time of a repair. Nevertheless, the Llunatic-FR-s1 cost manager scales nicely and has better performance than some of the main memory implementations, and in general has execution times close to the faster main-memory system, Holistic.

In Fig. 7j, the other three cost managers of Llunatic are compared to each other. We noticed that the Llunatic-FR-s1-SO variant has almost the same performance as the Llunatic-FR-s1 variant (Fig. 7i) but, as discussed, it gives in general worse quality results. In addition the system scales almost linearly with respect to the different number of permutations tested.

Comparing both quality and scalability results, we may say that Llunatic-FR-S1 represents the best trade-off in terms of quality and scalability for all the considered scenarios. The same trend is also confirmed in the Hospital-Synth and Tax experiments. Other algorithms do not allow to fine tune this trade-off. To see an example, consider the Sampling algorithm: we noticed that taking 1000 samples instead of 500 doubles execution times, but it does not produce significant improvements in quality.

Even in scenarios with more complex dependencies like Doctors, our system gives excellent results (Fig. 7o). Other systems are not reported here since they were not able to handle the kind of constraints used in this scenario.

Finally, in Fig. 7p we show the clear benefits that come with a DBMS implementation wrt main memory ones, namely the possibility of scaling up to large databases. While previous works have reported results up to a few thousand tuples, we were able to investigate the performance of the system on databases of up to 20 million tuples. In these cases, execution times in the order of an hour can be considered as a remarkable result, since no single-node system had been able to achieve them before on problems of such exponential complexity. None of the main memory systems was able to execute scenarios with more than 1M tuples. Note that these results about Llunatic were confirmed in a recent study about the scalability of chase engines [5].

Comparison with ML cleaning We report the results for HoloClean [47], a data cleaning system that takes as input constraints together with other probabilistic signals, such as cell co-occurrence, provenance information, and external lookup dictionaries. To combine such information, it adopts a probabilistic semantics to estimate the value of every noisy cell in the dataset, together with a probability for the given value of being correct. HoloClean does not compute repairs according to our definition: Input constraints are not satisfied by the produced instances. However, it does improve the quality of the instances and it is worth comparing its output to Llunatic’s results.

Table 2 HoloClean F-Measure results with Metric-1

In terms of Metric-1 results, Table 2 shows that HoloClean is comparable to Llunatic in most cases. Notable exceptions are Hospital in the Low Rep configuration, where HoloCleacompiled into constantn does better, and Bus scenarios, where Llunatic has better results. To obtain the results of HoloClean, we manually tuned its configuration parameters. More specifically, we used the lowest not-failing value for “PruningTopK” on our 16 GB machine. Notice that our noisy instances are the expected input for HoloClean as all errors are detectable. In terms of execution times, HoloClean is a main memory algorithm and could not scale to large input instances with our scenarios and machine configuration: Hospital failed with 60k and Tax with 100k. For the 20k instances reported above, execution times varied between 480 (HospitalLow Rep) and 1055 seconds (BusHigh Rep).

The cache manager experiment In this experiment, we investigate the impact of our optimizations on the scalability of the chase (Sect. 6). While in all previous experiments, we used the single-step caching strategy, we report in Fig. 7q, r execution times for the Hospital dataset with the other two caching strategies, the greedy and the lazy cache manager, respectively. The charts show that the single-step cache represents the best choice in terms of performance. This is explained by the high degree of locality in our chase algorithm. When chasing node s in the tree to generate its children, only cell groups for step s are needed. Then, after we move from s to its first child, \(s'\), cell groups of s will not be needed for a while.

The chase tree size and user input experiments Execution times achieved by the algorithm can be considered as remarkable for problems of this complexity. They are even more surprising if we consider the size of the chase trees that our algorithm computes, which may reach several hundreds of nodes as reported in Fig. 7s. Consider also that each node in the tree is a copy of the entire database. We notice that storing chase trees as delta databases is crucial in order to achieve scalability. Without such a representation system times would be orders of magnitude higher.

We finish by mentioning Fig. 7t, in which we study the impact of user inputs on the chase. We run the experiment for 20 K tuples interactively and provided random user inputs by alternating the change of a llun value with the rejection of a leaf. It can be seen that small quantities of inputs from the user may significantly prune the size of the chase tree and therefore speed-up the computation of repairs.

9 Related work

There has been a host of work on data quality (see [37, 48] for recent surveys). It has been shown experimentally with real datasets that methods inspired by different ideas must all be used together in practice to achieve high quality [1]. Among methods based on statistical analysis, such as outlier detection [15], and methods that rely on look up of external dictionaries, such as knowledge bases [17], it stands out that constraint-based methods are a necessary ingredient.

Several classes of constraints have been proposed to characterize and improve the quality of data. Most relevant to our work are the automated repairing algorithms for these constraints. The methods differ in the constraints that they admit, e.g., FDs [9], CFDs [18, 41], inclusion dependencies [11], editing rules [29], and in the underlying techniques used to improve their effectiveness and efficiency, e.g., statistical inference [18], reliability of the data [29], and user interaction [18, 33, 55]. Furthermore, update-based database repairing has been considered in [53].

All of these methods work for a specific class of constraints only, with the exception of [30, 34]. A flexible data quality system was recently proposed [19] to allow user-defined procedural code for detection and cleaning. The work on active integrity constraints (see e.g., [13]) provides an alternative way of incorporating repair decisions in constraints. They require, however, to explicitly state repair actions. In our setting, these are implicit in the combination of constraints and the preference labels. Including preference labels in active integrity constraints may be feasible. Moreover, some form of active constraints may be included in our framework (e.g., by encoding actions as preferred labels).

Even more importantly, our system is the first disk-based scalable and efficient repair-based method. While some of the algorithms above have been rewritten to be executed in a multi-node distributed environment, they are still bounded by the memory size. For example, the holistic cleaning algorithm [16] has been adapted to be executed on top of Spark [39] in order to benefit from the bigger memory in the cluster. Interestingly, our system can handle their cleaning scenarios in a single-node setting. Table 3 summarizes the features of Llunatic w.r.t. some earlier approaches to data repairing. We leave out related data cleaning systems that do not compute repairs [17, 47, 54].

Our scenarios are inspired by features from other repairing approaches: repairing based on both premise and conclusion of constraints [9, 18, 41], cells [9, 11, 41], groups of cells [11], partial orders [28] and its incorporation in the chase [8]. We discuss these aspects in detail next.

Table 3 Feature comparison for data repairing systems

With regards to forward and backward chasing, [9, 18, 41] resolve violations by changing values for attributes in both the premise and conclusion of constraints. They do, however, only support a limited class of constraints. Previous works [9, 41] have used variables in order to repair the left-hand side of dependencies. Our special llun values play a similar role. Moreover, lluns together with labeled instances can be seen as a kind of representation system [38] for repairs, that stands in between the naive tables of data exchange and the more expressive c-tables, trying to strike a balance between complexity and expressibility.

An approach similar to ours has been proposed in [8], with respect to a different cleaning problem. The authors concentrate on scenarios with matching dependencies and matching functions, where the main goal is to merge together values based on attribute similarities, and develop a chase-based algorithm. They show that, under proper assumptions, matching functions provide a partial order over database values and that the partial order can be lifted to database instances and repairs. A key component of their approach is the availability of matching functions that are essentially total, i.e., they are able to merge any two comparable values. In fact, the problem they deal with can be seen as an instance of the entity resolution problem. Further extensions of egds with, e.g., built-in predicates and matching functions, are needed to encode matching dependencies in our system, we leave this to future work.

Finally, in this work we discussed how our system can compute repairs with a smaller number of chase steps by exploiting user interaction, a popular way to involve the domain experts in improving data repairing [18, 33, 55].

10 Future directions of research

The framework developed in this paper has been used as a basis for a number of extensions in data repairing. The semantics has been extended to an end-to-end solution to deal with schema-mapping problems in the presence of inconsistencies [32]. It has also been used as a baseline for developing an interactive approach to data repairing [33]. In this respect, we believe that this work may provide the basis for further investigation on data cleaning. In this section, we discuss three directions of research, starting from our framework, that we believe can lead to promising new insights.

10.1 Merge in entity resolution

Let us consider the merge problem in the context of entity resolution [6] where data conflicts must be handled. It is formulated as follows: we are given a set of records (tuples) \(I_e\), within the same schema, that correspond to a description of a single real-world entity e. These records may have conflicting values and the goal is to derive a single entity tuple \(t_e\), with the most accurate values for all attributes [12]. Master data tuples may be used during the process. In entity resolution, this task is also called the golden record problem [20].

We focus our discussion on a paper that tries to come up with the golden record assuming the presence of a partial order defined by accuracy rules [12]. While their algorithms do not aim at repairing an arbitrary database instance that is dirty w.r.t. a set of constraints, there are several points in common with our approach. The authors develop a language and algorithms with two goals in mind. First, their rules can be used to declaratively specify a partial order among values. They can express that the value of cell \(\langle { tid},A\rangle \) is more accurate than the value of a cell \(\langle { tid}',B\rangle \); this may happen, for example, because they know that more recent values are higher. Similarly to our ordering attributes, accuracy rules can be used to infer accuracy relationships among attributes, such as the value for attribute B is more accurate in those tuples that have a more accurate attribute A. Second, the rules can be used to update the entity tuple \(t_e\) based on master data tuples, similarly to editing rules.

The authors develop algorithms to dynamically handle the construction of the entity tuple while at the same time deriving the partial order of accuracy among attribute values. The main concern here is about the termination and confluence of the process, i.e., whether the algorithm terminates, and whether it returns the same identical tuple regardless of the order in which accuracy rules are fired. This cannot be guaranteed in all cases. While this is not a general-purpose data repairing algorithm and it makes the strong assumption that all tuples represent a single entity, we believe our notion of partial order can be useful in such a “merge” setting.

The main benefit is that in our approach the partial order is immune from termination problems as it never changes during the chase. Our modeling clearly separates the definition of the partial order for preference levels and the creation of the initial labeled instance, that is done once and for all before the repair process starts. This separation, along with the monotonicity property of cell groups, guarantees that our chase procedure for cleaning scenarios always terminates.

Accuracy rules are a promising tool to tackle the merge step. Despite the fact that our partial order is static, we believe it would be useful to extend our solution to these scenarios as our semantics guarantees the benefits of accuracy rules, without the associated shortcomings.

10.2 Prioritized repairs

There have been proposals on how to choose among alternative repairs based on a notion of prioritized repairs [40, 50] in a context different from ours. While we focus on materializing one or more preferred repairs by means of a general chase procedure on a noisy database, their focus is on consistent query answering over an inconsistent database. In this setting, a consistent answer is the one obtained in every repair. They introduce a priority relation between conflicting tuples so that they can identify a set of preferred repairs. A prioritized repair exploits user provided preferences on how to solve conflicts (e.g., “remove the tuples with the smaller salary”), similarly to what we allow with our partial order.

They give several notions of improvement that characterize when one repair is preferred to another. In one notion, given two repairs, the first is preferred if every tuple exclusively contained by the first repair is preferable to all those exclusively contained by the second repair. If this is the case, there is a global optimality. As this does not happen in most cases, they relax the notion to other definitions, such as the Pareto optimality: The first repair exclusively contains a tuple that is better than all tuples exclusively contained in the second repair according to the Pareto semantics. Other variations have also been introduced. In general, they check whether a repair can be improved by replacing a set of tuples in the repair with alternative preferred tuples from the original (inconsistent) instance, but the notions differ in the definition of preference. In all these semantics, an optimal repair is a repair that cannot be improved.

Our partial order has points of contact with their notions of preference and is worth studying how our proposal can be extended to these notions. Prioritized repairs rely on preference orders that are specified over tuples and lift them to sets of tuples. On the contrary, we specify preference orders over preference levels and lift them to sets of preference labels and upgrades. This finer granularity of our approach makes our notion of an upgrade different from their notions of preferable repairs. However, merging these two approaches is not trivial. Prioritized repairs consider subset repairs (i.e., tuple deletions only) and are formalized with denial constraints with no constants. While our egds can be extended to capture arbitrary denial constraints, the update primitives treated in prioritized repairs are considerably different from the ones we use (cell updates, and no deletions). These differences are such that there is the need for more studies to bridge our approach and prioritized repairs.

10.3 Distributed and interactive chase

In order to scale to large datasets, memory-based algorithms for some data repairing systems have been extended to a distributed platform [39]. While our system is able to execute such scenarios on a single node, the execution times are slower compared to a distributed system and it makes sense to extend our solution to such setting to improve efficiency. Unfortunately, while there are several chase engines available [5], there are no distributed implementations. To design such a distributed implementation is challenging. Indeed, dependencies may interact with each other and a parallel/distributed chase needs to ensure that these interactions are all taken into account. Furthermore, to ensure correctness of the chase while minimizing communication cost among the different nodes is an open problem. It is even a hard problem for error detection [27], let alone for repairing. We leave the development of such a distributed chase algorithm as an interesting direction for future research.

An orthogonal direction in terms of chase implementation is to push our repair/chase algorithm directly into the DBMS. Executing the chase by means of SQL scripts only has been done for source to target egds [44]. However, because of egd interactions and the cumulative effects of their enforcement, the logic to enforce chase steps is not modeled naturally with database primitives. As discussed in a recent experimental comparison of existing chase engines [5], our implementation is the first disk-based solution and can be seen as a first step toward in-DB approach for chasing.

Another direction for future work is to improve the user involvement. An iterative cleaning repair process leads to a better understanding of the dataset at hand for the user. It is natural to expect the original dependencies to change over time while examining the errors. Existing proposals studied how to decide between repairing data or constraints when users do data changes [14, 36, 51], but our system has specific opportunities that can be exploited. Specifically, new dependencies can trigger the reuse of previous user interactions, such as resolution of llun values, and the backtracking of previous (heuristic) decisions taken in the chase tree. New algorithms are needed to optimize this iterative loop.

A final direction to improve the system is to support procedural rules, possibly expressed as user-defined functions (UDFs). Support for UDF-based decisions could in principle be encoded by means of an abstract function, similar to our \(\mathsf {User}\) function, that takes a set of preference labels as input and returns the output value of the UDF. In terms of chase, this would require a new kind of chase step.

11 Conclusions

In this paper, we develop a DBMS-based, single-node, flexible repairing framework called Llunatic. Underlying the framework are: (i) labeled instances, encoding values and preference information; (ii) a revision of the notions of repair and the chase on such labeled instances, where the preference information is used to resolve conflicts; and (iii) the use of a large class of constraints, i.e., constant and variable egds, which capture a variety of commonly used data quality constraint formalisms. In addition, we provide support for user interaction and various fine-grained ways of controlling the chase process by means of a cost manager. We developed a number of optimization techniques allowing us to implement the computation of repairs within a disk-based scalable chase engine. To our knowledge, Llunatic is the only framework able to scale data repairing over millions of tuples in a single-node environment.