1 Introduction

Increasing volumes of vehicle trajectories are becoming available that contain detailed traffic information. It is of interest to exploit this data as well as possible to understand the state of a road network [11, 15]. For instance, it is of interest to know the distributions [4, 30] of travel costs (e.g., travel times or greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions) of paths at a given departure time in order to plan travel or to calculate payments for transportation, e.g., in settings where such services are outsourced.

Consider a scenario where a person wants to reach an airport within 60 min to catch a flight. Figure 1a shows the travel-time distributions of two alternative paths at a given departure time. If only considering averages, \(\mathcal {P}_2\) (with mean 51.5 min) is better than \(\mathcal {P}_1\) (with mean 52 min). However, \(\mathcal {P}_1\) is preferable because the probability of arriving at the airport within 60 min is 1, while with \(\mathcal {P}_2\), the probability is 0.9. The example illustrates why being able to compute a distribution rather than, e.g., a mean, is important.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Motivating examples

To enable better routing, a first, natural question is how to best utilize trajectories to accurately and efficiently derive a cost distribution for any path at a given departure time. The next question is how to enable efficient path finding that utilizes such accurate path cost distributions. These are the two fundamental problems addressed in this paper.

To solve the first problem, three challenges must be addressed.

Complex travel cost distributions Travel time [7, 37] and GHG emissions [3, 18] vary over time and even vary across vehicles traversing the same path at the same time. To exemplify the latter, the bars in Fig. 1b represent the travel time, derived from GPS trajectories, of a path during the time interval [8:00, 8:30). Next, distributions do not follow standard distributions. Figure 1b shows the Gaussian [31], gamma [35], and exponential [35] distributions obtained using maximum likelihood estimation, illustrating that the cost distribution does not follow any of these standard distributions.

Sparseness With enough trajectories that contain a path during a particular time interval, we could derive a distribution during the interval for the path using those trajectories. However, we report on analyses showing that even with large volumes of trajectory data, it is practically impossible to cover all paths in a road network with sufficient numbers of trajectories during all time intervals—a road network has a very large number of meaningful paths. We must thus contend with data sparseness.

Dependency The cost distribution of a path can be estimated by summing up, or convoluting, the cost distributions of its edges [6, 24, 30, 38]. However, the results are only accurate if the edge distributions are independent. We offer evidence that this is generally not the case in our setting. To derive accurate distributions for paths, dependencies must be considered.

The conventional, edge-centric paradigm for path cost estimation fragments trajectories into pieces that fit the individual edges to assign time-varying, uncertain weights to the edges. Convolution is applied to the uncertain edge weights to compute the cost distribution of the path [6, 21, 24, 38,39,40, 42]. This paradigm falls short in addressing the above challenges and suffers in terms of accuracy because dependencies among different edges are not accounted for and suffers in terms of efficiency because many expensive convolutions must be performed.

We propose a data-driven, PAth-CEntric paradigm, PACE, that aims to achieve better accuracy and efficiency while addressing the three challenges. In PACE, weights are assigned to paths; and path weights are joint distributions that fully capture the cost dependencies among the edges in the paths. Further, multi-dimensional histograms are used to approximate complex distributions accurately and compactly. Given a departure time and a query path, we are then able to select an optimal set of paths that together cover the query path and such that the weights of the paths produce the most accurate joint distribution of the edges in the query path. The joint distribution can then be transferred into the cost distribution of the query path. The ability to derive the distributions of long paths with insufficient trajectories from the distributions of carefully selected sub-paths with sufficient trajectories addresses the sparseness problem.

Next, we study efficient path finding, a.k.a., routing, in PACE, i.e., the paper’s second problem. Solving this problem is also non-trivial because existing path finding algorithms, ranging from the classical Dijkstra’s algorithm [10] to the state-of-the-art algorithms such as contraction hierarchies [13] and hub labeling [1], are designed for the edge-centric paradigm. These algorithms operate on edge weights, which are always disjoint and independent of each other. In contrast, the paths in PACE may overlap, and thus the path weights are dependent on each other. This fundamental difference indicates that existing edge-centric path finding algorithms cannot be applied directly in PACE.

We propose two complimentary approaches to enable path finding in PACE. First, we prove that the path cost distribution estimation method in PACE satisfies what we call the incremental property, which is existing, edge-centric path finding algorithms rely on for their correctness. This suggests that the method can be integrated seamlessly into existing stochastic routing algorithms while enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of these algorithms. Second, we propose a new path finding algorithm that fully exploits the characteristics of PACE thus offering improved accuracy and efficiency.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that enables path-centric path finding, which offers more accurate and efficient path travel cost distribution estimation and thus also more accurate and efficient path finding than edge-centric path finding. In particular, we make four contributions. (1) We propose the PACE paradigm and a method to instantiate path weights using trajectories (Sect. 3). (2) We propose an algorithm that identifies an optimal set of paths, the weights of which enable accurate estimation of the joint distribution of a query path, which in turn enables deriving the cost distribution of the query path (Sect. 4). (3) We show that the proposed path cost distribution estimation algorithm satisfies the incremental property, meaning that it can be integrated seamlessly into existing path finding algorithms (Sect. 5.2). (4) We propose a new path finding algorithm capable of fully exploiting the characteristics of PACE (Sect. 5.3). (5) We report on empirical studies that demonstrate that the paper’s proposal is capable of significantly outperforming existing proposals in terms of both accuracy and efficiency (Sect. 6).

A preliminary report of this work [8] covers part of the foundation of PACE by solving the first problem of computing the travel cost distribution for a path. Here, we complement PACE by also solving the second problem of conducting path finding in PACE. Specifically, this includes (1) showing that the path cost distribution estimation algorithm in PACE satisfies the incremental property; (2) devising a generic proposal for how to apply existing edge-centric path finding algorithms in PACE; (3) equipping PACE with a new path finding algorithm capable of fully exploiting the characteristics of PACE; (4) reporting on comprehensive experiments on the efficiency and accuracy of path finding in PACE.

Paper outline Section 2 covers basic concepts and baselines. Section 3 introduces PACE and the method for instantiating path weights. Section 4 presents the algorithms for estimating the travel cost distribution of a path. Section 5 covers the proposals for conducting path finding in PACE. Section 6 reports on the empirical study. Related work is covered in Sects. 7, and 8 concludes.

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Basic concepts

A road network is modeled as a directed graph \(G=(V, E)\), where V is a vertex set and \(E \subseteq V \times V\) is an edge set. A vertex \(v_i \in V\) represents a road intersection or an end of a road. An edge \(e_k=(v_i, v_j) \in E\) models a directed road segment, indicating that travel is possible from its start vertex \(v_i\) to its end vertex \(v_j\). We use \(e_k.s\) and \(e_k.d\) to denote the start and end vertices of edge \(e_k\). Two edges are adjacent if one edge’s end vertex is the same as the other edge’s start vertex. Figure 2a shows an example road network.

A path \(\mathcal {P}=\langle e_1, e_2, \ldots , e_{A} \rangle \), \(A \geqslant 1\), is a sequence of adjacent edges that connect distinct vertices in the graph, where \(e_i\in E\), \(e_i.d=e_{i+1}.s\) for \(1 \leqslant i < A\), and the vertices \(e_1.s\), \(e_2.s\), \(\ldots \), \(e_A.s\), and \(e_A.d\) are distinct. The cardinality of path \(\mathcal {P}\), denoted as \(|\mathcal {P}|\), is the number of edges in the path. Path \(\mathcal {P}'=\langle g_1, g_2, \ldots , g_{x}\rangle \) is a sub-path of \(\mathcal {P}=\langle e_1, e_2, \ldots , e_{a}\rangle \) if \(|\mathcal {P}'| \leqslant |\mathcal {P}|\) and there exists an edge sequence in \(\mathcal {P}\) such that \(g_1=e_i\), \(g_2=e_{i+1}\), \(\ldots \), and \(g_x=e_{i+x-1}\).

Given two paths \(\mathcal {P}_i\) and \(\mathcal {P}_j\), we use \(\mathcal {P}_i\) \(\cap \) \(\mathcal {P}_j\) to denote the path that is shared by both paths, and we use \(\mathcal {P}_i{\setminus }\mathcal {P}_j\) to denote the sub-path of \(\mathcal {P}_i\) that exclude edges in \(\mathcal {P}_j\). For instance, we have \(\langle e_1, e_2, e_3\rangle \) \(\cap \) \(\langle e_2, e_3, e_4\rangle \) \(=\) \(\langle e_2, e_3\rangle \) and \(\langle e_1, e_2, e_3\rangle {\setminus }\langle e_2, e_3, e_4\rangle \) \(=\) \(\langle e_1\rangle \).

A trajectory \(\mathcal {T}=\langle p_1, p_2, \ldots , p_C \rangle \) is a sequence of GPS records pertaining to a trip [12], where each \(p_i\) is a \(( location , time )\) pair of a vehicle, where \(p_{i}. time <p_{j}. time \) if \(1\leqslant i<j\leqslant C\). Map matching [29] is able to map GPS records in a trajectory \(\mathcal {T}\) to specific locations on different edge and thus it aligns trajectory \(\mathcal {T}\) with a path. We call this path as the path of trajectory \(\mathcal {T}\), denoted as \(\mathcal {P}_{\mathcal {T}}\). A trajectory \(\mathcal {T}\) occurred on path \(\mathcal {P}\) at time t if and only if path \(\mathcal {P}\) is a sub-path of the path of trajectory \(\mathcal {P}_{\mathcal {T}}\) and the first GPS record in the first edge in path \(\mathcal {P}\) is obtained at t. Figure 2b shows 10 trajectories. For example, trajectory \(\mathcal {T}_1\) occurred on path \(\langle e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4 \rangle \) at 8:01.

Fig. 2
figure 2

A road network and trajectories. a Road network. b Trajectories

The travel cost (e.g., travel time or GHG emissions) of using a path \(\mathcal {P}\) can be obtained from the trajectories that occurred on \(\mathcal {P}\). Given a trajectory \(\mathcal {T}\) that occurred on path \(\mathcal {P}\) at t, the travel time of using \(\mathcal {P}\) at t is the difference between the time of the last GPS record and the time of the first GPS record on path \(\mathcal {P}\); and the GHG emissions of using \(\mathcal {P}\) at t can be computed from the speeds and accelerations when traversing \(\mathcal {P}\), which can be derived from the GPS records on path \(\mathcal {P}\), and road grades that are available in 3D road networks [23], using vehicular environmental impact models [16, 17].

2.2 Accuracy-optimal cost estimation

Recall that problem (i) is to estimate accurately the travel cost distribution of a path using trajectories. The most accurate way of estimating the travel cost distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}\) at time t is to employ a sizable set of qualified trajectories. A trajectory \(\mathcal {T}\) is qualified if \(\mathcal {T}\) occurred on \(\mathcal {P}\) at \(t'\) and the difference between \(t'\) and t is less than a threshold, e.g., 30 min. For instance, if we want to estimate the travel cost distribution of path \(\langle e_2, e_3, e_4 \rangle \) at 8:05, \(\mathcal {T}_1\), \(\mathcal {T}_2\), \(\mathcal {T}_5\), and \(\mathcal {T}_6\) are qualified trajectories, but not \(\mathcal {T}_7\) (cf. Fig. 2).

A qualified trajectory captures traffic conditions (e.g., the time it takes to pass intersections, wait at traffic lights, and make turns at intersections) of the entire path \(\mathcal {P}\) during the interval of interest. Thus, no explicitly modeling of complex traffic conditions at intersections is needed. To ensure an accurate estimation for a path \(\mathcal {P}\) at t and to not overfit to the cost values of a few trajectories, we require the use of more than \(\beta \) qualified trajectories. The effect of parameter \(\beta \) is studied empirically in Sect. 6.

We regard this method as an accuracy-optimal baseline, and we let the resulting distribution \(\mathbf {D}_{ GT }\) \((\mathcal {P}, t)\) serve the role of a ground-truth distribution in our proposal since \(\mathbf {D}_{ GT }(\mathcal {P}, t)\) is the most accurate cost distribution computed from available trajectories.

However, this baseline is not always a practical approach, as it is very often inapplicable due to data sparseness. Figure 3 shows that the maximum number of trajectories that occurred on a path decreases rapidly as the cardinality of the path increases, based on two large trajectory collections from Aalborg and Beijing, with no time constraint applied.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Data sparseness problem. a Aalborg, Denmark. b Beijing, China

2.3 Legacy edge-centric paradigm

To contend with the aforementioned data sparseness, existing stochastic route planning uses a graph model that operates at edge granularity [6, 24, 31, 38], i.e., the edge-centric model.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Examining the independence assumption. a \(KL(D_{GT}, D_{LB})\). b Varying \(\vert \mathcal {P}\vert \)

The model is a weighted graph \(G=(V, E, W_E)\) with an edge weight function \(W_E: E \times T \rightarrow RV \), where T is the time domain of a day and \( RV \) denotes a set of random variables. The weight function takes as input an edge \(e\in E\) and a time \(t\in T\) and returns a random variable that represents the travel cost distribution of traversing e at t.

A recent study [38] instantiates the edge weight function \(W_E\) using the accuracy-optimal baseline on each individual edge, where sparseness is not likely to be a significant problem. Next, independence is assumed so that a path’s travel cost distribution is the convolution of the travel costs distributions of the edges in the path. We denote the resulting distribution by \(\mathbf {D}_{ LB }(\mathcal {P}, t)=\odot _{e_i\in \mathcal {P}} W_E(e_i, t_{e_i})\), where \(\odot \) denotes the convolution of two distributions and \(W_E(e_i, t_{e_i})\) denotes the travel cost distribution of edge \(e_i\) at \(t_{e_i}\). \(t_{e_i}\) is the arrival time on edge \(e_i\), which may be different from the departure time t and needs to be progressively updated according to the travel times of \(e_i\)’s predecessor edges [38].

To examine the effect of dependence on the accuracy of the result of convolution, we consider 500 paths that each consists of two adjacent edges (i.e., with path cardinality being 2) and on which at least 100 trajectories occurred during [7:30, 8:00). For each path \(\mathcal {P}\), we compute the distribution \(D_{ GT }\) using the accuracy-optimal baseline and distribution \(D_{ LB }\) using the legacy baseline. If the distributions of the two edges in a path are independent, \(D_{ GT }\) and \(D_{ LB }\) should be identical. To see if this holds, we compute the KL-divergence of \(D_{ LB }\) from \(D_{ GT }\), denoted as \( KL (D_{ GT }, D_{ LB })\). The larger the KL-divergence, the more different the two distributions are, meaning that the convoluted distribution is less accurate. Figure 4a suggests that most of the adjacent edges are not independent.

Next, we conduct an experiment on 100 paths with different cardinalities and where each path has at least 30 qualifying trajectories during an interval. We compute \(D_{ GT }\) and \(D_{ LB }\) for each path and then compute the average KL-divergence values between the two distributions for paths with varying cardinality. Figure 4b suggests that the more edges a path has, the more different the convoluted distribution \(D_{ LB }\) is from the ground-truth distribution \(D_{ GT }\). Hence, the legacy edge-centric model is likely to yield inaccurate travel cost distributions, especially for long paths.

3 The PACE model

The analysis of the legacy edge-centric model suggests that the independency assumption does not always hold and that explicitly modeling the dependency among the travel costs of different edges in a path is needed to achieve accurate results. This motivates us that when computing the cost distribution for a path, we should try to use trajectories that occurred on long sub-paths of the path because they capture the cost dependencies among different edges.

To this end, we propose a novel PAth CEntric model—the PACE model \(G=(V, E, W_P)\). Instead of having an edge weight function \(W_E\) in the legacy edge-centric model, the PACE model maintains a path weight function \(W_P: Paths \times T \rightarrow RV \), where \( Paths \) is a set of paths. Specifically, the path weight function \(W_P\) takes as input a path \(\mathcal {P}\) and a time t and returns a multi-variate random variable that represents the joint distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}\)’s edges’ travel costs. The joint distribution fully captures the dependency among the travel costs of different edges in path \(\mathcal {P}\). We proceed to describe how to instantiate \(W_P\) using trajectories.

3.1 Instantiating \(W_P\) for unit paths

A unit path consists of a single edge. We partition a day into a few intervals, where parameter \(\alpha \) specifies the finest-granularity interval of interest in minutes, e.g., 30 min. We let \(V_{\langle e_i \rangle }^{I_j}=p(c_{e_i})\) denote a random variable that describes the travel cost distribution on unit path \(\langle e_i \rangle \) during interval \(I_j\).

To derive the distribution of \(V_{\langle e_i \rangle }^{I_j}\), a set of qualified trajectories that occurred on \(\langle e_i \rangle \) at t where \(t \in I_j\) is obtained. If the trajectory set cardinality exceeds threshold \(\beta \), the same parameter used in accuracy-optimal baseline in Sect. 2.2, the travel cost values obtained from the qualified trajectories are employed to instantiate the distribution of \(V_{\langle e_i \rangle }^{I_j}\), which is the ground-truth distribution.

If the set cardinality does not exceed \(\beta \), the distribution of \(V_{\langle e_i \rangle }^{I_j}\) is derived from the speed limit of edge \(e_i\) to avoid overfitting to the limited number of travel costs. We also regard this as the ground-truth distribution, since based on the available trajectories, we cannot get a more accurate distribution for the unit path during the interval. In such cases, distributions derived from speed limits serve in the role as a ground truth. Thus, in both cases, \(V_{\langle e_i \rangle }^{I_j}\) represents the “ground-truth” distribution of unit path \(\langle e_i \rangle \) during interval \(I_j\).

Representing univariate distributions We proceed to discuss how to represent a distribution when having more than \(\beta \) trajectories. We represent distributions by histograms because they enable compact approximation of arbitrary, complex distributions. In particular, a one-dimensional histogram is employed to represent a univariate distribution. Gaussian mixture models are also able to represent non-standard travel cost distributions [37, 38], but are less compact, especially for representing multi-variate distributions.

From the qualified trajectories, we are able to obtain a multiset of cost values of the form \(\langle cost , perc \rangle \), representing that \( perc \) percentage of the qualified trajectories took cost \( cost \). We call this a raw cost distribution. A histogram then approximates the raw cost distribution as a set of pairs: \(\{ \langle bu _i, pr _i \rangle \}\). A bucket \( bu _i=[l, u)\) is a range of travel costs, and \( pr _i\) is the probability that the travel cost is in the range, and it holds that \(\sum _{i} pr _i=1\).

Given the number of buckets b, existing techniques, e.g., V-Optimal [22], are able to optimally derive a histogram based on a raw cost distribution such that the sum of errors between the derived histogram and the raw cost distribution is minimized. However, selecting a global value for b is non-trivial because the traffic on different edges, and even the traffic on the same edge during different intervals, may differ significantly. A self-tuning method is desired so that more buckets are used for edges or intervals with more complex traffic conditions.

To this end, we propose a simple yet effective approach to automatically identify the number of buckets. The procedure starts with \(b=1\), i.e., using only one bucket, and computes an error value \(E_b\). Next, it incrementally increases b by 1 and computes a new error value \(E_b\). Obviously, as the number of buckets increases, the error value keeps decreasing. However, the error values often initially drop quickly, but then subsequently drop only slowly. Based on this, the process stops when the error value of using b does not lead to a significant decrease compared to the error value of using \(b-1\). Then, \(b-1\) is chosen as the bucket number. This yields a compact and accurate representation of the raw data distribution.

The error value \(E_b\) of using b buckets is computed using f-fold cross validation [33]. First, the multiset of cost values is randomly split into f equal-sized partitions. Each time, we reserve the cost values in one partition, say the kth partition, and use the cost values in the remaining \(f-1\) partitions to generate a histogram with b buckets using V-Optimal, denoted as \(H_b^k=\{\langle bu _i\), \( pr _i\rangle \}\). Next, we compute the raw data distribution of the cost values in the reserved partition, denoted as \(D^k=\{\langle cost _i\), \( perc _i\rangle \}\). After that, we compute the squared error between \(H_b^k\) and \(D^k\): \(SE(H_b^k, D^k)=\sum _{c\in costs } (H_b^k[c], D^k[c])^2\). We repeat the procedure f times—once for each partition. The error value of using b buckets, i.e., \(E_b\), is the average of the f squared errors.

Take the data in Fig. 1b as an example. Figure 5a shows how the error \(E_b\) decreases as the number of buckets b increases. First, \(E_b\) decreases sharply and then slowly (i.e., when \(b>4\)). Figure 5b shows the histogram using \(b=4\) buckets and the original raw data distribution.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Identifying the number of buckets. a \(E_b\) versus b. b Raw dist. versus histogram

3.2 Instantiating \(W_P\) for non-unit paths

Based on the distributions of unit paths, we employ a bottom-up procedure to derive joint distributions of non-unit paths, i.e., paths with cardinalities more than one. In particular, the joint distributions of paths with cardinalities k, \(k\geqslant 2\), are computed based on the joint distributions of paths with cardinalities \(k-1\).

Given two paths \(\mathcal {P}_i\) and \(\mathcal {P}_j\) with cardinalities \(k-1\), if they share \(k-2\) edges and can be combined into a valid path \(\mathcal {P}=\langle e_1, e_2, \ldots , e_k \rangle \) with cardinality k, we check if a time interval \(I_j\) exists during which more than \(\beta \) qualified trajectories occurred on path \(\mathcal {P}\). If so, a random variable \(V_{\mathcal {P}}^{I_j}=p(c_{e_1}, \ldots , c_{e_k})\) is instantiated based on the qualified trajectories. The travel cost distribution \(p(c_{e_1}, \ldots , c_{e_k})\) is a ground-truth joint distribution on the k variables \(c_{e_1}, \ldots , c_{e_k}\). This procedure continues until longer paths cannot be obtained.

For example, consider two unit paths \(\mathcal {P}_a=\langle e_a \rangle \) and \(\mathcal {P}_b=\langle e_b \rangle \), which can be combined into a valid path \(\mathcal {P}=\langle e_a, e_b \rangle \). Figure 6a shows a raw joint distribution. Point A indicates that 110 trajectories passed \(e_a\) with cost 50 s and then \(e_b\) with cost 80 s.

Fig. 6
figure 6

An example of multiple dimensional histogram. a Actual distribution. b 2D histogram

We use multi-dimensional histograms to describe joint distributions, where a dimension corresponds to the cost of an edge. A multi-dimensional histogram is a set of hyper-bucket and probability pairs: \(\{ \langle hb _i\), \( pr _i \rangle \}\). A hyper-bucket \( hb _i=\langle bu_i^1\), \(\ldots , bu_i^n\rangle \) consists of n buckets that each corresponds to one dimension. Value \( pr _i\) equals the probability that the travel costs on multiple edges are in hyper-bucket \( hb _i\), and it holds that \(\sum _{i} pr _i=1\).

To derive a multi-dimensional histogram, we automatically identify the optimal number of buckets for each dimension using the method from Sect. 3.1. Next, we employ V-optimal to identify the optimal bucket boundaries on each dimension and thus obtain a set of hyper-buckets. Finally, we compute the probability for each hyper-bucket. For example, Fig. 6b shows a 2-dimensional histogram that corresponds to the joint distribution shown in Fig. 6a. The dimension for \(c_{e_a}\) is partitioned into 3 buckets, and the dimension for \(c_{e_b}\) is partitioned into 2 buckets, yielding 6 hyper-buckets in the 2-dimensional histogram.

3.3 Path weight function \(W_P\)

We let \(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}\) be a vector of variables \(\langle c_{e_1}, c_{e_2},\ldots , c_{e_k} \rangle \) that corresponds to path \(\mathcal {P}=\langle e_1, e_2\), \(\ldots \), \(e_k \rangle \). We use \(p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})= p(c_{e_1}, c_{e_2},\) \(\ldots , c_{e_k})\) to denote the ground-truth joint distribution of using path \(\mathcal {P}\) at time t. Following the same idea in Sect. 2.2, we regard the joint distribution obtained from at least \(\beta \) qualified trajectories as the ground-truth joint distribution.

Given a set of trajectories, we let \( Paths _{\beta }\) be a set of non-unit paths where each path has at least \(\beta \) qualified trajectories. Note that given different sets of trajectories that occurred on a same road network, \( Paths _{\beta }\) may contain different non-unit paths.

So far, we are able to instantiate path weight function \(W_P\) for non-unit paths in \( Paths _{\beta }\) and all unit paths. Specifically, given a path \(\mathcal {P}\) and a time \(t\in I_j\), the path weight function \(W_P(\mathcal {P}, t)\) returns random variable \(V_{\mathcal {P}}^{I_j}\) that represents the travel cost distribution of traversing path \(\mathcal {P}\) at t. Since each random variable \(V_{\mathcal {P}}^{I_j}\) is obtained by at least \(\beta \) qualified trajectories (or speed limits for some unit paths), they also correspond to ground-truth distributions. Thus, we have

$$\begin{aligned}&W_P(\mathcal {P}, t)=V_{\mathcal {P}}^{I_j}=p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})=\nonumber \\&\quad \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} p(c_{e_i}), &{} \quad \mathcal {P}=\langle e_i \rangle \text { is a unit path}\\ p(c_{e_1}, c_{e_2}, \ldots , c_{e_k}), &{} \quad \mathcal {P}=\langle e_1, e_2, \ldots , e_k \rangle \in Paths _{\beta }\\ \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

where (i) if \(\mathcal {P}\) is a unit path, the path weight function returns the ground-truth distribution \(p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})=p(c_{e_i})\), represented as a one-dimensional histogram; (ii) if \(\mathcal {P}\) is a non-unit path, the path weight function returns the ground-truth joint distribution \(p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})=p(c_{e_1}, c_{e_2},\ldots , c_{e_k})\), represented as a multi-dimensional histogram.

The random variables \(\{V_{\mathcal {P}}^{I_j}\}\) that are maintained in the path weight function \(W_P\) are called instantiated random variables. The rank of a variable \(V_{\mathcal {P}}^{I_j}\) is the cardinality of its path \(|\mathcal {P}|\). In the legacy edge-centric model, only random variables with rank one are considered, and they cannot capture distribution dependencies among edges, which are found in trajectories. In contrast, in the proposed PACE model, the random variables with rank larger than one fully capture the distribution dependencies among the edges in a path.

4 Path cost distribution computation in PACE

Given any path \(\mathcal {P}\) and a departure time t, we perform travel cost distribution estimation using the instantiated PACE, in two steps. First, the joint distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}\), which models the travel cost dependency among edges in \(\mathcal {P}\), is computed. Second, the cost distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}\), which captures the cost distribution of traversing the whole path \(\mathcal {P}\), is derived based on the path’s joint distribution.

4.1 The joint distribution of a path

The ground-truth joint distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}=\langle e_1, e_2\), \(\ldots \), \(e_n\rangle \) at t is denoted as \(p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})=p(c_{ e_1}, c_{ e_2}, \ldots , c_{ e_n})\), where \(c_{ e_i}\) (\(1\leqslant i \leqslant n\)) is a random variable representing the travel cost distribution of path \(\langle e_i\rangle \).

Given a path \(\mathcal {P}\) and a departure time t, we aim at estimating its most accurate joint distribution. If we are lucky, the path weight function \(W_P(\mathcal {P}, t)\) returns \(V_{\mathcal {P}}^{I}\), where \(t\in I\). Since \(V_{\mathcal {P}}^{I}\) corresponds to the ground-truth join distribution \(p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\), we are done.

In contrast, if \(W_P(\mathcal {P}, t)\) returns an empty result, this means that there does not exist at least \(\beta \) qualified trajectories on path \(\mathcal {P}\) around t, so it is impossible to obtain its ground-truth distribution. This case occurs often due to the data sparseness problem, as shown in Fig. 3, especially for long paths.

To handle this unlucky but common case, we proceed to propose a method that is able to derive an accurate, estimated joint distribution \(\hat{p}(c_{ e_1}, {c}_{ e_2},\ldots , c_{ e_n})\) based on the ground-truth distributions of path \(\mathcal {P}\)’s sub-paths, which can be obtained from the instantiated path weight function \(W_P\). While we may be able to obtain multiple estimations of joint distributions using different combinations of sub-paths’ distributions, we aim at identifying and deriving the most accurate one. In the following, we first prove that the combination with the coarsest sub-paths gives the most accurate estimation, and then we propose an efficient way to identify the coarsest combination.

4.1.1 Path decompositions

To facilitate the following discussions, we first introduce the concept of path decomposition. The decomposition of a path \(\mathcal {P}\) is a sequence of paths \( DE =(\mathcal {P}_1, \mathcal {P}_2, \ldots , \mathcal {P}_k)\), \( k>1\), that satisfies the following spatial conditions:

  1. (1)

    Each path \(\mathcal {P}_i\in DE \) is a sub-path of \(\mathcal {P}\);

  2. (2)

    All paths in \( DE \) together cover \(\mathcal {P}\), i.e., \(\mathcal {P}_1 \cup \mathcal {P}_2 \cup \ldots \cup \mathcal {P}_{k}=\mathcal {P}\);

  3. (3)

    A path \(\mathcal {P}_i\) is not a sub-path of another path \(\mathcal {P}_j\), where \(1\leqslant i, j \leqslant k\) and \(i \ne j\);

  4. (4)

    A path \(\mathcal {P}_i\) appears before another path \(\mathcal {P}_j\) where \(1\leqslant i< j \leqslant k\) if and only if the first edge of \(\mathcal {P}_i\) appears earlier than the first edge of \(\mathcal {P}_j\) in path \(\mathcal {P}\).

A path \(\mathcal {P}\) may have more than one decomposition. For instance, consider path \(\mathcal {P}=\langle e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4, e_5 \rangle \). The following path sequences are possible decompositions for the path. \( DE _1 =(\langle e_1\rangle , \langle e_2\rangle , \langle e_3\rangle , \langle e_4\rangle , \langle e_5\rangle )\),

\( DE _2 =(\langle e_1, e_2, e_3\rangle , \langle e_2, e_3, e_4\rangle , \langle e_5\rangle )\),

\( DE _3 =(\langle e_1, e_2, e_3\rangle , \langle e_3, e_4\rangle , \langle e_5\rangle )\).

Next, we introduce a coarser relationship between two path decompositions \( DE _i\) and \( DE _j\). We define \( DE _i\) to be coarser than \( DE _j\) if for each path \(\mathcal {P}_b\in DE _j\), there is a path \(\mathcal {P}_a\in DE _i\) such that \(\mathcal {P}_b\) is a sub-path of \(\mathcal {P}_a\) and at least one \(\mathcal {P}_b\ne \mathcal {P}_a\).

To illustrate, \( DE _2\) is coarser than \( DE _3\) because \(\langle e_1, e_2\), \(e_3\rangle \), \(\langle e_3, e_4\rangle \), \(\langle e_5\rangle \) are sub-paths of paths \(\langle e_1, e_2, e_3\rangle \), \(\langle e_2, e_3, e_4\rangle \), \(\langle e_5\rangle \), respectively; and \(\langle e_2, e_3, e_4\rangle \) from \( DE _2\) is different from \(\langle e_3, e_4\rangle \) from \( DE _3\). Similarly, \( DE _2\) is coarser than \( DE _1\) as well.

4.1.2 Distribution estimation using decompositions

Following the principles of decomposable models [9, 26], a decomposition of path \(\mathcal {P}\) corresponds to a set of independence assumptions among the cost variables in \(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P}\). Specifically, given a decomposition \( DE =(\mathcal {P}_1, \mathcal {P}_2, \ldots , \mathcal {P}_k)\), for any two paths \(\mathcal {P}_i\) and \(\mathcal {P}_{j}\) in the decomposition, where \(1 \leqslant i, j \leqslant k\), we have the following cases.

  1. (i)

    If \(\mathcal {P}_i \cap \mathcal {P}_{j} = \emptyset \), this indicates that the cost variables in \(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i}\) are independent of the cost variables in \(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_j}\);

  2. (ii)

    If \(\mathcal {P}_i \cap \mathcal {P}_{j} \ne \emptyset \), this indicates that the cost variables in \(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i {\setminus } \mathcal {P}_{j}}\) are conditionally independent of the cost variables in \(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{j} {\setminus } \mathcal {P}_{i}}\) given the cost variables in \(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i \cap \mathcal {P}_{j}}\).

Based on the above, given a decomposition \( DE \), we have a corresponding independence assumption. Based on the independence assumption, we are able to estimate path \( P \)’s joint distributions using the distributions of the paths in \( DE \) based on Bayes’ theorem.

Formally, given a decomposition \( DE =(\mathcal {P}_1, \mathcal {P}_2, \ldots , \mathcal {P}_k)\), the joint distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}\) is estimated according to Eq. 3.

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{p}_{ DE }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})= & {} \frac{\prod _{\mathcal {P}_i \in P_X} p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i})}{\prod _{\mathcal {P}_j \in P_Y} p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{j}}) }, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \hat{pr}_{ DE }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})= & {} \frac{\prod _{m=1}^{k} pr(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_m})}{\prod _{m=1}^{k-1} pr(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{m} \cap \mathcal {P}_{m+1}}) }, \end{aligned}$$

where path set \(P_X=\bigcup _{1\leqslant i \leqslant k} \mathcal {P}_i \) consists of all paths in \( DE \) and \(P_Y=\bigcup _{2\leqslant i \leqslant k} \mathcal {P}_i \cap \mathcal {P}_{i-1}\) consists of the shared paths between all adjacent paths in \( DE \).

In the running example, \( DE _1\) assumes all cost variables \(c_{e_1}\), \(c_{e_2}\), \(c_{e_3}\), \(c_{e_4}\), and \(c_{e_5}\) are independent because no paths in \( DE _1\) intersect. According to Eq. 3, we have \(\hat{p}_{ DE _1}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})=p(c_{e_1})\cdot p(c_{e_2})\cdot p(c_{ e_3 })\cdot p(c_{ e_4 })\cdot p(c_{ e_5 })\). This corresponds to the legacy edge-centric model where all cost variables are independent. Next, \( DE _2\) assumes that \(c_{e_1}\) is conditionally independent of \(c_{e_4}\) given \(c_{e_2}\) and \(c_{e_3}\) because \(\langle e_1, e_2, e_3\rangle \) \(\cap \) \(\langle e_2, e_3, e_4\rangle =\langle e_2, e_3\rangle \); and \(c_{e_5}\) is independent of all the other cost variables because \(\langle e_5\rangle \) does not intersect with other paths in \( DE \). Thus, Eq. 3 gives us \(\hat{p}_{ DE _2}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})=\frac{p(c_{e_1}, c_{ e_2 }, c_{ e_3 }) \cdot p(c_{ e_2 }, c_{ e_3 }, c_{ e_4 })\cdot p(c_{e_5})}{p(c_{ e_2 }, c_{ e_3 }) }\).

Given a path \(\mathcal {P}\), we have more than one path decomposition. For each decomposition, we are able to derive an estimated joint distribution according to Eq. 3. The challenge is to identify the decomposition that gives the most accurate estimation.

To measure the accuracy of an estimated distribution with respect to the true distribution, we employ Kullback–Leibler divergence of the estimated joint distribution \(\hat{p}_{ DE }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\) and the true joint distribution \({p}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\), denoted as \( KL ({p}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\), \(\hat{p}_{ DE }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}))\). The smaller the divergence, the better. We proceed to prove that the coarser a decomposition is, the more accurate the estimated joint distribution is, i.e., the more smaller the divergence is.

Theorem 1

If path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) is a sub-path of path \(\mathcal {P}\), we have \( \sum _{\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}}\) \(p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\log p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime })=-H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime }) \), where \(H(\cdot )\) is entropy function.


Since path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) is a sub-path of path \(\mathcal {P}\), path \(\mathcal {P}\) can be represented as \(\mathcal {P}=\mathcal {P}_{s}\circ \mathcal {P}^\prime \circ \mathcal {P}_{e}\), where \(\mathcal {P}_{s}\) and \(\mathcal {P}_{e}\) are the possibly empty paths before and after path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \), and \(\circ \) denotes concatenation. Thus, the cost variables in \(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_s}\), \(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime }\), or \(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_e}\) must be a subset of the cost variables in \(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}\). In addition, we have \(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_s}\cup \) \(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime }\cup \) \(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_e}=\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}\). Based on the above, we get

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&{\sum _{\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}} p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\log p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime })}\\&\quad = \quad \sum _{\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_s}, \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime }, \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_e}} p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_s}, \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime }, \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_e})\log p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime })\\&\quad = \quad \sum _{\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime }} \left( \log p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime }) \sum _{\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_s}, \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_e}}p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_s}, \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime }, \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_e}) \right) \\&\quad = \quad \sum _{\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime }} p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime }) \log p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime }) = -\,H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\prime }) \square \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Theorem 2

Given an estimated joint distribution \(\hat{p}_{ DE }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\), we have \( KL (p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}), \hat{p}_{ DE }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}))=H_{ DE }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})-H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\), where \(H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\) and \(H_{ DE }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\) are the entropies of random variables \(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}\) under distributions \(p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\) and \(\hat{p}_{ DE }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\), respectively.


$$\begin{aligned}&{ KL (p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}), \hat{p}_{ DE }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}))}\\&\quad = \sum _{\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}}p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}) \log \left( \frac{p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})}{\hat{p}_{ DE } (\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})}\right) \\&\quad = -\,H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})-\sum _{\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}}p (\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\log \ \hat{p}_{ DE }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}) \\&\quad = -\,H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})-\sum _{\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}}{p} (\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\left( \sum _{\mathcal {P}_i\in P_X}\log \ p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i})\right. \\&\left. \qquad -\,\sum _{\mathcal {P}_j\in P_Y}\log \ p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_j})\right) ~~~~~\text {(due to Eq.}~ 3)\\&\quad = -\,H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})-\sum _{\mathcal {P}_i\in P_X}\left( \sum _{\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}}{p}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\log \ p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i})\right) \\&\qquad +\,\sum _{\mathcal {P}_j\in P_Y} \left( \sum _{\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}}{p}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}) \log \ p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_j}) \right) \\&\quad =-\,H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})+\sum _{\mathcal {P}_i\in P_X}H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i})\\&\qquad -\sum _{\mathcal {P}_j\in P_Y}H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_j})~~~\text {(due to Th.}~1)\\&\quad =\quad H_{ DE }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})-H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}}) \square \end{aligned}$$

Theorem 3

Given two decompositions \( DE \) and \( DE ^\prime \), where \( DE \) is coarser than \( DE ^\prime \), \( DE \) is able to provide a more accurate joint distribution estimation than is \( DE ^\prime \).


Assume \( DE =\langle \mathcal {P}_1, \ldots , \mathcal {P}_m \rangle \) and \( DE ^\prime \,{=}\,\langle \mathcal {P}^\prime _1, \ldots , \mathcal {P}^\prime _n \rangle \) where \(m\leqslant n\). Since Theorem 2 holds for both \( DE \) and \( DE ^\prime \), we need to prove that the entropy difference \(\varDelta =H_{ DE }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})-H_{ DE ^\prime }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})<0\), and we have

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta= & {} \sum _{i=1}^{m}H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i})-\sum _{i=2}^{m}H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{i-1}\cap \mathcal {P}_{i}})\\&\quad -\,\left( \sum _{i=1}^{n}H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i^\prime })-\sum _{i=2}^{n} H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{i-1}^\prime \cap \mathcal {P}_{i}^\prime })\right) ~~~\text {(due to Eq.}~2)\\ \end{aligned}$$

Since \( DE \) is coarser than \( DE ^\prime \), we are able to partition the paths in \( DE ^\prime \) into groups. For each path \(\mathcal {P}_i\in DE \), we have a corresponding group \( Group (\mathcal {P}_i)=\{\mathcal {P}_j^\prime , \ldots , \mathcal {P}_{j+k}^\prime \}\) such that the paths in \( Group (\mathcal {P}_i)\) are sub-paths of \(\mathcal {P}_i\). We use the example with \( DE _1\) and \( DE _2\) to illustrate. \( DE _2\) is coarser than \( DE _1\) (cf. Sect. 4.1.1 and the group for each path in \( DE _2\) is shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

A running example on \( DE _1\) and \( DE _2\)

Next, we introduce the path \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(b)}=\cup _{\mathcal {P}^\prime \in Group (\mathcal {P}_i)} \mathcal {P}^\prime \) that is the union of the paths in \( Group (\mathcal {P}_i)\). Path \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(b)}\) must be a sub-path of \(\mathcal {P}_i\). Without loss of generality, assume that \(\mathcal {P}_i\) can be represented as \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(a)}\cup \mathcal {P}_i^{(b)}\cup \mathcal {P}_i^{(c)}\) where \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(a)}=\mathcal {P}_{i-1}\cap \mathcal {P}_{i}\) and \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(c)}=\mathcal {P}_{i}\cap \mathcal {P}_{i+1}\). It is possible that \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(a)}\) or \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(c)}\) or both are empty. Figure 7 illustrates this using \( DE _1\) and \( DE _2\).

Based on the above, \(\varDelta \), i.e., the entropy difference between \(H_{ DE }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\) and \(H_{ DE ^\prime }(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\), can be computed as the sum of m sub-differences, where each sub-difference \(\varDelta _i\) corresponds to the entropy difference between path \(\mathcal {P}_i\) in \( DE \) and the paths in \( Group ({\mathcal {P}_i})=\{\mathcal {P}_j^\prime \), \(\ldots \), \(\mathcal {P}_{j+k}^\prime \}\). Formally, we have \(\varDelta =\sum _{i=1}^{m} \varDelta _{i}\), where

$$\begin{aligned}&\varDelta _i=\underbrace{H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i}) - \left( H\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i^{(a)}}\right) + H\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i^{(c)}}\right) \right) }_{\text {Due to Eq.~2}} - H( Group ({\mathcal {P}_i})); \\&H( Group ({\mathcal {P}_i})=\underbrace{\left( \sum _{d=0}^k H\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{j+d}^\prime }\right) - \sum _{d=1}^k H\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{j+d}^\prime \cap \mathcal {P}_{j+d-1}^\prime }\right) \right) }_{{\text {Due to Eq.}}~ 2~{\text {on }} Group ({\mathcal {P}_i})} \end{aligned}$$

According to the definition of path \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(b)}\), either \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(b)}\) itself is the singleton path in \( Group (\mathcal {P}_i)\) or the paths in \( Group (\mathcal {P}_i)\) are able to form a decomposition of path \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(b)}\). No matter which is the case, according to Theorem 2 and the fact that a KL-divergence value is always non-negative, we have \(H( Group ({\mathcal {P}_i}))\geqslant H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i^{(y)}})\). Putting this inequality back to \(\varDelta _i\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \varDelta _i\leqslant H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i}) - \left( H\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i^{(a)}}\right) + H\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i^{(b)}}\right) + H\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i^{(c)}}\right) \right) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Next, either (1) \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(a)}\), \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(b)}\), and \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(c)}\) are able to form a decomposition of \(\mathcal {P}_i\), when \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(a)}\) or \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(c)}\) is not empty; or (2) \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(b)}\) itself is \(\mathcal {P}_i\), when both \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(a)}\) and \(\mathcal {P}_i^{(c)}\) are empty. Since \( DE \) is coarser than \( DE ^\prime \), case (1) should appear at least once. According to Theorem 2 and the fact that KL-divergence values are non-negative (which applies to both case (1) and case (2)) and a KL-divergence value between two different distributions is positive (which applies to case (1)), we have \(H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i^{(a)}}) + H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i^{(b)}}) + H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i^{(c)}}) \geqslant H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i})\) for every \(1\leqslant i \leqslant m\); and there exist at least one i such that \(H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i^{(a)}}) + H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i^{(b)}}) + H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i^{(c)}}) > H(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i})\). This implies that \(\varDelta _i\leqslant 0\) for every \(1\leqslant i \leqslant m\), and there exists at least one i such that \(\varDelta _i<0\). This leads to the conclusion that \(\varDelta =\sum _{i=1}^{m} \varDelta _{i}<0\). \(\square \)

4.1.3 Identifying the coarsest decomposition

According to Theorem 3, the estimated joint distribution from the coarsest decomposition is the most accurate. Given a path \(\mathcal {P}\) and a departure time t, we proceed to identify the coarsest decomposition for \(\mathcal {P}\) based on the instantiated random variables that are maintained in the path weight function \(W_P\). Specifically, we first identify the random variables that are spatially relevant to the path \(\mathcal {P}\) and temporally relevant to the departure time t; we then identify the coarsest decomposition from the relevant variables.

Recall that a random variable maintained in the path weight function \(W_P\) is in the form of \(V_{\mathcal {P}_i}^{I_j}\), which represents the joint distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}_i\) during interval \(I_j\). A random variable \(V_{\mathcal {P}_i}^{I_j}\) is spatially relevant to the query path \(\mathcal {P}\) if the variable’s path \(\mathcal {P}_i\) is a sub-path of \(\mathcal {P}\). Next, we test whether a spatially relevant random variable \(V_{\mathcal {P}_i}^{I_j}\) is also temporally relevant to t.

We distinguish two cases. We first consider the case where the first edge in the variable’s path \(\mathcal {P}_i\) is the same as the first edge in the query path \(\mathcal {P}\). This case is simple because the departure time on \(\mathcal {P}\) is also the departure time on \(\mathcal {P}_i\), as both paths start from the same edge. Thus, we just need to test if the departure time t is during \(I_j\), i.e., \(t\in I_j\). The second case is complicated because the departure time on path \(\mathcal {P}_i\) is no longer the original departure time t. We propose a shift-and-enlarge procedure to progressively update the departure time to test the variable’s temporal relevance.

We use an example path \(\langle e_1, e_2\rangle \) and a departure time t to illustrate the procedure. Since the travel time on \(e_1\) is uncertain, the departure time on \(e_2\) belongs to the interval \([t+V_{{\langle e_1 \rangle }}^{I_j}. min , t+V_{{\langle e_1 \rangle }}^{I_j}. max ]\), where \(V_{{\langle e_1 \rangle }}^{I_j}. min \) and \(V_{{\langle e_1 \rangle }}^{I_i}. max \) denote the minimum and maximum travel times of traversing \(e_1\), which are recorded in the random variable \(V_{\langle e_1 \rangle }^{I_j}\).

Formally, given a time interval \([t_s, t_e]\) and a random variable \(V_{\langle e_k \rangle }^{I_j}\), we define the shifted-and-enlarged interval as

\( SAE ([t_s, t_e], V_{{\langle e_k \rangle }}^{I_j})=[t_s+V_{{\langle e_k \rangle }}^{I_j}. min , t_e+V_{{\langle e_k \rangle }}^{I_j}. max ]\).

Given a sub-path \(\mathcal {P}_i\) of path \(\mathcal {P}\), assume that the first edge in \(\mathcal {P}_i\) is the kth edge in \(\mathcal {P}\), where \(2 \leqslant k \leqslant |\mathcal {P}|\). The updated departure time on \(\mathcal {P}_i\) based on the original departure time t is \( UI _k\), as defined in Eq. 4.

$$\begin{aligned} UI _k= \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} SAE ([t, t], V_{{\langle e_1 \rangle }}^{I_j}), &{} \quad \text { if }\;k=2;\\ SAE ( UI _{k-1}, V_{{\langle e_{k-1} \rangle }}^{I_j}), &{}\quad \text {otherwise}; \\ \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

Given a spatially relevant random variable \(V_{\mathcal {P}_i}^{I_j}\), if \(I_j\) intersects \(\mathcal {P}_i\)’s updated departure time interval \( UI _k\) according to Eq. 4; then, it is temporally relevant; otherwise, it is not temporally relevant. For a given sub-path \(\mathcal {P}_i\), if multiple variables \(V_{\mathcal {P}_i}^{I_j}\), \((j=1,2,\ldots ,m)\) are temporally relevant, the one with the largest overlap is selected, i.e., the one where \(I_{j}=\arg \max _{j\in [1,m]}{\frac{|I_j\cap UI _k|}{| UI _k|}}\).

Having identified all spatially and temporally relevant variables, we organize them into a two-dimensional candidate array. Each row corresponds to an edge \(e_k\) in query path \(\mathcal {P}\) and contains the instantiated random variables whose corresponding paths start with edge \(e_k\). If more than one variable exist, the variables are ordered by their rank. An example candidate array is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Example candidate array

To identify the coarsest decomposition, we consider the path of the random variable with the highest rank for each edge (i.e., the rightmost variable for each row in Table 1). If one random variable’s path is a sub-path of another random variable’s path, the former random variable’s path should be omitted because it otherwise violates spatial condition (3) (cf. Sect. 4.1.2). The remaining paths constitute the coarsest decomposition. The procedure is summarized in Algorithm 1.

To illustrate the procedure, consider the example shown in Table 1. In the beginning, we consider path \(\langle e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4 \rangle \) and add it to \(DE_{coa}\). Next, since \(\langle e_2, e_3, e_4 \rangle \) and \(\langle e_3, e_4 \rangle \) are sub-paths of \(\langle e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4 \rangle \), both are omitted. Then, \(\langle e_4, e_5 \rangle \) is added to \(DE_{coa}\). Since \(\langle e_5 \rangle \) is a sub-path of \(\langle e_4, e_5 \rangle \), it is omitted. Finally, the coarsest decomposition is \(DE_{coa}=(\langle e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4 \rangle \), \(\langle e_4, e_5 \rangle )\), which is shown in bold in Table 1.

figure a

Theorem 4

The unique decomposition \( DE _{coa}\) returned by Algorithm 1 is the coarsest.


We prove the theorem by contradiction. Suppose that we cannot identify the coarsest decomposition by Algorithm 1. This happens only if the coarsest decomposition, say \(DE_{coa}^{\prime }\), contains a sub-path \( P _k^\prime \) that starts with edge \(e_k\) but is not the longest sub-path that starts with edge \(e_k\). Otherwise, it must be identified by Algorithm 1 since it considers the longest sub-path for each edge in path \(\mathcal {P}\).

Following the above assumption, we assume that the longest sub-path starting from \(e_k\) is \( P _k\). By replacing \( P _k^\prime \) by \( P _k\), we are able to get a new decomposition \(DE_{coa}\) that is coarser than \(DE_{coa}^{\prime }\). This contradicts the assumption that \(DE_{coa}^{\prime }\) is the coarsest. \(\square \)

4.2 The cost distribution of a path

The coarsest decomposition \( DE _{coa}\) enables accurate estimation of the joint distribution of a path which fully captures the dependencies among edges in the path. Recall that we are interested in knowing the cost distribution of a path \(p(V_{\mathcal {P}})\), where \(V_{\mathcal {P}}\) is a univariate random variable indicating the travel cost of path \(\mathcal {P}\). We proceed to derive \(p(V_{\mathcal {P}})\) based on the joint distribution of a path \(\hat{p}_{ DE _{coa}}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\) using

$$\begin{aligned} p(V_{\mathcal {P}}=x) = \sum _{c_1+\cdots +c_n=x}\hat{p}_{ DE _{coa}}(c_{e_1}=c_1,\ldots ,c_{e_n}=c_n). \end{aligned}$$

Since the estimated joint distribution of a path \(\hat{p}_{ DE _{coa}}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}})\) is represented as a multi-dimensional histogram, we need to transform it to a one-dimensional histogram that represents the cost distribution of \(\mathcal {P}\).

Recall that a multi-dimensional histogram is of the form \(\{\langle hb _i, \) \( pr _i \rangle \}\), where hyper-bucket \( hb _i=\langle bu_i^1, \ldots bu_i^n\rangle \) consists of n buckets, each corresponding to one dimension. For each hyper-bucket \( hb _i=\langle bu_i^1, \ldots bu_i^n\rangle \), we derive a bucket \(bu_i\) whose upper (lower) bound is the sum of the upper (lower) bounds of the buckets in the hyper-bucket, i.e., \(bu_i=[\sum _{j=1}^{n} bu_i^{j}.l, \sum _{j=1}^{n} bu_i^{j}.u)\). Thus, we get a one-dimensional histogram \(\{\langle bu _i, pr _i \rangle \}\).

The buckets in the obtained one-dimensional histogram may overlap. We need to rearrange the buckets such that they are disjoint and update their corresponding probabilities. We check each pair of buckets as follows. If two buckets \(bu_i\) and \(bu_j\) are disjoint, keep both buckets. If buckets \(bu_i\) and \(bu_j\) overlap, range \([\min (bu_i.l, bu_j.l), \) \(\max (bu_i.u, bu_j.u))\) is split into three buckets according to the increasing order of \(bu_i.l\), \(bu_j.l\), \(bu_i.u\), and \(bu_j.u\), and each bucket is assigned an adjusted probability. The one-dimensional histogram with the rearranged buckets and the adjusted probabilities represents the final cost distribution.

Figure 8 shows a running example on the aforementioned procedure on path \(\mathcal {P}_1=\langle e_1, e_2 \rangle \). The first table in Fig. 8 shows the joint distribution of the path. The upper, left hyper-bucket \(\langle [20, 30), [20, 40)\rangle \) has value 0.3, which means that when going through path \(\mathcal {P}_1\), the probability that the travel time on \(e_1\) is between 20 and 30 s and the travel time on \(e_2\) is between 20 and 40 s is 0.3. Next, the second table in Fig. 8 shows the corresponding cost distribution after transferring each hyper-bucket to a bucket. For example, hyper-bucket \(\langle [20, 30), [20, 40)\rangle \) becomes bucket [40, 70).

Fig. 8
figure 8

From joint distribution to final cost distribution

Consider the first two (bucket, probability) pairs shown in the second table, i.e., \(\langle [40, 70), 0.30 \rangle \) and \(\langle [50, 90), 0.25 \rangle \). Since the two buckets overlap, range [40, 90) is split into [40, 50), [50, 70), and [70, 90). In a histogram, the probability in each bucket is uniformly distributed, so each bucket is assigned an adjusted probability as follows. Bucket [40, 50) is given probability \(\frac{|[40, 50)|}{|[40, 70)|} \cdot 0.3=0.1\), bucket [50, 70) is given probability \(\frac{|[50, 70)|}{|[40, 70)|} \cdot 0.3+\frac{|[50, 70)|}{|[50, 90)|} \cdot 0.25=0.325\), and bucket [70, 90) is associated with probability \(\frac{|[70, 90)|}{|[50, 90)|} \cdot 0.25=0.125\). Bucket [40, 50) does not overlap with other buckets, its adjusted probability is the final probability. Since buckets [50, 70) and [70, 90) still overlap with the next bucket [60, 70), their buckets should be further rearranged and their probabilities should be adjusted. The final cost distribution is shown in the third table in Fig. 8.

5 Path finding in PACE

To conduct path finding, or routing, in PACE, we consider two alternative approaches. First, we show that it is possible to integrate existing edge-centric stochastic path finding algorithms seamlessly into PACE. Second, we propose a new stochastic routing algorithm that fully exploits the foundation for improved accuracy offered by PACE.

Since both approaches apply a “path + another edge” pattern to explore candidate paths, a path cost distribution estimation method must satisfy the so-called “incremental property” that enables reuse of the cost distribution of a partial path when computing the cost distribution of a path that extends the existing path. We proceed to prove that the path cost distribution estimation method in PACE satisfies the incremental property in Sect. 5.1 and then detail the two alternative path finding approaches in Sects. 5.2 and 5.3.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Examples of the incremental property

5.1 Incremental property

Consider a path \(\mathcal {P}=\langle e_1, e_2, \ldots , e_k\rangle \) and a path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime =\) \(\langle e_1,e_2,\) \(\ldots ,e_k,e_{k+1}\rangle \) that extends \(\mathcal {P}\) by edge \(e_{k+1}\). The incremental property requires that the cost distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) can be computed by reusing the cost distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}\) rather than having to be re-computed from scratch.

We proceed to prove that PACE satisfies the incremental property. Consider path \(\mathcal {P}=\langle e_1, e_2, \ldots , e_k\rangle \) and suppose that its coarsest decomposition is \( DE =\langle \mathcal {P}_1,\mathcal {P}_2,\ldots ,\mathcal {P}_j\rangle \), where \(k\geqslant j\). Then, the estimated cost of path \(\mathcal {P}\) is \(\hat{p}_{DE}(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P})= \frac{\prod _{i=1}^{j} p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i})}{\prod _{i=2}^{j} p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{i-1}\cap \mathcal {P}_{i}})}\) (cf. Sect. 4.1.2).

Having extended path \(\mathcal {P}\) with edge \(e_{k+1}\), we get path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime =\) \(\langle e_1,e_2,\) \(\ldots ,e_k,e_{k+1}\rangle \). Suppose that its corresponding coarsest decomposition is \(DE^\prime \) and thus has estimated cost \(\hat{p}_{DE^\prime }(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P^\prime })\). The incremental property amounts to requiring that \(\hat{p}_{DE^\prime }(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P^\prime })\) can be computed based on \(\hat{p}_{DE}(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P})\). In order to show the incremental property, we distinguish three cases.

Case 1 There does not exist an instantiated random variable \(V_{\mathcal {P}^\star }\) whose corresponding path \(\mathcal {P}^\star \) covers both \(e_k\) and \(e_{k+1}\). In this case, we append unit path \(\mathcal {P}^*=\langle e_{k+1}\rangle \) to DE to get \(DE^\prime \). Thus, we have \(DE^\prime =\langle \mathcal {P}_1,\mathcal {P}_2, \ldots , \mathcal {P}_j\), \(\mathcal {P}^* \rangle \). Consequently, we have

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{p}_{DE^\prime }(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P^\prime })=\boxed {\hat{p}_{DE} (\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P})}\cdot p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^*}) \end{aligned}$$

Here, path \(\mathcal {P}\)’s cost distribution \(\boxed {\hat{p}_{DE}(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P})}\) can be reused.

Case 2 There exists an instantiated random variable \(V_{\mathcal {P}^\star }\) whose path \(\mathcal {P}^\star \) covers both \(e_k\) and \(e_{k+1}\). Further, \(\mathcal {P}^\star \) covers the last path \(\mathcal {P}_j\) in DE. In this case, by replacing \(\mathcal {P}_j\) by \(\mathcal {P}^\star \), we get \(DE^\prime =\langle \mathcal {P}_1,\mathcal {P}_2,\ldots ,\mathcal {P}_{j-1}, \mathcal {P}^\star \rangle \). Then we have

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{p}_{DE^\prime }(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P^\prime })= & {} \frac{\left( \prod _{i=1}^{j-1} p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i}\right) \right) \cdot p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^*})}{\left( \prod _{i=2}^{j-1} p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{i-1}\cap \mathcal {P}_{i}}\right) \right) \cdot p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{j-1}\cap \mathcal {P}^*}\right) }\\= & {} \frac{\left( \prod _{i=1}^{j} p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i}\right) \right) \cdot p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^*})\cdot p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_j\cap \mathcal {P}_{j-1}}\right) }{\left( \prod _{i=2}^{j} p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{i-1}\cap \mathcal {P}_{i}}\right) \right) \cdot p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{j-1}\cap \mathcal {P}^*}\right) \cdot p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{j}}\right) }\\= & {} \boxed {\hat{p}_{DE}(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P})}\cdot \frac{p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\star })\cdot p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_j\cap \mathcal {P}_{j-1}}\right) }{p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{j-1}\cap \mathcal {P}^\star }\right) \cdot p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{j}}\right) } \end{aligned}$$

Again, path \(\mathcal {P}\)’s cost distribution \(\boxed {\hat{p}_{DE}(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P})}\) can also be reused.

Case 3 An instantiated random variable \(V_{\mathcal {P}^\star }\) exists whose path \(\mathcal {P}^\star \) covers both \(e_k\) and \(e_{k+1}\). However, \(\mathcal {P}^\star \) does not cover the last path \(\mathcal {P}_j\) in DE. In this case, by simply appending \(\mathcal {P}^\star \) to DE, we get \(DE^\prime =\langle \mathcal {P}_1,\mathcal {P}_2,\ldots ,\mathcal {P}_j,\mathcal {P}^\star \rangle \).

Thus, we have

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{p}_{DE^\prime }(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P^\prime })=\boxed {\hat{p}_{DE} (\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P})}\cdot \frac{p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\star })}{p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}^\star \cap \mathcal {P}_j})} \end{aligned}$$

Once again, path \(\mathcal {P}\)’s cost distribution \(\boxed {\hat{p}_{DE}(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P})}\) can be reused.

Examples Consider a path \(\mathcal {P}=\langle e_1\), \(e_2\), \(e_3\), \(e_4\), \(e_5\rangle \) and assume that the coarsest decomposition is \(DE=\langle \langle e_1, e_2, e_3\rangle \), \(\langle e_3, e_4\rangle \), \(\langle e_4, e_5 \rangle \rangle \). We have the following estimated path cost distribution based on DE:

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{p}_{DE}(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P})= & {} \frac{\prod _{i=1}^{j} p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_i}\right) }{\prod _{i=2}^{j} p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{i-1}\cap \mathcal {P}_{i}}\right) } \\= & {} \frac{p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\langle e_1, e_2, e_3\rangle }\right) \cdot p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\langle e_3, e_4\rangle }\right) \cdot p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\langle e_4, e_5\rangle }\right) }{p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\langle e_3\rangle }\right) \cdot p\left( \mathbf {C}_{\langle e_4 \rangle }\right) } \end{aligned}$$

We extend path \(\mathcal {P}\) with an edge \(e_6\) to get path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime =\langle e_1, e_2,\) \(e_3,\) \(e_4,\) \(e_5,\) \(e_6 \rangle \). We show examples for the above three cases in Fig. 9.

So far, we have shown the incremental property—when extending a path \(\mathcal {P}\) with an edge to get a new path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \), the cost distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) can be incrementally computed by reusing the cost distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}\). The incremental property enables integration of existing stochastic routing algorithms into PACE, which we explain in detail in Sect. 5.2.

5.2 Approach 1: integrating existing stochastic routing algorithms into PACE

5.2.1 General procedure

Stochastic routing algorithms, e.g., stochastic fastest routing [24], probabilistic top-k routing [20], and stochastic skyline routing [38], aim to identify a path or a set of paths whose cost distributions satisfy given conditions, e.g., identifying the path(s) with the highest probability of arriving within 60 min. Despite the different specific conditions that are applied in different algorithms, these algorithms generally follow the procedure shown in Algorithm 2.

figure b

Specifically, these algorithms often need to explore many candidate paths, and they use different strategies to choose and extend the most promising candidate path to obtain new candidate paths. When identifying promising candidate paths, the algorithms need to compare the candidate paths’ cost distributions. To enable such comparison, whenever a new candidate path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) is generated, existing algorithms employ the legacy, edge-centric path cost distribution computation method to compute the cost distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \). This occurs in line 9 of Algorithm 2.

By using the path cost distribution computation method based on PACE, rather than existing legacy methods, in line 9, existing stochastic routing algorithms can easily be integrated into PACE. The remaining mechanisms in the different algorithms, e.g., the different strategies for identifying the most promising candidate paths, are simply kept unchanged.

The running time of a stochastic routing algorithm is dominated by \(\sum _{\mathcal {P}\in CP } RT (\mathcal {P}, method )\), where \( CP \) contains the candidate paths whose cost distributions need to be evaluated. Thus, \( CP \) differs among stochastic routing algorithms that have different strategies for selecting candidate paths. Function \( RT (\mathcal {P}, method )\) refers to the running time of computing the cost distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}\) using a specific method, \( method \), e.g., a legacy method or the method based on PACE. Although the cost distribution computation method in PACE has the same worst case asymptotic complexity as the state-of-the-art legacy edge-centric baseline, we offer empirical evidence (in Sect. 6) that computing the cost distribution of a path using PACE is more efficient than using the legacy edge-centric baselines, i.e., \( RT (\mathcal {P}\), \( PACE )\) \(\le \) \( RT (\mathcal {P}\), \( legacy\_baseline )\). We have also shown that the accuracy of the cost distributions estimated by PACE is higher than that of the legacy baseline. Thus, integration of existing stochastic routing algorithms into PACE is able to improve the accuracy and efficiency of these algorithms.

5.2.2 A concrete algorithm

We show a concrete example of integrating an existing stochastic routing algorithm for solving a probabilistic threshold path finding problem [20] into PACE. A concrete example of the problem is “Which path enables a professor to travel from the university to the airport within 45 min with a probability of at least 90%?”

Given a source s, a destination d, a travel time budget B, and a probabilistic threshold \(\tau \), a probabilistic threshold path finding problem returns a path from s to d for which the probability that its travel time is smaller than the time budget B is at least \(\tau \). Here, the additional condition \( AC \), as part of the input to Algorithm 2, consists of the time budget B and probability threshold \(\tau \).

This problem can be solved by a depth first search (DFS) based algorithm proposed in an existing study [20]. Algorithm 3 demonstrates how the DFS based algorithm can be integrated into PACE. In particular, in lines 18–20, when extending a path \(\mathcal {P}\) with edge \(e_{k+1}\) to a new path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \), the travel cost distribution of the new path, i.e., \(\hat{p}_{DE^\prime }(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P^\prime })\), is computed based on the travel cost distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}\), i.e., \(\hat{p}_{DE}(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P})\), using the incremental property. In contrast, the original algorithm employs the legacy method to compute the cost distribution of \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \).

figure c

Algorithm 3 exemplifies how an existing stochastic routing algorithm can be integrated seamlessly into the PACE. We believe that all stochastic routing algorithms known to us, such as [20, 24, 38], can be accommodated in a similar way, thus improving the efficiency and effectiveness of existing stochastic routing algorithms.

5.3 Approach 2: new stochastic routing algorithms in PACE

5.3.1 Pruning strategies

As discussed, stochastic routing algorithms typically need to explore many candidate paths. To ensure efficiency, existing edge-centric algorithms normally employ an early pruning strategy to avoid exploring uncompetitive candidate paths.

Specifically, at an intermediate vertex, if there is more than one path from the source to the intermediate vertex, the algorithms only keep the best path(s) and prune all remaining paths. Here, the goodness of a path is defined differently according to the specific conditions used in different stochastic routing algorithms. However, existing pruning may not be safe in PACE. There is thus a need for new stochastic routing algorithms that take this into account such that the accurate travel cost distribution offered by PACE can be utilized fully.

To better explain why the pruning in existing edge-centric algorithms may not be safe, consider the example in the introduction, which is a stochastic on-time arrival problem [30, 32, 35]. Given a source s, a destination d, a travel-time budget B, we aim at finding the path from s to d that has the largest probability of arriving within the time budget B.

Consider the road network in Fig. 10, where \(v_A\) and \(v_E\) are the source and the destination, respectively. Two paths exist from source \(v_A\) to an intermediate vertex \(v_D\): \(\mathcal {P}_{1}=\langle e_1, e_2\rangle \) and \(\mathcal {P}_{2}=\langle e_3, e_4\rangle \).

Fig. 10
figure 10

A road network and non-unit paths

Assume that the probability that \(\mathcal {P}_{1}\) takes travel time t exceeds that of \(\mathcal {P}_{2}\), meaning that \(\mathcal {P}_{1}\) has a better distribution than \(\mathcal {P}_{2}\). Then, in the legacy, edge-centric paradigm, \(\mathcal {P}_{2}\) can be pruned safely and we need not consider any path that is extended from \(\mathcal {P}_{2}\). This is because, for any path \(\mathcal {P}_{2}\circ \mathcal {P}\) that is extended from \(\mathcal {P}_{2}\) by path \(\mathcal {P}\), the alternative path \(\mathcal {P}_{1}\circ \mathcal {P}\) that is extended from \(\mathcal {P}_{1}\) by the same path \(\mathcal {P}\), has a better distribution.

For example, consider path \(\mathcal {P}_{5}=\langle e_3, e_4, e_5\rangle \) that is extended from \(\mathcal {P}_{2}\) by path \(\langle e_5 \rangle \). The alternative path is \(\mathcal {P}_{4}=\langle e_1, e_2, e_5\rangle \) that is extended from \(\mathcal {P}_{1}\) by the same path \(\langle e_5 \rangle \). Since existing stochastic routing algorithms use the legacy, edge-centric method to compute the distributions of candidate paths, we have \(p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{5}})=p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{2}})\odot p(\mathbf {C}_{\langle e_5 \rangle })\) and \(p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{4}})=p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{1}})\odot p(\mathbf {C}_{\langle e_5 \rangle })\), where \(\odot \) denotes convolution. This means that the distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}_{5}\) is the convolution of distributions of paths \(\mathcal {P}_{2}\) and \(\langle e_5 \rangle \) and the distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}_{4}\) is the convolution of distributions of paths \(\mathcal {P}_{1}\) and \(\langle e_5 \rangle \). Further, since \(\mathcal {P}_{1}\) has a better distribution than \(\mathcal {P}_{2}\), after performing convolution with the same distribution, i.e., the cost distribution of path \(\langle e_5 \rangle \), path \(\mathcal {P}_{4}\) should have a better distribution than path \(\mathcal {P}_{5}\). Formal proofs of the above intuition can be found elsewhere [32, 35].

In contrast, in PACE, we can only apply such pruning at some intermediate vertices, but not at all intermediate vertices. For example, assume that a PACE maintains path weights for \(\mathcal {P}_{1}=\langle e_1, e_2\rangle \) and \(\mathcal {P}_{3}=\langle e_2, e_5\rangle \), as shown in Fig. 10. Then, we cannot apply pruning at intermediate vertex \(v_D\).

The reason is as follows. Still assuming that \(\mathcal {P}_{1}\) has a better distribution than \(\mathcal {P}_{2}\), we cannot guarantee that for any path that is extended from \(\mathcal {P}_{2}\), we always have a corresponding path that is extended from \(\mathcal {P}_{1}\) that has a better distribution. For example, consider paths \(\mathcal {P}_{4}\) and \(\mathcal {P}_{5}\), and recall that PACE maintains path weights for \(\mathcal {P}_{1}\) and \(\mathcal {P}_{3}\). Thus, in PACE, the cost distribution of \(\mathcal {P}_{4}=\langle e_1, e_2, e_5\rangle \) is computed as \(\frac{p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{1}})\cdot p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{3}})}{p(\mathbf {C}_{\langle e_2 \rangle })}\), i.e., from the cost distributions of \(\mathcal {P}_{1}\), \(\mathcal {P}_{3}\), and \(\langle e_2 \rangle \); and the cost distribution of \(\mathcal {P}_{5}=\langle e_3, e_4, e_5\rangle \) is computed as \(p(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_{2}})\cdot p(\mathbf {C}_{\langle e_5 \rangle })\), i.e., from the cost distributions of \(\mathcal {P}_{2}\) and \(\langle e_5 \rangle \). This suggests that \(\mathcal {P}_{4}\)’s distribution is computed as the product of \(\mathcal {P}_{1}\)’s distribution and a term that involves the distributions of \(\mathcal {P}_{3}\) and \(\langle e_2 \rangle \). Further, \(\mathcal {P}_{5}\)’s distribution is computed as the product of \(\mathcal {P}_{2}\)’s distribution and a term that involves the distribution of \(\langle e_5 \rangle \). Although we know that \(\mathcal {P}_{1}\) has a better distribution than \(\mathcal {P}_{2}\), \(\mathcal {P}_{4}\)’s distribution may not be better than that of \(\mathcal {P}_{5}\) since the two terms are no longer the same.

5.3.2 Vertex categorization

We categorize vertices as safe or unsafe. Recall that, in Sect. 3.3, the path weight function \(W_P\) maintains weights for non-unit paths in \( Paths _{\beta }\) and all unit paths. Given a vertex u, if a non-unit path \(\mathcal {P}\in Paths _{\beta }\) exists such that path \(\mathcal {P}\) covers vertex u and vertex u is not the starting vertex of the first edge of path \(\mathcal {P}\) and is also not the ending vertex of the last edge of path \(\mathcal {P}\), vertex u is unsafe. Otherwise, u is safe.

For example, consider the PACE graph in Fig. 10, where \( Paths _{\beta }\) consists of non-unit paths \(\mathcal {P}_1\) and \(\mathcal {P}_3\). Then, vertex \(V_B\) is unsafe due to \(\mathcal {P}_1\) and vertex \(V_D\) is unsafe due to \(\mathcal {P}_3\). All remaining vertices are safe.

Based on this categorization, we formulate two principles for designing stochastic routing algorithms in the PACE paradigm:

  1. (1)

    At a safe vertex, pruning can be applied, which is analogs to the legacy case. Assume that two paths \(\mathcal {P}_1\) and \(\mathcal {P}_2\) meet at a safe vertex and \(\mathcal {P}_1\) has a better distribution than \(\mathcal {P}_2\). No matter which edge is extended, path \(\mathcal {P}_1^\prime \) that is extended from \(\mathcal {P}_1\) always has a better distribution than path \(\mathcal {P}_2^\prime \) extended from \(\mathcal {P}_2\). This is because the distributions of path \(\mathcal {P}_1^\prime \) and \(\mathcal {P}_2^\prime \) are computed from the distributions path \(\mathcal {P}_1\) and \(\mathcal {P}_2\) using the same term.

  2. (2)

    At an unsafe vertex, pruning cannot be applied. Assume that two paths \(\mathcal {P}_1\) and \(\mathcal {P}_2\) meet at an unsafe vertex and \(\mathcal {P}_1\) has a better distribution than \(\mathcal {P}_2\). Path \(\mathcal {P}_1^\prime \) extended from \(\mathcal {P}_1\) may not have a better distribution than path \(\mathcal {P}_2^\prime \) extended from \(\mathcal {P}_2\). This is because the distributions of path \(\mathcal {P}_1^\prime \) and \(\mathcal {P}_2^\prime \) are computed from the distributions of path \(\mathcal {P}_1\) and \(\mathcal {P}_2\) using different terms. Thus, pruning cannot be applied at unsafe vertices.

5.3.3 New algorithms

Based on the vertex categorization and the two principles, we propose a new algorithm, shown in Algorithm 4, for solving the stochastic on-time arrival problem. Algorithms for other stochastic routing problems can be devised similarly.

The new algorithm employs two data structures—a priority queue Q and a hash table H. The priority queue Q maintains a collection of items of the form (u, \(\mathcal {P}\), \( PRB )\), where u is a vertex, \(\mathcal {P}\) is a path that is from the source to vertex u, and \( PRB \) is the probability that the travel time of \(\mathcal {P}\) is less than the time budget B. The priority queue is prioritized on the \( PRB \) field. The hash table H associates each vertex u with a set of items of the form \((\mathcal {P}\), \(\hat{p}_{DE}(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P}))\), where \(\mathcal {P}\) is a path from the source to the vertex u and \(\hat{p}_{DE}(\mathbf {C}_\mathcal {P}))\) is the travel cost distribution of path \(\mathcal {P}\).

figure d

The algorithm starts from the source vertex s. We insert s along with an empty path \(\langle \rangle \) and 1 as its probability into the priority queue, and we associate the source vertex s with an empty path and 0 as its travel cost in the hash table. In addition, we use \( maxProb \) to record the maximum probability of arriving within the time budget among all the paths that have been explored so far, and we use \( matPath \) to record the corresponding path. In the beginning, \( maxProb \) and \( matPath \) are initialized to \(-\infty \) and \( null \).

Next, we iterate on all items in the priority queue. In each iteration, we first identify the item (u, \(\mathcal {P}\), \( PRB )\) with the maximum priority, i.e., the item with the largest \( PRB \). If path \(\mathcal {P}\) has already reached the destination d and its probability of arriving within the time budget \( PRB \) is larger than the best probability of all the paths that have been explored, \( maxProb \), we update \( maxProb \) and keep exploring paths that are extended from \(\mathcal {P}\). Otherwise, path \( matPath \) is the path with the largest probability of arriving within the time budget.

To consider the paths that are extended from path \(\mathcal {P}\), we consider the edges whose starting vertex is u. In particular, for each edge (u, v), where v has not already appeared in \(\mathcal {P}\), we may extend \(\mathcal {P}\) with edge (u, v). However, it is not always beneficial to extend \(\mathcal {P}\) with edge (u, v), e.g., if there already exists another path that also leads to u has a better travel cost distribution. To check whether it is worth to extend \(\mathcal {P}\) with edge (u, v), we call function \( Relax ()\), described in Algorithm 5.

figure e

In the \( Relax ()\) function, we extend \(\mathcal {P}\) with edge \(e_{k+1}=(u\), v) to get path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime =\mathcal {P}\circ \langle e_{k+1}\rangle \). We compute the cost distribution of \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) based on the travel cost distribution of \(\mathcal {P}\) using the incremental property. Then, we consider the following three cases to decide whether we should keep considering the extended path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \).

Case 1 \(\mathcal {H}[v]\) is empty. This means that \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) is the first path to reach vertex v. Thus, we should keep considering the paths that are extended from \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \). We add \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) to both \(\mathcal {Q}\) and \(\mathcal {H}[v]\)—we add vertex v along with path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) and its expected path cost to \(\mathcal {Q}\) and associate vertex v with path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) and its path cost distribution to \(\mathcal {H}\) (lines 12–13).

Case 2 \(\mathcal {H}[v]\) is not empty and v is safe (lines 4–10). According to existing studies [32, 35], we need to check the stochastic dominance [2, 35] relationship between path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) and each path \(\mathcal {P}^*\) in \(\mathcal {H}[v]\). In particular, if \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) dominates \(\mathcal {P}^*\), we remove the corresponding items for \(\mathcal {P}^*\) from both \(\mathcal {Q}\) and \(\mathcal {H}[v]\).

If \(\mathcal {P}^*\) dominates \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \), we need not consider \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) further. This is because for any path \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \circ \mathcal {P}\) that is extended from \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \), we always have another path \(\mathcal {P}^* \circ \mathcal {P}\) that dominates \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \circ \mathcal {P}\). Thus, no matter what cost budget is considered, \(\mathcal {P}^* \circ \mathcal {P}\) always has a larger probability of satisfying the cost budget than does \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \circ \mathcal {P}\).

If no path in \(\mathcal {H}[v]\) can dominate \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \), we should consider paths that are extended from \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \). Thus, we add \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) to both \(\mathcal {Q}\) and \(\mathcal {H}[v]\).

Case 3 when \(\mathcal {H}[v]\) is not empty and v is unsafe. We cannot apply pruning and thus must consider paths that are extended from \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \). Thus, we add \(\mathcal {P}^\prime \) to both \(\mathcal {Q}\) and \(\mathcal {H}[v]\).

6 Empirical study

6.1 Experimental setup

Road networks Two road networks are used. The Aalborg road network \(N_{1}\) has 20,195 vertices and 41,276 edges, and the Beijing road network \(N_{2}\) has 28,342 vertices and 38,577 edges. Road network \(N_{1}\) is obtained from OpenStreetMap and contain all roads, while road network \(N_{2}\) is obtained from the Beijing traffic management bureau, which contains only highways and main roads.

Table 2 Parameter settings
Fig. 11
figure 11

Effect of \(\alpha \). a Coverage. b Entropy

Trajectories Two GPS data sets are used. The first, \(D_1\), contains 37 million GPS records that occurred in Aalborg from January 2007 to December 2008. The sampling rate is 1 Hz (i.e., one record per second). The second, \(D_2\), contains more than 50 billion GPS records that occurred in Beijing from September 2012 to November 2012. The sampling rate is at least 0.2 Hz. We apply a well-known method [29] to map match the GPS records.

Travel costs We consider two time-varying, uncertain travel costs—travel time and GHG emissions.

Parameters Table 2 shows important parameters used in the experiments, where default values are shown in bold. In particular, when instantiating the PACE from trajectories, we vary the finest time interval \(\alpha \) and the qualified trajectory count threshold \(\beta \). When studying the accuracy and efficiency of PACE based path cost distribution computation method, we vary the cardinality of a query path \(|\mathcal {P}_{ query }|\). When studying the stochastic routing algorithms based on PACE, we vary the time budge B, the Euclidean distance between source and destination d, and percentage of instantiated, high-rank random variables r.

Implementation details All algorithms are implemented in Python 2.7 under Linux Ubuntu 14.04. All experiments are conducted on a modern server with 512 GB main memory and 64 2.3 GHz 8-core AMD Opteron(tm) 6376 CPUs.

6.2 Instantiating PACE

We conduct experiments to obtain insight into different aspects of the instantiated random variables that are maintained in the PACE’s weight function \(W_P\) and also describe how to tune parameters \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \). To highlight the random variables that are instantiated from trajectories, random variables derived from speed limits are excluded unless stated otherwise.

Tuning \(\alpha \) We vary \(\alpha \) from 15 to 120 min. A large \(\alpha \) suggests that more trajectories may become qualified trajectories, which instantiates more random variables. We use \(E^\prime \) to denote the set of edges that are covered by the instantiated random variables and \(E^{\prime \prime }\) to denote the set of edges that has at least one GPS record. Coverage is defined as the ratio between \(|E^\prime |\) and \(|E^{\prime \prime }|\). Figure 11a shows that as \(\alpha \) increases, the coverage increases as well on both data sets. However, the coverage ratio remains below 85% for \(\alpha =120\). This is because the GPS data is skewed—some edges have only few GPS records.

Although a large \(\alpha \) enables more instantiated random variables, they may be inaccurate since traffic may change significantly during a long interval, e.g., 2 h. We report the average entropies of the instantiated random variables when varying \(\alpha \); see Fig. 11b. We only show the results on \(D_2\) as the results on \(D_1\) exhibit similar trends. According to Theorem 2, variables with smaller entropy lead to more accurate joint distribution estimates. Figure 11b shows that using \(\alpha =30\) does not significantly increase the entropy compared to using \(\alpha =15\). Figure 11a shows that \(\alpha =30\) gives a clear increase in the number of instantiated random variables compared to \(\alpha =15\). This suggests that \(\alpha =30\) provides a good trade-off between the accuracy of the random variables and the numbers of random variables. Thus, we use \(\alpha =30\) as the default value.

Tuning \(\beta \) Intuitively, we prefer a large \(\beta \) since having more qualified trajectories enables instantiated random variables that are more accurate. However, Fig. 12 shows that as \(\beta \) increases, the number of instantiated random variables drops. This occurs because a large \(\beta \) requires more qualified trajectories in order to be able to instantiate \(W_P\). We choose \(\beta =30\) as the default because the number of instantiated random variables is only slightly less than than for \(\beta =15\), while achieving more accurate variables.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Effect of \(\beta \)

Fig. 13
figure 13

Varying dataset sizes

Fig. 14
figure 14

Performance of multi-dimensional histograms. a Varying methods. b Varying histograms. c Space saving ratio

Varying dataset sizes We use 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the trajectories in \(D_1\) and \(D_2\), respectively. Figure 13 shows that the number of instantiated random variables increases as the number of trajectories increases. The number of instantiated random variables with large rank also increases steadily. This occurs because the more trajectories, the more likely it is to find long paths with more than \(\beta \) qualified trajectories, thus resulting in random variables with large rank. It also shows that the instantiated random variables are typically insufficient to enable the accuracy-optimal baseline for arbitrary paths—the sizes of variables with high rank (e.g., greater than 4) are small.

Note that since we do not study accuracy here, there is no need to distinguish between training and testing data. In Sect. 6.3.1, we use separate training and testing data when studying accuracy.

Histogram approximation We evaluate the accuracy and space savings of the histogram representations of the instantiated random variables. Recall that our method is able to automatically identify the number of buckets per dimension (cf. Sect. 3.1). We call this method Auto. We first compare Auto with methods using standard distributions including Gaussian, Gamma, and exponential distributions. Figure 14a shows the KL divergences between the raw data distribution and the distributions represented by different methods. The results of using exponential distributions are not shown since their KL divergences exceed 1.0 and are significantly worse than the other ones. The results clearly suggest that Auto provides the most accurate estimation and that travel-time distributions typically do not follow standard distributions.

Auto adaptively determines the bucket count for each dimension and then optimally selects the bucket boundaries, thus being able to represent arbitrary distributions. We compare Auto with a static histogram approach that uses a fixed number of buckets per dimension. The method that uses b buckets per dimension is called Sta-b. Figure 14b shows the KL divergences between the raw distribution that is obtained from the trajectories’ travel costs and the different histograms. As the number of buckets increases, Sta-b produces a smaller KL-divergence value because the more buckets a histogram has, the better accuracy it can achieve. Auto is able to achieve as good accuracy as Sta-4. This suggests that the Auto method is effective.

We evaluate the space savings achieved by the histogram representation. Intuitively, the more buckets a histogram has, the more storage it needs. We report the space saving ratio \(1-\frac{S_H}{S_R}\), where \(S_H\) and \(S_R\) represent the storage required by the histograms and the underlying raw data distribution, respectively. The raw data distribution is of the form \(( cost , frequency )\). The higher the ratio, the better space savings are achieved by the histograms. Figure 14c shows that Auto has a better compression ratio than Sta-4 has. This suggests that Auto achieves a good trade-off between accuracy and space saving.

Total memory usage As the size of the trajectory data set grows, the memory use of recording the instantiated random variables also grows, as shown in Fig. 15.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Memory usage

Since we use histograms to represent the distributions of instantiated random variables, the memory use is small such that the PACE’s weight function \(W_P\) can be accommodated in main memory. In particular, the instantiated random variables, including the ones that are derived from speed limits, for Aalborg and Beijing occupy around 1.8 and 4.2 GB, respectively.

Run-time Since deriving the instantiated random variables is an off-line task, the run-time is not critical. The procedure can be parallelized in a straightforward manner. Using the default parameter setting, it takes less than 2 min with 48 threads to learn the random variables from \(D_1\), and takes around 45 min with 48 threads to learn random variables from \(D_2\). This also suggests that when receiving new trajectories regularly; the procedure can be conducted periodically to efficiently instantiate random variables.

Fig. 16
figure 16

Accuracy comparison on a particular path. a OD. b LB. c HP. d RD

6.3 Path cost distribution computation with PACE

We consider four methods. (a) OD: the proposed method for PACE using the optimal (i.e., coarsest) decomposition. (b) LB [38]: the legacy baseline as described in Sect. 2.3. LB is regarded as one of the state-of-the-art approaches used in the conventional paradigm. In our setting, LB only considers the random variables with ranks one. (c) HP [20] assumes that the joint distributions for every pair of edges in a path are known and then computes the joint probability distribution of the path taking these into account. In our setting, this means that HP only considers random variables with ranks two. (d) RD computes an estimated distribution using a randomly chosen decomposition rather than the coarsest decomposition.

6.3.1 Accuracy

Accuracy evaluation with ground truth We select 100 paths where each path has more than \(\beta =30\) trajectories during an interval of \(\alpha =30\) min. We use these trajectories to compute the ground-truth distribution using the accuracy-optimal baseline. Next, we exclude these trajectories from the trajectory data set. Thus, we have the data sparseness problem, and the accuracy-optimal baseline does not work.

First, we consider a concrete example shown in Fig. 1b. The distributions estimated using OD, LB, HP, and RD are shown in Fig. 16a–d. It is clear that OD captures the main characteristics of the ground-truth distribution. The convolution based estimation LB seems to approach a Gaussian distribution (cf. the Central Limit Theorem). However, it is clear that a Gaussian distribution is unable to capture the ground-truth distribution, and LB is inaccurate. The distribution computed by HP is inaccurate either, which suggests that the dependencies among the edges in a path cannot be fully captured by only considering the dependencies between adjacent edges. Method RD suggests that a randomly chosen decomposition provides a less accurate estimation compared to the estimation based on the optimal decomposition.

Next, we report results using all 100 selected paths, which have different cardinalities. Specifically, the cardinality of a path \(|P_{query}|\) varies from 5 to 20. Figure 17 shows the KL-divergence values \( KL (p, \hat{p})\), where p is the ground-truth distribution derived by the accuracy-optimal baseline and \(\hat{p}\) is the estimated distribution using OD, LB, RD, and HP. As the number of edges in a path increases, the benefits of using the proposed OD becomes more significant. In particular, the KL-divergence values of OD grow slowly, while the KL-divergence values of LB grow quickly. This is not surprising because LB assumes independencies, and the longer a path is, the more likely it is that the edges in the path are not independent. Next, OD is also better than RD, which suggests that the optimal decomposition produces the most accurate estimation. Further, HP is better than LB because HP considers the correlation between adjacent edges. However, HP always has larger KL-divergence values than do RD and OD. This is because coarser random variable sets have smaller KL-divergence (cf. Theorem 3).

Fig. 17
figure 17

Accuracy comparison with the ground truth. a \(D_1\). b \(D_2\)

In summary, Fig. 17 suggests that the proposed OD is able to accurately estimate travel cost distributions and that it outperforms the other methods, especially for long paths.

Accuracy evaluation without ground truth We consider long paths which do not have corresponding ground-truth distributions. We randomly choose 1000 paths for each cardinality with an arbitrary departure time and report average values; and vary the path cardinality from 20 to 100. Figure 18 shows that OD produces the least entropy, which is consistent with the design of identifying the optimal decomposition. This suggests that the proposed method is able to accurately estimate the distribution of a path.

Fig. 18
figure 18

Entropy comparison. a \(D_1\). b \(D_2\)

Fig. 19
figure 19

Efficiency. a \(D_1\). b \(D_2\)

6.3.2 Efficiency

Figure 19 reports the run-times of the different methods. We also consider the methods that use instantiated random variables with ranks at most 2, 3, and 4, denoted as OD-2, OD-3, and OD-4, respectively. As the cardinality of a query path increases, the run-time also grows. HP and LB have to consider at least \(|\mathcal {P}_{ query }|\) instantiated random variables to compute the joint distribution, yielding higher running times than for the remaining methods. In contrast, OD, OD-x, and RD exploit instantiated random variables with higher ranks. Thus, they use significantly fewer instantiated random variables and are faster than HP and LB. OD uses coarser random variables than does RD, and it is able to use fewer instantiated random variables, making it faster than RD. Following the same reasoning, OD-x is faster than OD-y if \(x>y\). Figure 19 clearly shows that OD is the most efficient.

Fig. 20
figure 20

Run-time analysis

To further investigate the run-time of OD, a detailed analysis of the three major steps in OD is reported in Fig. 20 for paths with cardinality 20 and using differently sized subsets of trajectories.

Three steps are involved in OD. First, the optimal decomposition is identified, denoted by \(\textit{OI}\). Thanks to Theorems 4, this part is very efficient. Second, the joint distribution is computed, denoted by \(\textit{JC}\). This is the most time-consuming part as it goes through many hyper-buckets of the histograms to compute the joint distributions according to Eq. 3. However, with more trajectories, there are more instantiated random variables with higher ranks, which improves the run-time of \(\textit{JC}\). Thus, as data volumes increase, the performance improves. Third, deriving the cost distribution (denoted by \(\textit{MC}\)) is also very efficient.

6.4 Stochastic routing with PACE

We consider two stochastic routing problems—PB1: a probabilistic threshold path finding problem, and PB2: a stochastic on-time arrival problem. These are covered in Sects. 5.2 and 5.3, respectively. For each problem, we consider two aspects—effectiveness and efficiency.

6.4.1 Effectiveness

Accurate path cost distributions are essential for achieving accurate, high-quality stochastic routing [20, 24, 38]. If the computed path cost distributions are inaccurate, the returned paths can deviate from the “correct” paths, thus adversely affecting the service quality.

In the following, we exemplify the quality effect of using accurate path cost distributions as offered by PACE, and then we report on experiments that aim to quantify the quality effect at a larger scale.

Consider the example in Fig. 21a, where two paths from source S to destination D exist: \(\mathcal {P}_1=\langle e_1, e_2\rangle \) and \(\mathcal {P}_2=\langle e_3 \rangle \). Assume that more than \(\beta \) trajectories occurred on \(\langle e_1 \rangle \), \(\langle e_2 \rangle \), \(\mathcal {P}_1\), and \(\mathcal {P}_2\). Thus, we are able to derive the ground-truth distributions \(p_{GT}(\mathbf {C}_{\langle e_1 \rangle })\), \(p_{GT}(\mathbf {C}_{\langle e_2 \rangle })\), \(p_{GT}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_1})\), and \(p_{GT}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_2})\), which are shown in Fig. 21b–e, respectively. These distributions are maintained in PACE.

In contrast, in the edge-centric paradigm, only the ground-truth distributions for individual edges, i.e., unit paths, are maintained. To obtain the distribution of non-unit path \(\mathcal {P}_1\), the legacy baseline computes the convolution of \(p_{GT}(\mathbf {C}_{\langle e_1 \rangle })\) and \(p_{GT}(\mathbf {C}_{\langle e_2 \rangle })\), denoted as \(p_{LB}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_1})\), which is shown in Fig. 21f.

Fig. 21
figure 21

Effectiveness of accurate travel-time distributions. a Example. b \(p_{GT}(\mathbf {C}_{\langle e_1 \rangle })\). c \(p_{GT}(\mathbf {C}_{\langle e_2 \rangle })\). d \(p_{GT}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_1})\). e \(p_{GT}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_2})\). f \(p_{LB}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_1})\)

It is clear that the cost distribution of \(\mathcal {P}_1\) based on the legacy method \(p_{ LB }({\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_1}})\) is different from the ground-truth cost distribution \(p_{GT}(\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_1})\). A small difference like this may result in significantly different stochastic routing results. For instance, suppose that we consider the stochastic on-time arrival problem of choosing the path with the highest probability of arriving at d within 65 min. When using the legacy method, \(\mathcal {P}_1\) has probability 0.96 according to \(p_{ LB }({\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_1}})\), and \(\mathcal {P}_2\) has probability 0.90 according to \(p_{ LB }({\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_2}})\), which is the same as \(p_{ GT }({\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_2}})\) since \(\mathcal {P}_2\) is a unit-path. Thus, \(\mathcal {P}_1\) is returned. However, when using the method based on PACE, \(\mathcal {P}_2\) is returned. This is because \(\mathcal {P}_1\) has probability 0.80 according to \(p_{GT}({\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_1}})\), which is maintained as a path weight in PACE; and \(\mathcal {P}_2\) still has probability 0.90, according to \(p_{ GT }({\mathbf {C}_{\mathcal {P}_2}})\). This example shows that the legacy method may return paths that are significantly different from the correct paths, which PACE is able to identify.

To evaluate the impact of using more accurate path cost distributions at a larger scale, we consider stochastic queries for both PB1 and PB2. For each problem, we randomly generate 100 queries for each of road networks \(D_1\) and \(D_2\).

PB1 Given a source s, a destination d, a departure time t, a time budget B, and a probabilistic threshold \(\tau \), a query returns a path that enables arrival at destination d within time budget B with probability at least \(\tau \).

PB2 Given a source s, a destination d, a departure time t, and a time budget B, a query returns a path \(\mathcal {P}\) that enables arrival at d with the largest probability.

For PB1, we consider two algorithms, PB1-Alg1 and PB1-Alg2, based on the DFS-based stochastic routing algorithm. When evaluating path cost distributions, PB1-Alg1 uses the legacy paradigm, and PB1-Alg2, i.e., Algorithm 3 proposed in Sect. 5.2.2, uses PACE.

For the same query, suppose that PB1-Alg1 returns \(\mathcal {P}_1\) and PB1-Alg2 returns \(\mathcal {P}_2\). If \(\mathcal {P}_1\) and \(\mathcal {P}_2\) are different, the more accurate path cost distributions employed by PB1-Alg2 have a significant impact on the outcome of the stochastic routing.

To quantify the significance of the impact, we calculate the path difference ratio \(\chi \) between \(\mathcal {P}_i\) and \(\mathcal {P}_2\), where \(\chi =\frac{|\mathcal {P}_1\cap \mathcal {P}_2|}{|\mathcal {P}_1\cup \mathcal {P}_2|}\times 100\%\), \(\mathcal {P}_1\cap \mathcal {P}_2\) is the set of edges that appear in both paths, and \(\mathcal {P}_1\cup \mathcal {P}_2\) is the set of edges that appear in either \(\mathcal {P}_1\) or \(\mathcal {P}_2\). The smaller \(\chi \) is, the more the two paths differ, giving us a measure of the significance of the difference between the results.

Fig. 22
figure 22

Path difference ratios a PB1. b PB2

Fig. 23
figure 23

Effect of B. a PB1. b PB2

We vary the travel-time budget B and show the distributions of the difference ratios in Fig. 22a. In this experiment, we set \(\tau =1\), i.e., identifying a path that guarantees that a person arrives at destination d within time budget B.

The results show that as time budget B grows, the differences between the paths returned by the two algorithms increase. For example, consider the case where \(\chi \) is less than 20% for PB1, meaning that the two paths are very different. When \(B=15\), around 5% of the queries fall into this category; and when \(B=30\), more than 10% of the queries fall into this category. Next, consider the case where \(\chi \) exceeds 80%, meaning that the two paths are quite similar. When \(B=15\), around 30% of the queries fall into this category; and when \(B=30\), below 15% of the queries fall into this category. A similar trend occurs for PB2. As B changes from 15 to 30, the \(\chi \) values that exceeds \(80\%\) reduces from \(10\%\) to \(5\%\). In contrast, the \(\chi \) values below \(20\%\) increases from around \(10\%\) to more than \(20\%\).

Next, we consider PB2. As before, we consider two algorithms: PB2-Alg1 uses the legacy paradigm, and PB2-Alg2, i.e., Algorithm 4 proposed in Sect. 5.3.3, uses PACE, to evaluate path cost distributions. In addition, PB2-Alg2 applies the pruning strategy on safe vertices according to the vertex categorization, while PB2-Alg1 applies pruning on all vertices.

Figure 22b shows the difference ratios between the paths returned by PB2-Alg1 and PB2-Alg2. We observe similar trends as for PB1—as time budget B increases, the differences between the paths returned by the two algorithms increase.

This set of experiments suggests that the two different routing approaches based on PACE are likely to yield significantly different paths compared to the paths that are returned by existing routing algorithms based on the legacy paradigm. As PACE based path cost estimation is more accurate than estimation based on legacy baseline, the returned paths are also more accurate.

6.4.2 Efficiency

Next, we consider the running time efficiency of the different routing algorithms. We vary the travel-time budget B, the Euclidean distance d between the source and the destination, and the percentage r of instantiated, high-rank random variables according to Table 2.

Following the setup used in the effectiveness experiments, for PB1, we consider two algorithms PB1-Alg1 and PB1-Alg2, and for PB2, we consider two algorithms PB2-Alg1 and PB2-Alg2.

Effect of B For each road network, we randomly choose 100 source–destination pairs. We consider travel-time budgets \(B_1=10\) mins, \(B_2=20\) mins, and \(B_3=30\) mins.

The average running times for PB1 are reported in Fig. 23a, which shows that the algorithm based on PACE, i.e., PB1-Alg2, is faster. This indicates that the first approach of using PACE, where the legacy paradigm is replaced by the PACE paradigm, is able to accelerate existing stochastic routing algorithms.

Next, Fig. 23b shows that algorithm PB2-Alg2, which is based on PACE and applies pruning only on safe vertices, is faster than PB2-Alg1. This suggests that the two different approaches to using the PACE paradigm are able to provide more efficient stochastic routing.

Fig. 24
figure 24

Effect of d. a PB1. b PB2

Fig. 25
figure 25

Effect of r. a PB1, PB1-Alg2. b PB2, PB2-Alg2

Effect of d To gain insight into the effect of the distance between source and destination, we vary parameter d. The results are shown in Fig. 24a for PB1 and Fig. 24b for PB2.

As the distance d increases, more candidate paths needs to be explored, meaning that the numbers of path cost distribution computations and comparisons increase. Thus, the running time also increases. Nevertheless, both Fig. 24a, b show the benefits of the algorithms based on PACE over existing stochastic routing algorithms. First, the running times of PB1-Alg2 and PB2-Alg2 are consistently lower than those of PB1-Alg1 and PB2-Alg1, suggesting that incorporating PACE improves efficiency. Second, as d increases, the running time differences between the algorithms with and without using PACE, i.e., PB1-Alg2 vs. PB1-Alg1 and PB2-Alg2 versus PB2-Alg1, become more significant, indicating that the PACE-based algorithms scale better w.r.t. parameter d.

Effect of r To study the effect of the number of instantiated, high-rank (above 2) random variables, we gradually reduce the number of instantiated random variables. In particular, we use different percentages of instantiated random variables on networks \(D_1\) and \(D_2\), where \(r_1=20\%\), \(r_2=40\%\), \(r_3=60\%\), \(r_4=80\%\), and \(r_5=100\%\). Since only the algorithms based on PACE employ the instantiated random variables, we only consider PB1-Alg2 and PB2-Alg2. The run-times are reported in Fig. 25.

As r increases, the running time decreases for both problems. This indicates that the more instantiated random variables that PACE maintains, the better the acceleration achieved by PACE. This is because the availability of more instantiated random variables improves the efficiency of path cost distribution computation based on PACE. This means that as more trajectories are collected, more random variables can be instantiated, and thus PACE based stochastic routing algorithms become more efficient. This is a very appealing characteristic in real-world applications.

Summary The empirical study can be summarized in four key observations.

  1. (1)

    In realistic settings with sparse data, the proposed path cost distribution estimation method based on PACE, i.e., OD, is the most accurate and efficient method and is scalable w.r.t. the path cardinality, meaning that it is able to support long paths.

  2. (2)

    OD is able to approximate arbitrary raw cost distributions well using limited space, making it possible to fit the instantiated random variables into main memory.

  3. (3)

    OD is scalable w.r.t. the number of trajectories. First, as random variable instantiation can be parallelized easily, it is possible to periodically re-instantiate random variables when new trajectories are received. Second, more trajectories yield more random variables with higher ranks, which improves the efficiency and accuracy of the approach.

  4. (4)

    The PACE paradigm can accommodate existing stochastic routing algorithms using two different approaches, with the effect of improving their efficiency and accuracy.

We conclude that the proposed PACE paradigm successfully address the challenges caused by data sparseness, complex distributions, and dependencies. In particular, the PACE based path cost distribution computation method is able to efficiently provide accurate travel cost distribution computation, thus enabling efficient and accurate stochastic routing algorithms based on PACE.

7 Related work

We first review recent studies on estimating deterministic and uncertain path costs, respectively. Then, we review literature on stochastic routing.

Estimating deterministic path costs Most studies in this category focus on accurate estimation of travel costs of individual edges using trajectory data and loop detector data, based on which the travel cost of a path is then computed as the sum of the travel costs of its edges.

In many cases, the available trajectory data is unable to cover all edges in a road network. To address data sparseness, some methods [21, 34, 40, 42] transfer the travel costs of edges that are covered by trajectories to edges that are not covered by trajectories. However, these methods do not support travel cost distributions, and they do not model dependencies among edges. Therefore, they do not apply to the problem we consider.

When all edges have travel costs, the travel cost of any path can be estimated by summing up the travel costs of the edges in the path [21, 40, 42]. However, using the sum of travel costs of edges as the travel cost of a path can be inaccurate because it ignores hard-to-formalize aspects of travel, such as turn costs. Thus, a method [34] is proposed to identify an optimal set of sub-paths that can be concatenated into a path. The path’s travel cost is then the sum of the travel costs of the sub-paths. This method does not support travel cost distributions, and it assumes independence among sub-paths.

Another study explicitly models turn costs [14], and the path cost is the sum of costs of edges and the costs of turns. However, the study models turn costs based on many assumptions, e.g., maximum turning speeds, not on real-world traffic data, and the accuracy of the modeling is unknown. In contrast, we do not explicitly model turn costs but use the joint distributions of paths to capture such hard-to-formalize factors. Further, the study [14] does not consider time-dependent and uncertain costs.

Estimating path cost distributions Studies exist that model the travel cost uncertainty of a path. However, they make assumptions that do not apply in our setting.

First, some studies assume that travel cost distributions follow a standard distribution, e.g., a Gaussian distribution. However, the travel cost distribution of a road segment often follows an arbitrary distribution, as shown in recent studies [4, 37, 38] exemplified in Fig. 1b in Sect. 1 and indicated in Fig. 14a in Sect. 6. We use multi-dimensional histograms to represent arbitrary distributions.

Second, some studies assume that the distributions on different edges are independent of each other [6, 24] or conditionally independent given the arrival times at different edges [38], thus mirroring the LB approach covered in Sect. 6. The independence assumption often does not hold (cf. Sect. 2), and our approach outperforms LB, as shown in Sect. 6. Further, with the exception of one study [38], all the above studies use synthetic distributions in empirical evaluations; we use large, real trajectory data.

The most advanced method, the HP [20] approach covered in Sect. 6, does not make the independence assumption. Rather, it assumes that the travel costs of pairs of adjacent edges are dependent, but it does not consider dependencies among multiple edges in a path. We propose a more generic model that employs joint distributions to fully capture the dependencies among all the edges in a path. In addition, we identify distributions from real-world trajectory data and support time-varying distributions, while the HP approach employs synthetically generated distributions and does not support time-varying distributions.

Although two recent studies [19, 41] employ histograms to represent travel cost distributions, they consider travel cost distributions on individual edges and assume that distributions are independent.

Stochastic routing Compared to regular routing algorithms [10, 25] that assume deterministic travel costs, stochastic routing algorithms extend to travel costs that are uncertain. Given a source, a destination, a departure time, and some other parameters, e.g., a time budget or a probabilistic threshold, a stochastic routing algorithm identifies a path or a set of paths whose cost distribution satisfy the conditions specified by the input parameters.

Different routing algorithms have been proposed to solve different types of routing problems, e.g., stochastic fastest routing [24], probabilistic top-k routing [20], stochastic skyline routing [38], and non-dominated routing [2]. Table 3 summarizes existing stochastic routing algorithms according to two aspects: whether they consider multiple travel costs and whether they consider time-varying uncertainty.

Table 3 Stochastic routing

Instead of proposing new types of stochastic routing problems, this paper presents the PACE paradigm that enables more accurate and more efficient stochastic routing and shows how to integrate existing stochastic routing algorithms seamlessly into PACE to improve both the accuracy and efficiency of these algorithms.

8 Conclusion

This study provides a new and promising paradigm called PACE, where travel costs are associated not only with road network edges, but with paths. In PACE, we model joint distributions that capture the travel cost dependencies among paths that form longer paths, which in turn enables accurate travel cost estimation of any path using sparse historical trajectory data. In addition, we show how existing stochastic routing algorithms can be integrated seamlessly into PACE, resulting in improved accuracy and efficiency. Empirical studies in realistic settings offer insight into the design properties of the PACE paradigm and suggest that PACE is effective and efficient.