1 Introduction

Given a distance threshold R, a range query returns the objects with distances to a specified query object q that are within R, and a range join returns all pairs of objects that are within distance R of each other. Consider, for example, Fig. 1, given a distance threshold R, a range query returns objects \(o_1\) and \(o_3\) for a query object q, and a range join returns object pairs \(\langle q_1, o_1\rangle \), \(\langle q_1, o_3\rangle \), \(\langle q_2, o_4\rangle \) and \(\langle q_3, o_6\rangle \). These operations are common in many areas of computer science, including GIS, computational biology, data integration, to name but a few. In such areas, uncertainty arises in different forms, resulting from the limitations of equipments and measurements, high-throughput sequencing technologies, privacy preservation, and so forth, which makes range queries and range joins inaccurate. Hence, we study probabilistic range queries and range joins over uncertain data, with three representative examples given as follows.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Illustration of a range query and a range join. a Range query and b range join

Application 1 (GIS) In a GIS application, the similarity between locations could be measured by the \(L_2\)-norm or the shortest path distance. A range query is able to be utilized to find potential customers for a restaurant, and a range join can be employed to find residents near to each other in order to generate recommendations for carpooling or other social events. Due to privacy preservation, a location can be represented by using an uncertain region in which the resident can locate with a certain probability. To address the uncertainty of locations, probability thresholds are integrated into range queries (range joins), resulting in probabilistic range queries (probabilistic range joins).

Application 2 (Multimedia retrieval) In an information retrieval system, the similarity between terms or documents might edit distance, tf-idf, or other metrics. However, the limitation of extraction techniques or typos may incur uncertainty. For instance, due to the typos, “defoliati” can be represented by using two possible meanings “defoliation” and “defoliating,” with each assigned a probability. Hence, probabilistic range queries can help to find similar terms to a given one, while probabilistic rang joins can be used to find similar term pairs for data integration.

Application 3 (Computational biology) In a protein interaction network, the distance between two proteins that represents how well the proteins interact with each other can be measured by the shortest path, maximum flow, or other metrics. However, the protein data are uncertain due to a number of aspects of the high-throughput sequencing techniques [18]. Therefore, probabilistic range queries can help to find the proteins that are more likely to interact with a specified query protein, and probabilistic range joins can help to find protein pairs that may interact with each other.

Although techniques can be developed for a specific data type, considering a wide range of data types in the aforementioned application scenarios (e.g., locations, strings, and protein sequences), a generic model (i.e., metric space) is desirable that is capable of accommodating not just a single data type, but a wide spectrum. In addition, distance metrics for quantifying the similarity between objects, such as edit distance used for strings, are no longer restricted to the Euclidean distance (i.e., \(L_{2}\)-norm). To accommodate a wide range of similarity notions, we investigate probabilistic range queries and joins on metric uncertain data, where no assumptions are made about the representations of uncertain objects and where any similarity notion satisfying the triangle inequality can be used.

Although many previous efforts exist on indexing uncertain data to accelerate probabilistic range queries and probabilistic range joins [23, 26, 38, 43, 44], they target mainly Euclidean space or, more generally, vector spaces. Unfortunately, these models of uncertain data and geometric properties are restricted to vector spaces, rendering them inapplicable to more complex data (e.g., sets) that cannot fit into Euclidean models. Hence, Angiulli and Fassetti [3] first study the indexing on metric uncertain data and present the UP-Index. While representing an important advance, this index can be further improved in several ways because (i) it processes metric uncertain data using the vector space uncertain model, which limits its applicability to complex metric uncertain data such as uncertain sets and uncertain graphs; (ii) it stores unnecessary information which leads to redundancy; (iii) it has to scan the entire index, for any range query, in order to prune away objects using probability upper bounds; and (iv) it cannot validate objects due to no probability lower bounds.

In order to design efficient external memory indexes on metric uncertain data, three challenging issues must be addressed. First, how shall we model metric uncertain data in a more general manner than using the vector space uncertain model? We propose two metric uncertain data models to represent the uncertainty in metric spaces. Second, how can we support efficient metric probabilistic range queries and metric probabilistic range joins? Here, efficiency is measured by both the number of distance computations (i.e., CPU cost) and the number of page accesses (i.e., I/O cost). We tackle this by identifying a small set of effective pivots to map uncertain objects from the metric space to the vector space, based on which probability lower and upper bounds are derived to validate and prune uncertain objects. Moreover, MBBs and a space-filling curve (e.g., Hilbert curve, Z-order curve) are utilized to cluster uncertain data to reduce the I/O cost. Third, how do we achieve low costs of index storage, construction, and manipulation? To save storage cost, our solution only stores necessary information and makes use of space-filling curve-based dimensionality reduction. To support efficient index construction and manipulation, we use the B\(^{+}\)-tree(s) as the underlying index.

The resulting proposals are called the uncertain pivot B \(^{+}\) -tree (UPB-tree) and the uncertain pivot B \(^{+}\) -forest (UPB-forest). These are based on two proposed metric uncertain data models. They do not depend on the detailed representations of objects and then can support all the distance metrics that satisfy the triangle inequality. To sum up, the key contributions of this paper are as follows:

  • We develop two metric uncertain data models with corresponding disk-based index structures, the UPB-tree and the UPB-forest, which map uncertain objects from a metric space to a vector space using a set of pivots, utilize a space-filling curve for dimensionality reduction, and employ the B\(^{+}\)-tree(s) as the underlying index.

  • We propose efficient algorithms for metric probabilistic range queries and joins that use the validation and pruning techniques based on derived lower and upper bounds of the probabilities.

  • We present a pivot selection algorithm based on a new criterion to choose a small set of effective pivots.

  • We conduct extensive experiments using real and synthetic data sets to show that the UPB-tree and the UPB-forest outperform the state-of-the-art competitors on metric uncertain data in terms of the number of distance computations and the number of page accesses.

The paper extends a preliminary study [8]. The extensions include support for the efficient processing of (i) two additional interesting queries, i.e., metric probabilistic range queries with uncertain query objects (Sects. 4.3, 5.3) and metric probabilistic range joins (Sects. 4.4, 5.4), based on the UPB-tree and the UPB-forest; (ii) an enhanced experimental evaluation that incorporates the new classes of queries (Sect. 7); and (iii) more comprehensive coverage of related work (Sect. 2). Also, we have revised the introduction and have contained additional theoretical analysis.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews related work. Section 3 formalizes the problem. Sections 4 and 5 elaborate the indexing structures with their corresponding metric probabilistic range query and metric probabilistic range join algorithms. Section 6 presents the pivot selection algorithm. Experimental findings are reported in Sect. 7. Finally, Sect. 8 concludes the paper and offers some directions for future work.

2 Related work

We proceed to review related work on indexing techniques for probabilistic range queries and range joins, and then survey metric range queries and range joins.

2.1 Probabilistic range queries and range joins

Given a set U of uncertain objects, a range region RR, and a probability threshold \(\theta \), a probabilistic range query returns the uncertain objects u \(\in U\) with Pr(\(u \in \mathrm{RR}\)) \(\ge \) \(\theta \). Cheng et al. [10] first address probabilistic range queries on one-dimensional uncertain data. Then, R-tree-based approaches [27, 36] are proposed, in which the MBB of an object serves as the summary of its PDF. Tao et al. [38] introduce the U-tree, as the PDF summary of an object is a finite set of probabilistically constrained regions. Next, range queries with constraints, where PDFs of uncertain data follow Gaussian or Uniform distributions, are studied [4, 6, 16]. Aggarwal and Yu [2] show how to construct an effective index structure in order to handle uncertain range queries in high dimensionality. Assuming that PDFs of objects are histograms, Agarwal et al. [1] provide a thorough theoretical analysis of various indexing schemes with linear or near-linear space and logarithmic query time. More recently, Zhang et al. [43] present the UI-tree, assuming that every uncertain object is a set of groups that are disjointed partitions of its PDF. Kimura et al. [23] propose a primary indexing technique named UPI to speed up query processing on uncertain data by clustering heap files. Zhang et al. [44] develop a U-Quadtree, which employs a Quadtree to organize multi-dimensional uncertain objects. Zhu et al. [45] present MRST and R-MRST, which are data structures that enable the effective and efficient indexing of uncertain objects. In addition, indexing techniques over one-dimensional uncertain data are explored [11, 24], which divide the interval of an uncertain object into several disjoint subintervals.

Given two sets U and V of uncertain objects, a query distance R, and a probability threshold \(\theta \), a probabilistic range join (also termed as probabilistic similarity join) returns all uncertain object pairs \(\langle u, v \rangle \) (\(\in U \times V\)) with Pr(\(d(u, v) \le R\)) \(\ge \) \(\theta \). Cheng et al. [9] and Silva et al. [34] deal with probabilistic range joins on one-dimensional uncertain data. Kriegel et al. [25] review all types of probabilistic joins. Kriegel et al. [26] propose an R-tree-based approach to accelerate probabilistic range joins.

The above approaches have shortcomings in relation to range queries and range joins on metric uncertain data. First, the uncertain models used are restricted to vector spaces, rendering the approaches inapplicable to complex data (e.g., sets, DNA sequences). Second, to accelerate query processing, they utilize geometric properties (e.g., MBB [26, 27, 36], grid [44]) that are unavailable in metric spaces.

To the best of our knowledge, only Angiulli and Fassetti [3] study the indexing of metric uncertain data. They present a pivot-based index, the UP-Index, that stores pre-computed histograms of the probability distribution for every uncertain object w.r.t. a set of pivots. The index enables pruning of uncertain objects during search using the upper bound of the probability derived by the reverse triangle inequality. Although the UP-Index supports any distance metric that satisfies the triangle inequality, it is still based on the vector space uncertain model, and it has to transform nonvector uncertain data into vectors before building the index. Section 7 reports on performance studies to show that the UP-Index is not competitive in terms of distance computations and page accesses. This is because: (i) UP-Index needs to store pre-computed histograms w.r.t. the whole distance range, resulting in larger storage cost; (ii) for any probabilistic range query, it needs to scan the whole index in order to prune uncertain objects using the probability upper bounds as it has no early termination conditions or batch pruning techniques; and (iii) it cannot validate objects since it has no probability lower bounds.

In addition, some efforts have been devoted to probabilistic range queries [13, 22], similarity search [14, 17], and similarity joins [21, 28] for specific metric uncertain data (e.g., sets, data series, graphs). These works utilize uncertain models and algorithms particular to the specific metric uncertain data they target. Thus, they do not support efficiently probabilistic range queries and probabilistic range joins over metric uncertain data.

2.2 Metric range queries and range joins

Given an object set O, a query object q, and a search radius R in a metric space, a metric range query retrieves the objects in O with distances to q bounded by R. To accelerate metric range queries, a large number of metric indexing structures are proposed, which can be generally classified into two categories, compact partitioning methods [12, 39] and pivot-based methods [7, 30, 37, 40, 41]. For two objects q and o, the distance d(q, o) cannot be smaller than \(\vert d(q, p) - d(o,p)\vert \) for any pivot p, due to the triangle inequality. Hence, it may be possible to prune an object o as a match for q using the lower bound \(\vert d(q,p) - d(o, p)\vert \) instead of calculating d(q, o). This capability enables pivot-based approaches to outperform compact partitioning methods in terms of the number of distance computations, a key performance criterion in metric spaces. Hence, in this paper, we adopt the pivot techniques.

Given two object sets Q and O, a metric range join (also termed as metric similarity join) retrieves pairs of objects from Q \(\times \) O that are within distance R of each other. This operator has been explored in metric spaces, and efficient solutions exist [20]. Recently, Paredes and Reyes [31] handle similarity joins using LTC, which indexes two sets jointly. Fredriksson and Braithwaite [15] improve the Quickjoin algorithm [20] for similarity joins. Silva and Pearson [32, 35] develop a nonblocking similarity join operator, DBSimJoin, and study index-based similarity joins. Also, metric range joins using map-reduce are investigated in [33, 42].

The above efforts do not consider uncertainty, and therefore, they do not solve the problem we study.

Table 1 Symbols used frequently

3 Problem formulation

We review briefly properties of the metric space, present metric uncertain data models, and formalize the probabilistic range query and join in the metric space. Table 1 summarizes the notations used frequently throughout this paper.

3.1 Metric spaces

A metric space is given by a tuple (M, d), where M is an object domain and d is a distance function quantifying “similarity” between objects in M. The distance function d has four properties: (i) symmetry: d(q, \(o) =\) d(o, q); (ii) nonnegativity: d(q, \(o) \ge \) 0; (iii) identity: d(q, \(o) =\) 0 iff \(q = o\); and (iv) triangle inequality: d(q, \(o) \le \) d(q, \(p) + d(p\), o).

3.2 Metric uncertain data models

An uncertain object is typically represented in one of the two ways: (i) using all possible instances, each with an assigned probability, or (ii) using a probability density function (PDF). Hence, we present two metric uncertain data models.

Object-level model Every uncertain object \(u_{i}\) can be modeled by all the possible instances and their corresponding nonnegative probabilities {\(\langle u_{i1}\), Pr(\(u_{i1})\rangle \), \(\langle u_{i2}\), Pr(\(u_{i2})\rangle \), ..., \(\langle u_{im}\), Pr(\(u_{im})\rangle \)} such that \(\sum _{j=1}^{m}{Pr(u_{ij})}=1\), in which Pr(\(u_{ij})\) denotes the nonnegative probability of \(u_{i}\) being \(u_{ij}\).

As an example, an uncertain English word u can be modeled as {\(\langle \)“defoliation,” 0.2\(\rangle \), \(\langle \)“defoliated,” 0.1\(\rangle \), \(\langle \)“defoliate,” 0.3\(\rangle \), \(\langle \)“defoliates,” 0.4\(\rangle \)}.

Bi-level model Each uncertain object \(u_{i}\) can utilize any other uncertainty model as the underlying model, based on which it can be further represented by using the PDF of its distance to a pivot p, satisfying that \(\int _{0}^{d^{+}}{\mathcal {G}_{p,u_i}(x)\mathrm{d}x}=1 \) or \(\sum _{0}^{d^{+}}{\mathcal {G}_{p,u_i}(x)}=1\) for continuous or discrete PDFs, respectively. Here, x is the distance \(d(u_{i}\), p) from \(u_{i}\) to p, and \(d^{+}\) is the maximum distance of \(d(u_{i}\), p).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Example of the bi-level model. a Uncertain object u and b continuous PDF of d(up)

To support query processing for a wide range of uncertain data types, the bi-level model can use any specific uncertain model (e.g., the vector space uncertain model [10, 16, 44] or the p-set model [17]) as its underlying model, based on which an upper model is built to represent its distance uncertainty. Consider the example of the bi-level model built on the vector space uncertain model shown in Fig. 2. The uncertain object u locates uniformly within the uncertain region, as illustrated in Fig. 2a, and the PDF of the distance d(u, p) is depicted in Fig. 2b.

For the bi-level model, although a PDF might be both discrete and continuous, we concentrate on the continuous case for simplicity. However, for the object-level model, we only aim at the discrete case according to its definition.

3.3 Metric probabilistic range query

Given a query object q and a search radius R in a metric space, a metric range query finds the objects with distances to q within R, i.e., the objects located into a circular search region \(R_{q}\) (centered at q with radius R). Considering uncertainty, let \(\pi (u_i\), \(R_{q})\) be the probability that a metric uncertain object \(u_i\) is contained in \(R_{q}\), i.e., \(\pi (u_i\), \(R_{q}) =\) Pr(d(q, \(u_i) \le R\)). We formally define the probabilistic range query on metric uncertain data.

Definition 3.1

(Metric probabilistic range query) Given a set U of uncertain objects, a certain query object q, a search radius R, and a probability threshold \(\theta \) (0 < \(\theta \) \(\le \) 1) in a metric space, a metric probabilistic range query (MPRQ) finds the uncertain objects in U whose probabilities of being contained in \(R_{q}\) are no smaller than \(\theta \), i.e., MPRQ(q, R, \(\theta \)) = \(\{u_i\) |\(u_i \in U \wedge \pi \)(\(u_i\), \(R_{q}) \ge \theta \}\).

Consider, for example, the uncertain object set \(U = \{u_{1}, u_{2}, u_{3}, u_{4}\}\), illustrated in Fig. 3a, with \(u_{1} = \{(u_{11}, 0.6), (u_{12}, 0.4)\}\), \(u_{2} = \{(u_{21}, 0.5), (u_{22}, 0.5)\}\), \(u_{3} = \{(u_{31}, 0.4), (u_{32}, 0.6)\}\), and \(u_{4} = \{(u_{41}, 0.2), (u_{42}, 0.3)\), \((u_{43}, 0.5)\}\) using the object-level model. Assuming that the \(L_{2}\) -norm is used as the distance function, the result of MPRQ(q, 2, 0.5) is \(\{u_{1}\), \(u_{2}\}\), as \(\pi (u_1, R_q) = 0.6\) and \(\pi (u_2, R_q) = 1\).

However, the query object q might be uncertain, due to the limitations of equipments and measurements, privacy preservation, and so forth. For example, in Application 2 stated in Sect. 1, the query object (i.e., a query term input by a user) could be uncertain due to typos. Thus, we also define the metric probabilistic range query with an uncertain query object.

Definition 3.2

(Metric probabilistic range query with uncertain query object) Given a set U of uncertain objects, an uncertain query object uq, a search radius R, and a probability threshold \(\theta \) (0 < \(\theta \) \(\le \) 1) in a metric space, a metric probabilistic range query with an uncertain query object (MPRQU) finds the uncertain objects in U whose probabilities of being contained in the search region \(R_{uq}\) are no smaller than \(\theta \), i.e., MPRQU(uq, R, \(\theta \)) \(=\) \(\{u_i|u_i \in U \wedge \pi \)(\(u_i\), \(R_{uq}) \ge \theta \}\).

Consider, for instance, the uncertain object set \(U =\) \(\{u_{2}\), \(u_{3}\), \(u_{4}\}\) and uq \(=\) \(u_{1}\) using the object-level model, as illustrated in Fig. 3a. Assume that the \(L_{2}\) -norm is used as the distance function, the result of MPRQ(uq, 2, 0.5) is \(\{u_{2}\}\), as \(\pi (u_2, R_{uq}) = 0.6\).

Note that, \(R_{uq}\) for an uncertain query object uq could be m circular search regions \(R_{q_j}\) (1 \(\le j \le m\)) if using the object-level model as discussed in Sect. 4.3, or one continuous search region if using the bi-level model as to be discussed in Sect. 5.3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Example of MPRQ using the object-level model. a Metric space, b vector space, c Hilbert curve

3.4 Metric probabilistic range join

The metric probabilistic range query only involves a single query object. In the following, we consider a set of uncertain query objects. For example, in Application 2 stated in Sect. 1, we need to find similar objects for each of the query objects during the data integration. Motivated by this, we also introduce the metric probabilistic range join as follows.

Definition 3.3

(Metric probabilistic range join) Given two sets U and V of uncertain objects, a search radius R, and a probability threshold \(\theta \) (0 < \(\theta \) \(\le \) 1) in a metric space, a metric probabilistic range join (MPRJ) finds the uncertain object pairs \(\langle u_i, v_j\rangle \) in U \(\times \) V whose probabilities of distances \(d(u_i, v_j)\) being no larger than R are no smaller than \(\theta \), i.e., MPRJ(\(U, V, R, \theta ) = \{\langle u_i, v_j\rangle \vert u_i \in U \wedge v_j \in V \wedge \pi (u_i, v_j) \ge \theta \}\), where \(\pi (u_i, v_j) =\) Pr(\(d(u_i, v_j) \le R\)).

Consider, for example, two uncertain object sets \(U = \{u_{1}, u_{3}\}\) and \(V = \{u_{2}, u_{4}\}\) as depicted in Fig. 3a, with \(u_{1} = \{(u_{11}, 0.6), (u_{12}, 0.4)\}\), \(u_{2} = \{(u_{21}, 0.5), (u_{22}, 0.5)\},\) \(u_{3} = \{(u_{31}, 0.4), (u_{32}, 0.6)\}\), and \(u_{4} = \{(u_{41}, 0.2)\), \((u_{42}, 0.3)\), \((u_{43}, 0.5)\}\), using the object-level model. If the \(L_{2}\) -norm is used as the distance function, the result of a MPRJ(U, V, 2, 0.5) is {\(\langle u_{1}\), \(u_2\rangle \}\), as \(\pi (u_1, u_2) = 0.6\).

4 The UPB-tree

We propose a new index structure, the UPB-tree, to index uncertain objects based on the object-level model, and then, we present the corresponding range query and join algorithms. Also, we analyze query costs.

4.1 UPB-tree structure

UPB-tree construction is based on a two-stage mapping. In the first stage, we map all instances of metric uncertain objects to data points in a vector space, using selected pivots. We prefer the vector space to the metric space because it provides geometric and coordinate information that is not available in the metric space. In the second stage, we utilize a proximity-preserving space-filling curve (SFC) to map the data points in the vector space to integers in one-dimensional space. Finally, we use a B\(^{+}\)-tree with MBB information to index the metric uncertain objects.

Pivot mapping Given a pivot set P \(=\) {\(p_{1}\), \(p_{2}\), …, \(p_{\vert P\vert }\)}, a metric space (M, d) can be mapped into a vector space (\(R^{\vert P\vert }\), \(L_{\infty }\)). Specifically, any instance object \(u_{ij}\) in the metric space can be represented as a point \(\phi (u_{ij}) = \langle d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{1})\), \(d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{2})\), …, \(d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{\vert P\vert })\rangle \) in the vector space. Consider Fig. 3, in which U \(=\) {\(u_{1}\), \(u_{2}\), \(u_{3}\), \(u_{4}\)}. If P \(=\) {\(u_{11}\), \(u_{42}\)}, U can be mapped to a two-dimensional vector space as depicted in Fig. 3b, where the x axis denotes \(d(u_{ij}\), \(u_{11})\) and the y axis represents \(d(u_{ij}\), \(u_{42})\).

Given a pivot set P, \(d(u_{ij}\), \(u_{ij}^\prime ) \ge \) max{\(\vert d(u_{ij}\), \(p) -d(u_{ij}^\prime \), \(p)\vert \) \(\vert \) \(p \in P\}\) \(=\) \(D(\phi (u_{ij})\), \(\phi (u_{ij}^\prime ))\) according to the triangle inequality, in which D( ) is an \(L_{\infty }\)-norm metric. Clearly, the distance in the mapped vector space is a lower bound on that in the original metric space. For example, in Fig. 3, \(d(u_{43}\), \(u_{32})\) \(\ge \) \(D(\phi (u_{43})\), \(\phi (u_{32}))\) \(=\) 1.

Space-filling curve mapping Given a vector \(\phi (u_{ij})\) after the pivot mapping, an SFC maps \(\phi (u_{ij})\) to an integer SFC(\(\phi (u_{ij})\)). Considering the example shown in Fig. 3c, SFC(\(\phi (u_{21})\)) \(=\) 18. Although we employ the Hilbert curve in this paper, any SFC is applicable to the UPB-tree.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Example of the UPB-tree for the dataset in Fig. 3. a MBBs of UPB-tree, b MBB representation, c the UPB-tree

A UPB-tree used to index a metric uncertain object set based on the object-level model contains three parts, i.e., a pivot table, a random access file (RAF), and a B\(^{+}\)-tree. Figure 4 illustrates a UPB-tree that indexes \(U =\) {\(u_{1}\), \(u_{2}\), \(u_{3}\), \(u_{4}\)}. The pivot table stores the pivots (\(u_{11}\) and \(u_{42}\)) that are used to map a metric space into a vector space. The RAF stores instance objects in ascending order of their SFC values as they appear in the B\(^{+}\)-tree, in order to enhance efficiency. Each RAF entry records (i) an uncertain object identifier id, (ii) an instance identifier cid, (iii) the storage overhead len (in bytes) of the instance object, and (iv) the real instance object obj. In Fig. 4c, the RAF entry associated with the object \(u_{21}\) records the uncertain object identifier 2, the instance identifier 1, the storage overhead 8 (bytes), and the real instance object \(u_{21}\).

A B\(^{+}\)-tree is employed to index the SFC values of instance objects. The structure of a node entry varies, dependent on whether it is an entry in a leaf node or an entry in a nonleaf node. A leaf entry in the leaf node (e.g., \(N_{3}\), \(N_{4}\), \(N_{5}\), and \(N_{6})\) of the B\(^{+}\)-tree records (i) an uncertain object identifier id, (ii) an instance identifier cid, (iii) a SFC value key, (iv) a probability Pr, and (v) a pointer ptr to the real instance object, which is the address of the instance object kept in the RAF. As an example depicted in Fig. 4c, the leaf entry \(E_{7}\) associated with \(u_{21}\) records the uncertain object identifier 2, the instance identifier 1, the Hilbert value 18, the probability 0.5, and the storage address 0 of \(u_{21}\) in the RAF. A nonleaf entry in the root or intermediate node (e.g., \(N_{0}\), \(N_{1}\), and \(N_{2})\) of the B\(^{+}\)-tree records (i) the minimum SFC value key in its subtree, (ii) the pointer ptr to the root node of its subtree, and (iii) the SFC values min and max for \(\langle a_{1}\), \(a_{2}\), …, \(a_{\vert P\vert }\rangle \) and \(\langle b_{1}\), \(b_{2}\), …, \(b_{\vert P\vert }\rangle \), to represent the MBB \(M_{i}\) (\(=\) {[\(a_{t}\), \(b_{t}\)] \(\vert \) \(t \in \) [1, |P|]}) of the root node \(N_{i}\) of its subtree. For instance, the nonleaf entry \(E_{3}\) uses min (\(=\) 19) and max (\(=\) 23) to denote the \(M_{3}\) of \(N_{3}\).

Note that, while some existing index structures (e.g., the R-tree) can also be used to index the mapped vector space, the UPB-tree uses a B\(^{+}\)-tree to index the SFC values of instance objects after the pivot mapping. This is attractive because the use of an SFC can cluster objects into compact regions and meanwhile reduce the amount of storage needed for pre-computed distances, as to be verified by our experiments in Sect. 7.

4.2 UPB-tree-based MPRQ algorithm

Given a set U of uncertain objects, MPRQ finds the uncertain objects \(u_{i}\) in U with probabilities of being contained in \(R_{q}\) no smaller than \(\theta \), i.e., \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q}) \ge \theta \). Since an uncertain object \(u_{i}\) can be represented by all instance objects \(u_{ij}\) with associated nonnegative probabilities based on the object-level model, \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) can be calculated by summarizing all the probabilities of its instance objects \(u_{ij}\) (\(\in R_{q})\). Thus, to derive \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) of an uncertain object \(u_{i}\), a naive solution is to check every instance object \(u_{ij}\) and determine whether \(u_{ij}\) is contained in \(R_{q}\). However, as stated in Lemma 4.1, we only need to verify the instance objects \(u_{ij}\) with \(\phi (u_{ij}) \in \) \(\phi (R_{q})\), where \(\phi (R_{q})\) denotes the mapped search region in the vector space using a pivot set P. For example, the dashed circle in Fig. 3a represents \(R_{q}\), and the dashed rectangle in Fig. 3b denotes \(\phi (R_{q})\) using \(P =\) {\(u_{11}\), \(u_{42}\)}.

Lemma 4.1

Given a pivot set P, if an instance object \(u_{ij}\) is enclosed in \(R_{q}\), then \(\phi (u_{ij})\) is contained in the mapped range region \(\phi (R_{q})\), where \(\phi (R_{q}) = \{\langle x_{1}\), \(x_{2}\), \(\ldots \), \(x_{\vert P\vert }\rangle \vert 1 \le t \le \vert P \vert \wedge x_{t} \ge 0 \wedge x_{t} \in [d(q, p_{t}) - R, d(q, p_{t}) + R]\}\).


Assume, to the contrary, that there exists an instance object \(u_{ij} \in R_{q}\) but \(\phi (u_{ij}) \notin \) \(\phi (R_{q})\), i.e., \(\exists p_{t} \in P\), \(d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{t})\) > d(q, \(p_{t}) + R\) or \(d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{t})\) < d(q, \(p_{t})-R\). If \(d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{t})\) > d(q, \(p_{t}) + R\) or \(d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{t})\) < d(q, \(p_{t})-R\), then d(q, \(u_{ij}) \ge \) \(\vert d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{t})-d(q\), \(p_{t})\vert \) > R due to the triangle inequality. This contradicts our assumption that \(u_{ij} \in R_{q}\). \(\square \)

Based on Lemma 4.1, if the MBB of a node N does not overlap \(\phi (R_{q})\), we can prune N since the instance objects \(u_{ij}\) contained in N cannot contribute to the value of \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\). Here, MBB can be obtained easily by using the SFC values min and max stored in the UPB-tree. In the MPRQ example shown in Figs. 3 and 4, \(N_{6}\) can be discarded due to \(M_{6} \cap \phi (R_{q}) = \emptyset \).

When computing \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\), Lemma 4.1 is used to avoid distance computations for instance objects \(u_{ij}\) having \(\phi (u_{ij})\) \(\notin \phi (R_{q})\). Nonetheless, we still have to verify the instance objects \(u_{ij}\) with \(\phi (u_{ij})\) enclosed in \(\phi (R_{q})\). Therefore, we develop Lemma 4.2 that enables us to further avoid unnecessary distance computations.

Lemma 4.2

Given a pivot set P, for an instance object \(u_{ij}\), if there exists a pivot \(p_{t}\) \((\in P)\) satisfying \(d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{t})\) \(\le R-d(q\), \(p_{t})\), then \(u_{ij}\) is included in \(R_{q}\).


Given a query object q, an instance object \(u_{ij}\), and a pivot \(p_{t}\), we have d(q, \(u_{ij}) \le d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{t})\) \(+\) d(q, \(p_{t})\) due to the triangle inequality. If \(d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{t})\) \(\le R-d(q\), \(p_{t})\), then d(q, \(u_{ij}) \le R-d(q\), \(p_{t}) + d(q\), \(p_{t}) = R\). Thus, \(u_{ij}\) is certainly contained in \(R_{q}\). \(\square \)

Consider the MPRQ example in Fig. 3. If \(R =\) 3, then for an object \(u_{21}\), there exists a pivot \(u_{11}\) satisfying \(d(u_{21}\), \(u_{11}) = R-d(q\), \(u_{11}) = 3 - 2 = 1\). Hence, \(u_{21}\) is guaranteed to be contained in \(R_{q}\), and there is no need for any further distance computation of d(q, \(u_{21})\).

To speed up MPRQ processing, we can also validate or prune uncertain objects \(u_{i}\) using the upper and lower bounds of \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\), as stated in Theorem 4.1.

Theorem 4.1

Given an MPRQ(q, R, \(\theta \)), let \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) and \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) be the upper and lower bounds of \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\), respectively. Then, (i) \(u_{i}\) can be safely pruned if \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) < \(\theta \), and (ii) \(u_{i}\) can be validated if \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) \(\ge \theta \).

The proof of Theorem 4.1 is straightforward and thus omitted. To use Theorem 4.1, we have to derive tight upper bound \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) and lower bound \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\). According to Lemma 4.1, by summarizing all the probabilities of instances \(u_{ij}\) for an uncertain object \(u_{i}\) with \(\phi (u_{ij}) \in \phi (R_{q})\), we can get the upper bound of \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) as follows.

Lemma 4.3

Given an MPRQ(q, R, \(\theta \)) and a pivot set P, \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q}) = \sum _{\phi (u_{ij}) \in \phi (R_q)}{\textit{Pr}(u_{ij})}\).


Let \(S_{u_i} = \{u_{ij} \vert u_{ij} \in R_{q}\}\) and \(S_{\phi (u_i)} = \{u_{ij} \vert \phi (u_{ij}) \in \phi (R_{q})\}\). We have \(S_{u_i} \subseteq S_{\phi (u_i)}\) according to Lemma 4.1. Therefore, \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q}) = \sum _{u_{ij} \in S_{u_i}}{\textit{Pr}(u_{ij})} \le \sum _{u_{ij} \in S_{\phi (ui)}}\) \({\textit{Pr}(u_{ij})} = \sum _{\phi (u_{ij}) \in \phi (R_q)}{\textit{Pr}(u_{ij})}\). Consequently, \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) can be set as \(\sum _{\phi (u_{ij}) \in \phi (R_q)}{\textit{Pr}(u_{ij})}\). \(\square \)

Consider the MPRQ(q, 2, 0.5) example in Fig. 3. We have \(u\pi (u_{1}\), \(R_{q}) =\) Pr(\(u_{11})\) \(+\) Pr(\(u_{12}) =\) 1 and \(u\pi (u_{3}\), \(R_{q}) =\) Pr(\(u_{31}) =\) 0.4, since \(\phi (u_{11})\), \(\phi (u_{12})\), and \(\phi (u_{31})\) are inside \(\phi (R_{q})\). Hence, \(u_{3}\) can be pruned by Theorem 4.1 because \(u\pi (u_{3}\), \(R_{q})\) < \(\theta \). It is worth noting that, for \(u_{i}\) that cannot be filtered, when computing an accurate \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) during the verification phase, we can further tighten \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) to improve the pruning power. Specifically, if \(\phi (u_{ik}) \in \phi (R_{q})\) but d(q, \(u_{ik})\) > R, then \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) can be tightened to \(\sum _{\phi (u_{ij}) \in \phi (R_q)}{Pr(u_{ij})}-Pr(u_{ik})\). As an example, in Fig. 3, \(u\pi (u_{1}\), \(R_{q})\) can be reduced to 0.6 as \(\phi (u_{12}) \in \phi (R_{q})\) but d(q, \(u_{12})\) \(\ge \) 2.

Next, we derive the lower bound of \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) using Lemma 4.2, by accumulating all the probabilities of the instance objects satisfying the condition of Lemma 4.2.

Lemma 4.4

Given an MPRQ(q, R, \(\theta \)) and a pivot set P, \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q}) = \sum _{\exists p_t \in P \text {s.t.} d(u_{ij},p_t)\le R-d(q,p_t)}{Pr(u_{ij})}\).


Let \(S_{u_i} =\) \(\{u_{ij}\vert \) \(u_{ij} \in R_{q}\}\) and \(S_{P}\) \(=\) \(\{u_{ij}\vert \) \(\exists p_{t} (\in P)\) s.t. \(d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{t})\) \(\le \) \(R-d(q\), \(p_{t})\)}. Based on Lemma 4.2, we can get that \(S_{u_i}\) \(\supseteq \) \(S_{P}\). Then, \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})=\sum _{u_{ij} \in S_{u_i}}{Pr(u_{ij})}\) \(\ge \) \(\sum _{u_{ij} \in S_{P}}{\textit{Pr}(u_{ij})}\) \(=\) \(\sum _{\exists p_t \in P \text { s.t. } d(u_{ij},p_t)\le R-d(q,p_t)}{Pr(u_{ij})}\). Thus, \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) can be set to \(\sum _{\exists p_t \in P \text { s.t. } d(u_{ij}, p_t) \le R - d(q, p_t)}{}\) \({\textit{Pr}(u_{ij})}\). \(\square \)

Consider the MPRQ(q, 2, 0.5) example depicted in Fig. 3 again. We have \(l\pi (u_{1}\), \(R_{q}) =\) Pr(\(u_{11}) =\) 0.6, as pivot \(u_{11}\) satisfies \(d(u_{11}\), \(u_{11}) \le 2 -d(q, u_{11})\). Also, we can tighten \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) during the verification phase. Specifically, if \(u_{ik}\) does not satisfy the condition of Lemma 4.2 but \(u_{ik} \in \) \(R_{q}\), then \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) can also be tightened to \(\sum _{\exists p_t \in P \text { s.t. } d(u_{ij},p_t)\le R-d(q,p_t)}{Pr(u_{ij})} + Pr(u_{ik})\).

figure a

Based on Theorem 4.1 and Lemmas 4.1 to 4.4, we develop a UPB-tree-based MPRQ algorithm (UtMA). The algorithm follows a filtering-and-refinement framework. The pseudo-code is presented in Algorithm 1. The algorithm takes as inputs q, R, \(\theta \), and an uncertain object set U indexed by a UPB-tree and outputs the result set \(S_{r}\). In the filtering phase, UtMA first computes \(\phi (q)\) and \(\phi (R_{q})\) using a pivot table P (line 1). Then, it traverses the B\(^{+}\)-tree in a depth-first manner (lines 2–20) to find candidate uncertain objects (maintained in a set \(S_{c})\) and the uncertain instance objects needed further verification (preserved in a set IS \(_{c})\) using Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2, and to update \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) and \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) for uncertain objects \(u_{i}\) in \(S_{c}\) via Lemmas 4.3 and 4.4. Next, UtMA validates or eliminates the uncertain objects \(u_{i}\) in \(S_{c}\) by Theorem 4.1, and removes corresponding uncertain instance objects \(u_{ik}\) from IS \(_{c}\) (lines 21–24). After that, during the refinement phase, UtMA first verifies every uncertain instance object \(u_{ij}\) in IS \(_{c}\) in order to tighten \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) and \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) for the corresponding uncertain object \(u_{i}\) (lines 26–27). Then, it validates or prunes \(u_{i}\) based on Theorem 4.1, and removes the corresponding uncertain instance objects \(u_{ik}\) from IS \(_{c}\) (lines 28–30). Finally, \(S_{r}\) is returned (line 31).

Example 1

Please refer to the conference paper [8] for details and thus omitted here. \(\square \)

4.3 UPB-tree-based MPRQU algorithm

Since the query object q of an MPRQ might be uncertain (as discussed in Sect. 3.3), we extend MPRQ to take an uncertain query object as argument, obtaining a new query type called MPRQU. As an uncertain query object uq can be modeled as \(\{\langle q_1, \textit{Pr}(q_1)\rangle \), \(\langle q_2, \textit{Pr}(q_2)\rangle \), ..., \(\langle q_m, \textit{Pr}(q_m)\rangle \}\) based on the object-level model, the range region \(R_{uq}\) for uq consists of m circular range regions \(R_{q_x}\) (\(1 \le x \le m\)), and thus, \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) can be calculated by summarizing all the probabilities of \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q_x})\) \(\times \) Pr \((q_x)\) (\(q_x \in uq\)). In order to avoid the high cost of computing \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\), we derive upper and lower bounds of \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) as follows, to prune and validate uncertain objects using Theorem 4.1.

Lemma 4.5

Given an MPRQU(uq, R, \(\theta \)) and a pivot set P, \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})=\sum _{x=1}^{m}{\sum _{\phi (u_{ij}) \in \phi (R_{q_x})}{(\textit{Pr}(u_{ij})\times \textit{Pr}(q_x))}}\).


The proof is simple due to the proof of Lemma 4.3 and the definition of \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\), and thus, it is omitted. \(\square \)

Consider the MPRQU(uq, 2, 0.5) example depicted in Fig. 5 where \(uq=\{\langle q_1, 0.6\rangle , \langle q_2, 0.4\rangle \}\). We have \(u\pi (u_{1}\), \(R_{uq})\) \(=\) Pr(\(u_{11}\)) \(\times \) \(Pr(q_1)\) \(+\) \(\textit{Pr}(u_{12})\) \(\times \) Pr \((q_1)\) \(+\) \(\textit{Pr}(u_{12})\) \(\times \) \(\textit{Pr}(q_2)\) \(=\) 0.76 and \(u\pi (u_{3}\), \(R_{uq})\) \(=\) Pr(\(u_{31})\) \(\times \) Pr \((q_1)\) \(+\) \(\textit{Pr}(u_{31})\) \(\times \) \(Pr(q_2)\) \(=\) 0.4, since \(\phi (u_{11})\), \(\phi (u_{12})\), and \(\phi (u_{31})\) are inside \(\phi (R_{q_1})\) while \(\phi (u_{12})\) and \(\phi (u_{31})\) are inside \(\phi (R_{q_2})\). Hence, \(u_3\) can be pruned based on Theorem 4.1. Also, \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) can be tightened during verification in order to get stronger pruning power. To be more specific, if \(\phi (u_{ik}) \in \phi (R_{q_y})\) but \(d(q_y\), \(u_{ik})\) > R, then \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) can be tightened to \(\sum _{x=1}^{m}{\sum _{\phi (u_{ij}) \in \phi (R_{q_x})}}\) \((\textit{Pr}(u_{ij})\) \(\times \) \(\textit{Pr}(q_x))\)\(\textit{Pr}(u_{ik})\) \(\times \) \(\textit{Pr}(q_{y})\).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Example of MPRQU using the object-level model. a Metric space, b vector space, c Hilbert curve

Lemma 4.6

Given an MPRQU(uq, R, \(\theta \)) and a pivot set P, \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})=\sum _{x=1}^{m}{\sum _{\exists p_t \in P \text { s.t. } d(u_{ij},p_t)\le R - d(q_x, p_t)}{(\textit{Pr}(u_{ij})}}\) \(\times \) Pr \((q_x))\).


The proof is simple due to the proof of Lemma 4.4 and the definition of \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\), and thus, it is omitted. \(\square \)

Consider the MPRQ(uq, 2, 0.5) example in Fig. 5, where \(uq=\{\langle q_1, 0.6\rangle , \langle q_2, 0.4\rangle \}\). We have \(l\pi (u_{1}\), \(R_{uq})\) \(=\) Pr(\(u_{11}\)) \(\times \) Pr \((q_1)\) \(=\) 0.3, since pivot \(u_{11}\) satisfies \(d(u_{11}\), \(u_{11})\) \(\le 2 - d(q, u_{11})\). Further, \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) can be tightened during verification to improve the pruning power. Specifically, if \(u_{ik}\) does not satisfy the condition of Lemma 4.2 (i.e., \(d(u_{ik}, p_t) > R - d(q_y, p_t)\)) but \(u_{ik} \in \) \(R_{q_y}\), then \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) can be tighten to \(\sum _{\exists p_t \in P \text { s.t. } d(u_{ij}, p_t)\le R - d(q_x, p_t)}(\textit{Pr}(u_{ij})\) \(\times \) \(\textit{Pr}(q_x))\) \(+\) \(\textit{Pr}(u_{ik})\) \(\times \) \(\textit{Pr}(q_y)\).

To reduce the computational costs of upper and lower bounds, a single range region \(\phi (SR_{uq})\) that contains all subrange regions \(R_{q_x}\) (\(1 \le x \le m\)) can be used to avoid unnecessary verifications. Consider the example illustrated in Fig. 5b, where \(\phi (SR_{uq})\) denotes the minimum bounding box to contain \(\phi (R_{q_1})\) and \(\phi (R_{q_2})\).

Lemma 4.7

Let \(\phi (SR_{uq})\) be the minimum bounding box to contain all \(\phi (R_{qx})\) \((q_x \in uq)\), if an instance object \(u_{ij}\) stratifies that \(\phi (u_{ij})\) \(\notin \) \(\phi (SR_{uq})\), then \(u_{ij}\) can be pruned safely for the uncertain query object uq.


According to the definition, we can get that \(\phi (R_{qx})\) \(\subset \) \(\phi (SR_{uq})\) for any \(q_x \in uq\). Hence, if \(\phi (u_{ij})\) \(\notin \) \(\phi (SR_{uq})\), then \(\phi (u_{ij})\) \(\notin \) \(\phi (R_{qx})\) for any \(q_x \in uq\). Due to Lemma 4.1, \(u_{ij}\) cannot locate in any \(R_{qx}\), and thus, \(u_{ij}\) can be pruned safely for the uncertain query object uq. \(\square \)

Consider the MPRQU(uq, 2, 0.5) example depicted in Fig. 5 where \(uq=\{\langle q_1, 0.6\rangle , \langle q_2, 0.4\rangle \}\). Instance objects \(u_{41}\),\(u_{42}\), \(u_{43}\), and \(u_{32}\) can be pruned using Lemma 4.7. According to Lemma 4.7, if the MBB of a node N does not overlap \(\phi (SR_{uq})\), we can also prune N. However, we still have to verify instance objects that cannot be pruned by Lemma 4.7. Therefore, we develop Lemma 4.8 to further avoid unnecessary verifications.

Lemma 4.8

Given a pivot set P, for an instance object \(u_{ij}\), if there exists a pivot \(p_t\) \((\in P)\) satisfies that \(d(u_{ij}, p_t) \le R - max\{d(q_x, p_t) | q_x \in uq\}\), then \(u_{ij}\) can be validated for the uncertain query object uq.


According to Lemma 4.2, if there exists a pivot \(p_t\) \((\in P)\) satisfies that \(d(u_{ij}, p_t) \le R - max\{d(q_x, p_t) | q_x \in uq\}\), then \(u_{ij}\) locates in all \(R_{qx}\) (\(q_x \in uq\)). Hence, \(u_{ij}\) can be validated for the uncertain query object uq. \(\square \)

Consider again the MPRQU(uq, 2, 0.5) example shown in Fig. 5 where \(uq=\{\langle q_1, 0.6\rangle , \langle q_2, 0.4\rangle \}\). Due to Lemma 4.8, none of those instance objects can be validated for uq.

figure b

Based on Theorem 4.1 and Lemmas 4.5 to 4.8, we develop a UPB-tree-based MPRQU algorithm (UtMUA) that follows a filtering-and-refinement framework. The pseudo-code of UtMUA is depicted in Algorithm 2, which takes as inputs uq, R, \(\theta \), and an uncertain object set U indexed by a UPB-tree, and outputs a result set \(S_{r}\). In the filtering phase, UtMUA first computes \(\phi (q_x)\) and \(\phi (R_{q_x})\) for each query instance \(q_x\) (1 \(\le \) x \(\le \) m) of uq, using a pivot table P (line 1), and then, it computes the minimum bounding box \(\phi (SR_{uq})\) to contain all \(\phi (R_{q_x})\) (line 2). Next, similar as UtMA, it traverses the B\(^{+}\)-tree in a depth-first fashion (lines 3–26), to find candidate uncertain objects (maintained in a set \(S_{c})\) and the uncertain instance objects needed further verification (kept in a map IM \(_{c}\)). The differences between UtMUA and UtMA are that (i) UtMUA visits nonleaf entries e in the B\(^{+}\)-tree if MBB(e.ptr) intersects with any \(\phi (R_{q_x})\) (1 \(\le \) x \(\le \) m) (lines 8–10), (ii) UtMUA prunes and validates the instance objects using Lemmas 4.7 and 4.8 (lines 14–17); (iii) UtMUA updates \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) and \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) using Lemmas 4.5 and 4.6 instead of Lemmas 4.3 and 4.4 (lines 22–24), and (iv) UtMUA utilizes the map IM \(_{c}\) to maintain each candidate instance object \(u_{ij}\) with a corresponding vector v that stores qualified query instances (lines 25–26). A query instance \(q_x\) is qualified for \(u_{ij}\) if the condition of Lemma 4.1 holds, i.e., \(\phi (u_{ij})\) \(\in \) \(\phi (R_{q_x})\). Then, the verification in UtMUA is also similar as that in UtMA (lines 27–37). The difference is that UtMUA needs to verify all the query instances in IM \(_{c}(u_{ij})\).v for each \(u_{ij}\) in IM \(_{c}\) (line 32). Finally, \(S_{r}\) is returned (line 38).

Example 2

We illustrate UtMUA using the MPRQU(uq, 2, 0.5) shown in Fig. 5 with the UPB-tree in Fig. 4. In the filtering phase, UtMUA computes \(\phi (q_1) = (2, 5)\) and \(\phi (q_2) = (4, 5)\) using \(P = \{u_{11}\), \(u_{42}\)} , and then, it gets \(\phi (R_{q_1})\), \(\phi (R_{q_2})\) and \(\phi (SR_{uq})\). Next, it traverses the B\(^{+}\)-tree to obtain candidate uncertain objects (\(S_{c} =\) {\(u_{1}\), \(u_{2}\), \(u_{3}\)}) and instance objects (IM\(_{c}\) \(=\) {\(\langle u_{21}, \{q_1\}\rangle \), \(\langle u_{22}, \{q_1, q_2\}\rangle \), \(\langle u_{31}, \{q_1,\) \(q_2\}\rangle \), \(\langle u_{12}, \{q_1, q_2\}\rangle \)}). Meanwhile, \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) and u\(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) (\(u_{i} \in S_{c})\) are updated using Lemmas 4.5 and 4.6. After that, the algorithm validates or eliminates the uncertain objects in \(S_{c}\). Specifically, \(u_{3}\) is pruned as \(u\pi (u_{3}\), \(R_{q})\) \(=\) 0.4 < 0.5, and u\(_{31}\) is removed from IM\(_{c}\). Thereafter, the algorithm has S\(_{c}=\{ u_{1}\), \(u_{2}\}\), IM\(_{c}\) \(=\) {\(\langle u_{21}, \{q_1\}\rangle \), \(\langle u_{22}, \{q_1,\) \(q_2\}\rangle \), \(\langle u_{12}, \{q_1,\) \(q_2\}\rangle \)}, and \(S_{r} =\) \(\emptyset \). In the refinement phase, for \(u_{21}\) in IM\(_{c}\), \(l\pi (u_{2}\), \(R_{q})\) is tightened to 0.3 due to \(d(q_1\), \(u_{21})\) < 2. In the sequel, entries in IM\(_{c}\) are verified similarly. Finally, the result set S\(_{r} =\) {\(u_{1}\), \(u_{2}\)} is returned. \(\square \)

4.4 UPB-tree-based MPRJ algorithm

Metric probabilistic range queries only involve a single query object. In this section, we consider a set of uncertain query objects, and thus, we investigate the metric probabilistic range join (MPRJ) that finds all uncertain object pairs \(\langle u_i, v_j \rangle \) with \(\pi (u_i, v_j)\) exceeding the probability threshold \(\theta \). Consider the example using the object-level model illustrated in Fig. 6, where \(U =\) {\(u_1\), \(u_2\), \(u_3\)} and \(V =\) {\(v_1\), \(v_2\)} with \(u_{1} =\) {(\(u_{11}\), 0.6), (\(u_{12}\), 0.4)}, \(u_{2} =\) {(\(u_{21}\), 0.5), (\(u_{22}\), 0.5)}, \(u_{3}=\) {(\(u_{31}\), 0.2), (\(u_{32}\), 0.3), (\(u_{33}\), 0.5)}, \(v_{1} =\) {(\(v_{11}\), 0.4), (\(v_{12}\), 0.6)}, and \(v_{2} =\) {(\(v_{21}\), 0.5), (\(v_{22}\), 0.5)}. Assume that \(R = 1\), \(\theta = 0.5\), and that the \(L_2\)-norm is utilized. The result of MPRJ(U, V, 1, 0.5) is {\(\langle u_2, v_1 \rangle \), \(\langle u_3, v_2 \rangle \)}.

A metric probabilistic range join MPRJ(U, V, R, \(\theta \)) can be regarded as an MPRQU(\(u_i\), R, \(\theta \)) on V for each uncertain object \(u_i\) in U, i.e., MPRJ(U, V, R, \(\theta \)) = \(\cup _{u_i \in U}\) \(\{\langle u_i, v_j\rangle \) | \(v_j \in \) MPRQU\((u_i\), R, \(\theta )\)} = \(\cup _{u_i \in U} \{\langle u_i,\) \(v_j\rangle \) | \(\pi (v_j\), \(R_{u_i}) \ge \theta \)}. Also, the metric probabilistic range join is symmetric in its two arguments U and V, i.e., MPRJ(U, V, R, \(\theta ) =\) MPRJ(V, U, R, \(\theta )\). Hence, MPRJ(U, V, R, \(\theta \)) = \(\cup _{v_j \in V} \{\langle u_i, v_j\rangle \) | \(u_i \in \) MPRQU\((v_j\), R, \(\theta )\)} = \(\cup _{v_j \in V} \{\langle u_i,\) \(v_j\rangle \) | \(\pi (u_i\), \(R_{v_j}) \ge \theta \)}.

A naive solution for the metric probabilistic range join MPRJ(U, V, R, \(\theta \)) is to perform |U| metric probabilistic range queries MPRQU(\(u_i\), R, \(\theta \)) (\(u_i \in U\)) on V or |V| metric probabilistic range queries MPRQU(\(v_j\), R, \(\theta \)) (\(v_j \in V\)) on U. However, these are inefficient because they have to access the uncertain object set V or U multiple times. Thus, we propose an efficient algorithm, called UPB-tree-based metric probabilistic range join algorithm (UtMJA), which scans the uncertain object sets U and V only once.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Example of MPRJ using the object-level model. a Metric space, b vector space, c Z-order curve

As \(\pi (u_i, v_j)\) \(=\) \(\pi (u_i, R_{v_j})\) \(=\) \(\pi (v_j, R_{u_i})\) according to the definition of MPRJ, we get that \(\pi (u_i, v_j)\) \(=\) \(\sum _{u_{ix} \in u_i}\) \(\sum _{v_{jy} \in v_j \wedge (v_{jy} \in R_{u_{ix}} \vee u_{ix} \in R_{v_{jy}})}\) \((Pr(u_{ix}) \times Pr(v_{jy}))\). Hence, in order to find an MPRJ result pair \(\langle u_i\), \(v_j\rangle \) with \(\pi (u_i, v_j)\) \(\ge \) \(\theta \), we need to find the instances \(v_{jy}\) \(\in \) \(R_{u_{ix}}\) or the instances \(u_{ix}\) \(\in \) \(R_{v_{jy}}\). Since MPRJ can be regarded as multiple MPRQU, Lemma 4.1 still holds. Thus, we can use Lemma 4.1 to avoid unnecessary verifications when finding instances \(v_{jy}\) \(\in \) \(R_{u_{ix}}\) and instances \(u_{ix}\) \(\in \) \(R_{v_{jy}}\). Also, the Z-order curve can be utilized with the pivot mapping to further accelerate MPRJ processing.

Here, Z-order curve rather than other SFC curves is utilized, because it has the property that, given two points \(\phi \)(\(v_{jy}\)) = \(\langle s_{1}\), \(\ldots \), \(s_{\vert P\vert }\rangle \) and \(\phi \)(\(v_{jy}^\prime \)) = \(\langle s_{1}^{\prime }\), \(\ldots \), \(s_{\vert P\vert }^{\prime }\rangle \) in the vector space, if \(s_t\) \(\le \) \(s_t^{\prime }\) for all 1 \(\le \) t \(\le \) |P|, then SFC(\(\phi \)(\(v_{jy}\))) \(\le \) SFC(\(\phi \)(\(v_{jy}^\prime \))). Let minRR(\(R_{u_{ix}}\)) and maxRR(\(R_{u_{ix}}\)) be the SFC values for the left lower and right upper points in \(\phi (R_{u_{ix}})\), i.e., minRR(\(R_{u_{ix}}\)) = SFC(\(\phi (\langle d(u_{ix}\), \(p_{1})-R\), ..., \(d(u_{ix}\), \(p_{|P|})-R\rangle \))) and maxRR(\(R_{u_{ix}}\)) = SFC(\(\phi (\langle d(u_{ix}\), \(p_{1})\) + R, \(\ldots \), \(d(u_{ix}\), \(p_{|P|}) + R\rangle \))). In order to find the instances \(v_{jy}\) \(\in \) \(R_{u_{ix}}\), we only need to verify the uncertain instance objects \(v_{jy}\) whose SFC\((\phi (v_{jy}))\) are contained in the range [minRR(\(R_{u_{ix}}\)), maxRR(\(R_{u_{ix}}\))], as elaborated.

Lemma 4.9

Assume that the Z-order curve and a pivot set P are used. If an uncertain instance \(v_{jy}\) is contained in \(R_{u_{ix}}\), then SFC\((\phi (v_{jy}))\) \(\in \) [minRR\((R_{u_{ix}})\), maxRR\((R_{u_{ix}})]\).


By definition, \(\phi (R_{u_{ix}}) = \{\langle s_{1}\), \(\ldots \), \(s_{\vert P\vert }\rangle \vert \) \(d(u_{ix}\), \(p_{t}) - R\) \(\le \) \(s_{t}\) \(\le \) \(d(u_{ix}\), \(p_{t})+ R\) \(\wedge \) 1 \(\le \) t \(\le \) |P|)}. Hence, for \(\phi (v_{jy})\) \(\in \) \(\phi (R_{u_{ix}})\), minRR(\(R_{u_{ix}}\)) \(\le \) \(\hbox {SFC}(\phi (v_{jy}))\) \(\le \) maxRR(\(R_{u_{ix}}\)), according to the property of the Z-order curve. Based on Lemma 4.1, if an uncertain object instance \(v_{jy}\) \(\in \) \(R_{u_{ix}}\), then \(\phi (v_{jy})\) is certainly contained in \(\phi (R_{u_{ix}})\). Thus, minRR(\(R_{u_{ix}}\)) \(\le \) \(\hbox {SFC}(\phi (v_{jy}))\) \(\le \) minRR(\(R_{u_{ix}}\)). \(\square \)

Due to the symmetry of MPRJ, we can also get that if an uncertain instance \(u_{ix}\) is contained in \(R_{v_{jy}}\), then \(\hbox {SFC}(\phi (u_{ix}))\) \(\in \) [minRR\((R_{v_{jy}})\), maxRR\((R_{v_{jy}})\)]. In the example shown in Fig. 6, minRR(\(R_{v_{11}}\)) and maxRR(\(R_{v_{11}}\)) are equal to 18 and 30, respectively. According to Lemma 4.9, instance \(u_{22}\) can be pruned for \(v_{11}\) since SFC(\(\phi (u_{22})\)) > maxRR(\(R_{v_{11}}\)). Based on Lemma 4.9, we can stop evaluating instances \(v_{jy}\) for \(u_{ix}\), when SFC\((\phi (v_{jy}))\) exceeds maxRR(\(R_{u_{ix}}\)) if the instances \(v_{jy}\) are retrieved in ascending order of their SFC values, or when SFC\((\phi (v_{jy}))\) is smaller than minRR(\(R_{u_{ix}}\)) if the instances \(v_{jy}\) are retrieved in descending order.

UPB-trees are assumed on the two uncertain object sets U and V, the leaf levels of which contain the uncertain object instances in ascending order of their Z-order values. A merge join is then performed on the leaf levels. Specifically, objects \(u_{ix}\) and \(v_{iy}\) stored in the two leaf levels of two UPB-trees are visited in ascending order of their Z-order values, and two lists are used to keep the instances \(u_{ix}\) or \(v_{jy}\) visited, respectively. When an instance \(u_{ix}\) is visited, UtMJA finds uncertain object instances \(v_{jy}\) (\(\in \) \(R_{u_{ix}}\)) among instances \(v_{jy}\) visited before \(u_{ix}\), and updates \(\pi (u_i, v_j)\). Likewise, when an instance \(v_{iy}\) is visited, UtMJA finds uncertain object instances \(u_{ix}\) (\(\in \) \(R_{v_{jy}}\)) among instances \(u_{ix}\) visited before \(v_{jy}\) and updates \(\pi (u_i, v_j)\). Note that, Lemma 4.9 is used to eliminate unqualified \(u_{ix}\) and \(v_{jy}\) from the lists, and that Lemma 4.1 is utilized to avoid unnecessary verifications.

During the merge join, we can preserve the current occurrence probability and the failure probability for the uncertain object \(u_i\) or \(v_j\), in order to avoid unnecessary verifications for uncertain object pairs. Let \(Pr_c\)(\(u_i\)) (or \(Pr_c\)(\(v_j\))) be the sum of the probabilities \(Pr(u_{ix})\) (or \(Pr(v_{jy})\)) already visited, and \(Pr_f\)(\(u_i\)) (or \(Pr_f\)(\(v_j\))) be the sum of the probabilities \(Pr(u_{ix})\) (or \(Pr(v_{jy})\)) already deleted from the list due to Lemma 4.9.

Lemma 4.10

Let \(\pi _c(u_i, v_j)\) be the current \(\pi (u_i, v_j)\) during MPRJ processing. If \(Pr_c(u_i)\) \(\times \) \(Pr_c(v_j)-\pi _c(u_i, v_j)\) + \((1 - Pr_c(u_i))\) \(\times \) \(Pr_f(v_j)\) \(+\) \((1 - Pr_c(v_j))\) \(\times \) \(Pr_f(u_i)\) \(> 1 - \theta \), then \(\langle u_i,\) \(v_j\rangle \) can be pruned safely.


By definition, if \(\langle u_i\), \(v_j\rangle \) \(\in \) MPRJ(U, V, R, \(\theta \)), then \(\pi (u_i, v_j)\ge \theta \). Based on Lemma 4.9, \(1 - \pi (u_i, v_j)\) \(\ge \) \(Pr_c\)(\(u_i\)) \(\times \) \(Pr_c(v_j)-\pi _c(u_i, v_j)+ (1 - Pr_c\)(\(u_i\))) \(\times \) \(Pr_f(v_j) + (1 - Pr_c\)(\(v_j\))) \(\times \) \(Pr_f\)(\(u_i\)). Thus, if \(Pr_c\)(\(u_i\)) \(\times \) \(Pr_c(v_j) - \pi _c(u_i, v_j)\) + (\(1 - Pr_c\)(\(u_i\))) \(\times \) \(Pr_f\)(\(v_j) + (1 - Pr_c(v_j)) \times Pr_f(u_i) > 1 - \theta \), then \(\pi (u_i, v_j) < \theta \). Hence, \(\langle u_i\), \(v_j\rangle \) can be pruned away without any further verification. \(\square \)

figure c

The pseudo-code of UtMJA is presented in Algorithm 3. First, UtMJA initializes two lists \(L_U\) and \(L_V\) to empty and gets the first leaf entries \(E_U\) and \(E_V\) of the UPB-trees \(UT_U\) and \(UT_V\), respectively (lines 1–2). Then, the algorithm performs a while loop to visit the leaf entries in ascending order of SFC values (i.e., keys stored in the UPB-trees), until all leaf entries of \(UT_U\) and \(UT_V\) have been evaluated (i.e., \(E_U\) and \(E_V\) are empty) (lines 3–11). Each time, if all the leaf entries of \(UT_V\) are visited (i.e., \(E_V=\emptyset \)) or \(E_U.key\) \(\le \) \(E_V.key\), the Verify function is invoked (line 5) to find the instances \(v_{iy}\) stored in \(L_V\) with \(v_{iy}\) \(\in \) \(R_{u_{ix}}\) (\(u_{ix}=E_U.ptr\)), in order to update \(\pi _c(u_i, v_j)\) and \(S_r\) if necessary (lines 18–23). The Verify function also deletes unqualified \(v_{jx}\) from \(L_V\) and updates corresponding \(Pr_f(v_j)\) (lines 16–17). After that, UtMJA inserts \(u_{ix}\) into the list \(L_U\), updates \(Pr_c(u_i)\), and gets the next leaf entry \(E_U\) in \(UT_U\) (lines 6–7). Otherwise, if \(E_U\) is empty (i.e., all leaf entries in \(UT_U\) have been visited) or \(E_U.key\) > \(E_V.key\), the algorithm invokes Verify (line 9) to find the instances \(u_{ix}\) stored in \(L_U\) satisfying \(u_{ix}\) \(\in \) \(R_{v_{jy}}\) (\(v_{jy}=E_V.ptr\)) with \(\pi _c(u_i, v_j)\) and \(S_r\) being updated if necessary, and to prune unqualified \(u_{ix}\) in \(L_U\) with the corresponding \(Pr_f(u_i)\) being updated. Next, UtMJA inserts \(v_{jy}\) in the list \(L_V\), updates \(Pr_c(v_j)\), and gets the next leaf entry \(E_V\) in \(UT_V\) (lines 10–11). Finally, the query result set \(S_r\) is returned (line 12).

Fig. 7
figure 7

UPB-trees built on U and V. a \(UT_U\) and b \(UT_V\)

Example 3

We illustrate UtMJA using MPRQ(U, V, 1, 0.5) as depicted in Fig. 6, with the corresponding UPB-trees shown in Fig. 7. We assume that \(R = 1\) and \(\theta = 0.5\). Initially, UtMJA sets \(L_U\) and \(L_V\) to empty, and traverses \(UT_U\) and \(UT_V\) to get the first leaf entries \(E_{U4}\) and \(E_{V3}\). Then, it performs a while loop. In the first iteration, since \(E_{U4}\).key > \(E_{V3}\).key, it invokes Verify\((v_{21}\), \(L_U)\), inserts \(v_{21}\) (i.e., \(E_{V3}.ptr)\) into \(L_V\) \((=\{v_{21}\})\), updates \(Pr_c(v_2)\) to 0.5, and gets the next leaf entry \(E_{V4}\) in \(UT_V\). In the second iteration, as \(E_{U4}\).key > \(E_{V4}\).key, Verify\((u_{11}\), \(L_V)\) is invoked, where \(v_{21}\) can not be pruned due to Lemmas 4.14.9, and 4.10, and \(\pi _c(u_2, v_1)\) is updated to 0.25. Next, UtMJA inserts \(u_{21}\) into \(L_U\) \((=\{u_{12}\})\), updates \(Pr_c(u_2)\) to 0.5, and gets the next leaf entry \(E_{U5}\) in \(UT_U\). In the third iteration, as \(E_{U5}\).key < \(E_{V4}\).key, UtMJA calls Verify\((u_{12}\), \(L_V)\), where \(v_{21}\) is pruned for \(u_{12}\) as \(d(u_{12}, v_{21}) > R\). Then, it inserts \(u_{21}\) into \(L_U\) \((=\{u_{12}, u_{21}\})\) and gets the next leaf entry \(E_{U6}\) in \(UT_U\). UtMJA proceeds in the same manner until all the leaf entries in \(UT_U\) and \(UT_V\) are visited. Finally, it returns the result set \(S_r = \{\langle u_2, v_1 \rangle , \langle u_3, v_2 \rangle \}\). \(\square \)

4.5 Discussion

We proceed to discuss the SFC mapping, the impact of LRU buffer, and then present CPU and I/O cost analysis.

4.5.1 SFC mapping

During the SFC mapping, if the range of d( ) in an original metric space is discrete integers (e.g., edit distance), SFC can directly map \(\phi (u_{ij})\) to an integer SFC(\(\phi (u_{ij})\)). On the other hand, if the range of d( ) in a metric space covers a range of continuous real numbers (e.g., the \(L_{\infty }\)-norm), the real numeric range can be partitioned into n slots, namely slot 0, slot 1, …, slot \(n-1\) with corresponding intervals [0, s), [s, 2\(\times \) s), …, [(\(n-1)\times s\), \(d^{+})\), in which \(s = d^{+}\)/n. Thus, the entire mapped vector space can be divided into cells. Then, \(\phi (u_{ij})\) can be approximated as \(\langle \lfloor d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{1})/s\rfloor \), \(\lfloor d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{2})/s\rfloor , \ldots , \lfloor d(u_{ij}\), \(p_{\vert P\vert })/s\rfloor \rangle \).

4.5.2 The impact of LRU buffer

If the LRU buffer size is much smaller than the index size, the I/O cost of our proposed MPRQ, MPRQU, and MPRJ algorithms based on UPB-trees is unaffected. This is because, UPB-trees are visited only once for every query. However, for a large LRU buffer (i.e., the whole tree can be load into the buffer in an extreme case), the I/O cost can be reduced. They also hold for the presented UPB-forest as follows.

4.5.3 CPU cost

The cost of distance computations is the dominant component of the CPU cost for search in the metric space, since distance computations are usually expensive (e.g., edit distance, Jaccard coefficient). Hence, the CPU cost can be estimated by the number of distance computations.

For UtMA, the number of distance computations includes the number of distance computations for computing \(\phi (q)\) and that for verifying whether an instance object \(u_{ij}\) is contained in \(R_{q}\). In the worst case, UtMA needs to verify all instance objects \(u_{ij}\) with \(\phi (u_{ij})\in \) \(\phi (R_{q})\) according to Lemma 4.1. Thus, the CPU cost of UtMA in terms of distance computations can be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {UtMA}_{C} =|P|+\sum \limits _{u_{ij} \in U} {I(\phi (u_{ij}),\phi (R_q))} \end{aligned}$$

where \({ I(a, b) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 \quad a \in b\\ 0 \quad \hbox {otherwise} \end{array}\right. }}\).

Since UtMUA is similar to UtMA, with the query object q having replaced with the uncertain query object uq, the CPU cost of UtMUA in terms of distance computations can be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {UtMUA}_{C} =|P| \times m + \sum \limits _{q_x \in uq}{\sum \limits _{u_{ij} \in U} {I(\phi (u_{ij}),\phi (R_{q_x}))}} \end{aligned}$$

For UtMJA, the number of distance computations can be estimated as the sum of distance computations needed when finding the instances \(v_{jy}\) in \(R_{u_{ix}}\) for each instance \(u_{ix}\) using Lemmas 4.1 and 4.9. Therefore, the CPU cost of UtMJA in terms of distance computations can be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {UtMJA}_{C} = \sum \limits _{u_{ix} \in U}{\sum \limits _{v_{jy} \in V} {I(\phi (v_{jy}),\phi (R_{u_{ix}}))}} \end{aligned}$$

4.5.4 I/O cost

The I/O cost of the query processing on a UPB-tree includes two parts, i.e., B\(^{+}\)-tree and RAF page accesses.

For UtMA, to obtain the number of B\(^{+}\)-tree page accesses, it is sufficient to sum all the nodes whose MBBs are intersected with the search region \(\phi (R_{q})\). Also, the number of RAF page accesses can be estimated as UtMA\(_{C}/f\), because the instance objects accessed in the RAF are expected to be stored close to each other. Here, UtMA\(_{C}\) is used to estimate the total number of the instance objects visited, and f represents the average number of instance objects per RAF page. Hence, the I/O cost of UtMA in terms of page accesses can be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {UtMA}_{IO} = \sum \limits _{M_i \in B^+\text {-tree}} {I^\prime (M_i,\phi (R_q)) + \frac{\hbox {UtMA}_{C}}{f}} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\small {I^\prime (a, b) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 \quad a \,\hbox {intersects with }\,b\\ 0 \quad \hbox {otherwise} \end{array}\right. }}\).

For UtMUA, similarly, the I/O cost of UtMUA in terms of page accesses can be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {UtMUA}_\mathrm{IO} = \sum \limits _{M_i \in B^+\text {-tree}} {I^\prime (M_i,\phi (R_{uq})) + \frac{\hbox {UtMUA}_{C}}{f}} \end{aligned}$$

UtMJA traverses UPB-trees built on uncertain object sets U and V only once, and thus, it is sufficient to sum the number of B\(^+\)-tree leaf pages and RAF pages in the UPB-trees. Let \(|\textit{UT}_U|\) (|UT \(_V|\)) denote the total number of B\(^+\)-tree leaf pages of \(\textit{UT}_U\) (\(\textit{UT}_V\)), and let \(f_U\) (\(f_V\)) represent the average number of the objects per RAF page for \(\textit{UT}_U\) (\(\textit{UT}_V\)). The I/O cost of UtMJA in terms of page accesses can then be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {UtMJA}_{IO} = |\textit{UT}_U| + |\textit{UT}_V| + \frac{|U| \times m}{f_U} + \frac{|V| \times m}{f_V} \end{aligned}$$

5 The UPB-forest

We first present a UPB-forest structure based on the bi-level model (only considering the continuous case as stated in Sect. 3.2), and then, we provide corresponding MPRQ and MPRJ algorithms. Finally, we offer cost analysis.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Example of MPRQ using the UPB-forest. (a) Metric space, b the vector space after \(u_1.c\) mapping, c the vector space after \(u_2.c\) mapping

5.1 UPB-forest structure

As does the UPB-tree, the UPB-forest maps a metric space into multiple one-dimensional vector spaces using a pivot set P, and then, it utilizes B\(^{+}\)-trees to index those mapped one-dimensional vector spaces. However, unlike the UPB-tree that only uses a single B\(^{+}\)-tree, the UPB-forest utilizes \(\vert P\vert \) B\(^{+}\)-trees to index intervals (for continuous PDFs) or points (for discrete PDFs) in the mapped one-dimensional vector space. This is because, as discussed in Sect. 2.2, a metric uncertain object can be represented as \(\vert P \vert \) PDFs w.r.t. each pivot in P using the bi-level model, but it is difficult to derive the multivariate PDF w.r.t the whole pivot set P. Therefore, one B\(^{+}\)-tree is needed for every \(p \in P\).

Given a pivot set \(P =\) \(\{p_{1}\), \(p_{2}\), …, \(p_{\vert P\vert }\}\), a metric space (M, d) can be mapped into \(\vert P \vert \) one-dimensional vector spaces (R, \(L_{\infty })\). Specifically, an uncertain object \(u_{i}\) (denoted as an uncertain region centered at \(u_{i}\).c with radius \(u_{i}\).r) in the metric space, it can be represented as \(\vert P \vert \) intervals \(\phi _{p_t}(u_{i}) =\) [\(d(u_{i}\).c, \(p_{t}) - u_{i}\).r, \(d(u_{i}\).c, \(p_{t}) + u_{i}\).r] (\(p_{t} \in P)\) with associated continuous PDFs in the one-dimensional vector space. As an example, Fig. 8b, c illustrates the mapped one-dimensional vector spaces using pivots \(u_{1}\).c and \(u_{2}\).c, respectively. According to the triangle inequality, given a query object q and a pivot \(p_{t}\), d(q, \(u_{i}) \ge \) \(\vert d(q\), \(p_{t})-d(u_{i}\), \(p_{t})\vert \) \(= D(\phi _{p_t}(q)\), \(\phi _{p_t}(u_{i}))\). Hence, we can conclude that the distance in the mapped vector space is a lower bound of that in the original metric space.

In order to index the intervals with continuous PDFs after the pivot mapping, the real numeric range is partitioned into n slots, i.e., slot 0, slot 1, …, slot \(n-1\), with corresponding intervals [0, s), [s, 2 \(\times \) s), \(\ldots \), [(\(n-\)1) \(\times \) s, \(d^{+})\) where \(s =\) \(d^{+}\)/n. Thus, \(\phi _{p_t}(u_{i})\) can be partitioned into several subintervals, and every continuous \(\mathcal {G}_{p_t,i}\) (\(p_{t} \in P)\) can be approximated as discrete \(g_{p_t,u_i}\), in which \(g_{p_t,u_i}(j)\) denotes the probability integration on the slot j (i.e., the interval [j \(\times \) s, (\(j+\)1) \(\times \) s)). Take Fig. 8 as an example. Suppose \(n =\) 10 and \(s =\) 1. Then, \(\phi _{u_1.c}(u_3)\) can be partitioned into four slots (i.e., slots 3, 4, 5, and 6), and hence, \(\mathcal {G}_{u_1.c, u_3}\) can be approximated as \(g_{u_1.c, u_3}\), with \(g_{u_1.c, u_3}(3)\) \(=\) \(\int _{3}^{4}{\mathcal {G}_{u_1.c,u_3}(x)\mathrm{d}x} = 0.14\), \(g_{u_1.c,u_3}(4) = \int _{4}^{5}{\mathcal {G}_{u_1.c,u_3}(x)\mathrm{d}x} = 0.4\), \(g_{u_1.c,u_3}(5)\) \(=\) 0.38, and \(g_{u_1.c,u_3}(6)\) \(=\) 0.08.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Example of UPB-forest for the dataset in Fig. 8

An UPB-forest used to index a metric uncertain object set based on the bi-level model contains three parts, viz., a pivot table, a RAF, and \(\vert P \vert \) B\(^{+}\)-trees. Figure 9 shows a UPB-forest that indexes the uncertain object set \(U =\) \(\{u_{1}\), \(u_{2}\), \(u_{3}\}\) depicted in Fig. 8. The pivot table stores selected pivots P (\(u_{1}.c\) and \(u_{2}.c\) in this case) used to map a metric space into \(\vert P \vert \) one-dimensional vector spaces. The RAF is utilized to keep uncertain objects in ascending order of their identifiers, which improves the efficiency of managing complex uncertain objects. Each RAF entry records an uncertain object identifier id and the real uncertain object obj. Continuing the above example, in Fig. 9, the RAF entry associated with uncertain object \(u_{1}\) records its uncertain object identifier 1 and its real uncertain object \(\langle u_{1}\).c, 1, Uniform \(\rangle \).

The B\(^{+}\)-trees \(B_{t}\) (0 \(\le t\) < \(\vert P \vert \)) for each pivot \(p_{t}\) in the pivot table are employed to index the intervals \(\phi _{p_t}(u_{i})\) after the pivot mapping. Every leaf entry in the leaf node of \(B_{t}\) (0 \(\le t\) < \(\vert P \vert \)) records an uncertain object identifier id, the slot number key (0 \(\le \) key < n), and the probability integration Pr of \(\mathcal {G}_{p_t,u_{id}}\) on the corresponding slot (i.e., \(g_{p_t,u_{id}}(key)\)). As an example, in Fig. 9, the first leaf entry of \(B_{0}\) records the uncertain object identifier id \(=\) 1, the slot number key \(=\) 0, and the probability integration Pr \(=\) 1 equivalent to the numeric integration of \(\mathcal {G}_{u_1.c,u_1}\) on slot 0.

Note that a UPB-forest works iff the continuous PDF representing the uncertain objects can be integrated. In addition, unlike the UP-Index [3], which needs to store the pre-computed histograms w.r.t. the whole distance range for every uncertain object \(u_{i}\), the UPB-forest only stores necessary information. To be more specific, for each \(u_{i}\), the UPB-forest only records nonzero values \(g_{p_t,u_i}(j)\) on slot j instead of the entire slot set. In addition, B\(^{+}\)-trees of the UPB-forest preserve entries in ascending order of their corresponding slot values, which improves I/O efficiency as the entries to be visited are stored close to each other.

5.2 UPB-forest-based MPRQ algorithm

In what follows, we employ a running example to better explain MPRQ processing. Specifically, consider the uncertain object set \(U =\) {\(u_{1}\), \(u_{2}\), \(u_{3}\)} illustrated in Fig. 8, with \(u_{1} = \langle u_{1}.c\), 1, Uniform \(\rangle \) (indicating that \(u_{1}\) is located uniformly within the uncertain region centered at \(u_{1}\).c having radius 1), \(u_{2} =\) \(\langle u_{2}.c\), 1, Uniform \(\rangle \), and \(u_{3} = \langle u_{3}.c\), 1.5, Uniform \(\rangle \). Assuming that the \(L_{2}\)-norm is used to measure similarity, the result of a MPRQ(q, 2.5, 0.15) is the uncertain object \(u_{1}\).

To accelerate MPRQ processing, we first derive an upper bound \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) and a lower bound \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) on \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) based on the UPB-forest. These allow us to filter out and validate uncertain objects according to Theorem 4.1 without any need for further verification.

Lemma 5.1

Given a pivot set P and a query object q, for an uncertain object \(u_{i}\), \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q}) = \hbox {min}_{p_t\in P}{\int _{d(q,p_t)-R}^{d(q,{p_t})+R}} {\mathcal {G}_{p_t, u_i}(x)\mathrm{d}x}\) is an upper bound on \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\).


Based on the triangle inequality, given a pivot \(p_{t}\), we have d(q, \(p_{t}) - R \le d(u_{i}\), \(p_t) \le d(q\), \(p_{t}) + R\) if d(q, \(u_{i}) \le R\), while the reverse is not true. Hence, \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q}) =\) Pr(d(q, \(u_{i}) \le R) \le \) Pr(d(q, \(p_{t}) - R \le \) \(d(u_{i}\), \(p_t) \le d(q\), \(p_{t}) + R) =\) \(\int _{d(q,p_t)-R}^{d(q,p_t)+R}\) \({\mathcal {G}_{p_t, u_i}(x)\mathrm{d}x} \), and \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) can be set as \(\hbox {min}_{p_t\in P}{\int _{d(q,p_t)-R}^{d(q,{p_t})+R}{\mathcal {G}_{p_t, u_i}(x)\mathrm{d}x}} \). The proof completes. \(\square \)

Consider MPRQ(q, 2.5, 0.15) depicted in Fig. 8 as an example. Given \(P =\) \(\{u_{1}\).c, \(u_{2}\).\(c\}\), \(u\pi (u_{3}\), \(R_{q}) =\) \(\int _{d(q, u_1.c)-R}^{d(q, u_1.c)+R}\) \({\mathcal {G}_{u_1.c, u_3}(x)\mathrm{d}x} \) \(\approx \) 0.14 < \(\theta \), and thus, \(u_{3}\) can be pruned.

As mentioned in Sect. 5.1, \(\mathcal {G}_{p_t, u_i}\) is approximated as \(g_{p_t,u_i}\) when building the UPB-forest. To utilize Lemma 5.1, \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) can be calculated as \(\hbox {min}_{p_t\in P}{\sum _{\lfloor (d(q,p_t)-R) / s \rfloor }^{\lceil (d(q,p_t)+R)/ s \rceil - 1}}\) \({g_{p_t,u_i}(x)}\). Considering again Fig. 8 as an example, \(u\pi (u_{3}\), \(R_{q}) =\) \(g_{u_1.c,u_3}(3)\) \(=\) 0.14.

Note that, according to Lemma 5.1, if \(\phi _{p_t}(u)\) does not intersect with \(\phi _{p_t}(R_{q})\) (\(p_{t} \in P\)), \(u_{i}\) can be safely pruned by Theorem 4.1 as \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q}) =\) 0 < \(\theta \). Thus, we only need to verify uncertain objects \(u_{i}\) with \(\phi _{p_t}(u_{i})\) crossing \(\phi _{p_t}(R_{q})\) for every \(p_{t} \in \) P, i.e., \(\phi (u_{i}) \cap \phi (R_{q}) \ne \emptyset \), since \(\phi (u_{i})\) and \(\phi (R_{q})\) represent the hypercubes in the mapped multi-dimensional vector space using the whole pivot set P.

Lemma 5.2

Given a pivot set P and a query object q, for an uncertain object \(u_{i}\), \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q}) = \hbox {max}_{p_t\in P}{\int _{0}^{R-d(q,p_t)}} {\mathcal {G}_{p_t,u_i}(x)\mathrm{d}x}\) is a lower bound on \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\).


According to the triangle inequality, given a pivot \(p_{t}\), if \(d(u_{i}\), \(p_{t}) \le R - d(q\), \(p_{t})\), then d(q, \(u_{i}) \le R\). Hence, \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q}) =\) Pr(d(q, \(u_i) \le R) \ge \) Pr \((d(u_{i}\), \(p_{t}) \le R - d(q\), \(p_{t}))\) \(=\) \(\int _{0}^{R-d(q,p_t)}{\mathcal {G}_{p_t,u_i}(x)\mathrm{d}x} \), and thus, \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) can be set as \(\hbox {max}_{p_t\in P}{\int _{0}^{R-d(q,p_t)}{\mathcal {G}_{p_t, u_i}(x)\mathrm{d}x}} \). The proof completes. \(\square \)

Consider again the MPRQ(q, 2.5, 0.15) depicted in Fig. 8. Here, \(l\pi (u_{1}\), \(R_{q}) =\) \(\int _{0}^{R-d(q,u_1.c)}{\mathcal {G}_{u_1.c, u_1}(x)\mathrm{d}x} \) \(=\) 1 > \(\theta \). Therefore, \(u_{1}\) can be validated without further verification. Similarly, to use Lemma 5.2, \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) can be calculated as \(\hbox {max}_{p_t\in P}{\sum _{0}^{\lfloor (R-d(q,p_t))/ s \rfloor - 1}{g_{p_t,i}(x)}}\). For instance, in Fig. 8, \(l\pi (u_{3}\), \(R_{q}) =\) \(g_{u_1.c,u_1}(0)\) \(=\) 1.

figure d

Based on these upper and lower bounds, we present the UPB-forest-based MPRQ algorithm (UfMA), which follows a filtering-and-refinement framework. The pseudo-code of UfMA is shown in Algorithm 4. It takes as inputs q, R, \(\theta \), and an uncertain object set U indexed by a UPB-forest, and it outputs the result set \(S_{r}\) of MPRQ(q, R, \(\theta \)). In the filtering phase, UfMA first computes the set \(S_{p_t}\) of slots contained in the mapped search region \(\phi _{p_t}(R_{q})\) and the set \(S^\prime _{p_t}\) for each \(p_{t} \in P\) (line 1). It then traverses each B\(^{+}\)-tree \(B_{t}\) of the UPB-forest to retrieve leaf entries \(\langle u_{i}\), key, pr \(\rangle \) with keys \(\in \) \(S_{p_t}\) or keys \(\in S^\prime _{p_t}\) (line 3), updates \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) or \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) based on Lemma 5.1 or 5.2 (line 4), and inserts all qualified candidates \(u_{i}\) (i.e., \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) \(\ge \theta \) and \(u_{i} \notin S_{c})\) into \(S_{c}\) (lines 5–6). In the refinement phase, for every \(u_{i} \in S_{c}\), the algorithm adds \(u_{i}\) to \(S_{r}\) if \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q}) \ge \theta \) (lines 8–9) and filters \(u_{i}\) if \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) < \(\theta \) (lines 10–11). Otherwise, it computes \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) using numerical integration and inserts \(u_{i}\) into \(S_{r}\) if \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q}) \ge \) \(\theta \) (lines 12–13). Note that, \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\) is derived by using GNU Scientific Library with the error bound set to 10\(^{-5}\). Finally, the result set \(S_{r}\) is returned (line 14).

Example 4

Please refer to the conference paper [8] for details and thus omitted here. \(\square \)

5.3 UPB-forest-based MPRQU algorithm

To explain MPRQU processing, we also use a running example. Specifically, consider the uncertain object set \(U =\) \(\{u_{1}\), \(u_{2}\), \(u_{3}\}\) illustrated in Fig. 10, with \(u_{1} = \langle u_{1}.c\), 1, Uniform \(\rangle \) (meaning that \(u_{1}\) is located uniformly within the uncertain region centered at \(u_{1}\).c having radius 1), \(u_{2} =\) \(\langle u_{2}.c\), 1, Uniform \(\rangle \), and \(u_{3} = \langle u_{3}.c\), 1.5, Uniform \(\rangle \). Assume that the \(L_{2}\)-norm is used to measure similarity and \(uq=\langle uq.c\), 1, Uniform \(\rangle \), the result of a MPRQU(uq, 1.5, 0.15) is the uncertain object \(u_{1}\).

Since the query object q is replaced with the uncertain query object uq (an uncertain region centered at uq.c with the radius uq.r in our running example) for MPRQU, the derivation of the upper bound \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) and lower bound \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) based on the UPB-forest needs to take into account the uncertainty of uq. The range region \(R_{uq}\) in the mapped vector space w.r.t. a specific pivot \(p_t\) (i.e., \(\phi _{p_t}(R_{uq})\)) can be represented as an interval [\(d(uq.c, p_t)- uq.r - R\), \(d(uq.c, p_t)+ uq.r + R\)]. Let \(F_{p_t, uq}(x)\) \(=\) \(\int _{x - R}^{x + R}{\mathcal {G}_{p_t, uq}(x)}\mathrm{d}x\), we can derive the upper bound below.

Lemma 5.3

Given a pivot set P and a query uncertain object uq, for an uncertain object \(u_{i}\), \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq}) = \hbox {min}_{p_t\in P}\) \({\int _{d(uq.c, p_t)- uq.r - R}^{d(uq.c,{p_t})+uq.r+ R}{\mathcal {G}_{p_t, u_i}(x) \times F_{p_t, uq}(x)\mathrm{d}x}}\) is a upper bound on \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\).


The proof follows straightforwardly from the definition of MPRQU and the proof of Lemma 5.1. \(\square \)

Fig. 10
figure 10

Example of MPRQU using the UPB-forest. a Metric space, b the vector space after \(u_1.c\) mapping, c the vector space after \(u_2.c\) mapping

Since we approximate a continuous \(\mathcal {G}_{p_t, u_i}\) (\(p_{t} \in P)\) by a discrete \(g_{p_t,u_i}\), in which \(g_{p_t,u_i}(j)\) denotes the probability integration on the slot j (i.e., the interval [j \(\times \) s, (\(j+\)1) \(\times \) s)), we can also approximate \(F_{p_t, uq}\) as a discrete \(uf_{p_t, uq}\), where \(uf_{p_t, uq}(j)\) represents the maximum probability of \(F_{p_t, uq}\) on the slot j. Hence, \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) can be calculated as \(\hbox {min}_{p_t\in P}\) \({\sum _{\lfloor (d(uq.c, p_t)- uq.r - R/s)\rfloor }^{\lceil (d(uq.c,{p_t})+uq.r+ R)/s\rceil - 1}{(g_{p_t,u_i}(x) \times }}\) \(uf_{p_t, uq}(x))\). For example, in Fig. 10, given \(P = \{u_1.c, u_2.c\}\), \(u\pi (u_{3}\), \(R_{uq}) = g_{u_1.c,u_3}(3) \times uf_{u_1.c, uq}(3) = 0.0261 < \theta \). Thus, \(u_3\) can be pruned.

Let \(F^\prime _{p_t, uq}(x)\) \(=\) \(\int _{0}^{R-x}{\mathcal {G}_{p_t, uq}(x)}\mathrm{d}x\), we can derive the lower bound as follows.

Lemma 5.4

Given a pivot set P and a query uncertain object uq, for an uncertain object \(u_{i}\), \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq}) =\) \(\hbox {max}_{p_t\in P}\) \({\int _{0}^{R-d(q,p_t) + uq.r}{\mathcal {G}_{p_t, u_i}(x)\mathrm{d}x \times F^\prime _{p_t, uq}(x)dx}}\) is a lower bound on \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\).


The proof follows straightforwardly from the definition of MPRQU and the proof of Lemma 5.2. \(\square \)

Similarly, we can also approximate \(F^\prime _{p_t, uq}\) as the discrete \(lf_{p_t, uq}\), in which \(lf_{p_t, uq}(j)\) denotes the minimum probability of \(F^\prime _{p_t, uq}\) on the slot j. Hence, \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) can be calculated as \(\hbox {max}_{p_t\in P}\) \({\sum _{0}^{\lceil (R - d(uq.c,{p_t})+uq.r)/s\rceil - 1}{(g_{p_t,u_i}(x) \times }}\) \(lf_{p_t, uq}(x))\). Using the example in Fig. 10, given \(P = \{u_1.c, u_2.c\}\), \(l\pi (u_{1}\), \(R_{uq})\) \(=\) \(g_{u_1.c,u_1}(1)\) \(\times \) \(lf_{u_1.c, uq}(1)\) \(=\) 0.0086 < \(\theta \). Thus, \(u_1\) cannot be validated and a further verification is needed.

figure e

Based on the upper and lower bounds derived above, we present the UPB-forest-based MPRQU algorithm (UfMUA), which follows a filtering-and-refinement framework. The pseudo-code of UfMUA is shown in Algorithm 5. It takes as inputs uq, R, \(\theta \), and an uncertain object set U indexed by a UPB-forest, and it outputs the result set \(S_{r}\) of MPRQU(uq, R, \(\theta \)). In the filtering phase, UfMUA first computes \(uf_{p_t, uq}\) on the set \(S_{p_t}\) of slots contained in the mapped search region \(\phi _{p_t}(R_{uq})\) and \(lf_{p_t, uq}\) on the set \(S^\prime _{p_t}\) for each \(p_t\) in P (lines 1–2). It then traverses each B\(^{+}\)-tree \(B_{t}\) of the UPB-forest to search leaf entries \(\langle u_{i}\), key, pr \(\rangle \) with keys \(\in \) \(S_{p_t}\) or keys \(\in S^\prime _{p_t}\) (line 4), updates \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) or \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) based on Lemma 5.3 or 5.4 (line 5), and inserts all qualified candidates \(u_{i}\) (i.e., \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) \(\ge \theta \) and \(u_{i} \notin S_{c})\) into \(S_{c}\) (lines 6–7). In the refinement phase, for every \(u_{i} \in S_{c}\), the algorithm adds \(u_{i}\) to \(S_{r}\) if \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq}) \ge \theta \) (lines 10–11), and it filters \(u_{i}\) if \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) < \(\theta \) (lines 9–10). Otherwise, it computes \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq})\) using the numerical integration and inserts \(u_{i}\) into \(S_{r}\) if \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{uq}) \ge \) \(\theta \) (lines 13–14). Finally, the result set \(S_{r}\) is returned (line 15).

Example 5

We illustrate UfMUA using MPRQU(uq, 1.5, 0.15) as depicted in Fig. 10 with the UPB-forest shown in Fig. 9, and we let n = 10 and s = 1. UfMUA computes \(uf_{u_1.c, uq}\) on \(S_{u_1.c} =\) {x |\(x \in \) [-2, 3]}, \(uf_{u_2.c, uq}\) on \(S_{u_2.c} =\) {x \(\vert \) \(x \in \) [1, 6]}, \(lf_{u_1.c, uq}\) on \(S^\prime _{u_1.c} =\) {x \(\vert \) \(x \in \) [0, 1]}, and \(lf_{u_2.c, uq}\) on \(S^\prime _{u_2.c} = \emptyset \). Then, it traverses the B\(^{+}\)-tree \(B_{0}\) to find the leaf entries with their keys contained in S\(_{p_t}\) or S\(^\prime _{p_t}\), i.e., \(\langle u_{1}\), 0, 1\(\rangle \), \(\langle u_{2}\), 3, 0.18\(\rangle \), and \(\langle u_{3}\), 3, 0.14\(\rangle \); it updates \(u\pi (u_{1}\), \(R_{uq}) =\) 1, \(u\pi (u_{2}\), \(R_{uq}) =\) 0.0934, \(u\pi (u_{3}\), \(R_{uq}) =\) 0.0261, and \(l\pi (u_{1}\), \(R_{uq}) =\) 0.0086 based on Lemmas 5.3 and 5.4; and it adds u\(_{1}\) to \(S_{c}\). Next, \(B_{1}\) is traversed similarly, after which \(u\pi (u_{2}\), \(R_{uq})\) is updated to 0. In the sequel, UfMUA subsequently checks every uncertain object in \(S_{c}\). It inserts \(u_{1}\) into \(S_r\) as \(\pi (u_1, R_{uq})\) > \(\theta \). Finally, the result set \(S_{r}\) \(=\) {\(u_{1}\)} is returned.

\(\square \)

5.4 UPB-forest-based MPRJ algorithm

We also utilize a running example better explain MPRJ processing. Specifically, consider two uncertain object sets \(U =\) {\(u_{1}\), \(u_{2}\)} and \(V =\) {\(v_{1}\), \(v_{2}\)} illustrated in Fig. 11, with \(u_{1} = \langle u_{1}.c\), 1, Uniform \(\rangle \) (meaning that \(u_{1}\) is located uniformly within the uncertain region centered at \(u_{1}\).c having radius 1), \(u_{2} = \langle u_{2}.c\), 1.5, Uniform \(\rangle \), \(v_1=\langle v_1.c\), 1, Uniform \(\rangle \), and \(v_{2} =\) \(\langle v_{2}.c\), 1, Uniform \(\rangle \). Assuming that the \(L_{2}\)-norm is used to measure similarity, the result of MPRJ(U, V, 1.5, 0.5) is {\(\langle u_{1}, v_1\rangle \)}.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Example of MPRQU using the UPB-forest. a Metric space, b the vector space after \(u_1.c\) mapping, (c) the vector space after \(v_2.c\) mapping

As discussed in Sect. 4.4, a metric probabilistic range join can be regarded as multiple MPRQU. Hence, a naive solution for MPRJ based on the bi-level model is to perform UfMUA on V for each \(u_i\) \(\in \) U or to perform UfMUA on U for each \(v_j\) \(\in \) V. However, these are inefficient because they have to scan the uncertain object set V or U multiple times. In view of this, we develop an efficient algorithm, called UPB-forest-based metric probabilistic range join algorithm (UfMJA), which scans U and V only once. To accelerate MPRJ, we validate or prune uncertain object pairs \(\langle u_i\), \(v_{j}\rangle \) using upper and lower bounds of \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_j)\) without any further verification for computing \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_{j})\), as stated in Theorem 5.1 below.

Theorem 5.1

Given an MPRJ(U, V, R, \(\theta \)), let \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_j)\) and \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_{j})\) be the upper bound and lower bound on \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_{j})\). Then (i) \(\langle u_{i}\), \(v_j\rangle \) can be safely pruned if \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_{j})\) < \(\theta \), and (ii) \(\langle u_{i}\), \(v_j\rangle \) can be validated if \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_{j})\) \(\ge \theta \).

The proof of Theorem 5.1 is straightforward and thus omitted. In order to employ Theorem 5.1, we need to derive bounds \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_j)\) and \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_{j})\).

As defined in Sect. 5.3, \(F_{p_t, v_j}(x)\) \(=\) \(\int _{x - R}^{x + R}{\mathcal {G}_{p_t, v_j}(x)}\mathrm{d}x\). Then, we can approximate \(F_{p_t, v_j}\) as \(f_{p_t, v_j}\) using \(g_{p_t, v_j}\) stored in the UPB-forest UF \(_V\) built on U. In particular, \(f_{p_t, v_j}(k)\) on slot k can be calculated as \(\sum _{k-\lceil R/s \rceil }^{k+ 1 + \lceil R/s \rceil }{g_{p_t, v_j}(y)}\). Hence, we can get that for \(F_{p_t, v_j}(x)\) (x \(\in \) [\(k \times s\), \((k+1) \times s\))) \(\le \) \(\int _{k \times s - R}^{(k + 1) \times s + R}\) \({\mathcal {G}_{p_t, v_j}(x)}\mathrm{d}x\) \(\le \) \(f_{p_t, v_j}(k)\).

Lemma 5.5

Given a pivot set P, and two uncertain objects \(u_i\) and \(v_j\), \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_j)\) \(=\) \(\hbox {min}_{p_t\in P}\) \({\sum _{\lfloor (d(u_i.c, p_t)- u_i.r)/s \rfloor }^{\lceil (d(u_i.c, {p_t}) + u_i.r)/s \rceil - 1}}\) \((g_{p_t, u_i}(k) \times f_{p_t, v_j}(k))\) is an upper bound on \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_j)\).


According to Lemma 5.3, \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_j)\) \(=\) \(\hbox {min}_{p_t\in P}\) \({\int _{d(v_j.c, p_t)- v_j.r-R}^{d(v_j.c, {p_t}) + v_j.r+ R}{(g_{p_t, u_i}(x) \times F_{p_t, v_j}(x))}}\). Due to the pivot mapping, we can get that \(\phi _{p_t}(u_i) = [d(u_i.c, p_t) - u_i.r, d(u_i.c, p_t) + u_i.r\)], and thus, \(g_{p_t, u_i}\) has nonzero values for the slots k \(\in \) [\(\lfloor (d(u_i.c, p_t)- u_i.r)/s \rfloor \), \(\lceil (d(u_i.c,\) \({p_t}) + u_i.r)/s \rceil \) \(- 1\)]. Since \(F_{p_t, v_j}(x)\) \(\le \) \(f_{p_t, v_j}(k)\) (x \(\in \) [\(k \times s\), \((k+1) \times s\))), \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_j)\) \(\le \) \(\hbox {min}_{p_t\in P}\) \({\sum _{\lfloor (d(u_i.c, p_t)- u_i.r)/s \rfloor }^{\lceil (d(u_i.c, {p_t}) + u_i.r)/s \rceil - 1}}\) \((g_{p_t, u_i}(k) \times f_{p_t, v_j}(k))\). The proof completes. \(\square \)

Note that, since MPRJ is symmetric, \(u\pi (u_i, v_j)\) can be calculated as \(\hbox {min}_{p_t\in P}\) \({\sum _{\lfloor (d(u_i.c, p_t)- u_i.r)/s \rfloor }^{\lceil (d(u_i.c, p_t) + u_i.r)/s \rceil - 1}{(g_{p_t, v_j}(k) \times }}\) \(f_{p_t, u_i}(k))\). Consider MPRJ(U, V, 1.5, 0.5) in Fig. 11. Assume that P \(=\) {\(u_1.c\), \(v_2.c\)}, we can get that \(u\pi (u_{1}\), \(v_1)=g_{u_1.c, u_1}(0)\) \(\times \) \(\sum _{-2}^{3}{g_{u_1.c, v_1}(k)} = 1\) and \(u\pi (u_{1}\), \(v_2)=g_{u_1.c, u_1}\) (0) \(\times \) \(\sum _{-2}^{3}{g_{u_1.c, v_2}(k)} = 0\). Therefore, we can prune the uncertain object pair \(\langle u_1\), \(v_2\rangle \) due to \(u\pi (u_1, v_2)\) < \(\theta \) according to Theorem 5.1.

As defined in Sect. 5.3, \(F^\prime _{p_t, v_j}(x)\) \(=\) \(\int _{0}^{R-x}{\mathcal {G}_{p_t, v_j}(x)}\mathrm{d}x\). Then, we can also approximate \(F^\prime _{p_t, v_j}\) as \(f^\prime _{p_t, v_j}\) using \(g_{p_t, v_j}\) stored in the UPB-forest UF \(_V\) over V. In particular, \(f^\prime _{p_t, v_j}(k)\) on slot k can be calculated as \(\sum _{0}^{\lfloor R/s\rfloor - k - 2}{g_{p_t, v_j}(y)}\). Hence, we can get that for \(F^\prime _{p_t, v_j}(x)\) (x \(\in \) [\(k \times s\), \((k+1) \times s\))) \(\ge \) \(\int _{0}^{R-(k+1) \times s}{\mathcal {G}_{p_t, v_j}(x)}\mathrm{d}x\) \(\ge \) \(f^\prime _{p_t, v_j}(k)\).

Lemma 5.6

Given a pivot set P, and two uncertain objects \(u_i\) and \(v_j\), \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_j)\) \(=\) \(\hbox {max}_{p_t\in P}\) \({\sum _{\lfloor (d(u_i.c, p_t)- u_i.r)/s \rfloor }^{\lceil (d(u_i.c, {p_t}) + u_i.r)/s \rceil - 1}}\) \((g_{p_t, u_i}(k) \times f^\prime _{p_t, v_j}(k))\) is an lower bound on \(\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_j)\).


According to Lemma 5.3, \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_j)\) \(=\) \(\hbox {min}_{p_t\in P}\) \({\int _{d(v_j.c, p_t)- u_i.r-R}^{R - d(v_j.c, {p_t}) + u_i.r}{(g_{p_t,i}(x) \times F^\prime _{p_t, v_j}(x))}}\). Due to the pivot mapping, \(\phi _{p_t}(u_i) = [d(u_i.c, p_t) - u_i.r, d(u_i.c, p_t) + u_i.r]\), and thus, \(g_{p_t, u_i}\) has nonzero values on slots k \(\in \) [\(\lfloor (d(u_i.c, p_t)\) \(- u_i.r)/s \rfloor \), \(\lceil (d(u_i.c, {p_t}) + u_i.r)/s \rceil - 1\)]. Since \(F^\prime _{p_t, v_j}(x)\) \(\le \) \(f^\prime _{p_t, v_j}(k)\) (x \(\in \) [\(k \times s\), \((k+1) \times s\)), \(l\pi (u_{i}\), \(v_j)\) \(\ge \) \(\hbox {max}_{p_t\in P}\) \({\sum _{\lfloor (d(u_i.c, p_t)- u_i.r)/s \rfloor }^{\lceil (d(u_i.c, {p_t}) + u_i.r)/s \rceil - 1}{(g_{p_t, u_i}(k) \times f^\prime _{p_t, v_j}(k))}}\). The proof completes. \(\square \)

Note that, since MPRJ is symmetric, \(l\pi (u_i, v_j)\) can be calculated as \(\hbox {max}_{p_t\in P}\) \({\sum _{\lfloor (d(v_j.c, p_t)- v_j.r)/s \rfloor }^{\lceil (d(v_j.c, p_t) + v_j.r)/s \rceil - 1}{(g_{p_t, v_j}(k) \times }}\) \(f^\prime _{p_t, u_i}(k))\). Consider MPRJ(U, V, 1.5, 0.5) again in Fig. 11. Assuming that P \(=\) {\(u_1.c\), \(v_2.c\)}, we can get that \(l\pi (u_{1}\), \(v_1)=g_{u_1.c, u_1}(0)\) \(\times \) \(\sum _{0}^{-1}{g_{u_1.c, v_1}(k)} = 0\). Thus, we cannot validate the uncertain object pair \(\langle u_1\), \(v_1\rangle \) by Theorem 5.1, as \(l\pi (u_1, v_1)\) < \(\theta \).

figure f

Based on Lemmas 5.5 and 5.6, and Theorem 5.1, UfMJA adopts a filtering-and-refinement framework. The pseudo-code of UfMJA is presented in Algorithm 6. The algorithm takes as inputs UPB-forests UF \(_U\) and UF \(_V\) built on U and V, respectively, a search radius R, and a probability threshold \(\theta \), and outputs the result \(S_r\) of MPRJ(U, V, R, \(\theta \)). In the filtering phase, for the B\(^+\)-trees \(B_{Ut}\) and \(B_{Vt}\) (0 \(\le \) t < \(\vert P\vert \)) of UF \(_U\) and UF \(_V\), UfMJA first initializes two lists \(L_U\) and \(L_V\) to empty and gets the first leaf entries \(E_U\) and \(E_V\) of the B\(^+\)-trees \(B_{Ut}\) and \(B_{Vt}\), respectively (lines 2–3). Then, the algorithm performs a while loop to visit the leaf entries in ascending order of their keys values, until all leaf entries of both \(B_{Ut}\) and \(B_{Vt}\) are evaluated (i.e., \(E_U\) and \(E_V\) are empty) (lines 4–12). Each time, if all the leaf entries of \(B_{Vt}\) are visited (i.e., \(E_V=\emptyset \)) or \(E_U.key\) \(\le \) \(E_V.key\), the Verify function is invoked (line 5) to update \(u_t\pi (u_i, v_j)\) and \(l_t\pi (u_i, v_j)\) (\(i=E_U\).id, \(j=E_V\).id \(\in \) \(L_V\)) and to delete unqualified \(E_V\) from \(L_V\) using Lemmas 5.5 and 5.6. Note that, \(u_t\pi (u_i, v_j)\) and \(l_t\pi (u_i, v_j)\) are equal to \(u\pi (u_i, v_j)\) and \(l\pi (u_i, v_j)\) as computed using a specific pivot \(p_t\). After that, UfMJA inserts \(E_U\) into the list \(L_U\) and gets the next leaf entry \(E_U\) in \(B_{Ut}\) (lines 7–8). Otherwise, if \(E_U\) is empty (i.e., all leaf entries in \(B_{Ut}\) have been visited) or \(E_U.key\) > \(E_V.key\), the algorithm invokes Verify to update \(u_t\pi (u_i, v_j)\) and \(l_t\pi (u_i, v_j)\) (\(i=E_U\).id \(\in \) \(L_U\), \(j=E_V\).id), and to delete unqualified \(E_U\) from \(L_U\) using Lemmas 5.5 and 5.6. Thereafter, UfMJA inserts \(E_V\) into the list \(L_V\) and gets the next leaf entry \(E_V\) in \(B_{Vt}\) (lines 11–12). In the refinement phase, for each uncertain object pair \(\langle u_i, v_j\rangle \) in \(U \times V\), the algorithm inserts \(\langle u_i, v_j\rangle \) into \(S_r\) if \(l\pi (u_i, v_j)\) \(\ge \) \(\theta \) (lines 14–15), and it filters \(\langle u_i, v_j\rangle \) if \(u\pi (u_i, v_j) \) < \(\theta \) (lines 16–17). Otherwise, it computes \(\pi (u_i, v_j)\) and inserts \(\langle u_i, v_j\rangle \) into \(S_r\) if \(\pi (u_i, v_j) \) \(\ge \) \(\theta \). Finally, the result set \(S_r\) is returned (line 20).

Fig. 12
figure 12

UPB-forests built on U and V. a UF \(_U\) and b UF \(_V\)

Example 6

We illustrate the working of the UfMJA using the MPRJ(U, V, 1.5, 0.5) example shown in Fig. 11, with UPB-forests built on U and V as depicted in Fig. 12. For B\(^+\)-trees \(B_{U0}\) and \(B_{V0}\), UfMJA sets \(L_U\) and \(L_V\) to empty and traverses the two trees to get the first leaf entries \(E_{U1}\) and \(E_{V1}\). Then, it performs a while loop. In the first iteration, since \(E_{U1}\).key \(=\) \(E_{V1}\).key, UfMJA calls Verfiy(\(E_{V1}\), \(L_U\)), inserts \(E_{V1}\) into \(L_V\), and gets the next leaf entry \(E_{V2}\) in \(B_{V0}\). In the second iteration, as \(E_{U1}\).key < \(E_{V2}\).key, Verify(\(E_{U1}\), \(L_V\)) is invoked, where \(u_0\pi (u_1, v_1)\) is updated to 0.18 due to Lemmas 5.5. Then, UfMJA inserts \(E_{U1}\) into \(L_U\) and gets the next leaf entry \(E_{U2}\) in \(B_{U0}\). In the third iteration, as \(E_{U2}\).key > \(E_{V2}\).key, the algorithm calls Verify(\(E_{V2}\), \(L_U\)), in which \(u_0\pi (u_1, v_{1})\) is updated to 0.81. Then, UtMJA inserts \(E_{V2}\) into \(L_V\) and gets the next leaf entry \(E_{V3}\) in \(B_{V0}\). The algorithm proceeds in the same manner until all leaf entries in \(B_{U0}\) and \(B_{V0}\) are visited, with \(u\pi _0(u_1, v_{1}) = 1\), \(u\pi _0(u_1, v_{2}) = 0\), \(u\pi _0(u_2, v_{1}) = 0.4748\), and \(u\pi _0(u_2, v_{2}) = 0.9856\). Next, \(B_{U1}\) and \(B_{V1}\) are traversed similarly, with \(u\pi _1(u_1, v_{1}) = 1\), \(u\pi _1(u_1, v_{2}) = 0\), \(u\pi _1(u_2, v_{1})\) = 0.9659, and \(u\pi _1(u_2, v_{2}) = 0\). Subsequently, \(\langle u_1, v_1\rangle \) is inserted into \(S_r\) due to \(\pi (u_1, v_1)\) > 0.5. Other uncertain object pairs \(\langle u_i, v_j\rangle \) are pruned due to \(u\pi (u_i, v_j)\) < 0.5 using Theorem 5.1. Finally, the algorithm returns the result set \(S_r = \{\langle u_1, v_1 \rangle \}\). \(\square \)

5.5 Discussion

We proceed to analyze the CPU and I/O costs of query processing based on the UPB-forest.

5.5.1 CPU cost

As for UfMA, the CPU cost of UfMA can be estimated by using the number of distance computations, which includes distance computations for computing \(\phi _{p_t}(R_{q})\) w.r.t. each \(p_{t} \in P\), and that for verifying whether an uncertain object \(u_{i}\) is a real answer object. According to Lemma 5.1, in the worst case, UfMA needs to verify all the uncertain objects \(u_{i}\) with \(\phi _{p_t}(u_{i}) \cap \phi _{p_t}(R_{q}) \ne \emptyset \) for every \(p_{t} \in P\), i.e., \(\phi (u_{i}) \cap \phi (R_{q}) \ne \emptyset \). Hence, the CPU cost of UfMA in terms of distance computations can be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {UfMA}_{C} = \vert P \vert +\sum _{u_i \in U}{I^\prime (\phi (u_i),\phi (R_q))} \end{aligned}$$

where \( {I^\prime (a, b) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 \quad a \hbox { intersects with }b\\ 0 \quad \hbox { otherwise} \end{array}\right. }}\).

Similarly, the CPU cost of UfMUA in terms of distance computations can be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {UfMUA}_{C} = \vert P \vert + \sum _{u_i \in U} {I^\prime (\phi (u_i),\phi (R_{uq}))} \end{aligned}$$

For UfMJA, the number of distance computations can be estimated by using the sum of distance computations needed when finding the instances \(v_{j}\) intersecting with \(R_{u_{i}}\) for each instance \(u_{i}\). Thus, the CPU cost of UfMJA in terms of distance computations can be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {UfMJA}_{C} = \sum _{u_i \in U} {\sum _{v_j \in V} {I^\prime (\phi (u_i),\phi (R_{v_j}))}} \end{aligned}$$

5.5.2 I/O cost

The I/O cost of UfMA on the UPB-forest contains two parts, i.e., B\(^{+}\)-tree and RAF page accesses. To obtain the number of B\(^{+}\)-tree page accesses, it is sufficient to sum all the B\(^{+}\)-tree \(B_{t}\) (0 \(\le t\) < \(\vert P\vert \)) nodes whose MBBs intersect with the search region \(\phi _{p_t}(R_{q})\). In addition, the number of RAF page accesses can be estimated by using UfMA\(_{C}/f\), where UfMA\(_{C}\) is used to estimate the total number of the uncertain objects accessed, and f represents the average number of the uncertain objects per RAF page because the uncertain objects visited in RAF are stored close to each other. Hence, the I/O cost of UfMA in terms of page accesses can be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {UfMA}_{IO}= & {} \sum \limits _{M_i \in B_{t} (0 \le t < \vert P \vert )} {I^\prime (M_i, \phi _{p_t}(R_q))}\nonumber \\&+ \frac{\hbox {UfMA}_{C}}{f} \end{aligned}$$

The I/O cost of UfMUA in terms of page accesses can be calculated similarly:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {UfMUA}_{IO}= & {} \sum \limits _{M_i \in B_{t} (0 \le t < \vert P \vert )} {I^\prime (M_i, \phi _{p_t}(R_{uq}))} \nonumber \\&+ \frac{\hbox {UfMUA}_{C}}{f} \end{aligned}$$

As UfMJA traverses UPB-forests built on two uncertain object sets U and V only once, it is sufficient to sum the number of B\(^+\)-tree leaf pages and RAF pages in the UPB-forests. Let \(|\textit{B}_{Ut}|\) \(\in \) UF \(_U\) (|B \(_{Vt}|\) \(\in \) UF \(_V\)) denote the total number of B\(^+\)-tree leaf pages of \(B_{Ut}\) (B \(_{Vt}\)), and let \(f_U\) (\(f_V\)) represent the average number of the objects per RAF page for \(\textit{UF}_U\) (\(\textit{UF}_V\)). In brief, the I/O cost of UfMJA in terms of page accesses can be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {UfMJA}_{IO} = \sum _{0 \le t< \vert P \vert } {|\textit{B}_{Ut}|} + \sum _{0 \le t < \vert P \vert }{|B_{Vt}|} + \frac{|U|}{f_U} + \frac{|V|}{f_V}\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

6 Pivot selection

In this section, we introduce a quality criterion for pivot sets and then propose an efficient pivot selection algorithm to obtain a high-quality pivot set based on the newly defined quality criterion.

According to the cost analysis in Sects. 4.5 and 5.5, the costs of MPRQ, MPRQU, and MPRJ using the UPB-tree or the UPB-forest depend significantly on the pivot set P. Hence, it makes sense to define a criterion to measure the quality of pivots. Since our algorithms follow the filtering-and-refinement framework, they prune an uncertain object u using its probability upper bound Pr(\(D(\phi (q)\), \(\phi (u))\) \(\le R\)), to avoid unnecessary computation of Pr(d(q, \(u) \le R\)) (as D( ) is the lower bound of d( )). In order to achieve high performance, i.e., fewer computations of Pr(d(q, \(u) \le R\)), the lower bound distances should be close to the actual distances, i.e., the mapping to the vector space should preserve the proximity in the metric space.

Let \(\epsilon (x,y)\) (x, \(y \in U)\) denote the random variable defined as \(D(\phi (x),\phi (y))/d(x,y)\). Note that, 0 \(\le \) \(\epsilon (x,y)\) \(\le \) 1. The expected value of \(\epsilon (x,y)\) can be calculated as:

$$\begin{aligned} E[\epsilon (x,y)]=\int _{0}^{1}z\times Pr(D(\phi (x),\phi (y))/\mathrm{d}(x,y)=z)\mathrm{d}z\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

To obtain an optimal pivot set P, we need to pick pivots that maximize \(E[\epsilon (x,y)]\). However, it is costly to obtain the distribution of \(\epsilon (x,y)\) for every uncertain object pair. Therefore, random sampling is exploited to estimate the value of \(E[\epsilon (x,y)]\), denoted as \({\hat{E}}[\epsilon (x,y)]\), for achieving the following goal:

$$\begin{aligned} Pr(\vert E[\epsilon (x,y)]- {\hat{E}}[\epsilon (x,y)]\vert < \xi )> 1 - \delta \end{aligned}$$

According to the Hoeffding’s inequality [19],

$$\begin{aligned} Pr(|E[\epsilon (x,y)]-{\hat{E}}[\epsilon (x,y)]|<\xi )> 1- 2\cdot \mathrm{exp}(-2T\xi ^{2})\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

Here, T represents the sampled size. Hence, to reach the target stated in Eq. 14, \(T \ge \frac{1}{2\xi ^{2}}\mathrm{log}(\frac{2}{\delta })\).

Given a set \(U_{S}\) (\(|U_S| \ge \frac{1}{2\xi ^{2}}\mathrm{log}(\frac{2}{\delta })\)) of uncertain instance pairs sampled from an uncertain object set U, the uncertain instance object \(u_{ij}\) with higher probability Pr(\(u_{ij})\) contributes more to derive constrictive upper bound \(u\pi (u_{i}\), \(R_{q})\). Hence, taking the probability of the uncertain instance object into consideration, we offer a criterion to measure the quality of a pivot set P based on the sampled metric uncertain data as follows.

Definition 6.1

Given a sample \(U_{S}\) of instance object pairs on the metric uncertain data, the quality of a pivot set P is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} \epsilon _P= & {} \frac{1}{|U_S|}\sum \limits _{<u_{ij}, u_{mn}>\in U_S}\left( \frac{D(\phi (u_{ij}),\phi (u_{mn}))}{d(u_{ij}, u_{mn})}\times Pr(u_{ij})\right. \\&\left. \times Pr(u_{mn})\right) \end{aligned}$$
figure g

The more the pivots, the better the pruning capability. But the cost of using transformed objects will also be higher (to be studied in Sect. 7). To be more specific, if P contains more pivots, we can expect a larger \(D(\phi (u_{ij})\), \(\phi (u_{mn}))\); then, \(D(\phi (u_{ij})\), \(\phi (u_{mn}))\) approaches \(d(u_{ij}\), \(u_{mn})\) and hence approaches 1. Therefore, we can prune more uncertain objects using a larger pivot set. On the other hand, the cost (e.g., \(D(\phi (u_{ij})\), \(\phi (u_{mn}))\) computation cost) to prune unqualified uncertain objects increases as well.

Table 2 Statistics of the datasets used

As shown in the literature [3], the problem of determining whether a pivot set P (\(\vert P \vert \) \(\ge \) 1) exists that makes the penalty function of a defined criterion no larger than a nonnegative real number is NP-hard. Thus, it is appropriate to apply a greedy pivot selection algorithm for picking a high-quality pivot set P (from U) of a fixed size to maximize \(\epsilon _P\). However, the time complexity O(\(\vert P \vert \) \(\times \) \(\vert U \vert \)) still remains high, especially for a large uncertain object set. Note that, since pivots are certain objects, to select P (\(\subseteq U)\), we need to replace the uncertain objects in U with a set of representative certain objects, denoted as cert(U).

To further reduce time complexity, we present an incremental pivot selection algorithm (IPS), with the pseudo-code depicted in Algorithm 7. IPS first employs HF algorithm [40] to obtain outliers as candidate pivots \(P_{c}\), and then, it selects effective pivots from \(P_{c}\) incrementally. As pointed out in the literature [5], good pivots are usually outliers, but outliers are not always good pivots. The time complexity of IPS is reduced to O(\(\vert P\vert \) \(\times \) \(\vert P_{c} \vert \)), in which the cardinality of \(P_{c}\) (i.e., \(\vert P_{c} \vert \)) is small, and is only related to the distribution of the object set. In this paper, we fix \(\vert P_{c}\vert \) to 40 (as elsewhere [29]), which is enough to find all the outliers in our experiments.

7 Experimental evaluation

In this section, we experimentally evaluate the performance of the UPB-tree and the UPB-forest. First, we study the effectiveness of our pivot selection algorithm. Then, we compare the UPB-tree and the UPB-forest with state-of-the-art indexes. Finally, MPRQU and MPRJ performance are explored. We implemented the UPB-tree, the UPB-forest, the MPRQ, the MPRQU, and the MPRJ algorithms in C\(++\). All experiments were conducted on an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.93GHz PC with 8GB RAM.

We employ four real datasets, namely English, Color, SF, and DNA, as depicted in Table 2. English Footnote 1 contains the words extracted from the English language dictionary, and edit distance is employed to compute the distance between two words. Color Footnote 2 denotes the first eight dimensions of color histograms extracted from an image database, and the \(L_{5}\)-norm is utilized to compare the color image features. SF Footnote 3 consists of the locations in San Francisco, and the \(L_{2}\)-norm is used to measure their similarity. DNA Footnote 4 includes DNA data, and hamming distance is utilized to measure similarity. In our experimental settings, English and Color use the object-level model to represent the uncertainty. Specifically, every uncertain object is represented using m (100 \(\le m \le \) 300) instances with their distances to the word or image feature in English or Color bounded by \(\Upsilon \), resulting in a total of 12M instances for the default English and 11.2M instances for the default Color. The associated instance probability follows two popular distributions, namely Normal and Arbitrary, for English and Color, respectively. SF and DNA utilize the bi-level model to represent the uncertainty. For SF, the uncertain object u is denoted as an uncertain region centered at every location in SF with the radius bounded by \(\Upsilon \), and the probability for u located in the uncertain region follows the Uniform distribution. For DNA, each uncertain string uses the character element model [21] as the underlying uncertain model. Synthetic (set) datasets based on both the object-level and bi-level models are also generated, in which every set in Synthetic has 30 to 60 elements, and the Jaccard coefficient is utilized to measure similarity. Note that, for the bi-level model, the uncertain set uses the p-set model [17] as its underlying uncertain model. Table 2 lists the statistics of the datasets used in our experiments. All index structures are configured to use a fixed disk page size of 4KB.

We investigate the efficiency of MPRQ, MPRQU, and MPRJ algorithms using the UPB-tree and the UPB-forest when varying different parameters, as shown in Table 3. In each experiment, we change one parameter and fix the others to their default values. The main performance metrics include the number of page accesses (PA), the number of distance computations (compdists), and the CPU time. Each measurement we report is an average of 50 random queries.

Table 3 Parameter ranges and default values
Fig. 13
figure 13

Efficiency of pivot selection methods versus |P|. a English, b DNA, c English, d DNA

Table 4 Construction cost of the UP-Index and the UPB-tree

7.1 Pivot selection effectiveness

The first set of experiments compares the effectiveness of our pivot selection algorithm IPS with that of the existing pivot selection algorithm PSA [3]. We utilize the MPRQ on the UPB-tree and the UPB-forest to investigate the effectiveness of the pivot selection algorithms. Figure 13 depicts the results using datasets English and DNA, where abbreviations of pivot selection algorithms (IP for IPS, PS for PSA) are shown at the bottom of each column. As observed, IPS performs better than PSA. The reason is that MPRQ performance is highly related to \(\epsilon _P\) as defined in Definition 6.1, and IPS tries to maximize \(\epsilon _P\). The second observation is that the number of distance computations decreases as the number of pivots grows. This is because, using more pivots, the query efficiency improves as \(\epsilon _P\) becomes larger, incurring fewer distance computations. The third observation is that PA and CPU time first drop and then stay stable or increase when the number of pivots increases. However, PA and CPU time of PSA on DNA increase with the growth of the number of pivots. The reason is that the cost of filtering unqualified uncertain objects grows as the number of pivots ascends. Hence, MPRQ achieves better performance for all performance metrics, when the number of pivots approaches the intrinsic dimensionality (i.e., Ins. Dim. for short in Table 2) of the dataset [40].

7.2 Comparisons with the UP-Index

The second set of experiments compares the efficiency of the UPB-tree and the UPB-forest with that of state-of-the-art UP-Index [3] using MPRQ.

Construction cost First, Tables 4 and 5 show the construction costs and storage sizes for the UP-Index, the UPB-tree, and the UPB-forest, using real datasets. Clearly, the UPB-tree and the UPB-forest have much lower construction costs in terms of the number of page accesses (i.e., PA) and the storage sizes (denoted as Storage) in most cases. The reason is that our UPB-tree and UPB-forest only store necessary information, while the UP-Index needs to preserve the histograms w.r.t. the whole distance range for every uncertain object. Notice that, on English, the UP-Index has smaller PA than the UPB-tree. This is because, English has small distance range (i.e., [0, 22]), resulting in low redundant storage for UP-Index, while UPB-tree needs to store additional information (e.g., SFC values and MBB information) to achieve search efficiency. However, the construction CPU time (denoted as Time) of UPB-tree and UPB-forest can be higher than that of UP-Index. This is because UPB-tree and UPB-forest need additional CPU cost to build the B\(^+\)-tree(s), while UP-Index stores the histograms as a table.

Table 5 Construction cost of the UP-Index and the UPB-forest
Fig. 14
figure 14

MPRQ performance versus \(\theta \). a English, b DNA, c English, d DNA

Effect of \(\theta \) Figure 14 illustrates the influence of \(\theta \) on the efficiency of MPRQ algorithms using English and DNA. Abbreviations of indexes (UI for UP-Index, UT for UPB-tree, UF for UPB-forest) are shown at the bottom of each column. The first observation is that the UPB-tree- and the UPB-forest-based MPRQ algorithms are better in terms of compdists. The reason is that our pivot selection algorithm selects effective pivots to avoid a large number of distance computations, and the MPRQ algorithms can avoid unnecessary distance computations by validating or pruning uncertain objects based on the probability lower and upper bounds. In contrast, the UP-Index cannot validate uncertain objects because it has no probability lower bounds. The second observation is that the UPB-tree- and the UPB-forest-based MPRQ algorithms perform much better in terms of I/O cost. This is because the UP-Index has to scan the entire index to prune uncertain objects. Nevertheless, for the UPB-tree and the UPB-forest, they achieve I/O efficiency since only qualified B\(^{+}\)-tree entries and uncertain objects are visited based on Lemmas 4.1 and 4.4, 5.1 and 5.2, and Theorem 4.1. In addition, the MPRQ cost drops with the growth of \(\theta \) because the pruning power increases with \(\theta \).

Fig. 15
figure 15

MPRQ performance versus R. a Color, b SF, c Color, d SF

Effect of R Figure 15 depicts the performance of MPRQ when varying R, using Color and SF. As expected, UPB-tree- and UPB-forest-based MPRQ algorithms perform better in terms of compdists and PA. However, the CPU time of UPB-tree and UPB-forest is larger than that of UP-Index. This is because, UPB-tree and UPB-forest need additional CPU cost to compute the probability lower and upper bounds by traversing the indexes. The query costs (including compdists, PA, and the CPU time) increase with R, since the search space grows with R. In contrast, due to Lemma 4.4, the validation power of the UPB-tree increases with R, resulting in fewer distance computations, which makes it possible that the compdists drops when R reaches 32% on Color as well as also makes it possible that the CPU time of UPB-forest is less than that of UP-Index on SF.

Effect of n In order to observe the impact of the number n of slots on the efficiency of the indexes, we employ Color and SF datasets since the ranges of their distance functions are real numeric. Figure 16 plots the results with respect to various n values. As observed, compdists slightly drops with the growth of n. The reason is that, as n increases, the discrete case approaches to the continuous case, which helps tighten the probability upper and lower bounds calculations, hence reducing the number of distance computations. However, for the UP-Index and the UPB-forest, the number of page accesses increases with n, since their storage costs grow with n in order to preserve the pre-computed histogram or approximated discrete PDF for every uncertain object, incurring higher I/O cost.

Effect of \(\gamma \) and m Figures 17 and 18 show the performance of MPRQ when varying \(\gamma \) and m. We see that the query costs (including compdists, PA, and the CPU time) increase with the growth of m. The reason is that the search space grows with m. Notice that the query costs are not sensitive to \(\gamma \), and they drop slightly when \(\gamma \) reaches 12% on Color. This is because, for the uncertain objects with larger uncertain regions, the total number of qualifying answer objects drops with fixed search radius.

Fig. 16
figure 16

MPRQ performance versus n. a Color, b SF, c Color, d SF

Fig. 17
figure 17

MPRQ performance versus \(\gamma \). a Color, b SF, c Color, d SF

Fig. 18
figure 18

MPRQ performance versus m. a English, b Color, c English, d Color

Fig. 19
figure 19

MPRQ performance versus cardinality. a Synthetic (set) and b synthetic (set)

Effect of cardinality In order to study the scalability of the UPB-tree and the UPB-forest, we employ Synthetic (set) datasets. Figure 19 plots the MPRQ performance as a function of cardinality. Clearly, compdists, PA, and the CPU time grow linearly with the cardinality. This occurs because the search space grows as the dataset cardinality increases. Since both object-level and bi-level models are used on Synthetic (set) datasets, a comparison between UPB-tree and UPB-forest is also investigated. As observed, compdists of UPB-tree is much larger than that of UPB-forest, but the CPU time of UPB-tree is smaller. This is because one distance computation computes the distance between uncertain instances for the UPB-tree, but computes the distance between uncertain objects for the UPB-forest. Note that, the distance computational cost for uncertain objects is much more costly than that for uncertain instances on the same dataset. In addition, the I/O cost of UPB-forest is slightly smaller than that of UPB-tree, because the bi-level model needs fewer storage size than the object-level model.

Table 6 Comparisons with U-Quadtree, UPR-tree, and CSQ

7.3 Comparison with the U-Quadtree, UPR-tree, and CSQ

To further explore the efficiency of the UPB-tree and the UP-forest, we also compare them with the state-of-the-art U-Quadtree [44] and CSQ [17] for specific uncertain metric spaces using MPRQ. In addition, UPR-tree that uses a R-tree instead of a B\(^+\)-tree is also developed for comparison. Table 6 shows the experimental results on Color and Synthetic datasets, where abbreviations (UQ for U-Quadtree, UT for UPB-tree, UR for UPR-tree, and UF for UPB-forest) are used. Here, there is no value of compdists for U-Quadtree, because the verification of the U-Quadtree does not need any distance computation. Also, there is no value for PA for CSQ, since CSQ is an in-memory method without any I/O cost. It is observed that the I/O cost of UPB-tree is fewer than that of U-Quadtree and UPR-tree. This is because SFC utilized by the UPB-tree can reduce the storage cost of pre-computed distances and meanwhile preserve the locality. However, compdists of UPB-tree is slightly larger than that of UPR-tree, since the UPB-tree uses approximated discrete distances to perform the SFC mapping for continuous distance functions, resulting in weaker pruning ability of Lemma 4.1. Note that, U-Quadtree achieves the smallest CPU time, followed by UPR-tree and then UPB-tree. The reason is that UPR-tree and UPB-tree need additional CPU cost to prune and validate data using the triangle inequality for simple distance computation (e.g., \(L_2\) -norm), and UPB-tree needs additional CPU cost to perform SFC mapping. The second observation is that CSQ has fewer compdists but takes longer than the UPB-forest. The reason is that CSQ utilizes the characteristics of set data to prune uncertain sets, leading to fewer distance computations. Nonetheless, the individual and batch pruning techniques used by CSQ can also be integrated easily into our algorithm (denoted as CSQ \(+\) UPB), to further improve the query efficiency on uncertain set data, as depicted in Table 6.

7.4 MPRQU performance

The fourth set of experiments verifies the MPRQU performance of the UPB-tree and the UPB-forest, compared with the state-of-the-art UP-Index.

Fig. 20
figure 20

MPRQU performance versus \(\theta \). a Color, b DNA, c Color, d DNA

Fig. 21
figure 21

MPRQU performance versus R. a Color, b DNA, c Color, d DNA

Effect of \(\theta \) Figure 20 shows the MPRQU performance when varying \(\theta \), using Color and DNA. The first observation is that the UPB-tree- and the UPB-forest-based MPRQU algorithms perform better than the UP-Index-based MPRQU algorithm in terms of compdists and PA. This is because the UPB-tree- and the UPB-forest-based MPRQU algorithms utilize Lemmas 4.5, 4.6, 5.3, and 5.4 to derive the probability upper and lower bounds, and thus are able to prune and validate uncertain objects without further verifications. However, the CPU time of UP-Index can be smaller than that of our methods. The reason is that the additional CPU cost is used to derive the probability upper and lower bounds. In addition, the query costs (including compdists, PA and the CPU time) of MPRQU drop with the growth of \(\theta \) since the pruning power increases with \(\theta \).

Effect of R Figure 21 depicts the MPRQU performance under various R values, using Color and DNA. As expected, the compdists, PA and the CPU time increase with the growth of R, because the search space grows with R. However, due to Lemma 4.6, the validation power of the UPB-tree increases with R, resulting in fewer distance computations, which makes it possible that the compdists drops when R reaches 32% on Color and also makes it possible that the CPU time of UPB-tree is less than that of UP-Index on Color.

7.5 MPRJ performance

The last set of experiments target the MPRJ performance based on the UPB-tree and the UPB-forest, compared with the baseline algorithms as discussed in Sects. 4.4 and 5.4. Recall that the baseline algorithms perform multiple MPRQU.

Fig. 22
figure 22

MPRQJ performance versus \(\theta \). a Color, b SF, c Color, d SF

Effect of \(\theta \) Figure 22 plots the MPRJ performance when changing \(\theta \), using Color and SF. As MPRJ is costly and it involves two uncertain datasets, we divide Color (20K) and SF (20K) into two parts with equal size. Abbreviations (Ut for UtMJA, Bt for UPB-tree-based baseline algorithm, Uf for UfMJA, and Bf for UPB-forest-based baseline algorithm) are depicted at the bottom of each column. The first observation is that UtMJA and UfMJA are several orders of magnitude better than the baseline algorithms in terms of page accesses. The reason is that the baseline algorithms have to traverse the datasets multiple times, while UtMJA and UfMJA need to traverse the datasets only once. In addition, Lemmas 4.9, 4.10, 5.5, and 5.6, and Theorem 5.1 are utilized by UtMJA and UfMJA to further accelerate the MPRJ. The second observation is that the query costs of MPRJ drop with the growth of \(\theta \) on SF dataset, while the query costs first increase and then drop on Color dataset. This is because the validating power decreases but the pruning power increases with \(\theta \). It is worth noting that the compdists of UtMJA is larger than that of the baseline algorithm. The reason is that Z-order curve used for UtMJA to employ Lemma 4.9 has the weaker space locality performance than Hilbert curve used by the baseline algorithm.

Fig. 23
figure 23

MPRJ performance versus R. a English, b DNA, c English, d DNA

Effect of R Figure 23 shows the MPRJ performance under various R values, using English (20K) and DNA (40K). As expected, UtMJA and UfMJA are several orders of magnitude better than the baseline algorithms in terms of PA. In addition, the query costs increase with R, because the search space grows with R.

Effect of cardinality Figure 24 depicts the MPRJ performance as a function of cardinality. Clearly, the query costs grow linearly with the cardinality as the search increases. In addition, the number of distance computations of UPB-tree-based algorithm is much larger than that of UPB-forest-based algorithm, but the CPU time of UPB-tree-based algorithm is smaller, as already discussed in Sect. 7.2.

Fig. 24
figure 24

MPRJ performance versus cardinality. a Synthetic (set) and b synthetic (set)

8 Conclusions

To address the uncertainty in various applications, we introduce an object-level model and a bi-level model, and we propose corresponding indexing structures, i.e., the UPB-tree and the UPB-forest, and present efficient metric probabilistic range query and range join algorithms using these indexes. The resulting findings via extensive experiments on both real and synthetic data sets are summarized as follows.

  • Our pivot selection method PSA can select more effective pivots than existing method IPS.

  • Compared with the state-of-the-art method UP-Index, our indexes UPB-tree and UPB-forest have lower construction costs and metric probabilistic range query costs in terms of distance computations and page accesses, but have larger CPU time in some cases. Thus, our indexes perform better than UP-Index when the I/O cost is the dominance cost or the distance function is costly.

  • UPB-forest has smaller I/O cost yet higher CPU cost than UPB-tree using the same datasets.

  • Our metric probabilistic range join algorithms UtMJA and UfMJA are several orders of magnitude better than baseline algorithms in terms of I/O cost, whereas they achieve similar CPU performance. Hence, our methods perform better than the baseline algorithms when the I/O cost is the dominance cost.

In the future, it is interesting to extend our indexes to distributed environments. Another promising direction for future work concerns other types of metric probabilistic queries, such as metric probabilistic nearest neighbor search.