1 Introduction

Online social networks (OSNs), also known as social attribute networks (SANs) [1], can contain a wide variety of users’ data such as “Age”, “Relationship Status”, “Religious View”, and “Political View”. Data mining of the users’ information can be useful for identifying interaction patterns among the users [2], information credibility assessment [3], and other research purposes. However, it can also create a serious privacy breach to the OSN users by leaking a sensitive attribute or private information about the users [4]. Such data mining technology has reached the public eye through media reports (e.g. published by ABC News [5] and the Boston Globe [6]) because extremely delicate data such as a user’s “Sexual Orientation” can be correctly predicted by analysing their disclosed nonsensitive information [7].

The ability to infer sensitive information about a target user by analysing the disclosed nonsensitive information is usually known as an attribute inference attack [8, 9]. By “target user”, we refer to an individual or a group of OSN users whose privacy is currently under threat. It is important to note that attackers can take any approach to launch this attack. We now illustrate a data mining approach to carry out this type of attacks.

1.1 The privacy attack model

The attribute inference attack [8, 9] profits from the use of supervised learning. Well before the emergence of deep learning, most data-mining deployments centred around classification tasks [10]. At present, conventional classifiers are widely used in various applications and specific industrial settings such as construction [11], flood management systems (FMS) [12, 13], wind and solar energy applications [14], biodiesel production [15], hydrogen production [16], and evaporation prediction [17]. Today, fields such as computer vision [18] and Internet of Things [19] are dominated by applications that build and deploy classifiers. A classifier is the output of supervised learning, and the input is called a training set. It is called learning as it can make prediction on unseen information based on the labels in the training set. We show here the framing of the attack as a supervised learning model.

Consider a SAN model \(G(N,\mathcal {A,E})\) containing a set of user nodes N (where \(N=\{u_1, u_2,\ldots u_p\}\)), a set of attribute nodes \(\mathcal {A}\) (\(\mathcal {A}=\{\mathcal {A}_1,~\mathcal {A}_2,\ldots \mathcal {A}_n\}\)), and a set of links \(\mathcal {E}\). In the SAN model, users and attribute values are considered as vertices of a graph.

Fig. 1
figure 1

A sample SAN model

A link between a user \(u_i\) and a node \(\mathcal {A}_n=v\) represents the user \(u_i\) having the value v for the attribute \(\mathcal {A}_n\). For example, if \(u_i\) discloses Married as his/her “Relationship Status”, then a connection is placed between \(u_i\) and Relationship Status = Married. Therefore, \(u_i\) does not have any connection with other “Relationship Status” values. The SAN model also places an edge between two users if they are friends in the OSN. Figure 1 shows a sample SAN model. We first present our notation and its corresponding descriptions in Table 1.

Consider an attacker \(\mathcal {Z}\) who wants to know the “Political View” of a user \(u_6\) (shown in Fig. 1) who considers this information as sensitive and therefore did not disclose it on his/her OSN profile. Therefore, there is no link between \(u_6\) and the values (i.e. Labour or Liberal) of the “Political View” attribute. In this example, the user \(u_6\) is seen as a target user and for simplicity we use \(u_6\) and u interchangeably from this point forward.

Table 1 Notations used in this paper

To launch the attack, \(\mathcal {Z}\) can prepare a training data set \(D_{tr}\). At first, \(\mathcal {Z}\) may collect some information such as “Profession” and “Relationship Status” about \(u_6\) by exploring G (shown in Fig. 1). \(\mathcal {Z}\) then can select a set of users who disclose their “Political View” information as well as the other information (i.e. “Profession” and “Relationship Status” in this example) that \(u_6\) discloses. \(\mathcal {Z}\) can also utilise the users’ friendship information to launch the attack. \(\mathcal {Z}\) may utilise metrics that evaluate principles of social influence that suggest users mimic those they are connected to [9, 20]. Also, the inverse also happens [21], and users with common attributes are likely to be connected [22, 23]. Equation (1) shows one such metric, the Adamic–Adar metric [24],

$$\begin{aligned} m(u_i,\mathcal {A}_n=v)=\sum \limits _{t\in \varGamma _{s+}(u_i)\cap \varGamma _{s+}(\mathcal {A}_n=v)}\frac{w(t)}{log|\varGamma _+(t)|}. \end{aligned}$$

If a user assigns v as a value for \(\mathcal {A}_n\), then we denote \(\mathcal {A}_n=v\). \(\varGamma _{s+}(u_i)\) is a set of user nodes in G connected to a user \(u_i\) and \(\varGamma _{\mathcal {A}+}(u_i)\) is a set of neighbour attribute-value nodes connected to user \(u_i\). For example, in Fig. 1, \(\varGamma _{\mathcal {A}+}(u_1) = \{Entrepreneur,~Married,~Liberal\}\) and \(\varGamma _{\mathcal {A}+}(u_2) = \{Entrepreneur,~ Widowed,~Labour\}\).

On the other hand, \(\varGamma _{s+}(\mathcal {A}_n=v)\) is the set of users in G who assign v as a value for the attribute \(\mathcal {A}_n\). For instance, in Fig. 1, \(\varGamma _{s+}(Profession=Entrepreneur)\) \(= \{u_1, u_2\}\). The degree of \(u_i\) can be denoted as \(|\varGamma _+(u_i)|\) where \(|\varGamma _+(u_i)| = |\varGamma _{s+}(u_i) \cup \varGamma _{\mathcal {A}+}(u_i)|\). For example, \(|\varGamma _+(u_1)| = 6\) and \(|\varGamma _+(u_2)| = 5\) in Fig. 1.

User t is a friend of \(u_i\) who has an attribute-value \(\mathcal {A}_n=v\) and \(t\in \varGamma _{s+}(u_i)\cap \varGamma _{s+}(\mathcal {A}_n=v)\). The weight w(t) of the link between user \(u_i\) and user t is applicable when there is reason to believe some connections have a stronger meaning than another, for the purposes of this study, we model all link weights in G equally, setting \(w(t)=1\), for all t. The higher the metric value \(m(u_i,\mathcal {A}_n=v)\), the higher the impact of v on \(u_i\). The attacker \(\mathcal {Z}\) can calculate \(m(u_i,\mathcal {A}_n=v)\) as per Eq. (1) to incorporate the influence of friendship information into the data set \(D_{tr}\) (see Table 2).

Table 2 A sample of training data set with friendship information

After preparing \(D_{tr}\), \(\mathcal {Z}\) may select “Political View” as a class attribute and the rest of the attributes as non-class attributes. While selecting a user to include in the data set \(D_{tr}\), \(\mathcal {Z}\) follows a strategy of collecting users who have disclosed directly or indirectly their “Political View”. For this example, we assume there are only two possible values: they are “Liberal” and “Labour”. Our sample data set is illustrative of what could be prepared in a real-world scenario with an even larger set of attributes.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Decision trees built on the sample data set given in Table 2. Here, “Lib” indicates “Liberal” and “Lab” indicates “Labour”

Table 2 presents such sample data set \(D_{tr}\) where rows are users’ records and columns hold attributes. We name the attributes directly related to the users’ information (such as “Relationship Status” and “Profession”) as regular attributes and the attributes derived from metrics of friendship links (such as, m_relation, m_profession, and m_political) as link attributes. Link attributes are computed using Eq. (1).

Table 3 A sample of test data set with friendship information

\(\mathcal {Z}\) can use a classifier (for example, a decision forest) to extract the rules from the data set \(D_{tr}\) and apply the learned classifier on the data of user \(u_6\), (refer to Table 3), to breach his/her privacy. Figure 2 shows a sample of a decision forest generated from Table 2. In Fig. 2, the leaves appear as ovals while rectangular boxes are used for internal nodes. The path between a root node (the node at the top) and a leaf represents the logic rule for the leaf. For example, the logic rule for Leaf 1 (see Fig. 2a) states that “if the value of the attribute “Profession” is “Entrepreneur” and the value of the attribute “m_profession” is less than or equal to 0.57, then the class value is “Labour”, and there is 1 record from \(D_{tr}\) that the model classifies correctly as “Labour” in this leaf. Here, the attributes “Profession” and “m_profession” are in the antecedent of the rule and the attribute “Political View” is in the consequent. m_profession of \(u_6\) is 0.72 (see Table 3) which is the link attribute, for \(u_6\) and Profession = Salesman, computed by Eq. (1).

By applying these learned rules on public data, on the public information about \(u_6\), (refer to Table 3), \(\mathcal {Z}\) can predict the “Political View” of user \(u_6\). The possibility of this attack is experimentally described in previous studies as well [25, 26].

1.1.1 Privacy definition

For an OSN user \(u_i\) with an attribute value \(\mathcal {L}\) of a sensitive attribute \(C_o\), attribute inference may occur with a confidence \(\gamma\) when \(P(C_o = \mathcal {L}) \ge \gamma\).

1.2 Related work

To try to eliminate the possibility of this privacy breach, a commercially available privacy preserving technique NOYB [27] uses a non-machine learning technique to guide what to obfuscate. NOYB takes a random suppression approach to select and suppress the regular attribute values, in the testing data set, that could be predictors of the class label. In an extreme scenario, NOYB may obfuscate all the regular attribute values for the sake of providing privacy.

Another technique, TOTAL_COUNT, and its variant CUM_SENSITIVITY [28], are based on calculating heuristics rank of the possibility of a regular attribute to be a strong predictor. The heuristics behind TOTAL_COUNT and CUM_SENSITIVITY are derived from logic rules obtained from the SysFor decision forest algorithm [29]. Based on the rules, it then ranks the attributes that appear most often in the rules with sensitivity larger than 1.006 and iteratively suggest the OSN user to suppress its value.

The Sensitivity of each rule is a function of the rule’s Support and Confidence calculated as

$$\begin{aligned} S_j =\left( \alpha \times \dfrac{N_{\mathcal {R}_a}}{N}\right) + \left( \beta \times \dfrac{N_{\mathcal {R}_a}^+}{N_{\mathcal {R}_a}}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(N_{\mathcal {R}_a}\) refers to the number of records that trigger the ath rule, and \(N_{\mathcal {R}_a}^+\) indicates the number of records correctly classified by the ath rule. The constants \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are parameters of the method which the authors recommend to be set to 1 [28], which shows that the accuracy of the rule, relative to the number of users, is the main contributor to the sensitivity.

Table 4 Major contributions of this study

In our running example, the sensitivity of Rule 1 (refer to Fig. 2a) is calculated as: \(S_1 = \left( 1 \times \dfrac{1}{5}\right) + \left( 1 \times \dfrac{1}{1}\right) = 1.2\).

Considering both regular and link attributes in \(D_{tr}\) suggests that the users shall add and hide friends from the friend list [30, 31] to reduce the possibility of a privacy breach. However, how to minimise the number of friends to hide or add or how to achieve an effective balance relative to the privacy level is left open.

A privacy protection technique based on Naïve Bayes classifier (PrivNB for short [32]) can provide privacy by suppressing attribute values and deleting friendship links. None of the experiments supporting the earlier techniques evaluates the effect of the method on the data utility of the protected data set. This would require a model of how each individual user interacts with the technique to achieve their satisfactory level of privacy, and the resulting data set global utility should be assessed after each of the interventions of each user.

Our earlier technique (3LP) [33] can provide privacy by suggesting three layers of action to protect the users’ privacy. In Layer 1, it suggests to the user to suppress the values of regular attributes as ranked by the heuristics. However, if the user chooses not to use regular attributes or there are not any more regular attributes to achieve a satisfactory privacy level, in Layer 2, 3LP suggests to the user to hide some friends from the friend list. If Layer 2 still does not offer a satisfactory level of privacy, in Layer 3, 3LP suggests to the OSN users to add a few OSN users wisely in their friend list.

The 3LP algorithm can protect the privacy of a sensitive attribute. But it would require re-application of 3LP if there were more than one sensitive attribute.

Table 5 Sensitive rules matching

We improved 3LP to 3LP+ [34] to adopt a coordinated approach to protect the privacy of multiple sensitive attributes. This method uses a matrix to store the history of any modification of friendship information during a run to avoid a conflicting suggestion in a subsequent run.

The data utility is also an important element while protecting privacy. A user can protect their privacy by hiding all of their information, but it is an unwanted situation as the user wants to share some of their information with their friends. Therefore, the goal for a privacy-preserving technique should be a trade-off between privacy and utility of users’ data.

The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Section 2 presents our proposed technique to protect privacy against the inference attack. We discuss our experimental set up in Sect. 3 and the results in Sect. 4. Finally, Sect. 5 gives the concluding remarks.

2 Our technique

2.1 Our contributions

3LP appeared in an Information and Security Conference [33] and 3LP+ in an Information Systems Security and Privacy Conference [34].

The multiple application of 3LP would not use information about several attributes being targeted as sensitive. Therefore, such re-applications could be counterproductive by loosing a lot more information than is required to be lost. More importantly, the re-application can produce contradictory suggestions that if acted upon could re-introduce the risk of disclosure. For example, to protect the privacy of “Political View3LP might suggest a user to hide a friend from his/her friend list while a subsequent run (say to protect the privacy of “Religious View”) might suggest the user to disclose the same friendship information resulting in the loss of protection of “Political View”. This is mainly because multiple runs of 3LP do not have proper co-ordination among the runs.

On the other hand, 3LP and 3LP+ [34] can both suffer from a high attack success rate: if the attacker uses a different classifier (than the classifier to identify high predictor attributes in 3LP or 3LP+) to launch the attack. The term attack success rate refers to the probability of inferring users’ sensitive attribute values correctly; the lower the attack success rate value, the higher the privacy.

In this paper, we present 3LPEx that generates the sensitive rule set by considering all possible combinations of the attribute values in a data set. Therefore, even if an attacker uses a different classifier (i.e. not used by the protection technique) to generate logic rules, 3LPEx should be able to provide protection against those rules from linking sensitive information. In addition, 3LPEx can protect users’ multiple sensitive information in one run while maintaining data utility. We present other four major contributions of this paper in Table 4 with their corresponding section numbers. Any of these contributions has never been published before.

2.2 Basic concept

A decision forest built from a training data set by an algorithm (e.g. Random Forest [35]) can be different from another decision forest produced by another algorithm (e.g. Bagging [36]) as different algorithms take different approaches to create the forests. So the logic rules discovered by a decision forest algorithm can be different from the logic rules discovered by another decision forest algorithm. If we provide privacy based on the logic rules discovered by a decision forest algorithm, we may not be able to secure a user if the attacker builds the decision forest using a different algorithm. Therefore, we need to first build a set of logic rules that covers/matches the logic rules obtained by any algorithm and then provide protection against this set of logic rules.

In this section, we experimentally demonstrate the dissimilarity of different logic rules by exploiting a set of decision forest algorithms such as Random Forest [35], Random Subspace [37], SysFor [29], AdaBoost [38], Bagging [36], J48 [39], and ForestPA [40] that the attacker may utilise to compromise privacy. We apply these algorithms separately on an OSN data set [41], denoted as \(D_1\), to extract a set of logic rules TR, and then follow the procedure described in Sect. 1.1 to prepare a set of sensitive rules SR. In the data set, we chose “Political View” as the class attribute (the details of the data set are presented in Sect. 3.1).

For each algorithm \(Al_g\), we evaluate how good \(Al_g\) is to match the sensitive rules generated by another algorithm \(Al_k\). Table 5 offers a row for each choice of algorithm \(Al_g\) and a column for each choice of algorithm \(Al_k\). The number of rules generated by \(Al_g\) can be seen in the diagonal values of the table since the set of rules generated by an algorithm always matches with itself. However, the other values in a row are informative as follows. Consider the row for \(Al_g\)=Random Forest (RF), where 627 rules are generated by Random Forest as we can see in the \(2^{nd}\) column of the \(2^{nd}\) row in Table 5. We can also see that Random Subspace (RS) generates 12 rules (see the 4th column of Row 1). There is only one rule (out of 12 rules generated by Random Subspace) that is matched by one or more rules of the set of 627 rules generated by Random Forest. Similarly, there are only two rules (out of 402 rules generated by AdaBoost) that are matched by the set of 627 rules generated by Random Forest. Obviously, the more rules (generated by an algorithm) that are matched by the rules generated by Random Forest, the better privacy can be provided by using the rules generated by Random Forest.

A rule \(\mathcal {R}_1\) is considered to be matched by a rule \(\mathcal {R}_2\) if one of the following three conditions is met.

1. The antecedents of the rules completely match each other. By complete matching, we mean all the splitting attributes and their splitting points in the antecedent of \(\mathcal {R}_1\) are exactly the same as the splitting attributes and splitting points in the antecedent of \(\mathcal {R}_2\) (even if the attributes are tested in different order in the tree, they represent the same antecedent as the logical conjunction and conjunction is a connective that commutes). For example, Rule 3 in Fig. 2a and Rule 7 in Fig. 2b are considered to be matched.

2. The antecedent of \(\mathcal {R}_2\) is an refinement of the antecedent of \(\mathcal {R}_1\). By the refinement of logic rules, we mean the antecedent of \(\mathcal {R}_2\) has all the splitting attributes and points exactly the same as the antecedent of \(\mathcal {R}_1\) plus some additional splitting attributes and points (the refinement will apply to a subset of the cases that satisfy the original rule; that is the refinement is more precise). For example, let us assume \(\mathcal {R}_1\) is: if Profession = Salesman \(\xrightarrow {then}\) Lib: 1 and \(\mathcal {R}_2\) is: if Profession = Salesman & m_political > 0.31 \(\xrightarrow {then}\) Lib: 1. In this example, \(\mathcal {R}_2\) is an refinement of \(\mathcal {R}_1\). \(\mathcal {R}_2\) represents records those are a subset of the records represented by \(\mathcal {R}_1\). Therefore, if the system were to suggest the obfuscation of attributes in the antecedent of \(\mathcal {R}_1\), records that are classified by \(\mathcal {R}_2\) are also protected. This is why we consider \(\mathcal {R}_2\) is matched by \(\mathcal {R}_1\) for our purpose (in a sense this is analogous to the anti-monotone property of support in the analysis of frequent item sets by the apriori algorithm).

3. Either of the above two conditions is met except that the splitting point of a numerical splitting attribute varies within 10% of the domain range of the attribute. For example, if the domain of the attribute m_profession = [0,1], \(\mathcal {R}_1\) is: if Profession = Entrepreneur & m_profession > 0.57 \(\xrightarrow {then}\) Lib: 1 and \(\mathcal {R}_2\) is: if Profession = Entrepreneur & m_profession > 0.54 \(\xrightarrow {then}\) Lib: 1 then we consider \(\mathcal {R}_2\) is matched by \(\mathcal {R}_1\).

Because of the difference of what is found by one method among the rules produced by another, we can take the following approach. We name RuleBank \((Al_k)\) the union of all the rules generated by all algorithms except \(Al_k\), and we check how well all other algorithms do in terms of covering \(Al_k\). The results of this “all others versus one left out” appear as the row for RuleBank. Column 3 of Row 8 suggests that the RuleBank combining all algorithms except Random Forest can only match 62 rules (out of 627 rules) generated by Random Forest. We see that even if we use all other algorithms, we only match a small fraction of the rules generated by a single algorithm as long as that one is not included in the RuleBank. This lack of power of an assemble of algorithms emphasises that for maximising privacy protection one algorithm to choose sensitive rules is clearly insufficient.

We also consider 5% and 15% difference of the domain range of the attribute but an insignificant difference (from the 10% of the domain range results) has been observed (see “Appendix 1”).

figure a

2.3 Exhaustive approach

In this Exhaustive approach, a set of logic rules is created by considering all possible combinations of the non-class attribute values (see Algorithm 1). The entire approach is completed in two steps. In Step 1, the attribute values of each non-class attribute (obtained from the training data set \(D_{tr}\)) are stored in a matrix \(\mathcal {H}\). In Step 2, a set of sensitive rules is generated by utilising the \(\mathcal {H}\). We describe each step as follows.

Step 1: Store the attribute values in \(\mathcal {H}\).

As an input, the Exhaustive approach (see Step 1 of Algorithm 1) first takes the main data set D, the training data set \(D_{tr}\), the set of non-class attributes \(\mathcal {A}\), the class attribute \(C_o\), and the user u. A non-class attribute \(\mathcal {A}_n\) can be categorical or numerical. If \(\mathcal {A}_n\) is categorical then it stores all the domain values of \(\mathcal {A}_n\) in a matrix \(\mathcal {H}\) (shown in Step 1 of Algorithm 1).

On the other hand, if \(\mathcal {A}_n\) is numerical, then it calculates the gain ratios for the split points and selects the top five gain ratios to store their corresponding splitting points in the matrix \(\mathcal {H}\). At the end of Step 1, matrix \(\mathcal {H}\) is prepared and made ready for use by Step 2.

Step 2: Generate a set of sensitive rules for the 3LPEx user.

In Step 2, a set of exhaustive rules is first generated by considering all possible combinations of the attribute values stored in \(\mathcal {H}\). It is theoretically impossible to protect all inferences when data on users are available. One cannot release any data, but then OSN would not be interesting to users. It is also impossible to anticipate what machine learning tools would the attacker apply attempting to compromise the privacy of OSN users. Thus, the first alternative is what has been attempted before (see Sect. 1.2): to anticipate what are the attributes that have high predictive power by observing how frequently they appear in the rules generated by some machine learning algorithms. Here, for the first time, we inaugurate the approach of being exhaustive and aim at inspecting all rules regardless of how could they be generated (and in fact most of these rules would have no predictive power). The approach here surpasses previous approaches by being agnostic to the identification of predictive attributes (while all other machine learning algorithms introduce some learning bias as they apply some induction principle).

Once the exhaustive rules are generated, sensitivity of each rule is calculated by using Eq. (2) and the rules having sensitivity value over a threshold are considered as sensitive rules. Our earlier study [42] demonstrated experimentally that a sensitivity threshold lower than 1.006 can provide better privacy by suppressing more regular attribute values. Therefore, following earlier studies [28, 33, 34], in this study we also consider the sensitivity threshold to be 1.006. At the end of Step 2, a set of sensitive rules is generated for the use by Algorithm 2.

While generating the set of exhaustive rules, we consider the number of attributes tested in the antecedent of an exhaustive rule to be bound at 3 (see Algorithm 1). That is, we exhaustively generate all classification rules whose antecedents have at most three terms/conditions in an antecedent. Our algorithm does not require this number to be 3 (i.e. our algorithm is not restricted to using 3 as a bound on the size of the antecedent). However, as we will see later, the algorithms complexity will be exponential on this parameter. One can use a larger number of attributes in the antecedent of a rule, provide more privacy protection, but would consume more computational resources. As we explained before, guaranteeing privacy protection to all attacks would require either complete obfuscation of all data (which would destroy all utility of the OSN) or exhaustive generation of all rules of all types (not just decision tree type with logic rules but oblique and regression rules such as in CART and all forms and mappings as hyperspace mappings by support vector machines, etc.).

We will show with our experiments that the value 3 seems a good choice to highlight and made recommendations to users to obfuscate the least number of nonsensitive attributes and minimise the need to fabricate friendships or obfuscate genuine ones. Because of the anti-monotone property mentioned earlier, by recommending obfuscating attributes in rules with antecedent with capped size 3, any refinement that uses any of these attributes becomes ineffective to disclose confidential attributes. However, the possibility exists for larger antecedents which results in extremely peculiar and precise rules that still jeopardise the privacy of some users. Our experiments will also show that at bound 3, we do not achieve total privacy protection. But certainly much more protection than any previous method.

We now give an example of exhaustive rules with two attributes in the antecedents and a class value. If two non-class attributes being tested in the antecedents are \(\mathcal {A}_1\) and \(\mathcal {A}_2\) with domain values \(\mathcal {A}_1\)= {\(v_{11}\), \(v_{12}\)} and \(\mathcal {A}_2\)= {\(v_{21}\), \(v_{22}\)}, and the class attribute is \(C_o\) with domain values \(C_o\)= {\(C_{o1}\), \(C_{o2}\)}, then the set of exhaustive rules is as follows.

Rule 1: If \(\mathcal {A}_1\)=\(v_{11}\) and \(\mathcal {A}_2\)=\(v_{21}\) \(\xrightarrow {then}\) \(C_o\)=either \(C_{o1}\) or \(C_{o2}\).

Note that the actual value of \(C_o\) will be determined by the majority class value of the records satisfying the antecedent of the rule.

Rule 2: If \(\mathcal {A}_1\)=\(v_{11}\) and \(\mathcal {A}_2\)=\(v_{22}\) \(\xrightarrow {then}\) \(C_o\)=either \(C_{o1}\) or \(C_{o2}\).

Rule 3: If \(\mathcal {A}_1\)=\(v_{12}\) and \(\mathcal {A}_2\)=\(v_{21}\) \(\xrightarrow {then}\) \(C_o\)=either \(C_{o1}\) or \(C_{o2}\).

Rule 4: If \(\mathcal {A}_1\)=\(a_{12}\) and \(\mathcal {A}_2\)=\(v_{22}\) \(\xrightarrow {then}\) \(C_o\)=either \(C_{o1}\) or \(C_{o2}\).

The attributes tested in the antecedent of an exhaustive rule can be either categorical or numerical or a combination of both categorical and numerical. If an attribute is numerical, then the split points stored in \(\mathcal {H}\) are used one by one in an exhaustive fashion. The effectiveness of the sensitive rules obtained through the Exhaustive approach in preserving privacy is also demonstrated in Row 9 of Table 5. We can see that sensitive rules obtained this way match with a high number of rules obtained by all other algorithms. Therefore, if we protect the privacy of users based on those exhaustive rules that highlight which attributes are high predictors, then we can ensure higher privacy than the privacy provided based on the sensitive rules obtained by any other approach that focuses on a single algorithm (including RuleBank). This is illustrated across Row 1 to Row 8 of Table 5.

2.4 Main steps of the 3LPEx

We now introduce our proposed privacy protection algorithm, namely 3LPEx, Three Layers of Protection using an Exhaustive set of rules. In the first layer, 3LPEx suggests its users to hide some non-sensitive regular attribute values that can be high predictor of a sensitive attribute value. After the first layer, if any sensitive rule remains that can reveal the users’ sensitive attribute value, then 3LPEx suggests its users to hide some friendship links in the second layer so that the metric value of a link attribute becomes lower than mentioned in the sensitive rules. After the first and second layer, if there are still some sensitive rules that may disclose the users’ sensitive information, only then 3LPEx uses third layer. In the third layer, 3LPEx suggests its users to add some new friends on their profiles so that the metric value of a link attribute becomes greater than mentioned in the sensitive rules. We now discuss the main steps of 3LPEx by assuming a target user u who uses the 3LPEx to protect his/her sensitive attributes.

3LPEx takes, as an input, the main data set D, the friendship network G, and a set of non-class attributes \(\mathcal {A}\). Here \(\mathcal {A}\) contains both regular attributes \(\mathcal {A}^r\) and link attributes \(\mathcal {A}^l\). 3LPEx also takes a set C of attributes, that a user u considers to be sensitive. For instance, if u considers “Political View” and “Religious View” to be sensitive attributes, then C= {Political View, Religious View}.

3LPEx randomly chooses a sensitive attribute in C, and one by one, 3LPEx aims to provide the privacy of the sensitive attribute by using its 3 layers/steps of privacy protection. In Layer 1 (i.e. Step 1), it suggests u to suppress some attribute values, in Layer 2 it suggests to hide some friendship links and in Layer 3 it suggests to add some new friends. Note that the layers are applied sequentially, and a later layer (e.g. Layer 2) is used, only if the privacy of the sensitive attribute is not protected by using an earlier layer. Once the privacy of the current sensitive attribute is protected (at the end of an iteration of 3LPEx), the sensitive attribute is removed from C. Once the privacy of all sensitive attributes is protected, the set C becomes empty and 3LPEx prompts a user to provide more sensitive attributes, if any (see Algorithm 2).

In each iteration, 3LPEx protects the privacy for a sensitive attribute. Hence, in this example where \(C=\){ Political View, Religious View}, 3LPEx iterates twice. The first iteration protects the attribute-value pair “Political View” and later, the pair “Religious View”.

An iteration begins when a user u agrees to protect his/her sensitive attribute by giving a flag information (i.e. Continue \(= True\)) and the entire process will not stop until u wishes to do so (i.e. \(Continue = False\)).

Step 1: Compute Sensitivity of Each Attribute for a User and Suggest the User to Suppress Regular Attribute Values as Necessary.(Layer 1)

In Step 1 (see Algorithm 2), the 3LPEx first selects a sensitive attribute \(C_o\) (where \(C_o\in C\)) as a class attribute and prepares a training data set \(D_{tr}\). In this example, \(C_o\) can be either “Political View” or “Religious View”.

3LPEx then takes the Exhaustive approach (by applying Algorithm 1) to generate a set of sensitive logic rules, denoted by \(R^u\), for u. We represent the sensitive rules generating process by using a function GetExhaustiveRuleset (\(D,~D_{tr},~\mathcal {A},~C_o,~u\)).

In \(R^u\), a non-class attribute \(\mathcal {A}_n\) can appear multiple times. Therefore, 3LPEx counts the total number of appearances of \(\mathcal {A}_n\) in \(R^u\). After counting the number of appearances of \(\mathcal {A}_n\), it stores the number in the nth index of a set Appear. Similarly, 3LPEx counts the number of appearances of all other non-class attributes (in \(D_{tr}\)) and stores the information in Appear.

Once the counting is completed, 3LPEx selects the regular attribute \(\mathcal {A}_n\) (i.e. \(\mathcal {A}_n\in \mathcal {A}^r\)) with the highest number of appearances in Appear and recommends u to suppress the value of \(\mathcal {A}_n\).

If u accepts the recommendation of suppressing the value of \(\mathcal {A}_n\), the set of sensitive rules in \(R^u\) containing \(\mathcal {A}_n\) in their antecedents are first added into a set T and then removed from \(R^u\). T is removed from \(R^u\) because T will no longer be useful in breaching the privacy (i.e. predicting the value) of the sensitive attribute due to the suppression of \(\mathcal {A}_n\). At this stage, 3LPEx sets \(Appear_n\) (i.e. the nth of the set, Appear) to zero.

After the removal of T, if \(R^u\) is still not empty, then 3LPEx identifies another regular attribute \(\mathcal {A}_n\) (with a different value for n) with the next highest number of appearances. This suppression process continues as long as \(R^u\) is not empty and \(R^u\) contains at least a rule containing a regular attribute in its antecedent.

Step 2: Suggest the User to Hide Friendship Links as Necessary if they are not fabricated previously. (Layer 2)

After Step 1, if a rule remains in \(R^u\) that predicts the sensitive attribute value, then such rule can only contain link attributes from the set \(\mathcal {A}^l\) in its antecedent. Unlike the regular attributes, the link attributes’ values cannot be suppressed (as they can be computed based on Eq. (1)) and can only be modified by hiding or adding some OSN users in the friend list of u.

If a user u satisfies the conditions of a rule \(R_j^u\) the antecedent of which requires the value of a link attribute \(A^l\) to be \(\ge\) a splitting point SplitPoint, then 3LPEx aims to change the value of \(A^l\) for u to be \(< SplitPoint\) by hiding some suitable friends in order to get u not satisfying the \(R_j^u\) so that an adversary cannot use \(R_j^u\) to breach the privacy of the sensitive attribute for u. In this step (i.e. Layer 2), 3LPEx only hides suitable friends to remove u from as many rules in \(R^u\) as possible.

figure b

Similar to Step 1, 3LPEx first identifies the link attribute \(\mathcal {A}_n\) (where \(\mathcal {A}_n \in A^l\)) which is most frequent in \(R^u\) and computes \(\mathcal {A}_n\)’s value, denoted as v, using Eq. (1). If v is higher than the split point mentioned in \(R^u_j\), then 3LPEx suggests u to hide a friendship link to reduce the value below the split point. While choosing a friendship link, 3LPEx selects a friend \(t_i\) (where i is a user index) of u who has the smallest degree. If \(t_i\) has not appeared in a friendship matrix \(F'\) (i.e. the friendship link between u and \(t_i\) was not previously modified by 3LPEx), 3LPEx recommends u to hide \(t_i\) so that it can reduce v the most. Here, \(F'\) is a \(1\times N\) matrix which stores the friendship Flag information for u. If u follows the recommendation, 3LPEx puts a Flag up in the ith column of the Friendship matrix \(F'\) and this user will no longer be recommended for further hiding or adding. The 3LPEx then updates \(G'\), \(F'\), and recomputes v (see Step 2).

This process continues until v is lower than the SplitPoint mentioned in \(R^u_j\). Once v is lower than the split point, the process of hiding friends stops. 3LPEx then removes \(R^u_j\) and other rules (that require the value of \(\mathcal {A}_n\) to be \(\ge\) than the SplitPoint) from \(R^u\). At the end of Step 2, if \(R^u\) is not empty, then 3LPEx moves to Step 3, i.e. Layer 3.

Step 3: Suggest the User to Add Friendship Links as Necessary if they are not fabricated previously. (Layer 3)

After Step 1 and Step 2 if \(R^u\) is still not empty, the remaining rules contain only link attributes in their antecedents. If u satisfies the condition of a rule \(R^u_j\) which requires the value of a link attribute v to be less than a splitting point SplitPoint, then 3LPEx recommends u to add new friends wisely so that the value of v increases, with the aim to make the value of v eventually greater than the SplitPoint appearing in the set \(R^u_j\) of rules.

3LPEx recommends u to add a user \(t_i\) in u’s friend list if two conditions are fulfilled: 1. the flag in the ith column of \(F'\) matrix has previously been set to False and 2. The user \(t_i\) is chosen as having the smallest degree (i.e. the smallest \(\varGamma _+(t)\) value). If u follows the recommendation, 3LPEx then sets True in the ith column of the matrix \(F'\) so that user \(t_i\) will not be recommended for further hiding or adding. 3LPEx also updates the friendship graph \(G'\) and increases the value of the link attribute value.

This process of adding friends continues as long as v is smaller than SplitPoint. Once v is greater than SplitPoint, \(R^u_j\) becomes ineffective for u to predict u’s sensitive attribute value correctly and 3LPEx then removes \(R^u_j\) and other rules (that require the value of \(\mathcal {A}_n\) to be < than the SplitPoint) from \(R^u\). Adding an OSN user in the friend list would be inconvenient as it depends on the other users accepting the friendship invitation [43]. Therefore, 3LPEx keeps Layer 3 as a last option for providing privacy.

At the end of Layer 3, \(R^u\) becomes empty, 3LPEx removes the class attribute \(C_o\) from C and asks u whether to continue protecting privacy for the next sensitive attribute or not. If u agrees to continue (i.e. \(Continue=True\)) and the list of sensitive attribute |C| is not empty, then the entire process (i.e. Step 1 to Step 3) iterates over the next sensitive attribute.

2.5 Complexity analysis

We now apply standard analysis of algorithms under the uniform-cost measurement [44] (that is, every machine operation, regardless of the size of the numbers involved has constant cost) to obtain the time-complexity expressions of our algorithms. Clearly, if we were to generate all rules with antecedents having k attributes (out of a data set with d attribute values), the complexity of the algorithm would be dominated by a term of the form \(\left( \begin{array}{c} d\\ k \end{array} \right)\). Since typically k is much less than d, the complexity would be dominated by

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{(d/k-0.5)^{k} e^{k}}{\sqrt{2\pi k}} \end{aligned}$$

(by Stirling’s approximation). However, as we have indicated, full privacy is only achievable with the unpalatable option of no data release. In what follows, we present a detailed analysis when the practical choice of exhaustive exploration of all rules with at most \(k=3\) attributes is adopted.

The overall complexity of 3LPEx is the sum of the complexity of Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2. First, we analyse the complexity of Algorithm 1 and then the complexity of Algorithm 2.

Step 1 of Algorithm 1 stores the domain values of each non-class attribute. Hence, the complexity of storing the domain values of an attribute is \(O(N^2+N+d)\). Therefore, the complexity of storing the domain values of b number of attributes is \(O(bN^2+bN+bd)\). Step 2 of Algorithm 1 generates a set of exhaustive rules and in each rule the number of antecedents of each rule is considered to be 3. Therefore, in our case, the number of attributes, b, in a data set should not be less than 3 i.e. \(b \ge 3\).

We assume a data set containing three attributes (e.g. \(\mathcal {A}_1,\mathcal {A}_2\) and \(\mathcal {A}_3\)), and each of the attribute’s domain value is d. If the rules are generated using one attribute in their antecedent, then the complexity of generating such rules is O(d). Therefore, the complexity of generating the rules with first two attributes is \(O(d+d^2)\), and the complexity with the first three attributes is \(O(d+d^2+d^3)\). As mentioned earlier, the number of antecedents of each rule is considered to be 3 in our study, so the total complexity of generating rules is dominated by the third attribute i.e. \(O(d^3)\). It is important to mention here that the number of appearance of \(\mathcal {A}_3\) attribute in the third antecedent position of the generated rules is 1 as the matrix \(\mathcal {H}\) propagates from left to right while building a rule and attributes \(\mathcal {A}_1\) and \(\mathcal {A}_2\) cannot be in the third antecedent position of the generated rules (see Step 2 of Algorithm 1).

We now assume a data set containing four attributes and the attributes are \(\mathcal {A}_1, \mathcal {A}_2, \mathcal {A}_3\) and \(\mathcal {A}_4\). Here, the number of appearance of \(\mathcal {A}_3\) attribute in the third antecedent position of the generated rules is 1 (the combination is \(\mathcal {A}_1\)-\(\mathcal {A}_2\)-\(\mathcal {A}_3\)). On the other hand, the number of appearance of \(\mathcal {A}_4\) attribute in the third antecedent position is 3 (\(\mathcal {A}_1\)-\(\mathcal {A}_2\)-\(\mathcal {A}_4\), \(\mathcal {A}_1\)-\(\mathcal {A}_3\)-\(\mathcal {A}_4\), and \(\mathcal {A}_2\)-\(\mathcal {A}_3\)-\(\mathcal {A}_4\) . Therefore, the complexity of generating the exhaustive rules for four attributes is dominated by the fourth attribute. We can calculate as \(O((4-2)d^3+(4-3)d^3)\) or \(O(3d^3)\). Similarly, for a data set with five attributes (e.g. \(\mathcal {A}_1\), \(\mathcal {A}_2\), \(\mathcal {A}_3\), \(\mathcal {A}_4\), \(\mathcal {A}_5\)), the complexity of generating exhaustive rules is \(O((5-2)d^3+(5-3)d^3+(5-4)d^3))\) or \(O(6d^3)\).

Therefore, for the b number of attributes, We can write the series, s, as:

$$\begin{aligned} s=[\{(b-2)+(b-3)+(b-4)+(b-5)+ \cdots + 1\} \times d^3] \end{aligned}$$

By writing Eq. (3) backward, we get:

$$\begin{aligned} s=[\{1+2+3+ \cdots + (b-4)+(b-3)+(b-2)\}\times d^3] \end{aligned}$$

By adding Eqs. (3) and (4), we get

$$\begin{aligned} 2s=[\{(b-1)+(b-1)+\cdots +(b-1)\} \times d^3] \end{aligned}$$

The sum of this series is \(\dfrac{(b-2)(b-1)}{2}\times d^3\).

Therefore, the complexity of Task 1 of Step 2 is \(O \left( \dfrac{(b-2)(b-1)}{2}\times d^3\right)\) which can be simplified as

\(O(b^2d^3)\). To calculate the sensitivity of a rule, we compare the antecedents of a rule with b number of attributes of each record in D and hence the complexity is \(O(bN|\mathcal {R}|)\). The overall complexity of Algorithm 1 is \(O(bN^2+b^2d^3+bN|\mathcal {R}|)\).

We now analyse the complexity of Algorithm 2. At first, Step 1 of Algorithm 2 takes Algorithm 1 as an input (Task 1). Therefore, the complexity of Algorithm 1 is considered as the complexity of Task 1 i.e. \(O(bN^2+b^2d^3+bN|\mathcal {R}|)\). In Task 2, the number of appearance of each attribute in the sensitive rule set is counted. The complexity of counting an attribute in the sensitive rule set is O(r). Therefore, the complexity of counting b number of attributes in the sensitive rule set is O(br). In Task 3, we suppress the regular attribute values that appear most in the sensitive rule set. If the total number of attributes is b and the total number of sensitive rules is r, then the complexity of Task 3 is O(br). Therefore, the overall complexity of Step 1 of Algorithm 2 is \(O(bN^2+b^2d^3+bN|\mathcal {R}|+2br)\).

In Step 2 of Algorithm 2, the appearance of each link attribute in the sensitive rule set is first counted (Task 1). Therefore, the complexity of counting b number of attributes in the sensitive rule set is O(br). In Task 2, to get rid of a sensitive rule, we calculate the metric value of the most appeared link attribute for u by using Eq. (1). If u has f number of friends and each friend having a degree of q, then complexity is \(O(f^2q)\). The complexity to get rid of all the sensitive rules r is \(O(f^2qr)\). So, the overall complexity of Step 2 of Algorithm 2 is \(O(bs+f^2qr)\).

The complexity of Step 3 of Algorithm 2 is almost similar to the complexity of Step 2 of Algorithm 2 and that is \(O(br+N^2qs)\) as u needs to search the N number of users in the data set for adding friends.

The overall complexity of Algorithm 2 is \(O(bN^2+b^2d^3+bN|\mathcal {R}|+3br+f^2qr+N^2qr)\) for a user to protect a sensitive attribute from attribute inference attack. The total complexity of Algorithm 2 to protect the privacy for c number of sensitive attributes is \(O(cbN^2+cb^2d^3+cbN|\mathcal {R}|+cb^2r+cf^2qr+cN^2qr)\). For low-dimensional data sets (such as those used in this study), the complexity of 3LPEx can be simplified to \(O(N^2+d^3)\).

3 Experiments

3.1 Data sets and notation

We use two OSN data sets in this study for experimental purposes and denoted as \(D_{1}\) and \(D_{2}\). Both data sets contain users’ personal and friendship information that an attacker may utilise to launch the attack. The details of the data sets are given in Table 6. The first data set \(D_{1}\) [41] was used in our earlier studies [33, 34]. We synthetically generate the second data set \(D_{2}\) in this study. The synthetic data set \(D_2\) and the data generator is available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1My3V7h959X-UlEVe45F6f1y7rHlEidKV?usp=sharing. In this section, we first describe the data set \(D_{2}\) generation process and then the distribution of records in the training and test data sets for both \(D_{1}\) and \(D_{2}\).

Table 6 Data sets at a glance

In order to generate records in \(D_{2}\), we first select ten regular attributes, namely Age range, Relationship status, City of residence, Number of friends on OSN, Number of pages followed on OSN, Number of uploa-ded photos per week, Number of comments made on contents per week, Political view, Religion, and Profes-sion. Table 11 shows that what attribute values users may upload on their profiles. From the users preference, our method selects attributes randomly and categorises the attributes in three groups: “users’ activities on OSN”, “users’ personal information” and “users’ sensitive information”.

In order to get meaningful rules from the data set, similar to previous studies [29, 45], we then generate the records based on some predefined logic rules. For example: If Age range = 18-27 and Number of friends on OSN = High \(\xrightarrow {then}\) Profession = Student. We take advantage of the Australian Bureau of Statistics website [46] to prepare the logic rule set and based on the rules, we then generate records in \(D_2\). The logic rules are provided in “Appendix 2”.

In order to generate the friendship links among the users, we set the probability of a link between two users by calculating record-to-record distance (or \(R2RD\in [0,1]\)) as the Hamming distance divided by the number of total attributes (i.e. 10). Users having similar attribute values (i.e. low Hamming distance) are likely to have common interests and thus are likely to have friendship links between them. In \(D_2\), if the value of the R2RD distance of any two records is 0.3 or less, we consider them as friends and place a link between the two records. Thus, we generate 12,567,829 friendship links among the 10,000 records and then calculate the link attribute values to insert into the data set.

Table 6 shows our assumption: users in the data sets consider up to three attributes as sensitive. For simplicity, we denote them as \(C_1\), \(C_2\), and \(C_3\). We therefore prepare three versions of each data set; in each version we select an attribute as a class attribute and denote them accordingly. For example, if we select \(C_1\) as the class attribute, then we denote the training data sets as \(D_{tr,C_1}\) and the testing data set as \(D_{ts,C_1}\).

On the other hand, when we consider a particular attribute as a class attribute, then the rest of the sensitive attributes are selected to be non-class attributes. For instance, in \(D_{tr,C_1}\), \(C_2\) and \(C_3\) are considered as non-class attributes.

3.1.1 Distribution of records in the data sets

For the validation of experimental results, we follow tenfold cross-validation methods throughout our experiments. V-fold cross-validation is standard technique in evaluation of accuracy in machine learning and V=10 offers low variance of the estimate, reliable estimation of the accuracy and not excessive validation cost. Other values of V do not provide much more precision on the estimate of a classifier accuracy, but consume more time to perform. With tenfold cross validation, the data are partitioned in ten random parts. For each of the parts, the remaining data (containing 90% of the total records) perform the role of training set and the part (containing 10% of the records) become the test data set.

In a real-world scenario, OSN users may have a diverse range of information that they consider to be sensitive. Therefore, we assume that different records (i.e. OSN users) in a test data set consider the set of sensitive attributes differently. While some users may consider \(C_1\) as a sensitive attribute, some others may consider \(C_1\) as a non-sensitive attribute. Moreover, while some users may consider only one attribute to be sensitive, some other users may consider two or three attributes to be sensitive. Hence, we labelled the records of the test data set into three groups (named as Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3) based on the number of sensitive attributes considered by the test data set users. Group 1 contains 6% of users who consider any one (either “\(C_1\)” or “\(C_2\)” or “\(C_3\)”) attribute as sensitive, Group 2 contains 3% of users who consider any two attributes as sensitive, and finally Group 3 contains 1% of users who consider all the three attributes as sensitive.

Group 1 is again divided into three subgroups, they are subgroup 11: contains 2% of users who consider “\(C_1\)” as sensitive only, subgroup 12: contains 2% of users who consider “\(C_2\)” as sensitive only, subgroup 13: contains 2% of users who consider “\(C_3\)” as sensitive only. Similarly, Group 2 is again divided into three subgroups, they are subgroup 21: contains 1% of users who consider “\(C_1\)” and “\(C_2\)” as sensitive only, subgroup 22: contains 1% of users who consider “\(C_1\)” and “\(C_3\)” as sensitive only, subgroup 23: contains 1% of users who consider “\(C_2\)” and “\(C_3\)” as sensitive only.

While preparing a test data set (say \(D_{ts,C_1}\)), we select the records who consider “\(C_1\)” as sensitive and leave all other records in the training data set \(D_{tr,C_1}\). For example, \(D_{ts,C_1}\) contains 5% of the total records, i.e. subgroup11 (2%), subgroup 21 (1%), subgroup 22 (1%), and Group 3 (1%) records and \(D_{tr,C_1}\) contains 95% of the total records.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Phase I of the experiments

3.2 Experimental set-up

In this experimental set up, we consider that there are at most three attributes that can be considered to be sensitive. We present the experimental set-up here in three phases. In each phase, the privacy techniques secure a sensitive attribute. For example, privacy of sensitive attribute \(C_1\) is protected in Phase I, \(C_2\) in Phase II, and \(C_3\) in Phase III.

3.2.1 Phase I

Phase I is comprised of five steps.

Step 1: Preparation of training and test data sets.

At the beginning of Phase 1, shown in Fig. 3, the privacy preserving techniques randomly select a sensitive attribute \(C_1\) (from the set of sensitive attributes) as a class attribute and prepare training data set \(D_{tr,{C_1}}\) and testing data set \(D_{ts,{C_1}}\) from the main data set D.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Phase II of the experiments

Step 2: Application of existing classifiers before applying any privacy techniques on the test data sets.

After preparing the training and test data sets, we investigate the attack success rate of an attacker \(\mathcal {Z}\) to infer private information about the users in the test data set before applying any privacy preserving technique. To do so, we train a set of existing classifiers (that \(\mathcal {Z}\) might use to breach privacy) on \(D_{tr,{C_1}}\) and we denote the classifiers as “Classifiers 1” as shown in Fig. 3. We then apply Classifiers 1 on \(D_{ts,{C_1}}\) to identify the attack success rate in absence of any privacy technique. The results are analysed and compared with the results that will be achieved later in Step 4. We use the same set of classifiers (in Classifiers 1, Classifiers 2, ...Classifiers 6) throughout our experiments to test the attack success rate.

Step 3: Application of privacy techniques to ensure privacy of attributes users consider confidential.

In this step, we apply the privacy techniques, namely 3LP+, PrivNB, and our proposed algorithm 3LPEx, to provide privacy to the users in the test data set (i.e. \(D_{ts,{C_1}}\)). Please note that due to the modification of friendship links in test data sets (for the sake of providing privacy), there may be a change in link attribute values in the training data set as there are friendship links among the users in the training and test data set. We use (from this point forward) two different superscripts “ \('\)” and “ \(*\)” to denote the modified data sets. The data sets modified by our proposed technique 3LPEx are denoted by “ \('\) ”. On the other hand, the data sets modified by any other privacy preserving technique (e.g. 3LP+ and PrivNB) are denoted by “ \(*\) ”. For example, the resultant secure test data sets \(D'_{ts,{C_1}}\) is secured by 3LPEx and \(D^*_{ts,{C_1}}\) is secured by another privacy technique. Note that in these experiments we only secure records in test data sets.

Step 4: Application of existing classifiers after applying privacy techniques on the test data sets.

In this step, the robustness of secured test data sets against an attack is analysed and compared with the results achieved in Step 2. We first train the classifiers (denoted as Classifiers 2) with a modified training data set \(D'_{tr,C_1}\) or \(D^{*}_{tr,C_1}\). Please note that Classifiers 2 obtained from \(D'_{tr,C_1}\) (see the top right rectangle of Fig. 3) are different from the Classifiers 2 obtained from \(D^*_{tr,C_1}\) (see the bottom right rectangle of Fig. 3), in the sense that they are built from different training data sets. We then apply Classifiers 2 on secure test data sets \(D'_{ts,C_1}\) and \(D^{*}_{ts,C_1},\) respectively. We also apply Classifiers 1 on \(D'_{ts,C_1}\) and \(D^{*}_{ts,C_1}\) to evaluate the attack success rate with and without the privacy protection techniques. Attack success rate refers to the number of users in test data sets whose class values can be correctly inferred by the classifiers. Smaller accuracy indicates better privacy protection. Step 4 is divided in two substeps: Step 4a and Step 4b.

In Step 4a, we analyse the accuracy of Classifiers 1 on secure test data sets \(D^{'}_{ts,C_1}\) and \(D^{*}_{ts,C_1}\). In Step 4b, we analyse the accuracy of Classifiers 2 (trained by modified training data set) on secure test data sets \(D^{'}_{ts,C_1}\) and \(D^{*}_{ts,C_1}\).

Step 5: Measurement of data utility and inclusion of the records from secured test data set into the main data set.

We calculate data utility of the secure test data sets, i.e. \(D'_{ts,C_1}\) and \(D^*_{ts,C_1},\) in this step. The data utility is measured in terms of the number of suppressed attribute values where the less number of suppression indicates higher utility. At the end of Step 5, we return all the records (from training and testing data sets) to D and the original data set D is now modified to \(D'\) and \(D^*\).

Please note that irrespective of the classification algorithms used by the privacy techniques (i.e. 3LPEx uses an exhaustive set of axis -parallel rules while 3LP+ uses SysFor). In our experiments, to evaluate the potential penetration by an adversary, we use a number of classification algorithms such as Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Logistic Regression. For the full list of classification algorithms used in the experiments, please see Fig. 9. Classifiers 1, Classifiers 2, \(\ldots\) Classifiers 6 (see Figs. 3, 4, 5) use all of these classification algorithms, one by one, in our experiments. The goal of these experiments is to evaluate the attack success rate of each of these classification algorithms, to understand the impact of the use of these algorithms on the privacy of the users. In the experiment where we use a particular classification algorithm (say Logistic Regression) as Classifiers 1, we continue to use the same classification algorithm for all other classifiers, i.e. Classifiers 2, Classifiers 3 etc.

It is also important to clarify that Classifiers 2 in the top rectangle and bottom rectangle on the right side of Fig. 3 are not the same classifiers. While Classifiers 2 on the top rectangle are built from \(D'_{tr,C_1}\) and the Classifiers 2 on the bottom rectangle are built from \(D^*_{tr,C_1}\). However, Classifiers 1 are built from \(D_{tr,C_1}\) as shown in the left side rectangle in Fig. 3.

Classifiers 3 in the top left side and top right-side rectangles of Fig. 4 are built from \(D'_{tr,C_2}\). Classifiers 3 in the bottom left side and bottom right-side rectangles of Fig. 4 are built from \(D^*_{tr,C_2}\). However, Classifiers 4 in the top right side rectangle are once built from \(D^{2'}_{tr,C_2}\) and another time from \(D^{2'}_{tr,C_1}\) and then tested on \(D^{2'}_{ts,C_2}\) and \(D^{2'}_{ts,C_1}\), respectively. Similarly, Classifiers 4 in the bottom right side rectangle are once built from \(D^{2^*}_{tr,C_2}\) and another time from \(D^{2^*}_{tr,C_1}\) and then applied on \(D^{2^*}_{ts,C_2}\) and \(D^{2^*}_{ts,C_1}\), respectively.

3.2.2 Phase II

Similar to Phase I, Phase II is also completed in five steps: Step 6 to Step 10 as shown in Fig. 4.

Step 6: Preparation of the training and test data sets.

At the beginning of Phase II, 3LPEx randomly selects a sensitive attribute \(C_2\) (from the set of sensitive attributes) as a class attribute and then prepares the training data set \(D'_{tr,C_2}\) and test data sets \(D'_{ts,C_2}\) from \(D'\). Similarly, \(D^{*}_{tr,C_2}\) and \(D^{*}_{ts,C_2}\) are prepared from \(D^{*}\) by the other privacy techniques (see Fig. 4).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Phase III of the experiments

Step 7: Application of existing classifiers before applying the privacy techniques on the test data sets.

In Step 7, before applying any privacy technique, a set of classifiers, namely Classifiers 3, are first trained from the training data sets \(D'_{tr,C_2}\) and \(D^{*}_{tr,C_2}\). It is important to note that Classifiers 3 trained by \(D'_{tr,C_2}\) are different from Classifiers 3 trained by \(D^{*}_{tr,C_2}\). For simplicity, we denote the both classifier models here as Classifiers 3 and shown in the left-side rectangle in Fig. 4. Once the classifier models are built, they are applied on the test data sets, i.e. \(D'_{ts,C_2}\) and \(D^{*}_{ts,C_2}\). The Classifiers 3 results are kept for analysing and comparing with the Classifiers 4 results that will be achieved in Step 9.

Step 8: Application of privacy techniques to secure users in test data sets.

In this step, we apply 3LPEx and other two privacy preserving techniques (i.e. 3LP+ and PrivNB) on \(D'_{ts,C_2}\) and \(D^{*}_{ts,C_2},\) respectively, to secure the privacy of the users. It is important to mention that both of these test data sets were secured previously in Phase I for \(C_1\). In Phase II, we implement the privacy techniques to secure them for \(C_2\). Due to the implementation of the privacy techniques, the training and testing data are changed. Here, we denote the modified test and training data sets by \(D^{2'}_{ts,C_2}\) and \(D^{2'}_{tr,C_2}\) for 3LPEx. Similarly we denote \(D^{2^*}_{ts,C_2}\) and \(D^{2^*}_{tr,C_2}\) to represent the test and training data sets modified by the other privacy preserving techniques.

Step 9: Application of existing classifiers after applying the privacy techniques on the test data sets.

In this step, a classifier model, i.e. Classifiers 4, is trained from the \(D^{2'}_{tr,C_2}\) and \(D^{2^*}_{tr,C_2}\) separately (as shown in the right side in Fig. 4) and then applied on test data sets \(D^{2'}_{ts,C_2}\) and \(D^{2^*}_{ts,C_2},\) respectively. We also apply Classifiers 3 on \(D^{2'}_{ts,C_2}\) and \(D^{2^*}_{ts,C_2}\) for analysing and comparing the number of insecure users, and prediction accuracy of different conventional classifiers (as mentioned in Step 7). Therefore, Step 9 is divided in two substeps: Step 9a and Step 9b.

In Step 9a, we analyse the accuracy of Classifiers 3 on secure test data sets \(D^{2'}_{ts,C_2}\) and \(D^{2^*}_{ts,C_2}\). In Step 9b, we analyse the accuracy of Classifiers 4 (trained by modified training data set) on secure test data sets \(D^{2'}_{ts,C_2}\) and \(D^{2^*}_{ts,C_2}\).

Step 10: Measurement of data utility and return the secure test data set records into the main data set.

In this step, we measure data utility for each test data set \(D^{2'}_{ts,C_2}\) and \(D^{2^*}_{ts,C_2}\). After that, we return all the records to the main data set. The main data set is now modified to \(D^{2'}\) and \(D^{2^*}\) for 3LPEx and other privacy preserving algorithms, respectively.

For the sake of providing privacy to the users (who consider \(C_2\) as sensitive attribute), there can be a privacy breach for the other users who consider \(C_1\) as sensitive. Therefore, we also investigate the safety of users (who consider \(C_1\) as sensitive) in \(D^{2'}_{ts,C_1}\) and \(D^{2^*}_{ts,C_1}\) in this step.

3.2.3 Phase III

The privacy techniques provide privacy for the third sensitive attribute \(C_3\) in Phase III. Similar to Phase I and Phase II, Phase III is also completed in five steps: Step 11 to Step 15 as shown in Fig. 5.

Step 11: Preparation of the training and test data sets.

In this step, 3LPEx selects the remaining sensitive attribute, i.e. \(C_3,\) (from the set of sensitive attributes) as a class attribute and then prepares training data set \(D^{2'}_{tr,C_3}\) and testing data sets \(D^{2'}_{ts,C_3}\) from \(D^{2'}\). Other privacy preserving techniques also prepare training data set \(D^{2^*}_{tr,C_3}\) and test data set \(D^{2^*}_{ts,C_3}\) from \(D^{2^*}\) in the similar manner.

Step 12: Application of Classifiers’ performance to invade privacy.

In this step, a set of classifiers, namely Classifiers 5, are first trained from the training data sets \(D^{2'}_{tr,C_3}\) and \(D^{2^*}_{tr,C_3}\) (before applying any privacy preserving techniques) as shown in the left side in Fig. 5. Classifiers 5 is then applied on the test data sets \(D^{2'}_{ts,C_3}\) and \(D^{2^*}_{ts,C_3},\) respectively. The results are kept for analysis and comparing purposes with the results which will be achieved in Step 14.

Step 13: Application of privacy techniques to secure users.

In this step, 3LPEx and other privacy preserving techniques are on \(D^{2'}_{ts,C_3}\) and \(D^{2^*}_{ts,C_3}\). It is important to mention that both \(D^{2'}_{ts,C_3}\) and \(D^{2^*}_{ts,C_3}\) were secured previously in Phase I for \(C_1\) and in Phase II for \(C_2\). In this phase, we apply the privacy techniques to secure the users who consider \(C_3\) as sensitive attribute. After application of 3LPEx, the training and testing data are modified and denoted as \(D^{3'}_{ts,C_3}\) and \(D^{3'}_{tr,C_3}\) for 3LPEx. Similarly, we use \(D^{3^*}_{tr,C_3}\) and \(D^{3^*}_{ts,C_3}\) to denote the modified training and test data sets by the other privacy preserving techniques.

Step 14: Application of existing classifiers after applying the privacy techniques on the test data sets.

In this step, classifier model, i.e. Classifiers 6, is trained from \(D^{3'}_{tr,C_3}\) and \(D^{3^*}_{tr,C_3}\) separately and then applied on test data sets \(D^{3'}_{ts,C_3}\) and \(D^{3^*}_{ts,C_3},\) respectively. On the other hand, Classifiers 5 is also applied on \(D^{3'}_{ts,C_3}\) and \(D^{3^*}_{ts,C_3}\) for analysing and comparing with the attack success rate achieved in Step 12. Therefore, Step 14 is divided in two substeps: Step 14a and Step 14b.

In Step 14a, we analyse the accuracy of Classifiers 5 on privacy-protected test data sets \(D^{3'}_{ts,C_3}\) and \(D^{3^*}_{ts,C_3}\). In Step 14b, we analyse the accuracy of Classifiers 6 (trained by modified training data set) on secure test data sets \(D^{3'}_{ts,C_3}\) and \(D^{3^*}_{ts,C_3}\).

Step 15: Measurement of data utility and inclusion of the privacy-protected test data set records into the main data set.

After securing the test data sets, similar to Phase II, In Step 15a and Step 15b, respectively, we again analyse the attack success rate in \(D^{3'}_{ts,C_1}\), \(D^{3^*}_{ts,C_1}\), and \(D^{3'}_{ts,C_2}\) \(D^{3^*}_{ts,C_2}\) (who consider \(C_1\) and \(C_2\) as sensitive attribute). The privacy-protected test data sets (including \(D^{3'}_{ts,C_3}\) and \(D^{3^*}_{ts,C_3}\)) are also analysed for the utility.

Therefore, in our experiments, Step 15 is divided in two substeps: Step 15a and Step 15b. In Step 15a, we analyse the classifiers’ accuracy of breaching users’ (who consider \(C_1\) as a sensitive attribute) privacy in \(D^{3'}_{ts,C_1}\) and \(D^{3^*}_{ts,C_1}\) after protecting users’ privacy for \(C_3\). In Step 15b, we analyse the classifiers’ accuracy of breaching users’ (who consider \(C_2\) as a sensitive attribute) privacy in \(D^{3'}_{ts,C_2}\) and \(D^{3^*}_{ts,C_2}\) after protecting users’ privacy for \(C_3\). After securing the privacy for \(C_3\), we return all the records to the main data set which becomes \(D^{3'}\) and \(D^{3^*}\) for 3LPEx and other privacy techniques, respectively.

The descriptions of the main experimental steps (described in Phase I to Phase III and shown in Figs. 3, 4 and 5) are summarised in Table 7.

4 Experimental results and discussion

We present the experimental results here in four subsections. In Sect. 4.1, we present the experimental results (i.e. the degree of privacy) achieved by 3LPEx against an attacker who uses the exhaustive approach (i.e. uses the exhaustive approach to build the classifiers) to launch the attack. In Sect. 4.2, we present the experimental results of 3LPEx, if an attacker uses a well-known existing classifier to launch the attack. Finally, in Sect. 4.3, we analyse and compare the data utility of the proposed technique in terms of the number of suppressed regular attribute values. In Sect. 4.4, we analyse the inference risk of a sensitive information after protected by the 3LPEx algorithm.

The experimental results, presented in Sects. 4.1 and 4.2, are shown in terms of attack success rate percentage (y-axis) observed at each step (x-axis).

Table 7 Summary of the main experimental steps
Fig. 6
figure 6

Attack success rate accuracy of exhaustive approach to invade privacy on two data sets

4.1 Protection against the exhaustive approach

In Fig. 6, we present the number of insecure users whose class values can still be inferred if an attacker applies the same classifier (i.e. exhaustive approach) to breach the privacy. We first provide privacy by 3LPEx and the two other privacy preserving techniques (i.e. 3LP+ and PrivNB) separately as described in Sect. 3.2. Then, we apply an exhaustive approach to build a classifier for classifying the records in the test data set.

Similar to our previous study [34], in this study, we also utilise attack success rate as a scale to determine the percentage of users whose privacy is compromised. We observe in Fig. 6a that the attack success rate for 3LP+ and PrivNB is much higher than 3LPEx except in Step 2. In Fig. 6b, we can see a similar pattern of attack success rate for \(D_2\). In both data sets, 3LPEx outperforms 3LP+ and PrivNB.

Compared to other steps, we observe a high attack success rate in Step 2, Step 6, and Step 11 of Fig. 6a and b as these steps are the initial steps of Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III, respectively. Please see the first, fourth, and eighth rows of Table 7 for the description of Step 2, Step 6, and Step 11, respectively.

In our experiments, Step 2 indicates the initial stage where privacy protection techniques are yet to be implemented on the test data sets. Therefore, the attack success rate, in Step 2, is the same for all the three protection techniques. In Step 6 and in Step 11, the second and third sensitive attributes are selected, respectively, as class attributes of a data set and the privacy preserving algorithms are yet to be applied on the data set.

4.2 Protection against the existing classifiers

An attacker can utilise any classifier rather than the one used by the privacy preserving technique to infer the target users’ hidden information. Therefore, we test the performance of our proposed technique against different classifiers and present the results in terms of attack success rate observed in each step.

In order to conduct the experiments of this subsection, we utilise the classifier packages from WEKA [47]. In a real-world scenario, an attacker could use any machine learning algorithm; in particular, the WEKA package offers a diversity of classifier learning algorithms whose implementations is acknowledged as robust by the community as it won the 2005 SIGKDD Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Service Award. We select a set of existing classifiers, namely Naïve Bayes (NB) [48], SVM [49, 50], Logistic Regression [51], and J48 [52]. In addition, we consider some decision forest algorithms, namely Random Forest (RF) [35], AdaBoost [38], Bagging [36], SysFor [29], ForestPA [40], and Random Subspace [37], that an attacker may utilise for inferring private information from \(D_1\) and \(D_2\).

We present the results of \(D_1\) in Fig. 7 and \(D_2\) in Fig. 8. Figure 7a shows the attack success rate when an attacker uses Naïve Bayes (denoted as NB) to breach privacy of records protected by the privacy preserving techniques. We can see from Fig. 7a that 3LPEx provides better privacy than the other privacy techniques in each step.

In Step 2, the attack success rate is the same for all the privacy techniques but it drops significantly (more than 40 percent) when we apply 3LPEx. Similar trend is observed throughout the experimental steps, and it is obvious that our technique clearly outperforms the existing privacy techniques. We can see a similar results for the Support Vector Machine classifier shown in Fig. 7b. Similar to the Naïve Bayes and SVM results, 3LPEx outperforms the previous privacy preserving techniques for all other classifiers.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Attack success rate accuracy of different classifiers to invade privacy on first data set \(D_1\)

We present the results of \(D_2\) in Fig. 8 where we can observe a similar trend.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Attack success rate accuracy of different classifiers to invade privacy on second data set \(D_2\)

The two classifiers against which 3LPEx can reduce the attack success rate value the most, in \(D_2\) data set, are also NB and SVM as shown in Fig. 8a and b, respectively. The average of all the classifiers’ attack success rate percentage, shown in Fig. 8c, indicates the superiority of 3LPEx over the existing privacy techniques.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Privacy levels achieved by 3LPEx when different classifiers used to breach the privacy. We use different sensitivity thresholds to see their impact on privacy protection

Although 3LPEx provides higher privacy than the existing privacy preserving techniques, we can see from Figs. 6, 7, and 8 that the attack success rate is still not zero. That is, often an attacker can be successful in inferring the sensitive information of a user. However, 3LPEx significantly reduces the attack success rate reducing the confidence level of an attacker. according to the privacy definition provided in Sect. 1.1.1 the reduced confidence will support privacy protection by making \(Pr(C_o = \mathcal {L}) < \gamma\).

Fig. 10
figure 10

Comparison of the number of suppressed values

Moreover 3LPEx can provide higher privacy by lowering the threshold for sensitive rules. Hence, we conduct an experiment, on data set \(D_1\), by reducing the sensitive threshold values to observe the change in attack success rate. The result is presented in Fig. 9. In Fig. 9, the x-axis represents different sensitivity threshold levels and the y-axis represents the attack success rate. Figure 9 shows that, by reducing the sensitivity threshold values, we can reduce the attack success rate.

At lower sensitivity threshold, 3LPEx considers more logic rules as sensitive than at higher sensitivity threshold values. More sensitive rules suggest the user suppresses more regular attribute values.

4.3 Data utility

We explore the data utility of 3LPEx and compare the results with 3LP+ and PrivNB as both of these techniques suggest their users to suppress necessary regular attribute values in order to eliminate this privacy attack. Therefore, we compare the number of suppressed attribute values suggested by each privacy preserving technique. As mentioned earlier, the data utility is high when the number of suppressed attribute values is low. The results are presented in Fig. 10 where the x-axis represents the three phases of the experiments and the y-axis represents the number of suppressed values.

As mentioned in Sect. 3.1, each test data set contains 5% of the total records and each record contains at most ten nonclass regular attributes in \(D_1\) and nine nonclass regular attributes in \(D_2\). Therefore, in \(D_1\), each test data set contains 500 regular attribute values (50 records multiplied with 10 regular attribute values) before applying any privacy techniques.

As shown in Sect. 3.1.1, some of the records may consider more than one attribute as sensitive and hide that attribute value. Therefore, the number of attribute values varied in different test data sets. As an example, for \(D_1\), in the test data set \(D_{ts,C_1}\) exactly 20 users consider a single attribute as sensitive, 20 more users consider two attributes as sensitive, and ten other users consider three attributes as sensitive. Therefore, the maximum number of attribute values in \(D_{ts,C_1}\) is 460 (i.e. 20 users \(\times\) 10 regular attributes +20 users \(\times\)regular attributes+10 users \(\times\) 8  regular attributes=460). For \(D_2\) data set, the available regular attribute values in \(D_{ts,C_1}\) is 4100.

However, this number is not the same for the rest of the two phases’ test data sets i.e. \(D_{ts,C_2}\), and \(D_{ts,C_3}\). After applying the privacy preserving techniques on \(D_{ts,C_1}\), the available number of regular attribute values will be different on \(D_{ts,C_2}\), and \(D_{ts,C_3}\), but less than \(D_{ts,C_1}\).

It is obvious from both Fig. 10a and b that both 3LPEx and 3LP+ outperform PrivNB in maintaining the data utility. For \(D_1\), the average number of attribute value suppressions in each phase by PrivNB was 170, whereas for 3LPEx and 3LP+ the number of suppressed values is less than 50. On the other hand, the number of suppressed attribute values by 3LPEx is less than 3LP+ in the first two phases. However, in Phase III, 3LP+ outperforms our proposed algorithm 3LPEx. In the case of data set \(D_2\), shown in Fig. 10b, 3LP+ can provide slightly better utility than 3LPEx.

While generating the sensitive rules, 3LPEx takes an exhaustive approach by considering all attributes in a data set. Therefore, both regular and link attributes get the equal opportunity to be considered as antecedents in sensitive rules. However, 3LP+ uses SysFor algorithm that takes a greedy approach to generate rules where the attributes are selected as antecedents based on their gain ratio. In our experiments, the sensitive rules those generated by 3LP+ contain more link attributes than the rules generated by 3LPEx. Therefore, less suppressions are required for 3LP+ than 3LPEx to protect users’ privacy. Although the suppression number is higher for 3LPEx, we observe that 3LPEx offers better privacy than 3LP+ in all the three phases (see Figs. 6, 7, 8).

4.4 Inference risk analysis

We, throughout this study, consider that an attacker launches the attack by utilising the full network information. For example, we consider that the same number of records used both in the protection techniques and the inference attack. Therefore, the calculated link attribute values used in the data sets are the same for the protection techniques and the inference attack. However, in a real-world scenario, the attacker may have limited access to an OSN and thus the privacy protected by the proposed protection technique using full information of the OSN can be vulnerable against the attribute inference attack that launched by using partial network information. Therefore, in this section, we analyse the inference risk of a sensitive information after protected by 3LPEx. Here, “inference risk” defines the probability of a sensitive information being inferred by an attacker.

Consider a target user u considers \(C_o\) attribute to be sensitive where \(C_o\) has two values \(C_{o1}\) and \(C_{o2}\). If \(\mathcal {A}\) is the set of non-class attributes that u disclosed their values, then the posterior probability of class value \(C_{o1}\) can be calculated by using Naïve Bayes [48] equation as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} P(C_{o1} | \mathcal {A})= & {} (P(\mathcal {A}_1|C_{o1}) \times P(\mathcal {A}_2|C_{o1}) \times \ldots \nonumber \\\times & {} P(\mathcal {A}_n|C_{o1})) \times P(C_{o1}) \end{aligned}$$

Here, \(P(C_{o1} | \mathcal {A})\) is the posterior probability of class value \(C_{o1}\) for \(\mathcal {A}\), \(P(C_{o1})\) is the probability of class value \(C_{o1}\), \(P(\mathcal {A}_n|C_{o1})\) is the likelihood of \(P(\mathcal {A}_n)\) for the \(C_{o1}\) class value. Similarly, we can calculate the posterior probability of \(C_{o2}\). A high value of posterior probability indicates the high chance for the attacker to infer u’s sensitive attribute value (i.e. either \(C_{o1}\) or \(C_{o2}\) in this running example). On the other hand, the posterior probability, presented in Eq. (6), can be reduced by hiding the non-class attribute values. We now experimentally demonstrate the inference risk (in terms of attack success rate) can be reduced significantly if the number of disclosed attribute values are reduced in the training data set.

We utilise \(D_1\) data set for this experiment where we first consider a training data set containing full friendship network and all the attributes (as given in \(D_1\)). The 3LPEx algorithm takes the training data set as an input to generate sensitive rule set and then applied on the test data sets to secure users’ privacy. We follow the same experimental set-up as described in Sect. 3.2.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Different machine learning algorithms being used to breach privacy in the test data set

Once the protection has been given to the test data set users, we then launch the attribute inference attack by reducing the number of attributes in the training data sets. To do so, we first randomly select three nonclass attributes and then six non-class attributes. That is, we first build a classifier model by using a training data set that containing three non-class attributes and using the classifier model, we launch the attack to infer the sensitive attributes. Similarly, we repeat this procedure for six attributes.

We present the experimental results in Fig. 11 where x axis represents the steps and y axis represents attack success rate. We use different classifiers such as NB, SVM, SysFor, and RF that the attacker may use to infer sensitive information. We follow the same steps in our experiments as mentioned in Table 7.

The experimental results, presented in Fig. 11, indicate that as we reduce the number of nonclass attribute from 10 to 3, the attack success rate reduces significantly at all steps. Figure 11a presents the attack success rate when an attacker uses NB classifier to breach privacy of records protected by 3LPEx. For NB classifier, presented in Fig. 11a, we can see a drop of around 30% in attack success rate at all steps (except Step 2). At Step 2, we can observe an attack success rate drop of about 65%. We can see a similar trend for SVM, SysFor, and RF as presented in Fig. 11b–d.

We also experimentally demonstrate the inference risk analysis by varying the number of records in the training data sets. We follow a distribution of 25%, 50%, and 75% randomly selected records from the full OSN network. That is, we first consider a sub-OSN containing 25% randomly selected records (out of the total records) and a friendship network containing those 25% user nodes only. From this sub-OSN network, we calculate the link attribute values and insert them in the training data set. We name this training data set as “Training Data Set containing 25% of Total records”.

We build a classifier model by using the classifiers (such as NB, SVM, SysFor, and RF) on “Training Data Set containing 25% of Total records”. We then apply classifier model on the secure test data set to infer the sensitive attributes. We follow this similar procedure for 50% and 75% distribution of the total records.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Different machine learning algorithms being used to breach privacy in the test data set

The experimental results are presented in Fig. 12 where the steps are the same as mentioned in Table 7. We can see from Fig. 12a that when an attacker uses the entire network (indicated as 100% records), then the attack success rate is higher at all steps. As we reduce the number of training data set records from 100 to 75%, this attack success rate drops from 76 to 42% at Step 2. This reduction of attack success rate goes further when 50% and 25% of the total records are used in the training data set (presented in Fig. 12). The above results confirm that the inference risk of a sensitive attribute value, after providing privacy by 3LPEx using a full OSN information, can be reduced significantly if the attacker has a limited access to the OSN.

4.5 Time complexity analysis

Throughout this study, we set the number of antecedents in sensitive rules those generated by 3LPEx to 3 and sensitivity threshold to 1.006. We now analyse the time complexity of the 3LPEx algorithm if these values are changed. We use \(D_1\) data set for this experiment where 3LPEx first generates a set of sensitive rules (from the training data set) where each rule containing two antecedents. 3LPEx then uses the generated sensitive rules to secure users’ privacy on the test data set. We follow the same experimental set-up as described in Sect. 3.2. Once the test data set is secured by 3LPEx, we then apply NB, SVM, and RF on the test data sets to analyse the attack success rate and the required time to secure the users. We also analyse the data utility of the secured test data sets. Similarly, we conduct experiments for the sensitive rules containing three antecedents, six antecedents and then compare the results with the two antecedents’ results. While varying the number of antecedents in the sensitive rules, we fixed the sensitivity threshold to 1.006. We present the results in Figure 13.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Different machine learning algorithms being used to breach privacy in the test data set. We vary the number of antecedents in the sensitive rules generated by the 3LPEx algorithm while sensitivity threshold is set to 1.006

From Fig. 13, we can see that the sensitive rules containing six antecedents provide better privacy by minimising the attack success rate for all the three classifiers. However, in terms of time consumption, it takes longer time to secure the test data set than two antecedents and three antecedents based sensitive rules as shown in Table 8. We also observe that the sensitive rules containing six antecedents reduce the data utility in the test data set more than the sensitive rules containing two antecedents and three antecedents as shown in Fig. 14a. On the other hand, 3LPEx can reduce the attack success rate more if it uses the sensitive rules containing three antecedents rather than the sensitive rules containing two antecedents. Data utility is also high if 3LPEx uses the sensitive rules containing 3 antecedents.

Table 8 Summary of the required time for the experiments

We also conduct experiments by varying the sensitivity thresholds where the number of antecedents in sensitive rules is fixed to 3. We vary the sensitivity threshold from 1.006 to 0.75 and then 0.5. The results are presented in Figure 9 where we can see the lower sensitivity threshold, i.e. 0.5 can provide better privacy. This is because, in lower sensitivity threshold, 3LPEx considers more rules as sensitive and provide privacy accordingly. However, at 0.5 sensitivity threshold, it takes longer time compared to the sensitivity threshold of 0.75 and 1.006 as shown in Table 8. On the other hand, at higher sensitivity threshold (i.e. 1.006) the secure test data set’s data utility is higher than the other two sensitivity thresholds as shown in Fig. 14b. Therefore, these results justify the use of 1.006 sensitivity threshold and three antecedents in sensitive rules in our experiments.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Comparison of the number of suppressed values for different number of antecedents in the sensitive rules and different sensitivity thresholds

5 Conclusion and future work

We addressed the attribute inference attack on online social networks (OSNs). We showed that an attacker can successfully infer users’ private information with high probability by applying various data mining algorithms on the non-sensitive information disclosed by the users. We use a parameter, namely attack success rate, to measure the effectiveness of the privacy preserving techniques. We propose a new privacy preserving technique, namely 3LPEx, that can protect users’ multiple sensitive information (that the users consider to be sensitive). Our experimental results indicate that 3LPEx outperforms the existing privacy preserving techniques by reducing the attack success rate even if the attacker applies different existing classifiers (rather than the one used by the privacy technique). Our experimental results also show that 3LPEx can maintain a high data utility compared to the existing techniques by suppressing less attribute values while preserving privacy.

In this study, we have considered that only the user or a few others in the user’s network are consumers of the protection techniques. If all friends in a user’s friend list continually used and adopted the recommendations of the 3LPEx algorithm, the calculation would be different and dynamic. Therefore, a future research could demonstrate the analysis of that calculation. Another future research effort should focus on generalisation of attribute values (rather than the suppression) suggested by the 3LPEx algorithm.